I I-I!' ... • 1:..-:lIbi1,, I -:., ,r ........I .: ,,- "-�n±- , � � �, .� - .,�."'.""�""""""'"11'; l." •" •••• � '.; •• •_ \ !_ ....... __ .. ': la ·".I:".a..£ :J.!-i,:tr.,eUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, THURSDAY. OCT. 10. 1012.VUL. Xl. No. 8.ARRANCit; 'l®gIUfi.'-:1·�0Cl�� V;qsrn TO;'-RACTlCE,:_ ARE EIILAI�;""dmCis WiU;REPOlt·J_t. :AL_'-VAUDEVILLE � Profa.« LeaYitt Declares WITH·TACILING DUMMY" e �,.---:� �� . •• :' 'otC'nPRi-DEttA1 �_ That CbIef FuDctiOD of the Gram- _ Laq � .of ...... BqaipDeDt > •••••. '• • ;'_" •••••••••• �. . ; Baa 'D__ PI -a' d ' ,- . - . ..• -Old .IIM Dr-tiC i·mer; � Is to Select Children CeadaStaa WIIE.iea.......... aad'�; � e , :t:Vt'y:,"'\ .. ...,.. (.tW��·((?·'�"�·�_'l;���:� ,au 18 .A"ar fodllch School. � C*t1... .. Prea�;� WID Move to ..._a . .:.:. ...� yee ......I_I I!_&..-..L., . \ That'·t has �_:' ed f . . Mea � L BaildiDa Sooa. . -7 .. � asaa � . • I . reauaane or our own "cc& . . � ........FRANK PARlER IN �NEw··lD·:,�i�� .:;Y��: �!t:::t:baryt·:::oo7.����ul n:�iOt: ONE MORE I:'D£,�U" & U IirBftRTS· ChaogeS bei�g 'mad'e oil. �b� ° � _��":�·;;_:id -L_ftnw. .. � -...rv building will provid� lo� .the i��l��n IlRitiDT ftRALTIU. :'. '.. : sel�Ct. i*Il01e �hildren whol are quali- _ f B " ", " .., # '.. .' .., .••• •,0 uildinp" aDd . GrouiidS . office' and . . .-Arthur G. Bovee. 'oS, and Wau.ce W. fied to continue their education in the W�onain-Northwcatcrn Game Will of the uliiy��sit� �s.iitcb��ard� � '�eil Becaaee '�f ' .. l1!,.;'i�i�,··c;f C01IDCiI.Atwood. '97, Both Faculty "em:'" iiigh school and to prepare them to Eliminate LoleI' from Race for as new and enlarged offices for' tb� Severe PenaltYe·� •. Thoucht Prob-bers, Will Appear; : dO:80, i! the opinion of Frank M. Conference Champioltahip. Press, . The" 'UiiiversitY sw'itcbi>Oird ·ahie.__ Leavit, Associate Professor in the de- . " . .The program has been arranged partment of Industrial Education. Practice in the rudiments of the has already' been ·.Ji1b.v'ed· and oecu-for the Alumni Vaudeville to be held He- i�-the contributor of an . article on game was again the order of the day p,ies t�e �o��er .. a��i��'!,o�.ce •. The . : Because ·.it was felt .that the I repOrtby the Dramatic club i'n Mand�l' �t. for the Varsity football squad. No office of the Buh�tngs ··and· Grounds of the. advisory committee of the�'The Need, . Purpose, and Possibilitiesurrlay night. The following actors of Iudustrial Education in the Elc- scrimmage was held yesterday, and, d.�����!�e�� .. �.p:������y �:."i�l,.: '��\.'!!�� Interfraternity council in regard toarc scheduled to appear. mentary school," published in The according to Coach Stagg, none will 1R0v�d before th ••. firsl or. �.o!!=ber. the 'penalty ·for Alpha rielta· 'Plii1. Arthur Gibbon Bov •• , in songs.: '£i,!;';�\ilari 'Schooi Teacher for Oc- be held this week. Starting with the It ,..,11 a�so be glV'O a place 00 the shol.ld ;Grsl ·b. heard :by :th" coilllcilFrence and American. Bovee was' a tober. . ball and picking holes through the first fto_«>r.,. -: .... :1: .t : '.: ·._.l Ii. ':.' itself, publicati6n of the report 'basmember of the class of '08. He is at Article I. Quoted. opponents' lines and tackling the .T�e s"!�t�h.t;»oa�� �����rl.. Lu�� .�:r b,�en< .�i_th.�e�.d., .!�e Alp.ha ,J;)eltspresent an instructor in the French; . ��The most important part of in- dummy formed the greater part of �h�. ,�,�es�. �.}�.�� .. a.�'I1���e����� its were ·,,_f�und. ·�.iltY, �u��y, j 'ofdepartment of the University. .. ; ciustrial ;educati��. ' :st be' . the work. numbers .�d�. t� .the. University t���ri�.k �hh"p"�dgcs .bY. the cO�JJcil2. "A Breeze From-the North:" 'by connect�on with th:u�ork o�I;�d:: Coach Stagg is dissatisfied with the 5witclibo�r4: )Jo :�:tb.;� ne�"p�o'ii"es as a' ,whole� arid the' report of.. t�.�ad-Wallace Walter Atwoo�, 'w. Mr. At- seven and eight," says the autho�. condition of the me;' and is tryiog �,.,v� .. be��:,p���.�or:,· .. t�e .·:�chao� vi",,'l' committee will be h.ard at awuod was the first busmess manager '�At any.rate this must b s f1 th to. improve it by giving wind. sprints exce.�,�J��. ��i�.�: R��J"�I'�����: and fip'ec�1. �ssi��.·t�d.ay.·;:,.·.;. ,("of the 'Dramatic club.' He �is now a �im�. whe�: the' purposee ,o� ��� el; after each practice session. The In- ���I��f�!.,�a,J: '-'�������lo��r;at���_�,�c: ' " : .�� .��ti.eL ...member of the Geology department ment;iry' .:choot· is the. '130 in of a diana game showed that the men now employ�� "':t .. t�e; 00a��. t�rough- �.iI\llp�.m'?c;�.,.o� :p��alties. ·hav.e. beenof the University, nd .is also a mem- :founaatioD, :iincl the- 'me:ho:s' em- were forced to slow up towards the o�t the �.�Y.���}�� ?t:�i��� ., : ��.t��: P!,ob��l.y:!�e�mo$.� S�"f!reher of .the staff· of the' U nit�d . Sta�� .pI�ed.:.in. the 'elementary "grades ar� e.od of t�e contest from poor con�i- Move. � 9� '. J of tltele J�. t�e; ,.s�gge����n. that theGeologiC Survey. and. _�o,:,ne.cte� !.!t�: �ncouraging:in�tead 'of repr·e�sive."· t1(�n. It �s to guard against this oc- T�e. �f��e of tlje .. �nsl\ .. h� .. be�D .:Iph,. DeI� .Phl ·��ter���.! be .�r��Ihe f�culty of the ChIcago Acad.my Th •. priocipl. reasoo sugge.sled for currence IQ future game. that Coaeb mi>v,,, J<\clh. ... S!;cooll.lI09� will':« the ��b�ted from pl.dglog'. a� . mto. t�l�of SCIences. .'. ". ' the :e.tablisbm�mt of industr'ial edu- Stagg is· insisting on 10nJl: wind Generallibraey io'imertY . was' .h90Sed. ���,: . '��her ·sugge;;t���s. were3. Bert Henderson, '10, In a skit of 'cation is that 'the wages of .som'e sprints. An_:�4i.J?�1 J.Q:O,ql ;���e.r:. the .char� ��at.the ��e��ers b.e: �ubli�ly; c�t�cis�his own manufacture. children are needed for the suppoit Demand Speed. �f, Mr._ .tai.ng,,·.w��«;�;�. to_.� .. u!\�.d al sCI' and: n�n��nd�d ·!n. ��e. �ai.lyAnnounce Miss' waJDWa. ;.; of� ��"de�Jd��( �hile tl!e scl,o�l �peed a.nd condition are the two a c�nBul�ii9P'.,ro.Q� f��. I���:.e��.��. �r-OQl1; and.. �bat t�� .. �lph� De�ts4. Agnes Wayman l� �o. . ��s� an: :iriake the service of children �� cries which are. hear:d daily on of t��. ;di�e.re!l� Jo,Q�ls�.pri�.te.d by ':t.�C:_!lE.. .. s:�pr���:n}��.I�.n_.�n,.!�C;_�!1��r:Wayman graduated in 'oJ. She 'has efficient that it �y be worth more Marshall field ... T�e lino shows a the Press, is being CP!lstntcted, �dja- f'"teroity.: CC?U�CI�- .. It� Fas .. a1so beenbeen connected with the Lexington than untnnned;: ':irresp6li!jble labor, �oeful l�ck �f .speed at, times.. This ce�t to t�e ge�eral !>��e: � .. ' '.'. _ I s1YJ."e�. ��at: :h.e�r J)l.ctu�e, . be.·. keptgymnasium faculty for. the �t .. t�r:ee ... ,Three-fourths of the childr�n fail. to �s due prlmanly to the lack �f k��wl'" The ,shipping �d:.:�i1iDg. d�art.: ��'.o'. t�!� �e¥ �.:��p)�n.� ��wl\ •. Iyears •.. Miatr. Wayman_·i,;..faiii -: .. , .. .-.-i.:- : h' Is' __ ':'h .., �i. dge of· the .rudiments· of the .game.: oonAnt of, tl- . 'P" '. �_.- .1.'_- . . a. It has been rumored that:�he_�9st• ' .• ,_ ' .• _Y; ••.• " r' ""� �.K 00 wens tocaUVIJIIIIIW # '. ..�---. ._ •• ,_ •••• :..._ � •• '_, - •••• , ...... ' I,e.) "' .. 'iI4P ... �I). ,ua�ve· :&rm� .the origi��! "Cherry Si8����i� ��_. ··��J��.�·����·��.h�-tin�t�··lio:-;;.tpt,* �stead ;o.f. !»1��in.� _a�moSf intuit�!�- fr"i,� -�'base •• t:.���:1W!����Qc6��S scy�.�. . -. :,,",,,�meut..:.ul:.-:� -rolc shc .has appeare� an��l ��!I red,into,tbeir·.nl'twor�· The"'a;e l� as Coach Stagg wlshes •. ,the lme- on ·the:se�a:ct floar-next.tc,·the· '. �dmanl.tered,.�s �he .... lJlterfraterti.tTat U�iver?i�y cni.rt;'inmdtL . �� _. . �;s;: �t ii. ;�j�d;';'niag •.. :hen men hay. t� &lOp ,ii�d .a�alyze .ach .ral o� .. :AU ;.tOc;1c:: :bejoogiJi::! CCIIQlCI1:YO�d. lI"""imQusl:r. it!. JaliorWayman Will be assIsted by Comet� .... · ",��c!:.,ith the . mo�e' fortunate m�ye .of their.. opp?�e�ts .�r�Qre. th�y th� p'ublica:�ioQ �enl ha • .been of mak.a� a�,.�IJJPtc �f �Ipha Delt.Bcall. " .:'. .,.... ,�� . �ho have had· specialized train- proceed to. bloek It. !hls results, In m()ved. into :;.the;. 'J»�IS·. b1ii14iD. 'in- �}. ·R�.� "�-:: -�- .. 5. �cnry Sulcer, O!i.: 10 : � �.fu !lIti-: .. ':;;�Ij. .. slow pl�yng. Afler thIS week'. str!;D; 5.tcad.;qL �D1!: .oCa�re4, :tIiJOIIiIbatit �d • ,F!OI!'''.�wo��I.. ".. ��� .•diverSion. �rs. Sulcer. WIn prob- :- �.ea to Schools. uou� dnll. th�. men OUght, to b� a�le four different Jnaild�p�a�_Jonneriy. ����t�� �s �h�l�a�. ?�,.t�� �d���&ably act as. h,. acco,!:paol8t. • ".. "This type of education is oe.dedr to solve t11�1� .-!U'poneo t. play WIth Ri:stl'O!"ilS :fo.<. :Press _ C1Iiplo� •. will 1lOIl..s, � th." !,!� •. rt�t�":'ty .. co� ..... �6. A <ulll�g f�m Press, �o�bnlP-; � �ati'!;'�" "because it brings more grea�e� read mess.• �.'filt.d :oat <>tnhe... lIIitJ1 ,8'!Ot-. :n� oth.r ID .... ber .._ '�lId tli. (rat. orn-The actors In thiS sketcb W1l1IDc1.c1e ;..c·;.:tM. ers into the schools It's' W.1.lhams, a 175 pound Ime�an from. ·A··· .'.l '. b'· ':, .... '. '.. f . h I(i�s lhey' represent .ar�: Wa'1fer Goo-. .•.. H . _1. �. � • I. Jr.. k � T. - S soon, as - t e; remaJuder - 0 .t e d d Ch' p". N .• . . EIJames Hickey, '06, Allce I:ee. em..., ill :."e grades that most childreh ..\.e��uc y State umverflty, 19 the lat- I·h :_., � .. ·d",·· . ._.:, h- .. ' 8v• ar, lSI;·, onnan �strorn,k ' .' d F . �. . . t . 1 h h . . Ira.,.,.1S auOv� roM 't .. e.t ,r", oor SI Ch·· E r L d Al b T'12. Frank Par er,. 12, an ., �e� .. �t�':t�e period :of early adolescence_ (:s. amv� at. t � Fr�s man � �m�. the :Press'-ofliq':()D� tbat' ·ft®r will'be .� .. I,· .r lD�. un. e,. p a auRos�, f!X""I4. �!lelr act co�rase,' DnftIl.•. tbll. �riod the peculiar tastes �oa.ch Page IS well pleased WIth the . b d': T' h·.·· i.e .. . , L .. ·f' h <?�;. and Jam�s ��,ovan. �ppaba ...._. ;1,;. ��� _ .. -. -. f W'l . H· . en rge... e o",ces OD taMi' O\lrt Sithat part of the S w co�e�y .,,� •. c� ""r,aJie in.liyidual must 1-- studied. appearance 0,. I b;ams. IS appea_r-. f1 - . ·n .. ' t' t:.__. w.;' • d' . • II" . pa.- i '" r• i. . .. . -'".,. _ _ _. . • �r"r': ," .' III.::_ . . oor WI '110 � c"ange matem Y- L I •• -descnbes' the VISit paId by t�e ��t�:-, l)fi.e �oPtional.inte·rests which are nee brmg� up the nu�ber of F�sh- Over'·$t�·:.drtli f-" .: .. , T!·� .. ncldents. whlc.l.l�ere the d�ctsuffragist ladies to th� �o��!'.�!� ..�f �.!' �. CD��- �US! .. �. b.��!��t " into the men to .fifty-ni�e. This is the largest has-. been -addC�.· . N: ::. :r�:� �pa;e'l, .o.f t)1e .. f�ro:re " were t�e a.1-·the British army. "Jim' Hlc�ey �1 : '. �.. .vtqrlc .and there utili��cfas an Freshma� squad that has come out h· h' be i.a: b It lftnpt. of ·the Alpha ,�I� .to lQciu",Play Mitchener, the old geDeral"'A� 't��;. �'r ··V1.�ro·u-s 'elZo'rt" ·on· 'th' elfor football at the University in more ma� Ines•. a�e .. L.... eft. pu". :..' udt �·,Chi·:Psi. and tWQ .. De1ta T� Ddt!l.. '.. ll� rr��"'� to, .e- • II' . a composing· t.uK-,·case stanus an ' � .. , . . . '"Lee Herrick and Fran� Ron ·.11 ' 'of the .. 1.:1.1' . than five years. II· .....i.b·· t- .__, '. '1.'_' dd d h p'1"-ges,_ to l.renQ�"ce ,th�if.l.pl�dges. .' �. -'-\6 '. �"'.' • ." . . , ga ey.,;. IDe s _'We IJIIIC'IIt::D a e to t e . -.•act Mrs. Banger and Lady Connt1'1fI .!: :. .1,: '._:. . .. '. Dissatisfied With !lreshmea. - Th D- • ,,"., .. c;c�t. Alpha .:nelt .. �ttons .. In-,.,' a:' .•... t WOII .... · CHORUS WILL �ET C h P "" . equipment. e �.ess now.bas 3,800 d. I· .Fanshawe, th two an�l-sulI"�S':��: � r: r:7' -. . . . --:--_ ....... oac ag� ye�ter�ay ex�ressed numbeftct. 'alld" Qta ed:: Ie �t� ... t, . �s. said tha�, th� ,twooons; and Frank Parker. wI'1 .... ..., "' ... ijjJ 'j�. --. to Rebeorw iI. hImself as beIng �lssa�lsfi.d WIth the . _ •• .' . �. pI.� lo�d�� ... a� . �ot �,,� on.1. y. ::&TQ.lQJdSold part of The Orderly.. :11w . K.at''ihiaier T�'" , w�r� o� the ye�rl1Dgs. �he men have �. 0IIie* �, fq'i .. �?�p1al.,t. fr:o�. t�e "vanous . .fra�To Hear lIonolope..... .:�: __ , _. .. ._ '. .. "�'" b.e�n dll�tory In reporting for �rac- . :��e .. ���� •. �fr;��� .. ��gI�t�� Oc�le� t�"'lt.lf!S. on t�e cap1p�s, as. �he_ A,pba7. Frieda Kirchoff Brown'-",��. �� ,.._������I_.�� .�h� . .}an� .Addams �.ce dunng tile past �eek, especially tt�� o.d... ����o� .. �.�· t��, .fi,�t� .�oor pell.� f.hi,·.fr-atef'!lity. h�_��n guilayregale the audience with some of· � f�n.ss. W1it be .lield an Kent lheater �n �hc last two days. �e is going to WI�� .en�.�� �� The olice of oJ l�ng, or evadi�. �he. la"s � ...famous monologues. '. ttt � at ,,:10. All members and any '1:Slst on prompt appe�rance for prac- t.�� :;,�n�!��I�" ,���I�?r ... � �Q �o,", .. �y.<the Interfrate.mity. �o�"cil,8. Bernard Iddings Bell, 'otl, in ;1If', ',' -.romen wlio wish to join the tice from aU c:andidates for the squad. moved t6 tli�· se'COftd flOOr of t1ae a nunalter of other ti�es �ut no,£onDO:personations. 'If ff .i'1is ari: u�d to attend, as badges Th� Wisconsin-Nor�bweste� ,,game Press� �.u:i.ld,iD,.� .��.!t',}����,.��� ,its al.�c.Qmplaint�: �ave been registenclf). Frank Parker, '12. in • .".� , ,be dlstnbuted. These badges on �turday is the only western game former quarters OIl 'tll� fint tloor. �y�the.: fraternities. J :... .; ,..Dance of .Morgiana," from "Ali 1k� . I,Decossary for admittance to the \V�ich will have a direct bearing on . -� .. ,. " .:.. ·.::'lUl_ 1�J.i - .-.: : • :1 •. ,.'and the Forty Thieves." ��ef�; )!1e1I1I1. :�here. �r. Roose;elt will t�e Confcrence: championship, situa-.._ �oa��;';�:j�� .. ��Jl�._� .• a�USE� ��I�.��.:��:;: .. ,. .1it'W dance ha� never been' �D ,� .' �rday nIght. MUSIC boo�s �Ion. B�th teams ��ve played. one hild! .���. to�.�. ��. � ��ft���n �B HBL� .�� ��� '" � ':'.'Vnh'ersity audiences. .: .. i�] � OD, sale. at the rehearsal lD (Came apiece, but neither has appear- witb the Universiti �{ Wisco .. iD. It AND l�t�ITCHCOCK10. Ralph Benzies, 'II. and ��cl�r �J_{iQ� t.i.�aft�moon, by W. Fontaine cd aginst a Confere�ce team. The will cost '�bo�t"$I�"��a will be --�MacClintock, 'II, in .. an ela�k �ia1ts. The' chorus will sing at the .!e�eat of either. team will mean the one of t�e most �em school build- Hitchc9,Ck will have its. first ."_��-.pantomimc entitled '''The Loves-.qf pHHU1n. saturday night. t'liminaticn of that team from ings in the c��ti;. .. in� ·_tonight at 9=45 .�nd the. meD, �Hippopopo1ix and Phthinia." Th��.;, �e�i�tes of charter membership .the Conference championship race. '. ..' . � ;SD�II will meet at 10 •. N�w ,ofti��rs.will hc assisted by Phoebe Bell 'fer- to the 'Progressive party are now Iowa Haa G�e. . : ( - .'�: _ w'�, :'., .• - 'will be elected at both these meetings.ry, '(1). '. �. •.... d)' few di.trib�tion to Bull Mooo-. Iowa is _th. only other Confer.nce ,JuSt -1 ..... ·. ...,. "'lei( lA.si.��t proi.� •. �i- Robertson.. !. t�.Other Attraetions Slated. era- These certIficates and a gold- �lev('n wh,ch has a game scheduled ", .' ". ',.; I; ,'_" ,.1.... ._. _ :��!' �e�� �,f: ",��chcoc.k, �s�ist��. �yBesidcs the above attractions there was�ed Bun Moose pin of the F�d- f.?r. Satu.rd�y. �hic� will affect the to au�A t� �. � .�. at i�� .��, \ .C:�a.��e� W. G.ilk�f· a,n�. As�.will he onc or two others. F�n_� ,,..tlon of College Progressive j Big Nme' SituatIon. The Hawk- the price. of· twe dou.n. 'If ,,0. do i�.���n� ·���.fes�r )ame� .. ·A�·. Fi�ld.Orchard and Paul Davis h�ve �111J'- 'ngaes ean be procured for one dol- �yes will meet C�rnell college at raot _.". IOUtItot' .' ...' . i¥.r.!'·; Jl��.ha'��,�,!( .. the. �epa!�me�t .��fled thc.-ir intention of contnbutlng • Jar from• �d�rd McConoughey. 39 ,Towa City_ Ohio St�te has a .game '. . -,' _.:> ,.. • .��.� �� jf.��\fita,. Scienc:e i.s hea�, �( S�ll�sharc of tllc pro�m. ... . .. �: �W4Ie.DiVIn'ty hall, betw�n.3 a�� 4,;schedulcd �ith Delli.�n, but it win DailJ'''� � �,��. t�"_, �r.)�o�rtS:O� and �r •. ��m':.Scats arc on sale In Cobb all�", � da,.,. or a! any of the P�Ogres� I��ro� no hg�t� on the Conference is.; also· ..... �: tMn at aD .... !h�'1 r �a� . ���s _ �n f�� f�r: se�era"in� Tbey may also obe obta1M4�J£ dtt· clalt. mee11llgl. The·.cJub IS now situation as .Ohl0 Static ·has no games' .. . r . .; , .'. uew. leatures in the social mgetingsad�iressing The Dramatic club, Fa�,. ;rranging a se�s of lectures for next .�cheduled with. Con��cn.�e . clevens ��. �� bi alai � tab ,.oar alb- �f "th'ei�' �s�t�:�e.· ���l� details ofty Exchange, Bos 3tf8. . week .,. proIII1 .. t speaken. this year. �ipdoa. w. .which will be announced later.II;1I: 1or. '.... 'Wandering . clouds o.,:erhe�d; cmbow-1 return to the starting point.ercd 'mid trees ever wisp'ring,- t The women who took part in theOak and. cli.eSl.nu.f :ti.i<f "maplcv+Iike f.,clUb race were Ruth Morse, Margaretcastles enchapted.Jn story, �Chaney, Dorothy Weil, FlorenceStand they, these '����'de�ful temples, . Foley, Dorothy Williston, Helenturreted, towered .�nd. gabled, i:�(jnard� ircJc'" Taylor, . GwellddlynDecked with garlands of ivy, green in Perry, Kaney Miller, Edna Bell, Cor-". the' freshness ot Summer, J.... neIia Beall and Lillian Swawite •Now in the rich Autumn, russet and Those who participated in the walk·orance ali<Y'gold"'en;"� .•. .;.. ;ing race were: Harriet Tuthill, MarianAssociate Edito� . 0Walter Foute ..•.•• Martin Stevers Like as .the hues of the sunset, ere 'Cole, ·Marjorie Coonley, Dorothy'William Lyman •..••• John Perlee swept by' tile!' storms I hPN overn- D:ivis�· Gertrude . Hass, and Marie'..... I K t H G ber, �:. � ; :" ,:.. 1; Schmidt.Samue ap an . • • • •. arry orgasH alger Lollesgard .•. George Lyman He��� as .t\o. s?��,es. c��e' t�: ,�i���ms, ,,��ss "Gert!,:,�e _I�udley, . �ead, �f the.CI)'d� Watkins .. George Cottingham In ages- -of .. fala;'.lo'iig• �eparted, women.s athletic depart�ent, Margar­Grace H otchki�s .• Sarah Reinwald' Come they, her .�s)and fair daugh- et Sulhvan, Margaret Riggs, Eleanor �ters, the hope and the heirs of 'S�eley and Augusta:Swawite were ·.inSubscription Rates. ' . the country�' :' : tbe receiving line. Margaret Riggs:By carrier, $2.?0 a year; $1.00 a, quar- �Co�e to tht :sotir(Srot:khowle(lge, to 'af:ting president of th� association;:.. ter· . :��: m�l� :.$3.� a year; �!�ha; quaff the �ierian f<?u.ntain, ,. ,. a:d�resse:lli:"�e new wom�n ,·and. urged'qu�tte'r�' , Joo.JoO_ , .... Drinking the':JiRM: �)itQ, centunes lem' to �n the �ti� Dan., . - ... -: .. , \'.- -• . 'pa�_�, �� .. :���e·�n� of.A�hens;· ';r.g ffl..�O��� the. �r�,�,m!:-� .'.�Edit������e�s"':�c�s, �I�s 2 Natur(f.s"deep s��th,..(tO .. probe, and ; .. � �':".' ,.', 'L, '." �;' .,Te�holle ·:14.ldway: 800� Marl Box ".Sci�nce'� mysfrj�� a�d jus.�ic�L., ;UNI\'F;RsITY WILL HEAR .4007�����tj .�c�ange.·· .... :Ma.�.�et1S .���:+r��' :. �,og��he�,. yet ' '?� REGULAR,CONCERTS··Ev�.�:��#�, has � ,office � '. e�ch :'�rthe!ir:.��n�. ��n�er,and with clear. eyes and honest laD- .One.1n thelr_cC?m.���',p�,se, aifolyguage, may unveil'injustice and point' . and .gloriou��a.t.'f<{� .... �.�,·� "t· .. }�;�!,:.the way to progress."-R. L. S. "� .,Solemn!y. here ���:�,e�F.t�i1·g ·,:..}�e--------.-------- . strengtll,of t�� �i� �c:r,'the:�plnt,¢bitortal That amoDg, an, t�t. ;e���;�����ations. Six concerts by the Theordoreher name shalJ�highe'6t�j)e ·;praised. Thomas orchestra and three recitals.,';\< hat is news? Last year The Ma' ..' .b" I., , "1" h' d b fa . '11 h •Long may the t.ore ". he�e·:::, Ig te, y' mous artists WI compose t e "TId'tOR FOR YOUNG MENroon, gave its idea of news-anything flame high a�d' 'brightI'Y ill¥.�i'lre' musical program for the winter, as 'I __ .T Ii Ifit!E S TOR E S _ -:-that interests or ap- Mountain a�d plain '�ith)t� rays;,and 'a�triged; f?y .the uoliversity Orches- .'.' Siiit�':;1905 :".'�:. ': . May, 1912NewS. peals to its readers,as years roll by itr:thei�"cydes,:·. ;tral association. Rudolph Granz, the Si�ce 1s9�,25 E. JiC�fSbp llh.(t .. · il E. Monro� St.and which they are Let it then pass· orl 'to�-()ihers, to' 'still eminent Swiss pianist, will be here 7 N. La Sal�e 5t., . , .' �.' I ianxious to hear. . 'N b -£ E Y h !..--�--:.---_:..;.;.-�����'7.'��.--_:--------��m���tw�; nn �oftmer�, �me �y�te �-�-----�������.��.• �!t.�P�"�.. �':�.=�=�=�;��-�.Y csterday's Maroon story on the Unto the dim far-off future, when iVroli'nist f�om France will' give a AlE YOU LOOIlltG :.fQR A PLACE' TO EAn Iaction taken by the Interfraternity Ear(h's la�t. days shall be num' �oncert on January 21, and Alice .' .. •cuulliil measured 'up to this standard bered, ���Is�n, the prima donna soprano Give. THE' COMMONS: 'a Trialof news··value . and therefore wasAnd, in the. great consummation, as from' the' Metropolitan Opera com� � the Upper _CJJass�men About Our Foodprinted in The Maroon, without bias. Heaven rolls back like a parch· pany, wiU sing on March n. .The You'll Like tbe�Lelub.�r�akf�t and CafeteriaAnswering complaints that havement,. <.iates for the concerts given by the Music at ,,;g' lit .: G�D.d,· food Low Priceshe\!n made since the publication of Merge, with its mission performed, in Thomas orchestra are as follows:the story, The Daily Maroon states the Infinite Light Everlasting. November 5, December 'J, Februarythat if the story was not· legiii'iaiate .J. V. NASH; "16. 4. Febntary 25, and April 8.news, .it � remains for unprejudiced Chicago, Oct. i, 1912. Junior Col1cge The progr.l� for the first concertpersons to say so.\VII be given �ut later. Patrons ofMarcus· Aurelius says, "Take away MARGARET RHODES WINS the orchestra are requested by thethy opinion. and there is taken away RACE FOR JUNIOR CLASS program committee to suggest selec.the complaint, 'I have been harmed,' tions which will be referred to theThe Maro�n· in all sincerity cannot Is F� in Feature Event at Annual leader of the orchestra. The programtake away its opinion that yesterday's W. A. A. ' Reception-Many At- ,commitee consists of Dean Angel1,�t(lry should have been printed. It is tend and Compete.. �frs. C. D.' Buck, and James A. Field.ior any complaintant to take the al- Season tickets for students will betcrnative offered by the sage, "TaKe:Iway the complaint. 'I have beenIharml'd: and the harm is taken away." ton, rc w, 4:15, Harper M13 .'The Daily, Maroon . -Bulletin and. Announcements.,. Cbapel····�bly�J�to� ��I1�g��,' Dramatic Club-Alumni "audeville,women, IZ: 15, Mandel B Saturday, MandelFen�12:15, 'second floor, Neigh�rhood Cluba-Council meet-Reynolds club. ing, .1=15 Monday, Lexington.Neighborhood Clubs-Reception, Room Changes-Latin 29, 9:15,4:15, Lexington:' - Cobb 150; English 40,9:15, Cobb Be.Christian Science SocietY-4 :30, Episcopal Women'. Club desiresCobb oA. . names of Episcopal women, Kelly 4i.Philharm . S • ty 5 Mdl' Neighborhood Club-Dues collectedODIC eeie -j:1 an c.:. 'daily, I :15-2:15 Lexington:Menorah SocietY-i :30, Cobb 6A. University Debate-Tryouts FridayPo,.. Wow-Meeting for organiza- October 25. on subject, "Resolved:and election, Freshmen's debating: that the Plan of Banking Reformclub, 12:15 tomorrow, Cobb 6A. ;proposed by the National MonetaryGerman Club-Open meeting 4 to' Commission Should be Adopted bymorrow, Lexington. Congress."Dames Club-Wives of University Philosophical Club-Dr. H. M.students meet; 3 Saturday, Lexing- Sheffee of Harvard, speaker, tomor-.. ,� .. �.1 .� .,:iJ ... .. . ,� .., : Ir 1. ., , :.,...., ,: :.\::. ,� �� ';. .� ... ,c.., .If t.. I� 1:; � �� � :�.f>b'I .: .� Entered as Second-class mail at theChicago Post Office, Chicago, Illi­nois, March 18, I9OB, under Act ofMarch 3, 18jJ. candy as rapidly as they can. Theymust then return the kerchieves, bon'nets and aprons to the valises, foldthe stools, close the umbrellas, andmen run the length of the gymnasiumunfold their carnpstools, open theirFormerlyThe University 01 Chicago Weekly , ., � , ---Founded October I, .1S!.2. UNIVERSITAS' CHICAGl.Nlt;NSlS umbrellas, take sticks of candy outof their pockets and swallow the. .Here where the wide inland waters,Puhlishcd daily except Sundays, Mon'stirred by the winds of (' ctober,days and Holidays during threeSparkle and dance in the sunlight, inquarters of the University year.clear depths of azure retlecting 'Managing Editor .. ' Hiram KennicottNews Editor ••••• •• LeOil Stol�thletic ·_Editor. • • Bernard VmisskyBusiness Manager • • • Burdette MastSix �ces of ·�omas Orches­tra and Three Recitals HaveBeen Arranged.Margaret Rhodes; running for the sold for $2.25. $4.:.!5. and $6.25. AllJuniors. won the obstacle race' which the cheapest scats havc b("en re'featured t}1e annual reception of the scrnd for students although theyW. A. A.,yesterday afternoon. Wald' wilt no� he �ved after Saturday. Aninc Schneider, finished secon�1. ,\Valk- of the medium price tickes have beening, and club races in which the con' soM and there arc only a few <:If thetestants were' (Iiviflcd : into two· tcams highl'r pr:ced tickets left.!llso furnished part. of the entertain'mente 300 w.omen ,were pres�nt. Purdue-Work on the new dairyThe obsta�le, race is started with buildnig at Purdue is to be com­each contestant carrying a camp menced at once. The contract hasstool and an umhrella, and a suitcase b("en awarded to a Purdue graduate,containing an ol�, fastiio,:,�d bonnet, whose hid of $45,000 was accepted bya kerchief, and an' apron •. The wo- the building' committee. .ComeU-- The Cornell chapter ofSigma Chi fraternity has heen ex'pelled from the Interfraternity coun·cil for yiolating rushing rules. SigmaChi had made an engagement with aFreshman ),cfore enbragements couldhe made. Following the action of thecouncil Sigma Chi announced its in'tention of abiding by rushing rules,regardless of the action..,; - ------_'-.,_ .... -. -, .-".-., ..., ........ -���-- ......"�I_-�� -- .. �• ......:... , 1 .;·aymn�slttm-Suitsand .ShoesIII!•5750-58 BLLIS ���E. I.• 'J" 'AiND ..• It_O_OIl_··_106 ��F �� HALL _j'.1110 •..I1" 1 !.. ', AT'-, . !The University,:�f 'thicag(l Press�-'-'-4����'_'_�_'_�,-���_,����+-,_���-+_,�-.. !". ) � !., . .. .... 1·.. ' .TYPEWRITERS RENTED.", ..... ' .. '.'$5.00 fo ... : .. Three Months'. , ... '. .,. ...." � .;Every machine guaranteed to -ber .in 'fine . working order, and will bekept so durinc term of rental.:··,·", ".We deii���\he mChlne 'and cali.·for it �t' the end of the rental term.We �-'have'fnr sale'� be �e�f . Factory Reb�ilt machines of allmak� o� ,whick yo�' � .... s;�·Ac:to '7s'per cent.� •• I • .., .. -. �. �,!Telephon�i��on 6��99."' ...... ;. II;-':;I. A_raRlcMrwRltJ.N� ;!MA�RINE"COMPANY�n��q\��:R�"l;D);"�: .. � � '. .... . .•. , � , '-: 'I -:' • :437 �!lutb Dearbo� ,.St. .;. ,I ":"1::' ,;:;� t')�: !�:; jll)lr3lJbur'ill(': Lac: :'cioio�dT �i ""1 t »r >, .: ,",Chicago, IlL)fo�lAT I[T";'.. . , ��� f.t'fiOJ, ·If}'" '?r.�'J ,.�. � f i.'... I: ; .. i �-.". � ... :� ." ..THIS ADVERTISEMENT, IS ASMALL THING: IN A LARGE.,' I ...SP�CE. A .SUBSCRIP'fION TOTHE 'MAROON� IS A' LARGETHING 'FOR: A' ; SMALL " p�iCE.. . .' '. " .• : .!..._... ••...• ,��.:.t r·, .!...:..� ..... ''.PATRONIZE MAROON ADVER T!�ER�-IT PAYS. PlESSPIIIITS WOIl 01 E1BKS Dr. Zhitlowaky to Addreu � PENNANT 01• aI(!S .____ Dr. Zhitlowsky will talk to the �'wn... EtIda of the Old T.t.nynt" Sociology club today on "The Fu-fa Title of Pint Vobame of Series $ure of Nationalities in the Unitedof Wbicb Profa8Ol' IIatbewa Is States." 'The lecture will be givenBdltor. in Harper, M 18 at 4:15 and will be in-rile Ethics of the Old Testament" TH ESE dances will be given theis the titre of the first volume to be Green Hats Not Yet On Sale. second and fourth Friday nights ofi6sued in the series of "Handbooks of I n response to the advice iu the each month during the winter. TheEth· � ..d R 1·· " dit d b P editorial columns of The Daily Ma- dates (or the first month are OctoberIC. an e Iglon e ley ro-h d hfessor Shailer Mathews. The author roon a few days ago, Freshmen have lit an. 25t . .' ....of this pook is Hinckley G. Mitchell, attempted to purchase green caps but. Each penon wDl I'CCeIYCa 12Z30 Chiprofessor of Hebrew and Old Testa- found thaHhey are not on sale. It is c:aco PenDDaDt (OD Oct. 11th.) ODment Exegesis in Tufts College. It is announced, however, that the caps Oct. 25th. aD IUiDois Pennant.Checking Accounts of $50.00. one of the recent publications of the 'will soon be available. Prke. SL. Per c:.,Ieand Savings Accounts of $r.oo University of Chicago. Press.:. 'Iac- 18SlUE OIlaccented. It is the aim of the author to pre- WISConsin-Buttons will. be sold ...._______________ 1 sent a faithful and as comprehensive a to students and. citize�s at Madi�on 57th aDd ROAlie Court."Come and inspect th� laraeat IiDe view of the development of ethical to finance the Wlscon�1D homecomingof foreign and domestic wooleDs dis- ideas among the Chosen People as on the day of the ChIcago game. --------------played in Hyde Park. Our clothe. an is possible within the limits of aperfection in material, style, and manual. To this end he takes. theworkmanship. books, or parts of books of the OldTestament in the order of their orig­in. so far as their dates can be de-·termined, Their teaching on theMAKER OF SUPERIOR CLOTHES duties that men owe to themselves,their families,· and the: larger· worldof which they are a part is discussed.In most cases the survey is exhaust­ive. The care and patience required - ....-.- ..... _. ':-- ..to make it so can only be appreciated --------------­THE TYPEWRITING OFFICE by one who attempts to verify theBasement of Cobb HalL passages that are cited in the notes •••••••••••••••i� prepared to copy all kinds of manu These passages are thousands inscript; to handle correspondence by number. l)on't Fool 8,team Control of Humidity Reduci.ncstenography; to furnish cop�s of Is ODe -of Series.. with your face. You cannotcirculars, etc. In addition to the present book, afford to take chances. Al-I f you are new on the campus, we the series will include the following ;wa.ys insist onshould be glad to become acquainted; volumes: "The Psychology of Relig- ·WLLIAMS' SHAVINGif not, you probably know us, and. we ion," by George A. Coe, Professor of .5 TIC It .!should be glad to see TOU again. Practical Theology in Union Theolog-ical seminary; "The Rise of the NewAn Suit 0 • ... A Testament' Canon:' by Edgar J.y or vera,... 1111 Goodspeed, Ass�iate· :Profe9Sor of --------------Boose M&de to.Order $18." Biblical and Patristic Greek; "Christ- ... --�-------.Julius CoOper ian Ethics," by Gerald B. �mi.t:h, .As-THE- UNIVERSITY TAILOR soeiate ' Professor of. DogmaticTheology; and "IntrQductlon of R�126 East Fifty..F'ifth Street. GU· 'Il" d ligious- Educatioa," by Theodore .mon .ana e. . H ·1· ..lIW I °d h·· h· d .•• d Soares., Professor .of : osm ell��_ .a�"e a so 0 Ig gra e repalnng an ...pressing at very low prices. R�ligious Education. . . . .. .... ___';'I 0 NEWS OF THE COLLE�ESJulius Is Your Barller. .-. . Pardae-Following the lead of theSanitary Sh�p _ Three· Chain Seniors aIr the classes at Purdue willnow vote according to the Australian�Iot sYlt�m. ,. - ,Fall styles ready·imacu-Dr. oChing . Chun Wang, Oodles for big and litlle colleg.Illinois. ·11. has been appointed As- men,sistant Director of the goftmment S pedal suits and overcoats at bS.railways of the Republic· of q.ina. iL '0 Otl ers up to $SO.Dr. Wang took a graduate course anRailWay "_dministration· at .. Illinois,, M 0 S S I ere o.and was given 0 the degree oft Doctor.of PhilosOphy.:j --. ...... c._a..The near..t bank to the Uni­versity and tm: only Bank be­tween ant and 63rd street east(Between State and W8bab) of Cottage Grove ave. under StateYale-A strong and sustained pro- Government su�nision.test at Yale is being made by alumni 1 CAPITA!. hoo,oooand undergraduates· over the ·Eli·s tra- .3 PER CENT OR SA VINGFA. ToseDhine Graham ditional custom of not cheering atany tzcC'!J)t the so-called "big" foot-ban games. Yal� rooters want somemeans of displaying their enthusiasm,Millinery ImportatioDS J>ream ..... and band-clapping is declared too-----�-----------------------Im�Woodlawn Truttl Sarinas BaDIl1204 E. Sizty_'Third Street. CbicapA STNI'E' BANKDEPOSITORY FORUNITED STATES POSTALSAVINGS FUNDS-The weest and oldat b8Dknearest to �e UDivenity. Ac·count. of profcuors and ...dents solicited.BENEDICT W A L 01445 E. 55th Street.TeL Hyde Park d60One-Day Laundr7 ��Women of Sanfordball, as the Universi17 of Minnesota,were thrown into a panic recently bythe appearance of a peculiar beast.A fter aD the women had left the halla courageous person was found whohad the temerity to enter and slay thecreature. It was found to be a bat,and all ·the women looked crestfallenas they returned to their rooms withhandfuls of clothes and belongingsthey had hurridly snatched up onfteeing.1003% East 55th Stnet.The Drexel TailorsCLEANERS AND DYERS903 East· 55th 0Street. .Altering etc. of Ladies and GentsGarments.Repairin, and PreaiDc atModerate PricaPhone Midway 58761329 East Fift7-Piftb atreet.-- ... in Fih7 Dill.,..., �' .... 4 Ott17 at L ......,........,.,... -M' •• Dh-Dean Owre of theDental department of Minnesota con­ducts a walking class for members ofthe University, eve� Sunday • ...iL.ALao qc --­• 1.80 AlII! � A.. G. Spalding & Bros. - ..... ; r, 1 � ,'j!'-' I !·l]-:' 28·30 So. Wabash Ave. Chicago. III.R. J. GIBSO�, M;mqer.· .',0,'.""" ·�Plli�; ;'''i.t'!1lll�_StatlODery �combln� drawen In hantl"ome dnk. neftln rou want at )"our nneer tip!!. See oneat your dealen. Freight paid � (SeeDold.Tit!! "-M- MANUFACTURING CO.A.ERlC.AN 87 Union St. MONROE. MICHChiC8go DisplaY-5u-1S S. WabashGerman.If you play as the big coUeces do.you will use the SPALDING NO.15 FOOT BALL-the official ball ofthe &ame-and SPALDING UNI-:­FORMS and EQUIPMENT.Send for our Fall and WinterCatalogue-it's free.New rules for I912-Spalding'sOfficial Foot Ball Guide, edited byWalter Camp, contains the officialrules, records. notes, college cap_tains and managers, schedules andpictures of all the big teams andhundreds of other players. Price10 cents.How to Play Foot Ball. Editedby Walter Camp; revised for 1912;i�.t�uctions for playing; signals;training. Price 10 cents....... ' :_ ..keep eDough stntionl'ry ·nt hnnd for CUrftDtase. Solid Quartel'f'tl Oak. handsomel,. ft.­lshed. $S.oo. Esp"",,, Paid. (See note.)SOLID OAK LETTER FILEholds :0.000 letten orpapen 8%xll Inches,atoltd. subRtnntlal.Gold_. Natural ,)1'Weath�ftd ftnillh.....·awen are dust­proof and on rollprbearlDJP, Freightpaid. (See note. )..s.m.Get Catalog "ho,,'-1.« many handy. In­f'xpeDslve omce de­vice. and Section .. 'bookc:ul'L Booklet··Flllng Suggestion,,"alao tree..NOTE.-Frelght orEx.,,,,,.. paid ."Quoted to points eal'lor lIontana.· Wyom­Inc. Colorado. Okla­boma and Tf'XaB.Bllghtl,. hleber be­toael.The.e Dance8 are to heaometbiq DeW in UBi­venit)' circles this ,earMAROON ADSBRING RESULTS THE RECOGNIZED STANDARD"-M- FILING DESKS·JOSEPH SCHMIDT.FUtrtbint __ aDd Ximi»uk Aft. Stationery, Toilet ArtidesPine Line of CandiesTela. H,. �k II. Cldcaao, m 9s6 E.'55th Street. Cbicaao, mTelephoae H,. Park .137J.poned and Domestic Line ofapI'S and CipretteLMAROON ADS PAY- Installed in the University of ChicacoBuildinp.Complete Systemsfor all Methodsof Heatioe. Valves for Air. Water, HotWater Tank Replationa.I ! :!: t� .. J:' .' !! : I·� 0 r 11 �Johnson serviceCo.117 DEARBORN STREET.19 Jackson ·Blvd.-BadGood I..hiq bat DOt IIicb LiWacHOW? hso for '3-00WHERE?GreeDW_ Cafe1357 B.. sstIa Street.F� .•, your taste and'the distinctive­nrss of the shapesand styles w eseU-bats in end-1ess variety butof uniform highquality. Collegemen welcomed. ANDREW McADAMSnorist ••• DecoratorB. L AMES· BAT CO.TriIIaae ....... = IS w ...... MAROON ADSBRING RESULTSEMPRESSPROGRA� S' tanI__ ANNOUNCED ey'Commencing Sunday matinee, Oc­tober 6 Sullivan and Considine willoffer a bill at the Empress which em­braces Lew Fields' "Fun In a Cabaret'Continuous perfonnanc with 15 Lew Fields players, The TwoCome and hear the new $7.500 orgal Hcdders will display some new andNothing to equal it in the city. daring feats. That Kid (Jack RanaFive Reels of the latest releases han) the American Boy Harry LauderPathe Weekly Every Friday will offer some new impersonations.Current Events. Ward and Fox the two minstrel menADMISSION will appear as well as the Five MusicalMain Floor. all seats • • • • • • IOC Lunds direct from Europe after aBalcony. all seats. ••••••••• 5C year of big success, Also the Em­prcsscope with some new and inter­\'sting photo-plays will be on thebill.-Adv,J,E�FFERSON55th Street and .Lake Avenue.Oct •. �4. IgI2-"MIND-CONTENTS.PROCESSES AND LAWS:'With Experiments with Audience-using Apparatus.Oct. IS. IgI2":'_"SOUL-WITH IL-.LUSTRATIONS:' A bewilder­ing World made clear, plain andinspiring-a revelation to all->Science.Oct. 23, IgI2-"RELATION ANDDESTINY OF MIND AND" . SOUL." Mental Processes andSoul Processes; a beautiful andunexpected harmony; Illustratedwith Charts.OCt. 240 IgI2-"BOUNCING THEBLUES, OR THE PSYCHOL­OGY OF' CHEERFULNESS,"How' to constructively controlone's spirit in life's struggle-an·_,���nin� of Fun, Fact, and uFilos­ophy.". HE MAKES PLA!N THE OB­SCURE; 'RE,NDERS EASY WHATIS DIFFICULT, CLEARS UP·CONFUSED IDEAS. HUMOR­OUS,- ENTERTAINING. AS WELLAS PRACTICAL.:'SECURE TICKETS NOW. SENDYOUR' REMITTANCE TO WAL­.. tER'A� SITTIG, SECRETARY, 1706Examinations for all candidates for .. tHE 'REPUBLIC, 20g S. STATEthe Oxford Rhodes scholarship for ,,':: ST.,CHICAGO, OR TELEPHONEthe year 1913, will be held Tuesday, ;." ...., .... -HA.RRISON 4993, TO INSUREOctober �5, and Wednesday, October ; ," " *,:S�RVATION. OR PURCHASE16, 191Z, in the office of President A.. I; .. �AT · ... DAILY MAROON. OFFICE.W. Harris at the Northwestern Uni- ·-·.COME EARLY.versity building, corner of Laxe and. . .'. ;"'. ' ... Chi P 'Question Box conducted after' lecture. Make- ·thlS be of practical help toDearborn streets, Icago. apers In. ..1.:. r ' '1 I' .. ' .1 Gl' ;·".JIII,.! .. 1 .".j ... ,. .', ,.'Latin" G;eek and. Mathematics w1if 'yO,urseu." I·'.aie rree"·;ntl'l�).our· 9.�es��ns. ..be required in this examination. The' "An educator, an entertai�er,. an' i?lfpir�tion,"�Hon. \Vm,' J, Bryan,candidate at least must pass in Latin Lincoln, Nebraska.and Mathematics before he will beeligible for a scholarship.A Rhodes scholar is appointed fora period of three years and receivesfifteen hundred dollars each year.The candidate must be an unmarriedmale citizen of the United States ofat least five years do:inicile; must hav:�passed his nineteenth but not histwent�-fifth birthday by the first of.October, 1913; and must have com- PHILH�RIIONIC SOCIETY.I)%cted at least his so�ho��re :ear at WILL MEET IN MANDELsome recognized umversity or col-lege. The selection committee, in Second Reb� of Choral OrcaniZ-choosing a student for the appoint- arioD . Tonight':_Fifty Members Appearing in another column is amcnt to a scholarship, takes into con- Present at First Session. "oem "Universitas Chicaginicnsis' hysid�ration.,. his literary and scholasticU' , d . t t d in James Vincent Nash of Boston," I mversrty stu ents In eres e• ,attammcnts, hIS fondness for man yk' ited b t Massachusetts, Nash IS a graduate. h choral' wor are' mvite to e presen .. � '" . .,'outdoor sports and success In tern, . f h Phil of the East Boston high school ofat the second meeting 0 tel - .his qualities of manhood-truth,.cour- " _. h ' the class of 1907, He was a studentIo harmonic society at ;:1.;) tomg t Inage devotion to duty, sympathy or, . b of Latin Greek, French. German and•k ki dli A3�del. DIrector Stevens nas c arge ...,I D 'and protection of the wea, 1D 1-, , Id h t Spanish while in high school, urmg, hi of the' society and IS conti ent vt a .." ., , ness, unselfishness and fellows IP,'I d. his residence in the Univcr'sity lastattractive single . , , .' hId a good chorus Will be deve ope" k'and his exhibition dunng sc 00 aysb f I summer he continued his worx 111---------------1 rooms, 5i45 Washington avenue, -'I f f h racter and in-' There were fifty mem ers 0 meof mora orcc 0 c a, , h f t language,, I ddt t k n interest associauon present at t e lrs� mee -,stmcts to ea an 0 a ca. be I _FOR RENT-Washington Avenue;ill his schoolmates. An. appointment Ing last week when work was gun" STUDENTS PLAN TOnear Jackson Park and Ill, ·Cent. , I Several part songs were taken up and 'L"'A-'U' N" CH TAFT CLUB15 made from cac 1 state. .' b' 'd h', .t d to send work on those wIll e contmue. t IS MON'DAY AFI'ERNOONCandIdates are expec e. ' .,. 'II. . p _ evening, More �hfficult number� WIwritten apphcatlon at once to res..ident Edmund J. James, Urbana, IlIi· be �t�empted later, when Mr, Steve;� Students interest�(i' in Taft's cam'l1oi5. All can(lidates will regi.er in antIcIpates some very success upaign have heen re(lne�ted to meetpl'r"on hetween eight and ten P. M. work.. Monclay at 3:1:; in the court room ofLOST-On the Midway, or in Cobb. "0 1 1 at the place of The rehcarsals !ast one hour, begm-'I 'I _ 1 :11: f r the purposc ofI E A G M(JIHlay, do )cr 4,I N I 11 t Ie a-oAW )\11' mg 0 .a gold watch, Initia s �. . , ning prompt y at 7:13, • ot on y a, , T ft c111) \\'iIIiam F('xamin:_ltion, 't . ('rgamzmg a a \, .-.Please return to Edna Goettler, stu�el1ts interested m th,e work lUt Jones .. will preside, The hoosters ofGreenwood Hall. Reward, also members of the I-acuity and ,. ,•.' the club a,l\'ocate Its orga1117.atlon onSheffee to Address Philosophers.. friends of the Umvcrslty, who careI I t tl t 0 other leadingI· ·d ' , t b the groun( t la Ie wthe Dr, H. M, Sheffee, w 10 IS consl er- to take part, have been InVltC( y. . 1 ,'J .. ' I t'I .. 1 raceH d . I (,andulates 111 t Ie rest( en ..St, ed onc of the founders of the arvar Mr. Stevens to be present. It wd -I 1 1 1 ' the Uni-''II 11 hare' representee )y c 11)S 111per school of new realism, WI a( (ress be of" considerahle advantage to t <: ,thf! Philosophical club tomororow, at members, he states, if they will get' v�rslty.4:15 in Harper MI3 on "The Revolu- into the work at the early rehearsals.President Leaves' for Houston., tion in Logic and the New Philoso-1 •I-'OR RENT- Large newly furmshed" 'Indiana""':The Indiana cbapter. of Presid�nt Judson left ast e�cnmJ:rroom, suitable for two st�dcnts orllPhY. Sigma Chi has been expelled from the ior Te�a�, to attend the o.pem�g ofmarried couple, Everytlllng mod- �an-Hellenic council for fllifting"� a l Rice Institute, the new Umverslty atern, Call after 4 p. m., 6J06 Ellis . PatroniZe our advertisers. Thq are Pbi Delta Tbeta ·pledge. :H�s.t�1!-AveDue. Flat Cot. .! �_.,. .� SAlIJIIlq a� ......AMUSEMENTS.Mort. Singer'sA MODERN EVEEMPRIIS: Best of talent in sir-·len andTHEATER6srd Street and Cottace Grove AftWeek.Startlng SU •• PAt Oct6SULLIVAN &: CONSIDINE.PRODUCING DEPARTMENTANNOUNCE orchestra.Pictures changed daily'Lew Fields'Fun in aCabaretWITHIS Sterling Lew Fields'PLAYERSA..�D5 Other All·Star Acts.MATINEE DAILY 2=45TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY7:30 and 9:l5 .PRICESlOc-20c-30c 1M80DLAtfN THEATRE55th St. aDd WeodJaWD Aye..The only fie Show in Hyde ParkGood Music and Good PicturesSfecIal r ...... thnt tImM •• .­GAUMONT W!!EKLY EVERY THURSDAYe."tal eve.',AND 'OTHER PICTURES' .BLACKSTONE 75 Cents.Open Day and Night.SARATOGA BARBER SHOPMAJESTICHENRY E. DIXEYin His New Monologue.EDNA AUG Klaw & Erlanger present1860MILESTONES 1885JgJ:2 J, H, Hepp, Prop,2g South Dearborn StreetExpert Manicurist.Scientific MasseursExpert ChiropodistFunniest of Commediennes. LA SALLE',A NIGHT IN A TURKISH BATHGalloway & Kaufman ;Felix &: BarryWhiting & Burt; Apdale's Animals;Ethel May Barker; Leitzel Sisters.Prices IS'25-50-75c. Tel. 6.t8o Cent. THE GIRL AT 'THE GATE DATES SET FOR RHODESSCHOLARSHIP QUIZZESOctober IS and 16 selected for Exam­inations-Announce ReqUisitesof Candidates.-- - .-----------ORCHESTRA BALLBURTON HOLMESTravelogues, Colored VieWs and Mo­tion Pictures.Cruise to theWEST INDIESWednesday eve. 8:15; Friday eve. 8:15Saturday matinee 2 :15 AMERI£AN IItJSIt:' IIAIJ,LEAN AND HOLBROOKTHE MILITARY GIRLp�INCESSpA�CE �USIC HALL';. ·WM. ROCK.&, MAUDE';FUL�dN '/1,'" '!'I·poi ,-tid , .... , •. ' ·"i.In their farewell joint ap�� OL Vl\,fP��presenting spectacular sonp..and Dances.Nina Mo�·& Co:; Julius Tannen; Ed­die Leonard; rie Minstrel with· Ma­bel Russell; Gordon Highlanders;Barnes &. Crawford; Elida Morris;Muriel & Francis: Mme. Vallecita's Matintees Wed. and Sat.THE MAN HIGHER UPClimbing in Popularity.. 2SC to $1.50Leopards. CORTJjY�I€:THE BLUE BIRD FINE FEATH�RSDramatic Sensation.ILLINOIS."GARRICK OTIS SKINNER.MARGARET ANGLIN' .A New Modem American Play CalledEGYPT. in KISMETCLASSIFIEDADVERTlSlMEN1SAUDITORIU�THE GARDEN OF ALLAH"The Eighth Wonder of the WOI'Id."FOR RENT-TwoCOBAN"S "IA�Raymond Hitchcock inTHE RED WIDOW Express, front room in private, relined German home with highestrecommendations, Board optionalPhone Midway 2872.COLONIALTHE WINSOME WIDOWReal Ice SkatiDI.CHICAGOOPERA HOUSEFOR SALE-2 meal tickets onGreenwood Cafe, 1357 E, ·5Sthworth �3,So a piece for $.2,50ticket. Call at Maroon Office.Richard Carle-Hattie WilliamaTHE GIRL FROM MONTMARTREincluding J, 1\1. Barrie's Burlelqu«!problem plav.A SUCE OF LIFEPOVVERS'THE NEW SIN .LeFev..e ·Krehs,.A.M.lrninent PsycholOgist, Lecturer and AuthorAt· the: Aadlterlam· Redt ... Hall, 8:00 P. M.DATES AND' LECTURE· SUBJECTS AS GIVEN BELOW"Dr ... -Krcb�' lectures onI psyc��logi�al-phcnomena are both pre�cticahleand reliable, He renders a �ea.t service- to. t'lC w.orld in presenting thetruths and facts of .the.igreat mental laws �:l::;�ch' i"clcar and forciblem�nli�r�;''';'''Rt. Rev .. Samuel 'Fail�'Ys, D. D,.: LL. D .. "By lIlixing: with the world -he learned men, His Sl1ggc�t�ons to .bus·iness people for practical w'Jrk are admirable. The education �f. oursalesforce in their work with him has been of great benefit to u5,':'11,"­John \VCl!-namake.r,· New York and Philadelphia.LAUDS UNIVERSITYIN POEM PUBLISHEDIN MAROON TODAY