11'· .1arnonBALLO-r� PO....l[y Choice Is:: .For President of U.·.S.VOL. X. NO. 76. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, TUESDAY, JANUARY 30, 1912. ,-Fur 'Presldent. or u. s.PRICE FIVE CENTS.At the two special eessiens of theConference meeting held last Fridayand Saturday in the Palmer house. thefollowing matters of business wereapproved by the representatives:Approved application of Ohio Stateuniversity for membership and ap­pointed committee to investigate.Voted. to ciIlow universities threeweek to investigate eligibility of theirplayers after protests are lodged.Adopted rule allowing students toplay ball 'on tummer town or semi­professional teams without compen­sation for services; students not al�lowed, to play on any team under thenational agreement, or in outlawleagues.Gave power to faculties to reinstateathletes who have lost their eligibilitythrough minor infractions or confer •ence rules before entering college.Adopted amendment to White res- The defeat by Wisconsin docs notolution establishing majority vote for. extinguish Chicago's championshippassage of meaeures returned by fac- hopes, The Wisconsin team has beenthe music and the musical program ulries. victorious up to this time, but if thewill be announced by the end of the I 'Repealed resoluti on prohibiting in- h I 1 I h hteam � ou ( go st� e t e c ances arcweek.'. . .' d- tersectional contests.' .'..'. that it would lose three or. four gamesOverture, "Fingal's Cave;' Felix Men- ' .. Bot� the dec!>��tl.ng comm�ttee �n. Depr�ted' employn:leDt...�� .��ns." �m� ':"'�"\O"".rd�l����'Fu·rdue�.loo1{eJ'·the pr�������r.f.... �,.c.nf:f·r1J1)�-1��l=iViDg-�i·fron-;_p�okssiOUal base- 'Iikc the logical choice for the champ-..,- �Q�BActhQJd��'_I"'·-��t"'!'ro�m��tbe standard set by orrne- ball 1 b f ..• .... ... ty...,e u s or services m any caa--C1 .' ionship until MIller' was compelled todances' in their endeavor to get .... -.. I d' It quit on account of mjurres, Thensomething orrgma an umque, ',\ I d' .1 ld S ',". '. . . nt the seroll sessIon le atur- the team lost three games ID a row,has been decided to' give free rem -'. . _. ... '.. h . day morning, the Confercncc practi- and only tied lor first place WIth Mm-to the spectators upon 1. e running cally sanctioned summer baseball by nesota, .track; thus giving thc University pub- pas sing a rule that college athletes .Chicago's defeat can be ascribed tolie a chance to view the dance with- might play summer baseball if they poor basket shooting. The team workout necessarily taking p",:rt. accf"ptPfl no money, in return Ior their and guarding was better than thatDinner Is Planned. sen-ices. The men 'arc limited, how- 'Of \Visconsin, but the men could notA dinner 'of the "Undergraduate ever. to playing town teams or semi- score. Out of forty-seven. tries forCouncil will be held' at. the Hotel professional teams or teams net ill the basket, only three were made.Windermere on \Vednesday, February the national" agreement or outlawed. The attempts at goals were evenly di-7 at 7. The present member,S of the This rule was passed a:. a comprol1!ise vided, twenty-iour being made theCouncil are Robert \V: Baird, chair- 'between the opponc;nts and support- first half to twenty-three- in the sec­man; Adelaide Roe, \Vi11iam A. War- ers of summer bas�baU. In case nv ond. \Visconsln had the same num­riner, Thomas Scofield, Cora Hinkins, protest is filed by anyone of the ber oi attempts and succeeded in get­Donald Breed, Horace 'Scruby, Rudy "Big Eight" faculties:' within sixty ting seven :baskets. Each team hadllatthews, Ernest Reichmann and days the rule will stand. -eleven chances for three free throws.Ken·neth Coutc·hie. There are threeRule May Not. Stand. Molander made nine of these for Chi-repres�ntatives from' each oi' the.cago, while Scoville and Stangl se-h . . f th It is not likely, however, that itclasses with 1 e exception 0 e cnred four ior \Visconsin.Freshmen, who at present have but will stand. The faculties of the in-stitutions opposed to summer base­ball wiH in all probabilities protestFRESHMEN GIVE VAU�EVILLE against this action. There are toomany loopholes in this rule for it toClever Numbers Presented Before be of any effect. Just· how the fae-Large Audience. uhies will ascertain. that a man hasreceived money f�r his 'serv!ces wasnot satisfactorily explained by thecommittee, who think that they havereached a solution. of the problem.The committee, consisting ,oi Profes­sor A. G. Smit·h or Iowa, ProfessorJames Paige of Minnesota, and Di­rector G. E. Ehler of Wisconsin,worked until early Saturday morningdrawing up the new rule,. which waspassed by a majority ,"ote.· Just whovoted for the measure coul:! not beascertained.The. next important. measurepassed by the "Big Eight" was the. rule concerning athletes. who havecommitted minor infractions oi lltt:Conference cligibility rule5 before en·tering college. Power has been dele·gated to the faculties .to reinstatcthese athletes after an investigationhas 'been made of the ca5e. This willprevent' athletes from being d�c)aredineligible for such in·fractions. �s. ac­cepting a one dol1at priZe '3t a Sundayschool picnic.DATE OF SENIOR PROM CllAfiGEDWill Be Held Monday Night, Febru­ary 19. Insteac;l of Wednesday Night,February 21- Avoid Having DanceOn Atb Wednesday.NOTES. GIVEN OUT ONORCHESTRA'S PROGRAM CONFERENCE CHANGESRULES OF WGmWTYStadeDb Ma, Pia, S...aer BaseballWithout Pa, OD Se.i-Profes­siODaI or ToWD T eamI.no ... Orclaestra Pia,. iD Mandel ThisAftel'DOOll for Seamd TilDeThis �er. The date oi the Prom has beenchanged frona February 21 to Mou­day. February 19. The reason for thhis that February 21 is :\s11 \\" edncs­day. and because of this two Bishopswrote to .Miss' Talbot objecting tothe holding of a dance upon this holyday. )Iiss Talbot notified Clark Sauerwho ohtained the opinion of thepresident and the deans upon the sub­ject, and all were opposed to the giv­ing of the dance upon the originaldate. As a result, the Council hasofficially changed the date to :\Ion­day.Tickets will be sent out by the fi­nance committee of the Prom todayto all those who has signified theirintention of attending, and to m-erfifty of the alumni .. :\11 those who aregoing and have not notified the com­mittec should hand in their names toRaymond J. Daly before Wednesdaynoon or drop in their names at theF�culty Exchange, box 9i.Dance Twenty-Four Numbers.There will be twenty-four dancesand four extras. The dances will havepreference over the- extras, which willnot 'be run unless there is time forthem. Dinner will be served in theCommons between the twelfth andrhir teenth dances. Bids are out forTO p� Y INTERESTING NUMBERS WHITE RESOLUTION IS AMENDEDSeven Vote For Majonty Rule-Re­peal Measure Prohibiting Inter-I sectional Contests.Mr. Stevens' Lecture in Mandel Is In­terpretative of Today's Pro­gram.The second Th�n13s orchestra con­cert .of the present quarter will begiven this afternoon at' 4 in Mandel,A few seats are left and these willbe put 01)0 sale at the box office before. the concert. Mr. Stevens interpre­tatcd the numbers of the programyesterday in Mandel. The programand notes follows:Overture=-t'F'ingal's Cave," Opus26 •.........•....... ::\[endelssohnSymphony. "T,he Rustic Wedding,"Opus 26 ...••..•.....•• GoldmarkWedding March, with. variations.Bridal Song.Serenade. ,I n the Garden.Dance.Symphonic Poem NI). I. "Les Eoli-. des" .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. FranckSelections from "The Damnation ofFaust" _ , . . . . . . Berlioz.Invocation.Da�ce of the Will-o'-the-Wisps.Dance of 'the Sylphs.Rakoczy March.Some eight or ten miles to the. westof }d'uU, off the coast of Scotland,the ·little island, Staffa, stands soli­tary in the Atlantic ocean-one ofthe'smallest and yet one of the mostfamous of the Hebrides group.' Thatwhich brought fame to Staffa .is thecave which inspired Mendelssohn tothe composition of this piece. Fin- "gal's Cave, thirty-three feet in width,and almost twice that number of ,feetin height, is penetrable for a distanceof more than two hundred feet, thesea forming. the floor oi the cavern.Mendelssohn visited Scotland in 1829with his friend Klingeman as his fel­low traveler, and they made an expe­dition to Staffa anc its famous basal­tic cave in August. .Then, as now,the voyage was accomplished bysteamer, but the ve�sel was anchoredsome distance from the island, andthe cave was reached in small boats.Klingemann described this visit in aletter .dated August 10, '1829: "Wewere put out in boats," he wrote; "andlifted .by the hissing sea up t·he pil­lar stumps to the ceiebrated Fingal'sCave. A greener roar of waves sure­ly never rushed into a stranger . cav­:rn--its many pillars making it looklike the ·inside of an immense organ',black and -z:,.esounding, and absolute­ly without p�rpose, and quite alone,the wide, gray sea within and with­out." Mendelssohn said little in de­scription of his experiences at Staffa,but what he said was full of import.tlIn order to make you understandhow extraordinarily the Hebrides af­fected me, the following came intomy mind there." And Mendelssohn,writing to his family in Germany. setdown twenty�one measur.es of theOvertnre, the opening portion ofw·hich occurred to him was writtendown in the cave itself. FerdinandHiller was told by Mendelssohn thatthe "Fingal's Cave" Overture had itsgeneral form and color suggested bythe sight of the cavern, and Hillernarrated the following' incident, whichoccurred the evening of. Mendels- one represent�tive.The Freshman vaudeville' show,given in the Reynolds club Saturdayafternoon met ·with appreciation onthc part 'of a large audience. Jot�nTaylor, the headliner, interested theFreshmen with slight of hand per­formances. Albert Lindquest ren­dered one of the parts of "La Bo­heme." Miss Louise Mick appearedin a clever stunt called "At the Break­fast Table (Not Lexington)."Miss Hilda MacClintock gave afancy dance. Other numbers wcregiven by "That Green Freshmen'Quartet:' "Salts" Finney, "Reg" Rob­inson Harold Titus, "Spike" Hall andCom�any; .Frank O'Hara, Dave Mur-·rey, Count La Vallette, and Le �ucfrom Duluth. After the vaudevdlethe audience adjourned to the lowerfloor for dancing.The �audevil1e was handled by Har­old E. Titus. Steve Tolman was"."chief .stage hand" and . .anDouncer.Albert Lindquest, chairman of the so­cial committee, was' in charge of thedance. (Continued on page 2)(C6ntinued on page 2) PLAY IWO BASIETBALL GAMESTeam Will Meet Purdue and IndianaFriday and Saturday Nights - De­feat by Wisconsin Ties Chicago ForThird Place.Conference Basketball Standing.\VOIl Lo:,t Pet.Wiscoll:,ill .. _ " 5 0 1.euoPure! ue 3 I) 1.000Chicago 2 I .(l()S)1 innesota 2 I .66�Indiana 0 1 .000Iowa .. _ , 0 2 .000Xorthwcster n 0 3 .000Illinois 0 4 .000Chicago will have an opportunitythis week of breaking the tic forthird place with Minnesota. Theteam will journey to Lafayette and:Bloomington to play Purdue and I n­diana. Purdue will 'be taken' on Fr i-day. white the team will play IndiannSaturday night. llinncsota has nogames scheduled for ten days and incase. of two Chicago victories. Chi­cago will be tied for second place. AsWisconsin and Purdue do not meetthis year, there will be no opportunityof breaking the tie between them un­less Chicago should defeat Purdue orIndiana, in which case Chicago willbe tied for second place.Still Have Hopes,Game Was Close.The score was close .the first half.The �dvantage alternated betweenboth sides, and the score at half timewas 7 to 6 in favor of \Visconsin. Inthe second half Molander tied thescore iour times with free. throws,while Goettler made a basket andmade the score 15 to 15. Then a ;freethrow by Scoville, and a' basket byVan Ghent ended the game, .The guarding of Bell and Molanderwas the bright feature oi thc game.Bell pre\'ented many scores by \. hisfine work. llolander starred in toss­ing tree throws. Van Ghent was thebest man for the Badgers. He se-'cured three baskets and starred inoffensive work. Stangl and Scovilledid l1()t do as much as was expectedfrom them�Freshmen the Victors.The Freshmen won the "curtainraiser" irorn' the First M. E. churchteam by 33 to '19.. The game wasslow and listless. Ste,'enson, the reg­ular forward, was out of the gameand his place was' filted by Vruwink.who had b�en: out for two \Vc�ks.Gorgas took his place at;center. TheFreshmen were easily superior to thechurch team. TO ELECT PRESIDENTON A STRAW BALLOTThe DaiI, MUOOD WiD Try to eeto,iaiOD of. UDiyenity PeopleOD the Cuclidates.BALLOTING WILL END THURSDAYBallots From Maroon Should Be Leftat Faculty Exchange or MaroonOffices.\\'ito is your choice. for presidentof the United States? Next Novem­bel' the people of the United Stateswill select a chief executive .for thesucceeding four years. the DailyMaroon today commences a strawballot to ascertain the feeling oi tilem�mbcrs oi the University on thisimportant qucstion-e-the selection ofa president.At the head of today's Daily Ma­roon are two ballots-the one on theleft for men; the one on thc right forwomen. University students or in­structors wishing to vote, shoul«lwrite their choice on the appropriateballot and leave the ballot in one ofthree. places-the Faculty Exchange,The Daily Maroon Office in Lexing­ton. or The Daily Maroon office inEllis. Boxes are placed outside thedoors of the latter places for the re­ception of 'ballots.The llaroon's "straw ballot" .. wassuggested by·a similar ballot taken atthe recent meeting of the- newly or­ganized Non-Partisan·. Progre... sivePolitical Hub:"'"Roose�'elt was: e&e��c1� a'· fes·iiff;;f.,-tl;I;�b�li�t: .Wil:;onwas' the Democratic .'riomirlee. Col­lege dailies east· and west hwe con­ducted ballo'ts recently and Ihc Dailylla'roori's will bealong the same linesas the ones they have' conducted.'Many Are cUdidateL � .There will be no pretiminary nomi­nations. Anyone wishiiig .to votemay mark his ballot for any-candidatehe wishes .and the candidate receivingthe greatest number' of votes will beassumed to be the favoritc and willbe adjudged winne�. of the D"aily Ma·roon's straw. ballot. .For converiience, the followingpartial list of c�ndidates from boththe prevailing parties is printed:Republican.Taft.Roosevelt .. 'La Follette.Cummings.Democratic.Wilson.Harmon.Clark.Bryan.The ballotingstricted to theabove.To Gh'e Final Results J.'riday.Thc balloting will continue tun,IIr­row and Thursday. Ballots ·•·.. i;l �accepted until 6 Thursday aftnn",.n,The results up to date will he 11\1b­lished in tomorrow and Th\1r�d;..,y'sllaroons and the' final result:, ill Fri­day morning's Maroon.\Vhile it is prefcrred that the \, .tt:Sbe cast on ballots clipped fft'TIl TheDaily llaro·on. Jct \'ote::- ir. ;In) (,ttlt'rform will be ac('cpted. i� being Ul,,"'r­stood that cadl \'(,ter j, ;L "t,\(�,'nt,member oi the faculty, (J:' flI .IlIYother way connected with t1,( t, Ili .. r-is not, howe"er. rc-.list of, ·men printed�ity, and that no per,on ,.i' tthan one ballot. .:"lfCVolunteer Band Meets TonighLThe Student Volunteer b.ln,\ .'. illmeet tonight at ;:IS in Lcxjn�t"ll.Professor Burton will not be abh. 10speak as announced, but o1her .. r·rangement� :lTe heing made for themeeting.'.. �" ,'" .�. l:. [: I.. ' : ,� ..�. . ." . ",. ,•.l" .�. •," THE DAILY. MAROON, T_vESt).o\.Y, JANUARY 30, 1912.fI1I8... J)AlLY.:MAROON!i�"The Official Student Newspaper ofthe University of chicago. Florenc� ·Moore" -Myers.Flower ShopBulletin and �ADn�uncem�ntsBr� aui, will m�e('ioday at'" . D�•.·Proctor wil( meet all \\�hci' are3 'in Cobb 6�' Ail Catoolic.stooenu.· interested in China as a 'l)ossible fieldin' the: U�ive�sity._ arc urged ',to be . of labor today and tomorrow in 129.present. South Divinity . .;. '.�--------------------------------- Special attention to orders for the PROM.Phone Hyde Park 38 1377 E. Flfty-flfth St.Formerly'The University of Chicago. Weekly.: -Founded October I, 1892. Thoma. Orchestra Concert ill llall­del today at 4. Short Story Club will meet tomor­row. NAT RUDOYFencibles will have a dinner to­night at 6:15 in the commons cafe.Important. Sophomore Class Meeting tomor­row at 10:30 in Kent 14. To the gentlewomen of the University of Chicago:J hl'� to announce u special oiTer to you and your friends of from10 to 15 per cent oft'on all, orders during the month of February. . Now is the time to placeyour spr-ing orders. Thanking you for past" patronage, I amYours respectfully,• NAT RUDOY.Published daily except Sundays, Mon­days' 'and' 'Holidays during threequarters' of -the University year. Southwest Neighborhood Clubmeets tomorrow at 4 in the Xcighbor­hood room to elect officers and makeout the t»ro�rall1 for the remainderof till' year.Entered as Second-class mail at theChicago Post Office, Chicago, Illi­nois," March 18, 1908, under Act oiMarch 3, 1873. Chapel Assembly for the Seniorcollege men today at 10:30 in Man­del.Student Conference for Juniur col­lege men today at 10:30 in Kent. Dr.Reed. LADIES'TAILOR809 East Forty-third Street. .-- � .. .,McElroy Pub. Co. Preas, 0219 Cottage Grove Contributions I" Hiad:iriar :o.,)ll�and lyric coutv-t will I'l' rcveivvd un­til tomorr-ow, af t cr nuou. P·IHHlc Oakland 377:JThe StaffW. J. Foute ..•..... Managing EditorH.·L. Kennicott News EditorBusiness ManagerE. R. II uttonAssOciate EditorsD. L. Breed W .. H. Lyman�. 'D: Stevers Leon Stolzn. \Y. Vini,.;skyReportersG. \V. Cottinzham lI. :\. LollcsgurdH. S. Gorgas T. \V. ProsserII. S. RhettWomen's EditorSarah Reinwald Student VolUnteer Band mec .. t s tl'­nisrht at 7:15 in Lexington. Miss Hinman's Bladdriar dauciuzclass meet- in Reynolds cluh rumor­row at 7:1�. "M+++�o)+<.t§ot§t++(.+ .• •: . £STA8USHED 1818 :i �/- 1. � '.I. C:®�__� ii+ .ntltmntll fiimi • .,tngfDOb-;. +:. 8ROA� ./AY COft.1WEJnY-SECONO ST. :+ ";:'W YORK. •• •: Representutive, )lr. Lanzer at. tho Congress Annex� :: Chieago, February 24th to 28th inclusive :: With latest Spring suits and overcoats, :: Riding and Motor garments, English hats, shoes, :: Haberdashery and Leather goods. :• •: SEND FOR IU.USTRATED CATALOGUE ' :6 � .•�.+++.:.+ .. (.++++.�.:.(-:.. tHt+++.+ .Y. W. C. L. meets tomorrow atW:3U in Lexington. �I is:' GeraldineBrown will speak on "The Fifth Go�­pel.". Women Reporters Junj.or Banquet February � at theGreat Northern hotel.Zoology Club meets tomorrow at -tin Room 24. Zoology building. Reynolds Club Informal wilt beheld Friday at �:30. Limited to mcm­her:'.Blackfriar Dan�g Class meets to­morrow night at _i:30 in the Reynoldsclub. . Sophomore Class Dance willheld Friday afternoon at 4 inReynolds club. hetheCrace HotchkissEdith O'Rcar Lillian SwawiteDorothy Williston in T·he Daily Maroon on Friday \. hold a high amateur standard in :ll�morning. intercollegiate sports-It was deemed advisable to make (A) By securing co-operation o�the classification of eligible voters student bodie- through an education­into men and women for various rea- al campaign that shall explain theson!'. Under the arrangement com- meaning of and necessity for such aparisons of respective results may be standard;made, and of course. the total is cas- (B) By securing the co-opcratiou[ly obtainable. The Daily :\laroon rc- of the faculty and alumni by an edu­fuses to countenance t,he possibility cational campaign that shall ernpha­that students will stuff the ballot box. size the moral and ethical importanceAny attempt at ludicrity in a matter of amateur athletics in an educationalof such actual seriousness .will be system.Augusta SwawiteSubscription Rates'By Carrier, $2.50 per year; $1.00 per.. quarter. City },Iail, $125 per quar­ter; $3.00 per year in advance. 110)11': OR O{;TSIDE WORK. I-ART TIHE OR ALL DA.Y.MRS. CHARLOTTE COLLINS430 E. 4!!nd St. Tel Drexel 468.Flnt-elaM8 stNlnJ:rapbpr aDd typilit. ll:lIIuscril)ts revlsed. EXlwrt Proofreading. Traas·Iatfon from and into German. Worklll!: koowledJ:e of French.' .� natural gift for goodlaoJ:unJ:e :md eorreet l=r:lmlU:lr de,"elullt!cl by !-Itndy and prnet.lee, Office experienceTrnloetl corresnoudent. lo'umillllr with selentftle :uul tecbnlt'lll terms, especially medical,phnrmneeutfcal anti chetnlenl, nood 10('31 ref,·n·oL't·l'l, also from Ynlc and George .Wasb­Injrtou Uutvcrstt les.News contributions may be left inEllis" Hall or Faculty Exchange, ad-dres�� !?�.T.�i:.��IY Maroo� .� ignored. Ii successful the straw bal-• ",VI, :-".(':' '\ .... � \lot. � must be 'EP�e.s,si\'� of �he e�tire'student bod)��;"n-.:osc 1lltcrested 111 a:partisan ·way· will of course take part.However. the'�eai success of the cam­paign depends upon you�wlietheryou contribute . your mite-whetheryou do your sharc. Minor C��es In Rules.Following. arc minor changes malIcin the eligibility rules:Rule 4 now is menie to read: "Xo!'tudent shall he admitted to any in­tercollcgiate contest who recei\'cs any'giit, rcmuneration, or ·pay for his=-crvice� while a member of a collegeteam. ._"N"o student shall participate in all)intcrcol1e�jate contest who competesin term or vacation as a member ofany athletk club."Rule 5, section A, which reads:"No student shall participate in anyintercollegiate contest who ever hasused or is using' his knowledge ofathletic or gymnastic skill for gain,or who has taken part in any athleticcontest in w.h1ch a money prize is of­fered, regardless of disposition ofsaid prize." This ruling was amcnd­ed by adding: "This shall not bar astudcnt from playing on any teamthat is not in a league under nationalagreement, or in any outlaw league,provided he receives therefor no com-pensation direct or indirect.""The faculty committee of any uni·versity may reinstate any student whohas lost his eligibility through aminor infraction of a conference rulepre,·ious to his entering >college:'Formerly Rule 13 prohibited the play­ers' from competing on semi-profes­sional teams or with any aggregationupon which- there were pro�essionals. years later at Dusseldorf:' Duringhis ltaliall tr;I\·d� in� 1�30 .. �lellde""-·sohn worked assiduously at the "Fin­gal's Ca\'c" Overturc. On Dcci;mbcr10th be writes to his father that heintends to finish the ...\"o�k next dayas a birthday p1"esent to him, butthe MS. score bore the date "Decem­ber 16, 1830, at Rome." .\lthough thelast note 11a<1 been set cl. twn :\lende1s­sohn was not sati�fietl. "The middleportion," .he wrote irolll Paris, Janu­ary 12: 1832, "is too stupid, and thewhole working out smacks more of'counterpoint than of train-oil, seagulls and salt-fish, and must be al­tered."On �Iay 14th "f the same year therevised overture was brought out ata Philharmonic Concert in London,this having almost certainly' been itsfirst production. The work, still inmanuscript, was entitled on the pro­gram, "O\'erture to the I sles of Fin:"gal:' As showing that critics dif­fered even in the earlier days of criti­cism it may be mentioned that thereviewer of the Harmonicon (theprincipal musical journal ()f that timein England) disco\'ered that, "W·hat­ever a vivid imagination could sug­gest, and great musical knowledgesupply, has contributed to this, thelatest work of M. Mendelssohn, oneof the finest and p10st original genius­es of the age." The critic of theAthenaeum was not pleased. The"burthen" of the comnosition strong­ly reminded him of Beethoven,' andhe was moved to declare "that asdescriptive music it was decidedly afailure." Richard \Vagner was of adifferent opinion. ''The Hebridesoverturc is one of the most beautifulpieces we possess/, he wrote. Andto Edward Dannreuther, the com­poser of "The Flying Dutchman,"said of. the o\,erture,' u'Vonderfulimagination and delicate feeling arehere presented with consummate art.Note the extraordinary beauty of thepassage where the oboes rise abovethe other instruments with a plaint­ive wail, like sea-winds �ver theseas."The "Fingal's Cave" Overture wasprimarily dedicated to the Philhar­monic Society. but the printed scoreis inscribed to the Crown Prince ofPru:-;,Sia, afterwards Frederick WilliamIV.The O\'erture is scored for two'flutes, two oboes,· two clarinets, twobassoons, two horns, two trumpets,. kettledrums and strings.Symphony No. I, E Flat Major ("TheRustic' Wedding"), Opus 26, CarlGoldmark.Sltow your int�rc5t in things." ))oliticat. Clip. a ballot from the· top. -of the fr�n t page of today':,Daily . �ar?on and �\'ritc on ityour choice for President of theUnited States at the approachin�·,,�le£tion. Then leave your ballot. for Th(' Daily !\laroon at the Fac­u��y Exc�ange, in the K eighbor­.... hOO<l room in l.exington. or ·Ellis14. CONFERENCE CHANGESRULES OF ELIGIBILITY(Continued from page 1) This symphony was produced forthe first time at the seventh concertof the Philharmonic Society, Vienna,March 5, 18i6. under the direction ofHans Richter. Considering the factt.hat the .productio� 'Of Goldmark's·'Die Konigin von Saba" had takenplac{ and had made an extraordinarysc�sation in/he artistic world the"pre'�ious yea, it is somew·hat r�mark­able that the symphony attracted sotittle attention that the two principalGerman music papers of that time­the Signale and the Musikatisches-­>contained no revie\V of its production."The Rustic_ . '\"'ed4ing" symphony\ was not lotlg in finding its way toAmerica. For 9n January 17, 1877,'Leopold Damrosch brought it out forthe first:' time in this country at thethird concert of the Philharmonic So­ciety of New York. This concertwas partly choral, and it enlisted thesen'ices of the Oratorio Society-ofwhich . Damrosch was the founder­and a' number of soloists. The sym­phony came last on a program whichWhite Resolution Amended.The \Vhite resolution was amend­ed. This provision, making a two­thirds majOTity for the passing of any:-ule, has caused much trouble in theConference. ,Chicago was accused asb�ing the chief supporter of this ruleso as to block legislation that wasnot approved by the faculty or CoachStagg. Dean Small gave the lie tothese statements by voting againstthe measure. T,he rule preventing in­tersectional' contests, the amendmentto the. White resolution, also camein' for its share of the struggle. Thiswas also repealed by a majority vote.Northwestern was the only schoolwhich voted against the amendmentto the \Vhite resolution. 11 IS de­clared by some close observers of-the situation that the Conference byrepealing this rule is trying to bring:\Iichigan back into the Con.ference.Hoff and Nichol Attacked.In deprecating the employment inathletics of men accepting pay fW1l1professional baseball clubs, a d;rectattack has 'been made on CoachGeorge Huff 'Of Illinois, and DirectcrHugh Nicol of Purdue. These rne:lare employed as scouts for the Cle\,e­land and Brooklyn clubs.To secure a better knowledge ofthe condition·s in the Conference atpresent and to start a campaign ofeducation, Director Ehler of \Viscon­'sin and Dean Small of Chicago in­troduced the following resolution.Resolved, That it be the sentimentof the conference in regard to the.I present situation in athletics that weshould endea,·or to establish and up-'�Taft . satisfies me." "Rooseveltis inevitable." "Did I hear you mur­mur Bryan?" "Wilson is certainly apractical s c hoi a r."Our Straw Wherev<;r men congre­Ballot' gate nowada):s you 'hearthese and similar ex­pressions bandied about. Perchanceyou have occasionally taken a handyourself. In the newspapers strawballots are' daily reported, and in­creasingly as the campaign gets hot­ter. For the most part these bal­lots have been taken promiscuously�t' various public places, yet alreadyuniversities, notably Yale. have yield­ed to the craving for advance infor-'�fLtion. A sounding of presidential· sentiment among the body politic of· the University of Chicago shouldpr.ov� interesting and pertinent atthIS point. Straw ballots always car-I 'ry suggestiveness. and the attitude ofthe University of lChicago in thc ap­'proaching campaign will be particu­larly interesting to Chicago men andwomen. The ballot will morcover··b�;lr a desired practi.:al relation to­'ward the campaign itself.Today, \Vednesday, and T!1Ursday�'The Daily Maroon will contmue the'printing of the 'ballot, and on Thurs­day night the election wil� be closed.At that time the ballots Will be open­ly counted in The Daily Maro�n of­ficei. by' three tespo�sible partles-a. �r-resentative of The Maroon, a rep­'�eschtative of the faculty, and a ��m­�'ber . of' the Non-Partisan Pohtlcal. �lub; The result will be announced CHINESE EDUCATORARRANGES TO MEETSTUDENTS IN HALLNOTES GIVEN OUT ONORCHESTRA'S PROGRAM(Continued on page 3)(Continuc!d f�om page 1)sohn's rNurn from Staffa: "The samec"ening hc and his friend, Klmge­mann, paid a "isit to a Scotch family.There was a piano in the drawing­room, but: being Sunday. musk wasutterly out 'Of the question, and Men­delssohn had to employ all his diplo­macy to get the instrument openedfor a single minute, -so that he andKlingemann might hear" the themewhich forms the germ of that orig­inal and masterly o ... erture, which,howe\'er, was nnt completed till some I -Dr. Proctor, of the Shanghai Bap-.tist college, wiJ1 be at 129 South Di­'\'inity today and tomorrow for inter-views with those interested in Chinaas a possible field of labor. Dr. Proc­tor, a prominent educational workerin China, is an alumnus of the Uni­versity. He spoke recently beforethe Student Volunteer band, of whicbhe was a charter member..t.,·.:r�7�' .',': '."•· .. ·t·s:'"".-.#THE DAILY MAROON, TUESDAY� JANUARY 30, 1912.J..it: <�n episode is-l)roughf forward bythe stzings piano. The first theme re­turns scored as before. The secondepisode opens with a melody for theoboe in E flat major. The stringstake it up. A sudden modulation (as­cending scale in the flutes and clari­nets; trill in violins) which leads usinto the final appearance of the open­ing subject, brings the movement toa close.Ill. Serenade, (Allegro moderatoscherzando D major, 2-2 time.) Themovement 'opens with a subject an­nounced by the wood-wind, and con­tinned by the strings. A new themein .:\ major is brought forward bytwo oboes .. laying in thirds. The sec­ond sentence of this is continued bythe violins, and later worked over indifferent instruments, A suggestionof the opening subject is heard in thestr ings against the OhOl"S and the sub­ject itself eventually is brought back(in F major) in the latter instru­ments. A diminuendo, followcd by ageneral pause, leads into a rehearingof the second theme, now in the clari­nets and in- D major. With matcrialof the first subject the movementPlESIDEIT HOllE no� PAIWIA I' for�"h ..by tile' violoncetlos "and iiotiMe". ___. basses.�" • • 'V;ar. 1. T.he theme appears in theP�, Out Need ,of � Adminiatra- first horn accompanied by the violon-ti!i After CompletiOD of Canal- II' _ d.d bl' bases pizzicato, andsa Forti&cations Are Necessary ce os an ou e�, bvthe second and fourth horns. Lat-For Proper Control of IstbmUL -d . d ..er, two trumpets and ,woo -wm 10-strumcnts are added.'Xdminis1ration of the canal zoneafter the canal is completed wilt be Yare II. (Poco animato.) TheIronti strinus, imitatively employed. havethe great problem con rontmg us, ac- �cording to President Judson, who re- the most important share in the un:turned to the University Sunday folding of the variation. Only theclarinets and bassoons arc employedfrom the isthmus. The president. Y k d occasionally to reinforce rhe .har-sailed January 3 from Xew or anafter spending a few days in Jamaica mony.went to the canal zone, where he Var. Ill. (Allegro.) The full or­spent a week. He returned to New chestra is employed. the trombones.York for the Eastern Alumni banquet violoncellos. double basses and bas­Saturday. soon- givin� out a marked variation"The important thin� now is that of the theme. over which the remain­Congress shall take early action to der of the orchestra plays incisive Iprovide for: the permanent admini-- chords on the unaccented heats of thetration of the isthmus," said President \ll1ea:,ures.Judson yesterday. "The pe?ple there vs-. IV. (Andante l·o.n mot'�are very anxious that this action quasi Allegretto, B nat nunor, 6-�should 'be taken. Everybody knows timc.) The first violin!' begin theabout the provisions for construction. varrauon 'with an, cxpressive melodybut the administration of the canal which. for a few measure!', is can­'is as great a problem." onically imitated by the second, viol-The President pointed out that ins. The scoring becomes .cumulat­there arc at present 29,000 men work- ively richer as the movement ,is un­ing on the canal, of whom 23,000 arc folded, much usc being made of a"unskilled k,borers, principally nc- 16th notc figure first announced in the. groes. He stated that upon the com- accompaniment by the violas.pletion of the canal most 0' the la- Var. V. (Allegretto. frisch. nichtborers would be transported to their schleppend, E flat major, 3-4 time.)native countries by the authorities. The theme is' given to the vio�oncel-,"From the remaining 6,000 it will los, double-basses. bassoons and .horn.be necessary to choose the men who the first and third horns playing' awill administer the canal,' he said. counter subject. with a staccato lig­"To pick them men will indeed be a ure working against it in thc first andproblem which will be difficult to second violins. The violas are silcntsolve. Efficient men will he hard to throughout the variation.find." Var. VI. (Allegro vivace, 6-8\V'hen asked about plans for forti- tirne.) A light. scherzo-like· motivefying the- zone the President said is tossed back and forth by the wood­that the forts and guns at either end wind and strings alternately.of the canal were now being con- Yare VII. Allegretto pesante, Estructed, and that they were neces- fiat minor, 3-4 time.) This variationsary to the success of the undertak- is more fully scored than the prev­ing. ions one. and consists, for- the most"If it were not for the fortifications, part. of an elaboration of the con­any little South American country tinuously moving, ii�urc in quartercould send 'three or four side paddle 'notes-the first and third in the mcas­gunboats and take possession .. T,he und,eiug accented-with which it be-�fortifications are necessary to the con- gins. in, the .£ull- orchestra (trombones:- duct or-th'c camiL" There" wifl" also excepted),he a fleet on hand 10 guard the Var, VIII. (Allegro scherzando, Ecanal." fiat major, 2-4 time.) The theme isAfter leaving Panama, the Pres i- given out by the horns, a light, fig­dent returned to New York, where he ure moving .against it in the wood­met Mrs. Judson and attended the wind and in the strings pizzicato. Thebanquet of the Eastern Alumni as so- bassoons, trumpets, trombones anddation. The speakers at the meeting, kettledrums do not enter at all.beside President Judson, were Presi- Yare IX. (Allegretto quasi Andan­dent elect Siosson of the Eastern as- tino, E fiat minor, 3-8 time.) A �el­sociation, who is literary editor of ody in the obo� -:is imitated at �ethe Independent, and the Reverend second measure bY> the second \"10�­Mr. Sprague of -Brooklyn, New YVlh. ins. The first violins take up thlstheme, and continue it to the end,NOTES GIVEN OUT ON the clarinet putting in a counter sub-ORCHESTRA'S PROGRAM ject, as in a duct. Thc variation endsin E fiat major. ,.Var. X. (Mollo yivace, E fiat maJ­or 3-8 time.) The theme is suggest­ed in the pizzicato of the strings, ov�rwhich the first v�olins carry a rapIdar.d continually moving figure in- six­teenth notes.Var. XI. (Andante con moto, Efiat minor, 6-8 time). A plaintivemood is madc manifest in this varia­tion, the rhythmical outline of whichis based" for the most part, upon thefigure with which its melody ?p�nsin the first violins. The "anatlonend.s softly in E fiat major.Var. XII. (Moderato, B major, 2-2time.) The Wood-wind instrumentsopen this variation, the oboes carry­ing the theme proper. ,A solo tirst,-iolin, second violin' and viola enterlater. .Finale. (Tempo des Thema, E fiatmaJ· or 2-4 time.) After, two intro-, , .ductory measures in the trumpets tiletheme upon which the variations havebeen constructed is heard ff in thefull orchestra. A long diminuendois brought about by the gradual elimi­nation of instrument after instrument,untit finally the violoncellos and dou­ble basses are left-as at the begin­ning of the movement-c:ntirely tothemselves.II. Bridal Song. '(Allegretto, Bflat major, 3-4 time.) This move­men� is written as a rondo form. Theclarinet a1Mlounces the first phrase ofthe theme, the first ,;olins continuingcloses pianissimo,IV. I n the Garden. (Andante, Gminor, 4-4 time.) .:\ clarinet begins­in the second measurc--a dreamymelody. The violins take it up. Aft-'er a pause the key changes to Gfiat major. and matcr inl, suggestiveof a love duct. is �ung by the violinsand violoncellos. a triplet figure ac­companying it in the _other strings.This section is developed at consider­able length. and, having been workedup to a climax. is succeeded by a re­turn to the tranquil melody of theopening theme. In a short coda theoboe breathes a final suggestion ofthis subject.V. Dance. (Allegro molto, E fiatmajor, 2-2 time.)' After two- intro­ductory measures the subject beginsin the 'second violins and is imitated,in- fugal style, by the violas. violon­ce'l1 os and basses, and first violinssuccessively. This material, havingbeen cxtensjvcly worked over, a sec-'ond theme (in n flat. major) .is heard.in the strings pianissimo, a secondsection of it heing 'Played by the fullorchestra. Development of boththemes takes place, and the first onereturns ff in the full orchestra. An­dante. The subject of the precedingmovement is introduced, the firstphrase of its melody being sung bya clarinet. The second theme of thedance is resumed (Tempo Primo) andis followed by a coda of consider­able length built on the 'material ofthe opening subject.Symphonic Poem, "Les Eolid�"Cesar Franck.(Continued from page 2) , "Les Eolides," the s,�cond of CesarFranck's five symphonic poems, waswritten in 1876, and it was producedthe same year at one of the concertsconducted by Lamoureux, in Paris. Itwas performed at a concert of tIleSocie�e Nationale, May 13, 1877, andagain Feb. 26, 1882. The reception ofthe work by the Parisian public waltunfavorahle, and Lamoureux. realizeing that Franck's ideas were. in ad­vance of his time, waited for tweh·eyears before he presented "Les Eoti­des" again. \Vhen he brought it toa hearin,g once more, Feb. 18, 1894,included Haydn's "The Storm" forquartet, chorus ailll orchestra, Bee­thoven's music to ""The Ruins of Ath­ens," Berlio�' ,·ocal romance, "L'Ab­sence"--sung by Mrs. 'Emily �utman,-a quintet, septet, and chorus fromthe same master's "Les Trojans" andBeetho"en's Choral Fantasia, the pi­ano part of which was played byBernard Bockelman.Before ,proceeding to an analysis ofthe work it may be mentioned thatin a sketch of Goldmark's career writ­ten by J. A. Fuller Maitland in his"Masters of German Music" (1894) itis suggested that this symphony, theovertures "Sakuntala" and "Penthe­sitea" and the first' Suite for violinand piano were composed as early as1859. It is not altogether possibleto a�cept this suggestion.I. Wedding March. (Moho Mod­erato E flat major, 2-4 time.) Thismov;ment is not constructed in theform peculiar to the first movementsof symphonies, but consists of atheme, twelve variations and a finale.The theme, 39 measures long, is set (Continued' on page 4)DORSET7XRROW'COLLARThe deep pointed styleadmitting the tying of aIaqe knot Dicel7.IS c:eMa,2 .. ace-.Chlett.Peab0d7 6: ec-paqo. 'l'NF. New'l'cd.Dr. Frederick F. MoltDENTIST...... s .... T....... .,..,.. ...n. Del "_, 1M 51. .. "........ Aft. Republic Staggard Tread��Tlte Tire Perfect"The Staggard Tread Patent bas been. uphel� .by theUnited States Circuit Court. No wonder It has ImItators!'It proves the value on slippery streets �nd roads; in hillclimbing and in every day usc. EqUIp yo�r own carwith Republic Staggard Tread Tires. You �Ill find thatfor long wear, resiliency and thoroughly satIsfactory ser­vice, they are not equ 1llled."The Two in One" is a pithy book on tire service.Send for a copy.Every one sending ten cents in coin or stamps to The Republic Bub�00., Youngstown, Ohio, will receive a miniature Staggard Tread Tire.The mod UDique automobile novelty ever produced.THE REPUBLIC RUBBER CO.YOUNGSTOWN, OHIOBranches and Agencies in the principal Cities.Chicago Branch-l'l32 Michigan Avenue.__ .. . ..,I,,� ;� ': '(, ,'. ',:'.: '.' .1.,.. THE DAILY 'MAROON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 30, 1912.EMPRESS I BEEN TO' THE �SIxty-tillnI St. MONROE? "land Jm�-fifth Street at Monroe Ave"!:e�Cottale Grove Continuous Vaudeville -7 to 11.TWO SHOWS FOR THE PRICEOF ONE.PIIOaI ...... l53TWO COMPLETE DIFFERENTSHOWS EACH WEEK1ST HALF - Sunday, January 2�th:. ---KARNOSNight in an English Musical Hall2ND HALF - Thursday, February 1:TORCAT ANJl_ FLQ_R D'ALIZAMost Interesting Motion PicturesMATINEES, 2:45 p. m.-�Oc, 2Oc.EVENINGS, 7:30, 9:15-1Oc, 20c, 3Oe.pRINCESSFIRST TIME IN CHICAGOBUNTY PULLS THE STRINGSA Comedy of the HighlandsWHITNEY.. A HOUSE DIVIDED"First Performance Monday, Jan. 29thMAJESTICNORA BAYES ANDJACK NORWORTHIn. their big ".M usical Surprise Party"TROVATO-The Eccentric ViolinistAGNES SCOTT and HENRYKEENE; The Say tons; Chas. andFanny Van; Pauline Moran; WindsorTrio; Pederson Bros. New MotionPictures.Prices 15-25-50-75 TeL 6480 CentralGARRICKMARIE CAHILLIn' "THE OPERA BALL"COR'TVICTOR MOORE. In SHORTY McCABESTUD�.BAKERTHE GREYHOUNDBy Paul Armstrong and Wilson Miz­ner, Authors ofTHE DEEP PURPLEI !...L_�_N_�A!.RALPH HERZ sIn a Musical Play;DR. DE LUXEOLYMPICDavid Belas'Co's' Great TelephonePlay,THE WOMAN·pOWERSFirst Time Here.DANIEL FROHMAN PresentsHIS NEIGHBOR'S WIFECOLONIALCHRISTIE MACDONALDIn the Wonderful OperettaTHE SPRING MAID"It is great; it is a triumph."-Ameri­can "Dainty operetta is 'The SpringMaid.' "- Tribune.AMERICAN MUSIC HALLGentlemen �{ay Smoke.Engagement Extended to February 11BIG SHOWS AT S�tALL PRICESJOLLIE FOLLIESame Big $7,950 Cast and ChorusI.i Five Vaudeville Acts.Three Reels Latest Motion Pictures.One AdmissionFIVE CENTSEntire BalconyMain Floor,. 15cLa&a' Sen"'''tiMes Wed. aM Sat. 2:30MatineesWed.SatSOD.S & 10Evenings, Entire Balcony, 5cMAIN FLOOR. 18cNOTES·GIVEN OUT ONORCHESTRA'S PROGRAM. ____....(Continued from page 3)the symphonic poem achieved a great;success.Although not so. stated upon thescore, which. contains no program-imatic indications, "Les Eolides" o.wes·its inspiration: to a poem by Lecontede Lisle .The opening lines of Leconte deLisle's poem (translated by 'V. F.Apthorp) are subjoined here, as be­ing the most adequate indication of.the significance of Franck's music:"0 floating breezes of the skies,sweet breaths of the fair spring,that caress the hills and plains withfreakish kisses; Virgins, daughtersof Aeolus, lovers of peace, externalnature awakens to. your songs; andthe Dryad seated amid the' thickfoliage sheds the tears of the scar­let dawn upon the mosses."According to. Homer, Aeolus wasa son of Hippotes, whom Zeus ap­pointed keeper of thc winds. In the­Aeolian Island, its cliffs surroundedby a brazen wall, Aeolus lived ill'blissful happiness with his wife andsix sons and six daughters.The symphonic poem by CesarFranck (Allegretto vivo, A major)consists of one .J.l1ovement. Its mostimportant thematic material is derivedfrom a motive, put forward by theclarinet at the 17th measure immedi­ately repeated by the oboe), and froma subject later given to the clarinet,molto espressivo, and taken up bythe first violins. There are, however,subsidiary' ideas, "Les Eolides' isscored for two flutes, two oboes two.clarinets, two bassoons,' four l;orns,two trumpets, kettledrums, cymbal,'harp and strings.Selections from "The Damnation ofFaust," Hector Berlioz."A landmark in my life," wrote Ber­lioz, "was' the reading of Goethe's'Faust.' I could not- lay it down, butread and read and read-at table, in. the streets, in the theaters:' In 1828the French composer began the writ­ing of "Huit Scenes de Faust" atGrenoble. A letter written by Ber­lioz to his friend Ferrand, February18, 1829, makes it clear that the pl,\115for the composition of a work to heconcerned with "Faust" were upon amost ambitious and. extensive scale."For some time," he wrote, "therehas been a symphony descriptive oiFaust fermenting in my head; whenI liberate it it will terrify the mu�i�alJEFFERSON55th St. and Lake Ave.NOVELTY PHOTOPLAYFour reels nightly of the latest movingpictures. High class songs. Best ofmusic by high class artists.TONIGHTThe Mission Father (Drama)With A Kodak (Comedy)Special - WEDNESDAY - SpecialHis Mother (Irish Drama)Admission 5c Never HitherEvery Friday �T.:! Every Frida, world." It was unfortunate .that thetechnical abilities of Bertioz, at �hatearly stage of his career, were insufii­cient to meet the demands which hisaspirations put upon them. The"Eight Scenes 'from Faust" werecrude; yet it was 110t until later inhis life that Berlioz realized their im-,perfections. "I know:' he wrote,"that some of the ideas were good,since 1 afterward used them for 'TheDamnation of Faust: but 1 know, al­so, how hopless ly immature and bad­ly written they were. As soon as Irealized this I collected and burntall the copies I could 1:1Y my handson:' But in IH29 Berlioz was suffi­ciently confident of the worth of his"Eight Scenes' to despatch a CG1>Y toGoethe w it h a letter filled with re­spectful homage to the genius oi theillustrious German master.I n mattvr s regarding" music Goetheinvariably consulted the theorist, Zelt­er, in Ber lin. Pleased with the toneof Berlioz's letter the poet requestedZeiter to. reply with some "friendlywords." The latter, after a delay oftwo months, sent the following ap­preciation of Berlioz' "Faust" scenesto Goethe:"Certain people make their pres­ence of mind understood only bycoughing. snoring, croaking and ex­pectoration. Mr. H ector Berlioz"seems to be one of this number. Thesmell of sulphur, emitted by Mephis­topheles causes him to sneeze andexplode in such a fashion that hemakes the orchestral instruments rainand splutter without disturbing ahair of Faust's' head. Withal, 1 thankyou for sending it' to me." Goethenever replied to Berlioz's letter, nordid he acknowledge the gift of thescore."The Damnation of Faust" was anaftermath of the "Eight Scenes:' Ber­lioz began the composition of it in1845 ami completed it the Iollowmgyears-some of the work havingbeenwritten during his tour in Austria andHungary, the rest in France. Thetext of the work was partly set downby Gandonierc, partly b;' Berlioz, 'i.·heproduction of "The Damnation ofFaust" took place at the Opera-Com­ique, Paris, December 6, 1846. Itstriumph was of no great brilliance,the hall was not well filled, and theaudience was cool. "The work wastwice performed to half-empty hous­es," said Berlioz in his )Iemoirs, "andelicited no more attention than if Ihad been the least of the students at. the Conservatoire. Nothing in all mycareer has wounded me as this did."It may be added that the press passeda favorable judgment upon Berlioz'"Faust."The first production of "The Darn­nation of Faust" in Germany tookplace in Berlin at a performance pre­sented June 19, 1847, at the RoyalOpera House under the composer'sdirection. The first and second partsof the work were performed in Eng-­land at a concert given by Berlioz,February 7, 1848. at Drury Lane The­ater. In America the first hearingwas in N�w York, February 12, 1880,under the conductorship of Dr. Leop­old Darnrosch. "The Damnation oiFaust" was given as an opera at�Ionte Carlo, February 18, 1893,' andin New York by the MetropolitanOpera cornpany : during the season1906-1907, and at the �lanhattan Op­era House during the season of 190;·1908. The composition was firstpublished in September, 1854, in Paris.The selections from "The Damna­tion of Faust" performed on this oc­casion are "Invocation." "Dance ofthe Wilt-o'-the- Wisps," "Dance ofthe Sylphs," "Rakoczy, March."Classified Ads.GERMAN AND FRENCH TUTOR­ing by experienced native teacher.Requirements for College a spe­cialty. I J ighcst references. Phone. '�Iidway 2872.WANTED - Theses to typewrite.Work quickly .and neatly done. H.P. 2461 L. J. Simmons, 1400 E.53rd St. lFull TJI£SMOOntESTTOBACCOTHIS tobacco is a friend justbefore the exams. You wantconcentration and you want it bad-smoke Velvet and you'll get it!Velvet tobacco-the Snest leaf-agedover 2 years-time matures the leaf asnothing else can. Tune develops a md..lowness and Bavor that are rare indeed.There is no bite in Velvet! Fill yoUrpipe with this tobacco-then you willappreciate why we named it" Velvet... •At all dealers,SPAULDING & MERRICKCIDCAGOTHE COMMONS2 Ounce lIDSClub Breakfasts-Cafeteria for LuncheonSee what you getGet what you want P�y for what you getCome in and try itPatronize Maroon .AdvertisersJerrems' SpecialDuring January and FebruaryA Black, Blue or Grey Serge - orRough Twill Cheviot Suit­with Extra Trousers.$30��(/:,." .... ,_ ..Two Stores:7 N. LaSalle Street.2S E. Jackson Boulevard.A. G. SPALDING & BROS.are theLargestManufacturersin theWorldofOfficialEquip'mentfor allAthletic SportsandPastimes .·8 I R DWOO'DFadorJo�D ad traiDedopen­ton are esseatlal ill the maufadue ofpod mer- � BrudCollanare. dwadise., mademuler tiaesecOiaditioDl ud are ,ood coDan.SOld � Le_lng H .THESpaldingTRADE MARKI. known through­out the wotld IF YOU aRmln.elled iaAthletic5pod � "-leI ha-..e acopJ 01 the Sc-IdiaI Caaa.loPe. It'l. COIIIPIete ell­c,dopedia of ........... __ ad. KIll Me_ftIQIICIt.A. G.· Spalding & BroS.28-30 So. Wabash AYe., ChlcalO IuaGuarantee ofQuality 2 FOR 2S CENTS1Iad. br.. �L A WR.SONA. McADAMSthe University FloristA Iaqe �.ty ofFLOWERS FOR THE HOUDAYS""8.P.18 53n1 ST. I: DllIAU AVE.THE BEST OF MATERIALSform only a part of the colt ofglasses we make. The other panrepresents expert workmanship.That is why we invite comparison.N. WATRY & eo, OpticiauEstablished 18835& W. Randolph, Near DearbornPATRONIZEMAROON ADVERTISERS