VQ1. IX. No� 79· e mail arDonU1\iIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, THURSDAY. FEHRUAH,Y 2. 1911. Price fiY. Cen�1NEED CANALTRACK MEN CLOSEAFfER HARD PRACTICE SWIMMERS TO MEET Y. M. C. A. WILL NOMINATE FORCOIfflCIL TCDIOIUlOW.... ns Look for an ExcitiD. (,ontestwith Pardoe "'m Start toYmisb. Acquatic Men to Go Agairut CentralY. M. C. A. Team Tomorrow inBartlett Tank-U. High Vs. Hyde Tbne ColIDcUlon tt Ie DectI4 byJaion-TwI .j SothtllOftSad F ......WORTHYPurdue Team Has Stars in Highliieh Jump and Pole-Vault-OurTwo Mile Weak.The track squad took one lastwork of the week last night in prep­aration for their meet with Purduetomorrow night. The men are notall in the best of shape, the sprintingsquad being out of whack. I t isnot believed that Will Kuh will beable to run against the Purdue sprint­us, and the team is thus deprived of_iu be!)t man in the dash. If the Boil·ermakers run to form, they shouldmake a killing in this event.lJonovan has worked out hard forgreater distance and may go into themile against Purdue and the 'two­mile against Illinois. The latter is thew'��ke'�'t ev�nt a"f the team at present�d the coaches are directing their at­t�nti�n t�� strengthening it. Carpenterwas given some work at a faster pace�d may be able to carry the first�rt of the race in better shape.Purdue Sophomores Good.Purdue bas several good men from- .. �st Y��'� F_re,�hm?-n team, who willa�d to their strength. The appear­ancc of a high jumper who can go·oyer five feet seven inches is unusual:for the Boilermaker team and may��ke trouble for Chicago. Menaul�n bett.er this height if he is ins�ape, but he had trouble with his'l�g earlier in the week, and it maynot be able to stand the strain. Coyle�orked on form in the pole·vault.This event is expected to furnish keen'c9mpctition. Last year, Richardspitshed Murphy of Illinois, the Con'f�rence championship winner in thel�noi�·.Purdue indoor meet, and he�n h'e' c�u�ted on to give the Chicago�en a great deal of trouble if he isin shape.w. A. A. P-ICKS FIVE STUNTSOricinal CUt to Be Run With Wom·en'. Play.At a meeting of the authors andst�t cC'mmittee yesterday afternoon,fi.,-e stunts were definitely chosen fort� \'1. A. A. ,·audeville. Thc:se stuntsa.:e all origin,al with the exception ofo,e, '\'bicb '. will be an adaptation ofo�e of M�rjorie Benton Cook's dia'If'ItUt!'. with Icc-al color added. Thetitle of this is, "In a Millinery Shop:and it is to he given hy Alice L('eHerrick and Josephine Kern.Florence Catlin and Elizabeth Bur'let will present an original stuntc�1\e�, "Th_e Compact Sealed:' theidea f',f the University Seal. In ad�aJ in this case being a hrand newdipoJl to these M�rguerite Swawit('�1 give il stunt de�1ing with an in'�kleu� of lh� bilsebalJ team's trip toJ"'.Jl. Germldc Perry and a chorus,�1 dn a f!a�ce, and Agnes \VaymanI� lbrie Ortmayer will appear once�or.e,.in their old role of the Cherrysi�ttrs, with several new features. A hill appr9P�a,t.'�.g .• ?�,ooo for a;Uh'o(,8tes the adoption of the honor range of greenhouses at CorneJ1 is- " 1. "sy�tcm nt the Vni\'ersity of �chraska. hacked up by the New York stateFlorists Ass�iati.on. T.he �dea isThe students at the uni\'ersity of that such a move' wilI pr�,mote flori·culture throughout the state.Fark in Connection.The Varsity swimming team willmeet the Central Y. 1\1. C. A., in thesecond meet of the season, tomorrownight. The down-town swimmerswith a number of good men are ex­pccted to furnish a tine exhibition.Coach White declared that he thoughtthat Chicago would not be able toget the greater share of the pointsin the races, but that they shouldprove better than their opponents inthe polo game.A teature of the meet will be there-appearance of stars who havegraduated, but who will be eligiblefOI" appearance in a meet with an ath­letic club, Conspicuous among themwill be Paul Harper, who used toshine in the tank when the presentSeniors were Freshmen and has re­turned as a graduate student to seeif he still has the old, time cunningFormer Captain Benitez, whose grad­uation is much more recent will alsotry to discover if a bachelor's degree'is any handicap to a man in the water.High School Meet Also.In addition to the Varsity meet..L'niversity and Hyde Park high!schools will have a dual contest.l'. ,There is keen rivalry between .theltwo schools and the report is that!both -have strong teams. This will'fill the program so that the affair.will be unusually interesting. Thehigh school events will be alternatedwith the Varsity so as to rest theswimmers of the various teams and to:lvoid any painful waits.The men have improved since theirdefeat by Northwestern and are inc( ndition to give the down·town mena hard fight. The entry list' of thetwo teams is as follows:Forty yard swim:Central Y. M. C. A.-Eggert, Harless,Xanneman, Raithel, Hanson.Chicago-Scofield, Lindsay, Harp�r.One hundred yard swim:Central Y. M. C. A.-Harless,Tieman, Hanson, Raithel.Chicago-Meagher, Chandler,gl'r.Two hundred �wenty· yard swim:Central Y. M. C. A.-Evers, Hanson,Battersby.Chicago-Chandler, Neff.Back stroke:Central Y. M. C. A.-Freiler, Hanson.Chicago-Hollingsworth, Kram.er.Breast stroke:Central Y. M. C. A.-Stein, Hanson.Chicagn-Eisendrath, C han dIe r.Benitez, Man·in.Fancy diving:(entral Y. M. C. A.-Eggert, Harless,Battersby, Prestin.Chicago-Davis. Kay ton, Scofield.Plunge for distance:Central Y. M, C. A.-Yower.Chicago-J\unC!cl1,:-ay." i\clay:Central Y .. M, C. :\,-E�gert. Han':-f,n. 1{athel• lIarle�s, Hanneman.Chicago-Scofield, Lind!-'ny, Beni-'tC:l:', Harper, Meagher. Sawyer,Dean Davis o( �ehraska urgentlyl:o�ton are preparing a song book. "Just as the man who takes thelady to the opera must also buy flow'ers, the fortification of the Panamacanal, once a luxury. has now becomea necessity because of the new colon'ial policy of the United States,"This was the conclusion reached byl 'rofessor A. B. Hart of Harvard in The University of Chicago Merri-his lecture "Fortification of the Pan' am club was organized yesterday byarna Canal:" delivered in Haskell yes" ;fifty students at an enthusiastic meet·terday afternoon, A larger crowd 'ing in Cobb. Milton E. Loomis wasthan the assembly room would acca- lelected president and Reno Reevemodate turned out to hear the second Isercretary of th�' organization.lecture of Professor Hart. In explain' The p���se of the club was stateding why the canal fortifications is to be 'that of systematically .aidingnGW a ucce s sity , the speaker said: �Idern:ari" Charles E. M�r�iam in his"The fact that the United �tates 'fight foi' tIle ':Republican 'nominationin recent years has come into the ow- 'for ma;�'�"�nd; for the office,' shouldncr ship of wide possessions, particu- he be ::�cc��ful' at the approachingcampaign. larly the acquisition of the Philip" primari���' A�ide from his' station inBefore next 1d�!l<Ja'y 3;\1 �eclassifica' ines, has been the cause of a prodi- public Iife"'Mr�"M�rriam is known to.tion blanks. mu st be iJl tho ,e .hands of . and portentous l . r • ,• •- grous, unnecessary,, �!.1i��.rsi.�r .��<:wle �s .c:>n flSsocl�te pro-the councillors. These ���s may be growth of the American navy. As the fessor of Political Science.obtained at the information office and Pacific in the future will hold a vast-' ..After ,���r B��'«(ridg� 'called yester­may be turned in to the council ly more important position in the pay's meeting to order, Vallee"AptTetthrough the 'f�c�l�y �8i��e. world's commerce than it does today,' \vas elected temporary �liai�man ahdSeven to Be Cb� it will be necessary for this country �n that capacitj stated the object of"Seven councillors ,wi!1 ,be �ho�en at to maintain a large fleet in its wa- the club.the election Feb. 3 'three from the, , terse � !or ��rriam.J: unior' class, 'two " from' 'the Sopho- "It' h to buiild the canal W . M""IS C eaper .... e ; ;.arc supportmg errta_I��!flore, and two f�Q� ��� ;f.r�s�D1an. than it is to build two fleets, and this said Appel, "because .he .is our' fri��tN n Senior councilor will be elected. canal must be fortified if the vess�I�, knd because be stands for the lirgh��The ':leARS;of ,�<'��,�rr.���--; .>_': . -onhe eneillY 'are" to be excluded from . ;duls ';n�ivic- �righl�ouness. As' Uni· -Margaz:et ¥itc:�ell, �fl .Kent Chand' it in time of' war. The canal will n�t Ye.rsity men;' we ; cannot' but approveler expire. this ���l1er. be in much danger from ani mis-: of. Mr. Merriam's views and conse-,The Junior class will meet in the chievous Latin-American powers as' �tiently of his candidacy. It is up tolecture �ri�� .o�' ·W� first i��r � the the con crete construction used there: each one of us to do every thing in­Botany b��,�� .:instead (�f ip ,���t, will render it almost invulnerable to hi� �VI_e�r t<? �� .Mr .. M��riall1' in�nd �he .�o��.�?res .� ���.�t in <!;trnage from land for·ces." ',:!• �n¥. J1, .��c��ssf�i fi�ht: ..;\I�o ,;,ePhysiology is. The changes ,in ·meet· Professor Hart touched brie,fly o�: ��.t ,!l<!! :��s_e a� �pJ>or�un�ty to give.ing pla.c.es .ar,e ��si.���4 ".Y �1l� fa<;_t' the Japanese war scare, saying: '?¥. ppiv�':.s!ty r,eJ:)��,sent�tion in pub'.that chemical _exp�si.l!lmt_s ,ar..e ��.e9 "In a war with Japan the 'Phitlip" �c' J��. :�����p�r ��� Un,iversity ofon in the regular rooms at the 10:30 pines would fall in two or .three� 1f,clUpo's boast of se\'enteen alumnipt'riod."';l'h� _F������\.n�1 �m,e�t as weeks. But there is no danger of s�ch: ih'<:��g;.�s���i��e.:' .. , .l!�u�1 iu Kent tbeater, �D,I.the ?eniors a war as Japan is a country which has I' ,� .... __ :DiKiiaa' ,Plans. -in Co�b 6A. T�.e nOpli��tio�s will be neither the means nor the dispo.si- I��ormal ._ di��'�si�� '·�f ways andapproved b! tbe c�lfflcil �d o�her tion to enter into war for a genera-� me;ut;' f�ilow�'d" the' formal o�ganiza­nominations will pl:ob.ably.b.e allowed tion." , , ��n'oi th� -a��b �nd the �Iection of itsby pe�itio.n after 'ih.e #f�.:s..s ���i���s.' The value of the canal to this; ��.�.�s:·j��"m�m�·er5�ip 'of the clubc(luntry as a trade route, aside from' it js ho_ped, will soon include the rna-it� coast to coast value, was' drs·' jorlty'" �ttli� 'voters on' the c�mpus.cussed by the lecturer. He said: "The' it was'Poi�t�d o,�t 'that in view of Mr.canal will become a connective be-i '�rriam's connection with the Uni·' ,tween the Middle \Vest and the Pac- vcrsity and. his high jdeals in publicific coast. New Orleans and Mobile life, lpar.ty . ;a.1Iiliations 'should be dis'('xpect to be important ports fr<?m �egarded in "boosting" Mr. Merri·which the products of the Mississ,ippi am's political aspirations. ' .vaney will be sent by way of die . \ .¥aa "eetinc .Tonight.,canal to the Pacific." It is ,planned to have as large asThe rliplomatic history of the canal .p'ossi�le a delegation of Universityfor the last half century was related men at the. 'Merriam mass meeting to­hy Professor Hart. including the' 'n'igbt at \Voodlawn Masonic temple,treaties thi� country had entered 1tlto' '�th 'street and Lexington aVCJ1ue.with other powers over it, and ,the� '�e .meeting will �e under the a�­policies uc;ed by Great Bri�ian }.n�. spices of .the Young Men's Republ1-Raining and controlling the Suez can':. can' dub� 1t is 'considered probableth�.t the University club wilJ. join ,forces with the larger organizationard cards distrihuted for the purpo!'l'0'( enrol1iri�· members' in it.' Besi(tcs�tirring up enthusiasm. around thel':�i;"ersity,' the Ci�lh p1an� to' give aidon �rj��ry, .\�n.d it, hopes, on electiond�y in' parts of the city where the,s{t!w�i'C!in is ��,li!ically more critical.has i:isued this c,halleqe are: Hoffer,_and White, forwards; Schommer,l:<:nter; rag_e apd J?,�. �aycroft,guards. Any �eams inte:r:est�d in meet­ing the faculty st�rs .can make ar- at..·;tngements by addreSSIng. Mr. Hof· "\Vhate\'('r may b\"e heen the treat-fer, Bartiett gymml�iu�.: ies pre\'iotl�ly entercd on by this"We 'stand ready to meet anyone�6E PU� MEEflNGJuniors to Meet iD Be).,. Assembly• o. �. _._ •• l .. :1 .... �Room and Sophomores iP Physi-. 0100. S'uUcfu;g:N ominations for councillors repre­resenting the J.u?iC?:�, S<?R,�o:m.ore, andFreshman classes will De made at themeeting of the classes at 10:30 to­morrow, The election i� set for Feb­ruary 10, and is In charge of a com'mittee of the council made up ofVallee O. Appel, BaYJm>nd J. Daly,Margaret Mitchell, Kent Chandler,and Dana M'-���iso·n. This �oirimitteemet Mooday and began �.ork on .the." . '. � . �", ,. .':Han' FORmlclno� UNIVERSITY MERRIAM• I •. -"'CLUB IS ORGANIZED.•• i (,.1Fon· �ACULTY BASKETBALL MENSEND SWEEPING CI:fALLENGE Frofessor Hart in Haskell LectureExplains Necessity of Fortifyincthe Parutma Canal-Scouts Dangerof War With Japan. Stat .. t Voten Gather in Cobb to- . ''Iiiit,. 114 .. u Meniamr.r.yor.Ready to 'Meet All Coiien in ,BUk­etball C�f;l� �� of ;.��.The faculty. of Bat:t.ett �,mnasium'have orga,ni,z.ed a. basketball teamw�ich stands ready to .mef,t all com­ers in the Univ.usjty .1VithQut restric'tio,n. The members of �J;le team whichLind·ill the University," said' Mr.' Hoffer'('''{erday, "c'a�s team or otl�crwi�(';,nd hope that several teams on the<.:ampus may be organized to play us.\Ve place no restriction on any fiveand anyone is .el�i�le}o c�mpete:' CIDb PlaDs Active Aid in Mass Meet..inp at Polls During�rimaries.('{",untry. the One la�t made with the'infant r<,puhlic of Panama i� the only. The University of Minne�ota wilJreeet Il!inois in foothal1 next fallinstead of Michigan.tn.-aty IW\\ ah�(lllll: 1.,- hinding. Tn this­the l�nite(l State� is granted. the sov-t'fei�nty (If the 7.0ne ao(l has theriJ.!ht t., ('rcct all fortifications nec'The Y. 'M,' C A, �etlement cam-c�!'ary. l'ai.8n at ,Tor�nto resuIted in the �um"K,) Il�att('r how much neutrality is : of ���I1()W talked. in case the United Stateswent to war the canal would no .t:n0re.r.(·main opcn to the ship" of the'�CoTitinucd 0n page J)..1 . v· ...... .-,:--· ................... ",..- . ...,..._._.. THE DAiLY MAROON Ti-rURSDAY, FEBRUAkV :2, lQfi •TO DAILY IIABOOB.r.-t,n. Um.nItJ 01 (Jalap �..., .r--.s� W� •••••••••••••••• � 1. �ZM DaDr •••••••••••••••••• � 1. 1101....u.w DaDr ............ �:..,. ud boUdaJ. _ilia �� or 1M... --, ...1IaUnd.. a.:c.4...... ID&1l aa .. w..... P� C�o. I111uI8. JIanIl 11.11M. Uad. Aot or KanIa .. 1171.'l' .. wr ..... A. PJ'&I'I'D • • • • � �L J. D.A.LY • • • • • • • • ... �II. r.OABPKNT&Il • • � &diWliD r.lIKWIUli • •• B IIIaMprW.I.l'oute B. L.�.C. T. T8I7lar II. w. a-0. W. HouPlud D. L. ......-PORT ...I.L .....H&lTJ ComerIIu BDelow8. KaplaaW. Lll1WlS. L. SQreB. W. VlDlaQ II. D .......B. 11'. Da.DlwaII. L. BardaP. Keanaq�. B. Perl ..L. Stolsw.WellmaD.Buth IleUc:ker. Auoc:late BditorIlBPOBTBIlSJL Campbell Alma LldallausaCBll'TION RATa:_ 0Int_. fl.&O per lear; fLOO l*' ca-n....,..u. t1.l& per quarter. "'00 1* ,.. III............ coatrlbuUoaa IIIQ ... left at'.au.·Ball or hcalt:J IDI:daaDp. addi....s to.. DaIlJ IIarooLWith the exception of the' state­ment that Chicago newspapers are'guilty of perversion when'An they quote The DailyInterim Maroon as attacking spec-ifically the athletic depart.:ment of the University of Chicagoand the explanation that The Maroonis opposed to the institution of inter­colegiate competition in athletics as a'whole and not to Chicago methods.The Daily Maroon will postpone fur:ther consideration of the question ofathletics until tomorrow morning. Heat �eg�lati�n; ," .':. ,j ,AN NO UHCKIOXTSnoiseCOMMUNICATION.To the ErlitOl' of The Daily Maroon:While the Merriam enthusiasm isgrowing at the University. why notorganize a Merriam club from theranks of the Equal Suffrage League?A constitution for such a club mightcontain at least three aims and ends:First, practical exeperience in politicsgained in a worthy cause; second, apossible mayor, of the value or non­value of suffrage work; and third, atest for the benefit of the suffragiststhemselves as to the meaning of poli­tics in real life, as versus politics de­rived from the lecture platform.To the innocent bystander, wishingno harm either to the fortunes ofMr. Merriam or to the ideals of theSuffrage league, it seems that suchan action would be wholesome and ofcomparatively little detriment to anyone concerned. LexingtonThe admirable beginning of the NEWSPAPER WOMANMerriam club yesterday morning· is TO DISCUSS SHORThighly encouraging. The STORY TOMORROWA Good large attendance and the Ethel Colson, who has been con'Start enthusiasm of those who nected for the last ten years with theattended the opening meet- Record' Herald, wilt speak to theing indicates that students of the Short Story club tomorrow afternoonUniversity of Chicago are going to at 5 o'clock in the Neighborhoodenlist themselves in a movement as room. Miss Colson will talk on theworthy as it is necessary. The glory tendency of the short story as she hasto the University in the election of observed it in book reviewing. andone of its professors to the office of will discuss its value in relation tomayor of Chicago wilt be increased journa lisrn. Besides her work on thebv the knowledge that University Record-Herald as book-reviewer,students did their share in bringing Mis.� Colson is writer of short storiesabout the victory. and verses for the magazine. The� o.w -..s-t hb1JcaUca If fte Class Meetings tomorrow. Juniors0",.. .. �.:,:,: ..�. ...'" meet ·in Botany Lecture room. So­. pbomores in Physiology 18.Southwest Neighborhood Club par­,"y in· the Neighborhood room at 4 p.m, Friday.Northeast Neighborhood Club par­�. in the home of Miss Lawler, 5722Madison ave., from 4 to 6, Friday.Junior Dance in the Reynolds clubfrom 4 to 6 Friday •Reynolds Club Smoker Friday eve-ning.Junior Mathematical club will dis­cuss "Caustic Curves" in room 36 Ry­erson at 4:15 Friday.Indoor Athletics swimming con·test between Central Y. M. C. A. andChicago, in Bartlett at 8 Friday.Indoor Athletics basketball gamebetween Iudiana and Chicago in Bart­lett at 8 Saturday.Men of the University wilt beguests of the Bible class of the HydePark Presbyterian church, corner ofWashington and 53 sts., at 8 p. m.Saturday.: Junior Skating Party postponed toVvednesday February &. ,I Indiana Club Dinner in the Com-hlons cafe, Thursday, February 9 at6:30 p. m.� Snell Hall Stag Banquet, Febru-ary 9, 9:30 p. m.: Blackfriar Song Contest is open un-Itil February 10 at 5:30 p. m. See Bul-ietin for particulars.: Those who have lost books or oth­er sundries are requested to leaveiheir names at the Information office." Chi Psi announces the pledging ofErnest C. Brooks, of Wheaton, Illi-DAIL T BULLW1'IIfBlackfriara I�n Cobb 3A at10:30 today.FeIlabln meet in Cobb 6A at 10:30today.LeCercle d. ConY.ration Fran·calM meet in room 8 of Lexinatonat 4 p. m. today.Morthwat Nel&bborbood club par­ty at the home of Miss Jams, 5546Drexel avenue. Today from 4 to 6.Merriam llaumeeting tonight atthe WoodJawn Masonic temple.. meeting is open to visitors.It' ••I"OWNESThat'. aD you ...... to bowabout •GLOVE Tbe Johnson 'PneUmatic System "FATIMATURKISH .:.:@ BLEND �.CIGARETTES-,�MININGA good prospect is sooadiscovered to be a rich findif you start smoking F a­timas, When assayed L\c]reveal only rare tobaccosblended to produce a dis­tinctly " different" taste.Come fellows, getrichquick,dig up some silver andbuy gold, for F atimas arenug�ds of intrinsic value.And their goodness is sur-..pnsmg.They cost only 15 ceL�for 20, which gives you 10additional.Tbe Recognized StandardInstalled in.the Uni�rsity of Chi­cago Buildings.Complete Systems for all Methodsof Heating.Steam Control of Humidity.Reducing 'Val�'es for Air, Water,Hot Water Tank' Regulators,Johnson Service Co.H. W. ELLIS, Mgr.Chicago Office, 93 Lake StreetWilh each pac1cage ojFatima you gel a I>C1I­lIant coupon. 25 0/which secure 'I band.som e f e I t collegepenncmt (12:c 32)­alec!ion of 100.French MethodHand Laundry1 I 4 (; E. 63rd Street.P�Qne H. P. (; 1 I 3.Our 18 yearS of experience inthe . laundry trade is the benefitgiven to our customers.Our agent, P. A. Soochman, willcall and deliver your laundry freetJf charge.Mendin& and darning Free. TIlE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO.WELLS CLOTHES SHOPCLEARANCE SALE ofSUITS and OVERCOATSA. J. UNGER President •INWOODFlRWooDBASSWOOD·GBA.YWOODFEBMWOODTEAKWOODHAPLEWOODETC.YOU WILL FIND WHATYOU ARE HUNTING FOR at $17--$22--$26This is a rare opportunity to securereally high grade garments at extreme­ly low prices.BETTER SEE OUR WINDOWDlSPLA Y. LET US SHOW YOU�.".COLLARS2 FOR 25 CENTSTHEY AR.E IN GREEN BOXES TWO SHOPS.139 RANDOLPH ST.HOTEL SHERMAN(Opposite City Ham 231-�33 DEARBORN ST.GREAT NORTHERN HOTEL(Opposite Postoffice)Made by EARL & WILSONF_'_�CollanTbis Ad. Is Goodfor. $1'.00CUT l'HIS OUT. YOU CANNOT BEa Connoisseur of Turkish Ciga­rettes until you have smoked the'Ihis Coupon will not be pUblish-ed after February 18, 1911.I f your Piano does not need turn­ing now, save the coupon, as wewill honor it if presented within.3 months of above date. CONDAX EXTRACLUB SIZE1 Packageof5Cigarettesfor 15.:Manufactured byCall us up and we willsend one of our expertPiano Tuners. who will ac­cept this coupon as $ 1.00discount. TIle regular priceis $2.50.This is a bona fide offer.This Ad. must be presented,if you desire the reduction E. A. CONDAX 6 Co.The originators of theStraw and very Mild.MEDICAL SERVICErei. H. P.4345 Res. Tel OakGEO W. I. BROWN, M. D.Practice limited to diseases of tb.EYE. !\OSE and THROATHour!': !l to 12 a. m'l 2'0 r. p. m. �""'I ......Sonday DY .Ppoi., .... t.Office. Suite 1-1. 1230 FA" eId St,..t. II •••Cor. Klmbark A ...... Cb&c:aco.Louis LowenthalPianos that please,112 West Madison StreetTelephone Monroe 2517. Tel. 43.15 H. P. Res. Tel. 8294 H. PDR. EMORY M. LOTTS.DE�TIST,)ffice N. W. Cor. 63d St. &Kirnbark Ave. Suite '4. Chicago.WE ALSO RENT PIANOS. :: �.�CW'TOII •. z, .. wP BEDFORD. zl ia. wPARi{ow�otch COLLARSSit anu.ztyto the neck. the tops meetIII front and there i!l ample space.. the CTavat.15c.,:JfOl'lIc:. Cluett ,Peabody lIc Co .• Make ....Yes, anybodycan buy-'glassesfor a third of what weask. But they don'tbU7 anything with theglasses, and it's whatgoes with the glasseswe fit that make themw,9rth while, and lackof service that makesover-the-coun terglasses dangerous.You understand. �N. Watry '& Co.OP:'''lCaNS99-101 Randolph StreetTOG wdlnwnr haTe eyeglaa �� or lens eH�:iQncy until you...... SHUR-ON eye9l�_e. _ •• fit ..... ...,. your old lense. put lido •.... _� SHUR-ON MountinV."_"AGAINOur'Semi-Annual SpecialBlue, Black and GraySerge or Cheviot Suit,with extra Trousers ofsame or Outing material. THE DAif.� I!IAltc50:k tiiURSt)A Y, FEBirtJARY 2. 191f.TO SPEAK AT MEETINGIN PROVIDENCE FEB. 14MemberS of Faculty to Participate inReligious Education AssociationConvention.Members of the faculty of the Uni­versity of Chicago wil participateill the programs of the Religious Edu,cation Association which will hold'its eighth annual convention on Feb.I..J. 15 16. in Providence R 1. Pro­fessor Shailer Mathews, Dean of theDivinity School; Associate Pro'fessor Clyde "V. Votaw; ProfessorJ ohn M. Coulter, head of the depart­ment of .Ilotany, and Franklin 'It{,Johnson. Principal of the UniversityHigh School are announced as speak­ers in the preliminary program. Theprincipal topic for the conventionwill be: "Religious Education and theAmerican Home." Professor Coul·tcrs addi es s will cleat with Biologyunder the general title: "The Relig­ions Character Value of the Curri­culum." cause its warerdoesa't feel it.The BoAonGarter keepsds�engthandeels in wear-value. FullyguaranteNew pairfree if youfind an m­perfedion.eou::-st.�. lOe.JllaIl ... 1 .... ,"","II,t Of I�.CEORCE FR03T CO., MAKERS,B"fI·on. 'U.s.A.L G. SPALDIlfG'" BltOI.147 Wabub A.e., Cbicqo.FACULTY MEMBERS WRITEFOR CYCLOPEDIA SPALDING'S OFFICIALATHLETIC ALMANAC-191IEdited by James E. SullivanProfessors Judd, Angell, Coulter,Sargent, Smith, Vincent and Cald­well Contribute to Cyclopedia. The athletic records of the World.Sullivan's All· America CollegeTeam. IglOoSullivan's All-America . AthleticTeam. 1910.Members of the faculty of the Uni·versity of Chicago who have contributed to Volume I of the new Cyclo­pedia of Education, edited by Pro­fessor Paul Monroe of Teachers Col­k ge, Columbia University, includeProfessor Charles H. Judd, Directorof the School of Education, who edi­ted the department of psychology;Professor James R. Angell, AssociateProfessor Otis "V. Caldwell, Profes­sor John M. Coulter, Professor Wal­ter Sargent, Professor AlexanderSmith, and Professor George E. Vincent. Hundreds of Pictures.Thousands of Records.The only book published that con­tains the official college recordsand hundreds of college pictures .The Encyclopedia of Track andField Sporta.Price 10 Centa.NEED CANAL FORTIFICATIONS(Continued from page I)'59 State St. 18c lIicbipn Ave.1:'9 La Salle Street.Chocolates, Bon Bonsenemy than would England leave theSuez open under similar conditions.There is not a canal, large or small,that would remain a public highwayin time of war." Unequaled FountainDrinb.Three Quarters Smoker Feb. IS.At a meeting of the Three Quartersclub yesterday it was decided to holda smoker for the active men in col­lege February 18. The smoker willhe held in the Reynolds club theater.I ater on in the year it is planned togive a dance at which all Three­Quarters men in college will be in.vited. ORDERS FILLED BY PHONEJ. C. VEEDER CO.(Not In(;.)PRINTERS OFEVERYTHING915 East 63rd StreetNear Drexel Avenue.Telephone Hyde Park 121,'.",4.ntl Thin" of it --..... ..-tlle 'lIIIIlk Le .... nib cl ....... ., ... lUI. _,.. u • ."... , Iea...a.c . ..._. � an. Repal�-W.rk Guaranteed........... tr7_onc.L COH" 1.11 f.61sl, HAr Ill&" SHIPPED ANYWHERETo Read Before Japanese Club.The j apanese club of the Univer:sity will hold its monthly meetingSaturday at j:30 at 5800 Jackson ave,Katsuji Kato will speak on "Totem­ism Among the Early Hebrews," andGeorge J. Kasai on "The PanamaCanal and its Influence on International Trade and Politics," A. McADAMSTHEStodenfs DoristProfessor Niue Nominated.Professor William A. Nitze, Headof the Department of Romance lang·vagcs and Literatures, has been nom.Inared for election t.'O the AlumniCouncil of Johns Hopkins Universityhy the group of the Doctors of Phil­(1�ophy (If that institution. �.1rd St. and I .. imbark ATe.Phoae H. P. IS.�L.MANESS!� � OPTICIANESTAlUSIIII_88 Madison St. Tribune Bldg.r.) es, glasses and �pec�cles sc.entifically fitted and adjusted. Ex­amination Free of charge.Ask to sec the New Idea MountingElected President of Chemical SocietyProfessor Alexander Smith, Direct­of General and I'hys ical Chemistryin the Univer-sity was cle ... 'ted prcsident of the American society at it sannual mccing in Minneapolis.:\ valuahle collection of lOj skinsfrom :\frica wa� recently donatedt(· the 111\beUm at the Iowa state Un.i·versity.Subscribe for The Daily Maroo •. ...One Yea.rGUll'intee £ertlllcate' -Diamond PointFountain Pen·-Every pen made by .. ia �to give ablolute utiafactOl7 ..nicein ever,y particular.In event of any cU.adafactioDwithin one year from date of pgrchuethis certificate entitl .. -7011 to· ret1II'D.this pen to us with. y01ll' DUlle, ad­dress and description of .. trouble,and we will either live J'01I a aewpen or adjust youra so .. to ciTe &b ..solute satisfaction.DIAMOND POINT PEN CO.Signed ., Dealernate sold ............•..• 191 ••Geo. F. Ivin., Mar.Save this certi6.cate-it ia 70111' peasatisfaction inauruace.THE ABOVE CERTIFICATB·GOES WITH EACH PEN' SOLDBY US. IT SHOWS THE COMPI ..DENCE WE HAVE IN OURPENS.TWO DOLLARS UPDIAMOND POINT PEN CO.New York.Largest Mnfs. in the United State ..Noble D.. _ .. _._.. .. ...TJI'UlR175 Dearborn Street. Cemer M_oe,"TelepboDe . Ceatral 1.444WHAT IT MEANS"American Factory Rebuilt·' meana a cla_ of typewriters, auch ..no other concern does or caD reb11il4 u we do. It ia an identifyinc termused to distinguish OUf machiDa &om the creat mua· of typewritenwhich ace offered under the' Dame HReIt1li1t."I t means that if you buy an • Am.ic:aD .Rebuilt Typewriter'" of anymake, yC'u wilJ iet a FACTORY nhuilt madtiDe. rebuilt with newparts; not one that has beea limply repaired and fixed un in an ordi­nary shop. but one equal to Dew in mechaDica1 quality.We guarantee every machine we.u for ODe year, and also par_antee tbe title.Second Floor. , ..The Original Typew riter ExcbanceAmerican WrItIng MaC/line Co.Established more' than � year.... _ ... Aa7 .... __ ......... �.. II, am_ •J 19 Dearborn Street, Chicago Telephone Harrison 406tTHOMPSONS LUNCH R80.:hc l-r-st lunches in Woodlawn are servedin a very appetizing and hy��enic.!Ilanncr atTHOMPSONS LUNCH ROOM808 EAST SIXTY·1HIRD SlREETPATRONIZE MAROON ADVERTISERS.IL��N�"l .... � F� PnteIlta • .,.n. ........ ' 1I..al �.Tiii·4RCADI •• aS�CKST�NB�. ,.. . �. " .H,d�� PIa� b.tw_ JIitIa. .... Wa�h ATUue. ' .saiMtiGA of. the 1Ia.lca1 Wod4,, . 4D4ner. " ,',--.' '" .B�.�AIU ORCHUTItA_SAUCK FOR TE GOOBEPOWERS� B� Harris P�t.'i'JIS CObNTRY BOYG�·CKFOd.ea-RobertaoD ill. '-"THE PAllING OF THBTHIRD FLOOR .4�O·�NDllarpret ADaIiDQuEN STOCXINGS"..,, STUDEBAKI!!RHENRIETTA CROSSMAN inCORTCoibed7 TeD StrikeH�' ow. Sa.,.. • ..,................. "I.� -••� � .."THE GREAr HAlIK"pRINCESS·TIlE WARNING.LA SALLETHE SWEETEST G!ItL -DC �'-rIIe -Bat "Comic -8pera ._ -tileCity. ..'WHITNEYHeDq. ,,.. ,llama��,�.\ll� .•THE DESBRTJOICOLONIALVictO ......IaTIie H .. ·.UIlca1 PIQ"THE HAPPIEST NIGIt!' 1W;1QI :-r..uut, ..MCV.CKE�Wm. A. Brady AnnoUnce.Mr. Loma MaDDTHE CHEATER�PRESS ............................VAUDSVlLIa� ��-«Eftt7 da,y, 8=30 aDd I:q.tI · tUlIIKl1i wiN PAHCAIIR FROM IOPHOMOUSH,v-.. to Play. Overtime-Score at To Take Up RccODlJDendatioll8 ofEDd of kOnci Half, 16-16-W� Exec�tive t;ommittee at 10:30 To-Finally, �.-16. �y With H�sfoot.BLACKFRIARJ TO DECIDEON 'fRJP AT ME�TINGTb, Freshmen drove another spi� The Blackfriars will meet today atill first place in the intra-University 10:30 in Cobb to vote on the recom­sIrje, by �ef�'ljlJg tl), Sophs yester- men-lations of the executive commit­d�y �Y .18 to 16. The game was fa�� tee. At its meeting yesterday theand many fouls were committed by committee voted favorably on theboth �;dr:s although few were called. plan of incorporation. on taking aTh� team work of the Sophs was ex- trip if arrangements could be made,l;ell�nt, but the first y�ar men were and on arranging to have the Hares­superior on baskets, foot club of the University of Wis,A.t the end of the h�lf the Freshmen consin in .Chicago for a performanceJ�ad �y 14 to 8, but at the end of the of their annual comic opera.second the score was 16 to 16. A three If the Blackfriars decide favorably,mi.IJu�e extra was played in which the on the trip proposition, a perform'deciding basket was made, ance will be given in Milwaukee, and�urray played a good game, get- possibly in Madison. Abbot Whit­ting around the floor and making four field urges all members to be on hand.baskets. Green was the scoring starfo'r the losers, getting four baskets JUNIOR DANCE FOR FRIDAYalso.Lineup:,Freshmen (18). Sophs (16).'Frank . '.' R. F ........•. GreenMurray L. F RadnitzerWriffen C , .. GoddardLevy R. G .. _ Goodman,DuckVinissky •• _ .... , . L. G. : ..... MurphyHarrison.Field goals-Frank, Murray 4. Whif­fen,J. Levy. Green 4. Goddard, Duck,Murphy, Referee--Kuhns_ Time ofhalves-e-rg minutes.The Law school will meet the Med­ics in th'e next game of the series to- Tickets Necessary for Affair in Rey­nolds Club-Skating Postponed.The Juniors will hold their onlydance of the quarter next Friday from.1 to 6 in the Reynolds club. Noonewithout a ticket will be admitted. Inthe meantime these may be obtainedfrom Ralph Rosenthal or from anymember of the executive committee.Next \Vednesday afternoon at theJackson Park lagoon the Juniors willhold their skating party, providingthat the weather is suitable 'for thesport. Wasting No TimeTbata what yo� are doing when you read the advertisements in�·HE D�ILY MAROON. You �Ul will find no ada � �. publi­cation that will not intereu you. Neither �e �e price. tgq ��JJ ��lO� Our adve��rs are sel�ct� wit:, care. Beside. the,. are "pu'table and can be relied upon not to misrepresent.Why deal with merchants of whom ),oil �ow D��g ... w� F9':1can 4eal with merchants who �rry o� �u.ftY ������THE"DAILYKAROON advertiserL -'�.:.- "morrow afternoon at 3:15 in Bartlett.PLAN INT.ERNATIONAL NIGHT,REYNOLDS CLUB SMOKER '.TO BE 'AMATEUR NIGHT Cosmopolitan Club to Give Enter­tainment in Mandel, February 18.Plan Big Extemporaneous Contest forFriday Night-Prizes to Be Of­fered-Whiteside Receives Title.Plans are proceeding merrily forthe Reynolds club smoker Fridaynight. As the affair is novel. a newlex�r:iment in the club, much i�terest;�s .been aroused :am_oag. those who'ba�e any intentions at all of sacrificingthemselves for the amusement of the• .pubiic. Two men have already signi­fied their intentions of competing and February 18 has been chosen as thedate for the International night enter­tainment to be given under the au­spices of. the Cosmopolitan club in,�andeL The night wilt be conductedsimilar to the Japanese night which.the Cosmopolitan club gave a short'.time ago. Stunts representing everynation will be put on instead of only'Japanese acts. The program will bean�ounced' .tomorrow, Admission willbe charged.Conrado Benitez has been elected The Fountain Penwith a Guarantee-­The Diamond PoiptA yearly guarantee certificate aeeempanies each and every.9�e of our Fountain Pens.';[:he Safety Clip that accompanies our pen ia one of thebeat made. It will keep you from losing your pen.THE DIAMOND PEN P.OI�T �9.New York..many .more .ambitious actors are ex­pected to hand in their names before general chairman of the affair and heFriday notwithstanding tb� :fact that will appoint the members of his or-ganization in a few days.the qualificaions are that no one musthave ever appeared in public withthe stunt he represents. Assis.t ��f� �ower Honored..All of the amateur acts are limited ;Assistant Professor William Tower.to fifteen .minutes. After the .acts each.contestant will .parad..e .across thestage, The prize, will then be givento the . one receiving the most ap­plause from the audience. White­side .has been appointed ·'Wielder of-the Hook," and will answer any de.mands - of the audience in . the usualmanner. Aside from the announce'ment,of the prospective appearance of• GJuaton and Baldwin, it is rumored, that __ Whitfield will appear as a black· face artist. All· other stunts will beheld as announced yesterday..F.RESIDIAN D.EBA 'J:ETEAll PICKED FORANNUAL CONTESTEarle ShiltonOakley MortonChester DunhamFrederick Kilner, alternate.The Freshman debating team which�11 meet the Sophomores and North­western was chosen last night inCobb 6A. The question debated was,"Relolved, That a 14-foot \Vaterwayshould be constructed from Lake.Michigan to the Gulf of Mexico.�'This question has been submitted toN orthpestern, which will make itsdecision before February 6. The So­phomore tam will be chosen tonight,the cOIltataDtI debatine the samequeatioa. of the University was made a' memberof the executive committee of theAmerican Society of Naturalists atthe annual .meeting at Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y.C,ltASSlFIED. MJJtI1&1ItNI'SRates-Three lilies for 25 cellaSiz worda to �. line.Five �� f�r the price of four.No aclvatiaemeat takeD for leadIaD -5 caaCull mat .�OIIIpUy order.Lost-Spectacles Friday noon be­tween Press bldg. and Lexingtonhall. Case bears name of Dr. LouisOstrom. Rock Island. Return toThe Daily Maroon and receive re­ward. j 21. Feb. 1 2 3 4-After Class-Ambitious young mencan earn $10.00 to $40.00 a weekselling accident insurance for thelargest company of its kind in theworld. Salary or commission. Writeor apply to the Continental Casuali­ty Co� Room noJ, 134 Monroe St..To Rent-Excellent front room forone person. Reasonable terms. Can5609 Drexel av� 3rd .\P� STORE NO.2750 E. ;63'RD STREETTEL NORMAL 5915ff�tte1 � Fum�_b�tA complete line of,MEN'S WINT�,R W�1\8AT POPULAR ;PRICESOPEN EVENINGSWe respectfully solicit .your P,&trol�f�- / �-. ._P:,fd to AJrents • • • 4 centsPaid for Denth Claim". • 22 cents "'or Rr:mc-b om� expenlM"S. ApncJ'I"ald to Living PoU<-T Ho1ctt"n. 28 cents �tl(lt'"fllion and .Medlenl In-Set a"lde for Reserve and' Dlvl- Rpe1'tlon 3 cent.deneb _ • 40 cents "'or Ac1mlnlstratlon and . Invest-ment Ex(lt'nlK'S 2 .centsTotal 90 een ts .·or Insnrnnee llf-pt. Taxt"S. Lt-c-ense 1 «:entWhat the .N�w York life Did in 1910WITH EACH DOLLAR OF CASH INCO�IC.Tot:l)If Inte""'t"". for farther �lIfonnation. writ". ('all or phoneA. I. JACOBSON, General Agent� 'Sf'W 'l"ork Llff' Bldlf. 111 La Sail" Mt. Central !SRI.CamptlR R('p�f'ntntIT(,. Bf'II K. Goodman. a23 Dft'xf'1 An. Mldw.,. 111 ••DO YOU EAT?If so, why not at.theUNIVERSITY COMMONSThe best in the city for the price.All things in seasoo. �'"