• 1ItI.Il:I,�ri:� �.:'r•rf IfI, ,�.� "l ....)":'III..II,,.,.. ,.""i": t ,� \.. 'f "",ttI!i, \\,I ',' \,i \1i'i;I'\I:1.t\1"\I'\'.' ;. laily ,flarnnttVU L. xi. 1\0. 11. UNIVEl{5ITY OF CHICAGO, TUESDAY. OCT. 15,1912 • PRICE FIVE CENTS.Satisfadion Felt bJ MIlIJ WM HearOld Fayoritea Apia---Actedin Good ruleALUMNI PERFORMANCE jROBntSTALlSFOI BUUMOOSEIBENNETI MAKES LONGPLEASES ALL PRESENT D� Issues and Candidates in RUN FOR TOUCHDOWNCominc Election BCfore Procr�· i VaniIJ F.n Back R .. 95 Yards forRve club-Tells Political Expen-, Sc.e---AIso IIakes SOenees to Large Audience. Yard R .. PRESIDENTRETURNSFROMRICE ACTION OF COUNCILREPEALED YESTERDAYNoted Educators Present at Dedicat-ory Ceremonies of Texas Institu-'_'.-I-.&_=- Co- __ :I R .... . chi d ...... UaaIQ .. ". IIIIQI e.acnes leJIl-tion--Compares Ar tecture anbisabililJ & Alp_Tells of Entertainment. ponIJDelta ,.0.Issues and candidates in the coming President Judson was one of theelection were discussed yesterday af- VARSITY FORWORBS IMPROVE speakers at the dinner concluding the Will BE ALLOWED TO PLEDGEAUDIECE SHOWS APPRECIATION te rnoon by Raymond Robins before dedicatory ceremonies of the Rice. . ..100 members of the Progressive club. Struccle for Conference Champion- l nstitute Saturday. Other speakers Action Taken on Motion of Chi PSlHe spoke of his political experience ship Will Probably L:e Between were Professor Emile Borel of the ana De�ta Tau Delta-Committeeand gave his reasons for supporting Chicaco and Wisconsin. University of Paris; Sir William Appointed to Provide for Future.the new _party. At the conclusion of Ramsey of Londan ; President Mezeshis talk the speaker answered ques- Bennett's long runs for fifty and for of the University of Texas, and rep- Alpha Delta Phi will not be pro-By David Allen Robertson, '02. til Ins which were put by the audience. ninety-five yards were the Ieat-ires of I esenta'tives of Princeton, and Vir- hibited from pledging men accord ....h:ollil�kin� fun was presented by '·There has been no time of suc.h I the scrimmage practi�e yeste.rday ginia universities. The dinner was ing to the action of the Interfratern-the -Dramaric club in Mandel hall vital importance in fifty years," said afternoon. The Varsity candidate held in the residential hall commons ity council taken yesterday. On mo-Saturday night to an appreciative Mr. Robins. speaking of the prese,nt I plowed through the yearling !ine both' of the institute. tion of Chi Psi and Delta Tau Deliaaudience of sufficient size tv, put over eJection. "The issue itself is of small times and scored on the ninety-five Enjoys Dr. Van Dykes Poem. the council reconsidered its action,"$100 in the purse of the club. Many moment but the struggle which has yard run. The other, time, howe�er, Formal opening of the Rice insti- and Jinally decided to drop the 111at-of the audience doubtless were pres-now actively begun will last until the he was tackled just at the goal line,tute was made on Thursday, Friday, ter altogether. Last week the Coun­cnt out of loyalty to the purpose of uuestions which are being contested Fitzpatrick carried the ball over for and Saturday on the institute campus cil recomrneded to the Faculty thatthe dub; others may have been seek- have become .the law of the land." a score. Sellers kicked both goals in Houston, Texas. The features of the ofiendmg fraternity be prohibiteding the entertainment usually afford- Both Parties Are Corrupt. after the touchdowns, making a total the celebration which particularly from pledging men for three quarters.cd by·· vaudeville artists;" the keen- Back of both parties, he declared, is of 14 points. appealed to the President were the The reason assigned for the actionest pleasure probably was that of thean invisible power which controls all Backfield Is' Good. dedicatory address by Professor taken yesterday was a general feelingmany in the audience who heard with legislative action. In the South the The playing of the Varsity back- Lovett, president of the institute, an on the part of the members that thesatisfaction their favorites of other Democratic machine consists of the. field was encouraging. Although ode to Texas by Dr. Henry Van offenders had been sufficiently pun-days. ruling class. They are conservative' Fitzpatrick at half back and .Bennett, Dyke of New York, and a concert by ished by the publicity given the caseMr. Bovee sang a pretty French and reactionary. In the Nortli their lat full back, are second string men the Kneisel Quartet of New York. in The Daily Maroon. Alpha Deltssong; and at the insistence of the ranks include men who take tribute I they played in first rate st!le. Ben- The President reports that he was agreed to abide strictly by the rulingsaudience. two coon songs from his from gamblers, houses of ill-fame and nett's �laying may ensure him a place royally entertained and that no pains of the council in the future .extensive repertoire. If Mr. Bovee other extra-legal sources. This ma- in the Iowa game Saturday.were spared to make the time pass Committee Appointed.had appeared later in the evening he chine, he declared, stands for special The line held better yesterday than pleasantly. In order to have a definite line ofdoubtless would have put his two rivilege and is against progressivism. it has done for some time. A�though "One of the best features of the action to pursue in the event of acoon songs into French-such was POn the other hand the Republican, at the beginning ot the scrrmmage trip was again meeting people whom similar case in the future, a commit­thc spirit of the general program. "arty' in the South is founded on of- the Freshman backs tore holes 1 had known as students here," said tee was appointed by the Council toFor 'one, however, I am grateful that fice holders who can be swayed either through the opposing forwards after the President yesterday. "President draw up a set of penalties, any ofthe pretty song 'that began the ev-way by a wire from Washington. a time the line steadied down and Mczcs of the University of Texas is which can be determined upon forcuing was not put into ragtime. Above the Mason and Dixon line held the yearlings. The showing ofone of our doctors of philosophy, I future offenders., The proposal ofAtwood Convineca. there are industrial captains who use the line offers encouragement for a believe, and wa::c, i_n. . ,ou� �Philo:,?!,."! the .t\dvisory committee \ViII_ ��, _con--' ·Ps:ofessor .... Atwood presented a, venro government 'for'their own -private-ad-' vittO"ry 'Saturday; " .', . -.- ":"�: department before going to Texas. I .sidered by the Council as a whole atinteresting and convincing perform- vantage, • ,Iowa Has Strong Team. also met Mr. Arbuckle, a graduate of its next meeting. and if passed willance. He began before the curtain "Both of these machines," Robin-s Although Iowa is one of the small- the University, who is the director be submitted: to the Faculty for ap-in Yukon costume to trade with continued," work against each other er colleges of the "Big Nine," Coach of Physical Culture at Rice, proval, The committee will also at-tcarpu llcnZles as an eager but un- in their struggle for spoils but sta:nd Hawley's team is a worthy opponent: Rice Not Like Chicago. tempt' to define the term, "pledgesophisticated Eskimo dealer in the side by side in their opposition to of Chicago. The Hawkeyes have "The Rice institute," he continued, tampering,"l:.rotlucts oi Alaska. An artistic transi- progressive principles." played two games and have defeated "in no way reminds one of the Uni- Was Charged With "Tampering."'I(,n brought us to a picture show of Bryan LoSes Chance. their opponents by large scores. The versity of Chicago. To begin with. Alpha Delta Phi was charged anddie Far North. There was 'about the Bryan, according to the spcaker, Hawkeye line is especially strong th� style of architecture i. absolutely convicted of tampering with Chi Psiwhole uf Mr. Atwood's performance a lost his chance to lead a Progressive and is much to be feared. differer t from ours. The Renaissance and Delta 'Tau Delta pledges at apleasantly literary touch. The .audi-party in 1904 by holding' off until the Chicago's weak point is the line asstyle, much in vogue in the south of meeting �f the Interfraternity council•cnee witt be interested to know thatnext election convention. This was the backfield has plenty of men who Europe, prevails there. Their com- held last Tuesday. A committee ofthey witnessed the tirst rehearsal "I fatal to him for four years later he are playing in fine shape. Coachmons is not as large as onrs. As far the Council was appointed to determ­this number. Mr. Albert D. Hender-was knifed by the Wall street gal\'g'. Stagg will have to drill the line th.is as I know, none of the distinctive fea- ine three penalties, one of which wasSOil appropriately followed with a I.aFollette also had his chance but week until the men playas they didtures of the University has been to be inflicted on the offender. Therecitation "The Spell of the Yukon"was not big enough to stop the Taft .. in the gaines of the latter part of last adopted by the Rice institute." council as a whole heard the com-i>y Service. ites in the Chicago convention.] year. This is the only means by Man)� other noted educators beside mittee report on \\' ednesday and 01'-"The "Dance of Morgania" was of Roosevelt, who had attained a, posi_l '"hich Chicago can hope to defeat. the President Judson were present at the dered that' Alpha Delt be prohibitedcourse beautifully presented by Frank tion of greater prominence than any Hawkeyes and win the champion- dedicatory celebration. Some of the from pledging for three quarters.Parker and scented to please the aud· other man in the countrr, who had. ship by victory over the other Con- foreign scholars who were· present This action was the one repealed yes-iencc trcmcndously. The Reverend nominated and elected his successor, ference teams. •were Professor Fafacl Altamiray of terday at the meeting of the CouncilD. J. Bell brought uP.t° date some of who was known all over the world, Are Aspirants to Title. Madrid, Professor Emile Borel ofa� a whole.his iormer liIackfriars songs and and who could have easily' attained The result of the Wisconsin-North- Paris, Sir Henry Jones of Glasgow.greatly amused an with his delight- office in It)16 no matter which party western game last Saturday whichand Professor J. S. Huxley of Ox- DEBATERS WILL PLAN WORKfully absurd dancing. \Vhy is it by �as victorious in 1912, was big the Badgers won by the score of 56 ford.the way. that young ministers .some· enough to come out against stolen to 0 shows that the struggle for thebl r b ' Rally to be Held in Law Building attimes find it necessary to tell irrev- delegates and boss politics. Championship will proba y. Ie e-SUFFRAGISTS HOLD AT HOME- d HI'": n Pur- 12:15 Today.l·rent stories to prove tha.t they can Robins next discussed the Initla- tween Chicago an nlsconSI.lower themselves to the plane of the tive, referendum, recall, the trusts due and Illinois have played noLeacue Gives T� in Green forrest of us? and the tariff question. games which can offer a 't�e indica-Seniors and Graduates.Phthinia Is De1iChtfuL Defines Procressive Propam. tion of their worth and unul they de-'·l'lltllilll·a·' llresented by Mrs. Ter- • f th fcat their Conference opponents inThe program which IS put orLa 1 1\1 CI· k d that d the fY!1Imes next Saturday they cannotry, n( er .. ac mtoc an by the Progre!sive party he state «'.>-h I. RIB . h·1 t reo-:.rded as teams wort a c lance,·ersatile gelllus, all> 1 enZles, au emh�dies the following points: an)e eo-deli�htful burlcs(IUes of the artisticanlendment 'pf the Sherman Anti� for the "Big Nine" championshidP. ,1 Tile Vrasity lineup for yestcr ay s(lanCl'S which now seem to )e ourtrust law, so that it will be clear andchief form of cxprcs�ion. Dramatic understandable; an industrial com- scrimmage follows:club tyros could do nothing betterI . I ·11 Inake public the Huntington, right end; Carpenter,mission W lIC 1 WIF· ht guard't;l.,n to study the expressiveness of fi right tackle; 'reeman, rig ,affairs of big and little trlns; a re-h' . I I fttIle Ilan(ls of ilenzics and Parker es- 1 t Des Jardien, center; W lleS1( e, educt ion of working hours so t laV .•1,··cI'all,,· as the formcr exhihited his I 1 guard,' Sellers, left tackle; ruw_ln",.... J• n will not work twelve lours a (ay l'i:in the early part of this special num- "�eh t left el1(I' Paine. q\larter back; J. or-I)er. and seven days a week, but so t a(To ren, ri�ht half back; Fitzpatrick,there will be an uniform eight-hour �k.,\ft··r �Irs. Freda Kirchoff Brown I I' I 'n left halfhack; Bennett, full bac -....day· a minimum wage aw w IIC 1 WIand Frances Ross and James Hickey sto� the slavery of women in sweatand Frank Parker presented a part of �hops; a tax on the products of c�iM�"Press Cuttin�s:' Although Alicelabor which will make such explO1ta­J�ce Herrick as Mrs. Banger andtion impossible; and an admission ofwome� to voting privileges.Praise Is Given to Managers-ActorsPlay to Large Audience inMandel.A debate rally will be held in tbe\Vest Court room of the L. .. w bu.ild-E I S ff ing at 12·15 today. Ail students int�r-Members oi the qua u rage .. . 11 h �Sc - d ('st('(1 in debatmg and especla y t o�e1 'ague were at home to Dlor an .. I 1c.flU' 't who are candidates for p aces on t Ie� .1 t men 0 t Ie mversl y ,(.rauua e wo6. in teams have heen asked to attend.yesterday from 4:00 to .00. .,o '.The object of our first meetlll�.{;rcen hall. Dcan Talbot, AS!'istant.�:-aid Mr. Moulton. coach of the lOm',t)c:'an Breckinridge. Elizaheth flurkc.K ,'crsity teams. when asked ahout dc-I'resident of the League, Lucia ••u-. .hating prospects in the '11I,·ersltyTower. Vice·president, and :\g-ncs.this year, "will he the stirring up ot.\ndcrson, secretary. received. Mar-enthusiasm for the dchating seaS')ilI·'lll Comstock and Anna KennedyI.:md the outlinnig of the nature of tIepoured, assisted hy the women ofwork. All quetions in regard to theGrce� hall.K. laywright dchatit�g situation for the year \\,111MISS Florence lper, p 'I . 1 .' 010U'. d he taken up and expla1l1c( tomorrl)".., 1 1 a of the DIversity rca. IMichigan-Booker T. Wash1l1gton ant a umn.....1 f c- Our plan of trials. together wltb t le. I . 1 poems on suffrage. �Iml ar un I . _. 'tis scheduled to speak at Mlc llgan on Iler. . f I :l·nin .... system to �c followed 111 Untversl Y- . I t" ns Will he given or t Ie rem. I ,.,. .1"The Education of the Negro III t Ie 10. • h f ture d('hates, will he clearly nuthncu.lTniverslty women m t e ncar tI •South."(Continued on page four)'The Daily Maroon THE DAILY MAROO�. TlTE5=!�.\ Y. OCTOBER, IS, 1912.ROBERTSON WILL WELCOMEMEN IN HITCHCOCK HALL Ray O. Chapman was elected pres-ident of the students' Republican club ••Will H�d � �W� G�e�and Don Vk�n wu ekc�d �cre- , __ � , _Published daily except Sundays, Mon- ings in Parlors Tonight-Su::day tary-trcasurer at a meeting held yes-days and Holidays during three Tea Well Attended. terday in the Court room of the Lawbuilding. Plans were made for aOver 20 men enjoyed the first tea meeting- to be held Thursday at 3:15.given in Hitchcock library: from 4 to The place of meeting was not dcfi·6 Sunday afternoon by Assistant nitcly decided but Kent theater wasProfessor David Allan Robertson and suggested.Mrs. Robertson, The Rev. Charles Both men and women of the Uni-Managing Editor • Hiram Kennicott \V. Gilkey, Assistant head of Hitch- versity have been invited to attend.Ncws Editor • • • • .Leon Stolz cock, and Mr. Frederick D. Bramhall, I An informal discussion will be held.P.. thletic Editor •• Bernard Vmissky head of Snell, assisted in welcoming and everybody wishing to speak will:i3usiness Manager ••• Burdette Mas the men. be given a chance at this meeting.Mr. Robertson stated yesterday At meetings later in the year itthat all men who are friends of the �s the plan of the club at present to\raltcr Foute •.•.•. Martin Stever house men or of the house heads will have speakers of wide reputation ad­William Lyman.". - •.. John Perle be welcome at these informal gath- dress the club and students interestedSamuel Kaplan ..•. - .Harry Gorgas erings. in the re-election of the President.Ha lgcr Lollesgard . - . George Lymau A new feature in the social life of Roy O. West has nearly completedClyde Watkins .. George Cottinghan Hitchcock inaugurated by Mr. and arrangements to have Deneen giveGrace Hotchkiss.. Sarah Reinwald Mrs. Robertson will be the Tuesday his views at the University. This talkReporters. night informal gatherings which they from the Governor will be madeEverett Rogerson .. Augusta Swawite will hold in their apartments and to within a fortnight.Lillian Swawite . Dorothy Williston which they invite University men int-.', \ l Chicago, III-�.-- 0" ,, ",'� • erested in", "cur'i-4:nt.-;litei-ature and UNIVERSITY WOMEN - tSubscription Rates. events. In order to enable the men SEE SETTLEMENTS i������a�u;��a����oth��c����m��M ONTmpS�URDA� � �ter .. By ,mail $3·00 a year; $1.25 to' study earlier iii' .the evening, thequarter. men wilt' be welcomed from ]0 to II. Ninety-one University women de-EIII's 2 Professor Field and "Di. Gilkey, as- scended upon Hull house and theEditorial-s-Business offices,Telephone Midway 800� Mail"Box sistant heads of Hitchcock, will be University settlement on Saturday."0" Faculty Exchange. present tonight, Miss McDowell though taken by sur­Mr. Robertson stated yesterday prise rose to the occasion and gave"Even the reporter has an office that he had in prospect a number of the women an interesting talk on theand with clear eyes and honest tan- literary features for these meetings. Settlement and its work. She ex­guage, may Unveil injustice and point At times readings will be given from plained the needs of the settlement,t!:e way to progress."-R. L. S. contemporary plays and other liter- but urged that onlj: those womenature, and a number of University who were strong enough to do bothpeople have promised to give talks on their University work and this too,travel topics. Miss Elizabeth Wal- attempt to do settlement work. Thelace, Assistant Professor of French women were shown through theliterature, and head of Beecher House house in groups, and then some ofwill give a talk on :.lark Twain, with them took a trip to the Davis squarewhom she was well acquainted. play grounds. At Hull house the wo-These meetings will be like the men had luncheon . and were thengatherings held by Professor Cope- shown through the house' and takenland in Harvard ,which have been so to the Mary Crane day nursery. Aspopular with the men in the eastern the Juvenile court was not in sessionuniversity. Professor Copelnd's men the visit was not taken there as wasnever meet before 10 and the Har- planned. This was the first time thatvard men throng his apartments to the Y. W. C. L. has ever attemptedhear him read and discuss literature. such a trip, and it, wilt probably berepeated next year. Charlotte ViallASK It'RESHIlEN TO BUY CAPS had charge of the affair.Entertain Women of Kelly.Residents of Kelty hall were enter­rained informally Saturday at a teagiven hy Betty Byrne and Genevieve ,Raker. The guests came in costume. 'IAfter a frolic through the upper hallsa grand march led by Eleanor Ahernproceeded to the main floor, where a Music at Night GODd FODd low Pricesshort dance closed the en�rt�nmenL. .������������������������������_,Bulletin and Announcements.Chapel .Assembly-The Senior col- Cap and Gown Class Pictures-leges, Leon Mandel Assembly hall. Freshmen, 1:15; Sophomores, 1:45;SocYl Service C1u&-3:15 Lexing- Juniors 2:15,; Seniors. 2:45 nex�ton hall. Room 14- Friday.Public CODcert-.t:15. Leon Mandel Y. M. C. A. end Y. W. C. L.-JointAssembly hall. reception post.poned until October IS.Botanical ClDb-4:30. Botany build- University Debate-Tryouts Octo-Ing, Room 13.Mandolin Clubcock club rooms,Thursday at 8.Student Valunteer Band-j:15 LeonMandel Assembly hall. her 25 011 the subject: "Resolved .thatRehearsal-Hitch- the plan of Banking Reform proposedtomorrow at 5. hy the National Monetary Commis-sion Should be Adopted by Con-0'gress.CHAPMAN CHOSEN TO HEADUNIVERSITY TAFT CLUBAnd like a. brightly shining star,Or fragrant new-born flower,They speak to me of things afar,­The .bells of Mitchell Tower.J. V. N., '16. Don Vickers Elected Secretary­Treasurer-Deneen May Speak atUniversity Soon.FormerlyThe University 01 Chicago WeeklyFounded October I, is!.2.quarters of the University year.Entered as Second-class mail at theChicago Post Office, Chicago, Illi­nois, March 18, 1908, under Act ofMarch 3, 1873.Associate Editors../ -Kelly Has Beach Party.Kelly hall Freshmen were treatedto a "spread" at the heach party giv'en them hy the older residents of'';:c11y yesterday, The supper was themain part of the entertainment, andgames and races filled in the timeuntil dusk. Then all �thered aroundthe fire and told stories until time toreturn to the hall. tUndergraduate Council Urces Kento Wear Class Insipia._-'THE UNIVERSITY CHIMESFreshmen were urged to wear thegreen cap by the Undergraduatecouncil at a meeting held yesterday •The caps arc to be worn until De­cember 10, and can be bought at thepress today. The council urges 'allupperclassmen to see to it that Fresh­men don the hats as soon as they canhe obtained.The wearing of Maroon hats by allrooters was another recommendationwhich the council approved. A com­mittee consisting of Walter Foute,chairman; Howard McLane, HiramKennicott, Howell Murray, andRudy Matthews was appointed bythe council to take charge of mass­meetings.Those silver notes I love to hear,. \ hlllH t he twilight hour,->· .. w soft and low, now loud anddcar,-The hells of Mitchell Tower.h.r ill their tones there seems to be:\ wondrous, mystic power,·That blesses with its harmony,­The hells of Mitchell Tower.They �)ring a message from onhig-h,-.vs, in a Summer shower,The sun beams through a clouded�ky,-The bells of Mitchell Tower. IBroadway, Cor. Twenty·Second St.New York.Next viEit of our Representative, Mr. Lanzer,to Con�ess Annex, Chicaeo,October rath to 16th inclusive.With latest Fall and Winte1" styles in Clothing, Ridingand Motoring outfits, English Haberdashery,Hats" Shoes, and Leather Goods.---------ITYPEWRITERS RENTED$5.00 for Three Months�very machine guaranteed to be in fine working order, and will bekept so during term of rentalWe deliver the machine and call· for it at the end of the rental term.We also have for sale a fine line of Factory Rebuilt machines of allmakes on which you can- Save 5C to 75 per cent.Telephone Harri son 6188-6399AMERICAN WRITING MACHINE COMPANYaN�ORP ORATED)437 South �earbo� se.�HICAG ••5:a11 ('ottalt. Growe AYeaN.This season our line of $35-00 suiti� is exceptionally strong com­o prising a carefully selected stock of grays, black and whiteeffects. blues and browns.Overcoats �30.00 to 560.00Other grades $30 00 to $50.00).��l?�.; TAiLOR FOR YOUNG MEN__ THREE STORES --Since I&.>37 N. La Salle St. Since 190525 E. Jackson Blvd. May. 1912il E. Monroe St.Von Frank, Hardy 11 Rindskopl I,"The CoDege Men's Clothes SLop"No other shop in this city can offer you such values. ISuits or Overcoats$35 values, 527.50 $30 values, S22.50WE. ARE AWA Y FROM THE HIGH RENTS Iand are giving you the benefit of the diffeFence. .I702 Republic- Building__ State and Adams. \AlE YOU LOOIING fOR A PLACE TO Eln(jire THE COMMONS • TrialAsk the Upper Classmen About Our FoodYou'll Like the Club Breakfast and Cafeteria IIiI• IJf.,.- 'rH� DAiLY MAROON, 'tURSDAY, OCTOBER, 15, 191�.NO SUCCESSOR CHOSEN \THIRD CONCERT WILL BE\ FOR D�RLES SIIALL HELD IN�DEL TODAY\' University Physician Who Resiped Selections by Miss Allen. Contralto,Last Sprinc Is Now Encaced in and Miss Walker, Solo ViolinistPrivate Practice. Are OD Program.I D.r: Charles �malt. has res��.d his ?he t�ird weekly public concertposition as University physician and will be grven at 4:15 today in Leon\ hea� of Hitchcock ho.use. T�le resig- Ma�del Assembly hall under the di­uatron �tates that this action was rection of Mr. Stevens. Selections byI taken i�l o.rder that. he might. devote -M�ss �;'ra�ces Allen, contralto, and'\ all of Ius umc to private practice. No MISS Sadie Walker, solo violinist,announcement has been made as to are on the program. The two Greig c..-,tu . .,u,_c...Made in Filty DiRerent Sty'" his successor. sonatas given at former concerts will The nearest bank to the Uni-Found Onl),. at Leadi,.. Dr. Small was graduated from Col- he completed in the series by this I versity and the only Bank be-Famuher.. by university in 1886. He held the afternoon's rendition of the third 1 tween 43rd and 63rd street eastA�ao Q" _"lara positions of house surgeon of Maine composition in the group. of Cottage Grove ave. under StateGeneral hospital and second assistant The program follows: Government supervision.$1.50 AND UPsurgeon of the National Soldiers' I. Vocal numbers CAPITA!. $200,000"(.;OIUC ana inspect the lareest line' home at Togus, Maine. In 18«)2 he A. '·The Nightingale Has a 3 PER CENT ON SAVINGf Fallof foreign and domestic woolens dis-I came to the University as physician Lyre of Gold," Abtplayed in Hyde Park. Our clothes are I and in 1909 was made head of Hitch- B. "When Roses Bloom". HYDE PARK STATE BANKperfection .in material, style. andICOC� house. He held the�e positions •••...••..•....••.•. Reichardt I cO .... "'- 0" 1>3"" aT ........ e ....... eworkmanship. ' until the end of the Spring quarter, C. "Blossom Time" .... Whelpleywhen he severed his official connection Miss Frances Allenwith the University. Dr. Small is a II. Violin Solo with Piano accom­brother of Professor Albion Small, paniment,Dean of the Graduate schools of arts, Sonata III in C Minor,MAKER OF SUPERIOR CLOTHES literature and Science. Opera 45 .•..•..•....... Grieg1445 E. 55th Street. ----- Mr. Stevens and Miss Walker,GREEN HOUSE BEING BUILT III. Vocal Solo. The popular "Belmont"notcli Collar, made in selfstriped Madras, Will lendan air of distinctive in­dividuality to your attire2 for 25 centsAR.R.OWCOLLARSSPALDINGNo. WJP Automobile andWinter Sports Sweater.Cluett. Peabody & Co •• MakersBENEDICT W A L D Perhaps you're going to all theimportant Foot Ball gamesIn the old days rugs, blanketsand wraps of all kinds werein use. A step forward-toenjoy the game and protectyourseU from cold wear aTel. Hyde Park 2860 "lnvictus" ••.••..... -..... HuhnMiss Allen.1 V. Violin Solos.A. "Padre Martini," ... And .. mtinoB. "Caprice Viennoise" ...••...•.•. ••..••. Fritz KreidlerC. Variations by Fritz Kreidler,on a theme of Corelli.Miss Walker. Heavy and special weights withor without pockets.New Structure to Contain ProfessorChamberlain's CoUelctionTHE TYPEWRITING OFFICE. Basement of Cobb HalLis prepared to copy all kinds of manu Owing to the steady increase in thescript; to handle correspondence by number of plants, and the need ofstenography; to furnish copies of more room for laboratory ex­circulars. etc. periments, it has been found neces-1 f you are new on the campus, we sary to add another green house toshould be glad to become acquainted; the two already standing on the fieldif not, you probably know us, and we south of Ellis hall. Work has beenshould be glad to see you again. going on for about a week and it isexpected that the structure will becompleted within a fortnight.While Associate Chamberlain of HATS THAT SHOWyour taste andthe distinctive­ness of the shapesand styles w esell-hats in end­less variety butof uniform highquality, Collegemen welcomed. Catalog free on request.COACH SELECTS FAST SQUADA. G. Spalding & BrosBest Cross Country Men Picked toRun Together.Coach Comstock divided the Cross ::8-30 So. Wabash Ave. Chicago, 111Any Suit or Overcoat In theBouse Made to Order $18.00-. Jul!us CooperTHE UNIVERSITY TAILOR Country! men into two squads yes­the Botany department was in SouthAfrica, Australia, and New Zealand terday, the fast squad following theslow men about a half an hour. Ain the fall and' winter of·last:year. hethree and 'a half mile gniid I throughJackson park was provided for themen and most of them showed upwell. Levinson has' been runningthe best so far with others givingsigns of great promise. Bishop ranthe course tonight for the first timethis season and will be in shape withthe rest of the squad soon.The men enrolled in the first squadyesterday were Comer. Hart, Levin­son, Schneider, McArthur, Campbelland Hunter. The men will not be,,/.� FILING DESKS�P Stationery, Cabinets.B. :L. JAMESTribune Building BAT: CO.•• 35 W. Madisonmade a large collection of plant spec­imens. These have been brought toChicago and will be placed in theWe also d.o high grade repa�ring and new 'green house, as soon as it ispressm� at very low prices. completed. They will form the larg-I er portion of its plant collection.Julius Is Your Barber 'MANY WOMEN HEARSPEAKERS AT FIRSTLUNCHEON OF CLUB1126 East Fifty_Fifth Street.Union Made. �-t;:t,.''''.;. -,' , ..• � URKISH" �_�"L;.:. BATHS '. keep enough 8tatloner�· at hnnd for currentuse, Solid Quarter.,.1 Oa1;. han.l:-omely fin­h.ht'd. $3.00. EXlu'esfil I·nlil. (See note,)SOLID OAK LETTER FILESanitacy Shop - Three ChairsChicago·Wisconsin. GameFeature of Retum. Will Be'is Cents.Open Day and Night.SARATOGA BARBER SHOP.. . :. . ...: h01l18 20.000 letters orpapers 8%xll Inch,'�.::.oald. Mubstantlal.Golden. Natural orWeathe�d Onll':l..... .-3wers are du�t­pJ;.OOf and on roltcrbearings. Freh:;hlpaid. (Sec noto.)$I:I.U. .Get Catalog show­Ing many h:tndy. In­expenstve omcc de­\'!rf>8 and Sf"ction'"bookcases, nookl'"··Flllng Sugg('�tlon�"al.,o free.r'OTE.-Frdght 0:­F.xprcBS paltt 1I:<quott'd to polntl' ('a,.1of 110nt:tn3. "'yom_Ing. Colorndo. OI<i:J­noma and Tl:xfil'.Slightly higher be­yond.One-Day Laundry Service. One hundred women attended theJ. H. Hepp, Prop.put through their daily paces until 29 South Dearborn Streetthey are in good shape, a matter of Expert Manicurist.two or three weeks. Then the fivemile run will be tried daily and thesquad will be placed in readiness forthe team and club tryouts and theconference run in November ..1003 �� East 55th Street. first inter-club luncheon which washeld Saturday at the Chicago Beachhotel. Papers were read by FlorenceRothermel, Virginia Hinkins, CoraHinkins, Helen Gross, Letitia Fyffe,Margaret Rhodes, Marjorie Millerand Effie Hewitt. The luncheon wasthe outcome of the inter-club houseparty which was held in September. TAKE PICTURES FOR ANNUALC� wm Be Photographed Fri':.day�edu1es Announced.Class pictures for The Cap andGown will be taken by Mrs. Martyn=n front of Walker Museum next Fri­day, The Freshman picture will hera ken at ,:,; sharp, the Sophomoresat 1 :�5. the 'J�niors at 2:15 and theSeniors at 2=45-The pictures are being taken muchearlier that usual this year as moreclass members are likely to he pres­ent in the Autumn quarter than anyr- thcr. The weather is also likely toThe Drexel TailorsCLEANERS AND DYERS903 East 55th Street.Altering etc. of Ladies and GentsGarments.Repairing and Pressing atModerate Prices Scientific MasseursExpert ChiropodistMEN'S FURNISHINGSant!BILLIARD HALL.lAS. E. COWHEY1001 and lOOI� East 55th Street.S. E. Corner Ellis Ave.Telephone Hyde Park 3i58Kiss Melcher to Speak.Miss Melcher will speak on "TheMarks of a Chrstian," tomorrow at12:15 in the League room. BADGERS PLAN HOMECOMINGPhone Midway 5876A. Iosenhine 'GrahamPaul Gardner Becomes Engaced.Paul Edgerton Gardner, '12, is theMillinery Importations DressmaJrins,l:ltest alumnus whose �ngagem�nt l�as________________ been announced. His fiancee IS MISS'Sewall of Kansas City. Gardner was'western intercollegiate champion intennis several years ago and was thefirst man at Chicago to receive a "C"for tennis. He is a member of DeltaKappa Epsilon fraternity.1329 East Fifty-Fifth street.Horne coming day for the alumniand other former students of the Uni­\ crsity of Wisconsin will he held onSaturday. Xovcmbcr 2, the day of theChicago- Wisconsin game. Commit­tees arc at work now in Chicago,�Iitwankce. Minneapolis. and otherJOSE.PH SCHMIDTANDREW McADAMScombine draw("r" In hatl,l"omc· .1 ..... k. Thenh" )"ou wunt at your IIn;::.'r tip,.. �e oneIII )'our dl,:tl�nc. Frd,;hl I'alt! ,:!:l.OO. C8e�note).TaE"/.M,,"�lANUFACTURING CO.87 Union St. :\IO� RUE. M icuChicaco Disp�aY-51 I"I5 S. WabashStationery, Toilet AniclesFine Line of Candies956 E. 55th Street. ' ChicaCo, mhe more pleasant.'Men witt he on hand to take clown important centers to gct as large aImported and Domestic Line ofCi�ars and Cigarettes. Counselors Will Hold Tea.1 An upper class counselor tea ,atwhich all the counselors and fresh­men will be present, will take placetomorrow in Foster hall. MargaretRhodes is chairman. the names of the students who appear numhcr as possible to come to Macl­=n the' varjous pictures. and The Cap ison and witness the Jmmc.and Gown requests that no one leave Accompanied hy the university Florist and D�coratorunti] it is definitely ascertained band, a committee of university stu-] Fifly-third St. and Kimbark Ave.whether the reporters have his name .• lcnts will meet all incoming trains atBecause of the fact that no class Madison on Friday and Saturday. No- Tcls. Hyde Park 18. Chicago, Inmeetings will he held until early in ,"emhcr t and 2. All �acluates ancl Telcpho�f! Hyde Park 2137X,wemher there may he some trouhle f�rm('r students will march to Campin ca11i�Jr the classes tOJrether. hut Randall to view the f()(\thall �me I:'IOnouncements will he made at all\"n Satuffla� in a l�ody ancl will OCCtl­chapels and Imlletins postect at Cohh py a spcclal sect,on of the grand-and elsewhere. stand. IBreakfasts, 6:30-10:00. 15C-2SCDinners, 5:00-8:00, 25C-3SC.Short orders morning to midnicht.M:\ R()()).: .'\115nRING RESULTSGreeD ... �rood Cafe1 �s 7 E. 55th Street.Occidental Oriental:\L\lWO� ADSBRING RESULTS Michipn-An active campaign forpure drinking water �as begun at t.heUniversity of Michigan after an m­vestigation rev�aled that the cityI drinking water contained dangerousgerms.THE DAILY MAROON. TCE�D:\Y. OCTOBER, 15,1912.AMUSEMENTS.Five J{ccls nightly of the latest mov­in� pictures. High class songs. BestTHEATER of music by high class orchestra.63rd Street and Cottage Grove Ave Corne and hear the new $7,500 pipeWeek Starting Sun.Mat.Oct 13 Cl_rg_!:ln_. _SULLIVAN & CONSIDINE TONIGHTPRODUCING DEPARTMENT Passing Gypsies (comedy-drama)ANNOUNCE The Girl from the Country. (drama)C!HCUMSTANTIAL EVIDKNCE I Turpentine Industry <educational)\No Trespassing (comedy)Harrison Armstrong's MasterpieceV-'ith Mr. Harry Burkhardt (Late The Loyalty of Sylvia (drama)Star of the Climax) and all Star AND OTHERSPathe Weekly Every FridayEMPRESSCompany of 12)Most realistic scene of a jury roomduring a rnr- ,·der trial ever presentedon any stage.Fred-THE MOZARTS-Eva ---- ---�-------- .. ---- .... ------�Hefferan,JEFFERSON OLYl\IIPIC!»:»th Street and Lake Avenue. M�tintees Wed. and Sat.NOVELTY PHOTOPL.�YTHE MAN HIGHER UPClimbing in Popularity.2SC to $1.50CORTFINE FEATHERSDramatic Sensation.Current Events.ADMISSION ILLINOIS, OTIS SKH,NERin KISME"!'Main Floor, all seats • • • • • • IOCBalcony, all seats. CHICAGOscOPERA HOUSEOnly Snow-Shoe Dancers in the WorldA comic co��� !I::�t� originality WOODLAWN THEATRETHE QUA_KER MAIDS. 55th St. aDd Weocl1awa Aye.The only ric Show_ ·in Hyde ParkIn dances and songs, distinctly differ- Good Music and Good Pict .ireseDt.JOHN NEFFThe Brainstorm Comedian in Irresist­ible Specialties.MATINEE DAILY 2=45TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY1:30 and 9:15PRICESIOc-20c-30cMAJE�TICVIRGINIA HARNED & CO.in "The Call of Paris."THE DA�CE DREAMThe Big Lambs' Gambol Success.Bison City Four; Olive Brisco; W. H.St. James & Co.; Wilson Bros.;O'Meer Sisters; Harry - Atkinson;Clara Ballerini; New Motion Pictures._,_ - .------------ORCHESTRA BALLBURTON ,HOLMESTravelogues, Colored Views and Mo­tion Pictures.Cruise to theWEST INDIESWednesday eve. 8:15; Friday eve. 8:15Saturday matinee 2 :15------.-----------------------p .. -\LACE IIUSIC BALLTHE ETERNAL WALTZA Vienese Operette by Leo Falll­So People.Bert Losile & Co.; Four Harvcys;Carson &; Willard; Dooley & Sayles; Richard carle-Hattie WilliamsTHE GIRL FROM MONTMARTREincluding J. M. Barrie's Burlesqueproblem play.A ST..ICE OF LIFESpecial Feahuu three tlma a weekGAUMONT WEEKLY EVERY THURSDAY ALUMNI PERFORM. ANCECu"�nt rwenlJAND OTHER PICTURES PLEASES ALL PRESENT(Continued from page one)BLACKSTONE Frances Ro;s as Lady Corinthia Fan­shaw werc wholly admirable and itwas a special delight to sec FrankParker in a man's part, a delight forwhich several of his friends would beglad to forego some of his female im­personaions, and though Mr. Hickeyseriously presented General Mitchen­er, the excerpts from the play had noplace in the program. •. Press Cut­rings" is so much of an argument thatto omit any part is to make the resultnuconvincing,Was In Good Taste.Henry Sulcer's group of songswere a pleasure especially to thoseinterested in the growth of his mus­ical skill. The program was clos­ed by Agnes Wayman and CorneliaBeall as the Cherry Sisters to anaudience 1110�t �f whom wonderedwho the "Cherry Sisters" were. Theprogram as a whole was good funprcsen ted cleverly and, except fortwo matters, in good taste. It wasperhaps the restraint and the goodtaste which, more than anything else,impressed certain members of theaudience. In a program consistingchiefly of bulesquc and other effortsJimmie Lucas; Josie Rooney. FOR RENT-Two attractive single at humor it is easy to offend.Sat .. Sun. Mats. & Every Evening rooms. 5745 Washington avenue. To Donald Breed, the President ofIS-2S·SO-7SC.Pop. Mid-Week Matinees 25c '" soc. FOR RENT-\Vashington Avenuc; Jr., the Business manager, must benear Jackson Park and 111. Cent. given tile credit for arranging aExpress, front room in private, re pleasurable program. Friends of thefined Gcrman home with highest Dramatic club congratulate theserecommendations. Board optional gentlemen on their success and trustPhone Midway 28]2'- that in their more serious efforts ofthe year, for which they are JlOWLOST-On the Midway, or in Cobb, financially equipped, they may be REPRESENTATIVES I BELL INSISTS TH1.rra gold watch. Initials E. A. G. even more successful than thcy were TO BE CHOSEN FOR CHEATER IS A LIARPlease return to Edna Goettler, in' this initial effort of their admin- W. A. A. COMMITTEE AT JUNIOR CHAPELGreenwood Hall. Reward. istration.Patronesses Ate Present.LYRICTHE BLUE BIRDGARRICKIn her original roleGREEN STOCKINGSMARGARET ANGLINA UDITORIUl\IITHE GARDEN OF ALLAH··The Eighth Wonder of the World."'COHAN'S GRANDRaymond Hitchcock inTHE RED WIDOWCOLONIALTHE WINSOME WIDOWReal Ice Skating.PO""ERS'THE NEW SIN Kia w & Erlanger present1860MILESTONES 188SIg12LASALLETHE GIRL AT THE GATEA IIERlCAN MIISIC HAllLEAN AND HOLBROOKTHE MILITARY GIRLpRINCESSMort. Sin&ersA MODERN EVECLASSIFIEDADVERTlSDD1Sthe club and to WilliamFOR RENT-Beautiful large newly The patronesses, most of whomwere present were as' follows: •Mrs. Harry Pratt Judson.Mrs. David Allen Robertson.Mrs. Wallace Walter Atwood.�irs. Howard \\"uodhead.Mrs. Arthur Gibbon Bovee.:\lrs. Solomon Henry Clark.�'rs. Samuel MacClintock.Mrs. William S. IIcfferan.Mrs. Percy Holmes Boynton.Miss Marion Talhot.Miss Sophronisha Brcckinridge.Mrs. Jamcs \V. Thompson.Miss Eli7.abcth Wallace.Mr�. Henry Cordon Gale.Mrs. Starr Willard Cutting.Mrs. Richard E. Parker.furnished room. Suitable for oneor two students. Everything mod­crn. Very reasonable. Call aftcr4 p. 111. 6106 Ellis avenue, Flat C4.Found-\Vatch. Owncr may havesame hy paying advertising costs atMaroon officc.FOR RENT-Onc large front roomin private horne. Suitable for cith­cr one or two students. All modcrnconveniences. 5i52 Washington ave­nue.KansaS-T ,000 students marched inthe annual night �hirt parade, heldrecently at thc Univcrsity of Kansas.The participants wound up the even­ing by visiting nickel shows in theirnegligee attire. Cornell-Two more ncw buildingsare to he added to the equipment ofthe College of Agriculture at Cornell. Stanley Le F evre Krebs, A.M.Eminent Psychologist, leeterer and, AuthorAt the Auditorium Redtal Hall, 8:00 P. M.HE MAKES PLAtN THE OB SCURE, RENDERS EASY WHATIS DIFFICULT, CLEARS UP CONFUSED IDEAS. HUMOR-OUS, ENTERTAINING. AS WELL AS PRACTICALDATES AND LECTURES TOTHE CHICAGO PUBLIC AREOCT. 141912-"MINDCONTENTPROCESSES AND LAWS.With Experiments with Audienc-using Apparatus., OCT. 15, J9'J2 "SOUL-WITH IL·LUSTRATIONS." A bewilder­ing World made clear, plain ani:lspiring- a revelation to alt-·Science..OCT. 23, 1912-uRELATION ANDDESTiNY OF MIND ANDSO U L." Mental Processes anSoul Processes; a beautiful anunexpected harmony; Illustratewith Charts. IOCT 24, 19 J 2-"BOUNCING THE·BLUES, OR THE PSYCHOL­OGY OF CHEERFULNESS."How to constructively controlone's spirit in life's struggle-anevening of Fun, Fact. and '�Fnos­ophy."Secure tickets now. To insurereservation send your remittance toWalter Sittig, secretary, 1106 The Re­public. 209 S. State St., or telephoneHarrison 4993., or on sale at DailyMaroon office. ,,�.COME EARLY.Question Box conducted after lecture. Make this be of practical help toJourself. Be free with your questions."An educator, an entertainer, an inspiration."-Hon. Wm. J. Bryan,Lincoln, Nebraska."Dr. Krebs' lectures on psychological phenomena are both preacticableand reliable. He renders a great service to the world in presenting thetruths and facts of the great mental Jaws in such a clear and forciblemanner."-Rt. Rev. Samuel Fallows, D. D .• LL. D."fly mixing with the world he learned men. His suggestions to bus­:I'lCSS people for practical work are admirable. The education of oursalesforce in their work with him has been of great benefit to us all."­John Wanamaker, New York and Philadelphia,DR KREBS LECTURES UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE BUSI·NESS SCIENCE C! .. UB OF CHICAGO.Admission $1.00 For series of 3 lectures $2.50. Ladies, half price.'WRIGLEY�eItHe-UIL1I -PEPSI N GlJM ��_F.II''''That the man who cheats is a liarwas the declaration of Chester BellTemporary hockey, l.aseball, bas- in Junior chapel yesterday. Chesterk.cthall •. and swimming rcprese�ta-I Bell, and Mr. Merrifield were thet IVCS WIll be elected by the various principal speakers. William Lyman�ymna�tic and sport classes to fill I presided, while Mr. Bickham of thethe vaca,ncics left by tl�e former rep- Y. M. C. A. offered the opening pray­rcscnrauvcs on - t.he advisory board of cr. Prepare now for examinationsthe \V. A, A. Augusta Swawite has and you will not need to cheat wasbeen appointed temporary sccretary the theme f)f Chester Bell's talk. Mr.and treasurer of the association. The Mcrrifield took his text from "Alma111ak(� plans Ior the coming ycar. . Will Complete Drive.election of new representatives will Mater."take place this weck so that thc ad­visory hoard may nicct Friday toThe drive about Ilarper court,which has been under constructionfor several weeks, will probably beDr. Lima Will Speak. completed before _the end of theDr. Oliveira Lima, Brazilian min- Quarter. It will completely surroundistcr to Belgium, will Iccture in I'the court, flanking the side walks inHarper Assembly room at 4:00 on I front of thc Law building, Harperon "The Independence of Latin i Mcmorial library, and Haskell, InAmerica and its Evolution in the the enter will he a If' .. ·el grass swardNineteenth Century." jPlanted with shrubbery.