"I··· "�*�rn-···. ···�·,·v�uVQI. IX. No. �I: � . ' . '.U x I \ El{SITY OF CHICAGO. �A:rl:1RDA 'Y. FEBRUARY 4, 1911. Price Fiye CeitbIMAaOONSV�HOOSmRSiN BARTLEIT TONIGHTGblGQO Basketball Five Out to MakeU, ftr Former Defeat at Bandsof Indiana.UPiti CLOSE AND HARD GAMEJsell'Will Be Out of Game-Fresh­men P�ay 'Northwestern 1914 inCurtain Raiser.The MarJons meet Indiana tonightin Bartlet: in the second home game(If the season. The team docs notpredict a victory but is determinedto put up Chicago's best and hopesto win. The men are in good condi­tion.' better in fact than they havebeen in the last few games, and werecoach\!d thoroughly all week in prep­aration for t he con test. I ndiana heldPurdue to a two point victory lastTuesday. I f the Maroons are ableto gel together in form, the resultof the game may determine whetherthe' Maroons will rank among theleaders in the conference race.Purdue Looks Like Champion.Purdue's victory over Indiana prac­tically clinches the championshipsince they have met and defeated ev­ery conference team, except Minn­esota and iowa. But the teams are�ghting it out for standing and none(If the games will lose in excitementbecause of that fact. Chicago's chan­ces to land well up are good, if Indi­ana can be defeated.Reports from Bloomington showthe Hoosiers to be in fine shape andanxious to win their second victoryover Chicago. Captain Hipskind's'men' feel that the score in the firstgame was so decisive that the victorycan easily be duplicated. The Ma­roons, however, are out for revenge.The team will 'be without the ser­vices of . Be 11, the Sophomore guard.who has', been ill for the past twoweeks. Fulkerson will take his place.The other positions will be filled bythe same men who have been appearing in the games all season; Sauerand Gol(btein at forwards, 'Goettlerat center, and Paine at guard.Freshmen Play Northwestern.In addition to the Varsity contest,the Freshmen team will play in thefirst regttlar game on the homcfloor. �6rthwestern will furnish theopposition. The Purple first year menwere decisively defeated by the Ma­roons earher in the season but haveimproved considerably since then andlook to tnrn the tables. A f:l5t gameshould r��\:ll. The team will line upa� follows:Molander and Norgren, forwards;Pollak, ccnter; Woods and Scruby,guards.A large crowd of rooters is expect­tc! to attcI1<.1. Scats have been erected10 accomndate scveral ll\�ndfl·d.Print Picture of Dean Vincent.The ir. 'nt�picce of til e l,c\'iew ofRl\'icw� i:o. a photngraph pf DeanVincent. alld the announcement of hi:­election !n the presidency of the Un i­"trsity (Ii Minnesota. Under the pi\�­ture b �h ell_ a brief account of DeanVincent's career and the nature ofthe office which 'he is to assume.At \\"e1lc:,ley more than 600 stu­dc:nts ha',e hten enrolled in the com­PUlsory :;.p:lIing courscs for dc1in­�uenc�' in this branch of English. SHOW JAPAN VIEWS AT SMOKERPictures of Baseball Trip Feature atReynolds Club Smoker Last night­Amateurs Fail to Show Up andPrizes are Forfeited. CHICAGO WINS' buALMEET iY BI� StOREDaveDport .n4 Menam' StU'ID Pur­due IDdoor lleet - Soore Is S9to 36.Reynolds club members gatheredon tht= �hird floor last night whereamid clouds of nicotine incense they\, .. n nessed the joys of the Reynoldsclub semi-quarterly smoker. Thechid attraction. aside from thesmokes, was the vaudeville bill of(iJ.:'ht acts. Every act except twowhich were not there, was up to theusual standard and brought forth loudrpplause and many encores.The headliner of the program wasthe stereopticon views of the baseballteam while on the way to, and snif­fing the cherry blossom perfumed at­mosphere of Japan. The members ofthe team were shown frolicing onshipboard. "rubbernecking" in Tokio,<lining in Japanese homes, and riding011 to the field in rikshas amid the'banzais of the multitude. "Professor" Purdue; Earle, Chicago, second; Kes-sler, Purdue, third. Time-:04 4-5.Frank Collings, in a witty speech, ex-40 yard hurdles-Won by Richards,plained the picjures as they werethrown on the canvas. I'urdue ; G. Kuh, Chicago, second,Q F '1 Sh U Whiting, Chicago, third. Time :05-uarter ai s to ow p.Owing to the illness, or some other 2-5·ll!disposal, the Reynolds Club Harm- 220 yard dash-\Von by Davenport,� ny Quartet failed to appear for their Chicago; Earle, Chicago, second;acts, labelled ;<A" and ··D." To make Kessler, Purdue. third. Time-:25up for the omission the assembled flat.smokers ground out a few barber 440 yard dash-Won by Davenport,shop chords themselves. Chicago; Skinner, Chicago second;To the great sorrow of the crowd Gifford, Chicago, third. Tiiri�:5S r5.no amateurs offered themselves up �80 yard nlD�Wasson, Purdue,fer the sake of winning the reward first; Cleveland, PUrdue, second;offered the amateur act which es- Long, Chicago, third. Time-4:50 2-5.caped the hook by the widest mar' Two mile-\Von by Carpenter. Chi­gin.· By the unanimous vote of the cago; Goss, Purdue, second; Wood,judges the box of ten-cent cigars of- Purdue, third. Time-Io:42 2-5.fered as a prize was forfeited to Os· High jump=-Menaul, Chicago, first;car and _ Alexander who so kindly Saylor, Purdue, second; Leaning,passed the smokes throughout the Furdue. and Evans, Purdue, tied forevening. third. Height-5-7.Opened by Mysterious Act. Shot-Menaul, Chicago. first; Stock-The shew.was opened by Comer, ton, Purdue, second; Young, Chica­the Mysterious Mystic, who put on a go. third. Distance-c-as feet 3 inches.magic act, the cleverness of which Pole vault-Rogers. Chicago. first;brought _ forth repeated applause and Ganna, Purdue, and Coyle. Chicago,encores. Also, Don Hollingsworth tied for second. Height-e-rr feet 3hurried oyer from winning the back- inches.stroke at the swimming meet and Relay-Won by Chicago.' Kuh, Gif­tctertained with a blackface mono- fenl, Earle, and Davenport. Time­logue stunt announced on the pro' 1:52 2-5.gram as "B1ack Beauty." Chicago: Loses Swimming' Meet."A Bloody Broadsword Battle," be' ---,...-- work in support of Associate Profes- ;..._.._Three Bartlett Records Smashed sor Merriam's candidacy today. A call 'Petitions for Recla."l8ificatioli-WnfB.Last Night-Polo Game to Chi- has been issued for volunteers to can' Recay� ,_l!.�tn Tu�sday��O�-cago by 4 to 3 Score. \ ass one of the precincts in this ward iutiona by Petition Received.this afternoon. Those who wish totween McCauley and Vollmer, and awrestling bout, Easton '\"s. DeGraw.lilie,i out the program. The broad­swcrd bout went to McCauley whotlTst �ained the necessary clevenpoints while his opponent was rollingup .!ight. The wrestling bout was de-. clared a elraw after two lightweightshad wrestled a six and a three minutebout.Vniverc;.ity authorities at Virginia::re takin� radical measurcs to pre'Hilt the !'pr('ad nf the contagiou!'!.ink-cye. The !a�t time this diseasegot a start there many student!' failedin le��ons nn account of it. The cam'i'ai:�n i� hast'd nn the idea of makin.'PI·hlic the nature of the (Ii:,ease andl1a met1wds by which it is transmitt:1hle.Yale h:i" lo�t ten fonthal1 men thi�:- c:ar hy graduation. l1an'ard six, andPrinceton two.Cincinnati univcr"ity wa:: recentlyadmitted to the membership of theOhio Athietic confercnc�. MAROONS LOSE SWIMMING MEETLafayette, Ind., Feb. 3, 1911.\ Special to The Daily Maroon.)Chicago won the dual track meetwith Purdue held here tonight by thescore of 59 to 36.The Maroons won seven firsts outof ten events and won the relay.Da venport and Menaul shared in in-ividualfirsts. honors, each winning two WANT MERIUAMWOiKERsToDAY- -Student Volunteers to Canvass Uni-versity Ward Today Under' Direc:­tion of Assistant Professor Mallo'cy- Urge Students to Get Registered.Members uf the Merriam club willget their tirst opportunity to do some ...;: ... _ " ...... :.: ri· ... ··"- ,.. ..... •tOUNClL, CANDIDAiES.NAMED AT MEmNCS'.... 1IIiDIUti Cuc1ititei'fw' fUi_!4.-. .... terGOaDcU .: smtit:·KeP-'HMIlUtivei' Continue lli lHIlGi. --,lLimoifs', COME lEIi ,.,y"JUNIORS.Robert B8i�cl. ' 'Ira Davenport.Omo Roberts.Adelaide Roe.John Sampson.Maynard SiDionci.. SOPHOMORES.Margare� 'Badenoch.Cheater Bell.Cora Hinkins.Donald Hollingsworth.�'Paul: Htutter.George Kbh.Besaie" ·SchUmacher.Sanford Sellers..- FRESHMEN.Leenard Meighbo'ur.Helene PoUak. .Ma'rguerite Rhodes.Ernest Reichmann .Dorothea 'Washburne.The' above were 'the" cai1aidcit'es .nimed yesterday morning 'ai)he ctass "".meetings. The elections for' the c:o�- .-cit' wiil�tik;�pi��� - d'�xt. Frida�" Most-of th� -candidates' we�e ;nomiri�t�d '�tthe :intr.ting�' in' the' regular risliio�.:\ :fe�' names \ were' added by petition_fter� the meeting' of the couii�ir'ye's-'terday : 'afternoon. 'Gorge Kuh" '�hciSa�ford· .: 'Sellers, 'Sophomores. ,vere.nominated 'iIi this inanner.!IPetitio�s'. for' nomination property made 'out,'will be: receiv�d; by the 'courl1:iI'" fo� ,. consideration, up to' Tuesday' 'nig1tt.':The names of Alice Lee Herrick and,W. Sterling -Maxwell were_"dropp�db) 'the council from' the' list of caridi-'dates' from the J unio� and Fl'esnma�da�se; 'respectivdy. oWing! to � the,fact that: neither was properly 'clas·sifi�d.The Summary..to yard dash-Won by Hoffman, work for a few hours are asked to re­port in Cobb IA at any time thismorning, The men will work underthe direction of Secretary Mallory oft he Correspondence department.President Loomis of the Merriamdub has also issued the announce-'ment that ali students who have notregistered and who wish to do somay obtain affidavit blanks for the.purpose iu Cobb IA this morning. Astrenuous effort is being made to geta!l student voters registered in orderthat they may be able to participatein the primaries February 28. Regis­tration must be effected before Tues­day.The club is still conducting itscampaign for a larger membership.Membership cards are being distribu­ted. They may be obtained frem 'M.E. Loomis, Reno Reeve, ArthurO'�iell, Roy Baldridge, Roy Harmona:H! Vallee U. Appel.FOREIGN STUDENTS PLAlC' -1INTERNATIONAL' :NIGHTWill Give a Russian Folk Dance andJapanese Sword Dance asPart of Program.Many events are to De given by tJ:l�Cosmopolitan club in Mandel hall o�the evening of February IS. when, �t''''i11 give its International night. Onenew stunt will be the presentation C;;fa Russian folk dance by members o!the club.The J apanese sword dance whichwas popular at the Japanese night en­tertaiumcnt, will be given again inresponse to many requests. The Cos­mopolitan chorus wil also sing songsrepresenting the national airs ofevery people in the club. Otherparts are being planned but have notChicago lost the dual swimming b\!en definitely worked out.meet last night in Bartlett to' the A spectacular poster has been ar­Central Y. M. C. A. by the score of ranged so as to have a sentence in-13 to 30. The Maroon polo team par- each of the fifteen different languag­lially retrieved the 1055 however, by �s spuken by various students in tbewinning over the Central team. The crgallilation. A prize is to be offered�core was 4 to 3. to the undergraduate who is able toThree Bartlett records were' brok- tr:lnslatc every script on the placard. 'Elections� Nat Friday.. Tellers for' th.e 'coming elections\\;Ii be appointed by' the council at a. me�ting e�rly next week. The "elec­tions will' probably take 'place in' thenorth �(I�rid�r of Cobb from' 8:30 u�­til .. o'clock.,Of. 'the candidates. three J�nion,,;If be el��t�d, to serve thr�ugh un­'til their graduation next J une� TwoSophomore�" and the same riu�ber �f, Freshmen will be chosen: There willbe no election of Senior repre'senta­th'e� 'af thi� time. The pi�sen{ S�D�lor councillors will serve 'until! June.The Wright brothers 'are r lellCting211 aeroplane motor to the aeronautsof Michigan' f01" experimental 'Pur­poses. Unc!ergraduates have: alreadycon�trl1ctl'd sewral different types· ofplanes and tIle motor is to be' triedir. 'r.ach onc to test their relative mer­:ts. Pri?('" will be �iven the most suc­c('�"fl11 l1lachire�.TI;c l-r�i" r:,i�y chon:s at Indiana\\;1t prc(.lIt the opera "Rob'Roy""inth� �pring.Mon' ttlan $166.000 was earned' bythe :r.tudent .. of Columbia Unh'ersityc!uring tlle la!'t scholastic year.(·n. I f anson, swimming for Central,''.·(lD tht� 100 yard swim in one minute::nd three seconds. The former rec­l>rd wa!; one minute. five and one fifth�econds, made by Sylvester of Pennsylvania in 19C9. The other two rec­('r<�s were broken in th\! high school"Icq between Hyde Park and Uni­H"rsity High. R. Whitc, with a time,. i ('Ill' I�linut('. f�t'r aT'!(1 f t'r-tiftl,,,�econ(b, won the hundred yard swimior l;ni\'ci�ity High, the formcr Hart­lett rcc':)rd being 1:06 1-5. Taylor niHyde.: Park 1,roke the breast strokcrccorri of :28 4-5 by making the dis'tance in :28 1-5. Univcrsity HighWO:1 the meet from Hyde Park.Summari�The summary;40 Y�1'"d swim-Raithel, Central.(Continued OD pale 4; tlE'N CLUB DINNERPOSTPONED UNTILFEBRUARY IS.Th ... dinner of tl�e Pen club in theCOllllnons 1;;0:- hClln p:)'tpnned until\\ (. dllf·,day. Fd,nlary !:;. The clubwill I1Icet \\redn�sd:1y morning i�. :,;. 3.\ t • (1� \"t ' fli�'cr�. Mr. GeorgeFitl."h f.f Peoria will he the principal.. peaker "f the enning. The originaiclalt.' ior th·� (Iinner was next \Vcdne .. ·<l;.y ni�ht. but it has been found, ad,y;�ahle tn postpone the meeting a\,,('�k The timc (or the Pen club pic­ture \\;11 he announced dellnite1y atthe meetin� \Vcdnesday.�('"i('r hutton!' have heen adoptedby i.he class of 19TI at Harvard.1iII!.I THE DAILY MAROON SATlJIWAY, FEBRUA�Y 4, 1911.TBK DAILY MAROON.'!lie OtIelal atud�nt Pub:icatioD of Th�VDlnralt, of Cbicaco.Form .. l,Th. VnIY�.lt.l" of Chicqo WeekI,FoundedPubllahecS Oal1" tucept SuDdA1" llon·..... aDd h_ollda,. durln� tbree.quart� of the�'Nr... Wed.. tieconli·claa mall at the Chi·... poa,�omce. l'bicaio, llliDol.. Karch Ii,1.t'1. Vnder Act of llaruh I, li71.TBJI S'£AM"•• A. J:>FElo'lo·.Im • • • •- L.,:t;ALY • • .II. r. CARI'EN'fEIl . • N., ... )l;ditor• • Athletic EdiLorASIiJOCU. TE EDITO.u.aW. J. FouteC. Y. T&)'lor H. L. KennicoU.IL W. 2eeMCo W. Hou&hland D. L. Breed.Jl.POUTlIIJlSJ • .L Beebe ll. D. SteYeRHarry Conrer u, F. Uunhamllax Euelow .&. L. HuriaS. Kaplan P. KearuelW. Lyman J. B. I'erle.,, i! ' H. L. �a.rre L. Stolz11. W. Vlolssky W. WellmanWOllEN'S DEPARTM.Ii1NT.: iI I. Indiana Club Dinner in the Com­mons cafe, Thursday, February 9 at6:30 P. m. .Religious Education Club meetingin Haskell at 8 p. m. Thursday.Snell Hall Stag Banquet, Thursday.9:30 p. rn.Blackfriar Song Contest is open until Friday at 5 :30 p. m, See Bul­letin for particulars:Upper Junior Contest in extern­port speaking, subjects will be as'signed Monday. See bulletin boardfo" particulars.�. Botanical 'CI�b meeting in room 13Botany building at 4:30 p. m. Friday., Educational Club meeting in room'-, 'J5Y Belfie!d hall at 7 p. m, Tuesday.1'Iw WeeJdel OctolJer 1. lin Philosophical Club meeting in westfte ·Da1l.1: OctolJer 1. ISlO! room Law building.Young Women's Christian League,meeting in Lexington at 10:30 Wed'nesday,Pen Club dinner in the Commonscafe Wednesday evening,Le Circle de Conversation Fran­caise in room 8 Lexington at 4 p. m.Thursday.Madame Schuman-Heink will givea song recital under the auspices ofthe University Orchestral Associa­tion in Mandel at 4:10 p. m. T'hursda,LAWYERS DEFEAT MEDICSREPORTERSKarJorie Hill. Editor.Rulli Heticker, Aaaoclate EdltOl' Win in Exceedingly Rough BasketballGame in Bartlett.i :, .: : M. CamJ,llJell'19rence (.;atlln Alma LicbtlSUUlIil;1Ul'TlON RATES:.Ilr Canier, $2.50 per 1l'ar; $1.00 per quarter.M.J lll&il, f1.25 per quarter, $3.00 per lear inadyAU..:Co.. 0,i. '; -, �.W� cODtrlbuUona m&7 be lett at E111aIIalI or Funl t1 ExchaI1i:e, ad(lreued tu.. VallI Maroon.Nominations for the Undergradu- The Law school basketball team de'feared the Medics yesterday by thescore of 14 to 10, putting the Medicsinto Iifth place in the intra-Universityseries. The game was exceedinglyrough, and many fouls were commit­ted.Lineup:Law t14). Medics (10).Levinson, Grey.. R F MitchellYoung L. F ReedPIckens C. . WolframThe CouncilElections. the number of candidates was perhaps lar.,ate council were made at class meet- O'Dea R G Johnson,Mc.ings yesterday. While Whorterger than last year, a Field gvals-Levinson, Young 3.careless .spirit pervaded all the meet- Pickens, Reed, Wolfram, �ohnson.ings. in which candidates were put Mc\Vhorter. Free throws-Young.forward, and the interest in the elec- 4; Mitchell 2. Referee, Fulkerson andtion .in general is more or less lethar- Kuhns.gic, .'The;. ,LJ ndergraduara council willnever reach its highest degree of efficiency until students realize thatelection to the council is a matter' ofserious consequence to the studentbody and that popularity is not theonly qualification for a councillor.Too ma,n) numinations are made andtoo many votes cast on the spur ofthe 'm6I11e1lt. It is too late to com­plain after election that councillorsare doing nothing. The time to exer­cise discretion is at the election.The paily Maroon hopes that all,the ca-ndidatcs will be scrutinizedwith care by the voters and that therewill �c � large vote next Friday. '])AIL Y BULLETINB:: s)cetl)alI game between J ndianaand Chicago, in Bartlett at 8 p. m.ANNOUNCEMENTSFaculty of the College of Educa·tion .mcct s in Emmons Blaine hallat 4 p. m. Monday.Germanic Club with Associate Pro­ie:ssor Wood Soloi Grecnwood avenue,at i:T5 p. m. Monday.New Testament Club with Associ·ate Professor Good<;pceri 5i06 \Vood·la\':n avenuc. at 8 p. m. Monday.Japanese Club meeting at thehe,me of As<;ociatc Professor Good­speed. 5io() \Voodlawn ave., at 8 p.m. Monday. Williams ..•..... L. G ..... Berkheiser,McCullough, Davis.BASKETBALL CHORUS PICKEDFifth Chorus in W. A. A. Play ComesFrom Squad.The marching chorus for "A Mid­way Local" has begun its rehearsalsimmediately after being chosen. Thisis the fifth group of chorus girls chos­ell to take part in the play. The' worn'en in this chorus are all members ofthe basketball squad and will repre­sent the Chicago and Wellesleyteams in the play.Those in the chorus are: EleanorByrne florence Fairleigh, Vivianl-rccman, Virginia Folkes, Mina De'Vries, Eva Goldstein, Alice Lee, Jo'sephine Roney, Helen Rudd, FlorenceTi:,dale. Elizabeth Taylor, EstherTaylor. Margaret Sullivan, AugustaSwawitc, and Selma Shiffman.FOWNESGLOVESare service aloyea­wear lona and look weDwhile they wear.6 YOU are getting the advantage of �urdesire and intention to clear our stock of wintergoods before spring goods begin to be. wanted: we'reshowing this desire by 30, 40, 50 per cent reductionson suits and overcoats and trousers. Further, wehave just received from Hart Schaffner & Marx a biglot of goods delayed in the shops; they all go Into thiswholesale clearance.At $.25 we're selling overcoats of HartSchaffner & :Marx make, silk lined, that arebig values at $37.50, $40, $45. $50.At $Ig we're selling overcoats of the samemake that arc big values at $20, $25, $28, $30.At $25 YO'I can buy suits that ought to be$37·5c. $40, $45. $50'At $!8, suits that were made to sell at $20,�25, $28, $.30; these are Hart, Schaffner &�larx goods.At $] 2.50, a special lot of very excellentpure worsted suits in all styles and weaves.At $18, 'young men's suits and overcoats,the smart model'S; colors, weaves you'll like ;$20, $25, $28, $30, $35 values.You can get a very fine pair of trousers nowin almost anJ coior and weave you like; thekind that we've always sold at $5, $6-50, $7.50,$8; for $3.90.Maurice L RothschildMoney,refunded·cheerfu.lly The home of Hart, Schaffner lI: Marx Clothes. Stetson hats,Manhattan shirts, Johnson lI: Murray ShoesSpecialists in good clothe,,; and nothing elseSOUTHWEST CORNER JACKSON AND STATE Chicago1\1 inneapolisSt. PaulNEWS OF THE COLLEGESThe Lawrence Scientific school ofH arvard has been merged with theGraduate School of Applied Science.The salaries of the instructors andprofessors at Yale have been increas ,cd from $1,&>0 to $2,000 and from$ 1,500 to $5.000. FATIMA©��H,®CIGARE.TTES/', 'A professor at the University ofMinnesota says that a person maylive nearly as well on mushrooms ason meat.Tne push ball 'fight at the univer_!�ity of Pennsylvania is doomed. It is110t strenuous enough for the. by­standers. There· s -not a better Ga­vored cigarette � lop 0/earth! than Fatima&, Theirformation ffi pedec:t andtheir lead is a pleasure tofollow. You will discoverthe rarest tobaccos skillfullyblended by experts whOSP.knowledge is responsiblefor that wondedully "dif­ferent" taste.20 for 15 cents. _.pensively packed aod ,...get 10 additionaLYale. offers a. �rize to any student Iwho wrns a POSItIon on any team that I(i('hatt's againsj Harvard or Prince­te-n.There are two sets of class officersell Svracusc. one for the first termand the uthcr serving during the sec­ond.Will. each �ac1(age oJFatima you get a popu­lar aclress' phoiorraph-al.so a pmnan' c0u­pon, 2S 0/ rD"icla �rea hanJJOrM fclt colle,.penrKlnl (12%32)-.­lecl10n 0/100.:\ bill has been introduced a t Wis­(j'n"in State legi .. lat ure to appropri­�·tc $100,000 to advcrti"e the accolll'"li"h1l1Cllt" of the l�ni\"er"ity of \\,is'consin.\\' onwn will be a(lmitted tf' the. .chapter of Sigma Xi, the honorarys<'ientitic society, at the Uninrsity (If IPennsylvania. , .'CUfTON, ZI iLlai&Ia BEDFORD, Z1 ill. !UPA TheMwRROW'NOtch COLLARSSit snu2lyto the neck, the tops meet1Jl front and there i!i ample spacefOl' the cravat.l5c .• 2 for2Sc. r:::iuett.Pc:lhody &. Co .• Mak.e�Toric (deep curve)Lenses are theBest Lensesas we make them.We can make them bestbecause we have the bestoptical machinery forgrinding them; the bestfacilities for adjusting andfiHing them; the experienceand .kill that enables usto determine just how they• ho�d be made for YOU.N. Watry ®. Co.OP:"'"'IC�S99-101 Randolph Street�OQ will never have eyeglass eomfort.COI\....ruen� or lena c!f:: lcncy until you,w.ar SHUR·ON eycgl.:l3So8 as we fit·them. Ha_ your c::l lenses put into.�_ .. SHUR=()N Mounting.AGAINOur Semi-Annual SpecialBlue, Black and GraySerge or Cheviot Suit,with extra Trousers ofsa�e or Outing material.$30.00'Jk�(/�-Tailer for Y oun� Mellho Stores: 131 La Saife Street.44 Jackson Boulevard.J. C. VEEDER CO.(Not Inc.)PRINTERS OFEVERYTHING915 East 63rd StreetNear Drexel Avenue.Telephone Hyde Park 1213SIIIdents Think of it..... pnaed SSe Panu 1tt: lactiM suJU cleaned••• preacd $LSI. �tccl an411rasscd 7 Sca...1a(, o,.eia(. Prelim£, and Repairin('Work Guar .... teedJUit oome and tr7 "",. onceL COHN tou f.61 st, Nc .. r milSubscribe for The Daily Marooa. THE .AILY MAROON S.I\TURDAY, FEBRUARY 4. 1911.INDIANA CLUB POSTPONESDINNER UNTIL THURSDAYYour a College BoyWith your College joyAnd your College Tog�.That's why we want yau toto call and see the Swell Suitsand Overcoats we're selling at$15 and $20Furnishings! You Know it;Were there. with all kinds ofthemSILVERMAN 6 SON1125 fast ss« StreetN ear Lexington. -0 •• ' ••• _ ...... . - .. - -.---------_._- ---------------- ---.- ... ---FOR A GOOD LUNCHEON OR DINNERGo to 1015 E. 61at St.One Yea.rGuuantee CertiliC&teDiamond PointFountain PenEvery pen made by u. ia cuarantccdto &ive absolute satisfactory Hmcein evcr,y particular.In event of any diuatiafactionwithin one year from date of purcbuethis certificate entitles you to returnthis pen to us with your name, ad,dress and description of the trouble,and we will either &ive you a newpen or adjust yours so as to cive ab,'solute satisfaction.DIAMOND POINT PEN CO.Signed .........•.....•.• Dealer-­[Ja te sold ...............• 191 ••Geo. F. Ivins, M&I'.Save this certificate-it is your pensatisfaction insurance.Noble D. Soper,_,_ .....I1!ne3s of Mr. John T. McCutcheon,One of the Speakers. is Cause-Wilbur Nesbit to Speak.'I'he Indiana club dinner has beenpostponed until next Thursday because of the illness of Mr. Juhn T.McCutcheon who was to have beenthe principal guest of honor at thedinner scheduled for last night. Thepostponement was at the instance ofMr. Wilbur N esbit, the humorist, whowas to have been the other speakerof the dinner."As now arranged, the dinner willbe hdJ February �, at 6:30 in theJiri,'atc dining room of the Com'mons." said Lawrence \Vhiting yes--tcrday. "This will be the first event(Ii the club's program fur this yearand it is expected to be highly sue­ccssful because of the loyal supportof the older Hoosiers, and the greatnumber ,)t new students from thestate. Mr. McCutcheon's illness is re­grettable and we hope that he willb-: fully recovered by next Thurs­day. Every member of the Universityw ho has been a resident of the stateof Indiana is eligible for member­ship in the club and we want themall tu Of! present at the dinner."MEN INVITE� BIG SOCIAL \Presbyterian Church Invites Univer-sity Men to Affair Tomorrow.The men of the University are in­vitcd to a social to be given by theYoung Mcn's class of the HydePark Presbyterian church tomorrow Iat eight o'clock at the church, 53rdstreet and \Vashington.Refreshments are to be served, and"stunts" for the entertainment of theguests will be given. Dr. Coulter ofthe University and Dr. Vance of thechurch will speak to the men on sub­jects connected with the daily life inan informal way in an effort to interestthem in the church. The promotersof the affair are hoping for a largeattendance and expect to interest alarge percentage of the Universitymen.This church has also reserved twopews for University men during ser­vices. Students are asked to tell theushers they are from the University.BLACKFRIARS REACH MANYIMPORTANT DECISIONS SHIPPED ANYWHEREORDERS FILLED BY PHONEDecide to Give Show in Wisconsinif Lyrics Come up toStandard.The Illackfriars will take a trip ifthe music and production of thisyear's show are as good as the words.The Friars voted in favor of the tripafter hearing that the faculty wouldagree on the condition stated. Thetrip if taken will be in the nature01 an exchange with the Haresfootc1uh of the University of Wiscon­- in and will include a production of"Capturing Calypso" in Milwaukeeand Madison.It was also decided at the meetingyesterday to give a dance in the nearfuture, :\I1d to incorporate.Th» Relicious Education Associa­tion will hold its annual meeting atI�r()wn in February.The Docs Library and the BoltLaw Library at the:' University oi ICalifornia will he ready for occupan­cv next fall. Second Floor. Telephone Central 8.t44American WrItIng MaC/line Co.Established more than � year.NEAR ELLIS AVENUE.Luncheon, II:30 A. M.;2:30 P. M ..Dinner, 5:00 P. M� ':30 P. M.. 25 Cents.WHAT IT MEANS•. American Factory Rebuilt" meana a cia.. of typewriters, BUch asno other concern does or caD rebuild a� we do. It is an identifyinc tcrmused to distinguish our mac:hiDes frem the great mass of typewrit.swhich are offered undcr the name "R.�ui1t."It means that if you buy an -- Amaican Rebuilt Typewriter" of anymake. y<'u win get a FACTORY rebuilt machine, rebuilt with newparts; not one that has been simply repaired and fixed un in an ordi­nary shop, but one equal to new in mechanical quality.We guarantee every machine we sell for ODe year, and alao 81J&r_antee tbe title.The Original Type", riter Excbuge.efer .. .." ..... �� 1.. ' •• 11"'_] 19 D�arborn Stre�t, Chicago Telephone Harrison �THE ABOVE CERTIFICATEGOES WITH EACH PEN SOLDBY US. IT SHOWS THE CONFI­DENCE WE HAVE IN OURPENS •TWO DOLLARS UPDIAMOND POINT PEN CO.New York.Largest Mnfs. in the United States.TJlILOR175 Dearborn Street. Cemer MearoeOpen Evenings. Madison Avenue and 63rd St Jewelry Department.SPECIAL SALE!:o DOZ. $1.50 and $2.00 LION SHIRTS, at$3.5°, $4.00 and '4-50 DOUGLAS SHOES atS�. �c and S6.co FLORSHEIM SHOES atF.�. BAKERMEN'S GOODS EXCLUSIVELY. 51.0553.2553.50The Univcrsiry of Oregon is rep­resented in the state legislature thi'!r"prc·' Iyear hy three senators. three "scntativecs and three clearks. SPALDING'S OFFICIALATHLETIC ALMANAC-1911Edited by James E. SullivanThe athletic records of the World.Sullivan's All-America CollegeTeam. 1910.Sullivan's All-America AthleticTeam, 1910.Hundreds of Pictures.Thousands of Records.The only book published that con­tains the official college recordsand hundreds of college pictures.The Encyclopedia of Track andField Sports.Price 10 Cents.A.. G. SP ALDIBG & BltOI147 Wabasb Ave., Chiea.o.Chocolates, Bon BonsUnequaled FountainDrinks.159 State St. Is.. Michigan Ave.179 La Salle Street.A. McADAMSTHEStudent's Florist:'i.�rd St. and I.imbark Ave.,Phone H. P. 18.� L. VLANESSI'ill" � OPTICIANESTABUSHED 186888 Madison St. Tribune Bldg,I '-':' es, b'a�:.es a:1U .j.ec.acl .. ;; �C.C:l·tifically fitted and adjusted. Ex­amination Free of charge... \:-k to -cc t11(.· New Idea MountingIL�!NOIS--':'Cbu. -F� Presents'The Futastical Macal Comedy.TH:E A'RCADIANSB�C�TONEt -Hitbbar41' Place;' botweoa Midl. anelWabiih Avenue.SenaatiOD', 'of the Musical WorldAndreef's: BALALAIKA ORCHESTRAL�RIC__ Grace George inSAUCE FOR TE GOOSEpO�ERSHouey B. Harris PreseDtsTHE COUNTRY BOYG�,RICKForbes-Robertson in"THE PASSING OF THETHIRD FLOOR BACK': It "G�ND; : Margaret An&lin! :., GREEN STOCKINGSST�PEBAKERHENRIETTA CROSSMAN in...:ANTI-MATRIMONY; �I!j "I·j' CORTComedy Ten StrikeHenry W. SavaCe O.eraHeD17 Kolker ill''1;HE GREAT NAIIE"pRI�CESSTHE WARNING.LA SALLE'l'HE SWEETEST GIRL IN PARIS"The Best Comic Opera in theCity."�HITNEVHenry B. HarrispresentsHelen Ware iD.THE DESERTERSCOLONIALVictor MooreillThe New Musical PIa7"THE HAPPIEST NIGHT OF HISLIPE,", � MCVICKERSWm. A. Brady AnnouncesMr. Louis MannTHE CHEATERt -.\ IE�PRESS.......... CnnA� T ..........VAUDEVILLB THE DAILY MAROON SATURDAY. FEBRUARY· 4t ,i9ii.�dsion to -Be Reached ConcerningProm Program Monday-Will Not- Try to Make Money on the Dance-:--Will Be Record Breaker.The contract for the Prom pro­gram will be awarded Monday. Thecommittee has received bids on theIJrograms from a score of firms andis considering the most advantage:ous awarding of the contract. A deci­sion will be awarded by Monday andthe contract awarded so that the pro­grams may be ready some time be­fore February 21.The campaign among the alumni isprogressing favorably and a fairlylarge alumni attendance is expected.An alumni booth is being planned bythe Decoration committee underChairman Whitfield and this ought topopularize attendance. In the pastthe alumni have not attended theProm to any extent and the new sys­tem will, it is hoped, secure an in­creasing attendance year by year.Change in Financial Policy.A change has also been made in thefiniancral policy of conducting theProm, There will be no attempt tomake � profit from the dance butaccounts will be made to balance asclosely as possible.In this way the expense will besomewhat reduced and the cost of at·hriswYg\Vw .. IW ff.Fgfor-v etaointendance at the Prom made as low asis possibly consistent with value re­ccived. Tickets have been mailed toall the men who have previously sig­r.ified their intention of going, andanswers have been received frommost of them. An attendance of onehundred and fifty couples is assuredand as this is an increase of nearlyforty couples over last year, theProm is sure to be successful. Thosewho have not their tickets yet mayget them from any member of theFinance committee, which consists ofBaldridge, Appel, Bowlby, Robinsonand Esmond Long.CHICAGO WINS DUALMEET BY BIG SCORE(Continued from page I)first; Scofield, Chicago, second; Har­less, Central, third. Time-:22 2-5.100 yard swim-Hanson, Central,second; Fonger, Chicago, Chicago,third. Time-I :03.40 yard back stroke-Freiler, Cent­ral, first; Hollingswortih, Chicago.second; Kramer, Chicago, third.Timc---29 1-5.Plunge for distance-Rundell, Chi­cago, first; Solomon, Central, second;Sawyer, Chicago, third. Distance-60feet in 43 2"5.40 yard breast stroke-Stein, Cent­Tal, first; Benitez, Chicago, second;Marvin, Chicago, third, Time-:28'4-5·Fancy dh·ing-Davis. Chicago, first;Eggert. Central, second; Battersby,Central, third.220 yard swim-Evers, Central, first;Hansen, Central, second; Neff, Chi­cago, third. Time-3:00 3'5.J60 yard relay race-Won by Chi­cago. Team, Scofield, Benitez, Fon­ger, and Harper.The ncw ice rink at Wisconsinformed by flooding the baseball field. will accornodatc 1,000 skaters.Walter Fisher, considered by Wal­ter Camp one of the best linesmen inthe East, has been elected captain ofthe Harvard football eleven for nextseason.Former Yale oarsmen are unableto agree in certain recent articles inthe Yale News on whether it is bestto can for crew material from theranks of th� football aquacl. This Ad. Is . Goodfor $1.00CUT THIS OUT.- ----This Coupon will not be publish-ed after February 18, 1911.J f your Piano docs not nee d turn'ing nuw, save th e CGUPUll, as wewill honor it if pr csent cd within3 months of above dare.Call U� up and we willsend one of our expertPiano Tuners, who will ac­cept this. coupon as $1.00diSCOU1�t. The f;__'��ll�r priceis $2.5c.This is a bona tide offer.111is .-\d. must be presented,if yell desire �!it: reductionLouis LowenthalPianos that please,712 West Madison StreetTelephone Monroe =511.WE ALSO RENT PIANOS.French MethodHand LaundryI I 46 E. 63rd Street,Phone H. P. 6 T 13.Our 18 years of experience inthe laundry trade is the benefitgiven to our customers.Our agent, P. A. So ochman, willcall and deliver your laundry free'_'f charge.Mending and darning Free.!!!! LITTLE ART CORNER1528 E. Slat ST.Arts and Crafts GoodsTHE �LACE TO BUY YOUR GIF rsINWOODF1RWOODFER:SWOODTE.\.KWOOD:!IAPL�'WOODETC.�.".COLLARS2 FOR 25 CENTSTHEY ARE IN GREES BOXESMade by EARL & 'VILSONFamous lor €'1£ Collar,CLASSIFIEDADVERTISEMENTSRates-- Three lines for 2S cent ..Six words to the line.Five insertions for the price of four.�o advertisement taken for leut;'an 25 cents.Cash must accompany order.After Class-Ambitious young men Ican ca r n :::lO.CO to $40.00 a weekselling accident insur ancc for the Ilargest company of its kind in theworld. Salary or commission. Writeor apply to the Continental Casual i­ty Co .. Room II 03. 134 Monroe S1.-------- --------To Rent-Excellent front room forone person. Reasonable terms. Call5609 Drexel ave., 3rd Apt. Campus Represen+ntfve, .n K. Goodman. 58�"I Dft'xf'1 Avf'. HldwaT 1118.Wasting.No Tim'eThats what you are doing when you read the advertisements inTHE DAILY MAROO�. You will will find no ads in' this publi-cation that will not intere-st you. Neither are the prices too bigb' for'} ou, Our advertisers are selected wi6 care. Besides they 'are "repu-table and can be relied upon not to misrepresent.Why deal with merchants of whom you know nothing, when youcan deal with merchants who carry our hearty recommendation.THE DAILY MAROON advertisers.What the New York Life Did in 1910WITH E.\<,·U DOLLAR OF CASH INCOME.Paid to Agents 4 . 'cent.Pnld for Death Claims _ 22 cents J:.'or Branch Omce expenses. !A«8uc:rPntd to Llvlng Policy Holders 28 cents Supervlalon and lIedlcal In-�t uslde for Reserve 111111 DI\-I- spectton. . ,3 cent.deulls '• • 40 cents Por Admlnlstrntlon and 'Iil\"ed�-ment Expenses • • • 2 'cent.Total 90 cell ts For Insurance Dept.· Taxes, Ll-eenae 1 cent ,.: : Totul 10 C8Jtt.If Intert-8tt-d. for furtht-r Information, write. Qtl or phOD.A. I. JACOBSON, General Agent:500 New York Life Bide. 1':1 La Salle SL Central 5GOI.Hats of Distinction and CharacterTHE IMPERVIOUS $3.00 t'·,is the Hat they are all raving about.We carry a complete line of StetsonHats.... -__ .. ..:.:: •. :.. '�, '. ITnbune Bid,. Eatahliabed . .., ;90 E. MAoIS��._ ST :,B. L. AMES HAT to.J. D. O'NEILManufacturers ofTRUNKS, GRIPS AND SUIT CASESSpecial styles ard sizes made to order. Prompt attention ciT"to repair work.EXPRESSING TO ALL DEPOTSThree trips daily to city. /Factory and Salearoo.1454-6 East Fifty-fifth Street.Phone Hyde Park 44-Main Store,iS2 E_ Sixty-third Street.Phone Hyde Park 4242-POST CARDS - Latest novelties, Comics, l'tf.0ttOH" etc. Beat ·Ci�,I'ark and University Views - .- .10 for 5 ctLVALENTIES - Art Mottoes, 'HaDdPaint� placques, choice coauca,new 1911 Novelties.STATIONERY for SchOol House and 'Office Magazines, 'B�'"Sheet� Music, Sporting Goods, Cigars and Tobacco.THE STAR LIBRARY, ,361 East 63rd Street.MEDICAL SERVICETel. 4.H5 H. P. Res. Tel. 8294 H. PDR. EMORY M. LOTTS.DE�TIST')ffice x. W. Cor_ 6.,d St. &Kirnbark A\'C. Suite 14. Chicago. reI. H. P.4345 Res. Tel Oak ��GEO W. I. nROWN� II. ,D.Practice limited to diseases of theEYE, 1..:0SE and THROATIfoll�:!l to 12 a. mOt 2 to:r, p. m. � .... I •• aMSunday oy appohlt •• ftt.Offic�. Sni:� H. 1290 East eId &treet. K. W .•Cor. Kimbark A.e •• Cblc:ap.PATRONIZE MAROON ADVERTISERS. ""'.�Vol._.-O�WIILlNoiancalJUIricWbunO03dariothJirhI!rajehF:tcIi11btIe0111II(0thKEIts}