�..f, ijr .�. laily marnntiVUL. XI. NO.6 . UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, TUESDA'Y. UCTOllER 8.1912. PRICE FIVE CENTS.NEW INSTR.UCTORS ARE i�TE1tNlT� SHOW INCREASEI\SAYS PROGRESSIVISM -DEBATE TRYOUTS SCHEDULED SATURDAY'S VICTORYWELCOMED AT D�ER M�mbership -Has More Thad Doubled IS GREAT MOVEMENT Debating Coa�ou1ton Reeom- AROUSES HOPES FORAffair is i. Nature .f Ho.ecoIBiq· :.m· Fort.���. Years .A�cordinc to C ..... e H . ht S-· h . mends This Year's Subject-Chica· CHAMPIONSHIP TEAMLate .:.I!.dlt10n of Burds Manual- --0 a!",. 1IDlIIlU'IeI. ogI'eJllYe go Once·Won Victory With Almostfor Facalty Meahen--- . ,Now Totals 389.000. Prmclpies at MeetiDI 01 �. ilar Q ti'Maa, Preseal . ,.__ "BuU Moose" Club lID! ues on..\�cordjng to tlle figures given i.l Preliminary tryouts for the VarsityFOUR P�OFESSORS ARE HEARD the rare edition o(tll�'''Mallual of Fra- ORGANIZE JANE ADDAMS CHORUS debating team will be held Friday,icruiues" by \V. Raimond l�aird, theMcClintock. Wilkins. Moore. and membership of college Iratcrnitics hasLaing Speak at Annual Banquet CIUap Defeats Hoosien by Score of 13to O---Pierce and VruwiPkScore TouchdoWDS·'111 win ,.. ')ctoo.er 25· Students inicuding to NORGREN STARS IN PUNTINGh omen. 1 .,mg Patriotic Songs at cuter the contest must' register withtl d 1.1.1' I 1 f Coliseum Saturday Night Whenmore Ian ouu Cu 111 t re as: ourteen Loach Moulton through the Facultyyears and now totals 38t),ooo. This Roosevelt Speaks. Exchange on or before the 24th• Line Is Better Than Coach Stagg Ex-number. is divided among 2,500 chap- The subject for this year's debate, peered but Will Come in forMembers 'of the Faculty turned out tcrs which .control propcrty valued at It will _be impossible for the Pro- which will be the subject debated in Hard Drill Before Iowain large numbers last evening to at- approximately �I :::,000,000. gressives to lose in lllinois if its princ- .'i' '"" rhe tryouts, IS: "Resolved: That therend their annual dinner; in Hutchin- Twcutvvninc fratcrnities arc listed. iples arc properly understood, accord,J plan of bankimr reform suggested byson. It was the largest atendance in -p'da' Theta Pi leads in numbers with �Jlg to 1\1 r. George J. X.aight of Chi­the history of the Faculty gathcrings is.3it. Kappa Sigma leads in the c a go, Mr. Haight who is the Pro­and eave the mcmbcrs an opportunity number of chapters with 1"". In the grcssive candidate for States Attorneyb V'..J \ subject, chosen originally by the Chi-for reunion aftcr their return from field of academic fraternities alone, spoke at a meeting of tho University c ago coach, was adopted by a two tosummer vacations. seven new' names 11�'ve been added to 'Progressive club yesterday at 4:15 illonc vote. Ample bibliography • .' the The linemen, however, came in forThe speakers of thc evening were the role ill this period of fourtcen '�ent theater. The present Progrcs- subject has been placed on reserve in their share of hard work. The coachProfessor \V. D. McClintock of the years, hringing the total up to 36. The \Slve movement in the opinion of thc Harper so that prospective candidates was dissatisfied with the showing ofEnglish dcpartmcnt who has just re- great success of ll�cse aca ilemic Ira !speaker. is the greatest political mo�e- can begin their work immediately. the line at times although it was bet-turned from thc Philipines where he terrrities, many of which had their be- mc nt smce that of the few years rm- Question Is Not Technical ter than he expected and put the menwas sent by the governmcnt to lee- �inning hack in thc '2OS and '30S of .nvdiately preceding the cival war. "The question may at first seem a through a hard course of calisthenics.ture on the English language and lit- the nineteenth century. has inspired Mr. Haight declared that: littlc technical and forbidding," said 'The men were lined up and practisederature ; Associate Professor \Vilkil1s the extension of the fraternity idea �n- A campaign of education is the Coach Moulton yesterday, "but it starring with the ball.of Romance languages and l�terature, to women's colleges and professional thing the party needs. Even educated should be reme�bered that three Bennett returned to the campusformerly Professor of Romance a! and technical schools. people do not understand the real years ago, when a similar subject was yesterday and came out for the team.Harvard; Professor E� H.' Moore, Sh V' al S • • principles for which it stands, he . bl . He was compelled to return home last..- • u I, ows It tatistics. debated, Chicago won a dou e VIChome from abroad whcre he atended maintained. The other day after a week because of family troubles.The vital statistics of the best tory. \Ve have abundant m3:terial onmeeting hc was approached by a man Bennett weighs 181 pounds and is inknown academic fraternities, as COl11- the subject available in the librarywho wanted to know what the recall (, .,. '!llent condition. He is a valuablepiled by Mr. Baird are: \:Ve hope this year that more underActive • Chapter graduates witi come out for the team addition to the line squad and will inthe Latin department who has spent. Membership. Chapters. Houses. Graduate and law students have no all prohabilty try for tackle.. .R P f r Fratermty. Sh Ch . hi ....the past year 10 ome as ro esso, . 882 12 12 more chance of making the team than ow amprons ip rorm.ill the American school of ClaSSicaljAIPha ChiRho :. -;.. r, • • • • •• •• •• •• •• • • That Chicago may be represented� '�h D I Pl . I ! .��2'4 25 23 undergraduates, particularly of the.1' -, {l.IP a e ta .1.- 11 •••••••••••••••••••• 1 hamni I . t tl .stuules. ' - ".::. . .' '., 10.128 62 5 I Junior and Senior years, though that ,y a c amplOns lip eam liS yearI Annual A!f ... :.. '. ��. ...."l�:rau Omega- •. •. .• . . . . .• . . .. . . h S t d 1\[ I II fi Ids..... . , . . . ... ._18"�il 73 69 does not mean that Sophomores have was s own a ur ay on ars la Ie. -'ftlc····1)3nquct .. �aii-ann-uai-afrair-:'ih.. ��;1:�eta-P� .. .- •. ::�:.�.;-:- .... _._ .•.• u .�� ... - -. "", 53-(12 ' _ _';-' '21' I�' 19 no chance.'" when Chicago defeated Indiana bythe nature of a reunion ofJ'the otd' .'. . ' .�.�- • .-' ..•. : " �. ..18 18 Two Veterans Are Back. the score of 13 to o. Although Chi-members and a recepti�n .. _ for�;� . .ih� IC�!- p���.��.':';;:'..!':::-"'� .. '" �'......... I�.��� 38 Only two of last year's men are in cago put up a grcat game and dis-ncwcr ones, several of whom we.re· �. �����pa,J:... pu.s.il?�.:..:', .• .': ' .42 layed mid season 'form in places a_ t:.. el 1>1..' '3.995 12 II school this year, Jones and �imes I' - • ,welcomed last evening. Preaid·"·· ... _�:: .... '··t\�����:·:�i·······r�· .. ··· ···3.755 7 7 who were both on the team that de woeful lack of snap and vim charac-Judson who returned last Thursday �9!���<.:��:z�· ;...11.'21 56 52 hated Northwestern, and it is expect terized the playing. The manner infrom a busi' ness trip in the East .presid� �e1ta.' T�u Dc:�ta . h which the plays were run off showed., .656 40. 39 l·d that, in accordance Wit a preC•I at tile .11·llner. Assistant Professor Delta .Upsilon •.••.•...•••••• :....... h ·u that there is much room for improve-u u 1.977 7 7 cedent set many years ago. t ey WII{ohertson was in charge of the ar- K�pP3: A!pha, _ (Nor�hern- ••.••..•...• 8.258 47 30 he out for this year's team. One Chi- ment in the playing of hoth teams.rangements. '�app�. A!p��� (Southern· ...•..•...• 11.21J8 79 62 (,�ago tcam will go to Michigan and Both \Vhitaker and Paine frequent-Kappa: SIgma 17.845 74 69 another team will meet Northwestern ly aroused the ire of th.e oOicials byMAROON HEADGEAR phi Delta Theta· ••...••..•.•• '. . . . .. •15,290 � 54 in Chicago. As usual the 'debate will the dilatory, tactics. Coach Stagg de-TO BE SOLD TODAY Phi Ga'mma Delta .•..•.•..• � •.... ,. 12.602 43 43 be held in th� third week of January. claFed after the game that part ofBY MANY STUDENTS Phi Kappa Psi...................... 26 the slow work was due to the extreme� Phi Kappa Sigma •••••.• :........... �:�� �� 20 SECOND OF MUSICALES heat which made the day fit for basc-More determined efforts to place Phi Sigma Kappa ••..••.•..•.••.•... 20 ANNOUNCED FOR TODAY hall rather than for foothalL .a maroon rooters' hat on the head of Phi Kappa Alpha ....•••....•.••..•. 2.934 33 Chicago's scores were due to touch-e\'cry Chicago student will start to- Psi UpSilon' •.....• : ••••• �.......... :::�� ;! :: Members of U�v�rsity and F�ends downs which were made in the secondday, when the hats themselves will be S.i.g�a Alpha Epsilon................ 4.-� Invited-Artists Will Assist tlUarter. Pierce registered the firstI'n tIle hands of W'I'III'am Lyman, Har' :So ;If�a Chi ...••...••••.••....•••.•.• 11.925 64oD" 6 Director .Stevens. tally a short while after the whistleS• .... N 9,,227 . 7 59old Wright, Duane Mann, Nelson Nor- Igma u •.. '" .• . .• . •• . . • . . . •• •• ..' had blown for the beginning of theS" Ph 2.744 . 10 10Rren, Rudy Matthews, \Villard Dick- Igma i.. .• •. •. • . • . . . . ••• . . . . ••••2,039 29 21 The second complimentary musicale second half. Chicago had the ball onerson, Rollin Harger, Earle Shilton, Sigma Phi Epsilon ••...••....•....•• �o 10 10 !for members o£ the University dn.l Indiana's 35 :ranl lille when play op'Howell Murray, Chester Bell, and Theta Chi ••..•.••.•...•...••......•. _. __ 6.�._ ..._ . __ .: _26 2.t friends will be given in Mandel han ened. On the first p·lay. NorgrenThomas Coleman. Margaret Rhodes Theta Delta Chi....... 74i6 I24 19 tcday at ;:15. Director Stevens made twcnty yards through Indiana'swill have charge of the sale of wo- Zcta Psi •....... .....•.........•..• will have the,' assistance of Miss leit tackle. Pierce and Smith hy linenlcI1's hats. .Provincialism Breaks Down. IU<-ant. \Vhen he asked this man. what f S ,I bucks placcd the ball on the visitors'Mary Kau man, oprano, anuOne of the 1110St noteworthy facts his opinion Of the recall had been he Miss Sadie L. Walker, violinist. fi,'e yard line. After two attemptsSell Green Caps Today. !lrought out in 'the manual is the rcplied that he thought it meant that. The program follows: Pierce crossed the line on a straightOne hundred green caps ha!e been gradual breaking down of provincial� afler a person had becn convicted of Sonata for piano and Violin, huck. Sellers kickcd goal. making aordered for the men of the Freshman ism 'by the iratcrnities:· The western 'a crime. he could appeal to tl.le people Olms 8 ........•......•... Gric�. total of seven points.class. In the past green caps fratcrnities are extending their chap- to decide as to J1is guilt. Mr. Stevens and Miss \Valkt·r. Vruwink Makes Touchdown.have been worn hy the Thrce leI" lists' Unlong the eastern. colleges Gives Support to Roosevelt. Soprano Solo, "Air of Salome" Vmwink scored thc second touch-Quarters club and hy �\\'enty an� ,��e ca��e!n t�al!rni!�e� s�em to be "1 u!'ed to he for LaFollette." said (I lerocliadc) , , Massenct down sc,'cral minutes hefore thc quar-or thirty other Freshmcn. TillS year lOslJlg. sigl!' n�ore a".(1 Ul�re of the old Mr .. ll;,i'lht. ""ut after the Repuhlican Miss Kaufman. ter endc(t. Paine sent a heautiful for'the upper classmen are scriously urg' exc1��h'e' eastern idea. Fourteen c:om'enti"1l I havc· heen for Roose· Violin Solos ward ,;ass to the ri�ht elHI which wasing tl1at all the Freshmen buy - tire' yc:i1's- a�;-·'lt.cn- �·ere only' five fra- \'dt. Any man who was occupying- An(!antino an(l Chanson Lonis r('ceivecl hy Vruwink. lie scootedthe green caps. .tcrnity chapters in the two great Can- the positiC'n Rooscvelt was, enjoyin� C f rin :lcross the line. The try at g'oal was, . . 13th ,.. on e'01: ( �dian 'ttmvCrSi1ies, McGill and Toron-I: he comf(lrts of lifc and of universal �t iuuet in G ncctho\"en not allowed hc.·c;ttl�e the hall hit thcCutting to Address Club. to; now these two institutions arc the · .. �lccm who woulel comc down anel Miss \Valker �rol1nt on the punt out.G I I I . .'t d a'll home or' 'fifteen chapters. Still an- light with th� pcopl('. dcserves all tIl(' Indiana fought Chic�;.:o inr C\'('ryThe erman c U, laS 10\1 e· .." '... . S011�S.I f tl e German (lepartment other rcmarkahlc example IS that of a �11pport ! can �ive him. And I, unk "Homc from the Hill" .... Ronahl. inch of �round and thl' pt:1Yl'rs diel notmem )crs 0 l' ., I Ii I Ditin't he 1 f 1to attend its fir:-t mceting in Lexing- s(\uth��n .!Y���rnit� .�?��?> ��r, Its t1l1.le- too las a 1I1C c laractcr. "Love Is a Rosl,:" Sans Souci let up even after they \H're e lO cate( .ton Friday at 4. Professor Cutting honored 'Southern c�t�s��'encss, wlll�h �:'Y that if he \\"ere elected hc would "" S\\,;\I1" ••....•.•••••••••• Grieg Twice Chica�o had thl' \10\)1 withinwill address the meeting. has lately begun to pJant chapters m !lowe "Thou shalt not steal" written "A Birthday" Cowen ftriking clistancc of the Hoosiers· f.,!0al. the north. upon the hooks or tllc state le�islat- Miss Kaufman. 1,ut wa� un:lhle to scor(', Once theEducators Realize Power. nrc, Those entering tile auditorium ar- Hoosiers took th� halI away from Chi,However, this brcaking down of The sp('aker outlit�cd hriefly theter the pro�ram has heJn1D are re- cago when h was six inch('s from theprovincial prejudice is not the only policies of the progrcssive party. a �l1csted not to take scats during the g('al and another time when it wa!!(Continued on pagc 4) numbers. (Continued on page 3·)in Hutchinso: Commons.Game.Light practice was given to thethe National Monetary commission. Varsity yesterday by Coach Stat .. • z.should be adopted by Congress." This ""."Xo scrimmage was held as he wishedto rest tip the men aftcr the gamevarious mathematical gatherings atCambridge and other places; and As­socia te Professor Gordon J. Laing ofW�ns Tennis Championship.Dorothy L1ewllyn won the tennischampionship rot women after theclose of the Spring quarter of 1912.. (Continued on page 2' .,'The Daily Maroonstrauge rs ; it is hard for him to find idcnt Faunce, of Brown university,Published daily except Sundays, Mon- \\ here to start in his career of mak- Secretary Idea Grows.clays and Holidays during three ing friends. I t follows that there The traveling secretary idea is an-quarters of the University year. should he some means by which he other outgrowth of this new spirit ofEntered as Second-class mail at the could be able to recognize the class' active alumni support. One manmates whom hc should learn to know. spends all him time traveling fromChicago Post Office, Chicago, Illi-under Act of XO hetter means of accomplishing chapter to chapter, giving advice andnois, March 18, 19(>8, the desired end has yet been found information when needed. ThroughMarch 3, 1873. than the class hat. The traditional him, the several chapters of a Ira-Managing Editor .. Hiram Kennicott green cap is the ideal headgear for rcrnity are kept better informed ofNews Editor ••••••• Leon Stol Freshmen and it is good to hear that each other's wcIufare than mere cor­r..thletic Editor •• Bernard Vmissky a movement has' been started to have respondence could effect.Business Manager ••• Burdette Mast the caps generally worn by Freshmen Mr. Baird believes that the fra-..' this year. crrrity chapters in American collegesAssoClate Editors. \ IT'' I .r: d I .. I . lik h.: t some mversny .. t re dictum may eve op 1I1to somet ung I re t e\\'alter Foute . - . - - - Martin Stevers rwould be "Freshman huy green caps I different colleges in the great En-\Villiam Lyman - - .. - John Perlee., I" d f di � I' I . . . Ed I ki_ - anu wear t rem, an or. iverse rea- hg IS I umversmcs, ucators 00 mgSamuel Kaplan .. - - .. Harry Gorgas sons the caps would hc purchased and lto the more immediate future believeHalgcr Lollesgard - .• George Lyman I' fl'" 0 I I' , . '11 I ·1_ .. , _ worn. 'ew 0 tIe ul\OerSe reasons m t rat a UJ11111 supen'lslon WI (evc opClyde \\' atkins . " George Cottingham .qucstion arc desirable at the Univcr- into a factor of college life almostGrace H.otchkiss - - Sarah Reinwald sity_ as educational in its nature. as theSubscription Rates. There are two rcas�ns, however, actual studious work of the college-By carrier, $2.50 a year; $1.00 a quar- why a Freshman should wear the Cornell Daily Sun.ter, By mail $3.00 a yea�; $1.25 a green cap; first, it is expected of him;quarter. second, it is to his advantage. Thegreen caps will be on sale- cheaply amiEditorial-s-Business offices, � Ellis "2: vcry shortly. It is' hoped that an ad­Telephone Midway Boo. Mail Box ditional stock will be required, That the smallest number of stu­dents since the system -was adoptedPROFESSORS ARE DELEGATES"Even the reporter has an olice was sent hack into English 0 thisand with clear eyes and honest Jan- H d d Freund A . year was the statement of Mr_ Linnen erson an reun et as Am�n- ' '.guage, may unveil injustice and point R . " of the English department yesterday.can epresentatl\'es.· .the way to progress. "-R. L. S. The classes met for the first timeyestcrday af Belfield hall. The largerProfessors Charles l�. Hendersonlation, Dr. Henderson, in an articlein The Survey of October 5th, de- Wiscom:in-Chi Psi at \Visconsinrent article on "Your scribes the various acti�ities of this has nearly completed its new quartersUnited States," in the October Harp- conference and others 'of similar na- costing $60,000.ers Magazine has much of interest to lure held within the last few weeks in Wisconsin-A progressive club, tot he American college student. Zurich. include followers .of both RooseveltJ I tl'" f the Un' rSI'ty The work of the confcrence of- c says no nne. 0 IVC and La.Follette, is to bc organized at(jf Chica..-ro, but he harps on one chord which Dr. Henderson and Dr. Freund'" \Visconsin.i hat should be of intcrest to students are membcrs, is thc study .of occp-' _1 ('re, a pr.opos of the growing honor pational discases, home' industries and:":ntiment. He hints rather plainly minimum wagc, hf)1:rs of lahor andthat full praisc. of America's edua- peri.ods of rest, insurance of work­ti(.nat �ystem must· be withheld until men, child lab.or, and administrationt h(' classr.o.om honesty of our univer- laws.FormerlyThe University 01 Chicagc WeeklyFounded October I. 1S!'.2.,': .'.,; -"0" Faculty Exchange.<ifbitotial-Ilcsidesnations having as one of its illus­an excellent drawing ofMitchell tower andHutchinson Commons,Arnold Bennett's cur-Colleg�Honesty.�it ics he ahovc suspicion. Bulletin and Announcements.Chapel Assembly-Seni.or colleges, Chapel Assembly-Junior colleges,12:15 Mandd.Chapel Ar,sembly-Co1Jl'ge of Edu­cation, 1;!:15 Emuons Blaine hall, 214.Public . Concert-Direction Mr. women, 1..!:15 Thursday. Mandel.Philharmonic SocielY-7:15 Thursday, Mandel.German Club---4 Friday. LexingtonDramatic Club-Alumni vaudevjfle,Stevens. 4:15, MandelS Saturday, MandelBotanical club-4 :30, Botany build- Neighborhood Club-Dues collectedilll,!. M13. daily, 1 :15-2:15 Lexington.Student Volunteer Band-7:15 Lex' Alumnae Loan Library-M24 Har­ington, J>�r,Y. W. C. L.- 10:3.0 tomorrow, Lex- '0 Progressive Club-Horns and Fod-in�t.on. der for each Bull Moose. Apply Uni-Chapel Assembly-The Divinity vc rsiry Progressive club.school. 1.2:15 tomorrow, Haskell As' Daily Maroon Staff Competitionsernbly room, -Candidatcs apl>ly 3 ·to 6, Ellis 24.A corregc man nnds Ius best friends gr:uluates. Thrs Spirit IS shown infrom among his classmates. The time the organization, three years ago, offor him to make friends I he J mer-Fraternity conference whichGreenCaps. is in his Freshman year meets in Xew York at Thanksgivingand the sooner he starts timc every year. This conference isthe better it will be for cnt husiasrically supported by suchhim. But to the Freshman all men arc men as Hamilton \V. Mabie and Pres-SEND FEW STUDENTSBACK TO CLASSES�N ENGLISH ZEROpercentage of Freshmen who remainand Ernst Freund oi the University in English 1 is attributed to a cer-were in Zurich, Switzerland, recently, tain extent to the higher standards ofas American delegates to the Iruer-to thework required for entrancenational association ior Labor Legis- University.·'It was a little trying to the nerves- that 0: an American t.o see ihat the I'nite"Surely. here is a situation U u"',.o'10t11(1 arrest attention, J'ust as it calls States is put in a °catcgory 'with rather75 Cent&. PIIda Baths 25 CentsOpen Day and Night.SARATOGA BARBER SHOPlor action-hcautiful universities phys- backward count ric;;, althoubh it is ad­ieaJlv. wonderful equipment, match:- mittet) that latterly we have joinedI.�ss instruction, hillions of dollars the procession of peoples who he-... I' d licve that go\'crnm.�tlls are agencicsit1\"c!'tc<l, and exammatlons po ICC.oi °justice, morality, and l1Um�lIity,"(If coursc. what Arnold Bennett orwritcs. Dr, HendcrsonoW. . \\�. onsl'n I'S planning powcr for �ood such organizati.onsIsconSln- ISC "• 0 I I ' "I omecoming" to in- are in the daily life of the college.a !)I� at 1 eUc 1 ,chute a smokcr. alumni re�1Dions, re- An.other practically new develop-. d ment in the fraternit); is the growingc('ptions. a honfire, massmeetmgs, anco-operation of alumni and under­a gcneral welcome.a11\'0l1C cl�e !'ays is not .of vital im-1)( ,�tancc to the studcnt. But the sit·l:at;(\n to which hc draws attention is.Evcry !'tlH1cnt at Chicago has it in hispower t.o hasten the day when thehonesty of college men will be rccog­lIized and traditional. ]. H. H epp, Prop.29 South Dearborn StreetExper� Manicurist.Scientific MasseursExpert ChiropodistFATERNITIES SHOW GAIN'circulars, etc.I f you are new on the campus, weshould be glad to become acquainted;if not, you rrobably know us, and weshould be glad to see you again.(Continued from page one) THE TYPEWRITING OFFICEBasement of Cobb Hallgood that the frat('rnit;es do. l'romi- i!' prepared to copy all kinds of manu­Jicnt- educators arc coating 1110re and script; to hal_1dle c.orrespondence bymorc to the realization of the great stenography; to furnish copies of This IeUOD 0lIl' liM of .�-;.dd. i." ia ezceptioaally stronl com- IpriIiDc a c:arefaU7 MIecte4 atodl of P'QS. black and white Ietrecta. .,.. ad brOWDLOther grades $30 00 to $50.00Overcoata $30.00 to $60.00 II!I,TAILOR FOR "YOUNG liEN- - -r'HREE STORI:S --May, 1912il E. Monroe St.. Since _190525 E. Jackson Blvd.Since 18937 N. La Salle St.AlE YOU 100IIIG il)I I PLACE TO unGive THE. COMMONS a TrialGood Food o Low Prices"'us;c at IIlgMTYPEWRITERS RENTED$5.00 for Three MonthsEvery machine paranteed to be In. fiDe working order, and will bekept so durinc term of rentalWe deliver the machine and call for it at the end of the rental term.We also have for sale a be line of Factory Rebuilt machines of allmakes on which yoa caD'" Save Sf! to 75 per cent.Telephone Harrison 6�88-6399.�AMERICAN WRITING MACHINE COMPANY(.INCORPORATED)437 Soath DearbOni St..:....,. ... " .... .i- >EC BABCOC". "'IMAGE.':HlCAGG..... c.u... ON" AftII ...THIS ADVERTISEIIENT IS ASIIALL THING -IN A LARGESP�E. A SUBSCRIPTION TOTHE IIARoON IS A LARGETHING FOR A SIIALL PRICE.'on Frank, Bardy 11 liodskopf"The CoDege Men's Clothes Shop"WE ARE AWAY FROM THE HIGH RENTSeo.. to the 7th floor of °the Republic BaiJdinl..s let - "'OW 70a .. hat you can save.State and Adams.• SATU.RDAY�S VICT-ORY· ccutcr for live yards and Smith made. \::_. ARO.U_SE� :HOPES 'FOR a straight plunge for fin! Illo�e, whichO�I 1 �\' - ... '�.H�M_PIO_NSHIP TEAM idt the lJatt 011 the visitors' five yardr· 'IV mark. Un his second attempt at theDON C H EST E R !i ·(Continued from page one) center Pierce crossed the line for thejone yard away. Erehart was the f.rst, Score. Sellers kicked goat. Score;Dress SHIRTS 'shillin.g lig�!t of the visit iug eleven. t..hicugo, i; Indiana o.. =: :H�� �h.d�. al� �!�� kicking and ran back Flemine; Kicks O.lf.: ': . �!�,nts, a�l:d� ....\�'as the principal ground Capt. Fleming kicked off to Pierce,. ;�.�;�c'� .,��r··: �� ·t.�am. On the defense who was downed on his thirty yard� •. c \\:as c'tuall)._ dlecti\'c. mark. After Norgren and Pierce had. Captain, Caq;C;lter, Norgren, Vru- 110t made much headway, the formcrIwin'k and l 'ainc were the stellar per' booted the oval high to Erehart, whoIorrners fur Chicago. The �vork of allowed it to touch the ground. Yru­.Kcnlleuy, Smith and Pierce was also willk picked up the ball and scootedcouuucudable.' -'. Norgren deserves for a touchdown, which was not al­ Chicaco (13).spccial credit 'for "his punting. He out- lowed because thc ball had not been\ • _. , eo. 1 .1 I I I' I Huntington, .••• R. E .••. 0 ••• Ccleman,l>lUlled Ereluirt by tiftcen vards to t ouc ieu )y an Itt lalla 1> ayer. An• " oJ u SkinnerthC k;��: .l�r��C;l.t'll:lde no flukcs and exchange of punts left the ball inI I f r fi ld . Carpenter (Capt.)R. T •••.••••.• Davis________________ :;..;.: __ � .. ways .got1�� t�1l o.u� of danger. He 11C center 0 t ie ie III Chicago's H' R Gdr� Statl.onery Cabinets. should·de"doliil1l0 a first class punter possession.· J\O'gTCIl hit tile line for �::;:;,;;.�....... . •••.... Worscy,,-=. before t'be\s'C:.l.�ll· is over. eight yards and Pierce had five moreEnds Play Well. off the Hoosier right tackle. At this �s Jardien •• 0 ••• c. Bonsib.. '1' "he I - .fol- point Paine pulled off the forward hiteside .••••. L. G. • •.•••••• Clouseem s, especially Vruwink, Fleming, (Capt.). lowed the' ba ll remarkably well. AI. pass to Vruwink which resulted in .. Chi d 1 Sellers, ....•••.•• L. T Hackman:most III every instance Vruwink was ucago s sccon score. T ie try at Scanlon(ioWII as fast as the ball and he usual. goal was not allowed because the ball A. G' Spalding & BrosIi' I dIS Vruwink ..•••••. L. E Minton 8 S· -, ,Y 1l1�U1:�,!:!!:.U to _ ta,ckle his man before nt t re groun on t ie punt-out. corc; Krause :! '30 o. Wabash Ave, Chicago, III; he . ad\'31l��(I �the hall. TIe' also did Chicago, 13; Indiana, o.k" J . . ' .: " .. .C' II f "1' k' k d Paine, Lawler ••. 0. B ....•. Whitaker"«'" ",1I0tll: 1 !ltaUuncry at halltl fur ('urr«'IIt good wor k in receiving forward ::-c crs 0 C ucago ucxe off to 'r��:'; .. I.� .. .!�1()4�": .. t •• r •• t 0.11<, h:tII<l�"Jlwly 1I11-pas scs, E 1 I d I I hi Norgren .••••. R. H. B Ereharti..... . .�I'rt' .. ," 1'11111. (::;"C nore.) � ,,� The work of the Iine was .:.rc.!art, W 10 rcturnc t 1C ova to IS 'SOLID OAK LETTER FILE l' t .1 I' h ,Smith, Fitz- .•. L. H. B Trout;we, ak :l.t tif),les as WOlS expected. Tile l urty-t irec yaru me. On t e next 'patrick, Kennedy ,ho"',. :0.000 IdlHI< or Jiiic \\'i\{�t;md� I��uch -ha�(1 practise be- formation Erehart dashed ,around tpap"rIC 8%xll Inch •. " Pierce .•..•..••• F. B ......•. Fleming�oll.J, -",ubKtaJltla'J: .:' f('re the Iowa gamc. There 'is much 'Chicago's left end for twenty yards.(1ol<l"n. :-;atural Jf Fitzpatrick Minton ':1Weathere,l nJlJlCh. : hope, howcvcr, as the mell had At this stage of the game the Hoos'.... ::lw •. r,. are .,ltI!'t- 'T hd P' V· k 0proof all,l on roll'-I' : ,Ilashes .uf ;form which showed what il'rs �vcrc pl:lying with grcat vim. In- ouc owns - terce, rUWIll �bl'llrIJlg8. Freight G I f hd S II R f�11:t�4. (Sec not .. ,.) thl'y C�.lh .. dp.. (liana was pcnalized fifteen yards for oa rom touc .own- e ers. e -Gd Catnlog "how- Fi I 1.1 I I f 1 us(' of hands in interference. Ere- l'ree-Benbrook, Michigan. Umpire-1111: many handy, In- ve HUH rcu (e egates . rom t Ie('XIWJI"h'" om d I" ,- .. .." I:' '\' '...... hart circled Chicago's. ri"ht end for .-Benbrook, Michigan. Umpire--\'h: •. ,. an,l �.�etloll�i nternatJllna : sSoclatlOn of Cham' ...II k 1:1 . .- -.1 .d Fl' d to 'V renn, Harvard. Hea_ d linesman__:.... !. '�Il".,,.. lto..klcl l,ers or COIll-merce. \\'11'0 are 't')ltrl'ltg live yarus an • emmg puntea; Illn.: �ugK"l<tl"'II'" ' P C Inl" .. fr('�'. lih U' IS' - Lawler, who was downe(l on Chica:- orter, orne I. Time of quarters-IS;,:'OTE.-Fr"h;ht or ."1 e nt{"e'( tatcs,' 'wit nessed' the min-.ltes.)"'''I.rt·,.,. puld !IS game. Thl'sc delegates COtllC froln all go's t. hirty yard line. Two attempts(Iuot .... to points .. a:lot;�s:,ll�!�ll,:.I::I�io."0·�:�� ovcr' th.e'·W(,lThf' and Illany of thcm to gain failed ,and Norgren punted ·toh .. ma IIn.1 T,'xa" fill E'rel.art. ,,·110 ,"as downed on hl's Ch· 13· I d'��I:;.�:tJy hlghC'Z" b�: saw a (Jot)a game for the first time. .... Icago, ,n lana, o.:,!" T,h,c'y' ff��te:d .i,I.t)l.c"..!lC\V. concrcte thirt):·two yard line by VrU\�ink. Minnesota, 5; Ames, o.�M" FILING DESKS- . d �idridsld)f'lyg \\:�'st"s'icl�' oC"'thb lidd. Lawler Catches Punt. Wisconsin, 13; Lawrence, o.'flie j�)�tldrs werc particularly impres- Th� . �'Toosicrs backs could .not gain Purdue, 21; De Pauw, O.�eu with thc ,Qq�an.i.z�d .c1H;_c::ri,"� �s it in threc attempts and Erehart punted I11inois, 87; Illinois Wesieyan, 3·was a novclty 'to 1110st of thcm. .'.. low to Lawler, who was downed on Iowa, 35; State Teachers, 7·. First Quarter. - the Maroon· 1hir:ty·five . ..Yar4· line.. Ohio State, 55, Otterbein, o .. Capr.- -Fleming'": kick'Cd; off" for Iil- Drivcs off tackle failed to gain and Cichigan, 34; Case, o.(1i.�·��._t.?_?<:�T�rs W!l.<? '�'as .downcd ,on then, :Norgren punted to Erehart, who Notre Dame, 76; St. Viator, 7·his thirty yard line. An exchange of was dO''''ned on his twenty yard line. Nebraska, 6; Bellevue, o.�1t:3!!��n... : . .-: ··.un,ts,.in which -Nor:""cn had a decided Time .was takcn out' for Davis, who Knox, 33; Lincoln College, 7.: .. .'. ,.;"( "'I;ad\;�"'��,- t�'ball in.·the middle was "win(ted." On resuming a fake California, 34; Nevada, o ..... rnhlne "r:lw,'r!O In hlln,lllol1Jc .1(,lSk, ;·.The,· .. w., .• _ . �" •. ' - ,-'. � .' ;.�. f' 'dnit." ),"U W:lnt at your Ihll:E'r till!', Sec on" of.-·.t�e .. fu..� 'f} cag6�s. -�ssession. punt ormatIOn was resorte to suc· Yale, 21; Syracuse, o.��t��; •• ur dml,·r,.. )"rd�ht paid ��3.00. (Bee Nd'ihetJ\���4ti:i�(i. \�': ad�nce thc ccS'sfully: Erehart taking tJ1e ball and Harvard, 19; Holy Cross, o.Ttl:E 'I/'� �ANUFACTURING-COJt. '.·:·a�·.:'I"_"·... f· ......!k.-4;:�.·.·\· ..;\:1·.1· d . �kilting Chica�o·s right end for twen- Princeton, 35·, Lehigh, o •• _. , , '.• �IV ll,�_�.. alIW('4",A,Q.o��.. an puntl11g87 UnIon St. ,M():\ l{()E. l\UCH .:;r-, .[ to.: .. ..:;_. 'h' . �··d· I 'y "·ar.ls In tile next play" Erehart Oberll'n, 1.3', Cornell, o.. . �. . ."Varla "Tf� , rusorte . to on t Ie' oJ' • • •Chicago DisplaY-SII'IS S. WabaSli :'1'; ,- ..... "" 'J,Oi!f\-:-"'";fj.,; f'" '" .. :,.'.. . IH1ntc(l to Lawler. who was downed Penn, 16', DI'ckl'nson, o., ".. Ars.,t.,::.�.::����_'J,\ ter : ��II� had 11US'__________ -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ :�dt�!tl{jt1rc· o()f- Erchart's punts and (lJ'i his thir�y-fivc yard line.CoIf ina;" had fallen 01'1 the hall for \vh�n play was resumed Paine wentIndiana I��. C'hi�ago's 'twe�tY'fivc yard !o 'quarter-hack and it was the Ma­line, the -Hoosiers .had their hest n.ons· hall on Indiana's 27 yard line.chanc_e 9Ltb� ,game to score. Ere-;\ forward pass, Paine to Vruwinkhart, Flcming and' Tro�t . only could was interceptcd arid Chicago was pen·make five yards in thrce' attempts and aii:�ed a .Iown. Norgren failed to gainon the fourth down an incomplcted 'on a cross drive and Pierce droppedforward pass �ave the fall to Chicago hack for a goal Jrom the field fromon the Maroon twenty·yard line. the 33 yar(l line. The hall sailed wideNorgren puntcd to Erehart, who flf the mark. however, and went :aswas downed in the center of the field. a touchhack by Indiana., IndianaTwo ci,-,,":hs ncttcd three yards and elected to punt from the 20 'yard lineErchart then cpuritcd to Xor�ren, who and Erchart punted to Norgren, who.. d • F':!� D·II S I made a fair cMch on his thirty yard waS:.do�.n�d in the center of tbe field.... a e III uty ,erent ty a' - ". ..,. F' • ,.�- �I. F, dOl L d' mark. Norgrcn. bootcd the hall to .. , Itzpatnck VAU&Do -:GUll Fa�s'ter:.a Inll E�ehart, ,\:110 was downed by Vrll' Fitzpatrick, who itas taken" Smith'swink 011 the � l:I:oosier fifteen yard p�ace at left· half back for Chicago,mark. ldo� through Indiana's IcCt t�ckle forPunts to Norgren. fi\·e'ts�rds. Norgren and Pierce hitJ ndiana could not �..... in ami Erehart center for the first l�own and Fitz·"untcd to Kor�ren, who waS-hroughtlr,atrick made thrce yanls on a strai�ht:0 carth at midlic1d. A clcvcrly ex-I plunge, Chicago was penalizcd fif­ccuted forward pass. Painc to Carpen· t(ell yar<1� for the use of hands intl:r, landed the hall on the Hoosier their intcrferencc. A tJc3utifnl for­thirteen yard line. Xorgren hit thc ward pass. Norgrcn to Vruwink. net-is owned and operated by College left side of IIl<tiana's line for live teel a �o yanl �ain amI placed the ballIy;trds. hut the gain was lnst because nl1 Tnelial:a's T5 yard line. FitzpatrickMen for College Men and women.ltlaC' Maroons.; \\TTl' �)ffsi(lc al1(1 l)('na·1· plungeo. hut failed to gain. Xorgrenii':cd lin yards. : On an oft' tackle drivc I followcd in with a gain of two yardsAmerican and Chinese Cuis'nI e. �orgrcn fumhlc.1 and T.nut recovered on a cross plunge. A forwaro pas�.%()r Indiana .. FJcmin� immedi�tcly, Painc t� Vru" .. ink. was 'intercepted bypU.I;t�d out or' d�nger an(t thc quarter I Erchart and Chicago was pena.lizedended as Paint' i'as tackled. a .10wn, Paine and Pierce dropped" 1:he teams changed �oal� al1(.1 it was i h�ck for an attcmpt at a fic1� goal, butFlorist and Decorator \.llIcago's hall 011 Tn(taana s tlmty·fi\·c' fal1cd.Fifty.third St. and Kimbark Ave. 'yard line. On t',lC first play Xorgren Aftcr a few fast plays FitzpatrickwrigJ,!lcd ofT indiana's left tackle for broke thrcug11 Indiana"s line alHI car'Tels. Hyde Park 18. Chicago, m twenty �ri1s a'tH1 placed thc oval on ricrl the hall to the Ho05iers' fiveTelephone Hyde Park 2137 thc fiftecn yard line. ricrcc hit the yard mark.$2 to $3'The bosomcannot bulgeCluett. l'mboc!y & Co.MakersAI.SO SKIRTS81.50 AND UPGreellwood Cafe1357 E. 55th Street.ANDREW· McADAMS center anotheryards. Norgren failed to gain on off- :tackle drives and Kennedy failed tomake the required distance on' thefourth down, and the ball went toI ndiana on its own two yard line.Fleming immediately punted out ofdanger to Paine in the center of thefield. Two plays follewcd netting sixyards •LlDeup.by Walter Camp; revised for 1912:instructions for playing; signals;training .. Price 10 cents.If. you play as the big colleges do,70U will. use the SPALDING NO.15 FOOT BALI-the official ball ofthe came-and SPALDING UNI­FORMS and EQUIPMENT.'Send for our Fall and \\'interCatalogue-it's free.New rules for 1912-SpaldiJ1!;'sOfficial Foot Ball Guide, edited byWalter Camp, contains the oflicialrules. records, notes, college cap,tains and managers, schedules andpictures of all the big teams andhundreds of other players, Price10 cents.How to Play Foot Ball.Indiana (0)EoitedFootball Scores. The. nearest bank to the Uni­versity and thc only Bank 'be­tween '43rd and 63rd street castof Cottage Grovc avc. under StateGovernment supcrvision.CAPIT �� $200,0003 ,PER CENT ON SAVINGSt:'�West Point, 27; Stevens. o.Carlisle, 0; W. alld J., o. a �;�J \;'�,W/rfl_ /'Navy, 7; Johns Hopkins, J. ,. �''1'Julius Is Your Barller �tPIl. �ATS ·THAT SHOWSaDitary S.op - Tbree cunOne-Day Laundry Service.Prke, $1.'0 Per CoupleIIa. IOSAUE HALL57th and Rosalie Court.llaic: by McDonnellyour taste andthe distinctive­ness of the sbapesand styles wesell-II a ts in end­less variety butof uniform llighqualit.y. Collegemen welcomed.JOSEPH'SCIDODTStatioDel7. Toilet ArticlesPine Liae of Candies956 E. 55th S\Ret. Cbicaco, m B. LAMESTribaDe Building •• HAT co.3S W. MadisonImported and. Domeatic Line ofCipn aacI CipretteLAlly SlIt .. 0 .... II tile PENNANT DANCESBOISe ... to """ $18.".Julius. CooperTHE UNIVERSITY TAILOR1126 East FiflY_Fifth Street.Union Made.\V e also do higlt grade repairing andpressing at very low '-prices. These Dances are to besomething new in Uni­venity circles this yearTHESE (l��;'m h(' g-iHn thcs�cond and iOl1rth Frid:1Y !lights ofeach month durin;; the winter. Thedates for the first month arc Octohcr'IIth and 25th.Each person will rece;' ca I2X30 Chi',j.c:aco Pennnant (on Ocr. I !th.) OnOct. 25th, an Illinois Pennant.-��--------------------The Drexel TailorsCLEANERS AND DYERS903 Eat 55th Street.Altai .. etc. of Ladies aDd GentsGarments.Repairinc and Preainc atM"'te Pric:a.. . -. ------- -_. _---AKUSEHUIS. 'JEFFERSONlEMPRESSPROGRAM 'SAYS PROGRESSIVISM . C' LASSIFIED______ ,____ S ANNOUNCED IS GREAT MOVEIIENT umD'IIS._,aJIS55th treet anel J..aKe Avenue.mil ..... 1E M P- I ·'�.E.. � �S-S· Best of talent in singers and Commencing Sunday matinee. Oc- Continu� page I.) •Orch-tra. toLer 6 Sullivan and Considine will --------------"'8 FOR RENT-Washington Avenue;Pictures chan ed dail cff\.'r a bill at the Empress which em-.g_ y braces Lew Fields' "Fun In a Cabaret' broader primary law. woman suffrage. near Jackson Park and 111. Cent.Continuous performance ."with 1- Lew Fields players, The Two :"0 child labor. and the eight hour day.Come and hear the new $7.500 organ I ::>• • •_ _ _ _ I i cdders will display some new and He said that his party claimed thatNothing to equal It m the aty. "• daring feats That Kid (Jack Rana- jhe conservation of human life andFive Reels of the latest releases' ..• han) the American Boy Harry Lauder energy IS of far more Importance thanPathe Weekly Every Fnday' .will offer some new impersonations. the conversation of natural resources.Current Events. S _L_ f F' . Si TO RENT-Three desirable roomsWard and Fox the two minstrel men peAlUi 0 mancial ·de.Happv Harry Hvnes Singing Now. f t d t T . f"ADMISSION will appear as well as the Five Musical Before Mr. Haight's speech. Mrs. or s u en s, en minutes rom• Lunds direct from Europe after a ,Kellogg Fairbank spoke on the fin- campus. Electric light. steam-heat,Mam Floor. all seats •••••• IOC • • 1 d f h . Sh id telephone etc Call at 4559 PrairieI year of big success. Also the Em-:ancla cn 0 t e question. e sal .. '" .... •Balcony. all seats. • •••••••• 5c 1 I 11"fi avenue znd apartmentprcsscope with some ncw and inter- t rat t ICY are now se 109 certr cates ....... .dting photo-plays will be on the ior one dollar to a thousand dollars.WOODLAWN THEATRE hill.-Ad,". The name of the purchasers will bekept forever among the archives ofthe Chicago Historical society as thefounders of the Progressive party.WM. �OCK &; M��DE FULTON I Mr. Haight advised evcrybody to getIn their farewell JOint appearance 2 copy 0. the campaign book, the GOOD TABLE BOARD-In privatepresenting spectacular songs reading of which would make any- family .two meals daily. $3-50 perand Dances. weck; three meals daily, �4.50 pcrbody a Progressive, he asserted. week. 6121 Ellis Avc. rst floor.THEARTE Express, front room in private, refined German home with highestrecommendations. Board optionalPhone Midway 2872.6srd Street· and Cottap Groft AftWeek StartIDg SoD. .t.' Oct ,SULLIVAN a: CONSIDINEPRODUCING DEPARTMENTANNOUNCELew Fields'Funin a CabaretWITHIS Sterling Lew Fields·PLAYERS 'A.�D5 Other All-Star Acts.MATINEE DAILY 2=45TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY ?OR SALE-2 meal tickets on theGreen' .ood Cafe. 1357 E. 55th St .•worth $3.50 a piece for $2.50 pcrticket. Call at Maroon .Office.55t1a St. ... Weod!aWD Awe.The only 5c Shore in Hyde Park pALACE JIUSIC HALLGood Music and Good PicturesS)ectal FeabInIs time tlJDe.s a weekGAUIIONl' W£EItLY EVERY T J t sC.rr�.t �'.n'sAND OTHER PICTURES7:30 and 9:15PRICESIOc-20c-3C)C Nina Morris & Co.; Julius Tanon; Ed- Officers for the coming year weredie Leonard; The Minstrel with Ma- elected: E. M. McConoughey, presi­bel Russell; Gordon Highlanders; dent; n. V. Cohen, vice president.Bar�es & Craw£?rd; Elida MO��;, Knapp, secretary; and William.Muriel & FranCiS: Mme. Valleclta s: Shanks, treasurer. A "Jane Addams" market overcoat, season's wear, size43. Only $10. Apply at officc.BLACKSTONE tailor-made NewFOR SALE-$i5LYRIC Klaw & Erlanger present1860THE BLUE BIRD 'MILESTONES 1885IgX2Patroni� our, advertiserS. They arethe mOl't. 1)roaresslve business melt·I Leonards,--------!MAJESTICLA SALLE I The Amusement Center of Chicago.A New Modem American Play Called mONDAY. SEPT. go..EGYPT. THE GIRL AT THE GATE FLORENCE ROBERTS & CO."THE �WOMAN INTERVENES.First Time on Any StageCHA�. GRAPEWIN &:ANNA CHANCE. chorus was organized, and its mem-bers will sing at the Coliseum Sat- I"OR RENT-Large newly furnishedGARRICK UI day nh:ht.Women Urged to Join Chorus.All women of the University inter­ested in the Progressive party havebeen requested to join the chorus 'andhttp in the singing at the 'Coliseum-Saturday night whcn Mr. Rooseveltwill speak. Badges for admission wittcost five cents and song books con­taining patriotic songs will be soldfor ten cents. They will be sold some- room, suitable for two students ormarried couple. Everything mod­ern. Call after 4 p. ,Ill., 6106 EllisA venue. Flat C4.MARGARET ANGLIN'Many Enter High School.A recent exchange quotes the Na­tional Commissioner of Education assaying: "Nearly one-fourth of theboys :and girls who enter the Ameri­ican public schools reach the highschool, This, too, when the work ofthe high' 'school of to-day is almostas advanced as that of the 'college ofa few years ago."A UDITORIUlMCHICAGO"The Eighth Wonder of the World."THE GARDEN OF ALLAH,,_ OPERA HOUSERichard Carle-Hattie Williams ITHE GIRL FROM MONTMARTREincluding]_ M. Barric's' Burlesquelproblem play.A SUCE OF LIFE . in "The Awakening �f Mr. Pipp."ADELAIDE NORWOOQCOIAN"S GIUDTHE POLISH WEDDING lo-THE VASSAR GIRLS-Io where on the campus, the place to beWILSON'S COMEDY ('TRCUS announced later or may be obtainedby applying by mail to Mrs. HowardH:)pkins &: Axtell Brown &;. Grant V. Frost. 3i6c) Lake Avenue.Aerial Bartletts New Motion Pictures' -.WYNN &: RUSSON .COLONIAL.:THE WINSOME WIDOWReal Icc SkatiDc. pOVVERS·THE ,NEW ,SIN -----.------------- Patronize Maroon AdvertisersThey Are Reliable.'MAROON ADS PAYRIGHT PRIC.E·SONAthletic Goods and College rSpecialties�Official Gym Suits CompleteS2�7DCONSISTING OFShirt, Pants, Hose, Shoes and Suppo�ersREGULAR PRICE '3-40.. Freshman Caps now on' sale, SOcNew U. of C., Seal Fobs and Pins. Academic Cap. and Gowns to rent or to order.Complete Athletic Goods LineF obs and Pins for CoDeges and Fraternities