NORTIIWE$1IIN'.MEEJS� .. ;�:: .. "�J .. �ADI omc£:ClDUGO �. . DEBATE : . IICDmers of Fair Sa Will.' Run Nat.I -: .r, : i � l.j .�." .. -:' PrWAt-. BcUtiOll' all bt. "I"bemselvea.eratorlal rtiir;ll1tlti Ie S� bi -Give Names of Std�lIen AI-....... laD at _t O'MII .. ' -. '�oat ShUnned.' .....;- ", .:: '.� �e week' from this morning the:C.GAIO.II&II AI AlfII ARIOI. patient subscriber to The Daily Ma-- roon, taking up his paper at theNelative Team Opposes IIicbipD breakfast table, will be greeted by anat Same Time-Question. Will edition' which it is his privilige to,Be IdendcaL see but once a year. On the surface,_ it may appear to be an ordinary '!. ,Figure it.. Out Tomorrow Might:..Northwestern University.'s debating: . Maroon, .thought we doubt that for, . ..Thirty-six ladies. .consented toteam wilt:-tortirht 'oPPOse'. the asser-: there is -to be a cartoon -on the front .. "serve- as p�tr.onelises for the Settle'tion of Chicago's debaters that: "The page, But those on the inside know. NED IARLE' IS PROM LEADER I, . ��_ItS, :�� .p,,: ,�D.E' _ ment d�nce tomorrbw evening; ThaFederal Government Should Levy a -tbat from assignment book to lino- .. , Ilt.t·is as 'Iollowse'Graduated Income Tax, Constitii6ori-' �tyl»e, from feature story to exchanges, . Ch�n by Senio� Council to Succeed. Not. in Bat C.���tion Bu�' ���ul M'rs. Jame� R. Angell'<Illy Conceded.'J. it will be manned by the women of . Bill. Cra�ley Who 'G�s t�"Eur�pei Will Dep�. on ;W�g C;ombm.a- Mrs. Wallace W. AtwoodThe debafe·.wili·:tak'e pla� 1ft-Man..:: 'th� Uhiv-ersitY.:··.. .-Roy Baldridge. Heads Financ� " �o� of ,�iabt. . �� �d .. Team-' .1flis� S��.hronisb� Br���Fdgedel at 8 o'clock. Dean James Parker Next Thursday the staff of women Committee. ". work. Mrs. Nathaniel .�utler ..Hill of the Law School ·will:preside. will invade the Maroon office -in Ellis.... .Wn. Solomon HelJ� .et.rkThe judges will be: Mr. S. S .. Greg- hall, and that erstwhile staid, world;' .S" Edwin 'Earle was 'chosen yester- Lafayette,'·Iiut· J�ri, ig, i91LSpecial Mrs. John. M. Dod�C!Jl, :.ory, of Chicago; Professor John M. weary masculine abode will be the day afterno�ri : by" 'tl�e' :Se�ior council to 'The' Daily 'Uaroon:' " ....Miss Gertptde Dud;l�Y.Clapp, of Lake Forest University, scene of much lady-like excitement: to succeed "Bill" Crawley as leader . �With fOlii basketball m'en .fr�in la�t Mrs� .HenfY Gordon .�e.and Judge Edward O. Brown, of the fer the rest of the day, �f the St!ni�r Pro�. The vacancy i� 'year'S 'tea:� . as"';,,' 'nuCleus, Coach Mr� .. ,Edgar J .. �pe�AppeI3te--€ourt· of .. illinOis. ,Mr .. Gre�- .: -- · ...... flllarjorM "HiIl; ··Editor: -.j the position of generarchairman was: J ones, up to the present time' lias �t:s. C. H. :iud�,(try is·oattorney. The desk of the 'mana�g��ttp� made public 'yesterday' when Crawley spent a g60(t'.p.�·n"of"iiis time, trying Mrs. Harry ,p;rattJu.dsow;aSi�ul�ously" Chicago's negative will be pre-empted by M�rjorie .Hill,] announced his inieriilon' 'or' making to determine .whowould be the best; ¥rs .. Gord�� OJ.·,�ng,team: :win' be meeti� '. Mie�igan�s..' �'soni'etime womeji's editor on t�ej a 'trip 'to Europe 'le�ving next week, man �o Cp�t"in' at the vacant position, Miss LaQgl-;y ,team_ a\A�'1D Arbor. Coach McElroy Maroon staff, Ruth Retlcfcer will pre-j ��le was formerly head ,of the fi� 'lert' £orwaid; "fiUed';Tast season by ,Miss W.illiam Da�e,ll MacClin-left 'foi'<o\nn Arbor .yest�rday .'ll�C��1 ,:",sid� .. over . the assignment .book �� nance committee. B'aldrldge' was.;I Creed, A :weaith"of .good, although tockpanied'�by: Sch�ebly".:MecJde�bur&et�. :··aew$'·...,·editor,: and Florence ·.Catlinj member of 'this' committee and ,will' raw material, made the problem al- _}.r!!,._�!!a!!.�-:..�athewsand. :SC�: 'who· c9mprise the team. wiiFsn-ve as W. A. A. editor, Marl s\�it. itl1medi,!-!�Iy' .. �!_1 '!�c: �ork as he� 11.l0�f;���rely. ��� o{ c;lim�3:tion. � Mrs. Andrew Cunningham Me�In 'M��::llclproy!s ati$e�te\Mr�·H .. P·.1 garet .. camt)bel1, Alma.·Lichty. Ern��:. ' .. ".. Barr, center .. on�last,year's·Freshina� 'Laughlin ,fhan��er •. �� t�e UQiVeni�,;:will �ayel; .estine, iEvans, Myra Reed, ; Gertrud4 " 'De'�id�� a�pointing Earle' ��d ':Bald: :,t��l.n!. !las P!���.ith_e:��s.t pr:��isingt ()(rs. Frank Justus :,Milierch�"of?the 'delKlte !her� ''aSSIS.ted. ''Emerson Clnd Moi�ie Ray Ca��ll, �� ridge the Council also finished' it� and will play: . the position for the .� ···Mrs. John :H. ·�r��t�r. 'Arnold B;�. has.; . listed , as associate· �_eclito�_. W1t� com�ittees by adding Earle Bowlby pr .. sent ·.�t . le';st.· . ., .. , '" ..:: Mra. Forest· Ray Moultonbeen��d, at �� Merle Helene Edwards as busanes�I��� :t()�the Finance cominittee. th.ese·ap� .. , <;:hart��s, .la��. ��r's AI���e.ste�, : Mrs. W.alter A. PayDeR�e�:�iI1Jie ill'�'of!�l�ers�� . Hcij:(�s:.60atuight _':ad��'j 'pointments constit,1:t� ·the. fi�al. �P-7 . is, .s�i1l .. P1�y�,:b.i� ��.<;l.:ga��:;at_ ce�' .�' "jii;s- Myia-aeynofclS _.- ._- - '. ���.��b��r�.!, .!eD.����e�! ��!: . i�.. -". The.. staff. .o.� .�I'_e. is;". '�'. ..l'Qia, m�ts .-by 'th�. � �qn'fii.: (o� .• ihe '. ��r,. w�� ,-��e9��.�e� t�: ��� ,hi�. :�p.' " r;,' ·M�g. David Alle�!bbertSonWow ·_�,�;t�r the dlrec.tiOD of �._ F� of ��ry ,Chaney, Eftie.H� S�llior Promenade .. ' .:-�ptai.�.�S��!,,:)IC�i(�SitiC#(:'� ." ::·:��5�:�£. il·· .... ,,·,. --.-y4_ .:_ .. -."".:-�';t7"bun���<.� had ��Uge of. act.�st i .But;.,�t,b Russel!,. �ara�· ��t� . <Dmner'to Retiring M��rs. .' .g�a�,�,.:h� �t:.f�l�::r��i�t�is, s��o� .lIrs.:"BAncis.W�Wtd���"�Jng'·ille>;_rttest... ' .,'_ ';". . c�ell, J(ictoria. McAl�. :Reglrl . _.\ dinner to the retiring members' to give a good account of ���lt. '.J: �n_�:- , __ : ::- '., .. 1 .. �.:. ','.'. ;; .� .. � ,,!elI.��.. ". ,stra� ; �� ·Ouayle.· BI .. I �.DUlj or th�. council ha; � .. ��n planned ro� . Miller, �ho c .. mplct� ,uvell halal!c.�., . IIrS. Aallis 'AI01l�' StalK .COIH:�tng.. the. _ ap...,.�:.,�. !!tbt:t 'K1IWIn,• Ruth �. Mar: t,he�.3Is,t .?f Januar>:.� !t .. is.�roposed tq :'��.fen�.e,:�."y:.:�� �� .. '!' ... ����mC?'��-1 .. : ��� ����;;.�. �tro�g:!��:f��·����OY:��-'.�.� ; ... ' ,.� .:����, ... 'FJaza�\h���S�y, .��e : this din�er aq·: an�ual custo� .. ��Y ,�g�t,;J���: lJ�s::��.�'t�: "��' ��.i:���.:��: �a1��, ,.. � .. am.: .. ,,_i11( satisfied � the· __ ". llaey�'T_l"!iiihfl'Bilftll .0 1liUi ... :<.! in thO' workings of··the· Undergradu+ ,>V,� .ft:�b��.�:� a.. ��.� Tuftsdltlon �f .�� �en and t�el1' .'cas� an�.; �t .I��t two: n� depart�e:� 4 ate Council. The .dinner will in all 'y�ar.�: exe�C:Il�e (:I�.- hIS .pos�tl�n at:. ·M,rs:. c;c;orge �a� Vin�t�ll I ask 'iSi �t they, do.J.,.s�ce ·.to .� :inaagurated.-at the 'WO!�:S_'lSS��T probal?m�y .be. giv�n a� t�e. Chicago forward...� .... ..:; .' .. �rs:-J��-R. Je�t� ,1 themselves�and�,'come· the fonn· 'lOne. of these is"'a-'departmeDt'w�lcl1 ;J.�each hotel .Reno Reeve. James Dort- The tearq �h�s .. play�d two gam� .�- -·-Mrs. 'James Ransom.they have shown in practice." : i�··aniq� in_ the history of j.oumalism� onn aQd �ent' Chandler �iil com� :, with se�olidary(�schools :�nd one co.ri-; Mr_s. L�n A' 'Wal�"Indications point to a large audi- and may �haps. be consldere� tOO p�'�e: a 'C'O�l-;;littee to ·a�:;nge·for.. �he ference game so .far this season, The' Mj�s �a?�E. �c��1.ence,' at; to.night'! contest.. N, o.. rtJawest� . radical' aD InnovaUon to"'be �on\ln�ed 'a'" . ',. : .result!; ,were as .follows:. DePallw .,11 . Mrs. -John 'Paul' GoOCle' '. aualr. . \ ._ , . , .'em students are expected; to be oat- "rn the ·regular"issuC!s··of'the-lfat=oon., All undergraduates who desire to Puidue.!44; .�lndialia:State Normal,�;- �rs�'�.�; ���Is'. -' ,in ' force' to support· their team and, .' '-':0 Be_ . lien'. Department.. b�' reclassified' will :Corri'�.un·i.�at�· :�ith Purdue 112; and Wisconsin 16, Pur..;� , Mr:s .. �ton _ ."the ChieaaO··ciebl�� ire' looking' for: This nnV 'Venture is a Mens de- .thl- Council begin'�in'g -next wee�. due J4..... 'Tile" ��ter of p��a � �,orts. equally good support. partment, to be undertaken by R.: J. Tbi- reclassification is' occasioned by The lineup"�aainst Chicago.on Fri-, for ,the women waS ·settl� �Jerda,.Noubweatem'. Team:., J?al�' �s edito� and Nathaniel Pfeffe� . tbe:omillg Council elec�i.ons on' Feb:" day night �il1l,be: 'Ly th� N�g�boi:b�··:���_.�issJay L. ·Chestnutt was�;� in nu4 ; as !deputment reporter. Althoug� r.Ua· . '. . . R.. F. ,McVaugh, Eva Robinson,. who � libel of theBois, Pa, jn 1890- He is a graduate both men are comparatively unverse� " . ry IC.. L� .... � �arr, clubs b�s"�"'ade�arraii�eMts for �cJaof John Mat-�ball- High School ,which .: in the managing: ,of, such .a depart':'. TO"TAKE UP-CI..ASs QUESTION� C. C�er.S'. club' to'�";eet! in' a, bOd;:;'.t �Some'� .' he represeilted,.in lnler-scholastic de-.. .ment, it is .diougbt by. the staff of the. R: G,. Miller o.r·-John�on, iQ tb� �di�tri�t .artd '&0 t�tII� to)bebates. He �on' the' Cook -�ounty -bn.' day and th�t their experience in otberSeniors Meet Toda�" t� Decide on' L. G. StoCkton. . g)rninasiJuh. At �hc cl,*,"o( the ..... cetorical contest and second prizes in (.ampus affait's gives them much ho� Pin� an� C� (nft. Chicago � DetermiDed. all. of. the clubs::- wil':' uteet JiIUS;:ilob-the Inter-scholastic declaration con- (if making good. Mr. Daly's experi� netermin:ed: to: fight to the last, die: iJlson i� Dr .. Ra�croft·. oSice. aa�test held at NOrttiwri�hll!1iriversity: ence as '3 thne-year's member of th�' The Senior crass ;wiJl, meet to�ay' " Maroon bask'etball. five . leaves' tcxbY' fifty m��, chosen by Chai�D �ni-,He. won �'cond place"ID: the'Itirk Or': - Reynolds .' elub, and Mr. Pfeffer. 't ' h" at 'one o��loc:' 'k;'for: La' fay ... tt,. . 'Ind,'a'na,' will be assigned t6 th.''e\''ftiio'U�sior the purpo� of discussmg t ose .. "'" �atorical contest. He is a Junior in present service as a member of th. questions that were .left· unsett��d at where they �: Purdue in 't�e first .. � escprts. .Libe�i Atts. \,He is' member. of the ·advertising committee of the Sehle�the last •. �.rra,t:lg�p1ents will' deci�ive test, ·o�· ,�rength of the. 1911 Ov�� �o bJJiUlred ticket. wen toldI�l'nman Lit'era- sodehr a.nCt 'of the me'nt dance are records wbich mve the . .",:,,_. ·Th·· k' -t_";" of _'I • ., • ., &-be made coricerning'he'.c�a�s·�in� as s�ason .. ·yeste.-U4&Y.· IS ma es a \A&I. �-:-""'lilies. . . Women'� staff'encoungement. 'all of those who ·inte�·d. buying one The team 'is not in the best con� siderably ·moft ··tila.-, ciabt ...... drecl0, E...:.Rlembarilt:.>-.n. borD!�inl Free- :\nother depanment which will a� , _. .Th . "" . '. . '.. which'have been' sOld-uP to' date. The" ." '.• .. .'.' .' I have .handed in their �a�s. e pIn di�io.n�: ��i�nt 't� .:�e,r being �n���. the�hut-g, Itf.,\�in·'i·8si.�·He· i's':a graduate pear for the first time in the wom! committee will then'decide ah<>.�t the wfo3thel-·,rid Pahte'\still bellnng"the �hair1nen:1"eport.tliat.:tlle propeU ofof llJinois State Normal, and is a en's Maroon, will probably be mad� "l1rcha�e of the pins ..... · ' mal'k� of- �n�Tn:iured ey�.' Th� te�m, the: site i� ver;-:dc�'aa4 tlae. membe� of tbe'··19l:a:-class of: the LaW; .. a' permanoent ·weekly ·or se�j .. weekl� 'f h' h 110we\.-erreeTS 'iliata-PUraue Victory coffers' 01 the' Settlement' ,w'orkers. school .. Northwestern University. He . f�ature of· the subsequent issues of The question .C)f a �la:,s � t, w .IC, will be well eamftCl as they are going '';11 be mateiiaiiy' ftinforeecl' by'. the..w"s left un ....-ettl.ed at .the last 11_1�.etmg ..; was on the Normal debating team the paper, The nature of this column 1 h I h I h sale 01 tickets alone.�"1'11' 1)(' r�"l1med. t�!!y'rr�\\', !:W�d :tt- tl" � 11 to t east to 0 d t e score; agamsf-Wisconsiii" State "'Noma).'. is b;fng" vaiiantly' kept secrc:( 1?y 't�e ...,.dnwn. ...... . ..I . ri_.::.:o.·ct .. ·P--..:;.:tt, ... =:'bo...... � -�I·ft-So" ut'h' ...h h . h�ml)t win he· made !.� .hring.·�ll:t,tters1IUl.,.... • - ..... 07 ... (:ditors who state only t at t ey 10-n"', I'n '188.,. He' I'S �"duate of De-' h' d . h' t() a final deci�ion. The comnl1ttee... a-a t�nd to keep t IS epanment In t elr '11.,L·ho· ha� this affair in charge. W1huw Univesity .and is a member of hnds after their day of power in El- •thet 1912' 'Clns . in' 'the ·NOrthwestern: 1i� is over. r-resent hefore the C1a�s tomorrow• L.� • �. "','cr"l �\1""O'c�tion� ,for c1a�s gfr,t:..linivesity: Law school, IS a memU'IC': This �dition is the first women s ... .. "'l" 1 hof the Phi' X,ppa 'PSI fraternity. Us, . edition since the .spring· of 19OCJ, wlten and it remains with the Seniors w lICyear he' attended: ,the Law school 'a� the sales of the Maroon for that day are' to he accepted �r not: .., 'he' UnWetSfty-''Of Qicato. were given to a fund for a new wo�- : The �x�C\1th�e com�ittee 'me�ts: t��. .......:....-�_�.-'l'C..L.:......;.;.- . . - ..I' I 'II dl' .. cu .. s the SOCial a-...... ---av UWUII_.. en't gymnasium. In 1908 a leap·year \lay, am WI '.....Pau� O'Dea gradua�d from the e.tition was also put out by the wom- dirs of the Senior' class for the com-,CAlIda" - .... 4) cn. ing year. . \I ,,',----\. '.. '. - - ---' -� .. -- .. -_._--_ ....- -- .. ----_.- a:;;: ;',',:. ,_'!',:j,':'.,:i·I�'·:·"··t<:;·:l1··��·�!D:i',. 'n·'····.', :'._.. '.. .., I:' .. �, I.: v, • ..,; .;. ,;.Vol. IX, No. 10.: � ::" .. .-UNIVERSITY OFI CHI.C�G9, FRlpA 'i.')��.tJAR_Y�, 19L1 •. ,IA s�. ---P� lien to Act u· � �for, NeiCbborbood ClUba Att.DaDce• 1 '.La�.t ����� . .a� ���pa�gn. fight ..=-peed. and tea,m ,work., defeated l11in'oi!', J( .ttIe '�Ple �ombination gets to�gether.' t'orii8ht. �'Purdue will have :thctim� of· ,her' Hfe-.'in;.·beating the Ma�':r(\otts, The-· 'Chi�go tum .;has bee�­practicing 'har'd all' '�eek" and is hope:-.ful of tbe· re.sult., Coach .. Schommer�xPeCts that' hardesi.- fight tbe M!l-(CoDrin�ed un pace 4) The refreshment committee 1'eports�hat an encie�v�r will b'e made to selle"ery individUal fi�e� �en c�t. checksimmediately upon their aiTiVal at' thegym�a'si\!'m,' Th�s�':ch�b: wili be oasale 'at three tables and also Win be'distribut�cf bf' � �ci-Ps �f "C�eci: sell._ �rs. appointe�· by "�e. ·.Rer�merfcommitt�i.l No--chftb- for- tess tlwai(:�': cent'" Wilt' 'be :s.}ci- ftt �iDe of"Co c.:oatullld toil pqe .. ) . '..' .1fII. I, �.1J�iI" if i�I·�·�! .!;1,\\, � �.. ';(j 'i,.•. :.�j I:III .:It .,,I t';.1,:" .'" : "TIlE DAILY IlAltOOIlTlae Odlc:lal Student PubHcatloa '" '".. UDl"enltJ .or �' •.... , �.\'Former� ... ·r ..:·t .' , •.The UolYerllt, of ChIcqo WeII1d7"Founded�.:::::::':_�-::�.--' ... :- --.- . _ ..t'M.Weekle' .•.••••••••••••••• � 1. 1881·�:.:nif.DaJl7I'�.�· •• ·��· ••• � •.•••.• _•. � 1. 18011 .: ':'f�n'h� . ·D.Ji.J.: 'Il�Pt �� ...�... ....... f \." �. ••• - '... ..,. anti· boUd.,. dbrhlc thne-qaaztaoa oftbeU�'�lt7 feM. .,.. ...Ente;� �. &eoDd.� � u .tbe (1aI..c:a� l�o�tom�: Chicaao; DUDoJa. Karch 11.lU03, Ulltl�r Aci. 'Of-Karch " 187 ••. '.,', _'" .TBII aT�"Il. A. l�.'£):o".'£lt· '._ � • • IlaDaclna Editor· :1l.;al...DALY •••• " • '; N ... �14. lo't pAlU'£�Ea • � • • �thletlc E41t«· BE� 1-'. NEW»A� • •• BUlin .. Manapr.ASBOC,.&.TB SDlTOIIaW. J •• 'oute U. L. Xe�jt i:.Y.Taylor )II. W.·:a...c. W. Uougbland D. L. Breed.UPOllHJUJ •J. K. BeebelJar�y ComerAiax BuelowS. Kaplan,W. Lyman'S. :L. SayreB .: W. Vlnlssli:y 1l. D. SteHnB. F. Dunham. &.. L. Harrla1°. KeamQ'�. ·B. Perl ..L. StolsW� WellllUUl,lIrit .WOKJCN'S DJDPARTKmrr.Marjorie HUI. Editor..Ruth ReUcker, Allaoelate EditorREPORTERS11.' CampbellFloreuce Catlin .Alma Llc:htJSUBSCRll'TlO� BATES:By Carrin, .�UO, per ,eari $1.00 per quan..., mall",I.iS per quarter. $ .. 00 pIr' .feu lDad ......1n thevwhir! ·of athletic .��ntesis,dance parti�;: 'club' meetings..and my­. ' , 'rlad' other occasions it'may,' perhaps, be ask­,lng t�o much to urge. that students attendthe Varsity debat�' tonight in Mandelhall agai!ls.t :N.ortpwestern,. .. but TheDaily:. Maroon. wonders if studentsr�aliz� .that· th� members of the two<;hicago deb�ting teams have workedas hard and faithfully' for Chicago'sg16ry as any atlrl�tic team and that': th�y. 'de�erve' just as much support... : 'T��c ij�tend���� .�t 'debates in p�­" ,v!�u� 'y�ars ha� been· practically a dis­':':' :_t!!·r�c�.: M. c,an . d�ilOte' O'Dty one thing­· that· the 'intere�'t of the student body� .. ':iie� .in tl;i�gs other" than intellectual.:S�ch an' accusation is far from flatter-••• J .,.,lng, to ;I .University with Chicago's:·'.�feter.�i���. Deb'ati�g is a legitimate• ·io·rm of �'tudent acth'ity and students�hould support it.The DebateTonight.DAILY BULLETIH-' .. � :.,___;._SeDior: -.class meeting today at. 10:30 a. nt. in Cobb 6A: .. Ma�s :�d A�des wi!l. have theirpictures taken.. for the cap .�d GoWntitIo':Jo n. m. \oday at Hask1=l1..Sophomore .. �ce.. Reynold. el.b,'from .. until 6 today� .Debate today between North­western and Chi�ago in Mandel hallat 8:15, p. m .. Admi5si�n 25 cents ..Members of the Baseball Team thattook�p to.Japa�.wi11 be guestsof Prc�ident and Mrs. Judson at din-.... ncr.. Women's .Graduate Club, Dean Vin'cent Lexington' 15.' 4:Jo.Basketball game' between the Lawschool and' Soph�more .class in Bart­l("u·at 3:15' p.. m.· Pictures of UDiver'lity Aides aDdMarabals will be tak��this. morning.a�,.�0:30;:lat ,tlte r��tra�� ��, M*'d�l":'hal1� instead or at, Ha·skeIL· :. � �. .: �C� . �'. . r::' ': .�':f-' '.' ARNOUN'CEIIBNTS ' •Settlement .. Dance Tomorrow,Neighborhood clubs look on bulletinboard for special. instructions.Blackfriara have their pictures tak­en in. Root's stadio at 2 p. m. sharp,on Sunday.Annual lIembenbip DiDDH of theY. W. C. L.' on January 23 at 6 p. Lexington hall. Tickets 3S cents.Short Story Club read FreeDWl's., Revolt of Mother," Kipling's �eMan Who Was." and Garland'., ':Upthe Colly." which are Oil reserve inthe English library.The Reynolds Club informal of Jan­uary 27 has changed to a Hard Timesparty. A list of prizes will be an­nounced in the Maroon ·later.Mr. Cas�e will not meet his classesthis week.'Extempore Contest for lower J UD­iors. Those intending to enter shouldregister with the Dean of the Juniorcolleges before January 23.Seniors must have their picturestaken before February I.:Meeting of the Brownson club onMonday at 10:JO at m. in Cobb Se.Freshman class executive commit;tee will meet Friday at 10:30 in Kenttheater. GARGOYLEl'TES ..t • '.'·STORE,No •. .2._� ...... -..; •. :.: .... � :...760 E •. 63RE),·ST,,�ET.-�� .;.:� �""'T'E'L' NOR' MAL" l�"'", t . , ... : . - .' =::• ·g.lg ... · · .. ·�·- .. rHatter ud" FiUnisher �,;:,A �omplete'li�e\of, .: ; ..... '.' .':.'MEN'S WINTER·.W.�RAT POPUlAR PRICfSOPE N 'E V EN fN G S .We respectfully solicit 'your p�troll&ge . .'. �:.Noble o.I SoperTAILOR175 Dearborn Street Co�er . Maar.�Second Floor. Telephone' Central B444The originators of' theSt��' .and very Mild.'YOU CANNOT BEa Connoisseur of Turkish Ciga­rettes until you have smoked theCONDAX·EXTRA··CLUB SIZE.1 Package of 5 Cigarettes for 1St:. ..; M�llf�ctured. by,f. A� CONDAX·6. CO.WELLS CLOTHESA. J. UNGER President.CLEARANCE SALE ofSUITS and' OVERCO.ATS. '_ .... '. 'at $1?� .. $22-iS26 ' ..T his is a rar� opportunity· to secure tlreally high grade. ga.rments at ex�reme- �Iy low prices. :�:';. ":'_ .... ). �• ....-fBETTER SEE OUR- -WINDOW---DISPLAY. LET QS SHOW YOUIi' /'I , ,ITWO·SHoPS. , ....139 RANDOLPH ST •II01'£L 'SIIEItMAN(Upposite City Hall) 231-233 DEARBORN:ST.·'GaEAT ROaTIIEIUI BOTEL(Opposite Postoffice)..'MEDICAL SE;RVICE c0lilCJSIlI,tTel. H. P. 4345' �es. Tel Oak 29GED W. I. BROWN. M. D.Practice limited to diseases of' theEYE, NOSE and THROAT '.Hoan: 9 to 12 a. m'l 2 to 1; t» .• m. �nllID" alldSUDday by appoint .. eat.Office, Saite 14. 1230 F ... t 63d Street. .... W.. .'. Cq,"'XilDbark Ayc •• CIIlcap.A plea for the entertainment of theCook county high school athletes wasmade by William Kuh, chairman ofthe Senior athletic committee, at ameeting of the athletic committeesof all the classes held yesterday."I� former years these athleteshave never been entertained by theUniversity men at 'their indoor trackR.wa cODtxlbutlona ma7 -be lett at BiilaBall or Facntly Excb&np. �� to' . meets, and they have gone away with'Phi- 'Danf, .K��n. '.. ��. I a poor opinion of the university life,"was th'e statement made by· ChairmanKuh.The plan to be followed has notbeen fully worked uii, but it will prob, C:f',,'''r.....;..A nf'rson who walks dOWJ1:ably consist in having. the men taken r""r AOf'ro:: in fmnt of you and doesntcare of by the different fraternities, '-told np her skirt.and in having a smoker given after * * * *the final meet.PLAN TO ENTERTAINHIGH SCHOOL MENIN INDOOR SEASONPLAN FOR CONFERENCE GOLFChicago Will Enter T� if Con­ference Decides on Schedule.� U nivesity will probably entera team if the Conference decides toarrange a' golf schedule. For severalyears there has been. considerablediscussion as to the advisability �fmaking golf a conference sport, butthe principal objection to it h?ls beenthe large distances, separating theConference colleges. In the East golfhas been an intercollegiate sport for50me time, bu� .... there. ,the collegesforming a. golf associ;ation are muchlr.�lto eac� otherrNevenheleas'� .there. is much senti­ment itlfavor' '(;f the movement and.though n'o actio .. _has yet been taken,it i-s likely that'· �ere will be an an­nouncement 0'(' the decision of theconference some time this quarter.,-.------�"FOWKESGLOVES In perfect seriousness we urcemembers . of the student body­we are even bold enough to �. .elude members of the faculty­to make contributions to this col­IIIDD. No doubt you think you cando it better thaD we. We urge you: to try itBaldridge-I suppose you haveheard that the Settlement. dancestarts this year at 10 o'clock in themorning? .Earle-No. What's the reason?.Baldridge-I ts a Long dance thisyear,* * * *From a Senior.You can leave the freshman lassiesTo the wicked upper classes'And heaven will protect the SeniorGirl.* * * *It's His·n.On behalf of many more apprecia­tive students we convey to Mr. HarryEnglish humble thanks for allowingus to use his Reynolds club and alsofor his generosity in expending hisgood money for billiard balls.Trainer Johnson has. notified usthat he disclaims all ownership ofBartlett gymnasium, as previously in­sinuated by Gargoyle. He declaresthat Mr. Stagg's price was too highand that he could not afford to makethe purchase.* * * *We propounded last time a queryas to the why of a certain dean's cos'-nopolitan apparel. It has occurred tous that it mav be because he thinkswe-well. love- it.* * * *. .Three months ago we were askedto publish the fact that that hobble'c:kirt was Helen Styles. but we re­f,'c:ed to do so and remain firm in ourrefusal.* * * *He's been with us now for many a. day .'And often appeared on this page, ,And some of the instructors knowhe's BaukhazeBut most of them still say Bauk,agy.• * * *Freshman-What is a co-ed?Tel. 4.3�5 -H. P. Res. Tel. 8294 H. P,DR. EMORY M.I LOTTS!DE�TISTOffice N. W. Cor. 63d St. &Kimbark Ave. Suite 14. Chicago... ..1• Where There's a W"dl.Exami- (to neighborJ-Say. if -itweren't! for the honor s�m. I'd.'!lsk you the answer to the third ques­tion.Nation-And if it weren't' for thehonor system I'd tell you that the'mc:wer is "Yes."Both-T s·nt it hard luck we havethe honor system?'.....The Yale Aero club has a glider,we see. \Vhich moves us to say thatour own Aero club. has been up inair some time and that wewish itWOluid come down and get down tobusiness. But then there always thecomplimentary.'3 • • • •Tn righteous indignation we spurnthe presumptuous youth who addres­es us as "old Gulltle-Yet."• • * •Witllout wishing to emulate or de­tract from Laan Jan Libbey we begto suggest hints to those who crave'n"itahons to the Prom:... ;�'e in a haltDon't talk practical Aoristry.1.�arn to dance.''''�n 't in!'ist 011 the dip.Keep smiliDI':• ••••We have been asked if it is notabout time for our stronll mindedvounJZ women to start their annual�"t'cade for dumb bells and 'ndianc1"hs. We reply (;tr rather Indian"lub .. than class presidents and coun-.dl chairmanships. .• * * • •Gargoyle wishes to acknowledgewith appreciation contributions fromthe followirill: W. Phil1ios ComstockHilmar R. Batikha�e. Davis G. Mc­Carn. Hargraye A. Lonll. Ralph Ros­enthal, C. Y. Taylor and Ruth Ret­ic1cer. Be a loyal student and "sub.en" tor The Daily lIarooa.. -" ",. �." .•.... : - ,- ..... J\•-.1'"·a�tiKfLY··MiRb�·�� i-���r} Y .. '!;,�A·�,;�.������� �.:·�"</'''r; r � .: '.: !' .,:, <r: . '.. ..;. •.•••.•. ,!,. s � : ' . .)'.: '-" ._' ,.... ', ..• ";.I� h :.. .. ! : : �! .: j "!• _--�-._-.---" "{�0I.!�,?"�RES;; DANCE-:-"TODA�'¥� W,�! B� ��tured by Informal_. . ;' , ": '.' �lty-:-:-I'iO .Programs.The new Freshman playwriting 01'-:ganization hel�.3. meeting a few daysago,: at· which matters were' that the new plays' to be': writtencould be commenced·' at once. The. ··dr.gani�·aticn:· �hicl�" n:ow '·.'�nsists ofabout 'twenty-five members, 'has beensplit up c into two groups. one underAssistant; Professor Robertson aridthe. other under Assistant Professor.. :- � ... +, .... '_ --t','- .?t- ..... , ,.'. _.:Boynton .•. ', .",.:. '�r :!;Ro,b�rJs6n�� �rOl;1P h�ld. a' meet.,���,��i�;'��·�Z}h�I�;'. Ju_e�f!> a{t�r�f'!m;I,������d'� ,t� 1D:�f�, ��ep' '�'1f�.���oon 10 the :l' eyP.ol(ls. 1 .' 'Y" ';''''if ..... ' ,'.' ,____ .......... .-;� ..... ., :cl 'I l.��htee:>()"�lock .Mr: ' ,uY'nton's,'.�itt.�ji:}��t: e�ery. Thur�d�y �ve�i��f�:�����r�f�r. �.o!����:� .�o�e.lTe the largest ' ��ft(: '�,�/���� ,fqr, �. �l0!r �as been. Manufacturer� . tixed :'upOn� ,'and both :groups" willworld of :*otlC\ ��dep'eri�en·t�y .. in" the,';caiTy,i'llg'out of'}iie';'idea! :!Ih'e"m�inbers '6f Mr.Robe�-"�p.. meet .�e�, M��day�" .,� , , .... �. '... '.' t .....;' ,at, '�>«;.\��>:n;:�¥.!;�� ��,���.;Jan.f: �ac�' oneis .�:X;'pe���)!o..:��,�0J.l.,.!!�!ld.3. scen-ario· e������, th� .ge\neral . idea ofthe plot '�eelded-,;upon:" The' best ofia�s� " s�n;ri'o�, :.�iil :,be . '�h'�sen' to':":".' G.· ... " ,' .... ·r" 'work· upon: '. . I' . ..... '.... : � .. :: :,:' >. ' .�, ".WfTOJI. Zt ..... IEDFOID .. 21 ......"ARJ{(>w'NbtchCOLLARS·Sit SDugly to the neck, the tops meetIn front and there is amp!e spacefor the cravat.15c..2for25c:. Cluett. Peabody at Co..Maken, WE ALSO',RENT PIANOS... '.:0'This ,Ad. Is Goodlor $1.00CUT 'tHIS OUT.Call us up and we willsend one of our expertPiano. Tuners. who will ac­cept this coupon as $1.00discount. TIle regular p�iceis $2.5c.This is a bona fide offer.Thi�� .. \d. must be presented, .if you desire the reductionLouis Lowenthal, .Pianos ,that please."712 West Madison StreetTeleph,?oe 'MonrO��5i;:". A. G. SPALDING &. BROS."TRE, SP�LDIN��� Marki",·, 'OFF�CIALEQUIPMENTAthJeti.or all• SportS, andas a "Guarantee of'Quality. Pastimes.IF YOU are interested in athletic �port, you should have a.copy of the Spalding Catalougu�J�'s 3 complete encyclopedia ofwhaif;' new' :to': SpOrtS; . and . is, sein�fr�e � on �request�, ,.� " . " . � .I.A,G� .SPALDIMG " n08.147 Wabash ·Ave.. Cbic:acO. ' :. 'UTILE ART CORNElloll,., E. 53n! sT., 'A!tI' aDd Claftl GHdsTilE-THE. KACE 10 BUY YOUR ClJl'D. A. McADAMS. THE, ",Studenfs' Florist�3rd St. and Kimbark Ave.Phone H. P: I'Chicago Kent College of LAWRe a lawr"'. GOO<1 lawrl'� a� In conjltantdnnatld •. mlt'hHt Paid profl!jlslon. En'1IIngcou�. DC'lm'e L.I .. n. in thrf'e )"1'11'5. , .. "It.m and �t rqulp� l',.('nil.JI; I .. ", SchoolI1l tb,. world. W" ftnd positions In law of·lien tor bundrMs of IItUflM1ts Yt'uI1. !I(\tJley Inay earn npmllH whllt' working rora d�. Ra� cl!.� for ambittot� 10unrmftl. St'IId for "'" Catalocrue. AddrH8CHICAGO KEftT COLLEGE OF LAW.loot 140 �rbnm StT'm.Lec:tvc Rona.. 21 L V .. B...- St.. Claicqo ..� --------------�--------------"���ri��g Club' Win Prepare Seen:,. aries for Proposed Plays.Seventeen graduates of Va ewercdecte�l i�. vap<?us ,oQ1c¢'$ 0'£ 'inwor­tanc at the recent ConnccticHt dcc-'tiqa�'a'bd ,�x were 'electtd at tl:e Xc'"YOlk ;lccti�;' .. , . .. .IThe Wright brothers are lending Ian aeroplail�' ffto�or 'to {he aeronauts I.of 'Michigan for' �xperi111ental pur-.,poses. {jndergradu:lte� have alrc.:tdY 1-----=-- ................ .-;.;---;;.;.,;;;;---­!�onstrU'ct�{\. several different! typ�sof, planes and the motor is to he I'tried on each oile to determine their.relative merits. Prizes wi11 he gh'cnfor the most successful machine.The Sophomores will: dance this.afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock, at theReynolds club. Members of the socialcommittee said yesterday. than in. point of interest and attendance, tiledance is expected to surpass any af­(��r, ·that. the class has yet given,Programs will not be allowed and. an attempt will be' made to make thedance as informal. as those given last.year. Figure dances and "stunts"l:ave been planned' to �id in "break­ing the ice.": Admittance will be al ,lawed only to members of the �Iass.J\_ large sale of class tickets h�s beenreported.The women of the class will meetin Lexington at a quarter to four andwill go to the dance together. Inorder that a full measure of dances;may be had the music will start;... ,_, " ,promptly at four' o'clock. The class i�!planning to have a second social fca-:ture later in -the quarter. Its nature;has' 'not yet been: announced. -... '..... .' .One .' Y ��t:fn�: �." :" "; .. : ..Guarantee' £ertilieate '.. : .. -. � : .... �Diaunond ,Point A " .•..•,Fountain . �P,eA"� ':,�.��"l:'Every pen made b,. u� ja',��., .. : � .• ; give abaolute .. tiafactory ae��'.,'·in every particular.In' event of' any ���, "within ODe year from date of �.this certificate· entitles. you. ,to" z:_eturllthis pen to us with' your name, ad- '.: S.:. dress and description of the�·trOuble,"··w � yand we will. eitb:er cive you ,. newpen or adju&t yours so as to live ab,solute . satisfaction. _.1 '.' ,DIAMOND POINT PEN CO. 'Signed •..... '....•...•.•. DealerDate sold .........•..• ; ..• 191.. :'-':' .�.Geo.; F. Ivins, Mgr. , ,Save this eertificate--it· is your pen':' ,.satisfaction Insurance, :., , r �. :Y....,.. '. .. t:. '"c'.: :. � l : .. '.. 'F�SHMEN' PLANNING PLAYS. ::.":.�A wrestJing tournament will beheld at Iowa in' the near future.- -. -- '� .•. �;- .. ;; �.: .. �,'I't� ,.Twenty; ·,.tlV'Q "be'ams have �enteredthe- bas�e�bai( t�u;na'�cnt '�'t' Wis,_consin.4}". • 'J. -:.}. . . �Th� y�je' Forrestry school .h�s beengive�"$'I�OOO\Y' Mrs. E. li:- HaITi-'man."Art Nouveau," a new organizationof the �Uni\rersity of" Wisconsin hasfor its pUfpose the suppressing of··fussing·' among university co'eds,. . ·Heat�-Regi.J1-l\tioD: .The JOhD�D · ..... e,.uuatlc System",The Becog$�d StandudInstalled in the University of Chi-.cago Building&.Complete Systems for all Method.of Heating.Steam Control of Humidity.Reducing Valves for Air, Water,Hot Water Tank Regulators,Johnson· Serviee Co.H. Vi. ELLIS, Mgr.Chicago Office" 93 Lake Street.A G·.A'I'B,Our Semi:ArinUiil SpecialBlue, �lack"" and GraySerge' or, Ch�vio't Suit,with '.' exira Trousers of, same' or ·Outirig'�materia1., " . ,�::-' ...... , ... , ,French M,ethod.�'�n.4 L.�!1ndry�. '"I I 4' 6 E. 6lrd ·Street. . I. P�')ne H�,;P,i; 6":130'Our IS' years. of experience inthe laundry �ra4�,,�, the benefitgive� to �ur' cu�o�;rs. -our agent, P. A.'S�Ochman, and deliver your laundry freeof charge. ,." , .Mendin� ,and cJai:nin� Free.stUdents 'Think of' 'it --­SaiU � SSe Pats Ik 1.a4Ie&.1is c:-...... ..... $L5I.� ... ,....1SCCIeaabt«.: D7� •. �",,�WOl'k G_uuuate-L COHN 101ff.61sf, . w.u au"Tlie' Drexel. ,-r.non ;a.EANF..RS aDd DYERS903 £. 1'11TY-FlnH sraE&T", ' NearOtaei A_.rrcr;.�. fIe.. of belics •• 4 G�.rs ..,. ..Ic�lrl.1 ad "Hsi .. al .Hnalc "k.... ..,teand f., a.eI.rkll,cr�eI., Tcl. ",1. 'hit lIJr 'PRACTICAL LADIES'TAILIISL SADLER. Prep."'11 aud Whiter Suits ..$35 ad. rtrst dais work fuana''''CI.£AlltING AND a£PAIRINGPbGllle . Mldwa,;SS � :lotS E. 63rd STREn'. nf.M· '-,,:� Jl"r'-Nt!!.Subscribe for The Daily Maroo .. .. ��.;..: .'.:.,. ,'jTHE ABOVE CERTIFICATE'GOES WITH EACH PEN· SOLDBY. US. IT SH'OWS THE C.()NFI": .. ��: r.DENCE WE HAVE .IN OUR.....·PENS.�;.. • a•• ,: � � '.".TWO DOLLARS UP. ' .. '�.' 'DIAMOND POINT PEN -co�',:,,' �,�",.,..,.-�".,' .. :'. ':-<c'. "��.' • c. .... , .• _1 .1 . _"."'\ ',�...New York..Largest Mnrs. in the United Stateli.:: � �., .�'" .,'-----...;.._--.� ....�. i 'Go to"IOIS E. 6Id'St. .. "NEAR ELLIS:' Kv'E�.'J�.Luncheon, II :30 A.: iL;i:3b' P., :fA.: -: '., _. ' _.'Dinner, 5:00 P. �� 7:30' P,' M.,', .• !.!�ents. ', .j•it,=-'r:�»i-"%?a'" *"rlT7'. ," Y' ;' ...- ... _.._ .. _------- -Dr. Henderson Approves of PoliticalActivit)' for Women."".Ii'q",·.it�r� ! _8�.: .. ::.· :i' . ..,.,�nin� Tuesday, laia. ._i'�Z '.-.... . ':.; _ ..IfBW· YORK HIPPOD_OID�,r:ft· .. -� _ .... .._ ..... _.. � -, -." - . ..... . . . ... i .. �. �__JJ_�'YK.C• I, I;. !�:!,.ri\liViCKEIIS'. ;P��'8Pro41Ictioa�OLLY. 0, THE cmcua,.., . \;,,'•, IDUTY MAY LIE IN POLITICS�N.Q.�_·: ' ..... ·.t��ti.�Jj:pl�-t__:.�· ��;.THE DAWN OP TOIiOnOW:; ./ ' ::"Women should {eel it their dutyto as�ume' 'their ' ��ticulir - responsi­"bjJities in their .c��unity a�d: morethan that they �bouid: seek out; these, respon�ibilities."· Said' 1)1=. Henderson,·O.�Y."·'.��C . ir. addressing the women in Juniorchapel yesterday. "The natural ta�k. �C'���4':!U�':·,"�·· .'.. of'�o'st women is the,keeping of the"III.' . bome,. but it is also often the case:80 .... CO..... that' 'the thinking woman may feel�'.�,�� ..�'r? ,i� :::�::et�:te:�:c�!; t:�:: :::�b::CO�T,".' .�, �. _, ."�.- .lity to indulge in politics, for in-stanc�. If this be so she' ought to as-; . � '00 .'.47\:·T_·...... '., sume that duty..!".. .,. .. . .. --:_, .. , ...... �. �'1_. Heaq W • .._. o..a "At a recent political meeting, I. ,'_. ,�_'il];,2d_·.�,·),.. i... �... �.':-.: ··INMJlf. was pleased to notice several women.. . ." in eVidence. It sh�wed an intere�t on.- .. .. -, th� .part in the welfare of the com-. :�_CE_ munity. Though women' do not vote,....-:;' '.. ". '..... their influence is a� idlponant' factor14� � � .. in. the elections. :M�n: get. ma�y of�' DADDY i)UPC)i))_··· th�ir ideals from" wri�� and if is in� ( �.�II � ...... :�, _ this way that' w�rii�li's influencecOUDtS.�Olily 57 per cent of the graduatescf the Sheffield Scientific school ofYale are engaged in scientific work.Dartmouth's new gymnasium wincost .'150,000.t· - --.,-. '.1" ,�H�':W::��.THB .. U'n'U DAIIODL�A' ;�" to··_·;��:,,,,brilliauCT ud 4liatiactioa.- ...... C'�:' LASSIFIEDlD��tn- TIuee. liD.. for. WI ceIlt&.aia 'ft. to the u...COLONIAL Pi .. iUatlou for'tIt; ;rice of f�.VIctor lloon. N. 84YertiHaa_t .... for l_ID .. ,.,. 'tIIaa .5 aDta.·The l.''' ��.... .. "eMII __ .cc� onler."THE HAPPDtBT IIIORT.O. ilia ....;. �-·--D'-_-P--------.ror ACII�- art of �ann cozy flat,.ali bright,· airy . r�m; privilige light.. house-keeping, all . conveniences..Call after 6 p. m: 'i379 'E. 57th St..Phone �dway � pj a> .21I..... PR�; ,.·............... ..,= ..'. YAUD1WIU.a-..- ._' . �.�-- ...... , .. -.... !.'.. �; ... ..� �� .�.., •. � :..,. ....... ...._.---------.jlr-- __ ._.. � .... _'_"'_ .. ', �-N'ORTilWBliiiN IIUTaCHICAGO· 1M DEBAT • ,� .. ---- ----,. - _...-.,..-�� - ..... -_ ...MercbaDta. of firat dUa adftItiM in iHE DAILY MAROON. They .'�ye coDfidmc;iD'die P1ai)Hcati_, ... aD· 'i4"ertiaiDC "medium. TIley''ffiei 'diat "the'ltiii�nity of'Chaao 'ia a .GOd &1d to reaCh; af-, ._ •. J • • ..:. -..... ! -. - - - - '". _-�Vol.-1IABudEVIFlELl,C�an011'hat theld<lay.("agoal alplac •Strathehanci ,ec.dD'" from pap _I\���Springfield, Missouri, high scbool in �:1905. and from l>HlrY' COtttte··in j�.:While at the latter institution lie:Two -;�;e Phi -Gams are engaged.' 'participated in debates against Ark­thr�e �l"rit�i 'Jf !die' local chapter be- 'ansas University and Washington:came: benedicts last spring within ten 'l1nive!rsi't; 6�a w�s also �blss ora'. days,' and two more announced' en- 'tor. He was a membet of the Varsity:pgements', this' week ,The brrde- � championship team that defeated:grooms are' to be Frederick Rogers' �ieliig'n in 1910.I . Baird, 1906? law, 1908, and Victor J, Edward Jeiitiings is a graduate of:.. W.e�, 190>,... .. - i': Wayland Acadamy, Beaver Dam,1Baird's fiancee is Miss Ruth Milier Wis. While there he won the Newton:1 of :Cbicago, whom he will marry Fe}).' � Oratorical contest and represented.,fuary II, while' Wests bride-to·�e is ;Wayland Academy in .a debate with�: Miss Helen' Stevens of St. Paul, Mfuii: .Caroll Academy. At Chicago he was:The" date of: the West wedding "has ;a member of 'the Literature collegenot '. yet been' 'decided. : debating team and the SophomoreJust why the love-bug should' hit :debating 'team. He won the Juniorthe local chapter of Phi Gamma 'Extempore contest in 190').Delta so hard at this particular time i L, M. McDonald is a graduate ofis hard to explain, say the wise ones :the Hopkinton, Iowa, high school and'of the campus. The active chapter � the State Teachers college.. He was'c;alls .atten.tioD;· however, to the fact ;in (!ebat�s 'against the Sfate- Normalthat Cupid's activities are confined 'scho�l and the' State ·Agricuiu.iral cot.openly, at least, solely to the alumni. ilege. He '�lso ";011 first place in sev-,West will be remembered as co- ! eral school. medal contests. He is intautbor of two of the early Blackfriar ] his second ye�� in the Law depart-: :. comic operas, and last year's head of 'ment -at Cliicago.. :"Snell . H�use. His home is in Peoria,:b'�d;e is ·�t:pre��nt_teaching political SETTLEM�Blfr 'D�NCE��ie'n�e 'at Northwest:em University. : PAT.�qNESSES CHOSEN. Baird \vas ��Pt�in· �f the 1905 base-lnail team, president '. of the 1909 la'w ·..lC9a....r-trJa.·:,.._ � �)class, a University Marshal, and' a the �ds f9r .�le will be ;"o-n""'l-y-n""vc­member of the Senior honor society cents. 1.'� pbn .at present is to sehand Phi Delta Phi. His present home cofte ��d sa�dWiches, ice cream; cakt. ;. is Omaba, Neb .. , �here be is practie- and frapp�. Qmdy will probably be'. ing law. A younger brother" Roberti on sate at . s�n1e /0£: the' a member of the present Junior There 'will 'be an important meet";.class. 1 ,irig of tbe. '��" chairme'n this morn": :log: .t·' ]0:30: ·i�. Cobb 6A.' . • - -'�- ---- #-- _._-- ----...-��,.tbe� mow· the ·.tad_a tPaul _aa11, over (0111' 'miitioD 4ol1ara.. � ..- - ...1'1wc.-rlkno:ii. tlievrof Iput• rerth:.tlatc'ThewitlYou abow them that 'tbeir,coa&d_ce� n�t �lac� bY:�Onq f'" 'tiidl. StiOW them 'that the ·onl,. ';ad-iertralDC- iDecBUifa" '00. the camp_ THB nAILY 'MAROON is' ail excellent result proclucer.:.,WHAT ,IT MEANS·.. American FaCtorj RebUilt" .� a claa' of typewriters aueb u. ' ... -,- ,no ,othe.r conce� .does or CUI. rebailcl; as •• do. It is an identifyinc termUed to'dW:iiiiiiiib' oUr mac:liiDe.ifiom the Kl'CAt ma .. of typewritenwhich Are oflerecf UDder the DaDie:" Reltuilt."'It ·mean. �t if"jOu ');117 _ .. ��C&D Rebuilt Tjpewritah of 'aD�make.' 'yea "Win' Cd • '''AcTon rebuilt . maChine. 'rebWtt With newparts; not oDe -tiiai baa heeD 8imPt7 irepalted' and' &ted Un in ian' ordi-� .• llOp, 'bUt ODe equal' to.' Dew Ib inechaDical qualit)'. .We 'gUUaDiee �riCiY _duD •. _ � for one year, and &lao par­"';antee tlte .' title.1212lh;\',Amer.ic"" '/Kritihg ·M·acillne CO •Th� OrigUial � TypeWrit�. ��P Established more than m �eari· ', ........ __ ... -., +1='�'�19 D�irborn ·�i�t.··Qi�a;:·�'fr 7 ;Telephone HUriloD .ta6IIIcnthutranF01OuHu,MAROONS i�dFF TO'-'.. (b,��i'pap. I)roons.: have 'ye{�ad, With -th-e-r-es-u-Itin doubt.' . .,.: .�rd�� P;�oreci by Dope. • ; .. ,.On �aper, 'it m�t' be' aciiiUtted Pur- "�OO'D ,-/, tOo. " :.: '.due 1000ks ·lik. 'tk ,.;tinet. Four vet" '�eran'sl �ie' �ifi��ft:jm! ont?:M the' most ' .. ,: '''',. . -'...impo";�t essmtiafs of sucees� .ftalIWOQD .... �peri�n��:'\iii!,,��.gii���.·me·ii pl�Y- �OoDing on �., st�.�, �oo�. an� . not in per- '.� ;�. :' ;-.',fectconditi�D,<�ey_,!�I� �ave the ba� -"'l�110' �.�,,-,f��,�,�,_:T. :,:tie against', .Ii�vy. odds. But 'as the I a 'U, U .VA,;adva�tag;s", !r�o��� '. Ji�i�ois 'in list: � .• , , ._. # , .-" � ":� ..��'1�:;l��:h�·th�=t!'; ::;� - .: � D.;.....::iL:.. � �: - .·di�t ;iii api�";'prove 'untrla� in: the .�� .,,' .' COL L A 8. $;:light 0(. resul�:.. ", ... 2 ,. 0'" '25 C E··N'T'·.·..� YDdi&Da.' -,T •• T Alt.· I1rcnra ••• OX.'. Th�' "indfaiai- game' 'fotrows' tomor- '�.I""'.' ;e.J.�: .. eA:rL' ..2.'<=:·'9' ONrow ni�ht at:'B_i�mingt��."Noi·much - u� :':':... &,;0:.:, ...i:d,no.wp .. o(die . str�ngth . of'the team. UP7III iIi ri ois -defeated Indiana' in' the first� :iou:" decfsiv�l" 1)ut comparisons onthe strength Qf' first game scores arefar from concluSive. Captain Hips­kind of Indiana, and Coa'ch Racklehave. been. working overtime to. '�irengthen rille'tea'm; so t�\ it sh�ul(lpres'ent" a;' diftere"lu:' (r<>ot. The' Ma- .roons wilt:' not' be in the best of shapeafter the' "at-d' game with Purdue, andIndia�a h()pes,' �'n the strenlith of it,to win_.&rOOD" WIao - M.a' Trip.The, men who are making the tripfor Chicag��are:: Dr. Raycroft, Coach. �c-'h·�;mmer,. cai)t;ain �uer, 'Goldstein,Goettler, Paioe, BelIr. Mehl, R. Young,Fuikerson, 'and Frank. W. H. Diddle,and H. ·W. Reimann will" act as of-ficials.1125 &st 63r4 . Street I. . ......M_� :J. ·C. 'VEEDER bO.'·(Not. Iii�) .. '-.. PRINTER.,OF·EVERYTH,,,G. .;, '• ". I I', . '915 EaSt � 63Id . street,Near Dreze1 'Avenue.� ,, ,! Ia\'Your a Conese �With your eouee. JOYAnd :JOII Collece' Top.That'. wI9 :,.,.. �t ,au toto call and 11ft the Swett; Saitaand Overcoats we're ..uiD&.�hrDialiilap! You �·KD_··it;Were theft. with aU kinds of. them· , II'at·th,Btlinsh:scrIrW:Mefo.nit\'/ih:lt·heLi:\Korpn Park Students Here.A pany of stUdents' £Tom MorganPark 'a�ademy visited the campus• yesterday 'in . company ,fj'tb Mr. D.\Vard and' Pr(,ressor Sau�i'bering ofMorgan Park. Among other thingsthey enjoyed a two hour swim in thetank .. Most 'of their time was spentin Kent iabontory' ani\Valker Mu_ OBOCOLAD8.BOB-BONS .:. UNEQUALLED 'FOURTAIN'DRINKS.·AU·d, ...... - ...... c •• _in The Dail, IIU'GOIL '59 State St. '114 Kiehl .. ' Ave.179 La SaDe' Street. c'"f{'tl11IIseum. �-'ORDERS FILLED BY PHONBSHIPPED ANYWHERE