arocn.�: ��:':��� �y� ..\� �.��{�--:�� .-�� --- .•• f ...BUCXFlUARS OFFER,$l00!.fUZ� TSEC"'TilAC';MEETMusical Organ-::: Of£ers�"�g� I ' V�.��IWO,� TONIGHTPrize for Chicago 'Song-Club Be· -:'.. . "comes The Blackfriars;'� lrtcc>rpora" ' Vanity MeJi ':Hope to'·Repeat� Formerted-Plan Trip Next Spritig.. :.:�: .;. Victory Ovei-':bF.Yette Mea, :.'.. . .... ': t 'ill BUtlett:'The Executive committee' Q.ft:theb :'E'� '. _Llackfriar s yesterday \.ote.�i, .�;) o. ��,r .. �a)l' · PURDUE IS·.. ··EA� 'FOR FRA. Yprize 01 �lUO for (he best Chicago. __._l,_song submitted to them", ·�!·his· p�i�e .:' :'"will be divided, $50 being offeredTar : Expect to M�e� �ood Fight and ifthe lyrics and $;;U f�r j he .music., :Inc Possible to' ��nie Out Ahead of:il,ag will be �sed in. thc., .. '�.QminB' : ·Mafoons.�pring production, "Capturing- Caolyp:. .s o." ":;'.'\ The Varsity: track team �will meetThe committee announces' that: a l 'urdue for the 'second time' this yearloyalty song of general intc:r�st is. iUr .t rack tonight' in Bartlett at 8wanted, not merely a, i09tl>�tt�::;ona:; ;'1' �o'clock and frbrn present indicationsas has 'been the case in past years. " will defeat .the' Boilermakers by aCrnly ��a�luat�s and u,�:�er�;ril��·at:�\.·' g��ater score' tl��n.·,t�ley did in the firstuf the L' niversity. are. ellglble,·to com .. � meet at Lafayette ·1, cbruary 3.j-ete, "and the management- ;r-eser"e�, ·.:h·A,t th�.r �l"ne the Maroons easilythe right to withdraw the offer if no '\:C'fi. ;')!J.3lj, getting scven out of tens aisfactory results are opta:.i�d .. i'_'·· ', � :''''�it�t·s.·:��'!'itlll.i.�g �.th(.� i.�-1ilf:" -The Var-... ()rgariiZafio�- ·'inc�}��·;..·::- .m?��i�tPracticallY the' same teamThe Blackfriars have. !Jee.� iJ1.�Qt.:P.Qrr .Ol!. the track that contested at La­ate'). l\rticles' of incorporation ar- . fayette .. and : should win by 'a widerrived from Springfield yesterday and margin because of the training inwere unanimously adOpted at the track meets since that date.meeting oi the organization which �. 'A.����Pt From- Purdue.was held yesterday morning, '{he T,\1e last number of the Purdue Ex-Blackfriars turned oyer to the Black- ponet has "the following to say con­friars (Inc.I all moneys, 'properties, cerning their menu:cr.ntracts, and privileges.··. The in' "At' present sickness is getting thecorporators were, Aleck' \Vhit_fiel��·., .bctter of many of the men countedJuniu� Scofield; Raymond Daly,' Hil, . tipoh a's' winners, but with a week tomar Baukhage, and Everett Patchen. uct .intn" condition the handicap mayThe organization was incorporated not be so great-as it now appears. Atin order to facilitate the administra- th� -pC'�s�nt time Goss is sufferingtion of affairs Blackfriar. Under the from an ·ai1ack of tons'i1itis, Wasson,h.'W plan the corp9ration is. responsi� ,�I1O�.i� 'always counted upon to give:,Ie for the debts of the corporation, a std.· pci-fo�maJ1ce, is kept from workinsteaclr-of. the.Qlanager, .. �f_:.the_�1���,-- .. With. �r_ipv.�, ��d .��?ff'man.J,tas !>_ee��a:: has been the case before. sick 'lately�Dance Date Set. Th��e meJl" have not been able toThe SOCIal committee has named �ork-' lafely'with any degree of success,April 14: as. the tentati"e dat� �or·;.�!le. ;>ut \yin' 'make the trip nevertheless.Blackfriars dance. It will ber� helq .-iJ�:' '!<JessIeI' lias a bad foot. caused by the�he Reynold� club, and will prob:.bly ballkbd turns .()f the track but on the­he semi·formal, with flowers and car- �traighfa'\'ay this causes him noriages barred. ,:,' .: .. �;,r. �!�t:b�e, 'Charters �nd Stockton' willThe Blackfriars also plan 10 make' take part. in the w,elght events.a ;pring trip. The towns under COD- Teain' Shows Improvement..sideration for possible dates for per- Quite .a marked' improvement overformances are' Milwaukee, Madis6n�", ic!vious -. 'pe�formances has b�en�outh Bend and Peoria. '1 t is pro,b': -��llOwn especially in the case of RIch·�ble that th�' Haresf-oot club o��· anls 'and' Gannon \vho �av( of lateconsin will b.e brought ''f:lere�� !�wa� Leen .rlo��g 's�r:n� exceptlonally• gooddone last year. ,� • ""work. o\"�r th� high bar and �ll u�'jloubt.ediy suq>ise the Maroons who\lpect 'Co):le, to capture the event."LEXINGTON. HAS BASEBALL '. ,�·1.r;ckets for the meet are on saleAND BASKET��L� GAME� �"na�tlett today, from 1�:30 until oJ.�_r --.-_-.-�.� ._.{;;'';' "7iney may also be obt::uned at theLineups Announced' "for J1iDior �and'· : '-'ne of ti;e meet ..Senior Baseball·T�m�kasket·baD Gaino,AOday. . ,�.+.._�.::..:<L-: .,"'_.- '. z:: ..•.Vol. IX. :1\0. UH. Price 'Five Centsthere is any objection to the students'active service in a political campaign-quite the contrary. Every manr.wes to his community active serv­ic� for good government, Any man The Election commission will be incharge of the polls during the day.The committee consists of NathanielPfeffer, chairman; Paul MacClintock,.David B. Adams, George Kuh, Clark'G. Sauer. Four of these six have ar­:,ho shirks his fa�r share of such w�rk ranged to be on duty at the poUa1:- a drone .and Just such .P�o.P.o�'o� .. t:V�ry .. holtG..JhrQughQut the day.a" he fails to do hiJ; fair share is :l t Want Big Vote:'dead weight obstructing political pro- The ;r�spects of a good vote are!gress. There should .be commenda- bright. There has been no undercurtion and encouragement for a student ient of politics, owing to the agree­who takes an active part in advanc· ment between the candidates to keep'ill,g political principles in which he be' the election a clean one, 'the twelveIi eves, whether they be Republican,Democratic, or otherwise, or in ad­\'ancing the candidacy of any man hethinks best fitted for office. Our citysuffers fully as much from politicalapathy as _from misdirected politicalactivity. But where should we lookmore hopefully for an active civicconscience than to the students andC\lnmni of a great University. Fromthis point of view such service by thestudents of our University is a pros­'itnticn of their influence in the com'nmnity and shows an absence of civicconscience which is deplot:able. . HITCHCOCK JOINS INFIGHT ON LOWER PRICESREYNOLDS CLUB HOLDS8TH ANNUAL ELECTIONWilliam Scott Bond, '97, One of Mr.Merriam's Chief Supporters, in Let­ter Deplores Attitude Taken byCertain Students in Recent Primary. PoDs Opea Froaa 9 to S-- TweIYe Cu­didates ill Race f ..Offices.TWO TEAMS WINNERS·IN RELAY PREUMS WRITES ABOUT THE ELECfIONSipla Alpha Epsilon aDd Alpha DeltaPhi Win Their Divisions in Bart­leU Race.Sigma .\ lpha Epsilon and AlphaDelta Phi were returned winners intwo oi the preli minary races in theinter-fraternity relay contest yester­day. Till.' second race, won by Delta'Kappa Epsilon. wa- protested be­l'3USC of Ioul», and the fourth resultedin a tie between Chi Psi and Phi Kap.,pn Sigmn. The fastest time was madehy the Dcke team, which ran in 3S::,;i. The __ protested race and 'the' tie'will he run off Tuesday afternoon,and the fillal� in which the four win'ners of the preliminary races will runwill he on March 11.S. A. E. Wins First Race.The first race was won by the S.:\. E. team, running against Phi Gam­ma Delta, Sigma Nu, and Alpha TauOmega. The S. A. E. team consistedoj Harper, Ramser, Murphy, Leisure,Matthias, and DeGraw. The race wasthe slowest of the four. being wonill 1.-12.The second race was the fastest ofthe four, hcing won by the Dekc teamc(i1\sisting of Coyle, Sanders, � orth'rtIp. Com�t(lck, Rogers, and Sunder'land. ill PS :{_:-( "Kappa'-Sigma, Psi'Vpsilon. and Phi Delta Sigma werethe other contestants. The race wasprotested hecause of fouls by twoteams, and will be run over nextweek.Alt1ha Delta Phi won the third raceill a clc_,;c1y run contcst. The AlphaDelta team consisting of Dickerson,.. \dmiral. Lane. Cleary, MacClintock,ind Patchen, ran in 1:10. The othercontestant" in the division were BetaTh:ta l'i, Delta Tau Delta, and Delta(.;psilon.Close Finish in Fourth Race.The fourth race was closely fouglllfrom start to finish, Claypool forPhi Kappa Sigma and Rehm for ChiJ'si crossing the line together. PhiKappa Sigma was represented byHruda, naker, Schoen, Tatge, Greene,and Claypool. Murray, Crork, Kenni·cotto lioodman. Coleman, and Rehm,:-;:n fl)r C'hi Psi.- The time made wa�l:H .J_i).The winners in the two races yet tobe run. together with S: A. E. and Al­pha Delta. Phi, will run the final raceon Mardl 11, and the winner willreeehe a :,hicld from the inter'frater�nity council, under whose auspices therace is being conducted. The race is;t n,\·i\ai (It the inter .... faternity relaywhich was run enry year until 1 !l08. The following letter was receivedlast night by the Daily Maroon from:\1 r, \Yilliam Scott Bond, '97, one ofProfessor Merriam's chief supportersr.nd head of the Merriam organizationin the sixth ward, concerning the at­titude of certain students in the rec­t·�� I primaries.F ditor of the Daily Maroon: CANDIDATES ABJURE POUTICSTIE AND FOULS DELAY OTHERSDivision 3 to Run Again Tuesday andChi Psi and Phi Kappa SigmaTie. Present Officers to Surrender Poststo New Men at Banquet WeekAfter Next.Dear Sir:On the recent day of the prim­ary election the polls in many wardsof the city.-I speak especially of theSixth ward, for there my knowledgej" ·hased on what I saw myself,­were manned by students of the Uni­vcrsity of Chicago, a large proportionc,r .whom, without any reference totheir personal opinions wore thebadges of the candidate in whose in'tcrcst they were employed. For in­stance a man who was favoring theMerriam candidacy, and perhapsvoted for Merriam, wore a Grahambadge, or one who favored Dunne,wore a Harrison badge and so on.I n other words many of the students�:)Irl their services and influence at thepolls to the various party managers.1)0 not understand that I believe The annual election of officers of,the Reynolds club will be held todajsfrom 9 to 5 in the rooms cf the club iThe following men have announced,their candidacy for offices:For Praident.Richard TeichgraeberLouis T. Curry.For Vice·Preaidct.Ralph Rosenthal.Kenneth Lindsay.For Secretary.Arthur O'N eiII.Clyde Joice.William Stanley.For Treaaur.r.William P. Harms,Paul Hunter.For Librarian.Kent Chandler.Mark Savidge.Sanford Sellers.�TJR Freshmen and Sophs Dance Today.The Freshme·n will give their sec'�nd d;lllCC today in the 'Rcyno1cts cluhirn111 j()ur t(l six (l'c)ock t(l which theSnphulll(lrc class has been in\'itect,The cian('e will he held exclu:'oi\'elyjllr Illt'l11hrr" of the two classes whowill ha\'t: til sllow their class ticketshciore tl'ey will he allowed on thefio()r. undouhtedly some ra"es men are running entirely on theiJ'lmerits.The present officers consisting orRoy Baldridge, president; Phil _Com·stock. vice-president; Frank Collings,.secretary; \Villiam P. Hanns, treas ....urer. and Earl 1i. Bowlby, librarian,'will hold olffice for the remainder ofthe quarter. They will surrendertheir posts to the new men at a ban�quet to be given at the Chicago BeacHhotel the last ·week of the quarter... i�·.RRiAM RALLY POSTPONED This may seem too strong a state­ment of the present situation. It may,be urged that the political managers,,:ho employed the students to do such\\"crk are at fault. Perhaps they are-hut that is not the question whichI .. hot,1rl he considered by our studenth .... <1\". The students are old enough:lnd' should know enough to realizethe responsibility of the individualf(lr the government of his community.It should be said that the sturlentsprobably have never considered these'mcstions seriously and that what hashe('n <lone so far has been done with­out thought and 50 �hould not becondcmned without r(' .. �n·ation. �ssues Protests Against New PricesInstituted at the CommoDS---sendResolutions to Council.Lineups for a Senior·Junior baseballgame were posted. yesterday. NQhaseball games this quarter will counttoward the championship but it is The Merriam massmeeting plannedthought that these ganie;5 )vill. b,c in' for torlav has heen postponeQ untiltcresting in 'throwing jri�q. th., .. r.�e� the e:trb: part of next week in orderlicht some new niaterial�· .. Thel5t�- not to conllict with ,the.class mect'i.:r lineup, shows Florence �at.ij!" ana. in�s thi� morning.:Margaret Sullivan as pitcher� and \Vh�n the Merriam rally will comeFlorcnce' Sweat a'nd Ma,.ro:De-· Preston ... off clepe'nrls largely upon the ability'" catchers. Frances Ucig-;-. and':Mar- (If Associate Professor Merriam ·tojorie � ind will pitch for th,' Junior:" :1))11(':\{' J,cfore the meeting. as it is111(1 K;ttherine Nath and Olive Thorn- pl:11l1lcd to h:\ve him arldre�s the'''; will he behind the bat. crowd,After the game arrangement:" l1:1\'e It ·i� likely that Pwfessor �f ('rriam. T' "";.11 r .. t�·i'n t�' tho ('it,,: hcf"re l1'..'xthl'cn made for a dinner 111 --:c::ongt Tl , '�_'omm(\ns for the teams. �Ionda..... He was cailed east :,\!cl<lcu-The usual Lexington interest in iy to tilt bed',ide (If his father·in-Iaw,ha .. k'ethall has been c(ln:-'i�ler�hly who is \'ery �ick.f 1 "'Ile "xecnti\'e committee will hold(it-epen('(i this year on account (_) t Ie I �unusually good players on the squad. its dinner in the pri"ate dinin� roomanrl a large crowd is expected at the tlli� evening.':,."t championship game tomnrrnw. --'-----Cornelia Rcall at center :lnd the two Yale ha:" di�carrled the elect"'c sys'cuard .. , Phoehe Clover and L�ui .... (' 'l·111.;Jl i,t� course".:rhornh1,ry. on the Junior t('a111 'a'reboth new to Lexington, _)md will hew:ltcht'rl with intercst h)' 'the fans. Will Be Heid Next Week Instead of.Today.Hitchcock hall h�s joined Snell,North, and Middle Divinity ha!ls inthe protest against the new standardof prices recently instituh:d in theCommons. The sentiment for freerlrinks and lower prices is swiftlyspreading throughout the studenth(Irly. Forty Snell men have signeda petition not to patronize the Com­mons until after Sunday, hoping thatm('anwhile the prices will be reduced.Th(' "\Vets" in Hitchcock haye i,,­� .. ('(I the hlJowin� protests: Boycott!Strike f(lr Y(lur skim milk and yourcoffee' Don't be a scah! Snell·sued the following poster, "\Vm youstanrl for it? \Ve can make the Com­tnClD5 rc<;tore fair pTices. Boycott!Strike!"1t ha� j,('lll e�timat('d that the pa­tronage of the Commons has fa:!:'noff from 7!i to 100 men. Thc set ofie�ol\1tions adopted by Snell will beprcsented to the Student Council for-consideration.50 To Choo'5e Associate Speaker.Candid;]te:, f0r tIl<' title of :\s:--ociatewill ilil':.-t in Cohh f.,\ :It 1(1:�() next\Vcdnc"lay to elect a sp<'aker to rep'r�"ent thcm at the Clo:,ing Ex('rci�e�.March 1;. H�f) \�'0men(�{'�rnell. hacl a stag prom. :It '\ h(,re the money so carnc<1 \\':1" :1Ii't'C\. .. <t ". 1.-.:t t1,c �r<-at majority oftl�em. from my own rememhrance c:fI'nllq!'(' days. were �imply ea�y way"f",r the sturlents to pick up a little"pcnding money.Of conr"e, the University cannot rlpmuch. Any change to he effected111n"t he from a movement hy the�lt1rlcnts themselves. T may say thatT cmployerl a great many Uni\'er:-oit,oi Chicago sturlents to do �aD\':I��ing(Continuerl on page 4.)tBIt aAILY MAROON. FRiDAY. iWlCit i. iJ1� •THE DAILY IIBOOR.� Oale .. l 8t11cJeDt PabUeatSoa ., 'I'MUnlyeralt7 of 0aJeaa0." "ormerl,Tbe UDlnnlt, of � W_tlr1I'0uo4eclTIt.e Weekl' ••• : •••••••• October 1. 1111Til. Dall7 •••••••••••••• Octo� 1. 1IOJPubllabed DaU,. ucept .::su4a,., Kon·W •• Dd holJda,. darlDe tbree-qaarteJ'8at lb. UDh'enlt, lear."tend aa SecoDd-clu. mall at tbi Cbl­ po.tomca, Cblcoco, IWDola. KarcllIi, IP08, under .Act of II&.reh I. laTa.T!IK aTA�•� .r�'E�'�'EK •• � .... &d1tor.. J. DALY • • 1( ••• Ecl1torII- F. CARI"ENTER • AtbleUe Ecl1torAStiOCIATE BDITOBSw. J. ,a,'outec, r. l.'a.JlorC. W. lIou�hland H. L. �cottJL W_ a....D. L. Breed.BEPOBTBJ18J. K. BeelH! AI. D. StaTeI'ailarr,f Comer..... x J.s:uelowiii. Kaplan H. F. Duobam&. L. HamaI". Kearn.,W. L,man J. n. Perl ..tI. L. tiol re L. S tot.8. W. \"1niask1 W. WellmanWOllEN'S DBPABT""'lTMarjorie IIill. 1Wl&er.Ruth lleUcker. .Auoc:1ate Jr41torRBPORTJDIl8J.I.. C.mpbellFloreDc. CatlinSUBSCRIPTION BATBSII, Carrier, ,2.W per ,.ear; ,LOO per qr.City mall" ,1.23' per ".Jarter; p.OO per7ear In .d yanc:e.New. cODulbuUon. ma, be left at JIl­Ua Ball or F.cult7 lbchaDp, a4d�10 The Dall,. MarooDThe Daily Maroon considers theprotest against the so-called raise inCommons prices roThat Commons be asinine. I t is aspecimen of high;school tactics that. "Raise"Just how practicable the ideal of en­tirely clean politics is in the Univer­sity is being testedDo Not Allow in the Reynolds clubElectioneering election today. Thecandidates have' allpledged themselves to do no election­eering and not to allow their friendsto do any. Whether they will standby their pledges will be seen today.The Daily Maroon advises all stu­r' nt s to vote against the candidatesin whose behalf electioneering is be­ing done, whether by himself or hisfriends. each meal of $.0384. During the pastfour years there has been no varia­tion in th ..� prices charged for the 'dif':ferent items" of the' bill of fare, withthe exception of eggs. Formerly twoeggs were sold for $.10; now they aresold for $.15. A two egg omeletwhich formerly sold for $.15 now sellsfor $.20• The Commons bas been inthe custom of giving with every twen­!y cent order a free "drink: coffee, tea,cocoa, or milk. If these drinks werecharged for at five cents each itwould make the Commons come outjust about even. The circumstancesave led to the abolition of the cust­om of giving drinks free.Sincerely yours,David A. Robertson.Secretary to the President.DAILY BULLETIN •Class Meetings today at 10 :30. Sen·iors, Cobb 6A; Juniors, Botany build­ing; Sophomores, Physiology build­ing· Freshmen Kent.German Club meets in Lexington-1 p. m, today."The Spell of World Missions"fourth of a series of four lectures byDr. H. C. Mabie. Today ."Three Classic Problems of Geom­etry" will be discussed by Miss Jack­son at the meeting of the JuniorMathematical club in Ryerson 36 at'�:45 p. m. today. 0Merriam Rally postponed until nestweek. Date later.Track Meet vs. Purdue. BartlettS .1:> tonight.ANNOUNCEMENTS.Senior Dance and Dinner in Reyn­»lds club at 4 p. m. tomorrow.Cosmopolitan Club meeting at 7 :15 �--�- - � --_ --- - - - - --Open SaluTcayNight Until Ten. Open SlIlurMy. Night {.1ntIT�HERE'S .where �e �how the balance of our fallapd wmter SUIts the way out";' going to doit in a pretty strenuous fashion, too; aren't goingto resort to any listless or lifeless methods.3,850 men's and young men's $20, $22.50 and$25 suits have been grouQed into one lot andmarked $13.50. You'll find any model youwant; even English walking suits are included,and you'll find the range of materials, patterns.colors and linings to be all you could possiblyexpect. $20, $22.50 and $25 suits $13 50for final clearance, at the price, •TOMORROW is your last chance to buy one of these, $18, $20, $22.50, $25 or $30 spring overcoats at$13.75; we'd let you benefit after that if we could, but aftertomorrow there won't be any of them left to $13 75offet you. Your last chance, mark that well. •WI 'T H IInlf'f'a/urs /u I {If O.lS 0.111 data and fJ'Iudolu of., ufirsl ro/l'IJs" roinE' Ilu rounds, your c/o!h's !nou!!flls"', lIe" Iwly IlIrn!"E S�rjne-; I. tso. Wienever tlze desire I,}�tIII ,I,.r sjriq aI/ire Eels tlze o!sl of }'II!I. dro» In on us : we're'1114, fIW ,,111. Anti we'n readv in a fJnlty !h!1rou�1z sort of.';", a filii' ,wllliRe if .vou h:ll1: sam 'li/eas or your own as tofI1�1 cllltIJu.r slwuld "e. Sjrin,f" cbllu; &- opeNo') 's, t 10 to $50Two' Rather Unusual Trouser ItemsYou- may buy a $7, $7.50, . you may buy a $3.50, $4,,S' or $8.50 $4 50 or $4.50 pair $2 75'pait o� trousers at • of trousers now at •- ----------;). m, tomorrow. Special business.Reynolds Club formal March 10. BADGER'S DEFEAT GIVESMAROONS HOPE FOR GAilEx 0 flowers, no cabs.Basketball game between Chicagoand Wisconsin in Bartlett at 8 p. m.tomorrow.Meeting of the Three-Quarters club'in Kent at 10.:�0 next Tuesday.Freshman Class Dance tomorrow[rom 4 to 6 in the Reynolds club.Fencible banquet, Tuesday 6:15.Commons.Dramatic 'Club Dinner in the Com·mons cafe at 6 p. m. \Vednesday.Senior and Junior Colleges Com­mence Monday and Continue U.;­til Friday-Cards Necessary.might well be abjured in the Universi- ANNOUNCES HO,URS FORty. It is ridiculous to assume that the STUDENT REGISTRATIONaction of the Commons was taken be-cause of any nefarious intention tomulct the students. The communica­tion from Mr. Robertson, printed inanother column, explains the situa­tion.Students are very apt to overlookbenefits and carp at little things. Theydo not realize that no where else inChicago can they obtain as clean foodat as reasonable prices as at the Com­mons.: ; � _.1COMMUNICATION.Tn the Editor of the Daily MaroQn:Inn!'tigation made in the middleof February !'howed that the Men'�Commons was running behind from$]20 to $130 per week. At this ratethe Commons would ha\"e closed the. Men with ncan Galc and Womeny<'ar \_�ith a deficit of between $4,000 T hwith Dean Talhot Tue�day, March The Western Union elegnp�nd $".000. Further examination forthe purpose of learning just where 14th and thro\l�hout the week at the Company has installed a wire on thethe trouhle 13Y, showed that the avo office hours of the Deans. campus of t}1e University of Ken-erage amount received from each htcky for the purpose of receivingmeal last month was $.2145 while the Next year Wellesley College of- and dispatching results of at",eticcost per meal was *.2;)29, a loss on, fers $3000 in prizes for papers on Contests.Registration in the Senior, Collegeswill take place in the Senior officefrom 10 :30 to 12 a. mo. and 2 to 4 p.m .• daily from Monday, March 6th toFriday, March 10. No one may reg­ister without a card of requirement.Registraticn-; Junior College StudentsStudents with nine majors or moreI including work of the present quareter'·_Men A-I. register with Dean Gale;Men M-Z with Dean Linn.:Monday, March 6th, 8:30-10:30 and�A, and throughout the week at thedJice hours of the Deans.Women register with Deans Lovettand Smith. Monday. March 6th, 8-12,and throughout the week 8_9:30 and]0-11.Students with less than nine majors-Men A-L register with Dean Gale:�fen M-Z with Dean Linn. Monday,March 13th, 8:�0_11 and 2.4, andthTnu�hotlt the weck at the office�'Ollrs of the Deans.\Vomen rcgi�tcr with Deans LO\'ett;:"1d Smith, Monday 8.]2, and through_f)ut the week at the office hours ofthe Deans.Unc1assi�ed Students-- Meet wiSconsiD Tomorrow Micht iaBartlett in' Basketball Game· WhichHas' Bearine on Cbampionabip.'t' An Invitation to You\Ve desire to have every University of Chicagoman visit oUt- shop and inspect OUr extensiveline . of "SHACKAMAXON" spring rna­terials.The defeat of Wisconsin Wednes­day ni�:.t by Minnesota has given the'Marovns .new hope for the game withthe Badgers ito be played tomorrownight in Bartlett,' The Chicago menare in good' shape, with the possible:exception of. Bell who is expected tostart the game. and hope for Yictory.As Wisconsin is fighting for theconference basketball championshipand needs this' game badly. the con­lest should be close and exciting.The conference race is becomingmore exciting than the early outlookpromised. Minnesota defeated Wis­consin ,"T ednesday night at Madisonby the score 21 to 13, thereby pullingWisconsin down from first place toa tie for second with Minnesota andPurdue again going into the lead withthe narrow margin of 11 per cent.The conference situation is rapidl,.becoming more complicated and thewinner' now is hard to pick. Minne­seta's victory puts the Gophers on apar with the leaders. The fight hasbroadened to a three cornered onewith the result a toss up.Purdue has one more game to play.that with Indiana at Lafayette to·morrow night. Wisconsin has con­tests stilI to play with Chicago, Indi­ana, Illinois, and Northwestern.Minnesota has the easiest scheduleof the three leaders, playing Iowa.� ortf1\vestem, Illinois and Chicago.lOhe next few games should eliminate('no: of the three. If Chicago can de­f(.'at Wisconsin tomorrow night innartlett. which seems more than pos- Isihte now, Wisconsin will have hardwork to win the next three gameswhich she must do to win the con-f('rence., We doubt whether a tailor in Chicago canshow a more varied assortment in blue graysand browns.Come in now- Don't wait a week beforeEaster.SUI'lS.nOIl $25 TO $50.John Verhoeff &1 Co.'---TAILORS---Itraiii. 81.... tbird. 8oor.� -, �. CJ.r.- and lladiaon Street// •The Best Sarine Tonic. YoU!'can take is exercise.Special Cut Prices now on allBASE BALL GOODS.The Star librarY1361 E. 63rd StreetPAT.OIIJD MAROON ADVERTISERS.4'74 E 55'l' ST.eRICA.G.We prillt tile Daily lI.roon.•, ... '_:_ .'" .�.�:� .. : ...r:«: .,.;.�,. - -� ... _. ;-.. .; r: _o. ..... _.�. . ...... : .:. 'fliC-i"At,-y MAJtOONi��RtfiAY;' .ilA:l{or.,'I";·ml ..'. .: .l� .- � ... ' :... '. ".",.,• '''- ", � •. -r-:,Fifteen . hundred votes elected Car­ter Harrison over Dunne. Eternalgratitude . is',- due' the Kappa Sigmafraternity from. Mr. Harrison. Itshould be _. explained, of course, thattheir efforts. were expended in hisbehalf because' of the similarity ofhis name to that of two of their So'phomore members,......... - � .... ," :.�A Statement of Plain Fads to MenIf we c:8n show 'yiiUHOW and WHY,.. ::.:; .. �:\', �> ":' --,you can buy your clothes for practic:ai:y .half wha�you riow {»ai, With·out any risk of los8 or dissatisfaction Pill yOU? .THEN READ: THISFirst. We make the elotbes, Our plan of distributiDi costa, eachbuyer just one dollar per year, which is the total aelliDg espeDse for allhis purchases. Even this advertismeDt ,� paid out of�tbe f�d.Second. The business thus coming to us without any e.J:pen� whateveron our part enables us to sell our c1dthes under �e folloWing Of :�ourse if' swells the breast of anAbbot' to read on. beautiful parchment... (I:pm. the' Secretary of State's office,.. .:_ . .:._: -: proYid�d one does not let· one's eyesPRODUCERS & CONSUMERS ALLIANCE agrees to �y. �,:;f� � inadvertently fall olf the line thatHundred Dollars ($100.00) to this c .. tomer, if suit or overcoat is ��< reads:' '.cut and tailored to his individual measure. . .' �·�1�;;.· �:. Office; Box ,.4\ F�<:u�y Exchange,If the fabric is not all wool, if the lot, style, material,.worklnanshi�;i� . �,:� . . 'd"f th .. b .d d t 'I . t t th Iiki f the 'f' hi ' \l"t-= "'1';-. arvmg aSI e or t e time emg'an every e ar IS no 0 e \ mg 0 IS customer, or 1.m s opln- " " eonvictioa that the lowest form ofion, when recervmg same, it is not practically one-half .the price ".� "- It activity is maiing puns. wecharged by a merchant tailor, and at least as low in price as a retail I:ave.: .merchant would have to PAY for d:o :laterials and workmanship in a .:J.)emocrats say "Hardy him!"ready made suit, to immediately refund 'price of suit or overcoat, and GBratf�efrhs wd�ndnt 'ttoha1?u�' hi�f;, '" u I e I ve :a- WI ealso membership fee of $1.00.'., ., '; You can bet your precious lifeWe back this by highest bank Id'erence and hold' jour' paymt;Jit Those . girls . would' just love toon deposit subject to return under above conditions. We :give y' oii' Merriam., . ....•any style or design, a seleciton of six hundred patterns at a wide .range of prices.Clothes made for you. Not you for the 'clothes.GUARANTEE and AGREEMEN�.Oh. the sighs of the groansAnd the .squeaks and the moansOf the' big contractor's pulleys!StilI consider the. inspiration theylend to .. those assimilating knowledgeat the Law, library. ,_. _!;To the author of the.above we maysay that ·that Gargoylette' box will bemstalled-in Cobb hall. in a' few days.,. -•• * �, �:' -Learning - p�Brilliant: Law student .. (regainingTo Honor. President-Ekct " ..... r.COm- conscience after being;'struck by a�,'" street �r"-�What are "my chances,mons-Association -to Hear of Doctcrj. .. ' " - ,;;!(' ......June Reunion 'Plans.' -Doctb;:_Oh: you wilt :iecover._ � �, La\! .. ��t!dent-How m��?·.,T�e' Univers,ity Alumni '-association .::.�::" _ '. * • • *..,will' hold a dinner �t the private din- -: ,,,,-O�z:_Cbuusifi� Ads. .....•.. �:; f th C .' '_.' ,'.• c:.�r -: sale . or.. trade�DterfraterDltY:ng. r.?om�: 0 .. .• .e,,� o�����. � :. .,; .'" ��,dl(; ··f�r�:·tr;i�tabl�-.:Jrresbman· ord���lIng: aL_'����� .:.��. _ at nave you? _.Apply to M. E. Rob-take .. the place of the regular _1!1.s.�,tiPg inson, Jr.. '!if the association, Tlie'din'ner is be;- ;...:." .•..• It given in honor of Dean Vincent 'T��identally, wehad been asked to ItJ• . make the above M. E. �ol>inson·a.. :IS �l�� ... ::w�Jl� be�:fll� last alumni mee�� .member- Of the' Board of Directors of109 which he will be able to attend �n the. U"iVersity of. -Chicago incorpora­.' Chicago. At the meeting the council; .ted, b�� �tn�ering �tit�de. -to, himwill:, hear the .. planaczhat have bee"i -for. allowing t�e�lty to havemade. for the alumlti �:day which the an mterfratermty counctl.�.. But we. '1." _ .• � ,• � have . pt:c.-ferred to· spare him.aSSOCIatIOn IS plan�ng �to hold some-' • • •• .lime in June. The chairman of the .. ,-.�: -.: .. ,' :f h � • .; Sev.ente�n: 0 t e 10rty-slX senatorscommittee on arrangements is L. wh'o- voted -in Lorimer's favor wereBrent: Vaughni' '91.. . college 'gi-aduates. 'No d�Jlbt when"There is great activity among al- ,they" ·were 'undergraduates, tbey, too,:worked· for the Grahams and Harri­l!mni club just ·at· :present," said H. �ons because they were paid five dol-A. Hansen, secretary of the Alumni lars.:lssociation yesterday. There will bea meeting of the alumni club at){uskogee, Oklahoma, on March 22.. The Cincinnati club will hold ameeting the first week in April. Pres­'(lent Judson will be the guest .ofhonor at this meeting. PresidCJltJudson will b� present 'at. the':Dieetiftg"of _the Indianapolis club sometimeduring the first week in April. .Professor Shorey of the Universi.ty,�who is going to deliver a series of iec­tures at the University of Pennsylva�nia commencing March 11, will at­tend a meeting o'f Philadelphia' atu..;,mni on March 13. Toledo alu�nidub will hold its meeting on March9,WORDS ARE IDLE-LET US PROVE IT.PRODUCERS & CONSU'_'?RS ALLIANCE FATIMA� CONCHOLOGYS�g of shells, shellout of your -J>OCket I 5 centsand go, collect from yourfavorite Tobacconist, 20Fatima Cigarettes and seewhat different forms ofpleasure they will give youin the smoking •You may not know muchabout conchology, but you'lllearn a heal? about choiceTobacco well blended.We haven-t5pe!lt moneyfor an elaborate box-wesaid 20 for 15 cents, whichgives you 1 0 additional.Chocoiates, Bqn BonsUnequaled FountainDrinks.ORDERS FILLED' BY I:'HONBSHIPPED ANYWHERE'59 State St. 184 Michigan Ave�179 La Salle Street.THE DAILY MAROONhas a reading circula-tion of over 6,000 menand women in Chiea-go.WIth March Comes the SpringAnd we're aU ready' for itwith our Spring Fabric:a.Our Prices:.College Suits or Overcoats-S30 to SSO,�Tailor for Y oun� MenTwo Store.: 131 La Sai'e Street44 Jackson BOlJle\'�rdSmall ads. in THE DAILYMAROON bring large returns.Try one today. ALUMNI DINNER FORDEAN VI�CENT MONDAY••••.� Oniy tfJr�e Comel1 co-eds were in­Vited,'to the Junior Prom. and there­fote they held a Defiance dance. (Fos_ter hall Spy-Glass please copy.)• • • •.' To .Mr. Barrell .Do�n with the increased cost of liv­ing! . We 'want coffee with twenty�"n1 order�..�riously. however, and not wishingtQ De, iconoclastic, we stand by theCpmmons, We have eaten too manytfWentl\ .. five cent meals in b�ardinghouses. "Now let Snell hall subscrib­�r'<: .... :l ke tfle most of it.After all, Mr, Barrell, remember it('omes from Snell.• • • •TIUs from one of our Frahmea:The Freshman-Sophomore dancewit! be exClusively for Freshmen andB ·1 h . 't f t- Sophomores. All' attendants will berown WI I ave some ID er- ra . required to show their tickets. Frap--:.-rnity relay �ces this week. .,Pe will be served with the dancing.. .... .The University of Pennsylvania's ",Pot-sitan et haec 01iDi IIIeIDiDiaehaseball 'schedule contains 3.:; games. l . .iu9abit."."Perhaps some time,"T • .' � : The -poet sings,Dr. \\. E. Maxwell former phYSIC :';'<; �will please you�t1pervisot of the Publis Athletic. �� : "To recall these things."League. Baltimore has been appointed �:.._ .. Nix, '''Said the stude,<)rofessor of athletics at the "Co'!s, cuts. exams?Cut m1Oors, flunks?And, winds and crams?"• • • •ity of Wisconsin.\Vith mingled surprise and dismaywe observed, hanging on the washlinehack of the Alpha Delt house. yester­(fay some infantile appurtenances.'The- mn .. t inttu�trio\1� effort!ll of one ofour young slcuths cOl:ld not �f\'.'(' .1._mystery. as Bobby qwen .and P�ulMacClintock. when 1Otervtewed. 10-clit;tnantly d�nied poss�ssion of the:lTtirlc� displayed,• • • •·'The inhabitans of the city ofthe University of Chicago spendover $4,200,00f.) per year."Mr. Merchant: Are you gettingyour share of this amount? T dealistic student-fto partner be­tw��n danccsl-You know, , believein, class loyalty and putting the whole:tho\'e thf' part. T try to make ourda�s dance� a success by alwaysf!ancing �;th the homliest girls. Youknow, then there will be no wanflowers.Patronize Maroon Adverti�ers, :Thc.-yare reliable businf"ss people. � AMERICAN 'tOBACCO co.THO.PSONS LUNCH ROO.,The best lunches in \Voodla wn are servedin a very appetizing and hygienic manner atTHOMPSONS LUNCH ROOM808 EAST ,SIXTY-THIRD StREET�-------------------------------------------------------------DO' YOU EAT?If so, why not at theUNIVERSITY (:;OMMONSThe best in the city for the price.All things in season.------------------------------A. G. Spalding It Bros.THEL B. Prentiee Co. re the largestManufactureDthe world ofEQUlPIlENTEncineen and Steam andContractoR Hot WaterforHatinCHot BiutandHaline andMechanical VentilatincVentilatiOD Apparatus OFFICIALis known throu- for all Atbleticahout the worldas a Sporta aDdGuarantee of PutimeLQuality.IF. YOU are interested ill athletic sport, you should have acopy of the Spaldiair Cataloupe1·'1i a complete _ e�cydopcctia ofwhat's new' in � ad ia .at(. �e on request.Power Plants and Power Pipinc24-26 SHERIIAN STREETN ear Board of TradeCHICAGO �. 5.,.';------------------------------�I PLAiN 8A THSi��� die IartftII r.n. cI .... ki- d ia die -'dooriz.: � � Appa,.-. ��_ Hae W_'" H.I.. Barber Shop Banto.. • ....Opcn Day anel N"�ht..6· Dearborn Street.Tell tl-. '! students throughTHF DAILY MAROON aboutit. Three line insenion for 25cents may bring it back to you.Try it. ; IILOST WHAT"ALWAYB A'l BARD"M. CBIMBEROFFLadies Tailor5653 lDmbark Avenue'l'e1. H. P. 3283.� a PreIIIlJlc a Spectalty.AMUSEMENTSILLINOISLAST APPEARANCE HEREWIWAM GIllETTEinSHERLOCK HOLMESandSECRET SERIIICEE�����S, ........ ,u" Formed,. the TIeYdt 'Direc:boD SuIliYu & Coa.idiDe. L 1. MCIIIIque. M--.erVAUDEVILLE'S MOST SPEC:TACULAR ARENICSENSATIONALBERS10 - POLAR-BEARS -10-; Sho'WINifhtb'_ Dai17 MrliDeea1000 Reserved S_ta at 10 aad 20 Cellta�aptivating Feature Acta--8BLACKSTONEDA VlD BELASCOPresentsDAVID WARFIELD-IN-The Return of Peter GrimmLYRICSam and Lee Schubert. Inc.announcesLULU GLASERin the ereatest operatic success Of herartistic career"THE GIRL AND THE KAISER"GARRICKForbes-Robertson inTHE PASSING OF THETHIRD FLOOR BACKpOWERSCharles FrohmanPresentKYRLE BELLEWin the best of all detective playaRAFFLESGRANDMR. GEORGE ARLISSin the new cQmedy of iDtripe"DISRAELI"inLouis N. Pareker.STUDEBAKER�UTH ST. DENISand 49 other dancers. Orchestraof SO.Comedy TenStrikeHenry W. Sav.,. OM'eraHenry Kolker ill··THE GREAT NAIIE"SALLETHE GIRL I LOVE"The Best Comic Opera in theCity."WHITNEYDAVE LEWISill"DONT _LIE TO YOUR WIFE"COLONIAL'JOS." M. GAITESpresents-r he musical and humorous treat ofthe season."KATIE DID"McVICKERSLAST ENGAGEMENT OFROBERT HIWARD"A fOOL THERE WAS"pRINCESSERNEST VON POSSARTGERMAN REPERTOIREOLYMPICt S + 1-itE DAiLY MAROON, FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1911.TelephoneWabash 2535MANY SEATS SOLD FOR CONCERT PROGRAM FOR CONCERT BYMM£. �LOOMFIELD ZEISLERAttendanc.e at Glee Club ConcertNext Thur�y Night Will BeLarge-Another Concert Is Ar­ranged by Club Manager. Pianist Who Appeared Here LastYear Will Give Recital Af­ternoon of March 14.Geo. M. CohansGET-RICH-QUICKWALLINGFORD , The program for the concert byMadame Fanny Bloomfield Zeisler,who will give a piano recital in Man­del hall at 4 o'clock March 14, con­sists of twelve numbers.The program follows:1. Sonata, Opus 51, No.3,· : ' .. -. . . . . . Beethoven.0' \Vedding March and Dance ofthe Elves from music to Shakes­peare's Midsummer Night's Dream ..transcribed by Liszt .... Mendelssohn:; Invitation to the Dance, Opus 65.................... ' Weber,4. Impromptu. Opus 3(i Chopin.:i, Etude, Opus 2:;, No, !) Chopin,G, Scherzo, Opus 20 ••••.•••.. Chopin'';' Gavotte and Musette ..... d'Albert,�. Humoreske, Opus 101, No.7 ........................... Dvoraki!l Croquis et Silhouette en form.Valse, Opus 87. No.1 ..... Schuett10 Croquis et Silhouettes en formValse. Opus 87, No.4 .... Schnctt.·11 Melancholie, Opus 51, :'\0. 1 ...· . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. Rubenstein,1:!. Etude. Opus 2:�. No.2 .· '.' � . .. Rubenstein,The seat sale of the Glee club con·cert to be given in Mandel hall nextThursday is progressing rapidly.Reservations ha ve been made for alarge number of people living outsidethe University community, who haveheard the club in previous concertsaround the city..-\. number of fraternities have sec·ured seats in blocks ranging fromtwenty to thirty. One or two of themen's halls have made similar reser­vations. The oppfirtunity is still of­fered fur other organizations and thewomen's halls to buy up a sectionI�f seats for their respective members.A number of the clubs have alreadysrgnified their intention of taking ad­vantage of this opportunity.Besides the numbers to be givenby the club Mrs. Rose Lutinger, awell known contralto soloist, willtake part in the concert. Also, theTheodore Thomas Orchestra will, ac­company the glee club in the rendi­tion of the various selections. Theorchestra will also �ive a prelimin­ary concert.Rehearsals in Mandel.In the future the club will hold allrehearsals in Mandel. The Iirst willhe held this afternoon" between fourand five o'clock, Meetings will beheld at the same hour on Mondayand Thursday next week. The lastpractice will be with the orchestra."Every man must come out to eachof these rehearsals, and be there ontime," said \V. 1'. Harms, manager.yesterday. "The attendance of every­one is necessary to make him eligibleto participate in the home concert orto take the western trip in the Eastervacation."One week later the Glee dub singsat the South Shore Country club din­ner. The occasion is the annualladies night at the" club, when abouteight hundred persons are to be pres-sent.The University men will sing im­mediately after the dinner at 8:30'o'clock and -give a concert of an,hour's length. A luncheon will thenbe served the members of the Gleeclub and this will be followed by an·other concert of less. duration.The invitation came for this con­cert after the president of the SouthShore club heard the Glee singers atthe \Vashington's Birthday programin the First Regiment Armory. _._- -SHORT STORY PREPARESWILL ESSAY REAL THINGClub Decides to Write for Benefitof Record-Herald--Glory andCash.Calmly. but firmly the Short Storyclub has made up its mind to seekgenuine fame and cash in the literaryworld. At the business meeting yes­terday, plans were made for theSpring quarter programs and work.The leading feature of the work wasa solcm� compact made by the club.members to produce at least one shortstory before Junel, which story is tohe read to- the club and promptymailed to the Record-Herald SundayMaga:ille.It is expected that the plans for ameeting for a comparison of rejectionslips will be made later on. Arrange­rents -have not been discussed for thedisposition for any money received.The club will also follow its usualplan of securing addresses from liter­ary people. 1 t is probable that Mrs.Ranford Warren will be one of thesespeakers. Miss Ragne Eskell will en­tertain the club next Thursday after·noon, when Mrs. Louis Betts is tospeak. Club members will be privil·cged to bring guests to the meetingvith them.Madame Morin Talks With Club.Those members of the French clubwho were present at the meeting yes­terday afternoon had an opportunityfor testing their abiltiy for carryingon a conversation with a, nativeFrench woman. Madame Morin, themother of Miss Suzanne Morin of theUniversity, was the club's guest forthe afternoon.Instead of giving a set talk on oneparticular subject. as it was an·r.ounced that she intended to do,Madame Morin talked informally tothe women telling them her impres·-ions of a '�ide variety of things Am­erican, and answering questions aboutFrance. WRITES ABOUT ELECTION(Continued from page 1.)and work at the polls 'at the past pri­mary election, and I think they all be­lieved in the cause they advocated. 1 fHot, 1 am proportionately sorry forany share I may have had in such amistake, Is it not time that we allgive this matter careful consider­ati\")n?Princeton supports a Y. M. C. I 'ckin, China.Juniors to Discuss Stag Party.The Junior stag party witt ,be dis­cus scd today in the Junior class meet·ill� in Botany lecture room at 9 :30,and a decision as to the exact datewill be t'cached if possible. At pres­ent the prospects are that it witt ofnecessity have to he held on March"1;;, instead of next \V cdnesday as for-merely projected. I n the annual eastern college tracka ud field tournament at the ?\ewYork athletic ch:b C. 'E. \Vahh estab­lished a new worlds record of 1;; feetone and one-half inches in th�owingt�,e 16 Ih. weight for hei�ht oYer abar.The annual fifth district conventionot the Phi Psi Fraternity was held at'he L'nh'cr�ty of Xehraska. Deii-gates w('re present from the t1niver·s:ties oi Stanfod, California, \Vi!'o­"consin .. iJowa. Mi��ourif Minn��ota.and Kansas and Beloit College..M. D. Vail of Chicago was chosenc:lptain of the Cornell hockey tcamfor next season.Underclassmen at Cornell are notallowed to wear mustaches. Franklin and Van Buren Streets.New York Office. 24·26 East 21st StreetThe Daily Maroon,University of Chicago, City.Gentlemen' :We are' hereby issuing this statement in your paper to the ef­fect that no one can offer our metthandise for sale except the legi­timate retail stores, We manufacure no merchandise sold by solici­tors.We have recently learned that some men have canvassed certainparts of the' city and the University of of Chicago, and have taken or­ders for clothing to be made by tl-e Hirsh, Wickwire Company. Wewish to state that we do not know thece people and will do no busi­ness with them. If they have sold any garments that they claim are tobe: made in our factory. they have done so fraudently. We sell nogoods to the retail trade............ �.____________________________________________ JHirsh, WickwireA.-H. J. H.Makers of theFinest of ClothingReady to Wear.INWOODF1RWOODB.:lSSWOODGBAYWooDFERNWOODT¥AKWOODMAPLEWOODETC.YOU WILL FIND WHATYOU ARE HUNTING FOR�.".COLLARS2 FOR 25 CENTSTHEY All It I N GREEN BOXESMade by EARL & WILSONF_1I11or � Collan ..Toric (deep curve)Lenses are theBest Lensesas we make them.w. caD make them he.thecauae we have the he.toptical machinery for,grbacling them; the he.t'-CDm •• for adjuatiDg andStUng them; the ezperienC8and .Idll that enable. determine just how they.hould he mad. for YOU.N. Watry '& Co.OPTICIANS.98-101· Randolpb Street"-oa .m MftI' h ... · eyeqta. eomfoft.� or le:us ctf��i.ncy md1l yoa"...... SBURaON eY4t91ass- _ ... fit·".... � your old lenaee pat iJlto •�--� §JIJJ8.ON Movntin9- .- ..... ".WANTED TO, RENTROOKSThe Spring Quarter will soonbegin, and undoubtedly many ofthe students will be on the look_out for new lodgings. Why nottell them you have an excellentroom or suite of rooms yOUwant to rent. You can talk atthe University through THEDAILY MAROON. The costis 18 words for 2.., cents per in­sertion. One dollar per week.Try this. CompanyChicago, March 2d, 1911Respectfully yours,HIRSH. WICKWIRE CO.i I"���" Four-Drawer,f _::,_, VerticalLETTER FILElIulol. :to.('()Q I.elt" ....$1325 E;�iA�����'w .. lb ...... I) nrsr 1'.R(lO. r,fl .. ,,,,, llurincs. Pal .. nl I'ul-10 .... r, 1 ... ,,,1 arMI IlIII !lItHpn,,..,tloDlllrl,. low priced.2 Urn " .... I' .'11 .. $7.,.0:I Drn""4'r I'll" 11'11.00I'n'llII:lIt Puld .:".1 01 MuntAu,."·,.un"t,,, c ... lo,adt,. OU_llwnut_ TeJ.lIIs lu.... J writ hi tbe--e �.'� 1:"��.tt! fi., C':II:·luc ··r " of Cpr,! JD�S�.CIII". P .. '"tlll St'''� .r:.1 (Itt;.· .. Mls"'- C:,t­.. I .. ' .. n" St-f-ti"n,,' u .... k.·:1P'P ....The etlJ'-/r Mfg. Co.ITDion SlrtrL "n�r.nt-:. "'i!!.�II��cause its wearerdoesa't feel it.The BoslonGarter keeps itsstrength and exeels in wear­valup J:"�y8'"1 ; ..,�.>� ART CORNEJ1- -�::�:��oodsTHE l-'U\CE TO BUY YOUR - CIFTSTHEStudent's FloristA. IVlcADAM S5Jrd St. anJ Kimbark Aye.Phone H. P ,s�L.MANASSE� � OPTICIANESTABLISHED 186888 Madison �t. Tribune Bldg.:-re gl�sses and c;pectac1es scien·tifically fitted and adjusted. Ex·rmination Free' of charge.A�k to He the New Idea Mounting