� Pursuit of Po rna"May 2t s, and 4.Seats on Sale Daily10:30 to 3 P. M. matly .!larnnnVOL. X. NO. 134.VARSITY PLAYS BALLWITH IOWA AND AMESMeets State· University Team To­day In Return Game and AmesAggregation Tomorrow.VARSITY MEETS FRESHMENCoach Page Will Conduct TryoutTrack Meet On Marshall Field To­morrow - Entries Announced.Tilt' Yar:-,ity baseball team leit Chi­ca�u last night ior a two days" trip,Oil which two game,.; will ·ue played.The team will, meet Iowa today atIowa City. while Ames will be taken011 tomorrow at Ames.Iowa has already been defeated byChicago hy 10 to 0 and should 'bean ea-y v ict im ior the \·arsity today.Carpenter pitched the last game, al­lowing only four hits. while Chicagotouched Baird ior ten.Ames Is Unknown.The result of the game with Amesis uncertain as the state college teami,. an unknown quantity.have been played that canon the ability of the team.will probably pitch this game asHruda will twirl today.Tomorrow morning at 10:30 CoachPage will conduct a track meet torthe Varsity and Fre shman candidates.The meet will be- in the nature oi aXo gamesg ive a lineCarpenterAll Candidates Entered.entered in this meet. However, Pagehas announced that any other men.wishing to try ior the teams shouldreport to him today on MarshallFidd.Tile enrries follow:Freshman Entries.Sprint,,-Parker. Scanlon, Blackett,Stain". Breathed. Prc,.nell.Hurdle,,-Parker. JL Smith. \Yard.Pre"nell.��() Yard Run-Stain:,. ::\Ic.-\nitur,iHacket:. Reed. Pollak. Hart.&�o Yard l'nn-Byerly. Le,·in,.o11.Tait. Bi:o'hop. Fowler.I ::\1 ilc-Chapman. �leac1. Le,·inson,Byerly. Gray. Ryan. Fowler. .Broad JU111p-\Yarc1� Breat:h'fi.Pre:o'ncll.High Jump-D6 Jardicn. Gorg-a:'.Baumgartner. Prc:'nt.'l1.Pole Yault-Thoma,.. norroff.Shot Put-Des Jardietl. Parkl·r.Bennctt.Hammer-Dennett.S�anlon.Discn.;-Prc�nd1. Gorga:'. Scanlon.Janlien.Varsity List.SprintsDnnl."an.l.?O Yard Hunl1l·.;-Kuh. �(enaul.::\(il1er. Stanley. Stephen. Leach.22n Yar.l Hurdle .. -Kuh. ::\Ienanl.::\Iiller. �loan. Kennedy.4-10 Yanl Run-Da,·enport. t_'hand­In·. Sloan. Haird. ::\Ia�thew:o'.��o Yard Run-Dan·nport. L,'::',lrt'.Chandler. Lnnfle. Sloan.I ::\Iile Rnn-Dono,·an. 1'(111:.1,.Da,·enport.Sloan. Sa,·idge. Elli ...Pole Vault-Coyle. l1ellt'r.Dkker:'on.High Jnmjl-::\lenau1. Cox.wit?:. Kuh.Hroafl Jnmp-Knh, ::\1 iller. Stani,'Y.Kennedy.\Veight" - ::\1 cnan!. Radl'mac};cr.Cannin�. Kennedy. )kFarl:md. Goe:­tlcr. Roger.;. Pier�e. X orgren. Lawkr, UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOt FRIDA Y, MAY 3, 1912.By Carl H. Grabo, '03.E\"t'ry se.u was tilled last eve n iturior the pcrfor mancc of "The Pursuitof Por t ia." the l lla ckfr iar s" operetta" iur t hi-, season. .\ family audience i"������������������������������-�����������������������al,vays prepared to t:lke �ips in �ooclpart and to make thc most of what____ ��_� ,i� offered it. but the interest and ap-JUNIORS PLAN VAUDEVILLE plause of last evening were in 110 pandue to such a generous impulse forchoruses. dances, and lines were run(Iff rapidly and effectively and withno apparent hitch.How difficult it is to effect smooth­ness in an initial performance anyonewho has had a hand in amateur"shows" must appreciate. ::\Iuchcredit is due ::\fr. Stothart and �rr.Erickson and the others responsible.for the success of last evening. Thechorus was well trained and sang andmarched with spirit and precision.and the various groups of dancersshowed both aptitude and admirableFRANK .O'HARAFOUR CAPTAINS WILL MEET TALKS ON SOCIAL HYGIENEMarvin; Scofield, Goodman, andWhite to Arrange for InterclassSwimming Contest This After­noon.The four captains who were ap- Dr. Rachcllo Yarros spoke on "So-pointed by Coach White for the class cial Hyg ie nc" before a crowded houseswimming mect on May 7, will meet in Kent theater yesterday. She de-in his office today at 3. The men ap- cried the univcr sal ignorance amlpcinted are C: ::\larvin, for the Se- lack of instruction on the sex ques-niors ; T. Scofield, for the JuniorS;lltion. and suggested means hy whichtryout for the. Xor th we stcr-n meets,�. A. Goodman, for the· Sophomores, the evil can he prevented.which will be held next. week. The .C '·1· f I F 1and R. . \ I lite, or t ie • res linen. "Phvsicians were at one timc sat-Vnr sitv meet will he held one wec k .Coach White will discuss arra.n�e-.. i�i�!l wir h .. J..6yi\l� a patient a pr e s cr ip-, ..• ,._.irj)nLto<la):-,�hjJc .thc iEreshman team , -mc·nfsTorille'nlcct;ind an effort will �' "Xow, how-.will compete on the next day. rion." "aid Dr. Ynrr os.be made to arouse more interest eve .• r they have come to sec that theyamong the clas;;,cs� At present about do ;1Ot -(l� their whole duty untiltw cnt v men have entered. they have s ucccs-fully attempt ed to.-\11 the candidates ior the Varsity Th� Freshmen have the largest combat the sources of the disca-cand Fre shman track teams have been b t- entries and are favored to J .' .. � num er 0 which they have tn deal with. t ISrepeat the feat of last year in cap- now con sidercd as c . ssential to pre-turing the meet by a good margin. vent a disease [rom spreading as toThe meet is a preliminary to the Cni-cure the patient' himself.'versity swimming championships,which will be held on May 28 and I29, and Dr. White hopes to get a line.on the men who are going to com- Ipete at that time. !Seniors Have Three Good Men. IIIIiIIII IilIur- Captain ::\Iaryin, Fonger, and Par­kinson arc the men upon whom theSeniors place their hopes to winpoints. The Juniors have a largenumber oi good men in Scofield, cap­tain of this year's swimming team;D. Holling5'Worth, captain-elect oinext ,·ear·s team; Keefe, Tatge,Chandier, and Tuttle. The Sopho­morcs do not appcar to ha,·e a strong­aggregaii<?n. Captain· Goodman andPoag-ue are the best men.Freshmen Are Strong.Captain; R C. \Vhite is countedupon to take the plunge ior theFre:"hmen� Ray \\·hite is the fa,·o.­ite in the' 40 and loo-yard SWi111�.while 11. Gor�a:-i will probably winthe hreast-stroke. T. Hollingsworth.H. �\. ::\{oore. �{cClung. Scliridge.and \\'arnewski are all �ood men.who ought to place. O,,·ing to thellumher of Fre�h111en entries. trialheat" may he hcld.The eHnt" which arc scheouledarc: �O-yard swim, loo-yard swim.ph'n�e i;)r cli�talll'e. �O-yanl hreast­�tr(lke. �n-yarcl h:ll'k-stroke, spar andpillow light. iull dre:,5 race, and re­lay. Each da:-, will enter two menin each race exccpt the lOO-yardswim.Chemists to Visit Refinery.The KCla Chemical �ociety will g.)tlo \Yhiting. lucliana. tOlllorrllW morn,­iug to yi:,it the refinin� plant of the:'tandanl Oil company. .-\11 sttHknt"oi chemistry ha,·c Dccn invited to takcad,·antage vi the trip and are request­ed to mcet at Kent promptly at K Dr. Rachelle Yarros Decries Ignor­ance and Lack of Education QnSex Question - Suggests Prevent­ives for Ancient Evil.Quotes Statistics.Dr. Yarros quoted statis rics show­ing- that in Xew York city alone atleast 100.OCO men arc 5ubject to h11t�)nc yenereal disea,.c. gonorrhea.·Twcn�y per Cl'nt oi the hlindues.; int!le Cnitecl State:, :,he credited to the.. a111e di .. case. It i .. e:,timated, accord­ing- to the d.)ctor. that hetwel'l1 ·Wand 60 p('r Cl'nt Oi thc y(lun� men inthe 'lar�l' citic..· .. are suhjcc.'t ·:0 g-onnr­rhea .. which l'an he re:ldily tran:,mit­tecl in marriage to the wiic..'. with .li.;-:!.;trou.; rl':"lllt,.;..\ single :,tanclarfl oi morality inrmen and W0111en was rt.'l-Ollll11l'IHh'c) hyDr. Yarro" a .. one l11et;lOd oi curingthe e,·il. S:le pointcd out that thedi:,ca�e gains its hold on ci,·iliza:ionmainly through prostitution. al1(1 thatanothl'r W:ly to prc'·ent venc..'real di.;­ea:,e is hy putting a check on thcwhite :,lavc tratiic.Tells Economic Causes.··::\Io:'t 0: the 5,000 pro,titutc.." inChi�ago ha,·c hcen forct'll :0 �('11 �hl'irhOfln'<' "aid Dr. Yarro:o', ··In tIll'·,·enerl'al ward of tl1l' County hn.;pitalT ha\"c talkell with llUt1l1rl'(I.; ,)i,,"omen :111cl only t:le icwe,.t ni thc..';n!lan' ('ntaccl the nl(lc"t oj tlte prl)­fl''':,inn,.; oi tl1l'ir own will. The i111-jl":o':-ihility ,.i li,·in� on the paltry $,:"a w('l,k that :'0 many pi our ":10jl.:.:irl.; rc..','ci,·c. ,wdls the numh('r 0;prn,..:itutl'''' in Chil'ag-o, .\�ain andagain T hear oi widnw:, who mu.;t�up)lort their ,�hilflren atHI {'an clo.. \) in n.) othcr way. allcl (Ii girl,.; W;1Ohan' iatlen hCl'au,.;e oi our :o'aloon<1ance-h:tlkPraises Dean Sumner.Dean Sumner's courage in demand­ing a clean hill oi health iro111 a(Continued on page 2) J. ELMER THOMAS ."Dance of the Senseless" Will beFeatured at Annual Show Given bythe Class of 1913 In Reynolds ClubTheater.::\ror.:'e .. -\<1a111" an d Lockerby will befeatured in a "Dance of the Senseless"at the Junior vaudeville. Friday. ::\1-1.\.14-. The act will he a take-oft 011the special dance executed in theIllackfr iars' show by Frank Parh·r·and Curtis Roger:'.Other specialties on the hill w il! ;n-, clurle a chorus girl "s tunt " hy :\1 i s sFlorence Rothermel anel an 1 ri,hsong number by Chester Bell. Hclen ,'�[cGce and Herbert Granquist will beintroduced in an orig-inal act an 1 �number. of other performers fr nu t heclass oi 1913 will appear on the -tage.::\[i5S Virginia Hinkins will act :1:' ;;1-t er locutor at the minstrel show w lj ich 'will be-a part Of the prog-ram.Will Be Advertised.The committee in charge oi theaffair met yesterday in Cobb and madeplans ior the sho\\" a� announced. itis prohahle that aclclitionai numher"�vill he prO\·ided for. Rohert Tuttle.dlairman oi the committee. announcedthat the yaude,·ille would he well ad­n:rti,.;ed. ::\Iemhers oi the class holc1-in� cla:o'5 ticket� will he admitted onpre"cntation of them. Others will beadmitted on payment oi 25 cents.FETE PROCEEDS TOPA Y EXPENSES OFGENEVA DELEGATESThe Quadrangle Fete. to -he held inconjunl,tion with the B1ackriar�' JIl'r-·iornnl11'l' tonight. i" uncle:- the au,.;­pice.; oi t:1C Y. \V. C. L. TI1l' pro­ceed" will go toward pay in;,! the ex­penses of dclegatcs to the Gcneva,'nnil'relll'c. I f till' w,'ather permit=-.iour hooth� will he crl'l'tcf! ont.;iclet:le .:orri(lor on the .,iclewalk hetween:\Ianckl and lIutchin:o'nJl hall,.. Eachda".; will he n'j)re';l·tHl'f! hy one "it:1C hooth:, where da:',. c.'olnr.; will Ill'n.;ed. Thl' honth.; will he open irn111� to 10. and i"e i.'ream. il·e \'reamcont':'. kmonach'. :lncl ,·andy will he.;"Id, In ,'a',' oi ha(1 \\"cathc.'r thehOlllh.; will hl' l'rl,,·tl'd in lhl' l·(.rriclnrll'aclin� to ::\landl'1 h;t11.NATIONAL CUSTOMSWILL BE DISCUSSEDAT CLUB'S MEETING�Cu�toms of various countrics willhe discus.;ed at the mccting of theCosmopolitan cluh. to he held to­morrow ni;;::ht in thc Elli� clulhr()0111S. -\ �·acanC\· on the hoard ofciircctors· will als� be fined at thistiD1i.t/ Season Ticket BooksSold for $2.00.Give Admission to AllContests.PRICE FIVE CENTS.NINTH COMIC OPERA"PURSUIT OF PORTIA"PRESENTED BY FRIARSWell Filled House Greets ActorsIn First Performance of AnnualProduction-Carl H. Grabo,'03, Reviews the Play.RUNS OFF WITHOUT HITCHCalls Standard Higher In Every WayThan That of Former Shows­Quadrangle Fete Will Be HeldBetween the Acts Tonight.. t;":!ining «:Marks Great Advanc�How the performance comparedwith the productions oi the last twoor three years the writer is unableto say, but it marks a great advanceupon plays of several years ago. Thestandard is higher in every way, the!Jines and songs less imitative of theprofessional stage, and the resultconsequently far more frcsh andpleasing.The dancing, particularly the sym­bolic "Dance of Radha", which was;..rin·n hetween the two acts of theplay, 'Was espccially well reeeh·ed.Th{· "naul."c of Rac1ha" as interpretedhy Frank G. Parker and \\·i11iam C.Rogers. was possessed of genuinc ar­tistic merit, and would havc donecredit to professional dancers. Thestage effects wcre harmonious andthe whole was dignified to a degree.Parker Acting Effective.Frank G. Parker. as Portia. theheroine. had other opportunities todance and act effecti,·ely. He madean engagin� youn� woman and com­ported himsclf with remarkahlc �acethrou;..rhot1t. achie\'in� the difficult ieatof appcaring at ease in his ,"ari.)11"costumes. These. by the way. wereup-to-elate and rich in effect. hnththoo:c of the principals an<) l-!Jc:':"1ts.J, Elmer Thomas as Jo:'cph:nc. andFrank O'Hara as )Jrs. \\"il .. nn wereal"o good in difficult par��. meeting­the requirements hoth a5 tn I')oks andactin�.To �(ilton )forse. in the par� ofP,iH Jonc�. iell tht' 1)("t lilic� (Ii,1lt' lIla:!'. \\,!li .. h he :"::1\,' in ;111 in­dividual fa�ll;on. on·i:i! c(\l1:,i<lcr:lhlcdr\" humor that mafic l1lt1ch (Ii rc­st;ictcc! oppo;-tunitic<:, 1 n a �hMtplay intrnducini-! � numher nr char­acter:". an<1 with !l1.111Y "n!l�' andchorn;; tltl1llhers. lllt1ch in the way 0tcharacter delineation is neither to heCXj'l'c..':l.'d ,'r dl,,.ir\'t1. ··Th,' I'ur,uit or"Pnrtia:' l!nw\,\"('r. ha:, �\h'il'l1� 1'1. It i(.:"it.; jltlrpn .. e. the clialng"tll' i, hri�l:t anc1ltUt11orou'. and the �eneral effect oi�etting- somewhere i5 maniicitthroughout,(Continued on page 2) '.,THE DAILY MAROON, FRIO.-\Y. :\I.-\Y J, 1912.THE DAILY MAROONThe Official Student Newspaper ofthe Uiuversity of Chicago.Founded October I, 1902.FormerlyThe University of Chicago WeeklyFounded October I, 1892.Published daily except Sundays. �lon­days and Holidays during threequarters of the University year.Entered .as Second-class mail at theChicago Post Office, Chicago; llli­nois, March 18, 1908, under Act ofMarch 3. 1873.�2."McElroy Pub. Co. Press, (j:!1� Cottage GroTe-- THE STAFF\Y. J. Foure �lanaging EditorH. L. Kennicott. Xews EditorAssociate EditorsD. I .. Breed Leon Stolz\Y. H. Lyman B. \\". Vinis skyG. W. Cottingham C. S. DunhamJ. n. Per lee.ReportersH. S. Gorgas :\1. S. Hr eck inr idg cH ... \. Lolle .. gard C. E. \\"atki;IS\V. B. Crawford G. S. LymanF. L. HUblerWomen's EditorSarah ReinwaldWomen ReportersGrace Hotchkiss Lillian SwawiteAugusta Swawite Dorothy WillistonSubscription RatesBy Carrier, $2.50 per year; $1.00 .perquarter. City mail, $1.25 per quar­ter; $3.00 per year in advance,News contributions may be lcft inEllis Hall or Faculty Exchange, ad·dTessed to The Daily Maroon.EDITORIAL"Captain Thomas answercd thewild a;>peals of 3,000 rooters by lam­ming out a doublc, bringing in thcrun that ticd:'Illinois That clipping tells theWednesday st41ry of thc basehall�ame whi�h Chicago lo�tto 111inois in the ninth inning atChampaign '" c(l1ie .. day,.-\11 accounts agrec that the �Iaroonand the Orange and Blue tcam .. arcas e\"enly matched as ba�ehall te:l.m�call he. It was not thc Illilloi"t\?a11l'� superiority t;la: beat u .. ; itW:l:". the "3,000 rooters,"\ \' edncsday the I llinois team willhc on :\Iar�hall Fic111. Captain Boyle'�team will he e\"ery bit a" �ond as thatled ';y Captain Thoma... nut willBoyle ha"e the · .. �.OOO rooters" he·hind him to gi\"e the c(lge that willlllc:an \"ictory?That is a <}uc:"tion for Chicago �tu·Ilc:nts. alumni. iaculty allll iricnd .. toanswer. The team (the hc .. t th:lt ha=,rl.'prl'sentcd Chka�o in ycar:,'. willfurnish the ha=,chall- anll \"cry �O, .,1l,a"'l·hall. too. It rl'lllain, ior the re:-t(I; us t,) hl, tl1l'rc and iurnish in,.pira.ti.,n likl' th;lt w:,ich won j,lf l1iinoi,.);1': t illlt'.FRANK, ELLIS HALLJANITOR, 13 YEARSHERE, SEEKS WORKFrank J)H.rak. inr thirtecn ycar- a. ianitnr in thc t'ni�n�ity, :llltl inr tll�la'-t iew year, ;]=,:-i;.!lIcll tn Elli� hail.r,':UrJll'll tn t:le clmlHI' ye,.tt'nlay1l11)rning 011 nile (Ii his (bily trip,.:",:.kin;.! for wMk. J' e was liity.thrceyear:, when he Was let out this yearwithout a pen'ion. and on acco11nt of1:i,. :l.lh·anct'd year .. , h:l.s i011nd it (lif.:',cult to .'c('ure cmployment. J' i, <Ii,.Cil:l.rge came :l.S a re:-ult of a chang\.'in. 11l:lnagel11ent. Bulletin and AnnouncementsInterclass Swimming Meet captainswill meet in Dr. l{Cl"u's otiice· todayat 3.Senior Class Day Committee willI1H.'ct t oday at 10 in Collh 9B.Freshmen Class Dance will he hl'111in the Reynolds club today irnlll 3:30to 6.Senior Class meet- at 10:30 todayin Cooh ou. J mportant.Stereopticon Lecture-" Flor euce inthe Ear ly Rena is .. ance." hy �I i�=, Can­field, today at 3, Room 159, Bdticltlha ll. Everybody 11a,; been invited.Kansas Club-e-Bcach party t •• day.at �:30. to Jal"k"on park. )) l·d at theGer muu building. .\11 Kan-nn- invit­cd,Cosmopolitan Club will meet to­morrow uig ht in till' Ellis hall clubr oorn. Kent" Chemical Society excur s ion to.\\'hiting Saturday; will leave Kent at�:10 a. Ill.Cosmopolitan Club me et inj; in theclub room at � Saturday.Interfraternity Relay Races will herun off \\'cdlle�(lay at � on )lar"hallField.Alumni Dinner at the Univcr sityclub Thur sday.with )Iaynard] leath. Senior 11101 "ign upSimond or AlbertReynolds Club' Informal c-hangl'dirom Saturday. )Iay 11. t o Fr iday,:\Iay 10.Commercial Club Banquet next\\' edncsday. :\lay �. at 6:15. Priv.uedining room of the Commons. :\1 r.Charles 1-1 cat h, for twenty years amember of the Chicag o Board ofTrude. will speak.PROFESSOR HALL WILLLECTURE TO MEN MAY 8Social Hygiene Authority Has Ad­dressed 100,000 Students - Authorof Book On the Subject.Professor \\'inticld Scott llall, xr.D., of X or thwe stern univer s ity, willspeak to a mcct ing limited to mC11\\'ednesday, :\Iay H, in Kent theater at� upon· the general subject. "Socia lHyg icne." Pr ofe ss or Hall is wel lqualified to speak upon this subject asin the last year he has addressed over}(X).OOO college men throughout t lict'nited States.Dr. Hall has written a book. oiwhich Doctor Hender"on says:"I havc read the book and <10 nothesitate to recommend it. I t i� ;tilthat a young man needs to rc;,� iOiniorm him of his dutie,;, and i1is per­ils in this matter, The ethical idealsare high and thc a(h'icc sellsihie auJwi.sc."Dr. C, Judson Herrick adds:"I ha,'c read the b'ook ·and ha"e thcstrongest praise for it as a whoic­the biological ioundation,' direc-tness.-. frcedom from cant and prudery. andthe practical way in which the authl.rgets to the lC"el of his reader:'-.·'The y, �1. C. .\. conu"ission". arcjlu:,-hing the meeting as muc-h as t>o:-.­siblc, belie\"ing that e"ery onc who at­tcnds the talk will rec-ei\"C �oll1e j,e:\'elit.SENIORS WILL HOLDADJOURNED MEETINGTODAY IN COBB 9 B:\rember:, of the Senior das� wiilmect in Cobb 9 r. at 10:30 thi,. morn­ing, The meeting callcd for ye,.t...'r.day morning was adjourned on ac·count of the few who re;;.pnnded tothe late c-al1. Sen:ral mattcrs IIi'hl1sine�s will he takcn up at the meet­ing today. .\ custodian for the �en­ior hench to takc thc place of Dan'n­port will he �clel'ted. and se"eral culIl­mittel':" will rl·port. Oi th6c the nincommittee and the c1a's gift �ol11mit­tee ha\'e important matter=, to hrin�up. Pro�ral11" and im'itation, f�lr theclosing day .. oi the year and the COl1-Hlcation will he "i:-cu'�e�1.Delta Sigma Phi MOves.Ddta �igma Phi fraternity wa- the"1l1y organization on the l'alllpt;s t.ltake ;!Ih·anl:l.ge oi the u,ual :\!a,' l:-tIllo,·ing day oppprtunit,·: Tllc\' t�all"­fe'rrcd their furniture i;ol11 :623 Drex •el :l\"cnUl' to ::()\J� Ja�k:"on a'·cnUt'.Kansas Klub to Have Picnic,Thc K.ansas klub will gi\"C :l hca�hP:Jrty in Jack�f)n park thi:- aiternOf)ll..\11 K.an .. ans in the l'ni",?r:'oit\' ha\"eheen iJ1\·ited. The kluh will l;,eet a:till' German builtling in ,T:tcksl_ln parkat �:.m. LOOP PAPER PRESSMENSTRIKE WITH EXAMINERII' Walk-Out Occasioned by Disagree­ment In Hearst Office-StudentsBecome Strike Breakers. .I Even irur paper's failed t o put in anII appearance la .. t nizht at the Reynold­dull. dorrnitor ie ... and var-ious otherpiacc:, .iround the campus where theyarc subscribed for. A close observerremarked at the seeming" s tand .. till ofup-t o-t hc-m inut e political couteution,also .. ocial.A .. trike oi pre .... men on all till.'loop ncwspapcr s. except The ChicagoDaily Socialist, cau .. ed thi .. cessation41f puhlication. Thi� recall� a similarincident la .. t year, when. owing- to a.. trike of printer ... the morning- edi­tion� by mutual conscnt consisted I):only four page... I t is und�rstoodthat a repetition of this periormancei" heing careiully guarded. a�ainst hythe manager... Last night at 10o'clock thirty-li,'c men. under theleader .. hip of S. L. Pi dot. left theReynolds club ior the Examiner oftiC-1!in an effort to break the strike.:\t this timl' The Daily �Iaroon i5unable- to a .. �ertain the fl'al causc oithe .. trike. or the princ-iplcs at :,take.From hearsay. it .. eem:' that employt.'='in the E'x:llllinl"f officc came to :"omcdisagreement and �lIh .. eqlH'ntly walkedout. following \',-hich the ·men in theotht.'r ne""'p:lper oi"tic-cs went out in�ympathy.BURNS TALKS AT PRINCETONShows How Corruption and ViceYield . to Detectives.For t.'\"l'ry.-'tle to be a politid;1I1would do away with l11uc-h corruption.acc-ording t(. Detecti"e "'illiam J.Burn ... who =,puke at Prin�etfll1 on)Ionday ni�:lt. San Franc-isco wasg"i"cn :\ .. all example or a city thathad. ht.'etl in the ;;r:l.Sp of the hos=,e ..and had hel"n purged. llurn� toldhow he hau traccli the \Ic-Xamarahrothcr�. antI how he \\"orkni out hi,ca .. l"."To the tr;lillt'll oh"en'er (Ii men. itj,. :I,. ea�y t.· follo\\" the tren,1 of thecriminal milHI." he �ail1. "a" tn iollowthe f"rlll oj thl' mal'. :llld ;;.,l it he.l'"l11l'" a l"illllparati,'l'1y (.'as)" matterjnr the dl,tecti\·e to o\"l..'rwl!l'im hi­prey ",itil ;( hcwil(tl'rin;.! array .Ifiact ... at t:1I' t'xa�'t millutl' wllt"1l hi­l'''ll''\'il·tll·�' i'l'.:.:-in=, t', rt'ntll'r him :-11'"jli\·jou,.Freshmen Will Dance Today.Thc Frc:-hman class datll'C will heheld thio; aiternoon irom � to 6 in thcRcynold .. cluh in .. tea(1 oi "n :'attJrli:ly.a .. announce.i ycstcrday. Preparation�ha\'C heen made by the .. "cial com·mittcl' to make this �:lncc thc higgl·"t"\lCcc .. , of the y('ar and a lar�e at.ten<1a::.:"( i:o' expl:..:-ted. AT MOSSLERS._BetWMD State aDd W.baah 19 Jackson Boulevard-EastHere is something that will particularly inter­est the fellows of. the U. of C.The arrival of a beautiful se-J •lection of English Sac and Nor-folk Suits, in the homespuns,tweeds and fancy blue in neateffects and plain weaves.We're showing some veryattractive styles at $25.Special. values ---every size.An opportunity to make a smart.saving.IIllinois-.\ contest to collect moneyfor a Y. \r. c .. -\. building was heldrec-ently by the student .. at the. Uni­ver s ity of Illinois. $7,500 is needcdand more than t hr cc-Iour t hs of thatsum has been promised. cdly prove more successful. HoraceFitzpatrick and Robert Mac Duff wereexceptions to this general criticism.however, singing with good enuncia­tion and sufficient volume, Theyhave, moreover, good voices, 1-1 ir .. chSoble was clear, though at times hespoke too rapidly to make his words. fully intelligible throughout thehouse.Altogether it was a thoroughlygood performance, . and the Black­friars, together with the authors ofthe play, Messrs. :\Icrrill, Kennicott,and Stapp, should be honored withfull houses on Friday and Saturdayof this week, when the play is to berepeated.Minnesota-_-\ gigantic parade corn­po�e,l (Ii tlo;��s repr esent irur the var­ious divisions 41f the agricultural work,wilt he one of the features of thcAg ricultural College county fair of thc. Univer sity of �Iinlle�ota on :\1ay 18.TALKS ON SOCIAL HYGIENEMichigan-:\lichi;.!all �raduatc,.; oithe future arc 'to have a permanentuniform insignia as a result of actionj aken by the athletic hoard. .\ hut­ton will he g-i\'en only to gr;J(luatl''''and will bc worn as the one distinc·ti"e mark of :\1 ic-higan graduate.couple before he will marry them re­cei\'ecl ia\"(Jrablc comment from Dr.Yarros, :\Iiss :\ddams' book recerit­ly puhlished on ".-\ ·Xew Con:,cien�eand an .-\ncient E\'il" wa:; also highlycommended,Elizaheth nurke. president of theEqual Suffragc league. under whoseauspices the lecture was gi"ctl, intro­duced the .. peaker. :\Ii .. s Burkc in­timated that thc lecture would proh·�'hly he thl' tirst ,)i a series on socialhy�iene.(Continued from page 1)NINTH COMIC OPERAPRESENTED BY FRIARS(Continued from page 1)Stapp's Music Tuneful,Ru .... cll Stapp's music for principalsand chorus was generally tuneful andin the chont�es was yigorous andefft'�ti,·e. Xot all of the l>rincipal�got their words o\"er thc footlight:,as clearly a .. might be desired, and ina se�ond performancc will undoubt-Quickand . Sure-that �s the way the Brain' should work.Coffee contains a drug-caffeme-which is a poison to manypersons - upsets the ner\'cs� and dulls the brain,For clear brains and steady nerves quit coffee· andUseINSTANTPOSTUM -_ �c�. -.swu_f!SNI I; --:.... :;r:::=:-::..:::;:::-" ItI .r.:,cIrI:I1 etiW;:ri .-==:::,�.c==- ! ,, .__�u.III'.\ �-;.-;=.::r..- 14� --_.- �\This is regular Postum in con·centrated form - nothing added,)[ade in the cup -110 boiling­can be ser\�ed instantl�'."There's a Reason"forPOSTUM Put a teaspoonful in acup, pour on boilingwater, stir, add creamand sugar - done!Rieh flavor, always thesame - always delicious!Postum Cereal Company, Ltd.Battle Cree� Mich.;REED COLLEGE IS UNIQUETHE DAILY MAROON, FIH DA Y, �IAY 3,·1912.TennisDaysNow.I F· your fa vurite open-airexercise he Tennis. YO \11'tastes in sl'lediug requisitesfor the gaBle can he sat i: ... -fled by our complete line of('(luipmellt-all of SpaldingQualit�·, the highest.Our complete catalogue on requestA. G. SPALDING & BROS,28-30 So. Wabash Ave., ChicagoTYPEWRITING8t� Pl't· pa �c: Ca rhons :!t·.Theses �i\'t'u espeeial attention.Sa t isfnct ion guaranteed.W. L. Allred, 911 E. 57th StreetTHE BEST OF MATERIALSform only a part of the cost ofglasses we make. The other partrepresents expert workmanship.That is why we invite comparison.N. WATRY & CO., OpticiansEstablished 188356 West Randolph, Near DearbornTYPEWRITERSOF ALL MAKESFor Rent, Sale·and ExchangeIt I. no 10nJl:er neeea&r7 to p.,. aD,.­where near $100.00 for • .tandard tJ'pe­writer of .n,. m.ke. We operate a larpf.ctor,. wbere we make oyer. with newp.rts. t,.pewrltera of .U lltand.rd makeeand .re able to _11 them at 40 per eent to'75 per cent leu thaD the mannfaeturen·llst prices.Onr macblnes are ·kuown throughout tileeonntr,- for the hleh lltandard of WOR­.m.nllblp .ud the eompleteueea wlth wblelathe rebuUt work Ie done. No paID. orexpenee .re spared to make tbeM tJ'pe­writer. Ter,- eloeel,. approach the braadnew ones. In taet. the,. will ct..,. the ___rnee .s new machines.Oor plant. eqolpment and toree of expertt,.pewrlter mecbaulcs .re equ.l to tbo. ofman,. of the f.etorlee wbere new t,.pe­writers are manntaetured. Theee tae1I1Ueeenable us to do work wbleh ,.ou wlU -.r­with os 1B m.rveloDB.We ha..,. been eetabU.hed thlrtJ' TUN..nd thou_Dda of oor m.de-o..,.r tJ'pewrlt­era sold • lODe time qo are attll ctm._tlsfaetor,- _ntce In aD parta of 1Meonntr,-.Do not eoDfu. our rebuilt tJ'peWr1tenwith the ordlnar,- eeeond-band or the so­ealled rebnllt machlnee olfered b,. otberdealers. Oor machlnee ha..,. aI. been dis­mantled right down to the frame. all. d ..feetlTe and worn pan. thrown oot. thearebuilt wltb Dew matertal b,.....kUled work­men.No other eoneern baa tbfte taellittee.therefore our pr� Ie an exelualq one.Onr frleeB canuot be equalled .D,.Wbe ....Cal at oor _learoom .nd ... d ID&D7letten soell .. tbese:·'Reall,.. we do not see bow ,.ou eaaalford to put oot auela a nlee tJ'peWriter forthe mooe,.. and wtah to tlaank ,.ou tor It."MMachloe Is an right aDd • better look­Ing one than I expeete4 for the prlee.""Machine 18 working tine. I would aot.take twke wb.t I �..,. for It."We ltlI.raDtee an ot our m�blnee tor ..7"r .nd 'Will make deU� of an,. 1Da­elaine. .ubject to examination and retUrDIf not aatlaf.etofJ'.We also rent tJ'DeWI1ten ID tlnt�eondltlon at a Sl»ECIAL BATE of Imouth. for $5.00 aud- IIp. _-'Write or eaU for further �eulan.Americu Writial Madaiae Co.437 S. Dearborn St. Tel Harrison 406� URKISHBATHS75 Cents. Plain Baths 25 CentsOpen Day and Night.SARATOGA BARBER SHOPJ. H. Hepp, Prop. .29 Soutb Dearbo� StreetExpert Manicurist.Scientific: MasseursExpert ChiropodiltPATRONIZEMAROON ADVERTISERS.Portland, Oregon, Institution WillHave No Student Unwilling to LiveUp to Its High Ideals .Stated InRecord.Reed college, Portland, Or exon, i0rwhich ground wa- broken on l auuary12, 1912. has been made pos sible bythe bequest oi Amanda \\'ood J�ec(l.Accordinz to The Reed Collcae i� l'C­orrl, it i,.; unique in many way-. Till!requirements for adrnis-cion are schol­ar ship, health. and character."Xo candidate i� finally admitted tr,Reed collejre until he ha ... pa�"l:.i t;:l:examination oi the dcpar nue nt ofphysical educat ion." according" to TheRecord, "The college reserves therig ht to decline to admit. or to dis­tlli�s irom the college at any timea iter admission. any stude nt who. 111the judgment oi the college phy s ic-an.could not remain without danger tohis own health or to the health ofStudent Must Support Ideals."The college reserves the right todismiss, at any ti�le, a student whodocs not gjve evidence of enure sym­pathy with the ideals oi the institu­tion. Dismissal may he made with­out specific charges. possibly. in a fewcases, on what seems to the studentand his parents inadequate and inde i­inite grounds. Those who are unpre­pared to accept this condition shouldnot apply for admission:'X 0 students will he admitt(cl oncondition. In order to be recommend­ed ior a degree. a candidate mustha\'e satisfied the requirement� oicourses' of study approved hy tlwmember of the faculty whom the catl­didate ha,.; chosen as a�h'i:,er f0!:' hi:,coilege liie. The numher of ':i)\1r:,e�required depends on the quality (Ii l;iswork in each cour=-e. .:\1>out 3(: lwrcent of hi:, elections must be in onedepartment, and hi� ad\'i=-er is cho=-enirom amolig the teachers in the lic­partmenr.The iollowing is taken irnlll � hI."Reed Colle�e Record: .Require Twelve Hours Weekly."Tweh'l' hour� a week oi recitation=­or lectnres or an equi\'alent in lab­oratory work. together with theconrses 'in physical education. c()n=-ti·tute an a\'crage SC1l1l'ster's w()rk. J ngeneral. students Illay re�i .. tl·r ror :,�mallY -a,.; li\'e c()urs('�: hut in til·' r:l"Coi =-tu!len: .. doinJ.: o\lt�i(le \\'(.11;'; i.·r�('li-support or otherwise. anti wi:c: l'con .. ideration:'o oi health arc in, oi\ C(!.!Opecial rc:'trictions will be 111;1.1l· 11;'nl1recnll1mcnllation oi the prell'''; .n,:, oiph,y:,ical cllucation: and \\'hcr� .: :·11(11-tion ... or :ailuf\.·" h;l\'e heen innlrh,<lin· the prl'('edin� :'l'l11l.' ... tt·r. :-t sn:licntwill not he allowcd to rl'�i�t c!' :"'rmore than iour courses eXCt!lt hy �pe­cia1 pern;i,,�ion �rante.1 in �J\'ance.Permi:,sion to re�ister for iewer tilaniour cour=-cs may al .. o he �T'a",('I) for�pecial rea"'on... Petition .. for irreg-­ular re�i=-tration shoulrl he pre�(,lltt"1at the beginning of the :,emc"':er.others.Character Is Required."The college docs not hind it se ifto admit all students who sat i ... iy thishealth requirement and who nrc sentthe ncce .. sary ... cholar s hip credits andthe ordinary certificates of good char­acter. Earnest effort will he madeto learn the tempcrnmc nt. habits. in­tercst s and purposes oi each candi­date ior admission. as well as histotal record. in and out oi school.For the first classes the Pr esideut •THREE hits in the ninth, and a delayedthrow by Mann defeated CaptainBoyle's team on IllinoisI field .. It was a hard game to lose asyour team had the game practic­ally "cinched."We do. not intend to. lose thehonor for which we have battedtwenty - five ::years - the largestclothing store in the world-bypermitting any of our competitorsto. give you any better clothingexpects to Iiavc .n personal interview values than we. Yo.u can alwayswith each prospective student. and to : depend upon our "rallying" in the propertake as much time as may be nece--s ary to form a judgment of his fitne ss inning. . There ought to be no "delay" into prolit hy the otferings of Reed col- a d a "fi Ida " ha "h· " Glege. Satisfactory evidence of ear- your mIn In e Ing t IS It. a etnestness oi purpose and of a dorni- after it quickly. $28 to $35 suits made ofnant interest in the serious work. asopposed to the incidental amuse- finished and unfinished. worsteds, rich VICU-merits oi college life. is a prer equisitto admission. As evidence oi charac- nas, rough tweeds, Irish homespuns,ter, the full and discr-iminating slate- cassimeres and fancy serges-manymerits of secondary school teacher=whom the college finds dependable, of them lined with the $21 00will count more than the mere nu-merical grades that have been record- finest grade silk-in all, .•��l !:t;:J��e s�����i�:��:cst. or attained the popular models, at ---"These conditions apply. to courseswhich involve specified readings. re­ports, recitations, laboratory work andexaminations. Other courses will heoffered for which nothing is expected''beyond attendance· at the !cc!ure�.This plan of dh'ision of all C'tHU :3�Sinto two groups will be Sft forth inlater bulletins.May Graduate In Three Years."The requirements for a (it:g;-occcannot be stated in terms ot Yl';"r.; "Iresidence. The length oi the cl)lle�ccourse ior an individual studel�t (le­pends partly on the credits. if �r.y.prcse.'lted for advanced .. tandinf!; I,an­lyon the number oi cour�es complctl�ftin each semester; and partly on t!lequality of his work in each �,·.\tr .. c.Studellb m�y complete the wo:-k i.1ra degree in three years, three :\1:0one-half years, four year.;. and. i:1 ex­ceptional cases, in four anI) (I'lc-h:i:ior fi"e years. .:\ stuoent nre:o"�nt·!:..;only the normal number oi c".ur:o'e'5each l'emester. and doing- ·.\·ork in !Ii",cour:,C5 of no higher thaI! ;w ... ·,..a�cquality. cannN graduate in l"s" tJ,::niour years.".-\ !Odentilic rather th;1O a lw,. ... ,:uthasi� ior a ..... ardill� J.:ra<1l· .. in l··':lr,..·_'­oi study. if �ra(tes arc t· ... he tl'l"i atall, to�cther with (lelini:c I..'fl·rli: i lr(!uality a... well as for quanti:.y oiwork. seem:;. dc�irah1c i('r all ('Ih •. l­tional in�titutioIl5. It i .. C"I)('cially ;iI1-portant f .... r a c()lle�l' that j..;: 111 or.:than thcoretically .1C\'ot(',1 to "'l·jln1a�·ship. and that i:'> willinJ.: t" 111:11..·: \\ !1;:l�acriticcs such ideals may in\·ohl'.uA to EO' Have No Meaning."The common �rad(,5 .\ to E 113\"(.'no (lelined meaning. To "ali the:11�\1ch and such a per cent oi :-til lI'l­defined somethin� i... to) snh�tit\itc(Continued on page 4) Phones Hyde Park 370 and 371Day and Night Service.Midway Motor Livery 0GRADE AUTOMOBILESFOR HIREAt special fiat rates to Students, 5429 WOODLAWN AVE.HIGHChicago.1204 E. SIXTY-THIRD STREET, CHICAGOThe largest and oldestbank nearest to the Univer­sity. ..\ccounts of profes­sors and students solicited.E\'er�' accommodation !>r"a completely ·equipped bankafforded.• A STATE BANKDEPOSITORY FORUNITED STATES POSTALSAVINGS FUNDSWoodlawn Trust'& Savings BankAnnouncingthe 'opening of a new depart­ment of one-piece dresses at$22.50 and 525.00 in serges,mohairs etc.NAT RUDOYLADIES' TAILOR809 E. 43rd St. Phone Oakland 3773 %6¢coLLARSilIave all featuresthat make for styleand individuality.THAT DANCE\\'l' iurni·h ....tc;,.!allt pr'.);,.!!':\l�·'; :·1.·;\""11-allly.The Fraternity Shopl1Si E. FIFTY-FIFT�� STREETPhone )ti<!·,';.,.,· !2:2.A TRIP TO EUROPE AND RETURNAs Cheap as a Vacation in America\Vhy spend v()u: \·7.(3l;.,n in thi� country \\�.e:lyou can ;::0 tf) [lire';", \ :,1 th ..FRENCH LINEfor S45.00 to SiO.DO (meals and berthincluded).On one 01 the new Quadrurlt' and Twin Sc:�wone class (") cabin "('amers sailin� from I\ew)'or" on Salurdays direct toHAVRE-PARIS.Company's Office, 139 North Dearborn StreetPATRONIZEMAROON ADVERTISERSJEFFERSON55th St. and Lake Ave.NOVELTY PHOTOPLAYFour reels nightly of the latest movingpictures. High class songs. Best ofmusic by high class artists.TONIGHTA Tenacious Solicitor (Comedy)The Ghost of Sulphur MountainPATHE WEEKLY2 Specials - SUNDAY - Specials 2His Chance to Make Good (Drama)The Pink Pajama Girl (Comcdy).Admission 5c �ever HigherEvery Friday PATHE W£EKLY Every FridayCumcl EWeD"pRINCE�SWilliam A. _Brady's Production oiWITHIN THE LAW.MAJESTICADELE RITCHIEFavor ite Singing ComedienneW. L. ABINGDONSterling- Dramatic ArtistPAUL CONCHASThe World's Famous l l er culesPaul XlcCarthy & �Iary Quive ; In01d Xew York: :\Irs. Gardner Cratic& Co.: Frank :\Iorrcll. Cha s. U.Lawlor & Daught er s ; Bernivic i Bros.GARRICKlIort H. Singer's New Musical Play,A MODERN EVE"READY MONEY"STUDEBAKERHOLBROOK BLINNIn A ROMANCE OF THEUNDERWORLDOLY�PICTHOS. W. ROSSIn .. THE ONLY SON". pOWERS··\"itty. original farce-Torrents ofLaughter.t's=Amy Leslie. Daily Xcws.Cecil n. De :\lillc PresentsTHE MARRIAGE-NOTWHITNEY\\'atch the popularity of this ShowIncrease.Rowland and Clifford PresentTHE DIVOR.CE?By \\'111 .• Anthony :\[cGuire.:.i! The .X cw Show.pALACEClark Street X car Randolph:\Iartin Beck. �[anaging- DirectorPhonc Randolph 3415Da\'id Bela,.co Present,;;"MADAME BUTTERFLY".. \ Olll'-.\ct Play hy Da\'id BelascoHa.;cd 011 John Lut!lcr Lonf!"'s }aj>­anesc Story.WILLA HOLT WAKEFIELDEntertainer to Xe\\' York':,- 400. in"Song- Re;uling<'Ed \\',Ynn & Edmund T{u":'on.T'j��hiani Troupe, �leh'iJ1c & Hig­gin�. the �[an'elo\1s �Ii11(r5.Geo. M. Cohan's GrandCohan and Harri�, �[anag-crs..\llgt1�:in �racHugh'5 �Iclodramatjc­F:lrce-Succcss.OFFICER 666 I .....A SpecialREED COLLEGE IS UNIQUETH·E DAILY M,AROON, FI�.IDAY, lIAY 3.1912.(Continued from page 3)one vague expression for another.Without scientific definition. an,' setof symbols is inevitably used in' per­sonal, variable. erratic ways, Toaward scholar ship s, degrees, and u:hl·rhonors. as if an A in one course rep­resented the same distinction ali all.\ in another course is to administerthe curriculum on a pat cnrly jal�"assumption."In the government of t:H.· 1.·(·lIl';.!cthe lnrg cst liberty consistent wit'h;.:"ood work and good order i .. nllowe.'.Students are expected to show h.::!lwithin and without the college suchrespect for order. morality. pcrsr.na lhonor anti thc rights of others :1; isdemanded of g-ood citizens."It is the aim of the collcce to ('L_v e lop in the indiv idnal student thesense of personal r espon srhilitv ff..l�good order anrl a high <tandar.l :):scholnrs hip. and to obtain. 111 thelargest measure. his co-operation wi::1thc faculty in the development 0:: !:;�charncte r, ami thc promotion oi theg cncrnl welfare of the college."By vote of the students arul Wit'lt he approval of the faculty. all cll!lt:�cexaminations arc conducted .\'!rh -utproctors, Every student is placed ouhis honor. Th e student council" deal:"with quest ions of conduct during ex­aminations."The only fixed charge made hy thecollege is the tuition fcc of one hun­dred dollars a year. There arc noextra or incidental fcc". There arcno library fees. no gymnasium fef's. noregistration Ices, no graduation ordiploma fees. The endowment is suchthat. with a student body of threehundred. a charge of one hun.Ire.tdollars is expected to cover hut asmall part of the annual expense :�the college of each student.College Is UndenominationalReed college is undenominational.It has no special connection, definiteor indefinite, with any religious de­nomination whatever. Xo sectarianconsiderat ions enter into the electionof trustees or faculty or the arlmis­sion of students. In fact, tile willcreating The Reed Institutnexprcsslyprovides that "it forever be and rc­main free from sectarian inrlucnce,regulation or control, permitting t:105Cwho may seek its benefits to affiliatewith such religious societies as theirconscience may dictate."There arc no fraternities and nosororities, no intercollegiate utnleticsand but few of those outside activi­ties that have often interfered withthc supreme objects of higher cduca­tion. Young men and y ouug womenwhose chief interests in collcg e lif earc social or athletic will not I.nd inH.eed college a congenial atmosphere.The college pledges itself to sacr iuccintercollegiate activities in -the ir en­tirety rattier than yield a �:n�h: po intin scholarship. There i.:-· "l'al�liul 1'1-ter est in clean sport; every student isexpected to take part r eguiarty ill :-'\:1-of-door games. The plan of t!1:..· cul­lege for women as presented il' Rec dCollege Record, Xurnber Six, i!',ciutico;an athletic field and a gymnasium, andthe college is making amplc provi ·i011for the athletics of the men."Edward Octavius Sisson. professorof education, was graduated from theUniversity oi Chicago in 1�93. From1�)2 to 1�7 he was principal of theSouth Side acadcmy, now par: (.,f theL'ni\'ersity high school, \·:hidl ht:founded. From 1906 to 1912 hc hadhcen proiessor of pedagogy and di­rector of the department of cducat:,.l1at the Cnivcrsity of \\·ashillgton.GOOD MATERIAL AND TAILOR­ING BRAINS ARE WHAT MAKEKANDL'S CLOTHES STYLISH,DISTINCTIVE AND LONG-LIVEDM. KANDLExpert Tailor1460 E. FIFTY - FIFTH STREETXorth side of street, bet. Jeffersonand Washington Avenues. Most of them were bought from the maker when the makerwas extremely anxious to dispose of his bal­ance of stock and thus clo�e his selling sea­son. In purchasing them under those con­ditions we paid much less than regularprices. The balance of the lot represent asurplus of our own stock. Second floor, Wabash at't',ARROWNotch COLLAREasy to put on and take offARRowSHIRTSFit perfectly and are color fat.$1.5. and $1"Clurtt. Peabod7 � Co .. JIabn. Tro7. Jr. Y.Ever Try Two-wheeled. Roller Skates?Jast as ..... fill asice sbIinI.U y-oa wallllOaldhi ... lAdwiJl-"e ,_ pIeaIJ cf H­aciIe &ad • lac cf _.sport, eoo.laId for• pairGfI20THCEITURYRoller, 'ISkatesNot cblldren's skates, liot a �peedY.easy runnlnz model with esllcUy tbemO,.ement and halance of an Ic-e skate.It·� the only roller skate witb whichY011 ('1\11 make a graceful, cort'ed stroke,nnfl If yoo bllTe went aokl� the pat­('nt nllkle SUPflOrt remOTes nil tltrnln.Y011 will neTer know wbat good fnnroller �katln� Is until yoo ha\'e triedthe 20tb Century •. They make flOOrIIkaters skate w�1 and good skaterstlknte better. All parts �'laraDtf"eftlumln�t defectl\,e wot"kmnDtlhlp andmaterial. Sent prepaid on receipt of� •. OO. \"'hf'n ordering gl\'e lea .. h or"h.,., In Int-MIII.KOHLER DIE & SPECIALTY CO.817 l\". "·.-\SHI�GTO� BOULEVARD,CHICAGO. ILl ..DR,CHAS.R.wnLLERI·II\·!'II(·I.\� .\�D !'It·RGF.O�('o"alr" (Om"" .\,·"nllf', C'nrftf'r Pni Sf""'t,n"'k� honr�: ]0 ::�O to ]Z :to hi., -I to :;:lIl.l .. tn � 1'. Ill.n�I.I.·,w .. : ';:�!l .Ta<'k!lon A·y .... T('lephonelIy.le I'ark �!IJ. :5l1n.lay�.:: to :; p. 111. •price 358 fine •.suitson$20,$28&$30values-many $20BrokaW' suitsin the offeringThe materials are blue serges,unfinished fancyfancyAndworsteds, tweeds,worsteds, and bannockburns.many of the suits are silk lined, whileall show evidence of highly' skillfulmodeling and careful tailoring.20 for15 ceataKODAKS and CAMERASand a complete line of photographic material.KODA�S EXCHANGEDCENTRAL CAMERA CO.First-class developing, .printing and enlarging. 124 S. WABASH AVEPatronize Maroon Advertisers