.. , ..'_., . � ,A' _ _,.......,.__ __ " - .- - - - ,. .. ••. marttonUBRARY'DEDICAnON. AnRACTS EDUCAT(J tS_'--Most of Important American. t p-versities Will BeDd Prominen1 �Paculty �embers. � CONTRIBUTIONSAre in order forJIIiMY TWOHIG"Send Jimmy to Sweden"V�NO.l54.· PRICE FIVE CENTS.UNIVERSITY OP CHICAGO, SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 1912.I�l1, Minnesota won the conference ten­TO PROVIDE JtI.ANY .. GUIDES nis doubles yesterday afternoon. (Ie­fearing Chicago' three out of four sets,Fa.cul� Members. Younger Al� • the scores being 6-t. 6-3. 6-3. Minne­sota was represented by J. J. Arul-.Library Staff, and Students Will .strong and S. :\1. Stellwagen and Chi-Show New Building. cago by A. L. Green and A. }I. Squair.___ The match was well played by bothFrom the two hundred and fift�:-five sides but the Chicago team seemedimportant universities invited to parti- ·0 fall down during the third set andcipate. in the dedication of the Har- did not come back. The individualper 'Memorial library , responses are at- playing was excellent, the honors go­ready coming in. In spite of the fact ing to Armstrong and Green.that the dedication falls within the Armstrong and Squair will play theusual commencement season, so that finals in the singles on the courtsmany' institutions cannot be 'repre- north of the Law library at 3 today.seated by their-presidents, indications Judging frOID Armstrong's showingat present are that important repre- ,yesterday the contest will be close.sentatives will come from most of the Thursday·s Summaries.invited universities. Up ito the pres- .All of the matches in the doublesent the following have accepted: and singles' excepting the finals were,. Those�Who Have A� played Thursday. The summariesChancellor ·S� .. B. 'McCormick, 'Uni-' .follow: ",versity ofPittsburg�' ' Doubl�r�en and Squair, Chica-President john H •. Finley, The Cot- go. vs, Ingersoll and Loehr, Illinois.'Iege of the City of New York.' Chicago won 6-0, 6-3, 6-2.Presidcnt Thomas. C. Howe, Butler Hinckley and M'axOD, 'Wisconsin,College, Indianapolis. vs. Armstrong and Stellwagen, Min-•Plrof. Stanl�y Coulter, Ph. D., nesota. Minnesota won 6-t� 6-3� �1.L�� D., Dean of the School of _5ci- Singles-Preliminaries: Armstrong,ence, lIinne�ota, vs. Karkow, Illinois. Ann-Pres·ident· John W. Cavanaugh, strong won 6-0., 6:-2., ,Green, Chicago,C. S. C., D. D., UniTersity, of Notre vs. Hinckley, \Visconsin. Green wonDame, Notre Dame; Incbana.·.. 6-4, 6-3.� StellwaJen, �Minnesota, .vs,, Mr. James T. Gerould, Librariaa, Cquair, Chicago. �quair won 6-0. 7-5.U�iyersity of ,Minnesota. , . Atkinson, Illinois, "s.' :Maxon, Wis-, .lIr�,W�_�_J;'D'!i.!os,- ��;: _ c�on§i�,.:,�il?9n WOI! �2, 6-1., " \Ind�a '9!1iveisity,: BtooiningtOD, .1n-' . -selDi�A�stroni�' Minnes�'diaDa. ' ', .ta. vs. Green, Chicago. ArmstrongThe Rev;�Dr. John Webster Melody, WOD' 6-3. 7-5, 7-5. Squair, Chicago,The Catholi� UniverSIty of America, vs.' Atkinson, I1inois.. Squai� �ODWashingto� D. C.' �I, � 6-0. Finals bf!'tween Squair• Mr. J. E., Brown. ,'!V'est Virginia and A�strong will be played today.University. 'Peof. Charlotte. Mendell Leavi�Washburn College, Topeka,-Kan5a& CAP AND ,GOWN wILL BEPresidcnt J�hn' 'HoWard "'Harris, PUT ON' SALE TODAYBucknell Uni�ersity, Lewisburg, Pa.Prof. Frank C. ·Brown, Trinity CoI- Annuals Kay Be Secured Ia Cobblege, Durham. N. C. After Presentation to Ryerson atThee. W. Koch, Librarian, Univer- the· Seuior Cbapel Exercises.sity CIf Michigan.George William 'Harri� �ibrarian,Cornell University.Walter McMinn Smith, Universityof Wisconsin.Booker . T .. Washington, TuskogeeNormal and 'Industrial Institute, TU5-kee Institute, Alabama.Rev. A. J. Garvy, Loyola Univer­sity.Dcan N. A. Brcnnan, Univ�rsity ofNorth Dakota. 'Dr. A. Carver William1;'; Presidento� the Alumni Association of theNorthwest, Western Reserve Univer­sity.Charles Sumner Holt, Trustee ofWilliams college.Samuel L. Felton, MassachusettsT nstitute of Technology.Guides to AsSist.Tn order to handle the large crowdex·pected at the convocation reception.Monday night, June 10, some twohundred guides will assist the mar­�hals and aides. These guides will be�elected from the faculty, the youngeralumni, thc library staff and students.It wm be the duty of these guides tolearn the ins and oats of the HarperMemorial library, so'that they can atonce answer questions concerning tbebuilding and guide guests to placessougbt.Receift IDStr1Ictioa Nest Week.In order to acquaint the guideswith tbe facts necessary for them toknow, there will be issued to them thenew hand book of the library Cl.nd ad-(Continued on � 4) Lafayette. Ind., May 3t.-Triaheats in the 440 yard run were heldtoday. The summaries follow:First heat-Won by Goose, IndianaDavenport. Chicago, second; SandersItlinois, third. Time, :522-5.Second hcat-Won ·by ·Merman:\Iissouri; Hunter, Illinois, second;Cortis, Illinois, third. Time, :61. ·Defeats Purdue In LaSt Conference _'Baseball Contest of SeasOn at La Western Conference Jleeu. ' .:Fayette-Hroda' PitcheS Splendid 1894-C rf ., .Game.. ' a I or!lla ., ..........•... 35 .189�hicago � .. ' �. :55-'"--- --- 1896-Wisconsin .• . ..•.... ·40Previously aclmowledged $196.60 La Fayette, Ind., llay 3t.-Taking 1897-Wisconsin " 46Mr. Page _........... 5.00 the lead in the first inning. Chicago t89�Michigan, � " .• 70,The Sigma Club �.. . • . . . . . . . • . 5.00 . "retained it to the end,' in 'the last ' l�icago .•••••••.....•. '. : A9IIr.Bickham ..... .•.......•... 1.00 'game of the season here' today, de- . 1900--Michigan ..•. ";;�"" .•... �.31" -Mr. Stagg ..............•.... ,. 25.00 ,feating Purdue, 5 to 2. The Chicago 1901.:._Michigan ..... :'�. .;' ...•..• 3& 'Chi Psi •.•......•••••.•••. •.. 10.00 .. men outplayed their opponents, Pur- 1902-Michigan •••.••..••.•.••.• 36 «: rKappa Sigma •.•••••••.•••••• 10.00, due playing listlessly. For. ,Captain 1903--3ficlrigan .•••. � 4J 'cDelta Upsilon ..•.• _.......... 10.00 Summy, Seabald,· and Miles" it was- I�Kichipa.- •• : •• -.�.' ••• - •• � .__,,--wubingtoD :Hoase " . .. . . . . . . . . 5.00 their last .eollege game. , .. )9OS-ChiCago •••• - • � � .' .••• � ••• �: '.SDdl �' •..•..•.••••...•• _.. 2.75 The- visitors scored in· the "second , ':l�,)(ichipD •• ••. ;.�- ••.• :.��.Q4-5, . .-Hil'a tk Haii.:: 7.�.·u .-.-.'";7. ,;,;-,,'�":_3.-5&- . 011 .a�p¥s..4Jl.mQi:.ia...fieI�-bG.at- �.�::::: :::�: :·�'�i·:::-:::- :31-',,----'_1Sicia& "AJpha��0Il .. '••••• ., 10.00 I .'and a single by'.B�yle:: I�' the s�ve�th . ;.9(B..:;:Oiicaicr;.= .:�;::-:-::::-:;X;'. �+� .. -#.- ..,� Nu· .. -�:: .: •• � �.'.�: � •• _ .: -�o.oo- '-they ,adde'd-foul:m�'r�--by-:Jiiiiliig:-th�--: 'I�IUiDou.:�: •• -�,� ••••:�� •.•• ;-,�36 :�';.'.':�:, ,.-,-': .. �,:,'I,_,�"�;�'-!.',�,�,!_,.�;:,.• �,·�,�:.,',,�·�Phi Kappa Psi • ;' .• '•••.••• �... 10.00' ball hard aDd getting. the boilermakers-' .1910-StaDford-No.tr� 'Dame '-' ••• 17 , ' -,' i�1liDGr"'c_ RQcroft lIemorial badly rat"tled.·:;Purdue:'·raUied·:in"the' '1911�MissOuri ... - •• �.•• '.-�.'�': •• 3S:: '." .. ,', ... :;�:��. Flmd Batance • � ....... '••• : • 2.50 eighth : 'aDd' - Lieb'r's" hit', s'cored; twti � Heccria. "I -, t:,)}-�llalcolm ·WJ'Ckotf ..•••••••.••. ' 1.00 ruDS in thc ninth.' Summy and Sea- . I�yaid dash, 9�5s."";"W. w. )(aj/�' :,�\ �:�$�H. C. GiIfont· � •...••••• -••••••• 'LOO bald hit safely bnt· the gold a'nd' black 1907, 19(8, Illinois. ", ' �"',' '! '.; , '; : ', ••• �L. A. HopkiDs .•. � •..••..•.. � 1.00 could not score. . . Z!).yard � 21 3-5s.-Archie'· ',' , ' :��'.:"�Phi Delta Tbeta ....•.•. . . . . . . 10..00 Hroda pitchcd a splendid game for 'H�� 1903, )(� :. ... '. ',:,·:," .. '-.:.:�::,_,,��,�',·�_..:'.': .."���'.:I·"��.�l'ti,f.\t,'Sigma . Chi . . . . . • . • • • • • • • • • . • 10.00 Chicago� . �yard dash, -t8 4-5s.-I. N. Da� ;�� :�LiDcoln Boase ..... ;. .• � ..• ; .. '8.50 Box Score. enort, 1910, Chicago. : ...Score Club ..•.........••...• 10.00 Chicago R H P A E 8IO-yard run, 4in, 20 4-5s.-A.: p. ' ,:":>;?t;.1Foster BaD ••••....••••...••. 3.26 Catron, cf ..••..••.•• 2 2 0 0 0 Baker, 1910, OberliD. .' �'J;::�Dr. Rhodes •.......••••.••••. 1.00 Baird, ss. ...........• 1 2 2 I 1 Two-mile run, 8m. 5Os.-A. ·F. Ba ..- �� '-��F. II. Horton � .. . . . . 1.00 Boyle,. 3b ..........•. 1- 2 3 2 0 ker, 1910, Oberlin; Steele, 1911, iii.. ' '::.<S�Saudfonl SeDers· .. . . . . . . . • . . . 1.00 Roberts, 2b ... � '. • . • •. 0 l' 1 S 1 souri , '� .- 'r.II. C. lleigs .........••••...• 1.00 Norgren, Ib ......•... 1 1 9 0 0 120-yard hurdl� 15 2-5s.-]� C. ",.C. W. RuueU ...•..•• ••••••• 1.00 Freeman, If : ·0 0 0 0 0 Garrels, 1906. Michigan; F. Smithson._ ,,:.-iII. F. Carpenter .......••..•.. 5.00 Hunter, If 0 1 I 0 0 1907, Notre Dame. ., :':,:�J� II. Sheldon .........•••... 3.00 Teic:hgraeber, rf 0 2 0 0 0 22O-yard hnrdles, 2Ss.--s. Poage, , :' �W. J. Boone ...........•... 1.50 Mann. c 0 0 11 0 0 I�, Wisconsin.' ..Don Abbott ..........•..•..•. 1.00 Hruda, p. . 0 O· 0 3 1 unning 'high julllP, 6 ft. 5-8 in. :.7-P. S. ADm' •..........•••••.. 1.00 _ _ _ _ _ W. F.rcnch, 1910, Kansas.R. II. Webster •...•...•.•.•. 1.00 Totals 5 11 27 11 3 F Running broad jump, 23 ft. 1 in.Hany J. Schott .............• 1.00 P red Allen, 1911, California.Walter S. Rogers .•.......••. 1.00 W urdue R H P A EO. S Pole vault, 12 ft. 4 7-8 in.-LR. Y. Rowe ......••..•.•.•.• 1 00 ea¥r, rf 0 I 1 0 amse, 1906, Indiana.Fred Bandy ...•...•..•••.... 1:00 Slliles, 3b 0 1 4 0 0 1904Shot put, 47 ft. 1-4 in.-'Ralph Rose.IIu Rhode 1 00 ummy, cf •.......•.• 0 3 2 0 0 , Michigan..........••..... • S D .Phi Delta Kappa 5.00 Geabald, c I 2 9 0 1G iscus throw, 140 ft. 2 3-8 in.-J. C.Lees Ballinger ...•..........• 1.00 H eorge, �s 0 0 I 2 0 a;;cls, 1905. Michigan.G. Foss ..••........••......•• 5.00 K anna, I . . . . . . . . . . .. I 0 2 0 0T ammer throw, 157 ft. 1 in.-H. L.Greenwood Hall 3.00 elly, Ib 0 I 4 0 3 bomas, 1904, Purdue.Green Hall � : : : : :: : : : : : : 4.52 iichr, 2b 0 2 3 2 0 Relay Cracc, 3m. 9s.-Illinois, 1909.Messrs. White, Hoffer, Johnson . ylens, p 0 () 1 0 0 ompetitors on HaneLand Long .........••......• 4.00 Totals - - - - - �he. attcntion of thc cntire westernNorman Baldwin .........••. 1.00 . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 10 27 4 4 �o f egJate �orld is focused today onPaal Bennett ..... . . . . .. . . . . . . 1.00 Chicago . . . . .. 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0-5 a ayeI tte, fndiana, where the twelfthWomen's Athletic Association. 10.00 P annua con erence track meet will beP'd J cIso urdue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0-2 held. The teams representing- 22 imresa ent g n. . . . • . . . . . . . 10.00A. W. Clark. . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 1.00 Stolen bases - Mil('�. Summy, portant western colleges and unl\"c.siNonh Hall 6.90 Baird, Teil.':hgraeber. Two-base hits ties, lia� arrived at the scene oj theHenry B. Slack ...••..... . . 1.00 -Liebr, Scabald. Three'base hits- meet. '1';'1 cbarl}: two hundred competiD J E. 'D __ � I. Tcichgraeber. Home: runs-Catron. tors WI e on hand for the crack ofr.. �",avlt.. . . . . . . . . . 2.00 the pI'stol for the l00-"·ard d"sh.Hits made-By Hruda 10; by Eylen J ...Total .•...•.•••.•...••..... $434.03 9. Struck out-By Eylcn 4; by H rudat With SU�lhl a classy field of competi1. Hit by pitcher-Seabald. .Time o:'s as WI start today, it is practi-of game-2:05. Umpire-Meyer. catty impossible to predict with anydcgree of certainty the winner of themeet. The choice seems :0 He between ,Yissouri, California, Illinois.and Chicago, witb the dope favoringthe first two teams. It looks as(ContiDued on page 2), .. SPECL-\L� � .............• WESTERN TEAMS TOCOMPETE TODAY INCONFERENCE MEETCbicago TeDDia. Playn Wall Take OnMinnesota Man In F"mal SinglesToday - Minnesota Wins in theDoubleS. HONOR MOVEMENT�ilri and California Stand OutAs Leaders In Today's Meet,With Dlinois and ChicagoClosely Behind ..The atmosphere of the Universityof Chicago is a distinct incentive to. the highest and best in everything.The ideals of our Alma Mater, herworld-Wide reputation. her faculty, herbuildings and her campus are incom­p�rable and the o� envy of manyAmerican universitiett, The very se­cret of her existence lies in the factthat she should do nerything betterthan any other institution can do.AU of these things blend into ourmotto, "For Chicago, I Will!"'Now, is it not right that the studentbody, and every member thereof,should take cognizance of this, and. should conscientiously endeavor to "fit in" with the spirit and ideals ofour University? I ask this question:Is this not right? I think you winadmit that it is. Then,11 say. that themost �ortant step in this direction. is for' every man and woman to back, the "Honor Movement," individuallyand collectively. You owe it to yourUniv.:-rsitY to create and maintainsuch a sentiment, but how much more. do you owe it to yourself! Your owncharacter and the development of itshould mean more to you than any­thing else. Clearly; then, you cannotpass this question up.,ROBERT W. BAIRD. CHICAGO HOPES FOR TBIBDStuart· Field at Purdue University Isin First-Class Condition-BigField of Starters Readyfor Opening Gun.WILL SOOK OOltlPLB'l'B 1'mID,President Judso� Dr.-Raycroft', W. A.Ii.. North Han. and Four OthersContributing Raise Jimmy TwohigFuDd to $434.03. CHICAGO TAKES 5 - 2 GAJrIBThe Cap and Gown will be outTuesday. The business managers of-.ficiall)' annonnced yest�rday thatsenn hundred and fifty copies of theannual witt be placed on sale in Cobb'at 11.llost of these books have becn al­ready subscribed for but a numbcrmay be secured by early applicatJonTuesday. Those who paid theirmoriey in advance witt get moroccobound books, while all others willhave to be content with the regularmaroon and black binding at $2.50.A few morocco books will be onsale for $3.The presentation of the book toMartin A. Ryerson •• to whom it I!dedicated, will take place' in Seniorchapel, Tuesday. June 4. Immediate­ly afterward the edition 'will be placedon sale for the first time.The editors and managcrs for nextyear ha'·e not yet been choscn. \Vil­liard Dickerson, Thomas Coleman.Ralph Stansbury. and Earl Shiltonare in the race for the position ofbusiness manag·ers. I t is not yetdefinitely known who will run formanaging editor.This year's Cap and Gown willcontain 1300 half-tones in the S28pages comprising the volume. Thcrewill also be 254 Senior pictures, 8colored inserts, and Freshmen, Soph­omore and Junior class pictures. Allthrough the book will appear draw­ings by George Lyman, GenevaHolmes, John Burtt, and JosephineKern. President Judson Contributea..Since Wednesday nearly thirty­three dollars have been added to theJimmy Twohig fand. President Jud­son contributed ttn, the Women's Council to Hold FiDaI lleeting.The U ndcrgraduate council willhold its final meeting of the quarterMonday at 10:30 in the council cham­ber, Cobb ISB.(Continued on page 4) :':'",''':,".:.�-, ",.,... . ;;"'�: \�.......... '-... :','1�: ., - , ""...,! ... . '• • A ,I,TJi :'oAiLi MAROON'TIle � S_�t R� oftile :UDiYenity' of 'CbiCac�"Fo�ncied October '1. 1902.,, Formerly'TIle. UDivenitJ; of CbkAco WeeklyFoamded,October ,I. 1892.Publish�d daily except Sundays, Mon­days and Holidays -(luring threequarters of the University year.Entered a� Second-class mail at theChicago Post, Office, Chicago, lIIi-'nois, March 18, 1908, under Act of-March '3, J 873.� •• 'I'IIcBlro7 Pub. Co. Prea. G21J � Groft'-THE STAFFW. J. Foute :Managing Editor·H. L. Kennicott News EditorAssociate EditorsD. L. Breed Leon StolzW. H. Lyman B. W. VinisskyG. W.'Cottingham C. S� DunhamJ. B.' Perlee.ReportersH. S. Gorgas M. S. BreckinridgeH. A. Lollesgard C. E. WatkinsW. B. Crawford G. S. LvmanF. 1.. Hutsler·Women's EditorSarah ReinwaldWomen ReportersGrace Hotchkiss Lillian SwawiteAugus� S�awite Dorothy WillistonsUbscription RatesBy Carrier, $2.50 p�r yea�; $1.00 perquarter, ,City. mail, $1.25 per quar­terj $3.00 per year in advance.News, contributions may be left inEllis Hall or Faculty Exchange, ad­dressed to The 'Daily Maroon ."EDITORIAL ."".'-' ,,• I '. '11 '..'1'HE DAILY IIAiU)ON, . SATURDAY. JUNE 1. 1912... ,,' .... ',,:�� :,�, ,,\.'" ��BuIletin:.aod .. A:nnbubcements ":.; '.. .c: - ,.f �./ . -" ,"'". '�� ..... "... ,:,� r�·tt .' ,. .� . -; t.. l .' \.,���lcV �T�p to state",-Pe'D:i- .:. : CbijteI._.,< �1�The Divinity'>(en�iary .at Joliet. �y.' ,Ce.av�;·Cobb' �.school�;.WedDc!ulaY �lt' 10:30- in 'Ra�'ball at 8:30. .. . 'kell' asselD.blY room." Dean lfathewswill speak. . ....* ..... � ... -., .' ,'Kent Chemical SocietY Amiual Out- .inc. ' Leave Ke'nt at 3:45 today..-. __. Cosmopolitan Club will hold Rus­sian 'night' and annual election tonightin Ellis 18. 'University Religious Service-TheReverend Professor G. A. JohnstonRoss. '0.0., will preach tomorrow at11 in' Leon lfandel assembly hall.Undergraduate Council final meet­ing will be held in Cobb ISH at 10:30Monday.Bible Reading Contest for the MiloP. Jewett prize and Divinity, schoolfinals, will be held :'\Ionday at 8 inHaskell assembly room.Chapel Assemblies-- The Senior col. .leges will hold 'their closing class ex­ercises at 10:30'Tuesday in Leon Man­del assembly hall. The College ofEducation wiII meet in 214 EmmonsBlaine hU.Senior Class Day Co�ttee willmeet Tuesday at 2 in Cobb 9B.Freshman,.Bueball aud� Track Pic-"ture will be tak�n Tuesday at 3,;,10.Botanical Club will meet Tuesday'· at '4:15 . in 13 Botany_ building .Student Volunteer Band will meetTuesday at 7:1'5 in Lexington.Christian Science Society will holdits regular monthly meeting Tuesdayat 7:30 in Lexington 14. The Uni­versjty public is invited .Semitic' Club .' will meet. Tuesday at8 in . Haskell 26. Professor B. A.Green will read a paper on "The Old_ Testament and Preachings."" �hi�go will be represented in the.conference meet .at Purdue today b�,'a smal1 ,team of' good' men. .While., . WESTERN,�S COMPETEnumbers in.' any track I� �HE CONFERENC;E MEETmeet go a long" way,Conference quality c�unts most in'the conferc:nce. Chi=a�ois la�king in n�mbers, relatively.speaking, but pre-elllin�nt �n, quality,and b�cked 'by the expression of hopefrom every Chicago student.The Daily Maroon takes this op­port�nity of expressing pride in themen who have upheld the track hon­ors of the University for the past sea.;.son, and especially in those whosecompetition today will close careersfor Chicago - Captain Davenport.Menaul. Coyle, Rademacher, andBaird. .colI.mna TIONS.(Note-The Daily Maroon is at alltimes willing to publis,h lettet:s fromUniversity people, providing suchletters seem purposeful and likely tobe of general interest. Each lettermu.t be signed, but the author'. iden­tity will be withheld if he desires.Anonymous communications will notbe noticed.-The Editor.]Editor Thc Daily Maroon:. .The Counselor movcment WIIJ ;11�1in keeping up thc {;ni\·crsity tra(l1-. . d Cllctom" I f a Frc�hmanhans an ,.. ".ic: made to feel at the heginnmg of· thc�:ear that thi� I:' a place nO.t wh�llYgiven o,ocr to work she WIll enJoythe work more ana look forwa�d tothe colJegc �\'cnts with greater mt�r­cst and pleasure. It is only hy 10-,•• g' " re\'crence for the customsspltm ..of a Uni\·ersity that the customs can. d and thc Freshman yearbe presene •is the oest �:me to do it. A few hours. h 'ntcrested upper class womanWit an I • willat the beginning of the first }.ear ..go a long way in helping this, spmtA. I. S.along..._ '.. "" Yo� WOmeD'. Christian Lcacue",,·ill .. meet at lO:30.Wednesday in Lex- .ington hall.Junior Clua Meeting Wednesday inKent ?O. Important.�ol' Party and Picnic Supper\V ednesday from 3:30 to 8 in Jacksonpark. Sign up' early for your con­tributions.Y. M. C. A. meeting Wednesday at10:30 in Y. M. C. :\. office in Cobb.Chapel' Assembly-C!ass exercisesof the Junior colleges. men and wo­men at 1O:3? Thursday.W. A. A. Banquet Thursday in Lex­ington gymnasium.Religious Education Club will meetThursday at -8 at Professor Soares's"residence, '5548 Lexington, avenue.The Reverend C. W. Gilkey will givethe report oi the committee on moraland religious education.Junior -College Day...;._Friday. Jun­ior classes �wi1l not meet on this dayand Senior classes will not meet' on,Monday, June 10.,Mathematical Clnb-:'\fr, C. T. SuI.."livan will speak on "Properties ofSurfaces \Vhose Asymptotic LinesBelong to Linear Complexes," Frieiayat '4:30 in Ryerson 37:'. Interclass Hop June i.Interscholastic Fobs on sale at thebonk store and Reynolds club. 20, cents, .".Hom;ing Bureau-Roorils . for the.Summer quarter should heIisted withMiss Robinson hef�re June ,�'.:'f" .'(Continued from page 1)· though al points would be enough towin the meet, and anyone of these• teams ought to be able. to. amass thatnumber of points.' . 'Da\'enport is looked to for a newrecord in either the 440 or�. Heholds the conference record in th«:seevents at the present time, 'but wishesto lower his ()wn marks. Nicholson,of Missouri. and Case. of 'Illinois, arclooked to for new marks in the hur­dles. The great number of competi­tors ill the mile, two mile and high. jump may bring about a new recordin those e\·ents. There ha\-e been noperformances in the weif1hts to justifythe prediction that any new markswill be made today,Chicago"s Chances.Chicago stands little chance of get­ting better than third or fourth. l{is­souri has a te30l of veterans. which ispractical1y the same a� the one that\\"on the conference last year. \.:ali·iornia i� rateei as having a strongteam. which will push Missouri to thelimit. Illinois and Chicago. h�wever,arc expeC"tcd to tl�ht it ont for thirdplace.Davenport is practically sure to giveChicago ten point� in the 440 and 880-yard run!'. The!'e are the only poi.t�that Chicago is !'ure to get, Menaulwill probably ta�e thirei in !hc sl10tput. Fletcher. of X orlhwcstern. aneiThatcher. of Missouri. have the cal1 'on the first' and second places. It isdoubtful whether Chicago will get aplace in the high jump. }leeson. ofCalifornia. has consistently done6 feet 4 inches in thi!'! event, whileXicholson won the high jump 135tyear. \Vahl, of \Visconsin. andFrench. of Kansas. are good for sixfeet or better.... '.: ! ...... If. ,,� <t.,'.,,' ... Result.;in H�es..Kuh will probably run third to�icholson and Case in. the hurdles.Both of these men have negotiated the'sticks, in :15 2-5, while Kub's bestmark is : 15 4:-5. Bishop is a 'darkhorse, upon whom the Chicago root­ers pin their hopes for a third orfourth in ,the two-mile. The men en­tered in this event are. among thehest in the country, but Bishop hasshown class jn the meets that he hascompeted in this year, and will prov�a tbngerous 'contender today. .Besides a 'second in the relay race. 'Chicago does not seem to ha,'e achance to score any more points ..The results of the' conference meetwill be announced this afternoon onMarshall Field in connection with the.Cook County high .school track meet.The resulrts wil1 be announced as soonas they are received from Lafayette.Lafayette. Ind.. :'\(ay 3l.-Thetwelfth annual conference track andfield meet will he held this afternoonon Stuart �e1d. Lafayette. Indiana.un.:::r "lhe ausp� es of Purdue Univer­sity. It is the first time in the his-,tory of conferenct' athletics that themeet has hee'n held on Indiana soil.ancl the entire Hoo:,ier state is await­in� anxiously the results of the initia­tion into the track history of thecountry,Outlook Is Good.The outlook is unu�ually good foron� of the most successful undertak­inJl:' e\'cr recordcei. Stuart fidei is in),etter C"ondition than ever hdore anein� time or money has he en 5par��1 inmaking the cinder track the very fast­est of its kind in the entire UnitedState!'. A corps of men lPa\'e beenhusy daily sprinkling anct' rolling thetrack. until at the present time it isabout as perfect as it is possible tomake it. Every mcmber -of the vi�t­ing teams has spoken highly of theunusual speed it affords, and it ap-I •. ' ... _ ! :;.� ..... �; �;_....... -" -.:.:. I, •7' � s : �":'. t. ...The. /I.���peiy . English, .Lo��ging , Suit" and t/J'e'"Golfer" are' the twospecial things that.are �t­,tractmg the.. U. of C.men to 'thfs s tor e ,They're' "ready service". and are "liningless" and"no pad.·· A specialoffering today an� $25next week at .' �It: .Warm weather: its timeII .. &� to shift c�othes. qrades",,' '"7 to $50. Every slZe.-ifever so .tall or stout.Flannel "O�ting.·Trous- $5 $'"6' &' $7'-ers," s p e c i a l ·yalues, , ..MOSSLER co.SPEND YOUR VACATION" ON AFI.nders Motorcycle$175 Inc to and·EcJl .. � Clllltch. 'W"__ ia two.epuate 2OO.iIiIe adiabiJdy_a.icqo..�_kee aad BcaoU,...S ... + ••BUELL AUTO CO. 62l:0�"I:t'::UED'on't be' M'isled !):�ou have: been told to avoid, bookselling as a vacation employment..The majority -of the college men who�J�ave tried it have no desire for a 'sec­ond experiment. _ They, have boughtouthts, assumed all risks and foundthe .work none' too pleasant. whilethe remuneration' has not been inproportion to the' energy expended. _It is wise to be guided by_ the ex­perience of others. but if you assumethat because these men -have failed atthe house to house type of canvass;they or you. would fail when present..:.ing, a special type of work 'to a def­inite list of prospects. you are mis-taken. . .',The Xe\\' Student's Reference Workis edited by' a body of th'e most emi":nent educators in the country� Itattracts immediate attention whenpresented to the teaching pUblic. Wehave under contract as salesmenscores of male teachers and principalsof this and neighboring states.We are not running an orphans·home. and hence do not care to em­ploy anyone under twenty-one yearsof age, but if. you are a cle�n-cut,vigorous man. ready to study hardand work harder under an experiencedmanager, we have the followingthings to offer you:(1 ) Transportation to the field ofwork.(2) :\ free outfit.(3) A liberal advance on commis­sion account.(4) Rest of .all. a fine opportunityto make a sum far in excess of whatyou can earn at almost any other oc­cupation. \Ve belie\'e in· our work,because we know from experiencethat our m.:n "make good."Call Xormal2223 and -make appoint­ment if you wish to investigate thisoffer.pears that some record5- are doomedto be 'hroken before the close of themeet.For the pa�t three ciay� athletes haveheen arriving from all over the coun­try. an(r every afternoon hundreds sof .stuclent� ha\'e lined_ the -htcachers,watching the visitors 'Working out orclocking them as they ran shortdashes anrl fast distance events.Every avaitable room at the hotelshas been engaged, and the people whohave been pouring in to witness t'hemeet have been housed throughoutthe student section in rooming houses,or have been guests of the fraterni­ties or clubs.(CoatiDaed OD paae 3) When thinking ofSHOES',0:;FRAMH·EIN.'SI'1002 ,E. 63rd StreetCLOSE IY � AVE.,PHONE MIDWAY 4805Woodiawn Trust& /Savings Bank•• "1. SIDY-� u.n. CIICIII./ A_UBABKDBPOBI'IOBY POBUIUi'BIi Ift'A'I'BB POIft'ALSAVIRGB P1JBD8 •The larg�/and oldestbank neareSt. to - tlle Univer­sity. AccoUnts of prole&­. sors an� �tudents solicited.Checking Accounts of $50.00aod Savings Accounts of $1.00accepted. /A COMPLETE UNE OF 1912Panama and Straw HatsSHANE'SClassy Hat ShopArm HABERDASHERY816 E •• t S��-thlrd 51.(Near Cottab� Grove) ,Nifty Style Straws. $2 values, $1.50Extra "alue Shirts, $1.50; Sale, 95cPrices cut ill',.11 good. at Shaa�.Formerly of State Street..,'.j • 0".. \-0TYP·E WRITERSOF ALL MAKESFor Real, SaIe.aDd·&chaDleA ;tIt,: 10 EUROPE· AND REtiiIII­As CIIeap as· a Vacatiln iR AIIIerica. Why .- zo- ftCIIIioa ia daiS coaaIIJ wbaa'_aa.·ID�"1Le .' .FR£NCrA� LI'N,E ,,-.for $45.00 to $70.00 (meaia 'aDd berib. •�. j� •0.. _ GIlLe __ � ud Twia Saew_ cI.a (II) abia -..ea ..w.. froaa New'y _. - s-d.Ja diIect ID. .BAVItB-PARIS. .�·I ................ StIlet, 0THE BEST DRESSED' liEN 'ATLAST YEAR'S ·.CONVOCATIONWORE KANDL SUITS. 'YOU'NEED ONE FOR TH�S. YEAR.PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW.M •. KANDLPhoues Hyde Park 370' and 371Midway Motor Livery. ',BIGB . GRADB AUTO.OBILBSFOR B1RE'At special Sat rates to StudeatsS429 WOODLAWN AVE.Chic:aIO·PATROIfID IlAltOO.ADVlttq;.-r..' 'I � • � .... . .. �., .... � .�.. .... ... ;, •. 'C." ""1(, ��WES1dN TEAKS COIIP� '.� ..r � 'IN' THE. CON'PERENCE �IIEET,. ij' ,,' . , .. .•(Continued Jrom page' 2) \Special," "'Sal�01---Suit Casesand BagsPriced at a Great SavingEVENINGS "WoodIawa·. Big Stole·,·THE*STAR· AGENTS'. FOR',' ',I •- -STANDARD.OPENImpOrte ..It Sa DO Ioa&v �. to JII7 aQ­.... Me tlOOl!JO,. for·. iII:udUd tnJe­� of &a7 IDUe. W. openta • __futOf7 .ben we· mab .... wItIa ...,pan.. tnewrlan of aD .c:udaftl ....... 4 are .ble to .ell tIMJm at 40 per ee.t te ''IS per eat leu tIaaD tile IDU�u.t prIeeL "Our m ..... ' .... are bOWIl tIaroaPoU tileC!01IDU7. tor tile blaIl at:aD4ard of won­lIlaulllp 'u4 De comp"'" wltIl widelltbe rebaBt .ork Is 40.... No s-IDa _opeD_ are apue4 to aaUe u.e. tnte­WItten 'ftr7 da.el7 approaell tile .,a.tDeW 0", III bet. tIIe7 wm slYe tile __eenlee .. DeW m ..... ' ....Our plaDt. eqlllpmeat aDd tofte of es»at The quarter-mile run will be theQpewtlter ............. are equal' to uao.e fit . feature race. with Captain Davenport,..... 7 Of tile. �rtee w ....... '�WItten are lIWIafaet1IIe4. � � of 'Chicago; Captain .Bermond, of Mris7f!Dab1e U, to 40 work .1deIl 7011 wIJl .... '.'• .With u Ie manelou. -. so uri ; Cortis and Sanders, of Ilhnois,.D��=-te:t:b=",�,,::=: and Blair, of Northwesternv.all run-en eo14 • 10" time qo are IItIJl � ning. Davenport will probably win WEDNESDAY::.=o� .enIee III aD �. of * the, event, 'but he wil! be.rorced to ex- \. Do Dot CODfue oar reballt· QI*w.ltIin . tend himself to the limit, and tike1,YWith tile odlDaf7 .eoDd-1IIuI4 or tile ....csl1e4 reb1ll1t m.""'''' oirenM1 "7'" to clip ooff a record in crossing the4eaJen. Oar m ...... _. laue all .... 4ta­.... tIed rtcJat 40" to tile rra........... tape first. Bermond finished second� .. a tIIrewa' � to' him last season, and :'l11inois ' men;I'eIndlt wtaa' ·1IIat8da1 "7 UIUecI wwk-' tween California, Illinois and Chicago.-:; oGer .eneena ... ,tJM.e . fwoIIHIee have been showingexcellent form this The CaliforniansTook like winners,tberetore our p .... fa .. eseIaIft season. wjth 'illinois and 'Missouri fighting itOar pr1ee8 c:aaMt. be eqaaDe4 . ..", , T.he half-mile will be another hard . .Call at· oar·..-roo ... a ... ..aQ D h ld '1 lout for second place, and Ch. rcago ISletten ..... �: ,. ' ' race. avenport s ou a so con-a ..'. .MJlea1l7. we ao aot. - flow 708" 'hi . 1 h h B' d '11 k a good third, WIth a possible chancedoni to pat oat IAIeIa .·ake Qawwiltliir ,_ t Is,·a t oug errnon WI ma e d h' .I" . bletIIIe'IDO� .. 4 wIaIa to tUak �,,, It." h- fi"h h'" d' -'f' h '. h I he' at. secon onors. t 1S noticea e. � "-"&IId ' ,._ �m.:-- � t�., ar .: or t :e: .ono�. r-;n:,t. �:. that m�ny of th'e records of the pres-..... _ .. Daa J.' t'eI'� ..-.�-!..;� , ..rrec�t '¥Issoun Valley confere'1ce .he·, .. 'f' h b "d' f� .. �.... I....... I" d -ff h d; . 1 57 ent con erence ave een stan ang ortaD twtee .1I&t·l· ... 'r. It.- ., c Ippe 0 t e Istance an :.. ' ' .'. . .' d' . Id 'b .w. ---an ., ow.- ........ '_,_ , Th . '1' 'th C .fIll". 'some years, an It 'Wou e no great.-- _ e ml e run, WI ope, 0 InOlS, ,. .... 'f h k�r ... w1D I8dI! Geihw7, - � -- "W d <d Cr bb f Cal'f -. surprase to see several 0 t ese hro enas-. Abject to .. - ........ _ ..... '00 s an a e, 0 I ornla; . . �If aut �.. -.. .M····· fOl' d" . 'Cal' .' f'P thiS alternoon.We aJ.. reDt 'lJ';illEN' Ia ......... orrlso�. 0 " n rana;· VlD, 0 . ar- . r 0 kC!OD4iUOD at a - � a.A:IW .,. d ·.F h f �. .. � d The entraes ,or the conference trac.ollG8 for .......... · .: j .r 0 �C:' �rq,.sa r, 0 .• me:», ,. n erson, meet 'follow':- W�1r. or all for brtIIer putInIaa. of Nebraska, and other, fast men en- l' d burdI' L' B b-• " '. OO-yar es-- eamang. us v,&_......:_- W.:.w- JIadPwe,-. Co. tered, Will 'be a close one, and the P d B M r r no'� a--A �� t " '. t. ' 'two.mile has�Such entries ,asWickham, . ur ue;. eec;on, ac Ie. � lornaa;.437�· ---'bom St. Te� �---:...;.-- ..- 'f� '�I··.'··f . '. W ·d··'· • d' 'c bb":' _l' Kuh Chicago: StunkaTd, Grassfield,a;, � �"IVV 0 r�lssoun; 00 e an ' ra e; 'Ot ' .Cal'f '. P tt f·Ka' Coe: A. Lancas:ter. Earlham; uss,·. I ornla,'. a erson, .. 0 '. nsas,. C h 0 'III" C .· Th' ',' �. "f 'T -th;;�. . 'd C .'. oster, Mat ers, anolS; rump,orsen, 0 ..... or we""ern, an . oped B II d f 1110. Th' Ransom, Korp. Iowa; Woodbury, Ha-an u ar ,0 mOIS. IS race .-h Id-' 0t C'R C· 1 '1 d' f W· _. zen. Perry. C. Woodbury, Kansas;::, ou go 0 • 0 eve an , 0 .1S-. . ..' T hconsin, who took. . second place last ::M�l1er �nox.; �Icholson, hatc er,season, ahho�gh \Vickham, .of llis- l_hssoura: �Plerce. Shaw, Schwartz,soori, has done it in 9:55 'this season, Northwestern.".'.'hich is faster'than la�t year's �onfer- loo..yardWdash-Lubker·C l�furr�y.'. Purdue: ood. Allen. a I ornla;ence winning �lme. Da'\'enport, Matthews. Chicago: Wil-Fast Hurdle Events. son. Stunkard. Co('; Cortis. Burke,The high hurdles will he a battle Stitzel. Wilson. IlHnois: Gabelman,royal between Case, of I11inoi. and Joslyn. Iowa: Stuckey. Davis. Wood-· Xicholson. of llissouri. Both men hury. Wilson, Kansas: Spink ... McLum­are. capable of 15 1-5 second� :ftld by. Mi�nesdta: \Valton. Kirksey. Kno­both have tied the world's record over hel. lfissouri; Racely. Christmas. May.the high sticks. Beeson has clipped \Vher.ry. Nehraska: Linn. Sehenk.)t oft' in 15 2-5 seconds. In the l()w Pierce. Blair. Xorthwestern.hurdles, Kirksey, of Missouri, looks Eatrants for'lIile.like a winner. 'He won last year andhas been undefeated - this season.Both Beeson and Metis!, of Califor­nia, are fast, while Strunkard, of Coe,Ezpert TailM ha$ been doing good wor� as wellas Stitzel and Case. of Illinois and1460 &,\ PIFrY - FlPTR STREET Kuh, of Chicago.North side of street, bet. Jefferson The high jump will be a hard fightand Washington Avenues. between llenaul. of Chicago; French,of Kansas: Beeson. of California;Xicliolson. of lfissouri: :\Iorrilt, ofIllinois. and J ohl1son. of \Visconsin.:\11 of these men have been doing sixfeet or hettero The shot put wiltp:-obahly lie hetween Fletcher, ofK�rthwestern: Menau}. or C11icago.and Thatcher. of llissouri. Thes{'men have put the shot over the 45foot mark consistently. The pole\'3ult �m go to Murphy. of Illinois,although Coyle, o(Chicago, and Vail,of California. will he runners up. 1 1Ii­noi$ i� also slated to win the relayrace. The other evetrts wilt be hardfought ones.,a.ace. for Victory.The chances for 1912 will lie be-. . �air Weather Prevaila.o·Fair weather bas: prevailed to date;and the outlook is excel1enr� It i.;sincerely hoped' 'by at, the conference, officials that there will be no heavywind blowing down the course thatwould make record breaking impos­sible, The speedway running 'fromthe north to the south is in the, direct T kline of most of the winds that pre-" r' u n sdominate in lhis season of the,'year, ,and on several occasions fast: time .', ' ,,'could not be recognized becaute of ,this "factor._ ,The trial heats in the quarter-mileyesterday afternoon rrarrowed thefield of 440 men down to the veryfastest. In the other, events, the fieldis likewise fast, and it is questionableif faster gTOUPS of athletes ever lined'up for any contest than those who.will face the starter in this afternoon'sr3Ct:S .. ' In theO track 'events, particu-larly, the contest promises to he thehottest. The lOO-yard dash will prob--ably not be' as' fast, and from the pres-ent outlook, Wilson, of Coe Coliege, .who took second place last year. andwho has been showing good form.should capture this event. He alsotook first honors in the 220. and wiltmake a hard fight to land this, also.� Will Be Feature.EXCEPTAND 'DRY LAND��ERG CO.'GOODS HOUSE , ..' ,. R .. II ... ·1327-1335 E. SiXtrthird' St., Cor •. Monr.oe Ave.FRIDAYOne mile nm-Ca l\'in. Purdue:Woode. Crahbe. California: Bishop.Leisure. Chicago: Balcar. Coe: Som­en·i11e. DePauw: Jones. Earlham:Cope. Henderson. Belknap, Bullard,TtIinoi�: llorn!'on. Indiana; Farqu'ahr.'Iowa College: Bruder: Seydel, Stein­·herg. Iowa: Patterson. llurray. Kan­sas: \Veatherhy. Knox: Rrown. lfin­ne�ota: Shockley. \Vickham. Smith.lfissouri: Ander�on. Nehraska: Thor­:,cn. X orth\\'estern: lfetcali. Oberlin.Quarter-mile nm - Da,·enport.Haird. Chandler. :\Iatthews. Chicago:\Vil�on, Coe; Cortis. Sanders. Hunter,gtitzcl Illinois: Rose, Ind�na; Jans.Cadhury. Gahelman. Crump. ·Iowa;Fairchild!'. Kansas: Yates, Knox; Lev­ering. Lindenberg. Minnesota: Ber­mo�d. Knobel. Nutsell. Brcckner,Yi�souri; Beaver. Brannon, Nebraska;Blair. Xorthwestern.22O-yard dah-\'Vood. California;Davenport. lfatthews. Chicago: Wil­son. Stunkard. Coe; Cortis. Burke,(Colltinued on page 4) _ .CARSON PIRIE Ston'&(.CA;�."t:).S�:_I . Sal" of" ,, � i e�:"_ .'::��Men's Silk and·· CottonJ ••- -- -� - ....... - "..... -The saving isoDe- tbird�' "at $2.50Ideal summer shirts-made with softeolian to match. rme quality silk and cot­ton fabrics, in a complete assortmeiat o� bothlight and dark patterns.FIRST FLOOR, SOUTH ROOM---------------------------)., .: We are showing an ezceDent line of Scotch tweed8. blue and gray :: serges. homesPuns and crashes, and, Eaglish Cricket flannels. :: SUITS $30 TO S40. TROUSERS $8 AND $10 :• +•. +• +· �• +· �· �· �· �: Tiller for YDanlMen :· �• --THREE STORES-- �: Since 1893 Since 1905 May 1 st, 1912 :: At 7 N. La Salle St. At 25 IE. Jackson Blvd. At 71 E. llonroe St. ;1 ••••••••••• , .1DR'8 PU1U08IIIKGB_4BILLIARD HALL.lAS. E. COWHEY1001 _4 100l� But 55tb Streets. E. Cor. Ellis Ave.Telephone Hyde Park 3758 TeleplaoDe B74e Part 2108.DB. OIIAS. B. MIIJ,nPJIYl!IICIAlf AlIm 8uaoZO!fc.t .... � A� c..... .,... 8&netOcrlce .boan: 10:3D to 12 L m .. 4 to 5.ad 1 to 8 p. ID.Resldeace: 83C9 lactsoD ATe.. Teleplaoa.Blde Part 8M. Suad.,,, 2 to 8 p. m.• "_.. , ��� : "«":'�."I.'J: :.'.� ,":�. ," .:- :', ......... ' ..." ,, ,��'" ". � .. " . ,._ • ..,..._.---- ". _ .. ,. I· __ �_"' _ _"'-._ "_ ................., ,-.,' �', " ' ",' , ,, 'TH£ D�ILY MAROO��'SATURDAY, JUNE 1,1912.. , \ . \" '; ". - ..pRINCESSWilliam A. Brady's, Production ofWITHIN �THB, LAWMAJESTICSTA�'bARD VAUDEVILLETRIXIE FRIGANZAPopular Laugh PromoterMACLYN ARBUCKLE ci CO.In aNew ComedyTHE SON OF SOLOMONA llost Striking DramaThe Fillis' Family, the Magic Ket­tle, Rube Dickinson, Sealby & Duc­los, �I ullen & Coogan, Van Bros.Prices 15-25-50-75. TeL 6480 CentralGA,�RICK'Mort H. Singer's New Musical Piay,A MODERN EVECORT.. READY MONEY"STUDEBAKERMAIL ORDERS NOWMonday, May 18 - Seats ThursdayELSIE JANISIn "THE SLIM PRINOESS"With Josepb Cawthorn and Co. of 80O�YMPICTHOS. W. ROSSIn.··:rHE ONLY SON"poWERS-Witty, original Iarce-Torrents ofLaughter"'-Amy Leslie, D'ai1y News..cecil B. De Mille PresentsTHE MARRiAGE-NOT, .'ct) LQ"N I A"L_ .. '.. • �. .fI ' : The DaintY Musical Comedy,TBE,PEARL'IIAIDBRWith JOHN C. SLAVIN'Beauty Chorns of 60. Orchestra of 26'Prices: .Evenings, SQc to $1.50.Matinees,. 2Sc to $1.00.,PA�CE. Clark St., Near RandolphPhone Rand. 3414Kartin Beck, ·Managing DirectorRALPHHERZ 'Late star of Dr. Le LuxeSEUMAS MAC MANUS IRISHPLAYERSALIIA YOULIN - BUGH J.EJDlETrMme. Simone de Beryl, the ParisianBeauty; Ed Morton; Earl & Curtis;Reynolds & Donegan.SUMMER PRICESDaily Matinee Every NightEntire IIain Floor, ,5cBalcony, SOC; Gallery, 25c., Smoking in BalconySEATS NOWTHE QUAKER-GIRLWith CLIFTON CRAWFORD andthe New York Cast.Nightly & Sat. Mat., SOc to $2Wed. Mat., SOc to $1.50Geo. M. Cohan's GrindCohan ar.d Harris, Managers.Augustin MacHugh's Melodramatic­Farce-Success.OFFICER 666TelepboDe 1I14WQ ...Salta .. .., ttt .,....,. ... VIII. BOPPKABTAILOR�,�,"""""'.I •. r_., lacIIee' _ OM __ ...I .. �z..& .......(Near BUt. "ft.)'8pedaJ Bate: 1aH8 ........... Stitzel. Sanders, Illinois; Bose, Indi­ana; Gabelman, ]oselyn, Gadbury,Iowa; Stuckey, Davis, Woodbury,Wilson, Kansas; Spink, Minnesota;Kirksey, \\T alton, Knobel, l-tissouri;Racely, Christmas, Wherry, Nebrs s­ka; .l!inn,.Shenk, Pierce, Blair. North­western.22O-yard low hurdles-Beeson. Mae­lie, California; Kuh, lIenaul, Chicago;Stunkard. West, Coe; Stitzel," Case,Coster, Hull. Illinois; Ballard, Carr,Iowa; Woodbury, Hazen, Perry, C.Woodbury, Kansas; lIiller, Sauter, LIBRARY DEDICATIONKnox; \\Tjlcox., Minnesota; Kirksey, ATTRACTS EDUCATORSThatcher, Misso�ri; Barney,' �e..braska; Pierce, Shaw, Schwartz,"]'Northwestern';' Harvey, Oberlin. ---------------Bishop In Two 'Mile. vance copies of the handsome sou-Two mile 'run-Woods and Crabbe, venir of the dedication. In addition,California; Bishop, Chicago; Cope" meetings for instruction will be heldBullard, Bolander, Thompson. IIli- early next week. 'nois ; Steinberg. Smith, Iowa; Patter- These guides will not only have theSQn, l-Iurray, Kansas; Stadsvold, Min- honor of acting as hosts fOr the Uni­nesota; Shockley. Wickham, Smith, versit,y in a capacity not unlike thatlfoss, Missouri; Thorson, Northwest- of marshals. and 'aides, but they willern; Metcalf, Oberlin. have the honor of. being included'Pole vaalt-Phe-Ips, 'Pu�due;' Vail, among those who will have the pleas­California]. Coyle. Chicago; We rink, ure of the earliest private view of theCoe; Kopf, Murphy, Illinois; Sloan, building. Souvei:ir ,badges WIll beIowa State; Def'reece, Iowa; Wood- provided. for each guide. ' They willbury, Cramer. Kansas; Coady, Yin- t>Tobably be broad silk ribbons bear­nesota; Talbot, Missouri; Shaw, Ray, ing the properly colored coat of ;t.4"JDSNorthwestern. ' ' of the University.RuDDiac broad jump'_ Murray,Phelps,' Purdue; Allen, California; WILL SOON COMPLETE FU�D�Ienaul, Mattnews, Kuh, Chicago;Grassfield, Coe; Case; Hull, Nevins,Kopi, . IJIinois; Cochrane, Indiana;Hanson, Engstrom; Iowa; Davis,Woodbury" Wilson, Kansas; Miller,Sauter, Larsen, Knox; Molumby, Nel­son, Lambert, Minnesota; Kirksey,)licholson, Missouri; Linn, Blair,:Northwestern. .Disc:us - tJuow.,:-Stockton, Purdue;Rice, Shattuck, California; Menaul,Norgren, Chicago; Verink, Coe; Stan­ley, Kelsay, Earlham; Butte, Belting,Ainsworth, Illinois; Streator, Repass,Alexander, Ney, Iowa; Parish, Knox;N elson, Lambert" Frank, Minnesta;Kirksey,' Thatcher, Anderson, Mis­souri; Fletcher, Northwestern.High Jump Eatrants.High jump-Saylor, Purdue; Bee·son, lIaelise, California; llenaul, Cox,Chicago; Verink, Coe; Walker, DePauw; Case, :\ferrill, Prince. Illinois; ,Draper, Daniel, Indiana; Engstrom"Hansell, Cook, Iowa; \Vilson, Hazen,\Voodbury, French. Kansas; Larsen,Knox; Nicholson, Thatcher, Missouri;Harvey, Oberlin; Ellis, \Vabash.Shot put-Rice, California; Shat­tuck, California; !\Ienaul, Norgren,Chicago; Vcrink, Coe; Stanley, Kel­say, Earlham; Lee, Butts, Belting, 11-linois; Hoper, Iowa State; Streetor,IOl\'a; Xelson, Lumbert, Frank, �Hn­nesota; Thatcher, Anderson, E. H.Anderson, Missouri; Fletcher, North-\\"estetn. .Hammer throw-Rice, Shattuck,California; Rademacher, Chicago;Stanley, Earlham; Lee, Belting, Kar-. 157 E.. 63rd StreetJ�FFER,SON55th St. aDd Lake AYe.' . -NOVELTY,'PHOTOPLAYFour reels nightly of the latest mcmq'pictures. High class SODgS. Best ofmusic 'by high class artists.TONIGHTAccordinl to Law (Drama)The Old Actor (Drama)The Fommes of a Composer (Drama),SUNDAYA lIexican Romance (Drama)The Fighting Denishea of the DesertAXD OTHERSAdmission 5c lIeYer HllherEvllY Friday � '= Every FridayWESTERN TEAMS COMPETEIN THE CONFERENCE MEET• (Continued from page 3) � I _" • .. •• � __ .,._.._ .� � 1.- ,_ •••kar, Vigeant, Illinois; Davis, Indiana;Streeter. Iowa; "thatcher. Missouri;Fletcher. Northwestern; Hoover. Wa­basli.�� /.' . '. . �'.,,-FRESHIIEN:DEFEATED BY, ACADEJI� I" 1 TO 0 GAilEBaumcartner aDd IIcCain Strike OutSeventeen aDd Eleven. Respectively'- Each Side Gets One Hit.,Northwestern academy defeated theFreshman baseball team in a pitch­ers' battle yesterday, 1 to O. Baum-'gartner struck out seventeen of thepurple-legged batters and had the bet­ter of the battle all the way. In theseventh inning with two out, llcCain.the Xorthwestern pitcher, was caughtbe-tween third and home. He shouldhave been put out easily, but a mixupat the home plate, allowed him toscore. Baumgartner allowed only onehit. and that was a scratch hit pastthird base. that would ordinarily beena putout, Cummins expected a buntand ran in towards the plate.llcCain pitched nearly as good agame for Northwestern academy. Heallowed only one hit, a clean singleby Cole, and struck out 11 men. Bothteams played nearly errorles� ball, andsupported the pitchers well at alltimes.Score by innings: R H E1915 ., ..... 0000000 0 0-0 1 0N. W. A. .' 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0-1 1 1(Continued from page 1)• (Continu�d from page 1)At.hletic association ten and Northhall six dollars and �ine;y cents. Dr.J. E. Raycroft. former medical ex­aminer, and director of minor ath-, letics .at the University. gave two dol­lars, and there were four one doliarcontributions. Fifteen dollars andninety-seven cents; and, enough tocover the expenses of running thecampaign, are all that is needed toraise the fund to the desired $450.S. A. E.'. Almoaace Pledge.Sigma Alpha Epsilon announces thepledging of Wilbur R Coons ofOmaha. Nebraska.Hy.wutt.oeara..., ...iat ncatiea, caD at a.e. ZlI Rail­way LcUqe B.iNiq.G. L m.dIeyOOLLBQB DBWhat are you gO(D(r te do durlog u..Summer neatloo! Do you tDO,," tbllteompetent cbauffeurs. aoto salesmen. aodIlemODstn'ltOMl Ilre earnlog today � to,,",0· weekly. and the demaDd tar elt�.the supply nt tbls time of tbe year?We quality 3"OU to be aD expert cbAor·fcnr. auto 88Jesmen. demonstrator or reop�lr man 10 30 day. ·tJme.HOTH DAY AND EVENING' CLASSESCO.PL�I: COURSI:, ._WOODLAWN AUTOMOBILESCHOOLTel H. P. SI2IMake your future a sac:ceu by atte ..... theMetropolitan Business College30. WEST SIXTY.THIRD STREET •I n.� .... � � � 01......... Special cotne far thole wilhilllio "'e ..,thad­......... abe IIIIIaIIal 01 �. � � eM« _, b.e. TIIiIioa - lul-i ... A ...., SI5�. c.u. Write or Pbc.e W� 22Il1or boo&. '.,\ . B'-'·-mi'.----:'··-:�N·-:-m - -u-'i�,>:�F"�'��A,\��n: "-D""'g'",.' ,',., ' ,,', ',I'ui�; ·Bv :', ,'; ... ,, • " ;' _. ,,- >o"; •• .t , _"', • ,,' .....Edi;to,t, Ent�rt�i'n�:r;"Strolig'.Man, author.of.ascore Qf'·'books'� edltbr ofthe Physical, ','Culturef� , ',"Magazine_ which hashalf a million" monthlyreaders, organizer 'of sev­eral huge. business enter­prises, a .man of marvel­ous mental arid' physicalendowment.Ziegfeld Theat'reAfternoon and Evenmg--June 1Afternoon, 2:30--For Women Only:imRN.AB.R :MAC F AnDEN, in - classical poses" feats ofstren�th, and his dramatic and startling lecture, "The Pathwayto Vivacious and Beautiful 'Vomanhood," including an illustratedchart of exercises and a lesson given by the lecturer for develop-, ing grace, poise and perfect. form, and for, the remedying ofphysical defects and complaints. " .This lecture will' plainly sho� how disease ean be �u�ed athome by simple, inexpensive 'methods without' drusrs.' It '�ill.indieate how bright eyes, red Iips, good teeth, and a' �ear; brightcomplexion and .symmetrieal form may be secured, It .will def­initely point out how, vivacity and animation may be obtained,It 'will give 'you definite knowledge upon the development ofwomanliness and vastly, add to you� pow�rs _of attraction. .E�ening, 8:15--0nly ,Men AdmittedB�ABR :MAC'PAnDD, the world's great� :expert inthe muscular development �f men, including f�ts of strength andclassic poses. ' 'I Superb PhY.ic.� Marihood, Are you strong physiclllly, and poISa:ting ,with ,pe�eethealth f If. not, you will be richly rewarded if 'you attendBDBABlt :KAC PADD"'S illustrated lecture on the "lIuseularDevelopment of Manhood�" including his wonderfnl lecture onsuperb physical manhood.Admission to Afternoon Lecture,Adnission,to ·Evening Lecture, .' • '5Oc',$1.00'•• . ' •I •,v , 'So';e 'right 'dpto the minute­answer questions---1ft: . ' 'til 'y � u ' r e com-�,,� pletely frazzle_�,. ,��go, out and:wo�dc�- .;,--_. what the- results will Ibe. You're.lited �nd ;>:,;.you're thirsty. yo� ne�d a glasS ofbefore and after. Sparkling 'with life, tinglingwith vigor, thint-quenching to the N tb power­good for you meD�ly and physically.DeIicio.a-Refre-l- 'I\int�5c EverywhereOaraewfree book-��dicatioa at CIIat­nnDOp, for the asking • Wbeitner..... lee an.�ink,.,Coca-Cob..' � �_, .... :_.../ dr�'