BASKETBALL GAMEChicago meets Purdue in abasketball game next Fri­day night in Bartlett gym­nasium.VOL.:X. NO. 86. maroonBLACKF� CAST � SELECTEDUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14,1912.MEET ILLINOIS IN TRACK MEET COUNCIL ELECTIONSElections for the Councilwill be held next Friday,8:15 to 3:15, in the Deans'offices in Cobb hallPRICE FIVE CENTS. j:1FOUR CHANGES MADEIN CANDIDATES USTMia Ross' Name Withclrawa-MiitoDMone, Miues Mqee, Uld Fox Ea­ter Race With Lower SeDion.ELECTIONS TO BE HELD FRIDAYCouncil Allows TWenty Changes InClassification - Names of TellersAnnounced Tomorrow.Four changes have, been made inthe list of candidates for the Under­graduate council. The name of �lissFrances Ross has been removed fromthe Upper Junior list, and those ofMilton Morse, Helen .Magce, andDorothy Fox have been added to theLower Senior list.Yesterday was the last day onwhich petitions for withdrawals, nom­inations, or reclassification were re­ceived. The elections will be heldnext Friday between 8:15 and 3:15in the Deans' offices in Cobb hall. Thelist of tellers will be printed tomor­row.The revised list of candidates fol­lows:Lower Senior.Dorothy Fox.Effie Hewitt'.Harold L. Kramer.Howard B. Mc l.ane,Helen Magee.Milton �I. Morse. .Norman C. Paine.Thomas E. Scofield.Upper. Junior.Gracia Alling,,"V. Ogden Coleman, Jr.Rudy D. Matthews.Howell W_ �1�t:�Yr::\<Iargaret RhodeS.Earle A. Shilton.Esther 'i esey.Lower Junior.John C. Baker.Douglas P. Ball.Esther ,Buttolph:Alfred K. Eddy.Dorothy Llewellyn.Henry C. A. :Mead.H. Louise lIick.r'Frank H. O'I-ia�a.Dorothy Packard.The following petitions for reclas­sifications were aIrowed by the coun­cil:From Upper Junior to Lower Senior.1-1 ulda Augspurger.Lulu Coy.Annie Ford.George E. Kuh.S. L. Pidot.. -\ugusta Swawite.:\da Wilcox.From Lower Junior to Upper Junior.Gcorge E. Caldwell.Frank L. Evcrsull..\rthur Goodman.Sarah Grey.Robert \V. Kispert.George S. Leist!re.iI a rriet II cC;ty.l")arker Painter.Earle :\. Shilton.sbry Draty.Bernice Kimmey.Charlotte Lustficld.Terrence Vincent.Merrifield Addresses Volunteers.lfr. Fred II errificld addressed theStudent Volunteer. band at its meet­ing last ni�ht at'i:I5 in Lexingtonhall. 11 e spoke on "Bible Teachingon the Foreign Field."Club Holds Reception Tomorrow.The Brownson club will hold a re­ception tomorrow· afternoon from 4to 6 in Lexington 15. All Catholicstudents in the Unh'ersity have beeninvited. ordered.several cases, two men will rehearsethe same part and a final ch oice willbe made between them later on a Preliminary reports show that thebasis of their work in rehearsal. prom will he the best attended toQuestions of eligibility may poss ihly date. An unusually large number ofd] I]·]· 11a," ire en s howing tt,') v: .._11 ;.11 til" ',·,"'learise, also, which will result in un ergra. uates am a umm las srg- .. " ",changes in the cast announced. Con- nified intentions oi attending. The vaul..I ... I I I' Menaul Enters.sequently, the coach and munrureruenr a umrn 111 partrcu a r rave S iow n 111-of the Blackfriars may at any time rerest in the affair. Last year there ::\It,'nau] will prohably enter ill lIlt,summon for further trial any oi t!1C wr r e I·t� couples on the floor. and the high jump and hurdles, as he is Chi-men who appeared at the, ".ecorH] trial number has never much exceeded 150. cago's chief reliance in t:IC latteriast-night � - --." � ,..... . ',.. All_ those Ilo .. ses�in� stull,; which event .. Stan]e\" will ah,o ue in thi"'��' , I ha\'e not been tillc(rf·i\tt an<t'\\'ho hav'c '1- ��:e�t. s�;�;i;)� �-;{d-�o-r�r�n' will 'l;ePick Choruses T�y. �.,r. ,-. '""1'11" not turne(� in the' money ior the tic�- the chid hopes in the "hot·put. Bothvanditlate5 for t!te choru� "; � ets han' Oel'll rcql.!c",ted to hand III \\;Cre star men on the Fre"hman teamPursuit of Portia" will appear at the hot:1 t:lrot:g-h the iacuity exchange. ,last ye<lr. .Reynold:, . club theater this :J rternoon E't] .1 l('r t"1I_' m?ncy or a prOn1l5e to Davenport wa" defeated in the spe-at 2:30 for the chorus tryout,�. Coach pay on a certam dace may he ]eit. cial suburhan quarter-mile raCe whichStothart and Gordon Erickson. (Iirec· Followin� i" the mu:;ica] program: was held in New York City 'on Mon-tor of music for the I>roc]ucti.)f1. will Th M . 1 Pe USlca rogram. day, under the auspices of thc Knightsmake selections of men for tb! chor- 1 II '[. . oney �\' ;111. of St. Anthony. Rosenberg of the '_. Sprin��! aid. Irish-American :\. C. won the race3. I Want a Girl. in the fast time of :51. This was hi, ..4. In thl' Sh;III�)'.\·,;. second victory, and it �a\'e him I'er-5. \\'here t:le Eile]\\'ciss is Bloom- mancnt possession of tile $500 Five Men Run.6. ).Iodest Suzanne.The )'fy"terious Rag'.Y cars. Years, :\go.Ragtime Violin.Baby Land.Coach Stothart Announces His Choiceof Actors for "The Pursuit of Por­tia" - Thirty Men Try Out for theNine Parts. DE PEW'S ORCHESTRAWILL PLAY AT PROMSeled Music for TwenlJ-four ReplarDUlCes - Co..uttees are atWork OD Al'l'UleaeDb.EXPECT UNUSUAL AnENDANCELarge Number Has Signified Inten­tion of Attending - Alumni TakeParticular Interest.De Pew's orchestra will again playat the Senior prom, accordirur to ar­rangements completed by the commit­tee in charjre, The music for thet wcnty-four rl."�ular dances has beenselected, hut that for the four extrasis yet UIH";lO,.;en. :\1 r. De Pew has de­cided to wait until later heiore decid­'ing the music for these. with a viewto usim; any new pieces which maycome out between now and the time.. i the dane-e.The members of the decorationcommittee have hr cn at work choos­in� t he matcr ials and planning for thedecorations. The materials have allbeen se lecterl :1:1<1 will be put in placeas soon as the gymnasium will nolonger he needed for other purposes.The programs For the dance have heenProm Will be Best Attended. Varsity and Freshman Squads WillGo to Champaign Saturday Night­Davenport Defeated by RosenbergIn Special Quarter-Mile Race.Chicago" Varsity and Freshmantrack teams will meet Hlinois atChampaign Saturday night in theopening track meets of the season.The .meu have heen put thr-ough a.. tiff course of trnininz in the lasttwo weeks. Coach Pagl' hns he enfacing a bad outlook as his number. of �ood men is decidedly limited.Only three "C' men arc on the squad,Captain Davenport, Coyle. and :\]en­aul being cligjble f�r compet ition.Limited Sophomore MaterialLast year's Freshman track squadwas mediocre and only comparativelyfl'W recruits will he gained from it,Scruhy and Norgren in the weightsarc the most valuable additions. :\Iat­thew". a promising recruit from lastyears Freshman squad, will be a iastman in the dashes. Dickerson anclCox will compete in the pole vaultand hi�!t jump. respectively.The 440 yard race will be a hardlight between Davenp or t and Sanders'and Cor tis of 11Iin(Ji". Sanders is aSophomore wh,) has been beating hisfast teammate. Cor t is,Davcnport will have tobut he should he able toand :\lurphy art: slatedha tt le in the pole vault. in hare],Will. Coylefor a hardDickerson DEFEAT PURPLE TEAM;PREPARE FOR PURDUEAs a result of tryouts conductedyesterday by Coach Herbert Stot­hart, the following cast for "The Pur­suit of Portia;' to be presented bythe Blackfr iar s on :\lay 3 and 4, wasannounced:"Porria" : Frank r'arkcr"Case" Albert Lindquest. "Wickes" Hirsch Soble"josephine" Harry Bogg"Bill Jone,," I Jarrison Howard·':\Irs. Wilson' Frank O'llara"Phil Jones" �liltol1 :\Ior"e"Waiter" Bruce :\la.Dufi"Captain Bunker" .Horace Fitzpatrick or Rohcr r CiarkThirty Try Out.About thirty men appeared ior t hctryouts, which commenced ycsterrlayaiternoon in the Reynolds club t he­ater. Of this number. about twrntywere selected for a second trial Ia stnight. The men read por t ions of t:l('dialogue from the book anti were te st­ed as to their singing ahility. Thecast above was announced as a re­sult of the final trials. The selectionis not positively final, however. Inuses.The men who ha'\.·e l"C.t:1I selected iotthe cast will appear 'before �I r. Erick·son at the club tOI!10rrOW :!fternO,)t1 at3:30 for vocal rehearsal. E,\'ery manwho expects to be in the cast hasheen told to be present. The part�for each character are being printedirom the book and will be hanrled out(Continued on page 4)LIKENS ROMANTICISM INMUSIC AND LITERATUREThomas Whitney Surette Lectures On··Beginnings of the Romantic Move­ment In Music.""Beginning:; oi the Romantic :\[0\'(­ment in ).]usic" was the suhject of thclecture gi\'en yesterday afternoon hyThomas \Vhitncy Surette, UniversityExtension lecturer. �I r. Snreth'showed the relation bctween the ro­mantic movement in liter!ltnre and inmusic and pointed out that the meth­ods in gencral of thc two were alike.·:\Ir. Surcttc declared that tl�c great­est music which we have is the re­sultant of the classical and 'romantictendencies of the nineteenth Cl"ntur).Brahm's Fourth Symphony and Bee­thoven's Xinth Symp!lOny he char­acterized as prohably the two great­est musical works which have beenproduced, typifying, as they do, thcbest in romanticism and classicism.Mr. Surette cite(] Schumann as an ex­ample of a rOtt1antici�t who failed toappreciate the good qualities of clas­sicism, and �fendel550hn as a nine­teenth century compo!'er who had theopposite tendencies. i.K9.10.11.]�. 'Louisialla Lou.r i Lon' Be )'fhdne'5s.Beautiinl Doll.I n the Days of Girls and noy,. .Oh, :\Ir. Dr�am :\Ian.)'Iy Ih':ll1tiiul Lady.Creatorc.I'\"(� Xc··::r 1Ia<l :I ·Sweetheart. Fi\'e mcn were entered in till' race.They were Davenport; Rosenher�,Dorland oi the Pa�lime .. \. C., ant]DcGruchy and Gi�sing' of the X e\\'York :\. C. ..\s the l11�n lined tip iorthe start, Da\:enport made a false�tart, and was penaliz,'d three "arc],.The other conte=-tant� protc:-ite;1 a'Hithe referee rclcnted. .The race was nip and tuck untilthe final twenty yards. when Rosen­h( rg forged ahead. Da\'enport fin­i,.;hed with a rn:-il and i)cat Gi:-,.;i:lg :)5a iew inches.SCOUT MOVEMENT ISSUBJECT AT CLUBMEETING SATURDAY"The \\-orld Scout :\It)\'el11cn�'' wa�di:-nl�"ed at the regular meeting- oithe L·II:-lllOpo]it:t1l ciuh Ja�t Saturda\"lli,�:lt. The di,..cus,..ioll was h:l!"cd ()�an article in the Jarman' numher oithe .\mcrican �Iagazine· which dealt;It It I1gth on the l'o,.;mopo]it:tn char­:lC:er "; this great intcrtt:ltinna] mO\'e­l11l'nt �1I110n� hny�. This world �COl1tl11O\'Cl1lent is ha�ed upon t:;c co�mc­politan idea oi t;le hrothl':-liood oi :tIlnation:'. whi]e dlc hoy :,C()ut rllt)\'c­ment i:, limited to thc .\ng]o-Sax(lnracc and tCI1<1" to fo�ter lilc :-;pirit oimilitari";l11. Doctor 1 1 0110\''; I..: i oi thcl'ni\'crsity of St. l'eter,;hurg \\'a:,prcscnt at the mecting. I]e h:t� COrt­�ctlted to :tddrc,;,,; the cluh in the ncarfuturc nn some phasc of Rl1s"i:tn iiie. Bukethall Squad Determined to DefeatBoilel'lllaken ill Game Frida,Nicht in Bartlett. ".,19. ;\ICx:lIll!('r':, ,Ragtimc Ba:HI.20. If I Had a._flundred !ie:irts.21. If e'" Ct.t1ting Ibck.22. :\Ielo<ly of Lo\·e.23. \'o,!.Jnig-ht. )'Ir. :\Ioon.24. Hose,.; c f Eril1,Four extra:,.Speaks On Foreign Missions.:\(r. Smith. :-..-crctarY of the studentyo;untecr tlloycmcnt ior foreign mi5-!"ion�. ,.;pok·e to thc Senior collegc stu·dcrtt� Yl"�te:-day. Tii" theme \Va""Xccd and Opportunitics oi :\li,.;sion·aric,.; in the Ori(,l1t:'"X 0 greater or morc nohle worktics within thc reach of the Amcricanstudent than that of mis,.;ionary sen'­icc in the Orient," he said. "Youngmen and young women imbued witllthe qualities of leadershi!l and highmorality, and wishing to devote thcirse.\·ices to God's work will find thcirgreat c�portunity here. You do notneed a va�t amount of learning, butyou do n�ed charactcr." NORTHWESTERN GAME ONE-SIDEDFreshmen String of Victories BrokenBy Defeat of Northwestern Col­lege of Naperville.Conference Basketball Standing.W. L. Pet.Purdue (, 0 1.00(1\Visc(Jn�ill 5 II l.()(X.l.667.400.333.143.OOU.000Chicago 4-:\1 inncsora 2Indiana · .Illinois .Iowa C)Xort hwestcrn ()On Fr iday night Chicago's basket­hall team will at tc mp t to hreak Pur­due's long' str imr of victorie,.;. Tl1\'game, which will be played in Bart­lett. will be the �ec(}nd between thetwo teams. Purdue won the first.dcfenting Chicago by a score of 33to 23. In this game, Purdue won by�etting .sixteen points before Chicagosucceeded in scor'insr. After this io;three-fourths of the game Purdue wasoutplayed. Coach Pag-e hope s to de­feat the Goi]ermakers Fr iday night asChicago will he preparcd to start witha rush. 1fHave Stars On Team.The Purdue squad has won sixqr:lh�ht games and now lead rheConference league.' :\11 the men onthe team are stars. �Ia]:irkey. a for­ward. i.i-Jb.e..\w..u..�u _ ()n t.ilt" squatl...II e secured six baskets in t he Chicag.�g-allle and was practically a team inhimself in the second half. Barr, theleit forward, is fast, but, not quite asgood as Malarkey. Barr secured ,fourhaskets in th� last game. McVaugh,.the cente� is a capable successor oiCharters, ,the star cenfer of last year'5squad. The guards, J oh�15on an�Stockton, are veteran�.Defeat Northwestern.The team defeated :-;orthwcstern ina "Jow and one-sided ga:nc in l':1t,ell�Yl1lnasium S:;::.trday ni,ght ;.y a ,;,'oreoi 27 to 11. The ·first jlaJi was clo:,c,and ended with the score IIi 10 'to -.1in favor of Chicago. 111 the secoll,lhalf Chicago ran away ir"lll t;le Pur­ple and counted seventel'n pl)int-.while their opponents \\'l're ge::ill:':sevcn.Paine and Bell played the ;Jc:-t gam,.:ior Chicago, while Lamke plaYl'd hl"�tior Xorthwestcrn. �ort1twe:-terll ..... :t,..handicapped by the fact that Ib�Lamke, the star forward, was out t'lthe gamc. His placc was taken ;j�.\Ic]rich. who played well despitc· hi�incxperience. Cunningham was rule,;out of the game for violating the per·�olla] foul rulc and Thorsen was ;Httin his place. Scanlan, thc othe:- �e.'!­lllar guard, injurcd his knee and was;'nrced to retire. !3ooz :inis!lcd t:H'game at leit guard. The lineu;1 (1fthe game follows:The Lineup.Chicago (27) Northwe"lcrn (11):\'nrgren R. F......... L:I:n!.:t'Coettler L. F , .\ I(lrichI':tillc, " C , \\'cll�:\ r 01;) n oJ cr It (;. C u lll1 i n g h :111 �.Thn;-:'l':lDell., .. 1.. (; .. ScanLIn. j:'j':'nasl..:ets-:\'o:-grcn 2. C-;oet:lc. ":line-to 'fohnder 2. Bell 3. Lamke 3. \\·l,lkFree thro\\'�-:\r(ll;1nder 3. Lalllke .'l�derec-n:l\ ie!'.l·lJlpire-Diddcl.Timcs of halvcs-20 millute,..---------------------------------(Continurrl on pagc 3)"" ,I',',I!,"+'!;� �1;1'. ,-.., I:: II, THE DAILY MAROON TilE DAILY MAROO�, WED�ESO:\Y . .FEBRUARY 14. 1912.MOSSLER CO.Bulletin and AnnouncementsJunior College Chapel Exercises i.l1'wonu u tOllll,rruw at IO:;)!).The Official Student Newspaper ofthe University of Chicago • . Progressive Republicans will meetill Co),), XB at 10::0 t oday. The Junior Stag wilt hI: giH'1l atthe \Vindermere hot e l tomor r owuiz ht.Founded October 1. 1902. Commercial Club mcct s t oniuht at(,:15 ill t he private dining r o.un of t hcCOIllIlIOII:'. �Ir. :\. \\'. r l a r r i- will"pcak. Brownson Club Reception t .. :I:. '1'­r ow Ir om � to () ill LI.·xi:ll,.:tllll 15. ,\:;l'at:lOlic st urlcu t- in vit c.l.FormerlyThe University of Chicago WeeklyFounded October 1. 1892.Divinity School chapt I a��L'lIIhly t,.·day at 10:3:) ill j 1a"l-a'll :,,,,,cmi,lyftlOI1I. All Wilson Men \\ iIi :lln·t 111 l',,�,:.(,.\ at 10:30 t umor ro w.Published daily except Sundays. Mon­days and Holidays during threequarters of the University year.Kansas Club \\ ill me c ·: tomorr o w atin t 'ohh 6:\.Pow Wow will m cc t IIHlay a; 2:-1:­ill Cobb h.\.Entered as 'Second-class mail at theChicago Post Office, Chicago. Illi­nois. March 18. 1908, under Act oiMarch 3. 1873. German Club will meet ill Le xiuu­t.,11 hal! at 4 Friday.Y. W. C. L. will IIII.·l't in Lcx iuct onhall at lll:3:1 today. :\';�()l·ia1l.' "rll'il·�.;or Edith I-'I)"tl"l' Flint wilt' "pl.'ak, Commonwealth Club and Non-Par­tisan Political Club II I I.' I.' t Frilby at10:30 ill C .• bh �B......... a.'7llcl-;lroy l'ub. co. Press. G:!l!l Cottnce GroveBlackfriars Chorus Tryouts-i-Xl u·.. ica l at 2:30; llanl'illg cia .... will nu-v;ill Lc x irurt on t un ig hr. Junior Mathematical Club will IIICl·till I�t)(lm 31. I�YI.·r';t)ll I'hy�il'a: la h­'Iratul'Y at ..t :J�:. \1 r. �taky v ill"pl·ak.The StaffW. J. Foutc Managing EditorH. L. Kcnnicott News EditorBusiness ManagerE. R. l l ut t o n. Associate EditorsD. L. Breed W. H. Lyman�. D. Stevers Leon StolzH. \\'. \,ini .... k yReportersG. \V. Cottingham II. ,\, Lol les gar dH. S. Gor ga s T. \V. I'r os ser11. S. RhettWomen's EditorSarah Reinwald Cercle Francais will mcvt t"lII! .IT •. vvill �pclmall hou-« r o o m at .1. Senior Dinner Dance will ill' ;..:iH'1Ilriday.Kent Chemical Society will han' ;1din ner tlllli;'::lt in l l ut ch iu-o .n l';lil..· at(): 1.3. Boys of Australia will ;":IH' all I.'ll­t cr t a iu me nt in )lanllL"l hall at ..t :0'1Fr ida y,News of the CollegesWomen ReportersGrace Hotchkiss Lillian SwawiteEdith O'Rear Dorothy WillistonAugusta Sw a wite De Pauw=-The clns-, r ooru of t hecourse in newspaper wr it iug will h ...fitt erl up Iike a metropolitan ncwspu­pt'r office, and those taking the coursewill he sent out to gathl.'r IICW". iurmatilln of alleucd moonli.zht ill:"complete darknes- at t he Fr eshmanlaw party is :,aid to 111." the dir cct causeIIi t he iacul ty action,Subscription RatesBy Carrier. $2.50 per year; $1.00 perquarter. City Mail, $1.25 per quar­ter; $3.00 per year in advance. Illinois-Dr. \\-. A. ;\ oyes will betill' ollly representative IIi tile Amer i­can Chemical society at t he confer­cncc oi clll.'mical SOCil·tics oi till'worl,l to hI.' 11(,1£1 in Ikriin thi .... prill;':;, Nebraska-Till' annual intcr-irater­n ity indoor meet oi the L'nivcr s ity of;\ l'hra!"ka was ln-Id las t Saturday aft­vr no ou. (h'l'r twenty l·\'ent .. werc in­dUIll',! in thl' Jlro�ram. alllPtH! ",hi'ch\\'a" ;\n intl.·r-�or(lrity ral'l·.News contributions may be left inEllis Hall or Faculty Exchange. ad­dressed to The Daily Maroon. Illinois-.\" a re:;u1t oi the :,emc:,tel'eX:lmin:ttiulIs rl.'ccntly hel(!. nindy­ninL' studt'nb havc hecn c(lnciitiolH.'1iand ahout iorty dropped. Yale-\\' IIr1.: i� )lr(lgrl'��il1g on thcIIl'W hasfhall I.'age (Ii Yale uni,·crsity.rhl.· ImiMing will l'IIn'r an unoh­:-trtll·tcd fluor !,Jlace 141 il'ct hy IC(yieet ant! will cOllt:lin, he"ide the ha .. e­hall ,lianwnd. a running track ann,'au1tin� pits.EDITQRIALNebraska-'�Ioonlight' dance,; 1:;I"ebeen forbiddcn by the i:>.culty :It thl'University of Nebraska. Thc t�an!'-The Daily Maroon is always inneed of men to ,fill the positions oi­fered in thc reportorial department ofthe paper. These posi-More Men tions arc as truly openWanted today as they cvcr wereand any studcnt is cli);­ihle to tryout. Because anyone whowould likc to enter into the work oiThe Daily Maroon did not do so atthe heginning of the year docs notput him out of the running."V c havc told of the ach'antag-cs ofwork on the pap,cr many timcs. yetrepetition oi �:OJllt' oi the main bene­fits inay be to the point. The asso­ciations gainc(l in the work arc prc­eminently the b<::;.t offercd in the Uni­vcrsity, for the man i�. t:.rnu�h thepaper, thrown into contact with pro­fcssors' and student:' in such a wav asto hear material re:o.t11t� in hroa,le;lin"hi=, insight into thc working� oi th�institutions. .\ctual \.'l)ntaC't Wit!l theworkings of a paper and tht' h(,lletit:'derived tht'reirom arc not to he ig- tensh·e. hut it docs not induI!.,. a" 1say. ,any e\'il result:, athlcti.:sports."letics, especially long distancc run-,ning. havc a deleterious effect on thehealth ()f the aVt'rage man who par­ticipates in them. Tht're arc sevcralreasons for my opinions: First. theage oi the participants; second. theserious injury to undevcloped organs.=,uch a� thc hcart. thc ircat hlood\·es�c1s. 'and thc muscle=,. due to thecxccssivc amount of cxerci"e an,1strenUOlh cour�e oi training-. The ac­cident:' oi th6c sports arc oi sec­ondary importancc to the �tructuralchanges which result irom o,·�r·�training in early youth. I most linn­Iy helievc in propcr cxcrci�e ; .. )r de­veloping boys. It is not the t'xcrciseor -thc sport that lics at the hattomoi the trouble. 1 t is the ahuse oi thtexcrcise duc to the ovcr!1oweril1� de­sire to excel. Col:e�e :1thleti\',� "h"n;,!be culth'ated and rcgulateei. lIot :1!J­olished:'The othcr. hy Dr. �Taurice II. Rich­ardson, )lo:,elcy proie,,�or oi "Uigl':-::in Hananl uni,·crsity. ioI10\\'�'"I ha\'c heen in activc sur�iL;d :,;-:;,'­licc thr;)\1g:1 the whole 1ll11(11.·Pl : IC,�­hall pe;iod; and during' th, �e 'y�':l:-'oi ioothall. its "trennOllS tr:1in­ing', t111.·re ha� heen. in nt::er (!I':I;�i{'men ts "i at hId ics a 1,;n. t :la t Pi',"longed ri�oron� cour:,c oi ph:.; ;cai l':'\.­erri�(.' ncc(.'s�ar'y to exce:lrll�l- ::1 r·::Y�'iC;ll "p. �rts: oj \\'l;ich 'yOU �1H';'.k.001 h;I\'c hael n�thin::: tn elll "lIr;!iClil::­with tjle�c sp:,rt.;. t:1I1i1�!1 I -el"\'(,'el JOT"(_'\'lTal year� upon ::lC :\(llctic Colli·mittel' oi lla"':lrl1. I :i:t\': Sl·en. i;lclifl'erellt part� oi :\e\\' En;!l:l1Ici. ;afcw accident:' to iOO::1:111 players d;,reelly Iluc to phy�iC'al violence in ioot­hall; hut nc\'Cr were 1 :IC1'I' any �.?r,ious or permanent n:';l1lt,. III il1�'practice T havc ne,'er ,..('l·n any diqi,.·ling after-effect� of iO:ltllal: or a:l)other gamc whatcver. ll')r ha,'c ,known of any such.)Iy experiencc in :,urgery is (·X· COMMERCIAL CLUB WILLHEAR PROMINENT BANKERMr. A. W. Harris, of Harris Trust andSavings Bank. Will be GuestTonight.)Ir .. \. \\-. Ilarri� oi tl�e I brri ..Tru .. t and Savings hank will hI.' the�ucst and speaker at t!le CommercialI..'luh dinner. which will he hcld toni�htin the pri"ate dillin� room oi theCommon!'. :\Ir. Harri�. wlto i:, a :-on. of Pre"ident II arris oi the hankingtirm hearin�' hi .. name. has hcell aC'­ti\'ely con(iuctii1� the affair" oi thehank �inC'� :::� \'irtua1 retiremcnt:,OIllC ycars a�.) oi Pre,ident II arris..\nl(ln� Chica�() tinancial circ1e�. :\Ir.Harris is prohahly the mo�t wi(lelyknown oi men, and 11a=- heen continu­ally inte re!'ted a" a Chir;l�o citizen inthc pcrplcxing city pr,,;,lc:1I:'.\\,ithin the past ye;lr the llarri"Tn' .. t and S;nings hank mo\'cd into1:'ci7' ncwly crt'C'te,1 h:lil,lin� at 113\Y. :\I(lnroe ,.tree1. the ;nl)�t l11xUriotl�han1.;ing' qltartcr" in t�:c country. :\tt:l( (Iceiicat;)ry i):lllquet. I:el(l in tl1l'ioycr oi thl' bank, repre�cntati\'e� ofthe linn irol11 X C\\· York ancl n:).;tnn\\'('r(' prescnt. h;1\'ill;! arrin?ll ir�)1l1 t :IC,('a�i in a ;;peciall;: l..'i1artere(1 train.,\h'ii. �ral1lcr. '(J9, i� rmployed in thecity 1Ion<1 �ale:- departmcnt.Tn speakil;g to the Commcrcial cluhmcmber:, )11'. Harris will cli"cu"s thehan king and hond h\1sine�5. and par­ticularly thc a(laptahility of thc col­le�c man in pha"c of the h\1:o.i­ness world. 1T e will :11,.0 spc ak of thcgeneral opportunitics afforded the col­legc man in hu'incs�.Anyonc wi:o.hing to enter into (;1.'work lllay scc thc tllalla�in� edi�or o�the nC\\'5 editor any time in the aiter­noon, If he is then Jlut on an a,.sign­mcnt which he (!oc" n�� like at 't:ll.·beginning, let him realize that a: t:1Cmoment wc may IIOt he ahle to putour hands on a Illore Ilirertly littin;!ta"k and that he will 11llclolliltcl!!\'gradually work into �(ll11t·t:lill� whicillits his inclinati()Il" hettt·r.T\\'(l other anicle� ",hie:, apjll':lH,t!in the ."YI1l:)I)�iil�ll Oil "The Ffin·t� :.i:\t!1Ictic" on Y'I\ll1� \11.'11." cnnd\lctl':lhy the :\1 cllic;, I Tilll e". :1 re in t l'7'l'"t­ing'. Onc oi the"c �tah'� that at:,·lctic:" havc <felderiou .. cficcts and theother that no pcrmancnt injuric:, re­sult. Thc lir"t. hy Dr. Georgc G.H,o!':o.. in�tructor in surgcry at theCniHrsity of Pcnnsyh·:mia. follow!':"I n reference to the statcment oithc Sur�con-General of thc UnitcdStates navy as to the hazard incidentalto colle�c athletic". it i:-i my hcliefthat foothall, rowing and :rack atlt- Hoos, Hoots, and SighsDO�'T HE .\ STICK.STICKER. BE :\It' J111.·n were a� hi� as they Ice l,s e ve rn l Se nior s would have difficuhyill a tt c ndinjr c la sse-,:\10ST 0 F r s 11:\ v E Sl'E;\T.\1.L THESE YEARS !� TilESI DE-SilOWS :\;\D RED LE:\tO;\­.\OE S'L\XnS OF LI FE. WE .\RE;\:\XIOl'S TU GET l;\'1'O TilE.�1:\I� TE;\T .vxu BECI):\IE .\J>.\ R T () F T liE It J( i suo W .:\�aiJl. if men w erv a" S�I:\ LL asthey act. a �H'at numy juniors wouldhI..' iu vi-j hlc..\ �L\ X'S BIL\ 1;\ IS :\ FL\Sll­I.lCIIT. WIIICll liE Tl�R;\S 0\;\;\1) OFF. IIlTIlER :\;\0 YO;\..\'1' \\,11..1.. TilE LIGIIT SIIOL'LDli1{()\\' STRl);\GER D.\Y I:Y D:\\'.TOO �I.\;\y l'EOL'LE GET Til EIR\\' I RES '1'\\'1 STED .vx D Til EI Ri.rcur IS ;\E\'ER EFFEl.TI\·E.The Red·lll.·ad=- hav e «ruanixe d."t1g'ge�t that a lar�er rucmbcrshipcould he -ecur cd iur the nale!-II c ad s,Bj�-lll·ad". l'in·lll·a(ls ;11111 BUlIe­IIl'a(I".BLJSI;\ESS IS:\ O;\E-I{I;\G ci«.CUS];\ \VIIICII THE PERFOR�[­ERS ,\ R E C:\ LLED :\1 E;\ AXDxiox EY. THE L:\TTER IS 'I'll ERI�G-�L\STER :\�D THE FOH.­)lEK Til E Cl.OWXS.III r eul ity, men should he aftermoney.CO Ll. E.G E L1 FE 11 AS :\;\ ARTl­FICl:\LL\' SCE�TED :\T:\IOS­PIIERE. \\'IIICH PLE.,\SES .\TFI RST I!EC.\USE IT SOOTiIS.:\ FTER 2 OR 3 YEARS .\ FELLOWT1 RES OF IT .\�D \\'.\XTS TOFILL :\XD SE..\R HIS LU�CSWITH Til E S:\10KE .\XD FL:\)I-EOF TilE RE..\LITIES OF LIFE.:\ Frosh whi�pers. OOls it true thatReel Pail!!: is :,crious, now?" Sendroses.IDLE.;\ESS nRI�GS BDIOR­T:\LlTY. GET BCSY.\Vill everyone who has cribhed incollegc. kindly' rise? -- thank you.Yon may all take scats now.IF YOLo :\1 UST TALK. W:\ITl·;\TII. YOU ARE .\LONE.ATTEND REPUBLICAN DINNERJennings and Merriam Among Speak­ers at Meeting..\ deleg-ation irom the Univcrsityattended the T:lir<l \Yard ProgressiveRepuhlic:1n dinner given last night atthl.' Drexel :\l'Ilb hotel. ProfessorCharle� E. :\Icrriam, E(hvard Jennings,alld Fletcher Dohyn� wcre among thc"peaker�. The Prog-ressive Rcpuhli­can (jll:lrtCt. C01ll110<;ed of )tark Sav­idge, Clifi'oru Roc. Leonidcs P. Payn�',and Charles ll. Souder. sang- �e\'Cral:-elcction�, and ;\lbert Lind<1t1est en­tert:line(1 with two solos.:\cronling to the program of thcpolitical club" there will he s(lmcthin�011 for C\'ery day for the rcnminderoi till.' \\'l'l.k. The pro�ram j"llo\\'s:Pr(l�rl·�"h'e Repuhlkatt:-. mect to­llay in Colli) (jB at 10:30.\\,il�OIl men meet tomorrow at·W:30 ill (.·o1>h (j,\.Connn, 'Il\\'fahh and X on- Parti:-anI'nliticll dub" Illeet Friday at 10:30in Cohh �n.THE UNIVERSITYSHOE REPAIRING SHOPFIrat CI •• a R.p.lrlnll .nd .... th ••Gu.r.nt •• d et R ••• ••(\\'e dcliver anywherc in the city)MORRIS LESS1312 E. 57th St. CHICAGO, ILL.19 Jackson Blvd.-EastNOTICETo College. MenDuring our DiscountSale we are offering2S Per Cent OffRegular PricesonEvening DressClothes TuxedosandAfternoon FrocksRegular Prices $30 to $60take 25 per cent offduring this sale.You Can Goto theSENIOR PROMFebruary 19, 1912I will fit you up in a dress suit com­plete at a price so reasonable thatyou will be astonished. I have beendoing this for the University boysfor years and they have always beensatisfied.LET ME DO IT FOR YOU.T. C. ,-Schaffner,DRESS / SUIT SPECIALIST130 STATE ST.( :"Iarshall Field)Patronize MaroonAdvertisersExperiencedPressmenAre necessary to produce COCHIPrinting; many a good job of com­position has been spoiled by lack ofskill or :lttention in the pressroom., That's why We give such, care tothe printing of every job; we hue ..established standard of workmanlhipthat must be maintained.This makes. it a certain� that yo.can secure hIghest quality here aUthe time, at no greater COILThe Hyde Park Printing Co.1D.EPRORE HYDE PARE 3S5I1223 East Fifty-fifth StreetENJOYMENT. at the SeniorProm is yours ifyou wear a dresssuit made to pro­vide for everyofSee oursplendid displayof evening clothesat $30 to $50.swaydancer. the Varsity Aquatic Team Goes Down toDefeat at Hands of Illini Swimmers- Meet Northwestern Team HereSaturday Night.The University swimming tvrun willspend a busy week preparing lor thesecond swimming meet with :\ (Irtl.l­western on Saturday night in Bart letttank. The first meet with Xor t hwc .. t­ern was lost by only a small score.and it is hoped that the advantajn­of being in the home tank will makeup for this Saturday. Northwesternhas some fast men in \Vhiting al111H uszagh, but Kecfc and Scofield arccounted upon to defeat them.Illinois decisively (It:ieatell Chicaguin thc dual meet last Saturday night.Illinois, by obt aiu irur every place ex­cept one, pill'd up 45 points. whi!eChicag-o only secured 16. Good nuuiwas the only man to finish in tir"tplace for Chicago. wiuuing the 220-yard swim hy a narrow mar z in. Vos­burgh was the "tar oi the mc e t anrl itwas due to hi" individual effor t s thatIllinois won. II I.' oj,tained iour lirsts.winning- the 40. toO. hack-stroke an-Iplunge. In the lOl!-yard swim he II)\\"­crcd the tank record which he heldto 1 :002-5. I twas al s o due tu hiss wimminz that Illinois won t ln- rr layrace. K l'l';" e .. ht a i ned till' 41nly Sl'l', Hilijllal't' fn:- Chil':I�1I w hcn lu- :ini":ll'llsecond in the leO-yard .. w im,Same Team Is Entered.Coach \Vhitl' will enter pr act ica llythe same team Oil Saturday night.Goodman and Hol liug swor th are ex­pected to win the 220 :md the lCU-yanlhack-stroke. rcspecth·ely. X orthwest­ern has a 350-pollnd man in the pllln�efor distance. who is expected to winthis event. Chicag-o's water poloteam. which failed to show up last1 Saturday. is expected to he on handand as it has 'been strengthened bythe addition of several new mcn. itwill prohahly �i\'l' ;\orthwestern ahard tight.The :,umlllary ni la!"ot nig-ht's mectfollows:Summary of Events.1()l) yard swim-\\"oll hy Voshurgh.Illinois: Keefe. Chicago. second �Poaguc, Chicago. thinl. TinH�-1:00 2-5.]CO yard hack stroke-\Von by Vos­hurgh, Illinois: Tabor. Illinois. sec­ond; Hollingsworth. Chicago. third.Time-l:29.220 yard swim-\Von hy Goodman.Chicago; Chase. Illinois, s.econd;Shull. Chicago, third. Timc-3:14.Relay-lO:1 yards-\Von hy 11linoi:-;OIix. Goehd. Chase. Voshurgh). Time-1 :32 2-5.Piungc for distance-\Von hy Vos­iJurgh, I11inois: Thompson. lllinoi;,second; Parkinson. Chicago. third.DistanC'e-5� ieet.40' yard swim-\Von by Voshurgh,111inoi�: Chasf. Illinois. second: Keefe.Chicago. third. Time-20 3-5.leo yard breast stroke-\\-on hyHe::t1mont. Illinois: T:lbor. Illinois,secc.nll: Ta·tge. Chicago. third. Time-1 :243-5.Polo g;lllle-lliillois deieated mixcrhigh :;chool team. 22 to O. CONTINUES LECTURES ONECOLOGICAL EXCURSIONAt'30ciate Professor Cowles Tells ofBritish Isles Trip From Manches­ter to Glasgow... Vs sociutc Professor l l enry Chand­ler Cowles cout iuuc.l hi .. lc c -tur e onthe "J nternational Ecoloz ical Excur­sion through the Briti�h 1 sIc -." at t hcmeeting of the Botanical c luh ye st c r­day afternoon. Takirur. lip the trip atXl anchest er, Enula nd. �1!". Cowl(:..;showed views oi the upl an.I lw,or,.;in w hich arc iound va-t Ill':),I!"oits IIIpeat. From here the party. \\" .l,J";,meruher » rcpr e s ent er! Eng laud. t h ... ,l'nited States. Ger many. l:d;.:iul'l. andDenmark. cr o-sed the i"I:1I111 ;tilll -t u.l­ied the Southport sand duue s. closelyresemhlirur but 110t near ly so large asrhos e oi northern J ndiana. Some Ie woi the .. e dl111 ... ·.. art·. after till' manneroi the cont incut , l,eill;.! cult ivaud antititus made pr otit ahh-..\t Lanca .. t er. wherv the C.· ... Olclgist !"ot;IJlpecl. t:ll' low laud m oor .. r e­vca lcd much valuahl« material iorstudy. Till' rapillity (If peat i(,rllla­t iou wa- ac c urnt c ly jutl�l'cl w he n anold conll·ruy "�"!lla11 r":1I1 was 1111-ea r t hcd ,..fJIlH� l'i�ht .. r ten il'et iron.the surface. l'llnl'l'rnin� this Ile\'dup­ment Proic:,sur l'lIwll.'''; said that aliover EIl�land the iorl· .. ts arc gi\"ill�way to 1WHlr". l n �"'Iltland a .. top wasmade at Edinhurgh anrl later ·;1t Dun­ke ld. when' t he r e i" a huge ar riticialforest containing �rl'at number s uiAmerican trees takcn irom the Pacificcoast .oi the Un it ed St at c-, to GrcalBritain over 100 ycar-, ago. The <t udyoi Scotch hotany was COnc1111led whenthe party arrh'ed at Glasg-ow.Professor Cowles will lecturc on theremaindc-r oi the excursion throu�hIreland and ,.;outhern En;.datlll n ... 'xl)Ionday aiterlloon. .++�++++�+++++++++++++++ ••• +++++.++�+�++++++++++ ....• +: £STAeU5HEO 1818 :I �4J� I1" C@�__� �i frntll'mm:tt fumilibin!J 'fnolls. �•::.:.:. BRO�.':' ./AY CO". TWENTY-SECOND ST. ••• �••:..�w YORK.•.. . ... .::: Representative, 31r. Lanzer at the Congress .\UllCX, :::. .:;: Chicago, February 24th to 28th inclusive :�:::: With latest Spring suits and overcoats, :::::: Riding and Motor garments, English hats, shoes, +�:�:.:�.. Haberdashery and Leather goods. j:l.:�._ SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE_������������������������+��+�����������������������+++3rd floor"A Bank for Everybody"LC; A Morro WE TRY TOREAUZEWe have an equipment complete inevery detail; our financial strengthis unquestioned.To have and to hold the confidenceof our regular patrons and to securenew ones by efficient service is ourearnest endeavor.WOODLAWN TRUST ANDSAVINGS BANK1204 East Sixty-third Str-eet ILLINOIS ELECTS ROOSEVELTChampaign Student!) Conduct a StrawBallot.Roosevclt was the choice of the stu­Ilellts of the Uninrsity of Illinois forpresident. according to the results ofa straw ballot held therc last week.The votes reeeh'ed for the tirst sixcandidates were:Roosc...-dt 519La Follette 197Wilson 180T�ft 111Bryan .....•............ : 53Clark 26This is a greater majority thanRoosc\'elt receh'ed in the ballot heldrecently by The Daily :\[aroon, whenthe returns were a� follow�:. Roose\"Clt 203Wilson ..................•. � .134Taft : iOLa Follette 6�Bryan 33Clark 1:'; Phone Oakland 3773 LADIES' TAILOR809 East Forty-third StreetDRAMATIC CLUB CHOOSESCASTS FOR TWO PLAYLETSW�l1 Present Galswortliy's "Joy" andShaw's Press Cuttings" OnMarch 1.At thl' la�t meeting oi the Dramaticclub thc casts for ,the t\\"o ;;hort playswhich will be gi\'en on l\larcil 1 werechosen. Bernard Shaw':, "Prcs:; Cut­tings," part of which wa� presentedlast quarter by the clull. and Gals­worthy's "Joy" arc thc playlet:' uponwhich the cluh is now working.TI�e dramatic personal' of the playenti�lcd "Joy" follow:Colonel Hope ... Lander :\lacClintock:Mrs. Hopc ..•........ Cornelia r.eall\r iss B\!cch Beryl GilhertLctty Frances A. Ro,.sErnest , Frank O'Hara::\1rs. Gwyn Alicc Lce HerrickJoy. " \Vinifred CuttingDick Donalc! Breed:\laurice Le\"er Henry C. ShullRose Emma ClarkL. MANASSEOPTICIAN Est.blished 186833 W. Madison St. Tribune BuildingEye-Glasses and Spectacles scienti­fically fitted and adjusted. ArtificialEyes made to order. Oculists' pre­scriptions filled. Examinations freeof charge.See our New Idea Mounting.Dr. Frederick F. MoltDENTISTTelephone Hyde Park 2410Hours: I to 5 p. m.THE DEL PRADO59th Street and Washington Avenue HOLD INDUSTRIALWELFARE MEETINGIN COMMONS CAFE DEFEAT PURPLE TEAM;PREPARE }O'OR PURDUE I,tIIIii�Considerable intere:,t wa� shown inthc immigrant and industrial welfareconicrcncc and dinner. w!;ich tookplal'c :\rolHtay hetween the hours oi5 and � in thc cafe of I1utcltin:,onCOIll11l0n,.. The conicrcIH·c. witi,1thegan at �. \\"as leel hy 'Jr. CharlesR Towson. �ecretary of the intcr­nati:)nal cO!llmittl'c of the Y. :\r. C. :\.inclu .. :rial dcp:1rtment. :\;ter a dis­cu .. :,ion. dinner wa" "cn'ed in tilecail' with ])e;lll 1.. C. :\larshall of theSenior colleges. in the c:lair. :\<1-dresse� wc-re made hy :\Ir. Charles R.Towson and by :\Ir. Fred Ricl�e. hathof whol11 arc �ecretaric:, of the 1 nter­national department. The pro�ramwas concluded hy ;;;e\"erat hrief talkshy :,tuclents now (Ioin� industrial wel­fare work among the Immigrants inSouth Chic:lgo. (Continued from page 1)Freshmen Are Defeated.Thc Xorthwcstern College of ;\a­pen'i11e fj\"c ac1mini .. tered its first dc­feat to the Fre:,hman team Saturdayaitern('on hy the Sl'cre oi 25 to 16.The gamc was close during the firs�half. the :,corc at hali time hcing- I Ito g in fa\'or oi tile colle�e tcam. Tnthe ;;;econel 11ali. t1t" Freshmell tiedup the ;;;core. hut at tite end or thehalf they weakened and lost theg:l1lle.HOLMES'Bakery & DelicatessenWe will deliver LuDCh to aDYClub or Fratel'DityrtI�h Gr:lClc Good� 0111�·. rllOl1C Or(lcr�8011citc(1.1317 E. SIXTY-THIRD STREET"yde Park 37S!l. E�tablisl1cd 7 Years. THE COMMONSClub Breakfasts-Cafeteria for LuncheonSee what you getGet what you want Pay for what you getCome in and try itNAT RUDOYTo the gentlewomen of the University of Chicago:I bcg to announce a special offer to you and your friends of from10 to 15 per cent off011 all orders during the month of February. Now is the time to placeyour spring orders. Thanking you for past patronage, I amYours respectfully,NAT annos.Florence Moore �yersFlower ShopSpecial attention to orders for thc PRO�1.Phone Hyde Park 38 1377 E. Fifty:"fifth St.� �_;_-- -:.- - �_.I - - .-. t:N't:A�D.fWRIGLEYSeItAflZt-{JilfZ��g���IjM �ST!The Madison Ave. Laundryoffers the students of the Unive·rsityof ChicagoA Special Student�s ListBest work Best. service Best prices6018 MADISON AV. Tel. H. P.lOO9A.McADAMSTHE UNIVERSITY FLORISTSuitable Flowers for yourVALENTINE BOXPhone H. P. 1853rd Street and Kimbark AvenueThe deep pointed styleadmitting the tying of alarge knot nicely.15 cents,:Z for l5 centsCluett. Peabody & ("..ompnny. TroY. New York.Jerrems' Special·During January and FebruaryA Black. Blue or Grey Serge - orRough Twill Cheviot Suit -with Extra Trousers.N. WATRY & CO., OpticiansEstabli�hed 188356 W. Randolph, Near Dearborn$30I · J;:."f!(fftbI Two Stores:I i X. LaSalle Street.25 E. Jackson Boulevard.The Corn Exchange National BankOF CHICAGOCapit.1 . •�.:� Pro6b $'I:EST A. HAMILL P,"KhtCHARLES L HUTCHINSON. Vice.Presi<kntCHAUNCEY J. BLAIR. Vice. PresidentD. A. MOULTON. Vi�.PresidentB. C. SAMMONS. Vi�.Praidf:ntJOHN C. NEELY.�ryfRANK W. S\UTH. CashinJ. EDWARD MAASS. Au't Ca •• inJAMES G. WAKEFIELD. An't Cashi�,DIRECTORSChalks H. W.d:er M.rtin A. R)'etMaChaG1K'eY J. BI.i, Edward B. ButlerCharles H. Halbunl a.� BuckiathanBmjamia Carpenter a� M. CarrW.bOa F. BI.i, Edwin G. F __Charlet L HUlchi_ Edw.rd A. SJw.ddFftdnick W. E.nesl A. Hamill MAROON PRESSJOB PRINTERSPublication PrintingPrices Lowest \Vork the BestPhone H. P. 3691 1105 E. 55th St.'-"' � __ � =-�--=--�-====-�,======�������������._--��--�----��----------------------------.----------------nTHE DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 14. 1912.An tickets for, this theatre for salein box: office"LYRICCHICAGO THEATRE SOCIETYSEASONThe Drama PlayersThis VVeck. Pinero'sTHE THUNDERBOLTNext Week:The Lady From the SeaThe Maternal InstinctpRINCESSFIRST TIME IN., CHICAGOBUNTY-PULLS THE STRINGSA Comedy of the HighlandsMAJESTICEVA TANGUAYThe IncomparableThe Four Fords. Greatest of Danc­ers; Milton & Dolly Xobles, in aComedy Sketch; The Nichols Sisters,in a Class by Themselves; :\111c. DeFallieres ; The Keene Trio; Mosher,Hayes & Mosher ; Lynch & Zeller.GARRICKLITTLE WOMENCORTMARGARET ILLINGTONIn "KINDLlXG"STUDEBAKERTHE GREYHOUNDBy Paul Armstrong and Wilson Miz­ner, Authors ofTHE DEEP PURPLEDONALD BRIANIn a Musical Comedy,"THE SIREN"OLYMPICI David Belasco's Great TelephonePlay,THE WOMANpOWERSCHARLi!:S CHERRYI n the X ew Comedy... HIS XEIGHBOR'S WIFE ,." COLONIALLast Two \VeeksCHRISTIE MAC DONALDIn "TilE SPRIXG �1:\lD"AMERICAN MUSIC HALLGentlemen :\1ay Smoke.THE ROSE OF PANAMA;\n Opcretta �wc('tly Vicnne5e:\1 usic Di\'inc. {.;l.\lgh:; Galore. Pro­duction de Luxe. Orche�tra of 3ll,Company oi �5. with Chapinc. Forest1luff. Anna Bu�:,ert. Fay Bainter,:\t ortimer ". eldon. \\"ill Phil1ip� .. '.,' SOPHOMORES DEFEAT THEJUNIORS AT BASKE'rBALLHard Gaine In Intra-University'League Goes to Second-YearMen. 32 to 21.s I n a hotly contested bnsketballgame the Sophomores defeated theJuniors yesterday by a score oi 32 to21. This game determined the lead­ership in the Intra-Univer sity leaguefor the time being, each team havinglost only one game. The first halfwas evenly fought, the score at halftime being 14 to 13 in favor of theSophomores, At the beginning of thesecond half the Sophomores bracedand scored six: baskets before the Jun­iors obtained a score. However, afterthat the Juniors seemed to brace intheir turn and raised their total tonineteen before they weakened andthe Sophomores overwhelmed them.Practically all of the Sophomoresfigured in the scoring. Frank at for­ward led with 6 baskets, while Water­house was close behind him with four.Captain Holm and Levy each obtainedthree baskets, while Holm made theonly free throw for his side. Theteam work of the Sophomores wasgQod, and the, men showed stayingqualities by their work in the secondhalf. At present the Sophomores aresecurely in the lead. having won sixgames and lost one.Scofield led in the scoring for theJuniors, obtaining three baskets. Gold­berg and Captain Goddard each se­cured one. The Juniors showed upstrongly at times but their work wasunsteady and the. team weakened inthe second half.The game between the Law am;Divinity teams, which was scheduledfor last night. was postponed becauseof the fact that a flaw was found inthe glass of a new background whichhad recently been put in. The gamewill he played off as soon as pos­sible.Lineup oi yesterday's game:Sophomores (32) Juniors (21)Frank R. F CatronWaterhouse L. F Mac ArthurHolm. _ ' C , .. GoddardHurwitz R. G ScofieldLevy .. : ,. L. G.. .. Radnitzer,•.. GoldbergBaskets-Frank 6. Waterhouse 4,Holm 3. Levy 3, Catron. Xlac Arthur,Goddard 2; Scofield 3, Radnitz er,Goldberg 2.Free throws-Holm I, MacArthur 1.Rcferee...-Des Jardien.BLACKFRIAR CAST SELECTED(Continued from page 1)to members of the cast Friday. Aweek will he given to the men inwhich to learn their lines, and at theconclusion of that time Xl r. Stothartwill be in Chicago to start active r e­hcarsals.:\Ir. Stothart yesterday expressedhimself as well satisfied with pros­pects for tile play and plca,;c(l withthe quality of the mat r r ial Iroiu whichlie made the choic('s jor the cast.He hope� to han' the work 50 out­lined that rehear�:ll:, will he conduct­ed at il'ltcna1:' iur two illont::". in­stead oi being �'ramil1ed into a 111uchshorter "pace oi time'. a..; :la� "Ol11e­time:, 1><:<.'n the t-ase.JEFFERSON55th St. and Lake Ave.:-';OVELTY PHOTOPLAYFour reels nightly of tIle latest movingpictures. High class songs. Best ofmusic hy high cl:tss artists.--------TONIGHTA Just Verdict (D:-a!1l:l)Accidents Will Happen (Cnlll('(ly)How Jimmy Proposed (Collle(ly)The Picture Writer (Drama)HAppy HARRY HYNESSinging Xo\\,.Admission 5c Never HigherEvery Friday �!!t�!:! Every FridayAUSTRALIAN BOYS GIVEENTERTAINMENT FRIDAYForty Member�. of Young AustraliaLeague Will Give Performance InMandel HallForty boys from Austrulia will hethe guests of the Uuiversity Friday.and will �h'c an entertainmcnt inMandel hall at 4:00 on that day, fol­lowing a trip to the Field museumand a luncheon at the Conunon-. Theboys are members of the YOl1n� Aus­tralia league and are said to presenta creditable performance. l'ul",i:'tin�of musical' numbers. ju��lin� fent s,tumbling, and rifle sh(l(ltin�. 'The boys are the �ue5ts Lli theAssociation of- Commerce. the Boardof Education. the Press club and theChicago :\thletic club, he side the Uni­versity. TIll'Y arr ivcd in ChicruroMonday. after visitin� the principalcities of California. Oregon. \Yashing-­ton, British Columbia, Arizona, X ew:\Iexico, Texas. Kansas and Missour i.The Young Australia league was or­ganized for the education by t rave lof native boys of the Common\\'l'althof Australia. and 1Ia .. a members hipof 3,000. The boys. w ho arv touring­the world. and arlo now ill i lu- city.were chosen from t hc k:lg-uc 1,y pup­ular vote of the municipa litic-, in ,\\1S­tralia. They were ,.c1cl.·h:d ior ahil it yin music, scholar-hip. and atlrlet icability. Football. hasehall. and ritleshooting are their at hlvt ic ,,;pl'l·iaitic..;.Six companies oi t:ll' league jour­neyed over 400 mill's to he pr csent a:-;a guard of honor at the arrival oi theAmerican fleet in Australia when itwas going around thc world. :\t thattime the Australian I-!O\'crlll11ent spenta sum approximating Sl.COO.COO forthe entertainment of the visiting offi­cers and sailors. '�./Igalltenitg In Billy:" �m.,"When good (e�ows get to­gether" there's always a callfor Fatima Cigarettes.Wil1teac:1t � 01 Fall,,",)lOU �I G petlltGniCIIIUJ)Or..7'$ c( i.laicluecure G ItanJ_ fellcal/qc ..-.aRl (12 Ie 32) xlcc!lon.of 100. 20 for15 ceateDouble Daily Train Service fromChicago and St. Louisto the South.NEW ORLEANSA City of unusual Interest to vlslt. Sendfor Illustruted Ioouklet. ":Sew Orle:lllsfor the -Tourist,"MARDI GRASAt Xew Orleans. Fel,ruary :!n. 1!11::!. Thefalllou� aununl r-veut of the Crescent.City. Brllllnnt. :-opl·l·taC'ular features de­scribed In llltlstratf'll folder entitled"lIard I Gras." .\:,;1;. fm' a cOI'Y,FLORIDAYin the "Central I:natl' til F'lor lrln :lllilCuhn." ::O;olill fast thrtlu;:h t rnln, "8('1u'Inole Limited." frlllll Chlc-a1:o to .Tack'sonvflle. CorrcslllIlI.lIl1;: sl'r"!el' from St.Louis. Connects at .1:lI'k:-:oll,·I1I(' withtrnlns for all F'Iorldn poillts :illil stC'alll-'shill eonnect lon« fill' 1I:1\':lIIa, Cuha.Florlila folder:; 011 ap,lil.'atiollHAVANA, CUBA(,hoke nf routes "1:1 :Sl'\\' Orlealls orF'Ior lrlu. Culoa Foillt'r lIIalletl 011 request.PANAMACENTRAL Al\lERICA1lIllIoj .. CI'lItral t" :Sl'\\' Orl,·:ln". n ml\\'l'cl,:�' :-tl':lIl1slIlp:-o clin'l't t o Colon. Punn­m a .uul Cent ml ,\IlII'I'k:ln 1'"I·t:-o. "Tht''I'our lst In Panama:' illn .. trate,1 hook,kt. sellt (Ill apr.licat illll,VICKSBURG, MISS.COlltaillS \ kl,shnl';: :"allonal �IilitaryI'ark. t'ollll1l1'moratlll� the .. 11';:" :111'1 tIe­fl'II:-C of till' l'it\". ,\11 Inll'rl, .. tin� placeto \"isit ('n roiltc to �('w c Irlc·ans'. �I·tlllfur 11:111lb:nlllel\" 11I1l .. tl·:lt"11 !took .. ('II'tilh',1 "\'kk,.;llIir� for th,' Tourist." allil":O:iL';!(' :1ll.1 Dl'fl'n"L' IIf \,1(·k .. Ionr;:."HOT SPRINGS, ARK.c�nkke,.;t tilll(, frolll Chifoa::n. Ilall�' 1'11'("Irk·Ii,:;:hll'.1 slt'l'Jlin� ear tht' �'I'ar rOllnll.thrnn:.:h withollt chan;:e. '--'hlt-a;:o to) IIllt:O:prin:.:s,TEXASCALIFORNIA\"1:\ :"P\\, Orle:lll" ;llltl the 11111101 .. C�n'tral. Throll�h elcctrlc·lI::htetl :<11'('pin::ear llail�'. Chka;.:o to 1I0llston. :-;an .\n­tnnl.,. EI I'aso. Tl'xas. :111.1 Int('rmcillatc[lolnt,.;, Throll:;:h tOllri:-:t :<1N.·pln;.: car toCalifornia e\'l'ry ��· from Chh-a;:o"Ia II IIIl,.;t(lll. �:111 .\nt(lllio :,"11 EI PallO.Texas, ,\,; ... for cnp�' of California folder.II GO SOUTH YOUNG MAN ".\11 of tht" .\ho\-t" t.Ut'rntttre :f'n'e lor tht".\tllkln�.Tkk('ts. rc,.;er\,ations. tr:lln time. nnllsp('cifk farcs from :'I'ollr lltation mny heh:tll or :rollr lop:tl tl ... ket :t;:ent.II, .T. 1'111-:1.1':-:. C;. I' .. \ .. Chkn;:o. Ill.n .. T. Cnrmkh:tel. n. 1'. A., .Ii W. A.lnm� Open Day and, Night.SARATOGA BARBER SHOPJ. H. Hepp, Prop.29 South Dearborn StreetExpert Manicurist,Scientific MasseursExpert ChiropodistThe Smith-Goodyear Co.SHOEMAKERSANDREPAIRERS t�IRUWOuLJFaetory or::tnization and trained opera­tors are essential in the manufaclure ofgG�4_.a� � Brand CoUarsarechandise. madeunder theseconditions and are good collars.�c>ld b:r L.adlng,PATRONIZE MAROONADVERTISERS 1134 East Sixty-Third StreetOpposite Post Dfflce •Operators of the largest and bestequipped ehoe repairing plant outsidethe loop. 2 FOR 25 CENTSlLde � EARL � wn.soNPhones Hyde Park 370 and 371Day and Night Service. Cars for theProm.Midway Motor LiveryHIGH GRADE AUTOMOBILESFOR HIRETHE TYPEWRITING OFFICEStenographic ServiceDup licating ServiceManuscript CopyingT:�c,.i' \\'n:-k .\ �:),�::ia1tyPATRONIZEMAROON ADVERTISERS At special flat rates to Students5429 \\'OODL:\ W� :\ VE./ Chicago.PATRONIZEMAROON ADVEM�i��RSA.G� SPALDING & BROS.\are theLargest,Manufacturersin theWorldofOfficialEquipmentfor allAthletic SportsandPastimes1Arthu�!�?vencallFINE $2.00 AND $3.00 HATSI make a specialty of. blockingVELOURSSCRATCHUPSANDFUZZY HATS THESp�lding940 E. SIXTY-THIRD STREET TRADE MARKIs known through­out the worldIF YOU a�iDteT-esl�d !DAthleticSport you .hould hue •copy ci the Spaldi,,- uta­locue. h'. a complete eII­cydopedi. ci ""'t's ....In Sport and is let free Oft�t.A. G. Spalding & Bros.28-30 So. Wabash Ave., ChicagoasaGuarantee ofQuality