:. :�:�>���.�;"y .. ;?��::.�-?,.-::<,".:� , ". " I.•• .. • I� �---.�� ::-- .rr: .-.: �7:--=:��_· _ ... : �--�_I / r::� .. , .•. ...,_� ?� .. h ,,"n ��t\"')' r ;:'r!!f C!.� t.. ��,i··.f'{; .' M �t � ';..'!i f.. ::-: .. �. �I- .'. -CONTRIBUTIONS,Axe in'Ol"der for� i.. ·· JIKKf'TWOHld, :1 "8enirJ�" to S�ai�: r'" •.... r� -b :.r "'\" '_ .. _r.. '.,' r: ",' ".. t,.: :�l ....� . -� �II'"""'�> "·1' -. ·al-···t·· , .. -.· 1t. ':J ,.ariton·UNIVERSITY OF' CHICAGO, FRIDAY,' MAy 31. 1912.To 'ILL�AD BlJILDlRosjAU Windows In Caitnl.�Will Be Lit -- Up . for _ CODvocatiOllReception . J� 10 -Music to BeAnother Feature. . -_In connection with the c�nvocationreception 011 June 10, to which 18.000people ha;\'c been invited, there willbe a 'general' illumination of the 'Uni­versitY'b�i1dings and grounds, Everywindow in the central quadrangle �i1lbe lighted, and in addition there willbe festoons- of e!ectri� lights and Jap­anese lanterns in Harper court, Hitch­cock hall. and Hutchinson court. Thepaths from. Harper 'court through thewomen's quadrangles. the Divinityquadrangles. 'and' north to Hun courtwill be. outlined with electric lights.Only once before in the history ofthe University has such a general il­lumination been arranged. This wasat 'the time of the decennial celebra­tion" in 1901. Although' many of thepresent buildings were not then erect­ed.. the campus was 'said to have beena �ost. 'beautiful-spectacle,. Band. to Play, In Court:.Music will be another prominentfeature of the entertainment for'guests at the convocation' reception.I n the center of . Harper' . court theUniversity ·band will play during theevening, In Harper reading' room astring octet, composed of men. from.the Theodore Thomas' orchestra willplay -in the: west -balcony, In HieLaw reading room' and, in -Hutchin­son hali a trio will furnish' music,In Leon l-Iandel assembly halt therewi1r"b� a�:�OI'ian 4{ci� 'from"9:30�0:�.0:30: .� The'"'" Alice �Fr�e'man �'pai��r:cbim���iil b� "rung fro� S'o'clock to8:30 aDd then at intervals �ntil 9:30.In HarPer court,' hi the east' bal-. cony. :of ·�he • Harper. reading room, - in .HutChmsOn. court, in �iandel �d ,in- Hutchinson there will be occasional�umbeis of· various muSical �rganiza­t���, !i,ke( .q.e . �Ie� cl.ub, 'I the. Green­wood· Glee,'clab, the Women's Gleeclab and the' College. of Education or­ganizat�DL:': .. " -. . ..,No CoDmcts In Music.The. musical program of the e\'en­ing will be so. arranged thal' there. Will be "n'o conftict ·and tho whole· pro­gram cim be controlled by the di­rector of the University band. Selec­tions on the· bells will immediatelyfollow the ·ba:ld numbers. Glee clnb"and other numbers will immediatelyprecede band .numbers. Full musicalprograms will be published later.-SOPHOll9RE CLASSWILL ARRANGE FOR .PIcNic AT 'IIEETlNGMembers. of the Sophomore clas!lwill meet'at 10:30' today in Kent the­ater to complete arrangements forthe' class picnic which is to be heldneXt Wednesday at 4 in Jackson park.Preliminary arrangements have al­ready been made by the picnic com­mittee, which had a meeting early inthe week. Lists are in the hand� ofthe committee and it is desirable thateveryone intending to go put hisname on one of the lists. Distribu­tion of those caring to bring food wiltbe arranged at the meeting. :\ mem­ber of the class to delh'er the ivyoration will be elected at the mectingand certain phases of next year's Capand Gown will be taken up. M+t+ •••.•••• � � .HONOR· MOVEMENT �; .CONTRIBUTIONSAre in oi'der forJI,.IiY� TWOHIG"Sen� Jimmy to Sweden"PRICE �VE CENTS. - ".TENNIS lIEN FINISH.VICTORIOUS SEASON;RETURH FROII OHIOThe Varisty tennis team returned·from Kenyon and 'Ohio Wesleyan,where the men defeated' both conegesin both singles and doables. By thesevictories the men· have finished theseason withoat. a defeat. Some yean ago at the graduatingexercises of a Southern college, fort)'men and women, the whol� classwere able to stand up tOb,ether andsay that they had gone fou:,.- years tocollege witbout dishonesty.This iDt:ident suggests· to us anideal toward which we may weDstrive. Surely no one of us can failto be thrilled at the vision of a grad­uating c:laso of two hundJ:\d men andwomen here at Chicago singing the� AliDa' Mater" with the convictionthat each one bas earned a degreeon which his own action had placedno however infinitesimal smirch ofdishonor.. It is a pleasant and a soul-stirringPICture. Perhaps' none of us can everbe a. part of it.' Let us through the .Honor Movement make this picture. capa�le of realization in aU the yearsto co�---'RUN.IN CONFEilElCE'1'RIAL. _YS:TODAY KENNIcon ELECTEDTO EDIT THE MAROONHiram Langdon Kennicott:13, waschosen managing editor of The DailyMaro.on, for_ next year at a meeting'�f the board of directors held Wed-nesday. Leon Stolz, '14, was elected' " �t _�news editor of the same period and '- ."Bernard W. Vinissky, 14: was ci.os� ". - /nathletic editor. IX:t.te- LeVene, Jr.. ,'-;..was elected business manager. ._H. S. Rhett, H .• 5. Gorgas, G. S: . . "�iLyman, W. B. Crawford, C. E. Wat-._ .... �;.::��. kins, .and H. A. Lollesgard-were elect- . ·)1,1ed associate editors Walter J: Foute: ", "M'"the present managing 'editor, will 'be .. --__.; (� . .t-';;�i!ltt::kel�ss:avn:d::ots�aiara�h:x,tRede·;l:tn:;ldnG.W;erc dee ',>'._' �·.�'_;.';:.�.:.,.�?:::�""��·"�'��',"·;"'=�<Af:,""���.:,.-.. � :" � �., ;;:::raised to the position of associate ed-FUBD PA.. � THE eAIV\ MARK itors also, Miss Hotchkiss .to .act as'! .: ::.I.?i'P"" LEGAL SOCIETY mSTAI,LBO women's editor .. E, .. Rogerson ·was·,;, " .F�=e:-.-:-�-rr�6..�· m::!=t;r"::"r:'n�Y ap- .'.: ·· .• '.. _.·��.. �.��:.. ::-::·..'�.>,,�._i�:�.�.:.�.:.. �f�O�.Coif - Professor .poil!ted- a -Univ�sitY. marsbat·l.�e-ls ..... :'-�7. a memb�r of :�h�:. q.i ..Psi;' fraternity�' ¥." -: ,.-.;..,_. ,�;"""'" '_,' ' ..• _ '. -_. -. I... ". i .a1fd . ...i� pr�i�e_n(ott!!.�,.��\1.C:1l1b�.:.;..Ato·· :>\r.;.1IIr. o�y aabOW��: � .:::�; -···In£.'tliicago 'clia¥ter '�f: tlie' "b�d�:� .�he-'Ci��."l )h�eliDr.Or:n.n�� -:.�j���::..?�• �e .•.••••.•••••• �. .• .• 5.00 . of. the Coif, I the. national.: hoaorary. :heJd 'las(w�JC;' Km.:uic'Oit ';:ns.i- �lect:' ., . ".:. :::�'<� Sigma Club ,; •.•• rr s.oo. . legal society, was officially' installed:' .ed· scribe.: . He ·�:�it��tesen(;DewS _- ··.:·:.:�.,;.�,�.::;�:,'-�r_:-t,'III-.BidduuD .••.•• �� .. � •• � •.. � •. 1.00:' 'i�/'the:,Univet:sity last' Wednesda,' -'editor:of The�naiiYr�ar�: aha'Iit�r - 1;"­�. Stagg .. :................. 25.00 mght. The law students donored by' era� � e�ito!,' of The' Cap and Gown.Chi Psi , •••..... , , "10.00 the' society were' Jerome �.' Frank,· He is a member of the Three 'Quar":' .. ':_'.�;'(:"_�1l'_ C!:_... . David Levins M K F . M 'ters club, the" .Fencibles,· the O�der''j-.'.� �� ••••.••• � • • . • • • • 10.00 on, c een . or-Delta Upsilon ...........•... 10.00. row, Paul �Moser. and Walter L. of the Icon Ma�k, the Skull and Cres- .. :'.{�WubiDcton Hoase· ... �. �. • . . . 5.00 ' Pope. The order. which is in the cent,. and the: I�terf�ernity cou� .':$1S� Han ............••..•.. 2.75 Jaw schools what Phi Beta Kappa is cit. In' his Fresbniaa year be was . �.�:�Hitchcock Hall.!., ...• �.�.. ... 3.SO' in the colleges, has chapters in all.of reporter on The Daily lIarooU;.aDd .. '.'"Sicma Alpha Epsilon ". � • . • • • • 10.00 . the leading law schools in the United served as Olssociate editor· iasl year. ' .�.:.� Nu . � . .• • ••• .. . ••. .. . . . 10.00 States, including Leland Stan£ord� He �s vice-president of his 'clas� : : � :��Phi Kappa Psi ., .... �'... .... 10.00 University of Wisconsin, Northwest� Jast year.' .'- . .' -" .Minor C. Rayaoft lIemorial em university. University of'Michi- Leon Stolz is at present- an as� , "Fad BaIaDce , ••.••• , •.•• •.•• 2.50 gan. and Pennsylvania. Eligibility {or date' editor of The Daily llarOOD' .�ndIIalcolm Wyckoff ..•.•••••••. LOO eJ�ction to member�hip in the Order sened as reporter last Y�ar. . H� is a J 'H, C. Gifford l .. '" ' 1.00 ?f. the Coif is limited to law students member of the Pen clnb, B�ardL. A. Hopkins............... 1.00 10 the latter half of their third ye�,: Vinissky, who was' elected athleticPhi Delta Theta 10.00 ? I in Jaw. school. and �ot more dian editor, is a member of the Interscbol�Sicma Chi 10.00 ten per .cent of the members of one astic commission.' He is an :.ssociateLincoln' HOUR ,...... s.So class may be taken in. editor of The Daily Maroon� and hasScore C�b ,.... 10.00 The ceremony 'was presided over hy been in charge of t:�e athletic 'depart-'Foster Hall 3.26 the ,national president,. Col. Nathan ment for a large part of 'the presentDr. Rhodes •••••....••.•.•••• I�OO \Vitliarn MacChtsney. 'Professor W. year.F. II. HOltOn ••...•••.•••..• 1.00 E. Cook. of the law department of Nate LeVene, who was elected busi-Sandford SeDers ••••••••••••• 1.00 the Unh'ersity and national secretary ness manager,' has been connectedII. c.. lleip 1.00 of the socidy, -,,'as the 'Only member with the business department of Thec.. W. Raaell .•.•.••...•.... 1.00 of the faculty who was also a mem- Daily Maroon for a :year. He 'WittII. F. CUpenter .•.•...••..... 5.60 ber of the Order of the Coif until succeed Ralph Rosenthal and EarlJ. II. /Sbeldon ...•..... �..... 3.00 \'Vednesday,_ when all the professors. Hutton.W. J. Boone 1.50 of the Jaw department were initiated.DOD Abbott •.•••••••••••••••• 1.00 Derives Name From Eaglish Onier.P. S. ADen •...•....•..••••.. 1.00 The society derh'es its name fromR. II. Webster ••••••..•••..• 1.00 the' old English Or�er. of the Coii,Harry J. Schott.............. 1.00 which was an exclush·e society ofWalter S. Rogers •.•...••..•. 1.00 distinguished lawyers and judges. TheR. Y. Rowe ••••••••..•.••.•• 1.00 society later dropped OUt of existenceFred Handy ..••••••...•..•.. 1.00 because of its exc1ush·c character anowas replaced by a more general !'o-ciety .•The nc w Order of the Coif has ex­i!'t�d in the United States about fif­teen years. The installation of .achaptcr at Chicago has bcen receh'edwith great enthusiasm by the studentsof the law school, many of whomdeclare their intention of "making thesociety." An important feature ofthe, order is the fact that students areelected to membership by the facultyof the Law school..$13.13 Contribution of Yesterday� Total of �wohig Snbscrip­bons to $401.13 - Halls Give $1;.03.to Fund. ..(Continued on page .. )PennqlftDia- The Ma!k and Wig,the dramatic organization of the Uui­versity of Pennsylvania, has offereda prize of $SO for .lh'! best scenario.�ptain paveDpon and lIaWlewa� to, ��� . ID QuautyDig ..Quarter Mile Bun. ..BXPBal FAST COMPBTITlON.ca� J!iermona of lIiSaouri ExpeCtsto - Lead Team of Veteransto ·Victort.'Captain Davenport and, Matthewsof the track team will leave for La­fayette .. Indiana. this mor aing to takepart in the trial heats of the 440 vardrun for the conference meet v.:hich:will be held tomorrow'� afternoon.The other members of the track teamwill leave tomorrow morning and winarrive just before the time set forthe meet. - . .The trial heats in the quarter milerun will be the only. events' run to­day.. Davenport is sure to place inthe quarter today but what Matthewswill do is> problema'tical.· Chicago'shopes in that event and in the 880 arepinned' on Davenport, He ought to ... be able to' win. these races withoutany trouble although Bermond 01Missoun -and Sanders of Ii'tinois willendeavor to beat him':;, :: . .: �eri ED�ts.'Chicago . will, be. represented byeleven men _at. the meet. The menwho . will leave tomorrow are Menaul'K:'!�, . Rademacher;" �oy�, ': �ishop:'. ·�qr.&ndler';"£or "'Norgrrcn*:lnCl-Baird'Wil�'leav� :this morning\�ith -the' ba�-'ball team:- .' .. i·., .:.,".FiDal,� preparations .. are· being' madefor. the meet by. alL the. colleges en­tered._ Ohio State . will 'prob�bly ,notbe represented. as Wyckoff.' the' star'two 'miler, who. w,s courited' on towin that' event, is in�ligible. As therest of th.e team' is only medi�cre:i� "w�s ,thought best not t<i compete._.The absence of Wyckoff will work�� 'Misso�ri's !'ld\"an.tage ,as Steele is -practicallt sure now to take the twO­rr.ile.Chicago has 'h�p�s f�r n�thing ·bet­te� than -fourth. Either Missouri' or .Cali!ornia s.�ould tak.e first place andIllinois will probably'take third. Chi-­cago i!t doped to come next, although'­the team has a good chance to defeatIllinois. . Jt is impossible to makeany predictions of how many pointsChicago witl get with the exceptionof ten points that Davenport is prac­tically sure to get in the 440 and �yard runs. /lIisaoari's Proapecta.Lafayette, Ind., May' 3O.-t;'nlessdope prO"es absolutely wrong, theathletes representing the Universityof Missouri stand an exc�llent chancethis season of duplicating their featof last year, whcn they carried awaythe honors in the ele,'enth . annualconference track meet by a clean mar­gin of ten points. Although three oftheir point winners will not competethis year, several new men of prom­ising records' have taken their place.and with more equal status existingbetwcen competing teams this seasonthe winner will not score as man�points as in thc last meet.The three greatest losses to the�hssourians are Johnson and Steele.distance men, and : Roberts, discusthrow. Johnson won the mile runiast year in 4:27 -4-S from a fast field,and Steele likewise romped away'withthe two mile run in-the fast time of9:50 fla� tieing the conference recordfor that distance. Roberts capturedthe discus throw with a throw of 123feet, 101-4 inches. ' Thatcher, a newrecruit, thr.ew the discus 132 feet 10(Coutinued on page.") PLAY PURDUE TODAYIN FINAL BASEBALLCONTEST OF SEASONChicago wilt play thc la6t baseballgame of the season at Purdue today .The team wilt leave this morning andwill stay in Lafayette' until tomor­row nig� to allow the men to witnessthe conference meet. Hruda willprobably twirl today and should lead'the team to victory. Pardae fur­nished a surprise when the Varsitywas defeated la9t Saturday, bat theteam is confide�t of victory today. "� :Executive and Associate Editorsfor Next Year Are Chosen.WedD8sdaY.STOLZ TO BE BBWS EDITOKVinisaky Is Chosen Athletic EditoJ'Seven Associates Will Serve OIlthe Board of Directors.SCOFIELD IS MEETMANAGER;: IIATTHEWSSUCCEEDS IIARVINThomas Scofield was elected chair­man of the interclass meet, June i, ata meeting of the Undergraduate coun­cil \Vednesday. Rudy �Iatthews waselected cheer-leader for next year tosucceed Campb'etl ·:\Iaryin. :\{arvsnwi�l hand dO"'n his (,fficial co:'tume to�ratthcws at the Intcrscholastic en·tertainment, June 8. Scofield will seethat the interclass meet is run offbetwcen 9 and lIon Junior CoHcgeday. A report of the committeewhich investigatcd the women's com­mons was accepted and will be for­warded to the �oard of trustees.Iowa-The. Senior class oi Iowawill present as a. gift to the Univer­sity two art electrolicrs to be placedon stone columns at the entrance ofthe campus.... :. -r (. �.- r: ,, . • � '(.�. I- .THE DAILY ¥AROON. FRIDAY. MAY 31. 1912.THE DAILY, MAROONThe Official Student Newspaper of'the University of Chicago.Founded October 1. 1902.Former lyThe University of Chicago WeeklyFounded October 1. 1892.Published daily except Sundays, �Ion­days and Holidays during threequarters of the university year,Entered as" Second-class mail at theChicago Post Office, Chicago, llli­nois, March 18, 1908, under Act of:\farch 3, 1873.�2.7IIcElroy Pub. Co. Preas. 0219 Co-ttage GroTeTHE STAFFW, J, Foute . �[anagillg EditorH. L. Kennicott , Xew s EditorAssociate EditorsD, L. Breed Leon StolzW. H. Lyman B. W. VinisskyG. \V. Cottingham C. S. DunhamJ. B. Perlee.ReportersH. S. Gorgas :\1. S. BreckinridgeH. A. LolJesgard C. E. WatkinsW. B, Crawford G. S. LymanF. L. HutslcrWomen's EditorSarah ReinwaldWomen ReportersGrace Hotchkiss Lillian SwawiteAugusta Swawite Dorothy \ViHistonSUbscription RatesBy Carrier, $2.50 per year; $1.00 perquarter. City mail. $1.25 per quar­ter; $3.00 per year in advance.News contributions may be left inEllis Hall or Faculty Exchange, ad­dressed to The 'Daily Maroon.EDITORIALThe undergraduate student body'has reason to look back ove r the year1911-12 with a good deal of satisfac-tion. Things havebeen accomplishedwhich tend to makethe U n i v e r sity ofChicago a better place.Foremost among the res facta, ofcourse, is the Honor :\Iovement,which has effectually brought to con­sciousness the moral issues involved- cribbing and allied practices. Thefree will contributions to the UnitedCharities; the Settlement dance, andthe "Jimmy" Twohig fund are sub­stantial evidences of good deeds ac­complished by the student body.Other accomplishments which standfor real progress on the campusmight be cited. �I uch has been done,.ntJ much' remains. The Daily �Ia­roon hopes that next year wm seeeven more worthy (':lU"cs adyancedby the students of the 17ni\'ersity.As an early suggestion. The Daily:\Iaroon suggests that every �tudent,and particularly the members oi thel.�ndergraduate coullcil, think OYer thepoint system plan. Po:,sibly it wouldbe an excellent thing to establi�h atChicago this �y�tel11 by which eachundergrafIuate is limited in theamfltlnt of extra-curriculullI work hemay undertake. Thl' �tar(lon willnot attempt at this time to discus�the merits or dl·l1H.'rits (Ii the 'y�h'lll.It mcrely ,t1���c�t:- it a .. a po .. ,ihilit:":or 11ext ye:lr.ConstructiveWorkCOMMUNICATIONS Bulletin and AnnouncementsSophomore C� Meeting today inKent theater at 10:30.Press Committee fur Intcrscholas­tic meets today at 2 in Reynoldsclub.Sociology Club meets today at 4 inCobb 16C to elect officers.Sociology Club-Trip to state peni­tentiary at Joliet tomorrow. LeaveCobb hall at 8:30 a. Ill.Senior Class Picnic June 3.w. A. A, Entertainment for \\·0-men's Trade union league. Hockeyg:II11C at 3 :3:) on Greenwood field.Cosmopolitan Club will hold Rus- sian night and annual election tomor­row night in Ellis 18.W. A. A. Banquet wil! be held June:6 in Lexington hall.Class Day-Junior classes will notmeet on Friday, June 7, and Seniorclasses will not meet on �Ionday,June 10.Interscholastic Fobs on -ale at thehook store and Reynolds club, 20cr nt -,Houses Bureau-a-Rooms for theSummer quarter should be listed with�1i�" Robinson before June 1.Freshman Baseball and track pic­tures will be taken Tuesday at 3:10.mcnt offers unusual opportunities forforwarding the Honor Sentiment. Bymean:' of this new plan each I�esh­man woman will be made to feel theimportance of the Honor )Jovementas she can in no other way. )Ianymore upper class women are neededto help the work along. and it is. theprivilege of every Univers ity womanto as sist in this big sister movement.R. S. T.Editor The Daily Maroon:I would like to ca ll the attentionof the students to the following edit­orial which appeared in a recent is­sue of Thc Chicago Daily World rel­a t ive to the strike situation and theconnection therewith of the studentsof the Univer.s ity :"The Intellectual Youth."That education does not nece s­sar ily bring refinement or sympathywith human suffering and interest inprogress has been clearly dernonstrar,;t'bYtI;;- students of thc Univer-sityof Chicago."!he University of Chicago isclassed as one of the nest and great­est educational institutions in thecountry. :\Ien who graduate fromthat university are recognized as hav­ing attained the height of intellectual­ity.··.-\t present Chicago is in the gripof a terrible struggle. It is a greatsocial strife with the workingmen onone side and a powerful capitalisticclass-press on the other side... It is upon the result of that strug­gle that the happiness of the wivesand children of the striking men de­pe nds, It means a better. greater andmore joyous life for them."Xatura lly it would he expectedthat in a cr i-is of that nature thc bestwithin our intellectual youth wouldbe brought forth, and that they wouldbe ready and wi11ing to share the bur­den of the present strife. and aid. thcstriking workers at whose expensethey arc recei\'ing an education.··But in�tead of that the shallownessof our students and thc faJIac\' of.\meri('an e(llI,ation were clearly �ort- •rayed. The student body. the sup­pn�cd intelle('tual youth who arc1. ,okerl upon a' the foundation ofthe iuture grcatne�s of :\mcrica.:-howed it .. eli in it" true colors"·'.\n,1 what wa" it: It wa" not like:the Ru,�i�ln .;..tudentry. who. in time,)j :-imiiar I.'ri�i�. �truck in a hody in'YT1lpat�lY with the working-men. facedrl;lI1g'er:- I)i impri"onment and death.Hut in:-tc:ld. like cowarris. the :'tu­,lent .. oi the: l'ni\'er�ity of Chica;,!').. old th�ir :,,)ul, :lI1d ho(lie�. prostitut-1.'11 thcm .. t']\'l's for a small pittance andwt'nt to w,)rk a:' �cabs."Tili:- is the work oi our intel1t.,ctualyouths. They hindcred progress andhelped to mar the happine�s. thehope� and rireams of workingmen.That i .. the g-rl'at work of :\meriC'aneduc:ltion. \Vhat i� to b(' expectedof the future with a youth of thatnatu:-c?"J. B. C. S. A. E. DEFhATS A. T. O. INBASEBALL SEMI-FINALS9 to 3 Is Final Score of Fast GamePlayed In InterfraternitySeries.Sigma �\lpha Epsilon defeated Al­pha Tau Omega" in their section oft he J nterfrntcrnity baseball semi-fin­a1:- \\"t·c1nesday in a fast game at\Yashington park. In spite of thepoor condition of the diamond onaccount of the drizzling rain all morn­ing. the g-:t_me was close and full ofinterest.The A. T. o:� got the ins on theross-up and succeeded in hammeringout a double and a single whichhroug ht in two r uns in the first. Kix­mi lle r tightened up after the first andonly allowed one m.ore run. in theseventh. Hickey pitched good ballfor the A T. O.'s.The score was as follows:S . .-\. E. .H R E POo 3o 2o 0o 61 :,1 Ioo• Allais. 2b 2Ramser. c IHolm. ci 0Kixrniller, p 2\\"�tkin�. 1 b 1�[c.-\rthur. ss 0Grey, If ()Kispc rt , rf 2Gebhardt, 3b 0 oo22'211oTotals 8 9 3 21.\. T. O. H R E PO1o4)1oo1ooSlifer. 2b .Long, If .........•. 2Harries. cf .Hupp. (' '" .Harry. s s 0Hickey. p .Cheney, 1 b ' 0J o�den. ri 0Lunde, 3b . t'o!)1oooTotals 7 3 3 21S. A. E.-Hits 7. Struck out-llyKixmiJier 7. Base on ball .. 2.:\. T. O.-Hits 5. Struck out-DyHickey 9. Base on balls 4.MANDOLIN CLUB HASANNUAL ELECTION;BAtiQUET POSTPONEDThe first annual hanquet of the:\1 andolin cluo has been postponeduntil next week, as t!lC manager i."trying to :"ectlre the Commons for thc:di"air. The cluh held an importantIllcetin!,! and rdlcar�al in the II itch­cock club room yc,;tl'rcIay at 4. Otli­cer .. for next year were elected atthi� lllt·(·ting- and plall� 1ll:ldc ior thchanfjuet" The cluh will rehearsc prc_l-!ram:, jar Inter�cholastic night andior the dedication of the I farper �te­morial lihrary.To Make Pictures Tuesday.The Fre:"hman haseball and trackpictures will be taken Tuesday at3:10. The Freshman ha�batl gamcwith Oak Park scheduled ior yestt'r­day was called off on account of we:ground�. BERNARR MAC FADDENEditor, Entertainer,Strong Man, author of ascore of books, editor ofthe Physical CultureMagazine, ,which hashalf a million monthlyreaders, organizer of sev­eral huge business enter­prises, a man of marvel­ous mental and physicalendowment.Ziegfeld TheatreAfternoon and Evening--June 1Afternoon, 2:30--For Women OnlyBERNARR MAC FADDEN, in classical poses, feats ofstrengt h, and his dramatic and startling lecture. "The Pathwayto Vivacious and Beautiful "r oIllanhood�" including an illustratedchart of exercises and a lesson given by tlie lecturer for develop­jug grace. poise and perfect form. and for the remedying ofphysical defects and complaints. .This lecture will plainly show how disease can be cured atihome b�' simple, inexpensive methods without drugs. It willindicate how bright eyes, red Iips, good teeth. and a clear, -brightcomplexion and symmet rical form may be secured. It will def­initely point out how vivacity and animation may he obtained,It will give you definite knowledge upon the development ofwomanliness and vastly add to your powers of attractiou.Evening, 8:15--0nly Men AdmittedBERNARR MAC FADDEN, the world's greatest expert inthe muscular development of men, including feats of strength andclassic poses .Super h Physical, Manhood2 Are you strong physically, and pulsating with perfecthealth 1 If not, �"OU will he richly rewarded if you attendBERNARR MACFADDEN'S illustrated lecture on the H)IuscularDevelopment of :lIanhood." including his wonderful lecture on,superb physical manhood.(J13o Admission to Afternoon Lecture,Admission to Evening Lecture, 50c$1.00• •8 Make your future a success by attending theM:et ro�po I ita n Bus i rre s s College304 WEST SIXTY-THIRD' STREETThe Finest aDd Best School of Basine... Specia"�urse for .hOle wishiDg to rake up short­hand with the iDtcaboD of teaching. StucIcats may cater auy time. TaitioD for July aad August$15.00. CaD, Write or Phone Wentworth 2227 for booklet.A COMPLETE LINE OF 1912Panama and Straw Hats HIGH GRADE SALESJL\X TOTA� ORDERS FOR SEEDCORX DRIER for Iowa and llli­nois territor�·.· .Almost ever,Y largefarmer bu�·s. Holds 13 bu.� lUanystrong talking points� com·hlcingrecommendations, Jlakes 100%seed and no hother. '·irgin terri­tory. Selling season from now un­til Septemher. Compan�· delh'ersin faJl direct to farmer. Commis­sion� :lclyan�ed to fI�ent.' Good:11cn are m:lking from $20 to $45 aday, 110 others will be accepted.J.Ji'·e students who can stand pros­perit�- can make big money. Writetoda�' UXIVERSITY SALESCOJ[P..:\XY. Iowa Cit�·� la.SHANE'SClassy Hat Shop IAND HABERDASHERY816 East Sixty-third St.(Near Cotta!:..: Grove)Xiity Style Straws. $2 values, $1.50Extra Value Shirts, $1.50; Sale, 95cPrices cut in all goods at Shane'!'Formerly of State Street.COLLEGE MENWhnt nr� you �oln;: -t� do during tbeSumm�r 't':H·atlon? Do yon know tb:n"OO1!,,;,('nt challfl'�lIr�. auto "ah·smen. and.1�lIIolJ!'tr:ttor� are enrnlng tOllay $;2� to�:,41 ""toekly. and the demand far exceed.The �nllJlly at this time of the yenr?We 'lllnilfy you to be an expert ehant·feTfr. :tllto �nle8men. demonstrator or reop:tlr man In 30 days t1n1e.BOTH DA Y A�D EVEXIXG CI •. \SSESCOXPLETE COURSE. ,,-5. .. Telepbone Hyde Park 2198.DB. OJL\8. B. MDJ.BR.PIIY8IC1AlIC' A'ND StJaOEOlIC'Cettap On .. AftD", c...... StnelOl'lce boan: 10:30 to 12 L Dl to 5ancl 7 to 8 p. m.Residence: 63f9 J'ackltOn A'Ye .• TelepboneH,.cle Park 8N. Sancia,. .. :: to 3 p. Dl.WOODLAWN AUTOMOBILESCHOOL857 E. 63rd Street Tel H. P. S82I,' .. ",'IDon't be Misled! THE DAILY MAROON. FRIDAY. )I:\Y 31. 1912.You have been told to avoid hookselling �I:-; a vacation emp loyme nt.The majority of the college men whohave tried it have no desire iur a sec­ond exper iment. They have boughtoutfits, assumed all r isks and foundthe work none too pleasant. whilethe rernuner ation has not been inproportion to the energy expended,It is wise to he guided by the ex­per ience of others. hut if vou assumethat because t hese men h:�\·4..' failed atthe house to house type of canvass,they or you would rail when present­ing a special typc of work to a dcf­inite list (Ii prospects. you arc mis­taken,Th(., Xe\\' Student's Reference \Yorkis edited hy a body of the most emi­nr nt educators in the countrv. Itattracts immediate attention. -whenpresented to the teaching public. \Vehave under contract as salesmenscores of male teachers and principalsof this and neighboring states.\Ve are not running an orphans'home. and hence do not care to em­ploy anyone under twenty-one yearsof age. hut if you are a clean-cut.vigorous man. ready to study hard• and work harder under an experiencedmanager. we have the followinzthings to offer you:(1 ) Tran .. portation to the field ofwork.(2) A free outfit.(3) A liheral advance on commis­s ion account.(4) Best of all. a tine opportunityto make a sum far in excess of whatyou can earn at almost any other oc­cupation. We believe in our work.because we know from experiencethat our men "make good,"Call Xormal2223 and make appoint­ment if you wish to investigate thisoffer,THE BEST DRESSED MEN ATLAST YEAR'S CONVOCATIONWORE KANDLE SUITS. YOUNEEf) ONE' FOR THIS YEARPLACE YOUR ORDER NOW.M. KANDLExpert Tailor1460 E. FIFTY - FIFTH STREETNorth side of street, bet. Jeffersonand Washington Avenues.ARROWNotch COLLAREasy to put on and take offARRow, SHIRTSFit perfectly aDd are color fat.SU' aDd sue� Peabnd7 & Co ........ �.1I'. Y.A TRIP TO EUROPE AND RETURNAs Cheap as a Vacation in AmericaWhy spmd '2,0Uf ... KaIion in th;.. COUIdIJ wheayou caD go to turope -ria lheFRENCH LINEfor $45.00 to $70.00 (meals ,and berthincluded).On ODe of the DeW Quadruple aad Twin ScrewODe c:J... (II) cabin Ileamen sailing from NewYom OQ Saturdays direct toHAVRE-PARIS.eo.,..,·s OffIce, 139 IIortI'I ....... StnItPhones Hyde }lark 37() and 3/1nay and Night Service.Midway Motor LiveryHIGH GRADE AUTOMOBILESFOR HIREAt special flat rates to Students5429 WOODLAWN AVE.Chicago. COMMISSION IS ADJOURNEDFinal Meeting of Interscholastic BodyIs Held to Perfect Plans - Enter­tainment of Visitors Now In Handsof Students.The last Interscholastic conunis­sian meeting was held \\' cdnesday an­ernuon in the Reynold- club theater.Reports were made hy the variouscommirrcc-. and a summary of thework to date was given. Georg-e Kuhhas been appointed to succeed How­ard )lcLanc in the office ,)i "ice­chairman of the commission. Bcrnal�dVinis�,ky reported for the pre,." COIll­mittce. that letters had been -ent t',point winners of other inter schola-­tics. and that notices were to appealin tilt: city ne wspapcr s aml The Daily�rarooll,Thirteen fraterniries have report eelto Che ster Bell of the hoard and roomcommittee, their preference of t e.uu-.and the nUI11b( r uf :11el1 they couldaccommodate. .-\11 fraternities are to ,have at least onc representative inthe Reynolds club during the entiretime that men are ar riving on thecampus, It was decided that :111teams should be kept together. all 0\\ -inl{ no one man to visit another ira­tvrrrity or' group of friends. unless apreference notice is se nt in to t:tchoard and room committee before theman's arr ival. Letters have be en sentto all "Coo men. each of whom is to,ha\'c in charge one or more of thevrsttrng men, On Friday. JUlie 7. aboat ride has been planned by the en­tertainment committee. This willcommence at 7:30. Sixty men havealready signed up for this ride, andin order to make it a success morehave been requested to sign °up atonce, Lists will he found in the Rey­nolds dub and the Information office.Vaudeville Planned.,-\ vaudeville is planned for Saturdaynight in lIandel. Cups will be p r e-'sen ted at this time to the winner:" ofpoints in the meet, The I nte�schol­astic dance at the Reynolds club hasheen called off. thereby allowing' no 'one in the Univeraity an excuse iornot attending- the vaudeville at )Ian­del.X early forty schools have -sent inentries for the meet, and more areexpected, The commission has askedevery loyal Chicago man to joi'l in.and make this Interscholastic a suc­cess. . -"TODAY at La­fayette theathletic supremacy ofthe 'western collegeworld will be decided.Today at The Hub thevalue giving suprem­acy in clothing will bedecided. Unlike thewestern conference ath­letic situation there isno question as to how the supremacy in c10-thing value giving will be decided, You willhand the honor to The Hub. The $25 suit value we areoffering you now will compel you to actthat way. We will not tell you how muchmore these suits are worth. You wouldnot believe us. See them atAugusta Swawitc, chairman: Eliza­beth Burke, Harriet Dean. Lynne Sul­livan.Hockey and nasehall c ommittee-e­Eleanor Seley, chairman: )Iar�aretHammett: Esther Sutcliffe,Posters have been placed in Cobbhall and in Lexington, One is PUt inthe women's gymnasium. and all whointend to come have been asked tosign up. After the games in the aft­ernoon a spread in the gymnasiumwill take place, Dancing will follow,If you want to earn mODey dur·ing vacatioD, caD at enee, 201 Rai1-way Exchange Baildiag.G. L. HinddeyMEN'S FURNISHINGSandBILLIARD HALLJAS. £. COWH EY1001 and 1001� East 55th StreetS. E. Cor. Ellis A ve.Telephone Hyde Park 3758TYPEWRITINGSc per page; Carbons !!c.Theses given especial attention.Satisfaction guaranteed.W. L. Allred, 911 E. 57th StreetWoodlawn Trust& Savings Bank1204 E. SIX"· THIRD STREET. ClfICAGOA STATE BANKDEPOSITORY PORUNITED STATES POSTALSAVINGS FUNDSTHE The largest and old�tbank nearest to the Univer·sity. Accounts of profes·sors and students solicited.WOMEN TO PLAY HOCKEYWITH TRADE UNIONISTSGame On Greenwood Field Will BeFollowed by Spread In Gymna­sium and Dancing.:\Iembers of the 'Y, A ... \. will en­tertain the Women's Trade Unionleague tomorrow with a hockey andba .. eball game. and an informal spread.The hockey team:', which will becornpo .. cd of members oi the leagueand University women. will begintheir game at 3:30 on the Greenwoodfield. Every effort i's being made tohave a large gnthcr ing present. a sthis entertainment is an annual affairand the women of the league look for­ward to the games with the Univcr­s ity women with keen anticipation,)lis5 Pcar l ::\lcGil11�ie is generalchairman. and will he a-sis ted .in thework by the following- women:Rcfrc shment s committee - ElbSpicrin;;!" chairm:lI1: �br;aret l' am­Ill('tt. Pt.'arl )lcGilll�i(',(irl'cting lootllmittc(' - Calherinl'Jl-.hn�. )lar;:t1crite Swa",itl'. :\lar;:art':Sullinl1,Puhli�ity c,-.mtllittl'c-(;ra,ol· 11, ... tch­ki". chairman: Zannil' Edwarfis.G'<,t.·n hall: Ruth nn7.ell. Fo,tt.':' hali:)lol1a Quayle. Grt.'l'nwoo<l 1:al1: P:ltdcHils:nan. ncecher hall. CatherineJohns. Kdly hall.�hl .. ic ano Po�tcr:, c')l11l11ittec-Club Breakfasts-Cafeteria for LuncheonCOMMONSSee what you ptGet whAt you want Pay for what yoa aetCome in and try it Checking :\.ccounts of 55D.OOand Savings :\.c.:ount5 of 51.00accepted. ,i-_,'THE!SttCKmtIST :ToaACCOTHE senior looks with pIe&me On his1 - ��legelife-the dose friendsbips--tbegood old times. Sentiment will continue towreath memories with the curIiusl smoke(lom the old pipe. and V dvet, aear oldV dvet will go with him to the end; Velvet fromold Kentucky-mdlowed in the grim old WBftI­houses-two y� of aging-getting rid of harsh­ness. becoming the smoothest of all smokes.: Men will come and men will go and V civet willalwa}'� go with them-what better testimooy ofworth)At aD dealers.SPAULDINC &: MERRICKCIDCACOFull TwoOUDceT�KODAKS and CAMERASand a complete line of photographic material.KODAKS EXCHANGEDCENTRAL CAMERA CO.,First-class developing,printing and enlarging. 124 S. WABASH AVEPatronize Maroon Advertisersi. ._ I '_' _'.' _." . '_ ,,-THE DAILY MAROON. FRIDAY. MAY 31. 1912.JEFFERSON,55th St. and Lake AYe.NOVELTY PHOTOPLAYFour reels nightly of the latest movingpictures. High class songs. Best ofmusic by high class artists •TONIGHTThe Pilgrimage (Drama)The Senorita·. Butterfly (Drama)PATHE WEEKLY__. Special - SUNDAY - SpecialThe Fighting Dervishes of the DesertKalem Drama Produced in EgyptAdml •• lon. 5c'" Never HitherEvery Frida, � � Every FridayFUND PASSES $400 MARK(Continued from page 1)Max Rhode ..... :........... 1.00Phi Delta Kappa ..........•. 5.00Lees Ballinger :..... 1.00G. Foss...................... 5.00Greenwood Hall 3.00Green Hall 4.52Messrs. White. Hoffer, Johnsonand Long ..... '. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.00Total $401.13Fund Passes $4.00 Mark.The Twohig fund has passed thefour dollar mark. Greenwood hall,with a contribution of $3.00; Greenhall. with $4.52; and Foster hail withan additional $1.61; and :Messrs.White, Hoffer, Johnson. and Long,with $4.00 brought the total of con­tributions yesterday to $13.13.COSMOPOLITAN CLUBTO SPEND RUSSIANNIGHT IN AMERICARussian night wiU be spent onAmerican soil by the Cosmopolitanclub tomorrow night. The election ofofficers wilt follow the regular pro­gram. Songs will be rendered by K.'Bloch, and Manuel Larkin and ArthurMaonasewitz will give talks on phasesof Russian life; Russian refresh-. merits, including such Russian can­. dies as holova will be served. Themeeting will be held in Ellis 17.• SPEND YOUR VACATION ON AFlanders Motorcycle$175·_. • ..... to .....Eca CIIItcIt.w-_� � 200---.&abiIit7....-�� s-u,..S' ••BUELL AUTO ,CO. 823:0�"l:�UEFor all College NewsAnd accurate reports on AthleticEvents of the Year, read�TbeInter OceanPRI��.ESSWilliam A. 'Brady'S Production ofWITHIN THE LAW,.'.. M�JESTICSTAXDARD VACDEVILLETRIXIE FR1GANZAPopular Laugh PromoterMACLYN,ARBUCKLE & CO.In a Xew ComedvTHE'SON 'OF SOLOMON.\ :\Iost Striking DramaThe Fillis Family. the ).!a;;i.: Ket­tle, Rube Dickinson, Sealby & Duc­los, :\1 ullen & Coogan. Van Bros.Prices 15-25-50-75. TeL 6480 Central,'",- /GARRICKMort H. Singer's New Musical Play,A MODERN EVECORT.. READY MONEY"STUDEBAKERMAIL ORDERS NOWMonday, May 18 - Seats ThursdayELSIE JANISIn "THE SLIlI PRINCESS"WIth Joseph Ca-withom and Co. of 80OLYMPICTHOS. W. ROSSIn "THE ONLY SON"poWERSJ�'.. ..; .. "Witty. original farce-Torrents ofLaughter."-Amy Leslie, Daily News.Cecil B. De Mille PresentsTHE, MARRIAGE-NOTThe Dai!lty' Musical' Comedy, .'THE PEARL IIAlDENWith JOHN C. SLAVINBeauty Chorus of 60.- Orchestra of 26Prices: Evenings, SOc to $1_SO_Matinees, 2Sc to $1.00.pALACEOark St., � ear RandolphPhone Rand. 3414Martin Beck. :Managing DirectorRALPH HERZLate star of Dr. I .. e LuxeSEUllAS MAC MANUS IRISH, PLAYERS'ALMA YOULIN - HUGH J.EMMETTMme. Simone de Beryl. the ParisianBeauty; Ed llorton; Earl & Curtis;Reynolds & Donegan.SUMMER PRICESDaily llatinee Every NightEntire Main Floor. 75cBalcony, SOC; Gallery, 25c.Smoking in BalconyI, L'L IN 0 IS.... � ... 1IcIIIpI ....SEATS NOWTHE QUAKER-GIRLWith CLIFTON CRAWFORD andthe N ew York Cast.Xightly & Sat. Mat .• SOc to $2Wed. llat., SOc to $1.50Geo. M. Cohan's GrandCohan and 'Harris, �{anager5.Augustin �lacHugh's Melodramatic­Farce-Success.OFFICER 666, Telepbooe Jlld.....,. ..Salta Xa4Ie to 0nIer. -=- 17.J. BOPP.AKTAILORCIeaaJQ. � , ...., � o..w 0..- ...J .. �JI'a.e ........(Rear at. .w..)8pedal Bate: Salta P.-I, lie.l • BASEBAL�By HARRY DANIEL, Famous for Happy Humor.,Order from your dealer today.Then take up out­door exercise ofsome kind.These are LawnT e n n i s day s-abracing sport:Make a call at ourstore and inspectour 1 9 1 2 '1'ennisRequisites. � '�,��Spaldine 1912 Catalogue Sent Free. .A.. G. 8PALDIBG & BB08.28-30 So. Wabuh Ave., ChicagoI" • RUN IN CONFERENCE ITRIAL HEATS TO�AY"(Conti�ued from page 1)inches in the Kansas meet on .\layII, and has been consistently hurlingit 125 fect. 11e will make a likelysubstitute for Roberts, while Wickamin .1 he 1 wo mile has been showing upwell. He captured that event fromIllinois in their recent dual meet.Shockley has also been doing goodwork in the mile run.01� Men to Compete.Of the old men. however, there areseveral names already heavily en­grayed on the conference annals,Captain Bermond, Xicholson.' andKirksey are the leaders in this di­vision. ..\11 of these men showedtheir mettle last year. and their worku» until the present time this seasonhas heen stronger than eyer before.Captain Berrnond has been showingbetter forn, to the middle distanceevents, Last year he ran beautifulraces in the quarter and half mile.finishing very close to Davenport" ofChicago. record holder in these tworuns. Xicholson of �Iissouri, whofinished first last year in ,the highhurdles and then tied for first placein the high jump with Beeson ofCalifornia. will again be a competitorin these events. His time of 153-5seconds last year in the high hurdleswill he lowered this year with a com­petitor in the running like Case ofHlinois. Both men have recorded151-5 seconds this season and thebattle_ for first place over the highsticks should be a' hot one.Have Fast Hurdler.Kirksey, winner of the ?2Q yard lowhurdles last year, is also entered thisseason. He has been' clearing thelow hurdles in fast'r time than' everbefore, and should win this event.There are some- other fast men tocompete. although 1i:dward Beeson ofCalifornia, and Fred Williams ofNotre Dame who won second andthird places. respectively, last year,are not entered.The ticket sale continues to be arecord breaker. It has been neces­sary to send out another batch ofseats to the Indianapolis distributingpoint. The admission, including areserved seat. is only one dollar. Asevery seat is reserved, reservationsshould be -rnade at once to HughXicol, athletic -director of Purdue uni­versity, 'Vest Lafayette, Indiana.Wisconsin-A box of fireworks. tobe used in the Venetian night displayat Wisconsm, caused a great deal ofexcitement when it accidentally ex­ploded. Two students were slightlyinjured.ANY NEAT APPEARING MAN 01WOMAN CAN IIAI£, FlOM $11to' $20 a day with the Spic Span Ward­robe bag. Something new. Virginterritory. Could actual1y be sold bydeaf and dumb person as it sells itself.Slips over Suits, Gowns and Furs.Protects from dust, odor, and moths.Hangs anywhere. Attractive andlow-priced. Keeps garment in shape.People will always be glad you called.\V e search the market for propositionsstudent can successfully sell and thisis the best money maker we haveever seen. Any agent can sell it andthey are making from $10 to $20 aday. University Sales Company,Iowa City, la.�, ...., ...... .. 1,0 ..... �_ • �j ..."'_· .. fM· .', ... f'--:� l.:."- ;:-'Hard work-lots of it. Hard play-many kinds. Tired body - brainThirst painful.answen to the limit of satisfaction, every questionof brain and body weariness, of "work-thirst'�and palate wish.DeIicioa-Refresla.c-TIaint�;-15c Everywh.ie'/ .>THE _ COCA-COLA C<,>.,Atlanta, Ga.-- 'Our ..free book­Iet,teDiDlrofCoca-CoJa YiD­dic:atioa at Oat­t8noop, for the ukiDc. WheneftrJOG 8ee allArrow-thiDkof Coca - Cola.PATRONIZE MAROONADVERTISERS..,.,COLLARS:;:Ha.e all featunethat make for styleand lDdiuduality •. ,..... ; ..... '"';.��',;: