/Vol. IX. No. 11.)4. aroon·�- - UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO. FRII):\ Y. MARCH 10, 1911. Price Five Cents"5!!!, :'-V5. ': .1I.t:M.oiS:.\'�iGHr\rMERRIAM IS ABSENT- -,---, BUT RALLY PROCEEDSMeet Downstaters in Swimming andWater Polo Contesta Tonight inBartlett-Outcome in Both Uncer­tain-Interclass Contest.. Feature.The Dramatic club will hold its an- SCORE THOUGHT TO BE CLOSEnual spring tryouts for membershipon the afternoon of April 13. AU stu-dents desiring to enter the trials are Small' Margin Will Satisfy Chicagoexpected to apply to the Manager of Runners in Coming Contest Withrhe club, Faculty exchange. Those Old Rivals.applying wi11 be sent lists of playsAlthough the mayoralty candidate from which to choose selections, for The track men took their Iii:;,:himself failed to show up yesterday -no selections will be accepted except work yesterday .:in preparation formorning' the Mersiain . massmeeting those approved by the club. Contest- the second meet with l llin. is tomor ,was held as annou'�ced'with a crowd ants will have three minutes to pre­that c�uld not squeeze -into Kent. The sent their selection which must be. inbroken date was not the fault of Pro' memorized form. They will be judgedfessor M�rriam, bitt was due to a rnis- . according to stage presence, voice •.take of his managers, who arrange' . d . d' t tatiactron, ramanc um m erpre au.vehis meetings. in sending him. else- "imagination.where yesterday niornlng. -':-;-; .Among the plays from which selec-The crowd was visibly':dis:'j>poiI1ted ti ')I1S may be picked 'for the springuncertain. As this event will prob- , ..ably be a large factor in the deciding when the announcement -'wa� made tryouts are: Shakespeare's "As Youthe winner the men on the. sick list that Alderman Merriam' \wlUld not Like. It:' and "'Jt.ili"us::Caesar," Moli- swing some points to 'Chicago,are trying to round into form. address them;,,, Cries o� /)\��, �yant· ere's "'�ise�,;' "��r�'eois Gentilhom-' It is notiknown definitely how theThe entries for the special exents Merriam" immediatelyvchanged" 10 a �me;" and Precieuses 'Ridicules," Gold- men will be run in. the meet, A g oorlwhich will be interspersed in between chorus of long.;.d�n "Oh's". at the smith's. :�: ·�Sh4{'. Stoops.' to Conque�,'; deal of uncertainty is felt about Dav­the regular events have been given news.' After .a "fl�ibgo': to drive Sherid�h;s '�'S�hrio'( f�r;-;S�ndal," a�d: enport. The star quarter-milcr ha-.out. These evnts which count for the away the ,glo(;m, it. 'was announced "The- Ri�ais," Ibsen's '"An Enemy 'of' been heating the regular dash men ininterclass championship will be hot- .thar Prof�ss(;r 'Tufts would address the �eople," Shaw'S! "You'Never Can' the trials all week. He also showellly contested. At present the Fresh- ,the meeting, and the rally proceeded Tell�" Henry Arthur Jones' "The strongly against Purdue. in the half.men lead with .10 points, the Seniors 'with enthusiasm. " Liars." and "Dolly Reforming Her': This g�\'es' tiIr.ee possible races whichnext with 8, and the Sophs and Jun- Professor ,TuftS "Tai�:· self," A. W: Pinero's "The Magis-; he .may run .in addition to the relay.iors following with 5- and 1 .respect- "'TJtis campaign �f Professor Merri:.� trate,". Wilde's "The Importance .of: Score to Be Close.'ively, ' - am:':is'-an excel1entopP.9,�t�it{'f�r. tllc � Being -Earnest,": Gilbert's ·"Enga'ged;': The general feeling is that the scoreEntries of C�: students to engag� �n:� grea.C�o�k Galsworthy's "The Silver Box," and: will -he close. There are some opti",The entries - follow:.: . that is not only part' of the city, but Hostand's "The Romancers.' �;::':':Pu:;�baCll, E'senB'ior �¢oueF' '�F'.: h' • RaD dF�� "also . ��Ttl,ife cntir�./t�tiri:��·�:'·;��cd�. i>���." -.. -, �,,��:(J�,dge.. �:.; .:: '•.mach�.ri - . ..rown� •... �IS er, :, .' fe.s�or.· .u, ts ... " .. ..' ,:,....r_ ". ·�.·qn"�lte . fi��t-:4a� !?f..the. �al�. APOJ:Grant: C. Marvin, P. Da� . "If �hlS ca�lpalgn,.,\,,·as 2�t .. !or qu; � �\. the .C(m·teStin�ifu.:be htQ.g1;d!: �Y.__ . J �g:loS __ . £oJI���J .. ..:: �udde�e •.; L .. � ca�o: .�t'�!,,?�'�����::W�Ft:!"_-:�gh!l�g .. : fo��� :;;��fa'iui�-����_jtf�e .�f �6tee; -;:zr�o_�_e .-���h�;'�'- �: .. <:ri>�;_� _L���,J�.:_�W. _lult th�j.c;�ueJs.mu.c1l: largu_ttwLChl-- . �ected on this day wiif appear ?Ji"J�<Rlchar�son, H. 'V. Grandqulst. cago. It is of the prugram of Demo-next afternoon before the club to"beHoop race' cracy that is becoming a part of the . b h' .'. . chosen for associate mem ers lp � ;,'Freshl1}an-C. B .. Goes.• ,enlire country •. that �vhic.h \yil;;.oJ! "\Ve want a ,large number of c��. S��.�o�o�e-�:, �:. Grandqul�.\ ._.� represents in the east. an�l that other�estant� this spring," said a mem�r.JU1\�or-C. Ma�ln., intelligent: meri an o\,er' the :country (if the clul> last night, "It is' very j�_Senlor-P. Davls_ are'spreadit)g,:_: .... ,. ., ., .,.,.. • .. '�'!Ir.:tnt that' everyone '�egistef" at ��.e(:iLi�ens ,clothes. rac'e: \Vhen-the �Ierriam headquarters at f'aculty exchange as sopn as he de�Freshman-L. 1:... Neff. the Grand Pacitic hotel learited 'th�t c!(ies to try ont. 'No" contestants wiitSnphomore......R. A. Grandquist_ Professor Klerri�lill was expected to h<: heard who' have -not previo¥.lY-" }illlior-R. Rosenthal. address. a mas�meeting, at the t:'ni- registered and had their.s.dections ap-Scnior-C. Marvin. . Ii' I'd .f tl l'r h I b· .. '\'ersltv t ey lUrne out one 0 Ie proved. by 1. e <: �:: _.. • j .orat;,;s. !'tlr. Roe. :He' arrh:ed' in time ,�i�t,er_ t:'l.�y Nex,.• l·.���, T \::.'t.;: �i\'e··a 'sl,;rited ,t'en;mintl� lal� - He r yr NThe tickets for Shaw s· ou. eve.rpaid thJ!. foll�)\�ing . trib_ut�s}O M��ri- .(_'ai� Ten," which is to; b.e. producedani a'n�1 'tile' �'I)ll�'g'c man m' politic's:' .I . C bbnext week will be on sa e m 0, "Mpria.nl ha� given more to this this week. The play wil1 be given o.,:ity in the la�t four years or tl\'e year,.; Saturday night only, instead of �ri,.than any otlll'r nne man. He is not rda)' and... Saturday _as ..... had..:.hcCll 10�the. dried-up cblle-ge·-"ra_fe�?_r :tJ1�:n).:._ .:.iu�i.::annc:)uiiCed:: .. � Sh�g1ne4),elie\'e'''hiit� -i,j'-l)e: hlif-l�:'a --illan 'Of i� one of the most amusing playspractical ahility as well as theory:'e\'er put on the by the club. and wi11Compares Merriam to Lincoln. probahly achieve a great success. De-"Aiter hearing him talk at a num' tails concerning the sale of ticketsher of mcdings I h.l\"e come to he- wI'1 he anounced tomorrow.lie\"e that he i� a true type oi Lincoln,'He i� the Lincoln ,-.i today �tandingfor the right Jlrincipll'�' and he can-1,l't he �Inppeel in his progre�s:'"He surprised c\"cryone at lhl' pri·maril's hy hi, grea t \'ictory, 1\1 uch ofthi� wa� d\1l' In tht' way hi� friendsw,,;oke!) fur him. ill which work thel'HlIe�e men Iliel their �haTl'. {)n'r attb,' twenly·thirll l'rn·itH·t in thi .. warcltIle' college tlll'n w(lrkt·cl �() hard that1;1 \"()te� were ,'a�1 jllr l'.h'rriam. :; inrThornp .. (ln, .J jllr �l1lul�ki. ;111(1 1 was:intl tol T,:11 �i .. :·r;." j'.r ;j , .. i� ,iBefore the crowded house the Gleeduh last night fulfilled the expecta­tio�s of its patronS, and cooperatingwith the Thomas Orchestra gave one(if .the most remarkeable programsever heard on the campus.Mandel has never: staged agreater number of musicians' work­iDg under the auspices and directionof a student organization. The memobership of the club and orchestratotal ninety, The only affair rivalling itwas in 01, when the combined choirs(if the city sang. But they were pure­ly professionals. The group was soarranged that the instruments blendedwell with the voices of the singersas -the volume of sound rolled outfrom the recess of the stage,,Accompaniment Deserves Praise.Deserving particular mention wasthe' accompaniment of the orchestra.The predominance of stringed instru­ments mellowed the tone. and stillallowed the singing to be heard withremarkable distinctness. The voicesof the singers .were .. not drowned by­their accompaniment, which is a rath­er too common thing in such largebodies of musicians.A t�m.�: of the pr�g;;�: -ni�ch -:a'p�pr��i�t�rd-w;;e the so'-osby-Mr-�� Ros�.L�ger Gannon and Mr. E, P. Legler.l� latter' was one of die" stars inia� year·s. B'a��!riar p�o9uc�i��. '.�bc attendance came up fully toth1!: wishes of· the managers of theGltt club. All the seats' not reserved'�rehand were taken, up when thecr�d began to pou� int� ,t.�e ha��. !h,e,t�ets were put on sale at , last mghtin)fandel corridor.' , '.' .J. P,;:olfUD. - .< - - . fd?YNOl.DS CLUB HOLDSOYhture, "Mignon" ..... � ;:. Thomas. ANNUAL:FORMAL TONIGliT· ,. f,� •• � •• - , Gri . '- - . { .. " •....� Sightlng," ••• , ••••••• ,. • . •. cc·_ -. .:, '. _- �. .,. .•· :�; Solo� �� .. �gler •., i '�l;1d March, ,�� S�. Promptl.1 at�,o from Symphony No.5' •••• 8:15--Rule 'of No Carriages and· ;�i' .............••..•...... D'vorak. Flowers to Be Enforced.·�P'rom the" New World" Opus �5BY. Babylon�s"W�� ..... :.� '��·.' •.• -'��Wlod; .Afr:for' Mali voit�s 'by -Mr •. Erickson.Dance of Nymphs and Satyrs, .•.............•.•...•. G. Schumann.from l'Amor and Psyche" Op�,I •.HUIlgarian Rhapsody No� 2:�; -. �. ��Intermiaioa . -:,Suite "Ruses d'Amou;:q)pus 6i�_�•..••.•. :.: .. � •.. ::-. �. 'Glazounow­a. Introduction: b. Grand V�lse,­C. La Fricass-:e.Rhapsody •••••• '•.•. � . • • • ••• Brahms.Mrs. Gannon and €horus.Allegretto Scherzando • � ••. SveadsoD..from Symphony, No.1. Opus of.(a.) Humoresque ..... Dvorak·Sto�k.(bJ The Bee ••.•.... Schubert· Stock.ta.) Winter Song •..•....... Bullard.(bl Red Man's Death Chant .... Bliss.(c.) Curriculum .....•... '. . .. W 0005.(el) Just Being Happy •... Jacobsen.Overture, "Tannhauser" •.•. Wagner.GLEE CtUB' .cONCEk:r· ••SCORES BIG SUCCESSE ...... i.die Hoase Appla1lds Efforts (fUainnity Siagen iD CoajoctienWith Thomu Orchestra.�EACCOMPANIM£NTFEATURESOI!H By Mrs. Gannon and Mr. Legler. .. Are Appreciated By Patrons·of the Glee Club.Score Club} Dance Tomorrow.The arrangements for the Scorcc1uh dance in Rosalie han tomorrownight ha\'e progressed without ahitch and refreshments. floral decora'tion�'. and music hy Auracker willbe the usual standard. Early indiocations are that they will draw a large. crowd. The swimming team is rapid-ly rounding into form fortilt.' J lIinois meet tonight. :rhe'- i.tlook is dubious nevertheless,Ina t hc.· men are going to fight hard asthey can. as they wish to draw firsthlood in the events with Illinois whichinclude the track meets tomorrow andthe Freshman basketball game. Re·,ports from Illinois indicate that Vos­burgh is showing up well and theJIIini are relying on him to win.Polo Game Uncertain.In the polo game the Chicago teamseems to be a shade better than theIllinois squad, although the illnessof Captain Kern and the absence of\V hiteside makes the outcome look ()tiler Speakers Fill Place of RepablicuNo..mee--Headq1larlen MaaagenMixDa�.MANY SIGN FOR CAMPAIGNINGStudents Who Crowd �Kent Hear Mer­riam and College :Men Laudedby Speakers. DRAMATIC TRY-OUTS APRIL 13"You Never Can Tell;' to Be Pro­duced . on Saturday Evening onlyNext Week-Tickets on Sale To·morrow. PREPAREQ FOR ILLINITRACK TEAM TOMORROWChicqo Me. FiDish Work ill Hope of. Vidor, iD second Illinois.. Meet.row night. The men were, as faras could he learned, in good condition,The squad was hopeful of a victor),over Illinois in spite of the largescore r�n up against them at the fir stmeet. -A' .great deal of reliance j,;J,laced on the improvement uf thehome team' since the first meet: Theadvantages of the track should al-« 0mists who expect the Illinois team'to Llo� up as it did last year and tolose by as bad a scrore as the Chi­cago men did at Champaign.. Thcmen will, �owever. be satisfi�d hy a\"ic.-tory C\'en hy a small mar�in. Itit felt th�t e\'�ry possible PO!t_lt �vill .h3\'e t� go to Chicago's way to, il.l� :_�ure them success. 'Seiler seems stronger than any Chi ..cago man than Davenport in the da�h.although the inability to work. at thl'f.fty yard distance may hamper him.Earle ran him a close race at Cham­paign and a good break in the luckmay enable the Chicago man to winat fifty yards. Wi11 Kuh beat Seilerla�t year., but he is not in shape to'run as strong a race as he did then,on account of his injured leg.Hurdles a Chicago Event.The hurdles will go to Chicag-o.with George Kuh taking first and\Vhiting as a strong contender fort:ithc..'r second or third. The quartl'ri� a' sure thmg for Davent>ort if ill'n:n.. the race, and Skinner shoulcltake one of the remaining two place,..Th� lack of familiarity with the tra('k.i� likely to prevent the I11inoi .. rUll'ners. from defeating him.pa\'cnp�rt looks stronger than .anyIilinois man in the half. and Timhlinprohahly l1a,.; the edge on Barron.although the latter beat him hy ac..lo�c tinish at Champaign..Weak in Long Races.I iiillllis should take in .. ixtl"t,tlJ>�,ints in the mile and two'mile, Copei� hl:tl,'r than the Chica�u runner..;ill Ihe n,ile 11)' a wiele margin. andI�, ,11t'r .. hlluld take the �econd unle:-:-i:e !..!(lC� wrong- on the turn�. Bullardancl B\lrwa�h �hould take lir�t and..",:nnd in the two'mile. hut either1�l)e or (. 'arpenter should take thethird for Ch�('ago.The relay looks like a Chka�"cyent .... '\ ... 'n ij O;\\'cnport i� kept jromnwning in it hy hi ... other race.... The1'1aroons led all the way in th .. ' tir,tmeet. and �hould he able to clu :1"well on their own track The teami� ... tron� enough in the l1liddl� di�'tance� to pro\'ide plenty (Ii "\lh�:;-(Continued on page 4.)Promptl� at· 8:15 to'night ·the· grandmarch of the Reynolds club formal.. .... ill �tart led by the new officers. Theofficers insist that the march shall�tari-'\:)lt· schedulo. time because it willhave· t� ;t��t.�l�e sharp; and they':I�� -�rginithat all�h:o :·exJ,eCt to takeJi�rt- be ';tbere 'at that ·tUne.. F�r �the' ���;���. there will be'. ;',nlyj6�AaD��s. "inst�a� 'of 20 as firstrC'po�ted. : .:.Q( � '.-years the danceha�;_· � �rowing in popularity inpite -(If the fact that it comes SO clo:,eto thc..· Prom and a record attendanceis eXJlected at thi� one according tol·x·president Roy Baldridge. He also"xpre��ed himself on the ftower-car­ria�e (Iu�stion. affirming that in viewr the iact that such a custom has"ccn �trictly adhered to in the' pasttwo years there will he no doubt ofits complcte observance this year.The patrnns and patronesses for theoccasion are. Mr. and Mrs. J. F.Moulds. Mrs. W. P. Collings, and:\Ii�s Marion Talbot.Cosmopolitan lleetinl Tomorrow.The Cosmopolitan club will 1)a\'e a.. ocial and business meeting in the.. 'hh house. 5800 Jackson avenue. Sat­crc1ay night at i :30 o'clock . dothe�."PoliticiaJ1� are ;liriad oj the ,·ol1e� ....I"tlatl'� voh' he"au�l' he alway� "ntl'Sdean. and i� nnt alway ... lnokin� for�I.me rc..-mun ... ·ratinn or otii ... ·c. ('olll'g'emen (';In do I(lt� .. i gnod work at thecoming election hy joining the \"ohm­h:er army at the poll<'Jero111e Frank oi tIlt' Law �c11'\111 ('x­plainect to the a ... �el11"led �tndl'nl� thell'quire111el��::_� � .� .... Whl��i���'� thelContinued on paae 4) WOMEN TO DECIDECHAMPIONSHIP INGAMES NEXT WEEKThe semi-finals for the champion­..hip in haskethall will he played be'twn'n the Senior and Junior teamsnext �I(lnday at .. o'clock in Lcxing·t"I� gymna .. fmll. .\ft('r the gamc. the:-;"'I1;'.r� \\ ill gi\'e a 'pH'ad f"r theJ\lniO\r� after' which there will hedan"in!!, The final game which i� 10(',(id .. : d.c..' ,·:.al11l�i 'n .. hip will heoi the indoor meet will be a dance hyplaY"l'd Thnr .. day at 4 :15.Tomorrow the gymnasium will heopen irnm 1 0 ::�O until 6 to gi\'e the",nnwn an opportuity to practice forthe indoor meet scheduled fvr Sat'urclay. March 18. which closes thewon;en"s gymnasium work for the(jnarter. One of the special feature��lis.. Hinnian·s class in gymnasticIbn .. ing. :\11 the l."ni\'Cr ... ity puhlic isim'itcd to the meet.-_,TO DAILY. MABOOB. THE .AILY IlAR00l!. �RIDAY, MARCH 10, 1911.'l!M Oaldal an4 .. , Pablleadola ., TIleUD1Yeralt7 of �rormer17TM UDlYeral*' ef 0Ic:ap ....,rou4ec1'PM Week17 •••••••••••• 0cI0� 1. �Tile 0.117 •••••••••••••• Oeto� 1. 1101Pabllahed DaIl7. ace" .::tudQ1l. .......,. ad hollda7. darlD. 4r.-.urtan.f &Iae UDlnraltJ' J'_r •.. tend .. SecoDd-dua mall a& tM CIll·,,0 Poatollce, Cll1eqo. JWaol8, Kuda11. 1101. udel' oUt ef II.arU .. lItL� ... � ...X. A. P.a.F.. . . "' •••• 1......a;- J. DALY • • ........II. •• C.&I&P"�" ..&JIaWIe JWUeIo, "Iti •; ;'� :>� �,. .�: ';""f�����". .,� ... ,", �:...'II-',',� . �<: �: .." F. NBW.IIA.N • BIII81uu ...... _w. J. Foutec, 'I. 'l'aJ'lorC. W. Hoqhlaud H. I. Kenu1eottI(.. w. a....D. I. BnecIJUU>O.�'"J.1t. Beebe I(.. D. 8teTeraHurl' Comer U. 11'. DDIlhagMax Euelow B. I. BanIa•• Kaplan P. KeanlqW. L,man J. B. Perl ..H. L. Ha,r. L. 8�u, w. Vloluk7 W. WelllDaDWOMEN'S D.EPAa�JIIUITMarjorie am. IWitor.Uuth ReUc:ker, .Aaoc:1ate IMltollUI:POBTBB8M. \:amllbellf"lorcoc. CaUlo .Alma Lldlt7SUBSCRIPTION BATESB1 Carrier, '2.�O per 1ear; ,LOO per qr.Clt1 Dlall, 'L2� pel' quarter; p.OO perJ'ear 1D ad ",aneLNew. cootrlbuUoo. 1DAJ' be left at JIl­lla Hall or ....·.colt!' )bebop. .d�to 'I 'h. DallJ' KarooDThe Maroon notes with pleasurethat three other large universities arcagitating the question ofAt Other the adoption of the honorPlaces system. At Columbia.Syracuse and \Visc�nsinmovements are on foot to establishthe system before the end of thepresent year.J t is interesting to note that at allthree oj these institutions, the mostdiscouraging factor in the whole situ'ation is the apathy of the studentl.ody on a question that involves stu'dent honor so much. Just as at theUniver-sity (If Chicago. fcw argument­arc I,eillg- urged against the honor<yste m. There is nothing but the;:h"l'JH'" "i any intelligent t houg ht.\Ve (1\1(Itl' f'ro m The Daily Cardinal;:nll ti:t· Svracu-« Daily Orange:.. ,: ! c cli .. l·Il:-�il'n:' (,II the hnn"r :,y:,_i c rn in i hc l'ol1il'rl'JH.·e :,e:o'�ion �ICln'day c\ e ninv made evident hy the factthat a large number of conferencemembers had been ignorant of theexact workings of the system as wella:' of its ends and purposes. Duringthe course of the session, however,:-l vcral converts were made and in aIew cases a vigorous defense in fay'or of the system resulted. Xow thisi s just exactly the situation in whichthe student body as a whole findsitself. \\'ithout question a large num:her have not a fair conception of thefundamental principles of the honor�y"te111. This is a scrious condition,The succ('s" of thc mo,'em('nt for in' Distinctive HalS. Correct Fumishitgs.a man, then thc prohlem is easily of many tn outwit the profe�"or whos(llyed. There is nothing odious in secms to suspcct them. The system'the pledge tnvolyed in the honor is equaily unsatisfactory to the 5tU­system to the student who is f�ar- dent. If possible he would like lesskssh' h-rnc-t. On the cfintrary it of­fers ·protection to him. hccau-c it C:otahli:-ohccl a uniform, clear :-t:lIlClanlof what i .. right and \\"r�ng in exam­ination writing. It fixes a �tandar(1for the irrdividual student and a stan­f1arcl for the whole univer-sity. Anhonor sy�tem will make a large con'trihution to the moral" of thc studenthoely."The point at issue is .. Do we wanttr- he hone-r with ourselves?' Aneclucational campaign regarding theh. .nor :-oy:-tcl11 will un(louhteeily g.,f;lr in c1ecidin� our dctcriminatinn.-Daily Cardinal.qitutinJ,; the honor !'y!'tcm here at "The discu .. :-oinn o'f the que .. tioJ1 i ..\\'i�con�in depends upon thc c'xtcnt pc.·rtinl'tlt to Syracu .. e h�'("a\t .. e of thet,; which the !'y .. tcm i .. known and �cncrai dis"atisfaction with th(' ('xist,apprcciated. inJ.: .. ptel11. �faking- policement ofthe faculty memhers has not workcd"First of all wc must decide wheth-cr we want to bc honest with our- a" wcll a .. it .. hould. Rather it ha,!'ocl\"cs. Ha"ing once decided this to led to an increascd desirc on thc part �t::-\ t·jlaJH·,' with I;:' ·1,' :'l' d, HI t,·:lln\",,' ;lrtllll1fi :1',,,1 (I .. a- lit.' liked fir;'jn� the examination. Ii such a :,y:-'tern could he conducted with ail':' ..or even an equal ahount of "cribbing."it would he welcomed by all con'corned.Both faculty and student body seemt« he in a favorable state for the ad­o pion of a scheme which would bet·I('T coridit ion s. The question natur­;dl�' arise ... could an honor sy .. tern he(h-\"i:,e(1 which would meet the need­,'f Syracuse in a way .. atisfactory to!loth f;lctl1ty and :-,tu(lent!'? \\\' he'lic"l' it can, Thc memh('rs of thei;lC't!lty haye exprcss('f) th(mseh·l''' a ..nctt (!c .. irou' of in!'talling- ,,0111(' such"y"tetll. prm'idcf) it come" from thc"tudent hody. Xaturally thc i(it-a,\ ()ulcl he an ah!'olute failure tlnle,,:,it r('cl'i"{'(1 the hearty coopcration ofthe student�. for the entire respon"i­hility woula rc!'t on them:·-DailyOrange. PATRONIZE MAROON ADVERTISER&. �.CHICA •••We print tbe Dail,. ·lIaroon.MEDICAL SERVICETt'1. n. 1'.4345. Res. Tel Oat 29ftGEO. W. I. BROWN, II. D.I'r:ll'ttf'e llmlted to dlllH'" of tb.,n·E. NOSE AND 'I'RaGATlIom's 9 to 12 ft. m.. 2 to B p. Ill..l'eJllnp nnd SundR,.. b1 appolotmlat.(lfflre. 8ulte 14. 1230 E. 88rc! 8t. N. W.Cor. Klmbart Aft., Chlcaco.T.I. 4.� R. P. Rn. T�I. 82D4 R. P.DR. EMORY M. LOTTS�1CNTIsromce N. w. Cor. 63rd St. andKlmhllrk A,"�. Suite If.[]".. THE DAILY MAROON, l:�tDAY, MARCH 10, 1911.MAROONS OFF TO MINNESOTATeam Leaves Tonight at 6:30 for Min·neapolis Determined to Fight Hard.The Maroon basketball team leavestonight at 6:30 for Minnesota, readyto put up the game of its life tomor­row night. The men who will makethe trip are: Sauer, Goettler, Paine.Fulkerson, Bell. Mehl, Goldstein.Leach Schommer, and Dr. Raycroft.The players are reported to be ingood shape. The night ride may ef­fect the team's condition, but everyprecaution will be taken' to guardagainst it.The Minesota authorities have ar-ranged a novel curtain raiser. Therewjll be several fencing bouts be­tween the Univvr sity women in placeof the usual Freshman game.PRESIDENT JUDSONTO ADDRESS CLUBTHIS AFTERNOONThe \\'olllen's Graduate club willmeet this afternoon at 5 o'clock inthe Xeighborhood room in LexingtonPresident Judson and Mrs. Judson\\ ill be the guests of the club for theafternoon, and President Judson willspeak. Owing to the illness of thepresident of the club Miss Becker. will be back in her old place, for theday. Miss Becker predicts an inter­esting meeting, although she is un­able as yet to tell the subject onwhich President Judson will talk.'FINALS IN REYNOLDSCLUB BILLIARD ANDPOOL NEXT WEEKTo date six games have been playedin' the semi finals of the Reynoldsclub billiard and pool tournament.Ilaldwin winning from Goldsmith andAdams from Baldwin in pool. Fletch­er 'has not played yet.:In billiards Karsten has won two.Sterchi and Lawler one and one, and. �ljpdleton lost two. The two high­'�st men in each tournament will playoff for the championship cues nextweek.COMPLETING 'PROGRAMFOR JUNIOR STAGON WEDNESDAY'The program for the Junior stagdinner in the dungeon of the Well­ingtcn hotcl next '" ednesday is pro'�ressing rapidly, and will be anr.ounccd in a day or so, TIckets arenow on sale and may be obtainedfrom Raymond 1. Daly, \VilliamHarms. Ralph Rosenthal, and RobertBaird. The dinner is scheduled for ;o'clock.Short Story Club Met Yesterday.The Short Story club held its regu­;:1'" IlW('!ill;.! ye .. terday in Lexingtr-n"'!I�fl ,,. ;'1 �ri.;,. E"kr:-; h me ;:';i: iltl!' 1'�;,,�,�\(1, Mr< Lori-, Belc: I :(1 I:. t h..: 11 ere t('C;l\l;;e'" nf to.r r.li'�:'l',J ilinl'�� of her hu .. hand. Innhas promised to speak at some meettog in the near future. There wa­g(neral discussion on the short story:>nd ;;0111(' specific plans concerningthe stories each member intends tfwrite fr-r publication before the end.. f the year.QIFTON,2tiLlIiP �.2iil.""A TlzeM�RROW'NOtch COLLARSSlt8lluglyto the neck,tbetoplJDeetIII front and there III ample apacefor the era �t.15e.,2for lk.Claett.PNh0d7. eo.. ....... The chairmen of the committeewhich will be in charge of the pro­duction of the Haresfoor show, "TheManicure Shop," were appointed yes­tcrday by the executive committee ofthe Blackfriars. The appointmentsare a s follows;In general charge-Aleck Whitfield.Puhlicity-M. E. Robinson, Jr.Assistant Pnblicity-vEar! Hutton.Housing-s-Everett Patchen.Properties-Raymond J. Daly.Scores=-j unius Scofield.With faculty approval obtained,and the arrangements with the Hares­foot club practically completed, theprospects are bright for an even • • • •greater success than "Alpsburg' Psychologists may be right whenscored last year. The reports from they say there is no such things as the!\fadison say that "The Manicure psychological moment, but as for us,Shop," is the best show the club has we can think of no better phrase toever produced. The show is in two describe the timing of Mr. Heath'sacts, the first being in a Paris mani- party.cure shop, the second act in a nearbycafe. "The Manicure Shop," wiIJ bepresented in Madison, Rockford, andAurora before it is given in Chica­go, and two performances will begi\'en in Milwaukee after the Chica­go engagement is filled.I t was decided to hold the Black-Law-Medic basketball game, Bart­lett 3;15.German . Club, Kelly hall. 4 p. m.today. Classes in conversation inLexington hall. rooms 3 and 4.Mathematical Club. in Ryerson at'4:30.. Women's 'G11lduate . Club todayin ·Lexington hall, room 15, 5' p. m.Address by President Judson.Swimming meet tonight at 8 p. m.Bartlett swimming pool. Illinois ,VS.Chicago. Tickets on sale in Bartlett. They Ought to Give a W. A. A. Show.Reynolds Club formal tonight. :The Sophomore and FreshmanGran'J march at 8;15_ girls' basketball teams met yesterdayAU old and new officers of the in a practice game. All the playersKdghborhood clubs and present seemed to be 'in good form.-Purduecouncils meet with Miss Robinson in Exponent.the Xeighborhood room at ]0:30.friar formal party on the night of University of Chicago, incorporated.April 21 instead of the 14 as was in behalf of the members of theoriginally planned. The dance will Reynolds club we extend to Alfredtake place in the Reyonlds club, Tennyson Goldsmith the apprecia-A dinner for the judges of the play tion of the club for his tolerance inand music contests will be held in the allowing other members to play bill­private dining room of the Commons iards in silence.March 25. Any of the Friars maycome by applying to M. E. Robinson.DAILY BULLETIN.ANNOUNCEMENTS.Score Club dance tomorrow, March11.A Prize of $100 is offered by theBlackfriars for a Chicago song.Junior Stag party, Wednesday,March 15 at the Wellington hotel.Tickets now on sale.C�· mopolitan Club meeting tomor­rr.w, and' business meeting at 7 :30p,lll_.... c:gist:ation of Students with morethan nine majors Monday to Friday.Miss Fannie Bloomfield Zeisler, thenoted pianist, will give a reCital inMandel hall Tuesday, at 4 p. m.The Departments of Geology Ge­ography, and Paleonthology will meetfor an informal dinner and. party inLexinkton. Saturday at 6;30.lO'inaJs in Relay' for Tuesday.The finals in the inter-fraternity reolay race will be run off Tuesday :3f·tcrnoon at .. o'clock, in Bartlett. Thereams selected in the preliminariesare Psi Upsilon, Chi Psi, Alpha DehaPhi and Sigma Alphrna Ep!'ilon. Thet< arns will be composed of six menr nch, and each man will run one lap.English 41 to See Macbeth.About fifteen members of the Eng­Iish 41 class, which is a Shakespearecourse, wil1 attend the Southern-Mar­lowe production of Macbeth at theLyric theater on Saturday, March 1 Sin the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Knottwill act as chaperones ,to the party. By a recent ruling, instructors' atChicago are'· forced to shave theirmustaches, as co-eds have refused toattend classes. if the' instructor hasany nirsute adornment.e-Ohio StateLantern.• •••The same day Hamlin Garland toldhis audience at : the English 40 ban'quet that we students know too much,,,\1 Heath issued invitations to a par­ty he is giving the members of theGeology department. Evidently, Mr.Heath and Mr. Garland do not agree.• • • •And, were we in need of honorpoints. without the slightest hesita­tion should we issue invitations tothe sociology department.e e, e e• • • •Reflections of the Society Editor.So it goes! After we had steeledourselves to being ostracized because(If our relations in the last column, acertain Senior calls' us up and in aLong story insists that we should notsay anything about him, because herIeelings would be hurt. lit closing hesuggested that if we insisted 'on print­ing something about him, he wouldhelp us get up a little sometbing thatwould be really good and still findfavor in Foster.• • • •· . • •As the unholy alliance-the linotypeoperator and the proofreader-wouldput it, "several couples will be pleasantat the Reynolds club formal tonight."Club formals are splendid fun butthey do strain Schaffner so, comingright after the Prom.••••T· v: " ni th e Chicago -newspapers,,-'h,'pi,olled us lasr night to interview; '.e astronomy department on the re­port that there was an earthquake inthe city. On our information that theGlee club was giving its annual con­cert and that Harms was manager,-lhe papers were satisfied... . . .According to the Wisconsin Cardi­nal. the honor system will be rejectedthere because of coeducation. They-ay, .. It seemed to be the opinion thatcoeds are dishonest and that men willIWt report their cases."Miss Maginness and Miss BurkeI<:n:;c1I1hlcl-Votes for Women.• • • •The {·nder;.;ra<lliClle ('(l\tlh'ir� alrru­i:-111 s ecrns to find favor. Xow theexecutive committee of the Black'friars is voting itself appreciative din­ners.e e • •We are informed on reliable au'rhority that Physics 6 is full. Onere:-;er\"ation has, however, been left«pen until Paul Gardner's return.Harold Gifford is alternate. Telephone E9GS Central. Cameras and KodabRented and ExchangedCENTRAL CAMERA CO.Cameras, Kod8.ks andPhotographic Supplies.Alben Flesch, President, 179 Wabash Ave., ChicagoFATIMA®nw-��H,®CIGARETTESARITHMETIC.The simplest of calcu ..lations will decide you infavor of F atimas. Theirgoodness times their "dif­ferentness·· more than equalstheir cost, Add tc thismore enjoyment than youever had and the sum ic lc-.!is Fatima-the cigarette thatmultiplies smoke pleasure.Rare tobaccos-skillfullyblended.20 for I 5 cents, and youget 1 0 additional.• P'ilh NCII pacJcag� 0/Fatima !IOU Bel G POPu­IIlI Gdreu' pholo,raph-abo G ptmnanl cou­pon, 25 ttl UJlaicla KCUTeG hanJsome lell aJ/qepennanl(12x32)�/edion 0/ 100.THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO.1911 SPRINGNoble D Soper extends a personalinvitation to you to call and inspecta very select line of woolens for thisseason's wear •B.TJI'LOR175 Dearborn Street. C.m<M .. oeSecond Floor. T�ho ... Cea�.1.M4Noble SoperDeveloping, Printingand Enlarging.DO YOU EAT?-If so, why not at theUNIVERSITY COMMONSThe best in the city for the price.All things in season,Are You ThinllinglN ow is the time to think about yournew spring suit. You ought to be onthe" qui vive," for everything that is thelatest in lines for Spring clothes.Come into our shop, and we will showyou a splendid and varied assortment ofco Shackamaxon "guaranteed spring ma­terials. We will also tell you whetherthe shoulders will be worn narrow, thecoat tight fitting, etc.Suits from $2; to $;0.John Verhoeff&---TAl LORS--- Co./4iClark and Madison Streets.Strauss Bldg., third floor,AMUSEMENTSILLINOISROSE STAHLillA COMEDY- OF DEPARTMENTSTORE LIFBMAGGIE PEPPERF��RFSS.,---=� I ... _' '.DiI.Iiaa!lli...� L L � M....-VAUDEVILLE'S IIOST SPEC-TACULAR AlUUIICSENSATIONALBERS10 - POLAR BEARS - to2 AowaIliOab. ....1IItiIMee.......................... C ...�apUY&UD.I -I"eatan A-.....BLACKSTONE'1,626 People in 32 performanceshave eeenDAVID WARFIELD-IN-THE RETURN OF PETERGRIMMLYRICFiDal· WeekLULU GLASERIn the createst Opera aucceu of herartiatic careerTHE GIRL AND THE KAISERGARRICKForbe..-RobeitaoD IDTHE PASSING Oil THBTmRD FLOOR BACKPOWERSDAVID BELASCOSencla Cbica&o Another TriumphTHE LILYWith .-HANCE O'NEILORANDThe Fourth Week ofIIR. .c:pt�,R� ARLISSillParker. Bri1IiaatDISRABLISTUDEBAKERANNIE RUSSELLIu the Dew Serious �THE BACKSLIDERSCORTHENRY KOLKERiaTHE GREAT HAIlETeD Weeb of SlIccea.LA SALLETHE CIRL I LOVE."TIle Beat Comic Opera Ia dieCi�."'WHITNEYDAVE LEWIS..··Don', Lie to Your Wife"COLONIAL-Back to Cbicqo � UDivenal requestJULIAN ELTINGBIaTHE FASCINATING WIDOWMeVICKERSLAST ENGAGEMENT OFROBERT H'WARDiD"A FOOL THERE WAS"pRINCESSOne week 0Dl7Oberammerpll Ba_m EuembleBAVARIANPe&IaIlt PJa,era.()LY�PICGeo. II. CobauGE.T-RICH-QUICK: __ .,_. WALUNCFORD TId .AlLY MAaOON. FR.IDA Y, MARC;H 10; isn:I�"�._tif •Who 15 Your Tailor 'I '.MERRIAM IS ABSENTBUT RALLY PROCEEDS, University Merriam club slips whichwere passed out at the me-ting. He'said:.. y ou will not only be asked tostand around the polls on " the daysearned on the slips, but will also beexpected to get OUt in the precinctand work.Many Workers Needed."Men are needed to get into theprecincts; to canvass every family.Democratic or Republican. ask whothey will vote for. whether they areregistered. and then give their namestn the precinct captain. It Halter's thevoters to be asked about their choicein the election. The other people are'strongly organized to do this and somust we be. Much more than rah-rahmeetings are needed to elect a man:'Several hundred of the slips werepassed out to the students. The manwho signs them signifies on the slipwhether he will help to elect Merriamby canvassing for votes. working onregistration day, Tuesday. or workingon election day, Tuesday, April 4.All who signed are requested tomeet in Cobb 1A at 10:30 o'clock thismorning. More explanation of thework will be given them by E. M.Loomis. who presided at yesterday'smeeting, and is chairman of the Uni­vers'ity club's executive committee.,PREPARED FOR ILLINITRACK TEAM TOMORROW(Continued from page 1.)t utes for any absent member.Chances in Field Events.In the high jump, Menaul shouldtake second and has a chance for atie for first with Morrell. I t is notimpossible that the Ilinois man mayfind that he must .yield, the first tothe Chicago athlete. Menaul shouldcome back in the shot-put and should�, win 'without any difficulty from theIllinois squad. '-Murphy· of Illinois looks better thanthe Chicago men in the pole vaulteven if he failed to beat the Chicagomen at Champaign. He was able togo over twelve feet in the meet withthe C. A. A. The star will, how­ever, have trouble defeating Coyle,41Ht Rogers and will lose if he hap­pens to be at all off color. Coylehas been 'going over eleven six, dur­ing the: week and will heat 1\1 urphyif he is not at his best.SOPHS PUSH YEARLINGSINTO SECOND PLACEDefeat of Freshmen By Score of 16to 14 Puts Seniors In FirstPlace in Race.The Freshmen were defeated yes­terday afternoon by the score of 1&to 14 by the Sophomores. and werepushed back into second place. Thispractically gives the Seniors thechampionship as they have only onemore !l{ame to play. and if they shouldlose this they would be tied with theFreshmen for first place. The gamewas a slow affair. the score always re­maining about equal.The lineup:Freshmen (H). Sophs (16)_Vinissky, D'ck'rs'n.R. F CatronFrank L. F .. _. _ GreenKi�pert _ _ .. c. ..... _ . Goddard.Goodman.Levy R. G .. _ DuckMarr _L_ G_ Murphy,RadnitzerField goals-Dickerson, 2; Kispert,2; Levy, Catron. Goddard. 3; Good­man. Duck, Murphy, Radnitzer.The standing of the teams:Seniors i 2Freshmen 6 3Law 5 3Sopbs 6 -IMedic", •• 3 �JuniO!'! 0 10 What did you say your tailor'.name was? . Sorry we never heardof him.Why not eet your clothes made,this spring, by an advertiser of THEDAIL Y MAROON and by the bestknown custom tailors in the business.Besides you will be dealing with amerchant who wants your business,and who will therefore treat you withdue cordiality. That is why he ad·vertises in your college paper.Again you will find many· of yourclass-mates dealing there too. Itmakes one feel better to know thatsome one else besides yourself. whomyou know. gets his clothes made bythe same. There is yet this to con­sider-when a tailor solicits Univer­sity men's patronage by advertisingin the college paper, it is proof thathe knows the latest wrinkles in styles,for he realizes how fastidious andbard to please a college man is.However, Mr. Tailor also knows thatwhen Mr. College man IS pleasedabout his clothes, he tell,; his class­mates.There are only four tailors in thiscity. whom The Daily Maroon canreccommend to you for your pa�ronge,and who meet with all the require­ments. One of them being John R.VerhoeiI and Co. His address isStrauss Bldg, third -floor.We reccommend him for your pa-tronage and we will appreciate yourreading his advertisement iri todayspaper and telling him when you call,that you saw it there! J. D. O'NEIL '_.'-Muufacturer. of' "-, - - .'TRUNKS, GRIPS AND SUIT CASE.Special .tyle. and sizes" made to order. l'rompt att .. tioa Ii ••to repair work.'EXPRESSING TO ALL DEPOTSThree �p. claily to city.Factory and Salesroom,454-6 East Fifty-fifth StreeLPhone Hyde Park 44.1993 Salesmen AveraeC!d SI.65PROFIT EVERY HOUR WORKED, SUMMER 1910.All names, addresses and records given upon request. College expensesmadeand business experience gained by selling "Wear-ever" AluminumUtensils. 10 Specialties not sold· in any store. For complete informationsee our University Representative, J. C. CLARKE. DOW.THE ALUMINUM COOKING UTENSIL CO.No. 12 Hitchcock hall 1_2 p.m. Phone Mid. 3084., EveningsMADISON AVENUE LAUNDRYdoes more business at the University than any laundryWHY? BECAUSE IT IS THE BEST.6018 Madison Avenue •SOCC�R· MEN ENTHUSEDOVER SEASON'S PROSPECTSHold Preliminary Workout on Vin­cent Field....:..stagg - Urges Mento Make Sport Go.. ;ii. Candidates. for the Varsity soccerteam report at Bartlett at 4:30 p. m.This is the notice that has sent thesoccer men hurring to report' for thepreliminary workouts of, the pro-seas;on. Taking advantage of the weath­cr. ten men were out yesterday, en­thusistic over the prospects for a sue­cessful year. At a meeting of thecandidates, Director Stagg and SOC"cer Coach' Brady talked over thechances for a winning team. A schec-ule of college meets will- be arranged.with Wisconsin, Indiana, Illinois, andpractice games with city teams willstart a� early as the second week ofthe spring quarter.The old soccer men who are backare anxious to get OUt a large num­her of new men. They are out forrevenge on Illinois. having lost twogames to them last year. All the menwho tried out last year are beingurged to come out. 1 t is said thatopporuiry for a change of registra­tion in physical culture will he per­mitted to men who wish to sign upfor the sport.Director Stagg said yesterday: "1 fthe men would get out and show aninterest in the game. the athletic de­»artment would heartily support thetca m. Unless the men come out thiscar and work for success in the.. trongest kind of cooperation. thesport will be abandoned. .-\ minor"C' is awarded in the sport and lastyear they were given to 12 Varsitymen."The men who are looked to for anucleons. having played last year. are.Stein, Fulkerson, Lindsay, Duck.Grossman, Sponsel, Redding. Bald­win, Leonard. Tatje, Benitez, Colin.Callantyne, Jennings, Unger. andI..oth .,666..625.. 600. \Vashington lost one of its four·oared shells when it Snick a. sn.ag increw practice. SeY('ral of the menhad :1 n3rrow escape from drowning..000 Some -Class,TO OUR,SurineCluett Shirts1.50Ene1ish Derbies-3.00SILVIRIAN ,li SON1125 fast 63rd Street,Near' �&t��" . - - ..nrwOODnIt_OODJlA88WOOD _GBAYWOODPEBKWOODTKAKWOOD�OQDm'C.YOU WILL FIND WHATYOU ARE HUNTING FOR-. � ...'C 0 L - L -A 'R S2 FOR 25 CENTSTRaT Aaa I. cala. BOXIIMade b.,. EAR.L & WILSON• A_�.M/''_I'" UJr1C CollinSmall ad.. in THE DAILYMAROON brinK large retum ..Tf7 ODe today._._.' �;A- , .... Drawer,,�- VerticalLETTER FILE$13"2°r "'Oeli';ered" BOUD O�J( (0<>1_ orW�) DUT .... OO ... ,Roller .. 'i ..... P.tnt Yololp...... .Lop' nd Bil. &isMpnportioaat.1T low price4.• D_ftP"'le."�"O• D_wpp FU., .11.00Jl'l't'llIrbt P"ld ): •• 1 or ta ...."·,. .. ml .... C..lorado. Okbbunu. T ,.. la......... t clf Ib_ .JcI.l'IS-lI ...... ".r ("'."" ··C .. or c.rd IDol.,..".Clip'_ Pnootal s.-.te. • ..., os,... Ipe. Cat·.. I ...... B •• 5ft1"·D.l 8-_ ....The 'Ire- Mfg. Co.lIaiH k1m1 10nOE 11r1.I Tarldo Yl BUllIan, 7St:PLAIN BATHS 25cIkrJ)eZ' Shop IUat... • ....OpeD Dq aD. Nick ..I'. Dearbora aUNt.Ladies!. Did You Ever TtyM. CHIMBEROFFWOMEN'S FASHION TAILOR5653' �bark �veDue- Tel. He P. 3283.Spring Styles Now On Hand.Call and See.Arb and Crafts Good •!!! UTILE ART CORNEl'1528 E. Slat IT.THE t'LACE TO' BUY YOUR GIFT':'THEStudent's FloristA. -McADAMS5Jrd St. and Kirnbark Ave.Phoae H. P. IITribune BIde.Fre_ . glaSses and spectacle. Icien' .tifi�lIy fitted and adju.ted. Ex-'amination Free of char&e.A!\k to see the New, Idea Mounlinl •All th� new. of the campusi. The Daily UarOO1l .