runttVOL. Xl. No. 14- UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, FRIDAY. OCT. IS. 1912. PRICE FIVE CENTS.THREE QUARTERS CLUB ·APPOINTIECEPTIOlf COIlmEEICOACHES AND CAPTAINELECTS FORTY-FIVE AlT&D&ementa Are ompJeted for An- WILL SPEAK AT RALLYDual Joint Rcc:cption-Larp Crowd .--I. Expected to Attend Open Suer GiYes Iowa CretIit f. Be., Fast,House of Chriatian Societies. ... Predicts A Hard Battlef ... T....-ro.DRILLROOTERS lilY USE NEW STAND IOWA EXPECTEDTO STAGE TRICK PLAYSSectiollS RaervecI in Ezpectation ofUse of New Stands-Are testiDcSafety Now-AbaDdoD Hope forSteel Stands.Pid Delta 1\eta'. Mea, ... T.. Ie IeEIectetI fn. au. at Larae Ie­llaiato.Gllle.Chicago rooters wiu probably beSUPPORTERS HOPERJL given the fourth section from the V ASm GETS SIGNALHane,a Sailt. • pnficiut ia OpeaF ......... F....,.PaaesHutchinson commons Mandel hallMEN ARE PICKED BY NEW PLAN the Reynolds dub will be thrown op- IOWAell at eight tonight for the conven- south end of the new grandstand onience of the guests at' the joint re- All Freshmen Expected to Learn Marshall field, Saturday. John C. Freshmen Block Kicks by Norgrenception of he Y. M. C. A. and the Songs and Cheers-Cap and Gown Dinsmore, in charge of the seat sale, and Selers-Goal Kicks AreY. W. C. L. The receiving linc will Photographer Will Take Pictures. has procured tickets for the five Fairly Successfulform to the left of the door to Hutch- completed sections in anticipation of aFifty Freshmen will be pledged to inson and will be in waiting until Program for the Rally Today. satisfactory report from those in Hard, spectacular plays are tothe Three Quarters club within the ten when the reception win assume Speakers. charge of the safety test now' in pro- feature the lowa game, according tonext icw days. Forty-live of the a more informal appearance. Presi- Director Stagg Clark Sauer gress on the stand. Coach Stagg. lowa plays an openmen were elected at the meeting dent and Mrs. Judson, Professor and Captain Carpenter. Two thousand sacks of cement game using forward passes and trickheld ycsterday at 3:15 in the 'Mrs. Coulter, Dean and Mrs. Hinkins Songs and Cheers. have been placed upon one of the plays to a great extent, and in theReynolds club. Phi Delta Theta has and Mr. and Mrs. Bickham will be in Director Stagg, Clark Sauer, and spans of the stand, giving int an ap- two games this year have displayed anot yet announced its representatives the receiving line. Captain Carpenter will speak at the proximate pressure of _ one hundred high degree of skill. The Hawkeycsand the two non-fraternity men have Refreshments will be served at the football rally a;ound the "C" bench pounds a square foot. This pressure are expected to be even better thisnot been elected. The repulations re- farther' end of the hall. at 12:15 today. Assistant Coach Page the athetic o�cials -Iearned yesterday- Saturday.garrling the membership have been The reception is to be strictly in- will not be among the speakers, Di· must remain on the stand for twenty- "Ski" Sauer has been looking overmade more democratic this year as formal. Students from all depart- rector Stagg and Cap. Carpenter will four hours, which means in this case the Hawkeyc squad while in actioneach fraternity is to have three men ments of the Universitv arc invited probably consent to give some ideas that the complete report will not be in both of the games they have play-and 1 0 1 f ternit '11 b -as to the possible outcome of 'to- • ed and believes them to be an ag-• w Ion' ra errn y men WI e and the committee hopes that stu' made until Saturday mornmg. '" '".elected to the club. .dents from the graduate schools will, morrow's contest. Determine Prices. gressive, dangerous organizaion. ForThe men will be put through their mix with the students in the colleucs I Sauer Has Line on Iowa.P . h b' d . d Chicago's second' game, he believes._ ." .. nces ave een etermme upon ...pranks at 12:15 on Tuesdays, Wednes- '\ large number of the Faculty have Sauer, who has a line on the Hawk- f h' d·d. Seats - that the Varsity will have Its troubles. • or t e new gran stan ea s 10 • •• .days and Fridays. Several regula- accepted the invitations of the Y M eye men and their abilities give them h '" f th' th d '11 In gammg a VIctory, and that the. ' .. t e nrst span rom e sou en WI .' .nons have been passed that the C A and will be on hand to meet credit for being fast. He predicts a II f fif . h ' d Iowa game will be no practice contest_. " • �., se or ty cents; seats m t e secon_Freshmen will be asked to observe. the students 'informally hard battle for Chicago. According d hi d f t fi lD any sense of he word.'.� an t Ir spans or seven y- ve, .\Vhen 011 the campus they are to run See Women to Homes. to indications Iowa is coming Wl'th h'·' h f h d fifth Yesterday s work consisted ofcents; t ose 1O.t e ourt an. _ a brisk trot; when passing a In order to allow large numbers of great expectations as the team has al- f d 11a . Th f th . Signal dnll and work With the newspans or one 0 r.. e our see-Sophomore they are to press the but- 'women who live off the campus to be ready been successfu in a well fought. '11 b t th Chi ,plays. Kicking formed a large partI . I 11 tron WI e open 0 e cago f I k . h h Freshmenton on t ierr green caps: they are for- present, a special committee has been game against Cornel co ege. I A ·t· it the 0 t ie wor, wit t erooters on y. S I IS OPPOSI ehidden to talk to women and to appointed to see that the women are "Arrangements have already beencenter of the field, the seats will be blocking the attempts. Sellers triedsmoke on the campus. and they are provided with escorts. Miss Robin- made for a special car to be run onh b ·bt·' -bl - numerous goals with the Freshmen. C· "t e est �. �I�. - e. . b h 1- falways to use "sir" when addressing son will be in the library of the the afternoon tram from Iowa Ity. Access to the stairways in the new blocking, succeeding m a out a 1 0� S�pho�nore. Reynolds club after 10 to sec that' said C1ar� Sauer yest.erday. "As. t�e stands is obstructed at present by a his tries. 'Sellers will do the goal1 he last of, pledges f�llows: every woman has an escort to whom I expense IS comparatively small It IS debris of reinforcing iron and other kicking Saturday.-,-_ .. - - --.. _--Delta�-� _ -,'_ sbe.=-�properly-,iDtroducecL _ _:__�:.: �xpc;_<:_��d ��OI:�, ��y�1 ���ndre��� -Cl?��t��on.��,��nd. the ee- ,£��?��_!.e��_���. ��rive._!_�is. a�� _Paul Russel. At the luncheon of the Y. M. C. A. eye rooters WIll be p�esent at.' t1iement :W'orkers who. started to. lay a ternoon at 1 =45 and witt go at once to' -Burchard Woodbury. and Y_ W. C. L. members of the re- game. Every student lD the Umver-cement �ik to ··the -stairs ;bav� left the Chicago Beach hotel No placeRoland George. ception committee held yesterday shy ought to be present at the rally th� work- i�colIIPlete. It �Ii be nee- for practice has been secured, but ar-Phi Kappa Psi. noon in the Lexington lunch room today as well as at the game tomor-cesary to by a temporacy walk to. rangements will be made· his morn-Frank Whiting. the following arrangements were row." make entrance to the .staads p�ibte, ing- The Iowa rooters will arrive to-Robert Hacher, d D . H' L. Plan Sale of Hats. morrow e. oor committee: Irom. b�t Mr. Dinsmore �,s optimisticHalsey Wickam. Kennicott and Mary Ann Whitely; Chairmen and members of the com- ye\terday and decbrel! that if permit- Line Troubles Coach Stagg.Beta Theta Pi. Reception committee, Ruth Bozell mittee charged �ith the s,ale of t�e ted\ he �ould- get tbe spectators to Coach Stagg is still troubled by theJamc� Sellers, and William Lyman; Emergency maroon and white rooters hats Will their seats in some manner or other, work of his linemen. During all theLawrence McGregor. committee," George Kuh and Helerr he on hand, Harold Wright and 't, F=-=-� 800' practice sessions of the last twoC 1 D f b h '11 b' h Hope 10, I&IIIID. D-ar e «; aug. Gross; Escort committee; Marjery, Margaret Rhodes WI e 10 c arge - - -' .... weeks, the forwards have failed toAlpha Delta Phi. �;nd and Charles Molander. and expect to supply all students who If severe weather does not· hinder show decided improvement, and theGale Willard. Divide Floor $pace. have not already been taken care of. the work of the contractors they will speedy Iowa backs are greatly feared.Laurens Shull. The floor space has been divided Other members of the committee be able to' finish the entire stand by Concerning the backfield, the situ-David McLa�ghlin. - up into twelve sections The follow- who may he seen arc Duane Mann, the time of tbe -Minnesota game, at ation is clearer, and the men may beSicma Chi ing are assigned to the different sec- Nelson Norgren, Rudy Matthews, which time a formal opening of the relied upon for consistent work.Herman Miller. tions; one, Effie Hewitt and Norman Willard Dickerson, Rollin Harger, stands will probably take place. More Pierce is the only man who is doubt-Edmund Oimstead. Paine; two, Margaret Rhodes and Earle Shilton, Howell Murray, Ches- than eight thousand spectators can ful as a starter having been troubledHazer Haggarty. Harold Wright; three, Grace Hotch- ter Bell, and Thomas Coleman • be accommodated in the new stnds by a "charley horse" during the week.Psi Upsilon. kiss and Reginald Castleman; four, Rudy Matthews will have charge when completed. This added to the Marston Smith and Fitzpatrick areI�ichard Matthews. John Pt:rlee and Helen Street; five, of the cheer leading. All Freshmen capacity of more than six thousand the choices to start at left half, withStuart Canby. Suzanne Fisher and Samuel Wells; 1��peciallY are expecte� to att�nd in of the eastern stands and the seats in Norgren as running mate, and PaineDan Brown. six, Stephen Curtis and Myra Rey· order to become acquamted With the the temporary stands at the ends, willto gencral 'the the team.' The line willDelta TaU Delta. ': nolds; seven, Earle Shilton and words of the football songs and make the total seating capacity f�r be much the same as the one used inA. W. Johnston. Martha Green; eight Erling Lunde1chel'rs. Pictures will be taken by a the Minnesota game more than 15,000 •. the Indiana game.Orrin \Volf. and Charlotte Viall; nine, Merle coul-istaff photographer .of the Cap a�_d All 'hope of completing the racquet The men have be'!n given a roundCecil Condit. ter and Anna Moffett; ten, Gracia Gown for reproductIon among the 11- and handball courts, the rooms and dozen new pays to -.:sc Saturday, inChi Psi. Aling and Orville Miller; eleven, illstrations of the year hook. oher' featu'res planned for the new addition to the repert(;ire disclosedJackson Towne. Winifred Miller and Lester Reid; Private Dinner for Team. grandstand have been abandoned for against Indiana. Among the newEarl White. twelve, Loine Hemingway and Irving The team will be (.'ntertained at c\ the present. It is alao certain that plays, are several trick formations,Kent Tenney. Cummings. private dinner in the Commons hy there wi11 be no steel stands for the and Coach Stagg hopes to see son'cDelt Upsilon. This committee is requested to re- Coach Stagg, A purity banquet was cast side of the field in the immedi- of these succeed against Iowa.Fred Burke. port promptly at eight. Other mem- planned for tonight, owing to the ate future. The plans origin�lly call- Straight football is not so reliableKenneth McAllister. hers of the general reception commit- recl'ption in the Commons, this was ed for $JOO,ooo worth of Improve- against Saturday's opponents as itRenjamin DaU tee. will be assigned posts at that impossihle, The dinner for the team ments, but the Board of Trustees was against Indiana, and unless thePhi Gamma Delta. time. The Reynolds club dance was suhstituted. "oted $.200,000 and it will be impos- 'Varsity shows unexpected superiorityWilliam Teichgrneher. which was originally scheduled for sihle to finish the stands as original�y over Iowa, the new plays wil haveKenneth McNeal. tonight has been postponed until to- Sell Green Caps. planned until another $100,000 ISI to assist materially in ground gain-Richard Boyd. morrow night in order that there Green caps ior Freshmen arc now forthcoming. The $200.000 worth of! ing for Chicago,Sigma Alpha Epsiloa. be no conflict. on sale at the Press, The first con- improvements will give only the new The team is in good shape for theCI 1 Th d b1 achers the fence around the field. 1lar es omas. Si�ll111ent is not a very large one. an e,.' contest, Pierce heing the on y manGeorge Patrick. Bishop McDowell Will Speak. wiU prohahly he sold out in a few and the women's rooms in the troubled by f'charley horse." Sever-Lent1s Lundberg. Bishop McDowell, chairman 'Of the days. towers. al Sophomores, Bennett and Coutchi\!Sicma N1I. Board o.f Trustees of Northwestern among them,' ha\'e been makingMae Davidson. university will be the speaker at the• Wisco!'.sin- The national com'en-, Inctiana-Senior men will wear �ood showings, and prohahly willMilton Lawrence. ftl111ar semce in Mandel tomorrow tion of Delta Epsilon ft:aternity open- corduroy trousers and Senior women get a chance to break into the game(Continued on page of) mo.mins- ed at Wisconsin yesterday. mackinaw coats at Indiana. at some time tomorrow .Each Fraternity Received Represen­t ation of Three in Club-MeetThree Times Each Week.•TH£ DAILY MAROON. FR1DA Y. OCT. 18, 1912.The Daily t'-�--------RaIly-I2:J5. ��"::: and An��:��e�e�t�. c. L.-Joint TYPEWRITERS RENTED ICap and Gown-Freshmen, 1 :15; reception. 8 Hutchinson.I :45; Juniors, 2:15. Cosmopolitan Club-Smokcr. SoEllis IK IFootball�Chicago vs. Iowa. 3 to· $5.00 for Three Monthsmorrow. Marshall FieldReynolds Club-Informal dance,8:30 tomorrow.Women's Hats-c-On sale 'every daythis week at 12:15, Lexington.Procressive Club-Massmeeting. 4Kent.Genuan Club-4:30, Lexington.Women'. Graduate Club-S Lex­ington.Masonic Club-7. Ellis.One of the disinctive features I �ASQUERS TO HOLDdisplays of enthusiasm at col- TRYOUTS TUESDAYlege, is always the dog- FOR WOMEN ACTORSged perseverence dis-played by the few in Tryouts for thc Masquers, theTheRally.getting the many ex- Dramatic club for Freshmen women,cited. Every device under the sun will be held next Tuesday in thehas been resorted to in getting stu- Xeighborhood room in Lexington,dents to attend the rallies in honor All Freshmen women are clijrible. Se-Formerly and for the encouragement of their lections to be rendered must heThe University or Chicage Weekly teams. But it has long since been neither from high traucdy nor lowFounded October I, i�.2. discovered that even more vital than comedy. must be from 3 to 5 minutesthe performance after the specta- in length, and must not be in dialect.Published daily except Sundays, Mon tors arrive, is the question of making Two or more women working to­days and Holidays during three it easy for them to come at all The gether "'will he allowcd a correspond-quarters of the University year. rally today offers no problem in this ingly longer time.respect. It is to be held' at 12:15EntcrcJ as Second-class mail at the when no one has engagement other URGE AUTHORITIESChicago Post Office, Chicago, llli- than luncheon-and' that can wait the TO PROVIDE FUNDSnois, March 18, 1908, under Act of fifteen minutes which the rally will FOR PRACTICE ROOMMarch 3, 1873. occupy. I t is to be: held around the"C" bench. a location familiar to allManaging Editor • Hiram Kennicott and within the reach of everybody.News �dito� • • • • .Leon �tob But more than these considerations,A.thletlc Editor • • Bernard �1Ilisak7 e�erY o'�e who comes will have a goodBusiness Manager ••• Burdette Mast time. i, .• J •Associate Editors.Walter Foute •••••• Martin Stever DESCRIBES PROGRESS INWilliam Lyman •.•••• John Perle- IN,�SOUT� ��.�RICAN STATESSamuel Kaplan .••••. Harry GorKa 1" �(.Halger Lollesgard ••• George Lyman Dr. Ollvveira·l.im4I. B� AJDI-Clyde Watkins •• George Cottinghan bassador to Belciu.m: Discusses .Grace Hotchkiss .• Sarah Reinwald '.Conditions .·in Republics.Reporters.Evcre tt Rogerson •• Augusta SwaWite ,.Progress achieved 'by' the South" Lillian. Swawite ... !.. Dorothy: Wibiston American countries in the past cen­tury, was th� .,subjt;ct 'Of Dr. Oliveira.- \,1, � f •• '.'"Lima's address Xes\c:,day.. afternoon.r, Lima is' the Bci.ZiFan minister toBelgium who 'has been touring heUnited States during the past monthon an" 'ech:caiiohal '�mpaign. HeEditorial-Business offices, E�liil 2 spent ten days' at th� 'University ofTelephone Midway Boo. Mad �ox C liforni d'U W', a norma, an WI stop at rscon-"0" Faculty Exchange. '. ...,. ,.' � .'." '.,,'"SIO, Cornell and Columbia before"Even the reporter has an oflice leavil�� I.Wr. �u.�o��r .. H� has been .inand with clear eyes and honest laD the Brazilian'" service for twentyguage, may unveil injustice and pOint ynrs.the way to progress."-R. L. S. In his talk Dr. Lima took up theSubscription Rates. :,.: .... iBy carrier, $2.50 a year; $I�-i­ter. By mail $3.00 a ye��; $1.2�quarter.poi tical, educational and social de-veloprnents ,jn . Brazil, Argentina,Chile and Columbia. He stated that Dorothy Bent was elected basket-The Maroon calles the attention of one of. the, great. SIOdaI disasters of hall. representative on the advisoryits readers to the Communication col- the Latin-American ... countries hasumn was the scene of heen th amal_ii�ri 'of races, Thenot a few intresting T ndian and the negro have mingleddiscussions: Mr. A and intermarried with the Spanishcriticising and Mr. B� and Portugese. This has done muchtaking up the cudgel in defense of to dissipate the native strength andthe ma ligncd custom ,institution or virility of the European.what 110t. Surely nothn'g but good "One of the greatest accusationscan come from sincere and purposeful against Latin-America," he stated,di:-,ctlssion of student and University "has been that of political and social Modem Fiction Club Meets.alTair and this organ will not be ac- unrest, Europe has pointed the The Modern Fiction club will hold("()lllplishin� all that it might unless finger of scorn at us. They have its organization meeting next Mondayit is used largely for such discussion. said hat we are suffering from hibit- at 1 :15. The club has invited all1II'rc is a confession: not more than ual revolutionary fever. But some of Freshmen women interested in aa t our saud year ago, Th.e Maroon edit- the countries have been able to I study of modern fiction to be pres­'Irs han been constrained to break change this idea.. Brazil and Colum- ent,int « the Communication 'column hia in recent years have advocated,a policy of arbitrationClfbitGtialCommuni-cationst lu-msclvcs. in order to "get some- and followedt hiru; started," This, of course ,is and peace.a ln mc n tab le course of action and onenot dreamed of hy the present staff.Elqnor Ahern Elected.l�llt the column is there: it adds tothe value and attractiveness of the At the regular Kelly house meet-ing Eleanor: Ahern was elected Housepaper: it must he fi1led; and thereis 110 telling what even the most well president: Kathleen Shannon, secre·mcauinp persons will do in times of tary and treasurer, and Ruth Wei sen-ger, librarian. The hall committeest rcss. I f you have anything to say,consists of Eleanor Ahern, Ruth�ood or had, concerning things of in-Clauson and Effie Shambaugh.tcrcst 1'0 a large numher of your fd­lows, (10 not speak merely to a few.­g-i\'e many a chance to get your ideasthrog-h the medium of the Communi·cation column of The Daily Maroon. Pmnsylvania.-Dramatic wntmg isthe latest course to be offered at thet: niversity of Penns,1lvania. A petition is circulating in the wo­men's halls for the addition of a newmusic room. The present practiceroom in Green hall is said to be en­tirely inadequate. and the Universityauthorities are being urged to grantthe necessary funds for an addition.Mr. Stevens is most anxious for thisimprovement. Those interested inthe plan are asked to hand their namein at : Green hall.MAROON ORCHESTRAPREPARES PROGRAMWITH FLUTE SOLOThe Maroon orchestra which playsin the commons has prepared aspecial program for tonight. Theprincipal number will be a flutesolo "Sweet Birdie Polka," played byHiram Loomis. Mendelssohn's"Spring Song:' Holzman's "LoveSparks:" and selections from Tantal­izing Tommy are also on the pro­gram.OROTHY BENT ISELECTED TO PLACEON ADVISORY BOARDboard of the Women's Athletic as­sociation at a meeting yesterday.Cornelia Beall, Phoebe Clover, Mar-garet Rhodes, and Susanne Fisherwere elected members of the basket­ban committee. Representatives inbaseba111 and swimming have yet tobe voted upon.Phillipson Will Speak.�Ir. Phillipson of the German de-partmcnt will address the meeting ofthe German club to he held today inLexington hall at 4:30, Classes inconversation will meet in rooms 3and 4 at 4 :00.Margaret Cole Elected.Margaret Cole Was elected socialchairman of the Freshman Dramaticclub at its organization meeting yes­terc1ay. The members of the com­mittee are: Marjorie Coonley. Doro­thy Davis, Dorothy Farwell, andHelen Timberlake. � Every machine guaranteed to be in fine working order, and will bekept to during term of rental.We deliver the machine and call for it at the end of the rental term.We also have for 'sale a fine line of FactolY Rebuilt machines of allmakes on which you cap" Save 5C to 75 per cent.Telephone Harrfson 6,2£8-6299AMERICAN WRITING MACHINE COMPANY(INCORPORATED)437 South Dearborn St. , Chicago, Tll, t,Von Frank, Hardy Ci Rindskopf i"The College Men's Clothes Shop" IIf you have been patronizing clothiers whose selling price must cover I�!\ enormous rent; come to the 7th floor of the' Republic Bldg., and ,IState and Adams. Isave from $5.00 to $7 50 on a suit or overcoat.102 Republic- BuildingFOUNTAIN PENFol' Sale by Dealen EftfT"bereAmerican Fouataia Pea CompaDYAdams. CuahlnQ " Foat_, Sc!U1nir'AQeDta168 DEVONSHIRE STREET, :.: COSTON, MASS.iiiiiiiiiiiliil;;;;;;The Ellis 'Shirt CompanyN. W. CORNER 63RD STREET, AND ELLIS AVENUEYOU'LL find that the service we render here goes deeper, goesfarther back than you realize. . The .:;atisfaction guaranteed; the moneyback part of it; these' are only the surfcce, The important underlyingfact is the value you get for your money; more value, we believe, thanyou'll get anywhere else.We handle Wilson Bros. neckwear shirts, hosiery and gloves.8IsoEarl Be Wilson's Red Man Brand CoDars.Hotel CumberlandNEW YORK··Broadway" cars from Grand ,CentralDepot. . 'I Seventh Avenue Cars from 'Peansyl­vania Station.Kept by a College Man from VermontHeadquarters for CoUece StudentsSpecial Rates for College TeamsTen Minutes' Walk to Thirty TheatresRooms with Bath, $·and up.New. Modern and Fireproof ,H/.RRY P. STIMSON. MANAGER IHeadquarters for Chicago Men______ --------.--------�IAlE yOU LOOIJIG ,CiR A PLACE r"-EA17Gi,e THE COMMONS a TrialAsk the Upper Classmen About Our FoodYou'll Like the Club Breakfast and CafeteriaMusic at Night Good food Low Prices- .... -��--------------�.• Ithat .the sudden sight of me ins.tantly fte Cera b ..... latIoa�1uIkcon.vmced one negro, engaged In the of 0...Th' f H " manipulation of pats of butter that Ca 'tal ChIcac•e etiquette 0 arvard IS DIce' f k ... pl • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3.,OOOJ)OQ 00• &l or' would be more m keeping With •Iy calculated to heighten the material I 1 f .1 .1' • I . Surplus.. •••• •••• •• s,ooo,oao 00. . It Je . arvaru tradrtron t Jan Ius •.splendor of the place. Thus It IS: f .1 I I I I UndiVIded Pro&ta ••••.•• 1,000.000 00. f h '.1 • i rngvrs, anu was inman y g ad thus I'UII!_�etiquette or t e president, duriusr I • �h. f ffi bI to learn that the secret reality ofIS term 0 0 ce, to make a present I .. .f b �d' h" I table-laying IS the same III two con-o a uri 109 or so to t e ul1lversJty.! ..,... b ildi H unents. I saw not the dinner of the• vow UI mgs at arvard haved d h II h I• I thousand. I n fact 1 doubt whethera opte t e exce ent a nt of never . .. I h b h If . 1111 all I· saw one hundred of the SIXcostmg ess t an a out a a l1ul',' I I 1'1 I. .. t IOUSan( students. ICY lad mys'ron dollars. ,It IS also etiquette that tcriously vanished from all the reothe brifts to the university from old sorts of perfect luxury provided forstudents shall touch a certain annual Cahrll'S II. Wacker CI)'de lI. carTthem. Possible they were withdrawn llartln A. Ryt'nOn Edwin G. Fuftmansum: they touch it. Withal, there is Ch:luncey J. Blalr Chait'S L. HutcbllUlODinto thc privacies of the thousand of E<lWIlN U. UUlh... W.t800 E. 81alrno architectural ostentation at Har- l Charl� H. Hulburd Edward A. Shedd. . .. suitcs-each containing bedroom, sit- I�lart-nce Uucklncbam Fftodt'rk:k W. Crueltyvard. All the buildings arc artistical- . . Ik-njamln Carpenter Ernl'St A. Hamill1 d b . tl1lg room, hath-room, and telephone -....---------------y mo est; many are cautiful: . MENH:!' FURNISHINGS1 h I h . I I I winch I understood are alloted to IIOJscarce y one t at c as es Wit I t IC .' .b d b I . f I them lor liars. I left Harvard With.J' ..... L' 'l'yuL'W ulTING OFFICE so er an su t e attractiveness 0 tIC .......... � c.&:.t � hI' N I . h a very clear lI11prCSSIOIl of Its frankwoe aggregation. . ow lere IS t c . ..' •tI d d 0 I k I welcoming hospitality and of ItS ex-, .1 II ki d eve 0 en e . ne 00 s upon t IC .I!" prcpareu to copy a 111 s of manu - traordinary luxury.crimson itcades with the same lenientscript : to handle correspondence by' ,'. And as I came out of the final por-• r If' h . love as marks one s attitude towardsre nogrnpny ; to urms copies of. .. tal I happened to meet a student" • 1 those quaint and lovely English .,oren ars, etc.. . .. actually carryrng his own portrnancauI f • h houses (so familiar to American v15-1 ...) ou are ncw on t e campus, we. . . -and rather. tU��1I1g at It. I re- Jalius Is Your BarherI• ld I "1.1 b '. itors to our Isle) that are all prctur- .'s rou )C b au to ccome acquainted; : grcttcd this chance. The spectaclei r • 1 bl k • esqueness and no bath-room. That'I. not, .) ou proua y now us, anu we· clashed and ought to have heen con-I' 1 I 1 1 ,I • is the external effect. Assuredly,s iou ( rc g au to see you agam, trary to etiquette. That studententering some of those storied door- should in propriety have hecn fol-ways, one would anticipate incon- lowed hy a Nigerian, Liberian, orveniences and what is called "Old Sencgamhian, carrying his port-'Vorld charm" within. THE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY, OCT. d�" i9t2.14 .... 0 ;we AND UP SOIIETHING TO lEADlila de in FilI7 Dillere.I S�laFound On17 at Leada..Famulae,...Basement of Cobb HalLAny Suit or Overcoat In theHouse Made to Order $18.00.1 ulius CooperTHE UNIVERSITY TAILOR1126 East Fifty_Fifth Street. maneau.But within one discovers simplynaught but the very latest ,the verydearest, the very best of everythingthat is luxurious. I was ushered into Arnold Bennett."Your UnitedStates."Union Made. a most princely apartment, grandiose\Ve also do high grade repairing and in dimensions, superbly furnished andpressing at very low prices. decorated, lighted with rich discre-tion, heated to a turn. Portraits byJohn Sargent hung on the vast walls,and a score 'of other manifestationsof are rivalled these in the attentionof the stranger.' No club in London Plain Baths 25 Centscould match this chamber. It was, I Open Day and Night.believe, a sort of lounge for the stu- SARATOGA BAR B E R S HOPThe Drexel TailorsCLEANERS AND DYERS903 East 55th Street.Altering etc. of Ladies and GentsGarments.Repairing and Pressing at ..140derate �ces J. H. Hepp, Prop.29 South Dearborn StreetExper� Manicurist.Scientific MasseursExpert Chiropodistdents weie lounging in it; only af��:-:-ther4:. was n�, rush for__ t,he priv·ilege. And the' few 'loungers werere,auy . lounging, in .. the wonderful. �f�'� ( .. ,-�smiio'us postures of youth. Theymight have been lounging in a rail- _way station or a bam instead of amidportraits by John Sargent.- --_. -----------,. iPhone.. l4idway·s876MAROON ADS PAY. ChineseHeatA. Tosephine Graham.1329 East Fifty-Fifth street. "Shall I not take mineease in mine Inn?"Millinery Importations Dressmalrinc The squash· racket court was an ex-ample of another kind of luxury, very We invite you to eat our Puddingdifferent from the cunning comhi'lla-tions of pictured walls, books, carvedwO'nd. and deep-piled carpets, hut notless authentic. The dining-hall seat-ing a thousand �imultaneously was Americananother. Here I witnessed the laying --------------­of dinner-tables by negroes. I noted Gree;twood CafeMAROON ADSBkiNG RESULTS 1357 E. 55th Street.Football RallyTodar 12:15 B •. ·.L AMES'SPALDING" .. ":T: "Tribune BuildingNo. WJP Automobile and -------------WlDtei Sports Sweater. W�dlawn TrustHeavy and special weiPta with I} Sarines Bankor without pocketL 1204 E. Sixty-Third Street, ChicacoER�EST A. HAlIlIILL. Prealdent.CII .. \ltLES L. HUTCHI�SO�. \'I�-�LCHAU�CEY J. ULAIR. \·ice-Pr� A. lIOULTO�. VIce·Pr ... ldt'Dt .JJ. C. SAllllO�8, Vlce-PrMkSeDt.JOH� C. �EELY. ikcNtaf)".Jo'ItA�K W. SliITH, CUb I..,..J. EUW AItU :.tAAM. A .. httant Caahler.JAliES G. WAKEFIELD, Aut. Cublt'r.LE\\"JS E. GAltY, A_lstant Caahld".Dircctora.andBILLIARD HALL.JAS.E.COWBEY1001 and 1001Yz East 55th Street.S. E. Comer Ellis Ave.Telephone Hyde Park 3758Sanitary Shop - � ChainOne-Day Laundry Senice.1003 % East 55th Street.FallSP,riS The nearest bank to the Uni­versity and the only Bank be.tween 43rd and 63rd street eastof Cottage Grove ave. under StateGovernment supervision.CAPITA!.. $200.0003 PER CENT ON SAVINGSHYDE PARK STATE BANKcO_ .. c_ 0' So;)". ......... c AVe ---Perhaps' YOU're COme to d theimportant'" "Foot Ball gamesIn the" old days rugs. blanketsand wraps 'of all kinds werein use. A step forwarcl-toenjoy the game and protectyourself frOID cold wear a.Cataloc . free on request.A. G. Spalding &, BroS28'30 So. Wabash Ave. Chicago, III HATS THAT SHOWyour taste andthe distinctive­ness of the shapesand styles wesell-ha ts in end­less variety butof uniform highquality. Collegemen welcomed.BAT co.RegulationTHE JOHNSONPNEUMATIC SERVICETHE RECOGNIZED STANDARDInstalled in the UDiwenit, of ChicacoBailcJiap.Complete S,atemafOl' .. lIethodsof H_tiDeSteam Control of Hamidi� RedaciDcValfta fOl' Air, Water', HotWater Tuk ReplatioDLJohnson ServiceCo.H. J. GILSON, llaaapr.117 DEARBO� STREKTMAROON ADSBRING RESULTS. :: 35 W. lIadiaoDA STATE BANKDEPOSITORY FORUNITED STATES POSTALSAVINGS FUNDSThe largest and oldest banknearest to the University. Ac­counts of professors and stu·dents solicitedChecking Accounts of $50.00and Savings Accounts of $1.00acceJ)ted."Come and inspect the largest 1iDeof foreip and domestic woolens dia­played in Hyde Park. Our clothes areperfection in material. style. aDdworkm.".bip._.BENEDICT W A L DMAKER OF SUPERIOR CLOTHES1445 E. 5Jth S�Tel Hyde Park 2860JOSEPH SCHMIDTStationery, Toilet ArticlesFine Line of Candies956 E. 55th Street. Chicago, mImpo"ed and Domestic Line ofCilars and Cigarettes.ANDREW McADAMSFlorist and DecoratorFiftrtbird St. and Kimbark Aft.TelL H,de Park 18. Chic:aco, mTelephone Hyde Park !l137THE DAILY MAROON. FRIDAY. OCT. Ii, 19H.·AMUSEMENTS.Harrison Armstroac's MasterpieceWith Mr. Harry Burkhardt (LateStar of the Climax) and all StarCompany of 12) Pathe Weekly Every FridayMost realistic scene of a jury room Current Events.ADMISSION however indicate that the questionsduring a murder trial ever presented . . . were generally neglected.on any stage. Main Floor,' all seats "'. • IOC 1"1 .Fred-THE MOZARTS-Eva Balcony, all seats • lC average time taken was a little• • • • • • • •• SC over a minute, about a minute and aOnly Snow-Shoe Dancers in the World --------__;.--------THE BIMBOS half for the first twenty-five studentsWAODLAWN THEATRE and less than a minute for the others.A comic couple of infinite ori.n .... 1:.... U.&&&Q&A .. ., The earlier students voted more splitTHE QUAKER MAIDS 55th SL aDd WecMllawa Aye.In dances and so� distinctly differ" The only 5c Show in Hyde Park tickets than the later ones accordingGood Music and Good Pict ares- to their own statements,eDt.JOHN NEFFEMPRESSTHEATER63rd Street uul Cottqc Groft Ay.Week StarttDg SU .. t.Od 13SULLIVAN ct CONSIDINEPRODUCING DEPARTMENTANNOUNCECIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDKNCE.The Brainstorm Comedian in Irresist­ible Specialties.MATINEE DAILY 2=4STWO SHOWS NIGHTLY7:30 and 9:1SPRICESIOc-20c-30cMAJESTICVIRGINIA • HARNED & "The Call of Paris."THE DA"CE DREAMThe Big Lambs' Gambol Success.Bison City Four; Olive Brisco; W. H.St. James Be ce., Wilson Bros.;O'Meer Sisters; Harry Atkinson;Clara Ballerini; New Motion Pictures.-- - .-----------• ORCHESTRA HALLBURTON HOLMESTravelogues. Colored Views and Mo­tion Pictures.Cruise to theWEST INDIESWednesday eve. 8:1S; Friday eve. 8:ISSaturday matinee 2:15Special Mat. Sunday, Oct. 20 at 3:30.pALACE MUSIC BALLTHE ETERNAL WALTZA Vienese Operette by Leo FalU-SO People.Bert Losile & Co.; Four Harveys;Carson" Willard; Dooley I: Sayles;Jimmie Lucas; Josie Rooney.Sat .. Sun. Mats. I: Every Eveuinc SEVENTY STUDEJiTS CASTVOTES ON NEW MACHINEJEF'FERSON:",Ul. Street and .Lake Avenue.Yesterday's Test Is SuperiicW. SaysMr. Bramhall-Hold Straw BallotNext Week.NOVELTY· PHOTOPLAYFive Reels nightly of the latest mov­ing pictures. High class' songs. Bestof music by high class orchestra.Come and hear the new $7,500 pipeorgan. Seventy students voted yesterdayon the new voting machine in theLaw building, No tabulation of thevotes has been made. On account ofthis nothing definite can as yet begiven out as to the way the voteswere cast whether the beginning ofthe ticket was voted and the end ne-TONIGHTNot on the Circus Procram. (drama)Never ACain (comedy)Buster and the Pirates (comedy)Into the Genuine. (drama): : Pathe Weekly « :AND OTHERS glected as it is claimed ignorent voteers do or whether the questions werevoted upon. Statements of the voters , ITh;� 8eUOD oar !iDe of $35-00 suiDugs is exceptionally atroq COlD"priaiDc a carefuIl7 IIeIectecl stock of crays, black and whiteetfects, blues and broWDLOvercoats S30.00 to 160.00Other grades $3003 to �.OO IiII•_-THREE STORES--Since 18g37 N. La Salle St. Since .19�52S E Jackson Blvd. May, 191271 E. Monroe St.,. •• : ;,.,... W :---�HICAGe.5511 {'ottact> Gro"l8 A"eDl"e.$Jeclal '1&bIna tIInI 0... _.. "The time taken by each person in WILL HOLD PROGRESSIVEGAUMONT WEf.-::;:;.��Y THURSDAY this more or less superficial test indi- RALLY TODAY IN KENTAND OTHER PICTURES cates that it will be very hard fur the LEWIS FUlKS WII�L PLAYAT FIRST CLUB DANCEaverage voter to vote a ticket, in- Mr. B. F. Harris and Mrs. C. B. Cards Will Be Punched at Door-eluding the questions in the one min� Wells Will Speak at Second Bull Will Provide Case for Club Tick-BLACKSTONE ute -the Election commission has con- Moose Meeting. et in Near Future.sidered sufficient," said Mr. Bram-hall yesterday. "Of course the stu- Another Progressive rally is to be Lewis Fuiks has been engaged t.odents didn't care whether they voted held in Kent theater at 4 today. Mr. play at the first informal dance ofthe ticket seriously or not.".. _ B. F. Harris of Champaign, president the Reynolds club which will be held1000 of these machines have been of the Illinois Bankers' association, tomorrow at 8:30 on the first andbought by the Electon commission and Mrs. C. B. Wells, a member of second floors of the club. He hadfor $1,000,000. One machine will be the national committee of the Pro- charge of the first floor under Dustyplaced at each polling place. It is gressive party, are to be the speakers. Stapp last year and at that time at­anticipated that the size 'of the pre- Friends of the equal suffrage move- tracted considerable notice.cincts will be doubled as much time ment 'have been especially invited to .. Assistant Professor and Mrs. Davidwil be saved by these new machines. hear Mrs. Wells, who' will discuss Allen Robertson and Mrs. WilliamIn Mr. Bramhall's opinion the ma- "The Relationship of equal Suffrage Lyman will chaperon the dance.chines, when one minute only is al- to the Progressive party." while Mr. English will be on thelowed the voter, will not become suf- Mr. Harris is consiedred one of the lookout to see that no one breaks theficiently effective until a shorter bal- most prominent advocates of the club rules. As usual there will be six­lot is obtained. 'Progressive cause in the state. He teen dances and the lights will beVoting will be done in earnest next has been interested in farmers' co- iurned out at midnight sharp. Re­week when a straw ballot will be operative organizations and in prac- ireshents will be served during thetaken to determine Faculty and stu- tical rainnig· in the public schools. intermission after the eighth dance.dent preferences for the President of As a banker, he has stood for state The style of the programs adoptedthe United States. It had been or federal control of all banks and .ast year, with a sketch of Mitchellplanned to take the ballot 'On Tues- has served on the national monetary tower on the cover will be used againday and Wednesday of next week, commission. this year.but in order to give time for proper Mrs. Welts is a worker for equal Members will have to present cardsCHICAGO publicity the dates will be changed to suffrage and since the organization of "\t the door. A new system has beenOPERA HOUSE Thursday and Friday. Mr. Bramhall the Progressive PPfty has been an adopted whereby the cards are punch"• of be Political Science department enthusiastic leader in its campaigr.i cd for each social event. This pre"Richard Carle-Hattie Wi11iama . . .' She j :!.I d b h P .'will be m charge of the votmg e IS consmere y t e rogressrves vents students from passnig theirTHE GIRL FROM MONTMARTRE .as one of the best speakers in the cards out through the doors toincluding J. M. Barrie's Burlesqu� FRENCH CLUB HEARS campaign. friends on the outside. Later in the_ probl�m. play. OFFICERS TALK AT year a case will be put up to con-A SI.ICE OF LIFE SESSION YESTERDAY ENROLLIIENT SHOWS tain the cards of all members whichGROWTH IN 'NUIIBER willl save them the trouble of carry-Le Cercle Francaise met at 4 yes- OF UNDERGRADUATES ing them about and will do away withterday in Spellman house in Lexing- .111 disputes relative to whether aton. Ina Perego, president of the Seventy more students in the col" member left his card at home or gave an address in which she ex- leges, and fifty more in the quarter,tended an invitation. for new mem- A year ago the registration showed a CLUB CHOOSES ACTORS SOONbers to join. She was followed by total of J,332 students. Twenty stu'Zena Krager who gave he secretary's dents were refused admission to the Dramatic Club Will Select Newreport for last year, and Phylis Fay University on the ground that th�ir lIembers at Tryouts.who gave the treasurer's report. Af- high-school averages were belowter the business part of the meeting eighty. The only decrease to be Tryouts for the Dramatic club willwas concluded a social tea was giv"en found in the number of unclassified be held Monday, October:z8. Thefor the" new members. Next week students. A falling off in this di.visio� conditions governing the tryouts re­Dean Wallace will address the club. occurs annually, and is expected by quire that each contestant choose athe University. part from one of the approvved selec-Klaw &:. Erlanger present1860MILESTONES 1885LASALLETHE GIRL ·AT THE GATEAMEII£AN MIJSI£·nu.LEAN AND HOLBROOKTHE MILITARY GIRL.;.'pRINC�Mort. Sincer'sA MODERN EVETHE GARDEN OF ALLAH"The Eighth Wonder of the World." FOR RENT-One large front roomin private home. Suitable for eith------------- l cr one or two students. All modetnconveniences, 5752 Washington ave"LYRICTHE BLUE BIRDGARRICKMARGARET ANGLINIn her oricinal roleGREEN STOCKINGSAUDITORIU�Raymond Hitchcock inTHE RED WIDOWCOLONIALTH� WINSOME WIDOWRea1IceSkatiq.POWERS'THE !lEW SIR OTIS SKINNERin KISMETo LVIMPICMatintees W� and Sat.THE MAN HIGHER UPClimbinc in Popularity.2SC to $I.SOCLASSIFIEDDVERTIStIDIS THREE QUARTERS CLUBELECTS FORTY.FIVE(Continued from page ODe)nue. James Dwin.Kappa SicmLLeonard GieselmanHerbert Atkins.Howard MatsQn.Alpha Tau Omep.Donald Crawford ..Robert Presnell.Cotter Randall.Phi Kappa Sipaa.D. W. Stuart.N orman Evans.Harwood Saunders.FOR RENT-Resonable, sunnyquiet room in private family of twoadults. Modern. Open for inspec­tion at any time. 6110 Ellis Ave.4th apartment.FOR RENT-Beautiful large newlyfurnished room. Suitable for oneor two students. Everything mod­ern. Very reasonable. Call after4 p. m. 6u)6 Ellis avenue, Flat Ct- Have you subKribail tions. which he must present memor­PbilbarmoDic lleets WedDesday.. ized, before the committee in chargeWednesday evening is the new of the preliminary tryouts, No moretime set for the weekly meetings of than three minutes are allowed tothe Philharmonic chorus instead of each contestant, and this time mayMonday, as heretofore. The regular he shortened by the officer in charge.weeky musical program follows: Contehstants are advised to selectMonday evenings: Sing at �n� of parts that are cs'cntially dramatic.the women's halls. Contestants will he judged on stageTesday afternoon; Regular weekly presence. voice, and dramatic andmusicale. interpretative imagination. Applica-Wednesday evening; Philharmonic tions can he obtained at the informa-orchestra. tion office. These should be filledThursday evening; PhiYlaml:'nic out and sent to the Business manager,chorus. Dramatic club, Faculty exchange.Friday noon; Junior choir meet- Syracuse-Forty-six Soph.)moreswill tryout in the annual contest forPatronize our advertisers. They are the editorship of the Onondagan, thethe most progressive business men. 1 ulliversity annual..•ing.