_arnnnVoL x, No. 51. Price Five CentaUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER, 13, 1911.Those who are informed on cam­pus architecture, felt that the criti­cisms were unjust and were due in count slow, the results not being an-nounced until after 6-part to: a.. lack of appreciatiOD' of thestyle': of. architecblre' emp� �d The retiring officers' of the W. A.partially to a £ailure to" <:om�eJJd ,A. ar�: • Miss. Irene Ha.s�gs, pr�­the genmu. pJaa of the campus. It dent:d M�s 'dM�Rct SulI� VICe­was . pointed . o� that· perfect sym- �resl ent,.an .nua� :osemane _oore,. t .� -to Gothi � secretary-treasurer.-���������t6���icf ::�, -- . .,.-.,;:,,_�-- .... ---c -. --' - --:� - � • .,:,,--:'buildings will be placed' on each side DEBATBllS WILL IIEBT FORof the Library, the uncomfortable feel- PRACTICE COIITEST TODAYing produced' ·by the' present =.ym-:- _. _"_. �- ':. ,metrical design .will. be done away ce,.,.hb.c to Beikd,J;l'w of Year-. with. . Briefa ·Dnrwa . Up aDd CIaaesThe contract for the tables for �e BeiDc Cout"w:teclnew reading room has beeu let. • .1 betables' will slope doWn slight1y fiolllthe center 'and will-have book restSalong' each side. : T1ie� will be lightedin • 'the Same manat!r as are .tablesin the Law libraty •.Unless unforeite� accidents occur,the library will be· dedicated Jlllle 1.Ground -for the building was brokentwo ye�rs ago, and' the cornerstonewas laid a year ago last spring. Last·spring the accident occurred to thewest tower, which not only cost thecontractors a sum aaregating aabout$S(),()()(), 'but set the work on the build­ing back by almost �alf a year.Plumed to Dedicate Lut JUDeThe original plan was' to dedicatet he building at Convocation exerciseslast June, but the accident, coupledwith the strike in the building tradeS. .prevented 'the plan from being putthrough. '.Practically all the debris has beencleared away, and only a few of thebroken concrete beams still lie neart�e tower. When the tower was re­constructed, steel beams, instead ofthe original concrete structure, wereused. The floors in both towers ha"ebeen tested and have far exceededthe required test for strain per squarefoot.The exhaust ventilating systemwhich is to be installed soon, resem­bles that in use in most of the Uni­versity buildings at present. A largefan is placed near the top of thebuilding and is operated by a motor.Tubes are run from the rooms in thebuildings to the fan and the operationof the fan draws the bad air out of ;the·building.EXTERIOR ,on FORUBRARl COMPLETEDen- Will Be Re.oYed F,.. ·WestT •• erToda,--bdenorStiDlaco.,Jete.NEW TURRETS AROUSE COHENTLack of Symmetrical Structure in NewBuilding' Causes Adverse Criti­cism of PlansExterior work on the Harper Li­brary was completed yesterday, andall that remains to be done structur­ally is the setting of comparativelyfew stones in the interior, and thecompletion of the interior decoration.The crane which is at present placedon tOI> of the west tower will probablybe removed today.Much comment has been heard fromstudents who are dissatisfied with thedifference existing betwen the turretson the east and west towers. Theformer, which were completed earlylast spring, open at t'he top, whilethose which were recently completedare closed above and resemble the tur­rets placed on the four corners orthe Law building.Justify DiJferent TurretsYale-The annual book of theFreshman class at Yale Universityhas been issued. Prospects for a successful indoorPAPER TO CONTAIN IlANY CUTS track season are bright, according to EIGHT EVENTS ARE ,SCHEDULEDCaptain Davenport. Six "C" men, .a11of whom were point winners in theWill Give Complete Resume of Year'. indoor and outdoor conference meetsActivities on Campus and last year, are eligible for Varsity com- Poinw in Polo Game Will Not bein Athletics petition, together with other good Added in F!.naI Score-Entrymaterial. Captain Davenport, Coyle, List is Long.The Christmas edition of The Daily Menaul, Skinner, Kuh, and Whitingllaroon wilt appear Tuesday and will are the men from last year's squad.-De the last edition of The Maroon llathews, Duncan and Ford will bepublished this quarter. It is planned the. entries in the 50 yard dash. Noneto make the special Christmas issue of these men has had Varsity experi­of the paper an annual feature. Here- ence, but Mathews has run in sev­tofore the yearly extra edition of The eral invitation meets. The men are in the selection of the candidates, andDaily Maroon was the Interscholastic fast, but their lack of experience will as a result two welt matched and com­'Extra which appeared after the Uni- handicap- them. The quarter will be pctent aggregations wilt battle for theversity of Chicago interscholastic taken care of by Captain Davenport, 1)001' honors today.meet in June. Skinner and Chandler. Chandler is aThe Christmas edition of The Daily new man. Davenport is generallyMaroon wilt contain 16 pages and will conceded to be the fastest quarter- The meet wilt include a 40 yardsell at ten cents per copy. In addition miler in the country, and has never swim, a plunge; a 100 yard swim, ato the regular news for the day, the been beaten in' open competition. He tOO yard back swim, a relay, a 23)reading matter will include a review should experience no difficulty in yard swim and a polo game. Theof the late football season, the pros- maintaining his record this year. points will be apportioned as follows:pects for the next year 011 the grid- These men, together with Leisure, for first, second, and third places,S,iron, . the prospects of the basketball will also run in the half mile. 3, and I points respectively; the relay,and track teams, a review and forecast 4 points, and the polo, 6 points, Con-of minor sports, a detailed report of Should Wan Shot Put trary to the usual custom the pointsh ddi . h f gained in the last event, the polot e rec-ent a itions to t e group. 0 In the shot put the team shouldb ildin . 1 d d· h t match, will be regarded as independ-U1 gs Inc u e In t e presen be able t\) take aU 'p<?�ts_ .:witlJ Men-,quadrangles, accounts of the Univer- aut, Scrnby: and Norgren entered, ,ent of the- other tallies, and will notsity publications, the Dramatic club, Menaul won the shot 'I,)ut at tb�!=OIlj be added. in the fiDal �.. the Blackfriars, etc. III fact, the is- Ierence meet . last year, Scruby:. and .,_ Bat:r-..sue will 'give a concise and readable Norgren were on the FresluDan.:team The entries foBo.:resume of'a year's activities at Chi- last �ar. and were' consistent .Point- FIRST' �T- (. y�d. swim)cago and an advance statement of ac-. winners. Coyle·and Dickerson.are tile ;Vai'sity--T: Sc06eld, H:.)I;·Kede, ... .;.t�itiesto co� . _ �:_ .-.rr----"-�-A .. ,0J?J¥,JtO.k.�_�.P_o!lA.��G...�_ .... �., J?_ P�,,::� "�'_-�.r� •• ,,.-.---_ot"�_.:,,>.�� .. � .. �- .. -, _ ..- wm'.m;,.tt;ted"-· ... - tied for first place in the" outdoor �:.. Frisb�en_-p. T. MalIen, F .• E. Wad- .' '.. ,4 �The paper will be iHlIltrated by a !erence �eet,. and has been pra�c- . �a�.: , :, .score of cuts from photographs of' mg steadIly. smce then. He s�d SECOND EYEN: .. tlOO yard breast..teams, buildings, games, University d? better t.hls year, and ought to W11l .swllli'. . "personages and the lin. The first hIS .event lD the conference. Varsity-R. V. Fon;er, E. W. Eisar-page will be made up from an espe- Blsh�p, Don?van, Lun�e and Dun� drath, C. Mania.cia1ly prepared design It is believed lap wIll run ID the mile and .. two Freshmen-R. Gardner, H. S." Gorgas,that as a souvenir of ·Chicago and as mile. Bishop_ is a "dark ho�" who A. R. Bellerne. ",The Varsity' debaters will meet to-a catalog of student activities, the . �as never �n �ry muc� but IS "�� THIRP EVENT (100 yard swim)day in their bst practice debate _til ng fast time p t Wh .....afte�' the ruminations: . As"siStant" Christmas edition will fin a long felt I .� , rae: Ice.. . �-- Varsity-� •. Scofield,"H. 'M. Keefe, W.need.' ·In order that everybody may. and �uh.• �Ir fast men, will be en-. S. Poague... .Coach Harold G. Moulton, who has t d both th h dl t ,.. � . be suppti.ed. , the business managers are ere In e ur e even s ", ..uen.- Freshmen-P. ·T. llallen,·. F. E. Wad-been .directing the work on Weones- 1 r __ 1 d C htaking ord�rs for the copies now. au, �t �r an ?X, t e entries In hams. .days, "will haye' charge of, the, final sthqteua. dlri. gh JUmp, wIll c:ompl�e the F... O. URTH... EVEN.. T (Plunge)practice. Since the allotment of places. "th -0 t----C1 the m� �-ve ap S· d I t h'· h VarSity-F. R. undel.1, R. E. Tuttle.on· e .. - . � ... � ..... -&IiI - IIR. BRATPISB. IS . HERO . IX· ua mee s, two eac Wit F h R." C. � . .".-d· t'L debates weekly and ,'!' h Ill' '. d P d res men- WhIte, R. Gardner.peare In :uree_ , .,. AT REYNOLDS CLUB FIRE .��rt western, mOlS .an ur ue, FIFTH EVENT doo rd backin order to make up for lost time, wdl be scheduled. The Indoor season • yacoaching will begin the middle of the ---will close with the indoor conference .. s�m).vacation week or Decemb� Zl. Cbecb CoafIaciatiOD iD BowtiDc 'AI- t h· h ·n b h Id·�· P -. VarSIty-D. �'. Hollmgsworth, F.le--v",:,,--:.-_'I.- Wield.-.a_ '- mee, � IC WI. e e . In a.tten Rundell, H. L. Kra .... er.Effective briefs have been drawn up .,..--'-UU5� ..-u. "'I gym as urn at North t U .. ",.._ ...... �,_ to WorL n I wes em nlver- F h' T H 11· h J Sby 'both affirmative and negative ",----a ... __ &0 sity the last Saturday in March. " resT�en-".., 0 mgswort, . .teams, and strong' cases are being con- Sboald W"'ID Coafen!llCe Olman.sidered. Fin�1 reports on the inves- A conBagr�tion �hich broke out in "I think that th� p;ospec:ts for a SJ�TH EVEN� (220 yard swim)tigation of each case where the recall the Reynolds club yesterday after- successful' 'Season are bright." said VarsEty-..,A. Goodman, R. E. Tuttle.has worke� or failed will soon be in, noon was checked by the prompt Captain Davenport Ye.sterday. "'Ve Freshmen-F. Selfridge, J. S. Uenoda.and then more time will be spent on work of the club .barber, Mr. Brat- have some sure point winners in the' ''SEVENTH EV·ENT (Relay)team-work and rebuttal practice. The fish. who extinguished a small blaze six men from last year's squad, and Varsity,;_T. Scofield, H. M. Keefe, W.affirmative team that will meet Mich- in the corner of the bowling alleys the new men are fast also.' We ought S. POague,' K. Lindsey, R. V.igan in Mandel is composed of Jen- with the aid of water. The fire-ex- to repeat in the indoor conference, and Fonger.nings. ·MUllins, and Foster. Robinson, tinguisher brought by Robert Clark there should be no trouble in winning Freshmen-P. T. Mallen, F. E. Wad-Simes arid Jones will meet with' was found to be worthless. .the dual meets -against Northwestern hams. H. S. Gorgas, A. R. Bel1e-Northwestern's affirmative team at "I went into the bowling alleys for and Purdue •. I think that we'will have rue. E. Warzewski.Evanston. Both debates will be held a match,' said Mr. Bratfish, "and I to work hard to beat· Illinois. " EIGHTH EVENT (Polo)January 19, 1912. noticed that some smoke was curling .Varsity-Captain, K. Chandler. H. F.From the way that the men are uj> from under the' coat of a fellow Scruby, R. E. Clark, W. W. God-working now. Coach McElroy expects who was standing 'up against the walt. INTRA-UNIVERSITY dard. C. Rademacher, W. S. Kas-to have all his plans thoroughly tried watching the bowling. I seized him BASKETBALL SERIES 5ulker, W. C. Bickle, and J.out before time of the debates. The telling him that his coat was on fire, PLANS ARE DELAYED Hruda.new system of hording frequent p'rac- But it w-asn't his coat after all as tho Freshmen-J�S. Tolman. R. C. White,tices is meeting with much favor and fire contriued to come up from the P. B. Bennett, T. 'Miller, P. Desthe efficient training in this line of spot on the floor over which he stood Plans for the Intra-University bas· Jardiens, F. Selfridge. G. S. Ly-work is due to the efforts of Assistant I rushed' into the barber shop for ketball series will not be completed man. and G. A. Gray.Coach Moulton. The subject for de- some water while "Bob" Clark hur- untit the first week of the Winterhate is "Resolved. That the recall ried after the fire extinguisher. Wnen quarter. Teams representing theshould be adopted for all elective I came back "Bob" was wrestling four classes, and the Law and Divin­State and �funicipal Officers, except "'ith the extinguisher, unable to pull ity schools will enter the series. TheJudges." the lid off .. The rest of it is not very Medics have not decided whether orexciting. I just put the fire out." not they will enter a team. As soonMr. English did not' favor the pop- as w9rd is received from the Medics,ular opinion that the cause of "the a schedule and eligibility rules willfire was crossed wires, but stated that be drawn up and competition will besomeone had carelessly dropped a gn. It is planned 10 have the firstcigarette or a match down the small games played the second week ofcrack between the floor and the wan.cHIUsTMAS EDmON·OF MAROON PLANNEDIUSS SUWV AN TO HEAD W � A. A. INOOOR TRACK PROSPECTS GOOD SWIMMERS WILL HOLDFIRST CONTEST TODAYSix "c" Men Eligible for Competi­tion-Six Dual Meeta Scheduled­Season Closes at Patten Gymnasiumin March.127 Women Vote at Annual Electionof Officers of the Women's AthleticAaaociation-Ballot Again for Sec­retary- Treasurer. Vanit, Meeb Freslaua Teua iD Bart­lett G,....u .. at 3:30. TeUIIIAre Well Matched.16.Pap Featue .... of TIle DaiI,Marooa WiD Appear _ ea..,_. Taada,.Miss llargaret Sullivan was electedpresident and �liss Margaret Riggsvice-president of the Women's Ath­letic association at :the elections heldyesterday in Lexington: No secre­tary-treasurer was elected, since noneof the candidates received a majorityof the votes cast for the offices. An­other election to fill the office will beheld later.The results of the election foHow:PRESIDENT.Margaret Sullivan 84Mary Chaney 26Zillah Shepherd 17VICE-PRESIDENT. 'Margaret Riggs 71Cornelia Beall ...............•... 54SECR'ETARY- TREASU&ERHarriet Sagar ........•........... 42Alice Lee Herrick ....•........• .41Ruth Agar _ '...• 21Dorothy Williston 12Emma Clark ......•....•.• : 11Interest Runs High.Interest in the election ran highamong the women and tlte vote castW;lS considered satisfactory. Onehundred and twenty-seven votes werepolled at the election place in Lexing­ton and the size of the vote made the The first aquatic contest of the yearbetwen Varsity and the Freshmanswimming teams will be held in Bart­lett gymnasium this afternoon at 3:30.Director White has been carefulEight Events Scheduled.DARGAN AND HOUSESPEAK AT MEETINGOF ROMANCE CLUBAt a meeting of the Romance clubheld last night in the Romance li­brary, Cobb hal1, Assistant ProfessorEdwin P Dargan spoke 'On "Shake­�peare and Duds," and Dr. Ralph E.House on "Notes on Vocabulary Mak­ing."Correct Error in ADDOUDcemeatThrough an error in The Daily Ma­roon of yesterday, the name of Isa­dore Levin instead of that of CharlesLnin, was given among those whomade the F�esbman class debate team. next quarter.,, .. : .. � . . ...... �- - '. " ........ .. ( .. "" '" I . ' .. � I •, .-:-, ":',"1 ",,1, I. t "I I. ,;.".J.,: ' THE DAILY MAROON. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 13, 1911 .THE DAILY MAROON .... ; • ,' •. !.-.Founded October 1. 1902. "today at The last meeting of Le Cercle Fran­c caise for this quarter will be in theform of a Christmas party. accordingto the French manner of celebration.In order to obtain your patronage,we will make you a special offer fora limited time only. A suit, silk­lined. perfect in fit, fabric and work­manship for $35.00; or a skirt for$15.00. We have been established for15 years.M. CHiMBEROFF---------------.The OfDcial Student Newspa�: ''0(.the University of Chicago. :�' ' ��, � ,,�',.'--, soaat�-�. Column��h�' �aiIU' initia'tioDi;-���1 �'�eid':; �·th·e Neighborhoo�r ciqt>s �i1l '�old::',a ,.ir nltae �.satu�day . 'inomi�t· at.� 4514 .Christmas party ''t.his aftetlnoon in6�ken"'ald avenue. - . .', " .'- Lexington. t', 'The Esoteric faculty tea will begi\'en today from. four. .to six in' Fos­ter hall. �liss Reynolds, Mrs FlintMiss \Vallace al�u Miss Langley willFormerlyThe UniversitY"�f Chicago WeeklyFounded October I, 1892.PUblish'ed daily except Sundays, Mon­" ,'�ays and Holidays. '�uring" threeQuarters of the University year. receive. BROADWAY, NEW YORKRepresentative, Mr.. Lanzer", at the' CongressAnnex, December 11th to 14th"inclusive with latestsuits, overcoats, riding and motor garments, EnglishHaberdashery, Hats, Shoes and London noveltiesappropriate for Christmas gifts.-------------------------------1 At the Christmas meeting of the Y.A Christmas party will be given by: '\V. c. L. this morning at 10:30, inSigma Alpha Epsilon Friday night at Lexington 14, Miss Myra Reynoldsits house. \yill read from "The Other 'Wise.Entered as Second-class mail at theChicago Post Office. Chicago •. Illi­nois, March 18. 1908, under Act ofMarch 3, 1873. The Alpha Tau Omegas will han:an informal dance Friday......... ., The \V. A. A., the Y. \V. C. L" and__ The StaffW. J. F oute Managing EditorH. L, Kennicott .......•. News EditorBusiness ManagerSE. R. Hutton 'R. J. RosenthalAssociate Editors.D. L. Breed Drama and Music.. M. D. Stevers City Papers£. F. Dunham .•.. ' Public Speaking"W. H. Lyman .............•. Campus.,Leon Stolz" .. Periodicals and Leetures•. �. W. Vinissky. '.' .....• Minor SportsWomen's Editor'Margaret CampbellReporter: Marguerite Swawite Seniors call at Cap and Gown office.EUis 14, 10:30 to 11 daily or from 3to 5 on V\r edncsday or Eriday, tomake appointments for pictures. �Ian:'Delta Sigma Phi will hold an in­formal gathering' at its house Fridaynight.man house tomorrow from 4 to 6.'Kent Chemical Society meets inHutchinson cafe tomorrow. Dinnerat 6:15. )Ir. A. D. Brokaw will reada paper on "Recent Studies' in Phys­ical Crystallography."Open evenings December 18th to 23rdBulletin and AnnouncementsJunior Executive and Social Com­mittees ·l\leet this. morning at 10:30in Cohb 15B.Dramatic Club rehearsals-"PressClippings." today and' tomorrow at 4in Cobb ·3A. "A Woman's Pr ivilege"today at 4 in Kent.Subscription RatesBy Carrier,' $2.50 pe'f year; $1.00 per, .quarter. City Mail, $1.25 per quar­.'ter; $3.00 per year in advance,.' ' Sophomore Three Quarters clubmen meet today at 10:30 in theReynolds club .Lower Juniors register this week.News contributions may be left in. Ellis Hall 'or Faculty' Exchange. ad­-dressed to The Daily Maroon.Skull and Crescent football banquetat 6:1.5 today in 1he Commonscafe.EDITORIAL"_.----------------------------------------, ,.' , It is rumored that the faculty .mem-bers have been told to.rnake the corn­ing examinations, hard. We are as­sured, that the, stu­, . dents :have found ex- Women's Christmas par:ty today at4 in X cighborhood room.\'Meeting of executive and social com-mi�ees of Junior class today at10:30 in Cobb 15B to discuss classSarder,'Examinations arninations sufficientlyhard in the 'past, and!'that the system - has �sual1y shown• the t�oroug.h �es,u�ts. expected.If, the members of the faculty are.. desirous of improving the examina­tion system we: might suggest that'they begin' by al1ow;-�i more time, orby shortening the 'time required. This� .• '•. "! � •. ". ''is only fair, -unless examinations are.. conducted on the theory that what we· learn in class is ready at our finger'sends to be written. that we havelearned our lesons by heart, and thatwe have been able during' o�r class· work' in the year to pick out and re-· member at, all times the essentialpoints.Reasoning from the present statusof student make-up,. those personswho, are able to look at the questionsand immediately enter into an ex­haustive treatise in answer. ar� rare.Most of us want time to think ofwhat we are going to answer. beingadmittedly unprepared for al.' �ues­tions, and being charactert�tlcalh·. slow to think.. Is it to the quick thinker to .whomthe faculty desire to give a d.'ploma. 'fy'lng successful completIon of51gm . l'k r to the slow thmker, w 10 111wor . 0.' k uite as muchmany cases wIn rna e q.of a "hit" in the wor.ld? C�nce1\'ahly. . th desire to g1ve a dIploma toIt 1S e -.sfullrthe student who lIas mo�t succe.d 'udged from thekept above gra e, J1 1 inker.hoth standards. To th� s �w t 1h the prescnt examinatIOn :-.y�temten. . d 'mpro\'ement. in general unfaIr, an 1.1S I Id he m the line. the svstem s IOUIn . f tl i .. t\"pe of ,;tu-f the inte1 ests () 1, .;•()1 th"'t of tncrca�cddent rather t Ian .•hardships for all. .dance,Di�ty school, chapel' exercises to­day at. 10:30 in Haskell assembly,. room. Professor Henderson willspeak.Y. W. C. L meets10:30 in Lexington.Z�logy club meets today at 4 inthe .Zool ogy building. (1) "RecentLiterature on Man and the Higherllammals," Associate Professor Tow­er. (2) "Recent Literature on Muta­tion in Oenothera," llr. Breitenbecher.Glee Club meets tomorrow at 4:15in Reynold's club.'I.e Cercle ,Francaise meets in Spel- A choice Lot of Christmas Cards andBookletsThe Latest Fiction and Gift BooksChristmas Wrappings: ,Church' History club meets tomor­row at 7:30 in Haskell ase mbly room.Dr. F. E. Robbfns will talk on "AStudy in the Hellenization of Chris­tianity: the Creation-story." Tags, seals. enclosure cards, tissue paper, twines and etc.WOODWORTH'S BOOK STOREReligious Education club meets inroom 25 Haskell museum tomorrow."The Contribution of Biological Sci­ence to Religions Education," Profes­sor C. J. Herrick. 1302 East Flfty-sneDtIt Street. Dear. �Very Important for Ladies!German club meets Friday at 4 inLexing-ton hall. "Weihnachtsfeier."Classes in conversation, rooms 3 and4.Geology and Geography depart­mental club meets Friday at 4 in\\"alker museum. "The Work of the IField School of Gcology in the SanJuan )lountains." Mr. H. H. McKeeand Associate Professor Atwood.junior Mathematical club meets Fri­day �n room 36, Ri�rson Physical lab­oratory at 4:30.' "Calculation of Defi­nite Integrals by Approximation," Mr.Miser. Univenity Ladies' T ailar5853 ICIIIBAIUC AVE.. Near F�_eDtb·St.Two abo.t 1IIac:b &om the Tower Iu.e PIIc.e HJde Puk 3283 ./I' 3t{eUJ 'ARRowNOtch 'COLLARLots�' tie �'�to put on or take (lff.·� 15 awi.-2 lot' 25 caIa.. a-tt. "-IIadT It Co •• ,IIaIten. Trar. N. T.-MOSSLER CO •.- - ',. � . .19 J.cIaoa Blvd.--EaatSociology club meets' in Cobb 16CFriday. "The Correlation of Socio­logical Studies." IT. "Social Technol­ogy," Professor Henderson. Y 011 should lunre a weather coat!1 ••.•. :;:-Water-Slaedding Coatsfor Cold and Wet DaysThe Mossler "Raglans" and" ,"Gabardines"are in smartl_ J rough English�C7' ' ;.r�: mixtures and'1'I r�J t i:»: ::�;.-.,1 rill IIII, f�",,� �:�::Cd iff theIv u� T'h'C U EnglishU I,: ��.::, " Raglans" a r epaT tic u I a TlyI , •. , '__ '_ a t t r act ive inmedium andheavy fabrics.."Conservative" and "English" sacksuits in the stunning �ilk hair linebrown cheviots-plain and fancygrays and plain staples, black andblue. Price range: $20, $25, $30:$.15. $40. $45. and $50. E,'cry si=cto 50.junior Class Dance on Friday. De­. cernber 15, from 4 to 6 in the Rey­nolds club. CHRISTMASNEW YEAR'(Sjunior Men Meet on Friday morn­ing at 10:30 in Cobb 15B. will call you home. 'Even as youthink of it now---fhe pleasure ofa few days' visit with the "folks"ag�in,----remember that theMandolin club meeting tomorrow at7 in Hitchcock club rooms.',IL/LINOISCENTRALSPEAKS TO SOCIAL�ST CLUB POW WOW HAS FIRST DINNERSpears Lectures on "Why ThingSHappen to Happen."Mr. H. D. Spears spoke to the So­cialist club yesterday in Cohh 6Aon �'\Vhy Things Happen to Happen."After outlining the economic stagesthrough which man has passed. hepointed out that in each of the:,cst�ges the economic conditions de­termined man's mode of life and e,'enhis religion, He spoke of the presenthad economic condition!'-of the tenmillion unemployed. and of thc childlahor situation. He attributed thesecondition:" to :t lack of co-opcr:ttion. and �aicl that Sociali!'m amecl to pro·,·ide this co-operation.Tn reply to a qnery regarding tl1CMcNamara case, �{r. gpears said thatthe policy of the �fcNamaras was notin line with the socialist idea in thatthey had tricd direct. indh'idual actionand in that they had destroyed prop­erty.This was the second of a series offive lectures. The next lecture. "The\\r.ar of the Classes,' by Frank Bolmwill he given December 19.Com ... :ttees Meet Todayjunior u ..• 1 commit-The executive and SOCI�tees of the Junior c1as.!' WIll hold animportant meeting thIs. mOr�1ng at10:30 in Cobb 15B. It 15 extremelyb rs of both'important that all, mem e. be present as sever, al m, at-IcommItteeS '.cted with the comtng danceters coneare to be discussed. . Eleven Attend Affair Given by Fresh­rr.an Debating Society. railroad offers thc best of' trainservice to the SOU'lB and WB8'lSOUTHWEST aDd RORTIIWB8'rtouching' Such. cities en route asK-ankakee, Gilman� Champaign,Mattoon, Centralia, Cairo, Fulton,Uemphis, Jackson, Vicksburg, andNew' Orleans. Springfield, St.-Louis� Rockford, Freeport, Du­buque, Waterloo. Ft. Dodge, Oma­ha, Sioux City. Sioux Falls, l\linne­apolis and \ St. Paul. If goingsonth, board Illinois C('ntrnl trainsatEle\'en members of the Pow \Vowwere present at the first dinner inthe cafe of the Hutchinson Commonsla�t night. The affair was managedby a committee consisting of DonaldDelaney. Emanuel Parnass, and Carle­ton )IcCarthy. The following menwere present: Charles Lc\'in. Clyde\Yatkin�. Erne�t Rattner. Hugo Swan.Donald Delancy. �'erw)'n P:tlmerEmanuel Parnass. Carleton �{c·Carthy. Benjamin Cohen, Merrill Da·kin. and Louis Bothman,In hi� speech. pre:,ident Levindwelt on proposed changes i:l thepolicy of the Pow \Vow. fa\'oring theidea of haying a Pow \Vow pin. andcreating a Pow \Vow alumni hod)'He also �poke on the pre1ent work ofthe club. Today! Special '$25Values at • • 53rd or 63rd StreetsSilk Waistcoats--$=, and up. Ypucml1l()t q;c'e him a""t/ri,rq morc ac-u/'tablr. "DRESS CLOTHES SPECIAL 1 f going wcst. jump on I. C. Sub­l1rban� get. ott at Park R.ow, pur­chn.se tickct.� to destination, boardtram and settle hacl, to meditateon your" W elcomc Home."Tickets, train time, fares, sleeping('nr reservations, etc.� can be se­cured of agents of Illinois Centralor by addressingR. J. CABMICHABI., D. P. A.,76 West Adams St.- Phones-Central 6270. Automatic 64472..ll odd C-IlC(('ut (i('sign jor ).'orlllgmC1l-DrCS.f Suit, $35; ,;,oitl, Tux·('do COdt. $55. .·Isk for Model CMossier Co.California-Sixteen members ,.,f thel"niyer�ity )land04in cluh at the Uni­,'ersity of California ha\'e heen cllo"cnto take thl' winter trip to the Hawaii·an Islands. 19 JacUon Blvd., East, ,,;,\,.:t,"', .. �.'"IPRESIDENT WILL RECEIVE TODAY �THE ·DAILY MAROON. WEDX·ESDAY. DEC�MBER 13, 1911.A� It.SPALQJ"G & BROS.,. l ... tIII.'. .Larl�st','. :.lIaufac:tPrers. in tile" Woildof·Official. Equipment. for allAthletic SportsandPastimesIF YOU =::ru:G AthletiCuarantee of Sport Jou d-ald hawe •copy the SpaIdiq Cala-Qualitv .Ioc-. It' •• � ea-� �clWut·.'"la SDOrt aDd is _t free OQ.equat.A. G. Spalding & Bros.28-30 So. Wabash Ave., ChicagoTHE:'Spal�n.g'TRADE MARKla UoWD through­out the worldua"A Bank' for Everybody"IS A Morro WE TRY TOREAUZEWe have anequipment complete inevery detail; our financial strengthis. unql;l�tioned�To have and to hold the confidenceof our regular patrons an41 to securenew ones by effid,ent servi�e is our .eamest'encteaYOr • ...,; � -,WOODLAWN TROS ..... AND .:SAVINsS':8ANK'" ,,..... . - '. t• 1�� � Sixty-tbi!4 . �treet '•ExperiencedPressmenAre necessary to produce aOCMIPrinting; lIWIy a good job of com­POSitiOD baa beeD spoiled. by IacIt ofskill or :m�tiOD in the pressroom.. That's why we gift ncb caft tothe pl'iDtiq of enrs job;"e baYe ..established standard of workmanshipthat must be maintained.This mak� it. a certaiut"1 that �cau'secure highest qualit7 here aDthe tim� at DO areater cost.The Hyde .Park Printing Co.1IIIftIOB BIDE rAU SSSI1223 EL�t Fifty-fifth StreetHOLMES'Bakery & DelicatessenWe wiD deliyer lucia to UJCIa. or FntenityHi" Craft GeM. Oaiy. ,.... Orftn Solicit ..1317 E. SIXTY-THIRD STREETH.r.mtMAROON' PRESSJOB PRINTERSPultl .... tlon Prtlltlng'w.l1lt ..... .t, 1 05 E. 5501 St. __ ....... ,J.."President. Home from' Four UntilS�Pri,gram .for CoDvocat1� An­.' ',DOunC�.President and Mrs. Judson will re­ceive this afternoon Iromfour to six.All candidate's for degrees at the cur­rent convocation have been invited.Dr. Henderson delivered the- addressat the final Senior college chapel exer­cises for the quarter yesterday morn­ing. President Judson presided.The Convocation reception will beheld Xlonday night from 8:30 to 10:30in Hutchinson Commons. The guestsof honor will he Professor Inazi Ni­tobe, the convocation orator. and Mr.and �l rs. Mar tin A. Ryerson. TheEighty-first convocation will be heldin Mandel hall at 3:00 on Tuesday.The complete program of the con­vocation exercises follows:December 17, Sunday11:00 a. m. The Convocation Re-ligious Service.The Convocation sermon' by theReverend Charles Bayard Mitchell.D. D .. St. James Methodist EpiscopalChurch. Chicago.December 18,. Monday"10:30 a. m. The Junior Colege FinalChapel Exercises-Leon Mandel As­semhly Hall.8:30 to 10:30 p. m. The Convoca­tion Reception-Hutchinson Hall.The guests of honor:The Convocation orator, ProfessorInazo Nitobe, Imperial University,Tokyo.Mr. and Mrs. Martin A. Ryerson.All students and friends of the Uni­versity will be welcome without spe­cial invitation.The conferring of degrees.The �ain floor and the boxes willbe . reserved.,. Applications for re­served-seat tickets should be made atthe president's office. The balcony\viii be open for admission withoutticket.Heat RegulationTHE JOHNSONPNEUMATIC SYSTEMThe Recolllized StandardInstalled In the University ofChlcap BuildingsComplete Systemsfor all Methodsof HeatinlSTEAM COIITROL OF HUMIDITYREDUCING VALVES FOR AIR,WATER, HOT IWATERTAlK REGULATORSJohnson ,ServiceCo.H. w. D.lIS, .....177 II. DEARBORN ST. I' .� \. � .... �t:·"··:i'I.; ';.'�" :- .. v.�. �: " '. ;�� ..,'\.' yo DR interests as a buyerare the basis, ' of the careful developmentand organizationof the Maurice L Rothschild stores and headquarters forgood quality. Every hour in the day, every day in the year, weare eliminating buying perplexities for men and young men,and parents of boys; satisfaction assurance. '�J on ey hack cheerfully 011 any pur­chases before or after ChristmasYou hav .. now SOUle supreme «lothcs-buviug 01'­portunities : yon can make some extruordinury sa v­inl!s; we 've crowded value into some low pr-ices.Bltw & black Hoekannm suits. $:3;:; values, $2;).Ell,dish models: new American desijrns : YOUJI:.rmen's smart fashions in these finest of Aniericunwen ves. :\leu's suits. :3d floor; young men's, -lth.Tiley're very unusual values; $:3;' blue aud hlaekI Ior- ka 11 urns at $25.$20 and $22.50 blue and black suits, $15.Fine l[etcalf serges; plain and self stripe andsoft weaves. 'Ve 'll fit any man, of any figure orage; extra and regular sizes. The men '8 styles areon the :3d floor'; young men 's, different in style andeut. with lots of smart.m-w features, -lth floor.Great sale of fanev WC8YC suits. $20.This is 'leertailll�" suit buying time, whetheryoure well supplied or not. We have some shortlots of fine suits in faney weaves ; some have been*"�;j: some $=30; some $25: you may have your pickof them at $20. The men's styles on the 2d floor;the lively. snappy young mcn's on the 4th.$:35, �JO, $25 fancy weave suits, $20.Hart, ·Schaffner & Marx silk lined overcoats,$40 values, $25.The average wholesale price on these overcoatsis $=32.Imported fabrics; shorn chinchillas, vicunas, cheviots; Oxford gray, Cam­bridge blue; brown, olive, tan, black. Very exceptional, $40 values, $25..Maur ice L RothschildMone\'cheer{"lIvrefunded Specialists in good clothes; and nothing elseSouthwest comer Jackson and State Chicago.MinneapolisSt. Paul",Dr: Frederick F."MoltDE-NTIST1M Del PnH. S9t)a St. alld "asia· ..... Aft.At the Big Game·you wi II lookmuch hetter ifyou wear one ofour stylish hatS.Young m en of,taste are the ones .we are cateringto. Hatsfromallover the world,two dollars up­ward.;.. B. L. AMES HAT CO.359 .......The Corn Exchange National Bank Convocation SundayOF CHICAGO 10:30 a.m. The Convocation Prayer,�'tt �r06� • $�:�:5:� 'S�f\'ice-Reynolds Club.,orn� Candidates for degrees, titles andERNEST A. HAMIu... Presideot certificates will meet in HutchinsonCHARLES L HUTCHINSON. V'ace-Pzaidad fCHAUNCEY J. BLAIR. V'IC�-{'aaidaat hall: members of the acuities will,D. A. MOULTON. Vic:e-PIIe.ideDt meet in the Reynolds club.B. C. SAMMONS. Vice-Paaidaat 'JOHNC.NEELY.�FRANK W. SMITH. CaabierJ. EDWARD MAASS. Aa't c...ier .JAMES G. WAKEFlElD.Aa'tCuhierDIRECTORSa..des H. Wacker Mutiu A. R:reneaChaIlDceY J. 8Iair Edward B. �CIwIa H. HuIbmd a.-ce Badinahem8etaiamia CaIpemer O,de M. CurWaboll F. 8Iair '. Edwia G. F_Charles L HatcbiDsoa . Edward A. SheddFrederick W. C-by EmatA. HamillDecember 19, Tuesday" ',..,. Convocation Day.3:OO:p. in. -T'he' Eighty-first Univer­sity Convocation-s-Leon Mandel As-, , sembly Hall .The Procession.The Convocation Address: "Ameri­can Influence in the Far East," by. � A T R �,N r� E , . 'Professor Inazo Nitobe;' ImperialMARO ON ADVERTISERS University,'Toicyo., .The Hotel Del Prado �ris at your service. He is Mr.Rice, fonnerly on 57th St.YOU REMEMBER HIM"D��.proof eompialoD. PrIce SOc• ' Fortan.llUnhQm. ffteklftl. ek'.�tlle*,nftnn .nddnepalned.es.eelJeDtafterlllaYlac .......... .,ALL DRUGGISTSPATRONIZEMAROON ADVERTISERS,BIRDWOODF adory orpaizatioa ud traiBed opera­ton are esseatial ia tJ.e .ulIfacblre of,ood .er- �BrudCoDanareI chudise. .adeadertlaesecoaditioas ad are pod coDan.5.1. "7 ..... 1 ... H .......... ".n.2 FOIl 2S CENTS..... � EARL A WILSON $30'NowFor many $35 8nd $40Wooiens-pattema on whichthe milia were over-sold 'andlate in .hipping-amongthem a score of Bannock­bums and DUNBAR Tweeda.Tailor For YOUIIC MmA.L.-s._.Two Stores:7 N. La Sane St. 25 E. Jac:boD St.THE UNIVERSITYSHOE REPAIRING SHOPFlnt CI ••• R .... lrI .. and Beat ... .u..rGuannteed at R ......... I. PrIc ••,We deliftr � ia aLe cityMORRIS LESS1312 E. S7t1a Street OIICAGO.ILl.STRICTLY SANITARYUNIVERSITYBARBER SHOPGEORGE FRITZ. Proprietor1456 East Flftv-se!enth StreetCOWLIN�S LUNCH ROOMQ.Icls.mc.. -c..w...a... F ...• ... TICket. $3.35 fer $3 $4.51 fer $4..... 8117 ".. ., 11� E. 55tIa Street, c.r. Greaw ..... : � -=--�;;;�_:.:_.:--T'-, -. -,.- �:-";"_--�----:-;----. -�-T I •. �,)'II' I', "-, ( ,. . ... ,. ,THE DAILY MAROON. WE'DN ESDAY, DECEMBER 13. 1911.pRINCESSKort Singer PresentsVALESKA SURATTin"The Red Rose" CROSS COUNTRY MENTO ELECT CAPTAINTOMORROW AT 1:30PUSH it aloog-thoot itoverlVelv�because exceedingly smooth-snooth because aged overtwo years,.in which time allbarsliness disa� from theleaf leaving the goodness thatwe aD aave (or our pipe. Velvetis a tobacco mellowness hithertounbown-too lIDooth to harbora .. bite... It·s ju5l the sort of a to­bacco you would make (or your­self. MaIioos of men cheer (or iLWe Dever knew of a man whodidn·tlikeVeivetl Hmrahl Ooo·tlet it pus you. At. all dealers.SPAULDING &: MElUUCKCHICAGO FuBTwoOaaceTmaTHE �!!'!;..��!W(3) Times DaUy--z:45, 7:30,9:15 p. m.WEEK Sunday llatiilee DEC. 10IA7LL1VAN - CONSIDINB VAIUBTIDThe Daintiest. Cutest of Them AllMAXWELL'S FAMOUS DANCINGGIRLSTerpsichorean Novelties in Singingand Dancing.MAE DEVLIN and COMPANYin a Comedy Sketch called"THE GIRL FROM YONKERS"The Altus' Brothers, artistic clubmanipulators, in skillful and gracefuljuggling feats; Coy de Trickey, "TheBelle of Coontown," in tan types, topi­calities and dancing, "The DrollDaffydills"; The Stantons, Val andErnie, in, songs and joyous sayingsand that great big laugh, "Who Stolethe Shoes 1" I BEEN TO THE �MONROE?�WHO! 10UFIFTY -FIFTH ST. A.T MONROE A. VE.COMTINUOUS VAUDEVIU.E 7 to 11 The election of a captain for nextyear's cross country team will takep'ace .at 1 :30 tomorrow afternoon at�.rs. '!\lartyn's, studio, 5714 '!\{adisonavenue. At this time the pictures ofTEDDY HARDCASTLE � CO. both the team and cthe Cross Coun-Presenting "The Catspaw" try dub are to be taken for The CapHis powerful playlet showing' east- and .cow�. The members of the teamern capital in a mighty effort to cor- \ are Captain B. H. Lunde. L: G. Dun ..ner the beef market through control lap, J. S. Bishop, R. W. Baird. F. Aof the great waterways and cattle Gilbert and J. E. Hunter.ranges of the west.SCENE-Sunrise in the beautifulvalley of the Rio Grande.AND OTHERSSPECIAL ATTRACTION tThe challenge basketball game be­tween the Juniors and the Freshmenwas won by the Juniors with a scoreof 16 to 7 .. Miss Eva Goldstein, MissJosephine Kern and Miss Anna Cole­man played a good game for the Ju­niors. while Miss Dorothy Llewellynand �Iiss Mabe! Becker starred forthe Freshmen. The Championshipbasketball games between the Juniorsand Seniors will be played next quar­ter.SOPHOMORE SOCIETY. WILL ENTERTAIN ATFOOTBALL BANQUET..... s... .... 1IaIiMea Wei. aM Sat. 2:30MatineesWed.SatSun.S &: 10Evenings 5 -- 10 -- 15 About seventy-fivs wilt be presentat the All-star Cook County footballbanquet 10 be given by the membersof the Skull and Crescent society to­night at 6:15 in the cafe of the Hutch­inson commons. Among the guestswilt be Alberts. of Wendell Phillips;Bachmann, of Englewood; Stuart andCory. of University high: A. Vin­nedge, L. Hart, Schenk, and R. Smith,of Hyde ,Park; Pollard, MacDonald,Delaney. and Presnell, of Lane;' Rice,Cotter, Russell. Macomber, Carolan,Barrett. Gill, and Wanzer of OakPark.MATINEES-tO centa-20 cents. EVENINGS-tO ets., 20 ets., 30 eta.HOW CAN YOU./.nclare the odor of Penpiration wbenyou caD aecare AX1UARY DEODOR­IZER for 25c per, hoL Try it. For..te byL. G. SLOAT,83T ..... h.n FI.ld Bid ••22 W.plngton St.GRANDReturn to Chicago ofGERTRUDE ELLIOTTIn "R E BEL L ION" A. McADAMSThe University FloristA Iarae �el:J ofFLOWERS FOR THE HOUDAYS JUNIOR WOMEN WINBASKETBALL GAME;WILL MEET SENIORS' loeP"'8.P.18 S3n1 ST. I: IUlBAH AVE.MAJESTICGEORGE EVANS'The Honey BoyANDREW MACKSinging ComedianCharlotte Parry, Boudini Bros., Con­nelly & Webb, Three Dooleys, Tha­lero's Novelty, Thurber & Madison,John McCauley, Motion Pictures. Lectures on Skokie Marsh"Vegetation of the Skokie Marsh"was the subject of the talk given byMr. Earl E. Sherff at the meeting ofthe Botanical Club yesterday.Dear Friend: .w. wIaIt .. _. ... OM CB&lC& • .&a'r 8'I'1JD10. 1---'7 .. ·uo �-tid Inet. J.nIqtea' A u.Ir -' ........ tIaelr eteek Ie u.Ir _w ale CeUap 0 ...wID Sft7. hII u...r u. hO ..... : -,,PlC'l'UB __lI'BAJIBD AND }JRftAIIIID. MAN KODAKS aDd Sappu... �Prlot.. carboa, Wa_ CIIen.. oa.. .toek l. eomplete aD4 fnU. 14Cn�oo. aod PutelL .' 'I"DOBIIDCG-"Wii: OPDATB oua OWKPBAJIIXG-WB OPEBATB oua OWlC DARK ROOKS aad ea4eaTor to tvaSHOP aa4 are 10 a poaldoa to 40 aOCMJ oar work oat eftQ cla7. Broalde __wort at reuooable rateL "rglog a .peelalt7. BrIDe lD 7nr ... -CAJUCBAB-WB HANDLB TIl. BAST· aUna aDd get prlen.. We alao �1T7 a tun IIDe of ,-.... - ....... cw-. .au. eu.ta, Pen Out.. JlOftIq 0ee4b ... &diet' ...........CIIIK.& AKD 0LA88 nmm D�'YLDlOl(lIr,� m C1IIN& P&DI'I'IKO.Ou .otto: 1IatIafMtIeii ... ProIapbeaa. .CHENEY ART STUDIO8220 COTTAGE GROVE AVENUE Phone St.wart , TISTHE COMMONSClub Breakfasts-Cafeteria for 'LuncheonCornell-Eighteen members of theVarsity football squad at Cornellwereawarded major "C's," At the same. time, the first five members of theCornell cross country team to crossthe tape at the recent IntercollegiateCross Country Meet at Brooklinewere awarded their track "C's." See what you getGet what· yo� �t Pay for what you getCome in and try itGAR,R I C KThis Week OnlyGertrude Hoffmann and the Impe­rial Russian Dancers. and GertrudeHoffman's New Revue. ' Cornell-In a . game between. theLaw College basketball team, inter­c01Jege champions of . Cornell .Univer­sity, and the' Faculty Athletic clubteam of that institution, the lattereasily defeated the students with a,score of 19 to 8. Owens, a formerChicago man, played on the facultyfive.Califomia- The Glee dub at theUniversity of California will take itswinter trip through the northwestthis year, instead of through thehome state. Seventeen men, will makethe trip.LYRICIIR. JOHN MASONin AS A MAN THINKS McElroy Publishing Co.I .t . •8219 COTTAGE GROVE AVE.COR T TYPEWRITERSTHE KASTER OF THE BOUSE OF ALL . MAKES Classified Ads.. Everything in PrintingThe best cast ever given any Chicagoproduction. STENOGRAPHIC WORK quicklyand neatly done. Special attentiontl)- term papers and theses, Workguaranteed. One block wcst ofHitchcock. W. L. Allred. 911 Eo57th street.For Rent, Sale and Exchange WE SPECIALIZE PUB�ICATIONS",'/It la ao IODar � to Ja7 Ul:J­wbere near $100.00 lor a ataDcJu4 �W'dter of .. ,. IIlab. W. operate • JUaefaetol7 wbere we maIIe Oftr, WltJa ..pub, tnewrlten of an IItaIlcJarG mabIIaDd are -a"hle to .u tJIem at 40 per eat to15 per eeut lea tIaaD tJae 1D&D1IIaet1II'en'lift prlc:ea. .ODr maehloea are Dcnna throqbo_ tileeoUDt!7 for tile blala ataDdard of won­ID&aahlp aDd tile eomp1etea_ wltIa wlalelltbe rebunt work Ia 40"" No paIaa orespeo_ are spared to make tJae8e Qpe­wrlten 'ft1'7 elORly approaela tJae bna41Dew oun. 10 fa� tlaQ 'Wlli Clft tJae ..._nice .. aew maelllDeL ,ODr plaot, equipment .. d foree of espertt7pewriter meehaulc:a are equal to �oee ofmaD� of tile faetorlea wllere DeW t7Pe­wrlters are maoufaeture4. Tbeae faellitse.enable D. to do work wlllell �oa will aer­wltb a. la mane10DLWe ba'ge beea eatabllabec1 tblrt.7 ,.,.,aad t!aoa .... d. or oar mac1e-oftr Qvewdt.era 80Id a 10Dg tlme ap are IItln -cI�ae-tiataetol7 .nlce ID aD puta of tMeoUDtl'7.Do oot eootuae ODr rebuilt t:J'pewrlteNWith tile ordlO&1'7 8eeood.laaDd or tile __eane4 rebuilt maelaluea offered b,. oUaerdealera. ODr maebluea laa... all beeIa d18-maotled rlgbt dOWD to the frame. all 4.feetlTe aod woro pan. tbrowu oat. ttae.rebuilt wltb Dew materlal b� .kI1Iec1 work­mea.No other eooeeru baa thae fadllUea.tberefore our proeea Ia aD esdaaSw ODe.Our frleea �aoot be· equalled aDJWbere.I tCalt at our .. learoom aod read maa,.e en 8ueb .. thfte."Reallr, we do aot aee bow �ou ea.alford to put out suell a Dlee tJpewrlter fO!'t� mooe�, aod Wlsb to tbaok 70a for It."I 'lIaebloe I. an rlgbt aod a better look·0, ooe thaa I ftpected for tile prlc:e."ta�aebloe Is worklag IDe. I woal4 aot.e twlee wbat I I&ft for It."We paraotee all of oar muM ... for ODe��r aDd wm make 4ell'ftr:J of uy ma­elfllUDe, 81Ibjeet to aamlaatioD aa4 ntanaot .. t1afaetOI7.We alao reat t�ten la .nt�eo.clltloa at a SPBCIAL Ll.T8 of •mcnatba fO!' I5.CJo ... up.Wrlte or ean for fal'tMr putlftlan.AIIericaa Writiq .cWae Co. �.'STUDEBAKEREXCUSE lIEJOY FOR CHIC�GO TELEPHONEMIDWAY 3935COMMERCIALPRINTINGThe Smith-Goodyear Co.OLYMPICZELDA SEARSIn "STANDING PAT." SHOEMAKERSAND, REPAIRERS1134 East Si�-Tbird Street.......Piltomc.�Operators of the largest and best equip­ped shoe repairing plant outside theloop.I !..L_�nN�A!. SFRANK McINTYREIn "SNOBS."PATRONIZEMAROONpOWERSTIM MURPHYin the comedy success"The New Code" THE NEW DREXEL HOTEL__ 5758 DREXEL AVE. PIton. H. P. 3739Newly Decot-ated aDd Thorouahly Remodeled� clean. comfortable rooms, siDg1e 01 eDIDite: aD modena coa� enm b.Iha.ExC:elleDt home cookiDI: EftDiDa diDDen. DOOD IuDcheoD ad dab breakfub • specialty.C URKISHBATHS DECORATE YOUR DEN'with college posters and other attractive pictures.CENTRAL CAMERA CO.CO�ONIALSOc to $l.SO.A. H. WOODS aDd B. H. PRAZEBOffer MODEST SUZANNEA Melodious Maelstrom of FrivololllFarce WithSALLY PISBEREngagement Limited to Four Weeks TS Cents. PIal" .... 2& Centa.... ,-.-ySARATOGA·BARBER SHOP1.1 ..... ".....,a s. DEAItIIOItIt STUETIC' __ ........ �M-- Upat�Ttl. IIarrieea 4IIS • "-4-------------- AUO�"�ODAIS AJO) PIIOIOGUPBIC SUPPLIES 124 S. WABASH AVE.437 S • .,_.__ St.