Donald R. Richberg, '01, has pro­posed a unique method of dealingwith law-breaking trusts. The, Chi­cago papers yesterday gave consider­able attention to his novel means ofbringing criminal corporations totime.Richberg believes that a trust, whenit breaks the law, should be treatedjust as a criminal person is treated.He advocates th� "imprisonment" ofa recalcitrant trust. He states thatduring the corporation's term of im­prisonment its affairs should be runby the federal authorities.Richberg Chicago Man.While at Chicago, Richberg wasprominent in undergraduate affairs.He is a member of Phi Gamma Delta.After getting his degree here he at­tended Harvard Law school. He haspracticed law in Chicago since his ad­mittance to the bar. He was formerlyattorney for the Cook County board LAST REHEARSAL OF Contains Sixteen Pages.of assessors. Richberg's novel, "The MANDOLIN CLUB IS The edition will include sixteenShadow Men," had a wide sale and HELD IN HITCHCOCK pages. The cover will be printed inattracted considerable attention ow-. . colors from a special design and willing to its criticisms of lawmakers and The Mandolin club held Its last re- b . li �h th holida"· seasoa..I I • f h . h' e. In, me Wn e oJ 'awyers.'\' le:rsal ,0, t, e quarter la�� D1� �, �� _ Xhe fiu.t._pae�ilLe�..t:he"�y-s-"_-,,,,,,,,,-�,,��:�,��:The metlrr,d 'of' 'punishing 'trusts Hitchcock club rooms at 7. - No meet- Th . t . 'of the paper wl·II ..' • �. . ,'news. e 10 enor 0....- -."proposed by' Richberg will probably mgs Will be he�d Tuesday afternoon be devoted to articles giving a com- 'elicit much comment, since the cur- or Thursday night, Now that the hensi d . t sting review ofrent beef trust case is before the pub- personnel of the club is fairly well PTe en�lve a�k' 10derel 'at the Un"-I· d 1'·' li . a year s wor an p ayic eye an specu anon IS nfe as to estab Ish ed, and co�slderable prog- versity of Ch_ ie, qo. Illustrating thewhat the punishment shall be, if the ress has been made n tb d. fl. I e repro uc- t--- will' be' more than a score '�faccused individuals' are unable to tion 0 sever: rt k �.. ...11 b bl ab p!eces, lco�ce wor, large cuts. 'Every, page will be libet·prove their innocence. Under Mr. WI pro a y egan ear y 10 the year. ally supplie d ,with, illustratiobs. CutsRichberg's plan" not the individual have been secured of Harper, Me-alone, but the trust itself, would be TO ADDRESS CLUB ' 'morial library, Field's Columbian mu-made to suffer. At present, violations ON GEOGDAbHY OF� seum, Reynolds club, theater of theof the anti-trust laws are -punished by SAN JUAN REGION� Reynolds club, Kneisel quartet, ,foot-fining officials and threatening im- ball baseball .and track teams, athleticprisonment. Associate Professor Wallace W.' ,captains, prominent men cOdnectedAtwood of the department of 1).,1.yS1·_:'I. with the University" 'Scenes at games.ography and general 'geology, and Mr; at class affairs, and numerous otherH. H. McKee will address the mem-. pictures �f things interesting to yni­bers of the Geology and Geography' versity people.Departmental club on "The Work ofthe Field School of Geology in theSan Juan Mountains," at 4 today inWalker. The lecture will be based on,personal observations and experi-_" ,,,I .•• - ......Ii .� .;.. �.: .. ." , .' . ..... ,·lIatlyVOL. X. NO. 53. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15,' 1911. Price Five CennOFFER SCHOLARSHIPFOR WOMEN STUDENTS JUNIOR WOMEN WIN AT HoaEY ELECT CROSS COUNTRY CAPTAIN CHRISTMAS EDITIONHAS GONE TO PRESSALUMNUS ADVOCATES"PRISON" FOR TRUSTSDefeat Seniors 4 to 0 In ChampionshipGame Played Yesteniay AfternoonOn the Midway - �inning SquadShows Good Team Work. Lawrence G. Dunlap, a Student In theMedical School, Will Lead NextYear's Long Distance Runners-­Prospects Called Bright. Special EditioD of The Daily MarOODill the Huds of thePrinter.DouId R. Riclalaeq, '01, Proposes,UDiqae Method of DeaIiq Withthe CrimiDal T 1'1IItI. At the post-season meeting heldyesterday afternoon, the cross coun­try men chose L. G. Dunlap for cap­tain of the team next year. He is tosucceed Captain Lundee, whom thesquad will lose through graduation.The election was unanimously in fa­vor of Dunlap, and under his direc­tion a big squad is expected to turnout next fall. The men voting at' theelection were: J. S. Bishop, R. W.Baird, B. H. Lunde, L. G. Dunlap, F.A. Gilbert and J. E. Hunter..Long, Coach Again.Esmond Long will resume the du­ties of coach of the squad next year,and it is believed that cross-country'Work will he given more of a placein University athletics than hereto­fore.During the season just closed con­ditions were adverse in every way,hut notwithstanding this a squad oftwenty-five remained loyal -through­out, and the results were favorable.'With the' present club and the incom­ing freshmen, cross ,country, fans areconfident that Chicago will win aplace at next year's IntercollegiateConference race.Spelawa Boase Ahuuae WiD Gin ODeYear T aitioD ad $120 for So-cial Science Work. in a well Iought game the Juniorwomen won the hockey championshipby defeating the Seniors with the de­cisive score of 4 to O. The formersquad played a winning game fromthe first five minutes of play. Theball was continually in the Seniors'territory, and only once was the Jun­ior goal in danger. The good teamwork which was displayed 'by theJuniors won for them. The playersworked with one another and showedsplendid headwork.The wings dribbled the ball downthe field for long gains, making itpossible for the center and insides toshoot for goals. Those who playedwell for the Juniors were ¥iss Aug­usta Swawite, captain of the Juniors,!\fiss Margaret \Valker and MissWaldine Schneider, while Miss EllaSpiering starred for the Seniors. TheJuniors' half backs did commendablework. The Christmas edition of The DailyMaroon went to press last night. Thefirst page, which will be devoted tocurrent news as usual, will not beprinted until Monday night, but thelarge number of cuts to be used andthe special press work planned madeit necessary to start the printing ofthe inside pages of the special editionat once.N' 0 expense is 'being spared to makethe Christmas edition of The Maroonthe most effective souvenir of theUniversity that has ever been issuedas well as the best edition of TheMaroon that ever went to press. Asplanned, the Christmas edition of The:\[aroon ought to set a mark in col­lege journalism.MUST HAVE BACHELOR'S DEGREE AUTHORITIES RUN CORPORATIONS PAPER WILL BE FULL OF CUTSCash Fund ,May Be Used DuringCourse, or Toward Practical Resi­dence In Some Settlement. Instead of Fines for Officials. Rich-,berg Believes Authorities ShouldTake Over Businesses. Illustrations Will Portray InterestingPhases of University Life-CutsOn Every Page.The alumnae chapter of Spelmanhouse has announced the offering ofa scholarship, including one year'sfree tuition in the University and $120in cash. to any undergraduate womanwho wishes to specialize in the studyof social science.The scholarships are to be awardedunder the conditions named in the fol­lowing rulesAnnounce Rules.1. Committee on award.The scholar shall be chosen by acommittee consisting of the chairman,two other members, of the Spelmanscholarship committee, and Miss Tal­bot, Miss Breckinridge, and MissDudley.II. Scholarship requirements.It will be expected that the awardwill be a determining factor enabiingthe candidate to pursue a course ofsocial study in the University. Thecash fund may be used during thiscourse of study or preferably afterthree quarters, in the University, andto be used toward practical residencein some social settlement which shall"be' selected upon advice 'WltJi �the' com- -mittee on award.IIi. Requirement for appointment. ,The candidate shan have receivedat least a bachelors degree from theUniversity of Chicago, must be in goodphysical condition, must desire tospeciafize in social science, must havehad experience in social work or mustshow aptitude for social work.Applications for the scholarshipmay be addressed to Miss Anne S.Davis, 6110 Kimbark avenue. The Lineup.The lineup was as follows:Juniors.Grace Hotchkiss R. W.Juliet Ames ...••.•........... R. I.Augusta Swawite (capt) CRuth Morse ...•••.......•.... L. I.Margaret Walker.: L. Wr,Gwendolyn Perry,Veronica Gallagher R. H. B.Waldine Schneider ......•.. C. H. B.Vivian Freeman .•.....•..• L. H. B.Nancy Miller :..... R. F. B.- Qarlotte' Viall .....•... � .. L. F. B.Lilian Swawite ...•... • . • . . . . • . . G.SemoraAnna Moffett .•••..•......•.. R. W.Ruth Reticker •••..•.•.••••.. R. I.Ella Spiering (capt.)' ..•.•••.. . .c.Effie Hewitt ...•..••....•..••. L I.Sue Hammersly •..•....•.• ,. .. L. W.Carola Rust, Annette Hampshir,Elizabeth Breden •...•.... R. H. B.Pearl McGimsie, Carola Rust .C.H.B.. Winifred Ver Nooy ••••.•• L H. B.Helen Miller •..•..•.••••..• R. F. B.Barbara 'West •.......•..... L. F. B.Elizabeth Breden,Gertrude Anthony .••........• . G.Goals-Juliet Ames (1), �ugustaSwawitee (1), Margaret Walker (2). CHRISTMAS PARTYENDS YEAR FOR-LECERCL� FRANCAISJUNIOR CLASS DANCE TODAYMen Meet In Cobb Hall This Mom­ing - Discuss Baaketball Team.Valuabie As SoaveDir.It is believed that the special editionwill fill a long felt need for a snappy,bright resume of student and otheractivities at the, University, of Chi­cago. It is thought that the editionwill be greatly in demand as a sou- •venir and preparations are beingmade to sell .large numbers of' thepaper at 10 cents per copy, to .non-,subscribers. Every ,subscriber to TheMaroon will be furnished with a copyof the Christmas edition free �f eXtracharge. This editioD will appearTuesday, morning aDd ,be the last forthe quarter.,CANDIDATES FOR DEGREESHAVE LUNCHEON MONDAY Le Cercle Francais held its lastmeeting of the quarter' in Spelmanhouse yest��ay aftemOOlL Themeeting was � the 'for:uro1 a Christ­mas party. A discussion of the Frencbcelebration of Christmas was held andthen ODe of the French, methods ofgiving gifts was tried. The presents,which were all toys, were carefullywrapped, tagged, and tied ·on theChristmas tree and the members ofthe club then drew numbers from ahat and received the presents corre­sponding. Th� dub deviated fromthe French catbm by serving cideri � ,and cakes for refreshments, but fin"ished with Freach Christmas songs.Le Cerele Fraocais was adjourDed aD- •til the first meeting of IIGt quarterwhen officers 'for the new year winf)e elected. SPBCtALtCHRISTMAS EDmOROFTHE DAILY MAROONPresident Donald Breed bas calleda meeting of the men of the Juniorclass this morning for Cobb, ISB. Themain object of the meeting is to dis­cuss the plans for the class- basket­ball team which will be formed. Someof the Seniors will be invited to theclass dance which will be held in theReynolds club this afternoon. Themen will be selected at the meeting.The committee in charge of the'Junior dance has prepared an originalprogram. Following the reception acot ilion will be danced, featuring sev­eral new figures. Robber dances andan auction dance are on the program,which will end with four regulardances. Meeting of NMid_Year" SeIIiors Is In..;no_tiOD-Members of Facultywill Give Talks. ences,FRESHMAN swtlDlERSELECT CAPTAINS- ATMEETING 'WEDNESDAYSeniors who get their, degree Tues­day will hold a luncheon in- the cafeof. the Commons Monday at 12:30.T,his is the first time that Seniorsgraduating at �ny time other than theJune convocatioa have held any sortof a class social function. There areabout thirty-eight candidates for theBachelor's degree at the approachingconvocation, the number being aboutequally divided between men andwomen.A number of members of the fac­ulty will be present at the luncheonand talk, informa1J1y to the Seniors.Lewis A. Smith is chairman of thecommittee on arrangements whichalso includes B. F. Bills, J. G. Lucasand Floyd Willett. Seniors expectingto graduate next Tuesday have beenrequested to drop a card addressed toSmith in the Faadty' Exchange ifthey wish to ,atteDd the luncheon.. The members of the Freshmanswimming and water polo teams, whocompeted in the' Varsity-Freshmanmeet WednesdiY�' win meet this aft-. ernoon at 3:30 'In toach White's I)f.fice to elect captains. The men whowill vote. are: Mal1en, Wadhams,Gorgas, Gardner, White. Hollings-'worth, Wen'oda, Warzewslri, aDd Bel­JeMIe for swm,ming; altd Bennett, ,Gorgas, Selfridae, MalleD. Des Jar­diens, Wflite, )IDler, and Tolman forpolo captain.GERMAN CLUB WILLCELEBRATE' HOLIDAYSEASON AT IIEB'1INGPrice 10e PI' cOWSOPHOIiORaS BOLDFIRST' DANCE TB18A�OON IN CLUB Dr. RobbtDa De1Iftn Address.Dr. F. A. Robbins pve a paper 011"The Hel1enizatiOll of Christianity;a Creation Story," before 'the 'ChurchHistory club in the assembly roomin Haskel1 at ':30 last IlIaJat. An effective souvenir of the Uni­versity for you and your friends.A Liinited Order NowlIOcper�Qip and mail to Faculty ExebangeThe Daily Maroon,Box 0, Faculty Exchange.I will caIJ at your office for• • . • •• copies of the Xmas &Ution.The German club will end its yearwith a Christmas celebration in Lex­ington 'hall today at 4. A' Christmastree with typical German trimmingswill be one of the features. Refresh­ments will be served, and a musicalprogram rendered. Selections will besung by a women's quartet 'and by's quartet. A violin .,10 is alsoon the program. The fta,:iJar clus­es iD conversation 'Wl11 meet in Rooms3 and 4. The Sophomores will hold theirfirst dance this �oon at the Rey­nolds club from S to S. Althoq" DOdefinite anno1dlel'meDt cODcenaiq theprosram bas _ made, it is UDder­stood that s .... · Do.eJties will beintroduced. ". laJe or class tickett,which was lafIIp' Jelterda,., indicatesthat the atleu_ce' Wilt be good. 'Ilic:bipD-Tbe perfect man baabeen discovered at 'Michigan. C. A.Berge is his name aad he hails from,Nebraska. He is five feet niDe inebes;tall and weighs 170 poands. Iowa-A club is belai' formed atIowa for the pm;,ose. of·1reepiq at'­le�es above, in ,tbelr..... Kem.bers of the club' win fttoi' athleteswho are in danger of ....... ........••........•..• •�j:'., :�.',-�; --. ---.-.,.--�. -- -', .> -", ' .. '\ ,.. '" ._" . ... "."",,' : ... . , ., .'.THE DAILY MAROON, I:RlDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1911. ,".THE DAILY MAROONJunior Mathematical Club meets to­day at 4:30 in Room 36 of Ryerson.Bulletin and}Aimouncements "F� 'W'atb, Clus Ticketa 'ie,. 1, German Club meets t�ay. at 4 in,port, at :tob� lA,:··;Friday. ;", ,:". :':Lexington hall., ··Weihnachtsfieir.",',Classes in conversation lin Room 3W. A. A. Election of Secretary- �nd 4. 'Treasurer. Tuesday, December J9,10:30 to 11 :15 and from 12:00 to 2:00 .The Ofic:ial Student Newspaper ofthe University of Chicago.Founded October I, 1902.Formerly. The University of Chicago' WeeklyFounded October I, 1892.Published daily except Sundays, Mon­days and Holidays, during threequarters of the.University year.Entered as Second-class mail at the,Chicago Post Office, Chicago, nu,nois, March 18, 1908, under Act ofMarch 3, 1873. Freshmen Who Competed in Swim­ming Meet Wednesday meet in Dr.White's office this afternoon at 3, toelect captains of swimming and poloteams.Junior Men meet today at 10:30 inCobb 15B.�au Geology and Geography Depart-mental Club meets today in WalkerThe Staff museum at 4.W. J. Foute Managing EditorH. L�-Kennioott.: .' .. News EditorBusiness ManagersE. R. Hutton R. J. RosenthalAssociate EditorsD. L. Breed Drama and MusicM. D. Stever's ..........•• City PapersC. F. Dunham Public SpeakingW. H. Lyman CampusLeon Stolz ... Periodicals and LecturesB. W. Vinissky Minor SportsWomen's EditorMargaret Campbell. Reporter: Marguerite SwawiteSubscription RatesBy Carrier, $2.50 per year; $1.00 perquarter. City Mail, $1.25 per quar­ter; $3.00 per year in advance.News contributions may be Ieff inEllis Hall or Faculty Exchange, ad­dressed to The Daily 'Maroon.;"" EDITORIALA schedule for intra-class basket­ball has heen drawn up hy a commit­tee in charge. This schedule haspoints of being hetterIntra-Class than the similar sched­Basketball ules of former years,one of which is that thegames will he played off as soon aspossible, and be put Ollt of the wayseveral days before the end of thewinter quarter.The advantages of an early comple­tion should meet with the interest on,the part of the class for a successful.season, If the schedule' is to be car-_ried out according to tile desire of theclasses these must interest themselvesin the. games and organize teams assoon as' possible in the early part ofnext quarter or in, the remaining daysof the present quarter. Part of the illsuccess 'of the seasons of the past has'been due to the fact that some of theteams have quit before the season wasover or have only been. able to get�p a team for one or two of thegames.Every class should be able to get,together a team which will be able tofinish the season and furnish duringthe season material promising goodgames. The, classes have sufficientmaterial from which can be organizedsquads of five, or more men who canplay the game. These do not haveto be expert basketball players. Thegames are conducted more as a meansof bringing the members of the class­es together in friendly rivalry thanfor the establishment of any decisivebasketball supremacy.�..,tI"�� ,�, .:�., I�fesaor Herrick Gives Address.At a meeting of the Religious Edu­cation in Room 26, Haskell Orientalmuseum, yesterday, Professor C. J.Herrick spoke on "The Contributionof Biological Science to ReligiousEducation.". lIortar Board Announces Pledge.Mortar Board announces the pledg­ing of Miss Margaret Sullivan of Chi­cago,�lI, GiftS Party for Chi Rho Sigma.Miss Helen Butler, a former stu­dent of the University, will give ahouse partY for the members of Chi'... Rho Sigma on Saturday, DecemberI:' it;: 'at 'her 'bome in Joliet. Sociology Club meets in Cobb 16Ctoday.Junior Class Dance today in theReynolds club from 4 to 6. Womenwill meet at 3 :45 in Lexington halland go to the dance in a hody.Sophomore Dance. Saturday in theReynolds dub froin 3 to 5.Iowa-I owa has a rifle club withover forty members, News of the CollegesWisconsin-The Athlet ic council atWisconsin has made a ruling that 'allwho go out for athletic teams mustmake a sworn statement that theyarc not professionals. Several of the"W" men have gotten up a petitionto have this ruling repealed.Sy.racuse-A "red-head' club is be­ing formed at Syracuse. It expects toget a charter from Lamda Tau Rho.the na.tional fraternity of "red-heads,"Illinois-Three hundred :\Iethodiststudents at Tllinois are planning tohuild a dormitory for Methodists.Iowa-A student at Iowa is in dan­ger of losing the sight of one eye asa result of an accident in the chem­istry laboratory.Princeton-The students at Prince­ton are objecting to the color of thewater in their swimming pool.Michigan -- Professor Franz Cu­mont of' the University of Ghent,who recently delivered a series oflectures at the University of Chicago,is now delivering a series of lecturesat Michigan.COIiIlUNICATION[Note-The Daily Maroon is at alltimes willing to publish letters fromUniversity people, providing suchletters seem purposeful and likely tobe of general interest. Each lettermust be signed, but the author's iden­tity will be withheld if, he desires. 'Anonymous communications will notbe noticed.-The Editor.]Editor The Daily Maroon:The condition at the foot of thestairway in Cobb hall is certainlychaotic. There seems to be a certaincrowd of students who block the stair­way daily. If these students wouldthink for a moment and consider thetime that is lost in pushing peoplearound in their desire to reach theupper floors they would not congre­gate near the main entrance.,The lost time could be utilized bysome of the students now especiallyduring examination week.(Signed) EMPLOYEE. Northwestern-A mock conventionior nomination of the president of theunited States will be held at Xorth­western.Yale--The Yale Divinity school de­hating team won the inter-depart­ment champion'ship at that institution,upholding the negative side of thenuestion: "Resolved, that all statejudicial officers shall be subject tothe recall."Pennsylvania-A petition signed hythe members of the football teamand Captain-elect, Mercer at Pcnnsyl­vania requests that Coach "Andy"Smith he re-engaged by the Board ofDirectors and the football commit­tee.Michigan - Student sentiment atAnn Arbor favors the retention ofhonor societies for scholarship. Con­�iderable comment was aroused lastJune' when twoatudents declined PhiBeta Kappa, and a� the time therewas some talk of abolishing honor-societies. _-Oregon-Eugene Noland, left guardon the Oregon football teal!1,. wasburned to death 'recently. He wassleeping in an electric bathrobe whichhe hoped would cure an attack ofrheumatism.AI(iow'NOteh'COLLARLots of tie space, easyto put on or take off.15 �2 for 25 CIIIIfIa-tt. Peabod7 & Co .• 'IIIUen. TraF. N. T., AT YOUR SERVICECARL COFFMAN, Stenoaraphlr13 SMELL HALLeo.m-... 1 •• WGft. lOe 11ft c:am­�2caDa. W!laIW""'�7.00lit 8.00 a.a.; 4.30 to 6.00 p..-. .-.- ... ____,. ,."\CARSON PIRIE'; SCOTT & Co'A Christmas ME' N'Sale for '.' .Silk Cravats, Special, SOcLess than usual priceAUG JaADQUAI'IbS FOIKODAD AID PROTOCIAPIDC SurruESCENTRAL CAMERA CO •DECORATE YOUR DENwith college posters and other attractive pictures..124 S. WABASH AVE.THE NEW DREXEL HOTEL5758 DREXEL AVE. PlIo ... H. P. 3738N� Decorated and Thonaahly Remodeled� cIeaa. coalo.table roama, .• or �, .. .adena COD. •ce.; IeftII L.d.&ceIeIII -- c:oaa..: Eftliiat � 1IOCMI '-c:I.eoa _ d.h � • �. OFFICERSERNEST A. HAMJU.. P..tdll. IotARLES L HUTOUNSON Vtee-P--"QlAUNCEY�BLAIR. VICe-�D. A. MOUL: Vioe-�B. C. SAMMONS. e-""""JOHN C. NEfJ-��FRANK W. ;:)MI�I nCriier, J. EDWARD· AII'I c.IIierAMES Go W • Aa" c.bierMade in an open end 4-in-hand shape, two newideas in exclusive designs. Groups make a strongitem at this price,Men's Fine' Silk Cravats at $1,$1.50, $2, $2.50, $3 and $5.00'S� �T TIES in a. plain two-tone accordianweave and several new ideas in cross stripe. Alarge selection of colorings make one of a numberof strong items at $1.First Floor. South Room.Silk Accordian Knit at 5Oc, $1, $1,50, $2, $2.50 and $3.00ISilk Crochet Knit 4-in-bands at 50c, $1.50, $2 and $2.50Night Robe� and PajamasOf silk and cotton-eboxed, onein 'each box for Christmas giving, NIGHT, ROBES _;_ Shown in lavender, blue, tan and: white._ made ill the French neck style, also ,some with, militarycollarS, at ' (1st floor, south room) �$2.75 and $3.50PAJAl'tIAS-Shown in lavender, blue and gray-mili-tary collar style, one in each box, at ..........•. ' � . $'.00Men' sSw�terCoats, $6.50�ePopular­Shaker Knit$,00005.000 •650.000.00/ ,IWe �1lStrate one of 0111:"many good values found iDthe Men's Sweater Coat Sec­tion. This garment is allwool and of a fine gradeheavy worded yam. , Theycome in, oslord gray andwhite; made wiIb shawl col-lar, priced at $8.50'SECOND FLOOR.NORTH ROOMArthur Provencal.rTIll Corn �cllanp latloaal BaakOFOUCACOMAKER OF. \FINE $2.00 AND $3.01 HATSI make a specialty ofblockingVELOURSSCRATCHUPSANDFUZZY HATS940 E. SIXTY-THIRD STREETTHE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY •. DECEMBER IS. 1911.lluquera to Hold TryOllta.The Masquers, a new dramaticclub for Freshmen women, will holdtryouts Tuesday, JanUary ·9, in Lex­ington 13. A poster .is to be placedin Lexington with further details.Those desiring to compete. may .leavetheir names either for Lilliace Mont­gomery or Treva Mathews on theLexington board. / .", '.,. �. l" .,Y· OURinterestsasabuyerarethebasisof the careful development and organizationof the Maurice L Rothschild stores and headquarters forgood quality .. Every hour in the day, every day in .the year, weare eliminating buying perplexities for men and young men,and parents of boys; satisfaction assurance."The "Xmas Store lor Men"YOUR Ethic's'course teachesyou what the util­itarians stand f9.r. _ Ap-ply their teachings toyour gift giving. Inother words give giftsthat will afford thegreatest amount ofgood for the greatestnumber of days: Youcan do this by purchas­ing practical gifts­gifts that will causeyou to be rememberedevery day the recipientwears the article-noton Christmas morningonly. Atwood Addresses GeololY Club. ."The Field School of Geology in theSan Juan Mountains" will be the taikgiven by Mr. H. H. McKee and Asso­ciate Professor Atwood at the meet­ing of the Geology and Geographydub at 4 today in Walker. Money back cheerfully on any pur­chases before or after ChristmasYou have now some supreme clothes-buying op­portunit ies , you can make some extraordinary sav­ings: weve crowded value into some low prices.Blue & black Hoekanum suits, $35 values, $25.English models j new American designs; youngmen �s smart fashions in these finest of Americanwean's. :\1 ell 's suits, 3d floor; young men's, 4th.They 're "cry unusual values ; $35 blue and blackHockauums at $25."Social Technology" 10 Subject."Social Technology" eis the subjectof the talk to be given by ProfessorCharles Henderson at the meeting ofthe Sociology club today in Cobb 16C.An exceptloually large attendance isexpected at t his lecture.Junior Mathematical Club Meets."Calculation of Definite Integralsby Approximation" will be the lectureg ivcn hy Mr. Miser today at the meet­ing of the Junior Mathematicul clubin Ryerson 36 at 4" $20 and *22.50 blue and black suits, $15.Pine Metcalf serges; plain and self stripe andsoft wea ves. We '11 fit any man, of any figure orage; extra and regular sizes. The men's styles are011 the 3d floor; young men's, different, in style andvut , with lots of, smart new features, 4th floor.Brokaw Talks to Chemists."Recent Studies in Crystallography"was the paper read by Xlr, A. D. Bro­kaw at the banquet of the KentChemical society last night in H utch­inson cafe. Great sale of fancy weave suits, $20.This is jcertainly suit buying time, whetheryon 're well supplied or not. We -have some shortlots of fine suits in fancy weaves; some have been$.15: some $30; some $25; you may have your pickof them at $20. The men's styles on the 2d floor;the lively, snappy young men's on the 4th.$35, $.'30, $25 fancy weave suits, $20. 'Hart, Schaffner & Marx silk lined overcoats,$40 values; $25.The average wholesale price on these overcoatsis $32."A Bank· for Everybody"IS A Morro WE TRY TOREAUZEWe have an equipment complete inevery detail; our financial strengthis unquestioned. Imported fabrics; shorn chinchillas, vicunas, cheviots; Oxford gray, Cam­bridge blue; brown, olive, tan, black. Very exceptional, $40 values, $25.To have and to hold the confidenceof our regular patroDS and to securenew ones by efficient service is ourearnest endeavor.Maur iceL ·RothschildA BATH ROBE, dressinggown or a smoking jacket'would. prove an ideal gift., Whether your room mate,.friend or parent has onemakes no difference. Hecan always use another ..Very few men have. allthree. You can get themin hundreds "of designs,Bath robes $3 to 512;smoking coats 55 to 515;Dressing gowns $8 to 522� WOODLAWN TRUST ANDSAVINGS BANK1204 EaSt Sixty-third Street Specialists in good clothes; a"d nothi"g elseMoneyI cheerfully'refunded ChicagoMinneapolisSt. PaalSouthwest comer Jackson and StatePATRONIZEMAROON ADVERTISERSDr. FrederiCk·F. Molt..... .. r � . .,"_ The Hotel Del Pndo $30 NowFor many $35 and $40WooleDa-pattems on whichthe milia were over-sold andlate in .hipping-amongthem a score of Bannock­b1ll'DS and DUNBAR T,reeda. .Tailor For Y01lllC __... ExperiencedPressmen is at your service. He is Mr.Rice, formerly on 57th St.YOU REMEMBER HIMDENTIST... 1 .. 5 .... T ........ ..,.. ... ZCItAre nece..u,. to prodace polPrinting; maDy •. good job of c0m­position has beea spoiled by 1ac:k ofskill or atteDtioa is the pressroom.That's why we aiYe ncb are tothe priDtina of eYer,. job; we han ..established standard of workm.Dibipthat mast J»e maiataiDed.This makes. it • �� that 7ftcan seeeee hIghest q� here aDthe time, at DO greater cost. n. DeI·PnH. stda St .............. Aft.These suggestions mayhelp you out 0/ your di­lemma as to what. to give.Silk knitted 52, 52.50 and $3; silk....., four-in-hand!.:5Octo $2.SO; fancy waistcoatSS2.50to $6; gloves $1 to $12;· muff­lers SOc' to $10; silk hosiery inboxes of three pairs, $1.50 toS7.50.U� Men's umbrellas withaM French sta� hom,ivory and plain, andCues silver and gold trim­riled handles $3.SO to $6; foldingumbrellas $1.50 to $6; foldingandregular umbrellas and canesets $10 to 516.50; folding canes$1.50 to $6; regular canes inall new curves and straighthandle effects $1 to $16.50.Collar bags $1 toLeather $2.50; traveHng setsCoeds $3 to $12; $3; dressing cases $2 to'$22.50; . shoe bags $.� 7 5 and$2;. com�ation· handkerchiefs·and tie· cases $3 to $5; :militarybrushes $3: $7 .SO; purses andbilrfol&' sOc to $5. . �."_!I'IR·;,\1pJ tolt.rata;��""�a....- .. �............. PrkIiI...... Clear .. • odor-... 1aanII'-. DO& .tkb or SftM7. .... .......ALL DRUGGISTSPATRONIZEMAROON ADVERTISERS LL-'_.Two StaI'eS:7 N. La Sane St. 25 E. JacboIa at.1\e Hyde Park Printing Co.'IIIDIIOIIIRD£ .AU SSSI1223 East Fifty-fifth StreetTHE UNIVERSITYSHOE REPAIRING SHOPHOLMES'Bakery &: Delicatessen At the Big Game Firat CI R ' at Le.u..pCMI at R PrIoe., ,Weddiftr' � ia .MORRIS LESSyou wi II lookmuch better ifyou wear one ofour stylish hats.Young men oftaste are the oneswe are cateringto. Hatsfromallover the world,two dollars up­wards. ,�� " CHlCACO. OJ..1312 E. 57 ... SInetWe wiIl.JeJmr Lucia to ..,an ... FntenitJRiP Cr.Ie GeM. cw,. ..... Onhns.&cil .. STRICTLY SANITARYBIRDWOODFacto" oquizatiaa ad traM _,en­ton are euatiaI ia tile ... of�..:�- �w�=::� ... are pod eolian.� � � Le_, H . UNIVERSITYBARBER SHOP1317 E. SIXTY·THIRD STREETGEORGE FRITZ. ProtIIrMtoP1456 East Fdtv..eventh Street"'.1711 ......... 1,...MAROON PRESS COWUN'S LUNCH ....... a... ,_.BRAND ... TICbb S3.3S .. S3 $4.51 ,_ $t2 Ra 2S CENTS CO •• aft8 .., ........ UltLAWUOW .� 1113 LSSda Street, Cer.GI_w'".. 08 PRINTERS..... Uoatlo .. ""'Min. AMES HAT CO.B. L.--- ........""OS E.88"'."....... L.weatPIIMe H.�. 38.' T.... a.a.c ': :: 35.". __'� �. \..... '\, .. : t,' • .,' i ".; " •THE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1911.I.,c. � -- BEAunFUL ·EMPRESSI .. -c.a.a...A ..(3) nmes Dail7-2:45, 7:30, 9:15 p. m.WEEE Sunday Matinee DEC. 10817LLn' AX - CO:NSlDIKK T..&aD:'naThe Daintiest, Cutest of Them AllMAxWELL�FAMOUSDANCmGGIRLSTerpsichorean Novelties in Singingand Dancing.MAE DEVLIN and COMPANYin a Comedy Sketch called"THE GIRL FROM YONKE.RS"The Altus Brothers, artistic clubmanipulators, in skillful and gracefuljuggling feats; Coy de Trickey, "TheBelle of Coon town," in tan types, topi­calities and dancing, "The DrollDaffydills"; The Stantons, Val and'Ernie, in songs and joyous sayingsand that great big laugn, "Who Stolethe Sboes�MATINEES-tO cents-2O centsEVENINGS-tO cts., 20 cts., 30 cta.pRINCESSMort Singer PresentsVALESKA SURA TTin"The Red Rose"GRAND'Return to Chicago ofGERTRUDE ELLIOTTIn "R E BEL L ION"i:!; MAJESTICGEORGE EVANSThe Honey BoyANDREW MACKSinging ComedianCharlotte Parry, Boudini Bros., Con­nelly & Webb, Three Dooleys, Tha­lero's Novelty, Thurber & Madison,John McCauley, Motion Pictures.:.i":i, GARRICKThis Week OnlyGertrude Hoffmann and the Impe-'rial Russian Dancers, and GertrudeHoffman's New Revue.,1,LYRICMR. JOHN MASOHin AS A MAN THINKSCORTTHE MASTER OF THE BOUSEThe best cast ever given any Chicago,production..,f:!STUDEBAKEREXCUSE MEJOY FOR CHICAGOOLYMPICZELDA SEARSIn "STANDING PAT.""I: I I !_L.,L ..N��. SFRANK McINTYREIn "SNOBS."I,��,l-iI'i'I! ,1III;" 1(. poWERSTIM MURPHYin the comedy success"The New Code"COLONIALSOc to $1.50.A. B. WOODS aDd B. R. PRAZBBOffer MODEST SUZANNEA lIeJoctiou Maelstrom of FriYolouFarce WithSALLY JPl8BBREa_emellt Limited to FotU' Weeki GILM�r:RyL: �:YNE, A.G.SPALDING&BROS.• are theA Company of 7 Players in THE LallestThe Funniest of Farces Manufacturers,Spalding in theWorldofOfficialEquipmentfor allAthletic Sportsand·PastlmesIF YOU ::��AthlehcGuarantee of Sc-t � ahouJd bawe •c:apy of the SpaJdiac CaIa.Quality 1ocUe. It' •• a.apkte ea-c:ydopedia cl WIIat's ...._______ .. Sport aDd ia IeIll free OQ�A. G. Spalding & Bros.28-30 So. Wabash Ave., ChicagoPlao.eH. P.18 53rd ST. I: KlMBARI. AVE. 'I �!!��_��!:_TYPEWRITERS, STENOGRAPHIC WORK quicklj'and neatly done. Special attentionOF ALL MAKES to term papers and theses. Workguaranteed. One block west ofFor Rent, Sale and Exchange Hitchcock. W. L. Allred. 911 E.57th street.I MONROE? ,..,t YOU1'IFrY-FIFTH ST. AT MONROE A YEoCONTINUOUS VAUDEVlU..E 7 to 11"PUG, THE MOP LADY"SPECIAL SATURDAYTHE AWAKENING OF JOHNBONDProduced in Co-Operation with theNational Association for the Studyand Preve�tion of Tuberculosis....... _yeW Ltiaea Wed .... Sat. 2:30Matinees WeeL Sat. Sun. 5 & 10Evenings 5 -- 10 -- 15A. McADAMSThe University FloristA larce 'Variety ofFLOWERS FOR THE HOUDAYSIt 18 DO longer necetlBarJ' to pa:r an:r­where Deer $100.00 for a standard t:rpe­writer of an:r mate. We operate a largefaetol'J' where we mate oyer, with new'parts. typewriters of aU standard maltetland are able to sell them at 40 per cent to15 per cent less than the mannfacturen'lIst prices.Onr machines are tnown thronghont theconntry for the high standard of work­manshlp and the completeness with wblehthe rebnnt wort 18 done. No palns orexpense are spared to make theee t:rpe­writers Tel'J' closely approach the brandnew ones, In fact, they wUl give the am.oerYlce as new machine&.Onr plant, eqnlpment and force of experttypewriter mechaniCS are eqnal to tho_ ofman:r of the factories where neW t:rpe­writers are mannfactnred. Theee, belllU_enable ns to do work wbleb :ron WID ......with us 18 marftlOtlLWe haTe been ·eatabUshed thlrt;r �n.and thousands of our made-oTer t:rpewrlt­ers sold a long time aco are IItUI glTl�..tJataetol'J' aernce In an pam of the·eonntr;r. 'Do DOt eonto_ onr rebuilt t;rpewrItenwith the ordlnar:r 8eCOod-band or the -­caned rebnllt machines offered b:r otherdealera. Onr maeblnea haTe all been 418-mantled right down to the frame, all de­feetlTe and WOrD pam thrown out, tharebuUt with new materlal b:r akDIe4 work-• m�z; other eoneero baa the.e fadltlel,therefore onr proeea Is aD ael1l8lft 0-'Onr rrl� eannot be equalled an:rwbere.Cal at our 8aleRoom and read JDaJQletters neb as these:"Beall:r, we do oot see how 70U eaadord to put out neb a olee t:rpewdter forthe mODe7. and wtah to thank c�or It."MJIacblDe Is aD rlgbt and a 10011:-Ing ODe thaD I espec:te4 for the prtm.""llaeblne Is working tiDe. I woulcl aottake twice what. I ClIft for It."We paraotee all of onr madlllla for .,..:rear and wiD make dellftr;r of 07 ... -eblDe, nbJeet to eumlnatfoo and ret1lnIf Dot .. tIafaetor:r.We abo reat U'PeWrltera 10 tlnt�eoodltloo at a 8PBCIAL BA.TB � •moot1118 for .00 aod ap., Write or'caD for turt!Ier putlealan.American Writing Machiae Co.437 S. Deaner. St. Tel. Huritea 406SKnapp-Felt Hats standfor highest known excel­lence-utmost individu­ality. For thirty years,the House of BISHOPhas introduced each sea­son the latest perfectKnapp-Felt product ofskilled workmanship andsmart design.ObI...,'. __ cltItbao&lv. dr •• ln� Kaapp.J-el\ ... M BIlBO....A. Bishop & Co .34 So. State Street(OW 110. IN)... In' •FURRIERS HOW CAN YOU.... ........ ocIor '01 PenpinIicNa .....7- c:aa MCIIfe AXlU.ARY DEODOR­IZER for 25c per boa. T..,. it. For .... h7L. G. SLOAT,=� 837 FleW aide.22 W t •• St.TRADE MARKL bown through­out the worlduaThe Smith-Goodyear Co.SHOEMAKERSANDREPAIRERS1134 East Sixty-Third StreetOpposIte Post OffIce'Operators of the largest arid best equip­ped shoe repairing plant outside theloop.Patronize MaroonAdvertisers715 Cents. Pa.ln Battis 2& CentsIIPEII DAY .. -.rSARATOGA BARBER SHOPJ. R.IEPP.".....28 S. DEARBORN STREET� MuicaDd SCieab6c M.....£zpat�Knapp-Felt HatsLbWia ...!!!!HATTERS TN.'�MOOTHEST' �TOBACCO. -•PUSH it along-shoot itovert Velvet--so-calledbecause exceedingly smooth-smooth because aged overtwo years, in which time allharshness disappears from theleaf leaving the goodness thatwe aU aave for our pipe. V dvetis a tobacco mellowness hithertot::lknown-too emooth to harbora "bite." It"s just the sort of a to­bacco you would make for your ..self. Millions of men cheer for it,We never knew of a man whodidn�tlikeVelvetl Hurrah! Don·tlet it pass gou. At all dealers,SPAULDING & MERRICKCHICAGO FuDTwoOunceTmsCOMMONSClub Breakfasts-Cafeteria for LuncheonSee what you getGet what you want Pay for what you getCo!De in· and try it� ;7.:�- ._ -., e'N�AlD. - -fWRIGLEYSeItne-WJ5 .P�§J�M r�CO .... ERCI.L,PRINTING / TELEPHONEIIIDWAY 3935McElroy P-.-bl.ishing Co .8219 COTTAGE GROVE AVE.Everything :' in PJjntingWE SPECIALIZE PUBLICATIONS.",//HH"Dear Friend:w. wt.II te ....... tIIa& U. CBBNBt: ART Ift'IJDIO. 1 • ....-17 a& Uti � • .._ ..tldnl Btr.t. .-r Leslapoa Afta-. _ft tIIIIIr "-'- _ ....... d .... _d _" _ned tllelr .... te tJIeIr _w ide l1li � Orne .& ...wID � • faD ... ef ... feIIe __ , _-.PIC'l'1JBB8-lI'IUlIBD AND UNI'B.&JIIDD. MAN EODAES aod Sappu... �Print., Carbou, Wa_ CeIen, 0lIl, atock .. eomt»1ete and fresh. J;iCrayons and PaatelL PlNI8I11NG-WB OPERATB OtJB 0 ...PB&JIING-WB OPJClU.TB OUR OWlC DARE ROOII8 ad ndea"r to tvaSHOP aod are ID a ,.Ucna to do � onr work out eftrJ' da:r. BromIde __wort at reuGoable rata. larlloc a apedalt7. BrlDC ID :roar ....CAJlBB&8-WB BANDLID '1'BII JIA8"1'- aUna and set 'prkeLWe abo e&rr7 a rail Uoe of '.... - ........ � .eue c.rd8. Pad � If ...... t:F a..Ia ... � ..........CIIIK.& .&lfD OLAU PDKD DAILTLaBOn GIYmf 111 CIID'.& P.&IK'I'IlfG.ov • .u-z .. PdF ....... .._ .......CHENEY ART STUDIO8220 COTT.GE GROVE .VENUE ........ St....-t 'I TISShirt GIFT SUGGESTIONS UmbrelllTie I CineHANSENMuffler .TI._CoIIIb. SIt LIItIIIr SIt....... rcIdIfs 1111 E. SIIty- ... Street CIIIar ....IDI 11 PIll If'falines BUY NOW UtIItJ ..