'\ .!\�., ".� J·IBASKETBA�L GAMEIllinois and Chicago �eetin a basketball game. Fridaynight in -Bartlett gymna�'sium at 8� .' _ .. _. . .. • •GLEE CLUB' CONCERTThe Glee Club will giveits home' concert Saturdaynight in. Mandel; Ticketsnow on sale.v:.OL: oX •. ' NOi gee ' PRICE FIVE ·CENTS.UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, TUESDAY, MARCH 5, 1912.DRAMATIC CLUB WILL I GLEE CLUBIWILL SING SATURDAYHOLD PLAY CONTEST Musical Organization Plans Programfor Home Concert With' BaccanaleNumber-Tickets Are Now on Salein Cobb Hall.ODe .or Two ODe-Act Original Pre-.ductioDS Are Called For byDramatic Club.CONTEST·· TO . CLOSE. ON APRIL 3, j �roi�sq�Herrick, Mr. Linn, and Mrs. "I!acc:,nak" dance. which was such a, .Flini:.�Will Act 'As Judges - An;;' Ilit in last ycar '« .Blnckfr iar comedy.· . �:.: ?���c�,.�Ul�s. ��. �:' :n.�j;; popul.:!r 11a!_1�l' '\\:i11'b� s��gcd b}:,. . .... . Frank. Parkervand .Curt is Rogers, both._ � Ar a -pce ial li1Ui.�lili� o.�·:r.�-�1x�c:ti·�, ." . .' ... " '..• ..of �\'hVIl'I' are mcmhcr s of the Glect ive .. cua:lllll;t.l' pi the Drumat ic 'club -' . �heW' yl·,;ty.i:,l.ly. it. w;l�;d�dM:l.t'o.) lllll(l club. ;11:�1 Wilf: h;l\�e"l)(:�;l"ur'ill'cd illall originu: j)U);' f��it��t! ::l{h�\�llaftc)r:. :the.. ,b�cc:.1J�� �li�';;' Hiilman.· ;). i :of or.ig iuat ing ;t one-act play cont est The .. Baccanalc' .has been' :gi\'cnfor the -t ude nt i).u�\�\ll"'proJ*cii)�. \\'.ft.1i tlic' �ri,�t�;t SllCCCSS several.: one or mur.t'. uf t� j�,,('e,;-�i.�4 .p!-ays,. �in!.es li-tis- y.ear .a t the various places· has be en' cli;ct;'J,;e(f"�t'1lilhcrlc'5;;''Jin!c:(' �\�:hc�.c.; t.l{�· Glc'e, �lu.}) ll��i!'ilt>peared., in the past. �t\F�l.l;<:-:.I..�lub'lia::;�.·ah\'rl�·:; '.. :\.:;·.i'r,1li::.(,"ne\v fc;:�urc·:'<lt.nce 15 being.. been too bu�' 'l.Jlirtdert':Ikc: i:. .," _"\'(;�ke(f� ll�' �\' the- BI:;ckfriars thisT!le �(..g·t�i�rio�lS p�,.the ·f\lrt!lI.1�miflg'. �·e(lr. :t is' pr;r;!th!c :that�. th(5' ��'i(l b�:.. :", ··f... .., . . -, ... , ... ':' . •; contest have been framed up and arc the ln s t time t11:\t· the "Baccanalc"���,;' f()lfo�\'s':- .. .. '.& 4 .,�. . ••• Co'will he gi\'��l on' th·�·c�an-li)'�t< .In view. (1) The confe .. 't i" open tu all �'t'il- . of t h is : fal't�" i't': is hcli('\'ec1'�tl1-ii- thc:· I),,·.n:',; i'li rc'�'iut:;il':e ::.t tilC .L·l1i\er�it\',i I !'tt'tl .... r.t·s ,\iil····he· g-la<l·· of· an oppor-:. g'fi.duate anu undcrg�:tuuatc.· .- i . ttlllity to !'cc th{' d:mCC"O;lCC m(lr� .. :(2) Tl:c play" 'nJif�;:- be �j�131 one:' ...... ,a��. prodn�t�o.l,,,�.,.t:'�' aC.:in� }�\l.i#.0� I' . :""Ticke�s Placed 0!:l.Sa!e ..'�'�l.�CJl /h:\_I:, nut ... Le .morc. �ha���y� The salc·"of i-csct\'cd�sca:ts: for thejl\� nunutc" n()r ·le:;_..; th:m lIit(ell 11l1ll-� I concert· Saturday night hcg-an ycstcr-1l�.�5. ..' • ·1.�:· :' .. ;,:. ::. '.� (:ay in Cohh lia11, and-. wilt ,conti!'ue\. .' J '.. ,,:--. l�'·. ':'I'\n'�WCck - GeT1.c. ral ad.miSSion. ticketsMust Be'In ·by Apnl 3. 'f'. . ._ ;' . I:. - ;� .. " . � �.� 1 �re .to bc obtained from tbe members.�31 1'Ia\'�� mttst Lc lcit addrc:;:':d II :of .the Glcc" club. ··and· may hc ex':'to+thc D.r��l11atic duh, Fac.uJt�· Ex-! �ha�gcd :t:,.. p·�rt paYI���t for �rcse�\'C�1 .ch�n�c:;\�.�!.'_'[.c. � .1\ nh/,n ��,ednes-: ':"cats ... All th�. �,:ats� ��·.the 'centcr �fd:I.).:.�:._.-\. it.;-"�����.. O."��lq.�.�.. '.' �Pt.;·a fC.:.'le.:d. 'j. the hoUse are h.. emg �Ol�.' at se. ve.nt)w­t:n�cloJ)(�':< contauung the � namc or.' ·five!' cents each, but If clubs" or· fra-• " ...... ,..; ... \ ,. "-'l..-�" ':._ ....... "� .., . .11;1111C5 Oi--·t-il.r ':ni-tlr6t' (ir authors. ", '. ternities desire to rescrve 'blocks of.' (4)" it- is"Bm·isc�1>iit ·not rec�l�ca,.l: twelity or" more, a· reduction in price !1;1:'.'�}" t�1!�_��.t.(!i$..'1::.£�.ij�_.�.� .. "f?��4�:.��il._:t.-.S'l: _. ,)yill.be. tP<::d.e .. _". J1�rJh� .... c;ca.. t.. s.;. m�Y. b.1!car, eaSIly be agang:td •. ·• .'. had for :fifty cents eacl1. . Se"�al or-:' (�) Al1.·U�s :�su.mittcd niust;·, b:e : 'g:lnhations' have 'already rescrvedtYi>cwrH-!�R\� �n :.ot���d�: .. oh.thcf:p:lperJ : grotips of' seats, arid otl�rs have been�11�, s.u.it�bl1'J)0!1�n_d;.: .'. .. _ . . &lrged to do so. These. reseryations"r �_ .'. :" will Ibe held up<?n; re.q�est 'until Fri-("""'.tl�ued .o� page, 4) day, when the�' ni�,;f �e taken or can-celled. Other" se'ats niay' be had fOiSAt:.'.'��,:,.JM�J1;�!1I����' fifty 'cetlts; except' the' boxes, : which�"": ;�'��Ii'IS NOT�'P.US will sell for a dollar.' ' ..��jj.�{":":; . �'_�' � .l';:��! '.-' �:�·�A:'t·.. The University�' �ra:ndo1in . club: a., .. u �',Ar �utIer De�� Trai��'�f new 'organization :Jtere, 'will m�ke its.�� .�tion �� :fropl Dir��:� firsPtAppearance in public at ·the coo-��'� tip,,!Or,B¥,n ... t��� c�.t:Saturdav night. The en'tire pro-�;':�>:'" J��' "Y ,.. ���_ ,.gram, ,which has not 'yet. 'been denp-L�s;�� ....:,� ..... _. t _,..lJ: ... '/' ·�-:r..'!-·r.',: _-�.., educallcio',..iv � ." HI itelY· amnged,· will: probably appear�;;"t<s; ':" --·'�hft-·:::"'·��fmes . tomorrow."j��.) '1"'''' �"J �� ... �111m the'c��lIi�e '[0" '�nfemgcnt.,outl0(>�·upon"the·�'*0i1U·;:at large, 'a'c- . !corlliug-· �(r 1h��'words : 'of' � Pro-res'Sbr" WOMEN OF NEIGHBORHOOD�atba:nier -�utlc;r;: who"�spoke t'o: the' CLUBS HAVE NO'VEL PICTURE'men of the Junior ... col1ege� i�l cha'pel' ".yesterday :morning.· . .. One Hundred and Fifty Attend Affair"Some men' discover what they are in Lexington-Organizationsto do' in the \bu'siness wor.d.��hile �fI'ect Progra�they are .in high'school, .b.ut:the"-ma­jority do riot 'bntil thcy"ate w'ell 'alongin their college ·co'urse .. This state ofaffairs should not worry the men, be­cause it will make 'DO serious differ­ence in. their after life ... The - late·Wi11ia'm .Jame� says that. the DWIwho is doing his best in college in a'social and sc�iastic way is bound to .turn out all rigllt· in the end. Menwho ha\�e fotyears. �f undergradu-ate wprk get . cert�m . breadth �of 'judgn;ent, a�d a certain body··of �du­cation that is nece!IJsary for' the bestwork in life, even if they 'do' not havedirect hearing upon a certain line ofbusiness that a man chooses to pur­sue."Student. activities are justified be­cause they -enable a man to judge orknow a first rate man when he see!!one, and because the; give a studentthe idea that the �est is the onlything that will be accepted from himif he is to be advanced in studentlife. Four years of college' Will 'en­able a man to get the most out oflife, through an appreciation of ar­chitecture, music, friendship, and re­ligion." About one hundred and fifty wo­:mtn 'were prcsent itt the winter pic­nic given -hy the' Neighborhood clubs.Using their imaginations to thc futl­.cst extent thc women spread thcirlunch upon the soft- grass, (otherwisca hard gymnasium floor), and atcwith relish while the cool brcezesiaimed their cheeks. At a quarter to: seVen the Northeast club presented�heir ·stunt, which consisted of a sccnein a college girl's room. Thosc whowere in the skit wcre, l\fjsse� GraceHotchkiss',· Louise Mick, and Doro-thy Llewellyn. .The N orthwest-g!lve' next a cleverpantomime, which was hilariously re­ceived. Miss Cecile Van Steenberg·took the part of the popular debu­tante; Miss Ruth Crawford, the maid;Miss Augusta Swawite. the firstlover, who was later changed into' amost annoying dog. The other lovwers, who �e changed into housewhold articles. wue Misses AnnetteHampsh�. Ella Sorenson, and EllaSpiering. The Southeast quartet ren­dered several musical selections. Thewom-en danced until eight. - -=--�---=---:---:::--"_ �-.---�--=UNIV�RSrrY GLEE CLUBOWL USUR�S SQUiRRELS'" HOM't ENTERTAINS' FAMOUS J�PANESE"Strigcs Nyctalx" FOU:ld.. Living InChateau In '2. Tree-T'op . Dedicatedto Campus Squirrels-s-Maroon Stafr1,I!a�.e� Investigation. Professor Shagoro Tsuboi, of the Im­perial University, Guest 'of' Ass6-cilte. Professor Starr at Dinner Ir­the Quadrangle Clut:_. __1 e . .: ·,1The familinr ql'fY t!::l!' _,!.wl.; lin' Prllit:",,,(I, S!::;,-!';);'I) T'<ub oi. l:..,l;�::·�with .;H�irje dog.; on the. ·\\,l',.t('r:� j"relll(',.t.. :Jnt!lr();>(llogi�t. \\-as· (':llt.:r-'plains. \\'a� �OIlC l,cttl:r }·t·"-ter<lay, Su- t:!iT1l'd at �linll:r ::t till' Quadram .. kpcrinh:ndel!t oi B\lil(tin�" anc! dull last nig-h! I).,' .\"::"(h·iatl· l'rul�s-Cronl1:1,. Dotlg!a"' I..':ll11e· illio Ti\l: '"ur Frederick Star;'. Other guest" j:l_Dail�' �t:HO,o!� .C:,ftic� ;!�lcl' 5!:�1 .t�,���n;.:� �duded Deill1 XI,gell: . ':-\,;,.:i�tallt Pnl­O\�'l .hail J:lKCI1 lip jt,.: . .:!h:itle 'in Cone' ;ft·,.:,.:nr Ed\\'a�(r'Scrih;:lt�; ·Allles, Ai;:,O-o£thC:·JlOuSC" . .l5c".nj, in �l trc.{'.fC!r..t11l' �-i:ltc Pro':essor 'Gilh,:rt �\tlics' ·i3II·:�,.,camp�_s squirrel's. ���({�,X �tHt; p'dily :Prnic";,,or Xa�hanici:.-l.')utkJ', i.'rf_l[c,o..·�larool1 "taft' 'Po�tc(f bi-cr�t .. � ·�r4.\noL �or Charks. Hubb.ard.' ,h:<\': :,rid. D:-.at once t(l make irives�ig';·;tlh\'':-: ::,: , Shig-co Yamanouchi ..Sur. enough! I'e("kin� throu�:-' the '. Protc::;so'; TsulJOi' �'r�i"cd in CI;i�';\:,-�o .dOOf. oj the litth.� l·h�h·;t:th: u'hiclt··:1IC Sunday ;Ind wa::; cri't:��t;'''liled b�' �'thchad apI,ront rait�tl. W"'''' .-,l,·ll·ttl""b'l' "\\'rl; T' 1 1 -. It····· -,-- ... u _ apane:"(.· c U) 01 t 1� .·'H,·crsit.y St1Jl-striped owl! Effort;; :,,':erci-nladc to" day, night. Profe:,sor T :,uboi h(:al!�get a cuh reporter '·to clipl!) thl' trcl�: fhc dL1)artlllcnt .oi anthropolog�'; ;Itand investi�ate the strang�_r: ;t�. cl�:"p'� t;hc Imperial l.lnivet;!'itY .. Tokyo, .an(!quartcr�. but no :h\lstle� ·.·,}vJ{h the, \Yase<la Uni"c:r"ity .TQt-..}:(). . J.T'.�' , .;.,neces5ary courage cp�t({ 'be 'fou�d�; .�\ ,. pn::"ide:;t �i th� A�thr�pol�'�'i��frs�-;'�-h�tt.er vi.ew .of the owl was sec\l�e(j' �t f T' k . "1' ....c�c y 0 0 -yo anc IS· head of ·t'hewhen a lump of snow w ... ' thrown at Anthropological' I n�"ititut� i-lf· Japan_him and he poked his hr:t(!· �tili ltir� Professor 17suhoi offer:; ;':' rc�l�rtho cr o.ut to. jnvestioa·�.· ,. 'i:;;.··· .' .'h T,., l courses 'at ·t e ,'"perial Unhier..sityMr. Strige& Nyctaia,:··:E!;q.:·!t ,. . and has clldJ.'ge of two :mthrop(')'dgi�al, A .staff member who had once takcn buildings. Olle u.evotcd . to cla;;sroo'Il�SZoology 9. ":\ Study of Hi"d�."· ,101- cird I�boraiories and.· oile to '�: ;ri�-'llnteered th.e informa�iort: ;tita�-: !'tllc': seum. - .,:. �;:.: .feathered visitor w;ts, a ·Ioil�eared;·. Atte�ded Races CongreSS:owl. "StTiges Ny�tala,�" This"fsage- a5:" p� � rofesso{' :Tsuboi is returning. to,$crtion was general1j-' acceptred as. 'the J fapan a ter attending �be Internation-truth", since no onc" darc;d' den:y:it� . .. �l Races Congr�ss in London, iastThe investigator:; left \vithout nnd- J . S·'··· .. llpe .... mce . that time he has been. ing out whcther the squirreT!!! ... .';t.;.i.i oc- '. 't' .V,ISI mg varIOUS maseums and uni"er-cupied their holt .. ';! and t11(. .... 0.'·�\ i .wa" -I'tl' �. E ,1 \ •:-. e!'t 10 . urope anu _. mCrlC;I. 'Pro-a visitor, or \\-1lethcr hc h:t�i chas�d f . .. essor :I"suboi will spend consiuerablcthem out into the cold all',:. snow.' tim� at the Field museum while inThe .latter is hkc1y. since ih�' owi ¢hicago.was a rather fierc'� looking little pm;')-osition. At least that's wha! the cubrcpor.tcr thought who was a.�ked toc�imb up and tid better' aC'lliaintc�with him. For the bencfit of thoseinterested in nantral s'-Icncc. it isstated that the owl IS at hl.mc in the:third trce south ·)f the campus flagpole, upper apartment.SOPHOMORES' WILLDINE IN STAG ATCITY' RESTAURANTFinal arranements for the dinner tobe given by the men of the .Sopho­more class havc not been completed,but the affair will probably be heldat Kuntz-Remmler's on \Vcdnesdayor Thursday night of next week.Owing to the dinner being held inthe middle of the week, the programwitt be short.Win Address Menorah Club.Dr. Pi dot, a former student of theUnh'crsity, will speak Ibefore theMenorah society on th( subject ofstud�nt organization tomorrow inCobb 3B, at 4:00. Dr. Pidot is di­rector of the Hebrew Institute. Mem­bers of the club, as well as those in­terested, have bMn invited by theofficers of the club to attend themeeting. KANSAS STUDENTSORGANIZE CLUB TOPROMOTE INTERESTSThirty Kansas students met atHutchinson Commons recently andorganized a permancnt Kansas club.The chief purposcs of the club are tocultivate mutual acquaintanceship.entertain visitors from Kansas, andto keep' in closer touch with thc"grass roots." Kansas has over fiftystudcms in the University, most �fwhom are doing work in .the gradu­ate departments. It is thought thatby means of such an organizationthe state of Kansas will become morccfreeth·e. Lambert Eidsen, a gradu­ate studcnt in sociology, was electedpresident of thc new organization.BOTANY CLUB WILLHEAR YAMANOUCHIIN LECTURE TODAYThe Botany club will meet in theBotany building, �oom 13, at 4:30this afternoon. Dr. Shigeo Yaman­ouchi will lecture on "The Life andHistory of Cora1lina." It is said thatDr. Yamanouchi makes the best mi­croscopic slides in the world. BASKETBALL.TEAM TOPLAY lLLlNI·'FRIDAYWisconsin Defeats Squad by,}i. to,24in Game Pl�yed SatGrday .. ,at Madison. ,;,! ."MOLANDER IS UtiABLE: TO' PtAY. ,r,'.-. ..�:",�,-, ".,., .:; ....Freshmen Meet.Northwes�ern Yearl­'Freshmen Mee.t;· Northwestern 'Year-lings Tonight - Play 'CUrtain' .1. . ••••• : ...... !.Conference . E�skelb;li . Sf�'ridi�g�. '. 'i\\V 1.: Pet.': 't1,rd'1<.' , ..... � .'. � .; .. 10 I) 1,000\\'i�c, IThin .:, .. ; � .•• '. 9 . 0 1,��;:E::�fL:·::.:.,.:.::.:.:::t,.�t .'1::'l ud ia n.i '" :'.·-;"\.A,.",).. 7 - .125I o w a � 0 . '-l:�" W:lloo:\I)rth\\'(.·�:nn ".. :': .. :-01' . X' .oooWHh the ]o:-,";,n.f N<�lan(k-r.·· the out-. . ,.,.:a . ;, . .-... .",... ."look for \,lq!�fY :'in �Uc.Jll�I.lOis g-amcnext Sat\lnh);' ni�11.i.:. in» Bartlett 'he­comcs dim: .. f\itiIPi��il;; ���¥cag-o 'hasalready dcfc�tC(h ll1ino�s,·.�h:�·:Vict!!��w�s b ... 'y! ajslight -�af!!'i'�,' n\�o'i�' Ili�:�a bad·;start' at··the. �begi"�i.li of' thesl'asdil. hut .•. , 'the\ "t'catn t't.Jla�· "coniehack" and ";il.i flUt'.�l� a�'diil�rent kindoi. a game from the las't on'C���.- "��1 •. � .-:,,�\.: .. �;,. ... �,�-' •.Suffers .F.r:OiD! Slump:. . ':I'':'� �. C�ca�?, sef�l�-tf!J�he' ��freffn·g. I ro'�;:3.. sl.ump� . Coacll' 'P�gcl'has b'(!�n' try­ing to discover' the- :troubl�,� htit se�msunable .to arriv.e at .. <\ny definite: cnn:":.c;lusiPIl .. T}.l.C:;,IQsi\ of..l.M{mliiOe1-\.�,vlio ,!,!is inc�pacitated for play .. a't !th�· pres'- ..ent time, proved I a. serious. matter' oin. t�J�. :��?:rt�iY���:-���,b .�iJ}.. :,��_�. ,:_#.�g ;fado%' '.111:. ��: �?�ip.g,'pnie. Whoen:' .Bell was removetr-:;J.n.'.t .. tJ!:e, firsr halfan�Norgren" �sfiriit.e�-P.ie.-defen; �.si�� ,,;ork of. the' team ,'Ypt -td 1>ittes.� .• ·_.· . -�ame :�d; N,ol'g�en :havCslf Inot. I had1'11lch:� chance ·to play: gu&Id'ithis-�se-.1.·· . .--':��n: �n� were; ',un�ble"ap .. cope with';"�e . f�st. ;pla� . �f �w.gla;,an.d Jobns()lt,, T.he "whitew�.:;hi��',"'()f .)lOa.gmaD ... was p.,=actj�alJy .al\ll.h;lt.;won the..game . �(or the Badg��s::; V.an �ipQTdl:ul.f>'Aer-· �,�ec,l�red inc;l!gible: : ,al1'<1 I : thi!·· ·.team�e-eme� about .to, be going to pieui;!-: :: 'Yherr. y:ou�gmau ,was; .cOnvenicmt��leared of all .chafg�s oLprdes.ion�ali sm. Without :hi,n, 'in " tbeli-lineuprt�e result ··m�ght. .It,ave been tlte::sarne/hut this is a doub�.ful point.... Accord�\inS' to local athletic' aMtho�iries.: UteaBadger' officials took an· ,unfair' ad- .!. van tage .in . c1ear.ing YOhngman; of. all: .c�.arges of professionalism .in:time to,fiJ.l the vacancy caused by the in'eligi-lbility of Van Riper. This. ca�; is t� &samc as, that of \Vanless .. of. W,nne- :sota, \\�ho 'Was declared eligible just··'hC£ore the Chicago. game' and : .. h3s 1sincc heen declared ine�iJ;dble by the'same faculty committee that. declared·;him cligiblc. His pbying in' a. large Im'easure brought about. the . Gopher'\·ictory.. .... , . ;,., ,_.Badgers Will. Again.,· .1: "'\Visconsin administtted the "second"defeat to .Chicago by·the scor�' 'Of 34to 24 Saturday night. Thc"t:ime. 'Was "the hardest fight that has been" s�cn"�in Madison this ·year. It w'as only •after the ha�st· kind of p13ying" 1h·�tthe Badgers. were abJe to lead: by 14to 8· at ·the end of the first halt' Inthe second half things were t\'cnedup. and Chicago was within' one pointof a tie a few minutes bef6t't the endof the half. Norgren mis� two e3syshots right undep the basket, and ttte .;team. s«med to go to piecn� "Aftfl' '1this the Badgers piled tip 'a' good< '�:td. ..Tbe men· played. batd� . Goettftt' Wnd •Goldstein especially' pattiltf:. 111) . agreat game. Goldstein made-'m b:as- .kets and, accor.ding :to Coal"Jl,·ft��···�Iayed the best-,game 'of his I!tm� ....(Continued .00 page 4)THE DAILY MAROON. TUESDAY. MARCH S. 1912.THE DAD.Y MAROON Positions- .The Oficial Studeat Newspaper ofthe University of Chic:aco.Founded October I. 1902.FormerlyThe University of Chicago WeeklyFounded October I. 1892.Published daily except Sundays, Mon­days and Holidays during threequat't�rs of the University year.Entered as Second-class mail at theChicago Post OSee, Chic:Qo, IDi­GOis. March 18. 1908, under Act· ofMarch 3, 1873. 'r�..; �1_,·r .-- � •• 'I' - ' .. �,;. , �IlIcSIni-Pab. Co. Pnu, 8Z1J � G�Tbe Sd .. ... -:·fh"w. J. Foute ••.•••.• Managing, Editor:H. L. Keaaicott •••• � ..•• N�s Ecli�!BuiDea ManagerE. R. HuttonA..ari.te 'Edito ....D. L IIftej "W. H. L)"IIWl11. D. 5teYen Leoa StolzB. W. Vinissky'.' .I I�rter.G. W. Cottingham H. A. LollesgardH. S. Gorgas T. W. Prosser'.H, S. RhettWomea'. Editor .Sarah ReinwaldWOIIIeIl Reponen;,1� :'.,I',1:"'"i.Once Hotchlri .. , Lillian Swawite. Bditia <YRear DorothT WilliatollAugusta SW:lwite. ··BD1Tbm.·i 't ".. :,;'!j.... � .;l . ··Z, "Students interested in reoranizingBulletin and Announcements TeachingChampionship Basketball Game be­tween Junior and Senior college wo­men will be held today at 4:20 inLexington.Glee Club rehearsal tonight at 4 inllandel. and every night this week.Freshman Basketball Team willmeet Northwestern Freshmen tonightin Patten gymnasium at 8.,Blacldriars Chorus will meet todayand tomorrow at 2.Candidates for titles of Associat�will meet today at 10:30 in Cobb 6A.to ���. a speak�BotaDici.t Cub will meet today at'''4:. in', Room 13. Botany building.Dr. yan.anouchi will speak.Student Volunteer Band will meetat 7:15 in Lexington hall. E. W.Capen will speak,Christian Science Society will meetat 7:45 tomght in Room ,1:4. -Lexing­ton. hall.Pbilosophical Club will .meet to­night at 7:30 in Hitchcock library.Education Club will meet in theRomance library. Cobb lecture hall,at 8. I1f 1800 high schools, 3000 business schools, 137'11 . colleges, 8 universities have dep.rtments of com-merce. These departments require teachers ofbookkeeping, accounting, shorthand, touch typewritingand allied subjects. .The demand for teachers is far In excessof supply. We can prepare you fo!.�.one ofthese places through our �.Commercial Teachers Normal C8IIfS8�./"/;Under the pers<)nal.· supervision,. of 11 MortonMac Cormac, 'President of the National: Com­mercial 'Teachers Federa�on-Next to �the N. E. A.the largest educational association in America.. .We now are in. line with a number of' .Fall va­cancies paying salaries from -,S75 to _$��� "Miss Margaret BurtoD will speaktomorrow at 10:30 in Room 14, Lex­ington hall. All women welcome.Senior Class Gift Committee meetstomorrow at 10:30 in Cobb 3A.Menorah Society w.jJl meet tom or­ro� at i� Cobb 8B, Dr. Pidot willspeak.StudeDts with less than 6 majorswill register this week Those whohave still failed to register will reg­ister after �farch 11...Glee Club Concert will he held inMandel hall on �arch 9. " 'Score Club Dance will be held inRosalie hall on March 9.IDdiaDa Alumni at Chicago willmet at Lincoln Center, Oakwoodboulevard and Langley avenue, at6:30 on March 9. All those expectingto attend will notify Sarah Garret­son. 3961 Langley avenue. You have time to get ready.CALL AND ·SEE' US ABOUT THE WORK "Freshman Class Dance will be heldon March 15. om;-= �.W VrillQE ......MAC CORMAC SCHOOL.; :;',:Se.nnce and II ODor Scho�pBIaDb may be obtained at the Bu­reau of Records. 'Juniors from ',MissDavies and Seniors from Miss: Ott. BLACKPRIAR SIIOW WILLBE G� ON MAY 2. 3, 4Three Nights Instead of Two DecidedUPOD for- ProclactioD-Wall Pr0b­ably Play at Il1iDoi&.'!.ASsistaut editor Tech."Assistant editor Pobsc9_Pe."Mani�e: .Of- �tinis.·"{�· "< .. , ..._ .)"Pr�sident of Arts and Craft Oub. ' :"Class P__' poiDtL"Assistant manager of Tech."Assistant manager of Polyscope."Assistant manager of athletic"President Junior class."Members of Council."Members of athletic board."Managers of interdivision athleticteams."T-ech. statf."Polyscope staff. : "t.,"Presidents of clubs and org;uliza- Hoos, Hoots, and· Sighs The Biackfraars will produce "ThePursuit of Portia" Thursday. Fridayand Saturday nights, May 2, 3, 4.This is an innovation so i.ar as .. thenumber of days of, proouf.;tjon goes,as last year "Capturing. �ypso" wasgiven on two �ights a�d' a matinee .The decision �as reached y�sterday,·by the deans 'after a long, delibera-t!��. �s.,,�o �'Y_h�t!a_er..jL��: a.C!��le .,to 'have the play on. a week ,nigbl.The reason. given for th� ':chan'ge .isthat the matinee was not. w�1l enoughattended last year to continue thescheme.As a result of a trip to.·iilinois andPurdue, Abbot Maynard :Simond re­ports that, on acCOllDt of the condi­tion of. the student clubs. 'managingthe plays at those universities, theBlackfriars will not be able to go toPurdue nor will the Union Dra�ticdub's "Dad of the UDdergrad" beable to play in Chicago as had .beenplanned. "The Pursuit of Portia,"bQwever, will 'probably be put on at" Champaign after the productioD here.Coach Stothart has returned frOID'Wisconsin and is conducting �ctiverehearsals. He coached both cast andchorus yesterday. afternoon and nightand will meet them again today andtomorrow. The chorus meets both, days at 2 and, the cast at 4. Stothartwill return next _Monday for .the lasttime this quarter. Next month, wheDthe eligibility of tbe· men - is deter­mined, the rehearsals will, be morefrequent and steady. Miss Hinmanwill cond1l1:t her class this and nextWednesday night, resuming nextquarter the regular 'rehearsals of thespecial 'dances. Mr. Erickson·s sing­ing classes will probably be heldTbursday and Friday of this weekand regularly next week.GET RIGHT AT THE START,OR YOU -WILL BE LEFr ATTHE POLE. •I heard someone remark that Duke': : Simond may not be an athlete but he� i� A. D. Phifne) man.YOU MUST BE A lfAN 'BE­F:ORE YOU CAN BE A. M'AN­ACER.W'hy not -call "the lodge" ai "flop"?That's' what the other bums call arooming house.THE EYES AR:E THE. SKY­, LIGHTS AND THE MOUTH ISTHE MAIN EXIT OF TH'E1 BRAIN. THE FIRST, ARE FOR: LOOKS; ,THE OTHER SHOULD'BE LOCKED.For those who believe that theowl was attr.acted by tbe squirrelwhiskey, I can say that this speciesof owl does not imbibe.IF I WANTED ONLY WHAT INEED, I'D BE HAPPY, BUT IF INEEDED ALL I WANT I'D BE. DEAD.I think that it was attracted by·Hoos, Hoots.BE A RECEIVER, NOT ATRANSMITTER OF ADVICE,AND THE NUMBER OF YOURFRIENDS WI�L BE LARGER.Spcaking of telephones the �l�snow receice all calls at the Club.-The order read N. P. O. B. CANDIDATES WILLIIEBT IN COBB BALLTO CHOOSE SPEAKER'''Editor in' chief ot"Te'ch� :.s.a.cdptioa Ra� ,.' '·."Editor· in chief of Polyscope.By Carrier. $2.50 pel" year; $1.00 per' .'uClaa B--8 pOultLqaarter'. , City .,Mat1, $1.25 per. qGar-. "Business .manager of·� Tech.ter; .$3� :pel' year . ill .adYallc:e: .. "Business manager of Polyscope.. "Clau C-7 j,obit&. He .. coatn"batioas maT � • left iD "Ma�ager of ��?ot�all.Jmia Hall or Faculty Exchange, ad- "Manager of. baseball.�toTbe�T��, '. :. .... 'M' ·'f bas" "t"rh"lt. '- ;',' -. : ." '.. ,', . .' anager 0 " e a.. �Mariager:�f t�k}' : i' <.': ":M.a:nage�··' of atbletic' play."Class D-6 poiDtL. At -the associates' exercises l�t ."President af ,Yeo; ..;)1. C. A.. qaarter the point system was dIS- �: :;:'-"-:" .. " "�" . -�,� b,..the speaker for the candi- ': ��esldeDt·ot�. _W:.··.c. A.\d3t�. ;-.]"�� it a.ll.ip-; "President of:�Senior class.• Poiat . ""5Iicli;"'i : syStem =.Oilld' "Pfeside�t:'or,thc' Co�iaciI.&pte.. . r�:�;-::.�'.8�;:,�:ci�it/ "Ctas E-5����:-' " ',',.able distributio.i Qf .�h�honot's among the members'· of . th� .student bod,., obviating, among otherothmgs. the' d3nger of to() �ny hon-.ors to a popular'maiI or womaD . A'pouit system bas been in. �pe..ationat BncUe,. Polytechnic Institute for. two years; aDd' the following '. is, takenfrom' an article concerning a receDtrevisioD of the distribuuon of points: ."Since the adoption of the Point play.System at Bradley two years ago, dif- "Captains 'of atbletic teams.ficultieS have naturally arisen. It de-.,e1oped that the 'number of pointsgiven 'to some 'officers was wrong,both iD resPect' to the total numberallOwed to each person and the num- "Members of atbletic teams.her given to some of the other offi- "Clua G-3 points.ces. In some caSes, an office hasbeen allowed too much, in one casetoo little. A committee' from the,council taas had the matter of a re­visiOll. i!a_. ,charge and by'� malcing afew iiria'or daDges, has rem<Wed theobjection&ble . points. ' .tions not otherwise classified."·Memlter�ip in club or a vice-pres-idency'no lODger counts. The points ttCJua B-2 poiDtLgiven t� a· captain' are the same' as ; "Secretaries and treasurers of class­those apportioned to a member of es, clubs. and organizations. (When­an athletic team. As before, member- ever the two offices are held 1a oneship in a debating team or in a play' person the total of four points iscast does· not count because of the counted.)n�essity of securing mater.ial and the "Clau 1-1 point.impractibility of breaking in on the "Members of standing committeesterm of another office. of classes" dubs and organizations,�'The point system has been very property men for plays.successful in securing an equitable di- ."Note I-As a special encourage­\·ision of offices and work among the ment to athletics, .students in Classesmembers of the student body. Witb A. B, C and D may also be candidatesthe changes which bavc been made, for any athletic team, and such mem­we may hope for a more successful bership shall be counted at 1, 2, 3working out of the plan.' We print and 4 points, respectively.!he details below, ·since we believe it "Note 2-\Vhere the duties of anyImportant for all to know them. office are coriiined to a limited time,Point System. I the points for that office shall be"No person. is to have more than counted only between definite limitsten (10) points at one time, of time." IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO EX­TAIL ANY DISHONOR. XO ONEWILL BE ABLE TO ASSAILYOUR HONOR. Candidates fo� the tide of Aao­date will meet this morning at 10:30in Cobb 6A, for the- purpose of choos­ing a speaker to represeDt them inthe Junior college exercises to beheld in Mandel han at '10:30 on. Fri­day, :March 15. These exercises w1lltake the place of the usual chapel ex­ercises of the week ,for both men andwomen.- Musical-circles" "'ere-rece;rtlydi;':turbed by the Deans' duet. Refer tothe, street car conductor.GET A HOLD ON YOURSELFAND YOU WILL' HAVE A FIRllANCHORAGE.REORGANIZATION OPCOLLEGE SUFFRAGELEAGUE IS PLANNEDI'll: leave the rest for the otherowl. BIR·DWOOD:...-, •• • e1;.. ........... �..,.'are. I ,..... '........... __ M"'!I .... CAIanu.' -.0"- •••••• 1" ....c •• a ceIan..... ��H ull ".r ..The' llalflSOD AWL LaIlllllrJoffers the students of tfie UniYenityof ChicacoA SpecW at.JeDt'� ListBest work Best semce Best priceslOll IlADISOJl·AV.· Tel H� P. lOOJPatronize Maroon'Advertisersthe ColIege Suffrage League havebeen requested to meet Thursday at4 in Cobb' 6A. Both men and womenare invited. Miss Jane Addams hagpromised to address the club in Apnl,and arrangements will be for thatdate.1 •THE DAtL� MAROON,. TtJESDA Y, MARCH 5, 1912.A TRIP TO EUROPE AID IETUII.As Clleap IS a Vacatl. ia AmericaWh, "':zo- YKIIioD ill Ihia aMMIIIJ -­you caa to 10 t;urope Yia theFRENCH LINEfor $45.00 to $70.00 (meals and berthincluded).0. OM 01 the aew QudnpIe ad Twill ScrewODe cL. (11) cabia IleaIDea ..me frca NewYodt OD s..-Ia,. cIiIect to-=--r'. DttIra ••• IIII'tII ....... sn.t tiri �ligiori, sbciology, and languaceare' jtaught in these seminaries .: 4l this meeting the officers will beet���ed for the year, beginning nextqdiHer. Medics and undergraduatesh'-Y' already elected their leader to�sent them on the cabinet. Thecipa1 office which will be filled. be that of president. Milford E.B$es held this o'Rice during the�'WhiCh is just closing.. '. ·Fred J., Haggard, general sec­" of the Baptist Board of Mis­slobs, and Dr. John J. Proctor, rep­t�sentatives· of the' foreign missionary·tioard at Shanghai, will be at the Uni­iersity all this week to enlist men andWomen .for definite positions inthina. The latter will speak at oneof the diviDity devotional' meetings. ileid at 10:30: this' week.. The day·Will be announced later. 'IECOIIIWIDS TECIDIICAL SCHOOLPresident. In Annual Report. FavonEatabliabiDc Graduate Tcdmica1School-Director Judd Favors Planfor Earlier GraduatioLD�e. �Ht" of' Buketbau Scbed­ala vim fib Pbu:e at 4:20......... , .... T0ita7.·Graduate technical education at theUniversity' is recommended by thePresident in his annual report issuedrecently by the University Press.The recommendation is made in viewof Dean Salisbury's report, in whichhe advises the foundation of a techni­cal school in connection with the Uni­versity."The conditions attending ·the giv­ing of �the present funds do not per­mit their use for the establishment ofa aew·�� . of&.the Ulliver�t",rites Presiaent Judson. UA tech ..... dd'-school is 'extremely expensi�,, , . andj to �s�lish it on the right h&�S. ,large sums for buildings, �quipmc"t, . WOllEN ptA Y. SECOND GAIlEand endowment will' be needed. Fait..; OP CHAMPIONSHIP SERIESther, it· is, i' question whether the jiUr.iposes of the. University 50 fat ;Jtechnical �ork is' concerned *9iiui·not he better attained by estabtis-J{.ing a .graduate ��QQI of te�npiOb: •. ·'· � ..rather than' by duplicating the aiteaCt;: .: T·he· :seG���;:cliampiOriship basket­existing· institutions" of that duirac-' ball' game �i;e(\¥eeii the women of the.ter ·m '1Uldergraduate work. The; e�f . J untor .. nel, �lor colleges will takedowment of. a graduate school til . 1l1ate' :at ,)f:ai: ',*oaay' .in. Lexington_:_··_......·\_, ..P .....:_�._< ....,._!_. ......... .. _. :', 'kchpo1ogy' wOtild provid'c a. n�a' kyrirliaslum;' ·'tlie· 'game is a decisiveTBE'TYPB\9RlTHlG'OPFICK featllt�' '�f UDiv�tsity activity. � bbe.s\�e·it·i5.·th·e· second of the threeBasement, Cobb Hill. would.undoubtedly:be of-great Se� to be j,i�'��I.be juniors having wonTbe.e.,.:Temi'·Papen. TeaC:hcri··;'� to technology throughout the' entlH tJre.:Ji.i't:.i'· .1'_1; �quads: '. have,'. 'beenOIIlIDeDdatioaa-iB f&ct_ all mana- co�ntry. It is hoped '£bat futut� �l Pt&ctrc1il.:;stUCfi!Y;· :':rid:··� . good ·g3.meSCript -om. correctly. copied. . ,for.technolOgy. may be :made ·itl.tHI. is eJaiteeled.1(!·Attl, wishi�g to' a�tend.,Co� W 0 r k .handJett.: linel' .. '. _.. may ·t.�t: t�it: �r admisSion' by��ee���� ... b�_ ._-.a.OJraPber.· or .. dictatioD Au.d .... e shoin.Gaia. ;:. iog ·.Mis·,· ,DUCI�i.· . ... . .....to the macbilie direct.. " .. �." , : . �:. . . : n� ljrie�' ij,Uowi: .. .'.The ftPOrt of the President. sho.� .. _ ..... ' ... ' .. '.' i1iliiOn: .rALKS ON: CHimC� 'HISTORt • �?r:. t����iu�;;u:�:;;;, th.toe,J;'··.�. Doroth,;u.;W.mtn ..•......•.. R. T.:�, '\l"�' ').. aeli:ti·.Siii51iei�r; 'Dorothy .Beat.� ..• ew ' •. �.. � �. of�:-;;" 19l� was 6.466, a Pin of 459 ot�r � ,.. .. . .. . . . . . .. .L. .�-'--:'-'--:-I-"� .......... - .. Jl.:-:.: previous'jear� :Tliree' thousata.>� �ij� ... '''.''1'' •• :, .. ,j�: •••••••••••••••••. 'r..� _,....� .. ;;. : handred aDa' 'Seventeen' wer� men �tt . Corbe1i� .. BeaU . :1: � � � � � �.... . .. C.. r' :. 3,349 .ftf'e:.w-ome� aDd 4.07� .• �dt� ltna1ieT.·Beckef' (capt.) ,R. G.:·The. ��.'.�f: �. c�h···hist0'l. total atteiula�e for the t�re� �� Phoebe'ao\fer� .' L. G.�ow:s�s ��"glit :�n �e .d,ivinit):, �hool tel'S of the 'l'egwar collegiat� '��1 ',. .�'�." ... '.:}.;. : : IiiitiitiUiteL '.' ' .�s tbe *¥ of'a leet1lr� br:.�Er�.! Director Judd� of the ':S:c1lt)9I' �f . E1Iie;'S&amboug�:'Waidin'e' Scilnei- ,;"�s50r �.pe,! ... (:"�oLaull�'�y;;teii t ducatioz./.recOmmeDd9··��U�:� � ��e�· ... �.�:::;.:� .. :.�:;.�� .• �::./ •. ��;�'··"Y�;·,��' F�.�:. .' .. � i'tO '. th··, el,.tn-if� . !i�iio6i vtlVc; ��mel't ••• ' ••••• • ••••••••. C� :�Y a�t��oon.".�.� n�:-: taught iii_:: :mough.:th�:�D�veni;�br� Z.ilit!.Ed"ards-- .. ;-�-;;.�.>L .... �_·'e.the d.v�n��y:��:s�h09:1: ... ��e. ;��C\I ._.�. : .. 'as to �w -a ·�delit. to fe(:e��� lUI' ... ....?��! .. �t�'!7- ��p:s �.t.�.�,the ear�: i bachelor's ''degree at the De Ol it. . R .. Golchteitt •.. � .....•....• It. F.I�st b.s�ory cof the _�ns�aan .�h��ch!. :The pu��� .of �� chau&!p,'lr: t� �_ Ladise RObinson, �a Vedaoevensbowiq· the. �ftuence of tlf�.c1itir�h : men eIltert�g'b1lSlDes,sless·fl.a.IWl�,,: ••.•... : •.•.• -.�: .• ��-�: .•• �� ••••• L F.Qn. -1h��.b���-..aJJd,. the·,iD8ueace l caP.··as well as' -t� give fesao�- ��iatet Stillivan ..•••• � �' •.••.•.•.•. - C.?:fJ�e ���ns:�� ��.aD� ;'meki' an� op�rtUDitY to' '·odt � �.ry- .(1)aney (Capt) JL .G.l� cODtilnli��r·lIp to- �the -pre-:.n .iday. : cfeP'enckntly" before' the". Of it H:eJ.ejl �agee.· •••.•....• ', •••. : .• ' J- G�C�urses ��.ffere� .. n .������ ; Professor' 'Judd recom� ". that tile : " .-- .. ''. : ���,� .. > : .'history, in' nIissi�s.. and"'in bist.�l grammar smoot' be compo�,. 'of only �Jr�li" Sh'q,he�d .• - : � '� If- ':bibliography �Criti�sm. �ere� six. grades, 'the high sch� '�f three, ·9n&· Col� .:.,..,./ •• t'��� •• • ·.·C� ;also courses_'n �Dlencan church: JU's.. the JuniOr �lleges' o� an t.f three. �ane'Jqel,' Rc),�"ne ¥ciorc: U� .. :too- ... of �h.chbttJe $tudy�.�n and th�·Semor·coll_eges.of· 0. �e .Ia COr�tt'·��.'··'·:··l·r·i·��··:·'��'�:':ma.d�, �:,"ng to the old .�.ea· t.�at points out that ·.tbe, saVlD� :1tl'S . ac� �!'�bgJ��.s .pardy unworldl��.:: r··. .. complished,' although . ODlf. '1� tie· Referee .•...... �S¥r:�es Wa7,DWa"The s�d,. .of chutch. rnstory '.s-a gnminar school, sllOnld ',bf '�'lreat Umpire .......•• JliN Marjorie Bellstudy of the effect of the char� on advantage to· all students. . ': ,. Scorer �..... Mlas' Winifred Peareeso�iety and .of society on t�.e ch.�rch,� . Although the' President �s n�t �imekeeper.:. • : •••. : � .. Miss Dudleysa.d Professor McLaugblm. Until recommeDd that the propo�"paaerecently in some cOurses the effect scheme be adopted, he belie.. thatof the .churc� on t� wo�ld has not it, together with !he more p'-'eralbeen IP,:en 'Its. due promlne�e. In colleg«: problems, should � .... �� theformer t.mes hlst"ry was class.&ed as subject of cardul considua�'on bysacred and pro.fane. Now we know the faculty. That "there is rOOm forthat church history can not be sep- action which may involve a' r.dicalarated from secular history." change in existing educational 'condi-He told why the early �hristians tions" is' his statement.rejected the ancient theory that theearth is roun.d. They said that they DR. CAPEN. TO ADDRESScould not uaderstaDd ·how everybodY': , -. ..wouM see Chrfst' wilen he came again VOLUNTEER BAND TONIGHT.if some oJ �em were standing ODtheir beacl .. n.w ....CD wut: it ia._ ..........-.: _cutt- __ -........ it.... eu1aID .....COI&:'N�•.-,.�'"Officw, , ' Natioual.-. .�. . --- .'��'" � .. e:..·�t..:..-COrk Center.:.;:.. ..IM .... D. __ ··_ BaD" .s.-_.. DIIM:"'�."... . .'',.A. G. ��ldi�ll·& .. �:2I-3IL"� .......... .' :1204 East· Sixty-tbinl Streetu, BIlk for E'.ybody"(·18 A IIOTTO'WE TRY TO.REALIZE< • 11.""",, . wm Elect O.ICI�'OI'-,eip ".1 .l�d .. .,_1istiDc 1Iaa. ad W ..... We have an equipment complete.m every detail; our financial�tr�stb �s unquestioned.:J'o bave aDd to' hold the confidenceof' Oai-. rqular patrons and tosecure new ones by efficient sen­ice is our earnest endeavor.scon CLUB DAlfCBDATB CHANGED TOSATURDAY, MARCH 9.. Dr. Edward WURII � 1ri11 ad­dre�!' the Student Volunteer Baa .. OD"Special Missioauy Preparation" to­night at 7:15 in Lexington. Dr. Ca­pea is the organizing secretary of theHartford School of Missions.Thi!' !'chool was star� at the Hart-ford Theological Seminary as the re- Tb S·th G d CsuIt of a missionary conference held I ml - 00 ,Iar o.in Edinburgh. One of the confer­ence commi�sions. studying the situ­ation of the mi�sionary field: urgedthat !'C'hools be c!;ta-blished through­out the' United States, England. andother countries from which missiori�aries are sent to foreign lands, whicltshot1.1d .tr.ain men an� .. ,w9�en along 1� Eaft- �� Street ..sp("clal �mes. The hlstO.1Y. t�ollght. .� Operators of' die largest aDd beatand customs 9f t�e �el� 10 WhlClt th�" ,� iii pecllboe ·riD laD ·dmissionary expects to work, as �11 :ei repu CPt"lSI eI as pedagogy, psychology, com para· __oop._WOODLAWI 1IUST AIDSAVIIIIS BAlliThe date for the next Score clubdance has been changed from Satur­day, March 16, to Saturday, March 9.At this time a dance will be given atRosalie hall. Fifty-seventh street andRosalie court. The program, whichwill consist of twenty dances, will bestarted at 2:30. and will continue un·til six. Frappe will be served.Dr. Frederick F. MoltDENT.I$TTe1epb .. B,.se Park 2410Hours: I to �. p. m.THE DEL PRADOBtb Street ad Wabiqtoa AftII1Ie SHOEMAKERSAIDREPAIRERS . ,./ .• �.' .' '4 I .. :.! '.... : '". : .,1' - .•.... : �:An excellent style for Young Ameriean Gentlemen. . Hasnatural width shoulders. The front is ehesty , the .waistshapely. Oontains 25. useful features.' .:- ' "t;i1titt11 ' 1J�, C1t1l1t1J.i. ..PO. YOmlO'lIDBAnd Meta WhO ...,. Young ·Some men are -old at 25 - others possess the spi�lt ofyouth at 50 - and some men never get old' at all.There's a strong psychology of 8uggestihn in the clothes"a man' puts on�d�.young:and yo��U feel'!t�t wat .........Put you�lf into a'Soeieiy ��nd'�t,'��d you'IVi,d��"the man that .counts you:. off t�e firing .line.Society Brand Clothes:are the product; '0£ an idea..;.;... thata man is as young 188 h�.thjnks h:e is..;. ,. ; .... :,' ''::: .;.,,:... "."., :" ..If y�u l�! toward' Society Brand'· ciothes� ; .ftli · th�ir" . ;. .' touch of youthful spirit,: their lineS' of' ;grace :th·at·· Sf : the ' ".·figure at ev.eey bend and turn - if you go out of your wayto tryon these superfine clotb,es,.. then: you al'8�· young ,DO:··:··ma�er how old you are... , .'. ..'.:. ..' .".,. ..� ,.�. ;' .' 'r. .. ...' . .'. . '.' . ..: � 'r ,.The� are 25 distip,ct, featm4es that ';ou'it 'fuiti "in �iet';' .� ..Bnmd cro�es .. We� woUld li�e:�j)oi�t tii����f�h�n';';--"show you the clothes, whethet yoU're ID a 'l)uYilig moOd ornot. . ". ,..: .,. '.. �. - . :; .... ; �., . : i ",. �':'. '� ... ' .. '::.THE ';' :. _; ,:Club Breakfasts-Cafeteria· for' �cb_Seewhat�_Get what � waDt . Pay far wIaat ''_ _c...ia .... � .• ' 'A. McADAMS··THE UHlVBRSITY no.ISTCORSAGE. BOUQUET-'SA SPECIALTY, .,'.Phone H .... 1853re1 Street aDd KiID1.rk, ......THE BEST OF MATERIALSfonD � • put of die coet ofat- we make. Tbe otber putl2ep1'Dalta apen _01' eneNp'lIIat ia why we iuite corapaI&ou.N. WATRY & CO.,.". ;;;Established 188S58 Wat •• 11.,,11. _. ........ "AnnOlJllcinC!';"{ .�; '.the opening of a n�:,!·:d�"� ..meat of one-Piece d�' at$22.50 and 525.00 in sages,:,mohairs, etc.ExperiencedPressmen NAT RUDOYLADIES' TAILOR109 E. 43rd St. Phone Oakland 3773Are neces§ary to produc� goodPrinting; many a good job of com­po.sition has been spoiled by lack ofskIll or attention in the pressroom.That's why we give such care tothe printing of e"·ery job' we have anestablished standard of �orkmanshipthat must be maintained.This makes it a certainty that youcan secure highest quality here allthe time, at no greater cost. Phones Hyde Park 3iO and 371Day and Night Service.Midway Motor LiveryHIGH GRADE AUTOMOBILESFOR HIRETIle lIycIe rlrk PriDtiq c..Telephone Hyde Part 35S61223 E. FIFTY - FIFTH STREET At special flat rates to Studeuts5429 WOODLAWN AVE.Chicago.,", �., THE DAILY MAROO:\. TUESDAY. MARCH 5. 1912.All tickets for this theatre for salein box office.I<; O .. R T., = :» :.", ·C"1'1', MA... :R,. G,,,. ARET .ILLINGTON .....' ,- � ... .,. : .. ''. career. ., :.,.; ,�.� .... ;� .� iThe ·summary 'of the game follow:;:;. '. '; _. � .. , _ � .... ,� ... �urnmaty ........,.---.;-------------� .' wis�oilsi� (3�1:-.�·. : Chicago ('2-t)�:\T "", .'..' ..lqhpSQn ...... ' .. '. R:,:"F: .. ; .. :_. Go'ldstcinYoungman .4"G:. . . . . . . . Paine. ,. . Basket:; - St�L.�.,(6:� Scoville,_ ,.:�·:OW.J.�.\2!�·;.�ste:� (6), Goet-:11 L L I. N.. O. "I a �.���1;r·-,'Vail-��.. �'� •. '�\ Xorgren.. l (� .�.', , .• "'. .' :�.. r� '. . �,r�l,n. ,e;.-l1{). ��." )�.hns�._�. ,Q.): �reeJacbon����_\\, .. :: ...• !: �r���rj<.l�,;o:�IJl�m, �or-. • A NM�?;li E L:D�'" .. _�J \�::: ,�"j!?.;.� lteferee�Dam-s:" 'Umplre-'." .... ..• ReIman.. "IN :'\fLLE. INNOCEN CE .... ", .'-. i-'T!J' ,'.. _'. ,'l.. •• 0;.,1., ...... :._ Th'C' .l'reshmen 'wIll play .�orth�________________ .-, Iwestern Freshmen tonight at�.8, m,�atte..li (gynui1Siaru.·. Oh Frida;s:.:'tfie)'·will play the IJlinois _Freshmen in. a.."cu.rtairi rai::;.cr:' to the, Varsity .game.Davl'd B I ', G" tTl h The Freshmen ought to have no trou-e as-c;o s rea e ep one._.· "".' . . ', ..PlaY;' .... :- {�,,' r,' J .. ;" ·l·.hle�!l wm�mg tonIght, as they �ayeTHE VI O'l\I'A'N . already, delcate.d, th� P.urplc �·earlmgs..,. - ";",,,:,,: , •• ,-"eo, 'It·LYRIC.:CHICAGO THEATRE SOCIETYSEASON ��'�" .. ' ,'.. 'The Drama prayersTHIS WEEKALL WEEK-" TIlE STRONG�R"Except Thursday and FriZi�;· Xig ht ... ,"THE THUNDERBOLT"pRINCESSFIRST TIME I� CHICAGOBUNTY PULLS THE STRINGS \:\ Cometh' of the iligl�'lands ,�,iMAJ�STIC ;·,·:�:.!.r�l'�KATH·ERINE GREY ,,�t���·:�III a St ir r imr Play:�' .".GUS EDWARDS' SONG REVIEW.2& . shrrllc tnoilisd l r uatd't-i',lfu ttlrl�With" T'\'enty-Fi\"c;·Artists.�'.··,Lily Lcna ; Gcnaro .'\: Dailey:'Drown, Harr-is S: l lr own ; TomXnwn� Co.; \,(ar.p, 'll�licr; :�lar)I!CI Ur�s. }'.; :. 't -.5 ••.. : f :' ,.�. � .. , :_ ��' . .:. '. . .. :--,',J : .!GAR R I C,K. 1:I,LITTLE 'WOMEN,-'.... J:.. ; ..In •• KI):DLlXG Of! . ".$TUO·EBAKER· ", 'IMil. Y IRtW.W . '. ·f _ ,,IN "�iti(�.tiQWS)_BE.TT..ER. I,., '. 'NOW"'�l�n�r: ,..,�,.<- . .,.".1 '.o LY·MPICpOWERSHenry B. Harris. Prcsents .HELEN' WARE"in the· Intensely Human rdlIn the ,Intensely Human Dr-ama,. 'THE PRICE".COI�ONIALKlaw & Erlang.er Present tho MusicalComedy de LuxeT'HE 'PINK LADYAMERICAN MUSIC HAltGentlemen 'May' Szitok� ", y,ANNETTE .XE�LERMANNand Company·IN .. UNDINE'"In addition to THE ROSE OFPANAMAPATRONXZB MAROONADVERTlIBRS JEFFERSON55th St. and Lake Ave.�OVELTY PHOTOPLAYFour reels uighrly-o! the latest movingpictures. High class songs. Best ofrnu .. ic hy high cla .. s art iSH.I� TONIGHTA Visit to Maderia (Scenic)The.. Tenderfoot's Double � Comedy)The �lcalde's Conspiracy (Drama;A.n Antique Ring (Drama)Spec ia] - WEDNESDAY - SpecialHis Mexican Sweetheart (Drama)HAPPY HARRY HYNESSinging Now.AdmiSsion 5c Never Higher. Evei;.y Frlday ��T�,,�t��e'!� Every Friday.;"', DORSETARROW1: .�. C' "-I I,:·:A··. R>;; .'�:') � .� ��",";.�. '. ' . The" deep� Joiilted style. : a4m·itting the tying of a.• I\clarge bot nicely.L 15 cents. 2. for 25 cents, :Cluett:. Ptabody & CompaDY. TroY. New York. ;,.": _.. -. _ ... "1....- : • of.BAS�ETBALL TEAM TO!1. - PLA Y ILLINI FRIDAY;',_ .- �.' :",._. --' .(.c�1l'tinl1M'· from page l).�_ . Harp.er. , ..·St'a�gl. , '��. R. F: '. Pollak. Norgren:Y,m Gent; "... C::' .. � 'Gocttler��'Co\·iIIe '.� .. R. G .. � � orgrcl,';j' ,Bcll .SENIOR DINNE� ANDTHEATER PARTY .. TO ..BE' GIVEN �ARCH__12The Seoio� Stag dinner a�d thea- .ter party �i1Jq>e gh:en next' Tu�sdayinstcad of to�orrow' r"tigh't, as was,first advet:'tised. Dinner will be.served at the Kuntz-Remmler cafe on\Vabash avenuc. at six. After thedinner th�re will. 'be a gallery theaterparty' at the Illinois theater, whereAnna Held is appearing in "Mile I�­nocent." �. "--\;�. -- t-::--�.�:·;;-::-� ... f •• �.:;::::::;:WHAT ARE YOU goirig' to 'dO'" nextsummer? I ha\:e absohlteli, ·;thebest '\'acati�n �offcr"":' in"c'stigationmeans com·iction. An. easy averageof 'one dollar an hour. Off,er Closes.Thursday. Call evenings. P. ·M.Guiney, 6232 Lexington avenue.PATRONIZEMAROON ADVERTISBRS .\t· .\lillHdota-l�p�s��,tdt ; '; 258 .Ln.t Follettc .'. liS: .·\Vilson; .•. � .. '�' :::, :::: l59�::\i l?�nnsyb;:U1ia--- . . ..:R.Qp.sc�.elt:, .. ... .. .. .; ... : � ... 186'1'raft •. : �� .. '. ':�'�' .: � .. :. : .. :.' .'.'; (l.:i '..At .'lllinois� _. I�60se\'elt , � _".�' � � �. �.'� 5;: '..0 La Follette ....• _1� • '0. ••• 1,-"· Wilson � � .. � f80t 'i;aft: : ......•. . ·111I At Co;n�ll- - -, : '.� •ROQ�·e\'elt �'� ... r>: .: •. ., .,'_., ., ... '.. ,·�66.': Taft ..... ,._ ................•. :_. .. : :26.;1; , W daon _ •.... ' " � 16.La .follette ,84:· � t :M ichigan- .,,'. • r.. i(.. ).:.�-:�.�4"�:�.;����.:�•.• :����.;;�:�.:��:�.).:�.:.�:• .: ••:�.lo·:··:-·:·���+·:;<·��:�:7: .. ���t���(·����?; .. • .. +:Wilson :. :.::: � 449 • 'II' £STABUSHED, ISI8. • ....Rooseyelt : � 392 + ;�.. , '. .'-:- ,.' . '·l,·i'·::·" ...�:�s .. :::::::::::::::::::::::: 192 I ,.,_:" :'.'. "/ ... r/lf:21 \ I. � :1____ '_.._ �o ..... i '. ,;��., ,,,,.D����i�U:��L;�?NTlt��!11 .,�:' '.,:�:,�.� ·::·:',iJ::, tCorttinue�m:Pagelj .. ···· !., ·':···fenffi;Jn���lJin�",,,�6.·· '�!.•. )0 " :. .' < .:: •• �: .' .. - : �:-�� COftoTWanv4SECONo ST. ' :· � (6) One or tW9·:O.t, tbe" plays will .:. " ". .. " ':"1,':" ,. '.: �w Vottao\.o •..• +:tre picked -by the' judges:; "!Profe·�sor .. + :("''-': .;.,; '.' , . ':".' .:.. ' . ...! Herrick, �lr. Linn. and Mrs. 'Flint 'of .: : . RepreS�l���t���·.-.:U!". '.Lanzer, atjjl�. Cong.re·ss ,.Annex,. : .:the English .<leJ>artm�t;:, artd '\viiI be : : Chic,agp,>��r�h' 30th' to +priI' ·3rd" iJi�lusive, :produce'd 'by the Dramatic cJuk at �h� .: :. � .�Wit4 Jate�t. Spri.�f:! suits' and· overe�ats, .. ; . :� •. ,'. :a�nual spring ie5ti';�ld� �ay. :: "" Riping :ahd Motor garments, English h�ts, shoes, ::.Rule� Have 'Been' Posted. : : .. c' .' cHaberdashery',and Leather. 'go't>ds,.,� i: .';'. :."� .. : .:'. ..' '.� . +'Copies of.',thc abo�e rules of 'the : � . '. �END.FOR Iy..USiRATED,C�T�<?G�' .. , .. !· contest' have' be. en posted on the btil- . . •••••. �++·�(··)·:·(··: .. ·lo.lt.:.<· .. ·:.·:.(� • .c.ot ...... +++++++", .. o+(. .. <+:.++.+� .... ���4·letin hoard in' front oi Cobb amLinprominent places in' ElIis:and' Lexing-· too. _;\lreacly several students. hayesigllilied ,their int�ntion of submittingplays, but as yet none h:1\'c been re�ceh'ed into ass-!ciate mcmbership ofthe club..' "The club ieels that it is takingan important step in holding this playcontcst:' said Prcsident Cl�rk yester­day. "If the play:, rccei':cd justify ourexpcctation� wc will not only producethe winners this sllring', but we willtake steps to .make the one-actplay contest an annual spring ieatureof the Dramatic club activities."ROOSEVELT AGAIN. VICTORON BALLOT AT CORNELLBeats Taft by 240 Votes, With :Wood­row Wilson Third-Give Sum-. mary of College Results ..Cornell students want' Rooseveltfor Pre-Ideut, At a straw electionheld recently the colonel polled' atotal of i66 votes and beat his near­c-t competitor by 240. 'Taft, second.and \Vi1son, third, were separated byhut 10, the Democratic candidatc hav­ing 516. Other men in the contesthad no chance of winning, as nO�le oft licm reached the hundred mark. :\separate record \\"�s kept of the iac­ult)" ballots, and the totals published.H er e, \\' il son was the leader, havingalmost three times thc following ofthe ex-pre sident, anl more than threetimes Tait's total. D'eo:;, the Social­ist c.unl idu tc, failed of :l' b�l1ut in thci�l.:tlity ba ll ot, but 'had' lU followers;(1l10tlg- ,.lIe students, a.. s1l1:�11 proper­t ion oi ih:..:.· t(;ial. and much .Ic ss than, .. ',·'.1 ',,',. .... . . .JH�·.r,I..�l'i\'\;d ;�t )licbigall. .•. :�' �l�I'lIill�ir}; 'o( 'soiite' '�f: the princi-:1':11 .:>tra.\\: .�n-9rs il?n�,\:s: .I'" � ., .. , ,.'. �,,�t C1.h�ago- �'J • '.Roosevelt 203\\'iboll �., :.: .. ' .: ' 13-t '·liait .• �<� .. : .. '�:; , iOLa t FoUctte , .. ; .lbe Com Exclla,nge. National Bank.OFOIICACO$ THESMOOTHEST'TOBAcco." :'� .�'681: ..... .' �"1 .-.•.• i'· •/ ·i••Publishing Co.6219 COTTAGE GROVE AVE.Everything in 'PrintingWE SPECIALIZE PUBLICATIONSCOMMERCiAL;PRINTING TELEPHONEIIIDWAY 3935:+ + o++.+� � � •••••• :: . �� OF INTEREST TO THE :: �"? ';� Properly Groomed Student i· � .•+..+ ,�i MRS. GERV AlSE GRAHAM, i+the wen known toilet goods specia1is� has just• opened a Salon de Beaut6 for both LADIES AND :i GENTLEMEN, where immediate attention can ••be . given, or appointments made for�: . Hair DreamC SbampooiDc MaDicariDc: � Facial Treatment., Etc.• . All of lin. Gralaam'. ramo_ Pl'eparatlo ... on ale at tilei SALON DB BBAUTB, .• (Venetian Bldg.) 15 Eo WaldactoD at.