' ...... . "'I�.Vol. IX. No. 14. UNIVERSITY OF �HICAGO •. THURSDA Y. JANUARY 26, J911. ..! ". Price Fly. Ceats"OMEN TAlE CHARGE. OF THE DAiLy MAROONPoor students who have to pay - The conparitive strength of the con'tuition and buy books at the Press INELIGIBD.m ClOSES DILlY ference basketball teams ·':. ... m become 10 BUIIEW SOCIITY COLunwill clothe themselves in comic opera known this week with' important coil-Reports FrOm Evanston Indicate rags Friday night and drown their Forfeited Games a Common Thing tests scheduled between Purdue and �iJl Be Continued as Weekly De-.T.b&i: Str�i ),len are Ineligible sorrows in the hard cider of- the Rey- in Firat Meelin,s of Fraternity Illinois and Chicago and Wisconsin. partment-Women to Sen Papersor Injured. nolds club Hard Times party. The Teams. The Conference championship will on Campus." �.. officers of the club have been busy •••.•.be materially affected by these games. _The� track squad concluded its hard for two weeks making preparations The final standing of the teams in If Purdue defeats Illinois it will mean By, Marjorie Hill" Women's Editor.work yesterday for the first meet of for this most joyful frolic of the year. the preliminary contests in the inter- practically that Illinois can not be . Coming events cast their shadowsthe season. The men are for the most There will be dancing on all the fraternity bowling tournament as an- considered a factor in the race and before them. Yesterday some sheets. h b f h fioors, a bowling tournament in the that P d h t k .' 'f d hpart 10 t e est 0 s ape, and little nounced yesterday left only one ur ue as a en a grip upon 0 a vance copy' were sent to t e�oubt is felt about their ability to cap- basement, awarding of prizes, and. team, the Phi Psis, undisputed cham- the championship that only a decided ,.Maroon office in Ellis. The copy wasture the contest by a comfortable ev erything else necessary to add joy pions of their division. Alpha Delt� slump can loosen. . Chicago' and Wis- tied with baby ribbon. pale-blue ofscore. The . team will, however, be to the evening. Phi won the I�ad in their division by cons in meet at Madison' Saturday hue and knotted in a fetching' bow.k 'I n addition to the four prizes of- . ht If Chi ds j T d '1 h f lifi I .wea ened by the absence of two of playing an' extra -three games with mg. icago succee s In putting 0 ay WI I see t e u 1 ment of Itsits members who were expected to be fcred for costumes worn by bucolic Phi Kappa Sigma', the team with away the Badgers,' they will have prophecy when the staff of the wom-capable of winnig a good many point Republicans, Sicilian bandits, and which they were tied. In the first earned the rig'ht to be considered chief ens edition of the Maroon takes pos-h b .. f h I de' South American revolutionists, ad- amon Purdue's opponents f C . f h t I I' fat t e egmmng 0 t e season. n a _ division, Phi Gamma Delta. Psi Up- g", or on- session 0 t e s ern y mascu me 0-dition to the loss o! Crawley, it was ditional-prerniurns will be given in the silon, and Alpha Tau Omega. were Ierence honors.' The' other game fice and begins its lady-like searchlearned definitely yesterday that Eb- fancy dancing contest which calls for tied for first place with six victories scheduled this week is that of North., for "scoops" and feature stories.erie Wilson intended to leave school. a pre�elltalion' of the new one, known apiece. In the second division the western and Indiana. Women in Full Charge.He was regarded as one of the speed- as the ".'dip." Loving cups suitably Dekes and Delta Tau Deltas are tied Chicago Va. Badgers. Until the last story is' sent down toiest men, on the squad in the dash and engraved go as first and second prizes' for the lead. Chicago is working out this week . the: linotype _this evening the officehad done good work with the shot- in this contest. Number of Forfeitecl Games. in unusually strenuous style, realizing, will remain in charge of the womenput. Straube was out yesterday and Great interest is being centered in The standing of the teams in every the pivotal importance 'of the Wis- and it. is confidently expected by theworked on the dash. this "dip" dance. Yesterday afternoon. division except the third were consin fame. The Maroons are de-: usual staft that they will find everyNo� Men Out. . when gloom and quiet settled thickly changed by forfeited games. Delta terrnined to put up their hardest fight; article of furniture in the room fromSome consolation for the loss of on the Reynolds club Mr. English: Kappa. Epsilon. Alpha Tau Omega. but will be severely �liandicapped: typewriters to office-chairs, decoratedthe men from 'the Chicago squad was heard an uncanny and ghostly noise Phi Kappa Sigma, Alpha Delta Phi, Not only will the floor be strange with blue bows ana sprinkled withderived from the report in the North- floating down from the third floor. Sigma Chi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Phi but the team itself is not in the l!est violet perfume on Friday morning.western Daily that a number of the There. came a melancholy rapping Kappa Psi, Phi Delta Theta, and Chi or shape. Bell' is in poor condition The staff of the day include the five.Northwestern stars would be out of and knocking such as a ghost or rav- Psi were the only teams which did and Paine has been under the �ea:- members of the present Women's de-the, meet-on ac:c�l1Dt of studies�=,: �� ,�J���; ��.�t:�?n � .��.�� ��� .. ���.a�y n_�t.. forfeit a .Pm·t, .AIl. �_f .the ,�� _ .�,�:,C,!ach �SC�.�l�J���j� -, ��_?g �r� ���nt �!, the �a_���".,� ,and •. ���e�l �, juries. The list includes Thorsen, the . night •. :'rat-a-tat-tat, rat-a-tat-tat," �01-:- were' forfeited because of the fact effort to .pull the team togetlier so . women who have at some .time Jiad·-; .distance runner who took third in lcwed by regular intervals of silence. that men who were not. members, of �h�t' it can pu£ u'p tts 'hardest" fight: editorlal service on the �'MarO(\n' orthe cross country run. Others are Summoning -aJt his courage the fright- the club rolled on the teams. Working for perfectid(cif :team work 'other newspapers. The make-up :ofBeall, Hall Blait, and Comstock.' The cned steward stole softly up the: The triple tie in the first division �vith accuracy of shooting as the key- the staff includes twenty-six women.loss of Thorsen, if the rumor is cor- .stairs. In the dim light of the club was the result of forfeitures by Psi note, the Mar�ons will be coached Th�i� names ar�:' ,. rect, is a severe blow to Northwest- theater he saw the luminous head of epsilon, Phi Gamma Delta. and Sig- in .every department. The failure of .. L8tge. Editorial Staff.ern'.s chances as he was generally Reno Reeve bobbing about while its m�. Nu. The games �ctually .won and the men. to properly get in the team '.. :Man�'gJi1�': edito�. '. Marjorie Hill"conceded to be a certain victor in the owner went through various gymnas- lost on the alleys had left Phi &Unma combi�ations shows the need for' drill Ne.s:'edi�r, Ruth Reticker; W. A_two-mile., tic swirls. Delta and Psi Upsilon tied .for the ;'f this kind and hopes are held by A. editor, Florence Catlin; Business. "Don't mind me," he apologized Chica 0 f II of t'h' th' t" ,.FreShman Meet Doubtful ea lead with six victories, A. T;�O. next I g 0 owers, e game a manager, Helene Edwards; Cartoon-sheepishly, "I'm practicing up for the with five, and Sigma Nu in the rear the Maroons, with the thorough train- ist, Bess Courtright.' Associate edi-"dip" dance contest." . f thi k h' uld h W" ,with one. victory over Phi' Gamma mg 0 I" wee ,s 0 s ow iscon- tors,' Margaret Campbell, Alma Lieh-The decorations of the club and Delta.' This game was forfeited, put- sin the hardest kind of a struggle with ty, Mollie. Ray-Carroll, Ernestine Ev-the refreshments served will be of the ting Phi Gamma Delta in the lead a good chance to pull out ahead, ans Myra -Reed and Gertrude Emer-, '.SOD. -l(q;oi1:ers, Mary Chaney. EffieLAW STUDENTS FORMta forfeited one of these games to - NEW LAW ORGANIZATION Hewitt, Mary Bert,' Ruth' Russell,Psi 'U, and Psi U forfeited one to Margartt Mitchell, Victoria McAl� \A .1' _ O. This left all three teams mon, Regina Strauss, M�na. Quayle.Members of Uninraity Law Sc:booltied with six games apiece. In the Elsa Henzel, Ethel .Kawin, RuthForm Harry Aug18tUs Bigelowseries which is being played to de- Whitfield. Marguerite Swawite, Eliza-cide the ·winner. A. T. 0._ won two Club. beth Halsey. Mary Titzel and Edithof three games played with Psi U, , O'Rear.and A. T. O. took two out of three Twenty men from the first and see- .cnd year classes of the Law school NeW Features for Paper.-games from Phi Gamma Delta last Several feature st,ories, a column ofmet in the Law buildi�g last eveningnight. an" perfect�d the organiZation. of. the Gargoylettes from the LexingtonSecond Division Tied. -.Harry Augustus Bigelow law club view point and the Men's department.In the second division, Delta Tau At the meeting a constitution was are exp�cted t� take prominent placesDelta won 8 games, and the Dekes adopted, a plan mapped out for- the . in the paper_ A' new de'partment, de­won six. The Delta Tau Delta team trial of cases and for the selection ,·oted to the social events of the Uni-ladies, who must wear costumes to lost two cf it's victories�' when the versity 'will' appear in Friday's Ma-be admitted. The dancing begins of attorneys and the chief justice andgame with Beta Theta Pi was associate justices cOI11Posing the roon to remain -as a weekly or 5emi-dropped from the results, owing to court. Trial of cases wilJ be com- . weekly part of the Maroon for' the. The chaperones of this year's party, h f h - I' 'bl I t f h Th' d t t '11. t e act t at me Igl e men ro led on menced at the opening of the spring res 0 t e year. IS epar men WI\\ hn will also award the prizes, are: Th h h . � h II . 1 feach team. e c ange leaves t e quarter. The officers elected by the give spaCe lor t e sma er socia a-Mr. and Mrs. Gordon J. Laing, Mr. D k D 1 T D . d f f . f U" . t'e -es and e ta au elta tie or club were. Clare D. Horner, presi- airs 0 DIversity orgamza Ions.:;n,l Mrs. D. A. Robertson, �r. and the I"ad. which have hitherto been only irregu-... dc:nt; David Levinson. vice-presidentMrs. W. D. MacCtintock, and Mr. larty reported to the Maroon. It is ex'The third division was the only ot.c �nd Edwin Mayer, clerk. The mem-in which no games were forfeited. bers (If the club are: E J. Snacken- pect� that this column which is a\lph Delta Phi and Phi Kappa Sig· 'lC.'rl.!. J. L. Fmc. Carl L. V. Excelsen� f�ature of almost every other Uni-NO HOLIDAY ON Illa were tied for the lead. The two lew McDonald, C. V. Stewart, C. G. versity paper, will he as acceptahl('MONDAY FOLLOWING. t<,ams 1l1ayed an incomplete game, Parker. C. ). Primm, A. J. Roesch, tt· students here.LINCOLN'S BIRTHDAY which P�i Kappa Sigma forfeited. : - J. D. Matthews, Clare D. Horner. ' Copjes of the Maroon will he onPhi Psi Wins Fourth. Edwin B. Mayer, H. A. McCaule,., .., saj� tomorro'w in Cobb, LexingtonPhi Kappa Psi is the undisputed G. E. Williams, J01-4o Ellis. Dav�d . and the Sdn',l of 'Edt'c:ttion. Thechampion of the fourth divisio., as L('vinson, V � . 0.' Whipp. C. It Ozia5. . news gir'� win he recruited from theresult of Delta U's forfeiture of most F. A_. Krusemark �nd. Alfred Beck.·.· ranks of the reporters.oi her games. Phi Psi added three,;ctories to the four won on the Diplomas of the Seniors at Minne­�l1eys as a result of tbe Delta. U for- sota will be signed by both President-(ColltiDued ou pap of) • elect Vincent and President Northrup.. MEN ROUNDING INTO ,SHAPE FOR PURPLETrack ••• Stop Bard Work in Expec­titleD 01 Saturday's Meet WithNorthwestern.-OPPOSUIG SlABS MAY NOT RUNConsiderable doubt. is felt concern­ing the ability of the Maroon Fresh­men to defeat the yearlings fromEvanston. The Northwestern dope isthat ·their team will come out ahead,and the chances seem to be in theirfavor, There are few runners of ex­perience upon the Chicago .squad.Their strongest event is undoubtedlythe shot-put.' in which Scruby andNorgren' are expected to' defeat_ thePurple entries.' In the pole-vault,Shaw and Armbruster of Northwest­ern seem to hsve better chances thanany Chicago entry, altltough the team'may take second from the combina-tion.In the mile run, Kraft -has the call('n the Chicago men if he is in con­dition. In the dash, Matthews isthought capable of defeating the op­pOlling runners on· the basis of hisshowing at the First Re�ment meet.In the hurdles, Shaw seems betterthan any. Chicago runner. In the halfand the $luarter, little can, be judgedabout either team's chances. It looksas if the meet may be determined onthe seconds with the firsts appearingto be a'! .. even break.A. T. O. Informal Saturday.An informal dance wilt be givenSatnrday by the Alpha Tau Omegafraternity at their chapter house Sat­urday night. Alumni of the chapterare in'\;ted.The UDiversity of Michigan arMed.beat. 1J,OOQ volumes to its librarythis last year. BARD TIMBS TO BOLD REVELS ,TIES ·CAUSE 'MIX-UPIN BOWLiNG PREUMS This Week's Gamca Will Show How,Leading Teams Will Line UpFinal Ficht for ChampionshipConference. .Will Dance in Frayed Finery at Rey­nolds Club Tomorrow Night-MuchI:ttere It Is Centered in Dip DanceContest. : 'lit.. ran CIiarfe 01 the ."pe� lor. To..iroW'1 luue - ExpectLui. Sale.Alp� Jelt& ... Phl.hIi Oal, Tau• Retarael VIcten .. The1rDlYIaltDa.usual standard. Most of the games with seven victories. Phi Gamma Del-and dances, aside from the features,will be of the intensely joyful kindwhich are supposed to tingle theyouths of the corn and alfalfa belts,among them. being the 'old-fashionedsquare dances and quadrilJes.The most striking. change in thisyear's party' is in the sort of costumesdemanded· of the poor but proud andhallPY reveler_ The shiny and frayedsilks of t�e more ari.stocratic hardupswill take precedent over the beggarand ditch-digger rags of former years.The p.arty is for members only andpromptly at 8:30 o'clock.:tnd Mrs. R. A. Millikan.Mond:ty l'chruary 13, the day onwhich the legal observance of Lin­coln's Birthday will take place, willn()t he a Uni"er�ity holiday. Thisdecision was reached by the GeneralAdministrath-e Board at its meetingslast Saturday. Theodore Roosevelt will ad�c;s,s,the assembly at Leland StanfordMarch 26. - .. � .....THE DAILY MAROON THURSbAY, jANUA1Y. � lOti.TIIII DAILY IIAaOOIIChicago.• �I � �'Co the mercy of 0111" new�y..ap­pointcc1· women's "�� ..�4t ;'I��e theto c:ampJlS today as we ab.:­. Tomorrow'. .di�te 0111" o&ic:e for th� ARR!JiGE WRESTLING MEETSBITTER ROOT VALLEY" ORCHAR� LANDS.We offer the choicest ��ds in thisfamous valley : p�. i cared foruntil fruit � a.re (��, per­petual wa.ter rights deeded with theland, for $500 per acn .. We ca.re fOl'your orchard, harvest and sell yourfruit for 10 per cent of the net profitsafter the trees have come into bearing.The purchaae price can be made in flvepaymeDta, or by monthly.installmentsof $5 an acre. Write for further infor­mation regarding the Charles HeightsOrchard Lands. We desire one capableiepresen�ive.O. W. KERR co. 817 New York Life BIc¥.'Hope to Have at Least Four Meetsfor Squad.mual women's edi-• . . tion.. Our issue tomor7rClW will contain ,l1ot a liDe that ha�not been written by femiDiDe hands;with the exception, perhaps, of thework" of that ironic "men's departf.ment," If tomorrow morning yo� "wake up to find yourself lampoonedin. our usually peacefui columns, re­member that it is the only time in the.year that the women have their saypublic:ly.Editionr-tor"I'be UalYenttr of c:IIIeIp • ....,r ....� Week1e7 •••••••••••••••• � 1..�It. DaIq •••••••••••••••••• 0...... 1. 1111 Dr. Raycrof> Is .working to arrangea schedule of at least four meetsfor the Wlrsity wrestlers. Negoti­ations are under way for an exchange(If meets with Northwestern, theTurners, and the Illinois mat men,In addition to these a team will beentered in all gymnastic events be'tween Universities of the. west.Coaches Galloway and Kier�ead areworking with one of the larl{estwrestling classes in the last few years.Forty men are entered in the elemen­tary division, with eleven more doingadvanced work."1 regard our chances for a winningteam this year as very encouraging"said Coach Galloway last night. "Wehave an abundance of promising ma­terial," A. J. UNGER President.Pubu.bed Dal1.r. ....,. ....... ....'..,. aDd bo� d .... � ......D1� , ...IiDWecI.. BecGDd..... ..u a& .. QIl.cap P� Cb1cqo. � ... 11.1»(,1. UDder Act 01 __ .. lI7L DAILY BULLKTIRShort Story Club will meet in Lex;.,:ington 15 at 4 p. m.Skull and Crcsc:ent will dine in theCommons cafe at 6:15 p. m.Churc:h History Club will meetwith Associate Professor Moncrief·5717 Monroe avenue at 7:30p. m. "Church and Slavery in the OldSouth" will be discussed by Professorllodd.Soph-Medic basketball game todayat 3:15 in Bartlett.Meeting of Score Club at 10:�O thismorning in the Rey uulUs Club. Chairman Baldridge of Finance Com­mittee Makes List of Men WhoWill' Go.� .. ftu.•• .L PFUFU • ": • • � .....-11. ,,:DALY ....Il. 1'. CAllPKNTEIl •.•• AtbIeUI u..139 RANDOLPH ST.IIOTEL SllEIlMAN(Opposite City Hall) .231-:&33 DEARBO� ST.GREAT NORTHERN IIOT&L "(Opposite Postoffice)CLOTHfS SHOPWfllSBU F. NEWMAN •TO AID MEN IN MAKINGPROGRAMS FOR THE PROM CLEARANCE SALE of. SUITS and OV"ERCOATS. at $17--$22--$26W• .I.l'oute B. L.�c. Y. Tqlor II. w. __Co w. HouchlaDd D. L. lined.aapoaT",.I.L BeebeHarf7 ComerMax Euelow8. Kaplanw. L7man8. L. 8a7reB. W. VlDlaQ II. D ......B. .... DauaaJI. L. BamaP. EeuaqJ. B. Perl ..L.8tolaW.WelbDua To aid the men in making up theirprogram for the Washington Prom,Chairman Roy Baldridge of the Fi­nance committee has compiled a listof men who will attend the affair.Those who have not filled their pro­grams may receive assistance fromBaldridge."1 have a list of the names of allof. the men who are going to theProm.' said Baldridge yesterday."Those who have had any difficul\yin making up programs should con­sult the . list, There is a popular batvery erroneous idea that it is too lateto begin a program now. This is notthe case by any means. Many of themen have not. filled their programsyet. There is almost a month left be­fore the Prom, and there is. plentyof time to decide to go." FATIMA.TURKISH© BLEND �.CIGAu.TTES·AHNOUNCBIIBMTS This is a rare opportunity to securereally high grade garments at extreme-ly low prices.. .Sophomore class picture will betaken in front of Walker Friday at10:30.Pen Club election, Cobb 3A, Fri­day at 10:30.Muons are invited to attend Dama­-scus Lodge. Meet in Cobb Friday at BETTER SEE OUR WINDOWDlSPLA Y. LET US SHOW YOUWOMmi". Dap�llarjorie am. ___Ruth Retlc:ker, Aeeod,te BdltorRBPORTBRB)L Campbell AlIDa LlclatrFloreuce Catl1ll TWO SHOPS.'I.Reynolcls Club Hard times Party willtake place Friday night at 8:.30. Noone will be admitted without a cos-aUBSCWTION .... '08:tume,Frabman class executive c�t­tee will meet Friday at 10:30 in Kenttheater."Du Paaionapie1· ill OberamlDer'­&au" will be the subject of the Ger­.ewa colltrlbatlou IiIQ ... left at .usaBall or 1'ac:all7 IDxcJIup. � to· man dub meeting in LexinPOR hall� Dal17·lIarooa.· Friday at 4-Theory of series .. with positiveterms will be discussed "by ProfessorThe whole question of the place ofoore at the Mathematics dub in Ry_'intercollegiate athletics in college life Mis involved in the ques- erson, Friday at ......Fenciblea meeting Tuesday morningtion of Alfred Straube'strack at iO:30 in Cobb ,3A.Law_Freshman basketball game to-87 Curler, ,1.60 per fear; ,LOG,..--.__ lUll. ,LU per quarter. _10 ,. ,.. ..--. .I\'ABOUTWRITE MICHELSONIIrfljIIfi..t�IkI�l•i·t!l· .i,:I . /'Blended of tale tobaccos,paaed inexpensively, henceyou get ten a<!ditional ciga­rettes-20 for 1 S cents.Scie�tific Americai1' Praises FamousHead of PhysiQ Department.--t.,_The Scientific American has an ar­tide discussing the life and achieve­ments" of Professor Michelson, headof the department, of Physics heresince the founding of the University.Professor Michelson's recent elec,tion to the -presidency of the Ameri­can Association for the Advance­ment of Science is the reason for thepublishing of the article. Mr. MarcusBenjamin, the author of the article,. first gives a .review of' ProfessorMichelson's life and then goes on tohis earlier achievements leading up tobis greater discoveries which I brougkthim many honorary degrees.The CaseOf Straube competition in. this year. Reflection onmorrow at 3:15 in Bartlett.the question can lead to but one ans-wer-the effect of college athiJetics WHITING HOOSIER PRESIDENTon students is hardly benefic:ial, if notat times deleterious. The plaia facts Indiana Club Will Sine Glory ofHoosier. at BaDquet. PHILOSOPHYin the case are this:Straube has been warned by hisphysician that he would be endanger- Eighteen Hoosiers met yesterdaymorning at 10.30 in Kent theater anding his health if he ran this year. elected Lawrence Whiting presidentUpon his failure to report for prae- of the Indiana club, an organization,tice he has been made the subject of the purpose of which is to impresssuch adverse comment and unfair the campus with the importance ofh h d d I'nto ap- Indiana, and to perpetuate the. criticism t at e was goa eD'. Ma- glory of George Ade, 10� T. Mc­pearing ior practice. The aI YCutcheon, "and other celebrities of thatroon has it on good authority that hefamous state.. It was decided to holdhas been upbraided for n�t haviDg a banquet in the private dining roomcome out. of the Commons, Thursday evening,Little comment is necessary. The February 2. .Maroon can only point out that a For the purpose of enrolling thoseHoosiers who did not attend thesystem of athletics that forc:u a manmeeting yesterday, a book will beto cboose betweell being c:a1led a Jdt at the information desk, in whichquitter or endangering his life is too all others who claim Indiana as theirprofessional for a University. Sport native state will be requested to re­is engaged in not for sport'. sake but sign.for victory. Athletic supremacy is. --------------­not the means but the end of a IUC-cessful career. The whole atmospliereis poisoned and scores of faithful menhave been compelled by this so-called"cgllege spirit" to blight their futures.The question is, Is it worth while?If the spirit of athletics is such thatStraube has to sacrifice his h�lth toadd a miserable champioDship. do --.- --SKULL AND CRESCENT DINESsOphomore Soc:iet7 Will Initiate Sev­\ 'eil lien at Dinner Tonight.Willteoclt � 01J"othJtc JIOU BIG �n­nGIII QlapGn. 25 c IrdrkIt a, Q"e G 1.,lnJ­IIOIRe f. �I coll� ptn­ncml(' 2%32)- ___lNfto/lOO.Norman Elmstrom, George Kuh,X orman Paine, William Harrison,Ralph Young, Varner Bowers andnetcher Caton will be the initiatesat a dinner of SkulI and Crescent illt!Je private dining room of the Com­mons tonight at 6:30 o'c:1ock. Thedinner will be at"tended by all themen now active in the Sophomore so­ciety and an invitation has been ex­H'nded to alI upperc1ass members ofthe society to attend. . THE AIIERICAN TOBACCO co. "MEDICAL SERVICE .I"OWKESGLOVES reI. H. P.4345 Res. Tel OakGEO W. I. BROWN, II. D •Practice limited to diseases of theEYE NOSE and THROAT,Hounr.: 9 to 12 a. m., 2 to r,�, m. t.nl ......Saaday Dy appotD, ... t •Offic�, Sai'e 14, 1230 Ea., eId Street. R. W.Cor. Kh.bark A. ••• " Clalcaao •Tel. 4345 H. P. Res. Tel. 8294 H. PDR. EMORY M. LOTTS.DENTISTOffice N. W. Cor. 63d St. &Kimbark A'\'o, Suite 14-.... • tWaa to_ft_ " aD ................... 00 .....•we want athletics?• '1'cuTA'I'cumJI. 2, .. liP BEDFOU. 2i ......ARi{()w1('otch COLLARSSIt-uaIY to the DeCk. the tope meet.. front and there is ample apace_ .... cravat.".2fodlc. C!uett, Peabody at Co...M..k.enThis Ad. Is Good. lor 51.00CUT 1'HIS OUT.Call us up and we willsend one of our expertPiano Tuners. who will ac­cept this coupon as $1.00discount. The, regular _ priceis $2.sc.This is a bona fide offer.This Ad. must be presented,if you desire the reductionLouis Lowenthal, Pianos that please.712 Weat Madison StreetTelephone Monroe 2517., WE ALSO RENT PIANOS.A. G. SPALDING & BROS.re the largestManufacturersthe world ofOFFICIALEQUIPMENT'as aGuarantee ofQ�ty. or all Athletic 'Sports andPastimes.IF \'OU are interested in athletic s),ort, you should have acopy of the Spalding CatalougueI··'s a complete -encyclopedia ofw�t'. new in sports, and is BeIltfl ee on request.l. G� SPALDIlfG " BKOB.. 147 Wabub AYe.. Chicqo.,UTILE ART CORNEl1 • ., E. ISni ST.ArIa ad Crafts G_11tE �a. TO BUY YOUft ClFfS·A.McADAMSTHEStudenfs norist�Jrd St. and Kimbark Ave.Phoae H. P. JIChicaco Kent College of LAWBe • laW7ft'. Good laWYrrl a� In constantdt'lDand. Bilhm paid I'1'Oft'Sslon. Enningocnnee. DeIrft L.L.B. In tbree ),t'aJ'!l. I .. !"(t·nt and bat equipped ��nh'lt Law SchoolIa tIM' world. We ftnd positions In law of·IIcte for IaUDd�a of atudmt. ),,,arly. 110UMy ma1 earn expenses whilt' working for• d�. Rare ehaMe for ambitious younl.... 8eftd for """ Catal�. Ad�CHICAGO KEIIT COLLEGE OF LAW.1001 leO n.arborn Stnod....... ...... S L Va. Bana St., Cblcap . THE ·bAiLV ·MAROON 1'HURSt>AY • .1Akt1AltY-a4 iOS!.PEN' C�UB TO MEETTHIS MORNING TOSET DINNER DATEThe Pen club will meet this morn'ing �t 10:30 in Cobb 3A, for the pur­pose oi deciding on a date for thenext regular dinner. to be held sometime after February' I. Mr. Fitch, edi­tor of the Peoria. Herald Transcript,will be the guest of the club at thisdinner. A nominating committee willbe appointed at the meeting thismorning. The committee will returnnames of candidates for the officesof the club. DWOODnBWOODBA88WOODGBAYWOODrEBKWOODTEAKWOODIl.&n.JnrOODIn'C.YOU WILL FIND WHATYOU ARE HUNTING FORNEWS OF THE COLLEGES � ..COLLARS2 FOR 25 CENTSTHEY Aa.. I. Ga.IE. BOlal.-----CONSULAR CLUB TOGIVE DINNER TOJAPANESE CONSUL Made by EARL 6: WILSONF __ .fof � Collar.o.r-r:-JI':lI.., •• -, ,. : '.. •. :K. Yamasaki, the Japanese consulin Chicago will be entertained by thenewly organized Consular clubat a din­ner in the Commons some night nextweek. He will deliver an addressabout the consular service in Japan.At the same time several papers will'be read concerning the consular ser­vice in this country. AGAINOur Semi-Annual SpecialBlue, Black and GraySecge or Cheviot Suit,with extra Trousers ofsame or. Outing materialEllen Terry has appeared at manyof the middle western college towns.Indiana recently installed a chapterof Phi Beta Kappa.Montana has a aew athletic fieldcosting $10,000./Purdue . received an appropriationof '$100,000 to be .used for a new li­brary from the state legislature.The courseat Yale has beenchanged so that the work of the firsttwo years is non-elective. French MethodHand Laundry. I I .. 6 E. 63M Street.PMne H. P. 6 I I s-Our 18 years of· experience .inI the. laundry trade is the benefitiiven to our ·customers.Our agent, P. A. Soochman, willcall and deliver your laundry freeof charge.lIendinc and darninc' Free.Indiana got but $38,000 of the $335.000 they asked for from the legisla'ture,A class at .the University of 'Miss­ouri spends nearly an. hour discussingmethods of buying things to eat.The formation of a University chor­us has been started by President Lo,wt"ll of - Harvard, S .. denfs nlnk of If --s..a ..... JIC ..... JIC ........ .._............................a. hf:. 1beW. � -II : ...-WeikG_ .....- ... 117..,--L -COBII 1lti E.'fsf, �..,A. H. . Philips of the Princeton fae­ulty has discovered a new mineralwhich he has called Gageite.The seniors at the Yale school offorestry will takea two months tripto Texas to study lumber conditionsthere, - I. ,.One -Yea.rGuarantee teltilicateDiamond Point"Fountain PenEver)' pen made b,. u. ia auAranteedtD Ii.e a'-olute .. tiafactOlY servicein "el7 particular. -"In e.ent', '�f any diuatiafactionwithlD ODe year from date ol purcbaae .tbia certificate _utla - )'OU to returnthia pen to ua with jour lWDe, ad­d..... an4 deac:ription of the trouble.and .e wU1 either live lEOU a new. pen or adjust YOUR so as to live ab,lIolute .. tillf.clioD.DIAMOND POINT PEN CO.Signed _. ...•• '•.•••••.•••. DealerDate sold ....•.• �" .: • • • •• 191.. . .Geo. F. Ivins, Mer.Save thia certificate-it is ),our pen..tiafaction insurance.THE -ABOVE CER�IFICAT�. GOES WITH EACH P�N SOLDBY US. IT SHOWS THE- CONFI­DENCE WE HAVE· IN CURPENS.TWO DOLLARS UPDIAMOND POINT PEN CO., New York. :'�Large.t Mnfs. in' the U�ted State •., .': .�. Noble. ·So,.er. TAILOR·.. �!-175 Dearbona Street. Comer Maaroe8ecoac1 PIoor. .Tel.phone Central 8444AVAITOR BATSBe original and wear an up-to-date.Jat. Plain, $1.00. With letter or num·eral embroadered o� front, $I.so.C3tate size. Satisfaction guaranteed.-HAROLD ABRAHALLEast Momaches, New York..Three thousand dollars in threegifts have been given to the Univer­sity of Nebraska for the aid ofw�rthy students,Only 57 per cent of the graduatesof the Sheffield Scientific school ofYale are engaged in scientific work.Grinn�ll College has just started acampaign to raise a million dollarshalf of which is to be held as a per;manent endowment fund. "IHSURB.WITH .NEW YORK UFE INS. CO.ASSETS OVER S600,000,000.The lar2est dividend paying. company. in the world.For further information inquire ofA. I..JACOBSON;·General Agent111 La Salle Street, 500 �_ Y. Life Building.Phone Central 5501.On Washington's birthday the Uni·versity of Washington will celebrateits fiftieth anniversary. A celebra­tion of the event is being planned bythe students. "wearer·t feel ..The BoAooGarler keepsibarengthandcds in wear-value. FullyguarantNew.,..&eeifyaufiadanm­perfedioa.�-S?- ...... , .... ,_ of�CaORga FIt08T ee, .......�OD.V .....1t is likely that a chapter of AlphaPhi Alpha, a fraternity founded bythe colored students of Cornell fiveyears ago will he formed at the Uni,versity of Kansas.An advertising club at Wisconsinhas become affiliated with the Asso­ciated Advertiser's club of America.This is the first college organizationin America to join with the national Isociety. DO YOU EAT?If so, why not at theUNIVERSITY COMMONSThe best in the city for the price,All things in season.·TIIO.PSONS LUl\tCH ROOtHThe best lunches in .\Voodlawn arc servedin � very appetizing and hygienic manner atTHOMPSONS LUNCH ROOMlIOII EAST SIXTY·'1HIRD STREET. Be • 10,... It1I�eat •• ct lablCllM for The Daily' MarooD.. ,THE DAILY MAR�ON TlfUkSDAY. JA�UAitY' � 19tt.I�·NO.SQaU. Frohman PraentsTIle PututiDl Jlualca1 C'W'abllTH;a ARCADIA ••BLACKSTONEJl.w..�. .PlaC;e, bet.... Mi.. ...Wu.lh Annue.StDMtion of the lI.wcal WorldAndreef'.BALA� ORCHESTRALVRICWm. A. Brad)'presentsHolbrook BlinD inTHE BOSSPOWERSHenlY B. Harris PnMIltaTHE COUNTRY BOYQARRICKF!lrbea-RobenaoD in"TilE .PASSING OF THETHIRD FLOOR BACK"O·A�DMarpret AnClinGREEN STOCKINGSSTUDEBAKERHENRIETTA CROSSMAN ir.ANTI-MATRIMONYCORTComedy Tea BtrilreHCDI')' W. Savqe O.�Heney Kolker in"'THE GREAT HAlIK"pRINCESSIIr. Albert Chevalier illDADD� DUFORDOae BalcoDy-H .........SALLETHE SWEETEST GIRL IN PARIS"TIle Bcat Comic Opera in theCity."'WHITNEYHent)' B. Ham.p�tsHelen Ware inTHE DESERTERSMCVICKE�W m. A. Brady AnnouncesMr. Louia IIaDDTHE CHEATER"'�PRESS........................ ""-._VAUDRVlLU&ftI7: ............ (Continued fr�m page I)WANT HONOR SYSTEM· TALK;COUNCIL TAKES IT UP TIES CAUSE MIX-UP• IN BOWLING PRELIMSAcitatoq of Honor System Ask forEapreuioDa of Opinion-Councll·Di.ac:uuea System. feitures. ; Chi Psi is next. with fivevictories to it's credit.The two ties will be played off to·day and the semi-finals will be fin-,ished tomorrow -. The officers of thebowling league plan to have the finalgame rolled on next Friday. It Pays to ReadDaily Maroon Ads'The Original "Typew riter ExchangeAmerican WrItIng MaC/line Co.Established more thaD :10 �.,•• f ... t. aa7 a-k'or � __ .1''''1 -c'e8C7as te OUI' ... apoaa"Wl!b-319 Dearborn Street, Chicago Telephone Harrison.toas,Toric (deep curve)Lenses are theBest Lensesas we make them.w. can make them he8thecau_ we have the heatoptical machinery forgrinding them; the bestfacWtiea for adjuating and,Btting them; the ezperienceand .kill that enable. u •.to determine just how theyshould be made_for YOU._-John B. Brown wanted to buy a suit of clothes. He 'knew verylittle about Chicago'e merchants and less about it·s tailor&-beiDga first year man at The University of Chicago. He wanted a auitmade: to his measurements. Be expected to. pay $40.00.James B. Smyth wanted to buy a suit of clothes. He abo didnot know much about Chicago's mer�hants-his f9nDer .uita be­ing purchased for him by his parents in his home town. He wanteda ready made suit. $30.00 was the amoilnt he expected to pay.The Messrs. John B. Brown and James B. Smyth read the adaill THE DAILY MAROON. They read that Jerrems ct Co., made$40.00 suits of clothes for $35.00, and added an extra pair of trous­ers for good measure, and that M.. Rothschild & Co., was offer.ing $30.00 suits of clothes for $20.00. They knew exactly where to..go. They both knew the merchants were reliable as they were ad­vertising in THE DAILY MAROON. And they both saved mooey- -WHAT IT MEANS•. American Factory Rebuilt" means a clau of typewriters, ncb ..no other concern does or can rebuild as we de. It is an identifyinc termused to distinguish our machines frem the great mass of typewrite:tawhich are offered under the name "Rebuilt,'It means that if you buy an t" Amet�can Rebuilt T�riter'- of anymake. yeu will get a FACTORY rebuilt machine, rebuilt with newparts; not one that has been simply repaired and fixed un in an ordi­nary shop, but one equal to new in mechanical quality.We guarantee every machine we'sell for one year, and alao CUU'­artce the title.The Maroon has issued a call forcommunications relative to the ad­option' of the honor system at Chi­eago, In addition to such rather .for­rnal and lengtby expressions of opin­ion, it is urged by those agitating thematter that students affix their sig­natures to a sentence or two givingtheir ideas on the adoption of thethe honor system. Such commuica­tions should be left at the Maroonoffice or at the Faculty Exchange.I t is planned to publish. from time totime, a column of such short. succintideas relative to the honor systemand its adoption at Chicago.A constitution for an honor sys­tem is in preparation and will bepublished in The Maroo� in thecourse of a week or two. Followingthe publication of the constitutionan effort will be made to bring mat­ters to a head by instituting a votebefore the end of the present quarter.The Undergraduate council has thehonor system under discussion. In�.ddition to appointing a committee toaid in "boosting" the matter, thecouncil will tomorrow discuss' waysand means of getting a vote of thestudent body in regard to the adop­tion of the system at Chicago.SWIMMING TEA� TO HOLDFINAL PRACTICE TODAY :FRESHMAN DEBATING. TRYOUTS FEBRUARYSix Men Will Speak on Deep Water­way Question-Will Meet So­phomores Later.Preliminary preparations for theFreshman debati.!1g .tryouts weremade yesterday afternoon at a meet­ing of the Pow \Vow held in Cobb3A., The tryouts will be held Wednes-day evening, Febrr.ary t, at eighto'clock in Cobb 6A. Every contestantwill prepare speeches on both sidesof the proposition, "Resolved, Thata 14 foot waterway should be con",structcd from Lake Michigan to theGulf of Mexico." The contestants en­tcred are: Fred Kilner, Oakley Mor­ton, Hugo Braunlich, Abraham Him­melblau, Earle Shilton, and ChesterDunham.The team chosen will debate theSophomores in the latter part ofFebruary and the Northwestern Uni­versity Freshmen in April. The sub­ject for both debates witt be the' wa­terway question. The winning teamof the Freshman-Sophomore debatewill be awarded scholarships for onequarter.N. Watry ®. Co.OP":ncAANS /99-101 Randolph' street ,/ .:To. wm zwnr ha� �t... comfaft.� or J.na effic:iency \Udil yea.__ SHOR-OH eyeQI ..... __ fit-tt.m. &- yom" old len-. pat bdo •�_ .... � SHUB-QN MouptiNJ. __ 11IIIIIIII111"Your a College Boy! ./With your College joyAnd your Col1�ge Togs.That's why we want )'au toto call and see the Swell Suitsand Overcoats we're selling at$15 and $20Furnishings] You Know it;Were' there, with, all kinds ofthem .SILVlRMAN li SON1125 East 63rd StreetNear Lexincton. J. c. VEEDER· CO.(Not Inc.)PRINTER_OF '.'.EVERYTHING915 East 631� St.reetNear Drexel Aveaae.Telephone Hyde Park 1212CO LON·IALVictor·lloore ··�C�-.LASSIFI£DThe New :uaica1 PlQ .-- ;'. ADVtllTlSD1tNl'S"THE HAPPIEST NIGHT Oil HIt Rata-Three liDea for 25 cents.L'· ..... 1Pb-..... Sia worda to the line.Coach White Will Give Last In­structions to Men Before Meetat Evanston.The final practice .is being put intoday by the men who are going totake part' in the swimming meet withNorthwestern at Evanston, Friday.As this is the teams -first meet the-men are working hard to be in con­dition to defeat Northwestern,According to Coach White thetram .stands a good chance of win-'ning its first contest.' This dependschiefly. on the good work of the. stroke me� and the polo team as theteam is weak this season in thej dashes. The team has been brokenup this year by the loss of a numberor stars particularly in the dashes.These include Benitez, Keefe, Clark,Byford, Bergerson, and CharlieBrown, As these were all speedy menthe team will feel their loss althoughthey hope to win in spite of their ab- GORDON ERICKSON TOLEAD PURDUE CLUBWill Take Charge of Glee and Man­dolin Clubs at LafayetteInstitution.Mr. Gordon Erickson, director ofthe University Glee club, has atcep­ted the directorship of the PurdueGlee and Mandolin club. He will im­mediately begin work at the Indianaschool but will still continue trainingthe: University of Chicago club.Concerning Director Erickson's'rc:putation the Purdue Exponent hasthis to say: "The standard of Mr.Erickson's work is well known inthe college world since his connectionwith· the University of Chicago. Hehas developed an excellent organ i­zation which stands in the front rankwith other similar college clubs."/Chocolates, Bon Bons'Unequaled FountainDrinks..senee, •Damatic Club Hears Readings.met �t an informal dinner yesterdayevening at 6:30 in Hutchinson com·mons. A numbef of guests were pres­en' . and two readings were given.The dinner was one of the most en­joyable ever given by the club, andnearly the entire membership waspresent. The members intend to giveanother affair of the sort in the nearfuture. Harold H. Swift. president of theclass 'of ·07 has "been elected alumnirepresentative of the Blackfriars, Ithas also been announced that Febru­ary 5 is the final date for. submittingsongs for this year's production."Capturing Calypso." D. A. Robert­sen D. D. Lash, Alfred Butler andHa� Sulcer, together with a fifthmember to be chosen by them are .toi, cl!!c the songs submitted for theshow.Carl Exselsen, Harold Lindley, EI·H!' P. Legler, R. S. Milner and PerryTrimble were the committee selectedto consider the advisability of obtain.:.ing a charter for the Btackfriars andto draw up a plan for securing theincorporation papers.ORDERS FILLED BY PRONKSHIPPED ANYWHERE'59 State St. lILt lIichipa Ave..1:'9 La SaDe Street.Piye iDaertioDa for the price of four.No adyertiaement taken for leutbaD 25 ceIIts.Cull muat accompany order.For Sale-Very desirable framehouse, with two story stable, on lot37 1-2 x 115. located at 5548 Monroeavenue. tfj 24. Professor Castle Improving.Professor Clarence Fassett Castle,of the Greek department, who hasht en ill for 'the last ten days with anacute atta�k of indigestion, is on th�rapid road to recovery. He wilt meethi� classes either tomorrow or Mo� ..day.For Reat-Two comfortable roomsin modem Oat. Light housekeepingjf preferred. Terms reuoaable. 6049E.llis aft., .s Apt. pJ 2$ -. �