I)atlp aroon�l. IX. No. 78. - -�--L':\IVERSITY OF CHICAGO, \\·ED:\ESD.\Y,FEBRCAI{Y I, 1911 Price Five CeatsDANCE REPORT SHOWS PROFIT STUDENT CLUB WILLPUSH MERRIAM BOOMORCHESTRA PLAYS TOENTHUSIASTIC HOUSEConcert Well Received by AudienceGontaining Many Students Pro­gram Full of Interest.EVEN BInER RESULTS DESIREDB�Jieve That Increased Student In­terest Will Tend to Make Affairsof More Value.The Thomas Orchestra concert yv stcrday aft\!rnoon was c-pccia lly encl1uraging in its results, fur a muchlarger attendance of students than u­ual was no ted. The Orchestra has al­wavs been able to play before fullhouses at the Univer-j ty. but it willbe.' remembercd uhat the series (Ifconcerts was originally in-t itutc.lhere ior the b�nelit of the studentbody. The program was auain of un­usual interest,The "Fidelio' Overture of Dceth-oven was played with aspirit well becoming its joyous spirit.The "Eroica' Symphony was enthu­siastically received, The Orchestraevidently took great pleasure in play­ing this work for Mr. Stock led with­out a score. and the players followedhim with much apparent case. "Lesspirit of modernity. Fortunately, "�e�Pre]udes" is not so far ad"anccd thata "program" was necessary for it�comprehension or e,'en its apprccia-tion.It is "incere]y hoped hy tho�esupportin;r tbe concerts that now thestlldents arc taking snch an intercstir. th(' conccrt" they will actiwly fur­ther .the movement by sllgge�ting- tnthe committce their prefcrcncc inmaking up future programs. so a:; tomake the�e concerts student concert"in the broadcf-t senf-e of the word_McCUTCHEON AND NESBITINDIANA CLUB GUESTSCartooni'3t and Humorist Will AtteneDinner. of . Hoosier Society on. -February g.John McCutcheon and \Vilbur D.Nesbit will be the gucsts of honor ata dinner of the J ndiana Socicty,Thursday,' Febrn::ry 9, at (;:30. in theprh'ate dining room of the Common:,Thi" witt he the socicty's initi:t1(\-ent of the ycar and the ofiiccrs ojthe club expect it to hc highly snc­Cts<:iul. Any memher o( thc Fnin'r­�ity who J1as ever lind in T ndiana i �e1i�ihle to memhership in thc ���('iety.l'n·.;ident \Yhiting sai,l yeq{,l'<la�'"We ila"e ·heen c011lpellc(1 to po<:t,)I(:ne the dinner owing to the fac:that :\Jr. McC'1tche(l!l ha, hCl'll ill.l,ut j'e has prolllised to h(' ,,·jtll t1' fillF('hr' arv o. l�e .. ide" thi.. i;':'�(l\;H00;.,jer. \Vilhur D. Xe"hit. tIlt' h'�n�()riq. will 11clp gh'e tlie ",el,i"I' Tll­di;m;l atmosphere. \Vc \\,:lllt (":('r\formpr resid"nt of prc"ent re�i(l('nt "fIndiana to he with liS tn h·lp 1:1\'('th('<(, men a welcome and to help"boo�f' the cluh,"Thc hoard of reg-ents at the rni­'('r-if�' (If Kan"'a .. will ;11 "11("t the�(,coltnts of all university nrganiza'tions twice a year. PROPOSES CAP AND GOWN PLANFaculty Board of Student Publica- TEAM PREPARES FORBOILERMAKER CONTESTtions Advises Business Uanagersto Have Subscription Isaue=-Sug; Easy Work This Week', Program ingestion to Be Adopted, Expectation of Hard Fightfriday Night.J:tluses and halls:Lawrence \Vhiting, Paul Heftin,J(lllll H0H�]:]and. 1':ed Earle, Everettr,t)bin�(ln, Cah'in Smith, Frank Col­lin�s. Perry Trimb]e, Hiram Kenni.cot. Paul Da,-is, Hargrave Long, Val­]el! .-\ppd, Arthur O'Xei], Earl Bowl­I1Y. L.-::ui!> Curry. \\'illiam Bresnahan,P::ui O·Dca. Hoben Mi]ner, RenoJ'ene. Car] Exceben. Mark Savage,l'ny nairlridgc. Hardd McLane, Roy:":el,t'il. \\,il!ialll Harmcs. XathanielL·di·a. D')JJah] Grey, Edward Jcnn­ing"" J:.c('b Sampson, and Ralph Ros­enthal.! f : h: plan con t aincd ill a letter re-In i"e.) ye,..H:rday Ir om 1 he Board of!::lll()ent Pllhlications by the businesst::;tll:tger:- of the Cap and Gown is I:td"Plc(1, the cdiuion this year willl-e a subscr ipt iou is:--ue with only sorna ny l.ooks printed as ordered by.\pril L This idea is advanced by thei;ll',lIty as an aid to the finaucial con'riiti.'n:-- (ii the a n n ua l, �o that 110 losswill Ill' incurred this year,'1'1)(' letter follows:�lal1ager�, 11)11 Cap and PURDUE RUNNERS TRY FOR TEAMCoach Gives Out No Times but Con­test Looks Close onPast Records.Lafayette, Ind., Jan 29, 1911.(Special to The Daily Maroon.)The preliminary tryouts for thetrack team Friday afternoon demon­-rrau-d that a great deal of hard workwill be required before the Boiler­makers will be in shape for thc meetwith Chicago hen: next Friday night.Cr.ach Junes did not g ive out thetime for any of the events, but it isl-elieved that 110 records were made.A:-: a whole the team is better balan-ce d than last year, the main eventshcinq a�· well supplied as last year,while the events in which Purdue wasweak are strengthencd by the addi--ub scription issue and that you limit ·tion of new men.the edition quite definitely to t'f1e Finance Chairman Conrado BenitezMakes Report Showing Profit ofAlmost Seven Hundred Dollars­Thanks Women who Sold Tickets. Delegates Meet This Morning to Organ­ize to Support University Pro­fessor in Politics.uumhcr of orders that you have se­cured w ith advance deposits by Aprilfirst. I write this as a representativeof the Board of Student Organiza­Preludes,' the Liszt tone-pecm, wa� til ,ns as an indication of their opinionthe selection that ahovc all appcall'd �hut not \\ ith any idea of hamperingto ihe greatcr part of thc audicnce, your freedom of movement.fr:r it is a composition fu)) of the Sincerely,Percy H, Boynton.Will Accept Plan.( ; \I\\' 11Gentlemen:ill view of thc heavy obligationsThe first event in the tryout wasthe 40 yard dash, in which the threemen who are the hope of -Purdue inthe da shcs, Richards, Hoffman. andKessler, entered. Hoffman finishedfirst. with the other two men closeseconds. \\'ithout doubt these threemen are about as speedy as any inthe conference. \Vason was the onlyman entered in the mile event but,he was paced by Egc]er, Roberts andCleve]and. Wason showed up well, itheing noticeable that his ability to5print on the last lap is stilJ with him_The low hurdles were not run, but inthe high hurd]cs, Richards drewahead of Hauter and Chestnutt, theether starters, by a ftash of his old"pecd In the 220 dash each man ranalone. Thl' time was not given out,hut I{ic1:ards, Kcss]er. Hoffman, andFrench showed the best form, In the4-tO yard dash, Rathbun finished�trong as first, with Hardin andBurkc not far behind. Cleveland ran an markahlc race in the half'mile and�1'O'.·:cc] that he can be developed into('Ill' of the best half-miters Purduehas enr had. Goss showed his super­:nity in t]!e t\vo'mile, with \Voodsshowing �ood form. The time ap­[-rared rather slow. Sayler cleared theI ar in the high-jump at 5'7, whileRichards and Gannon are rapidly get­ting into their old form in the pole'vault. Kelley and Carter showed upwdl in the shot-put. Stockton andChart�rs in the shot-put, and Mc'\ :w:.;h i'l the high jump were unableto compete in the tryout on accountd haf-kctba)) work. They will enterth(' mcet with Chicago Friday night.Men Work (or Purdue.The Chicago men wcre given lightw(lrk Yl':--tl'rday_ The :-quad is inr:tthcr had �h:tpe. \\,ill K uh is still"lIt on accoullt pf hi� injurt'd k·.::-. :lt1dT;.fl;lr,: Y. ;:l1 t!,l:' I.j I:.�' ,;.: ::It,'r.�·tr:tine<i hi,.. ]eg ye .. tcrday_ �t�'llaul i,.l-;"'ing -"Ille t rl)uhle with his ll'g andi" Iwing nllr,..('<) along- to al'llid trot1h1c. The I1ll'll arc anything hut opti­m:�tic :t!.Pilt the coming meet especi­;dly in "icw (.If the known �trength(Ii thc Pmduc team in several e\"ent:;.Strength (If the Teams,J t WO\11d "eem as if Purdue i,.. cap­;:l,le (If taking two place!' in the da�h(Continued on pa&e 4) The rC'pl In "i the Finance commit­tee of the Se u lemcnt dance, whichwas cornp le t cd and ready tu be' aud­it cd yc st c rday. shows the total profitfr c-m the ciaucc to be �()S-l.02, Theprofit ir om t ic kct s wa- $:;�o.37' Icav­ill;.,! $1O.1.()5 as that amount gainedir'.!11 the :-;alt- of refreshments.Ilcn it cz �ail' that while these figurescould not he quoted as official. owingt,) t licir not hn vinj; been audited a"yet, t hcr e i:--. "li:.;ht chance that theywii! not stand. The receipt- from thisyear's dance exceeded thll�e of lastby about «ne hundred dollars. thcsale of tickets this year being the-a mc a,.. that of last, but the profitIrr-m the refreshments far exceededthose of the fermer dance."The SilCCC"S of the dance this yeari s credited entirely to the excellentwork of the women ticket sellers who!-old a great many more tickets than(iiel the men." said the chairman. MissHelene Pol lak heads the list of thosewh o sold tickets with a total of e igh­ty-five tickets.The complete list follows: Helenel'o))ak S5. Marie Fanning is, Nance1,0:"5 60, Deruicc Le Claire 50, Doro­th::; Fox 47, De))a Patterson 45, EfficHewitt 40, Viola Lewis 30, MargaretMitchell 30. Mary Chaney 30. Only aa few of the men approached theirf �}orts. N. Elmstrom sold 33, N. Tar­tarsky 18, H. Kopald 22.Ccnrado Benitez speaking of thewemcn's sales said, "The women can1I0t be too highly p'raised for theirefforts. They ga,-e an exhibition of�pirit in their support of the dancethat car. hardly bc equalled by themen. Rea]izing that the effort madc toscll the5e tickets was not small Iwant to thank them for their work PLANS FOR BIG MASS-MEETINGAssemble Tomorrow Night in Wood­lawn in Connection With YoungMen's Republican Club.• ] 'lan s to boost the candidacy ofc\lderlll:tn Merriam for mayor by the"l;.;anizatiull (If a Merr iam club ontile; campus arc rapidly being pushedto completion. The actual work willl-cg in this morning- wl.cn twenty menrcp rc scn ti ng as m a ny University or'g a niz at ion s will meet at 10:30 o'clockin Cobb 6A to organize a Merriamclub, At t his meeting, all preliminary.... t cp s ne cc ssary in the formation ofa club will be carried out.Circular letters have been sent outto all men prominent in University'c.rg anizat ions urging them to assist inthe launching of the club. Cards areabo being distributed, the signing. ofwhich admit students to membership,and an effort is being made to getevery voter OJl the campus interestedill the candidacy of Professor Mer­riam.Students to Attend Meeting.Following the meeting today a pollof all the studcnts wi)) be made, afterwhich the first organized effort willbl:! made to get stud'!nts out_ in aondy to a Merriam mass meeting.1 his demonstration is scheduled to beheld Thursday evening in the Wood­lawn Masonic temple, 64th street andLexington avenue under the au'spicesni the ').' oungs Men's Republican club,a new and large city organization de­\'oted exclusively to the Merriam can·dic.!acy. The new Uni\'ersity Merriamdub will probably attend in a body.One ,)f the purposes of the meetmgtc:day wi)) be to make plans for ral­lies to be held on the campus later.The club intpnfis n�! only to lend itsinllnence in the campaign but also togct. 0ut and do active work.Delegates to Attend.Thc following men will attend thelllceting in Cobb this morning as del-\'. h ic h the managers of the "Cap andGown" 11a ve to incur in advance, andon account of the problems whicht iiey IJ:lVC to meet in the matter of10!aking- their sales after the editionhas hee n issued, I strongly advisethat you make the issue for 191 I a::nd its splendid results."BLACKFRIARS DISCUSSPLANS FOR WISCONSIN TRIPClub Meets Tomorrow and ExecutiveCommittee Today-Harefoot ClubWould Trade Performances. ...,·\V \! will undoubtedly accept thispla:1," said Earl Hutton, one of thebusiness managers, yesterday, HI t�l�ows thc interests of the faculty inthe puhlication, and a desire on theirpart to scc that we do not have anyt:nancial difficulties this year. Here­tl fore there have bcen many more!)',lck" printed than ca]lcd for witlr tht,n'!-'ult of a great additional expensc,a� thl'y cannot be sold but at reducedpricc if at alL"Variolts plans have been ad\'anced:1,.. t() how the numbcr of pages and(.'I,�ra,illg-s may be cut down, But allof thcse have becn rejected by thceditors and business managers in­their intercst to turn out the bestedition so far Schemes for the cam­p:'.ign of subsc�iptions are being for­mulated and thc details will be giv�n(lnt probablY before the end of theweek.IJLAN FOR SCORE Cl.UB DANCEFebruary Eleventh Is Date Set forClub's Second Dance of Quarter.:-;C(>fl' c1uj/s :;ccond dance of thc\\,intl'r 'Iuartcr i,.. SdlC(lukd for a"l't'k ff(ll�l Saturday. at l�o�a]ic, at2'3() in the :lftl'rnl)l)n. Tickets for thc: f,'air 1Ia',c heen placl'(1 (In f-ale an(1lI';iY I'l' "J,tailh'd (lj allY IlIcluber (Iit l:e �(lpIWIllIl:-C organization. The�;dt' tbu" jar ha� hCl'll eTlcouraging.;,,:c"fdil1g tl' n'p"rt:-- ir"lll Ilflic;;i1, ,111(' duh,Plans arl� TlI'\\' hl·ing lllade jl)r th.d:II1\e. �I",.il'. rcfre:--hllll'T1t,.. and dec"r;)ti():t" \\";11 hc cared inr. There will1 ... Ill) -:nntii.:ting athll,tic .. attractinpnIl ! he date set.l�eca\l�c of the lack of funds thel'lli",'r"i!�' (If \\'i:-con�in llla_\' h('I hli:!ef( to abandon J ntercolleg-i:ttedehating. frGm various fraternities,Plans arlO 0n fOOL rcgarding a tripcitl�cr to �'adison or �!i]waukee forthi" year's elackfriar cast and chorus_The c-x(.'cuti\·c committe of the Friarswill tlieet today in Cohb 3:\, at ::?c/c](lck. to di:--cu:;s the financial fcasi'l;i1ity (Ii nmking such a trip undcr thc:n·spices of the Harcsfoot cluh of thePni ... -ersity of "'isconsin.Che�t('r H:1ir(l. reprcsentir.gllan·:--t'o(.t dub. h!ls "'\��ge,..tcd thcthattho 1 Jar,: .. tnnt prodllctinn of this year."Thc :\bniC'ure �h()p:- he gi\cn hen'ml(]cr thc :mspiccs of the r.!ackfriar,:tlid tl;;.t thc "h. l'.\". "Capturing Cal­YI"":' he ';i�" 11 III \\'j ,"n,;n.The m:ll.·kfr;;tr:, ',yin di,ct· .... the FORl\IER U. OF C. MAN WEDSI.j p!:IY" :1t :t" he lH'ld ttl\.·"J,h 3.\. Th, C:cr�Jd Fitz,:;ibbon Married Yesterday;\lcmber of C'ass of ;gII.at 10:30. iii"('111111i:!,(' "11 incnrp'lrati"n 'will "llhmit it� rep(lrt at the "1mc time_ :\t,·nlll1itt�,(' cnllll'n;;t'r1 (If I.a\\' "C],"I"Fl'iar,.. l:a, hall t1Tl(1er cnn,;ckrat;, ,.the a(hi"ah;lity (If h:-"'in� the nr,lnin('(�rpr,ra :(',1. in order tn h.:ilit1te it­hl1 .. ine�s matter:,_ G.r::ld j'itz�'ihl)nll, eX-IT, formerly:) ,tl'(1:-:" :1: ,11C l'ni'l'r,ity nf Chica­;_ .•. \\;i - :1','" "d ye"!\'rllay lllorning to:\;i" ,,'Ii·.�t 1:;'l""li tl:e dau(!'htl'r.. :-:. F. gril':o-en. (,(lOI I,h,>dc:, aH'il-,lI.'.Th' Tl1,nri,lg'e t0flk place at the Ho]y{ :' ," y�(lI:l:1n Cathnlic Church_ Theh,-idal par�y ,,·ill "pend their h,,11CY­IIlI'nn in thc Ea:;1.(nrlll'll "ni,er,ity ha� ,1,'ci(1c(1 tl'c�tahli,.h a sch(,ol of forc�try.:j! �.'i'.,j'j THE DAILY MAROON WEDNESDAY,FEBRtJAR.Y I, I9tt1'� THE DAILY MAROON. Address upon "Liberal Ch�tianity SARGENT PICTURES SHOWNand Missionary Efficiency," by Pro-fessor E. C. Moore in Haskel at i:IS Professor in College of Education hasp. m. Exhibit of Painting.Freahman-Soph basketball game to-day at 3: J S in Bartlett.Education yesterday placed on ex­hibition in the main corridor of Em­LeCercle de Conversation Fran-mons Blaine hall his best known pic­caise meet in room 8 of Lexingtonat 4 p. m., Thursday.Northwest Neighborhood club par­ty at the home of Miss Jarvis, 5546Drexel avenue. Thursday from 4 to 6.Fencibles meet in Cobb 6A at 10:30Thursday.Black!riars meet in Cobb 3A atTh. OftIcial Stud .. nt I'ub:ication of Tbet.:lliH'r,.;it,. of Chicqo."orm�rI1Th. l:lliv�r"ity or Chicaco W�kl1rouutlcdTb.I W�klel ..••..•.• _ •••••• October I, 11g!n. Dail,. ••••••.......•••.• October I, 190!Pubfished Uilily, t'_"tct"l't l8uDd&J" lion·..,. anll llUJiua�'� ul:rin;: three-quarters of thetiDiwerllit1 "ear.I::ntered a. �"l:vI1l1·dil"" mail at the Ubi·eago l'o .. totlin:, L'i.icao,;o, lllillOi., Karch II,lIwa, l·'lo!.'r Al:t 01 .uuch �, li7:l.TilE STAFFN. J.. l'FU FEll . . • •K. J. 1>ALY • • .AI. 1-'. CAltl'l::STEH llana .. iuK; II:tlitor• !:\8'U li:ditor• A.thletic .i::dilorW. J.l:'outcc. Y. Taylvr 11. L. Iiennicott11. W. ReNec. W. Huubl'!illld 1>. L. Breed,lU::l'UltT�KSJ. K. UCI::;"UUl'!",)' '.:t.,ul�'r a, 1>. StevenU. 1,. lJuollam£. L. Uarrl.1'_ KearoeyJ. n. I'erle.L. ::)lolz\\'. Wellman.Mux Eudvws. KuptuuW. Lyuiuua. L_ �ayl'C1I. W. \·illi!;sl,yWU.\I.E�·::) lJJ::l'.AltTl.l&NT.Marjorie U ill, Editor.Ituth l�clickcr, Auoclate EditOl'HEl'OUTEU::)Y. COUillbl'll.Florclll:c Cullin Alma Llcht7suuscuu-r.ox HATES:BJ Carrier, $2.&0 �.er yt:ar; $1.00 per quarter._, mail, $1.2;' per quarter. $3.00 per rear inadvance.! :I l' For TheMerriam Club porttion and co-op era­of every student in the Univer­sity. Irrespective of political or otheraffiliations, every student owes tohimself and to the University notonly to become a member of the clubbut to give it as much assistance asis within his power.The candidacy oi Associatesor Merriam is more of a University·t]1an a pcr s onal movement. Thethings that :\Ir. Merriam stands forepitomize the ideals of the Univer­sitv awl every thoughtful student canfu;thcr t 11:,:,c ideals by pcrsonallyaiding �tr Xl orr ia m's campaign. Thecollege men in poli t ic s is the greatcry of tflday �1l<1 every student of thel.i�i\'er:'ilY III Chicago has now a!,plendid nppnrttlllity to get into thericht kill(1 roi p .�1ilic5 in thc right way.DAILY BULLETINThree Quarters Club \\'iIJ meet inthe Reyw,ld -; c luh at TO:3(). Pictures.Young Women's Christian League}i'cturc hy nr. II l'l1(kr�on on the''fruit it:1 Li ;.C'," L('xin�t0n 10:30.Special Meeting of the Pow \Vowthi5 aflc;-n' ,',:1 ill Cobb (,:\. All mem­bcr5 arc llr�t (1 II' he prc�cnt, as m�t­terc; (\f fire: i�,11)(\rtai1cc arc to be diS·..!�i'I:,I � (.Ii Cl1S5Cd.Executive Committee of the Juniorc1a!'5 at .1 p. m."Fortii!c�t!('n of the PanamaCanal" \'.,;11 h tl1C Qlhjcct of a lect­ure hy J'rnfc"<or A. n. Hart of Har­... arct Uni\'(r�;ty. in IIa<.kcll assemblyroom at 4 p. m. ty in the Neighborhood room at 4 p. Professor Sargent's work.D1. Friday.Northeast Neighborhood Club par- SNELL HALL TO GIVE STAGty in the home of Miss Lawler, 5722Madison avenue, from 4 to 6.ld club Special Stunt From Freshmen Fur­Junior Dance in the Reyno snishes Some Mystery.from 4 to 6 Friday.Reynolds Club Smoker Friday eve­ning.Junior Mathematical club will dis­cuss "Caustic Curves" in room 36 Ry­erson at 4:15 Friday.Indoor Athletics swimming con­test between Northwestern and Chi­cago, in Bartlett at 8 Friday... Indoor Athletics basketball gamebetween Indiana and Chicago in Bart­lett at 8 Saturday.Men of the University will beguests of the Bible class of the HydePark Presbyterian church, corner ofWashington and 53 sts., at 8 p. m.Saturday.Junior Skating Party postponed toWednesday, February 8.Indiana Club Dinner in the Com­mons cafe, Thursday, February 9 at6:30 P. m.Blackfriar Song Contest is open un-til February 10 at S:30 p. m. See Bul-10:30 Friday.Southwest Neighborhood Club par- Professor Walter Sargent, head ofthe art department of the School oftures. They will be on exhibition fora week. Last week they were exhibi­ted at the Quadrangle club. and dur-ing the summer when Professor Sar­gent was on vacation in the East, heexhibited them in Boston. Later onthey arc to be placed in one of theart galteries of the city so that thepeople of Chicago at large may havea chance to become acquainted withThc J; reshrnen of Snell halt willl ntcr tain the house members at thequar ter ly stag to be held in the clubrooms in the enning uf February 9."{he program will begin promptly atnine o'clock. Refreshments will beserved after the cntertainement.Thus far the Freshmen han' st ol-idly refused to divulge the nature ofthe stunt they are preparing to pres-cnt. I n a roundabout way it has be-come known that some plan is beingdevised to expose the weakness andthe most prominent characteristics ofthe members of Snell.A committee has been appointed toarrange fOf thc house dance to begiven the latter part of this month.Dr. Henderson to Address League.letin for particulars. morning at 10:30 before the membersThose who have lost books or oth- of the Y. \V. C. L. This will be the"The Fruitful Lifc" will be the sub­ject of Dr. Henderson's talk thisREYNOLDS CLUB STUNTSNOT YET·ALL ANNOUNCEDJapanese Pictures for Feature-Ad­mission to Members Only-Prizefor Best Art. To Entertain University Students.The Young Men's class of the HydePark Presbyterian church wilt givea social for the men of the Universityon Saturday evening at eight o'clock.Dr. Coulter of the University and Dr.'Vance, pastor of the church wiltspeak informally. There wilt be otherstunts for the entertainment of theguests. Refreshments will be served.)i.w� eontrtbuttons lWl1 be lett at ElilaBall or F:l.cuity ):;:scbao�e, addreued to er sundries are requested to leave fifth of a series of eight lecturesWbe Dally llarooo. their names at the Information office. scheduled by the League whose pur­Northeast Club will hold a party pose is to explain the duties and aimsThe Merriam club that will be or- from 3 to 5. Friday afternoon at the of "The Christian Life."ganized this morning is deserving of home of Miss Lawler, 5722 Madisonthe heartiest sup- avenue.Friday night will be the amateurP�ofes- night at the Reynolds club smoker.0(. stunts are definitely known as yethut it is rumored that Gonton andBaldwin will present an originalsketch. All others will be called fromthe audience and many are expectedto respond. The rest of those presentare requested to refrain from the us­Hal vegetable throwing stunts so longas this is the first attempt at anamateur performance this year. Asuitable prize will be given for thebest act.The feature of the evening, as an­nounced in yesterday's issue, will bethe pitcures of the Japan baseballtrip. President Baldridge has securedHty photographs and Captain Col­lings will describe them as thrown up-01: the screen. The program has beench.mged somewhat; instead of tht?b(,xillg match between Tartar�ky andDonO\·an. wrestling and broad·swordmatches have been arranged. DonHollingsworth will put on a black­faced monoiogue to take the placeof the act by Adams and Morse. In�ddition to the above feat�rcs therewill be a Japanese jiu jit�u exhibition.music by the Reynolds club quaret,;lnd some magic and sleight-of-handperfolmances by Comer. Membersonly may attend. Tbis Ad. Is Goodlor $1.00CUT 1'HIS OUT.This Coupon will not be publish-ed after February 18, 1911.I i your Piano does not need turn­ing now; save the coupon, as wewill honor it if presented within.3 months of above date.Call us up and we willsend one of our expertPiano Tuners. who will ac­cept this coupon as $1.00discount. TIle regular priceis $2.SC.This is a bona fide offer.This .-\d. must be presented,if you desire the reductionLouis LowenthalPianos that please.712 West Madisoll StreetTelephone- Monroe 2517.WE ALSO RENT PIANOS. .r""·: � .. ;C:: •• ,. ;':;:';'''':'';';'';-Z'li;Ri�jil�'Wl.'Wiil'�'''lFATIMA 11@��H® 1'1CIGARETTES �j'�OO����, �� �1r;::w:.: ::�;t; �i:i§:;!��1i:�� IAnd their goodness is sur- \�;pnsmg. !}.���o::�: Ii.\��k�H;���:��\�!fJ.��';iBH@/;:,:f.:.�:·��:;:i��i4:iif:���'::.Wf/i:�;:�"';f(:':fW:l�j{£?-fF)iWilh each pacJ"age oJFatima you gel a pen­nant coupon. 25 01which 3CCCFe II hanJ-som e 1 ell collegepennanl (12 z32)­.Iedion 0/100.WfLLS CLOTHES SHOPA. J. UNGER President.CLEARANCE SALE ofSUITS and OVERCOATSat $17--$22--$26T his is a rare opportunity to securereally high grade garmentsat extreme­ly low prices.BETTER SEE OUR WiNDOWDlSPLA Y. LET US SHOW YOUTWO SHOPS.139 RANDOLPH ST.HOTEL SHERMAN(Opposite City Hall) 231-�33 DEARBORN ST.GREAT NORTHERN HOT£L(Opposite Postoffice)YOU CANNOT BEa Connoisseur of Turkish Ciga­rettes until you have smoked theCONDAX EXTRACLUB SIZE1 Package of 5 Cigarettes for 15.:Manufactured byf. A. CONDAX & CO.The originators of theStraw and very Mild.MEDICAL SERVICEHour,:!' 10 lZ a. m't :! to S p. m. i:..eDinp •• dSunday Ily appoilltllleDt.OffiL�. Sui:e 14. lZlO East �d Street. N. W .Cor. Kimbark AYe •• Cblc:ap.reI. H. P.4345 Res. Tel Oak �GEO W. I. BROWN. M. D.Practic(' limited to diseases of theEYE. r\OSE and THKOATTel. 43.1.; H. P. Res. Tel. 8294 H. PDR. EMORY M. LOTTS.DE�TIST')ffice X. W. Cnr. 63d St. &r:imhark A\e. Suite 14. Chicago. M'rHE DAILY MAROON WEDNESl>AY,FRBRUARY I. 1911pnrOODFlBWooDBASSWOODGBA.YWooDJ'EBlIiWooD'J'EAKWooDJlAPLEWOODETC.YOU WIL'L FINDWHATYOU ARE HUNTING FOR� ...COLLARS2 FOR 25 CENTSTHEY ARE IS CREES BOXESMade by EARL & WILSONF __ a. for,� CollanAll of us areliving so much,working 80 much and play­lng .0 much that some ofu. are not giving our eyesthe attention we should.W. deplore such a stateof affairs that makes ourservices necessary. On theother hand we feel recom­pensed for the good wehave done for the eyes ofo1:h.rs and the good wewould like to do for yoursif you need properly pre­• cribed and fitted glasses.N. Watry � Co.OP:""lC�NS99-101 Randolph Street1'01l will � have eyeglaaa com(ort._veniance or lena cff:.icncy until you_ar SHUR.aN eyeglasses 88 w. fit -them. Hav. your old lenues put into."--" SIIUR-oN Mounting .• - ... �AGAINOur Semi-Annual SpecialBlue, Black and GraySerge or Cheviot Suit,with extra Trousers ofiame or Outing material.$30.00:1-'.' .�....Tailor for Y oun� MenTwo Store.: 131 La SaiIe Street.44 Jackson" Boulevard.J. C. VEEDER CO.(Not Inc.)PRINTERS'OFEVERYTHING915 East 63rd StreetNear Drexel Avenue.Telephone Hyde Park 1212Stvd.nts Think of ifIv .. � sse rats lie Ladles sulU tleaned... prase4 sua. spm�ecI and prwed 7 Sc�...u.r, �(. Pretlin� and R�iriH·W.r" Gaar_tc:c:dJ-tt �. NHI tQ' _ onceL COHN 1.11 f.6tst, MAr Ell'" CHORUSES AND CAST ARECHOSEN FOR W. A. A. PLAYUnequaled FountainDrinks. One YearGuarantee CertificateDiamond PointFountain PenEvery pen made by us is guaranteedto give absolute satisfactory servicein every particular.In event of any dissatisfactionwithin one year from date of purchasethis certificate entitles you to returnthis pen to us with your name, ad,dress and description of the trouble,and we will either give you a newpen or adjust yours so as to give ab,solute satisfaction.DIAMOND POINT PEN CO.Signed Dealer[Jate sold I9I..Geo. F. Ivins, Mgr.Save this certificate-it is your pensatisfaction insurance.aHobble Chorus is Feature of Skit­Flower, Corporation and FreshmanChorus-Girls Selected.THE ABOVE CERTIFICATEGOES WITH EACH PEN SOLDBY US. IT SHOWS THE CONFI­DENCE WE HAVE IN OURPENS.TWO DOLLARS UPDIAMOND POINT PEN CO.New York.Largest Mnfs. in the United States.Noble B.175 Dearborn Street, Comer MonroeSecond Floor. Telephone Central 8444WHAT IT MEANS"American Factory Rebuilt" means a class of typewriters, such asno other concern does or can rebuild as we do, It is an identifying termused tt) distinguish our machines frcm the �reat mass of typewrite rswhich are offered under the name "Rebuilt."It means that if you buy an "American �ebuilt Typewriter" of anymake. ycu will get a FACTORY rebuilt machine, rebuilt with newparts; not one that has been simply repaired and fixed un in an ordi­nary sbop, but one equal to new in mechanical quality.We guarantee every machine we sell for one year, and also guar;antee the title. TAILORThe Original Type" riter Exchange Es tab lis hcd more than 2() yeanAmerican WrItIng MachIne Co.R.f.r't. -:r a.." 01' cOlDmercial a!.nc7as to our relJ'C)naibillt7319 Dearborn Street, Chicago Telephone Harr ison -4065J. D. O'NEILlRlj�K�, GRIPS AND SUIT CASESSpecial styles ard sizes made to, r d cr ir: m p t :It:cnt:,l1 (,:,', ento repair wor l:EXPRESSING TO ALL DEPOTSThree trips daily to)Main Store,i52 E. Sixty-third Street .Phone Hyde Park 4242. ,':1"The women who are to take part .inthe hobble chorus, the flower chorus,t he corporation chorus and the Fresh­man lament for .' A Midway Local,"were chosen yesterday and will be­gin practice today. The ch�rus girlsare:Flower chorus-Dorothy Fox, CoraHinkins, Charlotte Foss, FrancesFoss. Louise Robinson, Gracia Alling.Joy Franklin, Maida Griswold, RuthCl awford, Zinna Bragg" Florence\Vhite, Margaret Rhodes. GertrudeAnthony. Louise Thornbury. Margar­et Hammett. Winired Miller, GladysGoetchell. Elizabeth Keen and ArlineBrown,Hobble chorus-Anita Bailey, lead­er: Emily Orcutt. Ruth Closson, Dor­ot hea Kohn, Rose Marie Moore.l\fary Roe, Alma Lichty, Edna Bell,Ad a Greenfield and Helen Sinsheimer.Corporation chorus-M. Kipper,leader; Marguerite Swawite, Corneliae\!all, Edith Coonley, Helen Gross, El­la Speiring, Isabelle Webster, A.Tard, Agnes McDowell, Helen StilesLoel Adams, and Della Patterson.'Freshman lament-Lynne Sullivan,Marjorie Nind, Harriet Sager, NellieMulroney, B. Toeffler, Anna Drill,If den Pollack, Ruth Hough, Mar­guerite Watson, Pearl McGimsie,Ruth Whitfield, Marian Baldwin, Lil­lian Swawite, Ruth Matthews, MaryLetitia Fyffe, Anna Coleman, MurielMcClure, Helen Parker. Isabel Jarvis,and Ini Perego.Other speaking parts in the play' ... ·ere assigned yesterday.The additions to the cast were:M iss Fierce, physical culture as-sistant ,. " . Effie HewittMiss Cheerleader Katherine LeeMiss Fresh . _ , , .. Olive DavisTwo authors Augusta Swawite•.•••. ,' .' •.........•... , .. Lydia LeeRehearsals of the speaking partswill be held today in the Neighbor­hood room at 4 o'clock, The chorusrehearsals will be held in Kent thisafternoon. The flower chorus willreport at 1 :15, the hobble and cor'poration choruses at 4 and the Fresh­man lamenters at 4:45.,';, : :ry a n d ,::.,::>'.;I)()mqS-l-() East F:i:y-:.fi:1 Str e c t ,F'h onc HYl!C la r k �,i,Be a loyal student and subscribe I(·r The L';\i:) :\lar.)on,Fib smoothly andkeeps up the sock 'with neatness andsecurity. It iscomfortable be­cause its wearerdoesn't feel it.The �onGarter keepsibtlrengthandexcds in wear­value. FullyguaranteeNew pairfree if youfindanim­perfeCtion.Cot���· 'Oe.)la1l .... 1 un r,·c·f"i.tl If. 1'""'''.CEORCE FROST CO., MAKERS,�""·n ... , U.S,A.SPALDING'S OFFICIALATHLETIC ALMANAC-1911Edited by James E. SullivanThe athletic records of the World.Sullivan's All-America CollegTeam. 1910.Sullivan's All-America AthleticTeam. 1910.Hundreds of Pictures•Thousands of Records.The only book published that con­tains the official college- recordsand hundreds of college pictures.The Encyclopedia of Track andField Sports.Price 10 Cents.L G. SPALDING " BlI.OI,147 Waba.b Ave.. Chic:aco.Chocolates, Bon BonsORDERS FILLED BY PHONESHIPPED ANYWHEREJuniors Hold Skating Party.Members of the Junior class willhold a skating party tomorrow even­ing from 4 to 6 on the lagoon of Jack­sen Park., Plans have been in pro­gress for several days, and if theweather and the park authorities per­mit. the Juniors will buckle on theirskates and make themselves acquain­ted with the ice in the park. Theyounz men and women will go inseparate groups to the park. 159 State St. 184 Michipn Ave.I;!) La Salle Street.S."lrd St. and Limbark Ave.Phone H. P. 11.NEWS OF THE COLLEGES A. McADAMSTHEStudent's FloristTo stimulate interest in gymnasiumwork, there will be three medals gh·­en or general excellence in the work�t the University of Virginia thisyear. �L.MANESS!� � OPTICIANatAlUSKD 186888 Madison St. Tribune Bldg.r) CS. gl,��e� cad .pec.aclcs sc.en­tifically fitted and adjusted. Ex­amination Free of charge.Ask to -cc the New Idea MountingArtesian wells at the Yale gymna­<ium will supply the Carnegie poolwith water at the rate of 30.000 gal·1('n5 a minute.A lake costing $.1.200 and coveringtwo acres is to he constructed at theUniversity of Kansas.Two skulls whose age approximates15.000 years are being exhibited at themuseum at Michigan.THE DAILY MAROON WED�ESDAY,FEBRUARY J. I9ItAMUSEMENTSILLINOISChas. Frohman PresentsThe Fantastical Musical Comedy.THE ARCADIANSBLACKSTONEHubbard Place. between llich. andWabash Avenue.Sensation of the Musical WorldAndreef'sBALALAIKA ORCHESTRALVRICGrace George in •SAUCE FOR TE GOOSEpOWERSHenry B. Harris PresentsTHE COUNTRY BOYGARRICKForbes-Robertson in"THE PASSING OF THETHIRD FLOOR BACK'GRANDMargaret AnglinGREEN STOCKINGSSTUDEBAKERHENRiETTA UWSSMAN inANTI-MATRIMONYI:: :i.� ; CORTComedy Ten StrikeHenry W. Sava,e Oiler.Henry Kolker in"THE GREAT NAlIIlL", i; tI', I�: !pRINCESSTHE WARNING.I' .r � :I� , �LA SALLETHE SWEETEST GIRL IN PARIS"The Best Comic Opera in theCity."WHITNEYHenry B. HarrispresentsHelen Ware inTHE DESERTERSCOLONIALVictor MooreinThe New Musical Play"THE HAPPIEST NIGHT OF HISLIFE,"McVICKERS\Vm. A. Drady AnnouncesMr. Louis MannTHE CHEATERi:..VAUDEVILLE FRESHMEN MElT NORTHWESTERNPlay Two Games Tonight as Work­out for Game Saturday-MaroonsWork Hard for Indiana-SauerAfter Revenge.Percent\V un Lost age.Gamesplayedlurrlue 4 4 oIowa I 0 1.000Wisconsin 4 3 ·750Indiana 2 .500Chicago 5 2 3 ··lOOIllinois , 5 2 3 ·4001\1 inncsotn 1 0 .500��orthwc:;tern 4 0 4 .000\\'ith a Lanl practice g amc schedulefur torrig ht to help them get into-hapc for the Nort hwcstcr n gameSaturday to he played as a curtainraiser t(l the Maroon-I ndiana game,thc Freshmen have a hard week out­lined for them. Coach l 'at Pag c Ita ..succeeded in whipping the team intochampionship form after an unusu­al ly short practice period. and is con'fide nt that the first home grune hi,disciples play with a ConfcrcncccFreshman team, they will put up acreditable exhibition.Two gamcs wil l be played t'Jni�.dlt.:\rmOllr Square nnd "a Y. M. C. A.team will meet teams chosen fromthe Frcsb man <quad, The g ame s w il lIwgin at ,:30 in Bartlett. In l'\o.th�west ern Saturday the Freshmen willmeet a g rcatly improved team overthat which confronted thcm a fewweeks ago. The Purple team ha­reached a high degree of perfcction,<;0 reports frvill Evanston say, and:,rc 10okinJ.: for revenge. They fccl.that the Chicago yearlings will beo"erconfillcnt becausc of the Yictorythey won in the first game. Thc gamcshould be close and afford the spec'tators considerable excitemcnt as ag-ocd starter for the Varsity C(l;1te:;;�which is to follow.Thc men who have been playing iniorm are Captain Molander. Norgren.Pollak, Scruby and Brooks. These menwon from Morgan Park last weck iiiwalk'away style and seem to han.'the edge on the rest oi the candi·c1dtes who arc eligiblc. Many oi tIl<.strongest players of the class han'I,cen kept out for ineligibility.The menwho have been picked to representthe class are being pushcd hard fJythe oth«?r candidates and the lineup ofthe tcam is not final by any means.Maroons Out fOl Revenge.Anxious to proye to the Uni·;c.sitythat they �an come back; thc Ma­rOuns aiter three straight dcfc:!ts areworking over time in preparation forI ndiana. Captain Sauer said yester'day: "\Vc're after Indiana's goat withI .. lood in Gllr eye, If we don't get it,I'll forfeit my reputation as a f)rog­nosticator." In fact revcnge is thewatchword of the whole team. Themcn it:el that thc Indiana team com'l;inalions will be weakened on therartlett floor becausc thcy are con�tructcd to meet the peculiar needs oithe smaH floo1' at Bloomington.The Chicago schedule has been aI;arrl one sincc a1l but the fir:'t gameha\'e heen played out of to\\"n, Thegamc Saturday will he thc fir�tchance !�;c Chicago fans havc had t·,!;CC thc !'Iaroons in action Fincc tl1('opclling �ame with ;\orthwcstern. :\1:lrge tUrIlflut is looked for.Bell May Play Saturday.The retl�rn of Dell i� likely, lIe \\,;1�f0rccd to stay lIut of thc \Vi�c(ln�ir,!_�amc bec:!\l�e of �icknc:,�. J n faq a:::-­grcc;c;"'e wnrk hc was the mainstay ofthe tcam ill the Illinois and Purduc;.:ames. playing the guard pn�itinn an(1his return i� anxiomly hoped for hythe rooters. II e is hcing ginn lightwork in practice but will probably �ctillto the Freshman scrimmage prac­tice later in the week. 1.000 TE�M PREPARES FORBOILERMAKER CONTESTI Co n tinuc d Ir o m page I);,\\':1)' rrorn t lc L'!lil';I''_:<I crippks, whileill the hur dlc-, ]{ici,ard.; i� 1'1'<)I)alll),:-'�'I)l'ri .. r to till: :,1;11',)(:11 :!It'11. In the,''':0, t h, l'l'�lllt i- a :,..;' ",d dl'ad «f at<:,..'-ll) •• v i t l: i l.« ()(id -li.;1it:y in Pur'due's Favor o n ac c ouu t of their Ia m-i lia r it y w i i h t l.« t r a c l.. ill i.::I: qua r t cr,Chicago h a s the a(1\ ;tl;ta:'_:l·. ;:11<1 t h e, : uu e til i II 6 h III J :; t r til' f (I r t it c h.i l i.In bl,tll ,·f t}l'':�l' c v cn t s, t l:« I�(,ikr'mak er-, should put up a :-;t1'<)II;'; a r g u­mc nt for second.In t l.c m ilv. U;l\I'J:jl"rt wi l l l.a vc a Il.ar d r.u c a�:till-l \\':t:--"UII an d sh ou ld j\· . in upo n iti:-; l'jnj,I:. III till' tl .. ·,,-llli1c,1I'l�rdu(_' 1·:(.).;;; hr ,tl""·"IT. T::l' r cln y.w h ic h will he t wo la:,,.: t o t l.c nrau ill;1 j<'lIrtCl'll bp track. �,,,,I.;,.: nu-r c l ik cF'ur.lues race t l.n n (_ Li(.':t�.)·:-,. :'1t'11-a ul "I;l.t!id win the �hflt. lu t Charters;' :It! St- C)·d. Ill. ill �l':' . ,'f 1;1,"'; Ilf pr.rc-t icc, arc probably l'apaLie (,.j t ak iut;;i't' e'tht" t\·:,) 1'1:: ('C,:. 11: t l.c hi-rhj umu. :\T ( 11:1 ,'1 �I:I-'ltld St'· r« all' 1 l.cr Ivictory hut Pur due :t�'aic 1: 1;:" �:.)"d Ifor s c c o nc] ;11i<1 third. 111 t h: p',k- Ivn ul t. whic h m a v (Icc;d, ti:e m cct ithere wi ll be;t prc t iv (.:OII1,::-! b c t w ccnGaunon �1�<1 l�icilarli� fur", ;'due alldi,'(,�:crs :111<1 Co y le [':r ChicI!::I .. \11.,[ II:l',e mcn are ill :t110tlt t l c �':I:I1'_'class on past pcr lor mn n cc s ;!�:'1 :Ill'e ve n t � 1;"ul<1 he: 011C of the be - t int h e meet.CUFTON, 2� in. high DEDFORD, 2� m. hignARROW'NOtch COLI_J ...�RSSit�nuglytothe neck, fhe topsrneetin front and there is arr.p:e spacefor the C�;1vat.15c,,2 fcr:5c. -::::t;ctt. Pf'�hody & C.o .• Maker"CLASSIFIEDADVERTISEMENTSRates-' Three lines for ::5 cents.Six words to the line.Fh'e in!:erticns for the price of four.No adverti�ement taken for lessthan 25 cents.Cash must accompany order.r: or Salc-Fia t,toppcd .)ffice desk.I�i:a�clnable. Call \V. B. Allen, 5465Grcctl\\ood aye., H. P. 5774.pj 31For :5alc-- \- cry de:,irablc framch()use, will: t .. \·o :--tur,)' ,..!aLlc. on lot37 1-2 x 175, lucated at 55.;3 :\Ionroca\·enue. tfj 24.for Rent-Tw\l c,'l11f(,rtahle rooms; l' mociern I:a t. L:g I: t l1(1t:�e keepingi; : rdlrrl'd Tcrms rca:-.onahlc, G049I,ili�' rl\·C .• ..?d :\pt. pj 25.26. 2iI.cst--�pll'la .. 1c" I:riclay n()nn be-t\\t'l'll 1'r\,_.' 1)1<1;.:. and Lexin,;tonI:ail. C;!'" i,,':1i' 1',:l;)lC . f Dr. LOl:i"()cll(llll. I"I,'k ]�bI1(1. I�dl:rn tf_)The j):lily �,rarf)(lll :md r<._'CCI\·C re'ward. j 21. Fe·h. 1 2 J 4.1After C!ass- .\11l1Jiliol:;;; young- 111ellClli ,'::rn :31l).CO to :-::.1'1.('0 a \\'c('k�('l1il1� accident ill:-'ur:1ll('c for theJargc:-:t C():l1pa�y nf it" kiTHI in tl1cworld. Salary or c('ll:mis..;inll, \\'ritenr apply tn the Cll1lincntal Ca:'liali·ty Co" Room I I OJ, I J-t l\[ un roc S1. Wasting No TimeThats what you are doing when you read the advertisements inTHE l.M.ILY MAROON. You will will find no ads in this publi-cation that will net interc it you. Neither are the prices too high for:> ou, Our advertisers are selected wit:, care. Besides they are repu-table and can be relied upon not to misrepresent.Why deal with merchants of whom you know nothing, when 'YOUcan deal with merchants who carry cur hearty recommendation.THE DAILY MAROON advertisers.STORE NO.2750 E. 63RD STREETTEL. NORMAL 5915Hatter e.nd FurnisherA complete line ofMEN'S WINTER WEARA T POPULAR PRICESOPEN EVENINGSWe respectfully sC)licit your p&tronageWhat the New York Life Did in 1910WITH EACH DOLLAR OF CASH INCOME.Licenses ,. 1 centPaid to Agens , 4. centsFor Branch Office Expenses' .Agency Supervision and Medi-cal Inspection·."........ 3 centllF or Administration and In-Dividends .. '" 40 centsraid for Death Claims, 22 centsPaid to Living Policy Holders ,........ 28 centsTotal go cents vestment Expenses .... :& centllFor Insurance Dept. Taxes,Total , ,.... 10 centsIf interested, for further infolmation write, call or phoDe:A. I. JACOBSON,�General AgentIiI La Salle Street. 500 N, Y. Life Building.Phone Central 5501.Campl:s Rcprescntati"e DEX K. (,OOi):\IAX, 5623 Drexel Ave.Midway I I 19./You will feel like a child again when looking over theVALENTINES atTHE LITTLE BOOK SHOP/1147 East $5th Street.EMBOSSED �T ATIONERY FOR 11-IEWOMEN'S HALLSDO YOU EAT?i i �(). ",,]n' 110t at theUNIVERSITY ('OMMONSTl�l' : ('.;1 ;11 t h(' city for the price..-\ 11 tl,illg-s in season .PATRONIZE MAROON .. \OVERTISERS. .... �J -TJWIartoall&I.jncaberiuerm:grmmiw:_. -�!a�allOJIfOI�:II�Ino�,,!Cn. i. :'". iI11Ciuwcaide