UNIVERSITY bF CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, OCT. 9.1912. PRICE FIVE CENTS.VOL. Xl. No. s,.. .(WI MftfOUNCESPATRONESSES V WITY GETS .SEVEREWORKOUT IN· DOWNPOUR fAJM�!�QlD:,COUNClLJIEAD ALPHA DELT GUILTY. OF SERIOUS OFFENSEANNOUNCE ASSOCIATE, EDITORS �.FQR,�Penalty Will Be Determined in Com­mittee Today-Members to Passon �ecommendatioDS.YaudeYille Manacement Adds Num­.� � to. Procram-Professor At-wood. .Bernard Bell, and Mr. and Varsity Usa New Backfield ia Scria-.�ra. .Orchard Will Appear. ....e aad Del .. t Fraluaea,Willa Two ToacJidoWIIS• • 'I ' o ndergraduate Body �ects EffieHewitt Secretary-Paine Has BeenActive in Student Affairs-Counci1Is nepleted. .SepJ.o.ores,.� FJ.Il p--- F�. 1IeW., .• _..... ". ·J.'aHaT�enty-one patronesses have been Xormau Paine was elected presi-DESIRE GREATER ErnClEMCY chosen for the Dramatic Club Alumni BENNETT AN� GRA� CROSS GOAL dent oi the Undergraduate council at COUNCIL HEARS TWO CHARGESvaudeville. .The following have been a meeting held Monday. Ellie HewittFreshmen Are Urged to Try Out for invited, but. replies have not been re- �oach Stagg ulveD LinemenPositions Under System Jnaugur- ceived form all of them: Uriu In liaUini on Ballated This Rear. Mrs. Harry Pratt Judson. and Starlinc·Mrs. James Weber Linn.'Mrs. David Allen Robertson.Mrs. Wallace Walter Atwood.Mrs. Howard Woodhead.Mrs. Arthur Gibbon Bovee.Mrs. Solomon Henry Clark.Mrs. William D. MacOintock.Mrs. Samuel MacClintoc:,.Mrs. William S. Hefferan.Mrs. Percy Holmes Boynton.Miss ..Marion Talbot.Mi�s Sophronisba Breckinridge..�.rs •. ,�eorge W. Ludon.Mrs. James Westfall Thompson.Mrs. William France Anderson.Mrs. \Winifred Dewhurst Snyder.,. .Miss Elizabeth Wallace.1.frs •. Henry Gordo� Gale.�rs. Starr Willard Cutting.Mrs. Richard E. Parker..: '. Professor Atwood Will Act.A ne�' feature on the program ofthe vaudeville will be a stunt by As­Literary:Ralph Stansbury, chair:-" "r, sociate Professor W. W. Atwood, back, was given a trial in a shortman; I rene Tufts;' Frank O'�3:ra: •who was one of the charter memo practise scrimmage gainst the Fresh-lohert Allais,. L h . bers and the first business manager men. Two touchdows were register-Art : George S. yman, c airman; ...Lo " , " of the dub. Mr. Atwood's num- ed despite the field whIch was cov-Loren Owen Walter per. '11' bl 11" B '. tt,ba' _ ber WI proba y be ca ed A reeze ercd with mud. Gray and J}.el\nett; . 10 er .. Athletics: Burton Rascoe, e Irman. 'L.' ..••. 'h' . N h" d ·U..b Iab: ' . .. .f • �-' T' -� f S d l . ft.' '. .k S . da· D lt T.. .1,._._ -z ��:._ .. _" ,rom· t e i ort -.�an ·WI c; .. � "': 6uccc:cded...w....g:osslD�the .. }�r.esJiman. aua&ersa�,__'�", A:' tu C?Dt .. �: •. we� __ �go.� . ,un L� _I; a_ auVerni Illackett, .' h Ll . orate and detailed exposition of the goal line. ... � Intuesr-Direc:t.or SlaCg and Delta pledged the two Council broth-Woman's Athletics; Dorot yew- . �.... .. ", . . .. .,' ... , :.. �..' .... life and habits of the Eskimo. No fast playing was brought out as . . '. ·Council Favor Idea. ers, That afternoon two Alpha Delts,ellyn chairman" Rosahe Amory.· ..', .�- .. � '.' .... ,., ... , )'-;� .... .. : .., . ,. .h' .- :. Another alumnus heard from yes- the practise field was In poor. condi-l - Kent Chandler and Harold Cunning-Classes: Harold Wnght, c airman; A' D H .' .... " 'h .• .•. - : ..... So' th·· �' - �. ��d�y �s .' Ibert . enderso.n, lIon· from the contmuous downpour; : Maroon rooters ats are not sell- ham, visited the Delta Tau Delta.Semor Norman PalDe' p omore.· r.' d _ " • : '. I. .',..... '., H' .wllo was preSident of the dub three which made·it difficult fClr the mep· mg 'as well as they should accordlDg ho�se, and after talking to theMerwyn Palmer'· Freshman,:' enry '. ..' -: .. '. .''. ' .... '_ '." '. ., . i ._ .:. ye:ars ago_ He Will gIve some dra- to keep theIr feet. The Varsity h�� to those tn. charge of the sale_ Even brothers for some time,: attempted toMei;ld.M K' I matic readings. Bernard l. Bell, "()(), c(lntinucd to show improvement_ Tli� the low cost. of t,he hats and repeated take them over. to the Alpha Delt·Dramatics: Madelyn ac ID ey, will 'giv'e- some of his famous imper- line which played iii the Indiana assuranccs"t�it' diey' are .not sold at hotUie. A of Delts followedchairman' Frank O·Ha�. . B II II k" .'. '., " - ". h . . !lonatlOns. e was we nown game, with the exceptIon of Captetm a I)rofit has failed to elicit a proper and a heated argumcnt occurred onFaculty' Clyde WatklDs, c aIrman.. . . . I I' .. '.1•'.. In hterary and dramatIC clrc es w len Carpenter was used in the sCrltn- Icsponse, they beli�ve. Lexington avenue near Fifty-seventhFraternities and Honor SOCietIes:' - -;. '.. h tT' . H' ." -, . " '�'.' .�- '.' . HI" h(: was In t e DIversIty. e ap- mage, and men showed Improvement "T.lle �emand for hats before the street. The case of Jackson TowneI· redcrlck �Byerly .chalrman, e en d' 1 D - 1 b' . . . .. _r' , ••.. '. "e�r� In severa ramatic c u over thclr work m the HOOSIer game� recent game," said one of the pro- was' similar.H ihha�. '� I' h • 'pla��, in eluding "The Fan," and Vamty Lineup. motors yesterday, "spoke very poorly Resolution Passed Unanimously_Music" Hugo Swan, c aIrman; hi- f "The P d.' .... ;.... . .... wr�te t e yncs or seu 0- The Varsity lineup follows: Hunt,,: for the spirit of the University. It Alpha Delta Phi is practically theBolger, �IJ�sga�d._ Suffragettes," given two years ago lillgtol1 and Vruwink, ends; Sellers should be· emphasized that this is by 6111y fraternity against which com-Organi�a�io"s: George CottlDgham, by tti� Blackfriars. Mr. and Mrs. and Freeman. tackles; Harris and ne means 'a matter of profit or gain. plaints of tampering with pledgeschairman;, .S;llly Fo�d. . Frank Orchard are also scheduled \Vhiteside, guards; Des Jardien, cen- It is a· question of University spirit have been made, and owing to repeat-Soci�t�: . Carl .. FIsher, chaIrman; for a' part of the program. Frank ter; Smith, cluarter back; Gray and a,td patriotism and nothing else. The ed offenccs the Council did not hesi-John, Baker,. J?oris �acNe�J.. .; Orchard was president of the club in Rennett, half backs; Scanlon, fun schcme is being advanced in every tate to condemn th.: offenders' actionsStaff Photographers: Harold .' :.. . .... IglO. back. possihle way by both Director Stagg in the strongest t·:rms. The resolu-Wrigh�� .,' ��oz:� L�man. Walter .'. .A victory over Iowa is.necessary if and the Undergraduate council and lion condemnin� Alpha Delta PhiLyon. ,.'. .. ,,�LL �ORG�Nl�E Pf?W WOW �hicago wishes to be counted in the every loyal student should respond." was passed unanimously by the Coun-Freshmcn 'wllI be the hustlers on ... r;.... •. . .'• .. .' d d ta'it D-ibl- Wiill Hold F:-t M-u·n" race for the Confercnce champlOn- The local enthusiasm, say the pro- ci.1 Phi Kappa Sigma and Deltathe staff All' mmor an e I &"- - ... ��.. -I ., II. .. h F' . TomOlTow in Club. sll1p. . Last Saturday s contests devel- moters, should fully equal that at - Kappa Epsilon were not representedwork WIll he asslgncd to t em. rom .. '. f h f I OIled that at least three teams, Chlca- tinois, which uses anllually 2,poo hats. at the meeting.these men the assocla(es 0 t e AOI-I Freshmen int;;;;t;d in debating, '''0, Purdue and \Visconsin, are in the Anyone who has attended an illinois The advisory board of the CouncilI . t be chosen ,"" .oWlllg year arc 0. ·d. literary and dramatic work have been race for first honors in the Confer- game remember:; the beautiful effect will meet oday for the -purpose off hm'n and sophomores who eSlre .. I 'res c.Go' '- �q�ested to meet Friday at 12:15 ID encc. The loss of one game by any presented by a solid standful of 11- determining the penalty that shall beto try ou�· �or t�� Cap and wn a:; Cobb 6..\ when this ·year's Pow "Vow one of the teams will put it out of the linois rooters wcaring these caps. passed upon the offending fraternity.urged 'hy :the edl�ors to report. at t e wJ1l be' organized. Officers will be mce as the championship team will Last year scvcral such massed effects Threc penalties arc to be provided\oftice in Ell�s hall tomorr�w between elected �nd the year's program plan- hc a� undefeated one. were successfully used by Chicago for such offenses. They will be ot2 and 4· ;Th:e ne�ly appointed lIlem- ned. The' Pow Wow is a Freshman Hawley HaS Material r'loters on Marshall field. It is hoped different degrees of severity. and athers of the s.taff also are asked to be. de·batl·ng s ..... "'I·ety for whl'ch all Freslt- h I Ibid t f h C '1"'" Coac}l Hawley hus good matcrial at I at cnoug t lats may e so 0 en- the meeting 0 t e ounci tomorrowpresent. men illterested in such work arc elig- Iowa and .in the first game last week nahle a repitition of the experiment it will he decided which penalty shall"If the pr('sent plans work out, the. h ible. Throughout the year dinners he demonstrated that the tcam is a this year.y<'ar I,ook wt11 he better t an ever h ld h' h F I 1• are e at w IC 'acu ty mem )ers d:lf1J!efot:s opponent. \Vhile Chica�oI,dore." !'aid \VilIiam L�man y:���er- are occ�sionally present to give short 10UJ!hl tn win on the hasis of sup.erior(1:1Y. "The Sophomore-Freshman sys- II It�1ks. Last year a t tree men on ('0aching and greater experience,lent of assistnnis' will tend to arouse .. the Freshman debatmg team were C()ach Slag-g is taking no chances.more interest in the work, a,s the �s- chosen from members of the Pows()ciates will have something defiDlte'Wow. Uni\'crsity women were requested10 work for instead of the mere Fencibles wilJ hold their first meet- Coulter Outlines Work. to leave their names and addresses at yesterday mornin� under the man-honor im·olved." ing tomorrow at 12:15 on the �econd Proiessor Coulter addrcssed the Ihe hottsing hureau hy Miss Eva agement of Miss Colhurn who is also-,floor of the Reynolds club. The work r.otanical cluh at its first meeting in Rohinson. head of the hureau, at tht" in charf!e' of the dinin� rooms in.. h '11 bId d the flot;\I1Y huiMinO' yesterday after- m3ssmecting of the Neighhorhood Le:xingtt:lD and the School of Educa-Form�. ��dcDt � . of t e year WI e p anne an ar- �Lcvi \Varnick, ex-'I� died Friday ran�ments agreed upon for a din- noon. The purpMC of the clu.h as duhs held in Kent. Augusta Swawite tion. The decorating of the room.- I' I I P f C It to r . led The other speakers were J'\1st conlnleted hy Marsha11 Field andnl' ... ht at a hospital in Chillicothe, n. er to be gl. ven soon. As this IS an,' out mc( ly ro es�or. o.u er IS p CSI( • • .",., k h h 1 A . L . F d L nne Stl111' "'an c-ompany' callsed the d"lay in resnm-Missouri. His death followed' a � important meeting all the members �upplcment wor w IC 'eannot )C nme otuse ·or. y • , "-have been ar�d to be present. carried on in the class room. and Grace Hotchkiss.. ing the breakfast service.vere. operation. D- Long was chosen secretary.X orman Paine, who fills the vacan­cy left by the graduation of RobertIlaird, has been prominent in athlet-Sophomores are to be the associateeditors of t'he Cap and Gown thisyear, This is in accordance with theIH.'W system, whereby the managingcdrtors, are chosen from among the Despite the weather, Coach Stagg ics and other University activities Alpha Delta Phi was declaredgave the Varsity foothall team an- during his three years in college, cap- guilty of tampering with pledges ofother afternoon of hard work. Ad- lain of the basket ball team, and Chi Psi and Delta Tau Delta by thevices from Iowa indicate that the quarterback on the foot-ball team. He Inter-Fraternity council at its meet­i i awkeyes have a first rate team and .5 a member of the Beta Theta Pi ing yesterday. The penalty will bearc couuting 011 givinl:( Chicago a fraternity, and is a University determined tomorrow. The councilsurprise. In view of the weakness of marshal. gave as its rca son for such stringentthe line which was manifested ill the Effie Hewitt, who is a University measures that the nile regarding themdiaua game, Coach Stag� is giving Aide, has been prominent in W. A. ·A. invio • ability of all pledges is one ofhis linemen extra work. work, 'as well as in the Drmatic dub the strictest and most vital regula-All the forwards were Iiuud up and activities. She is a Quadrangler. lions of the Inter-Fraternity council,were given practise in the rudiments The ranks of the Undergraduate and that it was partly to preventof the game. Farling 011 the ball and council have been somewhat depleted such coercion of. pledges that theI starting came in for the greater part of hy the graduation and withdrawal council was formed ..the work. Coach Stagg is dissatisfied from college o� a number of its m�m- Charge Unfair Actions.with the speed of the line and is at- bers,tempting to develop a fast' forward Besides Norman Paine, Effie Hew- Chi Psi and Delta Tau Delta of-wail. itt, Donald Breed, Howell Murray, fered petiions to the Council protest-T N B kfi ld. 1 .Sl '1 ing against the manifestly unfair andry ew ac e Howard McLane, Ear e 11 ton,.:\ new backfield, consisting of L�uise Mick; Joh'n Baker, and Ken- domineering manner in which' AlphaSmith, at quarter back, Gray and- Ben- ncth Coutchie are the active members Delta Phi had attempted to coercenett at halves, and Scanlon, at full of the council.' several Freshmen into breaking theirpledges. Jackson Towne, a Chi Psipledge, and Percy and Samuel' Coun-SALE OF MAROON HATS cil, both Delta Tau Delta pledges,ELICI'�� ,POOR RESPO�SE were the Freshmen involved in 'theSophomore associate editors, the se­'lection being made by the retiringhoard, on a. merit basis. Formerly,the associates were selected from theJunior class.The staff was chosen yesterday atthe first meeting of this year's board,With few exceptions, the st�ff' i�" asfollows:Bo�d of Directors.Managing Editors, William. Lyman,John Perlce,Literary Editor: Ralph Stansbury.Business Managers:William Dlcker�. ,son, Thomas Coleman.COMMITTEES.he impo�ecl. The most se,'ere penaltyforhids the offender to pledge anyUNIVELSITY WOMENNEQU�Tb;l) TU SIGNAT HUU�lNU BU1<b;A,U men for at least a quarter.Hitchcock Breakfast Room Opens.Hitchcock 'hreakfast room opened'The Daily MaroonChapel Assembly-Junior colleges daily, 1 :15-2:15 Lexington.women. 12:15 tomorrow, Mandel. Procreasive Club-Horns and Fod-Fencibles-12:15 tomorrow, second der for each Bull Moosc. Apply Uni-floor Reynolds club. versity Progressive club .Neighborhood Clubs-Reception, AlHWDnae MLoan Library-LocatedF 1 L . at arper, 24-ormer y 4:15 tomorrow, exmgton, D'I MS"The University or Chicagc Weekly 81 y aroon tail CompetitlonChn.'stian Science Society-Business -Candidates apply 3 to 6, Ellis" tFounded October I. i$«:.2. _.meetmg, 4:30 tomorrow, Cobb 6A.. U�iversity Debate-Tryouts FridayI'uhlishcd daily except Sundays, Mon- Philharmonic Society-7:IS tomor- October 25. on subject. "Resolved:days and Holidays during three row, Mandcl. that the Plan of Banking ReformPow Wow-Meeting for organiza- proposed by the National Monetarytion and election, 12:15 Friday, Cobb Commission Should he Adopted byEntered as Second-class mail at the 6A. Congress."Chicago Po� Offic� Chka�, llll- ���������������������������������nois, March 18, 1908, under Act of "1£ you had come as far as you there is no "spirit" at Chicago. Chi-March 3, 1873. have in life without acquiring man' cago men invariable reply that thereners, you might well blush for your is Chicago spirit which is better andManaging Editor • .' Hiram Kennicott parents and teachers. I don't think more worth while than that sort ofNews Editor •••• • •• Leon ·Sto! you have, hut I beg you hold on toAthletic Editor • • Bernard V'missky an the good manners you have, andBusiness Manager ••• Burdette Mast get more. Good. manners seem to mea good deal to seek among present­day youth, but I suppose they have\Valter Foute Martin Stevers always been fairly scarce, and theWilliam Lyman John Perlee more appreciated for their scarcity.Samuel Kaplan Harry Gorgas Tobacco manners are uncommonlyHalger Lollcsgard George LymanClyde Watkins .. George CottinghamGrace Hotchkiss .. Sarah Reinwald Since cigarettes came in. especially,Subscription Rates. youths seem to feel licensed toBy carrier, $2.50 a year; $1.00 ol qnar- smoke them in all places and com'ter, By m�il $3.00 a year; $1.25 a f,any. And the boys are prone to tooquarter. ; -. much ease of attitude, and lounge and1011 appallingly in company, and IEditorial-Business offices, Ellis 2 see them in parlors with their legsTelephone Midway Boo. Mail Box crossed in such a fashion that .. their"0" Faculty Exchange. feet might almost as well be in the".: ": ...,,:., .� :".. -� j,ot· quarters of the University year..... ,..· �,. .;.-. .'Associate Editors._; Bulletin and Announcements.Y. W. C. L.-Religious12: I S. Lexington.Chapel Auembly-Tbeschool, 12:15, Haskell GermaD Club--"t Friday, LexingtonPhilosophical Club--4:15 Friday,Divinity Harper, MIJ.Assembly Dames Club-Wi\'es of Universitymeeting,room. students meet; 3 Saturday, Lexiug-Cap and Gown Staff Conference- ion,in Daily Maroon office from 2 to 4- Dramatic Club-Alumni vaudeville,Interested Freshmen and Sophomores 8 Saturday; Mandelreport. Neichborhood Clubs-Council meet-Women's Glee Club-I2:15, Cobb ing, 4:15 Monday, Lexington.6A. Episcopal Women's Club desiresW. A. A. ReceptioD--4:IS. Lexing· names of Episcopal women, Kelly 47.ton gymnasium. . Room Chances-Latin 29. 9:15,Masquers-meeting. 4:15 Lexing· Cobb ISO; English 40, 9:15, Cobb Sc.tOQ. Neighborhood Club-Dues collectedspirit which leads students to tearup car tracks, break windows, orcommit other excesses, And this istrue; the only true form of schoolspirit is that which implies a heartycooperation on the part of the in­dividual members of the studentbody to push something of interestfree and bad in this generation; more to the university; which means theso, I think. than they were in mine. united effort of all the students inladies' laps.""Even the reporter has an office .and with clear eyes and honest Jan-be much larger than those for themen. and will be plenty large enoughfor anyone.Yours very truly.Harold H. Wright.progenitors to smoke To the Edi�'lr:tobacco-so admirable On behalf of the men who areand polished a gentle- actively engaged in pushing the saleman would wittingly of the official rooters' hats, I desirehave done nothing harmful to himself to say a few words in explanationII!" others. Tobacco smoking as Sir and support of the project.Walter practised it, however, was un- . In the first place we desire todoubtcdly different in many respects emphasize the fact that this is dis­[rom tobacco smoking today. At any tinctly a University matter, under- To the Editor.rate, we believe that, for one thing, taken for the benefit of the University Sir:-I request that you announceSir Walter smoked in moderation as a whole. This is not a personal a meeting of the Tyrolean Alps(which we do not do today), and, for enterprise; it is not the scheme of a Singers. This body of nightingalesanother, that he had what have been few men. It is something more than has been inactive for a number ofaptly called tobacco manners (which that; it is the outgrowth of a move- years and it is able to resume itswe seem to ignore altogether). ment on the part of the student body activities only because of the appear-Queen Bess' favorite probably re- toward a greater. and fuller expres- ance of LeDuc on the campus. garbedt ircrl after meals and smoked a quiet sion of our school spirit; toward a in complete Tyrolean Alps uniform.r.ipc. I t is hard to imagine Sir Wal- better and more united support of Those of us wheS have never beforefer as a student at the University University surprisies, I am inform- seen LeDuc wearing the headpiece1(·l1j.!:l).!ell in writing as a thesis his cd that some students are laboring suited to the rest of his uniform, are"History of the World," perhaps), under the impression that this is a now forced to admit that even ifan" smoking at horne. on the street. profit-making scheme, devised for the LcDuc can not sing. he is, neverthc­ill the club, on the campus, in hall- purpose of setting a little money into less, a Tyrolean Alps Singer. As a\\":,ys and everywhere else, lighting the pockets of a few men. It seems singer, LcDuc ranks as high as any"IH· pipeful with the ashes of the entirely unnecessary to say that such glass blower in America. hut we forpt ('('clling, It is distinctly less prob- is not the case. The hats cost $4.50 a one. hope he will not be called uponal-lc that he would smoke at a club dozen, or thirty-seven and a half to sing. As the writer of this epistleparty in the presence of a lady, or cents each. As they will be sold at lies back Upon his luxurious divan.hlow smoke into the faces of passers- forty cents each ,there is little margin closes his eyes and recalls LcDuc ashy from the entrance to Cobb or for profit. and even two and one-half he appeared when lately we saw himcommit any others of the crimes cents will not be appropriated by the -but. what's the use? The En�ishwhich we ,Iai1y perpetrate to the dis- students personally, but will be turned language has its limitations.honor of �1Y Lady �icotine. E. S. over '0 some t;'niversity enterprise. (Signed) David Dradshaw AdamsMartin in the current Atlantic gives We helieve that this official rooters'some advice to Freshmen. We re- hat proposition affords an opportun- Nebraska-Nebraska students wereprint what he has to say about man- ity for the expression of Chicago recently addressed by Governorncrs: spirit. Oher aainrsities assert that Woodrow Wilson.guage, may unveil injustice and pointthe way to progress."-R. L. S. .(fbitorjal.. Vssurcdly no one blames Sir Wal·ter Raleigh for having taught ourOnManners.,­· .;i::..· ' support of every university enter­prise. It is on this spirit of heartycooperation and support that we re­ly; we believe that in the rooters'hats there. is something that. gives anopportunity for the kind of hearty ef­fort that is the only real school spir­it.In this project we appeal to the loy­alty of the students of the Univer­sity of Chicago. Without your sup­port we must fail, but with it the�_�.. movement will be a rousing success.The editor U lIot n'6DOlldble for �klC. cz- Won't you give us your hearty coop-!)rC88Cd here. Co ...... kGtiotllJ ... .elIiunf!d CJ8 CUI eridcflCe of good tolt" lHJ eration?The hats and lists for sizes will bein the hands of a number of men This season our line of 13$-00 aaiaa;s is aceptiouUy atrone COlD­prising a carefuU, selected.stock 01 araJs. black aDd whiteetlecta. blaea aad broWIILOvercoats $30.00 to $60.00Other grades $30 00 t-o $50.00�G liEN- - THREE STORES --about the campus, and the women'shats will be sold by Margaret Rhodes.The head sizes for the women will Since 18937 N. La Salle St. Since .190525 E. Jackson Blvd. May, 191271 E. Monroe St.Broadway, Cor. Twenty·second St.Hew York.Next visit of our Represe�t8tive.. Mr. Lanzer ..I. 'c:" ·:·;I·.�.,tQ.C.9�KRDJ�!Chicaco.I.:: .. "'j IOctober : I� �o �6th inclllllive"With latest Pall and W'mter dyles fa ClothiDg, Bidingand Motoring outfi� Bng� Baberdaahery,Bats. Shoes, and Leather Goods.l _Hotel CumberlandNEW YORK, CHICAGOBroadway at 54th St.Near 50th _ St. Subway and 53rd St.ElevatedKept by a College Man from VermontHeadquarters for College StudentsSpecial Rates for College TeamsTen Minutes' Walk to Thirty TheatresRooms with Bath, $2.50 and up.New, Modern and Fireproof ,H/-cRRY P. STIllSON, IIANAGER IHeadquarters for Chicago lien----- 1' •• : ..... t-CHIeM ••U.I c.ttaft 0.... .a�.--PATRONIZE MAROON ADVERTI!;ERS-IT PAYS." II,,.Woodlawn TrustThe larg�t and oldest bulknearest to the University. Ac­counts of professors and stu­dents solicited.Checking Accounts of $50.00and Savings Accounts of $1.00accented.BENEDICT W A L DOne-Day Laundry Service.'. -. 1003% �t 55th Street.The Drexel Tailors.Ci.E�NE��AND DYERS903 East· 55th Street.Garments.. Repairing an� Pressinc atModerate Prices------- _,-----------------------Phone Midway 5876CHINESEGreeRwood Cafe1357 E. 55th Street.A;NDR�W McADAMSFlorist and· DecoratorFifty·third St. and Kimbark A�Tels. Hyde Park 18. Cbic:aP, mTelephone Hyde Park 2137MAROON ADSBRING RESULTS 8OMn1IIRG -ro RBAD. PHILIIARMONIC CLUB TO MEET HOME STUDY EXPERIMENT CLOSS COUNTRY MEN, DESCRIBED IN MAGAZINE TAKE FIRST JAUNTlN JACKSON PARKAlexander Squair, captain-elect ofthe I91J tennis team retained his ti­tle of Champion of Wisconsin by de­Ieating his Chicago teammate, AlbertGreen, in the challenge round of theWisconsin State tournament at Mil-waukee last summer, Five sets werenecessary to decide the title, Squairand Green competed in the City, Stateand Western tournaments, placingwell up in the list in all. T'hey reach­ed the final round of the doubles..... DR. SHEFFEE. NOTEDHARVARD THINKER.WILL SPEAK HEREDr. H. M. Sheffee of Harvard will:,pcak before the Philosophical clubFriday at 4:15 in Harper M13. Hissubject is "The Revolution in Logicand the New Philosophy." Dr.ShctTcc is regarded as onc of the Bar­vard school of ncw realism.Sophomore organization's dance onSaturday. The second year membersof the club strive each year to havePrinceton-Talbot Taylor Pcndle- a record breaking first dance of theton, football captain and all- round season. No expense or trouble willathlete. has been elected president be spared, say officers of the club, tofor life of Princeton's senior class, make the coming affair the best ever Print Eight Largest Endowments.the highest honor that a class of OM given. There will he a program of According \0 thc most recent in­!'assau can bestow on one of itsl'twenty numbers commencing prornpt-] formation the c'i�ht most heavily en-members. ly at 2:30. Music will be furnishcd: dowcd univcr sitics _ in the United- hy Depew's orchestra and frappe will' Stares are as follows:Cornell-A fcature which has bccn. he served. Decorations will he in the I Columbia University ...•. $38.T92.oooadded to the equipment at Cornell is club's colors. orange and black. .cland Stanford. Jr .•.... 30.000.000the steel toboggan which has recently 1!' • f Cl . _�'),Jnn.o_�4" Un.vcrsrty 0 llcago.. .. tJ 'f'"""been completed. The structure is H I Univcrsit 2" 000 000arvarc 'I11versl y _ .. - _.. -. .considered one of the best sildes in Minne!.ota-An innovation at Min- Cornell 'Univcrsity T5.411.000the country. nesota is the organization of �veni�lgl' Yalc University 13.8.11).000classes in a number of umversrty Rice Institute •..•...••... 10.000.000Subscribe for the Maroon. courses. Northwestern University.. 9,000,000/ _19I1.t.D.C._c...The nearest bank to the Uni-versity and the only Bank be-tween 43rd and 63rd street eastof Cottage Grove ave. under StateGovernment supervision.CAPIT A!.. $200,0003 PER CENT ON SAVINGSBATS THAT SHOWyour taste andthe distinctive­ness of the shapesand styles wesell-hats in end­less variety butof uniform higliquality. Collegemen welcomed.B. L. AMES HAT CO.Tribune Building :: 35 W. MadisonPENNANT DANCESThese Dances are to besomething new in Uni­versity circles this yearTH ESE dances will be given thesecond and inurth Friday nights ofeach month «luring the winter. Thedates Ior thc first month are October! 1111 and 2.5lh.Each person will rcceivea 12X30 Chi'"cago Pennnant (on Oct'. r rth.) OnOct. 25th, an Illinois Pennant.PrIce, 51.00 Per CoapkPlace, ROSAUE BILL57th and Rosalie Court.Music by McDonnellPatronize Maroon AdvertisersThey· Are Reliable.AMUSEMENTS. Ell PRESS PROGRAM NKIGHSORHOOD CLUBS TO• . .. , .ANNOUNCED ENTERTAIN NEW WOllEN MISS WALKER PLEASES INCOMPLUIENTARY CONCERTTHEARTE63rd Street and Cottqe Groft AftWeek Starting Sun. It&t. Oct '-SULLIVAN &: CONSIDINEPRODUCING DEPAR�MENTANNOUNCELew Fields'Funin a CabaretWITHIS Sterling Lew Fields­PLAYERSAND5 Other All·Star ·Acts.MATINEE DAILY 2=45TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY. 7:30 and 9:15PRICESlOc-20c-30c� ., .;.! '· � ., .: . �· '"I' .· ...., :.. MAJESTICHENRY E. DIXEYin His New Monologue.EDNA AUGFunniest of Commediennes.A NIGHT IN A TURKISH· BATHGalloway & Kaufman;Felix &: BarryWhiting & Burt; Apdale's Animals;Ethel May Barker; Leiteel Sisters.Prices lS-25-50-75C. Tel. 6� Cent.f r; ...ORCHESTRA .. BALLBURTON HOLMESTravelogues, Colored Views and Mo­tion Pictures.Cruise to theWEST INDIES- = Wednesday eve. 8:15; Friday eve. 8:15Saturday matinee 2:15pAlACE MUSIC JU.II,WM. ROCK & MAUDE FULTONIn their farewell· joint . appearancepresenting spectacular sonpand Dances.Nina Morris &: Co�; Julius Tanon; Ed­die Leonard; The Minstrel with I(a':bel Russell; Gordon Highlanders;Bames. & Crawford; Elida �orris;.Muriel &: Francis;. lime. V�ta'sLeopards.LYRICTHE BLUE BIRDMARGARET ANGLINA New �odem American Play CalledEGYPT.A UDITORIUlMTHE 'GARDEN OF ALLAH"The Eighth Wonder of the World."C'BAN�'IADTHE POLISH WEDDINGCOLONIALTHE WINSOME WIDOWReai Ice Skating.CHICAGO�- OPERA HOUSERichard Carle-Hattie WalliamaTHE GIRL FROM MONTMARTREjncluding J. M. ,Barrie's Burlesqueproblem play.A ST ... ICE OF LIFBPOVVERS'THE NEW SIN-.----� Commencing Sunday matinee, Oc- OJr-Campus 1t�en Are lIlvitecl to, Many Enjoy Second Musicale AI-tober '6 Sullivan and Considine will Rooms in Lexincton Tomorrow .thouch Soloist Is III and Un-offer a bill at the Empress which em- -Committees Named. able to Appear.braces Lew Fields' "Fun I n a Cabaret'with 15 Lew Fields players. The Two All off-campus Freshman women Owing to the illness of Miss MaryHedders will display so-ue new and will be entertained by the Neighbor. Kaufman, who was unable to be pres­daring feats. That Kid (jack Rana hood clubs tomorrow at 4 in their ent because of a severe cold, the sec­han) the American Boy Harry Lauder rooms in Lexington. Under Lynne ond complimentary musicale fur thew!l1 offer some- new impersonations, Sullivan, 'general chairman, arrange- members of the University andWard and Fox the two minstrel men lUCIUS have been completed. \Vomen friends yesterday afternoon in Man­will appear as well as the Five Musical living northwest of the University will del hall was presented entirely hyLun'ds direct from Europe after a meet in the ·League room; all living Director Stevens and Miss Sadie L.year of big success. Also the Em· southwest, in the Neighborhood Walker, violinist. Miss Walker sup­presscope with some new and inter- room; those living southeast and plied several numbers which had notesting photo-plays will be on the northeast, in Lexington assembly. been announced to take the place ofbill.-Adv. Membership cards have been plac- those announced hy Miss Kaufman on sale, and may be procured A large audience cnjoycd the pro­daily in the Neighborhood room from gram.any of the club officers. Director Stevens and Miss WalkerMiss Robinson, head of the house played Gricg's first sonata for pianoing department, and Miss Talbot, and violin, The second sonata wasDean oi women, will address the played last week and thc third, theFreshmen. Miriam Whalin will play, Sonata in C minor, will be playedImported and Domestic Line of ;111«1 l{uth Agar will sing., .next Tuesday. Miss Walker playedP·. LA'. C_., .KS,.: -:-: �... ' .O!..r!N.�.: .: !E(_,.. " t_Ci_.�prs_,_. _an_d_C_i_car_e_tt_es.____ The committees are as follows: Confcrin's Andantino and Chanson-- --,. Dccoration=Ftorcnce Foley, chair- Louis 13, and Bethoven's Minuet inBest of talent in ·aincen and. orc:hesua. :. .Pictures changed daily. Continuous perionlWlCeCome and hear the new ".sao 0I'pI,�othing to equal it. in the alT.five Reela 0(, . the Jatest � !Pathe. .weekly Every FridayCurrent ·Events.Happy Harry : Hyna·,SJDCing ,Now.ADIII�ION -llain Floor, all seats • • • • • • I�Balcony, all seats. • •••••••• SC.WOOBun ,IIEAIU :t5Slla·��� ........ A ....The only 5c Show in �de ParkGood ,Music and G� �cture.··· ..... 'i ... ni .......... - ...GAUllOIIT W£ULY· £YEIlY "'I'IIUItSDAy. .'. ""na' .... b. .,.AJlD 0nIEa fIICTUaU . : . .Klaw & Erlanger' presentx860MILESTONES 1885.Igx2THE GIRL AT THE GATEA .ElltAN IIIJSlt �. '! .. LEAN AND' HOL�ROOKTHE �ILITARY G�RLlIort. Sin&er'._ ,A�ODE�:;E� .. ,."o LY}\,fPICMatinteeif Wed.' and Sat.... � ;--- '. ' :.' -':-'- .•THE MAN mOHER UP··C�i,mc- iii·p�ty.25C _to .1-50FINE FEATHERSILLINOIS-. ,. OTIS' SKINNERin KIS� JO�E�B SCHMIDTStationery, Toilet ArticlesFine· �e of Candies956 E. 55th Street. Chicago, IIIman; Marje Dye, Clara De Roque and G. Among the extemporaneous num­Trcva l\f�thcws. hers hy Miss Walker were Dvorak'sEntertainment-Augusta Swawite, Humoresque and a minuet hy Bccth­chairman; Nancy Miller, Dorothy oven .Immigrant women of every na- Llewellyn, and Dorothy \ViIliston.tionality,' carrying strange looking Receptjon-Grace Hotchkiss, chair­bundles and baskets, over-ran Green man: Miss Robinson and club presi­hall Saturday evening. The older wo- dents.IMMIGRANT WOMEN.. FROLIC IN GREENSATURDAY EVENINGANOTHER PETITIONTO BE CIRCULATED�O READOPT RECESSmen dressed as the ship's crew mar-shalled ·the new.women across the ANNOUNCE MORE MARRIAGES Petitions for the reestablishment ofgang plank into the steerage dining the 10:30 period witt be circulated onroom and fed them upon franfurters Former Students of University Are the campus today. The action comesand bologna sausage to make them Married Durine Summer. from the women who were arousc-tJec1 at: home. . AU'. the ship's officers by a tableau at the Freshman frohc�ere present; four tbefs to cook the Walter Clyde Allee, Ph. D., '12, and last: week, showing a number of stu-sausages; the ship's doctor and nurse; Mar50rie June Hilt, 'H, were married dents grouped around a clock, theand a. goodly crew of middy boys September 2 at Carthage, Indiana, hands of which pointed to 10:30. Aivith· hawsers to .look after the immi- They are living at Champaign where second petition is desirable, accordinggrants, Alter supper the officers and Mr. Allee is serving as an instructor to those who are circulating it, be­immigrants danced on the ship's deck at the University of Illinois. cause the first one was thrown out byami .. .then marched through the wo- Benjamin Harrison Badenoch, '09, the Factulty last year. The new pe­me�'s balis_ Mary Sturges and Celia and Miss Nena .Wilson, .'Il;· were titio'lls are in the hands of a commit­Rosenfeld had charge of the affair. united in marriage last Friday at tee composed of Madelyn MacKinley,Washington, Iowa. They will be at chairman, Salty Ford, Miriam Bald­. PLAN INTERNATIONAL NIGHT home at 7129 Normal aven�e. Mr. win, and Olh'e Pajne_ Lists will be.: . .- - _. Badenoch was a member of Psi made out by the men for circulationCosmopolitan Club at lleetiJJc Fri- T_Tpsiion. while Mrs. Badenoch was a among. the fraternjtics, white the wo--. -t day ·,WIIl Settle Details. Mortarboard. men's petitions witl be posted in-, ,- \Vitliam Co McDermid, '07, and Mis!' Lexington, Cohb, School of Educa-Marian V. Lusk of Troy, N. Y., were tion and all the halls.marric:<i September 19 at Troy_ Mc­Dermid :",as one of the early members·.)f The Dajly Maroon staff and is amember of Phi Gamma Delta_ Mrs. FRESHMAN WOMEN'SCLUBS WILL STARTACTIVITIES FRIDAYGeorge Fiske. secretary.rAREWELL SPEECHMADE BY OYAMA TOJAPANESE STUDENTS tjves fromthe world�:\ farewel1 address to the Japan­(:sc cluh was made Saturday by lkuoOy:u11a. who leaves for Germany. Atthe sme meeting K. Toda ·spoke onthe history of the Japanese club, andOr. Yamanouchi spoke on the cam­pt.s tife oi the Japanese students inthe Unh·crsity. The speeches weremade in Japanese. Campus Tour Is Postponed.On account of the l)ad weather As­sistant Professor Rohertson was un­ahle to conduct the new stud(nts ona tour of the campus yesterclay af­ternoon as planned. The plan hasnot been arlandonerl. and Mr. Rohert­son promises to announce the def­inite date as soon as possible.