a­oftre�ethery,ESRS1$.nsartssreinter­II�d ill�Ihlelichne a• <:ala­k1e eD­t·s ....tmeoa'os. BASKETBALL GAME WChicago meets Purdue in a r.basketball game tomorrownight in Bartlett gym-nasium. COUNCIL ELECTIONSElections for the Councilwill be held tomorrow,8:15 to 3:15, in the Deans'·offices in Cobb hall.lai1y !laroonVOL. X. NO. 87. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGQ, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY IS, 1912. PRICE FIVE CENTS.COMMENTS ON SCHOOL MORALS WILL PLAY PURDUE TOMORROW ENTRIES ANNOUNCEDFOR ILLINOIS MEETChicqo Ku Team of Few Stars toOffset the Well-balancedIUiDi Squad.VARSITY STRONG IN SHOT PUTMenaul, Scruby, and Norgren MayBlank Down-State AthletesIn Weights.Pc!: ::::.tIt-ChicaI:0:. C',yle, Dick-cr:-on. i\orgren: lJ'Tinop.: Murphy,Kopi.Thirty-five YardDa "cnport, Duncan,Stanley: lllinois:l'hdps, Casner�Forty-yard High Dash-Chica�o :Ford, �latthews.'Vilson. Seiler_Hurdles-Chi-(";,:':0: Kuh. Leach. �1�n�\lll. �tillcr.:\urgren. Stanley: lilinnis: Casl·.C(,,.ter. :\hhott. Hull, Merriman. Ma­tlll·rs.One Mile Run-Chicag(i: HnlllH'tl.ni�hoJl. Donovan. Lrisnre. l.unclc:l11inoi�: . Cope. Rclnap. Thom;\�nn.Quarter ",ile Run - C.hil·a��o:"·handlcr. Sloan. Davenport. OUllcan.,\1 i11er: l11inoi:,,: Cnrtis. �alld{'r:,.Ii lIntcr. Stitzel. Burke.Shotput-Chirag-o: CI't·ttll�r. :'\�t'-nanl. :\orgrcn. Scrnhy; ll1in(\i�: Che­I'e'·. Belting. L('P. nlltt�. �ei1cr.Running High Jump-Chi ... :\)� .. :t·n�. Coyle. (;oettll'r. M('nat11; 111:·lil,is: Ch(·nt'Y. )lorrc11. Hnl'il. rrin..-,'.Half Mile Run-C'hil':a:n \ 'i': '1::It·r. Daycnport. J.('i�t1r('.(�jlhl·rt. �Io.ln: ll1inoj,,: nC:10V:ln.� '"pr il m>Chicago will be put out of the run­ning for the championship in theConference basketball race if Purduewins the game tomorrow night. Theonly teams which are capable of stop­ping the string of Purdue victoriesare :\linnesota and ·Chicago. IJ Chi­cago is defeated, the team will havethree defeats marked against it, which Coach Page yesterday announcedwould put it out of the reach of Pur- the entries ior the 1l1inois meet,due and Wisconsin. Minnesota seems which will be held Saturday night atto be suffering from a slump, and witl Champaign. The Chicago entry listbe unable, judging from present indi- is only tentative, and trials will becations, to defeat the Boilermakers. held today and tomorrow to deter-Have Hard Game. mine the men who will make the trip.The Tllinois Freshmen entries haveThe team will have a hard time in not been received by Coach Page, anddefeat ing the Boilermakers. They it is not likely that they witl be senthan.' won an their games by starting to him.with a tush and piling up a substan- The Illinois team is a well-balancedrial lead before their ')!'lH,reats got squad, with plenty of experiencedstarted. This was the way in which men. Chicago's trouble lies chieflythey won the Chicago game. Chi- in the iact that there are not enoughcago will he prepared for a recur- men on the squad to be able to takerenee of these tactics and Will play seconds and thirds. The team is com­fast irom the first whistle. Malarkey posed of a iew stars.' who witl not beis the chid oiJl'n:,i\"C player on the able to offset the squad from Cham­Purdue squad, and he witt be guarded paign.hy Bell. neB has been playing agreat iame at guarll aurl wilt probably Chicago Good in Pole Vault.hold Malarkey to a low score. Ben's Among the entrants in the poleplaying ha� been o Ill' of the best vault are Coyle and �l urphy, who tiedfeatures oi the team's play this year. ior first place in the dual meet heldCrabmeat a la Xl aryland, on Toast 'I 1 I ] h...' 0 aur er will guard -tarr. the ot er last year. Coyle has improved con­Lettuce SandwichesRules Reflect Evils. j or-ward, sidcrably since that time and shottJdEsther Vesey. Chicken Salad, Mayonnaise Drcsxinu It i:, cliffil:n!t to attempt to predict be able to defeat Murphy. Murphy,"The elaborate codes of rules gov- I Cl.· Cream in l nrlividunl FormsLower Junior. what team wil l win. Although Pur- however. will make -hi.m work hard toerning intercollegiate athletics reflect Cake Demi 1'a:,,,eJ I C B k . . due won t hc last �ame by 33 to 23, it win. Seiler. an 111innis entrant in the'010 • a ·er. the evils which they attempt. often Special punch will hr served in ihe "Douglas P. Ball. was evident that Chic-ago did the bet- 35-yard dash, won the event last year.Ell vainly, -to remove. write:' Dean gYlIllla!'lium during- the dance.=,..__,..-+- ...·.c.--.:.-I.�)JLOIaLl';..I,·i1l,J,:.::.r�l.AiQUirt:._lt.1lhl.£(.:-.l.:b:l.Jsiil-t:.....1.tuh ..r'(,!j,c�i.QA,U%:-:u£t..�· -i _l..r"'tth ... &�:- it. ria Ch·nn.,;" ' .. n ... - -_ . ··:��;r�d--�:."t���;: ,�"""""----"� �J.oh��n!--da�tri\7trion--Wlt� -��iTii"l-omlima!e,; .of t he game. .\11 that saved the. trant who is sufficiently fnst to place,faculty committees afford �d�en deal- iollow: Boilermakers irlllll defeat was the Davenport is entered in this race andDorothy Llewellyn. ing with charges .of athletic inelig- .. General chnirman-e-Lrn X. Daven- sixt cen point lead which was piled up may place.Henry C. A. Mead. ihili fl" fI I ity 0 ten revea a suuatron 0 P0rL. in the first five minutes of play. The only event in which ChicagoH. Louise Mick. 1 .. b . I' . C· R 1 Jmutua susprcron etween rrva msu- Finance ornrmttee-« aym oru . Then. also, L�hil.·ago was handicapped seems to have a good chance to takeFrank H. O'Hara. . 1 d . . 1 . R''_ 1 " T' Ituhons an< a eSlre to se�ure an a( -, Daly. chaIrman: \.Ic.la:-( '. ell.' 1- hy the fact that :\lolander was COlll- al1 three places is tIle shotput. Me-vantage rather than to di';co"er and graeber, Clark G. Sauer. Earl R. Hut- pdlcd �o Icavc the game on account naul won this event last year. Bothact upon the real facts in the cas,-'. ton. of an injured ankle. He is the only Scruby and Norgren have done bet-The immediate cause of most of th' Arrangements Committee-\Viltiam .rr.an on the slluad who is a reliable ter in cofllpetition than Belting, thedifficulties ;n d.�hletics is the inordi- P. Harm5, chairman: Curtis' Rogers, free thrower, and his loss \Va:; felt. st:cond Illinois man.. Davenport willnate importance which the winning- Paul �lacClintock. Clara :\l1cn. �Iar- I have two fast opponcnts in Cortis.1 ' Seniors to Attend.8:15 to 9:30. of the game has in the schoo hoy s ;!arc:t Sulli,·an. and Sanders in tire 440. allli they willAlma Og- mind. For this we can hardly blame Reception Committee-�raynard E. Great intue�t is i.leil'� "b,wn ill force him to extend himself to thehim whcn we consider that this is the Simo:ld. chairman: \\'illiam .-\. \Var- the gaml�. a:; it will probably he the limit to win.general attitude of the public toward riner. J. Austin :\lenaul. Lorraine .hest gaml� which will be secn on' The Varsity entries io!lnw:sports. Another soutce of evil is Cleary. Frances �Ieigs. Bartlett tloor this year. The fact Varsity Entries.Helen ·found in the prominen'ce ginn to the Decoration Committee-James E. that h::>th teams witl fight to retainschool boy athletes by the newspapers -O"mond chairman; :\Iark �1. Savici�e. their hold on thl� championship willin which they are placed before the F;ank :\'. Gilh� rt. :\Iice Lee Herrick. help to increase the interest. Thesporting public in the same manner Zillah Shep:1enl. Hazel II (lfi, R)'rl1Il Seniors wi11 ,hold their .mnual ,jinncrAr- as prize tighters and other profcs- \V. H�I tley. }{obert V. Fong-cr. and dance tomorrow afternoon. andsional athletes. Furthermor<.' much Printing Committee-Junius C. Sco- are makin� arrangements to go to�Iast, Miri- harm comes to the l?oys \vho· take field. chairnian: Earl R.·Huttort. Orno the game in a body. The Freshmentrips half-way across the continent t,", R. Roberts. \Valter S. Kas:"ulhr. are also plannin� to have a rootingFreshmen - Chester Bell, Mary.... settle the claims for the ioothatl section' to :"upport their team. whichchampionship of the entire country." �vi1l play a ",curtain raiser" a�ain:'t11:00 to 12:00. Sunday school leagues receive thcir WILL SPEAK ON THE' 'Vhcaton College.I f· . . D J)1 1'011 RAGE PROBLEMS The Frcshlllcn have alread" cIcieal-Hollingsworth. s larc 0 cntlcl:'m. ean t 11!'> SUFF oJshows that. whereas in the puhlil.! IN MANDEL 'MONDAY cd 'Vheaton College hy 35 to K andDor- school leagues a definite control of should han no difficulty in-repeating.athletic compctition is exer�isec1. in Mrs. Beatric� Forbes-Robertson The Freshmen ha,'c won eight �ame!'Mar- Sunday schQol lea�nes almost no rc�- Hale. 'niece of Forbes Robert�on. the and have only been defeated onc-e.111ation is found. Doubtful eligib�lity actor heading the Drama players, and Des Jardien ancl Stcvenson at ior-is so frequent in the church leaguc�. d:H1,!htcr-in-Iaw oi Professar \Vi:liam ward ha"e hecn playing wcll. whileaccording to the writer. that it is oft- Gardner Hale. head of the department the work of the iuanl:o. Bennett andChandler, Virginia en l'ntirely o\"Crlooked. of L"ltin at the 'University, will lec- Baumgartner. has been lirst. c1a5�.ture in :\Iandel �Ionday at 3 on "The The centers. Vntwink an,l Gorgas.S ff 'I arc aho\"e th� ;\\·era�c.Suffra�e and Anti- 11 rage ,/,,, O,'c- "Itlents." The lecture will bc conduct­ell l11ater the auspice:" oi t�:I' Cnh'cr­"it,· ''" omen's Univn. The Vniversity�tlhlic has been invited to attend. :\d­mission wi11 be free. :\1 rs. Hale re­sides in Xew York. where her hus­hand. Mr. Swineburne Hale, is aSTUDENTS WILL ELECTCOUNC�ORSTOMORROWM. Bari has been chosen' as catererfor the Prom by the committee on ar­rangements. The contract has beenlet to the new firm with a view todoing away with the possibility ofold food heinz used. The cater inzservice which will he used is connect­ed with one 0: till' large clown-townhotels.A� usual dinner will he served ait­er the twelfth dance in the H utchin­son commons. A canvas cover inu willbe erected between Bartle tt and theTower in order to protect the �Ue:-tsin �oing from one building to theother. Special pains have been takenin the arrangements of the dre��in�rooms ior the women so that the lackof efficiency in the handling iormerlycomplained of. may he overcome.Larger quarter s have he en secured,The menu for the dinner follows:Toe Menu.: (r. 11 (,IHI('r�nn. Vigea n:.Two Mile Run-Chi\:l�":r'Cono\·an. {,llhert. T _l1nd". � ,ci ·11:,SI,")an: lliinoi�: ntll1.I;,1 ;:0lalld·'.IIi�lop. Cope'.Relay Race - (·hi,·.I::": i ;'.: "Da\·cnpnrl. Duncan. Fprd. :'-bt:iH'W'-.:\l ilkr. Sloan. �t;'nl('y: Tllillni..: Cl1�------------------ ----(Continuccl on .,.lFf ·l)ANNOUNCE NAMES OF TELLERS TO' DINE AFTER 1WELnH DANCECOMMITrEE ARRANGESFOR PROM CATERINGDean Johnson, of University HigbSchool, Writes On Ethics of HighSchool Boys In The School Re­view. Team to Attempt to Break String ofPurdue Victories - Defeat Will PutChicago Out of Running for theChampionship.Coatrad Let to M. Sari Willa Viewto AYoidiq PouiWIitJ ofUse of Old Food.Polla WiD !Ie Opea ill �' Officesiii roO•• HaD frOl8 8:15 to3: 15 ill the AftenaooD. That boys are as honest in theirsports as their fathers are in busi­ness, and that parents often do notcensure dishonesty shown in sportsby their sons but think it commend­able, are the statements of DeanFranklin \V. Johnson, who writes on"Thc High School Boy's Morals" inthe February School Review.Dean Johnson comments at lenuthon the collecting propensities of theyouth of the land and states that ;:college alumnus told him recentlythat ··the waning supply oi towels ;lIHibedding in his fraternity chapterhouse was always renewed at thc d.).�eof thc tour of the glee club from theunofficial proceedings of the expetli­tion."The author commends the En"di�!lschools for the honesty which per­vades them. He points out that nolockers are required tu keep cloth­ing and other athletic paraphernaliaat Rugby, and he contrasts this con­dition with that in the Americauschools where the steelrnaker and titelocksmith are ineffectual in checkingThirty-Six Will Serve In Conductingthe Election Until Votes AreCounted. . Arrange for Efficiency In Women'sDressing Rooms - List of Com­mittees Announced.aElections of members to the Under­graduate council will take place to­morrow in the deans' offices' in' Cobbhall between the hours of 8:15 and3:15. The lists of nominees and tel­lers follow:THE CANDIDATESLower Senior.Dorothy Fox.Effie Hewitt.Harold L. Kramer.Howard B. :\lcLane.Helen Magee.:\Iilton �l. Morse.Norman C. Paine.Thomas E. Scofield.Upper. Junior.Gracia Alling.W. Ogden Coleman,Rudy.D. Matthews.Howell \V. Murray.Margaret Rhodes.Earle A. Shilton. Jr."swiping" propensities of hig-lt schoolboys. Celery Salted A 1 111 on II,.;Dorothy Packard.THE TELLERS •Juniors-Donald Breed,den.Sophomores-Robert Tuttle, DellaPatterson.Fresh;l1en-Austin �Ienaul,Picketts.9 :30 to 11 :00.". .Juniors-Herbert GrandqUlst,line Brown.Sophomores-Burdetteam Baldwin.Cameron.Juniors - Donald�rargaret Ford.Sophomores-Bruce :\facDuff,othy Higgs.Freshmen-\Valter Kassulker,garct Clapp.12:on to t :00.Juniors-KentHinkins.Sophomores-Robert :\li1ler, Fran-ces Ross.Freshmen-Denne�t Ben, MildredAppel. Solution Lies In Athletics.Kent Society Meets Tonight.The Knn Chemical society willl11e('t :1t dinner in the cafc of theHutchinson commons at 6:15 10night.)Iiss Terry. :m a��ociate in �he de­partment oi chemistry. will speak on··�l1lp:lioes." Dartmouth-Tn a �traw vot" he1(ilast week at Dartmouth. Tait \Va"first with 181 votes. Roo!'e\"elt sccondwith IiI. Wilson third with 124. Ilar­mon fourth with 24, Clark fiith withIi, and La Fol1ette a poor sixth withonly i ,·ot('s.Dean Johnson helieves that t:1Csolution to the problem lic:" in teach·ing boys honesty through their con·duct 'in athktic conte,;ts. ancl in pre­paring for the games. :\rguing thatteams representing schools -n·h.ere dis­honesty exists �re often placed underthe guiclance of irre"ri.'n�lh1.:- c().1che:,.he concludes that a coach should bechosen with the view of ohtaining aman who train:' his hoy:" to play thegame within tile spirit as w(,)1 as theletter of the rules and inspires themwith the helief that the team cannotafford to win a �ame hy any otherthan iair means." Michigan-.\ n('w mont :lly llIa;.::a­zinc to he known ;1 ... "Thl' l'aintec1\"inclo",," will he i"ncd in a shor:time at the t'nivcrsity of :\1 ichi;.::all,I t will he al11lo"l t'xcll1",iH'ly a liter·ary publication.1:00 to 2 :00.Juniors-George Kuh, Helen Gross.Sophomores-'Villiam Lyman, RuthHough.Freshmen-Kilburn Brown, r.erylZoller. la-n·yer.2:00 to '3:15.Juniors-James Donovan, Cora'Hin-kins. .Soflhomores-Horace Scruby, Hel­ene Pollak.Freshmen-Kenneth Coutchic, �Ia-bel Becker.•JJ:1tIj1Ir-" -J , .....THE DAILY MAROON, TH'URSDAY, !:EBRUARY IS, 1912.·'THE DAILY MAROON"The Official Student Newspaper ofthe University of Chicago.Founded October I, 1902.Formerly'The University of Chicago WeeklyFounded October I, 1892.Published daily except Sundays, Mon­days and Holidays during threequarters of the University year.Entered as Second-class mail at t�eChicago Post Office, Chicago, Illi­'nois, ;:\larc1i 18, 1908, under Act oi)l:trch 3, 1873.�2.7�kElroy Pull, Co. Press, G�H' Cottazc GroveThe Staff\ V. J. Foutc..- ... .: .. Managing Editor;-1, L. Kennicott , News EditorBusiness ManagerE, R l l ut tonAssociate EditorsD. L. Breed W. H. Lyman:'.1. D. Stevers Leon StolzB, \\', Villi"..;�kyReportersG, \V, Cott in eh.un II. .'\. Lollcsgar dH, S, Gorga� T, \\" Pr os serII. S, RhettWomen's EditorSarah ReinwaldWomen Reporters'Grace Hotchkiss Lillian SwawiteEdith O'Rear Dorothy WillistonAugusta Swa w iteSubscription Rates,By Carrier, $2.50 per year; $1.00 perquarter. City Mail. $1.25 per quar­ter; $3.00 per year in advance,News contributions may be left inEllis Hall or Faculty Exchange, ad­dressed to The Daily Maroon.'Tickets for the Senior dinner-dance,which will be hcld tomorrow after-1]00n in the Reynolds club andHutchinson cafe, areThe Senior now on sale. This af­Dance fair is but one of thoseplanned by the class forthe remainder of the year and it ishoped that enough of the class willinterest themseh·cs as to make theaffair a �rand success."Some interesting- fig-un'� !'Ihowin;.rthc status of the :;tates a" to thenumher of student!' enrolkll in theuniversities and collegesShow Rank haye recently been puh­of States lisheel. In till' li"t ll!i-nob rank.. sCI..'ond toNew York, hut abo\'(� l'enn .. yh'ania,which ranks second til X t:w Y.-.rk illpopulation, Oi th<: fir"t :,ixtecllstates namcd' (WeIH' ar<: wc�t' nf t;,cAlle�henies. The l'acilil' cfta"t state..;rank thirteenth. t wenty-fir:'t, andtwenty-second, The :"ix Wt>:"tei'n:;tates north of :the Ohio a 11<1 cast n:the ::\ii:,sis:,ippi" rank among the lir"tionrken:[Thl� first column (t! II_;UTl':- ::i\'l'�the i1lttllber oj college,.; anll uniHr"i­tic,.;; the seconu, tile number hayingo\'er 2,(X)() enrollell; t!H' third, till'number of student ... ]State-1 Xcw York "',. 422 I Ilinoi!> ,","" .HJ Penn ",.,"',. 354 Ohio .,',.," .. 3,::5 In <I ian a .;'",.,' 20G )Ia�!" .,",.,',. 187 ] owa "",."., 21.S Kan"a:" ." .. ,.' 199 :".1 ichigan ".'" 1110 \\"i:-consin "... �)11 \Ii;;;,onri .. , .. ,' 1(112 ;\cbraska "",. 1013 California ] I14 \1 innesota ' 915 Tennessee 1816 Louisiana ,..... 5Ii Virginia ]418 X. Carolina 1319 D, Columbia .,. 10 4L.><i22�,2()3.!t),�711h,71'i1 ("mn12,llS31ooooo 9,63;�'()2j�,()17�,.:;Ii�.338i,c.mG,l J 55,5305,2604,886 Bulletin and Announcements'Senior Class Executive Committeemeets today at 10:30 in Cobb 3A.r mportunt,Glee Club meets today at 4 in theReynolds club.Junior College Chapel Exercises ferwomen today at 10:30.Cerc1e Francais will meet today ill�IH lman house room at ...The Junior Stag w ill he �iVl'l1 to­I� ig-h tat t h l' \ \" indcrmvrv hult'l.Brownscn Club Reception tudayfrom 4 to (j in Lexing-ton 15, ,\ IlCat�JOlk student .. invited.All "Vilf'�m Men meet IIIIIay ill l'"j,;,(i,\ at 1O:3C,Kansas Club will ll;l'ci· It "lay at ..ill Cobi, (,,\,Southwest Neighborhood Club willgin' a \\'a"hingloll party a t 4 !"1I1 •• r-German Club will 11I\:l't at ... inLcx ing t ou hall romorr •• w.Commonwealth Club and Non-Part­isan Political, Clubs meet t o mor r owat 10:30 in Cohb �H.Junior Mathem3tical Club \\ ill meet tomorrow in Roum 36, Ryerson Phys­ical laboratory at 4:30. Mr. Staleywill speak.Senior Dinner De ace wil l I'l' �i\l'1Jtomorrow.Boys of Australic ",':i!1 �i\':' ;;;: entertuinmcnt in �I:lnc":l hall t o m r.r r .. ,\at 4,Cosmopolitan Club bu-iness meet­illl-! at � Saturday lIi"�ht ill Elli" 'Ix't:t,�il1t,�,- llIel'ting- iOJll)\\,l:t1 by .Iun cha: a Cl.inc s« rcst aur.mt.Council Elections w il l l'l' heId to­mor row ir,,:11 �:1.:; t o 3:1.3 ill Ihl:De n n-" nfiil'e- in C(lj,h hall.Track Meet w it h Hlin .. i- SatttnlayIlil-!::t at Challlpaig-n,Basketball Game-s-Chicae .. v -, I'urclue. tomorrow night III I;artldt.l;re,.::lI1l'll play \\'!H'atl':, ._,,,:It.';.:t' iiicurrain ruis er.Mrs. Forbes-Robertson Hale w illlecture Oil "The Suffraz e and .Vn t i­Suffr.ur« ,\1 (In mcnts" in �I .uulc l "II�tnllcby at 3. under t ln- :ttlSj)il'l'" (Ii the\\'()1;�:':11'" Uniou.Swimming Meet - Chicago '"S,�'or:i�\\'l'�tl'rn. Saturday nig-ht inBartkt:, Fn':,hman meet c:dkd otL20 S, Carolina ,',' 14"21 \Va�h. ,.,,',.,' -I-22 Oreg-oll ",.,',. i23 Al al.ama .". S24 Connecticut , "25 Colorado ... , ..25 Gcorzin ,"",. �27 Marylaud ,'".' 112� X ew J er:'t'Y �;?t) Kentucky " , 1030 Arkan .. as , i�u.:..J..:..__ 01_32 Ctah .:"'" .",' "233 ::\1 iss, , ... ".,., (,34 -:\iainc'-.. � -.. "435 S. Dak. ' ,.. 536 W. Vir 337 N. Harnp , 33g R. 'Island .,.... 239 Vermont .40 Idaho , .41 Florida ." .42 Xevada ... , '43 Wyoming ., .44 Arizona ,', .45 X. :\Iexict) ., .46 Dc1aw:!:"c ", .Total " .. " ... , .480t;s33 ".2,t(i men picked ior the cast competitions3,024 meet thi .. afternoon in the club for3.3;8 rchearsal-. They will also be given.�,2.n I their parr- ior study, so that they3,304 can present their lines before the3.132l�·1 -ach when hc returns.2,1)24_ 2..i�',l_ _2.475 TO DEBATE NORTHWESTERN-2,211)2,1"1 New Freshmen Team Will M�t2,OS6 Freshmen of Evanston.1,9951,4451,1211,045587II1 '(IoooIIII()(I_ILo«}oooooooouo()o ,. 033 316,603".(,�24.3('1..... ()-l4.297 :'.1 r. :'tt -t har t returns a week from11.1111 .rn '�\' U. pick the final cast andt(l -rart t he act'ive dramatic rehear­sal" oi the cast and the chorus. The You. Can Go MOSSLER CO.: 'FIFTY WILL TRY OUT FORTHE BLACKFRIAR CHORUSRest of Men Will Try Out Today atThree; Cast Vocal TrialsToday.Fiity men tricd out before GordonErickson yesterday afternoon for po­sitions i� the chorus of "The Pursuitof Portia." :\11 those who did nottryout ),estcr,lay will appear hCiorethl' l11usical dircctor today at 3 in theT�cynolds cluh. The complcte list otthe Sl1cccssiul men in the prelimin­:lries Will be puhlished to tomorrow' ..Daily �Iaroon,"The mcn t11u:-t come o11t," said them;tnag-cr," for we I1111St know the sing­ing- ahility oi all the candidates.Thc:,c men will have lirst choice whenthc tinal choruses arc picked in thet"Jllr:-t: of a few weeks.The 111en chosen yesterday anetthllse tOllay meet )[onday at 3 in theReynold� cluh theater to hegin therchear:'a1 of the song-s under the di­rcction of ::\Ir. j�rickson, These re­hearsals will probably take placethree time� a weck. 'with the sameg-ymnasium arrangement that hasprevailed in connection with' MissII in:'nan's dancing class. �liss Hin­man's class in' fancy danci'ng will notmeet next \Vednesday evening asusual, hut will meet the following\Vednesday. 475'300300200197175Commercial Club Dines.T1YCnty tl1(:lllbcrs of the Commer':'cial club had as their guest at :l din-.ner ill the Common:" cafe last night.::\Ir, ,\, \Y, Ilarri�, of the Harri:;Tnt:'! and S;l\'inis hank. who spoketo the men on some' aspects of thepre�c;1t day business world. ::\rr. Har­ris i� t!�c son of X. \V. llarri". pres i­�lcl1t of the- institution which hearsj;i .. l1:tnlC.�i:, r r arri" said t:1at �he pbt'c for:1 Y"lll1;:!, man to start in husines, '\'a�;a lar::e city, and he c1ep;ecatcri theplat:utll' t:':11 it i:- hetter to hl' a1:tr:.!l' toad in a small ponel, t h;m asma:1 Iliad in a tar,::::-c l)ond."i!r;:il1" ('<lUll! in hu,;il1es�." said \fr.Ilarr:_' "hut not a" :llttch a:" the;lhili:y 10 kccp at work."T::, inl1, 'wing new mC!11ber .. \\'c;-\"t a k (' 11 ' ill t () the \' I u h ]a s t 11 i g h t: \ \' a r­ncr nowcrs. \\', Ogden Colemall,Thmi)cr \\', Cu"hing, \Villi:t111 HickkGellr:,:-c "ttll anf} William Warriner. to theSENIOR PROMFebruary 19, 1912ra'J-'".'I will fit 'you up in a dress suit com-plete a t a price so reasonable thatyou wili be astonished. I have beendoing this for the University boys ,.for years and they have always beensatisfied.LET ME DO IT FOR YOU.T. C. SchaffnerDRESS SUIT SPECIALIST130 STATE ST.(Opposite Xl ar shall Field) 19 Jackson Blvd.-East. "Freshmen interested in debatingarc requested to meet this morningat lO:30 in Cobb 3.'\. Arrangementswill be made for holding a tryout fora new Freshman Debating team. asthe members of the present team h:lveeither resigned, or are ineli�ible. Thisnew team will lieklt:> the X')rth\\'('�t­ern Freshmen.The Fre5hmcn have decided to takethe negati"e side of the question sub­mitted to tilem by the XorthwesternFreshmen. The question is: "Rc­!'oh'cd, That the Legi .. lativc Initiat­l\'e and Referendum should hc intro­ducccl in our Statc Govcrnments:'Th� dehatc this year will be held herein Chicago. Last year the N'orth­'we,,:ern team beat our Freshmen.Montana-The scholarship roll atthe Fnivcrsity of �'ontana is vcrylarge thi:, (]uarter as it cont:lin" sixty­nine name", L. MANASSEOPTICIAN Established 186833 W. Madison St. Tribune BuildingEye-Glasses and Spectacles scienti­fically fitted and adjusted. ArtificialEyes made. to order. Oculists' pre­scriptions filled. Examinations freeof charge.See our New Idea Mounting. NOTICETo College �enDuring our DiscountSale we are offering25 Per Cent OffRegular PricesonEvening DressClothes TuxedosandAfternoon FrocksRegular Prices $30 to $60take 25 per cent offduring this sale.McElroy Publ.ishing Co.6219 COTTAGE GROVE AVE!Everything in PrintingWE SPECIALIZE PUBLICATIONSCOMMERCIAL HHPRINTING TELEPHONEMIDWAY 3935Patronize Maroon AdvertisersDECORATE YOUR DENwi th college posters and other attractive pictures.CENTRAL CAMERA CO.ALSO HEADQUARTERS FORJ(ODAICS AND PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPUES 124 S. WABASH AVECHAMBERS STUDIO8SO EAST 63RD ST.Official Photographers for The Cap and' Gown, 1912.Special Prices to thc University Students .•TYPEWRITERSOF ALL MAKESFor Rent, Sale and Exchange•It I. no lonftr O�J' to paJ' uJ·where nellr $100 90 tor a etandard ��writer ot anJ make. We operate a larlrefactor,. where we malte over. with newparts. trpewrlters ot aU standard malr.eeClod are able to sell them at 40 per cent to.5 per cent les8 than the maoufaeture,..·list I) rices.Our machines are known throughout theeountrr tor the hleh ltandard ot work·maosblp and the completenells wltb whichtbe rebuOt work Is done. No I)alns oreXI,euae are spared to make these tJpe·writers Terr closelJ' approacb the "randnew ones, In tact. tbe,. wUl give tbe u.meservice as new macblnes.Our plant. equipment and torce or experttypewriter meebanles are equal to those otmaoy or tbe tactorles wbere new t,.pe·writers are manutaetured. Tbese tacl1ltlelenahle us to do work which ,.00 will 8grHwit b us 18 marvelous.We bave been eatabl1sbed tblrtJ' ,.ears.and tbousand. ot our made,oTer typewrlt·ers Kold a loog tlme ago are still givingI!atisractory servIce In aU parts ot thecounter.Do not contuse our rebuilt typewrite,..wtth tbe ordloary second- hand or the sc­called rebuilt maehlnes offered br otberdealers. Our macblnes bave all been dIs·mantled right down to tbe trame. all de­fectlve and worn parts thrown out. thearebutlt with new material b,. skilled wort·men.No other concern baa tbese taclllties.therefore our process Is an exclusIve one.Our (,rlres cannot be equalled anywhere.Call at our salesroom and read manJletters such as tbese :"Ueallr. we do not see bow rou e80afford to put out such a nice typewriter tortbe money. and wish to thank ,.ou tor It."":\lachine Is all rh:ht and a better look·ing one tban I expeeted tor the prIce.""Yachlne Is working fine. I would nottake twice wbat I &:aTe tor It."We ::ullrantee all ot our machines tor ooeyear aod will make delivery ot any ma·chine. subject to examination and retarDIf Dot slItlstactory.We also rent typewrltera· In flrat·cl ...�ondltlon at a SPECIAL RA.TE of Imonths tor $,").00 and np.Write or call tor turther particular:.American Writing Machiite Co."37 S. De.thora St. Tel. Harri;oa 406Heat RegulationTHE JOHNSONPNEUMATIC SYSTEMThe Recognized StandardInstalled . in the University ofChicago BuildingsComplete Systems·for all Methodsof Heating.' .. 'STEAM CONTROL OF. HUMIDITYREDUCING VALVES· FOR AIR,WATER, HOllWATERTANK REGULATORSJohnson ServiceCo.H. W. RUS, .lIIaprg��c:gO 177 N. DEARBORN ST."A Bank for Everybody"lC; A Morro WE TRY TOREAUZEWe have an equipment complete inevery detail; our financial strengthis unquestioned.To have and to hold 'the confidenceof our regular patrons·and to securenew ones by efficient service is ourearnest endeavor.WOODLAWN TRUST AND .SAVINGS BANK1204 East Sixty-third StreetMAROON PRESSJOB PRINTERSPublication PriptingPriccs Lowest \Vork the BestPhone H. P. 3691 1105 E. 55th St.Dr. Frederick F. MoltDENTISTTelephone Hyde Park 2410Hours: 1 to 5 p. m.THE DEL PRADO59th Street and W.sbington Avenue •THE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY. FEURUARY 15. 1912.POLITICAL CLUB MEMBERSDISCUSS PLANS YESTERDAYSuggest Opportunities for ActiveWork and Consider PossibleSpeakers.Plans for the future were discussedat the meeting of the Progressive Re­publican club held yesterday morn­in� in Cobb 8B. There are threedays before the club in which themembers are offered unusual oppor­tunity to eng-age in active work.'These days are February 2i, the dayof the aldermanic primary; April 9,the primaries for the municipalcourts and for the governor, andXl arch 12, the day of registration.I t was sl1g�ested in the first placetIl lind out exactly what help wasn\."\:(ll:o ill each casco Anot her ideaw a- hr()u�ht up to appoint a man foreach campus organization whosebus ine ss it would be to sec that thevot crs- should turn out in force. Thedub has �otten out letter paper witha distinctive head from the moneyvoluntarily contributed by the 111 e 111-her�. and this is expected to give theair of importance to the men downtown who 1I111,..t he corresponded with.It was also suggested that all thecluh,. comhinl" and try to get some,..tate speaker of note, such as Sen­ator,.: 'Jon6 and :\fcGill, to speak be­iorl' the united political dubs about�larch 1. The men will be out thisway ab:Hlt thcli. because oi the ap·proadlin� primaries; and it is thoughtthat it will 'he comparatively easy to:,ccure one of the.:ll. The executivecommittee is also trying to havesome speaker of national fame addressthe club. on Friday afternoon, February 23.Members of the University will re­ceive special rates to the lecture,which is given under the auspices ofthe University Lecture associaiton.Lady Gregory recently delivered a Ilecture to the students of the Univer­sity of Pennsylvania in which she toldof the growth and development ofher company and of her scho.ol inDublin, from- which she expects anumber of recruits this year. ..... 0+ +++++++++ +++++++ .....• •: fS1'AeUSHEO 1818 :i �£;M?�/ i+ �I ��-� !:l: fentltmrnlJ �mi&lJing �lJilg. :�:�: eRO�� ./AY coi!.lWENTV-SECONO ST. :;:.� ... w YO"K. '.'�: Representative, :\[1'. Lanzer at the Congress Annex, :;:.;: Chicago, February 24th to 28th inclusive +��:;:�:.::.:.: w.u. latest Spring suits and overcoats, .::••••�••:::.•::••Hiding and Motor garments, Englis-h hats, shoes,Haberdashery and Leather �oods..:;: SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE :�:!••:••:••:� .:••:••:••:••:•.•:••:••:••:.•:•.:.•:•.:•.:..:••:.•:-.:.•:••:••:••:.<. -t••:••:••:••:••:••:••:••:••:- .:..:••:••:••:••:••:••:••:••:- .:••:.(••:.(.tQt.:.Phone Hyde Park 38Special attcntion to orders for the PRO.i\L1377 E. Fifty-fifth St. ,1I .!THE COMMONSClub Breakfasts-Cafeteria for LuncheonII See what you get PitY for .what you getI Get what you want Come in and try itI To the gentlewo� :r\�niV��f �2: yI beg to announce a spccial offer to you and yom' friends of from10 to 15 per cent offon all orders during the month of February. Now is the time to placeyour spring orders. 'rhanking you for past patronage, I amYours respectfully,NAT RUDOY.P�lOne Oakland 3773 LADIES' TAILOR809 East Forty-third StreetFlorence Moore MyersFI�wer ShopThe Midison Ave. Laundryoffers the students of the Universityof ChicagoA Special Student's ListBest work Best service Best prices6018 MADISON AV. Tel. H. P. 1009A. McADAMSTHE UNIVERSITY FLORISTSuitable Flowers for yourVALENTINE BOXPhone H. P. 18S3rd Street and Kimbark Avenueform only a part of the co� ofglasses we make. The other partrepresents expert workmanship.That is why we invite compa:ison. PATRONIZEMAROON ADVERTISERSPOLO GAME TAKENOFF PRO�RAM FOR• NORTHWESTERN MEET The Senior dass will hOld its an­IlIlal dinner-dance' tomorrow after­noon. Dancing will begin at 4 in theReynolds club and last until 6, whenthe cla�� will have dinner in Hut<;b­inson l'afl·. �\fter dinner the mem­hers of the class ","ill go to Bartlettto witness the hasketball game withPurdue. The arrangements for thedance arc in thc hands of the women.President apd �lrs. Judson will prob­ably he present at both the dinnerand dance. Tickets for the din'nerare fifty cents and may be obtainedfrom the officers of the class.Soaref.' Talks at Michigan. t�����!���!��§���;;����iProfe=-=-or Theodore Gerald Soares,Ilt.�all 'of tile (]·::partntenr or practrc;n- _-- - ---- -_-_. - , ..theolugy. g-an: an addre:,� on "TheResponsibility of the Stuclent ·forCharacter in Education" at the Uni­versity of :\1 ichigan.WILL LECTURE ON MISSIONSSessions for Consideration of Mis­sionary Preparation to .Begin.:\ stlldy cia .. , illr the cou-idc rntionoj lIli=-"ionary pre;laratioll ant! liel(ltife .Ior till· In·IH:lit of student \"01-uutccr- will 1)�· c"llllu':ll:(1 ill ChicagoFriday cveninx- at � .11I Fc l.ruary 16and on .:\Iarcil 1 aud KT'hc four =-l·" .. i"l1:- wil l he lu-hl inthe rcadiru; rllum (Ii t he new dormi­tory oi the .:\1.",c1y Bihle l u st it ut e,I 52 l nsz it ut c place. an d wili he con­duct erl hy the I�� v. Edward .: \ . .:\Iar­�llal1. ",hll :!:t=- -peru two year» instudy a nrl tr;l\ d ill thl' mi,..sion lidd".The CliurSl· wiil l·"lItaill much \·:tlu·:Jblt- illiorlll:ttillll inr anyolle who an­t icipa t l" : 'l'�· ":lIi n�' a mi,..sioll:l ry.N. WATRY & CO:,CpticiansEstablished lSS3�56 W. Randolph, Near Dearborn .J The deep pointed styleadmitting the tying of alarge knot nicely.15 c:eAts.l for 15 centsCluett, Peabody & Comp:my. Troy. NewYodt.Jerrems' SpecialDuring January and FebruaryLADY GREGORY TOLECTURE AT MUSICHALL FEBRUARY 23 SENIORS TO DANCE,DINE, AND WATCH. ABASKETBALL GAMEThe Corn Exchange National BankOF CHICAGOC.pi ... 1 • •Surplu. . .U.di� Prolit. $ A Black. Blue or Grey Ser�e - orRough Twill Cheviot Suit­with Extra Trou�rs.$30.J�There will be no water polo gamein the swimming meet with I North­western nex'1: Saturday. night. Thisdecision has heen ma<ll' hy Dr. \VhiteparticuTarJy hecause of the fact thatno Varsity polo ,team showed up for- - the" ted�nt -meet \VltlI' "1t1moiS'."" Onaccount of the fact that many of theFresllmeri swimmers are going toChampaign with the track teams Sat­urday night, the Freshmen meet withNorthwestern has also been called off.University High School and Evans­ton Academy will swim against eachothe.r in connection with the Varsitycontest.ORCHESTRA PLAYS TUESDAYStevens Will Lecture In Mandel Mon­day On Program.The Theodore Thomas orchestrawill give its next to the last Univer­sity concert this year next Tuesdayat 4. 011 :\Jonday aiternoon preceding­Robert \V. Ste\·l"lls. director oi mu­sic, will g-ive the u"ual interpretativelecture.The program f ollow:-:Onrtllrc:. "Liehesiruhling-:' Opus23 Georg SchumannSymphony :\0. 5. E luinor. '"Fromthe Xew \Yorld:' OPlb 9.5 ....•. - -. . . . . . . . . . . . .. DvorakAdagio-Allegrn motto.Largo.Scherzo.;\ llegro ('on iuoco.Selcctions from "Tristan andT:,oldc"Act T. \Vag-ncrPrdude. JUNIORS PREPAREFOR STAG DINNER;TICKETS ARE $1.10Final arrangements for the Junio:­stag dinner which will be given inthe \Vindermere hotel tonight havebeen made by the committee incharge. According to r�ports al­ready received 'by· Howard. McLane,the affair win be well attended. Thedinner will begin promptly at 6:15.Dean Miller, the class councilor, andDean Linn will represent the faculty.The =,peakers are Dean Linn, Georg"eKnh, Robert Tuttle. Howard Roe,:\Iilton :\[orse and Donald Hollings­worth. In order to accommodatethose who have not yet signified theirintentions of attending, several places.will he rC5crnd. Ticket;; arc $1.10.OFFICERSERNEST A. HAMILL Pft'li&-ntCHARLES L HUTCHINSON. Vi�·PresidentCHAUNCEY J. BLAIR. Vice. PresidentD. A. MOULTON. Vice. PresidentB. C. SAMMON�, Vice. PresidentJOHN C. NEEL T • SecmaryFRANK W. SMITH. c..1UetJ. EDWARD MAASS. Ault c. •• ierJAMES G. WAKEFIElD. A.a'. CahierDIRECTORSCharles H. W�ker M.rtin A. R�.Chau__,. J. Blair Edwald B. ButlerA. .. H. Hulbard a.� B.K�8ftajunin c.� O,de M. CarrWaboa F. Blair Edwia G. Formaa.a..Is L H� Edwald A. SheddFnderick W. c-b, ErDed A. H-.lJ Two Stores:7 N. LaSalle StreeL25 E. Jackson Boulevard...\ct T T. Lo\·c Sccne :111d Bran-�acne·,.. \\'arnin::! (:\rrangol inr l·tllI­ccrt pcrio'rmalll'l" hy FrcclcriL'kStock).:\ct TTL Intrnlluclion. - Tri,.:tan'sVi�inl1-:\rri\-al pi the �11ip-bj)ldc':,Lon·-Dc:lth.Lady Gregory, whose company ofIrish players has atlracted much pub­licity in connection with their pro­duction of "The Playboy of the West­ern \Vorld," will deliver her ·favoritelecture. "The Making of a Play," atthe Music Hall, Fine Arts building, THE UNIVERSITYSHOE REPAIRING SHOPFirst CI ••• R.p.lrlng .nd B •• t L •• th.rGu.r.nt •• d .t R ••• on.bl. Prlc ••(\\'e <1c1in.'r :mywllcrc in the city)I MORRIS LESS1312 E. 5ith St. CHICAGO, ILL.HOLMES'Bakery & DeliCatessenWe will deliver LUDCh to aDYClub or Fraternity :lIif:h Graue Goods Ollly. I'hone Orders�oJjcited.1317 E. SIXTY.THIRD STREETPATRONIZEMAROON ADVERTISERS< ," .'" J'" •"' ... ..! t ",1 ..'-.. ,.�.".: _,.-; ••••• '� " .' 'i· _ .., ..... .:t,1 .• � f ,_' " • , �I" � � -'THE p ..\ILY MAROON. THUIlSDAY. FEBRUARY 15. 1912." .All tickets for this theatre for sale .NTRIES ANNOUNCEDin box office. 'FOR ILLINOIS MEETLYRIC, .j,..II, CHICAGO THEATRE SOCIETYSEASON. .The Drama PlayersThis Week. Pinero'sTHE THUNDERBOLTNext Week:The Lady From the SeaThe Maternal InstinctpRINCESSFIRST TIME IN CHICAGOBUNTY PULLS THE STRINGSA Comedy .6f the HighlandsMAJESTICEVA TANGUAYThe IncomparableThe Four Fords, Greatest of Danc­ers; Milton & Dolly �bles, in aComedy Sketch; The Nichols Sisters,in a Class by Thernsclves ; Mlle. DeFallieres; The Keene Trio; Mosher,Hayes & Mosher ; Lynch & Zeller.J1,GARRICKLITTLE WOMENCORTMARGARET ILLINGTONIn "KINDLING""STUDEBAKERTHE GREYHOUNDBy Paul Armstrong and Wilson Miz­ner, Authors ofTHE DEEP PURPLEDONALD BRIANIn a Musical Comedy,"THE SIkEN"OLYMPICDavid Belasco's Great Telephone,Play.THE WOMANpOWERSCHARLES CHERRYIn thc Xc\\' Comedy..• HIS :"EIGHBOR'S WIFE"COLONIALLa�t Two \VccksCHRISTIE' MAC DONALDIII "TilE SPRI:"G �TAID"AMERICAN MUSIC HALLGcntlemcn �Iay Smoke.THE ROSE OF PANAMA.\11 Op<-rett:l Sweetly Viennese\1 u:-ic Pi\·illC'. 1.:ll1gh.; Galore. Pro­r!uctir,n d(' Luxe. Orche�tra of 3u,t '(lIllP;1I1Y ni �:;. with Chapine. Fore�ti Iufi .. \1111:1 nl1;;,'crt. F:lY Bainter,\! •. ;·til\1('r \\"('lllon. \\'ill Phil1ip�.s (Continued [rom page 1)tis. Sanders, Burke. Hunter, Stitzel.Wilson. .Chicaco FreahmaD Entries.Pole Vawt-Boroff, Thomas.TbirV-five Yard Duh-Coutchie,Parker, Staines. Scanlon, Vruwink.Forty Yard Hich' Hurdles-Parker,• Tolman. V ruwink.One Mile Run-Byerly, Chapman,Levinson.Quarter IIile 'Run:-Beckwith,Campbell, Parker, Staines.Shotput-Parker. Des Jardien.Hiah J�Des J:lf(iieu.· Gorgas,Half Mile Run-Byerly, Campbell,Levinson, Beckwith.RelAy Race-Beckwith, Byerly, Bti­wH, Campbell. Coutchie, Parker,Scanlon, Staines, Thomas, Vruwink.Pittsburgh-Judge Lindsey in aspeech recently delivered at the Uni­versity of Pittsburgh declared that theworst crooks and thieves were collegemen.' He said that training in a uni­versity makes a man a keener crim­inal than he would, otherwise be, butif he goes into an honest occupationhe will be better fitted for his workbecause of his education.JEFFERSON55th St. and Lake A�. NOVELTY PHOTOPLAYFour reels nightly of the latest movingpictures. High class songs. Best ofmusic by high class artists.TONIGHTThe Sacred Wedding (Drama)Life In Our Ponds (Educational)A Windy Dream (Comedy). Her Boy (Drama)SATURDAYThe Battle of Pottsburg Bridge(Story of a Southcrn Girl's Bravery)HAPPY HARRY HYNESSinging �ow.Adml •• lon 5c Never HllherEvery Friday �'r.:! Emr Friday . ,AUSTRALIAN �OYS WILL,PRESENT ENTERTAlNIlENTForty-Two Natives of laIaDd Now InChicaco �a1l Perf.,rm InIlaDdcLForty-two boys from Perth, Aus­tralia, members of the Young Austra­lian league. will be guests of the Uni­versity tomorrow. and will give anentertainment in Mandel hall at 4,following a trip to the Field museumand a luncheon in the Commons.The boys are said to present a cred­itable performance.As guests of the Association ofCommerce, the Board of Education,.the Press club and the ChicagoAthletic club, beside the Univer­sity, they arrived in Chicago onMonday. after visiting the principalcities of California, Oregon. Washing­ton. British Columbia. Arizona. NewMexico. Texas. Kansas and llissouri.The Young Australia league was or­ganized for the education by travelof native boys of the Commonwealthof Australia, and has a membershipof 3,000. The boys, who arc touringthe world, and arc now in the city.were chosen from. the league hy pop­ular vote of the municipalities in Aus­tralia. They were selected for abilityin music, scholarship, and athleticability. Football, baseball. and ritleshooting are their athletic specialties.Vanderbilt-Thcre will probably beno more green caps for the Fresh­men at Vanderbilt. It is rumoredthat the, faculty •refu .. es to agree toresolutions recently adopted by thestudent body asking for the continua­tion of the hazing privilege as a meansof enforcing university regulations. THESMOOTHESTTO_ACOOIt goes � weD with the Mooolight Sonata or �The leaf, theselectiOn Of ��ed boPs in �e warehouse for two yean. Anab,,; .. that is seldom accorded any leaf. What �ppeDS-d banb­ness ara(lually vaniabes-it becomes a leaf of rich meIIOwness-a Savoras seductive as the strains of good music-too smooth to bite � toape.The true art of pmduc:ins ""*"8 tob.a:o is IIUIDiaIed in Vdid it take. time-. CC?� taka P"tiea ce the makins npeDIe is more. But.... _>9 -Vc:lvetisVelvd. Aty_cIWou., �A�mG&MDm�auCAGOFall 2 oac:e tiuSHOEMAKERSANDREPAIRERS1134 East- Sixty-Third Streeto..osHe Past otftc:eOperators of the largest and bestequipped moe repairing plant outsidethe loop.THE TYPEWRITING OFFICEIlascmcnt. COli)]' II:tll.Stenographic Service_Duplicating ServiceManuscript CopyingThcs i .. \\" ork _\ SpecialtyPATRONIZEMAROON ADVERTISERSArthur ProvencalMAKER OFFINE $2.00 AND $3.00 HATSI make a specialty ofblockingVELOURSSCRATCHUPSANDFUZZY HATSProlong Miss TanguaY's Stay.It is said that before the announce­ment of Eva Tanguay's return eo theMajestic, Chicago, was a day old thedemand at the box' office for. tickets,became so urgent that most of thedesirable seats for the week were soldbefore nightfall. Then it 'became evi­dent that one week would not do atall, and arrangements were at onceperfected to prolong Miss Tanguay'sstay for another week. This is pre-cisely what happened last year, andeven then with a third week added,crowds were turned away from thebox office down to the last day, andthousands who wished to see thismagnetic comedienne were unable todo so. There may be some, hidde�significance in all this, but to the ol>�server (> amusement phenomena .u. . ":Donale DiiIy Ti'iili SeI'Vlceiromwould seem that people know very Chicago and St. Louiswell :'what they .want when it comes to the South.to recreation and do not take their N EW 0 R LEA N Stips from drama leagues or any cen- A City of unusual Interest to vlstt. SeUlIsors ' whatsoever. Miss Tanguay for llIu.lJtrated hooklet, "�ew Orleanswould probably fail to measure up to for tbe Tourist."'an ultra dramatic standard, but the MARDI GRASmultitudes wish to see her, and' that. At New Orleans, Fehruary :!O. 191:!. Thefamous annual event of llie Crescentseems to 'be a fact against which' ab- City. Brilliant, 141.ectacular feature» de-stract philosophy may beat its supe- scribed In Illustrated folder entttted.;r "lJ:lrdl Gras." .\sk tor :1 COllY..rior wings in vain. FLORIDAAside f�om :Miss Tanguay, who is Vln the "Centrnl It oute to F'lnrhln andliterally a whole show in, herself, Cuha." Solid fast throl1J.rh trnlu, "Scm-there will be a .ver"" strbng' bill .of Inole Limited:' from Cbh-:t;:o to Jack-_; sonvtlle, CorrespOllllln� servteo from St.specialties by notable artists. Edgar Louts, Connects at .lack�oll\-Ille with, trains for nil Florldll poluts anll sn-nm-Atchinson Ely & Co. will play ship connections (or 1I:1"'nw�. ('uha."Billy's Tombstones," one of the fun- F10rlds folders 00 :lllplit';ltion.niest of farces; Caesar Rivoli, a quick HAVANA, CU BAchange artist and impersonator, Choice of routes "In New Orleans orcomes with a great reputation; the' Florida. Cuba Folder mulled 011 request,Six Brown Bros. have a comedy mu- ' PANAMAsical act which is remarkable, 'while CENTRAL AMERICAIlllnoi� Central to Xew Or-leans. :tlllithe Cadets de Gascogne, operatic ...weekly stcamshlps tllrt.. �t to Colon. 1';10:1-singers,' the Katamura laps, aero- 11m und '-.:eotral Anu-rfcun I"'ttl'. "TheTourl", ill Panama," Illustratetl hook-bats; Paul Barnes, monologist, and let. scot on application.Houton & Wooton, whose specialty VICKSBURG, MISS.. f b 11 h b k '11 11 Contalns ,ickshurg �atlonnl :\Iilltnry15 oot a on orse ac ,'WI a con- Par", I!Ommemoratin;: the sle;:c :lIId de-tribute to a bill which seems quite tense or the city. .\11 Intere",th:; pbccto \'18It ('n rotlte to New o rll':l11s. �cndcomplete in its �ntertaining qualities. for handsomely lIIustratell houk .. CII'-Adv. tltl�1 "\'ickshnrJ: for thl' 'fol1rl"'t:' :md"81(';:c :ulIl nerense of \'Ick",hllr;:."HOT SPRINGS, ARK .Qulcke,ct time from Chlc:l;:O. Dall�' elee·trlc·lI;:fit(,11 sleeplll;: car the year ronn.l.through without change. Chicago to Ilot�prlni:!I.TEXASCALIFORNIA"In �('w Orleans nnd the IlIInol:, CCII­trnl. Tbroul:b eledrlc·lh:ht(>t) �Ieepln;cnr tinily. Chlca;:o to 1I0uston. 8:111 .\n·tonlo. m l·a80. TexnR, nnrJ.lntcrlllc"'atepoints. Thto"�h tourist sleeJlIIl� cnr toCnllfotlli:l (',"cry :\Iondny from Chlc:1;:'o\"Ia 1I01lStol1. Snn Antonio nOlI m Pmlo.Texns. .\"" for copy of Cnllfornln folder." GO SOUTH YOUNG'MAN "All of tile ,\00"" Lltnata", FI"f'e for thf'A8kla�.TJckc:s. re8en-ntions. trnln tlmc. nnd"Jl('elfl(' fa iI'S from your stntioD nmy hehnft or y(IUr local ticket aJ:ent.II: J. 1'ln:I.I·�. (;. P .• '.:- ';h Ic:I go, Ill.R. J. Carr.Jichnel, D. P. A .• 76 W. AdamsPATRONIZE MAROONADVERTISERS 7S Cents.·· . .; 'Plain Baths.25 Cents. bpe� .. Day and Night. '. lJ'.·:R 'D'W' 0 0 D 'r�:�)�D:· 8��:!1:'p::'tO �·I·���·=t":�.iExpert )Ian1cnri!'t. good mer a..�� BrandC�1_ Scientific Masseurs. clwadise. � a.deader tIaaeExpert Chiropodist coaditiou aDd ..-e iood eolian.·1 S"ld .. � .......... H .... reI_ ... ra.The Smith-Goodyear Co.940 E. SIXTY-THIRD STREET 'BRAND2 FOR 2S CENTS. COllARS...... hF EARL a: WIUON·Phones' Hyde Park 370 and 371IDay and Night Service. Cars for theProm.Midway Motor. Livery�_IGH GRADE AUTOMOBILES� ./ FOR HIREAt special flat rates, to S�udents/5�29 \\'OO;:>L:\ WX' :\ VEe., 911icago.P ""T RON I Z EMAROON ADVE��i��RS.A. G. SPAlDING& BROS./ .------- ... / are -the. LargestManufacturersin theWorldofOfficialEquipmentfor'allAthletic SportsandPastimesIF YOU =:'�AthletiCSport � "-leI line •�cilhe�c....loPe. It' •• ccapIete a·�cf,,· ...... s..t .ad it RIll hee 00ftqIISt.A. G. Spalding & Bros.28-30 So. Wabash Ave., ChapTHE; ,SpaldingTRADE MADII boWD through­oat the workluaGuarantee ofQuality