m t muily-:;� :!IurantiV( )L. xr, xu. 3 l.·XIVEJ{SlTY Ul� CilICAGO,'TIIFI{SDAY, OCTOBER 3,1912. PRICE FIVE CENTS.------_._--------- -----_.------.DRUIA CLUB ALUMNI . I CROSS COUNTRY SQUAD RUNS. McLAUGHLIN COLLECTSWILL THRONG MANDEL Coa�h Comst�ck Takes �en Out fori ESSAYS IN ONE BOOKPirst Practice on Midway Team;" :Tryouts Later-Conference' Run 1 TheWill Be Held November 20. PLAN S T A·G FOR FRESHMEN VARSITY LINE BEGINSY. M. c. A. Will Giwe Amwual Affair TO SHOW' IMPROVEMENT.in Club Tomo�ow �i,ht- Twelweto ComPete in Ginger Ale Drinkin, , ...... Are uaaWe Ie Tear nn.pContest. 1 F .............. .,18 Ie 3Terry, Bema, ad MacClintock Ex·pected to Prove DrawingCard for "Grads" Courts, the COlUtitatio., ...Parties" is Title of' NewVolume. -\V. Philips Comstock \ollk his squad Men of the Freshman class will be -OLD STARS WILL SHINE AGAIN ui cross country aSllirallts out illr t.he! ARTICLES PUBLISHED '..JEFORE entertained by the Y. M. C. A. at irs KENDALL MAlES PLACE �,iir st lillie this S�"S(l!l ycst crday aftvr _-- 1\ • I annual' stag at 8 tomorrow night in '110011 ;wti drill�d them in the tech- Author Is Head of Depart�e.nt of the: Reynolds club, Dircctor . Stagg :z82 'Pound Fr� Plays Guard-uique of their runniug .. The l\i idway .History-University Press : wi!! give .a short talk on the athletics ; "Skee" Sauer Is Addition' towas chosen as t hc scene oi ope ra t ion s Prints Work. of the 'University. D·. Goodspeed will 'Coach:in& Staff.and a few turns 011 the green sufficed tell of its history; Mr. Robertson ofAlumni of tla: Dramatic club will for the first aiternoon's work. Pl�nil'ssC)r Andrew C. Me Laughlin its tr�ditions; Hiram L. Kermicott of A little of the gloom hanging overreturn in large nurubc r s fur their hig The squad numbered eighit:el). SOHll' IIf tile dvpar t nu-nt of History is the what student activities 'are worth the football camp was cleared up yes.frolic in Malldl:l a week frum Satur- of whom show cxcc lleut f"rlll and r'C-=- 'tHIJ,lishl'r oi a hook receu tly printed while'; and Fred Merrifield of what terday when the' Varsity again wonday night. There will he "grads" rep- port previous cxpericucc wh icn stu-u hl hy �!ll: L'uivcrsity of Chicugo Press. the UniversityIs workirrg for. Other from the Freshmen to the tune of 18resenting nearly all the classes from make them valuable men \.111 the u-am, ('Iditl('t! "The Cour r s, The Constitu, short talks will be given by prominent to 3. The scrimmage session was'!)ti, when the rirst Dramatic club or' Although it is rather early- tl) j u.Ic c t io u and l 'ar t ie s." It is a series of es- students and officers of the associa- short and the Varsity seemed to beganized, up to and including 191:? All rhe men, Coach Comstock has 11::.:;h ';;iy� OJI t op ie s of particula" interest non. also; somewhat improved· althougharc enthusiastic about the. coming hOlfi:S 01 a );00(1 team, placing l'anll'- ;<1 I he 1,n'sellt t nuc, Members of the student orchestra Coach Stagg was not wholly ,satisfiedevent anti the "SIUlltS" which they ular confidence in Ilishop and l.n',I;· q,ur of t hc five ar ticlc s have ap- which played in the Hutchinson com- . with the work of the line.have in preparutiou for the affair arc son. SUllie of this year's st!uatl Btl' l"-'�!1l'd c lscwhcrc ill print, hut the fact mons last year will furnish music be'said to he diverting. ishcd wcl! in the front ill tile t r y--u t s that the tivc papers in c.nnbination 'tween the talks. University yells andIOne of : I ," hig icaturcs ofthe 'progr�lll; will he a novel"Surprisc" hy I'hoch� l:Cll Terry,Ralpb Benzfe s, and Lander Mac­inCli�tllck. I t will he in the natureof a pantomime founded on the time'honored story of I'ygmalion and Gal'atea, Hie 'story o'f thc Illan who fellin love with a statue, and will en- Fo(' thc present, Coach Comstllck ! Begin With Famous Case. After the completion of the regularI I • progl rain the mAn �··ill adJ' ourn to the Score Place Kick.dcavor to s lOW lOW marvelously pan' will he satislicd with tfirce workuuts The first article dcals with the " ....a wcek hut after thc team hi chosl'lI, nrigin oi the principle that courts Co+.mons where the annual ginger Kendall made the Freshman scoreur a tentative team is pickcd, lin ai· "all: (kclarc laws void. The author alc pt:'inking contest for first year men by a place kick from the 20 yard line.tcrnoons a weck will bc spent in th� hl..';..1ns with the case of Marhury vs. wil� tal�e place. Twelve candidatt:s Thi,i is the first score that the year­arduous grind. . l\la<lisll:l, (lccidl'd in 1803, and. aftcr will, be selected for ·the competition, lings have made this season. Russell,The ,latc for thc annual conil':l'nce 1'0l':'('nting hridly thc posiiion �f the in which the 'record was made ill the at quarter. was the chief factor iq the'11 tIl' . fall1lof 191.0 by 'C'-rle Shiltoii. A prtze I •run held at Purdue ' .... 1 pro I;} I Y Ill' � �lprl'llle ,COiJrt, gocs hackward histor- ...:.q uffenle for the Freshmen..'November '20 rnd""l� ti'ft)U(S will be :,.alIY'-�i:iel���lg-f("J";�discover,.... the will be presented .t9. the. winner •. Re� eoaeh� � spm��"a �� b)Lheld a-h�ut two '·weeks in a(l\'ance fClI ltlations 'or thc prt:paratton for f���hme�t� �iII he served � Mr. Bar· pla�inlt Redmon, the hug� lineman.. Tryouts for the cluh witl he hcltl-aftcr this, decisi,on.'; _... -. ' . re�i.' . Th�· "fI."'-p···o�;;d-y'-oungster proved to'···Our stunt," said nenzies ye:;ter_ I,. �the team is selected,· -according' tn :\, rtick� 1\\.'" and. thrcc trcat of the �n mer;t of the t;niver�ity:, espee::ial-. be 'a .tumbling block in the path Qfday, "ought to be highly cducational 40,..as well as Present plans. \"it:il institutions, which, althoudl not ly �he Freshmen. have 'been invited the Varsity backfield. He is remark·cntertaining. Nothing ,eo 1 -.. J.. r·c 1. 'lll'Z I I" rl·ttc 1 constl'tutl'ons to;11 ttend -tl.e._ ... 5,t.ag. The Reynolds al,ly fast. ·con�l·derl·ng hl·s wel'ght andquit�'like it has ever becn attcmpted, c: �I� ,.l·(. )_y. W I _' 01(. ....:as far as 1 know. Our aim is to de' REHEARS� FQ.R FRESHMAN callle ,�nt_o c�lslel�cc as opp'0numty dup has permitt�d the use of its was· able at times to hold the entiremonstrate to our audiencc thc suo 'FROLIC IN KENT THEATE;RI was ofi'cred to fl'a_lize popuiar gov. 'roots because the affair is one in Varaity line. He was . also a: powerrtllll nt wha'ch the University as a' wh->Ie is on :offc:nse .. :p�.riority of pantomime o\'cr mere ': e. 1. "\Vllhin .. themselves," writes the int�resied, and thOle ·who are not yet ',.,.,\Vor,ls as a medium of cxpresslon. Women Plan Attractive Supper in : .f L:""up S.·tuation Clears.• . 't" ..• "._ I I' '. 1 ' . Clll·oo<I·ICd nl"mbers of the club may attend ree .&AMP.:'Ur'.s'�"'I>110CIJ" llell l· ... rr"·· . '. . aut lor. "po ltlca -. parties ....... & ... � "" IS gomg to Lexington Lunchroom to Follow I '"d .f .I I' the pf(,hl�m' (If popuhlr govcrnmcnt, of Icharge. The lineup situation· seems to berea a ew passages alH cxp all!:,t�e ' .. " Y. W.-,c. L. Entertainment. ,treild of tbe story. MacClintock and r'lr,' ii the l)cople l.-nuld not controi ' Accor9inlJr to �cr�tary. Bic:_kham 01 dearing although Toach Stagg statesI "11 I d·' -: .....'. f' _,"", : hl' lla rt�' ma nagen.lent or the 'organ' th J Y. M: c. 1\. th� purpose of the that he win be unable to name theWI execute a llantc,ml1lle escrtp- \.. \ Cl'. Every, afternoon the campus wear . ., a izat ion: thl'.\· could not make their aff�ir is to promote spirit among the tt:am that will face' the Hoosiers untiltive of thc luckless love of Pygmalion,.... Id'_'s�fted look due to the l�('k (Ii 1)\\,11 d�:-;ircs 'l'ftl'ctivc:' ncw students a.,d to help along the Saturday ·:morning. Des Jardien haswith a dcnou�ment as startling as 'tit is heart ,rending:' women. Thc �e�sol� is not .. lard to Discusses' Changing Theories. goqd 'will feeling among them. It will been �layirig at center all week aRd-t"ln(l. 7hc cast �f thc' 111a\.· illr the Ii. tb no h n opportun- f· '. d'· . . '11 be ."" lOndt'r the' t;tle "Social Compact a so gIVe e .I-res men a tom present In IcaUons WI s�en,Concerning the nature of this cli' 1.·r .. sllll,a .... l;r()ll'c I'S fal'tlll'tlll"" rl·hl'ars· '. h h ' .�., "" ityl, of becomina acquainted. Wit t e in the p. ivotal position on Saturday.'ollICl C(\n�:ituli()nal Construction" P \ing in Kcnt theater anti the other. n:p!resentative men of the University rapI t'ain· Carpent�r �ili start he '�_�' me:'r(li(,.':-:>Ol· l\lrI.aughlill dIscusses thc '", in the classes as well as in the faculty at rl'uht- tackle. Whiteside· at ·,eft·ci:ang'ill!-,( t fH'orics of political philoso· •I and administration. guard and Huntington and Vruwinkpi:y. wltit'h. as thl' )'l'ars wen, )y,il;rnishl'(l fnull(lations for di'ffcring at ends ·are other pOSSIbilities. Two-I· . I f h ba�kfields have bee·n working tbi.t ll�"rtes c(lllcl'rill1l� ( Ie natnre 0 t e TWO �RATERNITIESL'nion.' CHANG� LOCATIONS- we�k· ilftd' it 'is' probable that all theThat the �\1lll'rir.l.rr ll'�al ordcr took PHI ,DELTS NEARER ('a�ldidates will get in the game at50me time" of other.Linn. ·97. and Rober ison, 03, May Ap­pear on Boar ds if Duties Are nottoo Heavy to Prevent.Pierce. ' Fitzpatrick. and' Lawlerable to gain at will. The. defense :Was-scored the three touchdowns byst�aight football. Very. little forWardpassing was tried by either side. The'V4lrlity backfield played a stronggame and advanced the ball rapidly.Smith made some long runs through abroken field. bringing the ball withinstriking distance of. the goal.last year and can he re licd UpUlI t·.1 con st itute a discussion 0: the mostmake a good showing this fall. l�t:, illjl(jallil'lltal p ro hle ms of consritution­sides these there arc other guod IIt,'1i �I :h)stClry jusrilics thcir repuhlication.\\'l�o may place in the t ryout s ;!11cll T!u- l's�ays an' intended or thc geu­who will hc-_carc:£ulJy watched. i � is l'rat: public and not for specialists. al­thought that thc squad wrll number ,hn��h it is expected that students ofthirty in the course oi-a wcck.. .\IllC'r:l'an history will find much val·Men Run Three Days a Week. uallic information in them. songs will be taught to the' new 'menconducted by Rudy Matt�ws. Cap'tainl Carpenter and several membersof �he football squad will be presentdur,ng the early part of the entertain-menL' -.Guests Will Compete.tomime can he maul' to express cveryhuman emotion. The stunt is de­scribed as "sanely idit>tic, with luridinterval!> of lunacy." Mrs. Tcrry· willIcct,urc and explain whilc Benziesand MacClintock will tread thc mazcsOt .!..heir d��-,'Q,,· - .Should Be Educational.max. Bcnzic:> would not speak, but itappcarcd from his remarks that thecrowning suprise oi his stunt con'sisted in his hcin� shot from thcanouth of a cantlon, with neccssarilyfa tal results. women,arc cxpericncing jo�'s to COila',listening to the enthusiastic soundsIloating out from behind closerl (lours.A snatch of song intl'rrllptl'J byth(· stri'dent voice of thc harassctlstagc man,ager; evi(l('�ltly the chorusis wrong. M \lsi� again ior a 11111 gl'rpcrion • .then a' morc ion'ihle stop, �\gencral huhhuh jollows, Quid is atlcngth restored . .' :\hout :;, a sullttul'clgroup still reciting trouhll'sOille line;;c�nergcs, stcrnly rcfusiltg to satisiythe hurning curiosity of the illoh,Plans for an attracti\'c supper inthe ne",IY'l'quippetl I.l'xingtllli lUllch­room are maturing lIIltkr the capahleimpersonations of n, I. Bell. Anum'her of other attractions arc in a form. dlH,ction of Ruth .\lll·ll. Tid,;\.·I� mayitt' sl'cllr;(1 from IlwlllI)('rs "f the y,ativc sta�('. "TcC)(ly" Lilln. ·C),. and\V. C I.. ant! at the tk�k 111 t hI'·'navc" I�nherts(ln. '03. have hoth (Il--darcd thc11lsc!v('s willing to appear League room.ii only tht'ir work a,lj\1�ls itsclf so thatthey can han' tilll'-' 10 rut in on al\audc\'ille sketdl tluring tlll� comingwcek.Scats arc 011 sak in ('.,h1l 11an dailyfrom I' to I :.W, or they may he 01>·tClined hy applying to the DramaticLinn and Robertson May Appear.Less startling numlll'rs on the pro­gram a';e the songs of Henry D.{If the Dramatic cluh. anti has always its risl' iu the thenry of compact and(CoDtirnied on page four.4- After the scrimmage the candidateswere again given a long dril) in ,therudiments of the game. Falling ORthe l�all came in for the greater sb�reof the 1\·ork. With but one hardI,racticc left hefore the opening gameof the season, Coach Stagg has suc­cet'de4 in drilling .the men in therudiments of the game and. today hewill be ahle to put � finishing touch 00his work. The squad will he given�nly a short drill tomorrow.Sauer Is Coac.'t.,"S)(cc" Sauer. last year's All-\Vest·eln half hack arrived at thc ·gymna5·:ium yt·!'terday· and' has 'joined thecoaching staff. H� will assist Coach .­Page in drilling the Freshmen. Saueris a valuable addition to the coachi'Ht� Ii illtli"iclt:al right .. and in the bdiefdlat .illllH'r_ial ��rtll'r it�df sliould rest The Phi Delt� Theta and Deltaon law i� the ll'xt (If the last article. Sigma Phi fraternities have changedT!1l'Sl' twn :Ire th�' tht'ories or prin' their locations. The Phi Delts haveSulcer. who was at nne t imc prcsidentbeen active in its afTair�; the mono­logues of Fre(la KerchofT llrown; theskit to he prcsl.'nted loy "Jim" Hickey."Slee" Herrick. an(1 Franccs l{oss; thehig dance hy Frank Parker; and thc cljlles tl1:\t IIO\\" (oniront thc rcformer�('.�k ing to 'n'adjllst :"ocial systems and1(1 lll:1kl·· I hl'lll l'lIilform to what he('\l1si;h-rs' prl'�l'l1t :"II('ial dcmands. moved from 5831 Washington avenueto 5633 Monroe avenue, and the DeltaSigma Phis from 5623 Drexel avenuet(� 5604 Jackson avenue.B. P. 'MAST, Business Manager, Faculty Exchance.1�1cage enter my name as a subscriber to THE DAILY )lA·. -.' --ROON for t�le college year of 1912'13 for which I acree to pay you$2.00 on or before:: October 12, 1912, or $2.50 after tbat date. ;:Faculty Will Dine Mor.-:!ay.'l\iclllhl'rs of tlll� FaclIlly will h"l<Itheir annllal hanclul't at· s(,\"l'I1-thinyMOIHlay ni�ht in Hutchinson. �\:isi:-tant Professor I{ohertsoll is in d:ar;�l'of the arrangclllrnts an<l report s t I�;da fttll attel:dancc of the llll'IllIll'rs isexpected. Name .,., .... , .......•....•.•••••..••••••••••...•••••.•••••••.• , •• ,Addrcr.s ,., .. , .. , .If University address is uncertain, indicate(Continued on page four)IfI"'S�----. Progressive Club-.J:15 �----------- .. --------- ----------llonday 1 BOOKSThe Daily Maroon Bullcrin . and Announcements.Junicr Colleges I il�I:'1'1 ;\��I..·tllldy:l�ell all'\ wo ruvu. 1'::!5 :,!alltlt'l.Philharrnoaic f:·')ci:ty --:\1 u- i c a le, l'(lllh ;'.\.Faculty .. Dinner-Monday,;:! S [<'1::','1':',),::, � ::.:.::,:..:1, I! utch.u son c -mmons.Upper Cics ; Cc; ::�;:.�:ors 1:,l'I..·: I": :30 Horns and Fodder for every Bulltomorr cw, !..C:::I:::C�,Freshrua.: Fro.ic-·".-\s 1 t �\t ()0�t' ill the I :'in'rsity, Apply, Pro­::\1 ight grt'�:-.i\(' club, or F. M. MeC .. 31) Mid-lill Divinity.Maroon Rooting Hats-For sale, allday t o mor ro w in Ilar tlct t.Fifty Ushers wanted for 1 ruliana:'(lo:I>al: game. Sign up at l nformali'lI1 (k.;k.l;e," S t o r.t or rov,' :::;;1:t, Kent t hea tcr.Freshmen S��!:-::: to nior row n i, .. rh t ,h.(·Y:IUills club.Cosmopolitan Club-� t o mor r owl.i;..:llt. LIb:" I�.Christian Science Society-In f.,rmalIt n pt i ... .n, .. 1 t o 0, t o mor r« .w, Lc xiug- Housing Bureau moved to I Pressbuilding,Three Quarters Club Meeting=-: :JO Alumnae Loan Library, !\t204 lIartomorrow. l{cynolds dub .. \ 11 actin.'rncrnbcr s should attend,Football Game=-Chicazo v s Imli- English Department-Office, Cobb12D.Grade Cards=-Xot to be depositeduntil tile end of the quarter; cards.. vhich have been deposited should heca llcd f, ,r at once,tl):fitiJll ;§ihlilt"ut �,"1l1!3 }lJl}lS'%' ::1:�. 3 Saturday, Mar shal! rie ld.F 1 University Religious Service-II.' ,'orIller �y. . : Sunday, ::\!�nucl.The University 01 Chicane \\ ceklv I •• , 1 0 ., ...., -I' Neighbor-hood Clubs-\la��lllt'din�,Foundec ctobe r I. i!,:,<,::? ..i...:':I5 Mcru'ay, Kept theater.Pul,lishcu Jaily exccpt SUlluays, llon-! ����������������������������������days and Holidays during threel aii the r.C\"::; ti:�� ycur :l.:-:�i:-;tanl'equarters of the t'ni\'ersJty year. I c.bservat ious of Professor F, \V, Ree,makes it rc:;:;:l)le t o c b tain : 11', c hc rish ""I'l'�hl11;111 adviser at the University ofall the il�:�::t:,:c::� that y o u mal-a' \\'i�con�in,EntereJ as Second-class mail at the I, wo r t hy an d to r�:'-:ct all of your I'rnil'ss(lr J�t'e found that the maoChicag» Post Office, Chicago, l lli]nois, March 18, 1908, undcr Ad of!March 3, 1873. ,"opinions tl.ct !:CC::1 in keepill;.! wit h jor it y pf the students makin-; poori h c spirit and ic.:e�is of the l'nivcrsity, gr<ldt'� in their first year had beenYour help is absolutely uccc ssarv. p oor ly prepared at high school, eitherManaging Editor .. Hiram Kennicott The Daily Maroon staff doe s not ht'r:lu:-;l' of thc inadequacy of theN Edit LSI 1 Tl '1 1 1 I school or throuuh the fault of theews 1 or ••••• • • eon to ZI maxc 11..' �\ aroon. t mcr e y s iapes.t":.thletic Editor •• Bernard Vinissky the matcr ia l t ha t you gin' it. :\nd j.upi! himself. \Vhile Professor ReI..'Jet his report �oes to show, as DeanAngel! pointed out, that the poor collq:c student is very likely to haveIll'en a poor hi�h school pupil. Andbecause a poor student is an obstaclein the path of the good ones, and be-Business Manager .•• Burdette Mast even the shaping lies largt·iy in your makes no recommendation that poor;ha 11 <1 s. Your nit ici sm :\(1\'1..'1""(' or ly prepared students he denied admit­, tancc to the Univer sity of WisconsinSUbscription Rates. otherwise is at all til11(\s prayvd for.By carrier, $2.50 a year; $r.oo a quar-ter. By mail $3.00 a year; $1.25 a' Fr a n kl y t hc n. w c ask you to sub­scribe ior the Maroon. to read it. towrite your opinions to it and to makeEditorial--Busincss offices, Ellis::?4 your criticisms freely to the editors.Telcphone Mid\\"ay Soo, Mail Box Will you?quarter."0" Faculty Exchangc. (<luse a serious minded man can al-"Even the reporter has an office Last year, a ccrt�;n Fl"c�hl1pn wa: .·.\'ays he a good student. the C.. ni\'er-and with clear eyes and honest Ian' askcd quite c:lsu;�dl�, 'ity is tlistinctly just, as wcll as wise,guage, may unveil injustice and point What �!"e. �(, �,,:;\V)t.��(,��� you)n _t:1ic ;11 pisi.ng .thc standards required ofthe way to progress."-R. L, S. We Her.e Fo� C�i,:c!sity for:" 'He thosc entcring it,w�s nonpluss�<l. After<fbitotialThose who havc secn thc team stammering for a moment he replicd,"Why, I don\ imow, e;'acti)�." Hethougl�t . tl�e matter o\'e� aftcrwardand arriving at, no dcfinitc conclusion University High School Starts' De­partment of Industrial Education.OF,FERS PRACTICAL ·COURSE-practisc go away withblood tingling and avision in thcir minds of uecided to lean col;egc.something that looks To this yt.:ar's Freshmen the 'lueslike championship. Thc mcn are tion is asked of all. "\\'hat are YOll I ndustrial education courses are toth('rc-lllorc than ha .. ·c gone out fur l:ere ior? For a proiession? \Vell he given this Autumn at the Univer'he team ill years. The coach is thcrc alld bond. For iun? Y �u could �ity high' school. A class or boys will-the man who made a bunch of rc' spend l(,ur time in \\'orsc ways. For Ill' �i\'en training in thc iildustriescmits into a tcam th:.t turned defeat trainin� and culture? Best of all. ullder the direction of the Manualinto "ictory last year and a man with I :\ it�r all, your succcs..; in iiie dc' ] raining department, with the co­a string of triumphs on his record,ll'llH.!:i t:ot upon your pr(.it'ssion or I TcraLun ci the Buildings andThe gamc is there-a gamc madcl yo�r IH1sint'ss. It dl..'l1l:nt!s· upon your (�rounc1� dq,artmcnt. A spccial pro­brightcr and c1ean.:or and livlier. th�nl "il·\\' oi liic and th� ��(l�natc trailling. gram of studies in English, History,t'\Cr throu!;h the latest ch�nges 10 t:IlC J t is to 1>1..' rcgr..::.t-:tl tllat the Fresh· Science, and Mathematics has heenTliies .. !hc sC�ledule ;s t!:{:�c-a scheu" man W:IO \\'as uisco;,nabl:l� at his own arran�e(i for this class.tll(' ;1\.1116 Chlcabo s� ... (n !:r:e c1:�::cesllack 01 Pt:r'pos� \...(),�:J nut havc rcad Associ'lte Proicssor Frank M. Lea­to show its worth in ba�'lC3 \,;;th ::c\'cni ;;'ll aJ\l'rt;:::t::::�I:t ;C�!::u in a rccent "itt has het'n acti\'ely en�aged dl1rjn�worthy riyals. The stands arc r.ot 1I�a6�::::'.�, b L::: ;;'<!"l·rti5c111cllt, the past year in effecting a plan forthere y(�t-they will he soon, we hODe, which \;�=. :!:;;,� cf � ';;:11 known man" the promotion of industrial education,The rooting hats arc not here yet- lliactur:r.::; CC::CC:::, wcre these.,f which this is thc first evidcnce,t Jlt'y will be tomorrow. \\'ords-But ho", ahout thc cffHnl Saturday "CollcGc·bleci '::C;1 arc <':J1lplnycd SOCCER FOOTBALL MUST GO',,",len we play Indiana. \Vill it he hefe in lar2,l' nU!1�!;cr5. Tlieir �ccurah:tla're? The Daily :\!;-,rnon helieves it training ano Im.:auth of \'icw arc n·i·,,·ill. The Daily :\bro'll1's readers arc tit I;t in our Gcalin6s."tht, 0ne,; ",hI) :'IrC' II') (keidc. \Vill, There is somt:thing i,)r P'U tn p(ln­you he thC'rl..': On ynur :\n�\';er dc-I '!I..'r (\\"cr. �Ir. Fn.:dll1:all who docs not1":11115 t111.; �ize oi the crowd. the util-I blOW what he 11a; C('I1lC to Chica�o uwing to the lack of funds a\'ail­Ity oj Ihc h1c:\cl:cr�, thc repctiticm ofi I(.r. :\!ay he Y()\1 \ili he stirpri:,ccl to ahle there will bc no Vni\'ersity soc'the schC'{!ule, the �U("CC':'� (Ii the: ;.;.d that Ihl' he�t ·.)i all till' purpo:-cs (t:r tl'am this fall. The sport was in�amc<;, the 1Jnpcs "f the c(l:lrh and: is "cur.,. Ii it is 11"t. rkcidl' til lI1akt' tro(luCt'd t\\"o years ago, hut only oneIhe spirit Ilf the mcn. I i� ;'()nr p\lrp0�C ",llill' al the t 'nin'r (I,nil:rc.·ucl: game has heen played, and.\1111 .d)',n' all. 11p".1l Y"l1 n�-::-: thel �;:::. '1"1";::11 yflllr Il:;ncl ;lll,' t'11l;,r�"'1 ill, �pnrt has 110t hc.'l'n wen support ..rf'''!>('il-:1,il:ty (,f l::;�bl1;: the l'O(lth:1111 ::(� .... <c,':s. �"erl"" ",ill 1"l1,,\\". �d,!'C':l."PI1-:1' \':c \\:111: c\'t·r.Ytl:il1� ;It Chi ._ , Ikcaust' the expense of construct1 :llt;' the Ilt.:W stands ha� taken all theTI:c ri�c ;:1 :l:c �}tal1(larcls of cnt-,.. ,. ., . IltlllclS the Athletic department canThe <:t;ll; of this YC:1r's Dalh' 1\la'j I:.;�CC ::-.t the t 1l1\("I'SltV I' D' St. th: . ,- �pan', aCl"()r< Itlg to Irector agg eT()011 herC'hy I'f:I('la1Iy; Entrar.cc :.;·C tl:c �,:hJl"l't "f 111\1\'h '11 1 1 lilt'! . I �l,nrt WI. la\,e to )1..' , rOl'pe( , ISYourselves 1l�:l.kC'!' il� br,w.. !11 the: Requirct=�::::. t�:��::��:-:� here al1l1 ,'l�('... '• ! .• .. ('xpcctc{l that the regular classes 10and Ourselves. (Irq tW(J .by". thiS. '·.,:C:-:-. In an carherl . ·11 k f t f. . I.... .�.. _ . .,, ;:ymnastlcs WI ma e requen use 0n:'1()I1;:1ry l"rl1�all t Y'. ClilT;(')i1 I'J! I !:n • �:'()('n, 1)(';111. '\ll�dlll fi III . t lC soc.:cr Ie ( ,',\':lS forgotten.. , (:o-;pl:lincd C()::��;'( >, ;l�i\"('l'y why It \\':I�The DailY �rar()(,n stafr ir,r !'jT�'IJ: ;'(,\:11(1 :lIh-i�;;l�!: �n raise the ("�1trallCe -�-_--�-pr(ll11i.�t·s :0 print tllc. j,e:'ot p�lj).cr tl�:1t: ;""l'::rcllH'nl;; hci·C'. ..\.111itinnal li�htllla\ .. c ,you s�lhscT1hed for The Maroonyour gencro�ity will pcn�1it; to Print] 1'1;:1)' he thrown on the sullject hy the Subscrlhe for the Maroon,Foot­ballAthletic Department's Lack of FundsIs Named Cause.(';;�() to hc-a �1.1C("CSS. • •FOUNTAIN PENSNOTE BOOKS. THEME PADS. IPENNANTS AND SOUVENIRS 1Gymnasium Suits, Shoes, etc. IMAY DE PURCHASED AT !The University oi Cbicagp' Press I5750-58 ELLIS A VENUE. i. R_"OOM ��G_ E]',�M�;3 BLAINE �ALL __j----------------.-------------- --------------------_.--tThis season our line of $35,00 suitin js is exceptionallly strong, com- ••prising a carefully selected stock of gr41YS, black and white ., _ Ieffects, blues and browns, -ll' " :Other grades $::0 0) to $50.00 � . 1'1 IJovercoats $30.GO to $60.00 .: I"��!?� ':',;'F':�AILOR FOR YOUNG MEN .. :'::1:! I'jl::--THREE STORES IIof,iilrSince 1893iJ N_ La Salle St. Since I')�::25 E Jackson Bh·d. May, 191Zi I E. Monroe St.. -�,,_. : , ....... ".. -:",,:. .... Phone lIyd� I'ark 6;311, Qft��t;) •• '-:: ,'·'lTT""a,;-:n",�",.� -'v� .• "0 -:. __ •'.:\11AlE YOU LOOKING FOR A P[ACE.::IQ.·':lAT?-t Gi,le THE CQMMONS. �� .. itn,:ar; ::. .Alit the UnJer Clanmen About Oi.r ·FCl�·'·" /.�. �":. '.. ,� .'Yoa'lI Like the Club Bree.kf.� • .,.d �.:;:� .�. • �Music at Night Ciood �o'o�.�;,:j.'�'� :�:. 'Prices.... ..0.. __fSTABLISHED 1818I!••IIfand Motoring outfits, E!1!";"lish H&berdashery, IHats, Shoes, and Lcath€r Gocds. ,l 1Broadway, Cor, Twenty S(.cond St: :.New York,Next visit of our Rep c!:cntative, Mi. Lanzer,to Coneress Annex; .Chica�,October 12th to I6th inclusive,With latest Fall r.nd Winter styles in Clothing, Ridingi.•,,•Von Frank, Hardy & RindskoplANNOUNCE THE OPENINGOF"The College Men's Clothes Shop"FOR YOU FELLOWS WHO KNOWJUST WHAT YOU WANT .jIj702 Republic- Building. State and Adams,DISCUSS BUILDING PLANS:NEARLY HALF SUBSCRIBEDApproximately the same amount ofInstalled in the University of Chicago money will be spent on a building forARROWSHIRTSThe makers dependon their good qual­i ties to scl l youanother bearing thesame' label.. 11.50 up--------------------------Heat RegulationTHE JOHNSONPNEUMATIC SERVICETHE RECOGNIZED STANDARDBuildings.Complete Systemsfor all Methodsof Heating SOMETHING TO DAD. DESIRES ABOLITION OFROOTING AND ATHLETJCslProf_oc � Rowan! of He-Ibraska Considers IDtercoUeciateSport Immoral and Decr.dW�."For. after all, the contribution ofODe Million Dollars Will Be Spellt the coflegc to the world is often oneon Four New Structures-Rosen- which cannot be fully analyzed. ,It iswald has Contributed $250-000• 1I0t discovered in a thorough knowl-edge of a curriculum or in the statis­ltics of athletics any more than aPlans for four new buildings have f . ., . College rooting is immoral accord-. h orergu country IS discovered 111 a('It er been drawn or are under con-. . .. illg to Professor George Elliottid . guide-book or III a hasty recital of ItsSI eratron by the University archi- . . , " Howard of the University o] Nebras-. . indusrries. 1 here IS no master word -tccts. PrOVISIon for the appropriation ka who writes on the question of col-to express what a college career may(,f $1.000,000 for building operations I 1.1 lege sport in the "Jour�at of Sociol,mean or s IOU u mean to Americanwas made last year and announced ogy."youth who in years of high _impres-a: th» spring convocation. The' stands 1 n the article "The Social Psychol-sion experience with a multitude of .acd walls f M I II fi Id ogy of the Spectator," the head of tile.' or . ars ia ie are now their fellowsin the course of construction but will 'Days that Hew swiftly like the bandnot he completed by contract date. That in the Grecian games had'Uetween $150.000 and $165.000 will he Xebraska department of sociology de- FaIlclares that the "Rah, Rah spirit is notonly immoral, but fosters low ideals. 111('11.Dr. Howard further insists that con- SPecial suits and overcoats at $25.certed rooting is on a plaine with the O1h ers liP 10 �50.burglar's jimmy and the stuffed bal­lot box. He lays stress on the factthat the cheer leader is in training forkarl undergraduate, there is still a val- the position of ward heeler.uable thing which the college should "TI Chi f I I'. . te re menace to t ie generaunpart to hun, and through which he I•f . I . .. " h; use' 0 recreanona acnvmes, eshould become enabled to present . I" f h di. writes, comes rom t e extraor maryWIth greater charm and with greater f -I I . I Th. . vogue 0 atn enc spectac es. e stu-force the message which is in hIS soul. .1 k hi b dil d. . dent cannot eep IS 0' y an men-ThIS valuable thing, at once both I' \h k bta energy u� to t e mar y exer.,idealism and incentive, is the under- readylit lie collegeI strife:\n� passed from eager hand to handThe onward.dancng torch of life.'"After we have said much concerning the liie and the work of the Amet·spent on the improvements.:\. woman's building to containclassrooms and in which adequateprovision for the social, religious, andathletic organizations of the women01 the University shall be made willhe erected east of Lexington avenue,to take the place of Lexington hall.The coast will be between $250,000and $300,000. (Between State and Wabash)Mossier19 Jackson Blvd.-Eastciaing vicariously.the departments of geology, geogra- graduate's individual message to the "�s they are now conducted, inter-phy, and paleontology to be immcdi., wor ld, It may be composed of know- collegiate sports are a menace toately connected with Walker museum. ledge, the ability to think, the faculty American higher education, The onlyMr. George C. Walker, the doner of 0: relaxation, and the power to do Iefficient remedy is their entire aban-lthe' .original building, permitted much faithfully and successfully some given donrnent.task. These things, however, arc all. "The saner forms of recreationaldependent upon the spirit of the actor,• play are crowded out and the intel:upon his vision. his determination, hisof its space to be used for classroompurposes by the departments forwhich the new building wilt be lectual activities and achievements areambitious and unflagging attempts. overshadowed. The football cham­The true modern university contributes to the world a g reat-r.rinded anda great-hearted man, to whom collegeSteam Control of Humidity Reducing erected.Valves for Air, Water, HotWater Tank Regulations.Johnson Service.Co.. ;.t : "R." J.� GIBSON;.,Manager.Chicago: Offic<!.� Stationery, Cabinet.k,'''P ('noll;:;h !'<tatltl""ry at h�n,1 for currentIIH·. �"II,1 QII" rl,·r.·,j (I" k , han,ll'omt'I)' nn­I�I ... 'I. ,:1.00. _' t:"I'"... .. 1'lIld •.. (S('I' not('.).SOLID OAK LETTER FILE_h"M!< :!o.ooo I('U,'r,. or11:0 pt'r!< � �i.lt 11 In('h,,!".� .. I"I, ,.uh"tantlul.(; .. I ... ·n. ="atural .Ir"·,'ath.'r.',1 I\nl .. lI.llraw"r!< art" !!u",­proof an,1 on roil.· ..1,,·a1'"ln;:;1<. "�rt'lghtI};I hI. 05t·c 110h'. )�1:1.�3.(it·t I�a:a lo� !'how­In";- many hantl�·. In­"xp'\'JI,.ln· ornCt' clf'­\'i''''l' an,l' :oI'·l·tlon,,1I ..... kea!"·,.. . Book!.·'"1·'11111;:; �ug�,· .. tl .. n!<··al> .. fn'l·.="OTl·:.-Fr.-lght orEXllr,·!<!< pal,1 'J,.(111010'(1 to poln' .. "u,.1"r :\(ontana. "'yom-1111:. t ·.. Inrado. UIo.I.,­hOlna an.1 To·x",·.�Ii;:;htly hl�l ... r h,·­�·nnll...._. FILING DESKS","nlhln,· .lr'I\\'I·r" In lI"nol:-IIII'" clc'"k. Thl'fil,,!' \'''" \\,all' al �· .. Ilr tln�"r till". �Ml on.,al �'ollr ,I.·al,·r�. Fro l�ht pal.1 $"!:U)(). (8c('nn1pt.nu Y/':a;" :'IiANUFACTURING CO.87 Union St. �t()�ROE. MICHChicago Di�plaY-SIr'IS S. WabashMAJ{OON ADS PAY pion is a hero, although sometimeshis superior qualities can be ap­praised only by the pound.of Ellis avenue and Fifty-ninth street life has been a soul's birth as well as ."The spectator crowd at an inter-and adjoining South Divinity hall. a mind's awakening. It gives to its col1egiate football contest fosters\ . ti f $ f this vouth that particular but indispens-Approprra Ion 0 200,000 or J ideals much lower than those suggest-purpose has been made. able thing which burned in the heart f Iessi I by ed by a game 0 pro essiona ase-Funds for the new buildings will be of the young art-student who stood ball.before the masterpiece and said, '1deri.ved from those already in the pos-session of the University. The moneynecessary for the construction of theClassical .. building will be derived fromthe Kelly bequest. Mrs. Elizabeth G�Kelly at her death left a fund of DR. HENDERSON TO ingly it must be rated as a cupping�150,ooO for a "third building.". It is DELIVER BARROWS suggestion intended to start contag-expected that t�iends o'f the Univer LECTURES IN INDIA ious and irrational applause in thesity will contribute toward the con- hypnotized mass of onlookers. It isstruction of the other three. Charles Richmond Henderson, head a trap for the emotions of the un- If you play as th� big colleges do.Julius Rosenwald, president of of the department of practical sociol- wary. Morally it stands on the level you will use the: SPALDING NO.Sears, Roebuck, has contributed ()gy has been given leave of absence with the jimmy, tile toehold, the card IS POOT BALL-the official ball of$250,000 for building conditioned on hy the University trustees during the trick, the stuffed ballot box, tainted the game-and SPALDING UNI­the receipt of $500,000 more fpr the Autumn quarter of '9'2.. and-the Win .. news, or the eampaign canard, 2.nd· FORMS and EQUIPMENT.same pU'1»0se. The gift was announc- tcr quarter of 1913, to act as the Bar- like the canard it is apt to prove a Send for our Fall and Wintered at tl\(. Summer convocation on rows Lecturer in India. The Barrows boomerang," Catalogue-it's free.\ h P· J lectures are sriven every three years New rules for ICI)I..!-SI)aldillt!·s: ugust 30, w en resident udson "'. ..told of the plans in his quarterly in the principal cities of India, on the DAVENPORT SCORES IN MEET Official Foot Ita ll Cuide. crlitcd hystatement. . foundation established hy Mrs. Caro- Walter Camp, contains t he official. M R I' 1ine E. Haskell. The general pur Tra-L Star 'D=-=-L.es Th:"d m' 800 rules, records, notes, college cap,•. r. osenwa d's gIft was unsolicit- \;A .. uu:.p &&d and nti 1 t "'dl pose of the lectureship is to consider "U 'D-_ tains and managers, schedules ande' .' e Ire y spon aneous, sal ...... IL,_ .. -nuu.President Judson; "and this makes it the relation of Christianity to other pictures of a11 thc hi� tl'ams andall the more pleasing. AU of the religions. Professor Henderson will Ira Davenport was the only Uni- hundreds of othcr lllaYl'rs. Pricebuildings in question will b; under lecture in s()me of the cities of Japan versity athlete �ntered in the Olympic 10 cents.and China on his return to this coun- meet who scored any points. He How to Play F,.nt naIl. Editedway at a very early date."The new building operations will try. His predecessor on the llar fmished third in the 800 meters run,TOWS Foundation was Charles Cuth- rtmning behind Meredith and Shep­mark one of the largest constructionbert Halt, iormer president of Union pard. All three men broke theeras in tbe history of the University. Theological seminary, Xew York. world's record for the event. Daven- A. G. Spa!rling & BrosThe only period which can rival it Professor Henderson's lectures. in port was only a scant few inches be- 28-30 So. \Vaha�h .hc. Chica�o, 111j� that of 11)03 when the Tower group, India ,,,itt he is;ued in hook form hy hind Sheppard. The w. inning timeLaw library, and Bartlett gymnasiumwere erected. the Unh'ersity of Chicago Press. was 1 :59 9"10. Both Sheppard and____ -___ Davenport finished in 1 :52-Offer Arbitration Prize Again. Menaul was unable to fini�h his. Press Publishes Poems. One hundred (lol1ars will again be competition in the pentathlon as he"A'mcrican Poems" is the titl$! of a offered hy the Lake :\Iohonk Confer- injured his arm while throwing the Tels. Hyde Park 18. Chicago, III1ICW volume issued by the University cnce on International ;\rhitration to Javelin. Coyle qaalifi�d for the finals Telephone Hyde Park :::137of Chicago Press on Septemher I, the un(1erl-!'ra(luat(' �t\t(lcnt in any \1ni,,: il� the pole "ault, but lost when his I iiiiiiiiiiiiiii�iiiithe editor being Prefessor \Valter C. \ersity or col1ege in the l.·nited States pole snapped in two while he wasIJronson of Brown Cniversity. This or Canada who snhmits the hest cs· trying for 12 feet, 4 inches.The classical building, the extremev. estern structure of the Librarygroup, will be erected on the cornerGovernment supervision.CAPITA!.. $200,0003 PER CENT ON SAVINGS"Organized cheering, known in col-too, am a painter.' .."The American Undergraduate."Clayton Sedgwick Cooper.by 'Valter Camp: rn'i�l'd for 1')1.2:instructions for playing;training. Price 10 cents. signals;ANDREW McADAMSFlorist and DecoratorFifty-third St. and Kimbark Ave.volume is uniform with Professor say on ··'nternational ;\rhitration:'Bronson's "English Poems," which The cnnt('st doses :\tarch 1,3. 1()i.'.ha'i proved so popular for usc in col· John K. Starkw('athcr. Brown, .'."lc�e �las�es and hy the g�ncral read-I suhmiOl'd the h<.'st of the 15 cssayscr. Tne neW volullle c.ontams the hest, (ntcrc(1 in last ycar's ("ompetition. JIloe.try of rcpres�ntauve poets of. aU I Fredcrick Reevc of Loyola Cnivcr­p(,rlods grouped 10 such a way a� to, �ity in Chic:lgo was one of fi,'c to rc­show the development of the �·aflous c('ive honorahlc mcntion.schools and the relation to contemp-Iorary literature.' The notes containmuch brief and interesting commentbased on conlemppral')' documents. Renovate Reynolds Club.Xew cues have been provided by II he management of the Reynolds cluh Ifor the billiard room. Since last 75 Cents. Plain Baths 25 CentsSpring the cluh has been completely 0P(,11 nay alll! :'\ighl.l"('novated: new cloth has been placed SARATOGA BAR B E R S HOP(\1\ the billiard tables, and a new pin J. II. Ilt,pp. l'rnp.setter has been purchased for the 29 South Dearborn Streethowling alleys. Mr. English, Mr. Expert Manicurist.Gough. Mr. Rratfish, Oscar, and Scientific �fas�(,lIrsJames are again on hand. Expert ChiropCI(listPatroniz(' �raroon AdvcrtisersThey Arc Reliahle.AMUSEMENTS.LYRICTHE BLUE BI RDGARRICKMARGARET ANGLINA Ne,'" Modern American Play CalledEGYPT.A UDITORIUIVICOHAN"S GRANDTHE POLISH WEDDING1 .. COLONIALTHE WINSOME WIDOWReal Ice Skating.A MElleAN MUSIC llALLLE .. vx A:\lJ lit IL1:"tH)K_THE MILITARY GIRLpRINCESSMort. Singer'sA MODERN EVE"OLYl'dPICTHE MAN HIGHER UPCORTFINE FEATHERSDramatic Sensation.POWERS'THE NEW SINILLINOISOTIS SK1:\:\ERin KISME!'-----------_. - -.--MAJESTICThe �\ mUSl'tnl'nt Cell tl'r uj Chicago.MONDAY, SEPT. 30.FLORENCE ROBERTS & CO."TilE 1:\1' ER \' E:\ ES.First Time on Any StageCHAS. GRAPEWIN &ANNA CHANCE.in "The Awakening of Mr. Pipp."ADELAIDE NORWOODJo-THE VASSAR GIRLS-IoWILSON"S COMEDY CIRCUSWYNN & RUSSONHopkins & Axtell Brown & GrantAerial Bartletts New Motion PicturesCHICAGO'- '-- OPEIU HOuSE iJEFFERSON,!)�ln Street and .a....a.ke Avenue. VARSITY LINE BEGINSTO SHOW IMPROVEMENTUPPER CLMS COUNSELLORMOVEMENT IS SUCCES�FULEntering Students k.'e Helped in I (Continued from pagc oue)Many Ways by Women Already I. . . staff as he was the best open field run-in Umvel'Slty. . I . f 1ner 111 t re Con ere nee ast year,Continuous performance - The Varsity lineup follows:- Vru-Come and hear the new $7,500 organ ('1'\' of the most interesting andNothing to equal it in the city. hl'lll'lil:al aids to entering women stu'Five Reels of the latest releases .1 ... -ut s this year has been the UpperHappy Harry Hynes Singing Now. Clas� (c.uusc llor movement, insrigat-1 ADMISSION 1.11 hy till' Iljl.! cabinet of the Y. \VMain Floor, all seats •••••• JCC I. ., L. .uul carried out by the able com wink. riuht end: Carpenter, righttackle; Freeman, right guard; Desj ardien, center: Whiteside, lcft guard:Sellers, left tackle; Huntington, leftl'IUJ; Paille, Lawler, quarter back:Smith. left half; Fitzpatrick, right••••••••• SC mit tvv whose members are as follows: half; Pierce, Scanlon ,full back,�1:tr�all .. -t 1�IHldl'S, chairman; Adalineanti scarchitu; upper classme n anxious ranged for three special recitals dur-to lilld their charge s and help them work with boys he must have someing thc year. These concerts will hethrough the trying ordeals of rcgistra- knowledge of the gro und plan of boy-given hy such artists as, Rudolph':ion. "1 he Freshmen were introduced hood," Dr. Hoben asserts, "and heGanz, pianist, who will appear No-tp th ..., League, invited to the Fresh- must believe that the boy both de'vember 26; Eugene Ysaye, violinist, '.Jman Fro lie, and made to feci at home. mands and III rit tIt d S .FOR RENT-:-\Vasliington Avenue; January ;!I: and Alice Neilson, so- e I sac ua s u y. peer-ncar Jackson Park and III. Cent. The gO(ld results of the movement prano. March II. ric acquaintance with each one, recog-EXJlfl'SS, front room in private, rc arc hard to estimate. It not only The concerts arc �iven primarily nition of individuality; 'variety, andtined German home Willl highest gives t hc much needed assistance to for the benefit of the students of the even sport, and an ample allowancerccouuncndations. Board optional. the erucrinj; students, hut it brings University, but on account of the in' for exceptions to every rule willI . the upper classmcn into immediate ureatlv aid in g" fit' tone'sP 1011(.' MIdway 2872. creasing demand of the general puhlic'" oJ rvmg ness 0touch with the new students. Owing endeavor,"for seats, it is necessary for studentsto the fact that the movement is some' to apply early for season tickets.thing' new this year and that the t' • I . f I worked out in actual practice in the"",1>eC1a prrces or t ie season. to stu' •names of entering students could not d $ $ �,_ Th I First Baptist church of Detroit and inents are 2.25, 4,25, ;>,'.25. e on yhe obtained until very late, there available tickets for single admissionhave been some mistakes which an­ are thosc of the highest price. Reser,other ),t'ar will remcdy.Best of talent in singers andorchestra.Pictures changed dailyBalcony, all seats •Special F .. tures tIlree tIIIles a weekGA.UMONT WEEKLY EVERY THURSC.rr�.' �vc.,sA.ND OTHER PICTURESBLACKSTONEKIa w &; Erlanger present1860MILESTONES 18851!)X2CLASSIFIEDADVERTISEMENTSTO RENT-Three desirable roomsfor students. Ten minutes fromcampus. Electric light, steam-heat,telephone, etc. Call at 4559 PrairieaVl'nu<.'. 2nd apartment. I�O�Slll:lll, Ruth Morse, Betty Burn. ORCHESTRAL SEASON WILLCadll'rim' Covcrt., Lois Sutherland, BEGIN EARLY NEXT MONTHPolly Thompson, j ane Terr'ill, Harr ivt Tuthill, .... dia Gamble. IOIll' Hemil!g\\ay and Marjorie Barr.J)uriJ:� t he summer every womanst udcut of the L'niversity who had�ig-llilil'(1 her willingness to serve as a Theodore Thomas Orchestra to GiveSix Concerts in Mant!el- ThreeSpecial Recitals are Booked.Thc Theodore Thomas orchestrahil'llli to slime new �irl, was sent the will open its concert season at theua mc of a Freshman with a list Urriver sity with a concert in Mandeloi \\ a y s in which she might be Xovember 5. Regular monthlyhelped. Each older �irl then wrote orchestral concerts will take place onher .. Freshman." arranging a meeting December 10. January (I, February 4with her, On Monday the campus February 25, and April S.wa s alive with expectant new girls, The Orchestral association has ar-vation of scason tickets may he madeby applying at Cobb 9A or by mail atTHE GARDEN OF ALLAH"The Eighth Wonder of the World." I WOODLAWN THEATREi 55th St. _cl WeocllaWD Ave.The only flc Show in Hyde ParkGood Music and Good Picturesworth $3.50 a piece for $2.50 perticket. Call at Maroon Office.FOR SALE-.2 meal tickets on the SEVEN FORMER STUDENTSGreenwood Cafe, 1357 E. 55th St., th� University Orchestral association.MARRIED THIS SUMMER\\'l'ck; threc meals daily, �",50 per\\·Cl'k. 6121 Ellis Avc. 1st floor. Two instructors and seven ex-stuFOR RENT-2 largc nicely furnished dent!' Wl're married during the sumI d M C 1 Ilooks had already been claimed whenrtHHllS, each suitable for two stu' mer alu two were engage. r. arI, I . k I_I h f h H' d the office in thc gymnasium closedlil'nts. Everything modern. Call at 're( eric' r ut 0 t e Istory eI Ilartment, was married in Milwaukee, yesterday aftcrnoon. The tickets will13;') �ast 5ith St., 1st flat.:IIHI llr. Daniel Lewis Hoffer, in- be sold only to those who receiveGOOD TABLE BOARD-In privatcfamily ,two meals daily, $3.50 perstructor in Physical Culture. was mar_ i<lentification cards which are beingried to lIiss Elizabcth :\.dell Brown sent to all studcnts of the C'ni,'ersity.,.i 1�l)Cl-iord, 111. on August 28 in The season tickets will admit theRtlckiord. :Hr. and Mrs. Hoffer are bearer ttl all the athletic e\'ents in theli\'ing at 1I54 E. 56th St. Merrill C. year. He win also be given frce use DRAMA CLUB ALIiUlfI�Il'igs, and Gcorge Shay, fllrmcr stu' 01 the tennis courts. Thc tickets are WILL THRONG IIANDELIknts, married during the summer. being sold for h"C dollars.Russell Stapp, '12, was married to The schedule will bc about as fol-Eva Lorenc Thompson, ex,'14, on lows:J uIy _'0 at Rockiord. The Stapps are Autumn 1912-Fivc football gamcs.making Chi('aso thcir ho'me and it is Season ticket for tennis1'l1t1lorcll that "Dusty" is running a 'Vinter 1913-Six to eight hasketbatlInstructors Huth and Hoffer of the CLAIMFaculty Also Married-TwoEngagements Announced. FORTY,SEVEN BOOKSJulius Is Your BarberSanitary Shop - Three ChairsOne-Day Laundry Service.l0031f! East 55th Street.JOSEPH SCHMIDT Season Tickets WiD be Sold Only toCard Holders.Forty-sevcn of the athletic ticketRichard Carle-Hattie Williams . . .THE GIRL FROM MONTMARTREI Statlonery, Toilet A�lc1es..., Fine Line of CandiesIlldlldtll� 1. lL Earric's DurIcsque 6 E� , 95 . 55th Street. Chicago, IIIl)roblcm 1)1:1'1.A Sl.ICE OF LIFELASALLETHE GIRL AT THE GATETHE TYPEWRITI:-.JG OFFICEBasement of Cobb HalL Imported and Domestic Line ofCiears and Cigarettes..Tulius CooperTHE UNIVERSITY TAILORI I 26 East Fifty_Fifth Street.A ny Suit or Overcoat in the housemade to order, $18.00 games.nid,d sh.)w. Benton L Moycr. ex,'12,ma rried :\1 iss Lottie Boyle in Septem­her in ��ln Benito, Texas. EdwardLl'ycl.>p llc Bride. A, ll. '0<), married:\Ii:,s I kloisc Chandler of Philade1' meets.I,h;:. ill l':lliiMnia under the free love Spring 191.�- Tell to twelve has�ban1.lan, games. Two three indoorortrack meets.Two or three swimminltUniversity Wri1!r �-- �tMovement Baa Ai�'�' �t,_�.velopmcnt �f Bo�A!1"": __:'isters Un4ers�d �1�4 .I n cultivating the pioneer virtu��and in promoting health, efticien.cy'�bood citizenship, nature stud,.; a�clhumane ideals, no movement for boyS'has ever held such promise �s ,h�Boy Scout movement. S��� is rhestatement made by Associate Profes­sor Allan Hoben of the: (Jep�tpl,_�J 9�Practical Theology in "The Ministerand the Roy:' one of the most recentPress publications.Considering the boy as the sourceof the future generation and �� s��� ,deserving of special attention at thehands oi the clergy, the J>Qok is �!p'g�r-ated as a handbook for churchmenengaged in work with boys. Thevolume attempts to quicken ministers'appreciation of boys. It is intendedto stimulate study of them and sug­gests a few ways by which the min­ister may get hold of them.Must Know Boyhood."If the minister is to do intelIige�t :.I' ..Some of the suggestions have' beenthe Union church of Waupun, Wis­consin. Attention is called to tJae"facfthat in our large cities the�� is grow_ .ing up a generation of �Oys who fJlor·ally can not discern "between ·thekright hand and their left h&nd."Tells of �,. leO.A gr�at deal of stress is laid on ·theBoy Scout moveme'nt and' at the endof a chapter entitled 'AThe ChurchBoy's Club," the form of a constitu'tion and ritual for the Waupun Wig­wam is given. The promise in the BoyScout m01'ement will � -realized, ac­cording to Dr. Hoben, if �ou( ��ters in proper number and quality' canbc secured. I t is here again. he statesthat the gauntlet is throWD at the doorof the church and the 'ch�lIenge is tohcr manhood of tomorro",.(Continued from page ODe)dub, Faculty Exchange, Box J..!8.Look for � �"The sa� of leats �as not been vcJyrapid in the one �y that they havet)een placed 011 sale," said ManagerI!efferan last nigbL "'However, sev­eral of the campus organizations �a.�e.made arrange.ents to secure reser­\ ations, and. in face of the fact th_atC\"eryon'.: is occupicd with the start­in� of the quarter, we are n'ot readyTwo or thrc(' ouhtoorto he discoura�d yet!'track meets.AnnualThl' engagement of Ressic Schu'11ladler. ex-·13. to Mr. Casril H.l::lrnar,l was announcl'ct recently. Thet'l;�a;.!""llll'lit oi Glenn Rohcrt$. "1.2. to:\! i�� .\ l1l�t'hdll' Galtl'ar has also heen;:l1n"tlncnl�(ripl: I.' b.lndk�Il'll":-!r;ljlhy: 1"t'il c11l;l r:,. t'I('.It yllll .ltt' llt"\\ ,,1. "'\ ','''",,' \\'l''.j \,',',','.'.', ,·l···.�;:.!."l.·l�I:"l;ld !11' :-:bd ;" .,,', ,'" \ , Season ticket for tl'nni!'.Intl"rschola�tic MAROON HATS WILLBE SOLD TOIIORROWEXPECT LAllGE .�,FOR THE STOM/"Cil'S SAKEGreenwood CafeI35i E. 55th Street. L'nit)n lladc. ll1('et.Maroon and -white rooter's hats willbe placed on sale at the gymnasia,mtomorrow morning. 350 of tbc ba.tshave been ordered and it is expcc�edthat a larger supply win be neede4.The hats ior tlse men will be mar�nWIth a white band, while those for thewomen will be made of white with amaroon band. Those who wish' thehats have bc�n asJced to appl,. �ly,as the supply will probabl,. be e ....hausted in a �hort time.\\ t' President Returns Today.Professor Sargent Is Absent. 1 . 1 t ' E I t'l'rc:,idl'nt Judson win return today c ('nt 111 t le ('part1lll'nt 01 '_I \lca Ionl'rl,it':,�,'r \\'altl'r �argl'llt. of the I ha!' hel'n al)nointl'd nr('�ic1cnt of theJr"1ll a trip in thc Ea!'t. mportant ." ,.,kp;'fln:l'nt pi E,hlt'ati"n is t .... 1'1' ah' C" " 1 I I 'I 1 111'hl:,inl's .. prc\"l'ntl'(l his returnin:;; for :"tatc .,,")rma sc 100 at -' a(,om l. 1-�l'lll during I Ill' .. \\lI\1111n CJ\1:\rh'r wl,lill" nOl'C;: he 0pt'lilllg .1ays. �.i "I:�a�nl in painting :It his i,)rllll'r11�;\1llt' it,' Z'\,)rth Scituate, �las!':\('hu­j :" l'f I <:. Student Heads Normal SchoolF�l1ow Goes to Orecon. Pennsylvania-L 0" i .. Shotrid�<.'F. C. ,\yer�. a �raduate fr110w last chid of the Chilkat divi!'ion (If thl'�'l':lr 11a:- g-on(' to the t·ni'\'crsity of Tlin�t tribe of Indian!' in :\lasl;3, isenrolll"d in the \\'harton school atChinese 1'.1tr()nizc onr a(h·�rt;ser!:. They are Oregon a� tht' h('ad of it� departmentAmerican the most pr0arc!'si\'e business mcn. ni Education. Pl"nnsylnnia this year.