·::;'If ,��_'.'- .: ,_-"_.-.', .. 1'\(-- ..,_-... ... ·tE.·�' '.T- "" Mtf:; ,li�IV�RSITY OF CHICAGO.1'H.URSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 19JI,,.r.iaroon basketball stock rose ap­l'reciab-ly ,last night in Bartlett whenthe: Yar�ity_ trimmed the Freshmen byan overwhelming score. The team '{ .t Pdivision. In the game played at Pur'No time trials were lu-Id, although h ... ...._ I I b; du�/ t �l,PIIU'T09ns.lost arge y ecauserk was taken wit h tile "I'e\V 'some wo.. t!J'ey,. started. working too late. Mostof shifrinz t11.:: men �.I) ':cover the<:0 of"tJt�:"scores made by Purdue wereweak spots iii the team revealed by in, th'k.start .of the game. The lastthe .first two meets. The meet at Tl, half score was 13 to II, showing how[inois will be decisive in the team's c\"eAl;,--the-- two' teams played. Pur­struggle' to get through the season due,...-.it .. i� .6g",,�d-. -is overconfident.with' a 'clean' shee-C'If the down-state This, added to the fact that the gameteam can be beaten upon t heir own is on the home floor. gives reasonabletrack there is little doubt of theirassurance that the contest will be atdefeat three weeks later on the Bart-lett floor.Illini Have Good Team.,There is no doubt that 'he orangeand, blue will be represented by astrong team this year, although' manyof last year's stars, including East..1:J3Dley, .Richie, Richards, Jones, -and-Washhurn have graduated. Herrickand Roheer are still on hand in thebalf. mile, while Barron from lastyear�s 1I1inois Freshman team willadd a great deal of strength to themiddle .distances. Murphy is still onband'in the pole-vault, and Morrill inthe ,high jump. The shot-puttingsquad indudes Springe, who tooktltird: in last year's Conference meet.The relay team has been strengthenedby many good 'men from the Fresh·TRACK:'WORK:1S BEGUN',FORL·MEET wnu ILLINIDJncto,.. stagg Retorns From bstand Gives Sq��d First BardWork of Week.ALL' MEl IN GOOD CONDmONllJ�ois Has Good Team to Send In­to Meet February IS-Hope to 'Yin.With the reappearance of Mr.�tagg yesterday, the track squad set­tled down to, business in hopes ofbeating Illinois February 19. The lastof the cripples, Will Kuh, was able tocon�e out and do some jogging. Hewill be in good condition hy t he timeman team. 'In the distances, Cope from theThe L'ni\,crsity !"tore at Prnceton�ys a dividend of 10 per ccnt. 1IAILWIRU;UlUOR ....,.T TELLERS SELEcim..FOR·· WRESTLEIS 11m _IN PAIIt' � _!:�-HElNK-. ELECTIONSy-Olmnow -� . GNES CONCERT TODAYPla7� 9verwbclm·Freshmen in.� Tcam of Fourteen in Vanous'We1lbtllco� Work-Out-Determined Selected to Open S"euoIl. in �rac'to'.J4iPt for Pawd_ Victory-Fresh- FiDU List of' Ciudiditll .... up tice Test ToDigbt in Bartlett--ma.-iD:Curtain Raieer. aDd SeDt tt Pitlter- Coaches HopefulLut,lftI1at.The: t:rst test of the season for theTWERS IECEIVi IIISIIUCTlONS �'l"ro()n wrestlers will come .tonight101 Bartlett when a team -of fourteenIrorn Ogden Park will meet the Uni-Council Makes Final Arrangements I'd The men wI'II'(.·r�ity cant 1 ates.for Annual Electiona-Bic Stu- wrcsrlc seven weights. ,the bouts' be-dent Vote Is Expected. ilit{ six minutes in length ·with an ad·ciitional six if necessary, Dr. Raycroft,· .. ill probably referee. Eight o'clock is�l'l for the opening. match.The chances for winning. the meetare abuut even. Most of the men whoarc entered in the beginners -class butas they will be pitted against begin­ners the matches should be. relativelyeven. The visiting, team, it is said;will hring about four. old men. Chi­cago has slightly over this number.Chicago is weak in the heavyweightsection none of the. men, who, are en­tercd i� this class weighing over 164pounds. The other weights are scat-.tcred From the lightest. 115 .pounds,�Iass,ficd as special,. to the heavydivision. Little is known ·of the OgdenI'ark team. Director Deloporte hasbeen coaching the men and his repu­tation gives assurance that the visi­tors will be well grounded in the ele­mcntary essentials. at least.Practice Meet.I ...f he ,'1.1 • ,. ,,� -Coach Kierstead. o. ..:....L.�� �<,--:-.7-M*;"e-Schumann.:Heink.�(juad said' y;sterdaY-: ''The match.with Ogden' Park is only a practice Shel will give a song program whichaffair scheduled to give the men.. ex-- is t�':hom-s'in length and containsperience. We hope to break even in 'thirleet; selections grouped in fo�rthe contest, The" Winning' team 'will -pa�;,be decided by the 'highest number of T�e!app'earan-ce of Madame Schu-. h match counting- "one- :lllari.n..?}leInk;"�at the University haspc:nts, eacpfJint. Prospects 'for a successful--sea- -, Gcc�si6tted �uch . a heavy demand for:,,0n arc good. \Ve' ha�' . several old seati; '1faat :,;the- - Unh'ersity Orchestra]men out and with these as a nucleous assokiatioiJL-:under whose auspices shefor the remammg squad of fifty, c('mb�lhas"b�n"hard pressed to sup'which is about the . largest we have pJy th�!\nntS':;The' entire house wase,oer had, Chicago should 'make' a sold! outrby; ·Tuesday and one hun'creditable showing against the other c!t-eci extra �hairs were pbr .. d on thecolleges. There wilt be several of 'sta�. Th�se are selling fast and willthese met:iS arranged. In April the 'pr�bly be gone by today at noon.big intercollegiate comes off in Bart- Thet 'are on sale in Col�h SA.lett. J n this meet. eight conference' ! LDt-S6eetionS in Engli'ih.teams will contend for' honors, Chi· ' The'':last. ·four· SGngs in this after­cago will have a man entered in each n't)o�'s"recital will' be sung in Eng·of the three divisions. lish.; They�are' all favorites of Mad·The Chicago men ·who are entered 'ame � Schumann-Heink. Mrs. Kather­in the meet tonight are: P. Lavery, irilt: Hoffman will' be the accompanist'36 pounds; H. 'B. Schick, 132; C. W. for the. singer.Sliefer. 113; A. P. Baa, 140; A. L. Program.Langhorst, 161; R. A: MItchell, 161; LMa\�rict' Markovitj',- 162; II:" W.' �rie ifrom·-the .Opera "Sopho, ... 0'Reese, 152; L. G. Seidenfeldt,; itS; L. II.e. Angel, 162; C. I. Madison� T64; c. ;�. �rio.o from the Opera "LcM. Houghland, 140; L. G."Donnelly. ; PrC'phete" Meyerbeer162: J. P. Rich, lSI; Clar�nce 'Primm: 'b: A!n� from"the Opera "Samsonalies: Delilah" Saint-Saensco' Sh� Song from the Op'. �t.· ''T�nnhauscr'' ..... \Vagnerd.' O· R��t -in- �the L0Td (Elijah) ..0...... ..... .. ..... :\IendclssohnIII.worked with noticeable' smoothness,tbe team combinations· working effec­tively.:Since the Indiana game the menhave been working with new determ­il:at� �,� down Purdue Friday night.The- coaches .realize that the game iscruci,al;,in that it offers the last op­portunity- for the Maroons to stop theBoilermaker's winning streak as wella!' boost themselves toward the frontleast even enough to result in a splen­did exhibition.of the game.. Bent-Mil)' . Get In.There may be a change in Chicago'sline.�,J�eU is fast-rounding into formafter that unfortunate illness and willbe '��·'�:,·J)Ut�up_:.a. hard fight .·fOl'--aplace. Fulkerson showed up stronglyia :th� ,,104P., game, and It is ,. expec­ted he will be retained at guard. Just JUNIORS.Clara AlleIL.Robert Baird.Ira Davenport.Orno Roberta.Adelaide Roe.Jacob Sampson.,Maynard SimoncL­William A. WarrlDer.;"SOPHOMOlfd. .Margaret Badenoch.:.Chestcr Bell..-Cora Hinkina.Donald Hollin& •• u ..... •Paul Hunte�George Kuh.Bessie Schumacl:ret�FRESHII£)f.�, ,Lconard Neighbour.Helene Pollak.. ,Derothea Waahbaru.,..Malllarct RhocIes.�Ernest Reichmann..The final list of candidates in to­morrow's _,,:oullcil elec�s ... been.rriade up and all questions.nf eligibilityhave been settled. Th�-'Iist as giventoday is the list that will .appear onthe· ballots, as the ban'ots' were sentwhere the=shakeap will come is notto the printer last evenillg • <-The ' listyet ·di!;cJosed. but the uncertainty has1,!0.---_'-Thee o fficet'to , Be 'Fal� &t M�This' MOniint:� .Sm,.Upox and scarlet fe\"er cases1t�ve been dis�o\'ered �t Mi�n�sota. 3rM" : ' .:.. Price Five Centsremains the same as yeaterday" al­- caused�' a new' activity among thethough there was some -queseion' dur­p�,.,..ing the day as to the eligibility ofTbe:Freshman team is scheduled tonled�tJaf1·Wut Side, Y. M. C. A. in a .. orne (If the ,candidates:�·The election will take place tomor­, cu� raiser. One game has alreadyrow' from eight to five' ,dclodc in thebeen played between the two teams,8-9:3o-WiJ.liam Merrialt. .... :Margaretl-J acCrackne� .'fl:3Q-I-R. E. Bnck-,W:·:P Harms.J1'12- .. Ruth Retickcr. Zillah Shep', �r<i.!2-I-Horacc Whitesift;- Wilhelm­·RYe 11m App!��b7 .Clabr'_" P 'ddn�', n y.HaDIIW&- iA8ain.' J' 2 :3('-- Morris Brigp. ...... Katherine,Ba��fleri,Earle, Callantine �ingteton.and APi»e1 were elccted to the execu- 2:.10-4- Elilzahethtive committee of the Merriam club ' WilJeH.R:.lO·c):.lCr --j. G. Van ·�di'en.'· Sus' EI(,(·ti(.n win be held for th� thrC'e:tnn� Fisher. '-"Iice'" ,...f the Pen duh at a 111e('t;n;1C;:.;C-II - I�. n )"Ilt n R()!;er ... :\Iary :I. Ie :30 l (;.1), in C· 1," .�.\. The nom' 'fi'Chaney. inations have been made ,by.a com-1I·12-X. L. Kenn�dy, Nat. Pfeffer. mittee and will be presented at tht'I.l-I-Eleanor Ahem;-- Dick Teich- 111('l'fing. A pre!;i�nt secretary.treas·Sc-nior.' ,c,lus ,pin� will be on sale graeber. urer• and historian are to be cho�en.te�day a�:the·infQrma'iot1 office .and in 1'2:3�Muriel nent, Ewa1tl·�Pietcct. :\n election to membership will proh.f"nstt'r. "fhe pins which arriv�d yes:- :2:30--,- Ruth \Vood; HaMid- Gifford. :thly he heM, and arrangement:-- �om.tuday ue gold C's inclo!"ing the class I'I('ted for the dinner to be Rivcn nextnumerals. Although but is pin!" wefe llr. Jordan is lccturing'lo the men W('t'K in honor of Georg� Fitch.{".rdered.. it i$ pr()bablc that, a ·re·order. of his uni\'{'rsity on the tOpic "The' Re_will ha"e to be gi"en when the pin:, lif:ion of a Sen!"ihle American:'- Thertl;egin to be generally worn. are se\'eral addresses �� �h� s�!i�s.:.at a meting held yesterday morningin Cobb...JA.--Witb-these new men- topush�dri-. .. - ther<work is cxpected toI)rogre�s still more rapidly.The' nature of the campaigning to'be., dOft· 'was explained to thc newme�r6tand ;plans for future opera'ta('ns discul'tSed. The attendance att he 'm�t"'R-we� . small ,but the- menwho did turn out were there for husi-ness.SE1HO�OIASl"'PINSII1\K� AftEARANCE�ON ··OAMPUS TODAY Farwell, FloydSOPHOIiORal:� ,8-9:3o-Unity Wilson, H. L. Baker.9:.10-1I-Hden Gross;- Hat'old Goet·tIer.1I'12-Vera Hutton, TODl'*Scofield.12-I-Josephine Kem.Dotl":B1'eed.1·2:.1o--Murit"1 Rent,-Ewald Pielch...!:.w· .. -Mona Quayle. H:4l�: Kramer.. FRESH .. " '.'': Win _rei' First Time Before UDi­yijiliJ ·Aucli.nce in Mandel �t4 O'clock.TO PRIIPt .. ·YARIF.D PROGRAMI!"obr " S��tioiis in English-RecordAu4ience- Expected-Extra SeatsInitalled in Mandel.Madame Schumann' Heink will make, her first appearance at t he Universitythis afternoon at 4 o'clock when sheappea� in Itfandel for a son� recital.dun's oilices in Cobb. Tellers wcrethe Freshmen winning out by a closeyesterday appointed and all arrange'score. The team is being worked hardraents ha,·e 6een, macte 'for-: the elec'by Coach Pat Page who expccts the. 'f It . I tion .•mell··ro -WID, .... - t ey conhnue' to p ayh . . . I '1 The list of tellers follOwa:,Fres man team IS runnmg t Ie ml e the pmc..-t1aat-&IIe¥--bave, put ,up in the' JUNIORS.and nullard "the two�mile. Both are recent contests. The Freshmen havenlen of ability. the latter having made no,. beea ',.beakn tbis year and ,:are10:23 in a tryout. I n the dash, Seiler � )<)oiced ()R as', one :-()f ,the strongestis perhaps the' strongest man, while' fives the University has had.Dillon, Merriman, and perhaps Ste,'-enson are running the hurdles.Chicago Stands Good Chances.Chicago �stands ' perhaps the bestchance ;f' winni�g on tI�e Illinoistrack .that it has had for years. Men­aul can be regarded as a sure thingin thc: shot put and as a strong com'�tito� for lir�t honors in the high·jump .. Da'''e.nport whe{e\"er hc is run,is a dangerous man, he already holdstbe Illinois track record in the quar­ter·mile, having beaten Lindberg'stime in his race last year. Earle isrtinning strongly in the quarter, andJ"iPlblin is strong in the half. In thed�sh, \\'ill Kuh. if he is right, looksr:llher ./l'ttcr than Sciler, and George)\uh. �rands a strong chance to winlhr hur-oles. J n the other events, Chi·cBgo seems sure of sOllle points. Themeet i� expected to' be vcry closelyc0I1.es��'(1 ;lnd mil}: 'pot he ded(led un'til the Irt cvent.-----_The �('niors in the La\\" :'fhool oftbe Uni\:rrsity 0-( '�t'hrn:,ka arc goingto w('ar mustaches. a. T�ibestre\t nrahm5I,. \Vir'" dazttmal Prochazkac. \V��m'it't1 H:l!l" HermanErl.'}{ocnig Sclll:hcrtIV.:I. When I Am Dead :\fy DC:lr("t................. " '" Chadwickb. t.igf,t 'M:lrion E. n:1t1crc. Cry'of P;khc.-l :"fary T. Salterd. Chiti1's l'raytr , .. ' ..... HarnIdGrren -canvas bag .. :Ire \1"ccl hy stu­dcntc;: at Han·:trd to pr('tcct hooksfrom rain or �now while g-nin� to andfrom classes.rt..I'. ",If'lIil,trI'If'!-:i"I't\ ,; :F.I(.k"�. 'i;'", � Tu Oalclal Student Publlc:ation of TbeUnlTerall)" of Ch1�Former17Tbe UnlTeraU7 of Chleaso Weekl7FoundedTh. Week17 •••••••••••• October 1. 1182Th. Dal17 •••••••••••••• October 1. 1802Publlabe4 Dal17. e:z:cept ::suno7 .. )(on­.. ,.. and' boUdal. durlDS three.QUArtera'of tlle Unlveraltl lear.Eutered u Second-clue mall at the Chi­c.so POltoalce. Chlcaao. llllDo... March!ai, 1908, under Act of March a, 1&18.THE STAFFN •. A. PFEJl1'°ER • • ...... lq Ed1&orB. .I. DALY • • Ne.. Edi&or.. .F. CARPENTER • AWeUe Bd.l&orBEN 1'0. NEWMAN _ BulDen ..... er�SOC1&TE EDITOBBW. J. �'oute B. 1.. Kenn1c:ottc, Y. l.'aylor K. W. .u.e..c. W. Hougbland D. 1.. BreedREPORTERSJ. K.Bt."eue M. U. StevenB. h'. DunhamEo 1.. Harrl.I". KurD.lJ. B. rul ..1.. StoiaW. Well maDHarry Cuw�r.M.:r. I!:uelowtie KaplauW. Lymans. L, SayreU. W. VIDlaakyWOllEN'S DEPARTMENT»arjorie am, Editor. fill:Uutll UeUcker, Asaociate EdltorREPOItTElUJAlma Llehty BULLETIN........ - .. _ , DAILY. ,. ,Subscriptions for Cap and Gown.Pen Club meeting today inCobb 3A. at 10:30 .Lower Junior Public Speaking con'test iD Mandel: at 10:30 today.Consular Service Club will meetiu C 7 at 2 p. m. today.Le Circle de Conversation Fran­c:aiae in room 8 Lexington at 4 p. m.today.Madame SChuman-Heink will givea song recital under the auspices ofthe University Orchestral Associa­tion in Mandel at 4:10 p. m., today.One hundred more tickets on sale.Indiana Club Dinner in the Com­mons cafe, this evening at 6:30 p. m.Religious Education Club meetingin Haskell at 8 p. m. Today.Billiard and Pool tourney today inReynolds club.ANNOUNCEMENTS •SUBSCRIPTION RATES :.-: :::. mons.Score Club dance Saturday after'noon in Rosalie hall.Swimming Contest between N orth,�,\'estern and Chicago in Bartlett 8�eW8 cootrlbutioDB ma1' be lett at Bl-·- "P rn, Saturday.11. Hull or �Ouculty E:r.chan&e, addressed.tu 'i'he Dully Maroon Reynolds Club informal Saturday.Freshman Cla5S Picture will beily Carricr, �2.UO per year; $1.00 per qL'':'t.:lty mufl, �1.25 per cluarter; $3.00 per ..year In advance,With Yale's abandonment of theetcctjvc system in favor of the taken Friday in front of Kent a'10:30 a. m."group" system, more RACE IN BOWLING LEAGUEmomentum has been NARROWING DOWN FASTadded to the move- Phi Delta Theta Left as Champion inone Division-Ready Soon forSemi-Finals.The ElectiveSystemment that been goingnil tor years. The pure elective sys­tem has not justified itself. It has notcome up to expectations and at Chi­cago, as well as other universities,has not been entirely satisfactory. Phi Delta Theta won the champion·ship of its division in the prelimin­aries of the bowling tournament lastnight by defeatng Phi Kappa Psi in\Vhile the system here is not pure­ two games out of three rolled. TheIy elective, since there is much re­ �Gntest has been protested, and was. quired work, nevertheless there is a rolled over last night.little too much freedom in the selec- The first game was incomplete, on­tion of .courses, The elective system iy four men rolling for Phi Kapparests upon two fundamental as sump- Psi, but it has been practically wonby the Phi Psi's, as their four mentions: first, that the student has reach- rolled up a total of 631 pins againsted the stage of maturity at which he &)0 for Phi Delta Theta. The secondis capable of deciding what cours­es will best help him in his life work;second, that every student is providedwith helpful, personal advice to as­sist him in the pursuance of his Uni­versity career.Little argument is necessary toshow that these assumptions are fan-ciful, Experience shows the averageFreshman or Sophomore---or for thatmatter, the average Senior---either hasnot chosen his vocation or does notknow what courses will increase hisefficiency in that vocation, if he hasmade his choice. As to the matter o(;!(i\'icc, it is quite true that we have':I..'a11S, It is also true that we have one(It,'an and scveral hundred students:1I1c1 that that dcan is supposed, to be.:1111ong other things, adviser, admini­qrator, clcrk� instructor, and scholar-and all for princely remunerationI 1Ia! wcnld cause a semi-annual strikejll the building trades. A student J 4 years old entered thethe features of the last, two games, L'niversity of Minnesota this fall.his run of eight strikes being of ma-terial help in piling up the totals for Faculty spelling matches are heldPhi Delta Theta. among the faculty of Missouri uni·This contest is the last of the pre' \,crsity.liminaries. Delta Kappa Epsilon, byit's defeat of Delta Tau Delta in threegames won the leadership in the sec­ond division. Alpha Tau Omega andAlpha Delta Phi are the leaders intheir division!', while Phi Delta Thetaheads the list in the fourth.and third games went to the ·PhiDt:lt� by scores of 800 to 711 and 851to 820. The rolling of McManus wasGLOVES• Ask for the belt and seehow quick they1. briacyo..FOWNES .�J. C. VEEDER CO,(Not Inc.)PRINTER.OP'.' .II·V;&RVTHING·915 East 63rd StreetNcat Drexel Avenue.Telephone Hyde Park 12J3TAKE ANYOUT-DOOR SPORT·Don't you feel there wouldbe greater enjoyment inthe game II you could see.. sUy aDa' "more clearlythan now ?: Perhaps yourvision couldn't be im­proved. There's _ti_c­tlon in bowing that. Par­haps tinted len... are tobe worn only during out­door life to protect yourayes and prevent tho_"haadacheL"N. Watry \;l Co.OP'l'ICIANS.99-101 Randolph StreetA G,A I IfOur SemLAnnual SpecialBlue, Black and GraySerce or .'Cheviot Suit,with extra Trouscn ofsame or Outing material530.00�TaDel' for yo� 11_Two Sto,..: 131 La Salle ItI'Ht.44 Jackson Boulevard.NEWS OF THB COLLEOUThe Minnesota Daily is advocatingthl' installation of ice hockey as an in-ie. rcotlegiate sport.The baseball team of the Universityof Wisconsin may take a trip throughthe South this spring.Thc Senior engineersaat Minnesota;ore constructing a 35 horse·power;lcroplane.Two hundred track men at Cornelltendered a banque� to the winningcross country team lately........---A club for the promotion of wire-less telegraphy has been formed atHarvard lately. 7KCHIS11ARepeating Shorg aasUSED'IN THE U ••• a.MY.The.U. S. Annyauthoritiea bow. canitbat-­is why, when they decided to equip eome troopswith repeating shotguns, they aelected tho WiJ:)�·ch-e-atcr in preference to aU other mak... Theexperts of the U. S. Ordnance Board also bao..: gun'; that's why, after submittinc • wincheS- .tcr Repeating Shotgun to aU aorta of teata, theypronounced i,t safe, sure, stroag and sWlpIe. Ifyou want a ahotgun-bU7' the ODe whosestrength and reliability led the U. 8. Arm,authorities to select it and the U. 8. OrdDance'Board to endorse it-thd. the Wine .........RELIABLE REPEATERSWhat the New York Life Did in 1910WITII EACH DOLLAR OF CASH INCOME.I'uld to Agents 4 ceDtsPaid for Death Claims. 22 cents FOl- Brancb Oalce e:r.penae8, ApDeJPaid to Living Polley Holtlers 28· cents Supt'rvlsloo aod Medical la-Set aside for Reserve and Dlvl- spectlon • ceDtsdend. • • 40 cents .·or Admlniatratlon and laTest·ment E:r.pen8H 2 ceDtsTotal 90 cell ts l<'or Insurance Dept. Tax .. , LI·cense 1 eeatTotul 10 celttaIf IDteftSted, for further - Information, .rlte, eaU .r .......A. 1. JACOBSON,' General Agent.:500 Nr. York Life Bide. 111 La Salle St.THE DIAMOND' PEN POINT CO.New York..Thf! F ouritain Penwith a Guarantee-­The Diamond Point_' .A yearly guarantee certificate· 'acconipanies each and everyone of our Fountain Pens.'The Safety Clip that accompanies our pen is one of thebest made. I t will keep you from losing your pen.,"THE LITTLE BOOK SHOP55TH STREET, NEAR· LEXINGTONDO YOU EAT?If so, why not at theUNIVERSITY COMMONSThe best in the city for the price.All 'things in season.THO.PSONS LUNCH 8.0.The best lunches in \Voodlawn are servedin a very appetizing and hy'tienic manner atTHOMPSONS LUNCH ROOM808 EAST SIXTY.THIRD 5THnB. • 107'&1 ltudent and lablcn'" ior The Daily Karoo&�lIFTON 00�WFTOft, Zt iL.... BEDFORD, Zi iLlaiPARi{OW'NOtch. COLLARSSit bnusdy to the neck, the tops meet14 front and there is ample spacefoe the cravat.lSc: •• 2for25c.'-:luett.PC-.lh<KJy& Co .• MilkedThis Ad. Is Goodlor 51.00'CUT THIS OUT.1 his Coupon will not be publish-ed after February 18, 191 I.I f your Piano does not need turn­ing now, save the coupon, as wewill honor it. if presented within1 months of above date.Call U� up and we willsend one of our expertPiano Tuners. who .will ac­cept tbis coupon rrs $ 1.00discount. The regular priceis $2.5C.This is a bona fide offer.This Ad. must be presented,if you desire the reductionLouis LowenthalPiano{tl�at please.712 West· Madison StreetTel�pho#. �onroe 2517., - :;,: ....WE ALSO:�iiENT PIANOS.. . --.:.,., ;;:c_,...-=j.:" � ., -: ...01'. '.Heat �!?gulatioD�':' -,,-Tbe Jolmso�eumatic System�-: ..Tbe Recognized Standard" � - �<-Installed in the University of Chi­cago Buildings,Complete Systems Ior all Methodsof Heating.:1�":Steam' Control of Humidity ..Reducing: Valves for Air, Water.>Hot Water'?Tank Regulators,Johnson Service Co.H .• W. ELl..IS, Mgr.Chicago Office, 93 Lake StreetFrench MethodHand LaundryI r 46 E. 63rd Street.Pbone H. P. 6 r I 3.,Our 18 years of experience inthe laundry trade is the benefitgiven to our customers. .Our agent, P. A. Soochman, willwI and deliver your laundry freeof charge.Mendine and darning Free.A1I the news of the campusiD The Daily Maroon. Work on the W. A. A. play for theni� ht of the 24th is going 'on to theentire satisfaction of coaches andcommittees in charge. Almost everyafternoon since the' selection of thecast has been given to drili of thechoruses and speaking parts and thelast week of practice will he evenmore strenuous.The play is a farce from start tofinish and the characters are showingup exceptionally well in their take­offs on Lexington gymnasium land­marks. The two Chicago songs intro­duced in the basketball game at theend of the play are expected by theLexington gymnasts to be taking(. nough to add to the standard listof Chicago songs.Neither iscenery or orchestra hasbeen definitely decided upon. Kather­inc Johns, has been appointed ward­robe mistress with Mrs. Small as as­sistant to attend to the costuming ofthe choruses in fancy dress. The cos­tumes as well as the other accessories'Jf the play will be unusually elab­orate."The play is decidedly the best thathas ever been given by the W. A. A.said Gerturde Perry, general chair­man, yesterday. "We are pleased withthe work of the girls in the cast andtheir enthusiasm. It can't help be­ing a success." ... '.Noble B. SoperHarrison .. 06151.0553.25$3.50SHIPPED ANYWHERE One Ye&rGuarutee CertllicateDiamond PointFountain Pen.Every pen made by_ i8 pamatMdto &ive abaolute .. tiafactOI7 Mnlcein eyer" pa�cular.In eyent of any cUaadafacdoDwithio one year from date ef pucIIuethis certificate entitlca Y01l to ntamthis pen to us with your name. ad­dres. and description of die troabJe,and we will either give 70- a DeWpen or adjust yours so .. to Ii •• ab.solute satisfaction.DIAMOND POINT PEN CO.Signed ..........•.....•. Dealerflate sold ........ _ ....... 191 ••Geo. F. Ivin., Mar.Save this certificate-it ia TOur pensatisfaction insurmce.FRESHMEN PICK SIDEFOR CLASH WITH SOPHSChoose Affirmative on Waterway De­bate- ·Both Teams Predict Vic­tory-Rivalry Keen.The Freshman debating team hasselected 'the �ffi�mative side of thequestion submitted by the S_�pho­mores for the inter' class debate 'to beheld March 4- '; :The question to be' debated is "Re­solved, That a fourteen-foot wateiwayshould be constructed from LakeMichigan to the Gulf of Mexico." Tbe.Sophomores will be represented. byWalt-er H. Smith, Merl 'V. Reese, andMartin D. Stevers. The Freshmanteam consists of Earle Shilton, Oak­ley Morton. and Chester Dunham.Considerable class rivalry is result­ing from the approach of the debate.The two classes plan to attend .thedebate in force to Cheer their respect­ive teams to victory. The debate wiIlbe held in Mandel hall. So far, nojudges have been selected. Two liststhat have been submitted by the So­phomores have been rejected, theFreshmen finding in each what theyconsidered justifiable assumption thatthe Sophomores were trying to "slipsomething over" on them. The twoteams are representative of the bestmaterial in the class and an excitingcontest is assured.CLUB TOURNAMENTBEGINS AT THREETBIS AFTERNOON WHAT IT MEANS,. American Factory Rebuilt" means a cJa. .. typewriters. such ••no other concern does or caD rebuild L'I we It fa an identifyinc termused to distincuiah our machble. &om pwat ma .. of typewritezawhich are offered under the DUDe " ReIt.ot."It means that if �01l bay _ -Am.t.caa Reb.ot Typewriter" o( anymake, yeu wiD let a FACTORY n1;ailt 1IIadUD .. rebuilt with newparts; not one that baa heeD mapl7 repaired .d b.d 11ft in an ordi­nary shop. but one equal to new iD mechaldcal qality.We guarantee every machine we sell for ON year, aDd al.o gUAr_anree tbe title.GDAUNTED HOSE$1.50 to sa.OOTRODSERS$1.50 to $7.50FULL DRESSSHIRTS and VESTS$1.25 to 14.50THE ABOVE CERTIFICATEGOES WITH EACH PEN SOLDBY US. IT SHOWS THE COMPI­DENCE WE HAVE IN OURPENS.TWO DOLLARS UPDIAMOND POINT PEN CO.H�w York.Largest Mnfs. in the United Statel.TAlLO.175 Dearbom Street. Cera_ MearoeSecond Floor. T"_ho.e Central 8444American WrItIng MaC/line Co.The Original Typewriter Excbuae319 DearbornThe Reynolds club hilliard and pooltourney opens today at .1 o'clock, Thecontest promises to be a lively one.a� the entries are large and the handi·caps fairly allotted. The plan of div­isioDI as operated in the bow lin,tournament wilJ be carried out in thebilliard and pool contests.Ce-rtain Chinese undergraduates atthe Universuy of \\rashington haveset aside January 30, according to theOccidental calandar, as a day to cutoft their Queues. A big celebration isto be given the public and officialundergraduate hair cut. SILVERMAN � SON1 f 25 East es« StreetNear Lexincton.SPECIAL SALEso DOZ. $1.50 and $2.00 LION SHIRTS at$3.50. $4.00 and '4-50 DOUGLAS SHOES 'at�:. c and S�.("() FLORSHEIM SHOES atF.�. BAKERMEN'S GOODS EXCLUSIVELY.Open Evenings. Madison Avenue and 63rd St Jewelry Department.,FOR A GOOD LUNCHEON OR DINNERGo to 1015 E. 81d at.NEAR ·ELLIS AVENUE.Luncheon, 11:30 A. M.i2:30 �. ".Dinner, 5:00 P. II,. 7:30 P. iI.. 25 Cents.A. G. SPALDING & BROS.THESPALDING re the largesManufacturers.n the world ofOFFICIAL. EQUIPMENT... is known throu­ for all Athleticghout the worldas a Sporta andGuarantee of Putimea.', .Quality.IF YOU are interested in athletic sport. you should have acopy of the Spalding CatalougueI·'s a complete encyclopedia ofwhat's new in' sports, and is sentCs ee on request.A.. G. SPALl)IlfG .. ··BRAI.147 WabasH Aye� OJdc8g0.·� "Chocolates, Bon BOilSUnequaled FountaiD ..Drinks.ORDERS FILLED BY PHONET 59 State St. 184 Michipn Ave.119 La Salle Street.I PLAiN BATHSi5�Barber Shop 8ara,- lIot.lI Open. Dq ... JIIPt.161 Dearbom atnet.A. McADAMSTHEStudenfs norist�3rd St. and I.imbark AYe.Pho.e H. P. II�L.MANESSI�.., OPTICIANESTAlUSRED ...sa "�a:hon �t. Tr:b.,.-:. BId;.Eyes. glasses and spectacles scientifically fitted and adjusted. Ex­amination Free of charce.Ask to svc the New Idea Mounting"THE �LY ,KA�OQN .TH��PAV" F�BJnIA�Y,g.._ t�L .• 't •• �.. • _ .. • • •.•• ,t ••. ,�.. • .'"GIVE SKETCH OF COLLEGE .. CAREER OF MR. MERRIAM-,'. __JUNI.Q8 ANp SERIOR .TEAII&�·· .­.TQ BE CHOQ:H NEXT WEE�WILLIAM GILLETTEILL.. JN... ,.OIS.�. -"'-'-'�;:'.;;:---. Evening POSt Has Interesting CoUec- '$q,uads Show promising Material-ticu� of Annecdotea of Early Life Will Ha�e Info.� .. DiDu.er inof Candidate for Mayor. . LGinitOaa :Toiiiaht.··COLONIALVictor MooreinThe New Musical Pla7"THE HAPPIEST NIGHT 01' HI.;LIFE:'REPERTOIREEl\4PRESS "_,.. ... � er.w. An. , ... -.., 'IIFoaDaIy the T Iftdt -�. ;D!1ediaD s.aam. & Coa.idine. L I. MODIape. �The Eminent Legitimate Panrite .IOUI. MU,T'ER.�In an Origin:tl Comed,. PIa,.let,"JUST DOROTHY"By Byron Ongley, ' .2 Sbow.Nithtly. Daily MrtiD •••1000 Re .. "," S_ta at 10 .... 20 ceata6-Oaptivating Feature Acts-6',kr B�ACKSTONE; ..DAVID BELASCO'..')re&entsDAVID WARFIELD-IN-The Return of Peter Grimm' .. LVRICGRACE GEORGE-IN-'l'r ,SAUCE FOR THE GOOSEPOVVERSFRANCIS WILSON-IN-"THE BACHELOR'S BABY"GA�RICKForbea--Robertaon ia"THE PASSING OF THETHIRD FLOOR BACK'O�ANDMargaret AnaJinGREEN STOCKIHG�:-STUDEBAKERDOUGLAS FAIRBANKS,-IN-THE CUBCORTComedy Ten StrikeHenry W. SavaCe O�eraHenry Kolker in"THE GREAT NAIIK"LA SALLETHE GIRL I LOVE"The Best Comic Opera in the,City."WHITNEYHenry B, HarrispresentsHelen Ware inTHE DESERTERSMcVICKERS.THE ROUND UP,.. In an interesting character sketch ofAssociate Professor Merriam pub'li ... lied in last night's Evening Post,t Lac are some anecdotes of Mr.Merrlau.'s collegiate career. The arti- Many women are candidates for posi;cle also tells of Mr. Merriam's early -tions and some unusually good mater'ial is to be found in the classes. Can-loo)iti�ai career in Iowa and of the\',"l,rl� in Chicago that has led him to didates for th� Senior team for for­t he candidacy for the oftice uf mayor(If Chicago,The art iele in part folluws:. '\t an intt.·rcollcgiate truck meethcl-I in Iowa :,C1IllC time back, thc los'ill� contcs tant in a foot race protes­ted thc decision, alleging that thewinner had tripped him. Thc judgeshoard the evidence, then threw outthe claims of the contestant and re­afhrrucd their award of the victory toEd Merriam. That was among thevictor's earliest triumphs, but it wasnot the last time he heard the cryfrom the victim of his fleetness or his position are: Josephine Kern, Virgin­;a I Iinkins, Augusta Swawite, EvaGoldstein, Effie Shambaugh, FlorenceF�irlcigh. and Edna Bell; for guards:Mildred Moore, Louise Thornbury,Lillian Swawite, Myra Paine,. Mar'guerite Watson, Lynne Sullivan,Phoebe CJ.over, Susanna Fisher, andMarjorie Miller; and for center: AnnaColeman, Edith Bradley, Helen Ma-gee, Cornelia Beall, Letitia Fyffe andSusanna Fisher.Tonight .at6:30 in Lexington Com'mons all ol..the women playing bask­etball will be guests at an informaldinner. This will be perhaps the lasttime that all the women, will be to- : St�u .. BldK., third floor.gcther since' after the selecting of the. .in our midst today.team the classes ,. will be entirely re-But whether it was Ed or Charles, organizd.he was fleet of foot. He held the rec-wit, "he tripped me."Now Ed Merriam and AldermanCharles Edward Merriam are one andthe same person. He was 'called Ed inthose days because his' father's namewas Charles, and it avoided confus­ir-n, Later, after he had taken specialcourses at several universities, andhad accumulated a fine assortment ofdegrees, he exercised his prerogativeof handling his name by the frontend, which is the way' it is identifiedord in Iowa at one time for a 50-yard dash and for a roo-yard dash.Anyone making a book of the eventsscheduled to take place here on Feb.28 might do well to note that fact.He is a swift one, Old-line politiciansuse a good many dashes in publishingtheir commentaries on the aldermanand his activities, but to win 50 and100 yard dashes one must be a run­ner. Get that? A runner. And it won'tdo, if you have erred in forming yourjudgement, to say he tripped you.From the esteemed sporting editorit has been learned that a prerequis­it to a successful career as a sprint­er is ability to start with the crack ofthe pistol. Before that, certainly,t here must have been a period ofconsjst cnt training. Then, having got­ten off with the right foot, one must»avc his wind for the final spurt. Inthese things Mr. Merriam admittedlyis an adept.WILL SING GLORIES OFHOOSIER STATE TONIG�TIndiana Club Will Give Banquet To­night to John T. McCutcheon andWilbur Nesbit.John T. McCutcheon and WilburJ J, Nesbit will be the guests of honorat a dinner of the Indiana club to­night at 6:30 o'clock in the privatedining room of the Commons.President Whiting said yestcrday':"\V e have been compclled to post­pone the dinner owing to the facttl.at �Ir. McCutcheon has been ill, butb� has promised to be with us this('\'('ning, He has been under the doc­tc,r's care fnr the past week and wasdoubtful whethcr or not he could ad,oress us, but has fortunately recov·'Cred. \Vilhur D. Kcsbit, the humorist,will hetp I:'ivc the occasion Indianaatmosphere, \Ve want every former,or present resident of Indiana to bewith Ul! to help give these men a w�t.come and to help "boost" the club."Football b.as been abolishtll ;UGtorB� W.slUa�op �i�ty. Choice of the. Senior and Juniorbasketball teams, which will play forthe championship during .. this .quarterwill be made the first of next week.wards arc: Laura Verhoven, Louisekobinson, Mary Chaney, Zillah Shep­her d ; for guards; Rose Marie Moore,) rene Hast ings Harriet Sagar, Dor­othy Hinman, Jeanette: McKenu, JaneGraff and Edith Love. Margaret Sui'livan, Zillah Shepherd and ElizabethH alsey arc trying out for center,The Junior candidates for forwardLacrosse . is being abandoned atColumbia, OIi account of Jack of inter­est on "he pa�t of undergraduates. .If you arenot in linewith a dresssuit, get inline. for thePROM.1528 � �1-! sr.,Arb ad CnftaLG .....THK I'LAcr TO BUY YOUR ClFBRates--Th�e� Unn for �S ceatL·Sis worda to the line.Five inac rtion." the price of four.No advertiaemmt taken for leuthan 2S cent..eaah mult accom�J. order., .... '�:�:':!:�_;L�_: ...."f!!!.!;.�.,�---'��:�.;:-�. '�l-:s.hscriptiODJ for Cap and �WD AD Day')Be in the firlt 2001Yo, may draw one of the 8 FreeJJeob:.Remember. the·Faculty has order�,�Um.fed Su.ser.pflo ........... �A 0 Small Number. Lett .They Are freeU Have you noticed the beautiful. poster in colors �, in the ���of THE DAILY MAROON? It is'th work of Coles Phillip •• on�.of,.America's greatest painters of beaut Iul women. This particularposter is one of his best studies. It will brighten up any, rOOllL1r Ask Mr. B. F. Newman, the Busir ess Manager of ,our coUec.·;daily for a card which will entitle you to one of these poaten' AB·SOLUTELY FREE OF COST.�ohn Verhoeff &1 �O·'·'�, '.� ...---TAILORS---Clark and lladi80n StreetThe originators of theStraw and very Mild.YOU CANNOT JUta Connoisseur of Turkish Ciga-.rettes until you have smoked.�tD.NDAX EXTItJtCLUB SIZEI Package of 5 Cigarettes for 15.:-,_Manufactured byf. A •. CONDAX & CO.We ca� .a ... C:9mplete line of StetsonHat:&-Ha.ts of Distinction,and CharacterTHE IMPERVIOUS $3.00is �e Hat, �ey are aU raving about. �::·;l;···::.::.. '",POST CARDS,- Latest. novelties, Comics, Mottoes, etc. Beat C:it7.."Park and. UDiveraity Vi� 10 for S eta.VALENTIES � Art Mottoes, Hand Painted placque., �oi��. �oaq�, ,new 1911 Novelties.STATIONERY. for SchOOl House and Office MaKoinea, Boob,Sheet, 1I...u:, Sporting Goods, Cigars and Tobacco.THE STAB. LIBUlty, ,361 Fast 63nt Stree�.MEDICAL SERVICE'1' .... 434$ R. P. ... 'I'�I. R2D4 R. P T .. I. It. 1'.4:l"�. ReS. 'Tel' Oa't 192.'OBO. W. I. JlMWJf D.I'rnf'tlf'e limited to d of u..KYE. NOS. Al'D ,'I'a��·Ihu1'l'I: n to 12 ft. ID., 2 to G p. m •.r.\"f'ntnJn' nnd Handa,.. by appolatmeat.'lmN'. �l1tt(' 14. 1230 B. a",,: si.· N. w:f'or. Klmharll: Aft.. OlNto-»& BJlO.T 11. LO'rT8� .. � , .. � .,.DBl(TISTom<-e ,_. W. Cor. s.'1'd St. "ndK�harll: Ave. Salte 14. Cblcngo.����ONtZE MAROON ADVERTISERS. !i, .,_'