VOL. XL NO.9. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO. FRIDAY. OCT. II. 1912. PRICE FIVE CENTS.THREE EMINENT STARS •TIlCl HOPES UE IN NEW lIEN ANNOUNCE LECTURES DOUBTS IIEL_ -rot tHEORY FOum ALPHA DELTWIU. GIVE CONCERTS c.pwn Kah .....-;;;;; V __ Form BY UNlVERSm lIEN Rusi.m SocioI';;;- BeIiewes 'Ibat TO PLEDGE FOB YEARUlliYeniIy 0rcIIestraI A....;. ... Olen Nudeua of Team-Lou of Daven- United States Will Become SSilt n.e.Mn c-ta port, and 11_ Will Be Felt U .., ledwe �..... NatiOll Coaapo.ed of a Brother':: .... ".....,.., c:- ..... TabTWa Year Keealy. ......... EIeftIIIIa Aa.aI ot Many Peopla. Adiea Y , ..,._Series .. A-Wn.a _ Off FnteniIJWeE NIELSON IS TO' SING ,Six "c" men of last year's team Future generations will find the -will form the nucleus around which SUBJECTS ARE IlADE POPULAR United States not a melting pot in' FAaJLTYTO IlEAl COIIIImEERudolph Ganz, Pianist. and Eucene t�is year's track team must be form- to which all the nationalities of theYsaye, Violinist. Will Be e. Four of the most valuable men Professors Starr. Terry. GooGe. Clark world have been poured and one newEntertainers. (In last year·s team were lost last and Breasted Will Speak people produced, but will· find it aspring. three of them Olympic con- Duri.nc Year. unified nation with a strong brother-I, I I I lenders .. They were Ira Davenport, f\.lU 01> 1 Ganz, Eugene Ysaye, and hood 0 peoples forming it. accordingFrank Coyle, Austin Menaul and Rob-Alice Xiclson are the three stars Announcements for the eleventh to the poinion of Dr. Charles Zhitlow- Alpha Delta Phi was forbidden teert Baird. Scruby, the consistentwho have been chosen by the Uni- year of the University Lecture as- sky yesterday afternoon. Dr. Zhit- pledge any Freshmen for three quar-weight man of last year's indoor teamve rs ity orchestral association to give sociation have been published. For lowsky spoke before the Sociology ters, by the Interfraternity councilalso will not be back. The loss of theseconcerts this winter. this season the association offers 250 dub in Harper assembly room, on yesterday afternoon. Alpha DeltaJ men will be seriously felt, and a�udt)lph Ganz, the pianist, who will general lecture courses, special lee- "The Future of Nation-alities in the Phi was convicted of tampering withwealth of new material will have tohe at the University was born in Zur- lures, and recitals by well-known United States." There were 100 Delta Tau Delta and Chi Psi pledges., be unearthed if a Championship teamich, Switzerland, February 24, 1877. is to be formed. educators, scholars, and lecturers, in- students 011 hand to hear him. The following fraternities compriseJ J e made his debut as a performer 011 eluding six members of the faculty Dr.- Zhitlowsky held that the mel'; the council which passed the resolu-Several men of last year's Fresh- ..the piano at the age of twelve years. of the University. Active work be- ing pot idea was undesirable as well tion disciplining Alpha Delta Phi;I m=n team may prove valuable addi-n I�)OI he came to America and was gan Monday, September 30, and will as unlikely to be. materialized. He Delta Kappa Epsilon; Phi Kappa Psi;lions to the Varsity, if' their workior some timc a member of the Chi- keeps up to their former standard. continue for six months. stated that the German and Irish Beta Theta Phi; Alpha Delta Phi;cago Musical college, giving up this)) J di . h hi h . Starr Will Speak. people who came to this country a Sigma Chi; Phi Delta Theta; Psi., . es ar len In t e Ig Jump andpos rt ro n 111 1905 to become a virtuoso. . h Th . h I Associate Professor Starr will de- quarter of a century or longer ago Upsilon; Delta Tau Delta; Chi Psi;. ",elg ts. omas In t e po e-vault, . . .Asa composer he has written several _ hi d V . k . ,laver a series of five illustrated lee- assimilated American culture and be- Delta Upsilon; Phi Gamma Delta;, ' ,t..outc Ie an ruWIn In the dashes, ,. .'1l1Imhers for the plano, a symphony, C b II' h iddl di -tures on "Japan' The Land of the came .real Americans largely because Sigma Atpha Epsilon; Sigma Nu;.. . . amp e In t e ml e rstances, and· 'a sonata for \'10110 and plano, and G . h hi h Rising Sun." Professor Starr .has they had practically no culture of any Kappa Sigma; Alpha Tau Omega;orgas In t e Ig jujmp may showseveral songs, Mr. Ganz is consid- It lived and studied in Japan. Professor kind when they. came here. He drew .and Phi Kappa Sigma.up wecrcd one of the most eminent pianists Kuh Terry of the Department of His- �s a sharp contrast to these people, Committee Chosen.to Be Mainstay_ot the day and is renowned for his tory will give six lectures on "The the French who retain their old na- A committee representing all theCaptain Kuh will be the mainstayof the team in the hurdles. This will l'rc'!tness of England." These lectures tionality and characteristics, not even factions concerned was chosen to waitwill be popular rather than critical learning to pronounce the language upon the fculty to obtain enforcementbe his third year of competition inEugene Y saye, the violinist, who and are desgned to present in histori- accurately. .of the penalty. The committee isthese events, and he should be betterwill play in Mandel hall on January . cal setting the various elements that The two great forces which tend to,· composed of Paul Hunter,' Psi Up-. . than ever this year. Cox is a good:::1. was horn at Liege, Belgium in . h hi h . ' have contributed to England's great- bring about the fusion of races here, silon; Thomas Scofield .. Delta Tau. _ man In t e Ig Jump, who worked ..1858 and completed hIS musieal . I .' ness. Associate Professor Goode of the speaker stated, are the dominat- Delta; \V�lter Goddard.Chi Psi; Don-. ., consistent y last year. Chandler In . .course 10 Paris 10 1881. He .first th 'ddl di '11 h .' the department of Geography will de� ing culture. of the AmeriCans, whiC� aid Hollingsworth, Delta Upsilon;. . e ml e istances WI ave a big .,came to America With a repertoire of ..... "fill' ·D . '1 h liver six illustrated lectures on have influence largely .in .the pub" and, Donald Breed, Alpha Delta Phi.• . __ . •. ;'.' . JOu Ing avenport space, ·but e . ., _. - - -. Imncty-one selections, among whIch·. . '._..1 • 1 'las ! "People and Problems of Other lic.school; .and the: dollar 'materialism Donald Hollingsworth, in his re-Improfl:U . consistent y t season, .... iwere fourteen concertos, seven son� d hld-. rf It N . Lands." Among the places discussed of this age which affects· the immi� �lort.to the council, stated that he hadan 5 ou pe orm we orgren In . .1.alas, and eleven original numbers, th h ..t . b ed .f will be Japan., the great seaport of grant where he i. working. -The ulta,- discussed the matter of pledge tamp-., '. C s ot-pu .. can. e count upon or 'The trip to America this year will be f.... «: t B' hon j Europe, Hawaii, and the Phillippines, mate -resulr- of __ such.. influences, . he cring with Dean Lovett, and also with. ' ,c .... y lee or over, IS op IS a star -.his fourth. Recently Mr. Ysaye has t'.'1 d h h Id 1.._ bl •. Industries, agriculture, and natural held, is the tearing down of the bet- Deaa Linn, who is an Alpha Delt. _ . wo-ml er, an e·s ou &I'll; a e tobeen particularly successful as con- • th. t .• . f h d 1 and economic details wll be ernpha- ter part of the c1iltUre of the foreign. alum_us. When consulted, Dean·wm 15 even In most 0 t e ueductor of an orchestra in Brussels, sized. nationality .and the (.1iubstitution· of Linn i� said to have .made the state-meets. Matthews, a good man in 'where he now lives. . Clark to Read. the . lower part of the American cut.- ment that he considers. tamperingthe sprints, "who can be relied upon r-Alice Nielson who will sing here to replace Leisure of last year.s Six interpretative readings by As- ture,. with another fraternity's pledged menon March II is now one of the lead- sociate Professor Clark of the de- ''To. offset these influences in fav�r to be a serious offence. He recom-Varsity, should show up weD in themiddle distances. partment of Public Speakng are of the fusion of nationalities in this meeded that the council exact ascheduled. These readings include country," said the speaker; . �is the penalty which can be easily carriedWants llany'liea. selections from such modern writers movement for tbe preservatioD of na- out. Dean Linn told HollingsworthCaptain Kuh stated yesterday that .as Rostand, Ibsen, Galsworthy, and tional la�guages and cultures in this that in his opinion the faculty wouldhe wi��ed every man who could 'pos- .Pinero. "Literature versus .. I.e News- country· by the peoples themselves. not ·help enforce such action as wassibly spare the time to. come out for ....paper:' a series of six lecturec is The success of the Socialist party talien yesterday.the team. Coach Page is in charge ..., ," scheduled to be given by Associate lately has beeD. accomplished largely Offence Called Serious.of the squad in the rudiments of track Professor Linn. Professor James H. hy the establishment of Socialist Dean Lovett was also of the opin-Breasted of the department of Egypt- clubs among the various natioDali- ion that tampering with pledges is asclogy and Oriental History, will give ties in America and getting tbem int- serious an offence as any that can besix lectures on "Art and Archeology crested in the .progress of the broth- committed by a fraternity. Heon the Nile." erhood of all: nationalities. Organ- iurther stated that it was his opinioni7.ations of, thi. sort will soon -be that the faculty should back the de-CLUB ANNOUNCES LECTURES formed by all parties." .cision of the Interfraternity councilThe working of the more intellect� in its action.ual immigrants· among the less edu- Two other forms of punishment':l�' d from the· same country, will were ,submitted to the choice of thealso play an important part .in th� council. One \\-as that Alpha Deltamovement. . be . stated. He declared Phi be expelled from the council forthat the development of the culture an indefinite period of time; while theof the various' nations in this countiy other was that it be suspended, andwas necessally if the immigrants were placed on prohation for a ye;\r, thetQ. be raised from their position which time 10 be lengthened if the fraternityhas made pos�ible so much political he found guilty of any more offences.fraud. He said that .. it was wor� The opinion was expressed that thealong. this line which would do moSt latter penalty would be the most ef­for the prevention of elements of law� r�ctive, as thereby the Alpha Deltalcssness, such as the Blac� Hand, Phis probably would he kept out ofamong the immigraats. Dr. Zhit· Interfraternity athletics, as· well .aslowsky refued to predict what the re' the \-arious campus honor societies.suit of the ten.ncies toward fusion Donald Breed Speaks.:and against it would be but he ex' Donald nreed. the only Alpha Dehpressed his idQI of a .strong nation �presentath·e present. arrived lat� atcomposed of many nationalities unit- the meeting. In hi� speech he saided in a common brotherhood. that 'he llad consulted with DeanPardae-Following the lead of the LO\�ett. Dean Angell. and Mr. Robert­Seniors all the classes at Purdue wm son. secretary to the president. andnow vote according to the Australian that tIIey declared they would not up-Ballot S7Stem. �� .__ _ (Continued on page "'),.Donald Breed.__ Representinc AlphaDelt, Says That Chapter MayWithdraw from Councilinterpretations of Liszt.Ysaya Will Appear.ing' sopranos of the Metropolitan andlloston opera companies. She is anative of Nashville, Tennessee, al­though when very young she movecJ10 San Francisco where the musicalellucation was begun. After severalexperiences with light opera she de­cideel to study for grand opera. Herdehut was made in Italy with. im':"mediate success. The operas that �heI'n addition to these three concertsBntterfly·· and "The Sacrifice."Six Concerts OfferecJ. work this quarter, and all men who�how any.� degree of promise will begiven a 'chance to make good on the.indoor track. The squad will prob­ably include at least twenty men.has appeared in recently are, "Mme.the University Orchestral association .-Greea ',Han to Give -SiDe."'etTers six Theodore Thomas orchestra Green -hall bas invited the women Business Science Orcanization Offe1'sconcerts. The dates so far announced of tbe other halls to attend a half Series by Dr. Krebs.are November 5. December i, Febru- hour . sing next Monday evening at i· A series of le� by trie investiary 4. February 25 and April 8.. The '�ol� and ·part songs will be sung, gator and lecturer, Dr. Stanley L.. h Director Stevens conductl'ng thprogram commIttee as requested e Krebs. of Philadelphia is announced. choraLthat anyone who desires to have by the- Business Science club of Chi-. some piece played at any of the con- ('ago. These lectu�es ·are to be givenccrts should send in the title of the Minnaota-Dean Owre of the at th(� Auriitorium Recital hall at 8:00selection. Dental department of Minnesota con- nn Oc�ohcr 14. 15. 23 and 24. Reser-Season tickets for students w111 be dacts a walking class for members of va.tions {or these lectures can besoleI for $2.25, $4.25, and $6.25- AU the Uniftrsity, every Sunday. made at the office of The Daily Ma-the cheapest scats have been re� roon.sen'cd for students although the,.�..... .,.___ Dr. Krehs is a memher of many art.will not he saved after Saturday. AU.IIII IIIIW Days Left political. �eo�raphical, and legal so-of the medium price tickes have beet! de ties and is a memher of Phi Betasoltl and there are only a few of the to aablcribe to Tbe Dan,. ·lIaroon atl Kappa. He has contrihuted tohi�her pr:ced tickets left. : the price·of·two doDan. If you do scientific magazines, and written a.' - Dot ... 8Olicitor come into The number of books on political econo-WlsconSln-Bt1tt?�s 'Will. be �ld I my and applied psychology. Dr.to students and cItIzens at Madison Daily Marooa oIice, E11ia Hail Tbere 'Krehs' work has been endorsed hyto finance the Wisconsin homecoming .. abo IOIDe ODe there at an times I 'iromin�nt puhlic. and scientific menon the day of the Chicago game. wh wiD includin� William 1 Bryan Williamand was given the degree of Doctor 0 be ,alad to. take yoar sab-t' James �nd the Ri�ht Re:. Samuelof Philosophy. ICripdoa. Follows of Chicago.Bulletin and Announcements.IIarooD Sd DiaDeI'-Staff mem- Taft Club-Meeting for organiza­hers and candidates, 12:15, Commons tion., 3:15 Monday, Law building.Cafe. .court room.Pow Wow-Meeting for organiza- Room Changes-Latin 29. 9:15,tion 12:15. Cobb 6A. Cobb 150; English 40,9:15. Cob" se.German Club--4. Lexington. Episcopal Women's Club desiresCosmopolitan Club-Organize with names of Episcopal women, Kelly 47.new members, 8, Ellis·IB. University Debate-Tryouts FridayDames Club-Wives of University October 25. on subject. "Resolved:students,. meets 3 tomorrow, Lexing- that the Plan of Banking Reformton, proposed by the National MonetaryDramatic Club-Alumni vaudeville, Commission Should be Adopted by I8. tomorrow, Mandel. Congress."Nei,chborhood Clubs-Council meet- Neighborhood Club-Dues collected' ...;.... _'The Daily Marooning, 4:15 Monday, Lexington. daily. I :15-2:15 Lexington.its attendant selfishness. Let the good STUDENT DECLARES'fellowship aims of the club be pri- LABORAt£'ORY RUBBERmary, and the hazing very much NOT YET PRACTICAL{!)ffiri.ld $tu��ut ?RI.,A," subordinated: substitute a once-aweek smoker for the twice-a-week. . Formerclyh. W kl "beat fest" and have good fellowship That a satisfactory method of ob-The University or lcag<.> ee y .... tai bb b I . I .. 0 b �, luncheons ID place of disturbing ammg ru er y c icnuca process 111Founded cto er I, .1Ql;.2. k the laboratory has been obtained was-pran s.---------------------------- the statement .of George Curme Jr. inPublished daily except Sundays, Mon- ------days and Holidays during three SCORE CLUB WILL society. He pointed out that the pro-SPEND PROFITS FORcess so far is not of commercial valueUNIVERSITY GOODEntered as Second-class mail at the he cause of the high cost of the ma-Chicago Post Office, Chicago, Illi- tcrials . from which the compound isnois, March 18, 1908, under Act of Continuing its policy of last year, prepared. The first mention of a rub-March 3, 1873- the Score club wll1 usc the proceeus her like substance appears, he declar-of its dances for the advancement 01 ed in a paper published in ISiS. InManaging Editor &. Hiram Kennicot worthy Umversity enterprises. The the last few years very rapid progressNeWs Editor • • • • .Leon Stolz club WIll decide after each dance to has been made and a product superiorA,thletie Editor •• Bernard v"s.nisak::7 what use the money earned at that is now heing synthesized.Business Manager ••• Burdette lias dance will be put. A brisk sale 01 an address before the Kent Chemical This a:�n our IiDe of .� � IS ia exceptioaally strong . com- tpriainc • carefuIlJ 8eJected atock of II'QS. black and white Ideca. � aDd broWllLOvercoats S30.00 to $60.00Other grades $30 00 to $50.00 II- - THREE S�ORES - - ISince 1893 Since .1905 May. 19127 N. La Salle SL 2S E. Jackson Blvd. 71 E. Monroe St. ••�HICAG ••1111 Cettaa. Growe AYeare.quarters of the University year. ,Von Frank, Bardy li Rindskopf I'"The CoUege Men's Clothes Shop".. Our chief purpose is to live you College Imen the best clothes values in Chicago.WE ARE AWAY FROM THE HIGH RENTStickets for tomorrow's affair is an­nounced. Membe,!,s of the Sopho-Walter Foute ..•••• Martin Stever ... h . k fmore organization ave uc ets orWilliam Lyman •••••• John Perlee J Th d '11sa e. e ance tomorrow WI com"Samuel Kaplan •••••. Harry Gorgas I d·mencc prompt Y at 2:30 an twentyHalger Lollesgard .•• George Lyman '11 b' F ._ . numbers WI e gIven. • rappe WIll. Clyde Watkins .. George Cottingham Th d h ld� H hki S h R - Id be served. e ances are e atGrace otc ISS.. ara emwa..R Rosalie hall, Fifty-seventh sreett andeporter. State and Adams. I� -- -------------tAssociate Editors. Menorah Club Postpones Meeting.The meeting of the Menorah club.which was to have been held lastnight, pas postponed until nextThursday. The club will meet inCobb 6A at 7:30.Everett Rogerson. Rosalie court,Columbia-More than 1)00 studentshave secured work this year atSubscription Rates.By ca�rier, $2·50 a year; $1.00 a quar- Sigma club announces the pledging Columbia university through the aielter. By mail $3-00 a year; $1.25 aof Madelyn Mac Kinley of Chicago. of the university employment bureau.quarter. . .Editorial-Business offices, Ellis 2Telephone Midway 800. Mall Box"0" Faculty Exchange. 702 RepubliC' BuildingC���£jfj9:����•TIlE8HlJB�ffUJJ!llm?tcfon!,THE down town advertiserthat wants your patronagethinks he has conclusivelysh'ow n you that. it is �e-sired when he inserts his advertise-ment in "The Daily Maroon." He. fixes up an "ad" from what he hasbeen running in the city paper bytrimming it down to fit the desiredsize of the space, using the same read-ing matter. That is as much of aneffort he is willing to make.W e go farther than that. TheDaily Maroon are written for you alone. Wel use no news-paper copy. Throughout the store, from the buyers down, everyeffort is to show you that we want your patronage and wantit"adly. Come in and let us show you the belted back or pleatedback coats that will look great on you at $:10 and $:15."Even the reporter has an of&ceand with clear eyes and honest lan­guage, may unveil injustice and pointthe way to progress."- R. L. S.(fbftodalThe communication published .else­where in today's Daily Maroon is theoccasion for some comment on thatorganization.Established when Freshmen werenot admitted to fraternities, the clubhas had as its usefulThe Three function the bondingQuarters Club together for fellowshipand mutual advantageof twenty or thirty prominent Fresh­men. \Vhen the fraternities began toinitiate Freshmen, the organization'sprimary object was gone but it connnucd to exist, finding three memberseach year from each fraternity. Thesemen were annually put through aseries of interesting pranks, culminat­ing in an evening of torture known:\5 initiation night. Thus the club• commenced that gradual process ofdeterioration which has made it aninstrument for legalized hazing byt he Sophomores, instead of a society�(}r the benefit and advantage of itsFreshman members.J f the Three-Quarters club is tocontinue its existance, it must in·evitahly abandon its new and gohack to its old ideals. Ld the memhers be recruited at the beginning ofthe year and from the Freshman classas a whole, thus giving the Freshmanthe advantages of close associationwhen they need it most, as well asabolishing fraternity domination and iaads write for Thewe• •How the university can be of more I am writng you concerning the ae-ueip to the secondary schooot, is the tion taken recently by the Threequestion whlcn Liarence Stratton 01 Quarters club in refusing a member­\...:ntral High School, St. LoUIS, at- ship of three men to those fratemi­tempts to answer In a recent article ties which have had only one memberID .J. he English JournaL in the past. About three years ago aVile ot tne greatest helps, accord- Ieter was sent out by the then Sec­ing to the author, is in raising the retary of the organization, announc­standard of entrance requirements In ing that those fraternities which hadEnglish. Applicants for law and med- no members in the Oub, were nowIU1 courses today have to fulfil re- invited to send in one man. It wasquirements which ten years ago promised in that letter that after"Come and inspect the Jaraeat liM would have stopped at the beginning three years these fraternities wouldof foreign and domestic woolens. dis- "' horde of quacks. then be permitted to have three men, D • ,TITplayed in Hyde Park. Our clothe. are Welcome Better Standards. the same as the other organizations HYDE '-.ARK STATE �__perfection in material. style. aDCl "In the main," writes M.r. Stratton, established at an earlier date in the co ..... 0' .a ....... __ ......workmanship. "teachers of English gladly welcome University. The present active mem-these advanced standards. But in ad- bers of the Three Quarters club, how­vocating the raising of the standard ever seem absolutely to have ignored(If college English, we do not ask the promise in this letter, and wereMAKER OF SUPERIOR CLOTHEs that the amount required of the high- so bold in their meeting, I have beenschool pupil be increased. We know informed, as to say all records ofthat both pupils and teachers have such a promise had been lost.quite enough now. What we desire "This assertion made by Sopho-is that the college insist on � �reat- mores that all records concerning �er facility in speaking and Wrltmg; a such a promise had been lost is so W'THE TYPEWRITING OFFICE skill in discriminating between the audacious that it has, I presume, excit- � r'Basement of Cobb· HaD. good expression and the better one;, a ed anger in every Junior, Senior, and '.i!" prepared' to copy all kinds of manu familiarity with the best usage; a� alumnus of these organizatio.ns e� .': 'W'script; to handle correspondence by intimate knowledge of books read, titled at this time to full membership .'stenography; . to furnish copies of and a critically comparative estimate in the Three Quarters club. It seems HAT 5 T BAT 5 HOWcirculars. etc. of literary execution."a disgraceful state of affairs when'your taste andI f you are new on the campu� w� Results which will f�lIow frommen in their second year's residence ::the distinctive-should he glad to become acq�mted, such a procedure, according to t�e in the Universtiy are permitted soness of the shapesif not. you probably know us, �nd we writer, are that college graduates WIll presumptuously to Set aside the and styles w eshould be glad to see you agaIn. be bet�(r trained. If they. beco�e promise made by. their predecessors. sell-hats in end-high-school tea�hers they �!l brm: Why have the Sophomores of the less variety butAny Suit or Overcoat ID the to their professlO� a know;l g: anThree Quarters club taken such ac- of uniform higb$ 01 a regard for English t�at WIh e e�l-l tion? Are they afraid to give all the quality. CollegeBouse M�de to Order 18. . d an enthusiasm t at WI .. I edQ actmg, anfraternities equal representationj Do men we com .be contagious.they fear that their individual organ-izations will lose some imaginary B.- L AMES BAT CO.GRANDSTAND TO BE OPENED prestige by giving, fuIl membership TribaDe BailcJbIc :: 35 W ......- to the more recently established fra-Hope to Use Comp�cted Section for ternities in the University? There TOWEL DEFICIT BRINGSNext Game. With Iowa. certainly can be no other reasons. It NEW SYSTEM INTO ·US�I-can not be said that the youngerBarber The contractors in charge of the organizations haven't the "material"J alius Is Yourbuilding of the new grand stand on t�' send to the Three Quarters clubI Marshall' field have practically give� for they have, .and "" after yeartheir consent to the use of the com have had men m their ranks whopleted section for the Iowa game. would have made, more desirable Fifteen hundred new towels wereThe seating arrangements in' the members in the Three Quarters club ordered for Bartlett umnasium thissouthern section of the new stand than some of those sent in by the year as the result of wear and tear,arc complete and there seems to' be fraternities with full membership. only 300. of t.e 1800 used last yearno reason why they should not beThe purpose of the Three Quarters being fit for f1ll1her usc this year. Anused. 'Three thousand, can be ac-club is, I take it, to promote fellow- il\vestigation into the causes of th,iscommodated in this part of the �nd- 'ship, and unite the interests of the waste was made aDd as a result a newstand, relieving the crush occ�slOned 'Freshman class. At least that o.ught !tystem of dispensing the towels hasby, the seating of ever.yon� lD theto be the purpose, if the organization been inaugurated.eastern stands as at the Indiana game. wishes to, justify i,ts existence_ The Formerly, it has been the customNew mixing machines for the c�n- 'club is. not an "honor" society, any for the men to use as many towels ascrete and electrical appliances �hlch c.bserver will agree, for there are they desired. When they were clonewill save time and labor have beenmany men outside the organization with them they threw them OR theinstalled and the contractors have both non-fraternity men and fratern- floor, where they were kic�ed aroundpromised that the new �ndstand ity men who would gain admittance and had the dirt on the floors groundA. loseuhine Graham will be ready for. the Mmnesotato the organization if they were to be into them. The laundry foulld it nec­game. This will give an added seat-judged on a merit basis. Membc�ship essary, often to use bleach to claning capacity of 8,500. is largely, in fact almost entirely, them and the acid destroyed tbel----------------,governed by chance, and bears little towels in short order. 0.. Chinese Cuisine Gives You theMilUnery Importations Dream ..... HARVARD PROFESSORl'lr no relation to special achievements This year. each man mast return benefits of forty centuries of' TO LECTURE TODAY made by candidates. If, therefore his used towel to the desk to get :a oriental sIdIl.ON NEW PHILOSOPHY "he club wishes to live np to its pur- clean one. Tlris has rc_lted in a FOY YUNG DAN.. ;-ose it should cease its blundering great saving in the numJ;cr of towels ClIo. Suey. rice., tea,Dr. H. M_ Sheflee of Harvard wdlat once. used and they are found to be mucb Gree.wood Cafelecture before the Philosoph�cal clubSt�lIiDg has gone its limit and I cleaner than fonnerly. The .deficittoday at 4:15 in MIl. Harper. Memor-trllst the present active membership in the locker f_d caused by theial Library. His address wdl be ofof the society will ·get next to itselr t�wel waste will probably be made upinterest to mathcmaticians as well asnd reconsider its rash action in its this year if the present system con­,philosophers the subject being "The :ecent meeting. I don't sec how the tinues to prove as satisfactory as itNew Thought." The Harvard manThree Quarters club can live another h3S so far.was one of the co-authors of a bookr in the Vniversity unless it does Another cha� at the gymnasium. h" h t as he yt'a ..' r _._on the ""New Phdosop y, uits absurd and childish diS is in the strider obsenaaee 0 _-hi was ('case. . I'was abroad when t e vo urnetinctions immediately. Foolish ex- tendance at swirnminK classes. "01published, his name does not appearellses, and stalls are things of the the past four or five years the syster,on the title page. past. and T am sure win be tolerated of taking the ron of swimming------. • he no longer by the younger and mor� classes has become laxer and laxerNebnlka-No fraternities at t- fratcrnities at the Unl until the claS5fs practically lost theirbe al proJtl'csslved fUniversity of Nebraska are .to -vcrsity. identity. Thi,' year a close recor 0lowed to p�edge anyone until allegedSincerely. attendance is kept and is proving .t-A ... O � ._. "violations of the rushing rules haveRobert C. Back, '12. isf�tol'J'o-====.:1=.80==AIID::::..�"�==::I. ,been innstigated.Woodlawn Trast� SaviDti BaallE. Sixty-Third Street. CbicapA STNrE BANKDEPOSITORY FORUNITED STATES POSTALSAVINGS FUNDSThe larlest and oldest banknearest to the Univenitto Ac­counts of professors aDCl ata­dents solicitccLChecking Accounts of $50.00and Savings Accounts of $1.00BENEDICT W A L D1445 E. 55th Street.Tel Hyde Park 2860Julius CooperTHE UNIVERSITY TAILOR1I26 East_�i!!y_Fifth S�ect:.--- -Union Made.We also do high grade repairing andpressing at very low prices.Sanitary Shop - Three ChainOne-Day Laundry Service.1003 % East 55th Street:.The Drexel TailorsCLEANERS AND DYERS903 East 55th Street.Altering etc. of La4ies and Gellta,Garments.Repairing au:d Prcssinc atModerate PricesPhone MidlFay 58761329 �t Fifty-Fifth street.-_- in Filt7 DiII.,...t St7leaF ... d Onl7 at L .......F.,..,. ...... ASIS HELP FOl HIGH SCHOOLS �w..;,..Ii_ •.Tile "itcw .. 1101 """,poII.,We tor C'fac'. g.1)re.-4 I&ere. Co ..... ., ....... ., ...Iu.rd .. .. erWntee 01 IlOo4 tau".� Louis Educ:al0l' Says Hicbu�truce ,bt:aoaa&cs an lWlcaisbWOIUd !Ie tlcaetiaal-ArticJc Ap­pears III lC.cccIlt �Jiab Jounw.(To the Editor.).............. c. .......The aearat bank to the Uni­yersity and the only Bank be­tween 431'd and 631'd street eastof Cottage Grove ave. under State Simply remove the capad ilia rcady to 6U-oo_, joiDta to UDKreW.��'�a;"�a:1I w.o, LaLIt .......It I.'r willa _ _ .11 ,.cI fewellpatb. DolialD. to .ct ODt 01 orclUo.............. _,.. __ ......E"a, . pea DDcoDclitioD.1 ...........Government supervision.CAPITAL laoo..ooo3 PER CENT ON SAVINGF�.... Sta�oliery Cablnetlkeep eDouch IItatlonery at hand for currentuse. Solid Quarterfll Oak. handsome I,. ftn­bhed. ss.00. Espreu PaId. (See note,)SOLID OAK LETTER FILEhold. 21.000 lettel'll orpapers I�xll Inches.tSOll4. lIublltantial.Goldell. Natural ar''Weathered ftnlah.anawera are dust­proof and on rollerbearSD", Freightpaid. (See note.)SlI.tLGet Catalog aho,,'­IDC maDY handy. In­ezpeaa1ye omce de­YIees .nd Section'llbookca.ea. Booklet·TllIne Suggeatlonft"abo free.NOTB.-Frelght orExprea paid 811flDoted to polnta ea .. ,of KODtana. Wyom_IDC. Colorado. Okla­boma and Tt'ltna.BUChU, hleher be­)'0Dd.FILING DESKSWear and T� Leaeued ." PJaalnaucnrated--Fifteen HaDdredNew Towels Are Ordered.cm.'bIae drawt'1'II In handllome desk. Theftlee J'OU want at your ftneer tip!'. See on",at ,.oar dealers. Freight paid $%3.00. (SeeTii�"-�MANUFACTURING CO_57 Union St. MONROE, MICHaDcaco DisplaY-SU-tS S. WabashJOSEPH SCHMIDTStationery. Toilet ArticlesFine Line of Candies9s6 E. 55th Street. Chicaco, mImported and Domestic Line ofCiprs and Cigarettes..30(:1357 E. 55th Street.�HINESE AMERICANANDREW McADAMSFlorist and Decorator'Piftrthird s� and Kimbark Ave.rela. HJde Park 18. Chicaao." mTelephone Hyde Park 2137MAROON ADSBRING RESULTSAMUSEMENTS.EMPRES.STHEATER63rd Street and Cottace Groft AftWeek Starting SUD. M&t. Oct 6SULLIVAN &: CONSIDINE. 'PRODUCING DEPARTMENT'ANNOUNCELew Fields'Fun in a CabaretWITH15 Sterling Lew Fields'PLAYERSAND5 Other All-Star Acts.MATINEE DAILY 2=45TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY1:30 and 9:15PRICESIOc-20c-30cMAJESTICHENRY E. DIXEYin His New Monologue.EDNA AUG . Bat of taleDt ill ..... aactorchestra.Pictures chanced dail)'C�tiDuoaa performancCome and bear the DeW S7.soo orcuNotbiDc .to equal it ill the ci�.Five Reels of the latea re1eueaPathe Weekly Every FridayCurrent Events.ADIiISSIONMain Floor, all seats •••••• IOCBalcony, all seats. • •••••••• SC1fOODLA� TBEAIIIBLACKSTONE. Kia w &. Erlanaer presel.t:I..,MILESTONES 18851812Funniest of Commediennes. LA SALLEA NIGHT IN A TURKISH BATHGalloway & Kaufman;Felix ci BarrYWhiting & Burt; Apdale's Animals;Ethel May Barker; Leitzel Sisters.Prices IS-25-50-i5c. Tel. 64Bo Cent.���.----------------------ORCHESTRA BALLBURTON HOLMESTravelogues, Colored Views and MO:­tion Pictures.Cruise to theWEST INDIESWednesday eve. 8:15; Friday eve. 8:15Saturday matinee 2:15pALACE MUSIC BALLWM. ROCK & MAUDE FULTONIn their· farewell joint appearancepresenting spectacular sonesand Dances.Nina Morris & Co.; Julius Tannen; Ed­die Leonard; The Minstrel with. Ka­bel Russell; Gordon mgblanders;Barnes & Crawford; EUda Morris;Muriel & Francis. Mme. Va1lec:ita'.Leopards. THE GIRL AT THE GATEA IIEIICAN IIIJSIC IW.I.LEAN AND HOLBROOKTHE MILITARY GIRLpRINCESSMort.�.A MODERH EVEOLVIW:�ICMatiDtees Wed. and Sat.THE 114� _HIGHER UPCUmbinc in Popularity.25e to 'I�SOLYRICTHE BLUE BIRD CORT----------------------------------------------1FINE FEATHERSDramatic SeasatiOD.GARRICKMARGARET ANGLINA New Modern American Play CalledEGYPT.COBAN'SGUDRaymond Hitchcock inTHE RED WIDOWCOLONIALTHE WINSOME WIDOWReal Ice Skating.CHICAGOv., ,- OPERA HOUSEPOWERS' ILLINOISOTIS SKINNERin IU�IIETExpress, front room in private, refined Ge.rman home with highestrecommendations. Board optionalPhone Midway 2872. Ell PRESS PROGRAM_ ANNOUNCED Stanley Le F evre Krebs, A. M.Eminent Psychologist,ledurer and Author. ,Commencing Sunday matinee, Oc­tober 6 Sullivan and Considine willoffer a bill at the Empress which embraces Lew Fields' "Fun In a Cabaret'with 15 Lew Fields players. The TwoHedders will display some new anddaring feats. That Kid (Jack Rana DATEShan) the American Boy Harry Lauderwill offer some new impersonations.Ward and Fox the two minstrel menwill appear as well as the Five MusicalLunds ·direct from Europe after ayear of big success. Also the Empresscope with some new and inter­esting photo-plays will be on thebill.-Adv.The performers in the Dramaticdub Alumni vaudeville will hold theirfinal dress rehearsal in Mandel to­night. The program as previouslyannounced. will he enhanced by theaddition of Cornelia Beall, '14. who isstill a member of the club, and theonly performer of the occasion whois not a graduate of the organizotinMiss Beall will assist Miss AgnesWayman in her "twenty minutes 0twaddle." A feature of the occasionis to he the appearance in public 0Associate Professor W_ W. Atwoodand Mr. Bovee. both members 9f thefaculty, Frank Parker's dance from"Ali Baba and the Forty Thieveswill be one of the big drawingcards. "The Loves of H ippopopolixand Phthinia" presented by J _ RalplBenzies, Lander MacClintock, andPhoebe Bell Terry is another muchheralded attraction. The scats forthe Alumni vaudeville are on saleall day today and tomorrow in thecorridor of Cobb hall. At the Audltorluiil·ledt.t Hall, 8:00 P. M.AND LECTURE SUBJECTS AS GIVEN BELOWOct. 14. IgI2-"MIND-CONTENTS •.PROCESSES AND LAWS."With Experiments with Audience-using Apparatus.Oct. ISo 1912-"SOUL-WITH IL­. LUSTRATIONS." A bewilder­- ing World made clear, plain andinspiring--a revelation to a1\-·Science.Oct. 23. 1912-·'RELATION AND·DESTINY OF MIND ANDSOUL." Mental Processes andSoul Processes; a beautiful andunexpected harmony; Illustratedwith Charts.Oct. 24, 1912-"BOUNCING THEBLUES, OR THE PSYCHOL­OGY OF CHEERFULNESS."How to constructively controlone's spirit in life's struggle-anevening of Fun, Fact, and ·'Filos­ophy."HE MAKES PLAIN THE OB­SCURE, RENDERS EASY WHATIS DIFFICULT, CLEARS UPCONFUSED IDEAS. HUMOR­OUS, ENTERTAINING. AS WELLAS PRACTICAL.SECURE TICKETS NOW. SENDYOUR REMITTANCE TO WAL­TER A. SITTIG, SECRETARY, 1706THE REPUBLIC, 209 S. STATEST., CHICAGO, OR TELEPHONEHARRISON 4993, TO INSURERESERVATION. OR PURCHASEAT DAILY MAROON OFFICE.COME EAlRLY.Dramatization Suggested byII. Frank As Improve­menJ:. Maud "An educator, an entertainer, an inspirarion.t'-c-Hon. Wm. ].Lincoln, Nebraska. Bryan,Question Box conducted after lecture. Make this be . of practical help toyourself. Be free with your questions.."Dr. Krebs' lectures on psychological phenomena are both prcacticableand reliable. He renders a great service to the world in presenting thctruths and facts of the great mental laws in such a clear and forciblemanner.v-e-Rt. Rcv. Samuel Fallows,D. D .• LL. D.OFFERS CHANGE IN HIGHSCHOOL ENGLISH METHOD• .£ ��- ._ - t:'II'�4- -*WRIG�EYS�lt4t.!tlMl4 .PEPSIN GlJM ���_ •• 1._-FORBID ALPHA DELTTO PLEDGE FOR YEAR(Continued from page one)Dramatization as a method. ofteaching first-year high school liter- "By mixing with the world he learned men. His suggestions to bus­ature is a plan offered by Maude M. iness people for practical work are admirable, The education of ourFrank of the DeWitt Clinton High salesforcc in thcir work with him has been' of great benefit to us all."­school, New York. The plan has been John \Vanamakcr, New York and Philadelphia.suggested by complaints of student�s._, Ithat a lesson in Ivanhoe was not prpared because it was too "stylishMiss Frank is the contributor of anarticle in the October English Jour­nal entitled "Dramatization of SchoolClassics,""When I say that I have found thcCLASSIFIED dramatic method capable of being� used to excellent advantage in theA UDITORIU�. D.I'A • ..._.. •• ., teaching of the first-year literatureTHE GARDEN OF ALLAH says the author, "I spcak with fear"The Eighth Wonder of the World." and trembling, for the words dramaticFOR RENT-Two attractive single and dramatiztion on a teacher's lips___________________ [rooms, 5i45 Washington avenue. too ofter suggest a lack of sense of Announcement that thc sale of s�a-values in effort," hold the action of the InterfraternityII son tickets for all athletic events will. I---L.oe and Od-�y Used council in preventing the Alpha DeltsFOR RENT-Washington Avenue; YtIDU J- be continued in future years is con-near Jackson Pa;k and IIi. Cent. "Ivanhoe" and "The Odyssey" were from pl('cI�in� men. Donald Breed,sidcrcd a result of the success of thcthe' books used in experiments. The among O\iH:r things, said that the nat- sale this season. More than 400 have. f h d • I ural thing for his fratcrnity to dohrst part 0 eac ay s esson was been disposed of and it is expecteddevoted to a renderinz of the dia- would he l(' withdraw from the coun-'"... that at least 300 more will he sold be-loguc in one of the scenes hy as cil. fore the close of the foothall season.many pupils as required for t he There is no reduction in t hc priceLOST--On the Midway, or in Cobb, parts. The planning of this work isUNIVERSITY WOMEN despite the fact that onc footballa gold watch. Initials E. A. G. declared exceedingly simple, IvanhoeTO VISIT SOCIAL game has hcen played. and there will.Please return to Edna Goettler, containing many scenes which, withCENTERS TOMORROW be no reduction throughout the foot-Greenwood Han. Reward. the slightest possible twist, can he hall season. Those in charge of the_ converted into self-contained dramat- sale or the . tickets feel that thc.. -.FOR ,SAL£-2 meal tickets on the ic episodes. This zypc of work is Univcr sity women will take a trip purchasers get morc than their• Richard Carle-Haw·e Wi:":--- 5 said to call for isolation of the dia- t" the University settlement. Hull • tl t tl t iccI&IIaIUIt Greenwood Cafe, 1357 E. 55th L,.;H. .money. s wor I a tc prcscn prt •THE GIRL FROM MONTMARTD'D logue memorizinn the speeches house an d the Iuvcnilc court tomor- d lucc jt lIlt· llynoD worth $3.50 a piece for $2.50 per' . rot'• an to ree uce I won ( )C prac rcaincluding J. M. 'Barrie's Burluqaf ticket. Call at Maroon Office. whenever they are not unduly long. lOW. under the auspices of the V .. W.to give away admissions.problem plaT. and working out appropriate action. C. L. TI1<' party will leave Lexing-A Sl .. ICE OF LIFB One of the advantages to he dcriv- ton a t f). �() first to the Settlement, WISConsin-Work has started on aliOR RENT-Large newly furnished cd from the judicious use of simple then to Hull house where they win high school to he run in connectionroom, suitable for two students or dramatic work. according to the have luncheon and then to the Juven- with the University of Wisconsin .. Itmarried couple. Everything mod- author, gives literature to thc PUPilsjilC court. A poster has he en placed will cost about $150,000 and will heTHE NEW SIN J:, � -. em. Call after .. p. m., 61()6 Ellis in a real way" It also furnishes an in Lcxin gton to he signed by those one of the most modem school build·� :� .. ' _. Avenue. Flat Ct. .: l � •. 'c-pportanity for self-expression, who desire 10 take the trip.e ings in the country.. .�St."'W""waA'W80The only 5c Show in B�e Park ALUMNI VAUDEVILLEGood Music and Good Pictures PERFORMERS HOLD...... r................. REHEARSA� TO-DAYGAUMOIIT WEEKLY EVERY TRUaSDAYc.rru'"_"ABD OTIIER PlcnJUaSEASON TICKETS SELL WELLFour Hundred Are Disposed of-PlanWiD Be Continued