I' ,'� ., .J.. "�I-:""" ..... � -,arocnIIuNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, ?'LTESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 191-1�, . Price' Five CentsSpecialiater-Ciau Atlaletic eo..itteeto Take Charge �f Prep AtWetesfor C:»ok � udJ. M�PRELIMINARIES F�RUAllY 2S!--- '1':Will Be Shewn About the 'U�verSityand Will Be Put Up at Differ­erent Fraternities,large Crowd Attends CosmopolitanClub EnterWnment s,.iurdQ Iraght- M;anj�.iai=· 'Num�n Gi.en., _'. j." ."; ---.'\ 11 en te�aining and varied pro­traI,) was� presented by the memberso! the Co�inopolitan :club at Mandelhall �aturday evening'in their Inter •.llati"llal Night performance. The at­tend:u:ce was large a,!�' the ,members'elf, he club are hi�ly pleased withIh(, <lccess of the affair. Talks, musei .. ;,: Illtmhers, 'fencing and cartoondra\', ings made up the program.1.( ,llis P. Lochner, general secre'tary of the Cosmopolitan club assoc­iati, '11, delivered' t�� address.�\Il(.ther talk was 'giv,cn by MissM.,ry MacDowell, head: resident ofthe University SettlemeIJt.i· Some ofIh(' feature acts were the �orwegianb1!:>.ds, sung by' Mi�s Hdegson andMj�s Meyer, the Europc:;)01 dances in,("-!\tllle, Chinese and J.lpanese car-'t()('I1:', and the Japanese sword dance.The Cosmopolitan Choru� ir. costumednsed the program. MEMBERs OF THIS YEAR'S GLEE CLUB, lROOSEVELT MEETING.I. ----. - . WILL. GIVE, _CQ��E�1" .. TOMORROW AFTERNOON AT'TONOIUNATEFO�C�UBTODAY..�eynolds Club Caucus Today at 3p. m. in Reynolds Theater-OnlyThree Can Be Nominated for' Eachof Five Offices. .;- _'_,'_A plan is being put under way ·byt1 e III ter-class Athletic committeewlcre l-y the high school men who .Cl mpe te in the Cook' .county. meetsare to be entertained by the Univer­:,ity and the fraternjties ,w��le' theyarc here. Letters 'have been sent toall the managers of the teams whoare to be in tbe finals inviting them10 be the guests' of the University.The plan is to quarter the teams onthe various fraternities for entertain-­ment for a portion of the time th'eyarc here; the whole purpose of' thescheme being to give, the athletessuch an alluring picture of the Uni·versity that they will not be 'able- toslay away..Prelims Feb. 25.The preliminaries start February:;j, and from that time on it is plan.lied tf) keep the University continual­ly before the minds 0'( die high schoolmen. 1 n the past it has been claimedthat the men who h�\'<: competed inthe Cuok County have gained no ideaci the University of Chicago excepthy accident, and 'thus "that a' part of,--..,.--___ - the purpose of the meet has been de-. The caucus nominating officerseatc'(!: � T11e'�ltY-:meri"'''are· -tq'<., lor 'thc-' i�eYriOJds'. club;,. will' be'-i1eld"talk 'up" the. University to the ath- lhis afternoon .at 3 'o'clock in the clubletes with th� )dea' 'o{ g��ti.1}g them jheater. Names are to be presented'to come, and it is expected that IJtr the !ior' the offices of President, Vice''time of the finals the men will be so president, S�c�etary.i a'D..a...:tibrarian.;imbued with - the idea of becoming Those;,whose terms expiretwith the,(htcal-!!' men that the dinner to be close of the c·urfe�t .. quar�er are Roygiven those who survive the final fin: 'Baldridge, president, \V� Phillipsals will clinch ·the matter in th�, .:comstock, vice-president, Collings,minds of all of them. secretary and E. H. Bowlby, Iibrari-Expecs Plan to Succeed. an and \V. P. Harms, treasurer. The,,Williant Kuh the - eliainlt�\ri'�if the new officers, when elected will begin'committee said: "Th.ipla,!l' ��t to -their duties, the- first-oLthe__spr�ng,he very, successruit'::Q'iMi �,r.e9iJtt in a quarter and hold office for one year..great many, men -'��tering college Restriction Upon Nominations.here. Of course the whole matter necaus� of a rctstri§tion. placed: up''rests with the cooperation of the fra- on nomination. �y, th� c;�nstiiution ofiemities.T-The Univer-sity, will most the club' only_ �hr�e James � ��ac'probably provide a dinner to be, given cepted)y the)nominclting·caucus. An-after t he finals and if the 'fi-ate�itie�' .nlimited number may be presentedcome up to the st�ndard �'bf loyalty hat the vot�r will this afternoon sel·'which we expect of them there is no ect the tbree to b,e, voted on at the;p�sihle dou'bt of the out�ome." an'nual 'eJ�ction. The same instl)l'j .,ment provides, that new na�es may� INTERNATIONAL NIGHT be'added by p�titidn within a limited!ime after the 'caucus up' to 'the pre-PROGRAM PLEASES MANY ccribed namber.,. 'Out of the present - member'ship ofthe· ,club - of ,five -. hundred. men onlyilfty need to' be . present to constitutea quorum for tlte �nsacti�n of busi­ness."Enry m�n ought' to come out tothe meeting today," said' Roy Bald­ridge yesterday. <CIt is practically. theonly important business meeting ofthe year and every man member!'Iluuld show his interest by attending.Furthermore it is a duty' to be pres­�nt to sec to it that the best mtn arenominat�d to run for election to ser\'cthe comin� year,"Boys Club to Give Entertainment.The California noy'!' dull ,,·m i;!i\"C'an entertainment at the llnh"'t'r�itySettlenlent at 8 o'clock toni�ht. Theclub has travelled extensively throughIhc country and has appeared many Itimes in vaude"ille, It has heen or' 1ganized as an athletic and musical �o'lriety. All students .0£ the Universityhave been invited to atte�,d the en'terainmt:nt. Admission is free, TO SING AT REGIMENT ARMORYCOUNT APPONYI TO BEAT UNIVERSITY FRIDAYGlee Club and First Regiment BandNoted Hungarian, Formerly MinisterI ' to Provivde Musical Program at" of Public Education to Lecture Meeting of,' Foreign Voters Tomor.Here on Universal' Peace. row-Roosevelt, ApPonyi to Speak.Count Albert Apponyi, the Hungar- The University Glee club has ac-- ia�atc!sJDan_·who is..J),o.\V_tour:_ing_the -cepted im'.::..jDvitation - to !'Sing iD- ,thecountry under the auspices of the First Regiment Armory tomorrow af.Civic Forum, . will lectare here in 'temoon before a meeting' of the vo;Mandel hall.at 4 o'clock Tursday on: ters of ioreign: nations. Theodore"Universal Peace." -He will also Roosevelt, Count Apponyi. and Janespeak, with Th�odore Roosevelt and Addams are ,three of the principalJa�le Addams, tomorrow in the First speakers at the meeting which is un-k egimeht Armory der the auspices of the Union League,Count Apponyi had been Hungari- 'The invitation came from Mr. AI-an Minister of Public Education since exander McCormick" who has charge1 (t.16. He was born in 1846 and is the of the affair. The full membershipson (If Count George Appony� late of the club of sixty men will sing.chief. justice of the kingdom of 'Hun- Two Organizations Furnish Music.gary'. He is married ip Countess" Only two organizations will be pre-: ":lotilde Mensdorff.. � • to furnish music throughout the1 Coun't Apponyi received his educa- "�.�, program; between the speeches; the'tirn at the College of the Jesuits at Glee ciu,,- -!ond the First Regiment�l��l�burg;' the -University of Vienna, .Band. noth�U take part in the pre-11n<l the Unive!sity of Budapest. HeI iiminary concert'-�oD,sisting of the na­: has been a member of the House of .tional airs, regular mbers from the: C' . si nce : 1872' and speaker .; cm,mo�::. I •.. Glee c1ub'� concert pro�am and pos.:fwm �9112 to 1904. Most ?f hIS parh- .sibly the Soldiers Chorus 'Will -be-sung:"It.ntary carc('r has b�en JD the �arty : to the accompaniment of the' band. "�of the ,Opposition. He has pubhshed . "; .• 1 .t' of Hungan'an In the latter numbers DIrector Er�_; arne es cn qaes Ion ..' I: pl�blic 'law in Hungarian, French, : Ickson WIll' �ke the ,baton and ea,d•ro .En I' h nd Amen"can Mag. both the. Band an4 Glee club. ThISII.Jcrman, g IS , a ' "f f h" was proposed at a' con erence 0 t e: azines. I d 'd' .d I, He has delivered several lectures ea ers yester ay an generous y ac'. '. ceded to by the 'di«ctor of the First: in Amcrican on his pr_esent tour, Tht,h . Regiment_ Ba·nd. ': ccunt is a well known aut onty on .To Ac:c:omodate Five Thousand.; t"le subject of international peace. He;,,·ilI also address the Twentieth Cen- Preparations are being made at thetury club on Thursday. Free tickets Armory, to accomodate at least fiveto the lecture Friday may be obtained thousand p�opl� It being a' nationalat �he office of the President. , holiday and the prominence of theI speakers both tend to promise a rec'ord attendance The meeting will beANNUAL RECEPTION ,.3 d 530beld between the hours of an :TO THE PRESIDENT I p. ID.SATURDAY NIGHT Sc\eral dubs with wl.om the l'ni·Hr�ity • organization has !'che<luled.- t' :crt;; :In.' �cndin� represcntativesto tumorrow's mceti�b to ·get a line(n the calibre of their talent, Alsoa large Ilumber oi people from placesin Chicago where the .::ub has pre'viously sung are planning to attendto hear mor� of the work of the Uni-T: (.' ;�!�TH:11 r(�-c�ti n t'\ T'r!"·:(icnl;Incl :\lr�, Jud�(in in the Reynold� clubwill he l::iHn Saturday evening in thecld,. :\11 Unh'er�ity member�. both!"l\tdent� and faculty. have been iO\+ted,The Pr(,·de1ent's reception was ini'liateel :lS a cushtom seY�r"ll years ago);; .... cI 11:1 .. heen 11('ld in the winter quar­ter ("cr �ince. The recepti( n this"car will he conducted as in previousyears. A iter the reccption there willhe dancing. versify singers.OycraJl, star pitcher of the ChicagoCubs. will coach the baseball team'1t the University of California thisSpring. BARTLETI' READY FOR·tHE 'EIGHTEENtH PROMs. Edwia Earle ud Mia GearaIdi.e 'Bra ... to Lead Crud MarciaTom,lat.DANCING BEGINS AT NlNESHARPSupper to Be Served at Midnight­'Elaborate Booths for Alumniand Patronesses,Tonight the Eigtheenth AnnualWashington Promenade will blazeforth ill all its splendor. Promptly atnine, the opening strains of the grand. march will be played by the orches­tra, and the dancers will form in line,led by S. Edwin Earle and Miss Ger­aldine Gunsaulus Brown, and CyrusI.eRay Baldridge and Miss MollieRay Carroll. Nearly two hundredcouples will participate in the grandmarch, if all the dancers are at Bart­lett on time. The plan of beginninga; nine sharp will be strictly adheredto. and the dancing will closa at three.Shortly before midnight the promen.,aders will adjourn to Hutchinson hallto partake of the Prom supper, The£c:;lJowing menu has been prepared:Tomato BouillonOlives PicklesSweetbreadsStrawberry Bisque CakesCoffee BonbonsThere will be thirty regular dancesand a supper extra, The supper willprobably be 'served after the fifteenthdance; ,.-,The Decorating committee, led by,:A]ec�", "Whitfield, -invaded Bartlett -"i"Y�lIiasium yesterday ,afternoon;', an�-, _,according to the, latest reports, werestill in.possession at five this morning.The. scheme of decorations planned ...by the committee is simple but. taste- .ful. The ceiling will be hidden fromview' by a canopy of white bunting,hung with flowers and incandescentlights. The flowers to be used for the"canopy are cherry blossoms, and were.kindly donated by Carson Pirie S'�ottand Company. The running trackwill be decorated with flags andgreenery, and a large Chicago bann�rwill hang behind the platform occu­pied by the musicians. The twobooths at either end of the hall, onefor the patronesses, and one for thealumni, will be most elaborate. Theywilt be thirty feet long and twentyfeet deep, 'and will be fronted withlattice work, flags, palms, and Chica-gn banners, At the �ntrance to each'bo_otb 'will be two bay trees. Insidetb�re. will be' palms, chairs, rugs,tab1"�s, and comfortable divans; pill­ows"ind even magizines and standard'fiction will be provided to insure thecomplete comfort of the patronessesand visiting aluumi. Two bay treeswill also be stationed at the entranceto the gymnasium, and a large num­ber of palms will filt the lower hall.The decorations in the supper�rOomwill abo be simple, but attractive.Smi!ax and white roses will be on.cvery rtable where the palTones�csand committee chairmen will be�catcd.Fcllowing is a list of the commit·tees who will officiate tonight.General Chairman-So Edwin Ear:e,Finar.ce Committee-Roy Bald­ridge, Chairman, Vallee O. Appel, ){.E\'er�tt Robinson," E�mond R. Long,Arrangements Conllllittee-Ha'zclStillmal'. c1,:t:rman, Elmer 'V. Beatty.:\fay C:lrcy. Leno Reeve.ReceJ,t;on Committl e-Harold C.Gifford. chairman 11 ilmar Baukl:a�e,W. Phillips Comstock, DOT"Othy Buck·ley. Mary Phistcr.Decorations Committee-Aleck G.\ LOliunueCl on pa��, 4 J 'I,i1,ii I":1i!'I:1I j'fI':1'1'I:jI:!'II4� !,--- -'TBK DAILY MAROON.i Tit. OtHclal Student l"ublleaUoa .t Thet;nlver.1tl of Ch1�o.::;.� I Formerl,The Ullh'enltl ot Cblcaso Week17FoundedTit. Weekly .••••••••••• October I, 1892,Tire ·Dully •••••••••••••• October I, 1802Publlsbed Dull.r, except :sunda, .. Kou·d.,. uml laollduys durlnc tbree·quarterti.t tlae UUh'cndty yeur.Eoteretl us �econd·clat .. wall at the Chi·l"ugu l'olltoUke, Clalcugo, lI11no ... ldarcblW, iuos, under Act ot Marcb 3, 1873,'1'I1E STA,,'F� A:-"1·I.'.t.:l H�':U • • AlanaclDC EditorB. -l. ll.\L\: •H. .... CAUI'EN°I'Eft • New. EditorAthleUc EdItorAlSSOCIATE .E�170Il:�'W. J. J.·'oute H. L. Kennlcottc, 1:'. °J.'uylor .u. W. ReanC. W. llou.,blantl u, L. BreedJ. K.llcclJe UEI·ORTEB81I. D, SteverlillJun,)' CowerAlax Euclu\\'1:). l�llvlanW. l.YWt111s. L. ::iuyreU. W. \"lulssky u. 1,'. Dunham.1::. L. lIarrl.1·. KearnelJ. B. I'erl"L. StolzW� Wellman· .": WOMEN'S DEPABTIlEN'r ..li.ujorie Uill. Editor. . __ .: .....l:ulu Iteticker�. ��a�.r,r' UE�Ul\�U8,M. Cuwvllell Alma LJehtJl"!Ul'cure l;aULulSUBSCIUI·TION RATESB� Carricr, $�.50 vcr )'ear; $1.00 per �r.C1.t.r mull, $1.:.m peL" 'Iuarler; $3.oq per,yeur In udvunce.New8 contrllmtion8 WilY l>;� let1l.t,·.l!Il­l1a Hull or ,l1'uculty ·E1euJl'.nse, .• ���to The Dally lIaroon '! ' A weck from to®T. the. voters ofChicago \vill St:t�t, their, caDdidatesfro�. ea��;'�rty for:' the��yor�l�y _ election thisMerriam. spr'�Jl�·· Associate Profes:-s�r Charles Edward Mer'ri:mt will be one of the candidatesf9r. th.:: H,cpublican nomination_ Thebest intercsts of Chicago and of goodgovernmcnt, as well as of the Uni­Hrsity of Chicago, demand that Mr.Merriam not only receive' the nomin­ation-be elccted.For Mr.� .t· .The managers of Mr. Merriam'scampaign haye sent out ';1. call forvoluntt:cr workers ()n prhnary day,Success may, dcpend vcry fargely onthe numbcr of hclpcrs ou� .tllat dayand the cunscicntiousness w'�th which. they do thcir work. University s�u­den'ts han through the Merriam' cluban 'cxccilcnt medium' for' enli�ti.�gtli�m:,ch'cs in the work: ���rT��s'?�!�"TJ1� :\!;truoll hopes tb-?! the, c��ll oj..Mr. �Icrralll's COJ':,mjtt('�: '\�i.l�l. r�:'• .... .. ,,4 ,die. response of � h���·�' .. ��?• : _, •• J � • � ��tu<Icnts.- :'; :, _C­.-� ... -.'Y' �(XLLETIN.DAILY.t. , .SO{lh"'�more Play committeei� "Cobb ;�:" at 10;30 today.Cha'/cl Assembly, Senior Collegemf!I.\ and women, Mandel at 10:30,_'_\\ .•L� ,I'­.'lL'"��.,\.. sharp, .J Editor __ . -aM' .. THt�·'-i>AI� y:: ¥��90N,·. TtJl!SPAV, .FEBRUARY at,i --'--. --::.....�...!_.__LS_:;__. _Prom' committees:� except decora' " .:::. L.. ', ...; -- -". - ..: .. -----lion. )l'leet ,at 2;45 p.� m, . ;: '" GAR. GOY L E'T T Eo S �W. �:·A.:�eservauons must he paid .. �...- -_ ..... _ •• ...:J,.for by Wednesday.Mr� Robertson's Classes Start Planof H��ing Authors Speak Be,£Rr.e. Them-e-Others to- Comc. "Absence makes thc heart growfonder"( Somewhere in some book J read.Stayed away from class to wanderOver to the club instead:13ut the absence from the class,Teddy says I cannot pass.Absence makes the--face growlonger,University of Chicago, incoJP.)rate4.. SUllle expression of the apprecia­uon of tile student body is due theDelta Ups ilon fraternity for allowing.SO· (nan), ,oitts,iders to have parts ill'the Dramatic club's casts .j:,u, D{Jcior Johnson, official pees­�UI'C 113,. 'not been brought to bear ODus. We . have left ycur' name outlately' because too much - publitity·somte times defeats its end. OUf' 01'­: iginal aim ' .. as mildly to rebuke- you,'II' It ·... �p�(;it you. ..1 �. ,* * * ..ANNO·:UNCEMENTS., University holiday Wednesday.. Chapel Assembly, Junior.' Collezc. I �men and women Mandel' at ' lO:jl},Thursday.Le CercIe de Conversation. F-ran­caise meets in Lexington 8, to 4 p.fll. Thursday. .Count Albert AI? PQoyi,. formcrlyH urig arian Minister of education will-peak In Mandel on University. Peaceat 4 p, Ill. Thursday. .Masonic Smoker in Hitchcock clubrr-orns, Thursday evening.Sophomore Dance postponed fromFri4�Y next to Saturday.Ttac Score Club dance which was; ori�inally scheduled for March 4 has. l)ecn postponed until Saturday March11, on account of conflicting dates.Blackfriars dancing class, Thursday,.. ;45·8 ;45. ins ted of Wednesday, Reyn­olds club theater, i9Jf:FOR' THE:. :�PROM.. FLOVvERS ..Violets, Orebids,. LOy of tbe Valley,· RosesSpecial Corsage. Boquetsrmest arrangements. Most Reasonableprice for finest flowers.* * * * .· .-\,s· to the Bui lding and Grounds,Jcpartment's reward for the best plani for building sidewalks, we" may say ·.: l>t hat 'our 'plan .is to abolish the depart:l'llcnt. :�c ate instit�tionally in ���r ����������������������������������: of such a move under all circum. r. tan-, l'CS, .anyway. .ENGLISH 40 TO HEAR ,: ) ....... -.r . 1Ii:'* * * /'MR. HAMLIN GARLAND' i.�t"��e'C�p�;md Gown have. it plcaa.r' \V alt�r:' -Kennedy, handi ng R�er�.Long a-Ieft-over cigar-4'Have 'OIM;Qft· these cigars,',RogY' . I'i H.oget.;�::}·Thanks� Looks like, a, saw I·log, though:" -\Valt.":':'··WeU it' is Three. O.uartcrsClub." .... .Pi- S.�lf Gargoyl.ett� WOD'\ use thispass �it' aJong to:Cap and. Gown. .. -: : H.A, L.Assistant Professor: Robertson';'· English 40 class is going to give ,�oanquet some Tuesday o£ next month,and have as the guest' of the evening,Mr. Han'din Garland,' the noted Chi- * * * *cago author.. He will not only �d- From an English I 'Theme.dn"s!i the members of the class, but The shaggy, gray_ eyebrows" thedffjrt will: bc made to have the iri- . \\'iue. '. Lcnc\-olent mouth, and tht".;· c'.h-idual members. of the class meet. ...qucar chin, all contributed to ma�lJinl l,tc!sonally. If the affair proves iug his' features' look stroDg a.ad_l:'\l�,essful, other notcd literary men hlocky. His- light, 'blue eyes n!ll!!lll#. Iceased .' to bl! able to shoc't fire:.; _d. IJ)f Cbicago win be invited to address. ralh,. He ha� rte.ver attended" �l; I·and to mect the .members of the .class� IJUt :fil\'c (lr SIX wm�ers., be CO�lmYe. .In ('rdcr to let those who atre not "thc :'nallle, capital and chief. �w:s, 'ofgoing to spccialize in English .mect eYery country o( tlle g!�.: .. The.• h�ppi�st hours.?r' his ,ol�h ag�: :werethe mcn hi��er �p in the departmen{, I "1*'nt. 'with l1is most. ��:i·servant,. :\ssi�ta�t }!ro{(ssor Robertson h�s �i;... Li� \�i((r.s�.. �h; gav�':�e;1ior�e .gra�sued in"itations to many of thcm to 1m1111Y "t1U1(!S a day.:tUc1 'spent,· sleepless!-peak to the class. Profe,:ssor Hcr' l:ours in curryi{lg:·'.off:.-t�e '3Jiimat ":,ric� is I going. to addrcss the cJas'S 'OnFriday, March. 3, and Professor Man"iy has also signified his intentions. '0£:-peaking. . "NO BLACKFRIAR DECISION The tI.;,.tlon s,��gest!dli� ·�te'atiolnrii:t ··Sl..tp'�r-professoI':! . Faint recol�ic:r�� of :·high·,· ·scl1t\�\ latin tell\ 'U!··5.up.er':··means '�bov�'! "more -aatbThe' !\ation's, sugge�on: is imDOs-"'i.b!�, ..'Xn. we do not need '. honor .mnts.'''Capturing Calypso" Music Is Not • * *.'. .,'Yet Chosen by Judges. _.The foll�wing: 'sl\OW� h0v! 'ther�.,j 1lJ:lY he w�\'s an�� ways of gettmg ou JThc lllusic r.ommittce is still unable nf it: ' J' .to n!akc a final s.�leclio.. n of the songs )f'�ISS lkcc':,er.;_Are you going \0for this year's. Blackfr.jar s.how frou:. Y'.Ie 'Pront, �'iS5 Green?:,1110ng the many submit.tcd. Muctl '<�i .�liss Grcc-n--No. You �'!ekm�'aunt!11e matcrial submittedl bas, be�p .;;.; ·"i\·in� :t week-end at Labe . harest. ,clilll- . ;- 1 promised long ago to e t ere.:l1:ltCtl from the C1.lm�': atl(l ... k d:titcrc still rcmaiu:'\ u�te .' .lion, but ?f:s'" Dcechel"-\Vell, I wasr� t as(,e.'from whic,h tp �n'�� . tl:al� cno�ttl; (lther.* * *.... );.Iatc f�'I'I th� I!!i-� . th\! c.,Olce. .Lmitts:c l,a� 1P;-' • meetir.g of the com-i Th�'��: k- • "'ct been fixed.I . l'1'" ,J d(�1';�' : •till a chance for a goo� � So�fY to win a place in thc.�.0 "'I'lng .to the menibcrs otJW. accor<. hc committce..ve "Thcrc i:-; a lack of good Chica;;)'d D . d AHan Robcrt.,(\n,er of "on�:-;:' sal aVI..&) .' k' f the mattcr ycslerda),In spea 'mg (I/ . d' ne to the com-.- n(1 we wI�l a 1ntt 0l�:ti�ion cvcn though submittcd at,. d H wc do nottnlS late ate. owe\'cr,f,""otbal1 '>leacher song, but a\"ant a 'Jmeets goOod. typical Chicago marching ni<;c()\'(�ry of t11c meanest man and'oman nIl the campus have been Te­�ort�{l t(\ u<;. He �ho does �ot"m(\ke hut who filled hIS pockets with. t the Reynolds club smokcr,cI�d"\r:,,: who repairs to the English�i�)r�� .... '(';lrly ;n the afteI'!10on, takesi�11t .or nine hooke; and SIts on the:�'�e rc�t (If tlle. day, are those w 0'l,'a1�fy fnr the utle.* • • •�ong." Tn Contributors.fo; our c:;ake. TlO mo�e puns!'Pk���.* * * *. .To Jimmy TuohY� philosopher "Doc<:n't it al�o "hate t�e Dut�lh, .. d vent' a-hr.\'.' lecturec:; on ',ousJn� anh t;;, :1 arc �i\'('n in lec��lre TOO�S td�'";, ,.(' not 1)('en '\'e�t..t1�,ted r.:tlle- :111£1 £c;1 ccnturu�s.:\ n('W woman's dormitory whic�1will make. it possible for Corncll �01-\'crs;t\, to furni�h rooms fnr practical­lyall- the \\"0111('n taking CO\1r�cs hcr�""', heen made po:-�ible hy .a gltt ot... � �$�\IO,Ot)O frOI11 2\lr:;. Ru",<;cl1 �a�c. '; * * *'1- ,'I' �p('l tiP-an.... an rumors thatto I f th pur'Ih;� ('(,I�':�lIl i, p\1hli .. h('� .01' efe�10-C ()£ inrni"hin!! puhhC1ty to.a •�(,llior�. wc llcrehy hal' mention h:thi, colmnn for the ne'Xt month tfollowin�:'.1 N. c.J Earle. Aleck�('\' H:lhlrt(J�e. (l D· k\\"hi!(i('lct 'Hilmar Rau1chage, lC'fy<'rs �f1rl Prcsi<lent Appel.• '$ * •\ \. (' '\'()mlcr whyY O\l 1.,0k so e;olemn.T'('rl1;'lP::O _you have� Of rl'arl this column.Or what Ie; worsc-T really dread it-Y 0\1 maY be �ad.ftc(':\t1SC -you read it.FOWNE5GLOVESare net c.heape�t, butthey're least expensive,, 14� .. �\� .o� �TlJ . 44 East Randolph Strcet.Next Door to Marshall Fields.Phones Central 614- Central 3906.POST CARDS, - Latest novelties.' Comics, 'Mottccs, etc, Best City,Park and University Vicws 10 for sets.- VALI.NTIES.� Art' Mottoes. Hand Painted placques, choice comics.__ ·hgll Noye1ti�. ', ,STA"l .'IONERY for School Housc and Office Magazines,·Shee�., lI�c .. Sporting, GoOds, Cigar. and Tobacco.; TBB STAR LIBRARy, 1361. East 63rd Stree,t.· Books.DO',yOU'� ".-'.. �::;;:t'� I f.�: �........� , . Ifso, why not at theUNIVERSITY COMMONSThe best in the' city for the price ... All thingS in season.EAT?----- .. -------��-AGAINGrayuw:r�-­�aa&TW_�"�......... eoD(, .. ' DC. .::;;.-"YOU WILL'FIND WHAT: 'YOUAREIlpNTlNGFOR�.�aCO'LLARS2 FOR 25 CENTS.TRaT .. a a I" aa E. R BOXES.... d. "7' EAR.L Ie WILSON" r_"�coll.1"I..... llaop laratep .....OpeD DQ _t Hiaht.ii. Dearbolll, Itnet. . ANYTHING DOING?1�', i· ;t,·,,·. ,I·' "".',_.,""i", '�..GUARANTEED HOSE·$1.50 to $3.00,.;..,-- .- -.TROUSERSj. ;'�': '.:�£ '0";. �'.51.50 to $7.50FULL DRESSSHIRTS Md VESTS)$1.�5 to $4.50TO RENT 1I. AVAI'rOR BATSBe oriaiDal and wear an up-to-datet. PlaiD. 11.00. With letter or Dum'. aaI embroadef'ed on front, 'I.so­State aiR. Satiafaction paranteed.HAROLD ABRAHALLEat Momachea, NeW York.[ I.PEIFE_'! II.: 8.�I.Aq- �::.SILVERMAN Ci SON1125 fast 63rd Sfreet'ada)'.Reynolds Club nominalions today.Botanical Club meets. in Botany 13:tt 4 p. m. today.Senior Promenade, Bartlett, today.Meeting of the Sophomorc Playwmmittce today. '3t 3 p. m. in Cobb3� 1Recent ExcavtJtions in Assyria and;Babylon:' by 'I)rofessor I. M. Price,Haskell at 8 p. m. today.Freshman class photogTaphs no\\'!'ale. Sec class officers.Prom prcliminaries ..... today from 4:to G in Rartiett. AU invited.Grand March starts at 9 p. m. Near Lexington.J( )'Ou arenot in linewith a dresssuit, get inline for thePROM.T. C. SCHAFFNER',8 State Street, Room 27"",t, onize 'Maroon AdvcrtisehI:; ,.. ;.. ...,. THE DAILY MAROON,· TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 21, 19U• 1St fILLINOIS VICTOR OVERVARSITY AND F�SHMEN minutes- -to do a thi�g,_ .1P�nd throeminutes in deciding. b9W to do it andthe rest of the time :in deciding wheth­er you should do it" at all If youact in this manner it is possible thatsome day you may be come a presi­dent. or a general, or a governor, or�ayt)�: a� ·�ldremaD."cuFroII, Zt .. liP 1EDfOU. ZiIL ...AIfi{ow?<otch COLLARS_----A. G. Spalding tl Bros_\THESP ALDING are the largestTrade Mark Manufacturersn the world of 50_36 Is Score of Varsity Track Meetat Urbana-Freshman Score.7 __The lllini proved too strong forChicago Jast Saturday. Both the Var·:"ity and track teams went down to REHEARSE W. A. A. PLAYdefeat at the track at Urbana. the WITH THE QRCHESTRAVarsity score being 50·36 and theFreshman score 47.22. Illinois' su- Mias Florence HUDD in :part-Dif(er-perior strength in second and thirds . ent Vaudeville Stunta ·Roundin&was decisive. Davenport won the Into Shape-BiC Ticket Sale.quarter. Kuh, the hurdles and Menaulthe shot put. Captain Rogers and "A Midway Local." and the stuntsCoyle tied with Murphy of Illinois which make up the W .. A. A. vaude­Ior first in the pole vault. The relay \·ill� performance were rehearsed'went to Chicago. yesterday with the Depew orchestraThe summaries: tor the first time. Florence HunnSummaries of the Meet. was assigned the part- of Miss Spurn- - ---:l5 yard Varsity dash. first heat- em in the play, but. otherwise noWon by Earle. Chicago; Yapp, III i- changes. will be made in the cast.nois, second. Time-04 3_5. Some local touches were worked. intoSecond heat-Won by Seiler. Llli- the jymnasium office scene over Sun­nois ; Earle. Chicago. second; Yapp, day and came out" well at practice.Illinois, third. Time-:04 3·5. The stunts rehearsed seem to stand40 yard Varsity high hurdles. first a.. good chance of taking with a Chi­heat-Won by Kuh, Chicago; Drake. cago audie�ce. Three of them arel ilinois, second. Time-:06 1_5. farces of .U:lin.:rsity life seen on theSecond heat-Won by Whiting. Chi 'campus at Northwestern and in Jap-cago ; Merriman. Illinois. second. an. ··A Tokio Two·bagger'· will beTime-:05 4..5. put 011 by . Marguerite .Swawite. illus­Final heat-Won by Kuh, Chicago; tr�tillg 'the amazing versatility of Chi­Merriman. Illinois. second; Drake. c�·gC; baseball players abroad. IreneIllinois, third. Time-:05 4-5. Hastings, Paula Burke, AugUsta Swa:440 yard Varsity run-Won by Dav- wite and ·Anita Bailey wilt' = in 'thisen port. Chicago; Cortis, Illinois. sec- !;kit.ond; Hunter, Illinois. third. Time- "The Compact Sealed," listed as a;5:l 2.5. !>t.-rio-comic tragedy. was rehearsed1 mile Varsity run-Won by Cope, y¢sterd�y by Florence C�tlin �nd P�u­Illinois; Rohrer, Illinois, second; la Burke. This proved to be a mIX-Long. Chiago, third. Time-4:41. 't�re of songs; dance imitations and.M80 yard Varsity run-Won by Bar- good advice as the design of, 2; �ni­ron. Illinois; Timblin. Chicago. sec- versity seal. This stum was l\-nttenond; Herrick, Illinois, third. 'Time-« by Miss Catlin al\1 Belly Burke, .2;03 1·5. A Spanish dance glVl;1l by BessShot put. Varsity-Won by Menanl. Courtright and a Blackfriar Terpsic­Chicago. distance 42 fed � Inches ; horean :· .: take·�ff by ·G�rtrude PerryBelting. llinois, second 40 feet 4 in-, �'cre. also tri�d out o� the �.13ndelches, Sprin, Illino�s, hi rd .. 39 ��eMt. ,�l:\gc;.�,�-A do dance i'_l .w�c:. C�r- \.Hig� j�mv Varslty-:-�o.�:�r .. _., <;>"-, .\o�te�.g��s. R th .�er�dl, .: y:a e.m, 11hn01s; Bebb. IllinoIs! .. �nC!. M.�n-, .Harriett �age.. V lr�nl1a Huddn�, andaut. Chieago,' tied.for se'�oiia.i\lieikllt,' C(:;i�-Rinkins':b�ay�:: tiee·,. trainee!· by. oj feet 9 1_4 inches." ' �� ...... _ ' ).,isl,!tlub·an ,.�� ·also practic�d. TheTwo mile Varsity run-WOB, .QY ... \ixth .unt onjthe program Will be anBulard. Illinois; Burw�h. llin?is. ElI8{�sh song lui4 �a��� ,by Josephine�c;.cund; Carpenter •. q����,., .th��d.;� $.p�nd Janf Graft':' .Tlm�O:08_. : � .. ;,.� .�_; l- � '.i'tJ.'ht ,.printed, scores. ·of the musrc ofVarsity relay rac�Won by Cblca- .:"'t�nt$. 'and playlets.·were far enoughgo, -. �'.'"'.:-: :-- r, I . d:van'ced today to be· w;ed by the or-Pole vauIt-WOJil· by. Murphy. Illin- ;hestra:·. In addition to the musicois, Roarers anci_Coyle, Chicago� tiede, ... nti,.candy ·which win be sold at theHeight-ll feet 4 ���. .v.\\ldeville Frid�y night it has beenFraJunan . _�ummarieL �"anged to have cn sahi: pesters. of40 yard Freshman high hurdles-:- .the central figure of the posters whIchWon Costard, Illinois; Harrison, 1111- il::!ve advertis�d the show- This fig­nais. second. Time-:06• ure will be done in red on tan and60 yard Freshma� dash- W �n by �epia background.Matthews, Chicago; Forbes, ChIcago,. The sale·,of seats has been excellent,second. Time-:04�. -a.��ihk·: to Effie Hewitt, advertis-1 mile Freshman run-Wo� �Y; .ir.i����ger. and the W. _A. A. feelsWright, lllinois; BelkPal." 11hnols, � <ertalD of coming out With a largesecond. Time-4:49 2-5.. balance JAits favor.440 yard Freshman run-Won by ltkr .. R�bertson. who watched theSanders, Illinois; Maxwell, Chicago. rehearsal of the �how yesterday said�econd. �ime-:54. thai"the prettiness of the play and the.�80 y,hl Freshman: ��Won b!. Kra.c�ful. dances !iceined to him to beHendedotl. Illinois; SpItznagel, 1111- the most emphatic feature of the play.nois, second. Time-2:09 2·5._ Mr: Robertson was also m�ch please�Shot pat, Freshman-Won by.Scru with the �Chicago Marching .SOng�by. Chicago; and Nor�en: Chicago. n the last act and expresse� his bebefsecond; distance, 41 feet 4 lDches.. that tbe audience on the night of theHigh pump, Freshman��ri�ce, 1,,11- pl�y would find it to their liking.nds. and Cheney, illinOIs, tied. .Height--5 jed 6 inches. I DRAMATIC CLUB REHEARSALPole vault-Won by Harrison. ll1i· AT FOUR THIS.APTERNOONnois; Norgren, Chicago. second-Height-9 feet 10 inches-Freshman relay race-Won by Illi-OFFICIALEQUIPMENT... �is known throu, for all Athleticghout the worldas a.Guarantee ofQuality. Sports andPastimes.Sltmusl7totbeaeck.tbetopsmeetIn front and there Is ample spacefor the C!'aV'llt.Ii: YOU are interested in athletic 'port, you should have a( PY (If the Spalding Catalougue!.', :1 C(' mplcte encyclopedia of••• l-� '.'- new in sports. and is senth e e (Ill request. 15c-,2for25c. "=1oett.Peebody& Co •• MabnA. G. Snaldint! ®. Bros.H7 Wabash Ave .. Ohicago.French MethodHand LaundryI I 4 6 £. 63rd Street.Pr')ne H. P. 61 1 3-Our :.6 years of experience inthe laundry trade is the benefitgiven to our customers.Our agent, P. A. Soochman, willehll and deliver your laundry freed charge.Mending; and darning Free.�L.MANASSE'W" � OPTICIANi;STABLISHED 186888 Madison �t. Tribune Bldg.Eye glasses and spectacles sclen­tifically fitted and adjusted. Ex­amination Free of charge,:\,k 10 see the New Idea MountingHeat Regul�tion�ew Members Of Cut 11&7 Be Selec­ted-Baukba&e LQa Streea OIlPromptDeILThe Johnson Pneumatic SystemThe Recogidzed StandardInstalled in the University of Chi.­cago Buildings.Complete Systems for all Methoc1aof Heatinc. ( ,·1 ..Februa,:41 SaleAn the news of the '-:amp usin The Daily Maroon. MEN'SSHOESReduced frommuch higher prices$2.75�Jj.A large assortment fromwhich to select. Bothboots and low shoes intans, calfs and patents,Extreme and conservativestyles. Weights suitable forpresent and spring wear.FIRST FLOOR, SOUTH ROOM.:IIIMALT MARROW'"The Tonic t:hat Strengthens."Malt Marrow is a great brain builder-it is recommended by physicians.AU Druggists sell it.Produced by the manufacturers of"ALMA MATER"McAvoy Malt Marrow Departmen�2. 340-8 South Park Ave.Phone Calumet 5401. I.\II• 1iIII,.IIjj'"WHAT IT ME ANS•. American Factory Rebuilt" meana a cJau· of Qpcwritera. Acia _no other. coocem does or caD nbaild L� we d •. It is Ullclatibiaa tenDused tf) . cliatiDpiab our mac:hiDa from the creat mua of Qpcwrit ..wbida He ottered aDder the DUDe ARndt._"It meua that if �11 bQ aD ., �CUl Rebuilt Tnewritr' of U7make.. �11 wiD· &et • FACTORY nl;lIilt machlD.. nbailt with __�nta; Dot ODe tbat. baa heeD � repaired aDd bed .;. ill aD ordi­nary aboP. bat OM. equal to Dew in �ca1 q.alit7.We paruatee· every machiDe we..o for ODe year, aDd alao pat_antee the title..Steam C(Jntrol of Humidity.Reducing Valves for Air, Water,i inl Watc.:r Tank Regulators,\ JObn:.O: E�e:. Ce.Chicago Office, 93 Lake StreetChicago Kent College of LAW1·.(' a la�Y4'r. (:00<1 la'llf)'f'T'!I a� h. �tIh·ml1nl1. lIijtht':Ct ral.1 rror�lon. �inltCf1I1TS(·". Ot';=T('t' 1 •. I •• n. in thrff ,. ...... "Lars.I',t an<1 h�t l'quippffi �·f'nhoC La. SchOf\l:t, thr worlil. WI' finti l>OlIitionl' In la. of·(,,·r;l lor hunllrrll!1 or stutit'ntfl Yf'arl,. .0thl'" may urn f'ltJ'4'n!l� while workinc' for:l .ll'::rrl'. It:aft' ('loRnN' ror amhitions ,.oUDttTTl!'n. !'orn,l f.lf FrN' �.t.IOInIf'. "ti1f1?leCHICAGO KENT COLLEGE OF LAW.1f\O! 140 Ol'arhnrn �trf'f't.I �··'!lre R" ,m'. :); E. VaG Bllrco St.., CbicalO nois.URGES STUDENTS TO T��NK The Dramatic club will meet thisafteriioon at four o'clock for the firstrehearsal of Shaw's "You Never CanTell':' . �hich the club is to produce'n ah8ut a month .. Two of the memohers �f the cast are unable to takeI'art, onc because of sickness: andone because of ineligibility. It IS un­('erstood that new performers wi�l be�e1ected at this afternoon's meetlDg:"Everyone must be on time," saIdPr�sirlent . Baukhage. ··Coach Sted­man's time is limited, and we can ac­complish nothing unless we areprompt. The rehearsal will be at£Cur o'clock. All members of theca .. t and \inderstudies must be pres-cot."Dr. Hendenon TeUa Junior lien Notto Act Hastil7. American W rltl"g MaC/line Co.Established more tha. ., y ....The Original Type" riter Exchange.... ,.UQ>-..kor ... L .'''�.. te __ aILIIF'I3_� '9 Dnrbom Strert. Chicago Telephoae Hurl,o. ..."The longest way round is the be�tway after all," said Dr. Henderson 10alldressing the Junior college �n'yesterday morning at chapel exercls·es. He urged the men not to ma�e:and carry out plans that are made 1na hurry •. because this reason of�enorevents young men from secunng�esponsible positions. . �"TCl make plans in a hurry IS a SIgnof a feeble mind." said Dr. Hender'sr.n, ··and it is often best to followthe old saying that if you have AveI!!!! UTILE ART CORNER1528 E. Slat ST.I Arts and Crafts GoodsTHE ... LAC E TO BUY YOUR GIFTSPatronize Maroon Advertisers.The Daily Maroon is your collegepaper. Support it. J. D. O'NEILManufacturers ofTRUN·KS, GRIPS AND SUIT CASESSpecial styles ard sizes made to order.to repair work.�XPRESSING TO ALL DEPOTSl'rrn�pt attention ai'·.11Three tripsMaio Store.752 E. Sixty-third Street.Phone Hyde Park 4242. daily to city.Factory and Salesroo.1454-6 East Fifty-fifth StrHs.Phone Hyde Park 44-; ,._----AMUSEMENT'9 I MAIlOO�S D�FSOTA'I Conference Situation Becomes BadlyTan�Jed by Succession of Victories�d Defeats=-Surprises of Week.17 Bring Out New Possibilities.______________________________ �- I Ii GamesPlayed won! Purdue .....•.. !JWisconsiu ..... 6l c-wu •......... 3Chicago 8,:\1 inncsota .. , •. 6, l llinois ......•. 7Indiana 6�. orthwcstern .7" VESPERS. SUNDAY AFTERNOON Prom· CiDers:"Your Last Chance"Do not wait any longer. Your or­ders must be in at once if you desireto obtain good ser •• ce, Make aU)our preparations now. Do not waituntil noun or this afternoon but. 1.;() IT NOW:' The Senior Prom�ou know is the event of 'fONIGT.Hence get busy.DRESS SUITS-You can buy justthe suit you want. and have it fit YOIlto a nicety at M. Rothschilds, Jacksonblvd. and State sts; M. MossIer andCo's, store, 50 Jackson blvd., or at(arson Pirie Scott and Co's store,State and Madhon sts. The pricesare very reasonable 530-$50. Buy nowas sales are on at all three shops.DRESS SUIT RENTAL-1£ youcan not afford to spend that muchmoney you can get an elegantsuit for the occasion from T. C.Schaffner, 78 State st. Room :::1 for$-1. See him at once. He can fit you� so no one will know it is rented.OPERA HATS-M. Rothschild,Jackson blvd. and State st. A. Bishopand Co., 156 State st., Ames HatCo., £0 E. Madison st., and ArthurFeilchenfeld, 81 E. Van Buren st., areofiering splendid values in them,"Arthur's" in particular is selling an$3 hat for $5.FLOWERS-We have been fortunate in secur­ing Lubliner and Trintz, the famousdowntown florists to seek Universityof Chicago patronage. We recom­mend them heartily to you. They arelocated at 44 E. Randolph st., next toMarshall Field's. You all know Mc­Adams, 53rd and Kimbark ave.,handles only flowers of rare beauty.Don't forget him. These two floristsshould do all the Prom business.They merit your patronage.KID GLOVES. TIES, SHIRTS,HOSE, etc.,-Silverman and Son 1125E. (:lrd st., AI. Schlossman 1008 Eo6�rd st., and M. Rothschild and .Co.,Jackson blvd. and State st., will sup'rty your wants in this particular.PATENT LEATHER BOOTS andPUMPS-Carson Pirie Scott andCo., State and Madison ·Sts., are of­fering them at reduced prices now.President Judson Will Preside atMeeting in Mandel.ILLINOIS:- .::WILLIAM GILL�TTEin his four act drama"SECRET SERVICE" Unequaled FountainDrinks.The Christian League of the Uni­\ crsity announces Vespers, to be heldI'';''t Sunday at oj o'clock in Mandelha ll. President Judson will preside atthis meeting and music will be fur­nished by : the quartet �·h.:il' of theHyde Park Baptist church.The address of the occasion will beg. vcn by Charles Whitney Gilkey,Pastor of the Hyde Park . Baptistcimrch on the subject: "The Religionof Students." He is a graduate ofHarvard, and after three years at Un­ien Theological Seminary in NewYork City spent two years in .Ger·.many. He is a profound student ofthe difficulties that college men meetin their thinking upon religious sub­jects, and he will discuss the subjectin all its phases.Mr. Gilkey has come to this pastor­ate only recently.EMPRESS.63reS aneS C�-�:!:I?:�h! {-:e�-;1t'4Te1. Normal '53Direction .SulIivan lie Conwiae. L. I. l\tontaillC", ManaanDirect From Drury Lane Theater-London.THE SALAMBOS"The Wonders of the ScientficWorld."2 Shows Ni£htly. Daily Mrtinec:s1000 Reserved Sea:. at 10 and.7o cents6-Capttvating Featuro Aet&-6 Percent-lost age.2 .1';S2 .6671 .6G14 .5003 .50074ORDERS FILI;ED BY PHONE43 SHIPPED ANYWHERE.42943.2:iO• 14342T59 State St. 184 Michigan Ave .179 La Salle Street.61Peft'atin� Minnesota by the score"i 22 to I;: last Saturday in Bartlett,the :\1;.roo11:; came up to a tie forrourth place in the Conference stand­;I�;';. The last week has been one ofgn�at surprises to the followers of the;..:-ame.To begin with. Northwestern, con-<idcrcd the weakest team in the Con­icrcnce, in a complete reversal ot:'( •• 111 won over Minnesota by the-r ore -of 21 to 18. Minnesota thenjourneyed to Lafayette where theyachieved the distinction of being thetirst team to stop the Purdue cham­!:ions. Then the following night, the-Ifcct of the hard trip was seen inChicago's victory, superior speed andt ca 111 \ v ork being t.ne decisive factor.Meanwhile Illinois was being beat­'_'I} by Indiana. Then Purdue met the-ccond defeat by losing to Illinois.: . .wa found little trouble in winningover Northwestern, in spite of thelatter's defeat of Minnesota. Therapid succcssion of victories and de­i(.·ats left the dopesters completely'ba llcd up." 1 t now looks like Wis­r onsin will have more than 3 fightingchance for the Conference champion'-hip. Incidentally, it may please some. .)i the Chicago rooters to figure outi hc Maroon's chances.Maroons Will Win.BLACKSTONE!)A VID BELASCOPresentsDAVID WARFIELD-IN-The Return of Peter Grimm,'.iI ..Flowers for the PromI I,Corsages of OrchidsCorsages of Lny of the VaIleyCorsages of VioletsCorsageS of Sweet PeasLYRIC URGES KILLING OF FLYSam and Lee Schubert, Inc.announcesLULU GLASERin the greatest operatic success of herartistic career"THE GIRL AND THE KAISER" Professor Hodge Has Device for Ex­·tennination of Pest.A. McADAMSThe "vacuum cleaner" method asopposed to the "feather duster"-cheme for exterminating flies waspresented by Professor C. T. Hodge"j Clark University, in his lectureyesterday on, "The Extermination ofthe House Fly."Professor Hodge staled that thereare over 500,000 cases of intestinaldiseases, and GO,OOO deaths resultingirom them annually, the existence of:which must be blamed upon the house'fly,As a means of exterminating thepest, Professor Hodge presented two'plans: a fly trap which he has inven­red and the use of poisons. 'The de-:·:ice invented by him is attachable to -windows and garbarge cans and thenumber of flies it can catch is limi­te d only by the number of flies in theneighborhood, he says. I.. Poisons are an excellent extermin­ator of flies," he stated, "especiallyin dry weather, when you can coveta barn floor. with a carpet of dea�,'.lies:'INEW ART 'CLUB TO BE FORMEDiIUniversity Art Students Will Or�Lize At Meeting Toclay. !. IiAn Art club has been organized.A meeting of women stude�ts wa�held recently at the School o'f Edu­cation .. For some time the art stu­dents have been desirous of formingsuch a. club, its object will be thei'urtheril�g of social iriter�otirse andof informal discussion 'between allthose interested in art, as wel! as thearrangement of group visits to vari,r-us places of artistic' importance. it'was not until this week that definiteplans were made. The movement hasgained the cooperation an:<i appr�val'If Dr. Sargent, head· of the Art de­partment anr the rest of flu: art f�c­I1lty. ! 'All students taking courses in eith­er Fine Arts or Industrial Arts aret'rged to be present and -are eligible�r, �1tggcst any idea which might :be,-,f assistance in organizing the clul). 53rd St. and Kimbark Ave,Phone H. P. 18� ,.',GARRICKForbes-Robertson inTHE PASSING OF THETHIRD FLOOR BACK------- -- - - -POVVER�.· T��ANYOU'f-DOOR SPORTDon't you feel there wouldbe greater enjoyment i:lthe game if you could seo.. �ily and more clearlythan now? Perhaps yourvision couldn't be im­pi-ovecL There's satisfac­tion in luiowing that. Per­haps tinted lenses are tobe w:orn only during out­. do�r. ,life to. protect yoUreye. and prevent those.. headache .. "Charles FrohmanPresentKYRLE BELLEWin the best of c�! detective playsRAFFLES1'1GRAND Chicago meets Illinois next Fri-·<lay in Bartlett. 1£ a victory isscored, the Maroons hope for a finalspurt with chances e v en for winningmost of the concluding games. Wis­con sm plays in Bartlett, March 4.Minnesota follows a week later; thelast game is with Northwestern.' Ifthe Maroons win these last fourFames, Purdue loses the three moretn play, and \Visconsin loses to Chi­cag o, Minnesota, Illinois, and Indiana,the Maroons will be awarded theConference charnpiorixhip for theiourth consecutive year.' How irn-probable, this is, however. is readilyseen. But because Wisconsin'st.:'amcs arc largely away from home,lurduc's away from home, and Chi­c:.g-o·s on the Bartlett floor, the prob­;"Lilities for f�rther complication arestrong, . .I 'Chicago Defeats Minnesota.1 The game with Minnesota Satur-day was featured by the speed andteam work .of the Chicago team.(lose guarding prevented the visitorsfrom getting in effective work. The:\iaroons smothered their. opponentstime after time, and worked together.r; winning spirit.Minnesota seemed unable to solvethe. Chicago defense. This had beenprepared especially to meet Minneso­ta', style of play and proved success­ful. The Gophers put up a pluckyg;&mc, tired a:, they were from thet\\"o gruelling contests in two pre­ccdjng nights, and are to be praisedfO)r the war the team stuck to theia�t. lighting to win. At one timethey appro�chcd wihin a few points(,f the :\faroon lead in the se0nd halfhut a :-I'urt by Sauer and Paine drewthe score way from dan�er. Lawler,j, ,r the yi:-;it(Jrs played a hard game,I'!lt obtained only one out of ten freet);row�.For the Maroons, Sauer played his1l,t1:d heady. con�islcnt game. He,h-opped the fuul baskets with regul·:: � ,ert:l.inity. Illi:-;sing hut one. Painc-0---- L YM P C ----- I :d<:.o played a great game, ohtainingI I :(lnr tield baskets. In the second half,Geo. M. Cohans I :hrl\l'zh injurecl, he gamely played on,GET.RICH-QUICK l ;..:ctting a clever basket just beforeWALLINGFORD t17;1e was called.MR. GEORGE ARLISSin the new comedy of intrigue"DISRAELI"inLouis N. Pareker.STUDEBAKER N. Watry·tl Co.OPTICIANS.99-101 Randolpb StreetRUTH ST. DENISand -19 other dancers. Orchestraof 30.'.,r For the PromEIGHT DOLLAR OPERA HATCORT-: ": .1I ; ;' $5.00Comedy Ten StrikeHenry W. Savage OffersHenry Kolker in"THE GREAT NAME"j ;'": !, 1� . .� � : CLASSIFIED; .. . ADVDlTlSEMEN'IS IIRatH-- Three lines for 25 cents. ISilt words to the line. I�i"� ��rtions for the price o� four ..No advertisement taken fOf leu Ithan 25 cent&. .Cub must accompany order.I·! :, .I! i .:i i !i �; .( � �I'• Ii �p.f �.; .f .:.· ,f •· .· . LA SALLETHE GIRL I LOVE"The Best Comic Opera in theCity."WHITNEYDAVE .LEWIS IiWanted-University women to do iStenography work during spare Itime after classes. Call at W. c.1Kern and Co., l:nh'ersity of Chi-·cag<' Branch, 1304 E. 5ith St.sf 17. IS. 21. 22. This hat cannot be equaled forless than $8.00. Latest style Ot­t;..a..aC:' Opera hats for young mm"Our Price, $5.00Arthur's Hat Store183 Dearborn Street.76 Madison Street I8t E. Van Buren Street.------------------------1in"DONT LIE TO YOUR WIFE"Thursday, Shoppers Matinee. EntireHouse Soc. All seats reserved.CO LON IAi ...----: ' I� .JOS. M. GAITES! 'presentsThe mUfoical and humorous treat of� • to A 11. the news of the campusin The Daily Maroon.BARTLETT READY FORTHE EIGHTEENTH PROMI I, . the season."KATIE DID'"'.:� :. :I � CIt;� .'. ,Continuecl frolll'paae t> MEDICAL SERVICEMcVICKERS Whitlicld, chairman, Herb�rt G. Hop­kin�, Donald T. Grey, Ethel Kawin,:\Iary Louise, Nena \Vilson.Print!ng Committee-R. Boyntonr:ogers, chairman, \Villiam K uh, Ed·ith Prinde"ille, Herman R. Kern.There will be a meeting of al1 thec(.mmittces in Bartlett at 2:45 thisaftt'rnoon. lmportant matters will he(!io:tI��ecl. 1',,1. n. I· ... � .. :;. I:M'. Tel Onk :!!):.:,GEO. W. I. BROWN, M. D.'·r;,..t!,'i' IImlt,'cl to cll�e:l�(''' of 11;(,J-;n,;. :SOloiF. ,\:SO TIIRO,\Tn ... u� !l h 12 :1. m.. 2 to r. p. ':1.f�\'(,IlII1S:!I :111,1 �lIl1'I:l�'" hy nppolntnll';.I.'In.·f'. �llil(' H. ,��o K f" ..1r� �t. :So \Y.('"r. J,llllh:lrk .\'·fl .• �'llrllJ:o.T.I.· 4.'145 R. P. Rn. Tf'I. � R. P.DR. EMORY M. LOTTSTHURSTONDJI!:STt�TThe Great Magician.omre :So W. Cor. G.1rlt St. nn,l"Imbnrk A\"e. SuIte H. ClJIrngo.pRINCESS: .", .ERNEST VON POSSARTGERMAN REPERTOIRE'....The American and Chinese cotlege:-fudcnt:; in Pekin recently formedThe American College Men's Club ofl"orth China. Re a loyal !tudent and subscnbe ,r T",. f'1ily �hr"('T!