1······. , .;' ..... ,._...... ..," ."t QC�\ � :Vol lX. No 73- '.' .! ' .-.:1arOdn'IUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO. \VEDr\ESllA Y, JANUARY 25, 1911 Price Five CentsAgitation for the adoption of the:honor system in examination at Chi.cago has be�n r�sumed. Those fav'�r-'ing the system believe th�t it 'will beput to a vote before the end of thepresent quarter and are highly san­guine of a satisfactory balloting. IThe Undergraduate Council has ape'The full list of entries for the Chi- pointed a committee to cooperate·cago-Nc. rthwestern dual meet to' be . h Th M' '. k fwit: e aroon 10 wor mg or swimming team meets Northwesternheld Saturday night in Bartlett was . .the adoption of the system at Chicago, at Evanston. The events of the meetannounced yesterday. Bo'th the Va� . h d.. if a large majority of t e stu entsare .n yard, 60 yard, and 100 yard�ity and· Freshman runners were giv- ' ' .,.....desire it. Reno Reeve, Richard Teich- dashes, 40. yard back and breasten out by Mr. Stagg. The two b d K Ch dlgrae er an ent an er are mem- strokes, plunge for distance, relay,track event meets will be held to:" .. I'bers of the council committe. t IS and fancy diving.gether, the events alternating. The or- I d hai f I di '0. p anne to ave 10 or rna ISCUSSI n The following list sent to North-der will be as follows: Fifty yard .. I 1dash preliminaries, fifty yard hurdle of the subject 10 c asses, c ass meet- western of the men who will probablyl·n·a.: a' nd other gat ... erings of stil- . been changed so many times thatinoe" LIII represent Chicago in the meet Fri.,preliminaries, mile r u n, fi f t y dents. definite idea can be obtained concern-... ·al""d dash' final, fifty yard hurdle final, . day. In the 40, 60, and 100 yardoJ • Stu�ent Indifference. dashes: ing the wood to" be used. Oak was,440 yarrt dash, 880 yard run, two- The difficulties attendant on having the original demand of the specifi.,fi '11 . Scofield,. Dodson, Collings, Chand-. mile run, relay. The eld events WIa vote on the matter last quarter lcr, Rosenthal, Meagher, and Ford cations and this will probably be thestart with the shot-put, after the dent i diff fit '1' teri Iwere stu ent 10 I erence 0 t ie sys em have been entered. Hollingsworth arid prevai 109 rna erra .floor has been cleared after the dash h R di R Same Laand the faculty's 'desire not to ave Kramer will represent Chicago i� the ea nK oom as w.and hurdles, this being followed by and decided step taken unless the lsack stroke. The reading room which is to be onthe high jwt�-an'd the pole..:vadlt.· .. h 'h I d';." .' ,impetus came from the student body, Stroke Competition Slight. the third floor, as t e same p an an �.The entries for the two teams are say, those who are working for the I n the 40 yard breast Chandler and approximate size of the law library.as 'follow5: 'system. These' difficulties ciri be sur. Eisendrath have been chosen for Chi- The space on the other floors is toVarsit�'�1��A � . -.f�I!: •. -.� . mou�ted�' they '��Ii�"e;·, by h'aving-thJ �';go. In the fancy dives Paul Davis, be utilized for stack rooms, and 1ibr�Fifty' ya_ra$.;-�'.:f:,�;·.h. tcc"?_!-.. S�u�e�· ,. matter", thoroughly threshed out· by John Davis, and Kay ton have been rary and administration offices. ;Earle, W.·· ..... 'wn:o, ror�,'�SKlOner, Glf" the students themselves and by show., , S d R d U Both Haskell and the law building.......... entcreu. awycr an un e are en-. ford; ·-Nortw .�. tirn; Hall, Schmenk, 'i_ng the faculty, ·through' a' vote; that tered for the plunge for. distance. The will be connected to the new librarySchaeffer, R. e.'_ -, �"_.'_" .. ,:.__ the··students want to give the sysem fo'lb - hai beer t d for 'hy covered passage ways, after the'l:",'fty yard" L..•. r_... �.I.;...-es.__r,_.-�ca..... '.,_o_'" _M.en.... :;..-,._ -a triaL: . '.' .. �. '.' .. �.�, .: m�r:;Olln �: .. :�. -:<���:.,::_:��_�:���r.:_._. __ stJdL_ .... QLthe:...-:()!d...,:DJed.iaeua)· . �"".r LI_ _:�.....-- �-I; �_..;:.;.�.:..;..._.,) ........... �-_.;.- v, _ .. -�---- ••. �";"";:�� ••.. �4" 0 -L .... a .... : ". �ual, 'G, Kii"h; � hiting;. N�#¥este�': '. "Interviews secured .last" quar�r Kern, R. F.; Kammerman, o� bridges. - ... _. 1Schwartz " �. '_ .. cb. ,..:·':�--':'�ririan�. ',. '.':" 'show without questi6n' tbf"facultn �� L' F' F C M Wh 'At either end of the structure; a tower, I 'P!. aiumni 'and unciergradu�tes think SW!lin, . .; ord, .; corter, is to be built; which will extend forty440 Yard" 'sfl.:-Chic.e: •. ,}>av�n. ., .; " G.; Whiteside, R. G.; Chandler, L. G.. po� Eade,. ..... �.,ord!l ..q. Kuh,::Stcin.. �er, that the adoption .o.f the system should Rundell, and .Fisher substitutes. feet' above the ridge of the maink L.. t' . R t t' .t l)u.I·ldl·ng. Th" Pr�sident's office willHaird; Non 'esteT.:.. ,: ��.�.�,)?�n.! ue ·put to a vo e:' epresen a ,ve s u- \Vhen asked about the prospects of ..Schaeffer, B, .. '.' '":'0'. .' dents, furthermore, went on record . the team, Coach White yesterday b� situated on the first floor of the880 vard �1-Chi!�;��; D�v�np�r� 'as advocating the adoption' of the said: "1. believe that we have a goodTimblin.� . �-9van, Long;' Gil�ert, system and as believing that the chance of winning the meet Friday:'Skinner;':NOrt���stemt��I�ir;,SmGth- - stude!lts would accept it if it were put 'The men have been working harden. Sweitur�;:Gilmore, 'Johnk� ,. to a vote. 0and it now depends �pon whether all, ,·f. . . . . Explanation. of System. 'Mile �ficago: Carpenter. . the men will be digible. This isLong, Daviri ·t '; Gi,!ben, Gray, Don- By the honor sy�tem has been Xurthwestern's first meet and we,oVan, Ha '. . Skinner.::' .Tii;nblin,.' meant ·that examinations should be have not been able to get a line onRoe Seegers,ll aney; Northwestern: conducted without attendance of an them yet. We are strong this season:ueail •. BUSbl".�' W�ts'on, Smothers, instructor or proctor of any kind,on the hack stroke and the phmge forThorsen, Joh' .;. ; '" . .. and that at the conclusion of the distance.Two-�i1e' .' :if9-C�'c�s:�: :Carpe�ter. nost each stu�ent should a�x to his Polo Team Strong.Gilbert 'Grey',\Jjamml1i/Roe, Seegers, paper a statement that .on IllS word of :. ., t- h h h d . 'h' Ji.'. '. 'Our polo team IS good but we areChaney,· N. o' .'1" este.. rn•. : ... .,.'R. 'q,sby:.,. Wat- onor, e a nett er gJ\'en nor ("�\� ·L·: '. . .iT • d 'd' th . f . 'h··" )Il'eak- 10 the dashes. ThIS IS due to theM C II � Th' ; celVe a, 10 e preparation 0 " l!'son c u 0 " orsen.. . . f:Jct . that a numher of our best men' '.' .. ., . . • paper. The snag in the syste�, in· thtHigh jU�l�-p.i�go:· Menaul, G. . .... have Idt school. Benitez has been, h .. opinion of many University peo. pie liesKuh, Wbiting�'�ogers, Coyle; North-western:" F1ctc�er, Clark, Parrish, in the fact that where the . system isHalL ::.�:!� in operation it is unusually the casePole vault_:�cago: Rogers, Coyle, ttl report cases of dishonesty whichLawler; Nortli_stem: Resmik, Ray, a student may see. But it is believedt�";I_1 . .'. that this clause will not stand. �n th!!A, Johnson. 1·�::·"'�'., - .M I R. way of the adoption of the system allShot put� �icago: enua, IYoun�; Non� �stef.!1:·"f1etC:hu, Com-- Chicago.stock. r ."Relay-Cbi,.J 0: Dav��ort. Earle;W. Kub, G�� iUh, Gifford, Timblin,Skinner; BaJ�!ort�,��,!�: ',_S_cha'dfer, Blair, 1l4lr1s, Johnk, Schmenk.freshman Meet·;·, ., .... ...1.: ._ .�:..,;, •. �'.-�� ..• , .. ,! "fifty yard dasH-Chicago: Forbes,Matthews, Cox, Stanley, Maxwell, A.1'. Miller, ¥an-·.Kcuren, Dickerson,Bessire: ,·N o�ern: Betts, Pierce,Loveland. l:·rltb�·r:;)-Iuber, C. A. Hi­bt'r, At_wo�a; ���·��Y ... , ....Fifty yar 1 liur�l�s��hicago: Nor­gren, Stephan. Dickerson, Cox, Ing:.wtrsen; N� rtfawdte�.,saaw;. LoDg�Betts, Pieri:". "'!i ,.. '#"t"': -:.: .. .440 yard: __ L rL�:":�go': Van Kear­en. Molander, Redding, IngWersen, M'f'. Miller, Matthews; Northwestern:�ENTlUEs ANNOUNCEDiOR coMiNG CONTEST� .�II .... of Cblc:aP 184 lertbweatenaAWales In Saturday', lIeeta} Given out Yesterday.:.'.:�_AlJlt-lllAYES WIIGHT AWAY..""'. --,-.� ...Shows: Great Strength in PracticingWith Shot-Likely to SmashOld Record.\ Lontin..tcd un page �) COACR wlm IXPlCTS YlCT01Y erial Library and the Ryerson annexis progressing so favorably that bothburldings will be finished within the:Team Strong .:in Back Stroke andcontract limit! The workmen wiltPlung�Weakened by Loss of continue at the task thru both' theMany·· Stars.st orm and cold of the winter monthsin order to finish by the required time.Chicago will open its swimming The builders are now putting theseason Friday night when the Varsity roof on the library after which theyJ. ,BOItOl SYSTEII AGITATED A&AlN TO OPEN SWIMMINGSEASON ON FRIDAY. Undergraduate Couitcil AppointsCommittee to Cooperate with TheMaroon in Getting a Vote-Senti.ment �s iJi Favor of Ballot. Varsity Team Meeta N .... weatern atInDsteD III First .eet ofYear.Ic,!'=t by graduation while our fastestdash mat.; Keefe, ha!! gone to Stet­�on. We have also lost Clark. Ber­st'son. Byford and Charlie Brown, all�ood dash men. This has made a bigIwle'· in our team, and may seriously(frect our ch,ances this year."Our �trongest adversary is IIlin.ois. Pennsylvania's swimming team isnot going to make its .tour west thisyear. and ,therefore has canceled hermeet with Chicago:'.·OUR WINNERS INPRELIMINARIES' OFFRESHMAN CONTESTMax Endow and Oakley K. Mor­ton. together with Louise ThornburyClnd Edith O'Rear, won places in thcfinals of the Freshman Extemporf!speaking contest ye:-;terday afternoonin Kent theater. The finals are to h�held in Mandel, Fehruary 9. The wi�'ner of thc contest is to receive as aprize otle quarter's tuition, Tryout,» for Skit Today,Trlouts for the principal parts inthe women's skit, "A Midway Local:''.. :11 he. hid tl;i� aft�rn :1. n in Spell.man at .. o·clock. Over a hundred,';rumen were present Monday whenthe skit was read, and lines of the veloped a t.endency common to· in­Ground was broken for the annex to ,<'xperienced reporters' and, has an­the Ryseron Physical labratory the. nounced his intention of writing a 11first of I:lst October, and has a col1- editorial communication for the day.tract extending to the middle of next Tl)is c{\mmunication will be on ex-May. At present the workmen arehibit on the wall just inside the. Elli:,pt�tting up the walls. office door immediately on being rc-The building stone is shipped in'. ceived by the staff and may be seenhere from Bedford. I ndiana. The • there by anyone who cares to 011_blocks are unloaded here already .serve It.marked and prepared for their posi..AD: PIOGRESS 01 BUILI_!Contrac:tors Rushing Work on NewHarper Memorial Library and Ry_erson Addition-Haskell and Lawto Be Connected with, Library.\V' ork on the William Harper Mem-will proceed to the construction of thetowers. The inside work will be be­gun in the early spring and will becompleted in time to have the build­ing ready for dedication at the Junecon vocation .Plans for the inside finishing havewest tower.. The contract for the library was letoc' \Vells Co., the same contractingconstruction firm that built the Rey-nolds cluh the Mitchell tower and, Iother prominent structures on theCampus. They are represented on theground by A. C. Anderson, the con­struct,ing superintendent,. who is agraduate of the engineering depart­ment of Highland Park college atDes Moines, Iowa.Ground Broken October I.tion in the wall,f'reshma� Dehate Tryouts T..:. ••• .:rrrowThc tryouts for the Freshman de­bating team will takc place tomor­f{.w night in Cohh 6.'\. The suhjectunder disc\b�iun is: "Rc�oh'ed, Thata q foot \Vaterway should he con­�trt'("h'" from the Great Lakes to theC ... :f:· Cl ;!.:h �:c Elrny I:as recch'�dseveral entrc('" through the FacultyF.xchan�e, and expects many more.The judges have not heen selectedPrinceton is grung to st'nd out anexpedirion to Asia. neces .. ary to have these lines, how'parts were given out to those who as yet.\\'i�he(i to tryout. It is not strictly -----._cver, afld anv woman who does not" .• -I.... '. . -havc them, or for any reason was not:thle to he prcsent on Monday, andwho desires to try out. wi)) he al­kwed to corne this afternoon.There has already been $40400 ofthe $6,000 needed to keep a crew at-Syracusse, Frt'shmen cannot live at the fra·ternity house" at University of Maine.The practice of holding inter-cla!;sdehates has just been inaugurated atthe Uni\'ersity of Nebraska .. WOMEN WILL 'PUBUSHTHE MAROON FRIDAYADal !aUOD 01 WomeD Comes' .. rrow WIlen The, Get outSpecial l4ItiOD.IIQiilidl IN LEXlRGTON.·Snub for Regular Managing EditorWho Is Made �ub Reporter inMen's Department."By Marjorie Hill, Women's Editor.Cheered by Specials to The DailyMaroon (Friday's edition only) Oilevery mail, encouraged by numerousadvance SUbscriptions, and flatteredwith delicate attentions from its es­teemed contemporaries, the Journaland the American, the staff of thewomen's edition of the -Maroon ishaving the time of its life.Although the staff has been inspect;ing the campus in search' for storre­for the last week and has peen gradu,ally bringing its journalistic style toits highest satisfaction, most of thereal work on the paper will hedone tomorrow in the Maroon officein Ellis. The staff will take possessionpromptly at 8:30 and spend the timetill J():30 getting its bearings and dust­ingIts-desks, At 10:30 all assignmentswill be. given out �nd from' that timeon until 6 the office will devote itstime t� the effort of discovering theieads �'f its stories and trying to in­sert a .�erb in a head without makingit rail ltJ"p tIte�iut-.:!imit;·:::-�-:---- .. _:.,,- --:-:Men'. �ent.Active..Especial 'pleasure is :being taken bythe editors in the interest shown bythe staff of the new Men's depart­ment ',which is to make its maidenbo_ '0 the public: in Friday's Maroon.: R .. J. Daly, editor, and NathanielPfeffer, . cub reporter, are already" searching for stories of possihle in­terest to their audience. Discus�ion ISbeing held now on the relative ml'rit�of 'ail interview with Mr. Brattish 'anda feature story on' the interesting wayin which the lion on Mandel wriggll'��is left ear 'ot:! Saturday nights. "Any�uggestions. as to these or other suh­jects wiil be appreciated by the Men'sdepartment. Mr� Pfeffe" has also tll'-Another New Department.The second new department of theMaroon, which is to be a permanc11lf�ature of the Maroon, is showing'promise of occupying at least on(' c .. l­umn of the paper. The editor:, :lrestill endeavoring to keep its charactera secret and state only that they f':\_\Jcct to make it of personal intert'-ttf, �very snl)scriber. The .Gargoylet t··column \\ill I,e run in :Pllll'\\ hat it..;l'sual form. Except for :\ carllllln h�'tes:; Courtright, the :\faroon willwear its usual typographical appear _ance,Tw�nrY'six wnmen n'a1.:e up tll('s!aff for the day. They are: :\f:t1l:l . '1''::­editor, .Marjorie Hill.: Xe\\, ... eoit')r,R'uth Retieker; \V. A. :\. editor. Flor'ence Catlin; Business mana(!'l'r.(COlitinaed 01. page "')THE .AILY MAROOM,SOPHOMORES TO HAVE CAPAND GOWN PICTURE TAKEN The following·· . telegram was re-ceived by us yesterday:Gargoyle:Material Beginning to Come in to What· shalt I do? TheEditors-Miss Vida Sutton courses down here are snaps but IAids in Alumni Plans. hav� had the� an at Chicago. Please' ..Sutton. who has in three years risen. practical!to prominence with the Xew theatercompany of New York has gin'nthe names of others likewise weltknown in' the profession who havetaken work at the Unh·ersity. MissSutton is a former member of theBUB8CBlPTlO� �A�:'B,' Carrier. fl.60 per Jear. fLOG 1* quaner.., mall, $1.15 per quarter. ",00 per JIU Inad---. . Dramatk:. Club,'diiiner in the .Com­mons cafe at 6 P. m. Members aiidassociate -members see manage'}" .Three Quarten Club meets in Rey­nolds club, Wednesday at 10:30.EducatioDal Club will meet Wed:nesday in room 159 Belfield hall.Philological 'Society 'will meet Pro�fessor Manly Wednesday at 1312East 53d st.The Indiana Society will meet inKent theater today at 10:30. All Ind­iana people are invited to attend.Consular Club meets today at 10:30in Cob� in 7C.Freshman-Junior basketball gametoday at 3:15 in Bartlett..,.. 0IIelal Btudat PublkatiOD ,0; 'I'be...... _. '.."onMr17The UDiyen!t7 of CbJaco WeekJJ" .......� Weeklq •••• � ••••••••••• 00t0IMr 1,.1181!'be Dan, •••••••••••••••••• October 1� 1801Publlabe4 DaI17. �t .� 1I01l·4,q. and holidaJa durlDc tbl'ft.quarUn of &.be• Diytnl17 1eK.JlDtered.. SeeoDd-daa IDA1l al tile Chi­up Poeto1lce. Ch1c:a&o. � JIarda 11,1u,'a. lJDdlr A.ct of Karch I. 117 ••ANNOUNCE •• NTST .. aTAI'I'•• - A. PFEFFER • • • • JIaDAciDC Editor11. J. DALY • • • • • • • N ... JCc1UGrK. F. CARPENTEll • • • • A.thlelle Editor Freshman class executive commit­tee will meet Friday at 10:30 in Kenttheater .."Das Passionspiel in Oherammer­gau" will be the subject of the Ger­man club meeting in Lexington hallFriday at 4.Theory of series with positiveterms will be discussed by ProfessorMoore at the Mathematics club in Ry,erson, Friday at 4-Skull and Crescent will dine in theCommons cafe, Thursday. at 6:15 p.m.Church History Club will meetwith Associate Professor Moncrief3717 Monroe avenue, Thursday at 7:30p. m. "Church and Slavery in the OldSouth" will be discussed by ProfessorDodd.. Sophomore ClaSs group picture forCap and Gown win be taken, Fridaymorning at 10:30 in front of Kent..HKN F. NJ:::W1UN • •• Bwoeu Jlanapr"""OCU.T. I:Dl'l'OBaW. J.Foutec. Y. TQlor )I. w. BeeNC. w. Houch1an� D. L. Breed.aaPOaT",J.E. BeebeUarr,.. ComerMax EuelowS. Kaplan )I. D. Bte ...B. F. DUIlbama, L. BarrJaP. Kearue7w. LJIDBD J. B. Perl ..S. L. Sayre L. StolsB. W. VIDlak7 W. WellmauWOJON'8 DIDPABTIIJIMT.Jlarjorie am. Editcl'.Ruth ReUcker. Auoclate EdItorREPORTERSll. CampbellFloren<:e C&tliD Alma Llcht7R ... colltrlbuUona 1DQ�,"":left at Ell,,; '. -:--"'::1 n: Faealt7 :Ex;'�J'�.: ;�" 't: ���� Sophornres have:. �.��\��¥ed that17 KarooD.. : : ·-the group picture 'of"the class for theCap and Gown will be taken FridayOnce more has the honor s�teril '��rning at 10:30 in front of Kent.been brought up for discussion. It This is the first of the three classis,'; earnestly .. to .be, pictures. to. be arranged for, and willhoped that this time be set S(")O, as the pictures must beH�nor System it will. be . taken up in early, according to the editors, whoQuestion in a serious, intelli, must ideatiiy each individual in . thegent. way and that group for the purpose of placing thethe flippant, lethargic notice that has name below.been given it heretofore wilt no long- Matrial for the literary section ofer be characteristic .. It is a. question the annual is beginning to come inthat has to' be settled eventually. by to the editors, By the end of the weekthe student body and it may as well they hope to have all of the first 30be settled now. pages completed. The story of theThe arguments for and against the Japanese trip of the baseball team-honor system have been taken up 'has been received and will "occupy aagain and again, but there is consider- prominent position in the front ofable haziness as to just' what the sys- the book. Professor Millikan, Mr.tern will imply.. For this reason The Arnett, and �fr. Robertson have writ­Daily Maroon has' decided to draw .ten articles for the opening section.up and publish a constitution for the The story by Mr. Arnett concerns thesystem. If the system will be' thor- VDiversity as an institution and es­oughly understood there will be no pecially the recent gift of its founder.reason why the m�tter should not b� The other articles are on "Details of!'cttled thi� Quarter. But in the mean- the New Harper Memorial Library,"time it is for the students to pave by Mr. Robertson and the addition tothe way for 3 solution to the problem the Ryerson laboratory, by Professorby thought and intelligent discussion. Millikan.Settle The]n the alumni section of the bookthis year the plan of last year willbe follow�d. Several prominent alum-Blackfriar Dancing Class, 7:30 ni have he en written to and re�ponsessharp. Second floor Reynolds club arc heginning to comc in. Tn view ofTennis shoes and skirts, th(.. successes of many of the alumniYoung Women'. Chrlatlan Leap. in the theatrical world as playwrightswill meet in Lexington. 10:30 a. m.· anci actors the editors ha\'c conceivedThe Staff of the women's edition ,the idea of ha\'ing a page or two dc'ot The Maroon will meet in wlted to their interests. M iss Vidathe Xeighborhood room at 10:30 3. m.Student Volunteer Movement's trav'(.Iling secretary, Marjorie Milder, willspeak in the League room of Lexing­ton hall at 10:30 a. m.Open Lecture by Mr. F. F. Reed,on" Copyright Law," north room Lawbuilding, Wedne.day, 4:30 p. m.DAILY BULUTINDramatic club. fE-:;:-G-����@•• t. .... , &,.t ... ."My grinning' face:"you often see;And worider what amuses me;'Tis not your play� or jokes so thin.'Tis simply you .that makes me grin.* ,* * *University of Chicago. incorporated.Inasmuch as Curtis Green has in­quired when we shall include him in"the list of those to whom studentsowed a. debt of gratitude for per­mission to attend the �iversity. wehereby add the name of Curtis Greento our membership department. Theboard of directors now includes:Dr. (Trainer) Johnson.H any English.A. A. Stagg.Curtis Green.* * * *Well, How?J i Eight·thirties metA t a quarter past nine ;J f ten minutes lateWere counted on time:I f a flunk were a 'conAnd a 1) wcre a pass.How would the faculty get us?... ... ... ...Roy Baldridge, editor of the Cobbhall bulletin board, has announced onhehalf of the Employment bureauthat a baritone and a second base arewanted.* * * *Merriam mayoralty placards areblossoming so profusely in the win­dows of the fraternity houses that oneof our campus wags is moved. to in­quire if· Mr Merriam is an alumnusof all of these chapters or if the"poly sci" students are' merely far-sighted.* * ... *On motion of the Council, secondedby the Council, the Council has voted.to give a party to the Council. halfof the expenses of which are to bedefrayed by the Council treasury.The Council's generosity is to' becommended.* * * *From Stetson. . «s : , ...',' . BIT�R QOOT�/V�ALLEY- ORCHARD LANDS .We "offe� tile ·�hoicest:ian.u in t.hia• famoUl 'Y8lley, planted and cared foruntil fruit treea are in,)"'&ring, per­petual wa.&er riglna. deeded .. with theted, for $500 per ·icte.:-�. We' care· fOryo�. orchard, ;harv�. &mi�. aeJl.,;:jourfruit ·("or 10. per cent of the. net profitsafter tla8 trees· hay, come into bea.riDr.The purchase price: can· be made in JivepaymeDta, or by monthly. Jnda.1hri.,,,of $5 a.n &ere. Write for further infor •mation ieprding the obarlea HeightS, ..Orchard Landa, We desire ODe capablerepresentative. . .. '.O. W. DRR CO. 817 New y� LffeBldg�: \ Irush answer.Paul Edgerton.We have wired . Edgerton to .. apply. for a position an the teaching staffor to : wait until- . next quarter forProfessor Starr .. to return.* * * *Our' Classified Advertising.Wanted=-Lessons on how to leada Prom. Roy \3.Wanted-vBoarders. Chi Psi Lodge.. Wanted- Freshmen who will stick.Delta Kappa Epsilon.\Vanted-Recognition. Delta SigmaPhi.Wanted-Fiancees. See Fijis.Wanted-sCrawley. Kappa Sigma.Wanted= An easy landlord. Psi U_* * * *For the satisfaction of those whohave reached the conclusion that ourGargoylctte column is hopeless andthat if they wanted to they could<in 'much better, only do not want' to-we publish the following from theGargoylette . column of 190.1:I think my English .5 is great:There's none I like above it:But rve wondered pretty much oflate.Does Professor kobert Lovett?My Ethics prof has high ideals.Scarce anyone attainsTJ-e moral excellence at whichOur Edward Scribner Ames.* * * *Ralph Rosenthal advises that "thiscolumn illustrates well the differenceh<"twecn theory and practice in thatin thcory the jokes are funny, whileir. practice the theory that they arei!' funny:' After which he submitsthat more people would get off pro.hation if they got on prohihition. How* * * *Once More.As we have a!'ked and urged. wenow b�g our campus lights to adornthis column. \V� have heard so many!'ay that they can do better that weyearn to accomodate them. -I .� t ,f ..·cuWELLS CLOTHES SHOPTA. J. UNGER· President •..CLEARANCE SALE ofSUITS arid OVERCOATS" .'j.. at $17�$22--$26.' IThis IS a rare opportunity to securereally high grade garme�ts at extreme­Iy low prIces.BETTER SEE OUR WINDOWDIS�LA.Y� LET' US SHOW YOU, ..TWO SlIOP�.139 RANDOLPH ST •. :�IIO'I'J:L SIIERIIAN(Opposite City. 'Hall) 231-233 DEARBORN·ST.GREAT ·NORTII&aw...nSL r, r,. (Opposite . Postofli�c). '. ....',.•';i.·:·' :·PHILOSOPHY.' ... ,.'. ,iII·t,•You take a philosoph.. ·.. i� .. ·View of .e",erythinB .:_when enj,.mg a deliciOusly .mjld Fatima Cigarette.There· s somethiDg unique'.'and JiffeT�t' about themthat exactly/suits . the col-�ege'�� .: Blelded of rare tobacxos,packed inexpensively, h�you get ten additional ciga­rettes-20 for 1 5 cents.WIlIt eacr. � 0/I ."".. J1OfI, '(J pm­na' t:pUport. 2; f /rdricla kQlTe (J I . ..;",!­.,.. I�!' C/OI·'.IKn.,..,., (12%32)-___' ':Il«t 0/100.11IE AIIERICAN TOBACCO co.MEDICAL SERVICEreI. H. P.4345 Res. Tel �It" ..GEO W. I. BROWN,. n.:·:Practice limited to diseases ·of. t�;EYE, NOSE and THROAT' .HoaR: 9 to 12 a.ID., 2-to & ..., Saada, b, .ppota t.Oflice, Salte Ie. 1230 £a •• eN Scren. •• W.i. Cor. Kl.bark A" .. �Tel. 4345 H. P. Res. Tel. 8294 H. PDR. �IIORY M. LOTTS.DENTISTJffice N. W. Cor. 63d St. &:K irnbark Ave. Suite 14- Chicago.��::'J�. . .-: .... -·�Zflli."" ..."., .........AIfi{ow?<otPz COLLARS... .tytothe DeCk,tbetopemeet.. froGt and there'" ample apace.. tM cravat.::; .,IIC-.2 torJlc. C1aett.PeaboQ. Co..IIabnLouis Lowenthal:·t �:�IJP.�_ .t�tr please.712.W.est. V·dja_.stDet ._.. Teresmohe: 'MonrOe 25I7... ".. - ."' .... - -. �..:.. -r � ," .��This Ad. "Is Goodlor $1.00.: .:. CU.T-1'HIS ·.OUT.Call us up and we willsend '.one of our expert.. Piano Tuners .. who will ac­cept this" .. coupoa, as ,$1.00discount, The .regular priceis $2.�c.-This is a bona fide offer.This .�d. must be presented,if you' desire the' reduction .as aGuarantee ofQ�tY. �r " ail AthleticSports andPastimes.IF YOU are interested in ath i·letic sport, you should have a .cop, of:' the Spalding CatalougueI·�IS .� .. Jompl�te ,_encyclopedia of' .... t'. Dew ill sPOrts, and fa IleDt',. I. '.(H'e Oh': request.l.. G.:·iPALDIRG " no... i47;_��· Aft.. CIaicqo.!.!! utiu ART' CORNEl.. --,. � .. I.' L UftiST."Arts __ Crafts G ....M KAtt TO BUY � ClFn-_ , •t ""-:.� .A'. McAD"AMS'. .' TH'EStudenfs norist�3rd St .• ad Kimbark An.Pholle H. P. II.�hicalo Kent College of LAWBe a lawr_f'r.· Good laWYIT8 are In eonstant..... nd •. BIPftt 1'&111 profftltllon.' EftDinc�.A DeII'ft L.L.B. in three ,.nra. Laflf·.. -- beitt equlPMd' t'\'�ilotr Law Sdlool.. u.r world.' W •. find fIOaition. In law of·'Inmdreda of .tudent8 ynrly. 80a&1 � npm... whne worltintt for• ....:. .. ....-ot' eblnK'f' for amblUm .. fOunt:� for P'rft Catat�. Actdrea� CHICAGO KE1IT COLLEGE OF LAW.". ..... 1001 ItO DNrbom 9trftt. ... _-- .......... Va. BllnaSt.,Claicaeo •ftK DAlLY.KAJtQON.' WEDN£SDA �J.I 1ANUARY. 25 I tOll. ). . - "''- '�ORFEI�����I'=�� /":' ..�'.:; :�'_'��'_�'-:-�, fIII.M��t�- , � , .,.'"• • �"�. -.;.........:. �" t: �� �. ". . ......Triple ;�ie . in Firat ,Diviaion-ThirdDivision Unchan,ed-StandiDg �OtheR unknown.... ". .The Seniors moved into secondplace in the intra-University 'seriesby defeating the Medics yesterdaafte�oon' by the score of 15 to 5. Thegame was fast 'arid both teams fought.to the finish. The doctors were notoutclassed so. bad as the score would,indicate. their defeat being due rather. .teo pooi>bas'ket· shooting .....DeGraw "was' the - 'Scoring star ofthe game, getting three baskets, butSwan. of the losers played a .good de­fenSive ·Pni�.;:- �, .-. -. 1: .,:' ; ', �':.' :; ".': ,. '-. 1:L;n.�up;Seniors Medics. .. . ,9ur agent, P. A 'Soochman, willBaldwin ....... : .. R. F .. Mitchetl,Long wi ·and· d�liver 'y��r taundry' free�RhLw: .••. �.� i: � :J!\,.,\-".-:-" .;r6<·;Re� IJf .�rge. .'Worthing '�'.;. :-:... c:: ���;. .. � .� ;' .·�.an lIen�, and darninz Free.S��erlan(f :._. .... Ie ¢_� '�':' .. , .', -: :.i��erF�hen ; •....• ·.�t;.:,G.,·�·;.:..; .Jobn�y�Field.- goals-Baldwin, DeGraw :3,Worthing, Sutherland, Mitchell, Sw�n,Free throws-Baldwin 3. S�an. Re'f­eree-Kuims.The many' ior.feh'ures of games due10 the ineligibility. �f. members of thevarious teams has .changed the stand.ing of the teams in all except 'thethird . division i'n the preliminaries ofthe bowling' tournani'ent. There wereno forfeitures in' the third divisioncomprised of Alpha: 'Delta Phi, SigmaAlpha Epsilon. Sigma Chi. and PhiKappa Sigma, Alpha Delta Phi andPhi Kappa Sigma were left tied at thedose of the preliminaries.In the first division. forfeitures ofone game by every team except theA. T. 0 made a trlple- tie -between th�Phi Gams, the Psi .U·s. and the A. T.O's. A. T. O. took two games out oftbree rolled with Psi U last night, inthe first contest played to decide thewinner in the division.� The standing of the teams in thctother two divisions is 'not yet certain,owing to the fact that the eligibilityof some of the men is yet in question. DwOoD � -',nBWOODBASSWOOD'GB.&.Y'WOOD.WEBNWOOD"rEAKWOODXAPUCWOOD. ETC.YOU WILL FIND_WHATYOU ARE HUNTING 'FORSENIORS MOVE UP IN RACEBeat Medics and Get Second, Placein Basketball League. '0"'.' :�., �� . �: .... �:- .. '." .�:.'���' ,�... ; , . ' .. � : . � .', '.. y.' .' - . ...... .- . '1. .., ""': . _ ... ' . .' _ ,ne. -.ea.r- _ ... , '\ � '.:' .:'-. :. :i -, � .. "I..- ':'Guarantee"Certilkate '._ :". ," •• .... .. ".. .., • �. I ;;: ';1"1. .., l '. • • •..... Diamond Point '.. .'Fountain' . Pen. .. '. Eve?, pen made b)' u. ia ·1JuiDt.e4i. to live .baolute _twa� .aenicein . every particular. . ;' , �.. . . ." In event: �f any "i_tiefec�. wi� 'one year from ckte �i purchuethia� certificate entitlea :rou to, ntumthis pen to us With your nUDe, ad­dress and description of the troubl�and we wU1 . efther live you a newpen or adjust yours so as to cive ab­solute satisfaction.DIAMON'O POINT PEN CO.Signed • , � � ,DealerDate sold h •• 191 ••. Geo. F. Ivins, Mer.Save this certificate-it is )'our pensatiafacti�n insurance.· .'THE ·ABOVE CERTIFICATEGOES. WITH EACH PEN SOLDBY US. IT SHOWS THE' CONFI­DENCE WE· HAVB IN OURPENS.'.".­._-TWO DO.LLARS UPD�MPND P'OINT PEN CO.New �ork. ".Largest Mnfs. in. t�e United State •...... ""\,.. ! .-".. � ; ... � ."II. ",:S�per1 . :; . �.,... .. ..r! .Jt)."J' �. .T�LO.-�'�'· ,'� .. '.175 ,Dearborn Street.' COm_·M�oe:::··;_'Noble, •• ', '1," '-.Second Floor.HOOS�RS WILL MEET TODAYIndiana Students Asked to Gather iaKcat at IO:�.0\11 members of last year's Indiana,��ciety and all Hoosiers who have'entered the University snice last year'are to meet in Kent theater thi�morning at 10:30 for the purpoSe �of'p�nning the society's social program·fOr the next tWo quarters. '. .A dinner is being planned for: thefollowing week. at which George Ade.or one of the :McCutc:heons_will pro�­ably speak.'.' There are about ISO natives of Indi­ana in college now and it is expectedthat this year will be a successful onef�r the soCiety. The Indiana societyi:\ open without restriction to aU ,mi·vcrsity people whb live now or evcrin Indiana.,.:_._---­, ...PRESIDEKT LEAVESFOR EAST ON WAYTO PALM BEACH, FLA. � .,COL L A R S' .2 FOR. 2 5 C. E N T STH!Y Aa.. IN Ga.!.!N aoxisMade by EARL. lit WILSONF_ •• for � CollanAGAIN'Our Semi-Annual" SpecialBlue, Black· and . Gray:.. Sc.rge o.r.� Cheviot Suit,with extra Trousers ofsame or Outing material.Hats of·Diatinctio.n and� Cbani:cter � .. '. " .. " . . ...........: ..... �T�E IMPE�VIOUS $3.00is the Hat tbq are .II raving' � '. !}' ·.. :' ..r ........:.f. f,..t.-:.:: ,/� :.,��.' .C\t�)• .....". . r ',:- � •.. ;..-......We, <An7 a complet& line' of' Stet..m.;;. _', ;�-�:<'t : �.���; j, L' --._..'• ! •..• ".� � ...T.......... . Eatab1iahed 187391 £. MADISON· ST. French MethodHand LaundryI I 4 6 E. 63rd Street.J[� L. "AIES .BIT. ·to.P)oC)ne H. P. 6 t ,I 3..Our 18 years of experience illthe laundry trade is the ben�fit. giveil to our customerLI.NSU··RE WIT·HNEW YORK UFE INS.' CO.ASSETS OVER S600.oo0,000.The 1ar2est dividend paying.company in the world •.For further infomulboo inquire ofA. I. JACOBSON,. General Agent171 La �,.�k Street. .SOC N. Y. Life �\1i1dj�.Phone untral 5501.Memhers of the Pen club will meet:':'Yllorrow morning at .10:30 in CobbJJ\ ior the purpose of discussing theQuarterly dinner and for the trans­action of other business. Mr. GeorgeFit�h. editor of the Peoria Transcript,and author' of the college storieswhich have run from time to time inPresidc.-nt Judson left Monday to th� Satt1T<lay Ev('ning PMt. will heattcnl the annual meeting of the Gen- thc gue�t of the c1uh �ome tilile afterera I Euucation Board in New York Fc.-hruary T. A definite date wilt hecity. He will also be a guest at a set at the meeting tomorrow.dinncr to be given him hy the alumni I Tht'r,- wilt he an .election of officersof the city of New York. He and this quarter and a nominating com­Mrs: Jud50n. who will join him in the I mittce wilt he appointed tomorrow.East, will go to Palm Beach, I Thc terms of all of the officers ex'Florida where they wilt stay for two' pire this month and the election willor three weeks. The date of their h(' of a president. secretary-treasurer,return to Chicago is not certain. and historian .-----11,,·1Sflldenfs ThInk 'of if --Sda ..... SSC ..... 11c: d.ueI.......... tut.� 1Sca-IIIC. ��...-..cJail co. .... tQ- til CMM:eL COHN 1111 E�61sf, war""SH_RT_SALEleo DOZ. LION 'SHIRTS, 'I.SO $1.25 and 8t. 0 Values, 7,)c.Madison Avenueand 63rd' Street.· .-F.·W. BAKERliEN'S GOODS O.NLY.. AVAITOB..HATSBe original and �r an up-to-datebat. Plain, $1.00. With letter.or Dmo­eral .embroadered on front, $I.so-3tate �!ze. Satisfaction guaranteed.HAROLD ABRAHALLEast Momaches, ��. York.PEN CLUB TO ARRANGEDINNER DATE AT MEETING I·,I';;.!j1l', ': ,.:, ., ",.,' ._ � .BLACK8T..QNB�;H.��"" .Place. IMtw ... 1IWa. ,_'. WUuh AT.",SeDatiOll of the II-'Cal' Wodd. ADcked' •.. BALALAlXA' ORCilBaTRA "LYRICWID. A. Brad,.praatsHolbrook BliDD illTHE BOSSPOWERS'HeD17 B. Hanla PnMa .. : .....THE COUJITay.· ·BOYGARRICKForbD-Robertaon ia"THE PASSING OF THBTHIRD FL-OO� .• �CJt""�O·AND. llarpret AD&UDGREEN STOCKINGSSTUDEBAKE�HENA1ETT�' CROSS!rh\N in'. ANTI-IlATRIIIOay..·��. COR�.q�.;J:�""H�:��;�_ ... t�,·.Hem,. KoDrer iD""THE GREAT JI�\ :.;��,.� ,- _. - .. �": _"_": '. �_ ..... �'pR.�E�s'< .�:' : .. :�,IIr. Albert.� CbeftIier Ia. DAhD�' DUroim:o..�.��LA�:.Ai.' FTHE S�EST GIRL 1M P ...-n.. ... c:-Ic, 0,.. ...... _"�'� CIIIr.- . 4 •w��y�� B. Buria, pramts.: HeIeD Ware iDTsk: DESEImt ..COLONIALVictoE lloonIaThe New II-'cal PIq"THE HAPPIEST HIGHT OW lIDLIPB."MCVICKERSWID. A. Brody AnDowmce.)lr. Loaia )laIUlTHECHEATBRi,"t� .r- "JAPAIISI'� 'II p' WQII&N.'.?nlJ. WBLISHr .' -.TH&.'IIAROON� llJW)AY- .J�:p ...... W_ in CaneM N�, ber of·tIIe .. �t �at �.-t:�� __ Bueball sm..-..·:·'1'hrona." cOn.....· ./ J. Pepcs ,captain of the Univer�.�lt.Y. of' Chicago baseball team, bas'�ritten 'a� article in the current issueof 'the "lndePendent""entitled "hiter.!nationai 'B�seball:' dealing with thetrip' that the University of Chicagobaseball' t�am' made in Japan lastquarter.Pegues declares that baseball hastaken a very strong hold on the in­ter��t� of,the Japanese people, mainlythrOUgh the efforts of Mr. Fred Mu_�efield and Mr. Alfred Place two 'forc, . ,mer University of Chicago baseballplayers, engaged in educational workin Japan.' This coupled with the factthat' th� team was playing an inter­national series, accounts for the en­thus.iasm and the hospitality withwhich ·the University of Chicago menwere received throughout their stayin Japan,. -�. tJnusuai DemoDatrAtioDLMost of the games played in Japanwere with the Waseda team in Yo­kaboma. but through the efforts of an,enterprising japa�ese newspaperman, three of the games were playedin Osaka. Here the team was received\\liih unusual demonstration. The ar­t.i�'f � goes on to say: "The mayor ofqsalca opened the first game with an·a�dr:ess of welcome, and then pitchedthe first ball -in ,true American ·stYle.A.ft�r. each o�. the games, we were pre­sented with floral pieces by the dif.fere�t schools and organizations oft�e .. city. '"Whole. schools attended the .&aIIl� illbodies. School would be suspendedfor the d�y a�d the students wouldmarch 'on the field. Some of' themir_;linped as much as thirty miles tothe field, and we were t�ld that indi­�duals h�d c�;�. as far. as, two hUR­�red 'miles by, tr2in .. to see u.s play. -Thirty Thowamd at Game..1 J is impossible to tell how many��ople saw the games, but it is esti­n_lated th�t about- thirty . thousand��ooc:l th.,"oughout each contest. Manyof �hese walked out and. back as the(lne carline reaching. the 'field di� not.prete�d to handle su�h u�precedented. traffic."Pegues goes on, to say, that as allaround players the Americans are bet­ter than th� Japanese, but, althoughthey. won every game, many of �hemw�re' very hard -fought.t.aa-.-nu.. .... fOl' .s aata.Ilia worda to .. IiDe. .;JI'm iaeertioaa for tile price �I I ...•• .. •• lI T.t� ...... 10.. '_,tIIaa., �,CeiII' _ �ca .. ..,. .....For Reat-Part of warm cozy flat, all . briaht. airy room. privilige liahthouseckeepma, all conveniences.Call aftu 6 �. m. 1379 E. 57th St.Phone Midway 2a,14. pj m 21For Relit-Two comfortable room.in modern flat. Light hosaeeping. ifpreferred. Terml reuonable. 6037ElJis Ave., 3d Apt. pj 21For Sale-Very desirable fnmehouse, with two story stable, on lot37 1-2 x 175. located at 5S4B ll0u0eavenue. tfj �Fot Reat-Two comfortable roomsi� modem flat. Light housekeepjngif preferrecl.. Terms ftUOIlab.Ie.·6049Ellis ave., ad Apt. pJ 2S, 26, 21 ..... ""-!' •• ;- ..._ ...Hel.ene ,.£dwatcls;:. Cartoonist.· BessCo�t. I AJSOCiate, editors, Mar.�� ��WA3· au�s�ai3 �110JJe::> Al!(IQ!UOK ·�;)n·"'wIV ·ll�qdwl!J �;ue.Btrude Emerson, -and �yra Reed.' Re.'porters. ·.Mary Chaney, Effie Hewitt,Mary ,B� Ruth Russell, ·Margaret�itcbell; VictQria McAlmon.' ReginaStrauss. . Mona" Quayle; EI� Henzel,Ethel'. Kawin •. Ruth Whitfield. Mar­guerite 'Swav.;te.. Elizabeth· HalseyMary Tiuell. and Edith' O'Rear.All efforts to find a copy.girl forthe occasion have been unsuccessful;but the editors' are still hoping, thatsome woman will give herself as amartyr to the cause,ENTRIES' ANNOUNCEDFOR COMING CONTEST(Co.tilaMCI frnm page I) It P�ys to R��d ::.Daily Mar�on: Ad_.,John B. Brown wanted to buy a suit of clotheS: \' He knew ';,ry ,littl� about Chicaco's merchants and leu about it�s .�o�;\.a first year man at The' Univenity of Chic:ago. He- w�ted ;. swt�·made 'to his' measurements. He expected to pay � :; '�L'�;, l\��: ... �l�., 'lame,s. B. Smyth want. ed to buy a suit of clothea. ,He ...• h� 'Cl:':d ; ... •• �.'not know' much about Chicago's merchants-Ilia .fo�i Wits, be. �� �inc purchased for him by his 'parents in his bome_�� H�' wanWd .;:' "• ready made suit. $30.00 waS the amount he' u� t;)' i-i .. : ,:' " .' ': " � �!JIThe Messrs. John .B. Brown and James B. Smyth read 'the: ada' �,� � ""'1in THE DAILY MAROON. They read that Jerrems a: ce; ��', ';j :���_-"0.00 suits of clothes for $35.00, and added an extra Pair' Of tro�:, " ._':� .:��� Jera for good measure, and that M. Rothschild & Co •. WU.,oiler.·" '. 'U;j .•ing $30.00 suits ,of clothes for 120.00. They knew euctiy where .. to" .. � "go. They both mew the merchants Were reliable as they were ad­vertising in THE DAILY MAROON .. And· they both saved money/Q _' �c, .... ��-c.� "-",, •• �o "s": �.''. ·,·d 'MoFy;pci!i-c.1 WHAT IT � MEANS"' American Factory RebuUt" meana a cia.. of typewritera, ncb u:no other concern does or can rebuild as we do. It is an identifyiDc termused tQ distinguish our machbies &em the creat mass of typewritm·which are offered under the name '·Reb�t."'. It means that if you buy an "American Rebuilt Typewriter'- 01 -Fmake. ycu will get a FACTORY rehuilt machine, rebuilt with newparts;' not one that has been simply repaired and fixed un ill an orcLnary sbop. but one equal to new ill mechanical quali� ..We guarantee every machine we sell for one year,' and &bio �­. antee the title.� .. " � ..American WrtttngoMac!Jtt!e Co: �. : ;�JC�The Original Type� riter Excb�e ,Established 'more th�, 30 �. ,� �.! ....... t.eA7' .... ;... _----,'-ceaq- , .' .. ', '. '.,.. " __ 111111 IMnIJI" �:. ' ···-7'-·1r ,.' <'"JI9 Dearborn' Street. Chicago Telephone, HarrisoD ..... ; � j,.t.'l'-. .'Scbedule, 0( ·.lIeets Will Be AnaliaedSooIl ieI' Seuon-Sqaad LargerTbaD UauaI.Prospects are. g;;d for a successfulgymnastic team' the coming season."About a dozen men are training dailyfor' the meets, which are now being.planned. Although no' definite dateshave been decided upon for thesee\'cnts some are to be held in a shorttime with the various Turner teamsin the city. It is expected that the ex�puience '.gained in competition withth� Turner athletes wiil prove valu.able to the men in preparation for thecoming contests which are being ar.ranged with Northwestern and Illin'ois.The men who are out to make theteam are: Captain W;sely, Kay ton,meadon, Wilson, . Parkinson, West.Harrison, Schnering, and Baldwin.Paul Davis, captain of last year'steam' .is showing up better than everb�fo;e and it. i; thought that he willbe a strong contender for the all.around champio.nship this. year. , rAtwood. Linn, P. Hiber. Whittle, Ty­man, All.880 yard run-Chicago: Van Keur;en, Redding. Brooks, Hunter. Schoen;Catlin, E. F. Vall,Sant. P. Van Sant,Molander;· Northwestern: Lavery,'Fahs, Beaton.Whittle.· . Graham, Ralston. !�'7�-rdi-1c (d.ep: curv�l'"Lenses' are' the.. ��at Lensesas we make them.W.·· Gall make them heatbeaau ..... Iuwe the he.itoptical machinery forgrbuIlzag them; the he.tlaawtt.. "for adjuatiag aDdSttbag them: the a::perienoe. .ad om that· enable ...to�. j1qt how theyahoald he made for YOU.l{ WATRY & CO.OPTICIANS99-101 Randolph Street. .; ........ �,." J�-:. ." J. ·C.· VEEDER CO.:. ',.1,,- .. • .. _<," '.(l:I�t IDc.)� .. "7.>;'�"!� ,iPRIWT�R.OF . ,-: , .. ,.. �E Y'£RYTttIIlG' , :9�5 .. �t : 63rd . Street .Near Drexel Avenue... Telephone Hyde 'P�rk 1212'"/,1I/ ,� ,Mile run-Chicago: Van Kueren,Redding. Brooks, Hunter. Schoen,Catlin. E. F. V�p Sant, P. Van Sant,Molander; Northwestern: Johnson,Shepherd.> Fahs, . Beaton. Kraft, Mc- .Lennon, -Smith;. High jump-Chicago: Cox. Stephan,R.. ,W.. MiUer,·hlgwerse_n;. Northwest-:ern: Linn, Alt, Luther, Pierce, Reed,Pole-vault-e-Chicago ; ,Dickerson;Northwestt-rn: Shaw, Armbruster,Guzman, TYn;ln.; ,Shot-put-Ch�ago: Scruby. Nor­gren, I Jlgwer:�9.ru � Northwestern: But­ier R�ed. G�y., .,.R'el�y�hicago:, Forbes.. Matthews,.� .]). �il1er" �91�nder, V q;1 �ueren, 'I ngwe�sc.p, pickerson� Maxwell. Red­ding; N orth.we�tern: Bett�i, Pierce,LOVeland,. �inn, .• P: Huber, Kraft, O.A, Huber. Atwood, Beaton.Star ,��. in "Shot-Pat. -"enual ,de.moDstrat�d yesterdaytI,at �is failure' to place in tbe FirstRegnnent. meet did not indic�te apenaanent. decline by putting ,theshot fortY-fo�r.' fe��, one, inch. Thisis the best record he· has ever madeaD,d.is abe�d of. an� mark made in�QQlPetiti�n jn the West this year. Itis. also. better. t.� the Chicago rec·ord ai. ,£orty-tw.(), feet, nine inchesh-�l.d. : by M�well The dope is all infavor, o,f Menual's carrying off. thehonors in . the �vent in the indoorConference.Your a College BoyWith your College joyAnd your College Tog!'.That's why we want Jau to 7·'�.to call and see the Swell Suits :,. •.nd Overcoats we're sellina at,S15 and $20Furnishings! You Know it;Were tbere, with all kinds ofthemSlLftDAIf & SON1125 fast 63"' StreefNear LezinctOD. .. .... _ ........IDHOOOLATB&BOR-BOB8;UNEQUALLED FOUNTAIN; i �RINKS.· ,ORDERS FILLED BY PHONB. �'.�SHIPPED. ANYWHERE ;r.1:, �.t, .;.�,;._:.:: ��:'159 State St. l&t 1Iichi&aD ��., .��.l,g . La Salle Stftet." ,. :'"