'-ij'�'., 't,t '. � m t laily flarnniiVOL. XI. NO 4- UNl VERSITY OF CHICAGO. F I{ IlJ:\ v. OCTOBER 4, 1912ASIC MANY MEMBERS jTOllWlPUBUSHES'QUESTIONS'IREllIARSAL FOR PLAY STAGGmONGLYFAVOISHATS GIVE V.. ··.....,.' ........ ·, ,OF FACULTY TO STAG Exercises on Eiabt of Shakespeare's GRATIFIES CRITICSA Massm-';ft_-WiU Be He1cJ D_ "�_.r.",··.·o.F.. �·�.. -, '- Plays Are Intended to Aid Students -_..,..- ",\� _...........u_ a- r ..... .1! __ """"_a!- L- \.a.=- 41:6__ 11 .. _ .. - __ .1 M fore I ..1:___ I"!_-- �......... ��.�a...--� in Conece, Clubs and Indivic!uals .naae ....... er &IIU UOOD Reporter . n� �12:15 to Be . '. r.: '.:::,.� ',,;' .'�_.::��t·,iItc New Mea Will in Study. Made HiIariou By FraUwo T....e:-Future Rallies to Be in � ��M· .• ,,·rb......... Frolic Acton Eve.._.. , �.1.t1"''''''''' ', �.Liie· � ., .•• � ••• t .1. '. · r·��-·· ._:t\' .',NOIGIIlI· '. . ' ... � ..,, !\t_�_.rlJIn- Albert Harris Tolman. AssociateProfessor in the Department of Eng­lish Literature has recently published.... ;-.. '.Hoo.ie{ .Tam :.iQ� �ft i.a CbiapTbia ��WiIt Dille·iILr��� .......,_More! improveineD� i.. the work ofthe V�rsity line :�as noticed in .thepractice yestercJ!.y aft!!I'Doon. TheFreshmen. w:�re ��� ��e . �I aadwere ordered ��. t�� .through th�ir op­ponents' line •.. l�.� . fotwa:d�" helelmuch better tban'they'had �fore tbis�asoD ... T.It� .. ��,,�oa.�le .w�\b. thelinemen ,this ye�,:. a$��r4i�g �� (;oachStagg. has.: ;.beF�:: I t�e. " tenden..:y to�harge too high.: ���t�(i�f �e�tiDg.under their men. ; .Tbe advent' q{ ��p",��ow�d sheV arait7. guards. plain�. that they. cualdnot .hope to stop �:,in that maaaCras. be .can' push .Qyer ianT . guard ... be­stands up �traigh�' --':!,he--line·touk ac­count of' this yes't�r�y a�d the hugeFr:eshman wa� ��i" a�� ..to .t�arthrough the Varsity lint as be did onhis firat appearance. :�. -,�����",. N��e��s_.o.�,u��n�; � .... �otherfactor wh�c� ga,�e: ,,#� ,��e-:s peatsatilfaction. 51!� ..sjjt:.·,!ialt��If._madesome welllllaced. putS. :which a�er-aged over· fifty·�rds.- This re .. yes('Be . ,car. that. the '.� tea�,.-:dtoaI4sidf�r-:-from-tS�'� iood- ........ - .Norpeo, howeYa', is Dot as Coatl ....the place .. kick&.:: �lIers is the ....in. t� �e��,��;,�:�t tiIae..According to a recent decision of' He ,�:no�.:�4 .�'fh.'PP�� to. . &h�w tus .worth . buti last week hethe BlackfrJars the comic opera will bl' 'to" .,. ,.! '. i. . ...be prasent d· th S . . a �. . .sc9� ,�: ratJF djfti.P.IJt, as.aaJea." e In e. pnng quarter as 0..., Ii' b " �J ., •• : - •• 'usual and not in the. Winter The .' .a. It t �!iIF��,� � to-. .. • n'8h�; -as th� t,.P., tea\ns wiD eli.. ..competition. wdl close on November gct'er. rie.·H�. .r and the wmniDg play will be chosen' ." i" ch:' ��"":>�. ,��ed toby November. 15- The judging com.. -::;ve 'li th . !�� � ,s4S" ��""t. .11' .. aWl. en .. � hi ...... to the ,..---m,lt .. WI con.,st of three members .;.,� :"'b� ,4;", : ..,_oft.he Faculty and t f· I .. . ... , ..... ".' �.. �', �rv. eCIf.or. wo pro eSSlona botla tbe: teams. �a�tors_ Annou.nce�ent of the compe- . : ... .:�.� �'.. _., es.tllon for .muslc Will be made after 'Coada ��",,�' .. ". ' - '.Xovember 5. Twelve or fourteen ..' "�� ..... ,.:.�:�et picbd'pieces, beside the overture, will be the �Q�:(or.� .. , ., .���.-c..needed and any student may contrib �ible to figu�. �poIl.'. '�.�'�.'.• � tIM:naaroon i� the PPiF. !O.. II� .. ,r' .. r ........ute: . - -....___ taln Carpent� _is.�.",:.. �,� a fiatweThe :e.gulatiODs governing the play at rigln tackle •. Qes ....i,:.;._ L-_ ....competition follow· .. " ., '. .;. �� .....• pla�a center: .all week Md ...11 _-.I.-I. The play mU$t be handed in to 'ably play. that ':- �'., '! .,... ...-lh. e Blackfriars box in the Faculty.H· d ,... .�.�� ,,;��IIOW.Ex 11 . am. an. Whites,cIt at paar4 Me• c ange on 01' before Nove.mber I. other possibilities. .. �� has2. The. play shall be typewnten and sh . 'II' . - ..••. , . ...oWlng:we In. pra � es--:""-must have no marks of identificatio.. be II Ia;" .,• .J" .... �,A sealed C1Iftlope containing the Wia nI . e. P �s �pI�st .• ed�� Hep JS 0.'" aplnst tile frabmaa _..aname of the author of the play should d h .. ":1. ....... an t us prnents. bim from .......he enclosed With the play .. ' '.' ... • ....• b�tes <through r the tiDe. H.mtia .......�. The whole play need not be wnt- d V • k' . ha" .. • - .. ,. -' ... -.an ruWlO. ve been asecI at eMten, although it is necessary to give d f . . .; :. ", ',' '. .the first. ac� complete a cha�cter an ,ro�., prelen�:)�cl:icat.io�s ..sketch, and the scenari� of the second 5ta; s:ga�st . t'_e JfO!O��. �ac� an. an. n ;�� po.,jb�.i�ie".,for dieleft tackle.' I t is hard to choose ...tween. the�.t!,.91��·�·�th·p_ afast alMl ��ady pille. ,:.� . Pick, ,...14. .'In f�e back�eld. 1;'ain�, .at �r.Norgren .at J�ft half .. ��<I Pierce at fallback •. are, p�c:ti�ly ,certain to _It.The �ht. ��If �kJs more a�c("ttai ..Ken¥�, Smit�� .. _ J:i�!Patrick ....G� ba.ve. been .�'t��ti�g at til­pos.iaip� an.d .�� �� ,p�!e�tiQI' t-Itwhi�,h;o�� 9.�·.tb��:�11. �tart.· 'Coethes SheldOn aa�. ",a.ick areInvitations were sent out to a hun- lowing comedies: "The Tempest," For the last time the tireless castdred members of the Faculty yester- "Twelith Night." "Much Ado About has rehearsed "As It Might ill'," theday to the annual Freshman stag Nothing," "A Midsummer Xight's play for the Freshman Frolic. Thewhich will take place in the Reynolds Dream," "As You Like It," "The very critical audience of stage man­club theater tonight at 8. This action "The Merchant of Venice:' first "Hen- ager and reporter has prollounced itwas taken in order to acquaint the ry the Fourth" and second "Henry faultless. The reporter was enthusi­Freshmen with their instructors. be, the Fourth." astic when Emma Clark gave hercause last Spring. it was found that It is intended that the exercises clever dance ill imitation (If the timeStagg Advocates Sale.Will SHOW HOW IT MIGHT BE Maroon ro�ter hats will b.e on saleI today at II :15 in the Reynolds clubNeighborhood Clubs Will Escort and in L�xingt.on, where MargaretWomen Who Live Near Campus Rhodes �Ill be m charge of the sale.t Th· H They Will also be dispensed at theo elr omes, .Freshman frolic tonight.Only 250 bats for the men and 100for the women will be ready for theJ ndiana game. After tomorrow listsw.ill be circulated to be signed bythose who desire hats. The headge�rfor men sells at 40 cents. while thatfor th women can be bought for forty·five cents.Club Membership Is Not Necessary a series of books entitled "Questionsfor Admission to Affair-Drinkinc on Shakespeare." printed at theContest Is Feature. University of Chicago press. Separatepamphlets have been issued on the Iol-the cheating was more in evidence may be of service to all who study when '''mother was in the University."where the students had no chance to these plays whether pupils in college, Even the over worked stagl' manager "350 hats shouldn't be a drop inthe bucket." said Coach Stagg yesterday. "Last year we sold 500 hats without much effort. Illinois sold _2000 ofher hats. and there isn't more spiritat Illinois that there is here. is ther�?,\,v e have as many men here and thereis no reason why all the hats shouldn'tbecome acquainted with their instruct- members of Shakespeare clubs or grew hilarious at Florence Rothermelors, private students. They are designed and her song about the UniveraityA reception committee composed of to enlarge the reader's stock of ideas \\ hen "she was the toast of theErling Lunde ,Robert Simond, Chas. about the play, guard him from false school:' and the shocked features ofMolander, Harold Wright, Rudy Mat- and one-sided conceptions, and quick-] "Pricilla Prim:' alias Leona Coons, tothews. Earle Shilton, Stephen Curtis, en his appreciation. whom such levity was unknown ..George Lyman, Thoms Coleman, Wil­lard Dickerson. Harold Conley.Orville Miller. and Oakley Morton go at one pop."A massmeeting �t the "C" benchwill be held at ]2:]5. The onlyspeaker will be' Director Stagg andthe rally will last only fifteen minutes� 0 one will be kept from lun�heon.. Cheerleeder Matthews 'will le�d a halfdozen Chicago yen� -.Following is the cast.Gertrudibus Grind .... Cornelia Beall.Contain Many Features.Among the contents are general Prudence Profound ..... Louise Mickhas been appointed.. questions, individual acts and scenes. Priscilla Prim , LCIJna CoonsOrchestra Will Play. a character study. sources, meaning Phyllis Phryve1 _. Emma ClarkWhile the crowd is gathering the of each character's lines. and a biblio- Sybil Gyggil Suzanne FisherCommons orchestra will play a few graphy. Cynthia Centiment.. Margaret Fentonnumbers. Rudy Matthews will then In his introduction the author states Bertha Boaster .. Florence Rothermellead the men ill half doden of the that "the prime necessity in the study Chorus Is Large.fo�tba�f:�elfs�l. Director Stagg .• Dr. of Shakespeare is that the pupil's , The chorus consists of Rosalie'.Iit.� .V'jod��b\�i\!.r. �n:;.eltf"�ld� .A. ssist- interested mental activity' shall he Amory,' Adaline Rossman. Emily Bur- BLACKFRIARS DECIDE ON·�d;J. ".!-lt� 11A v.�l� U."'�iU_J"�"'..L.�:...,_ ... ,.j·_� 11 d f h ·H··· .. ';')" ........... , I . �_... rUlft.�n-1ftMJIftl'M)U;���,._ .. �!l e. _ort _. ;. e.,.���·JJ..'Q�� � n,lt 1li4 Esther DlIltolph, Edith Cutting, . USUAL,.Qll.8TER FOR PLl.YKennicott.wi ..... pJcture' Chitago to the Shakespeare for himself. Exercises Thisa��fi;t,S',ht�m� P6hf,!i})bfc-iliJy -i,' -:;',-;;::�;;- :::-�'-.� .... nc·w. men .. The_s'peak�.r:-s will take up are usdul if they stimulate and help Fox. Dorothy Llwellyn, Hilda Mac­the athletic side, the history. the tra- him to do this. But the poetry, the Clintock. Doris MacXeal. Margeryditions. the University student activo humor, the pity and terror, the Miller. Ruth Morse. Olive Paine, Monaities; and the moral side of Unversity abounding. diversified life of the Quayle, Helen Street, Lois Suther·life. plays must be directly appropriated land. Mary Simpson, Charlotte Viall,and Madelyn \Voodruff.· Competition cto.. Novembt::r- t.- adOpera W"all Be Selected TwaWeek Later.AU the men will then adjourn to the by tfle individual reader."Commons where the first year men Tht' song numbers are:Opening Chort1e:Song "The Princess Reggar."Song and Dance ;'ThreeLamhs."Chorus "The Lyrical Liars:'Song "The Forhiddt·n City,"Song "Perhaps lie \Vou1tl."\V_ A. A. Marching Song,Students Are In Charge.Those in char�e are:Music-Leone Hemingway.Properties-Harriet Tuhill.Stage manager-:\licc Lee Herrick.All Freshmen women li\'ing in thewill threaten the University record Are Free From Trivality.for drinking a bottle of ginger ale On the whole the questions' are freewhich was made in 1910• The only from the scholastic triviality whichrules of the contest are that each man frequently characterizes this kind ofattempting to drink a bottle . must literary work. They are interesting.finish the c.o,nte�ts .. or submit to their At the same time they require thehe-ing poured d�wn their necks. Mr. student to do his own work and putBic1chan will hold the watch on aU him in the way of all necessary in­formation and material. Littlecoptestants.To Sen Hats.Maroon hats will be sf,ld by mem- .TICKETS TO ALUMNIhers of. the c��mittee having that V MJDEVILL SELLmatter In charge. No �t\1dcnt need bea member·O{--tlle 'Reynolds club tocome to the .smoker as' the club willbe th;own op�n to tb� F�c��hmen thatnight. Rc;f�e:�biitents wiil' he servedin the cafe aftei:the ging\!r' ale drink-i�g contest .. BETrER YESTERDAYUniversity neighhorhood will he takenTickets for the Dramatic chao home. \Von1l'n lh·ing north of tht'Alumni Vaudeville sold considerably Midway meet after the Frolic in thebetter yesterday than I'reviou;-;ly li.is I Xeighhorhood rooms in Lexingtonweek. 'The sale will continue t"daYI h.:\l1 and those li\·ing south in theand neltt week for the perfonllann� League room.which will take place a week ir')l�l loa -morrow. Active rehearsals will ;)C��non the campus early next �eek.IIOVE OFFICES OFUNIVERSITY PRESSTO SECOND FLOOR Wisconsin-An extcnsivc trip hasheen phnned fnr the .gl(·l' anfl man do­Among the new attractions on the. lin duhs of the Cni\'ersity fA \Viscon_program is George Garrett, a former sin. They ",il1ll'ave ;n the Christmas"acation and go as far as Kansas Cityand Omaha, ?Severai new cnanges are heing made star in musical circles. Garrett willin the Press build ing. The offices of put on some of his original songs forwhich he was famous while he wasthe Unh'e-rsity press are now locatedon the second floor in the rooms va­cated by the general lihrary, Booksfrom the general library are now inI .I-farper. The telephone exchange ofthe" lTniversity is being �oved fromthe fmlrth floor of Cobb hall to the in the Cniversity. Miss Lucine Finchwho has been on tbe professionalstage for some years, expects to hein Chicago within the next ten days.and has. expressed herself as a.,nxious B. P. MAST. Business Manager, Faculty Ezchanae.Please enter my name as a subscriber to THE DAILY II A-ROON for the collelo� year of 1912-13 for which I � to P&7 yoato return and participae in the jolspace left vacant by the C'n.iversity litlcatinn of the Alumni. Others arePrt'ss on the first floor of the Press�oon tIJ he h(ard from.buildin�. $2.00 on or before October ]2, 1912, or $2.50 after that date.Name . .Address , . .................................................Wiscomln- Wisconsin Freshmenmast do without all dramatic exhihi­tions this year, only declamatory andoratorical work being permitted them,President Is on Campas.President and Mrs. Judson returnedyesterday from a business trip �n theEast. If University address is uncertain. indicateThe editors of The Maroon arc has descended to offering' almoststr iving to make it the best college everything in the way of compromisePuhlishcd daily except Sundays, Mon- daily in the country. A to a young student's indolence or todays and Holidays (luring tlucc Our Aspira- letter recently receiv- <L student's desire for social promin­quarters- of the' University ycar. tions. cd from a former man- ence ur delights. Scotland did notaging editor of Thc know whether to accept AndrcwEntered as Second-class mail at the . . . I . . .. ., Daily Maroon aptly summarrzes t rose Carucgre s enrichment of her umvcr-Chicago Post Office Chicago Illi-. .. . I • .. f • ', , dungs which 1 hc Maroon shou d. srues, earrng that thc student, who,nois, March' IS, rpoS under Act of I, strive ior, and which, it may be addeu.] like Carlyle or John Davidson, got onMarch 3, IS73.ii,I! . ·:T--=he -Daily Maroon'.i':��;"itl( :rJ: �Lic�:�..... �� .' ';:�.""'�.� .. ':)IIj� .'.Formerly�r,f', The University or Chica;;... \V ccklyFounded Oc���'e:' I • .i�,��., ,,. Bulletin and Announcements •THIS ADVERTISEMENT IS ASMALL THING IN A LARGESPP�CE. A SUBSCRIPTION TOTHE MAROON IS A LARGETHING FOR A SMALL PRICE,Upper Class Counsellors meet 1:!:30Lexington .Three Quarters Club Meeting-3 :30Reynolds club, Active Members.Christian Science Society-Itiformalrccept ion, .; to G, Lexington q.Philharmonic Society-M usicalc, Progressive Club-.PS MondayCobb 0:\,F"\culty Dinner-Monday, 7:3011 utchinson commons.Off Campus Women-Ala:;.; 1'1 :,!!.illg12: 15 Tuesday, Kent theater.Maroon Rooting Hats-For sale, all YOU fresh­men whoIi: 15. Mandel.Freshman Frolic-"As It:1,,:' 8 tonight, Kent theater.Freshman Stag-8 tonight, day in Ilar tlett,Might Fifty Ushers wanted for Indianafoothall game. Sign up at Iuforma: newcitycallareto theoughton us anded withclothingworld. You'll 'find justthe fall weight overcoatElsewherepay $18 to $25Our great buy­enables us toRcyn- tion desk.Housing Bureau moved to I Pressolds club.building,Cosmopolitan Club-8 tonight, EllisAlumnae Loan Library, M24 Har to.get acquaint-the18.!H:r.Football Game-Chicago vs, Indi- English Department=Office, Cobbalia. 3 tomorrow, Marshall field.University Religious Service-IISunday, Mandel. 12D.Grade Cards-Not to be deposited largesttheuntil the end of the quarter; cardsstore InNeighborhood Clubs-Massmceting, which have been deposited should bei�:15 Monday, Kent theater. called for at once.you want.you'llfor it.lng poweroffer it atwith his oatmeal, would degeneratewith more toothsome food and warm-Managing Editor .... Hiram. Kennicott .... HC 1\;LLU, aa::.v, 1l<L::. a wuru or [\\'0 vi.News Editor •• _ .�. " ... .Leon Stolz ,-uUlI:::'\:1 ,IHCUUCU Ollly lor eUllvr ... l t:f rooms. 515.00I':.thletic �'i¥.�� " •. �ornard Vinissky "al::',. uut IlC1C repruueu ::.0 tuat OUI- "Milton has said nothing finer,Business ��ager ' ••• Burdette Mast • caUCI S ruay gam soure iuea 01 rue uv though it be very strong, than this:� lJUlJlI souicumes grven a task 'The right path of a virtuous and,Ilg 01 lHC .lJauy .J.tJ.aroou. thc first ascent, but else so smooth, so1 ne retrer, III part, lOiiows:- green, so full of goodly prospects and"1 nope mat you may grow to care melodious sounds on cvery side that.or Ute paper, WIUI won..,;. anu worry, the harp of Orpheus was not moreEditorial-e-Businesa" offices, Ellis 24- .atc hours and almost discouragement charming. I doubt not but ye shallTelephone ',l\lidway '800." Mail Boxas 1 nave and strn do care.' 1 trustJOU may not have the trouule 1 hadwrtn 1J011cr plate,' Chrrstmas editionsuieater nouces and the nke ; not tnai,.,\..hnsullas euruons and snuuar specrai'Ltaturcs arc' not to be desired, burtnatthey must' be planned and their Cdl'tonal results 110t rIdden rougtl-sho<l\V II _, lly the buslDcss interests. \\le want the food and entertainment of the,. c.: a .spcnd ·SumJll�::i, literally aswell as' idiomatjcally: :'Some of us Ule bcst paper next ycar wc havc ever$p'cnd thcm' to better' had.On Spend- .�. adv;rmage"than others. "Lan we have the paper printed oning Sunlment'�iis.-�wrircr-.' believes' better stock? Can we ha,'e a new; .. that ·the best expendi titlc platc? Can we have shorterturc one' cctn .make··: of his three storics and fewer mistakes? Can wemonths irr'thc summer is ,. have no boiler plate, more cuts, morc .. Indiana-A mass-�eeting was held';For to,admire an':for to see, ads, more papers per issue; no read- Thursday at Indiana to boost attendFor to.bc'o}d··dtis-\,"ot'ld·so wider 1ng notices, no theater boosts? Can ancc at thc big Chicago game. Pros-NoL;tb:lt this.·,is 'rirc time 6f year to wc have more reporters and less work pects arc vcry promising .utilizc Iin. making",suggcstions as to !Jer man: And no antagonism be' Indiana-:-At Indiana, as at mostthe usc �nc should· make of :1 pcriod twcen thc cditorial and business de- of the universities, a large and en­nine months awa�i·"ntit it is'thc timc partments:" thusia�tic "Bull Moosc" organizationtn reCQunt tile '!'Hvcnturc's: of those (To the questions asked by this !Jas bcen effccted.who di�,;spe1ld a.."'SurrrmJt'travclling; sincerc wdlwisher, the Maroon staff Indiana-Thc Boostcr's club of In'for, wht) kl1O\Vs,'a seed of' the wandcr- makcs the following reply:-iletter (!iana has undcrtaken thc organizationInst may. bc plant�U 'no""- that wi Ii stock is already being uscd and a ncw of a studcnt constabulary to policchear 'iruit flext::ycar 'in ·the way of title l)late is in usc now. Thc storics Jordan field during athlctic cvcnts-travels ;and· ad\"e.nrurcs. arc shorter and onc wishcs he could a ncccssary provision.The four,;\Vin��alfght· Chit:a.go mcn say therc were fewer mistakes. "iloil- Wisconsin-\Visconsin's dcbaterslast. Sumnier.· 'lr.llf ;( d07.en Oat lcast er platc" has not bcen resorted to andarc this year to takc thc ncgativelahorl!(1 in Dakotal harvest tic1ds and will not ?e so long as the cditorial �gainst Iowa and the affirmativcfound jlcalth"�'eahh al1d expcrience, �'taears kcep a cutting edge. Thc against ,Minncsota' on thc qucstion,. .:\ nothes:, half, dozen: arc;' known to �Iaroon is printing morc ads and issu· ,. Hesolvcd: That all corporations cn-havc penetrated '�th'e \tildcrncss of ing more copics per day than evcr ga�cd in interstatc commercc bcw('stern Canada an(t irclpc-d as well as before. H,eading noticcs and theatcr compelled to takc out a fcdcral char­they could to' ;!-ic1. lh� �n,,:ard march boosts arc taboo. Thc Frcshman class teT. constitutionality conccdcd."(,f civilizntion in 'th.rt' r<.-mote tcrri_ alonc can say whether wc are to have Wisconsin-Activc womcn suffrag­tnry. Others' \\'en-t to E:uroJ1c, somc "more reporters and lcss work per i�ts at \Visconsin havc aidcd thc causetirst cahin, ii·· you 'i>l�a'se; and some man." The editor and the business hy the procecds from a booth.via thc cattle' boat routc. Still' othcrs manager have not (lUarrcled.) Wisconsin - \Visconsin stud�ntsexpcrience are there. 1 f we arc look· in social custom and pets of cliquesing merely for divcrsion. what is more rather than scholars and seriously·divcrting than to sec more of "this minded persons equal to thc affairs ofworld so wide;" ior to completc the lifc. Competition among schoolsquotation, which havc bcen reccntly hclpcd by"It ne\'cr done no good te' me, the unprecedcnted outpouring ofnut J can't drop it if I tried." money for thc purposc of 'cducation. '.' 'Subscription Rat��'�By 'carri�r;�$2.50·.i: y��r; $� .. � a quar­. fer.' �S' maii $3.60 a. je�i::; $1.25 aquarter. � . .. ,t1,· �.'.. ! � -.. ';':""O�': Faculty 'Exchange.' ._."Even the reporter has· an officeand, With, clear; "·ey�s and ,ltOlJest lan­guage, 1Jlay. �veU�injustice. and point·the'YaY.'to. pt.ogrl!��'R:",_J;:'S-. -. �-. -��,�� ,�.: - .. ,��",.,,'.... ... . ..• .,".. .- ....... ".:. (iflll�ial .. :.: ;. "j, !\.!, ,�,J'"': ..j[,.1' tried the sonthwtst in "arious rolc's,• Inc as a countt·y erlHor. '(H'hcrs' as cm'ployel's in 'Oil arK{ g':'\� industries. \\"hygot) Oil � All Oil"C �:wishcs�'to' show ist l1a t the worF,! i� :'!{.Jlt:'n,r t'o;',is. Brasshands a:lll arches of triumph will nothe erected 'fo� ,1s. 11l1t op;ortu�ity and -cvc.:ll :;0 uunune a las!\. as tue CUll" noble education is laborious indeed at Making the grea_tesJ clothing storegrta.ter---our. uetu I8 slory buildingis going up across Ih� ttreet,have more ado to drive our dullestand laziest youth, our stocks, andstubbs, from the infinite desire ofsuch a happy nature, than wc havenow to hale .and-drag our' choicest and..���"--�--�------�------����------ __ �J-��hhpefullest·"vits.to that asininc"feastof sow-thistles and brambles, which iscommonly set before them, as allOF"The CoUege Men's Clothes Shop". ,.,FOR YOU FELLOWS WHO KNOWJUST WHAT YOU WANT4� RepubJi" Building State and Adams.tenderest and most dQcible OIge.' "Thc Chicago Record-HeraldFrank \V. Gunsaulus. V'on Frank, Hardy l1 RindskoplANNOUNCE THE OPENINGNEWS OF THE COLLEGES-�1IIQAe ••\1\11 "''''1''I'Aa. u •• uva AYW..who. following thc Chicago cxample,wish to wear red felt rooting caps atthe approaching hig Chicago·\Viscon·son g-am(', arc having difficulty withthe local athlctic council. which ob­j(.·ct!' to the usc of the "\V" on the(·a!ls.Wisconsin- ·,\,isconsin "U" hastaken steps towards a local commonshy offcrin� thc studcnts meals at costin Lathrop hall.SOltlETlIIHG TO .READ •"Thcre is a grave danger today1I0t only in universities anti colleges,hut in onr acadcmies and high schoolstllat our children shall become adeptsPatronizc 'Maroon AdvertiscrsThey Are Reliable.--� ..'j. -Made .in Fi/ty, Different StyleaFt;lu;nd Onfy, at· Leading" Farn.ilhers •. " j. ," . ' .•. �. ALao .�. 'SHurr.· .: '$1 •. 5� AND up'WO():llal.¥n Trust.. ' '& .. S�viniis� Bankl;l04 E. Sixty, Thir� Street, Chicago.' ...... ..",- .:. ..A STNr.E ,BANK."DEPOSITORY FOR.. UNITED STATES POSTALSAVINGS, FUNDS,. Th� largest and .oldest banknearest to. the. University., Ac­. counts of pro(essors and stu-.1.' .' .- .dents lsolicited.� ..••.. ! •.:.'.:!. . ....--:. "'.:Cht:�.kin� Accounts of $50.00"and. saving s Accounts oi '$1.00 " ,.,ORGANIZE CLUBS FOR WOMEN AMONG THE MAGAZINES'I. --- IHope to Alleviate Homesickness by The Atlanta monthly for SeptemberOrgamzmc Freshman Clubs. contains a very good pen picture of'I '-- William Jennings Bryan. The writer'Fr.c�hl�.l�n wOIl1�n arc no �ol1ger to gives Mr. Bryan creditfor having sue­. If you play as the big colleges do. be lioinesick or lonesome sf a plan ceeded in having his principles adopt­I you will use the SPALDING' NO. which is now. under way will prove vd not only by the Democratic party.IS FOOT BALL-the official ban of successful. The plan provides that but by the country at large. It goeathe came-and' SPALDING �NI� t.:ach woman in the new class desig- 011 to say that: "Personal, unselfish-FORMS and EQUIPMENT. nate whether her interests are music ness has bestowed on Mr. Bryan aSend for our Fall and \Villtc� al, dramatic, literary, or athletic. moral power which would have givenCatalogue-it's free. Clubs wilt be formed for the women his rival, meaning Mr. Roosevelt, theNew rules for 19 I 2-Spalc.ling's wht) ha've'intcrests in common, and strength of ten. Had Mr Roosevela'Oflicial Foot nail Guide, edited by 'l·t6 that end' temporary Iists for each gone to Chicago to purchase princi-lWalter Camp, contains the official club to be signed by the Frcshmcr, ples at the sacrifice of his own lead· Fall 8 t yl e 8 rea d y Irules, records, notes, college cap, were' placed in Lexington yesterday. crship, the Republican Party would Clothes for big and little colleg.tains and managers, schedules and The first meeting will be caned be today united behind a Progressive men •pictures of all the big teams and some time this week. Those in charge candidate." It will thus be seen that SPecial suits and overcoats at $25.hundreds of other players. Price of the movement are Dorothy Lle, the Fellowship Herald is not alone in Otll ers up to $50•10 cents. weflyn, athletics; Ruth Allen, music ; perceiving and recording the differ-How to Play Foot Call. Edited . Edith Smith, literature ; and Margaret cnce between these two men.'by 'Vatter Camp; revised for 19�2; Fenton, dramatics. 'The Atlantic Monthly a.so ras ainstructions for playing; signals; story by Edna Turpin called "Abram'straining. Price 10 cents. REPEAT �OURSE IN, Freedom." It is a story of before theA. G. Spalding & Bros DUTCH HISTORY AND war times, in which Abram, a slave,::.:8·30 So. WabashAve. Chicago, 111 ,ART THIS QUARTER falls in love with Emmaline, a free 1· ..woman. She refuses to marry himDutch History and Art, a course until he makes a bargain with hiswhicil wa�'off�red in 1911-12, is to be master to buy himself. The paymentswere not completed when freedon,was declared. Abram doesn't knowabout the Emancipation Proclamationwhen he pays his last dollar to "OleMarse,'. Some time after the war.Abram's former master sends for himand offers to give him thirty acresand a mule. Abram was astonished. at the sight of "Ole Marse" plowingfor himself, and "Ole Miss" cuttiJtgseed potatoes that he and Emmalinerushed to do the work themselves.The last words of the story wind upwith Emmaline saying: "Mistus yoU of Cottage Grove ave. under StateDressmaking gimme that basket of taters, I gwinecut 'em and drap 'em to you. You go'long in the house and sit down in. 'The Drexel TaUors- your rocking chair where you belong .�Ie a.nd Abram ain't go� nuthin to do HYDE PARK-STATE BANian thisworld but to walt on y.ou and ·-c.;; ..... �.T� ..... C'�aster�':J.' All, of which· sounds verywell from the author's point of view,being a white woman. It also servesits object in making the readers ,'ofthis day and time think very tenderlyof the slavery' rigime which causedeven free black women to feel theyhad nothing to do but to keep whitefolks from performing manuai labor.The Atlantic also has a story by� _._E_._ t. Arth�M�Kn�pmtiU�«W�arethe Japanese." George Kennan alsocont ributes an article to the Septem­ber Outlook on the Japanese and theirmorals. It is quite singular howthree of our leading magazines forSeptember should have articles dis­cussing these little" brown people.'PENNANT DANCESt· ... _.. -: '�h�s�' D�p��!J��r� 't.Q. be.. something new in. ().ni­-., ·versity cir�I��"Jhis .year'. ��Til ESE (l;�nccs. will.cbe given thesecond and f1.,ifrth�l'ri(lay �n1gh.ts ofeach month -dtrrin� tht! ,viR·tcr. The�.,d:l�'.S fM tht�\�S't:J�'!ot�t)f��Oc�bcr:I It It and .:!5tNlii ! ��{ � tflLl, ,�dJ 'person 'wili receive� 'I2X30 Chit�t.igc· Peimna�t . (on O'd. r rth.) 'On: """Oc��' �5th, an IlliI!ofs Pennant..... �..... .. ,PrIce. $1.00 Per [oople. r· �'Place., ROSAUE' BALL57tn ':ind Rosalie Court,.... .-�llsic by' Mc;ponnelb', ; Regulation1THE JOHNS.ON.pNEUMATIC SERVICEHeatgiven again this quarter by Dr. Tiemen De Vries. The course- will coverD�tch literature, history, and painting and emphasis will be laid on theTHE RECOGNIZED STANDARD influence of Holland and the DutchInstalled in the University of Chicago colony at New Amsterdam on Amcr, .. ·ic:tn -history ..Buildings. .Phone Midway 5876'Complete Systemsfor all' Methods A. Iesenhine Graham, ..o� Hcatinc 1329 East Fifty-Fifth street. · (Between State and Wabash)Steam Control of Humidity' Reducing ,..Millinery ImportationsValves for Air. Water, Hot..� Wai��Tank- �egulations.· .. ' CLEANERS AND DYERS�.... -.. l.l. I�l;imsoit�i'Serrice .CO. , 903· East 55th' Street.: .I Altering' etc. of-]�adies'and'Gents,Garments.Repairing and Pressing atModerate Prices Mossier Co.H. J. GIBSON. Manager •Chicaeo Office. MAROON, ADSBRING RESULTS 19 Jackson Blvd.-..-a..-.llU.b .. � ..... 0..The nearest bank to the Uni-versity and the only Bank be-tween 4yci and 63I'd street eastGovernment supervision,CAPITA!.. $200;0003 PER CENT ON SA VINGa1I7 DEARBORN STREETBATS THAT SHOWyour taste', and .the distinctive­ness of the sbapesand styles wesell-hats in end­less variety butof uniform highquality, Collegemen welcomed .B. L AMES BAT CO.TribaDe Baildiac :: 35 w .......�REW M�AMSFlorist and -DecoratorFifty-third St. and Kimbark A_"Come and inspect the larpst IDeof fomp and domestic woolens diaplayed in Hyde Park. Our clothes areperfection in material, style ...workmanship.BENEDICT W A L D.12:15 To-dar 75 Cents. Plain Baths 25 Cents MAKER OF SUPERIOR CLOTHESOpcn Day and Night.SARATOGA BAR B E R S HOP 1445 E. ssth Street.McClure'� for September haa aDinteresting article on "Christian'Science Since Mrs .. Eddy." It also. contains an unusual-story "His First­nom." by Annie May Frechette. Itis the story of a young white manwho aftcr marriage and the birth .ofhis "first-born," remembers oddly forthe first time that this child is not hisfirst-born, hut that ten years beforea child of his was born to an Indiangirl. 1-1 c goes in search of. the boyfinds him and brings him to his moth-er to cducate and there the story Tels. Hyde Park 18. Chicaco, DTelepbone Hyde Park 2137ltIee·ting 1r-.... :. .; .J. H. Hepp, Prop. I29 South Dearborn StreetExpert Manicurist.Scientific MasseursExpert Chiropodist Tel Hyde Park :a86oMAROON ADS PAYt., . � ..• �MassI.:"· ".· �lcaves him.�, ••• 4 I .: •,AMUSEMENTS. • _1Basement of Cobb Halli:- pH'part'd to C,'pY all kinds of mann- Stationery, Toilet Articles:-onipt; to han,tle' ('(_)frespond�nce by Fine Line of Candies�I('n,\�aphy; to iurni:,h copies of 956 E. 55th Street. Chicqo, mi i Ill't. )"(\11 pr(lba!'!y kn,'w us. aud we�h'\U1d he �tad t(l sec )"f'U again. AJJy Salt or Oterceat II tileBoase ••• to Order $18."FRESH LAKE TROUT. OYSTERS Jalias Cooperand other thinp THE UNIVERSITY TAILORGreenwood Cafe 1126 East Fifq.Pifth Street.LYRICTHE BLUE BIRD.� ,i GARRICKMARGARET ANGLINA New Modern American Play CalledaGYPT.AUDITORIUMTHE GARDEN OF ALLAH"The Eighth Wonder of the World.",oj::�. C8.1N·S-GIANDTHE POLISH WEDDING_COLONIALTHE WINSOME WIDOWReal Ice SkatinC.A MElIto IIIlSlt-BAIlLEAN AND HOLBROOKTHE MILIT�RY GIRLpRINCESSMort. Sincer's,A. MODERN EVEO .... VMPICTHE �_AN HIGHER UPCOR�FINE FEATHERSDramatic Sensation.. ..;;�} .." POVVERS'THE NEW SIN,p"II.����:P.��' ...... 1 •• , ..• -_. -OTIS SK,INNERin KISMET'-�---------. --MAJESTICThe Amusement Center of Chicago.MONDAY, SEPT. 30.FLO'�ENCE ROBERTS & CO.· .... tl E WOMAN INTERVENES.First Time on Any StaceCHAS. GRAPEWIN I:.ANNA CHANCE.in "The AwakeninC of Mr. Pipp."ADELAIDE NORWOODlo-THE VASSAR GIRLS-IOWILSON� COMEDY CIRCUSWYNN a: RUSSONHopkins & Axtell Brown 6; GrantAerial Bartletts New Motion PicturesCHICAGOOPERA HOUSERichard Carle-Hattie .WiUiamaTHE (iIRL FROM MONTMARTREin .. -IncJing J •. M. Barric's Burlesqueproblem play.A ST.ICE OF LIFELASALLETHE GIRL AT THE GATETHE TYPEWRITING OFFICE,10..,,' cirnltars. ct('.It ypu are new on the campus. we:-b\ut,! lw ).!la,t h' ht"-I)llll' acquainted;' ..'.�,.o�,�"1357 E. 55th Street.Chinese, ,'.1 ..... ---x_ .•J EFFE RSON FACULTY DINNER WILL BOMOIi ONE·HUNDRED AND - "1C.OG_�DRAW LARGE ATTENDANCE �., ElGHTY·EIGHT STUDENTS w��·bif.o1iDAy,55th Street and Lake AYeDue.Best of talent in aqua andorchestra.Pictures chanced dailyContinuous performanceCome and hear the new $7.500 orlanNothinc to equal it in the city.·Five Reels of the latest releasesHappy Hany HyDeS Sincinc Now.ADIlISSIONMain Floor, all seats • • • • • • IOCBalcony. all seats. ••••••••• SC -Aiil Newllembel'S to be Wekeme4 at hmaWr FiaaIa ao.e Twentieth YearAnnual Gat.beriDc ill HUkhjneog of UaiYCnity Car aDd Quarter lloatOn 1I0000y. Succeuful1'._ '" -'Over 1';0 gue= expected at the One hundred and eighty-eight de- George j:-·.;f._.......'�... euiyeannual dinner of the Faculty to be grees. titles. and certificates were con, candidate f�' State's AttorDey. willheld in Hutchinson Monday at 7. ,As· Ierred at the eighty·fourth convoca- �peak Mon4ay at:';":I$ iI(KeDtr�tersistant Professor Robertson who is in tion, which closed the Summer quarter under the� a.sp�s of tb�'lfDiJ;Uity'. -1 ". �\ •. " 1\ • !."charge of the arrangements stated to- on August 30. The exercises were Progressive ·duti.· �t ,this .time' theday that the attendance this year wiD held in Leon Mandel Assembly hall. club wil" be' rcol'Paizeci_uicf ne·. of·be considerably larger than usual Of the one hundred and lifty de- ticers elected. B. v.:�C�be�·.presi·The guests include members of the grees conferred. seventeen were given dent during tbe ���. qaart�r wiDFaculties of the Colleges of Arts. to students in the College of Educa- "reside at, tlae meetiDa Monday.Literature. Sciences. Education. Di-o don. In the Senior colleges seven "W�',expect' everj maa- and WOmaDvinity, Law and Medicine. students received the degree of bach, in the'tlmversity '�o 6Ctlevls in tbeThe affair will be strictly informal elor of arts. thirty-six that or bachelor l1rinciplcs"ot the -Proaressive party toThe women of the Faculty will be of science. In the Divinity school be 'on h.ji:M�D6i,;;::iaicrpreildiDt�uests but t�e wives of the members 'there were seven masters of arts •. one Cohen yesterday. �A �rtl that baswill not be present as the Commons bachelor of divinity, and three doctors for its primary demauds. social justice,is unable to accommodate them. of philosophy. In the Law school and popubr rUie;�i-taiDiy ·should ap-With the opening of the Autumn four students received the degree of peal to the University .tudenL"quarter and the return of the menr bachelor of law and eight that of doc- All persons interested have beeahers or the 'Faculty from their v�Ca- tor 'of law (j. D.) In the Graduate requested to subscribe toward a fundlions. the annual dinner is in the; ria· school there' were thirty-two masters tor bringing :i-speaker of national rep'ture of a homecoming affair and of a of arts. six masters of science. and utation to the University to presentreception for the new members ofi the nine doctors of philosophy, the Progressive -cause. Names andteaching force. The Convocation address was given subscriptions should be baDde' to B.Among the new members to be byl President Henry Churchill King. V. Cohen.' E. M. McConoughey. Arn­welcomed are Dr. Gunsaulus. recently D.D •• LL_D .• Sc.D .• of Oberlin college, old R.' Baar. of William �.hanks.appointed Professorial Lecturer in the who spoke on the subject. "The Con, 'OJDivinity, school; Rr. Josephine you�g. tribution of Modern Science to Ideal MARRIAoas ABE :J¥lNOUNCEDthe new Medical Advisor of women' in Interests."the University, formerly Assistant The Summer finals closed the ErrOr .11 .... III II. Accoaat ofProfessor of -medieine � in- Rush Medi- twentieth year of the University. 6.506 IIcBride·. �cal College;' and-"Associate Professor students were registered during the �.. ..Ernest H. -\Vilkins of Romance lan- year as against 6,()()7 for the year Announcement bas been made of.guages and literature. formerly As· closing July I. 1911. and 40 for the two other' . 'student ��'n\arriaP.t 'J thissistant Proefssor of - Romance at year closing 18«)3. The alumni of the last ·Summer. ':Geor�: Shai. aD ex­Harvard, Several other new members University. exclusive of those gradu, student, was married to France.of the F��lt� will also probably be ated in the Summer. number 6.90i. MontgomeiT; ra,: aad'�HalT7 t: Schott,TO RENT-Three desirable rooms :,for students. Ten minutes from present. 3.5�1 students were registered in '09;· Rush. 'il�' was Dp:rried to IIi ••the Summer. 1.i69 were women and Helen Holman at �f«caats Blufts,campus. Electric light. steam-heat,I I L NCHROOIlIR 1.762 were men .. This number shows Iowa. The Schotts a� now living iate ep lone, etc. Call at 4559 Prairie REMODEL U ,an. increase of 282 over the Summer Sioux City, where Dr.� Schott i. prac-avenue. and apartment, . LEXINGTON FOR WOllEN . .- - - l registration tor 191 I, -when 3.249 stu' ticing in a local hospitalWill-. � jJb. ODe'bdk:boo(of �e�ts were}� ,�esidence. The'largest ,Ed:ward r�do" KcBride,'·� was'�cati�z..:_�·TbOUSaDci'DoL .� .• �� W-:S In. the C'..aduateiisclWol":· im�ed;·tq��.��&iT�A�her".'n ��. Spent. Of the summer students 1,424 had cago this_ .. mmer�.bJ._ �f�r: tut"colle� degrees, 1.80.1 continued the ler; and Carlton W. iWa-bbarae, aentire quarter. a fact which. according former. st��� �#. �� - Helmizt�. ��sident Jud�n. indicates the Chandler i. Califoraia UDder the freeseriousness and solidity of the work. Jove plan;' cOntnrY� to die ce�DeoasAs usual many of the students were statement;; 7�.��"daJ". lIarooD.from the South and the West.Th.e �penditures for the year were LEAGUE .LAIIi-·ira.$1.517.775-38. and the receipts showed �1)1r�a .aiali ·balance. The tuition fees made - aBIlVlC& LECTUJtaup' thirty-nine per cent of the total _. _" - -The lect.res oa social KrvKe workexpended for equiping the new room. �xpenditures. the endowment fund as I �\The walls were painted, the room it- have beeD "aaed by � Yo-a Wo-usual making up the largest part. men·s Chrietian 1-- tpr t� thirdself enlarged by one hUDd�d feeL _--, and tourtb' weeks of --dae ;iiuarter.WANTED-enh-ersity student to act Curtains were hung upon tlie �. . '.', .• hIas silent agent for reliable Chicago dowSe and entirely neW' cOokiag 'ute� GIYBs VARSITY SHORT Among tbOie wlao'wiD -� � Deaabusiness house. No loss of time sils were installed. The steam table PRACTICE ON DEFENSE Marshall. Rev. Gilkey. of tbe Hydeand no capital requircd. :\ good. i� finished in German silver. a feature Park RaP.t ciiarcii, "Ki� BredriD'clean proposition. Address letters which is novel upon the campus; a (Contirued Ir(l1ll page I.) ridge. Mia Burton. aDd � lIiSj Ethelto Thc Daily Maroon. ·plate 'warmer. ice-boxes, range, and ---------------1 Bird of die U�itecl &r� o.egiviag tt;,eir men long practi.:e ses' m-t'ng ...nl be dd __ .... '.. tbsteam and vegetable cookers are" "" I ... a re� uy esions in an attempt to defeat Chicago. � ._ h baJ L:.. famong the new equipments. ."- new women s ..... eta... w 0 "c�rp 0I f bard work and long hours mean th • 1 • rk I-._ , . •oven has been installed. and in this e � IeI'YlCe wo ... t, year ••anything. Indiana ought to ha"'e a d t gI -"'-t·· .... -way all kinds of baking can be .c- • or er 0 ve Dew ...... I.K'A • SOllIe .UC'.uood chance for victor"'. The "ghost t- th ric f I__ • _:.j f Lcomplished in the lunch room.'" � 0 e wo 0 NUlt yar. 'a .... 0 t.e:\ feature in the kitchen is the ban" was, brought out for thc first work that remains to be' clOne tllish • h time this season yesterda"- at Bloom' y·ar. Th.·. c� of I �' 'accord-e'lectric dish·washer. in whic d.s es �,,-._ � ...... -.,._... N intfon aad long after dark the coach ing to tho- .·a cba..-, ..·n ...... ppl- aare not only washed but dnaa. ot .... 'e- #• d'; ba aad team held forth on thc field. The long �·It -nt II.... """1' tbe �.' -a aonly is this a time AVlng ence t .� -- III e-··- _ .... -also the most sanitary method for team is being drilled entirely in d� It('tter Imowledge of tbe wotk tbeTin the last tub all the silverwaft 'and ft'aR and the practice showe.1 that the can do.line is getting much stronger. :\di�he� are sterilized. large number of candidates were us;d 1IIIlDaOta--000r fifty woillea sta-The dining hall will now accomo..as Coa"'h Sh.ld dt"nts ha,·e entem the cla�. for i.'date from two to three hUDdred wo- "" on ,,;shes to make thecandidates work hard for their places.1rOOD1A� TBEAIRISSda St. ... W .... w. AYe.The only 5c Show in Hyde ParkGood Music and Good Pictures..... , ..................GAUIIOIIT WEEKLY EV£aY TIIURSc., ••••••• "MD 011l£ll PlCTUR£.PLACKSTONEKIa \V & Erlanger present1860MILESTONES 1885IDl3C�ASSIFIEDUVER�_.FOR RENT-Washington Avenue;near Jackson Park and lll. Cent.Express. front room in private, refined German home with highestrecommendations. Board optionalPhone Midway 2872.,' ___FOR SALE-2 meal tickets on 'the-- Gr'een\vOod Cafe, 1357 Eo 55th St.,worth $3.50 a piece for $2.50 perticket. Call at Maroon Office. -GOOD TABLE BOARD-In privatefamily .two meals daily, $3-50 perweek; three meals daily, �50 perweek. 6121 Ellis Ave. 1st floor. One of the new features which pre­sented itself upon the arrival, of thewomen in' Lexington hall was the newlunchroom. which is beng run like, theone at tl!e School of Education. MissCobum bt'ing in charge of the dininghall.OYer thr�e thousand \d�lbrs - WereFOR RENT-21arge nicely furnisbedrooms. �ach - suitable for two stu­dents_ Everything modcrn. Call at1379 E:lst 57th St., 1st flat.JaHas Is Your BarherSanitary Shop - Three ChainOne-Day Laundry Service.1003 % East 55th Street.JOSEPH SCHMIDTstructioll in tennis whicb are to beheld on sJ)t'cial cODrts at the U.i·WaKoaaiD-The class ru�h to be "ersity of Min_sota. The c ..... areheld at the l�ni"ersity of Wisconsin to be held three times a wee� from ..Thursday _;11 be duly ··taken·· by to 6. and are to be in cbarge of thlff .St'veral mO"ing picture (lpcrators. y:ymnasium instructors.Thil will be the first unh·ersit_,· ··rush·· Obi Th ---�0- e alumni auociatit.\. ''''to net' furnish a subject ior a mo,- Ohio -State uaiwenitJ' plaa.· fo.. tliteing picture film_ The first reel finish- first time to nia'e its Obio State Da7�t'd will be sho_-n to the students, bt'. Xovember 29. • liario.......... It isfore going out on the �gular film planned to' ba.' a meetiaa 1. eft'7circuits. A Chicago film c -II •ompany", large city th--'-oat tbe �h'7.W"lSCoasill-Cbinese students .1: L_ l·n char- of th • ..,..... -,JIlt' .. " e cameras_ Obio-Satarda- ClulU haft beftt,,'isconsin have orpnizt'd. The so- I �WId h' h t adopted ... t Ob� State a • . . ._ fore a so 0 19 groat e repairing and ci�t)" i5 to posst'Ss club rooms ia the -"'-1pre�,ing at very low prices. !War hihlre. ..' Pa=:::Ze our advertisers. They are the comiD. year anel are biitalT pop-- JlIOaI'eHiye baliDess mea. alar willi die .........men.Imponed and Do�c Line ofCilan and Ciprettn. Require Replar SwimIDiDa Won... \ II stuttents registered for swim­min� will he required to report atsome r�gularly organized class ifthey e:"tpcct to rccein: swimmingcredit The regular classes will '_beht"ld at 10:.30. 1I:JOe 2:JO. 3� and5:.30.Union Made. ;1'.-;