'" ",. , ..... �. ..' .J �'''' ' .. ,', , . .... f' •••, .flarnnn,VOL. X. NO. 46. Price Five CentsUNIVE�SITY OF CHICAGO: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1911.'THOMAS' CONCERT ISA DECIDED SUCCESSTsclWbwsky S,.. ... , Fonu Princi­.... FeabIre of Propua ..... SIIetawOnrblre a BriIIiaat Work.,AUDIENCE GROWS ENTHUSIASTIC\Next Concert of OrChestral Associa­tion to be on JIIIIIIUY 9, NextQuarterThe second Thomas concert of theseason was given yesterday afternoonbefore a large audience. It was prob­ably the most appreciated of any pro­gram which has ·been heard here in'some time, and two of the numbers,namely, Wagner's "Traume" an-d "Un­der the Tree," 'by Ma'ssenet, were re-'pea ted in entirety ,by lhe orchestra.,The Overture to, "The Bartered'Bride," which opened the program.was played here last year, and wasagain warmly applauded yesterday. Itis an exceedingly brilliant composi­tions and one of the most popularworks of the ill-fated composer, Sme-tana.Sympbony a Masterpiece'The Tschaikowsky symphony whichformed 'the principal part of the pro­gram. is. of course. a masterpiece. Itbegins with a sombre. mysterioustheme "full of fate." This developsinto ;_ rapid Allegro con anima. the'motif of which is a Polish folksong.The second movemerst, an AndanteCantabile, is nnore or less' gloomythroughout. and gradually increases inemotional .Iervor . up to' an, outburst,- ;Whicn . dies·--away-·ni"ounrl�llY:��·l1iethird movement is 'a simple valse,which shades into a "trio," 'then re­tur·n'S to' the original valse theme andfinally to the sombre motif of the first�ovement. The fourth movement islengthy and works up to a tremen­dous Presto climax which closes thework."Under the Tree" EncoredOf the three lesser selections whichiollowed the Tschaikowsky symphony,the Wtagner "Traume" was ·f3Imiliar,and the Brahms "Hungarian Dances"arranged by D"orak were more or lessso. The Massenet number, "Underthe Tree," taken from his "Scen�s.Aksaciennes," was new, and it was en­thusiastically received. ,Mr. Stockgraciously r�sponded by �peating _it.The program follows:Overture 10 "The Bartered- Bride,"-Smetana.Symphony No. S, E minor, Opus 64-Tschaikowsky.Andante-Allegro con anima.Andante cantabile con alcunCl Ii­f cenza.Valse-Allegro moderato.Finale-Andante maestoso-Allegro­'Allegro vivace.Traume-Wagner.Under the Tree--Massenet.'Cello and Clarinet obligato! byMessrs. SteindeI and Schre­ars.Hungarian Dances (17-21)-BrahmsDvorak. 'This is the last concert of the Uni­,·ersity Orchestral Asso�ation for theI.:url'ent quarter. On January 9 therewill be another Thomas concert, andon February 6 a piano recital by Wil­helm Bachaus.Kay Not PIa7 B0cke7 Game.Unless the grounds are in bettercondition this afternoon the cbamp­ionship bockey game . between theJunior and Senior teams will not beplayed. The question wilJ'bi deCidedthis afternoon. After the aune MissDudley 'WiD entertain the memben of,both the teams at a dinner in LeXiIW­ton dining room at 6., INITIATE THREE QUARTERS M�Thirty-Eight Freshme� Beco� Mem­bers of First Year Honor SocietyLast Night � Banquet at Kuntz­Remmler Restaurant. Bemard Shaw', "Preu-Cuttiap," Pro­laibitecl by Eqlisla CeDlOnhip, toFeature Club', Perfol'llWlcel.1920 rackets Haye Beea Distribated..A.OD,192 Mea ad WOIIeIlof eo..ittee."Chicago Will Shine-Tonight" and ,With the opening of the Winter60Th . PI for Freshmen" were quarter, activities on the wrestlineere IS a ace spr & arC! FOR SEmEMENT ,WORK ""the 'Official swan songs of the Three � mat and in the fencing rin� will beQuarters club as the last sad Tites resumed . Earl Gray. last year's cham-were performed over the wearers of Dr. Henderson Talka at Senior Chapel pion heavy-weight wrestler, has beenthe green ribbons in the rooms 'of the �Misa McDowell Addresses Ju- appointed coach, and will 'begin su-Kuntz- Remmler company last night. nior Chapel Tomorrow perintending workouts immediatelyThese ditties brought to a moutnful 'after the holidays.close the period .of initiation which Have you bought-your ticket to the The squad of men, especially in the On December 15, one week fromhas lasted for the last forty-five days. Settlement Dance? . middle-weight and the welter-weight next Friday, the University DramaticThe thirty-eight "its" gathered be-, 192 men and women are to make classes. which Coach Grey expects to club will' stage its fall plays in thefore the iron grating at Hitchcock this question resound throughout the contend for honors on the mat, will th-eater of the Reynolds club. Threeabout 4 yesterday, when they were re- campus from 8:30 this morning until he unusually large this year, an-d some plays will be given: "Press Cut-d A fast matches are expected.lieved- of their barrel staves, can y, the dance begins Saturday night. pings," by George Bernard Shaw;and cigarettes by the fifty upper class- meeting of the entire finarice com- Wrestling Material Good. "Rosalie," translated from the Frenchmen on hand. mittee was held yesterday morning at In the middle-weight class great of Marx M�urey, and "A Woman'sthings are expected 'of Langhurst andAfter- putting on a short one-act which practically all members who . Privilege," by Barrett H. Clark. The- S h did . d hei - k Angel.' The former represented the .comedy called "There is No Use tav- a not a rea y receive t ell' trc ets casts arc as follows:f • h d ith hI' h d University in the Conference and ating Off a Barrel Stave," the initiates were urms e w tern. ,t IS opewere tied together with a clothes that with the early start which will Hlinois. while Angel was compelled to "Rowe".1.... h h' k II '11 withdraw owing to illness. just as he M B I W Lane Rehmline. and led lockstep about the camp- oe given tern, t e trc et se ers WI . 0 ••.•...•••••••• •.b kif hcf d' I was displaying his best style. Woods M B I .C era Beallu� dressed.in the conventional garb rea a reCOf( or t e first ay s sa e. .me. 0 •• • • • • • • • • •• orn Ianel Seidenfeldt, both in the light- R J' Effi Hewittof straw .hat, sweater, and ,white '·1 am certain," said Chairman Ju- osa re ••••••••••••••••• e Iducks. On the way to the Illinois nius Scofield of the finance commit- weight class, are looked upon- as good "A Woman's Privilege"material. M Q JCentral several snake d ances were in- tee yesterday, "that if the spirit of·my She ona uayeSome interesting, matches are al- Th Oth "T 0 d C Idulged in. committee could. make the dance a e er YV. g en 0 emanready promised. and beside the Con- D B dEn route to the ,city, the "Frosh" success, everything would 'be all right. He .. '.. .. on reeference and some outside meets, aamused themselves by bunking under I know that they will work hard, "Preas C ....... __ "series of bouts have .been arranged - .. _... ...the seats, 'selling newspapers, shining but at least two-thirds of the success with local wrestlers representing the Mitcheaer Paul' O'Deashoes, singing the ads in the car, and of the dance depends on the students Y.::\1. C. A. BalsquitlJt '�. (No� decided)ki Iiti 1 hes ] f of themselves., If a record crowd is not F k P krna mg po I rca speec es In avor Fencing Activities Begin The Orderly ..........• ran ar er. M B £" r offic in on hand Saturday, I will be sur- .'\. J H . krunmng .:. r. ryan 0 some e \Vith the appointment' of Dave Le- Mrs. Banger ......•Alice 4ce, erne1912.. prised," C . hi F hvinson as fencing coach, activities are Lady onnt I... ans awe .. : .••..•"-Play Leapfrog, DowntowD. Bulletin Will Show Sale expected to open along that line with • • . . . • . • • • • . . • . . . . . . Frances Ross,In the city the "its" had a session A b II ti b d' , t f th 0' a rush 'Levin-son was the .conference Mrs.' Farren Winifr�d 'Cutting'. u e In oar In ... ron 0 e' �of leapfrog, blew 'signals at the street If' ffi . Cobb 'll '_..1: champion l:a�t-xeat. .'l.l .. 1.ollf:h.-.1le-..lJna,.......,4j,__ ,,�PNia'>Catda�the-F�o .-._,. . ,..... b...) .,..1 .. � f ._ .. f n ormation 0 ce m �t� Wl J,�, .-----.,��-"" --- �""-� -���..t.C!§���gs-.....,r t! �"refS��n·. 0 .r &L4 -: � cat�- the s�le '(;f iiCThs. The board f not been able to get a line on much The plays will be given before anfic, peddled imaginery fruit, had yell will be checked up hourly, and will mat�rial, he is optimistic as to the . invitation audience, m the Reynolds Iand song practices, and Salvation show the sale by committees as well commg sea�oJl, and �xpects to �ave a club theater. T'he feature of .tbe per­army meetings, until 7.30, when they as the total sale. It is hoped that . squad learning to Wield the rapier as -formance will, of course. be .the Shawadjourned to the comparative seclu- with this system, competition between soon as the Win1er quarter com- ,comedy, which is of int�rest chieflysion of the restaurant. the committees will greatly increase mences. because it �as ceQsored tWo' yearsSpeeches wc;re given by William A. the total sale. . �go.in London for political .reason�\Varriner for t·he Seniors, Robert Tut- , STUDENT REGISTRATION .. It deals wl'th woman's suflraae, com-'According to those in charge, 1920 ft .tIe for the Juniors, Horace Scruby for FOR '!INT. ER CONTINUES pulsory service, a. nd, is full.of bitingtlte So.J.omores, and Fred Eddy for tickets have already' been distributed,VOl 10 to each' committee member. When •0 satire against. "jingoism." . Althoughthe Freshmen. Walter P. Steffen, now, ' ,.., AU Bat PirSt Year'dd unci.aiised' m" u' c' h' 0'£ t-h' e f' un"I�s' ':::al (the com"dythe tag day device �s discontinued, . ,�,of the Law school, acted as toast- " '" . J. Student8 'D'-:�. This ::.s 'fer'm' ed· "top'" l'ca'I'') ":..,: 'I'S' almostanother- method for distributin.g tick- -ape"..... n.master. ets had 'to be found, which would Week' whoOy Understandable by an, AiDeri-s;each everyone 0as ;efficiently as did can �au��.,h d· 0 Th .1 f h . ' Registration for -the Winter quar:"t e tag ay. e p an () avmg so Plan. for "IDter I'Lly�. , I II" - '. k ha tel' will continue throughout this weekmany peop e se mg tiC ets't t no pt!!ns for'the Wint.. er· p' lay care beingone would -be missed was' selected. for all students -exc;ept unclassified �and it is expec�ed th,� i� WHI be JD�fe students and Fresh�en. Freshmen made at pr�sent. The piece unoer di�successfu� than the 'tagging system. WiII" be .,emitted' to . register next cuss ion is Granville BarkerOs "The. Monday, 'while the unclassified stu- Voysey InHeritance." '"The club isDr. Henderson � in Senior ' k'chapel yesterday to' induce students dents will not itgiste°i- until' 'Decem- .�� �a .IDg an:��ments . with ,theto go to the Dance .. Saturday: He bel' 20. FolloWing is 'the' s°cihedule of au�r for. tlJe possible production ofpointed out that the lsettleineat is an hOUri:: ' :t'be play. Ther'e 'j's aiso a possibility. .. h f d0 �raduate, dal'ly', 9. to' 12. . that George MereditblPs . ��finis!iedIOstltutlon wort y 0 stu ent support.lHe stated that by ",cans of the Set- DivinitY, daily, 9 to 12. one�act comedy, "The Sentimental-., ' ..... . I iostl.," "will b. e' put 0, n as a curtain'tlement the poor were given' aD oppor- ..;wa'ecbca ., daily, 9 to 12. 'tunity to assist them�lv� � come '. �duc�tioon, daily, 9 to 0 12. w:aiseT.in contact with the � 'lDOR 'educated Senio�, daily; 10:30.classes. He' also ma4e tbe point that, Junior college students-those bav-Settlement work is of areat advadtage ing 9' m�jors or more, wilI registerto students who conduct 'classes there with the. deans, during this week liltas they come in contact with a class of the regular office hours; thoie Withsociety which they 'Would not !be less. than 9 majors 'dUring' the weeklikely to meet otherwise. Miss Mc- Qf December 11.Dowell, head' resident at the Settle-, Ilea-A to L. Dean Gale, EmslIIlent, will address the Junior menand women at cbapel: tomorrow. hallA meetigg of the finance committee ,Men-M to Z. Dean linD, Ellis.will be held today at 10:30 in Cobb ball.6A; 'at which any member of the COID- Women-A to L, Dean Miller, Lex-mittee who has been qt.,ble to obtain ington han. ' .tickets fro� the cap�i1l of hi' com- Women-M to Z. Dean Wallace,mittee or who did' not attend yes- Lexington ban.terday's meeting, WIll be ,.plied. Unclassified students will relisterChairman Scofield will be in Cobb 6:\ on and ,after December 20:every morning this week to receive Men-Dean Lovett, Cobb haU, 8 tomoney and furnish more tickets to 8:30; 9:30 to 10:30.those who have sold their fir.t lot. Women-Dean Talbot, Cobb han,"I hope that we get a &,0041 start in 12 to 1.the sale tomorrow," Aid GeneralChairman Simond yesterday. ''Thefirst day's sale is alwa1' an indicationof tbe size of .the crowcl which 'WIlltum out. 'Last year we 'Sold almost500 tickets the fim dV, ad we hadthe binat c:rowd on :,record. We'vegot to beat that tbis year."HOLD SWIMMING MEET DEC. 13Freshman and Varsity Teams Tryouts.Next Tuesday.The annual acquatic contest be:'tween the Freshman and Varsityswimming team� will be held onWednesday afternoon, December 13.The final tryouts to' select tlie menwho will parti<:ipate in the variousevents will be held Tuesday -after­noon. ' Two men from both squadswill be picked for each event, and thenew schedule of events which wasdrafted by the Conference collegesswimming directors at a meeting' heldlast week will be followed. ,About twenty men are out for boththe Freshman and the Varsity teams.Both squads are practicing daily up-­der the direction of Coach White.Nine members of last year's Varsityteam are on the squad this year andindications poinOt to a favorable show-'ing in the inter-collegiate meets whichwill be held next ,q�rter. Accord­ing to Coach White there are severalmen on tbe Freshman squad who are9howing unusual promise and a spir­ited contest with the Varsity is ex­pected.1IicbipD-''The Awakening of Ra­meses" is the title of the comic operato be presented this year by membersof the Michigan Union. The produc­tion wiD be StaCed December 13 to 16.Dartmoadl--4Pfhe Importance 01BeiDg Earnest," a COIDedy by OscarWilde, Wlll be present� by the Dart­mouth Dramatic 'Clab. ' INAUGURATE DANCETICKEToSALE TODAY BEGIN MINOR SPORTS ACTIVITIES DRAMATIC CLUB WILLPRODUCE THREE PLAYSWrestling and Fencing Seasons WillBe Opened After Christmas Holi­daY[I- Material in Both Lines isGood.PROMINENT STUDENTS IN CASTSWinter Play Under Discussion-Con­rider "The Voysey Inheritance"and "The Sentimentalists."Junior Girls Keet Friday.The, girls o.of the· Junior. class willmeet next Friday ..at ·10:30 in Cobb15B, under the chairmanship of Miss�ona Quayle, 'secretarY' of the class,. to.: discuss' the girl'�' party for nextquarter, and the question of wearingblue ties with the class numerals uponthem. The Junior dance, which is ,totake place a week 'from nat Friday,wiD allo be- taken up. The men ofthe class will probably hold a meetingone week from today to take up thematter of the class stag to be givennext quarter.'DRAMATIC CLUB WILL. '�U�B THREE P�AYS�,"""ta to Hear B�ProfessOr James Henry Breasted ofthe. department of El7J)tology andO�� �tOl7 will adch-ess tIle,mem­�. of ,Profa�r Sbailer Matthew'sS1QIday lIIOiaiac.·.BiIth -course tonightat i ill B ..... Ueam. The lecturewiII�.k ..-a-PIofeuor BreastM'. Ie­« •. t exploration, iD EoPt.S,racue-:.BowUag atleYs ar� ODe Ofthe features Of th� gymnasium atSyracuse. Two of the alJe,.. are fortbe faculty, while the rest are reHnedfor the «eneraJ 1IIe of the ,tad_aThe entire eqaipmeat was doaatecl re­cetltly by John D. Archbold.,�.,:.:1"-�,. :...1.1,".1 :,..-,��. .. �. ;.,,'�':.;. �'':;_':;''':'�''': ':-;-I'>'-"5·::�:'.!:: �,;:'·.I� ·:'I;·�.·.�'�';'''''''··'.i·. I"�.. �· . ..k.-:·:.�" 'TH'E DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1911.THE DAILY MAROONSocial Committee of the Freshmanclass will meet today at 2. Northeast Neighborhood. party at 4.Dear Friend:We ..... &0 aIUIouaCie tbat tile CIIBNBY ABT STUDIO, formedJ" at 1111 But 8�­thlnl Street. Mal' LexlDpoa AYeDae, ba .... dlaeoDtlDaecl their ba.alMN at tbe aboYeaddrea. aad baYe moyed their .tock to- their ae. .tore, 8%M Cottap Groye Ayea ........W·ear,.,. a tall IIDe of tbe followlac:PICTURES-FRAMED AND UNFR.ulED, MAN KODAKS aDd SDppllea. TMPrints. CarboDa. Water Colon. au.. atock Is complete and tresh. %.CrayoDII ::lod PastelL FINISHING-WE OPERATE oua OWllFBAIIING-WE OPERATE OUR OWN DARK ROOMS aDd eDdeayor to taraSHOP aDd are In a poslUoa to do good our work out ever,. da,.. Bromide ea-work at reasonable rates. IargtDg a speelalt,.. Bring 1D ,.oar a .. -CAMEBAS-WE HANDLE THE EAST- atlves and &;et price&.We also car� a tDlI lIDe otllalad-PalDtecl ChlDa. Iloilo Carda.' Po., carda. NonltJ" Gooda .. 4 AztIat'. 8appllee.CHINA AND GLA.S8 F1BED DAILYLESSONS GIVEN IN CHINA PAINTING.Oar iloilO: Satiafaetioa _4 Prompt ....CHENEY ART STUDIO6220 COTTAGE GROVE AVENUE Phon. St.wart 178The Official Student Newspaper ofthe University of Chicago. Bulletin and Announcements ,'BROOKS BROTHERSSettlemeDt' Dance reception 'com­mittee meets for final instructions ,to­day in Cobh 3A at 10:30. Chees Club will meet tomorrow at'the usual time to adopt a constitution /and to elect officers.Founded October I, 1902.Settlement Dance finance commit­tee, entire ISO, meets today at 10:30in Cobb 6A.FormerlyThe University of Chicago WeeklyFounded October 1. 1892.POW' WOW' important businessmeeting today at 2 in Cobb 6A.Published daily except Sundays, Mon­days and Holidays during threequarters of the University year." Chapel Assembly at 10:30 today.The Divinity School, Haskell assern­hly room.Entered as Second-class mail at theChicago Post Office. Chicago, Illi­nois, March 18. 1908. under Act ofMarch 3. 1873. Y. W. C. L. meets today at 10:30in Lexington.�a.7Philological Society meets today atK with Professor Manley, 1312 EastFifty-third street.The StaffW. J. Foute Managing EditorH. L. Kennicott News EditorM. W. Reese Athletic EditorBusiness ManagersE. R Hutton R. J. RosenthalAssociate EditorsD.' L. Breed Drama and Music,.M. D. Stever's City PapersC. F. Dunham Public SpeakingW. H. Lyman ...•........... CampusLeon Stolz ... Periodicals and LecturesB. W. Vinissky Minor SportsWomen's EditorMargaret CampbellReporter: Marguerite Swawite Settlement Dance orchestra meetson third floor of the Reynolds clubat 4 today. Those who have signedup must be there.Chapel Assembly tomorrow at10:30 for mens and women of the Jun­ior colleges. BROADWAY, NEW YORKLe Cercle Francai� meets in Spel­man house tomorrow at 4.Men's French Club meets in Hitch­cock hall club room at 4 tomorrow. Representative, Mr. Lanzer, at the CongressAnnex, December 11th to 14th inclusive with latest\suits, overcoats, riding and motor .garments, EnglishHaberdashery, Hats, Shoes and 'London noveltiesappropriate for Christmas gifts.Graduate History Club meets inHitchcock library at 8 tomorrow.Reynolds Club informal Friday,December 8. at 8:30 for membersonly.Settlement Dance Saturday night inBartlett gymnasium.Germanic Club witt meet at thehome of Professor Cutting, Decem­ber 11.Senior Women desiring maroonties, who have not ordered them al­ready can order before Friday fromFrances Meigs.The Quadranglers will give a recep­tion to the faculty tomorrow from 4to 6.Knapp-Felt Hats standfor highest known excel­lence-utmost individu­ality. For thirty years,the House of BISHOPhas introduced each sea­son/ the Iat es t perfect/Knapp-Felt product of'skilled workmanship andsmart design.Chicago'. maG diltiDctiv. dreaeralnl1 KDapp-P. hatllli BIBBOP'8.Social ColumnSUbscription RatesBy Carrier, $2.50 per year; $1.00 perquarter. City Mail, $L25 per quar­ter; $3.00 per year in advan�e.News contributions may he left inE11i!t Hall or' Faculty Exchange; ad­dressed to·The Daily Maroon. The' finance committee of the Y. W.C. L. will hold its regular monthlymeeting at the home of Miss GraciaAlling next Tuesday from 3 to 5.Mrs. MacClintock will entertain themembers of the Signet club who takepart in the fancy dancing at the Set­tlement dance at a dinner Saturdaynight.\ EDITORIALThe presence of the new "C" hatson the football men suggests the fact ,that otherwise no ICC;' hats are to 'beseen, and that evenThe "c" these football hats arei and probably will be lit-tle worn by the rnen who have wonthem. We are proud of the men whohave wo� their C's and there is noreason w,hy they should not be proudof themselves.The C pins or buttons once popularat the University are being less andless worn by the students, In pastyears considerable agitation' in' favor'of every student buying one of theseresulted in many being worn. Butnow they seem to be either lost or,layed away. Miss ....\t{'()llie Carroll will entertainthe .missionary, committee of. .the Y,W. C. L. Friday at 4 in Miss Rey­nold's room in Foster hall.Professor Shailer Matthews will en­tertain the members of his Sunday.morning Bible class in Haskell to­night at 8.The Senior dance will take placeFriday at 3:45 in the Reynolds club.Thursday afternoon from 4 to 6the Northeast Neighborhood club willgive a party in the Neighborhoodrooms in Lexington hall. The Kalialu initiation will be held at9 Saturday morning. December 16,at the horne of Miss Helene Pollack.CHRISTMAS. CARDSBOOKS AN� PICTURESPi Delta Phi entertained at a danceat the Reynolds club last Saturdaynight. BEFORE Examinations seize youSELECT YOURPsi U psilon had an informal danceat its house November 29.Alpha Delta Phi had an informalThanksgiving dance at its house lastWednesday night.The, annual Settlement dance willtake place in Bartlett gymnasium De­cember ,9. IKnapp-Felt HatsThe members of Beecher hall willentertain at a dinner to the faculty to­nig,�t. A novel entertainment has.been planned.The last Reynolds club dance ofthe quarter will take place Friday,December 8.-The ticket sale for the Settlementdance begins today and it will bestrange if anyone escapes being ap­proached by one ofThe Settlement the 192 sell e r s.Ticket Sale Stranger still wilt bethe per son s ap­proached wbo have excuses to offerfor not purchasing one of the tickets.Few excuses wilt be taken and noneshould be offered. 'The dance is con­ducted for a noble purpose and hasalways appealed to the philanthropicside of the student's nature. Every­one wants a ticket. COMMERCIAL CLUBWILL ,REORGANIZEEARLY NEXT YEARThe meeting of the Commercialclub. which was postponed November2i in order not to conflict with theAlumni banquet, will b� held early inJanuary. Following the custom of theclub, a dinner will be given in theprivate dining room of the Commons,followed by informal talks fromprominent business men of the city.The speakers secured for the comingmeeting are: Mr. H. A. Wheeler,president of the Chicago Associationof Commerce; Mr. Homer E. Still­well, ex-president of the same organ­ization. and Mr. T: E. Donnelly, presi­dent of the Lakeside Press. It isprobable that the election of officersand new members will take place at'the same time.FIFTY CENTSWill make you happier than everbefore - and go farther - if you,CorneD-Students at Cornell are tobe official inspectors of boardinghouses, according to a plan proposedI by a member of the Ithaca faculty.I A student Commons to set the pace!for other establishments, is also pro-.... .... posed.give it toTHE UNIVERSITY SETTLE-IlENT Heat RegulationTHE JOHNSONPNEUMAnC SYSTEMA. Bish�p & Co., I34 So. State Street(OW No._IS6) IIThe Recognized Standard ,IFURRIERS HATTERSlast..alled in the University ofChicall BulldlnpComplete S,stimsfor all Methodsof Heatinl THE NEW DREXEL HOTEL6768 DREXEL AVE. PIton. H. P. 3739Newly Decorated and Thoroaahly RemodeledJ...iPt. cIeaa, c:oaafodable rooms. siaaIe or easaite: aD modena. cOaftDieDca; eeftD ......EUdIeat holllC � EYeGiq dinDen. DOOQ IaDcheoca ad dab break'- a �.STEAM CONTROL OF HUMIDITYREDUCING VALVES FOR AIR,WATER, HOT ·WATERlANK REGULATORS Try our "Club Breakfast" and "Special 'Luncheon."Come in. Be convinced that you get qualityand quantity for the least moneyTHE MEN'S COMMONSJohnson ServiceCo.• .•• EWS. __ ,,� ..." ... \ 1 . T.........,..� • .' ''I • .'" :: 'a" ,.�'•THE DAILY MAROON. W.;EDNESDA Y. DECEMBER 6. 1911.GIVE NEW ,ENGLISH COURSESR. L. Lyman of WiKonam to TeachArgumentation and Debating, .,Courses in argumentation and de­bating will 'be given in the Winter andSpring quarters by Mr. R. L L�associate professor in rhetoric andoratory at the University of Wiscon­sin.. As an undergraduate. Mr. Lymanwas prominent as a debater. havingwon first place for Wisconsin in theInter-State Oratorical contest in 1899.Later ;he was on 'the Harvard Inter­Collegiate teaen which' debated withYale in· 1903. He was instructor inEnglish at fHarvard College for twoyears previous to accepting his pres­ent position at Wisconsin.285 THANKSGIVINGBAGS DELIVERED ATINCURABLES HOME1I STRICTLY SANITARYUNIVERSITYBARBER SHOPGEORGE FRITZ. Pnprietor1456' East Fdty-seventb SheetAt the Big Gameyou wi 11 lookmuch better ifyou wear' one ofour stylish hats.Young men oftaste are the oneswe are cateringto. Hatsfromallover the world,two dollars up­wards.B. L. AMES HAT CO.TrihDDe Bm1diD, 3S W. MadisoD"A Bank for Everybody"IS A MOTTO WE ,TRY TOREAUZEWe have an equipment complete inevery detail; our financial strengthis unquestioned.......To have and to hold the confidenceof our regular patrons and to secureDew ones by efficient service is ourearnest endeavor.WOODLAWN TRUST ANDSAVINGS' BANK"1204 East Sixty-third StreetHOLMES'Bakery &: Deli�essenWe wiD deliYer Lmac:la to OJChab or FntemityRiP Gn.Ie Ge.b o.IJ.. .....ONenSelicitei1317 E. SIXTY-THIRD STREETB. r.3'III ......... 7,...MAROON PRESSJOB PRINTERSPultlloatlon PrIntingPrI_. Lowe8tPIt .... H. P. 3881 W.l'IltItoBo8t, '05 E. 55t .. St.BIRDWOODFactory orpaizatioa ad tramed open­ton are eaeatiaI ia tile ... afact.re .f�..;.:�- �!:i:'�..::coMiti.s ... are allan.SoN ., Lo_I H .2 FOR 2S CENTS..... "r EAIft. AI WILSON SERVING YOU is the thing we want:to, make Maurice L. Rothschild servicethe best possible advantage to clothes buyers; the sameattention, the same prices, to all; to give absolute satisfaction, withoutany reservations. That's our only rule here. Andto give values that are unmistakable; and see thatyou get what you want; service.Two hundred and eighty-five. Thanksgiving bags were delivered atthe Horne for Incurables last Thurs­day by the Y. 'V. C. L. The bags,.donated by the women of the Univer­sity, contained candies. nuts, fruits.and the like, and were prepared un­der the direction of Miss Ruth Ransom.They were delivered Thanksgiving,morning.SHOREY CHOSEN TODELIVER SERIES OFLECTURES IN EAST� Professor Paul Shorey. head of thedepartment of Greek, has been chos­en to deliver the Turnbull lectures atJohns Hopkins university in March,1912. and .has also been designated asthe "Gardner Lane" lecturer on classi­cal languages, at. Harvard university.This latter series will be delivered inthe early spring of 1912. Young men's smart clothes, 4th floorYOU'LL find that we know how to fit young fellows; andthat we have 'the clothes for it. New colors in suits; browns,Copyrlcht Han Sc:haCDCr& )1:;.::. olives, oxford grays, steel blues; English Bond street models,ulsterettes, Norfolk ulsters, -ombination collar overcoats; great values. Suits and over­coats 515, 518, 520, 525, 530, 535.,ANGELL RETURNS TOUNIVERSITY FROMMEETING IN EAST.. Dean' James ROwland Angell hasrecently returhed from N ew YorkCity, where he attended the meeting.of the Associated Colleges and Pre­paratory Schools of jhe Middle Statesand Maryland. The sessions wereheld at Columbia university last' Fri­day and Saturday. The University ofChicago is not' a member of the asso­ciation. but Dean Angell was invited.as the official representative of theUniversity of Chicago. to read a pa­per on "College Entrance Systems."FIRST YEAR CLASSTICKETS WILL BEDIST�BUTED TODAYThe executive committee of theFreshman class will meet at 10:30 to­.day in Cobb 3A. The 'class ticketswill be ready at, this time and will bedistributed to the members of theclass today. 'These tickets signify thatthe holders' are members of theFreshman class and as such are en­titled to the privileges of attendingthe functions and of participating inthe activities of the class.PROFESSOR GOODE,WRITES ARTICLE ONISLAND EDUCATION"Our Educational Experiment inthe Philippines" is the title of an ar­ticle by Associate Professor JohnPaul .Goode, of the department ofgeography, recently issued in pamph­let form by the United States govern­ment. The article, reprinted from. The Journal of Education. explainsthe educational work now being con­ducted in the Islands, and is the re­sult of Professor Goode's recentstudy of the question as one of therepresentatives of the government atthe Teachers" assembly at Baguio.Play BasketbaD Game Nest SaturdayThe Junior women's basketball. team has accepted the challenge of theFreshman'team for a game which willbe played December 12 in Lexington.The Freshmen have already 'defeatedthe Sophomore team., Here are. overcoats of the best imported weaves, silklined; ulsters, raglans, 'slipons, box overcoats; $35, $40,$45, $50.Take your choice of a big lot of Hart Schaffner &'Marx fine overcoats in new' weaves and colors; $35 and$40 silk lined overcoats; gray, oxford, black, at $25.Best values in quality and style you ever saw in $20overcoats and ulsters.Here's a great suit buying opportunity; men's suitsmuch underpriced.540, 535, 532 suitsnow at 525520 and 518 530, 528, 525 suitsnow: at 520suits now at 515.Fancy weaves, 2d floor; blue and black, �d floor.Maurice L RothschildMoneycheerfullyrefunded Specialists �n good -clothes;- and nothing else'Southwest comer Jackson and State ChicagoMinneapolisSt. PaulTHE UNIVERSITYSHOE 'REPAIRING SHOPFirat CI ••• R .... lrln •• nd Bo.t Le.th.rGuarant.ed .t R._.nabl. Prlc ••IWe ddiftr -,..ben: ill Ihe cityMORRIS LESS'1312 L 57t1a Street aDCACO.DL.PATRONIZE MAROON 'ADVERTISERS$30·;No�,For many $35 and-$40WooleM-patterna on whichthe, milia were over-sold andlate in' .hipping-amongthem a score of Bannock.burna and DUNBAR'Tweeds.TailOr Few Yo1lDC 11m.... --.-.Two Stores:7 N. La SaDe St. 25 B. JacboIl St.The Smith�Goodyear Co.SHOEMAKERSlANDREPAIRERS1134 East �·Tblnl Street-- ......Operators of the laqestand besteqaip­peel shoe repairing plant oataile theloop. < , BradleyMuffiersSOc HANSEN Our extensiveline of Neckwearis pleasing tolook at and yetmore pleasing to.wear. We havethem in Tubular,flowing ends andknit,SOc to $2.00Mercerized andall silk knitReefers$1.50 and up.All wool AutoScarfs$1.00 and $1.50 1111 E. Sixty-third StreetIEIT TO POST OFFICE.A. C. McCLURG & CO.218-224 S. Wabash Ave.A Famous Center of Interestfor Holiday Gift BuyersBRANDT JEWELRY SHOP1225 East Sixty-third Street Phone Midway 1671We make and design hand-made gifts of everydescription, fraternity jewelry, etc.We show the largest assortment of Jewelry,Bronzes, Glassware, Silverware.VISITORS INVITEDWe Call Yoar Special AtteDtioaf to our completeworkshop and repairing department. We repair,jewelry of every descriptiofl., and watches, whetherplaifl. or complicated.• •� ...,.� �.... � • """. /_. 0h.. t. ",':.',".; ••• n." - ....... ,. �,�. t, '.. �" ,"."'"'\;; .� \ ): t.t l" .... ,\r--.A ).\�.'�;,,�-;-, , .:'I'!"�'J:" . .: �.�....,.. •. �,. �"-t. �_-;.::�::, ;:� .. ;,��",;�� ... , ��r"'� �:::tl�:r,�-r:":��;;J: ::t.:�� ,. � . .r ... '�..,. .. ?- .... l�- •.• '�,,�, "'.�.' . ';,'!ill.., ......... :'",' ."or:" ... � ..•. '<},. '�/'t; �:';-f" �f";:, .. : � ... �' • �. ,,'" .t"'"J" "" c-> t'" •- .:"It' ,.: "'i �!.�' '-\� :-.- ,:,�" .;;-(., . t ,'- ,... " •• s » : ! .... � ,,· .. , .... lo ' .':.. �,' ,(\,;''\ • .,r •• � •• .f.'';�.,( ... ,. •\:" .. '). - . I" •• � ,'Ir::;' '. - � • .�. • 'l:"" . ' •. , e : " •• ; ( /'. �.f.��i�';��'·� ·� .. /"..:-�j·��'i -:,�-,� \::'�tJ-�·:·�!:·:!:· .. r·-'��·:�."",�:··�· .r�:- .• j ·I.� I.:�:, <.': ;:�: ';.�.:'>,:.; ,�l'. ,'.',. - -. :...... -,' ••• : �,'..... " '.": '�',J' •••.•• .>. ." ",' :.�)�:���.' THE.DAIiy MARf)ON, WEDN��PAY, DECE'MBER 6, 1911. __ '"�;' WHERE �YBODY Go� .THE !E!!!FJ!..!!��SS(3) Times Daily--2:45, 7:30,9:15 p., m.WEEK-SUNDAY MAT .. DEC. 38t1LLIV A.� - CON8.lDINE VAIlIB'l'IBS. LES GOUGETSParisian MusiciansPHIL. BENNETTAlpine Troubadour... PICTURE OF DORIAN GREY"Dramatizatjon of Oscar ,Wilde'sStory.SYDNEY GRANTMonologujst-Jolly Club FellowBENNINGTON BROTHERSPhysical Culture ExpertsBEST MOTION PICTURESIIATINEES-lO cent&-20 centsEVENINGS-lO' cts., 20 cts., 30 eta.__ An- Seats Reserved'PRINCESSMort Singer PresentsOVER NIGHTThe Intensely Funny Comedy that .has caught Chicago.GRANDReturn to Chicago ofGERTRUDE ELLIOTTIn .. REB ELL ION"MAJESTICTHE BASEBALL HEROESChief Bender, Coombs & Morgan withKathryn and Vjolet Pearl in.. THE FIRST LESSON"HELENA FREDERICK &: CO."Cavalleria Rusticana."ANDREW ROBSONIn ClT·he Denunciation."Slivers, the B'aseball Clown; Brown& Newman, Gerald Griffin & Co.,Mabelle Fonda Troupe, Loney Has­kell, Siems, New pjctures.G A·R RIC KBLANCHE RING,jn ,THE WALL STREET GIRLLYRI CMRe JOHN MASONin AS A MAN THINKSCORTTHE MASTER OF THE HOUSEThe best cast ever given any Chicago, production. . ,STUDEBAKEREXCUSE ME.JOY FOR CHICAGOIOLYMPICZELDA SEARSIn "STANDING PAT."I !:..�� ..N�A� SFRANK McINTYREIn "SNOBS."poWERSTonjght at 8:20; Mat. Sat. at 2:20Charles Frohman PresentaMARIE DOROin the Success of the SeasonA BUTTERFLY ON THE WHEELCOLONIALSOc to $1.50.A. H. WOODS aDd H. H. FRAZBBOffer MODEST SUZANNEA Melodious Maelstrom of FriYololllFarce WithSALLY FISHEREngagement Limited to Four Weeki DR. HENDERSON WRITES OF' .ITALIAN INFANT MO"RTALITY i' i,. (, .Says Enormous Death Rate Among : :Chi1clreI1 ·Is Caused b,. Social • •Ignorance and Neclect. ' : . :• •• I •SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Professor Charles R. �ender�on, of .'''�Get· 'All· the Enioyment Possible -- :Novelty for Hyde Park, Wednesday, the department of SOCiology, IS the. • � •December 6th - author of an article in the Xovember Ii' . I·AMATEUR NIGHT number of T. he American Jourllal of. . ,when you play football, when you go to t���re�-whatever12 BIG AMATEUR, ACTS Sociology on "Infant Welfarr.: Meth-: 'd d ' • 11 . , .»Besides our Regular Vaudeville and ods or Organization and Administra-. you 0.- an especia yNew Picture Show tion in Italy." The material for the : !Come and see the fun article was gathered on a recent trip : When You Smoke :Sure cure for a grouch to Europe. Dr. Henderson gives the : :Prices 10 and 20 cause of tbe high rate of infant mor- • :Reserve your seats in advance tality and tells what work is being: you are certain to get the most out of your cigarette 'if it is,:done to decrease the death rate. : •• •i Just What Y ou Want. i+ •• •: rolled-loose or rolled-tight,-mild, medium or strong. Per-:• •: haps, too, you would like your monogram or club insignia :: upon that cigarette. :� .• •+ •• •: POPULAR PRICES :• •+ •• Address •• •• •� BLACKSTONE & WALKER i+ •: Care of The Daily Maroon. :+ •+ •: .+ •I I..................... � •• +++++++++++ .... ++ •••••••••••IM8NROE?'.." YOUFIFTY..f'IFTH ST. AT MONROE AVE.CONTINUOUs VAUDEVW.E 7 to 11...... ' Sen..,. 1Iati.ea ........ Sat. 2:31MatineeiWed.Sat.Sun.5 &: 10ARRowNOtch'COLLARLots of tie space, easyto put on or take off.15 t:enb-2 /or 25 eenIaCluett. PeabodJ' at Co. )fak� T1'uJ'. � T. 'ALL DRUGGISTS "During the first thjrty-six monthsof life there die in Italy annually about270,000 babies," writes Dr. Henderson,"This enormous figure acquires gravesignificance from the fact that thisgreat mortality does not occur mere­ly among individuals born dead, orfeeble to resist, but jn great partamong those born in good conditions,victims of ignorance, carelessness,lack of assistance, misery. Back ofall these direct and personal-causes issocial ignorance arid neglect. The jg­norance of mothers and of foster-mothers is a cause of infant sicknessand mortality. Ignorance of physi­ology and hygiene and of the feedingand care of infants leaves the mothersa prey to dangerous popular prej­udices and superstitions,"He gjves statistjcs showjng the djf­ferent causes of death among the ba­bjes in Italy. A larg� part of thedeaths are caused by the necessity ofthe mothers being forced to work atexhaustive work soon after the birthof the child.Hospjtals ,have been established totake care of infants, and physicianshave been ·hired to gjve professionaladvjce. Legislatjon· has been passedforcing factories to be more lenientwith mothers who are forced to workfor a living. Meanwhjle efforts arebeing made to better the economicand social conditjons which causesuch evils.noon. Games were played and sever­al figures of the coti�lon danced., Lat­er jn the afternoon Miss Betty Burkeand Miss Jane Graff played, whjle allpartjcipated in an jnformal dance. Thecommjttee in charge of th� party wasLorraine Cleary, Hazel Hoff, HelenEa'rle, Genevieve Cannell, and Wi�i­fred Winne.Aa insignja com�ittee made up ofFrances Meigs, chajrman, Mabel Wil­lard, Mary Chaney, Rose W ertheimer �. and Cecilia Russell, reported thatWinsor ties have been decided on asthe distinguishing badge for Seniorwomen. The ties will be maroon incolor with a white "c" enclosing theclass numerals embroidered at oneend.Class(fl«i Ads.LOST-A black lynx stole. Fjnderplease return to Room 14, Greenhall, and receive liberal reward.FOR RENT - Furnished front par­lor and alcove. Very reasonable to·desirable parties. Phone Midway3(8). SiS5 Drexel aVeDue, 3rdapartment.STENOGRAPHIc WOK quicJd7and Deatl,. done. Special utadODtc) term papers, and theses. Workguaranteed. ODe block wat ofHitchcock. W. 1.. AlIrecI. 911 E.57th "treet. //Dr. Fre4erick F. M.o'f.i�,DENTISTAMERICA'SNATIONALGAME The Corn Exchange National BankOFOiICAGOCapita) • • • $ s,ooo.ooo.ooU.amded Prob . ... 650.000.00OFFICERSERNEST A. HAMIu.. Paaidr:aaCHARLES L HUTCHINSON v_-P .....CHAUNCEY J. BLAIR. V_-P ___D. A. MOULTON, Vice-PraicImtB. C. SAMMO� V__ P..-.�.f�s:=c:a.. 'I. EDWARD MAASS. AD't CuIaierAMES Go W AKEF1E1.D. AIa'l c.LiuDIRECTORS'a.da H. Wader Malia A. �a.1IIICIeT J. Blair EdwaJd B. BalJeI'a.&. H. Halbad a..- 9- .. ' ..-Baaiamia � C:rde M. c....WabaD F. Blair Edwia Go F_a.da L Hakhia.oa Edwud A. SaIdFIIIIIIerick W. � Em.t A. H..alPatronize Maroon'. .AdvertisersFRAMHEIN'S"CUSTOM"Framhein's shoes havea distinctive style alltheir own. Their "Cus­tom" 'Last, with .oneiDdl flat heel, made in eitherVelour or Russia Calf, isbuilt grimarily for comfort,and as sterHng wea�qualities-the feature of aUFnmhein's shoes. �...t "00TIle pair • • • "'�.Special Fan Boots for'Ladies-Our "Knob­Toe" Gun-Metals aregoing fast. .'76 Cents.' Plain Bath. 26 Cents"DAY_�SARA�OGA BARBER SHOPJ. ....... ......,....29 S. DEARBORN STREET£:.:pat Maaicmiat .Sc:iadiic: M-&pm�, . Historic Facts con­cern)ng the Begin­ning, Evolution,' De- .velopment and Popu­larity of BASE BALLWith Personal Reminiscenses of itsvjcissitudes, its victories .and its vot-,. aries. ,By A. G. SPALDING.Cartoons by Homer C. Davenport.SENIOR WOMEN HOLD PARTY � Pages; 5%d Inches.115 DlustratiODL· Price $2.00 Net.Winsor Ties WiD Be Worn As Class One of the most comprehensive and1Dsi-;. interestiag books ever Written on any- sporL An ideal Christmas gift. Atall Booksellers and Spalding stores. orTohe women of the Senior class ,held sent postpaid 9n, receipt of price bya "Get Acquajnted" party at Green- AMERICAN SPORTS P.UB'G CO.wood hall frOm 4 to 6 Monday after- 2t'Warren St., N� YorkThe Hotel Del Prado Barberis at yourservice. He is Mr.Rice, formerly on 57th St.YOU REMEMBER HIM..... 1 .. 5 .... T ..... ..,..�Z4I.11. Del ...... , .. St.' ............ Aft.,COWUN'S LQNCH ROOM... SInice.-c..w...a...c ....... ,.. ,$1 .. ,_ $I $01.51 ,_ $I'· L......... '1103 E. 55da Street, Cer. Grea ....PATRONIZE.MAROON ADVERTISERSAT YOUR SERVICECARL COfFMAN, StInop'apberIS SRELL HAIL� - • I' ...n. IOc per � ,cut..CIIIIi-. 2c ...... W_ ailed __ cWi....t,_ 7J»IDI.OO..-.; 4.lO 1D6.00.... N-.. _ �..........YOU SURELY NEEDAXILLARY HODOltlDW. .-...,� .....�-- .........V _it.wiI-,_ F ..,L G •• LOAT.�..... _T .• ..,w.... aa �H.� at." !I, iPATRONIZE MAROONADVERTISERSA.McADAMSThe University FloriStA Iarae Yariety of.. FLOWERS FO� TIlE H�UD�YS,�B.P.li SWs.r.A:mDAHAVE.Very Important for Ladies!In order to, obtain, your patronage,we will make you a special offer fora limited tjme only. A suit, silk­lined, perfect in fit, fabrjc and work­,manship for $35.00; or a skirt for$15.00. We have been established for15 years.M. CHlMBEROFFUDiYenity, Ladies Tailor _sess JalRAItIt AYE.. ...... F"1I(t).w ..... 51.• w.. Two IIhaIt Yocb'_"" Tows '__ A-e t-bde p_ 3283ExperiencedPressmenAre neceu&r7 to prodace polPrinting; IIWIJ' • Ioocl job of ce.­POlitioD bas beeD spoiled by lack ofakl1J. or atteDtioa ia the prcul'OOllLThat'l wh,. we aift ... care Iethe priDtiDC of n� job: we lane ..estllblimed staadard of worIaIIauIdpthat Dust be lII&iDtaiae4.nil makes it • � that �caa aecare lUPat . ...ut7 'ere aDtile time, at DO pater' COlt. ff1\e IIJde P.rk Prill., Co....... a.,AK_1223 East Fifty-fifth Street'. , .:._- ...... ,.,.