" Hf'"�I't' 'IIIJ"'I!i'/I·1•\1"1·1il\ VOL. XI. No. IS. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO. SATURDAY, OCT. ,J9f,J9I2.� ... �� "'�'" �'." ,� .. _ PRICE FIVE CENTS.co::,::u�.:=- "aJIITfSrENDS NOYEDERfIIST PASS RESOLlJ11�NS TO" .·GmCAGO· iMEETS BAWKEYES=1S:;E��T!=Zl·"""'Jr_)OW·jlAItS8ALL FIELD TODAY�ptP. of Playa. ,s.ee:.-=" :v-..m.. AgreptioD,ClaimI Teams Will ,PlayCompetition for the Blackfriarsj -' :'�r�':��e f�'Vic-show will close November I. Lyrics PLAT F 0. __ IS ,��U � E,D , . tOl'J'BecaDse of Futfor the play are to be handed in at - '.:...:"'�; tft D..:. kthe same time and they will be Advocate COD,senatioll of H� .... ,,!CYa'" DilC Ichosen on November IS, the day that Resources-Believe in m.hta of ;. : .. .: J. �"�'J •the' winning play will be picked. The Children Instead of States. TEAll SUFFERS BOlIlNJUiUEs COACHES EXPECT STRUGGLE.- . �. �\. :!r " 'i r .� '"fi ; ..Resolutions passed by the progres-I Lin�en .�: Licht ,and shlfty- i4ieId Is in Good Condition-Painesive club hoping for the speedy re-t . Coach .Ha.ley Has Developed and Norgren Are Only Veteranscovery of Theodore Roosevet were! ,Opal ; Style of Play. in Backfiel�sent to him yesterday. The meetingl �I-4' __ ...... ..,;. _ception or a Prom for grandeur. Over tive board of the organization. The resolved that CHICAGO-IOWA SCORES Coach Stagg;eight hundred members of the Fac- play is to be 'typewritten and is to '·\Vhe�eas: we, the students 'and Scores of "previous (:hicago-Iowa "Our men have improved material-ulty and student body attended the bear, no 'marks of identification ex- Faculty of the University of Chicago; games:. , iy since the Indiana game, but theyaffair and the receiving line was kept c�pf the pen' name of the author. irrespective of, party affiliation or 'I894:_Chicago,' �_8; Iowa, 18. are not what' I should like to haveon its feet the entire tw<>t hours in which should also be written on a political convictions, to deeply de- 18g()-Chicago, �; .Iowa o.which it greeted the students. sealed envelope to be enclosed with plore the, recent. assault on .a former "IB98-Chicago,: 38; Iowa, o.h I . - h I f president of our nation and are pro- �Ch� , 'IThis tine was composed of Ches- t e pay. contammg t e rca name 0 ,.I� ,�cago, S,: owa, 5. the past two weeks and I expect toter S. Bell who introduced to Pres- the writer. .The first act of the play foundly interested in liij eonvales- 19oo-·Chi�ago, 0; .Iowa, I']. see the results of it today."idenr and Mrs. Judson; Professor is to be completed although the sec- cence 1904-Chicago, 39; Iowa, o. Captain Carpenter of Chicago;d b . h f f Be it resolved: that we as a body ,hi I 'and Mrs. Coulter Dean and Mrs. on act may e m t e orm 0 a scene 1905-C reago, 42; owa, o. "We have been working hard and IShailer Mathews; Virginia -Hinkins, ario. In this case a sketch of one of exphess our' hearty, desire that: �,� am confident that the men will playh h 'h ld bId lion-hearted leader of the Progressive I C· 0 b 8 S . lMiss Melcher, Miss Burton, Mr. and tee aracters s ou e comp etc . owa Ity, cto er I" pecia - to the utmost. 'We want to win1\1 rs. Bickham. Plays are to be deposited in the party may speedily recover' and re-:- The Iowa football squad left this the championship this year and weCrowd Meets in Commons. Blackfriars' box in the Faculty ex- sume his activities and that we do morning. at -eight o'clock for Chn:ago have to win today to be in the run-Shortly after eight the crowd be- change. with one accord congratulate him where if, will' meet ,.Chicago in the ning.'Ran pouring into Hutchinson com- The judging committee consists of that Providence intervened to check first footbalb- garne betweeuvthe two Coach Hawley;d t h If t t h d three members of the Faculty and the progress of the bullet', that might 'teams ., �incal�. ,Inns,' '. to' morrow after-mons an a a pas en t e crow "'- :r" "We have a, fighting chance for, f . I h . I Th have ended his life." " : ''1° th khad just started to disperse. Many of two pro essrona t eat rica men. e .. noon.' wenty· ree 'men .were ta en victory. .The. team has been greatlythe Faculty availed themselves of the play will be presented about the mid- Conservation of human, resource" on' the,trip, besides' Coach Hawley, handicapped by the great number ofinvitation of the departments and dle of May: as well as of natural resources' is the 'Eby and trainer ,Mann. A parade . . hi k. AI-injuries m practice t_ IS weewent down the receiving line with keynote to the :principles�,f�r which. and, �inass·Jmeeting. 'at, the" sta- though we are badly crippled I lookthe students. The maj or portion of Show Portraits In Commons. the Progressive party stands accord .. : tiOn . .featured ;, the departure of the h fi h of. 'M Ge S' W U M" to see the men put up t e g tthe Faculty came after hearing a talk New portraits of donors to the lD,g to l rs. orge. e es, rs, team, -'. '� "i" " -\.:, '. " .'....... - - -.--'. - .---:: """"J.J-wttt- '4." ":*. :tf... ... � ·veait .., :-iL�fteemI"'��showll W�lJes an.d-Mr .... E:.tHanis .. wue.-. I ... ·��·1�1hl-�-�·4-_.....-- ..7th· ... '� :.!hell:.live��,.: --, ": --._ -_._hy 'Assisfilnt -. Prolessor-' Da.V1cr� :it V' ..... go. J - ..'. -," .: ' " .'-, _ �ca I�, t e 'n� ,yes are: ougnt Captain Hanson of Iowa;Robertson in the Quadrangle club up- in Hutchinson hall -Ralph Clarkson, speakers at the, Progressive club y�s to· have' a ;fig- htmg· chance but the ' . f . di, °, . "The men are In pretty air con I-on his trip to Spain, Thl·s· conftl·ct a member of the faculty of the Art terday afternoon JD Kent theater. gre' ater weight and experience .of the rion 'considering the size of our hos-could not be avoided. Insti,tute, is the painter of otic' of .Mrs. Welles is a party leader, .and Maroons are expected to. give them, aP pital list. We expect to put up aThe reception 'commlOttee worked Leon Mandel and A_ 'c. Bartlett, Mr. Ha,rris is a candidate on th,e ro- victory .. The, , 10, wa .Iine is a doubtful fi hU . OJ' , grand fight today and have a g t-smoothly and kept the crowd mov- Portraits of Martin A. Ryerson and gres�ive ticke�',f�r. trustee of the, m- �int:,�Kirk: "hoJhas been shifted to ing chance for victory."ing after the end of the receiving line' Charles A. Hutchinson' have also been "erslty of I1hnOlso_. tackle - iii 'ord,er 'to fill a h'cle there,had been reached. In this way th,! hung. Women's Interest Not Hew. 'has a bad knee and probably will beguests made a comple.te circuit I>f "For women to be interested in unable to play' a'nd Captain Hansont he room with a stop at each end for Sophomore Debaters Meet. Jlublic affairs is not a new thing," is also in poor condition� This weak-r('freshments consisting of frappe and TtH: first meeting of the Sophomore said �rs. Welles .. "For years and 'ens the .line, which was the weak -, .. �; ',i,.ussorted cakes. Debating society will be held Monday y(:ars they have been interested. My spot of the team. '-'/' _.At ten o'clock a number of the stu- at 4:15 i� Cobb 6A. At the meeting I igrandmother enlisted, with Harriet Men Are In Fair Shape.dents gathered in the center of the \) ... "rs will be elected and the work i Beecher Stowe and Lincoln in· the Aside from 'Kirk and Hanson, theroom and sang three or four college for the coming quarter will be out-I great movement for social equality. Im!n' are in fair shape. The last ev­songs ending up with the three verses lined. All Sophomores are urged to At &>resent woman feels, that as she ening's practice' was unsatisfactory to - ::::O! the Alma Mater. Join the society.. is the mother of the human race she :Coach 'Hawley, who declared that theFurnish Escorts for Women. Chi Psi Ann Pled should �so be its protector, and that men lacked spirit and that the playsAlthough the women slightly out- ollnce5h I dg� f in order to do this she must 'jsafe- were run off' poorly. No scrimmageChi Psi announces t e p e gmg 0 • " '"numbered the men practically no wo- f H 'I guard the chIld. I was attemp,�d,' but the FreshmenGeorge Cottingham 0 oust on,man had to go home un escorted 'be- Texas. (Continued on page·,3.) (Continued on page four)cause of doubling, up with one escortin several cases. Miss Robinson heldcourt in the Reynolds club libraryfrom ten on for the purpose of ar-. _ranging escorts for the off-campuswomen.� Although no actual countwas taken both Professor Coulter and. Miss Burton agret'd that the crowde),ceeded that of previous years bya good margin. Mrs. Judso� �. !SQdelighted with the· reception that" she Von Lackam-161exclaimed "Why they ;are getti". ���ter looking every year." This bit of"raise pleased the Seniors' who at­t('nded the receptions of the last three competition for the music will beginDay trees, palms, and other �er- directly after the decision has beendure made the annual joint recep; made,tion of the Y. M. C. A., and the Y. Several precautions and regulations\V, C. L. resemble a convocation re- have been suggested by the execu-SINGING CONCWDD PROGRAIIPresident and Mrs. Judson, Profes­sor Coulter, and Dean lIathewsAre in Receivinc Line.\: IlI \ :,I:1!Ijl" \ ycars.Open Tower Group.Other huildings of the Tower groupwere opened (or the occasion. Mandelhall was converted into a check room,while thc overflow crowd was accom­odated' in the Reynolds club. Thesecond floor was used as a women·scheck room. Later a few informal(i:mrcs were held until eleven.The special committees consistedof the- fol1owing: Door committee.", ,i(Continued on page 4' For FmtTIlDe Since Defeat ofIowa iD 1905 By Scoreof 42 to o.THE PROBABLE LINEUP FOR' TODA Y�·.GAME. '. t ' " ....... _, .'r .. '\... .IOWA 'lie GinDia�I6, '\ " ,,�', ..'hnonS-l4IR. Half Back Full Back.o Dick-Is6• j 1.., Half, Back them be. We have been practicingfootball as it should be played foro Carr7-IQQuarter Backo CaptainH .... n-l93Left Guardo o •• ·1oRight Endo Bl'lICChner-ll:a ClemelUl-181Right Tackle Right Guardo 0 Trickerl" BuckleY-IS7_ Left 1ackle Left Em!o :1 J,c··,CaptainHanson of- IOWL., .'After a lapse of seven years Chi­t ago and Iowa \Viti again meet on:\farshall field in the second Confer.;.. nce game of the season today at J.(�ontinued from page three)Centeroo o o o o o oLeft End Center Right' Guard Right 'Tackle Right EndDes Jardien-lg2 Freeman-1M Carpenter-197 HlIntinlton·l60Captain'Left TackleSeUers-l6g Left GuardWhiteside- 188CHICAGO oQuarter BackPaine-16r oR. Half BackNorpea-l72oL. Half BackFiUpiatrick-15!1 oFull Back.Bennett-IIITotal Weight Weicht of Line.Iowa, 1842: Average ,16,] Towa, 1228; a,·erage liSChicago. 1933: average 176 Chic:lr;:o. l26i: average 181OPPICIALS-Referee: Haines, Yale ; t�mpire: Snow, Micbipn; He:ld Li Weicht of Back PieldIowa '614;" av�rage ISJChicago: 666 average 16,] ••nt"sman: FJeaaer, NortbweatelijTHE DAILY KAROON. SATVRDAY. OCT. 19. 1912.Bulletin and Announcements, ...1------------------- ..lIodem FictiOD Cbab-Meeting. Football-Chicago vs. Iowa. 3- B'O 0 K STuesday. 12!15. neighborhood rooms. Marshall field..Sophomore DebatiD& Societ7-To Reynolds Club-Informal dance. •elect officers; Monday 4:15. Cobb 6A.FresbmeD Athletic Clab-Election 8:30.of chairman of the active committee. WOIDell·. Hata-On sale e\'ery day1 :15 Mon.day. Neighborhood rooms. this week at 12:15. Lexington.'The Daily MaroonWhat Faculty Men Think of The Daily Maroon"I have in the past few· years tried the plan of taking the Maroon.and have in both cases been compell:d to discontinue because the tone[and spirit of the paper seemed to me unworthy of my support. I have nomoney to spend on unreliable yellow journalism. I am now givingyou a third chance to 'make good"; because the opening issues of thisyear seemed to display a fair spirit. 1 hope I shall not again be disappoint­ed.""I am writing to inform you of strong disapproval of your method oftrying te get SUbscriptions from the -Faculty, which seems tobrand as disloyal to the University any member of the Faculty who doesnot sec fit to subscribe for The Daily Maroon. This is in the natureof a hold-up and is neither proper I!Or polite."FormerlyThe University or Chicago WeeklyFounded October I. i�,2."I did not subscribe last year be cause, in spite of repeated requestsPublished daily except Sundays, Mon on my part. 1 never, or hardly ever received a copy. You seem to bedays and Holidays during three starting out the same way this year."quarters of the University year. It h� been my practice for many yea�s. whenever a 'return the ticketsEn tcrcd as Second-class mail at the or send my money' game appeared to return the tickets. even when I ex­Chicago Post Office, Chicago, lUi- pected to att�nd the performance. In my opinion, you have hurt your pa­nois, March 18, 19o8, under Act of per by sendmg out such a letter as that of September 30."Mardi 3, 1873-What the Daily Maroon Says for Itselffair:Managing Editor • Hiram Kennicott I .N Ed' s Itews 1tor. .Leon StolzAthletic Editor • • Bernard VlIIisaQBusiness Manager ••• Burdette Mast To be apprehensive of guilt until innocence is proved?To call a reasonable, if strong,request a hold-up?To visit the sins of past administrations upon the present?Associate Editors. To imply that a civil letter rs part of a game?Walter F oute . . . ••• Martin Stever The Daily Maroon thinks that none of these things is fair or just.William Lyman ••.••• John Perle The Daily Maroon announced that it's policy would be conservative. notSamuel Kaplan .••••• Harry Gorga yellow and is living up to that. policy. The Daily Maroon branded no oneHalger Lollesgard ••• George Lyman as disloyal and such an implication could only be read into the letterClyde Watkins .. George Cottinghan sent to Faculty members. The Maroon pays for good delivery serviceGrace Hotchkiss .• Sarah Reinwald and constantly tries to keep that service good. A city newspaper hassalaried men to manage its affairs; The Daily Maroon staff works hardReporters. with verY little enc'ouragement; .. the st�ft does not even ask for en-Everett Rogerson • .Augusta Swawite couragement .. but it resents verY strongly the implied accusation that theLillian Swawite • Dorothy Williston staff is party to any sort of a "game."Sadie Bonnem,Subscription Rata.By carrier, $2.50 a year; $1.00 a quar­ter, By mail $3-00 a year; $1.25quarter. . .Further Evidence.for. the JuryIt remains for the mass of The Daily Maroon's readers to decidewhether or not the paper has been hurt by. such a letter as tbat of Sep­tember 30. The letter Iollows;"Dear Sir:-Editorial-Business offices, Ellis 2 "Your name has been placed .on· the subscription list of The DailyTelephone Midway 800. Mail Box Maroon. The paper will be delivered to yoU recutarly. We call your at-"0" Faculty Exchange. tention to the following facts:I. The Daily Maroon is the official. student newspaper,' and it is in­tended to interest you."2.. To a greater extent than in the past. attention will be paid tothose matters of especial inC; erest to members of the Faculty."3. The tone and policy of The Daily Maroon for 1912-13 will defin­itely reflect the spirit and aims of the University of Chicago."Faculty cooperation has long been a desileratum. The success .ofThc Daily. Maroon for ten y�ars our 'student newspaper largely depends on obtaining and maintaining thathas played at least a semi-official cooperation.part in University af- "The Daily Maroon is a publication that Faculty members need; TheOurselves and fairs. I ts Bulletin and Daily Maroon needs the moral IUpport as well as the subscriptions of allthe Faculty. Announcements column tile Faculty members.has the same official an- "A remittance of $2.00 made through the Faculty exchange, beforenounccmcnts that appear in the October rath, will be our assurance that you are supportnig us. An\\' cckly Calendar; all matters refer- order, through the same source, asking us to discontinue your paper,r ing to changes in classes or in will be a direct blow to our aspirati(Jns of becoming the p-qteat collegeFaculty personnel and any other mat- newspaper.t e r s of especial interest to members "Again trusting that we may have your· earnest cooperation in making(Ii the Faculty or administrative de' the Daily Maroon the "official student newspaper" in fact, as well as name,"Even the reporter baa an oBiceand with dear eyes and honest 1mguage, may UIlvei1 injustice uul poin_tthe way to progress."-R. L. S.<fbitotialpartmcnts of the University are faith- we remain,fu11y recorded; and in every way The•. laroon strives to be useful to the(,fficial I)ody of the Univershy. �ore-I-������������������������������o vc r, thc staff has striven, against i.1- .A follow-up letter to non-subscribers on the Faculty is being pre­c1ination at times to make the pa- pared, The Daily Maroon appeals as strongly as it can for student sub­per as di�nificd and as conservative as scripnons. Is there any fair reason why it should not endeavor to getll(;��ihlc. It has often been a tempta as many re�ders as �ssible from a�ng members of the faculty?t i'ln to share in thc fun and excite- Tl1e�e IS a certain Faculty sentiment hostile to The Daily Maroon.. 1 \ Y the editors of the The Dally Maroon believes that thisfeeling is an unfair one. The Daily1'1(" 11 t CllJOYCf I) •1;1' " t s me of the so- Maroon believes that this feeling is an unfair one. The Daily MaroonI\'C papers a 0called "freshwater colleges." Maroon earnestly appeals to members of the Faculty to be uninfluenced I111 view of these facts, and in view by this sentiment and to help their papt"r help itself.al so of the fact that The Maroon W"ascoMin-A novel method of Pardue-Eight wax models repre­has every year had the hearty support securing practice in German has been senting the stages in the develop­and gcncrous cooperation ond sympa· adopted by students at Wasconsin. ,m�nt of the human body have beenthy of many members of the Faculty, By the payment of sixty· five cents a �:&df!ed to the laboratory equipment init docS not appear to the staff that week in addition to board a student the department of Biology at Pur­any crime or breach of etiquette was may eat at a table with six other due,committ�d in asking the members of students while a German ptofessorthe facuty to subscribe to the paper. leads the COIIYenatioL "You,=, respectful1y,"THE DAILY MAROON"Subscribe for the lIarooD.. •Text Books NoteBooksFOUNTAIN PENSTHEME PADSSTATIONERYPENNANTSPILLOWSSOUVENIRS I:!II_IATThe University of Chicagfl Press5758-58 EWS AVENUEANDROOM 10& EMJIOB3 BLAINE HALL-------------------,------------------------------TYPEWRITERS RENTED$5.00. for Three MonthsEvery machine paranteed to be in fine working order, and will bekept EO durinC term of rentalWe deliver the machine and call for it at the end of the rental term.We also have for sale a fine line of Factory Rebuilt machines of allmakes on which you can- Save sc to 7S per cent.Telephone Harrison 6�S8-6399AMERICAN WRITING MACHINE COMPANYUHCORPORATED)437 South Dearborl!; St. Chic:aco• Ill. tTHE TYPEWRITING OFFICEBasement of' Cobb Hall I �... Stationery CabinetsThe Drexel TaUors. CLEANERS AND DYERS903 East 55th Street.Alterinc etc. of Ladies and GentsGarments.Repairina and �I atModerate Prices ,,� FILING DE�::S------- ----���--��-----Phone lIidwa7 5176A. loseuhine GrahamMillinery Importationa almb'n� drawer,. In hnntl,., ... mo .l.·!'k. The.. ea )"OU Want at your nn�"r tips. See one:�t!).ur dealt:ns.. Frclbht "aid �"!3.00. «SeeJ)r�aJdq THl ,,� :IANUFACTURING CO.87 Union S1. M()� ROE, MICHChicaco DisplaY-511'15 S. Wabash1329 East Fifty-Fifth street.Voulez-vous bien cUner?--.- . -. -Jalius Is -. Y�·ur -BarberCreellwood Cafe1357 E. 55th Street. Sanitary Shop _ Three ChairsA la Cbinoise A L· Americala.One-Day Laundry Service.MAROON ADS PAY. 1003 %. East 55th Street. Ij:11,i,i'I1 CHICAGO IIEETS HAWKEYBSTODAY ON lIARS HALL FmLD THE DAILY. MAROON, SATURDAY, OCT. 19. 1912.(Continued from page one)The decisive victories of the Iowateam in the two games that havebeen played this season have encour­aged the Hawkeyes in looking to thocontest today.under the training of CoachHawley, the former Dartmouth star,the Hawkeyes have displayed somereal football this year. The team hasdecisively trimmed the Iowa StateX ormal college by the score of 35 to" and then defeated the strong Cor·nell college aggregation 31 to 0. Thatthe Hawkeyes have a strong teamthis year may be seen from the factthat the Cornell eleven that was beat·ell last Saturday is composed of prac­tically the same men who defeated thel Iawkcyes by the score of 3 to 0last year.Team Has Ability. OPEN SATURDAY NIGHTCHICAGO will defeat Iowa·on the football field today,because it possesses three attributes neces­sary to victory-a heavy line, "class" and.experience.OUR store has been defeatingall entrants on the field ofbusiness' competition, because the line of fallsuits and overcoats we have gathered foryour inspection is heavy and possesses "class. "As far as experience is concerned, we pointwith much pride to our 25 years of success infitting clothes of distinction and individualityat the lowest possible cost,Coach Stagg does not overestimatethe ability of Chicago nor does heintend to underestimate the ability ofthe Hawkeyes. The tie game in J8g9resulted from underrating the abilityc: the athletes from Iowa and CoachStagg docs not intend to have arepetition of the occurrence today.On the basis of condition Chicagowill go into the contest today betterprepared than the visitors. Twoweeks rest since the Indiana gamehas worked wonders with the teamand every man with the probableexception of Harris and Pierce, whoare suffering from "charley horse," isin excellent condition. On the otherhand. Iowa has a long list o£ injuredand only the fact that Coach Hawleyhas plenty of second string men hasprevented the team from sufferinga severe setback.Many Are Injured.Among those who were injuredduring the week are Captain Hanson,guard and Bowler, the best secondstring lineman; Trickey, tackle; Von.Lackum. end; Curry, quarter back;Kirk, full back. Kirk and Trickey.were badly injured in the Normal�me Trickey will be able \:0 appear, ill b I I. '. d hil K' k • �o s game WI e more on the old have already been carried out in David Allen Robertson ·and Mrs. Wil- ing more effective than usual arrange-m the lineup to ay w ue Ir IS t I £ f b II hi fh id Ii '5 yeo oot a , not mg 0 the sen- Prussia and about half of them in liam Lyman will chaperon the dance rncnts have been made tocompelled to stay on t e Sl e IDes. . 1 I . . u accommo-r: • H di ltd his shoul- satrona pays being shown. The England, which is now prepared for Lewis Fuiks has been engaged to date all the Uuniversity students .� aptam anson IS oca e I "i team has been given abo ttl, . I f h .. T In. . hil B I broke u we."\: c It IC rest 0 tern. .1'iOW as to the IP1ay at the dance. He had charge of the completed section of thedcr m practice w I e ow es I' lvi h' new. 1 lavi . t th F h ....... n new pays, IDVO vmg t e use of the Presidential candidates: Taft is con- the first floor last year and his work concrete nTandstand The stand hhis cg p aymg agams e resumen- f d . . f �" asRowles is probably out for the rest orwar pass, m preparation or the ceded on al1 sides to b� clean and �s very pleasing. The programs been tested by the building depart-f I b th th S WI'th game, but none of the plays are of honest, hut I do not believe that he WIll be the same style as last year ment and declared safeo t re season ut e 0 ers, h 1 I .,". f K' k '11 bably t e spect�cu ar. type. owa on the will receive a single electoral vote. with the sketch of Mitchell tower onthe exception 0 Ir, W1 pro th h d . d. . ill 0 er an ,IS expecte to put up an "Wilson," he continued "is a pret- the cover I Hhe in the lineup today. McGmnls WI 1 • " • eat R I tiI . 1 f K' k H is one o£ open game, emp oymg all sorts of ly good man, but he stands for To al1eviate the inconvenience egu a (l Dp av m pace 0 Ir. e I trick formations h • 0 I ' b . - . .the best' suhstitutes that Hawley has . t rose worn o�t prmcip es, state s y the �bng requmng the showing THE JOHNSONd he j t d take good Have Spectacular Play. 1 ights, and tariff for revenue only. of membership cards at he door ar- -an e IS expec e 0 m • Th" . d h .• , I 'Chicago's lineup will probably be. e nng aroun t e rosie. pay In that state campaign, Mr. Funk rangements are being made to place PNEUMATIC SERVICEH IS perhaps the most spectacular ID the is in my mind the best o£ the candi· a file in the club where rnembchanged in several places today. ar-,e ertoire of the Hawke es Just no . . . 0 ers may HE R 0r'is will be unable to pla.y guard to- p.. Y'. w I dates. He IS from central IllJDOIs, leave their cards. The arrangements T EC GNIZED STANDARD. l' f hi "harley horse" Chicago wtll be able to play against 1 the farming section which has not will not be completed in time for(!ay recause 0 IS C tbi t £ ff • bl . 1 (nstalled in the University of Chicago. IS sor 0 0 ense IS pro ematicat, elected a governor for twenty· five -this dance.and wll1 he replaced by Freeman. I' . h h £• .' • t IS certain, owever, t at or the 1 years. Now if we elect Roosevelt weFreeman IS almost 20 pounds heavlel' £i f I h •. k d irst part 0 t re game t e forwards must elect congressmen to back himth.an Har�ls and ought to rna e � • will be baffled by the peck-a-boo u " �ELL ROOTERS HATSPierce will be kept out of t�e Imeup 9tyle of play used by the Hawkeyes. PO. AT THE REYNOLDS CLUBfor the same reason as Hams. In aDprohahility he will be replaced byBennett. The Sophomore back is a PASS RESOLUTIONS TOplayer of first water and hits,the line SEND TO ROOSEVELTexceptionally hard. Either Fitzpat- 150 Couples Expected to Be on Floorrick or Coutchie is slated to fill the Continued from page 1.) at Openinc Allair of Maroon rooters hats wll he on saleleft ha('k position, Fitzpatrick seems Child's rights rather than state's Year. at the Reynolds club this morning.to have the c�ll on Coutchie because rights she declared to be the doctrine All students are expected to purchaseof hi� greater experience. of the Progressives. l\. decent wac-e 150 couples are exp�cted to be on them ,and wear tbem to the IowaNorgren Will Punt. ior young women who are compelled the floor at the first lO£ormal dance game this afternoon. Women's root-i'c-rgr<-n and Paine will be the on-, le, work. an old age pen�ion. a six of the H.cynolds club this evening. ers hats may be procured at Lexin�·I�' experienccd men in tb. Cbieago day week for miners and other la1oor.1 The dance will b� for nrem�rs onlY' t"n ball from Dorothy Llewellyn,lhack field. Norgren will take care of I ers, and a remuneration for prisoners and ea�h man WIll be reqUired to who has charge of the sale of the Ithe punting. He h.as h.een averagi�g· in order that their families may Ih'e �how IllS. card at t.he. d�r be£f)re beo women's hats. Arrangements will alo\close to 50 yards In hIS attempts In\decently are some. other of the party n:.� achl11ttect. ThIS I� In acc?rdance 5(1 .b� made for the sale of any re·practice this week and is expected t.o\rrinciPles that she discussed.. With the n�w rule whIch prOVIdes for nJalDlng hats �t the game. The pri\:e\materiall}' aid the team today by hIS Child Labor Plank Is Good. the punc1nng of the card at each of the hats IS forty cents. Oth�r"tlllting. Sellers will do the place HThe child labor pro"ision alone, event. members of tbe committee are:kicking if any is to be done. in the ProgTessive platform would I It) dances are on the program and Duane Mann, Nelson NorgTen, RudyFoothall o. f two difJe�nt types wil1lstron�IY recommend it," sai(t Mr. li�hts. will he. turned out ��omptlY a� Mathews Willard. Dickerson. Rollinhc �hown today accordtng to a state- HarrIS. ..It has heen claimed that \ mH�DI�ht .. Refre�h�ents WIll be .serv Harger. Earle Shl1ton, How�ll Mur-I1Ttent made hy Coach Stagg at the �t- the principles our party stan(ls for I ('(I III the tnt.emllsslOn after the eighth ray, and Thomas Coleman.' IIy held yesterday afternoon. Chlca- are too radical, but these very things dance. A�slstant Professor and Mn. In order to make the Cbicago root-, . .YOU can get suits here now.at $20 that no one else can equalat $25. They are of the finest Bannock burn tweeds, highquality fancy and plain worsteds, superior cheviots and splendid vicunas. ct2000You'll find them in all the colors and shades at . . . •. ."-IT'S wise to buy your heavy overcoat now. You'll be preparedfor the cold whenever It strikes. 'Come at once and see the largestock we're showing now-all the newest ideas-shawl �o�lars, belted backs, 4r20 fo $75inverted p�ait�, kimono sleeves--every s�art characteristic at .. . .,"Making th« VJor/tfs gr,aI�sl. clothi1lg stor« greater."tf'h� LJlIon buildi"g dir�ctly .opposite is lI�ari1lg CO.p/�/iD"_. . ••of HeatincSteam Control of Humidity ReduclncValves for Air, Water, Hot. Buildinp.Complete Systemsfor all MethodsFIRST REYNOLDS CLUB May Abo Be Parchued at thoINFORMAL COIIES TONIGHT Game-Rooten Win OcC1ipyNew GnDdatand.Water Tank Regulations.Johnson ServiceCo.Chica!:o Offic.�.H. J. GILSON, Manacer•tt7 DEARBORN STRE13.�MAROON ADSBRING RESULTSAMUSEMENTS.EMPRESSTHEATER63rd Street 'and Cottacc GroYe AftWeek Starting SDD.II�t.Oct 21SULLIVAN &: CONSIDINEPRODUCING DEPARTMENTANNOUNCELEW FIELDS'Newest Laughing and MusicalTriumph.FUN ON THE OCEANWith Five Comedians and Ten Wcber0', Fields' Broadway Girls. A musicalComedy Containing Over a HundredLaughs 'and Twenty Song Hits.THE (3) ALEXGymnastic Experts From AbroadHARRY SAUBERThe Genteel Singing ComedianINEZ LAWSONChanning Trumpet SoloistParcial Comedy Playl�t."I DIED"With Mr. James �ennie & Co.COMING"THE WOW WOW'SA Night in a London Club.MATINEE DAILY 2=45TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY7:30 and 9:15PRICESIOc-20c-30c .; THE .DAILY MAROON. SATeRDAY, OCT. 19, 1912.JEFFERSON�dl Street aDd.L.aIr::e AftIIIIe. :NOVELTY PHOTOPLAYFive Reels nightly of the latest mov­ing pictures. High class songs. Bestof music by high class orchestra.Come and hear the new $7,sao pipeorgan.TONIGHT.Rip Van Wmkle' (two reels)AND OTHER:;SUNDAY.An International Romance (drama)The Little Girl Nest Door (drama)AND OTHERSPathe Weddy Every FridayCul-rcnt Events.ADMISSION'Main Floor. � scats • • • • • • lOCBalcony, an scats. ••••••••• SCWIOBUR TBEAm55tIa St. ... W ...... waA ...The only fie Show in Hy�e ParkGood Music and Good PIC LuresSJedaI, ...................GAUllOIIT WEULT . EVEaT TllUUDATc.'u ....... · : ..MID OTIIER PlcruuaBLACKSTONEKIa w ct Erlan&er presealt%11&0MILESTONES 1885. .:_.LASALLETHE GIRL AT THE GATETravelogues, Colored VIeWS and 110- pRINCESStion Pictura.Crnise to theWEST INDIESWednesday eve. 8:15; Friday eve. 8:15Saturday matinee 2:15Special Mat. Sunday. Oct. 20 at 3:30.pAlACE MUSIC BALLTHE ETERNAL WALTZ 1 _ :.....:. ..,.� •. ' lIort..·�.A IIODERN EVE.,CHICAGOOPERA BOUSERichard 'carJe:-Batde vimiamaTHE GIRL FROIlIlONTIlARTRE The Empress theater has an excep­tional hill for next week commencingwith Sunday matinee. Lew Field's"Fun on the Ocean," the presentationthat has startled vaudeville, will bethe headliner. Fifty actors andactresses comprise this company It VISITIN� AGGREGATION Iis a musical comedy containing over CLAIMS FIGHTING CHANCElbe the farcical comedy playlet,entitled were required to stand in place inor der to show the proper workings01 the formations.The Iowa team which will line upagainst Chicago will be .Iight and fast.The back field is composed of menwho can travel the century dash inSauber, the well known comedian, something under eleven seconds andwith a number of the latest song . ."hits," .II . I • rt IS upon these that the chief hopesIts, as we as a very p easmg � h H k• ,0& t e aw eyes for scores arcmonologue. An added attraction to I d1> ace. Captain Hanson is also athe iour preceding acts will be Inez valuable asset offensively" but it isfeared that he will not be able tolast. Hanson is picked as the bestpunter in the west by local critics, Iand should be able to do better thantc hold his own with Norgren in .thatline. Parsons will do the place kick­ing if any is to be done. The littlehalf back will also kick off and willkick goals from touchdowns if oppor- �8'Jo So. Wabash Ave.FOR RENT-One large front room tunity arises.-'-in 'private home. Suitable for eith- McGinnis Replaces .Kirk.er one or two students. 'All modern McGinnis, who has replaced Kirkconveniences, 5752 Washington ave- at full back this' week, played one of Minnesota vs. Nebraska at Minnc·the halves last season, but lost hisposition this year when Parson� an-I apoJis.Dick, both new men, appeared He \Visconsin vs. Purdue at Madison.has been sent in because Kirk's in· Illinois vs. Indiana at Urbana.juries would not permit him to play Michigan vs. �{ichigan college atbehind the line. Curry at quarter is a Ann Arbor.three year man, and in 1910 was the Belois vs Lawrence at Beloit,.best in the state. Last year he was Drake vs, Kansas at Des Moines.FOR RENT-Beautiful large newly out most of the time with an injured. Illinois Wesleyan vs Knox atfurnished room. Suitable for one knee, but is in good form again this Bloomington.or two students. Everything mod- year.em. Very reasonable. Call after Houghton, the Varsity center, is a Lake Forest vs. MiJ1iken at Lake4 p. m. 6106 Ellis avenue, Flat C4. new man who was discovered by Forest... I: awley this fall. Clemens has been Loyola vs, Lombard at Chicago.LOST-A tan leather bill folder, con- on the squad for three years, making Michigan Aggies vs. Olivet attaining' about· ten dollars. Finder a letter in 1910. He was sent to Lansing.please return to 29 Foster hall, for right guard when Bowles broke his Oherlin vs. Ohio Wesleyan :\tleg two weeks ago. Captain Hanson Oberlin.will start at the other guard position. Missouri vs. Ames at Columbia.Breuckner will be at right tackle,itl TI' k th Kenyon vs. Western Reserve atwr 1 lIC ey a ree year man onthe other side of the line. Von �leveland.Lackum at right end is playing his Yale ,·S. Amy at \Vest Point.second year and Duckley, the left Harvard vs. Amhert at Cambridge .wing his third. The Hawkeye sub- 'Princeton vs. Syracuse at Prince·stitutes for most of the positions are ton.about as strong as the regulars. Cornell vs, Penn State at Ithaca.7\RROWCOLLARPutieularl,. good for. eitherform81 da,. or eveniDg wear.15c. each, 2 for 25c..... /er .. 1!_w� �ItIn'·a..u. ........ ACo.. TNF.N.Y.AT THE EMPRESS·100 laughs and twenty song "hits."The feature of this week's bill will"I Died," presented by Mr. JamesBennie and his company. The threeAlex. who are of renouned fameabroad, are to appear in thrillingacrobatic. stunts. The audience willhe highly entertained by HarryLawson, the charming trumpet solo­ist. It is needless to remark that theEmpresscope still holds full sway asthe finale of the progl:1m.-ADV.C··'LASSIFIEDDVER'l'lStlDTSDUe.FOR RENT-Resonable, sunnyquiet room in private family of twoadults. Modern. Open for inspec­tion at any time. 6110 Ellis Ave.4th apartment.A Vienese Operette by Leo PalB- including J.. II. . Barric·. Barlesqu'50 People. ' problem play.Bert Losile "Co.; Four Barveys; A SI.ICB OF'LIFBCarson & Willard; Dooley a: Sayles;MAJE!!!JTICVIRGINIA HARNED & CO.in "The can of Paris."THE DANCE DREAMThe Big Lambs' Gambol SuccesS.Bison City Four; Olive Brisco; W. B.. 'St. James &: Co.; Wilson Bros.; .AIIEIDN -.uSlt uU,O'Meer Sisters; Harry Atkinson; ..'Clara Ballerini; New Motion Pictuia. LEAN AND HOLBROOK-- - • THE MILITARY GIRLORCHESTRA BALLBURTON HOLlIESJimmie Lucas; Josie Rooney. IL�INOIS.'Sat., Sun. Mats. &: Every. EYCDinc15-25-SO-75C-Pop. Mid-Week Matinees 2SC • soc-LYRICTHE BLUE BIRDGARRICKMARGARET ANGLINIn her original rolcGREEN STOCKINGSA UDITORIUl\,ITHE GARDEN OF ALLAH"The Eighth Wonder of the WodeL"COB AN'S CillORaymond Hitchcock illTHE RED WIDOWCOLONIALTHE WINSOME WIDOWReal Ice SkatiDa.POVVERS'THE HEW SIN- .. ; .......u.,Lllj_j..l.A .11. I ........ ...._.---� OTIS SKINNERill KlSIIETOLVl\,lPI�lIatiDtcca Wed. Uul Sat.THE lIAR HIGHER UPcJimbiDc ill PopaJari�.:lSC to 'I.SO'CC>RTPINE - PEATHERSDramatic Seuatioa.JOSEPH SCBHIDTStationery, Toilet ArtidaFine Line of Candia956 E. 55th Street. Cbicaco. mImported and Domcatic Uae ofCipra and Clpretta.AND_w 'MCABosnorlst . aDd DecoratorFift7 tbircl It. ad � Aft.�eI&. H,- Park II. CIdaIco, IDT ...... ..,.. .... ISJ Mary Ann 'Whitely and Hiram Kenni- La Fayette vs. Ursinus at Easton.Plain B.�. 25 Cents (,ott; Reception' committee, Ruth Wesleyan vs. New York at NewOpen Day and Night. Bozcl] and William Lyman; Arrange- York.SARATOGA BAR BE R S HOP ments committee, Effie Hewitt andJ. H. Hepp, Prop. George Kuh; Escort committee,:ag South Dearborn Street Orville Miller, Suzanne Fisher, and£xpert Manicurist. I M iss Robinson.Scientific Masseurs I. Expert Chiropodist . .. Patronize our advertisers, They areHave you sublCribecl? . the most progressive business men. I Patronize our advertisers.identification.MEN'S FURNISHINGSandJJILLIARD H,.LL..lAS. E. COWHEYJOOI and IPOI� East 55th Street.. S. E. Corner Ellis Ave.Telephone Hyde Park 3i58cl URKISH. BATHS. n:1 season our line of 135-00 aitill�s i. exceptionally strong co;;;: tpriainc a c:arefulb selectec1. alock of grays. black and white· Idcct.. bhaea and browns.Overcoats $30.00 to $60.00 !Other grades $SO 00 to $50.00 I•,••I•--THREE STORES-_Since .19:>525 E. Jackson Blvd.Since ISgJ7 N. La Salle St. May. 1912il E. Monroe St.':HICAG0.FallSports(Continued from page one)No. WJP Automobile andWinter Sports Sweater.Perhaps you're going to �1l theimportant Foot Ball gamesIn the old days rugs, blanketsand wraps of all kinds werein use. A step forward-toenjoy the game and protectyourself from cold wear aSPALDINGHeavy and special weights withor without pockets.Catalog free on request.A. G. Spalding & BrosChicago, 111Football Games For Today.Xavy vs. Swarthmore at Annapolis.Itoudoin vs, Tufts at Medford.Colgate vs, Tri-nity at HartfordDartmouth vs. WitJiams at \Vil·. liamstown.'COMMONS IS CROWDEDAT ANNUAL RECEPTION(Continued from page one)Fiction Club Meets Tuesc!ay.A mectjng of the Modern Fictionclub will he held Tuc!'clay at 12:15 inthe ?\cighhorhoo(l rooms.�,J