, ;: ," .. '3 �'� , � .r,, , • k •• ,' .,' "-., �!. :��:'\__:'��',:: J, .r� ',�·.aron"-, t',. ',: �VOL X. NO • .'52. Price Five Cents, EV AMSTON LOSES IN' BASnTBALLUNIVE�SITY OF CHICAGO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, '1911.HOLD CONVOCATION RECEPTION FRESHMAN TEAM TAKESMEET FROM VARSITYSpecial EditioD Appeariq T aada,WiD HaYe Coyer of HeayyPaper iD Colon.The opening basketball game of More than fifty candidates for de-FOUR TEAM the preliminary practice season held grl'CS at the approaching Eighty-firstS IN EACH DIVISION last night in Bartlett resulted in a CUTS OF, ME,W CHICAGO PROJECT University convocation attended thevictory for the Varsity over Evanston reception held by President and Mrs.Academy. The score was 26 to 9. Christmas Edition of The Daily'Ma- Judson at the President's house yes-Lack of team play prevented a roon Will Have Sixteen Pages terday afternoon.larger score. The Chicago men of Features. Convocation Sunday will be ob-seemed unable to work up a consist- served by a Convocation Prayer Serv-Divisions in the Interfraternity ent scoring machine and only in flash- The Christmas edition of The Daily icc at 10:30 in the Reynolds club andBowling league, and the schedule for es, especially toward the last, did they Maroon will have a colored cover of the Convocation Religious Service atthe annual tournament were -an- give hint of their real capabilities. extra heavy paper. This is the first 11:00 in :\fandel hall. The convoca-nounced yesterday by the committee First Half Even. time in the ten years' existence of the tion sermon will be delivered by thein charge of the event. There will The first half was evenly contest- daily student publication of the Uni- Reverend James Bayard Mitchell, D.again be four divisions of four frater- ed with the score 9 to 6 at its close vers ity of Chicago that a special edi- D., of St. James's Methodist Epis­nities each. Each team is "to play in Chicago's favor. The Evanston tion of this character has been at- copal church, Chicago.every other twice, and the winners players started well and outplayed tempted. :\11 students and friends of the Uni­in each division will enter the semi- their opponents at times. Their play The Christmas edition will appear ver sity will be welcomed at the Con­finals. was featured by team work and indi- Tuesday, in place of the last regular .vocation reception Monday nightThe tournament will commence vidual dribbling. In the second half edition, of the paper for the quarter. without special invitation. The con­January 10 and will close February Chicago braced. Several changes in It wil! contain sixteen pages and will vocation orator, Professor Inazo Ni-15th. the lineup were made and this helped. contain as much reading matter as is tobe, Imperial University, Tokyo, andThe divisions are as follows: A clever basket thrown by Paine as included in four regular issues of The :\1 r. and Mrs. :\Iartin A. Ryerson willFirst Division. the game ended was not counted. Maroon. The first page inside the be guests of honor at the reception,Alpha Delta Phi, Pat Page after the game said cover. which will be made in coiors which will be held in Hutchinson com-Chi Psi. there was several weak spots shown from an original and tasteful design, mons from 8:30 to 10:30 MondayDelta Tau Delta. in the Varsity's play. The basket will contain the customary news ar- night. The Junior college final chapelPsi Upsilon. shooting was inaccurate, and there tides. The remaining pages will be exercises will be held in Mandel MOll-Second Division. 'was a sacrifice of team work on .the devoted to special articles and feat- clay at 10:30.Phi Kappa Sigma. part of several players who were too ures, The special articles will include Convocation Tuesday.Sigma Nu. intent upon getting field goals to their reviews of the season in different On Tuesday at 3:00 the Eighty-firstSigma Chi. personal' credit: He sees the material, sports, accounts of other undergrad- � convocation witl be held in MandelAlpha Tau Omega.. however, for a successful team. uate activities, such as debating, hall. Following the procession, Pro-Third Division. Next Game Open. Blackfriars, Dramatic club produc- fessor Nitobe wilt deliver the eonvo-Delta Kappa Epsilon. The, next game will be held with tions and so on, and feature stories, cation address. Then the degrees andPhi Delta Theta, Lane Tech on Monday afternoon. about new and .projected buildings at t, titles will be conferred.Sigma Alph4�Epsil-on; .. - ..... - ... --- .... -� ��-will-be, ·open· to- all"-·University·, .-tD�_Univer.sity ... -._, •.. _..., . ," \.' ,A" •-; ._ "" � :, Reserved- .�at� on·"the-ft:am- RoO&'Phi Kappa Psi. ' students. At last night's contest a The features which have proved so and in the boxes can be .secured onlyFourth Division.: good crowd was present. The all- popular during the quarter in The' by application to the president's of-Kappa' Sigm>. " .. ' star high school football players were Daily Maron will .be in evidence in fice. Tickets for admission to seatsPhi Gamma Delta. on hand. The starting of the gaine this special edition. A column will in the balcony will not be required.Beta Theta Pi. ' was delayed on account of the Skull be devoted to the comments of Gar-Delta Upsilon. and 'Crescent banquet 'to' the high goyle and another to the philosophyschool men. exploited under tlie well known cap-Th� ',d�!ed::Ch�ec;een ar- ' The Lineup. tion "R, Jay's." Another column will 'd "' • Chi4:ago--Norgren "and, Sauer, right be devoted to a review of the fall'range will be seiit to the competing" quarter's society events.f t iti 'M d A f f forward·, Goldstein, Brooks and Leis-ra erm res on on aye eature 0 Pictures of BoUlevaa-ds.th hi h h b d ure, left forward; Paine and Pollak,e program w IC as een arrange One of the. most interesting stories. th t th '11 b center; 'Molander and Nett, rightIS a ere WI e no games rolled will be th,'!·. article on the proposedon either M d F id . bts guard; Bell and Boyle, left guard.'. on ay or rr ay nlg boulevard extending without interrnp-. d t t B' • h f • Evanston-Glaser, right : forward;10 or er no 0 con ret Wit raterm- tion from Lincoln. Park to Jacksont t· d' I Hansen, left forward; McWilliams,y mee mgs an SOCia, engagements. Park along the lake shore. This planThe schedul hich h b d center; Tower and Schneider, righte w I as een arrange ' for a "Chicago Beau, tiful" is, of espe-1• as folIo guard; Hingeley, left guard.s ws: cial significance to University of Chi-J Officials-Wanzer, referee; Scruby,'anuary 10, at 3:00. cago people in that It-means that theAI h D umpire; Robert Willett, scorer.p a elta Phi versus Chi Psi. University will be situated on a boule-Delta Tau Delta versus Psi Upsilon. ' vard, the Mid�ay, which will be oneJUuaIY 10, at 7.30. JUNIORS DANCE TOMORROW of the most beaUtiful links in a chainPhi Kappa Sigma versus Sigma N u. --- . of boulevards' encircling 'the city'sSigma Chi versus Alpha Tau Committees)leet Today to Complete business section.Omega. Plans For Mair. A number' of large illustrations ofJanuary 11, at 3:00. this proposed lake front boulevardDelta Kappa Epsilon versus Phi The Junior class will have its first will be reproduced from drawings byDelta Theta. r dance of the year tomorrow from 4 to ,the landscape artists planning theSigma Alpha Epsilon versus Phi 6 in the Reynolds club. Tbe women projects. Other pictures will be ofKappa Psi. will meet in Lexington at 3 :45 and g(t the various athletic teams, the nowJanuary 11, at 7:30. over to the dance in a body. After finished' Harper Memorial library andKappa Sigma versus' Phi Gamma the dance, the Neighborhood elub other things .of interest to UniversityDelta. members will meet in corresponding people. The Christmas edition willBeta Theta Pi versus Delta Upsi-: ,corners of the room and escorts will be delivered free of extra charge toIon. be provided for all of them. An in- regular subscribers and will be soldJanuary 15, at 3:00. formal reception will precede the to others at 10 cents a copy.Alpha Delta Phi versus Delta Tau dancing, which will commence at 4:30Delta. and will include nine numbers. TheChi Psi versus Psi Upsilon. Iollowingwill act as chaperones': DeanJanuary 16, at 3:00. and Mrs. MitJer, Dean and Mrs. Mar­shall, Miss Myra Reynolds and Mr.Phi Kappa Sigma , versus SigmaChi. C. H. Walker.. ,�TERN1TY BOWLINGPLANS ARE ANNOUNCEDCollllllittee Giyes �t Arraqe.�Dt ofDiYisiou ad Schedule of hater­fratel'llitJ Boww., Leape. Results in SCore of 26 to 9-ChicagoBraced In Second Half by ChangeIn Lineup-Delay in Starting Dueto Skull and Crescent Banquet.No Games Monday or Friday Even­ings to Avoid Confticta-StartJanuary 10.Sigma Nu versus Alpha Tau 0me­ga. GLEE CLUB PLAN'SEXTENSIVE PROGRAMFOR NEXT QUARTERJanuary 16, at 7:30.Delta Kappa Epsilon versus SigmaAlpha Epsilon.Phi Delta Theta versus Phi KappaPsi. 'JUl1W7 17, at 3:00.Kappa Sigma versus Beta ThetaPi.Phi Gamma Delta' versus Delta Up.silon. The Glee .club has plannerl cln ex­ten�ive program for next quarter. OnJ=-nuary i the men will sing at theWnodlawn Masonic temple for thelndre before which they appearedabout ,two months ago. On JanuarylR they wm render a pt'OgI'&DI at theSouth Shore Country club. The clab .wm have a rehearsal tonight at 8:15.(CoDtillaed OD pqe 4) PLAN COLORED COVEROF CHRISTMAS MAROON Candidates for Titles and DegreesReceived By President - Rev.Charles Balrd Mitchell Will DeliverConvocation Sermon. First Year Swimllien' Are VictorsWith 34 to 24 Score-WiDPolo Game.FORTY YARD RECORD IS BROKENMallen For Freshmen Lowers Na­tional Swimming Mark From:192-5 to :184-5.The Freshmen swimmers defeatedthe Varsity team in their annualswimming meet held yesterday inBartlett, by 34 to 24, and also wonthe polo game by 10 to 5. 'Mallen,of the Freshmen, was the individualstar of the meet, securing first in the40, 100 and 220-yard swims. I n allof these events he won by a goodmargin. He made the 4O-yard swim.'in :184-5, which is 3-5 seconds belowthe national record held jointly byDaniels of the New York, A. C. andH uszagh of the Chicago A. A. Thi:;record wilt not stand as it was notmade according to A. A. U. rules.Freshmen Take Lead.The Freshmen started by winningthe first two places in the 4O-yardswim. Wadhams secured second inthis race, -while Scofield finished last.The Freshmea repeated in the 100-yard. breast stroke, Gorgas, Gardnerand Clark finishing in' the ordernamed. Mallen won the next race,the tOO-yard swim, with a big lead.while Keefe and Wadhams finished in,I, � _E�h .... B.1pl��IL.pl�l!ged,. the.length of the tank in :352-5. Run­dell won the conference plunge lastyear, and is making better time now.·1 n the tOO-yard back stroke the' Var­sity secured the first 'two places when1;>. Hollingsworth and' Kramer fin­ished first and second, while T. Hil­Iingsworth was a' pOor third.,Mallen' secured his 'third score in"the 22O-yard swim. Goodman anelWenoda fought hard for second, butGoodman finallywon by a.few yards.The relay race, closed the programof events. The Varsity 'took the leact.early in this race' and kept increasingit until the last ulan. When ManeDstarted he was abdut 15 yards behindScofield, He made up about 12 yardspbut could not' b'eat Scofield. 'Polo o.me i. Close.The water polo game, which foT­lowed the swimming events, was thefirst game played under the new con­ference rules. T·he game was cleanerand faster than' most polo games.Clark scored the . first goal for theVarsity in :45, taking the' Freshmenby. surprise. They tightened up.however, and no more scores weremade until the third quarter, when��allen secured 5 points. The gamewas exciting throughout this quarter,Twice the Varsity had the ball with­in several in'ches of the goal, butthey could not score. In the lastquarter Mallen scored the winninggoal. After the Freshmen had got­ten the 'ball within an inch of thegoal, and had lost it, Mallen grabbedand made the score.SnmIN'Y of Events.40 yard swim-Won by ManeB(Freshmen); Wadhams (Freshmen)second; Scofield (Varsity), third�Time :184-5.100 yard breast stroke-Won byGorgas (Freshmen): Gardner (Frc!'h­men), second; Clark (Varsity). Time1:24. '100 yard swim-Won by MalleT)(Freshmen); Keefe (Varsity), an"Wadbams (Freshmen), tied for sec­ond. Time 1 :041-5.Place for distance-Won by Run­den (Vanity); White (Fresbmen),.(Colltinaed .. pace 3)111GH SCHOOL FOOTBALLSTARS ARE ENTERTAINEDSkUll and CresCent' Host 'at Dinner InHonor "f Prep School Ath­letes.Twenty-one high school football-stars were entertained at a dinner in'the cafe of the Commons last nightby Skull and Crescent. The Sopho­more honor society had as its gueststhe high school. men who werepicked on all-county teams. Thirtyalumni members of the organizationassisted in entertaining tbe visitors.Coach Stagg was toastmaster at thedinner and speeches were made byCaptain Rademacher of the 1911 foot­baIt team, Captain-Elect Whiting ofthe 1912 football team, Captain Dav­enport of, the track team, CaptainBoyle of the baseball team, and Cap­tain Sauer of the basketball team. 'The dinner was for the purpose ofgetting the high school men acquaint­ed with Chicago and to give them aknowledge of. Chicago teams and Chi­cago athletes. A similar dinn�r towinners of firsts in ,the. Cook Countyindoor track championsbips last win­ter was given by SkuU and Crescent.The high school men present lastnight included Alberts of WendellPhillips; Bachman of Englewood;Stuart and Corey of Univenity High;A. Vinnedge, F. Vinnedge, L Hart,Shank and R Smith of Hyde Park;Pollard, MacDonald, Delaney andPresnell of Lane; and Rice, Russel,Cotter, Macomber, Carolin, Gill, Bar­rett and \Vanzer of the championshipOak Park eleven.' .SPECIALMinouri-Students at the Univer­sity or'Missouri are publishing an ath­letic book, containing piCtares of allfootball teams, scores of"p1tlt., andindividual pictures of prominent ath­letes.CHRISTIIAS EDITIONOFTHE DAILY MAROONAn effective souvenir of the Uni­versity for you and your friends.A Limited IMUe. Order Now!. tOe per copyClip and mail to Faculty ExchangeThe Daily Maroon,Box 0, Faculty Exchange.r will call at your office for• • • . •• copies of tbe Xmas Edition.. ......•.............. .", .-f �-�. . � ; �",' , ... .• J�, .; ..... .. .. " . ..." ,.. '" '"""',, ....... I -r ,',., ..... ' .... ";.,..', . .... :.r' .: / ,; .. ,�.�.::.& .. �.:...:,.A . ·�.i··�t" .: "' .. '�,'4 ""ft'>' .... "f·" "',.��.;". ' ... -, ,·THE DAILY MAROON" THURSDAY. DECEMB�R 14, 1911.THE DAILY MAROON·Church HistoIy Club meets today at7:30 in Haskell assembly room.TIle 0fIicia1 StDdeDt N�·.ofthe Uaiyenit7 of Cbicqo.Founded October I, 1902.FormerlyTIle. UDiYenity of Chicaco WceJdyFounded October I, 1892.Published daily except Sundays. Mon­days . and Holidays during threequarters of the University year.Entered as Second-class mail at theChieago Post Office, Chicago, Illi-• nois, March 18, 1908, under Act ofMarch 3, 1873.� .. .,The StaffW. J. Foute •....... Managing EditorH. L. l5_ennicott •••.•..•. News EditorBusiness ManagersE. R. Hutton R. J. RosenthalAssociate EditorsD. L. Breed Drama and MusicM. D. Stevers .........••• City PapersC. F. Dunham .•..... Public SpeakingW. H. Lyman CampusLeon Stolz ... Periodicals and LecturesB. W. Vinissky Minor SportsWomen's EditorMargaret CampbellReporter: Marguerite SwawiteSubscription RatesBy Carrier, $2.50 per year; $1.00 perquarter. City Mail, $1.25 per quar­ter; $3.00 per year in advance. Bulletin. and Announc�mentsJunior CoUece :Chapel, at 10:30: inMandel hall for wo��n,. today.Dnmatic Club lleeting today at10:30 in Cobb 3A:Cro .. COUDtry Men have picturetaken today at I :30. at Martyn's stu­dio, 5714 Madison avenue.Rehearsal of "Press Cuttings" at 4today in Cobb 3A.A Meeting of the Men's FrenchClub will be held today at 4 in Hitch­cock club rooms.Le \ Cercle de Conversation Fran­caise will meet in Spelman house to­day. 4 to 6.Glee Club Meeting at 4:15 in theReynolds club. .Kent Chemical Society meets to­day in Hutchinson cafe. Dinner at6:15. Mr. A. D. Brokaw witt read apaper on "Recent Studies in PhysicalCrystallography."Mandolin Club has final rehearsalof the quarter in Hutchinson clubroOJ'IlS at i. BROOKS BROTHERSBROADWAY, NEW YORKReligious Educ:atioaal Club· meetsin Room 26 of Haskell museum tod-ayat .7:30.Junior lieD meet tomorrow at 10:30in Cobb 158. . Representative, Mr. Lanzer, at the CongressAnnex, December 11th· to 14th inclusive with latest-suits, overcoats, riding and motor garments, EnglishHaberdashery, Hats,. Shoes and London noveltiesappropriate for Christmas gifts.Geology and Geocraphy Depart­mental Club meets tomorrow in\Valker museum at 4.German Club meets tomorrow at 4in Lexington hall. "Weihnachtsfieir."Classes in conversation in Rooms 3and 4.Junior Mathematical Club meets to­morrow at 4:30 in Room 36 of Ryer­son.A choice Lot -of Christmas Cards andBookletsThe Latest Fiction and Gift BooksChristmas Wrappings:Tags, seals, enclosure cards, tissue paper, twines and etc,Sociology. Club meets in Cobb 16Ctomorrow.Junior Class Dance tomorrow inthe Reynolds club from 4 to 6."�omen will meet at 3 :45 in Lexing­ton hall and go to the dance in abody.Sophomore Dance Saturday in theReynolds Club from 3 to 5. WOODWORTH'S BOOK STORE1302 East Fafty-aneatla Street, Ileal' liaNrkOpen eveninp December 18th to 23rdNews contributions may be left inEllis Hall or Faculty Exchange, ad­dressed to The Daily Maroon.EDITORIALIn the days of registration iti�llto consider an adjustment of courseswith a view to the time requirementsof each. No greaterThe folly is ever committedDays of· than that of registeringRegistration for three reading cours-es, . for it is perfectlyconceivable that all of these will re- 'quire from six to eight hours a dayon the reading alone.Language courses seem to be hardto the average student, but the workrequired is less than that required formost reading courses. It is not ourcofltention that reading courses arenot to be desired, but that they bebalanced by one or even two subjectswhich do not require: extensive read­ing in the .libraries,It is a preponderance of work due'in the main to the reading courseswhich causes students to concludethat their studies are beyond theirpossibilities to accomplish.It remains true, 'however, that read­ing courses are hard to avoid and thatGn 'an average .of two a quarter areimpossible to avoid if the student isworking for a desired degree. Theydo not advertise themselves. and comeupon us before we are aware.Is it too much to say that somecourses require too much outsidereading? Judged from themselves asthe sole basis, perhaps not. In re­lation to other reading courses, as­suredly yes. . Most of the courses re­quire not only reading in the libraries.but also study of the text. Thismeans that with six hours spent on'.the reading and at least five on thetext and three in the class room thatone day of study consumes fourteen'hours.Pow Wow Plans Year's Work.The Pow \Vow held its regularmeeting yesterday afternoon in Cobb6A. Those present were Clyde Wat­kins, Charles Levin. Hugo Swan,Emanuel Parnass, Merrill Dakin, Ka­than Fine, Benjamin Cohen, and Mor­ris Aronson. Plans were made forthe next year and the members pre­dict that it will be the most success­ful in the history of the society. 1 twas decided to welcome women to themeetings. The question of pins wasbrought up and there seemed to bea strong sen'timent in favor of get­ting them; Each member spoke onsome phase of bis scbool career. News of the. CollegesDartmouth-e-With the authorizationof the Board of Trustees, the depart­ment of oratory at Dartmouth hasoffered a cup to be given the highschool winning the debating champ­ionship of Xew Hampshire each year.Northwestern-President Harris �fX orthwestcrn university has institut­ed a new system of obtaining male at­tendance at Northwestern. At a re­cent chapel service held exclusivelyfor .women, the president asked thosepresent to flirt with their masculinefriends in order to increase the at­tendance and to reduce the ratio ofwomen to men.Dartmouth_As the result of aspeech recently delivered to the un­dergraduates at Dartmouth, an equalsuffrage league has been organized.Washington-Harry S. Knox, aFreshman at the University of Wash­ington, has set a new world's recordfor respiration, registering some 423cubic inches, as· against a former rec­ord of 390 cubic inches. The averageWOMEN WILL PLAYLAST CHAMPIONSHIPHOCKEY GAJlE TODAYThe last championship hockey gamewill be played today on the Midwayat I :20. This game will decide thechampionship. for the Seniors ana theJuniors each have one game to theircredit. The first game was won bythe Juniors with a score of 3 to I,the Seniors taking the second withfour goals to one. Both teams havebeen working hard and the game willhe closely contested. This will. bethe first time that the championshiphockey games have been played offin the autumn Quarter. In previousycar s the women played in the spring.Scovill Returns to Home in Ohio.Clyde N. Scovill. the law studentwho has been in the hospital since thelatter part of November, will returnto his home in Ravenna. Ohio, to re­cuperate. He will probably resumehis work in the law school in the;;pring quarter. \for an ordinary man is 258 cubicinches. Very Important for Ladies!Michigan-Fired with enthusiasmhy a speech, men and women of aMichigan audience formed a Michiganequal suffrage club. In order to obtain your patronage,we will' make you a special offer fora limited time only. A suit, silk­lined, perfect in fit, fabric and work­manship for $35.00; or a skirt for$15.00. We have been established for15 years.M. CHIMBEROFFUniversity Ladies Tailorsa53 ICDlBARK AVE.. N_r F"afbo ....... tIa Sl.T_.bad hIocb En. the Tower]u.. P'-e HJde Park 3283 A -r!��UJ�OW'NOtch.'COLLARLots �f tiespace, easyto put on or take off.IS �2for25 aiIfIChIett. PeUod� • Co. 1Iaftn.�. N. T.Cornell-The Cornell Glee club willmake a trip to ten principal cities ofthe east during the Christmas holi­days.Ohio--Xine western governors vis­ited Ohio State' campus recently.Ohio--A chapter of a veterinaryfraternity was recently installed atOhio State. -MOSSLER CO •.19 Jackson Blvd.-EastWisconsin-The. chair in whichDickens sat while writing many of hisnovels is owned by the Edwin BoothDramatic club at the University of\Visconsin. . You should have 0 usetuher coat!Water-Shedding Coats. forColdandWetDaysThe Mossier �'Raglans" and.. "'Gabardines"are in smart. rough EnglishIf mixtures and\.Jf!.2? _..,lw h' i p cords _:' I the yre r oi n-� t ' " proofed in . theI ';) I· , .�;:';" EnglishU i 11�" :=���:' u 1 : ;1;_� . �� a tt r act ive in--me dill man dheavy fabrics."Conservative" and "English" sackSUItS m the stunning silk hair linebrown cheviots--plain and fancy,'grays and plain staples, black andblue. Price range: $20, $25, $30,$35. $40, $45, and $50. Every sizeto 50. CHRIST·MASNEW YEAR'SPittsburg-At the University ofPittsburg the 'students of journalismwill have an opportunity to associatethemselves with the large Pittsburgdailies. will call you home. Even 88 youthink of it 'now ,�the pleasure ofa few days' visit with the "folks"again,-rem�mber that theHeat Regulation /ILLINOISCENTRAL. THE JOHNSONPNEUMATIC SYSTEM railroad offers the best of trainservice to the SOU'lll and WBS'1'SOUTHWEST and NORTHWESTtouching such. cities en route asK:ankakee, . -- Gilman, Champaign,1\Iattoon, Centralia, Cairo, Fulton,Memphis, Jackson, Vicksburg, and.New . Orleans. Springfield, St.Louis, Rockford, Freeport, Du­buque, Waterloo, Ft. Dodge, Oma­ha, Sioux City, Sioux Falls, Minne­apolis ·and St. Paul.. If goingsouth, board Illinois Central trainsatThe Recognized StandardInstalled in the University ofChicago BuildinlSComplete Systemsfor all Methodsof HeatinlSTEAM CONTROL OF HUMIDITYREDUCING VALVES FOR AIR,WATER,. HOT ,WATERTANK REGULATORS Today! Special $25Values at • • 53rd or 63rd StreetsSilk Waistcoats-$5 and up. Y Oilcannot give him anything more ac-.ccptoble.DRESS aOTHES SPECIAL I f going west, jump on I. C -. Sub­urban, get off at Park Row, pur­chase tickets to destination, board. train and settle back to meditateon your "Welcome nome."Tickets, train time, fares, sleepingcar reservations, ete., can be se­cured of agents of Illinois Centralor by addressing. R. J. CABMICRABL, D. P. A.,76 West Adams St.- Phones-, Central 6270. Automatic 64472.Model C-newest design. for 'Joullgmen-Dress Suit, $35; '4dth Tux­edo Coat, $55. Ask for Model C.Johnson ServiceCo� Mossier Co.H ••• nus .......g-.=. 111 N. DORioRN ST •. 19 Jackson . Blvd., Easti '" 'THE DAILY MAROON. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 14. 1911......."The Xmas Store /�'r Men"YOUR Ethic'scourse teachesyou' what the util­itarians stand for. Ap­ply their teachings toyour' gift giving. - Inother words give giftsthat will afford thegreatest amount ofgood for the greatestnumber of days. Youcan do this by purchas­ing practical gifts­gifts that will causeyou to be rememberedevery day the recipientwears the article-noton Christmas morningonly.A BATH ROBE, dressinggown or a smoking jacket'would prove an ideal gift.Whether your room mate,'friend or parent has onemakes no difference. . Hecan' always use another.Very few men have allthree. You can get themin hundreds of designs.Bath robes 53 to 512;smoking coats 55 to 515;Dressing gowns 58 to 522.These suggestions mayhelp you out 0/ your di­lemma as to' what to gifJe.Silk knitted neckwear�.:_ 52, 52.50 and 53;'silk�, four-in-hands SOcto 52.50; fancy waistcoats 52.50to 56; gloves 51 to 512; muff­lers SOc to 510; silk hosiery inboxes of three pairs, 51.50 to57.SO.U.1JreIIu Men's umbrellas withad French stag hom,Cues ivory and plain, andsilver and gold trim­med handles 53.50 to 56; foldingumbrellas $1.50 to $6; foldingand regular umbrellas and canesets 510 to 516.50; folding canes51.50 to $6; regular canes inall new curves and straighthandle effects $1 to $16.50.Leather Collar bags $1 to$2.50; traveling setsGoods $3 to $12; tie rings SOcto. $3; dressing cases $2 to$22.50; shoe bags $1.75 and$2; combinatiori handkerchiefsand tie cases .$3 to $5; militarybrushes $3 $7 .50;- pu� andbiD folds SOc to $5. CONCLUDE FOUR SERIESAT ASSOCIATION CENTERSlloultoa, Atwood, Iko,m. aDd GoodeWill Deliver FiDal' LecturesNest Week.Four of the lecture series at pres­ent conducted in the centers underthe auspices of the University Lec­ture association, will be concluded. next week. .Other series will be be­gun after the Christmas vacations.Monday night, December 18. Pro­lessor F. R. Moulton will concludehis series of six lectures on "OtherWorlds Than Ours:' with a lectureon "The Sidereal Universe," in thePresbyterian church. corner Fullertonavenue and Hamilton court. Monday,December 18, in Scoville institute,corner Lake street and Grove avenue,Oak Park, Professor Wallace W. At­wood will conclude his course of lec­tures on "Scenic Features of NorthAmerica from the' Geological Pointof View," with a lecture on "The Yel­lowstone National Park."Tuesday night, December 19, atAbraham Lincoln center, corner Oak­wood boulevard and Langley a venue,�1 r. Alfred Brown will conclude hisseries of lectures on "The Founda­tions of Moral Practice," with a lec­ture on "The Eternal Feminine."1Thursday night, December '21, at As­sociation center. 19 South La Sallestreet, Professor J. Paul Goode willconclude his series of six lectures on"Our Natural Resources," with a .lec­ture on "When Coal Is Gone; \VhatThen?"CHILDREN. GAIN BYCHRISTMAS PARTYGIVEN BY WOMENChristmas stockings for children atthe Negro Boys' Settlement were. filled with nuts, candy, fruit, and toysat the Christmas party given by the'V. A. A., the Y. W. C. L. and theNeighborhood clubs in Lexingtonhall yesterday afternoon. The stock­ings will be distributed Christmas dayfrom a tree furnished by the Y. W.C. L. After the stockings had b'eenfilled, the women adjourned to lunch­eoi-t - - in Lexington commons.MEN'� FRENCH CLUB, PLANS PRODUCTIONFOR NEXT QUARTERMembers of the Men's French- clubwill commence rehearsing e�rly nextquarter for the production of theFrench play, "La Poudre awe Yeux,"to be given some time in February.Assistant Professor David of theFrench department, will coach theactors. Activities for the last quar-- ter have included a number of meet­ings addressed by, members of the de­partment and a dinner with Le CercleFrancaise, A constitution has beendrawn up and the club put upon apermanent basis.FRESHMAN TEAM TAKESMEET FROM VARSITY(Continued from page 1)second; Gardner (Freshmen), third.Distance, 60 feet. Time :352-5.100 yani back stroke-Won by D.Hollingsworth (Varsity); Kramer(Varsity), second; T. Hollingsworth(Freshmen), third. Time 1 :33.220 yard Swim-Won by Mallen(Freshmen); Goodman (Varsity), sec­ond; Wenoda (Freshmen), third.Time 2:422-5.Relay raee-s-Won by Varsity (Fon­ger, Poague, Keefe, Scofield); Fresh­men (Warzewski, Bellerue, Wadhams,Ma11en), second. Time 1 :31 2-5.Polo Lineup.Lineup of polo game:Varsit,Y (5) Freshjncn (10)Hollingsworth G.. .. .. ..• BennettH ruda R. F.. Gorgas, Self-.ridge, Mailen'Scruby L. F ...• Des JardiensClark C.. . . . . . . . . • WhiteChandler R. G.. . . . . . . . • II illerScofield .•...... L. G.. . . . . . .. TolmanGoals-Ma11en, White, Clark. Timeof quarters--4 minutes. YOURinterestsasa buyer are the basisof the careful development and organization:. of the Maurice L'Rothschild stores and headquarters forgood quality. Every hour in the day, every day in the year, weare eliminating buying per.plexities for men and young men,and parents of boys; satisfaction assurance.Money back cheerfully on any pur­chases before or after ChristmasYou have now 'some supreme clothes-buying op­portunities , you can make some extraordinary sav­ings; we've crowded value into some -low prices.Blue & black Hockanum suits, $35 values, $25.English models; new American designs; youngmen's smart fashions in these finest of Americanweaves. Men '8 suits, 3d floor; young men's, 4th.They're very unusual values; $35 blue and blackHoekanums at $25.$20 and $22.50 blue and black suits, $15.Fine Metcalf serges; plain and self stripe andsoft weaves. We '11 fit any man, of any figure orage; extra and regular sizes. The men's styles areon the 3d floor; young men's, different in style andcut. with lots of smart new features, 4th floor.Great sale of fancy weave suits, $20.This is �ertainly suit buying time, whetheryou're well supplied or not. We have some shortlots of fine suits in fancy weaves; some have been�5; some $30; some $25; you may have your pickof them at $20. The men's styles on the 2d floor;the lively, snappy young men's on the 4th." �5, $-'30, $25 fancy weave suits, $20.Hart, Schaffner & Marx silk lined overcoats,$40 values, $25.The average wholesale price on these overcoatsis $32.Imported fabrics; shorn chinchillas, vicunas, cheviots; Oxford gray, Cam­bridge blue; brown, olive, tan, black. Very exceptional, 540 values, $25.Maur ice. L RothschildMoneycheerfullyrefunded Specialists i" good clothes: a".d "othl"g elseSouthwest comer Jackson and State ChicagoMinneapolisSt. PaulDr. F�ederick F. MoltDENTIST..... 1 .. 5 .... T ........ ..,..r.nHli1M Del PraM. SIda St ......... : ..... A .....At the Big Gameyou wi II lookmuch better ifyou wear one ofour stylish hats.Young men ,oftaste are the oneswe are cateringto. Hatsfromalloyer the world,two dollars up­wards.B. L. AMES HAT CO.T,... ..... · 351f ..... $30 No�FQr many'$35 and $40Wooleu-pattema on whichthe milia were over...old .ndlate in shipping-amongthem a score of Bannock­bumaandDUNBAR Tweecla.Tailor For Yo1lllC IleaThe Hotel Del Pndo BUberis at your service. He is Mr.Rice, formerly on 57th St.YOU REMEMBER HIMGP_l!�R1IeIr......._. PrIee�"" C1eu' .. water. �..... �IIOC�orr-F • ._ .... _ALL �RUGGISTSPATRONIZEMAROON ADVERTISERSBIRDWOODFactory oquizaticna ad traiHd opera­ton are eaeDtiai ill tIae maaufadDre of����r- �BraaddCoDad nth are'I CllUlUIK. ma eaa er esec:oaclitiou ad are pod coIIan.!' .. , .. ..,. LeM'''' H ..... rd ..... n.2 � 25 CENTS BRAND..... � EAItL • WILSON COiJ.ARS ......... -.Two Stores:�7 N. La Sane St. 25 Eo JacboD St.THE UNIVERSITYSHOE REPAIRING SHOPFl�'._ R end Beat Leet ....Gtienlltee4i at R PrIce.,We deImr � ia ILe a.,.MORRIS LESS1312 E. 57 .. Stnet CHlCACO. OJ..STRICTLY SANITARYUNIVERSITYBARBER SHOPCEORCE FRITZ. Proprietor1456 East Flftv-seventh StreetCOWUN'S LUNCH ROOMQ.icks.mc.. ..... c..�,a... �.... Tam $3.35 fer $3 $4.SO fer $t..... .., rr- .1103 E. 55tIa Street, Cor. Greea'".. '�. \ . '" . ••.. I � '1','THE BEAUTIFUL EMPRESS .. I B�.EN, �O �HE ,Dla.t ... c.a........ 'M' O' "'ROE'(3) Times Daily--2:45, 7:30, 9:15 p. m. '. '1'.'. . • r ... 'WEEK Sunday ·Matinee DEC. 10 Dor .• . YOU8ULLIVAN - CONSIDINE VABlBTIB8 �� ,ST. A.T "ONR��.A.VE. .The Daintiest, Cutest of Them All CoNTINUous V AUDEVIU.E 7 to 11MAXWELL'S FAMOUS DANCINGGIRLSTerpsichorean Novelties in Singingand Dancing.MAE DEVLIN and COMPANYin a Comedy Sketch called"THE GIRL FROM YONKERS"The Altus Brothers, artistic clubmanipulators, in skillful and gracefuljuggling feats; Coy de Trickey, "TheBelle of Coontown," in tan types, topi­calities and dancing, "The DrollDaffydills"; The Stantons, Val andErnie, in scngs and joyous sayingsand that great big laugh, "Who Stolethe Shoes?".. 'MATINEES-I0 cents-20 centsEVENINGS-I0 cts., 20 cts., 30 cts.pRINCESSMort Singer PresentsVALESKA SURATTin"The Red Rose"G:RAND�Return to Chicago ofGERTRUDE ELLIOTTIn "R E BEL L ION"MAJESTICGEORGE EVANSThe Honey BoyANDREW MACKSinging ComedianCharlotte Parry, Boudini Bros., Con­nelly & Webb, Three Dooleys, Tha­lero's Novelty, Thurber & Madison,John McCauley, Motion Pictures.GAR R.I C KThis Week OnlyGertrude H�ffmann and the Impe­rial Russian Dancers, and GertrudeHoffman's New Revue.LYRIC. Im. JOHN �ONin AS A MAN THINKSCORTTHE MASTER OF THE HOUSEThe. best cast ever given any Chicagoproduction.STUDEBAKERExCUSE 'MEJOY FOR CHICAGO .OLYMPICZELDA SEARSIn "STANDING PAT."FRANK McINTYREIn "SNOBS."pOWERSTIM MURPHYin the comedy success"The New Code"COLONIALSOc to $1.50.A. H. WOODS ad H. B. PRAZBBOffer MODEST SUZANNEA Melodious Maelstrom of FriTol01llFarce WithSALLY PISBEREngagement Limited to Four Weeki GILMORE', LE .MOYNE,PERRY & CO.A Company of 7 Players inThe Funniest of Farces"PUG, THE MOP LADY"A!'TD OTHERS....... SoaYeair M.ti.eeI Wed ..... Sat. 2:30Matinees W ed. Sal Son. 5 & 10Evenings 5 -- 10 -- 15HOW CAN YOUendure the odor of Perspiration whenyou can aecure AXUJ:.ARY DEODOR­. IZER for 25c per box. Try it. For sale byL. G. SLOAT,837 Marshall Field Bldg.22 Washington St.A. McADAMS-. The University FloristA large variety ofFLOWERS FOR THE HOLIDAYSPlaoDeR. P.18 S3rd ST. &: Kl�ARK AVE.Announce Examination Schedule.The schedule of examinations as an­'nounced for the autumn quarter is asfollows:4:00 classes, Monday, December 18,2:00 to 5:00.7:30 classes, Tuesday, December 19,7.:30 to 10:30.8:30 classes, \Vednesday, Decemberzo, 8:30 to 11 :30.9:30 classes, Thursday.j, December21, 8:30 to 11 :30.11:00 classes, . Friday, December 22,8 :30 to 11 :30.. 12:00 classes, Wednesday, Decem­ber 20, 2:00 to 5 :00.2:00 classes, Thursday, December21,2:00 to 5:00.3:00 classes, Friday, December 22,2:00 to 5:00.TYPEWRITERSOF ALL MAKESFor Rent, Sale aDd ExchangeIt .. DO langer aeeeaar:r to JJa7 .. ,­where near �oo.OO. for a IltaDclard t7pe­writer of an, mate.. We operate a Jar ..taC!tol'1 where we make OTero with Dewparts, typewriters ot an standard mabeand are able to Bell them at 40 per ceDt to15 per cent leu than the manu�C!turen'lI�frrl=hlnes are tnoW'D througbout theeountl'1 tor the high standard of work·manshlp and the completeness with whichthe rebuOt work I. dODe. No pain. orexpenlle are spared to make theae t7pe­writers Tery elO88I, approach the braDdnew' ones, ID faet, they wDl give the ameBenlce as Dew machine&.Our plan� equlpmeDt aDd force of expertupewrlter meehanlC8 are equal to thoBe ofmanJ' of the faC!torin where new t7pe­writera are maDufaC!tured. Tbe8e beiliU ..enable us to do work which J'ou will qreewith us Is manelouLWe bave been established thlrt7 1ft ....aDd thoaaDd. of our made-oTer �r1t.era sold a 10Dg time ago are atlll ...... DC.UsfaC!tol'J' _mce ID an part8 of tileco�tr:ot coDfu_ oar rebuilt �tenwith the OrdlD&I'J' BeeoDd·hand or 1M eo­called rebuilt machlnn olrered !»!... o�'r"dealen. Our machlnn haft all U'I:I!II:ail d·mantled rlght doW'D to the trame._ u.:teetlve aDtI wona � throW'll 0 ....rebuilt with new material b, akfllecJ wOrk-m�o otber coDcern hu these beDltIft,thf!refore our 'PrGcea Ia aD exclualft 0 ....Ou'r prices cannot be equalled aDJ'Wbere.Call at our alnroolD aDd reatl maD7lettera .uell .. thae:"RnllJ' we do Dot lee bow 'ou r-aiford to pat o_!lt_!uehhtao :DVEf�: .:'F.tbe mODeJ'. anu ...... I k."Xaehlne I. aD right aDtI � .. _ � .... "lag one tllaD I espeeted for � P"XaehlDe Is worklDC loe. l"woUld.ottake twice what I .. � for It. ,w. �raDtee all Of our m.elal.. or ..,ear and wiD mab 4eDftrJ of .. y ... -ebl .... nbJeet to eualaatlo .... �nIf Dot _tt.tac:t0l'J'tn=' - .. .1'IIt�w. abo rent --- _ •coDdlUOD at. mcJAL u.uID;: !: =U�:«fart� pardnIa8.A.ericu Writiat MacIdM Co. . '.. :"; ',.,.... :-SOPHOMORES MEETTOMORROW'TO PLAN.�R'S "ACTIVITIESTh'e Sophomores will. meet in Kenttomorrow at 10:30 to discuss plansfor the various class activities. Chair­man Miller of the social committeewill speak of the dance tobe held Sat­urday from 3 to 6 'in -the Reynoldsclub. Other matters brought up willinclude discussion of Sophomoreheadgear. a Sophomore, team in theinter-class basketball league and thesale of class tickets. President Scrubysaid yesterday that .comparatively fewSophomores had paid' their dues asyet. but that. he expected a large saleof class tickets today and tomorrow inanticipation of the dance Saturday aft­ernoon.FRATERNITY BOWLINGPLANS ARE' ANNOUNCED(Continued from page 1)January 17, at '7:30.Alpha Delta Phi versus Psi Upsi­lon.Chi Psi versus Delta Tau Deita.January. 18, at 3:00.Phi Kappa Sigma versus Alpha TauOmega.Sigma K u versus Sigma Chi.January 18, at 7:30.Delta Kappa Epsilon versus PhiKappa Psi.,Phi Delta Thcta versus Sigma Al­pha Epsilon.January 19, at 3:00.Kappa Sigma versus Delta Upsi­Ion.Phi Gamma Oelta versus 'BetaTheta Pi.Constitution Prepared.A constitution is 'being drawn uphy the recently appointed committeeto govern similar contests in thefuture. The constitution is to besubmitted to the fraternities earlynext week. iApproval by the majorityof fraternities in the league will makethe rulings of the constitution bind­ing.A prize will be offered for the highman in the tournament and a banneris to. be given to the winning team.The committee which was recentlyappointed by the Interfraternity coun­cil and which has the tournament incharge consists of A. C. Goodrich,chairman, William Warriner, MiltonMorse, and Eugene For�. , � .'" "Classified Ads. '.,THE'�MOOTHEST'TOBAC�STENOGRAPHIC WORK quicklyand neatly done. Special attentiontt) term papers and, theses, Workguaranteed. One block west ofHitchcock. W. L. Allred. 911 E.57th street.The Smith-Goodyear Co.SHOEMAKERSANDREPAIRERS PUSH it along-shoot itoverl Velvet-so-calledbecause exceedingly smooth-smooth because aged overtwo )'e<!.IS, in which time allharshness disap� from theleaf leaving the goodness thatwe all crave for our pipe. Velvetis a tobacco mellowness hithertotmknown-too smooth to harbora "bite," It's just the sort of a to­bl.CCO you would make for your­self. Mallions of men cheer for it.We never knew of a man whodidn�tlikeVelvet! Hurrah! Don'tlet it pass you. At all dealers,SPAULDING & MERRICKCWCACO Full TwoOunce lIDS1134 East Sixty-Third Street�Patomc.·Operaton of the largest and best equip­ped shoe repairing plant outside theloop.PATRONIZE�KROON AD�E��iSE�� THE COMMONSClub Breakfasts=Cafeteria for LuncheonSee what you getGet what you want Pay' for what you getCome in and try it,WRIGLEYSeItAilZt-{4ll1!PEPSIN GUM ��TItAK MAIIIC .. .........,McElroy Publishing Co .6219 COTTAGE GROVE AVE.'Everything in PrintingWE SPECIALIZE PUBLICATIONS,/'" / TELEPHONEMIDWAY 3935COMMERCIALPRINTINGDear Friend: "We ..tab to ",O'lUlee tba& the ClIBNEY. ART 8TUDIO. lormedT at 1111 II�-Ihlnl 8t""t, .... I..exlDstOll AftD"" baYe 4I8eoDUDwe4 their baa at .....add,"_ aDd haft lDoftd tbelr atoell to their DeW .tore, 8fte Ceuap 0 Awa-. ...will ftllT'J' • faD 11_ of tbe 10DowlD.: / /PICTURES-FRAMED AND UNpa.unm, )IAN KODAK8 aDtI 8uppllee. �Prints. CarboD" Walei' Colon, 0IIII, lItock Is complete and fresh. 14CrayoDs aDd PastelL nNlSlIING-WE OPERATE oua OWlCFaAllilNG-WE OPERATE OUR OWN DARK ROOKS aDd eDde .. or to tvaSHOP and are ID a po.mon to do cood .our work out eTel'J' daJ'. Bromlde_·work at reasoDable ratea. largtnlf a speelalt7. Bring lD 'OU ....CAJlEBA8-WE HANDLE THE BAST· atiTeS and get prlees.We also carry a fall line of -. -.... d- ...... CIaIDa, .otto Canb, P .. , � X .... 17 a.... _., AIiI8&'. �CIIIJIA AND OLASS nJmD DAILYLa80NII OIVBX m CIIIJIA PAlXTlKO.Our .0UO: 8a&1daetIOa _ ....... p'-"CHENEY ART STUDIO8220 COTTAGE GROVE AVENUE .... 0 ... Stewart, TSTS Centa. ... ... u. ti .. '"...... '-' ... �_IPIII la, _ .-rSARATOGA BARBER SHOPL ..............D s. DEAIUIOItN STUETu,..� ScieMi6c M-u.-�Til. � 4IIS I '----------------- ShirtTieMufflerComb. SetHandkerchiefsGlOYIS BUY NOW4375 • .,......51. GIFT SUGG'ESTIONS UmbrellaCanene RinlLutller SetCoIIIr IIIUtIIItJ IIIHANSEN1111 E. Sixty-thid StreetlED TO POST .n:E" .-:'- ...I(5