.'"': ... ..• " .' .:' -,.:t J ••.....-··�.�ri��:.- -...t -.;.I:.;'"¥.�."" .".'U.: ,to> Iri.N �'i:_ :.:!FI::-� ----_.- --'---"e ( ..LTNIVEI{SITY OF CHICAGO. TUESD�Y.)ANUARY.�. 1911.:: y:r :' .. ,Vol. IX. No. 72.r ':� � ...THREEMAROONATHLEtts 158 COUPLES 'OR SOIOR PROM OOUBLE DEFEAT�SPURS ·_·a .. .: ... ·I1·....., � �Y��AT-,WIN POINTS SATURDAY ProaUaiDc Outlook for Bill Dance ISO MAR.OONS FOR. BADGERS Great!' '. ,: .• ';�'�I::,'k :��7 .. :� DANCE.' Men Sipify Intention of Attendiq 'inc = � in''_ iChOo1a; �'t,., -.� .. �, ...eoJleID Pole-Vaalt ud No,pen ill _A_:Vl'ti'_ of "Prom Clean'na Cbicqo Teall Tied I .. ThIrd lD .... - . ·AJ. �I" '\.1 :N.;;;,_'" y:;_,:,:':" .":'_ 1 - ........ IUJ ._ ..... Dellan a.uud'� . . n"y - _ • -n.uvocatea.·_,,,.rM �,.' I -u't'�" ... ,.�":"n_�ii.'ake.·GOld .Watcba lor House" Prove a Failure. tereDGe StaDdiq -lIII'tfrac:tlcl Art . : .. '�-' :: I' ,1::: . . 11 •• *lW ·", La$t.f.lrst. Is PIaued. '. __ .. ' ,(1; r." _ � ,'. ........ ... I ._. _ ./ .. � , The Iist of names of men ..... ho are -. _'--. - Compani�nshi�" Iii "labor' and social, .. J " . ..�.,: '.ISRMAM st'�T£!l.DISCOVDU· going to the Senior Prom on Febru; iNDIANA wiltS: SCORE, .22 TO .14 �ffo�t�, .��� . �lie:--te����g . o� .. g���ine; ...... �� �.-·AIft;lUSE-:_ ary 2Ir,wc:re handed in to Roy Bald- ---.� ar� in t�F '�cb��� ,-w���' t�,e. �n.n�i�a� � .. �.:.; .• ,t�� .. ; • -:-. .: .. '. ' _. .,Matthews Gets ·'In;..:Final in �ol't7· ridge .. yesterday. They contained a to' Maroons Lose Through Poor Team methods of. tratnlDg the child for good' R_Ui"�-.: Storm DIrDce aDd MusicYard Dash-M�: Thkd'in" .taJ.:.of one hundred and fifty names Work-Team Fights Hard Against citizenship advocated �y' �i5_s')an� .... ·b,.c� Club Ant.� Fea'High Jump •. , which was somewhat of a surprise, as Heavy OddL. Addams 'of HuH' House "in her talk__ , _ ;-" _�� of _�� _ ._ none of the alumni had yet been ap- • __ ., before' a larg� .udi.�ce 'in MandelThree of the Chicago entries sue- preached. It is expected that when Games Percent yesterday afte�?o�. Unde.r ��� tit1� ';'T�'�' hu'ndred �o�iy-one peopleceeded in taking points at the First ltbe alumni sign !JP. there will be a played Won Lost age of "Education and Citizeliship�" shC1 �de �ciTy"iast Saturday-night at theRegiment games ·'-saturday. night AI- larger list than ever before. Purdue 3' 3 .0 1.000 gave concrete - ��mples" � be.i. ow� SettlerU;llt dance, '1hereby establish-together they ··.took eleven points < The Prom Clearing House activi- Wisconsin 3 2 .667 experiences with. children .. and fol� ing II. re�ord attendanee in University: which gav�. t�e.·· University _ fourth tj� did not achieve any very brilliant Chicagc 4 2 :2 � , .500 . lowed ·these �it&: ge�e�i ideis con� annals,« ,ust . year the crowd num-. place amo�g .\lle·�·�teams competing. success. At the me�t.ing held last Illinois 4 2 2 .5OQ �er!l!�g. the, pr.c:parat�on �f t:h::� iotith� bered :�ot:! qbite sevtno, , hundred inThe lltinois Athletic Club won the Thursday only four men were present Indiana 2 .5� ·ter·· citlieriShip�.' .., '.. \ spi�e oi reports' to di� contrary, 'and... tfair with twenty-three. points, while and it was decided to "bury" the Minnesota 0 .000 :·1.:ci�5t�Y insisi�,�'. said 'Mi�s' .. Ad. the "ettbrmous' increase ..... ()f': this yearNotre Dame and the Chicago Athle- dearing house. The lis.t of men who Xorthwestern : 3 0 - 3 .000 . d��s,' �::ti,�t'�����yo�e shou'I�:' tino� . o��·r�.:���i'-exc·e�ded the' wildest hopestic Associatwn::'i�lto\\:;d with 'twenty : are going to the Prom wilt be in Roy ! owa has' as yet met no Conference �r. d� f�u�. �i��s of l�b�r. �e� ar� of t\1�.J�.�_�ttees in charge, .·:31ld.four.teen points respectively. The Baldridge's bands. however. and any :t('am. . heavy labor �� th.�. back and arm,must The <amount of money realizedmeet was' a welt contested affair, and one wiil be free to consult it. .Suffering from the first defeat of cles, labor o� jhe . hands ·a�� ... w.?Stsr fronr ib�� dan�c will pr'6bably exceedthe handicaps w�re so,: arral\ged ,-that_ Schemes for Decorations. th� season, the MarQ�ns' returned intellectual lalloi- •. and social. labors;. si-c. h�ncir�d d�llars, to� make only· <1.: close �:�rfip�tilion\ was ,insured in all Vari;u�' schemes for .' decorations from the disastrous· Putdue· Inc!ian:4 He �ay� rightly 'that when orie gr�up conl��t1�e, �stimate� 'Five' .hundre-d;� the eve;.JsV \- -.: ..... :.. _:. .f .': -'were talked over ,at an informal meet- trip determined to p':!t:;' in the hardl of persons perfonp only one .�,£ !tlieJ of' this( 'tWjlf c'ome "ft'Qtn We sale "1:' The men who won points for the ing of the chairmen yesterday, and, l·st kind of practice: thi� week for. the' they �tend to 1>��o�e: bruiii���d ,and ticke�' and on�r"urtdt�d' and' twenty'�, Maroon were F�nk Coyle 1n ·the pole while nothing was decided, several Wisconsin· game next Saturd�y a�. mec�ani!=at:!: �V:�fy . p�r.s�ll}s!t��I� "dt ;#�in'l{r.i�· s�le' of ierreshm�nts at the'� \·ault. Norgren in the �'hotP1Jt, and . very elaborate plans were suggested Madison. Losing the 'Purdue game some of each." ., . . .. __ , - dariFe. 'ThJ';���oWit�Lhave no't been� 'tenual in the high jump.' ·The first 'and a very n.ovel .system. of adorn- tln'ollgh ,poor �asket �h�ting a�d the '.: N� ':V�oU La�� . en�i';'��tti�ci. and.ii! l;rin:'-tak�: near-j two succeeded in . winning their ment witt be' tried. Refreshments and' Indiana -game tllrough tack. of tea� "In trairiUig:-:-'i�- .y,oung in .oui ly i·�tJCt� make 'tiilal' aaju;t��nts.< � events. while Meilual:wa's. forced to ··nlusic were also discussed. and the wt_,rk the Maroons have their work schools.they�ho�d.be�gi�en·physicJ AS"-soOn'-as-everytbh1g--i�lanced theJ be contentj with third place, Tb1 matt�r was put off until the. next cut o'ut for the·m .. Onl; a light wf?rk� ':l!i .weli.a·��m��tat-Iabo�: b�cause. it if! �fuJ� ,r.�nts .wi�� .�Ci '�de ��btic.� marks made by the men. were cred- me�ting. b . of tho e (:ut �a�'h�ld yes.terd��; t�!! �e�b'eing \)�ly in 'tlii� 'w��;til:iit they can reall.. -r..'Al.}:-�p ;.��-':'�r.' �'\i�l itable and gave gt:'od promise for. There will e a' meetmg ·::,tir'f and sore from ,the hard grind .ge�,:into t�e: �ro�� .r!lat�o�sh�� .wit .', � �:�ftCa�began .. �little' b:tM ... ,.�n .:t. _ i .,their work in ·the c.oUege �.eets. I� Printing. _cOmnlittee ·tomorrow morn- uf tw'o stra'ight ganies' .in' .as many ,people .doml[. all. ki�<Js of. wQrk.. .An.!. h�. uI d .. d ''.If· '. "'� ..... - :' .•.• ...; ..., .C ·Th· �. , . ..... ." .., ". .:' j •.•• " sc �. e time,· - 9.... . an , ...... JUI or .. .j .Iddition to the men who place, 'Mat- in·g at ro:30 i.n �bb 6A. e commlt- day< but a long workout will' be in �0l. �h'�d.ca� r�ally ¥co:��,:;a.�:CI". �ore, was consumed .b�.�e'�"",;,·.: .-: .. � tbewS;·,.a,·...F.J'esbman;�'t.sho�·, "-;�e._.:�.�·��.�;-;.:. �r ,�·.Bunny" .. Iioger.� ... ·G1'der-.loJday.: .... _. -c ;.-.;.... ; .... �r.":;'-�� .,l_.' � .. I�n .unles6he.�un�er�ta,",s �r,�l,- -,--' .-�.s,:_ �.H��;1i'---".�·,..(;;"il�·-"·'-· . .._'1i,. ability .by fi.ghting his way intO.',-lh.e ... cb.�i�a.n., . William' Kuh, ,Edith Pnn'; 'Hard Luckchara�terized the Purdue �o(;Ji'�Ja�"S��"':t ';tlie�::::;n�·.. ,� >,.;-.' .����t����. �.:;;: .......--:·t:·�..._.,., .. ·;-. . I .. " ;,'� .•• , 1,., �" •. ,r-'J.i. ,,' �-;�. -to·\!iie t·8IZe.�of·the'Cl'�·lt was .-. fiJials of the forty-yard da��� .' .'. ,����le,:'and Herman Kern. Matte:s .c�litest .. It was �h� �.opiniOn of' th� .�e.� .. ,��� .��I:-�d;_:�!�: Efo '. siot"Clee�ed�cmsable�to'ba�'parts ofr . Coyle Vaults W�. .. . 'of cons1derable importance are to e., .'-players: yesterd. a.y::. that ·the '.'500. rei' the ·Iowel" classes knows better wb�. th I·�:: h _:.!.1 •.• :.,' ,. k' .:." .... . .' .... .•. ,. r ; J\ . " : " '. .., e me on t e I'uunm. IISlc or 1nI Coyle in the 'pole'vault ·.covered an dt'cid�d.- might have he.en the other way, fi� .his people- .nee.d. than.. tbe s�lIe· --.:---;� '-.'------'1' 7'-.' .-.- ,--.., ,. ..• -, ' . - ." ." : • . , I· .. ·. ,-,; the director 5 oficts. A*. It - was the. acmal h�ight' of ·�Ieveri. -ie:ei' .tlir� '. DEL WALL '��ririg oil 'the ments 'of the �o teamli -'� �ti�n�: .��o dQ:C5: n� �n�err: �'jelttUded·tbtee ti�' around theL· h -- �1..' "1...,'. ·ffi· t, '. . h" . �O�"ON .A� ... h"· th" ,." '·····1' t F • day: stand them.... . .... 1'· -" : -� -.. '.. .. .. "�' :�':�":.� .. :?1 .. 1�,f._.��s. s� c��n .. :�n ,.a � .'(: . " 'SHiNES MYSTERIOUSLY: _a;,· s o�n m e. game as n" ... ' .. �.;. , . '" .:. '._., ' "'entire ClftUat-of the· big gym. � ..; ffiree mcn nandlcap to give him first . They argue that inasmuch. '"'s Purdue : ... -\gaan USID_g To�stoy" _to �hoYi. wh�r )!. "'O'E" (. , . . '. ; .. ; :; .___ .•.• • .. ,.. . . • I .•... , . . '. .� ... • the ·.specsal stunts one of the: r.12<:J: :Iln.. ·:�d.. �ing. so, he ;w�.t over',;a: ;·:P·be'n· om·: c' n: o"n V:�·Obie.rV�. b.�.•. ·p. a�_). riltame. d theIr lead.·'1h the opening of .muslc '';In,d the. Qthe,r .. arts. �a.� .. �o t ; 1:1 .. '. :. r :".. ', j' .'7 • :{ -0, &'"�" 'IOU ¥_: rtJ" '. , . ' .' - ,·· .. ·.·h. 'niost entertaining' was ,a novel "hob-." hig.;....zm... �iJC_·�.·tHi.� .. n Captai.n.·.R.o. ge.rs�'wh. 0 ."', ·'o:f':'S·tudenh..' �etu' .�.'�" � Home( _'.' : the .game and th.at t� second half ,elevate an� ���plre th� lab.oret;s .. t ;' U '. ·k··· ...... ·..;_lt...,··' •.... :'·h·'r··.. .SI"f _ _ - a&a&&._ . .' ',:'r.'... .,.... • "." '. c·,..... .. , �,.. df· -me' S Inrr -.uanc� In whlc '-a' 'numberrwas' aide .to· clear elev.;:�-:.feeL The '.:. � Late Pl' Eytuing. ." 'Sl�or<e was 13 to II, it was pure hard speaker commended the t�a�h�ng. - I: f' '. �J.. _:�. ::.' , --.- • '- .' •, .,' .' h h'" lu"'k tl...-t· k"pt' the t'cam: back.· ans in the schools for obtaining �. : �.. ",����5.�� '�dlgnl�e� ... Un�vers.lty� form shown by these two IS t oug t " Ild"..•. .' • �" �.--.-. -.... . I' melt" ,figured" prom beatIy; . ,uRed···.'sufticient to. insure Chicago.. firs.t., and ··S.om .... thl· .. ,g I'';' wro'ng wl':th �.he·.•.... sto·ne President h1gher csuze�lnBr.&he .sald:·! ",'\; I·:· W· '. ,' .• \. , -, ..... '. .I�···�: .' .'" •• '"" .. .' � .- •• ,!:�.. '�:..� . .!.-.:' hrtesuJe' and- ·"VaF'.::.';Al'�.· who:,.� <;. econd i� Saturday's meet·. w.:'I..ou, t I" . . �.' h; . �b' d" f· !\,.' d I' Lack of Teamwork. Art. IS Vltal. ·and ·,ds,ful- JI1' con nee-;. ".. :. ..... .. '.' '. .... I.ll" Ion auove t e no. � . en : 0 .. man e. ,. .. � '. - , 1 ' ·-c::ance.t'��· _ ... a'" '.1. . h· . f' b� r In the Indiana. gam'n�t.Pe. men had .tfoll:'·witb �OIJlmani.Y'. lif�.:There ·a�. . r .' .•. ,' :,:'6�4C�.�1' .�-::-. �::-.,.��.:. ���'o .. r �� .. �r��:�.�.. �_&··uie· D' i h\'P feet ei�ht inches' -He �ee�s ��. have acquired a stra�g� recovered their . bask. 'et eye.: but. :were . ��e�t ��re'� �fpeopl� .&0 have f.ee. Iin.is: ,.�����,.�.a�� ·.rec�" ed��i�l1Ze f�.�ex .• 4 ._w ., ,.. & sort of luminosity. T� phenomenon ..,- C1ltbl �h' t eJuJ d� ir.· tb� high J·ump. He was ,"ve� 'a ... 'prevented from usi.rig· it hy,�.�!» .. :.·w._Oe.. ful ,for art· which· they .,cannot properly .. _� . �.·L _�� m� �� ... ._' ��e ono· was first. obesnced . by a party' �f �t�· wt•. .. ..� .�' . I . •• the' . «oar. '. ·"Zake'''''' . �sulker' and.� handicap of three inches. which gave' � d�nts who were returning home late 'ack or' tcamwork :Indiana' with'three -express.- In mUSIC' for Instanc. man� .. j .. , .' P··G· '. .' ,�,"'.!. l;im third' place, Lommis, of ·.U.n. ive. rsity "'.: .. .... Th II ·d .ld oM m.e)!. found little' t;o. 'ubit in 'break.., of them have· to.. rdY on the c:h� �: :' .'�eJ"�'. �L .. c��:�u�st. ��rife-d_. ;_�� ::the- . in . the' evenmg. e ltsua y stal .0 ., . • buuty'" R II «' th "h Bbl:: High· \Von' the event. . hI the shot- monarch was seen thro·ugh the m'ist, ing up the Maroon combinatio.ns, �and theaters with their lo-v!r music' to �tJ.·f ' .... . .1lz�IS�· :0 _o�?.... e ?- e• .. . • d. I h" . T1..-- .' ,,- '1' 'Hd" . sl"n .g�(fri Je,,·,·tb�-. 'm1JSI�' 'hy!� put, Menual was unable to get his glowing with the brightness of a mass tin;shed the game w��h. 'thC""long e�d fy L cir cr�vmgs. U'c:se peop e ,�;:T: i the:.G .. ·tt :�", :' .. U··· �.� ." ..;:. footing on th'e-,slippery ·t1oor and fail..; . . . d a .22 t.o (4' s�ore.: ·_I�diana.�out- gOt>d· �usic •. th�y ne�d the .best 0; ,all � .: .,,_I���·�r·�·· �dCJ1l1s� _-9f. the· nlolten me�" the 'ans.�, _ -. -. . �.. '., .... '" l. l'".lv�tSl.tY.,!·!lt�� .Schob...• J. AnC .. 1My.; t'tl to get the weight bUl·thirty-nine·' ·After�.�h��·had r�'cQvered from the i"ayed the Maroon· in almost every . . i H .. &: hL feet. He succeeeded in putting it a fi'rst 5'-rt of surp" rise' the students (i('partmc;�t of �hegame, an'occasion- . > .Sboald:�e&cb.··Art:::.:·� " ,;;. C!r�·I;'��,·I!-rftj�"�, r,I�&.t .. �.�the.. a ., .l' '" 'L •. ,' • 3!osemb age.· .'. . , ,� , ,�,-j: foot farther than Philbrook who won sought an. explanatiol) ?f the mystery. al flash of brilliant. ,wot� :�sUggestirig "To remeay thiS, art. real,' ,��W� �., .:' • ,I.: . • � "'�:J'!'� . �., . :..' � L"/-won the event'at the conference m�et 'They had_not been off�he'campus all what.the Chicago � was .. capable of art should ;be·taugllt in the .pu�l .. � .. �.� ... � .:; 1 .. 5t spring .. 'In the �ame :�y;�.:N��. evening' an'd' tbey a11 agreed as to the Going. Captain Hipskin.d and' Bam. schools. _Not. so m�ch the historlcJ .::" �� . �aiJt . .' lIum�i' ·w,as·. ':a': l'Cal�stici'.gren of the Freshmen took first with e?tact position in which they saw tti� h:trt were the most prominent in the �n. but tile kina that. is living and will 's�s;tn ���nce in. tlie" co.ur8e�.of:··which': an actual put of thirty seven feet ten sturdy guardian of Mandel. so th.�y: �Iay .�f tbe, Purdue.. te�lJ:l:i w��l�. Cap- appeal to all/' i :. s��Jight� ��.re. ���'!��". t�e' !�di-: and three quarters inches'- and, a :'ere sure tbat they we-:e not the vic� lain Sau�r f9r t:hicag� .. ,ut. up '-a' h.ard MisS' Addams gave an "interestidg, .. e .. ��s*� p�\1de a. ��r reahSti,c hght-· � handicap 9f four feet,. _ tims:of a halluciuation.� There w:as no fi�ht against odds. '.. :.- n·· :.;'1 �. description. of .the methOd�:o:. �o"�' ': n��j�l;"n.� ,th��d�r . � �umi��e� byt : l..�.:.�i�.,.. ,;__, • ·.�."·.ID" - D---';' ., ." ," .'h The game' with Pui-'d .... ' nPobably at Hulr·House to train the childr- of the-,,:·ercltatra. At, tw�I.�· O'QOCIc the.-&QPIIJWD �" ...... outside light visible . and a searc � -- "'""... ..Matthews'showed that the Fresh- failed to reveal any 'electrical con' <:ntered ii1tQ' the inclian� ,d�fea't as· the nineteenth"wa�d :for' good .c:itizeri- "�ari(e'�roke up, a�cI t;h� ";�.t Settle-Ilections. ·the· men w�e'r'e tired� f��:)ln:�the: stre�u- ship ... : .... "';'_:" : -,:. ,'. --. . .m�.t.·dan�e -y�t.�' �ani�. to:�.�p'ci. _The. ;\: .t��o.rY· has bee�. �dvar:t.ce� that (�!'o eiQrt of 'the �ight' bdo�. How . "We han been trying' to .correct methoct ·o�::f.miahiDg eICOI1S_:lor� thcthis may he some' new featurc which w<:tt th�y aC'qui\ted theins�tves in' the tbe bad politic';';r"O\ir ';arcfwith its � '. !,�i.h�.OcI 'ct,Gb,t,' ",hic,,! W;as su-\:,hich' he ran from three foot ·mark. i� being' prepared for the Hard Times Purdue conte�t, in spite d( h��d 'l�tk, jobs and 'crook\:'c1�e$s;' and we-road . pet:Yji��,:' Jar; Mis� .' £.a·: .�V�i.·son.,His .b�st time was four and four fifth party at the Reynolds club .. However. i� !'hown hy the fact that' P��due beat' that th� best way.to do it was to be2 '}.ork�d" ad�ira,?ly" T� 0-:iginal' fifty'f,--:��ndi�""ich is 'withili' one fifth of a the supernatural manifestations ha\'� :-"'orthwe",tern 51 'to � S�t�t_tlay''1ii��t. : gin- with the- yoI�i.'�fti�ens b"t.f':., .�en ·�d. .ab.o.�t � �J:I�e '-�undr�d �ore.J ��cond_time._jn_ which Seiler won the been causing no littlc concern and· it Anotl.cr d:�ad·. antd�e . �i\ !n,li:ina they wer\: citizens. :The gaDgs of the . prc.sen��d them!'elve� as escorts and',ar�ity th�rty-five yeard dash at mi· may be noticed that some students w;t", thc �111all flo�r \1Po�' 'whi�h the .cities do.t ....... 05t to U'aln' up .men fb'( ... Pdis��.: Rohi��?n . repor�. 'th,at :not :lI:'ds last. year .. The other Chicago are wcaring rahhit lilCk charms an"l '-'1mt' was played . .l�diana 'wa:, en� ,.·hoss·· politics ..... The boys are b�"( �single �ne-' o� ��i'·'elta�� wen'- hom{'that others furti\'ely cross their firig- ahlcd t') ohtaia may .ba;kets wh��J:a 'to gather �rou·lld.: .a: '·Ie�.�er·' 1'I�J': ?�at��n�:c��.. ' ..... _ .. ',.,.� . . .'.er� on their way into the neynofds the\' couh1 not get at Rartlett thrOd�h knows the latest !9QJICS ·and Jokes, ·a'1d· .. 'rheTe. W1�. be meetmgs of theclub. It is hoped that my�tery may t(·:t·m \\·(;rk cvolved �Pecially" fo� . a thinks UP., .\l:1e tb���o, ·.. By :th��� ) c�ri���··(h .. ring:·tlie. �eek to settle upsoon be explained so that the north th,or of limited size. kindt!ne��. 'this �e,ro ��b.ip. �bo�Sf. .:the:-�c�cnb of· �he- ·dance. and thefirst heat� in the dash. Neither Cow- (:nd of the campus may resume its Work for Accuracy. ne l�d })Y' the one head: � � i" wJrole: 1�a,��e�t will, be puhti�:'cdley nor Dunlap showed in the mile. normal repose. Th(' Marnon� wilt work a11 w�ek "Later he be.gin� �o ·-teach .thein ... ahout..I:�da� of t�is .wee�.Meanwhile tile old lion is heing f(\f team work and -accuracy in shoot- how to ende thf laws in gaining ad-The Fratemities at Kansa!l have closely watched e,·ery night for any ir.�. Co:tC'h Schommer feels that a mittarice-:rti)'-(iimblini hOU�5 and' sa- Princeton maintains a Y. M. C. A.formed a basketball league. further irregular conduct. (Colltiaued 011 pq. 4) ,COIIuaaed 011 paae 4) at Pekin.men team would be stronger in the.. WJints. tbalt,J1,ad·. been . ..an ticipated by{"·'in1'ij�ii·ree' of the fiv�- heats inC'f. tri��, ,were unal>le to score points.r;e�r�e. t�ucceeded in fighting his wayI into the· linals in the high hurdles,: ... while - P01"d and Skinner got past the, /BITTEQ QO.OT ;<.VA�:LEY.' OR����,LUD��" \':'We ofrer die 'Ch(i� bmds iD:'thiIfamows vaney, p� �d .�; f�until fruit treeI an' in 'beuiDg, 'per­petual water 'riglUa . deeded with theland, for $500 per' acre. We care foryour orchard, harvest and sell' .yourfruit for 10 per cent of the net prol.tsafter the trees bve come mtO:�,The purchBse price can be �� � �vepaymeDts,· or by monthly' m:sta.1liileiata .of $5 an acre .. ,Write· for further infor­mation regarding the Charles .HeightsOrchard Landa. 'We desire one �p&ble'representative.' ..O. W. KERR CO. 817 New York Life Bldg. CUITID MILT �OO •• TUESDAY. JANUARY·24. tott .• ' &�IWLY· •• �/, c· '; ,��,�_{��,<t�GAII.GOT��;;-£� ·,.................... tI,·;·_·· .: �n�1 Qab .• ill meet iD:�... .J ,..' .� ... �-.-����� .. Jf:'. ',·�.:�b��.··Ag ·,it,;:' ... �.\��.,.�� •• m_'. ;"" 'iq .. ·long .ago we' e,nrolled ,our-.• • �.'. ,: : .. ;... �. J ':-:'j, � .• � till ��;:f>rbtes � 'se�!i In. that. crusade, now .. hea�ed.." � .�:::. �:_ ' . �s r IY'�. Sll t: v , so_r by B��Jl.. T., Dick Little et. a�,pagamst.�Je8.. ..•... :.� ,.i... ._ " '00. Rrinters,. proofread�rs, .etc. VYe have.... .,......., ,tt CIII-.e • ..., Semitic C1� will' meet' in room 26, always nr.nly malntasned that. !orr...-.. .. 1heir especial benefit. a lower additl0!l. _. - '.. .- .. :_ . .... .. Hask�lI; 8 �·m, lIlus�ted!�e b1 mieht very well. be �ade to Dantes'De w..., :· �;�� s.- AssOClat� Professor \VllIett on Ree, original concept..... �'::;�.;.-;.;.�;,.� .. ;�.a...i. .. :_. -. 'iiitEX'cavations i'ri' Pale::sdne:" .. ,.... '��l" •. ,'� ... * •: � aym. class meets Tueida7, Garg())'�e. has: decided to run a Prom.. ..'. clearing" house of. Its own: ThoseWednesd�y. and Thursday at 7.15 p .. wli"o, like Paul DaVIS, have Just beenm. Open to all Divinity men.' . able to receive an accepta�ce to their.The Fre8biDan Baaketball Team' 'invitation and the ''!herewlthal to ex­.: '. .'. . . ecute it may leave .It to us,, We havew!_ll playa game Wl� LeWIS Institute already received the following:this afternoon at Lewis. Have made a good fPrograBI md· NoR'want a partner. Pre er on e. .Boynton Rogers.T need two more $lances. Only thos.ewith short- partllers need apply. Presi;.Yo-. W.OIDeIia CbriatiaD ., --- dent Appel .- --.- •• * ��11 meet 'Wednesday in LexingtoD,............ --� .... ---. ....""u4�"-."""",,,_... ...., ,... . '. . ..:� ,...... _ ....... --.":.�... �� . ...._. ..... u.ltt'1. ·u* Act' 01 '�', iiTi. ' ... AIIJIOUIICBlDllT8..--m•• A.--ITEITD � •..•.• . :---L�. D.&.LY ••..••• '•• '....II. 1'. CAJlI'DISa • • &IIaIIiIIe .... .. � .SitIIIlex15c: •My Crawley sails over the ocean•My Crawley sails over th� sea..My Crawley left a Prom. girl behindhim-Oh who was his Prom. girl tell me?. • • * •10:30 a. m.Open Lecture by Mr. F. F. Reed,.on" Copyright Law:· north room Lawbuilding, Wednesday, 4:3O.p. m.Educational C1ab will meet Wed· A resident of Foster desires tonesday in room 159 Belfield hall. know how she can have a cozy chat, with a man in the only parlor �n Sun'. Pbllolopca1 Soci� will meet Pro- day night when three other girls are. fessor' Manly Wednesday at 1312 trying- to do the same thing.East 53d st.' Inasmuch. as "Sammy" Earle seems t.omanage it, we see no reason why thisTryouts' for the W.· A. A. vaude- applicant should find herself at a loss.ville will take place Wednesday, * * * *Freshman debate tryout Thursday, Our Freshman wh� compends �he8.. 'p. m. Cobb .. A. ' "News of the Colleges" column 10-� forms us that a professor at N ebras-� Dramatic Club dinner Commons ka sprained his' ankle in two places.crife,'Wednesday 6 p. m. * * * •ilraImiaD class executive commit': Our ownership department seemsrei 'Will meet Friday at 10:30 in lCent .p6pul�r. Many: �ave bec:n enrolled as.tho eater.' ., cO-operators -W:VI� �ratner �ohnsonand' Harry Enghsh 10 managang our.. Sealon mat have their pictures alma mater. Loudest clamor comes.taken before Febl'1J&rY I. fr'om' those who are grateful to A. A.:. � Club' m·eets··I·n Rey�' Stagg for allowi.ng the Univ�rsity to.&� �uaa;�.a. attach its name to the athletiC te.amsnolds club, Wednesday at 10:30. he so generously provides. One blas­phemous Freshman has even dared tosuggest that the name was the OIllything still our own .... - .BU 1'. HOIUH1'1. �.I'oateCo T.TaI- '8. L. s ........ w.··._c. w. B ..... '·. '0. L. ......'. JmIIO.��.LBeebeH&lT7 ComwMu BDe10w8. KaplaDW. LJIIWI8. L. 8QreB. W. VlDl8K7 .. 0. ......8. r. DUMa� � BaftIeP.�J •. 8. !W_I.. 8to1a .'! .. '! ......,WO ...... D".urrJDIIw..JIarJmI am..�,Ruth BetIcter. �.te��. II. campbell ..... uaQ1'10relK:e C&tllD'UNIVERSITY DAMES. . ; .GIVE 'RECEPTION-_ .�TO IIRS. BONNER..J The crowning insult to us comesfrom a feminine member of the cla�sof 1914 who deposes that. she ISpuzzled as to the exact relation be­tween Gargoyle and a 'sore throat .• • • •At the· Sopbomore Dance.. Charlotte-Oh, Eimer. have' youheard about' the new smoking roomfor woinen down at Marshall Fields?John Elmer-;-No! Do tell me aboutit .Charlotte-Four puffs for a dollar.• ••••Now's 'the time to start on the bon·or system. Don't malee necessity themother of deception. .* • • *j!t �t . !Br c.it8r.: __ .pio�: ;t."",,�_..u,tLU:iw _,'''' Ia .. .._.. The Washington Park circle of,(.Tniverslty Dames with their hus:.bands gave a nception to Mrs. Bon_Jl�i', �Wife of Professor 'Roben J. Bon-: ner, at. the. home of Iilr. and Mr�.Probst. 5815 Jackson' aven�e, Satw:­day evening. Among those in the re-. . i c'eiving line were Mr. and Mrs.Undergr.lduat�,!;v.p��s:1.�Y� .� Probst. Mrs. Arthur J .. Hall, Mri.,.the sUbje�t!lf am��i: .. O�tcD.�· Guy W. Sarvis, president of. the. as-. simistic . s��ulatiOn sociation and Mrs. Gqy C. Smith,.. . l '. ,. 'Tbose �� fo� �n7� In the. �t ,secretary .. Refr�hments. were servedFroat�· � 1.t'�k .. olle of the mo�f with Mts. Sarvis and Mrs. Hall &:s: . strikinc of. them.has hostesses.'come to iigb� oae ·that.,might �a spl�did,·.�ubj�:for �:r�. :PROF�OR WILLETT' .-�It is the hialc .' studeJltPs., constiullio__ ·w WILL LECTURE ONaI.. in��'� �werving:�'f�: PALESTINE TONIGHTthe front. TOw. �� � � is � .inherent i:ba ..� &oat � . .Dtf dassr . "Recent Excavations in Palestine,"room or �l that � :ib.e' �J!lity Will 'be the subject of a lecture byof the ��iDe. _. C .. ldate· body, Assoei:ite Prof�ssor .Willett to be de­is so�et�g that has .�I�ci· U$lon�. livered this evening at 8 o'clock inWe.hes1tate:to .,.y.�:propiDquity. Haskell �nseum. The lecture will be. ..�:_.- . �n i1tu�tI·ated one and will be heldto instructors ;, sOme� �.w........ h· te t .. .;... under the auspices of the.. Semiticshunned. � .... �. Wo" . .IIOt; e$lta. 0 �tbat it is �ot chivalry that promp� . club. Mr .. ·Willett has pined 'an inti-... .I.._ mate knowledge of thi� 'subject d�.engthe men 'to �el� the· froDt seats to :l�w���n. I� fa�':� � bri.ef ,�ghi \)e several·trips to Palestine,made'· in' �POr1 'Of �h�' p�si�on , ..'. ., .,.. .' .. -+ .. Cawley aDd Clark qIf. for Eiaiope.th�t �nIY.. 61..• e. fact �b. at .th.. � men. t.William Crawley and Joy Oa�ktht' back se. a� firs.t prevenr� th� w"•. om-. .uh.._ • left· Chicago Saturday afternoonen irom' oc:cQPying them..' VY �.t .tb�can be th�' :��lutioD of dais ����i:liag bound for' Europe. They arrived in. BostOD Sunday night and will sailPhenomeno. D?.•,. . : I.' from that. port for Liverpool today,To cOJlsol�. those . w�o. �ha�� .been Doth men cxPect to tour &.gland andforced i-" chapel aDd, othes:"p)a��s to Scotlaad u soon. as ,tlley arrive.address tweln row:s of. -efII()ty., �eats . Cna� ,. wiJl �n proceed to Spain,in the front of. the room �e,��h t�. -leaving Cark tn England ..say that it is .. not rudeaes�;. bu�thoughlenness that is r.'�I!IS1"b�.\\' e have no doubt that. wer�_ ��e stu-dents to be m,J»ressed wi� the ·f:.ct!t't they ,are .coaunit�ing �, b�each Qfcourtesy, t�t)" :would n.o lo�er. f�sake the front' toYfs. And in .tM mea�.time wc ex�nd ·to . Dean Lo,.ett oursympathy. In' spi�. of his persistentdoru in chapel, not only has beht-en unable' to make the Jtc:wies drink,but he has even failed to lead them.:·!1· .·��-"""'''ef ....�-�.:��I:�."":,,ua,l' �... �.� .To Esmond and Geraldine..'\. maid. smooth ice, a moonlight!night. •'A slip. loud shriek, a sorry plight.* * * *No the Maroon office. will not beetTen:inized over to Lexington Thu!'s.day. It will (!ontinue to oc:�upy ItSspacious and luxuriantly furnished of·fice in Ellis. STORE NO.2750 E. 63RD STREETTEL. NORMAL 5915·Hatter ..ud . Fum_lherA complete line ofMEN'S WIN:TER' WEAR'AT POPUlAR PRlCfSOPEN EVENINGSWe respectfully solicit your p.trolla.ge TMALT MARROW.1�.·.''The Tonie-· t:hat Strengthens."Malt Marrow .�� � �:eat brain builder-it is. rec��mended by physicians.Ail Druggists sell it.," , ...... 1..:.i1,.!': 1·�·i,··J: .... A". � ( �. . Pr��uc:e(f' by t�e manufacturers of. ,'./. "ALMA·MATER"i , .. I . .MCAVQy Malt'Mariow D�partmeDt,2 3�<r8 S9uth Park Ave.Phone �alumet 106+. ... /• • * •Some. HOpeless. Jokes.10:30 posers in Cobb.The CYIIlnasium clock.A tornup campus.The W. A. A. comic opera.Poetry found on the Cobb black-board. . .People who hold talk-fests andchocolate parties in the libraries.The watchful waiter who prema­turely snatches away your dishes.The polite. person who holds t�edoor long enough ,to let it- slam Inyour' face. '.Instructors who think everyone isas interested in their subjects asthemselves.• • • •0IIIDia GaUia.Caesar had just finished writing theadmirable. piece of fiction which has;;ince ID2de. him famous. ."In the near or distant future," he; prophe�ied aloud. "some low punstermay apply the first sentence of mystory tt, tile youth of the schools. It""ill fit aptly those who are plea�ntlonly when they want something.those who borrow from their neigh­bors in the recitations, and the law­I�ss ones who know not the thinefrom' the mine/'.So saying he lighted a Pompei anstogie and stepped out on the verandato read the afternoon edition.• • • •Ran Under Compabion.Since its two dcfeat� the ha!'kethal1t("am i� more than ever Sauer. (I f thePaine 'of th� is not too great. ringthe Bell for a Goldstein. and don'tGoettlerey. To be Frank. the seasonis yet Young.)FOWIUSGLOV£S......... ikew-.., "" .......8a"f .......,to water. WELLS SHO"�:.·.CLO,THfSA. J. UNGER PresideDt,.. .C'LEARANCE ;SALE of . ,.'.:'; .t•..SUqS<and/OVERCq�ts'at J..7--$2�--$26 '. iThis is a rar� opportunity . .to secur�really high grad� gar��� at .·extremc-. Iy low prices. ,I./'tilIBETTER SEE! O,UR WINDOWDISPLA ¥. LET US SHOW YOU ; ...: :. ./TWO SHOPS.139 RANDOLPH ST.IIO'I'&L 8IIUIIM(Opposite City Hall) 231-i33 DEARBORN ST.GllEAl' IIOaTIIatR IIO'I'&L...(Opposite Postoffice)MEDICAL SERVICEel. H. P. 4345 Res. Tel OakGEO W. I. BROWN, II.' D.Practice limited to diseas("s of theEYE, NOSE and'THROATHoan: 9 to 12 •• m., 2 to & ,. ID� ...........Saad.J oJ .ppot.t __ t. .Office. Salte 14. 1230 Ea., eN Sa.&. B. W.Cor. Kl.bark A .... alcaao· .Tel. 4345 H. P. Res. Tel. 8294 H. P. DR. EIIORY M. LOTTS.DENTIST3ffice N. W. Cor. 63d St. &Kimbark An. Suite lot. Chicago..:_._ . __ • . . _"�II'l- •·TWBNTr·FOUR _·ENT-ER:- FQ.R· r r..>'.: � " �XTEIIPORK CONTEST�. • <t. ..... .. "�--t.Ci�� ;'.Women t� ;ry' "for.' . Prize;.,..: :'. · 'S�c.· Contat Today' �t'· 4' . .1.. � :,� .. .: . '; in ·:Kcnt.• _" � : 1','.. ,. ..Our Semi-AnnuaL,,Speciat. Blue, Black" and Gray'serge .or Cbevi�;t' 'sUi�with extra 'Trousers ofsame or Outing· material. '..• "I:"'.\ ... ,.' � _ ...... Twenty-four: contesjants, twelve,I�en and" twelve'· �onien. n�t onlythe 'iarg�sr'�uhiber of women entered�t1� t�� .. �a.rg��t n�inber in: the aggre-gate •. both men .and women, have-ngistered 'for the' Lower' Junior E�' ..tempore' Speaking. Contest to be held. afte�90.n ·i.n Kent 16 a� 4.00 o'clockThe contestants are to meet in Kent.6; �t 3.06" o'c1��k t� receive assign;ment 01 subjects. A Choice will begiven of three topics; one of Univer;sity interest. one of local or ternpor­��� .. jnte�est, one of universal interest,The numben of people entertainingthe, f�'ct' th�t "tilC� w-bjects have. intht'-'.main� been 'ch'osen from those'�'�loinitt_e(f bythe students -themselvesmakes this contest the most gen-�', .1. • •> .uinely . sa-tiSIadory of the five held.thus fa·r."�ays Associate Professor.- €,lark. - "Whether; 'among the twenty,, "CUFTOIf, ZI iII. ... ' 1IDfOiD,'Zi'k, � ..Aii{t)w�MJtch cotLARsSit amusdy to the neck. thetopa meetIII froot and there is ample spacefor the c::navat.15c: •• 2 fOl' 25c:. Cluett, Peabody & Co •• �Iake,. cause its wearer'doesnorfeel it.The &!tonGarter keeps its�engthand exeels in wear­value, FullyguarantNew pairfree if youfindanim­perfeCtion; .'co����k........ 1.," ...... ipt or It"". . "". CEORCE. FROST. CQ.., .�AKERS.,.. 'R",,'t)n, U.s:A: \ ; .. e.,:-> .. '......, '. .sThis 'Ad.' Is Goodfor' 51.00 . '...._� .' ', :.. .. �··A G A ·1'�N· ..CUT 1'HIS aUT;_'·...... =." -.' �lCall us·:·up arid· �e . will'tsend one of our expertPiano TUD�rs •. who will ac-.. : �-.)" .et ........ "... " .cept this "coupon as $1.00'disc�E(' the regular price"is $2.5C. -'.. -. :, .. , or 'among the four, every contestantwill have been glad. to have tested out�'hiQ1�'�if or' fier�e'H ih f t)iis practical '. fashion.':. ,'z. Th� n�me.s o� the' contestants fol--lowz. .. � -; .. '. : .i '._ r�ts..::.is a bona fide' offer. - Muriel Bent, Hugo Braunlich. Sa-' .This A.d. must be presented:···· "die' Bon�em. '- E-m�i . C1a';ti;;� M��oif 'r0!l �e�: '�le�� r�d�ti��.� '-., . Cr�n�,' ,�_w"!.. 9�de�. . C�lem3:n Jr:�'\ �,"', {:� � A•• '1' .... '.: '," .l,le1e�e. !�,Ed��rds. /�. f<lf,'. Eiie1ow. M;or.· I'Lduls\Iioweri.iha.l. t • ·:cis F���ll ... Ra�'l�i:i1�.tf.ield, B�n- .. � �wo,. �pianos ,that please: .. 'f;:�-' iami�. H.' Gordon David Greenberg, : ;. -• · ... ·'W· _ .• : M' • :.Ja:- .. �,:,,"c....;_;_:= ,.' �A·braha.'� .::: �oliender, Ruth Hough, ·, .'712 est auuwu' �t - � ..... Telephone Monroe 2517. Samuel Kaplan. Paul· I..:a\�etY,· �Ll1ta ---------- ...... ----- ....Lambach, Helen' Leonard, Jatob ;.. '- 1'. ", .;.WE AL'SO ':imNT: PIANOa .Me��r� 'Oakf�y 'K. :Morton, Marg�ret French :Method·,, �:':�.�: .. ',.' 'Rho�i�p�:: . M'�rg3rd._ R.udd, Lf?.u.i�e I ,Hand·l.��dr)Ci:::,; Tbo�b.1;lZY:- porotJ:ty'·,Whitne-y.\ . .' r t .I i 4'6 "E.·'6� Street. �. ..,,,_ t ':," : -'.� .. ·e· ". � r . ." ",- P}w1)ne--.H��6-� �. " � .-------.........1.;------- .." BA��RS�.,WI�LHEl\R "r;�: .' I l4\""'.11':.·' .•A. G. SPALD1NG'-& llROS:;' , .( A'N ADDRESS GIVEN I' �t Ou� 18 yeaJ"S �j�-i e��#���:.�,; .THE ··. .-:.1!- r.;. : •• U\.; BY P:ROFEsSO� .. GOOD�.. the·laundtY ;tradc· •. the��ndit.SPALDING are t�e largest0 :' ,: :.; , '.: _., ._.�_. ' •• : " '.: :" }.' \ . given- 'to our' custom�rB.· '."".Trade ·liii-l;;n :·!!����f�.ttn.r.er�·, H �A::sistant: ;- Professor'" 'John '�au� 'Our agent, P. ·A. "SoocluDaQ,. will. '-'. : l�.�.:�h:e.; ���Jd .. of� J:��e :.0£ �tbe �eo�pliy d.ep�'rtlri��� ('.hI1 and deliver' yOUr laimdry, freeof the university is· going to' 4eliv��. 'i�f �harge�' ,�, :,:J :.;:: ' .. : ..'�ri �a��s before the' Chicago" chapte� MendinK; �d �rnint F�tll we American. IDstitut� of �ankirig; ',!!1: ��.'1�:w.�!�rp[£P'��.i��. ���P.'��: Ueping. Mr. Goode has been an ': as.. Shidenfs' Thln'('i:ifit ._' '_"--, ��raD.t 'p�9fes�p�� 'of ���"phy � SllIU='::'�':"��'�datcago since:.I9Q3t.1Ie'js"tl)ej auth� .' -":'s-_' D_:':--p �. �o .:.� ,-�_:. of Jl text-boo� on g-eography entitle4, W.ik �. - ': : .•)I.� . ·J..tma..· ... �,."OIice I'"\.pmmercial Geograr by.;' Assistant. . .' . ., '. L COHN i0J1�f.61�, icar au"rrpfes�or (ioode wa.s gr�d':l�t�d from; tit; University, o� ,M�im.��?�,�_;i� Ir-�� � .. '. '. \: -...WiU �ture. on Copyright ,Law.,!!Mr •. frank F. Reed is goi'nJ to. �yet'e �J#t. �(a .s��e� '�f, s�� ,�.,Ai���,. I�c�tJt.� on �"Copynght Law.' ,tomoTr�w,in a.h� .N orth room "of .'the Ea.w build­ing, at 4:30 p. m. Mr. 'Reed i� a mem-;�C'r oi the Ch�cag? bar. - .... '., ;:",;,riiI'•Sports -imdPas��.�. . - .'. ,;; -PffICIAL...: . -: T:�.:' ' .... #.. :-<�: :EQ¢PMENT..... ���.- .. , .'� .. � ..':ij *��'" h�duo:. for "�11: Ath1�ticgbottt:I the .wor-ldl as.a . .Guarantee ofQuality.� YOU are :U�rested in .athJetic sport,·.· yo� should have acopy - �f the Spalding CatalougueI·'s a complete encyclopedia .ofwhat's n� in' sports,· ·�d.is -'8eD:tJI�t o� .·1"�q�est.·. .- .. ; .l/ ',G.·:�_ALDnm :�&·:';&08 ..147, W&bUll" A.e.. Cwc:ap..•. �.' :4.: ..... i·.. ,� .... }::�i •... _ .. '� ., .. ...,-'AV Al'l:OB. 'll'ATSBe original and �r- an �to-date::�t. Plain. $1.00: With' letter o!r num­eral embroader�:··. �Q' front, $I.so.�fate size. Satisfaction guaranteed.. HA�(jLri ABRAHALL"·� East Momaches. .�eW yOrk. THE' . ABOVE' CERUF'ICATE "GOES 'WITH EACH PEN :BOLD ..�y, US. IT SHOW� THE c.oN-PI-_ ,:PENCE 'WE _. HAVE I.·.�,:OU-R':..-: > •. - � �PENS. _"._ .. ,. �.' �,. ,·-:··-'.�.;-'� __'�V:���-t:.:�.\S�;: :: .. Guuantee; tertiIiaie --.,':� !.;�:f ',: .:: ',: . Diam"oiiti ·poUir4 .... ·0(,74<'>A '.: •Fountain .. BeR;:�···· "�':.Every pen- made by.us ir'�to. give absolute: 8atisfaCt�·�ce.·; . - .. -:--in -every particulas: .• :.:.... ���".::' :��: ... �. "...In event of any . 'diaiati_c.tine ... ::. ;; J"within 'one year fro� date of p�this tertificate entitles you �to -Rblm'this pen to us with y�U� Datbe:- .� .. -� .dress and description of' ���."_�_I.,- -::". " anef we'will either give you .••. ��; .... � -e, �.pen or adjust yours so as to . live 'ab.;;-r:": solute,·satisfaction. . . .,�:,��� . ..:.;-:-('�:;:. . DIAMOND·POIMT·.:·P!IN:C::O •,." , ..", ... ,..�r,,�··Signed .•...... '�'. �.� •••• , •• l)tC21�r,• ,..!. _" .. ,.,.:r.3i:I:\'.nate' sold ... � �;. � .....•..• 191 ••;":".' • -Geo, F.' Ivms:- M&r.·Save . this cfttificat�if 'ra': yoar .. ··penSa'tisfaction Insurance, --.�",:"",.1.: _�,_, �_ .. �.! :.. '.- .. 4I�'::.,t"... '.. .... ,.:, .;. f '". �- •TWO 'DQLLARS up�MI�'::.&.·�' ; '-.'_: ." .:''; � " �� \ " �� .. :: .: � � '.- •• •.r _ ....... ;:_ i........ ; ; ",:: :-�'���lci;��� PEN"t:ti:�:,,::�,:::;"�!r��'��f-�( Mitrs. iri: thf UniteCTtI�tel>· .,: I � � '�J"• ,�;,. -: ..- _. , .••.• '.... ; ":�.::'_ "". t.1 -,�,- -,. .1tA........ ';".,,:��:: ••.. _-r. -:. - \., ', •. l_. ,.. :: ..--=� ,I N S U'R E' , W .. I;"7.::8 -f�': .• _i- ;;,.:NEW�'YORK: LIFE�II�S� ·CO�· "......... -: ;ASSE-rS OVER �OOO .. OoO.;· - .·, .. ··The lar2est:divitlend payin2company in the worId.._.:: .. ,: '_.' � J'., ' For .�er iDf�nnatioq;�.J� : .,., '_, '.' .A. L-jACOBSON, q.e��I-�·'Ag�n.�·'171 LaSalle Street. 5� N�·Y.:Lire�.uilding�'�; J:; �.::')..-Phone 0trirs�o�-:_- �_ r . .. ._�,--�._' .. \.,. -·�DO··5{OUj��-EAT1�··., •. r_ '. .' �:. �.'. .- If so:t.why oot �,tlie'; ',., >._. .. ,,;.:��-� \1 �� ·,<�O'NIVERSITY �COMMONS.. : .: ;:-�:. �� ".' : .. ):�e ��Jn:�he cit;)' ,for � p�!"' .. ,. �'. -,,'. .,' �ll:t�ir�s.)r! �., � .!!! unu UTcoRU.' _: eo, r... , � •,,;. 1_"" £.,-53ftIST.; ... _ .. I. -., • . . iArts ud Crafts cOCMII·. THE. t'LACE TO BUY youR ClFrS! '". � .,'. ,NEWS OF THE COLLEGESAfter-this year'a,thesis wiltbe reo� rGui�ed .for Bachelor's deg�ee theUniversity of Utah . .' , , ,�I';NEWS OF THE COLLEGESThere are' twenty_'fh�e Chinese stu­dents in tl1� 'Freshman dass' 'at Cor­nell. Ellen Terry, the noted English ac::­. tress, ga�'e a �ecture recently at theCni\'crsity of Illinois.A $�ooo runni�g. track is beingcompleted at the University of C:\li·fornia.l' ... '.(lilt' t::ircl oi the Fresl:Il1'.!l :\�, )"�II�Ila\'e joined the \V cdncsday"o(:v(lning: :ihle study class. �. ,. ,.There are only thirty students frompoints west oi Mississippi � in thisycar·s Frcshman. cl51�s at Yale .._ l • ,,' ; The Frcshman-Sophomore raid atWorccstcr d�l11aged the electrical lab­(·ratory to the extent of '200.Chicago· Kent College of LAW� • 1&,"",. Good 11"1'''" are ,In contrta'ntdemand. Hlltheat I':li.l profMl!lion. l:vt'f'lingC!O� � ' .. I .. n. in th� y�l'l'. I.atlr·Ht ant! �t ':').;nipflM ('H!nil.1: taw &hool1ft th,. worM. � e find loOl'itlonll in law of·lien for hUlldrM!l of "turlf'''ts ,-tarty e 110ther.- tnaY t'aTn Mq'('nllN' while .. orkin!; ror• d� nare chAneI' fOT :.amhitio'·!l :,"0Ul11mt'n •. !4t'f'Irt for � C.t.l�. AMrPnCHIC�� ��:TD��G;t� LAYI.lActlln Ro�.. 216 It. Vaa Barn St., Chlcqo All the student� 'at Syracuse cele'brated the victory of their: d�hatingteam .over Yale and Columbia bywearing tags. jTh� Vnivcrsity of \Viscon�in - hasi adull for the study. of the historidaJdcvc]opment of woman. ,; . I... SHIRT SALE-·-'·�oo. DOZ� 1 LION'· SHIRTS, 'i.SO $r:�5 cd '1.00 'Values,' 7ge.. . _"::-::-:;�:" , 1Ia4�;tw Avenneamt-631'd·Str'eet.. . __','·F-.�;."W. BAKER'. 'ItRWS GOODS ONLY. ;;.: ..=9Jl A GOOD LUNCH'EON OR' �NNERGo to 1015 E. �61.t St.�_·.-... I· •.... :.,. �., .• ; ••.NEAR ELLIS' A VENUE;.-.. '� Luncheon, U:30 :A. .11.;2:,3,) ·P.· M�· .',:>-:':.:Din�er,. 5:00 �P. 111 .. 7:30 pr'hi�: tS"Cents... . .�.,: �.iTO DAILY 1Id()Ciil TUESDAY. ·IANti_��� .. ����r�... �_"'''''''''':--_''--._ .• ..:. ....... _ -:...._. - .�._.# ....... ,._ ..... _}llw ... �..,.....� .. � .. -..-� •.• �,' ".-4ILI"NOIS . ,.BLACK8�ONB�, , I ..HlI�"&I'. Place. �eea l1li_ ....W.bubAy .....Senaation of the II� WofldAndreef' •.. BALALAIKA ORCHESTRAAUDITORIU�NEW YORlt-BIPPODROIIBWonder Show of the WorldLYRICWID. A. BradypresentsHolbrook BlinD illTHE BOSSPOWERSHeIlI7 B. Hania PnMDt.. ', ' ..THE COUNTRY .. BOYGARRICKForbea-Robertson in."'THE PASSING OF THE'�·THIRD FLOOR BACK'"Margaret AngliDI', ,: •• ",.GREEN STOCSINGS �. . .STUD;E���ERHENAIETTA CROSSMAN in", I ,"... a (. '::';1ANTLlIA'i.'lUIIOHYn .., I. ,OLY�P.C ..... � :.,coiIAII a B '.. -..-. ' ; !�.�;GaO ... COIIA3I'8.IGet IticIa Q1Iick w ...........·coa-:rCoaacd7 T_ I�H�W. Sa... 0-..Heaq ·Kolker· ia " .liTHE GimAT .......pR�.NCE$�IIr. Albert CbnaIer is .DADDY DUPORD.o..� Ii.w�LA SAlLE JANB ADDAMSMANDEL IN..HEARIIIiIIIAL COIIUIDS ......_.ltv4eata WOI'I7iDc OYer Apparel foriIarct T'lillft Part7-Dick M� ofSacred· Dacb ComiDc in Batbiq·Suit:"::W� P�.· (COllda" &om pap I)loons that sell to minors. Thus thegang leader in time becomes a bosswith his political followers."Weare trying to break this up bygetting the boys into one large play­ground where � they cannot separateinto "comers." All nationalities mistogether and the gang leader is curtailed both in leadership and .thefavors be once dispensed. The largerthe playground the better the gangsare broken uP,. and that is why HullHouse is as large as it is.". Original costumes for the HardTimes party are in .demand. Some­thing odd,. new, becoming, unique.clever anc;l inexpensive, is the mental�tniggle of .all who are planning to·"tiwing y'r pardner up an' down" atthe Reynolds club frolic Friday night.AI hoboes and vulgar persons ofall sorts will meet the cold eye of dis­approval at this year's "rag" display,genteel ideas are being sought The­atrical costumers, modistes, genteell-asbeens, and sartorial artists in gen­eral are being puzzled for clothesc.eaigns. I t has been suggested toseveral : inquiries that Senator Lori­mer, Doctor Cook. Roosevelt, Bryan,and London suffragettes furnish mod­els emblematic of respectable hardtimes.Reyoolda Club Ofticera Ready.Reynolds club officers are veryproperly taking the lead in planningtheir costumes, and also are franklytalking about them. President Bald­ridge, for instance, .says that he hasbe�n sitting up until one 0' clock inthe morning sewing on a stunningcreation, In it he expects to representthe spirit of the Prom. and the yearof "he financial panic (joke).·Phil Comstock, is going to appearas George Washington, father of his�ountry and consequently all its hard.times, William Py,:&mul. Harms willrepresent his ill�trious middle eod­father, Pyramus, appearing. with al!lte and the ostume worn by ancientshepherds of warmer climes He hasnot said who Psyche will be. Libra­. lian. Bowlby will very appropriatelyap�ar as one of the bookworm profs.who.. gives fifty reference reac:lings a:weeIC.: ... How am I coming to the Hard1"1�s party?" said Frank Collingsl�te of .t�-: Ja�ese tour, "Why, Itkink I'll dress up in a smt late of theJapanese riksha man very carlesslyleft with us one day at the hotel.".i;>ick Myers, of course, will wear abat�ing suit in his official position as'. pr�ident of the Sa�red Ducks.. �leckWhitfield will dress as a courtier ofthe sixteenth century.So far- all . the· girls ha'Yc carefullykept hidden their costume. designs,b�t they are not expectefl to be ableto hold them any longer than Wed.l.esday. DOUBLE DEFEAT SPURSMARO.ONS FOR BADGERS(Continueel from pace I)Wisconsin defeat will be avoided if"the. men get toge-ther this week andwork. While he. is considerably ·dis­heartened over �the loss of the twogames he is confident that the Ma­roons 'will redeem themselves in thecoming contests. The lineup Saturday Over Four·MlIlio�, Two.I HUD�d �hOUsaDd DoilaniThe student. and f.culty of the UDiveial� of Chica&o· apeDd· an-nually onr ",200,�. Were tbia +OUllt apeDt OIIly at the abo,. 01merchants who .dvertiae ill THE DAILY IIt.ROON, tbia publi­cation would have tremendoaa iDBueoce "!ith: �o· •. mercbaDta.Were that � cue, do you bow w�t it would �CaD !O youl You'would receive • coUece paper, which would not only be the DeaD ofof the an. but the largeat aDd moat pr osperoaa of them- all... You do your ahare-patroDise our .dvertiaers. They daerve yoursupport, because they .re the beat.WHAT IT ·MEANSI. American Factory Rebuilt" meaoa a c:lua of typewriters. auch ..no other concern. does or can rebuild u'ir. do. It is aD idcatifyinc tenDused tl) distineuiah our macbiDela &em the erea, mua of tYPewrita.which are offered UDder the D.liaae "Reltui1t:.'"it means that if you buy aD �Amer.caD Rebuilt Typewriter'- of aD,make. yC'u win let • FACTO�Y rebuilt machille. re�t with newparts; not one that hU been ab:dPly repaired aDd bed· un in aD ordL, .nary shop. but one equal to neW in mechanical quality.We luarantee every machine: we seU for ODe year, aDd �.cau­antee the title •was:Indiana (22). - Position. Chicago (14).Hipskind, .Capt. Forward .... GoldsteinBarnhart ; . Forward .. Sauer, Capt .Graves , .. Center Goet.tlerDavis Guard Paine,.. -= .Fulkerson, .Berndt , Guard .. , .. , BellGoals from the field-Barnhart, 5;Graves, 2; Hipsk�nd, I; Goldstein, 2;Sauer I; Bell, 1; Goettler, I. Free•. 6 . S t , 3 Ref-throws-Barnhart, ; auer, ,ere�Reinman .. ·Umpire-Rtynolds.TELLS STUDENTS OF HARVARDThe "possible" and "actual"· manwere discussed by Professor EdwardC. Moors of Harvard in Junior chapelyesterday· morning. Dr. Mooreshowed how the actual man was· theresult of cinicumstances and acciden�,and that besides the actual personah­ty. every man: p()ssessed .a "possible"personality, which is after all the. realman' that makes life and effort worthwhile."The . inability to appeal to this"possible" quality. in men is whatmakes leaders of men," said Dr.Moore. 'f such as were Christ andA braham Lincoln:' .After his talk, invited those who -wished to meet him to' speak to himand· arrallge engagements� A group ofstveral who· were especially interest­ed in what he had said arrange�. to.meet him in 1iitc�cock last nIghtwhere he spoke to them of studentI·f at Harvard and answered ques­Ie.rions they had to �reseDt to hIm.Fresh Ideas and Ideals is the nameof a Freshman weekly paper at Drake.HOLD JUNIOR SKATINGPARTY NEX� TUESDAYA professor at Depaw has announc­ed a new course in Rural sociology.Women -aDd lieD to Go in Groupa_� poated-(:lass CardaOat Todq •THE SWEETEST GIRL It{ PARIS-rile __ . eo.ic o,.a III .... ca..-'WHITNEYHeDf7 B. BaniapraeataHelen Ware inTHE' DESERTERS CLASSIFIED- AJBIISIEm ..... -The Junior dOl will have its sat-ing party next Tuesday aftetnoon onthe Jackson Park lagoon frow:_n four. o' .. JoCk The men and the wom-to SIX ... ,'. .en of the elass will go in . gTou�.L· ...nIl be posted in Cobb and lDl�tS ..... ..I exington today and all who are go-:ng &1re urged to sign up before .Fri­day moming so that the commItteemay make arranlcments for refresh-ments. •Class tickets will make their apear-ance on the campus this morning andwill be: in the hands of the memberscf the executive. tommittee. Ar·I'angements an being made for theclass dance which will be held in theReynold, elub Friday afternoon, Feb.ruary 3·""'_TIIne liMa ,_ .s cea ...8i& worda to tile liM.� a..atloaa few tile price of 'oar.. II .. at, ... 1 •• eat .... 101' ...dID.S ceDt8.Cull __ KC� order.COLONIALVictor lloore·IDThe New II_cal P1Q"THE HAPPIEST HIGHT OP BIILIPB," For Reat-Part of warm cozy flatall brigbt. airy room, privilige lighthouse-keepine. all conveniences.Can after 6 p. m. 1379 E. 57th St.- Phone Midway 22J4. pj 20 21MeV:IC�ERS;Wm. A. Brody AnaoancftMr. Louia llamaTHECHEATBR POI' ReDt� Two comfot1able roomsin modem flat. Lieht hosekeeping ifpreferred. Term. reasonable. 6037Ellis A'Ye., 3d Apt. ., . pj 21For We-Very desirable -;;:;e ·The seccipts of the fall season inhouse� with two story stable. on lot footban at Yale were about t7o.ooo.3i 1-2 x 175. located at 5548 Monroe The Ya1e Harvard· game n�tted $34,avenue. tQ at- 000. � ...�: ��. ·OO·-,·�;:;��:.��·� .. '"-·om-DO·OR.:SPORT '.. I)OD·t 701l r-l there would1Mi gzoeater eDS�t lDth. game II 701l coa1d -euu7 . aacl IIlON aleiar17tluiIl DOW? Perhap. 701U' ..-.1.101l aouldD't b. llll- .'pI'OftML -rhue" ... tiei-e­tiOllIll �owtaV·that. P ....haP.· tlIlted leIlaM·. are .tobe worD 0Dl7 darlDg oat­aoor m. to protect �,..,. •. aacl � tho_-head.ah_-H WATRY & CO.OPTICIANS ...• t-:.. ,; �t :J. C. VEEDER CO�.(Not IacJ" ·pa"'TEil. OF. J·V &R""U'_G :,- 915:: East.' ��� ',. Street. .;,_." .. ;."ear Dreze1 Aveaae:,Tel�OD:e.:: H1tte P.rk, JaJ2 -v«-laJ..ShEl\4PRESS· ................... - ..... _VAUDr11U.8� � American. WrItIng Maf/"ne Go. •... '.. ':t, The Original Type"rite� ·ExcbaDee Establish�d more thaD.. _ ,..,............... _ ......... -c ...... .. ..... 1111 ::w.r.319 Dearborn Street. Chicago �. Telephone H�OII 4DIJYoar • CoUece, Bo7With ,our CoUeae i07And your Conece Toe-:That'. _wh7 we want ,.u toto·call aDd 8ft the Swell SuitsaDd Oven:oata we're .11iD,·.t.S15 and 120Purniahinp, You Know it;Wert·there, with aU kinda ofthemSIl.UIIAIt 6 SON1125 fist 63rd SfrftfNeal' LaiIl&toa. .j·TdIl .11._·751:• ••__ PlAl.N BATHS 25«:.,.......... ..__ .....�.O'-DQ ' 'III n.rtto ..... ·caI.�anfitClltr:gede03prya·4410st11<altlOBOOOLA.D&BOR-Bon:UNEQUALLED P�H'DRINKS. " asv.ORDERS PILLED BY PHOdSHIPPEJ) ANYWHERE159 . State It. . 114 1Ilc1d,_, Aft.179 La san. Street.'.;y'sus.P4HS1S1o�11((}\'II}sc: