arccnVvl. IX: No, }29.SMOKER TOMORROW NIGHTUNIVERSI�Y OF CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 1911. Price Five CentsTO HOLD MASSMEETINGTHIS MORNING IN KENT"Jamieat" aDd "Follow tile Dnua"Adopted u SIo,OI far BilSpriq Rally.! TO REPORT SALE OF TICKETSp�nn. Relay Athletes Will'Be GivenBig Sendoff- To BoostTicket Sale.The first athletic rally since' themiddle of last fall will be held thisIlwrning' in Kent theater at 10 :30.The feature of the meeting will be�pccches . from the members of thePenn relay team who leave tornor­row for the Philadelphia meet.Cnach Stagg will be on hand and:-hllrt taiks will be given by Collingson baseball prospects, and Rogers011 track. Earle will' tell about th'eDrake relay race which Chicago wonill almost world's time..To. Start E.arly.. " .: In order. 'to'- give the speakers timeto address the meeting, it has beenarranged to start. as soon after 10 :30:1:- possible. Roy Baldridge will be(.'11 band .. to lead the rooting and willi,r" assisted by Rosenthal, Gardner,�tlId Earle. Bowlby will be at thepiano,In addition to giving the relay teama good sendoff, the rally will boost:,11 spring athletics. Reports on theseason ·ticket sale will be given andefforts . made to dispose. of a still. �iarg�i ��mb-er. Baldridge " will" . callthe �tudents together at 10:30 at theC bencb with a bass drum,' the slo­gan tieing c, follow the drum." Themen ';'m follow �in a lock step toKent' a.-til· as a packed hall is practically -assUred there will be a rush to,get seats early.University women have been givena special invitation to attend. Bald­ridge said yesterday: "We want thewomen to come out and even out­number the men. The Spring ath­letic contests in .basehall . and . track,deserve their interest and supportequally as much as it does. the menand iliere is no reason why the}'should not do their share to help jamKent. \Ve promise them somethingworth hearing and much worth see­ing. Follow the drum."lIANDS OVER REINS OFOFFICE TO DR. MARSHALLDean AhgdJ Introduces New Deanof Senior _Coneges in SeniorChapel Yesterday.Dean Angell yesterday handed OV­er the reins of dean of the Senior('(II1('ges to Dean Marshall in Seniorchapel. Dean Angell spoke of thenleasure and instruction he had hadin his work a$ Senior dean and ex·I're'''"ed the desire to come into clos­er contact with the student �s d,ean(Ii th� �oll�ge, of arts, literature and�cience."The dean of the Senior collegesi .. in reali_ty the dean of irregulars."hI' �aid, ufor it is practically onlytho�e stud�nts who ha\'e done some'thing irregular or wish to do some­thing out of the ordinary witil whomtIlt' Seilior dean comes in cont�ct.I lean Marshall an� I wilt try to n�cti-:fy th�s so��wh�t in lhe ncar futur�i'llt) try to mi\kf it possible for th,.It·an tf} give more time to the reguO'Illrs AS well."Dean Marshall gave a short ad­flrt'!'-s in which he expressed his in·:.hility to fill Dean Angell's shoes, but(I"dared he would do his best to helpthe student� along. Delta Sigma Rho has initiated intothe fraternity Edward E. Jennings,and Lew McDonald of the debatingteam which defeated Northwestern.Merrill T. Schnehly, Albert F. Meek-1t-nherger. and Arthur P Scott of thetc:a11l which dehated Michigan, and l"(,ntractor:-, havc heen fenring that .....L..-..-Will Have Dance Only on May 5-Hi�ch Soble who represented the !"('me. trouhlt' Illh:ht he hn<1 in �t"ttingt'niversity in the peac� oratorical it �afe1y tn tht" ground, hut they had Dinner June 2.('('ntest, P;lul M. O'Dea, the other no <1ifficulty.1l1t'mht"r of thts year's debating team, !n order to f�ciJitatc tearing downwas i.1\·ite(l last year, the wa1i .. of the wrecked towt"r !'caf-The national convention of Delta fC'ldinJ: has ht"en erected around theSigma Rho witt be hdd at North- walls. :\� yet' the contractors arcwestern Thursday, Friday and Sat- ,'nahle to �tatc whether the wholeuntay of this week. I. E. Ferguson, W(,:-,t tower will have to he tornthe president of the local chapter, down. This will be decided later.will he Chicago's delegate and se\'er-I The im'cstigation which the other men ha\'e signified their in- 'rac-tor� are carlf)'ing on to di�eo\'ert<:ntioo (,r attending the banquet on I . he caus�1 for the accident has notSaturday night.._..1 !\!' yet produced any results.Hon. Herbert Sands of Bureau ofPublic Efficiency to Be Speaker atSmoker of Commonwealth Club inReynolds Theater.The first smoker to be given by theCommonwealth club will be held to-"morrow night in the Reynolds clubtheater at 8 o'clock. The speaker ofthe evening will be the HonorableI J erbert Sands, director of the bureau; t Public' Efficiency. As the speakerwill discuss the work which he hasdune with the men in other collegessimilar to the work planned for thenew club the meeting will be exclu,sively for the men.The activities of the club will not beconfined to the men however, forthe meetings which have beenplanned at which noted men willsp eak, both the men and women willlw invited. Many of the women havealready signified their intention ofbccoining active 'members, most ofthem desiring. to do investigating" forthe United Charities .Is Not the 'Merriam Club.1 t has been falsely rumored thatthe club will be a continuation ofthe Merriam club. President Frankstrongly denied this, stating that suchnoted Democrats as Governor \ViI·son and Champ Clark will probablyaddress t.he club as well as promin­ent local Democrats.Jerome Frank spoke again at Sen­ior chapel yesterday morning, givingmuch the same talk as that of therlav before t'he' Junior' men. Heshowed the active relation which col·• ege men .and: women- in a large city-hould bear toward the political so­cial. and philanthropic work �oingon around them. He stated that theorganizations which have at heartthe best interests of the city and thecountry are eager to have collegemen, who must carryon the work int he future start early, before theyleave college,Refutes Certain Statements."Certain campus scoffers have beenf'11ing prospective members that the"ub has been organized to place the;ctures �f' ce� men in the' Capand Gown,'" said President Frankyesterday. "As the annual has al­ready gone to press I need hardly say"hat this statement is entirely false.The purpose of the dub has, I think,been clearly defined, and I trust thatno one who has had the idea of join­ing will be deterred by this talk."DELTA SIGMA RHO HOLDSINITIATION OF MEMBERS-National Convention of DebatingFraternity Will Be Held ThisWeek in Evanston.- League Sends Four RepresentativesWith Mr. Stothart in charge of the to Ccavention at Indianapolis.rehearsals of cast and chorus theBlackfriar performance of "CapturingCalypso" is quickly rounding intoshape. The rehearsal work has beenspeeded up to make up for the timeIf.Jst while Mr. Stothart was in Madi­son, putting the final touches on'The Manicure Shop," The dancingis the only work which has not feltthe effect of the increased work, asMiss Hinman is in Boston studyingcourt dancing. I t is hoped that shewill he able to incorporate some of,tbe ideas gained in the work of thedancing choruses of the Blackfriarshow.BLACKFRIAR PRIMERTO BE ISSUED TODAYPamplalet IlIIlrudiDc tM P ... 1ie u to"The Muicare Slaop" to BeDistributed.COPIES TO THE mGH SCHOOLSHaresfoor Company to AI rive FridayMorning-Coach Stothart in Ac_tive Charge of Blackfriars.·A one page "Blackfr iar primer"will appear on the campus this morn­ing, to instruct the University publicconcerning the Haresfoot sl,ow,"The Manicure Shop." .The "primer"will be distributed today at Univer­<ity High, the Hyde Park High-chool and Wendell Phillips Hightschool. Chicago and Wisconsin al,umni will receive the primer at thedinners of the alumni organizationstu be held at the University club andthe Grand Pacific hotel.To ArriVe }4'riday Morning.The Haresfoot club will arrive inChicago Friday morning, after gjv.,ing' a performance of "The ManicureShop" in Rockford, After the Chi­cago performance, the club will give1 wo performances in Milwaukee be­fore returning ·to Madison. The clubi., travelling in a special train, con­sisting of scenery, prop, and chaircars. The company numbers ninety.including an orchestra of twenty.This orchestra is the largest evercarried in the west by an amateurcompany. Mr. Herbeit Stothart, whowrote the music for the play will con­duct the orci1estra. Mr. Stohart is:n Chicago at present, conducting therehearsals oi "Capturing- Calypso,"the Blackfriar show.. Coach "Stothart in Charge.BEGIN TEARING DOWNWALLS OF WEST TOWERCrane on Top of Library Removedand Razing of ThreeTop Floors.The work of tearing down thewalls of the west tower of the Har­l'�r MC1110riaI lihray was hegun yes·t('rday. This work has been delayedhy the iact that the large iron cranewhich ha... heen balanced on the opr.f the we$t w:lll had to he taken downyest:.'r<lay hy means of te large der­rick which has been erected. The Among the speakers at the con-vention was Dr. \Vilfred T. Grenfelt, The track men worked easily yes·missionary 'to Labrador, who .vill terday in the absence of Mr. Stagg.speak in :Mandel ball tomorrow af· . The relay 'men are improving withtcrnoon, Other speakers heard were, t he work oi this week and shouldProfessor King of Oberlin, Miss he in the best of shape by Saturday.h W Id' Another trial will be held in theTritton, President of t e or sStudent Christian Federation,' and hurdles today. George Kuh andMiss Dodge, head of the National Whitin({ will race, and. if the winnerBoard 01 the Y. \V. C. A. shows sufficient class, he will be tak­ell for the event with the relay team.Frank Coyle's steady work in thepole vault has assured him the trip11111ess he goes back in fonn very de·cidedly.Ned Earle wil ha\'e another tri:\lin the hundred today, and the ques­ticn of hi� appearance at Philadelphiawill be determined upon the showin�.Iii" work Monday showed that heh;1(1 come down to the distance in;,:o'lfi :-ohape after his work on the<ju;trter.The work of the various membersof the team in the weights had..-lea red up some of the gloom thatrt· .. ted o\'t:r the hammer and the dis­cus. 1 t .. ('ems very probable thatmen will he developed who wilt bel';lpa hIe of taking points in t he�e(,,'ents away from the 111inois andPt�f(ltte team!.ALUMNI TO DINE ATHLETESChicago Club Will Give Banquet To­n.ight at University Club to Ath­letic Teams-Senior Men Will Goin Body.Tonight at 6 o'clock the track,baseball and basketball teams will sitdown to a banquet at the University-Inh as the guests of the ChicagoAlumni club. The Senior men havealso been invited and about thirty ofthem will go down in a body. They\', ill take a prominent part in the pro-gQ� .Stacy Mosser, '04, president of the.vlumni club will be toastmaster."The Aiul11ni Reunion;' which iscoming in June will be the subject ofa talk by L. Brent Vaughn, '97.William France Anderson, '97 has a"stunt scheduled.The men who have been invitedare: I. N. Davenport, H. C. Gifford,J. A. Menaul, A. H. Straube, L .. H.Whiting, 1\1. F. Carpenter, H. P.Roe, G. S. Skinner, N. L. Baldwin,F. J. Collings, W. S. Kassulker, C.G. Sauer, W. J. Sunderland, H. M.(Carpenter, F. A. Catron, R. F.Teichgraeber C. G. Rittenhouse, F.G. Fulkerson, N. C. Paine, S. E.Earle, E. R. Long, R. B. Rogers, C.Rademncher F. J. Coyle, G. E. K uh,W. H. Kul;, W. S. Timblin, J. B.Boyle, R. \V. Baird, ·N. Tatarsky, G.Roberts. O. Roberts, F. Steinbrecher,K_ Chandler, R A. Doyle, C. -S. Bell,H. E. Goettler, M. Goldstein, and S.E. Sellers.Most of the men who will attendwill· take -the 5 :45 . t" C. train. Thedinner will be held in the Collegeroom.ATTEND Y.W.C.L CONVENTIONVirginia Hinkins, president of they_ W. C. L., Ex-president Gerald­inc Brown, Miss Margaret Burton,general secretary, and Miss MedoraGuggins '08 of the advisory boardrepresented the Chicago Y. W. C. the biennial convention of theY. W. C. A. at Indianapolis lastweek. The Chicago delegation leftfor Indianapolis Wednesday evening,and returned to the campus last Mon_day.Xearly all of the cotleges of theUnited States were represented andthere were delegations from variousl1onc:olle!;iate organizations. MissHelen Gould of Kew York city wasprominent among those in attend·an�e.IS POSTP.ONED DEFEAT WISCONSIN ATMADISON SCORE 13-3Romp OYer Badcen ill Hittiac Game-­Chicqo Leads &omthe Start.ARKANSAS IS HERE SATURDAYHugo Bezdek's Warriors to PlayMaroons On Marshall Field Sat;urday Afternoon.The Chicago baseball team addedanother victory to its rapidly grow­hg list yesterday at Madison whenit defeated Wisconsin by the score of):� to 3.Chicago started with four runs inthe first turn at bat. Wisconsin fol.,lowed with two but were held to fiveconsecutive goose eggs while theM aroons were adding 8 more in amerry batting melee. Each scoredone in the seventh making the total13 to 3.Have Good Start.The way the Maroons have startedthe season has been great news tote local fans who. have waited to see ')thc outcome of the pitching problemwith considerable anxiety. Robertshas been' showin up in great formtaking into account his lack of ex­perience. He will pitch Saturday;lgainst Arkansas.The Arkansas team is announcedto be strong, having been the firstteam to beat Illinois since 1909.They. are fortunate in having a goodpit(hing staff and the game Saturdayshould be an exciting battle. Lastyear' Arkansas beat Chicago 5 to 3,Hugo Bezdek, the former' Maroonstar, is stilt handling the team and hepromises Chicago a warm contest.The game will start at 3:30 on Mar­shalt field.The score by innings of the gameyesterday follows:Chicago (G. Roberts, P.) ..... : .. , 4 1 4 0 3 '0 1 0 0-13.Wisconsin (Grell, P.) ...•...•. ' ••.... 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0-- 3DINNERThe Freshman dinner-dance hasbeen po:,tponed from May 5 untilFriday, June 2. The executive com­mittee decided upon this course, thatthere might be no conflict with thearTang(ments for the entertainmentfor the \\'aseda team which will beh('rc on May·;;.The Freshmen wilt, however. holda eta!'s danc-c at the R('ynolds cJul. onMay :i, as arranged before. TRACK MEN WORKING FORRELAY GAMES SATURDAYHurdle Trial Today Between GeorgeKUh and Whiting to DecideChance for Trip.Craig of Michigan now holds theworld's record in the -10 yard hurdles'lIIB DAILY IIABOOR NEWS OF THE COLLEGESTbe Oalclal StudeDt PUbUcaUOD � TileUDlYualb' ut Chlcqo.i'onoer17The Ullheralb' ot Cldcqo Weeki,lI'oundWThe Weeki, •••••••••••• October 1. 1882The DaU, •••••••••••••• Octo� 1.- 1802l·ulJl1abed DIlllJ, u(,.'ept SundaJ.. IloD­dil,. aUld hollda,. durlDs tbI'ee'quar&eraof the UDlveraltJ ,ear.Eutered .. 1:;ecoDd-claula IWL1l at the ebl­cago 1·oato1l1ce. Chlcagu, 111lD0la. lluch 1S.1\10:;, uuder Act of AlIlrcb 3, !tS13.tiTAY.I'lie A. P.i'E.t'.i'EK-s. �. DALY • • •.. .i'. CAKr�TKK .IIaIlacLDc .KcLl&Ol'• li ••• B41&e1'A&hleUc .KcLl&e1'lJEN F. liBW.IIAM •ASt;OClATE EDITOKl:iW. J • .Foute 1L L. Keuulcot'.C 1:. TQlo� II. W. ReeM� U. Staven U. L. Bree4&lU'OBT&Jl8Harr, COlDer Do II. DunhamlIax Buelow K. L. BaniaS. Kaplan .P. Kearn.,W. L,maa J_ B. ParleeS. L. SQre L. StolsB. W. VIDIaak1 W. WellmaDWOKEli'S DBPABTJlENTA.larJorle Hlll, Editor.Ruth ReUc:kar. Aaaoc:lata JD41torKEPOKTBBS11. CampbelL AJma Lll:bt1l!'lureu(. .. CaWD llar1 1-:. Tltse118UII8CaIrriOX II.&rDB,. Carrier, ,2.00 per lear; ,1.00 per qr.Cit,. mall, '1.25 per quarter; ,3.00 perleal' ID adl'lUlce.New. cODtrlbuUoD8 mal be left at El­lis Hall ur Facultl EXCbiaDge, addresaedto 'rbe DaD,. liaroon.At many eastern universities,notably Princeton, there bas beenmuch agitation of late toPhi Beta make Phi Beta KappaKappa take a more vital part incollege life. Instead of itsexrstmg merely as a dormant honorsociety, it is urged, it should take upthe cudgels in defense of scholarshipand make it as attractive as are otheractivities.While it is true that it is beneath'the dignity of scholarship to go outin active competition with ephemeralinterests, there is nevertheless afunction which Phi Beta Kappa couldfill with a profit to itself, as well asto the University at large. At someuniversities periodical meetings areheld to discuss educational topics andat times lectures by prominent menare heard. There are many methodsthat can be used to serve the purpose,but no matter what methods may beadopted at anyone place, it is theduty of Phi Beta Kappa everywhereto organize itself into a definiteleague to further scholarship. Withsuch an organization doing activework, students might be induced tolook more seriously upon the impor'tant side of college life. And it isthe duty of Phi Beta Kappa, thescholarship fraternity to take up thiswork.DAILY BULLETDf.Tb�e-Quanera club meets todayat ]O:�O in Reynolds club to discussthe dance,Y. W. C. L. meeting this morningin League room in Lexing·'ton. Address by Professor, Comauon "The \Vork of the InternationalLeague for Girls in Spain."Pennsylvania relay sendoff today at](I::to in Kent theater,Education club meets tonight atj ::to in room 1.'19 Belfield hall. Ad­dre!'s by Miss Hanna on "IndustrialEducation for \\' omen.�·Massmeeting of the W. A. A. to­day at 1 :20 in Lexington.Tiger'=, Head pledges meet today at]0:30 in Cobb 8Ao THE .AlLY MAROON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL ,26, 1911.AlWDDi club banquet for athleticteams tonight at 6 at the: Universityclub.ANNOUNCEIIBNTS.JUDior Clua Tickets may be se­cured from R. Rosenthal and mem­bers of the executive committee.Senior Men order class pins and1911 pipes from H. Earle and N.Pfeffer.Bulletins of Rosenwald prizes nowready for Seniors at Information of­fice in Cobb.Fellowship reports now ready fordistributioa at Information office inCobb.University Public Lecture. "Labra­dor and Newfoundland," by Dr. W.T. Grenfell, in Mandel at 4 p. m.tvlllorrow .Le Cercle De Conversation Fran­caise meets Thursday in Lexingtonat 4.Commonwealth club meets Thurs­day at 8 p. m. in Reynolds club the­ater. Address by Mr. Herbert $andso� "Civic Work for University Stu­dents."Marshalls meet with Dr. Raycroftitemorrow at 5 p. m, in Dr. Ray­'croft's office.A Make Up examination for thoseconditioned in both classes of En&,­lish ·JO will be held Thursday at 2o'clock in south room of Haskell.Briefs of readings of contestantsin the Lower Senior speaking con­,test to be submitted to the Depart­ment of Public Speaking Thursday.University Marshalls meet Thurs­day at :; p. m. in Dr. Raycroft's of-lice.Examinations to remove condi·nions in Civil Government will beheld Friday at 2 p. m. in Cobb IC.Freshman dinner postponed toJune 2. Regular dance will be heldin Reynolds club May 5 from 4 to 6.So�iology club meets Friday at "p. m. in Cobb 16A. Paper on "In­dustrial Education" by Paul Wunder.,l!niversity Public lecture Friday at8 p. m, in Cobb 6A. Address by Pro­fessor Hobhouse on "Recent ReformLegislation in England."Baseball Saturday, Chicago vs,Arkansas at 3 :30 .p, m. on Marshallfield.Sophomore Show and dance atReynolds club Saturday at 2:30.Bible exhibition April 30 to Ka,.10. 1 to 10 p. m. in North museumHaskell.Examinations for advanced stand­ing or- to remove conditions in His­tory will he held May 5 in Cobb 15Cfrom 3 to 5. See Mr. Miller andMr. J ernegan.CiYil Govel'JllDeDt examination forprize of $200 will be held May IS.Contestants must be in residence for2 quarters, have an average grade ofat least C and more than g majorscredit.FIRE IN KAPPA SIGMA HOUSEFreshmen Indulge in Cigarettes, withDisastrous Results to House.Fire broke out yesterday morningabout 3 o'clock in the Kappa Sigmahouse, GO:J2 Kimbark avenue, It wasfirst discovered by the janitor whowas returning to the house after..nceting 'a friend on an incoming�rain, He'roused the inmates of thehouse and after half an hour's hardwork the blaze was extinguished.The hack porch was damaged con­siderably.The blaze is thought to have beencaused by a cigarette stub which wasdropped early in the evening andsmouldered until it broke out yester­rlay morning. 1 t is also rumoredthat Freshman pranks were respon­siblc, and Kappa Sig upperclassmenarc threatening to make unusual useC'f the bath tub for the benefit of theerring yearlings.:\ committee has been appointedtn select the American team for theOlympic games of 1912, to be heldin Stoc,kholm, Sweden. A triangular' boat race has been ar­ranged between Yale, Princeton, andCornell for May 20.The Navel Academy has a stiffrowing schedule this Spring, requiringfour races on successive Saturdays.The election of officers of the Wis­consin year book caused as much ex­citernent as a mayoralty campaign.Kites were tlown, streamers werestretched across the campus, and redchalk was used on the sidewalks.Students at Drake held a hobo con­vocation last week.Students who are canoeing at theUniversity of Washington must pro­vide their boats with air tanks.The new anti-kissing fraternity is�nc" v n as X \1 Beta Kappa. The onlyreqr ircrnents for membership are thatthe applicant be at least )6 years old,and !hat he or she have never beenkiss-«l by others than members of thefamily.The University of Cincinnati ath.,lctic council reports a probable def­icit t,f $450 for the month of April.A t a recent meeting of the YaleCorp -ration, requirements for admis­sion to the Yale Law school werestili further advanced. on a level withthe highest grade of professional de­partments in America.THf TAILORS YOUOUGHT TOPATRONIZEJ. R. VERHOEFII' 4: CO.Straus Bldg,Clark and Madison Sts.JERREMS7 North La Salle St.and25 E. Jackson Blvd.WERO and LINDSAYu.s1 Jac:bon' Blvd.BECAUSE1. They make good Oothes.2. They have extensive spriDI5uitings.3. They make clothes for coUea­men which you can afford.4_ They are reputable.5. They advertise in The Dail,Marooa.TO OOD BXOJUlfGBlfATIOHAL BARKOFOBIDAGO.Capi� $3,000,000Surpl111, �,OOO.OOOOFFICERS:�t A. RuaID. Preeld_t.CIauIea L. a.IeW ..... Vlee-PrwCbaaaeey J. Blair. Vlce- ..... _t.D. A. •• alt.. VIee-�._t... e ........... Vlce-Preel ... t.J.... c. XeeI7. 8eeretaI7.Fraak w. s-ItIt. Cu."r.J. Ed'" ...... a ....... t c ......J ..... o. Wakdel •• a..t. CaaIaIer.French MethodHand LaundryI I 4 (5 E. t53rd Street.P"<»ne H. P. & I I J-Our II years of experience inthe laundry trade i. the bene&t&iven to our customers.OUf alent, P. A. Sooebman, wiDcall and deliver your laundry freeof charce.Mendinl and daminl Free.Patronize Marooll Advertisers. The,are reliable busille.. people. The Echo, a new Stetsontelescope with pencil curl, brimis really a misnomer, it sounds anew style note rather than reflectsan old one, $3.50. The Resume isanother new Stetson wear it creas­ed or telescoped as you choose,$3. SO too. For middleaged menwho don't like styles handed downfrom' the "middle ages" we havetwo Stetson Al pines, theDayton and Daytonia at $3.50and $1;'. The Ward "Prince ofWales" from England is just thethin g for rainy days, waterproof,$ 3.00. Splendid, new styles,colors and patterns in golf caps,Soc to $2.50. Rosebury andGabardine water proofed caps,$ 1.00 to $2.50.The Tennis :Courts Are !leadyWe direct your attention to our stockof racquets" balls, shoes and guides.We also carry golf, baseballs and othersupplies.Th� University of. tblcago Press·5750-58 'BTJ.IS AVO DB.� �..J!CHI8A •••We priat the Dai1� / II--.CHOP SUEYaDd .CHINESE AND AMERICAN DISHES I __ ..-,'.REASOHA BLE PRICESCHUNG- BUA LO.1320 E. 57th, NEAR KnrBARK.II�DICAL SERVICEI Tel. H. P. 4345. Rea. Tel. Oat 282tI GBO. W. L BROWN, .. D.Prnctl<'e limited to dleea .. of tbeEYE, N08B AND 'I'RaoA'I'1I0urs: 9 to 12 •. m .. 2 to a p. m.E\'enln,", and Sanda,... by .p�IDt_t()ftI�. Snlte 14. 12:10 B. elrd 8t. N. WCor. Klmbut Aft .. ClalcaaoT"I. 434$ H. r. Res. T�I. � R. P.DIL BMOBY II. LOft'llDENTISTOftlce. N. W. Cor. 63rd St. andKlmbart Ave. Suite 14. Cblenlo.PATaOIflD IIAROO. ADVRRTIIata.tlllt "AlLY MAROON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 1911.WBYSTAY AT BOMB?·YOIl Can Go toEUROPE0 .. tile aew 1arp twl"·KNW ODe-c) ...c .. bID ateamen of tbeFRENOH LIN!:For $45 to $62.50(Meat. aDd berth lDclDde4)It 70a waat to PilI more. uk aboat theOIQAJI(TIC TWIN-scaBW FLY.asCOlDpeD7·. 0 .... 1. M. Deu-bora st.SURE TO WINYou CUl depend upon ,.our DewSpriD, dotbe. beiDe correct Uthey are taUored the Jerremaa �Each ·prment" ia p1aD.Ded to u­actly fit the one man who fa towear them. The ahape and st3'leia hand-tailored into the fabric b)'thouunda of little stitcheL·When we send yo� Sprinaclothe. home. they wiD be ri,htand atay ri,bt.College Suita, $30 to $45.TAlLO. FOB YOUNG liENTwo StOft.:N •• No. 'J M. La S.lIe StreetOld No. 131 La Salle .treetJi.w No. 25 Baat oJacksoD SinetOld No. 44 oJ�kllOli BlYd.Heat RegulationTbe �olmaoD Pneumatic System. !be Recognized StandardII1I!-Dtil i:D .�e UDive�ty o_f cw:.> c:qo BuUdinaL -Complete 8�ema for all Methodsof Heatinc.Steam Control of Humidity.Reducb.g Valves for Air, Water,Hot Water Tank �egulators, -,loboson Serviee Co.� W. ELLIS, Mer.93 Lake StreetChicaco Olice.TO RENT• If you arenot in linewith a dreasuit, get inlineT. O. SClIAPFBBR78 State Street, RoolQ " SOCCER TEAll IS GIVENFIRST SPRING PRACTICECoach Brady Takes Charae of Squadof Twenty-Five Men for SpringSpson.The first practice of the soccerteam yesterday brought out about 25men. Ail of the squad which playedlast fall was out. as well as many newmen. Among them was Maddox,who played goal last spring. Theposition was a source of weaknessduring the fall season but Maddox,who. is an experienced player willtake care of the position now. Cap­tain Fulkerson. Lindsay. Grossmanand Stein were some of the regularswho appeared.Coach Brady- took charge of thecam and expressed himself as wellsarisfied with the outlook. A prac­rice game will probably be arrangedfor Saturday. hut it is still an uncer;tainty, Practice games will be ar­ranged with city teams hut no con­ference games will be played ."The men," said Coach Brady yes­terday, "are better experienced thanthey were in the fall and I think thatwe will have a successful season."STRIVE FOR HONOROF SELLING MOSTS�ASON TICKETSMen and women on the committeefor the sale of spring season ticketsare engaging in. hot competition forthe honor of selling the most tick­ets. At present Fay Fulkerson andMiss Fanning are in the lead.Over 200 tickets have already beendisposed of and it is expected that'many mor.e will be sold' today at themassmeeting. The sale thus far is inadvance of what it was at the same'time last year. Chairmen Warrinerand MacClintock say the total willeclipse that of last year.Women·s Editor Called Aaway.� . . .Miss Marjorie Hill, editor of theWomen's Department has been calledaway from college on account of theillness and death of her sister atCedar Falls, Iowa. It is' not knownhow soon Miss Hill will be back onthe campus. In ·her absence thework of the· department will b-: car­ried on by Miss Ruth Reticker, as;scciate :editor, andvthe rest of the'Vomen's staff. . ..: .'-W.; A. A:. M�eetirig I� Postponed.The massmeeting of the Women'sAthletic Association scheduled foryesterday in Lexington gymnasiumwill not take place. until Wednesda;at 1 :20. Mr. Stagg. "Bunny" Rogersand Frank Collings will be the speak:ers of the occasion on this later datea�, announced for Tuesday. : Indiana Quarries Co.640 MARQUETTE BLDG.CHIOAGOOwners of the celebratedHoosier and P. M. & B.QuarriesUniversity Buildings erectedof Bedford, Indiana, Lime­stone from our QuarriesGood TaDoring isaGood InvestmentYou need not posse .. an, �rt-inc blood or camine iDatiDcta toinvest in ,oad tailorinc- You aretaking no chance wbeD you investin one of our auita of dotbea. foryou are inveating in • safe propoai-lion. You will receive dollar fordollar.iD excellent service and at-isfaction. That oucht to be worthmore to you than the money.Any tailor can make yOll a altof clothe. that will look weD toyou when you ,et it. But wherethe test of tailoring coma in isafter you have wom the II1Iit for awhile then if the sait does Dotbulge at the collar or aac in theshoulder, you caD. make up yourmind that you have obtained agoOd suit of dotheL Our· dotbcawill meet the test every time. ..they are made of SHACKA-MAXON caaran�ed fabriCL Eachsuit carries with it .I! .. paraDtee.John R. 'emoen 11 to.TAILORS FOR UD­BLOODBDIOHStrauu Bldg .• third Boor.Clark and Madison Streets.�Zf"'" IIDfOU.Zllli. ...A[{i{ow�otchCOLLARSSIt�totbeaeck,tbetopemeetI. treat and there Ia ample apIC8for tile CftV"t.Dc..2forJ5c. 'CIeett.Pabocb-. eo.. ......Chocolates, Bon BonsUnequaled FOUDtaiDDriDb.Orders Filled b" Pho,ieShipped An".",here'59 State St. t14 Jlicldpa Aft.178 La Salle Itnet. The "County Chairman" as pre";sen ted by the Harlequin club ofPurdue university made a great hitin several Indiana cities.Purdue and Illinois sent six menapiece to Chicago to study the newsteam turbines of the Edison Com­monwealth company.The .Indiana Dramatic club was re.,cently given permission . to play inIndianapolis for the first time in thehistory of the club.One of the alumni of Roston Techhas donated all the cement necessarvto construct a new building. .Eugene Ely. the aviator. has beenretained 8:'0 instructor or the aviation�q"ad or the national guard of Cali­fornia.The musical clubs of Stanford uni­ver sjty will take a trip to Chicago��·me time this summer.The Ya le D.aily X ews published alist of statistic!' which showed thatthe life of an athlete was long incomparison with the grand averageof men. TURKIS.H -@ BLEND '®CIGARE.TTES�ENMOlOGY. .Words, Words, Words•.. _1- "bunch " f-It rases es 0words to describe Fali­mas. They're so indi­vidual, so differenL Justsmoke one, and get thatindescribable satisfactionthat comes from a perfectblend of· rare tobaccos.My word - �t they're6ne. 20 for 15c-aninexpensive package­and you get len additiooal.THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO.Announcing a Complete Changeof ManagementUNIVERSITY CAFEFormerly "Ye University Shoppe"5650 Ellis AvenueSolicits Your PatroDaeeHOME COOKING-FIRST-CLASS SERVICE-SATISFACTIONPatrooiz. Marooo AdvertiseR.•. ' , . THE .AlLY )lAROON, .WEDNESDA Y: APRIL 26, 1911... ..' ,. _AMUSEMENTSILLaI.NOISROIB STAHLIIIA COMEDY OF DEPARTMENTSTORE LIFEMAGGIE PEPPEREIWPRESStid ... �. (in .. Ay... ttL II...s 'IIFocmat,. abe TllfteltDIr edioa SuIliYao tic CaaaidiDe. c. H. BWr. MaaqerThe OriginalPAUL CONEHASKaiser Wilhelm's Military Aid.inFeats of Strength.THE FLYING RUSSELS--New Sensational Physical CultureExploits.MABEL WAYNEThe Pretty Piano Maid.FLORENCE MODEVA and CO..inThe Widow and His Wife.BEN SMITHThe Blackface Rancontour.2 Sbow.Ni�btl)". Daib- MrtiD ••••• 00 R ••• n.d Seata at 10 aDd 20 ceataBLACKSTONELILLIAN RUSSELL-IN-THE FIRST NIGHTWho is THE FOX?An Exceptional Cast. $1. Mat. W cd.GARRI�KSAM BARNARD"He Came From MUwaukee."N. Y. Casino Co., intact.pOWERSDaniel Frohman presentsCHARLES CHERRYandLAURETTE TAYLORinTHE 7 SISTERSGRAN�IIR. GEORGE ARLII.inPub!". BriUiaDtDISRAELICORTJOSEPH HOWARD..LOVE AND POLITICSLA SALLETHE CIRL I LOVE."Th. Beat Comic Opera Ia dieCit7."COLONIALHe's' Going Away Soon.bJULIAN ELTINGBIIITHE FASCINATING WIDOWMCVICKERSHenry B. Harris prescntsTHE TRAVELLING SALESMANBy Jamea Forbes.STUDEBAKERWILTON LACKAYEba,THE STRANGERpRINCESSGEORGE FOWCETTTHE REMITTANCE MANA Dramatic Virile Story of Mon­tana Ranch Life.o LYI\4PICGeo. II. CohauCET·RlCH-QUICKW ALLlNCFORD GOLF CANDIDATES WILL DEANS iNTERVIEW WOMENMEET TO ELECT CAPTAIN IN LEXINGTON THIS WEEKBoth 'Vanity and Freshman TeamsWill Meet Friday at4:30. Junior College Women Criticize theU Diversity and Discuss CollegeProblems .With Deans.A meeting of the candidates for the "Myself and the University' is theVarsity and Freshman golf teams will subject of a series of extemporebe called Friday at half past four speechs -daily in the offices of thein Dr. Raycrofr's office in 'Bartlett Dean of Women in Cobb and Lex-or the purpose of discussing what ington hall. Dean Talbot and Deanwill be done this season and electing ltreckinridgc an: conducting this in­aptains, Both of the t,eams will formal personal questionaire for allprobably play two or three matches the Junior college women.with other institutions this spring. The questions asked were outlinedThere are about fifteen men who at Junior chapel last week, and now1:l\'C signified their intention of try' the Freshman and Sophomore WOI11-ug out for positions. A tryout will en are clamoring to tell the deans_'C held to find out the. merit of the why they came to college, how they'arious men, and they will be ar- are getting along,' what they intendranged on the team according to to do ill the future, and how theheir relative ability. University can be of more definite,The season is 3 little slow this practical assistance.year, partly because of the weather, Practical questions are asked toouul partly because Pat Page, who on matters of good breeding and\':1:-; in charge of golf and tennis, has goo It taste. Eevry women is askedlad to leave his charges in order to to -rute her attitude toward cultiva-escort the Waseda team in their trip tmg'"1 low, pleasing voice and a softhrougl.' the United States, laug l. toward conversation in speech,and simplicity in dress, and hair­DRAW OPPONENTS THURSDAY dre��ing, and toward such problemsas loiter-ing in the cornidor of CobbTwenty-Four Women Enter Tennis hall.Tournament-Massmeeting Today.The drawing for opponents in the deruradnate women. The consencusfirst round of the W. A. A. tennis of c l::nion shown in the conferencesournamcnt will be made tomorrow will determine plans of the admini­at 1 :15 instead of today as first an- strarion for the women, and the in­iounced, I t is expected that this first dividual talks are smoothing out in,round will be played off some time dividnal problems. The busy day ofvithin the next two weeks. consultation yesterday proved thatTwenty-four women have already the plan is a happy one. The deansregistered !for the contest. among lind genuine enjoyment in the COD­them the winners of two previous sult at ion. Miss Breckinridge said:years, Josephine Kern, and Mary "I'm having a splendid time askingPhister, Others entered are Gertrude questions.'Perry, Edith Paradise, Alice LeeHerrick, Eugenia Ruff, Harriet Tut­til, Dorothy Whitney, MargueriteSwawite, Lillian Swawite, AugustaSwawite, Nancy Miller, Anna LouiseFord, �velyn Fortner, NiiJa Beall,Sybil Wright Louise Frazeur, Eliza­seth . Halsey, Roberta Cooke. MariePark, Ruth Merrill, Myra Paine,Mary French, and 'Mildred Moore. Itis expected that there will be severallew entries before the drawings aremade.The W. A. A. massmeeting wil beicld this afternoon in the gymnasium.Director Stagg, Frank Collings, and"Bunny" Rogers will make their longtalked of invasion of Lexington.Hambagh, Michigan's star distanceman will not run this year on accountof parental objection. 'M u Pi Epsilon. a musical sorority,was installed at the University ofKansas on Wednesday. Among themembers are Madam Schuman- Heinkand Miss Alice Neilson.The department of mining at theUniversity of Kansas has placed anorder for a complete clay testing rna­chaine to cost about $1.400.SPALDING�SATHLETICLIBRARYNO. 349.Ofllcial Athletic Rules of theIntercollegiate Association ofAmateur Athletics of America1911Adopted at the last meeting"'!The official rules that mustgovern all Intercollegiate Con­tt'sts held by colleges, membersof the 1 ntercotIegiate Association.Records of all IntercollegiateChampionships from 1876 to date.PRIC� TEN CENTS.On Sale EverywhereA. G. Spalding. Bros.i8-3O So. Wabuh Ave. Cbkaao 1'1 e conferences are expected to be(If va lue both to Deans and the un,Conferences for women, A-L willcontinue through this week in Lex­ington from 1) to 11 :30 in the morn­ing, and from 1 :30 to 2 :30 in the af-ternoon, and in Cobb at the usualoffice hours, 12 to 1 o'clck. Otherwomen will meet the deans nextweek.WHATWE WASH-and this practically meanseverything within the scopeof launderiug_." .. ,..��--"-WE WASHCLEAN IMq We CaDFor Your Work?Peerless Steam Laundry 00.4432 S. State StreetTelephone OaIdaDd SSN6CLASSIFIEDADYDl11SD1ENTSRates-Three linea for 25 Cftta.Siz worda to the line.Five in_mon. for the price of four,N. advertisement takea for I ...tban 25 centa.Cui. lIlaR accolllpP7 order.Lost-Bt'tween Lexington Gym. andGt'neral Lihrary or General l .. i­hrary :lnci Ingleside A\"c. and tl3rdSt. a Mortar Roard pin with adiamond in the center and thename Eona \Val!'oh on the hack.Finoer please return to Informa·tion Oflicc. Reward. pa 26 l .. DlANAPOLISCINCINNATILOUISVILLEReached Quickly and COM-Iifortab17 Via1:1 .. :1-1:1;1111111)Dearborn Station, '7th it. IIand Englewood (63rd St.)Herbert Wiley. Gen. Agt. IPass. Dept.182 So. Clark St. Chica�o !�======T=e=L==H=a=r.n=.=s=on==S=S=09==·====�1YOUR SPRING BATI:��,M.O�PMlWAllb��.­It ,is ready for you at Ames Hat Storein all colors and shapes. The hat WIare illustrating will be very popularthis Spring.Two and Three DollarsAMfS HAT STORf90 E. MADISON ST.cause its wearerdocsn9t feel it.The &.onGarter keeps itslrengthandeseels in wear­value. FullyrJLL[. MiLLIE: Sr\TS·. Read the Blackfriam'Primer.. out today. and.._.,BUY YOUR TICKETS NOW-FOR-The Manicure ShooMandel, April 28.COLD CREAMThe very best and only10 and 20 Cents a jar.K. S. McLennan1334 East GSrd StreetN. W. Comer Monroe Ave.Earn your Lenten mone7seJlipg E.ater carda to yourfriends. Liberal commissionCALL OR WRITE.T8E LITTLE ART CORNER1528 E.Slat ST.THE DAII Y MAROONThe students must refl4 THEDAILY MAROON in order totake part in Student activities. INWOODFIB'WooDBASSWOODGRAYlVOODFER..1Ii(WOODTEAKWOOD.IIAPLEWOODETC.YOU WILL FIND WHA TYOU ARE HUNTING FOR� ...COLLARS2 FOR _2 5 C E N T STJf£Y AilE IN GREEN BOXESMade by EARL & WILSONFIIDOIiI for � Collar.TAKE ANYOUT·DOOR SPORTDon't you feel ",here wouldhe greater enjoYment inthe game if you could seoeasily and more clearlythan now? Perhaps yourvision c�uldn't he im­proved. There's satisfac­tion in knowing that. Per­haps tinted lenses are tohe worn only' during 'out­door life to protect youreyes and, prevent those'" headachea." .N. Watry & Co., OpticiansB�tllhllshell 188300-101 URofloll,h St�t(Sallie Location)You will neftr b". ev.vlaa comfort.con-mence or lana efficiency until you.... ar SHURoON eyevl ....... _ fit-them. Hav. your old lenaea put 1Ato.,.- .. SHUR-QN Mountinv. ... _"I eH-� Foar-Draw�rr. -=-- Vertical;LETTER,OOO LettHI'$1325 E������!�.. Wealh. t) urn raoc,."RIOt!.., IJ.ri ........ t .... t .... 1-low�,. t...�t aDd Bill !I,."pn'PO'lIo l�'" 10 .. pric:e4.� Dr r FI1 ... 7.1'0:I Dn" .. r.r I'lie ••• .001' .... IKbt P.ld E •• t or MoaU ....''"J'''''''', C..loraolo. OU.honaa, T.... J..... .1 "r.t ,.1 tb_, ... J�,-s.-nJ ('.'.Inc "C" of C.rd JDde:rPlO,eli,,". P I �('.te. .D<i OIlM ....... p.. e .. t·..luI •• B .. 5«,;'.".1 ft,. .. .l .......TheY/:i!r Mfg. Co.U.i.n StrHt 101l0B Ill'll.Invaluable to Law Stud_t. aud Teac:benCont.-lias 6.000 definitions of legnl terms,tec-llllfto:llly correct and couched III simple_ language:' _TWO DOLLARS PER COpy.(Not Ine.) "G34 So. D.arbona St •• Cblcaco.Ladies I Did You Ever Try·- M. CBIHBEROFFWOMEN'S FASHION TAILOR.. '_5M3 lDmbark AvenueTel.H.P.�Spring Styles Now On Hand.Call and See.THEStudenfs DoristA. lVlcADAMS53rd St. and Kimbark Av�.Phoue H. P. II,I pTurLAki,SNb UlBAdJRuHuluS2'575CcI Open Day and Nicht161 Dearborn Street.B�r"er ���P_, ��tog� HoteL'_'-��{.��,:\_ _j