: . ..._ - ,I . I..... /, ? .....ercon, .. IL!,l\4]VEl{SlTY OF CHiCAGO, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18,1911'.WBlTfIELD Price FiT. entsdebate between Northwestern Uni- to "supe" for the purpose of gather- under the clock in Cobb to ensnareversity and Chicago, Friday night, in ing points on how to run' a Black; each and every mortal who chancedMandel. The name of the third judge friar show. to stray into the hall. As a resultyears. He is fast and accurate in pass- has not yet been announced. Chosen for Princely .. �ring. about' three-fourths of the studentsing and throwing, .and should develop While Chicago's affirmative team is The opera was set backsomewhere were late to eight-thirties, a slightlyinto likel ... .: material for the Varsity. . ) I h 1 B fJ meeting Northwestern at Chicago; in ,the sixteenth century. Noticing arger percentage t an usua. ' e ore}-) is election to the captaincy is con- h Abb' . .lb' 1 h d f . hid b hthe negative team will be debating t e ot s pnnce y earmg and t te s a e 0 'mg t c ose a out t esidered 'an admirable choice. hu ... k d'with the University of Michigan team graceful carriage the stage manager ent usrasnc wor ers an put a stopThe. victory over N othwestern came at Ann Arbor. Additional interest . selected him and another comely to their activities, over four hundred'after -only two weeks of practice. The attaches itself to this contest, as it youth to play the parts of courtiers tickes had been sold.team. wa� picked from a squad of 25 bas been announced that Governor . to the king. They were silent parts,men and ,w:ere put through a thorough Warren of Michigan will preside: of course -.. preliminary training by Coa�h' ,Pat The -Chicago tea�·,wil1. be �cc.o�pan..; Everything was all right until thePage. who. is directing' their' 4�#n- ied to ADn' Arbor by Coach McEli6yj . time for the big third act. During-ies. The next 'regul�r game witt: be Mr. H. P. Chandler, a member of th� one long scene. the king sat on hisplayed with Mor�an Park. Ja�uary faculty and former debater at Chica] throne upstage. On the right hand27 at Bartlett. The l1linois Freshmen go, will . have charge. of the' squad stood Courtier Whitfield. clad. in gay.Will play in Bartlett as a curtain which debates Northwestern her1i . parti-colored ,hose, scarlet doublet,raiser to the Illinois-Chicago game Arnold Baar will apt as timekeeper! '.OJnd feathered �hat of many tinctures,February 24. A return game will be Subjects are the' Same. . 'IOn the left stood -.Coutier Jones.played with them at Champaign, The subjec�s of bQth debates wil. The .!?cene was so long .that Court'!·.Mardl�fJ" ... s.';a· curtain-r.aiser-�to-the, be': Resolved; That......the� f�4.;al: g<?�� ier .Whitfield became restive. He feltIlIinois- Wisconsin game. 0 .t her ernment . should levy' a "graduat�J '. t�atthe:'. �y��' "Oi.'�th� . h�'';!!�'' ;"ere . o��mes are" being scheduled so that income tax constitutionally conceded, him' and that h�. ought to do some,'the Freshmen will have a hard . course The Chicago teams were selected'mor� :'thiilg. So, he shifted his weight frommapped out for them.. than a month ago . and have been .one foot to tpe other, lightly fingeredThe freshmen met the Sem,>rs yes- studying the subject for more; 'than ;'� I'i� sword iii.it. a;'d ��de �an� other.terday in a hard work out. The team month previous to the Arial se,l�ctio� .more or less gr�cef�l. movements. Hewill be: given extra work in basket of the men. ! "atinc'ted' 'as . much' attentio� �s an�''throwing and team work from now Dean James Parker HaJl, of the law: : ��e in' the c�mp��;. Tti� ki�g, 'be�:on. The men are getting together:: department, Will' p;�sid� . at" ·the d� hind .Coul1ier Whitfi.eldls back Ibtltwell, considering the handicap,.of lack l.ate ·Nith Northweste�:' A nominai R�n to scow. with jeal�usy !)r someof practice, and with a few more admittance fee wilt be charged and it other' fee.ing·.'bames, should be playi�g in :1=l1amp- is expected th�t the attendance will Hidden:"Prom View�ionship form. A good record for the b(.' larger. Northwestern �studehts us� At the dose of the scene ih� en�'season is looked for. 'tally' turn out to the' debate. with tir� �omp�ny n;shed -to the 'front orv�ty Worb for. Purdue. Chicago i'1 considerable numbers and the stage 'ense�bled and reached �' could not spend above ten cents onthe Chicago team hopes to be. eqpally, climax Witll'a 'mighty "Ah-h-!J:h-h-h." the old fashiontd product. As ·a re-The Maroons leave for Lafayette, ..w .. n supported. .- _' .��. .-' .. �, .\ 100 For a mom.e.n.. t t.he kirig a,nd his cour�' snit there will be ice cream cones,Friday' morning where they mec!t ...- - -Chicago's P�� B�pt. '.'� .: tiers were hidden from the audience. lemonade. frappe, cookies, and sand-rd d J . L' -. M' 'M D' 'ald'· \Vith a deft movement his majesty wiches. all of the most tempting va-&:.. war ennangs, .' , C on. ._., .d "p' 1 O'D -' _'. � 1.:' 'ftj" , �bd half way off hIS throne. Reach riety. They will be sold at tables pre-an au ea' com'pl'\Se ,:tu,e a r:"7 • . •. h '11""'" .,.'., 'Ch" r: mg out a royal toe, he brought It sided over by the ladies. of the Settle-maU\'e team t at WI Tepresent �., .' I b.. h db: h N . h' � Vlolently agamst the person of Court- ment league. The wherewithal wi I e('a�o. m tee ate WIt. �.. ort, .weste� � .it.T Whitfield." '. ., iurnished in the form of ten cent Te-here. M. I. Sehnebh, A. F. Meck,,; .le�erger and A. P.·'S�ott 'are"the 'rhem� '. Startled from' his dream and given freshment checks which, will be on.. the proper' 1'"'�tUS' our o' wn Abbot sate at three tables. There will also. :)e;s 'of the negauye ',�'ea,m :�hat: �;�i -.OY-'.precipitat�d' himself, off the' stage.The Maroons look for a hard battle (Ppose 'Michigan at Anc, ATbor. , At�of the men have had considerable ex.:; Hurriedly �ivesting. himself of theperience in debating. Prei>a�s -for. glam()urs of the sixteenth century, he\ " ... --'!'-::., ; agajn become modem, and· one lonethe- coming contests' bas :,been�orc:: courtier remained at the side of histhan ordinarily thorough.' ,;It-· ��' be.;, majesty.lined consequently,' tha� . Chi.ca�'�prospects in both ,cont�ts are brigh��Tonight the men 'Wi"1I meet Coach.McElroy for some 'fimaJ: in!'tTUc"on�and practice. Tomo� 'night them�n will conduct a pn��ice debate' inMandel. the affirmati�e' '�nd negative its next dinner January 25. The �peaktt'ams using pra�cally the same ar-"'l'me"t� that t"" ",�11 Tl1�h' "Cf' ,...f in (T i� not definitely decided uprn yet.hrt it is r.rohahl" thlt Hughey. a1 he dehates on the .follo\\'in� ni�ht.well-known constructing engineer.will gi\'('� the talk. At the next regularmt"eting a new vice_president will bechosen. as Joy Clark. who was chosenl��t year. is not in the University.·TRACK MEN DINE ATCOMMONS YESTERDAYyear.BARD SCBmULE FOR FRESHMEN DEBATERS ARE READYFOR· COim.sTS· FRIDAY FORNorthwestern Victory Gives Confi'dence-··Molander Elected CaptainLane Practice Game ThUlL CoaCib MGElro, GiVII IlDal InatruG-day. tiollS to Team, IItetiQ NortIa­"utem and MlGbIPD Frida,. ,Sad. Experiences of Abbot of Black­Irian on Grand· Opera Stage LeakOut-Incites JealOUSY and Ancer ofStar. .Entertained at Dinner With Old-TbDeStars - Former Athletes TeU .r'�,:. ':'Early VlGtor;s. ''_ . ... , their showingEncouraged . by Abbot Aleck Whitfield of the Black­friars will assist no more in GrandOpera productions. The Abbot him­self says so in forcible language to­tally foreign to his mild tones:The trouble arose over a littlepoint of dispute between Whitfieldand one of the impressarios concern­ing a matter of stage etiquette. Ithappened at the Auditorium the othernight when Whitfield had gone down.fIRST REGIllENt· ENTRIES OUT against the Northwestern team last JUDGES BAYE BEIN 'SELECI!Dweek, the Chicago Freshmen lookforward to a successful basketballseason. A practice game with Lane S. S: Gregory of Chi�o and Pro ..will be played Thursday night. fessor John M. Clapp WUl Serveat Chicago Friday.Large squad to Compete for Univer­sity in Open Meet SaturdayNight. Before the game last Saturday, theplayers elected Charles O. Molandercaptain. Molander plays right for­ward on the team. He was awarded'. The track squad �ook dinner lastnight at the cafe of the HutchinsonCommons. Some of the old "C" men,stars of former days, attended and,Oil the close of the meal made shorttalks to the men. The chances of�he team in the coming season'were.discussed, and it was rthe general'ruling that the prospects were unv-ually goocl.:- it �as felt that then am has a chance to make a cleansweep of the corning meets, both thedual contest and the indoor Confer­ence ·�t1lie' end of the' 'season.So�e Chicago songs were sung,and Mr. Stagg ,sai4 .a few, words. The;men were exbbrfed to train -and- toget . themselves�:fu(�:Gondition, .if--theywere: not r;e�a;:' f�;. "t�e meets. The'college season. wit. begin next weekwith : the .ftr�t' .c��te.st with' )1C?hh'­western. Reminiscences of old··· dayswere' 8tven;1,Y ;\he\ meii' who had' com- .peted. in ��r1ie� time's and the. tablesof Iormer victories were retold..-�� :!'""Kntn�' "fCjr "O�-.eet: �..,,_." t�,·, 'The entries \Ve;e announced yester_(iay for th�' First' .Itegiment ¥'eet;•, - , - � - • •'. - .IIwhich will be held in the Armory onSattu�ay .night. Between twenty-fiveand ,thirty'-Lrnen will represent the't:ili��r5itYl.,in lhe' contest ... Ttiis is � amuch: larger tea� than was sent irit�theL:lri�h-American club meet, and ist'x*�teci �\.�, ,ibriD� �il: .fair n�niber C?fpoi��� to. we· �a�C?on. At the sa.metini�" fea"r j�St: 'the' �en 'injure them-�c1�;�S upd';; :tb� furn� has prevet;tted... \ -the; entry:' of. more than two men in the.. ," . .races on the 'i��k. No attempt is' be-ing-\��de to win the meet, �s the risk�ee;ns: too IP.'eat.,':' �.:i, � ..... h �.:: " Many I in for' Practic�The inen \��:o �11 start ar�: Strautie,r'Ulic�n, 'f�i1>es;' ,Mat�ews,'. Wilson,Stahl�y, B���i��l.iPay�ol, .v�n, Kuer­nt'. Bedding" :Buckman:· Ford William,. .. ' .- .... '. '.Kuh; .:arid· Timblin; in the forty yarddash.;' ;Whiting, George Kuh, and Nor_gren '. in the fdl1y ··yard hurdles; ·Dun.;., .lal> �rid Crawley, in the mile TUn; Cox,Stephan, Menual, George Kuh, andWhiting:':' �n: 'the'· high . jump; Rogers�Coyle. Dickerson, and Murray in 'thepole-"ault; Menual in the shot-put.� \fany ��f' ,tb�se �ntered are Fresh­iten a.d have· done little running, andare sent in to. give them experience.Of the older men entered several�a\'e g�od chances of suc:ess. Thehurdles in this meet is a scratch(:veni. arid the high barriers are usedin place of the low. Menttal's workhas marked him as possessed of moreahility than last year, and he is ex­pected to show very well unless !Ioosiers. S. S. Gregory, a Chicago lawyer,and Mr. John M. Clapp, professor ofEnglish in Lake Forest University,his numerals last fall for Freshman have been selected as judges for thefootball, playing left half. Molandercomes from Lake View where heplayed on the baskr �bal1 team threePurdue in a cTUcial test. Pu���e is.···�·lOsidered among the' first 'contend­ers for the conference c�amp.onship.'The team is fast and . the players. 'work together like a mach�it�"Ail themen are experienced except Barr. 'for_,·ward who is said to be the find ofthe season.with the' odds favoring. Purdue •. On• the following night, Indiana will meetthe Maroons at Bloomington. TheChicago team'is not paying much' at-.tention to he latter game, not throughany lack of respect for Tndiana�s abili..;ty. but because Purdue. by the de-;feat over \Visconsin. looms up form-:idable and because that game is the�first of the series. T ndiana is held in:�igh esteem hy the local coaches wholeok for- a hard game with the ,COMMERCIAL CLUB'SNEXT DINNER NOT. UNTIL NEXT WEEKTl'e Cc·mmt':'cial cl. h will have�mothct'ed by handicaps.I n the dash. the chances of the mendepend almost entirely upon the waythey are treated by the handicapper.There \\ill be a number of good menin the event. and a number of heatswill be needed to TUn it off. In thelast few years, the speediest men inthe city have competed in this meet,,Lontin.aed un page �) :\t Princ(.'ton there is a delegationof professors and. graduate students.;,ho are planning to carryon excava­ti('ns in Asia Minor. '\ duh for the promotion of wire­It"!'s tc1egTaphy ha� been formed atHan-ardThe University of Calcutta. thePennsyh'ania has an enrollment of le>rgest �ducat;onal corporation in the52OC) which is the largest in its his- world. examined 10.000 in the past h('('1t ins'talled at T ndiana.0'10 quarter oi the �t";,tents atWa�hing'ton university are registeredin the Law school.tcry. oVER 400 TICKErs ARESOLD IN TAG DAY SALECaIDpaIp b _un at Eijbt - TbIrtyA.M. - Tap to Ie Wora atDanGe.PLlIIS fOR REFIESIlMErftS IlADESecret of . Stunts Leaks Out-NOTe!Ladder Climbling Stunt May beTried.Tag Day opened auspiciously at 8.30yesterday morning instead of .�0.30 ashad been previously announced withnearly forty ticket sellers lined upThe, tags are somewhat larger thanlast year's and bear the inscription:MEET·MEFACE TO FACE'AT THESETTLEMENT DANCEBartlett Gymnasium. January 21st.The tags are, to b� kept until thenight of the. dance. The wearer is to--fitflirsn-rnnne- '!in' the' blank space; leftin the middle of the tag, and' wearit as a means of identification onnext Saturdty night.Ban Put on Cider and Doug�uts.The refreshment committee has an;1. ·nounced that the ban 'Wfhich' was last,:tear placed on cider and doughnuts.1.as not been raised. There is_ a uni­versal . complaint that cider. and.doughn�ts are to filling and that- theaverage healthy individual can con-.!tume at least a dollar's worth of. ice-cream cones and frappe wheTe' he.be- a c('mmiUee of young ladies dele­gated to go among the crowd sell,ingchecks.Stunts to Be Unique.The stunts are being kept secret,but something of the proposed orderor event5 has leaked out. It, is re-.v.)rted that each person arriving at·the gym will be gi\'.en a printed cardof instructions. which will tell him"ow to properly hehave himself. It isalso reported that among the stunts·,.·iIl be a ladJer climbing session for"bich tb� big ladders at the southI;nd of thc gym floor will be caneelinto play, Se\'eral novel dances arebdng prcpar(.'d.The chairmt"n of committees winmeet (.'\·.,'fV morJling this week at10:30 in C(·);}' 1:\ to eliscuss arrange­ments.8ixty.fin' men at Columbia are con­t<'nd;n� for Itlace� in the play that isb be given this year.:\ chaptt'r. of Phi Beta Kappa "has 'fv 'Tint I)A1LY MAROON. WEDNESDAY, IANUAR.Y la� 19tt.TIlE DAILY IlAltOOIl amazing capacity for amassing honor Blackfrian-. DanciDc Class, underp�ints�. ,,,:h.�� .. �o�����t��.��!dI;�� ta�ks direction of Miss M�. ��od Hin­that require original thiJik ... g, ·.exec�. man, Reynolds club, 7;� p.,m. sharp .tive .ability. and initiative, ·find� them- :, "Historical Club. �itli P;ofe�soi Mc':, '. "" ,.,' ,., 'selves at a loss. Is it not a 'act thal' Laughlin, s6o!> Woodlawn avenue,good grades=-tbe symbol of �ol1egia�_�� 7:30 p. m.· "The Meeting of the Am­success iri the purest sense-signifY 'erican Historical Association at Ind­little than more receptive ability, the ianapolis,"capacity for giving back just what Romance Club, Romance library,has been received=no more. no less? Cobb hall 8 p. m. '"VerbaLSbort::-In consideration of this question -Forms in Spanish." Professor Pietsch.we must also ponder' on' the fact that " . .intellectual effort .is given very little PRESIDENT JUDSON, OFF.place in our systems. The enc:i-gy of FOR NEW YORK MONDAYthe student is dissipated among sixor seven student activities, a small Mrs. JudsOn Accompanies President-r esidnurn going to the studies. We Go From New York to Floridamust also remember that the average .-Return, N�xt Month. .student entering college gets 'no per-sonal encouragement or stimulus. He Mr. and Mrs� Judson leave Mondayregards members of the faculty as for New York. - where the Presidentpersons with nefari'ous designs 0!l his will attend the annual meeting of thewelfare. And very frequently tho General Education Board. While inmembers of the fac!!lty do least of all New York, the President and his wifeto disillusion him. In other words will be the guests of honor at a ban­the professor does not co-operate. He quet given by the Eastern Alumnionly commands. And in this connec- association, January 25. The arrange­tion we can say that The Daily Ma- ments of the affair, which will be heldrooi has always maintained that until at the Hotel St. Dennis, is in theour present system of deans is abol- hands of Miller J. Davies. Severalrshed, there will be no remedy for a prominent men besides Dr. Judsoncondition of affairs that allows in, will speak. From New York the Pres.structor and student to work almost ident and his wife will take a trip toat cross-purposes. and finally to no Florida, returning here the last ofpurpose whatever.. 'February. ......... ' ,.f .. �."..,' • .1The OfIlclal - Student PubUcat1_9a .. ,....• : ', ;. UDlvenJl7 01 CbJaIp. .':'.�� .. .. �FOI'IMI'b' .The Unlyrrslt, of Cblcqo Weekb'FOUDdec1 •_\__ ,_.:_ .. ��"E_ NO. 2.750 E. 63AD STREETTEL. NORMAL 691'5Hatt�r ud 'FurnisherA complete line ,ofMEN'S WINTER WEARAT POPUlAR PRICES· -OPEN EVENINGSWe respectfully snl�cit, you.r P&tr08�g�,- Tbe'-WHkll'1 .••••••••••••••• 0ct0ber 1. 1nt. '.. :rbe DaU7 ••••••••• � •••••••• October 1. 1101'1... 'Publlahed Dally. flltoept 8.-.,.. IIOD:'I....,S -and holidays dmiDc � of theUuiyerslty ,ear.t:nterW u Second-claM ma11 at � ChI·ca�� l·o.tolDce. Ch1caco. Illiiaola, Kuda 1S.11103. lilldt'r Act of Karch I. 1811.TB. aT .......1(. A. 1·.·IE. ..... ·Elt •__ • • • � EditorIll:..!•. DALY • • • • • • • N ... EditorW. F. CARL'ENTER • • • • At.hlet1c EclltcJrUE� F; NEWllA'S • •• BWDeaa KanaprNoble SoperA880CU.TI: KDITOBa'V. J. Foute H. L. Kmnicott.,AILOR175 Dearborn ,Street. Comer M .... oec, Y. Taylor )I. W. BeeNC. W. llo�bland D. L. Breed.a..PORT",J. It. Beebe lL D. SteftnB. F. Dunhama, L. Bam.I'. KearnqJ. B. Perl ..L. StolsW. WellmanHurry (;ower. _l\lax EnelowS. Kaplan�\ i. LymanS. L. SayreB. W. \"Inlssky Tel.phon. Central ILt44Second Floor.PRESIDENT TO HONOR TEAMDAILY BULLETINSeniors must have their pictures President and Mrs. Judson Invitetaken by February I. Baseball Men to Dinner.'Executive Committee of the Senior-class will meet tomorrow at 10:30 a. On Friday night President and Mrs.m., in Cobb 3A. Judson are going to give a dinner forThe Program clearing house at the members of the baseball team and10:30 a. m. tomorrow on the second the Japanese consul, Mr. Yamasaki.ficor of the Reynolds club. at their home. Several members of theReligious Educational Club will faculty will be present and the Un i;meet tomorrow at 8 P. m. in Hask- versity aides haTe been' invited.ell. Miss Alice Temple.WOllEN'S DIIlPABTIIDT.Marjorie am, Editor.Ruth Retlcker Assoclato Editor,REPORTERS -DO YOU 'EAT?If so, why - not at' theUNIVERsrty, COMMONS'The best in the city for the price.All things in season.:;-: ...:....ll. C'n "'1.»(>11Florence Catlin Alma LlcbQSUDSCRIPTION RATES:Dy Carrier, $2.50 per year; tJ.OO per quartar.eity mail. $1.25 per quarter •• S.OO per reu' Inad...uee.FATIMATURKISH,',@ - BLl!,ND ' '®, CIGARETTES'Senior Class meeting on Friday at10:30 a. m. in Cobb 6A_Maraba11a and Aides will have theirpictures taken Friday at 10:30 a., m.at Haskell for the Cap and Gown.,Sophomore Dance. Reynolds club;Friday afternoon, 4 to 6.Debate on Friday at 8:15' p. m. inMandel hall between Northwesternand Chicago. Admission 25 cents.Settlement Dance on Saturday. .BJac1driars have their pictures taken:.n Root's studio at 2 p. � sharp. SUD-:day ..Annual Membership Dbmer of thc''t'. W. C. 1... on January 23 at 6 p. m. ''n Lexington hall. Tickets 35 cents.Short Story Club read Freeman's"Revolt of Mother," Kipling's -n�Man Who Was.� and Garland's, "UJ)the Colly," which are on reserve .inthe English library. .The Repolda Club bafo-;m:.. of J'-"-;nary Z'/ has chaDaed to • Hard TimeSparty. 'A list of priRa will ,be aa­DOUJlced, in the UU'OOII later;News contributions DUlJ be left at BlUaUall or FacultJ" ExcbaDce. ad� toTh� Vally lIaroon.TAKE. ANYOtrr.DOOR ,SPORTDou't you feel there wouldbe gzoeater. enjoyment inthe game If you could aee-Uy azul more clearly� uow? Perhaps yourvi.lou couldu't h. Im­proved.. There'. .atiafac­Bou in bowing that. Per­hap. tiDied leu_ are tobe worn ODly during out­door liE. to protect- youreye. azul �t tho_.. ]a_d.ch ....B WAnt' & co.OPTICIANS99-101 Randolph Street.TOIl will _.,.. � eaeIaft.'ow 5 CII' �18dII�...... SIIUR-OR .,....1. we at·.... �"---ratlllD.We note that the Cornell editorial�-:columns are much perturbed over thefact that intellectualIntellectual languor is one of theLanguor unpleasant characteris­tics of its student body., .\Ve hasten to assure the Sun that th�tcharacteristic is not peculiar to Cor.nell. Sorrowfully we admit that it ispathetically and painfully evident onthe Midway as well as on Cayuga'swaters and, as far as we have been_ able to learn, on every other colegecampus. And for our part, We have'- determined to accept it with muteresignation, -.1lLAW. ..���� Judge Fatimas on merit':��: � theY'll acquit �i �;:�ilege man"s V�� - "./dict is: i cc Distinclioely in­:;" Jividutil. u Ther�fore::;':; Fatimas are the favorite ofstud�b.If you: will �. Fatimayou _,wiH"--&mtinue to Luydis ' I.nexpensivelypacIFed and you F.t ten ad­ditional. ' 20 for 15 cents.IiIIrIiL,....l11t All obsen'ers of student tendenciesin American colleges and universiriesagree that mental inertia is the spec­tor that stalks before modern edu­cators. Argument arises only whenthe attempt is made to discern thecauses for the situation.There seems to be only two funda­mental reasons why young men andwomen should spend four years inthe most sclect environment possibleand comc out practically untouchedby the myriad influences for good­comc out as thoughtless. frivolous<lnd unintellectual as if they had neverentered. Either this situation is be­cause of tIle nath'c inferiority of the University Public LectuTe IlL "An�:I'(I('nt .. them"eh'cs or hecause of the Analysis of Some Fundamentals off;llllt" oi the �y�tem. And most likely Hinduisms." Dr. Robert A Hume.it is the later. alhought the first' de- Haskell Assembly room, 4 p. m.men is a factor worth consideration. University Public Lecture. "Com'It is only logical to assume that mercial Development of the Argen­t�cre is something entirely wrong tine Repuhlic." Mr. Sherrill, Ministerwith a �ystcm of education in which to Argentine, Cobb lecture room, 4thosc who are merely Successful in p m.thcir pure],.' acad' ...oJ emlc actiVities are Open Lecture, "Copyright Law.""ery often failures in the practical Mr. Reed, of the Chicago Baw:. Northwork of life. For it is a fact that Lecture room, Law building, 4:30 p.many of our students who have an m ANNOUNCEMENTS -Chapel Assembly, Divintiy school,Haskell Assembly room, 10:30 a. m.Dr. Hume.Young Women's Christian Leape,L.e"ington hall, 10 a. m. ·'Tbe Abund ..ant Life." Miss Burton.Pro&raDl Committee of Settlementdance will meet at 10:30 a. m. inCohb SB. THE AIIERICAlf TOBACOO 00.::�.';-.."':�ir"":a&BostonGarterfa stamredon theelasp. MEDICAL SERVICEreI. H. P.4345 Res. Tel OakGEO W. I. BROWN. M� D.Practicc limited to diseases of theEYE, NOSE and THROATHours: 9 to 12 a. m'l 2 to & {). m. E"Dlap a ••Sanday D1. SppotlltlllCDt.Office, Suite 14. lZ1O'East 6Bd Street. M. W.Cor. Kllllbark Aft., Clalcap.Tel. 4J�5_ H. ·P. Res. Tcl. 8294 H. PDR. EMORY M. LOTTS.DEXTISTJffice N. W. Cor: 6Jd St. &Kimbark Ave. Suite 14. Chicag�I,"IBe a loyal studeDt aDd I"blen" for The Dan,. lIarooa.. �.�­I" •:T�_Ad •. Is ,Good:'�'\:"Ior SI.OOCUT 'tHIS OUT.; �,Calf 'u/s . up �rid we ·Will!send ,one . of . our" expertPi�ho: Tuners, who. will ac­c�t /this . �o1ipon -as- $1:00discount. 'DIe regular priceis �2.5c. . .'.' .This is a bona fide offer.This Ad. must be. presented, •if you desire the reductionLouis: Lowenthal"Pianos that. please.712 West Madison S� '.,. Telephone Monroe 2517� "WE ALSO RENT PIANOS:-,1!'��-'" .is �own 't���o� ·or ... allghout the world .,'. as a. Sports andGuarantee .. of· � Pastimes.QWwtj ...IF YOU are interested in athletic sport, you should have acopy of. the Spalding Catalougue,·'s a' _coriIplete encyclopedia ofwhat's new in aports, and is RIltflee on request.L'�G:� 'SP ALDfifG " BJtOa:147;-:yi.bU1i Aft.;. Cbic:Iaao.�-. • ....... .-.� r • - � • ,.. 4!!!' J.ITtLE nt'co_.• �. l'. ,.' :;.-�\.?��. ��,�.. �� '.. a' CnIb �G .....nti'i1..Act TO'BUY YOVR.ClFB·A·.'McADAMSTHE .Student's Dorist�3rd St. and Kimbark ATe.Phone H. P. 11Chiqleo Kent College of LAWhe a la,..,.M'. Good lawy� a� In �nwtantdt'mand. '. Hhthest paid pmf�810n. F."f'lrinl'eoUrRS.. Dt'$tTff L.L.R. In th� ),nr'S. 1..&",'est aM �t e.9,.ulpped �h.J{ lAW Schonlill til,. .... orld. � � ftnd positions In la.... of·kn tOr 'hundrM" of tltuMnta Yf'ft1'11. 110. they may n.m npetl8H .... blle .... orldnc fora d�. Ra� clla� for ambitious 70UIIC1DftL &ond for � Cat.l� •. AddrnaCHICAGO KDtT COLLEGE OF' LAW.I00t 140 DMrborn Shftt.Lechn .00." 2S a. Va. Barn St.. Ch1caco THE DAILY ¥Aa�H;W�Dl'f��DI1Y.::lA�·tt.ARV,,�.jpJ9.�!f.{ ;t��i;}�� :;:;..�- .'• . ,- . • . •. .•. •• . ••• "=- •.•• � .... --_ ......-NEIGHJK)RHOOD::.:cCUBS-'. -,ARRANGE FOR DANCE\- .-. _..:-""t"-.�� �,.�\OD.,��-fOr"Oif�Cam .... , WOIDeIl Cominc: to .settleml.t Dance. . -'-" -" _. 'of" �"DlWOOD -·FlBWOOD,:. ".:BA.88WOOD . -'GBAYWoOD'-'FEJU(WOOD ."'rEAXWOOD. ..�:JllAPI&WOOD. . ETC. .:;,-'YOU WIL.L.·FI-NDWHATYOU ARE"HUNTING FOR,• 'II: .�.,. •• ••� •• oCOL .·L· A R S2 FOR 2.5 CENTSTHEY ARlIN GIlEEN BOXESMade by EARL & WILSONF_a.for� �llanEstablished 1877L H. Prentiee CO.for/' ;�::�}, -� ��'�� ���.�. OKe�"Year, ".. .. - ��": "GDltIntee;£ertili�te: .. ,. 'Diamond Point·'"Fountain ·�pen.·Every pen' made· by us is paranteed .to give 'absolute' satisfactory servicein' every particular.. In event of any diaatiafaCtionwithin one ye.r from date of purchUethis �ertificate entitles; yoU'to returnthis pen to us with your DaIIle, ad­dress and description of the trouble,and we will either give you • newpen or adjust yours so as to cive ab­solute satisfaction.·DIAMOND. POINT PEN CO.Signed •.. ' � .•.... , .•.. DealerDate sold 191 ••Geo .. F. Ivins, Mgr •Save this certificate-it is your pensatisfaction insurance.Plans for, the-social calendar of theNeighborhood clubs themselves in­clude parties for each ofthe clubs, atwhich it is planned to install the newofficers, and a reception to be givenby al. four clubs to the members ofthe faculty. This reception will beheld some time in the last of Feb­ruary and may be a Washington or-colonial masquerade party. AIl rnem­. . be_�s of. the faculty witI be invited and,'besides these guests each member of.rhe clubs wilf be given several in;'yi�tions to dispose of as she pleases.;It· -is probable that the arrangementswill be' made to hold the reception in. t'lie Reynolds club. A meeting of, theo��ers of the club next or-'o/.ednesday• ,.,,J. ':�.: .• ;.,,:. wlldTci<il'on d�ls or-t{l�Jecep�ion____.....�'; ..;: ........ _.. ..;;_: ..._;_� �__. -.i.:-i,· and '�dhe pam��' ii�ld by� tb� !indirid�A;,Jti SP.A1;'l)ING a: BROS. ::: 'J� •. '�r��;, .. ,�','" .: .:_��;;\' . � i: .. ,:. Plans for the . social events of the!-.:eigh��h�d �iubs this quarter wereoutlined yesterday at the meeting ofthe old officers with those newly'elected, Definite arrangements weremade for those Neighborhood worn;en who wish. to attend the Settiementdance. The' members of each clubwill meet at some central point andgo to the dance together, The samemethod will be used to see that al1off-campus women get home safelyafter the dance.The Southwest club will meet- withMargaret Campbell, 6101 .Greenwoodavenue; the Southeast dUD with Rag, -�------------------na Eskil, 6054 Monroe avenue- theNortheast club with Frances Herick,. 5535 Washington.:., avenue; and the:Korthwest dub with·EHen MacNeish,5639 Drexel avenue. Each club willleave for the dance at, 7:30 promptly,so that it will be. necessary for allthose wish to to be on hand beforethat time. Eneineers andContractors '.Steam andHot Water• I.!. .,_ �- -BlictdtfuR- DANCING ._�_ �> .. �iA�:·��'T��T.��GH�Misa'H� TakesC�e.·�f�di�, •• ' .. ' < •_. '. I. .' daW for: Cut:.and. Chorus: �o_ ;tUcht in Reynolds' CJub •.. _". The tlht regular .meeting of· th,'Blickfri�rs 'da�cing' class unde� . thtfdirectio�' of 'Miss: Macy' Wood Hin�man wiil be held tonight at-i:30 sharp:i� the. �heater. ot the R�ynolds' club!: Th�' �lass will begi�' promptly on tim�. .. .- ,-.. .'and wm,last on I, an hour..' "'. The Friars ha\r� made sevef.al· ap.;.��.:.f�r. a, l�: attendarice �:t theClaSses.. Atibot W�itfield . h�s an­nounced that'all who'ex�ct ··to be in�·Cap.turing Calypso·" ne�t spring will. � .' .practically be obliged . to' attend ... �' wii1: b� ,troe �fjhe' '�honis, butespecially of tbe. cast." he said yester_day. .. All who are', entertaining any .ideas of going out for a part &houl�not miss this opportunity."The dancers will be required towear tennis shoes tonight. This rulewas supposed to be in effect last. .week, but was not enforced. Tonigh�it witt be strictly obsernd. Any mennot provided with tennis shoes willnot be allowed to go on the floor,Gym credit will he gh'en for today's· ... ork to all men coming to dance to·night. This role wi11 he in force atall subsequent meetings, with the ex­('eption that a man who is twice ah.sent from Miss Hinman'� class fot:­feits his right to use the gym credit.in tbe future. - HeatingHot BlastHeating andMechanical Ve'ntUatingVentilationPower Plants and Power Pipin&24-26 SHE�M�N;' STREETN ear Board of TradeCHICAGO,,�-. ._ � ..�'Ihe�"'�"\;, W'm�., m..: eu)1IIDdy Heatias·� Stmaa. � Hot Waterdw HeaIa... French Nfethod·Hand LaundryI 1 4 6 . E� 63rd- StTeet.' iPhone H. P. 6 i I l-Our 18 years of experience in·the laundry trade is· 'the benefitgiven to our customers.IOur agent, P. A •. Soocbman:. will ;call and. deliver your laundry free i 'of charge. �Mendin& and damin& Free.', . .Shidents Think of ifSalts ..... lSc:. PiDts lk 1.&4_ c-.......... "....$L5I, .... tet aM 1Ic.� .. �.� �'. ". 'w Gwuaat I. •J" co.e t17 .., �L COHN 1(11.1_f.'lst, War JW"The Drexel T.JI ..aEANERS..d DYERSto3 E. I'IFTY -I'IFTII'STR£&TN_OraeI·Aw-. _. '...n."... ('c.. ., u4lft ........ ..,...IGaI,'.' uti ,,�ss; .. " .04Hal. "Ie ...c.lfe4 ,., •• tI f)fii •• ,e4.. T_J� N,I_ � airPRACTICAL LADIES'TAILOIS. L SADLE" Pnp.hU III. Wiater Suits .�.e to ....$35 III. up. .Flnt diu work ,unat_:CLt:Almf6 AND .t:PAlRiftC .PbOle llij 1/ �i 95;leZY l. � STlm, lIAr ILUS AVI!fftJI.Subscribe for The Daily" Maroon. ·THE ABOVE CERTIFICATEGOES WITH EACH PEN'SOLDBY US. IT SHOWS THE CONFI-DENCE WE HAVE ,IN OURPENS.TWO DOLLARS UPDIAMOND POINT PEN CO •New York.Largest Mnfs .. in the United States: .A' . Small Number LeU,- . .They Are Free.. , '-. - .� -. -11 '�ave you noticed the beautiful poster ill colors barigiug in'the O�"of THE DAILY MAROON? It � th work of Coles··pbjIJip. 'one of-:America's greatest painteR of beaut ful women. .: This partitularposter �. one of, his best· atudi� It will brlghteD up an7 room., 1r : ASk Mr� B. F. Newman, the Busir ess M.nager· of : your coUece�n� for' a card which will entitle ;YOll to one of these posters AB­SOLUTELY FREE OF COST •.John Verhoeff ··cs· Co.---TAILORS---Clark and Kadi80a StreetStiaua BIde., third Boor.·WHAT IT'-':M£ANS�'f American Factory . RebuDt" meana a dna of typewriters, nch _no other'..concem. does. or can rebuild' a� we do. It. ia aD identifyinc tenDused tf) distinguish·. our machinu frem. the creat mas. of tJpeWritenwhich are offered under the Dame �'RebuilL"It. means that .if you buy an "American Rebuilt Typewriter" of anymake. y u will get a FACTORY rebuilt machine. rebuilt with' new� .. P8!1.; not one that has been simply reJ:aired and' fixed un in an ordi­�. .nary ,shop, but one equal to new in inec�nical quality., .1 \�'e g\. .. a!antee every machine we sell for one year, and also euu.antee tl1e title. '.- .. ,' ._,_ \. -:�,�; :.' .� ". American . WrItIng MaC/line Co.The Original Typewriter Exchange Estahii:-,hC'd more than 20 yean•• _ '.U17 ... "." .......... ""(_CT.. teow�b3'9 Dearborn Stre�t. Chicago Telephone Harrison 406sPATRONIZE KAROOII ADVERTISER&.•�,... � :1-, . -. � ;.'. '_ I�----I�-' 'N�ISCra.. ProbmaD PraaataTIle FaDtutical lI .. cal Com"'"THE ARC A D I ·A"Ii�.BLA.C�TONBH ... i.ar. Place, betwcell Nida. ...Wabash Ay. __Wm. H. C� illa.o. Me'. New C-.17... U. i.' JliDi.ter BMJ.e. ..A.UDITOBlUltlBeginning Tuesday, JaD. 24tNEW YORK .!lIPPODROMELYRICLew Pie1dsPresentiDCThe Coloaaal Musical COmeQTHE JOLLY BACHELORSPOWERSHeIlI7 B. Hanta PnMDtaTHE COUNTRY BOYGARRICKHeDr7 Savale,PresentsTHE PRI�CE OF PILSENNew ProductioDMeVICKERSFrederick Tb:O�PIlOD'.ProductioD'POLLY OF THE CIRCUSO���-�Gertrude EUiotTHE DAWN OF TOMORROWiII!1f STUDEBA.�",Beginning Sunday, Jan. a.'HENRIETT AGROSSMAN illANTI-MATRIMONY .OLY�PICCOHAII a B ••••p�GKO.II..CO�Ricla Quick W ..........CORTComedy TeD 8mbHenry W. s&vaa.O ...Hent)' Kolker ill'"THE GREAT MAlIK"pR.NC�SSMr. Albert C�er illDADDY DUFORD'0.. BalCGll7--llo ...........LA SALLE-THE­Sweetest Ciirlln Pails-TIle .. CoIIIic. o,.a ... tileat;.... . ."WHITNEY IlL" 1_'. PII_ WIi �RAC£' IIBH� DDtE AT- - .. -,.-. 'r-'"- .>'.'_;' •. :_>. -':';C" 0.1 ;;:. • . COMitOKS YESTERDAYDefeat Kappa.Si&ma aDd Sicma. Nu':.in � CoDteata-Phi KliPP- .c ea. .... from .page I)Si� �f�ts. Sipla Chi-GOod and, .the dis&; :'ave alten reqwndo..e.. .-:' c:-xtra heats to pick .the winner be':'cause ot the ties in the final race.Other CoUecea CompetiDc.Other co�lqe teams will' be in themeet if ��e' reports' of the papers arecorrect, Noz:t�western will undoubt­eelty. hay�"men in the games, and itis eve� thought· that 'the North ShoreUniversjty may enter a fllll team inthe hope �f. taking the banner. Wis,(,'on'sin ��d Iflinois are other possibleentrants, and Mi�higan may have arepresentative. Some of the minorcolleges such as Lake forest, maysend teams.There -will be special races for thehigh Sdlool .students and for pre­_�aratory schools. There will be sever;Delta Tau Delta and Phi Ga�maDelta- were ilie· winDers. in yesterdAy'spreliminary contests in the Inter�fra-· t.emity bowline league tournam�nt,defe�til1g Kappa Sigma and SilJDaN u. Leuhring also rolled threegames, fini&hing Phi Kappa Sigma'sgame. with Sigma C�i, when the �alscore was completed, Phi Kappa Sig­ma had two "f the three games.Delta Tau Delta took three gameseasily from Kappa Sigma, by score C?f690 to 5� 771 to 635; and 81 I to 623·Lockerby's IBg was high score. Thedetailed score.Delta Tau Dfolta.Stanley 115\yillet 138Lockerby 1 •• �. ..143Peteher· ....•••..... 161Ts imble 13J 159 al relays, including a four man mile162 relay open to all teams, but it is not1,58 intended to send in a Chicago team.156 The down-town athletic clubs will116 have their own men in large numbers.171 811 .FRESHMEN DEFEAT THESgMIORS IN FAST GAME6goKappa Sigma.Bowlby 14J· Crawley il6Pape , Iog�rathews i25 .Smith ............•• �. 98 166. Yearlings Romp Over Opponents in114 Intra·Class BaaketbaD Game 21-7�Now Lead Tournament.III124128138 131lItThe .Freshmen jumped into the firstplace .in the intra-University series: by d�feating the Seniors yesterdayby the score of 21 to 7. The Seniorswere unable to hit the basket, while'the first year men scored at will. Thei Freshmen �a�ds outplayed their op-ponents and enabled their forwardsHarrisonEmbleton 134101593 635�hi Gam.�efeats Sigma Nu.Phi . �mnia Delta took two gamesout of three from Sigma N u lastnight. The first game was WOn by a 'to score.comfortable margin, the score being: - Frank and Whiffen were the scor;670 to 649. Sigma Nu took the second,695 to 639- The third game proved the . ing forwards of the game, while Flet-exciting one. The lead hung in the che�. secured two baskets from guardb I hif . b . h -posmon,a ance, s I tmg etween t e two·1· h . h h f h Summary·teams, untr In t e erg t rame t e •, Seniors. FreshmenPhi . Gamma team pulled away. from - .. the .Sig aggre��tion and won, 680 to DeGraw (Capt.) ••• R. F Frank618. Baldwin ' .. ' ,L. F WhiffenBaird's rolling towards the last. �f W othing c. Pape·the 'game was the deciding factor, The S�the�land ':, �R. G. . HoffmanLong .. 0 ••••••• .: : L G Fletcher122 Field goal�DeGraw, .Balwin 2,no FranJc 4, Wh;fl�, 3, Pape, Fletcher 2.Free throw�D.��raw,. Pape. Referee,12'7 Kuhns;. T�.er, �ulkerson; Scorer,1,36185 �ett. ..StaneJing bf t�ms:680 Freshmen 2III Seniors ...•..... 3133 Law 1151 Sophomores 1128 Medics ......•..•.• 0-. d�tailed score:R. LOng ..•..... -... 139. Kennedy .. 1 •• ' ••••••• 120 101Krost •.........••.. 1'22rark�r •. � .• _ ••.•..•. 145 .Baird' 144 120141137o670Leith ...........••.. 178Watkins ....•.••.... 142I6S136 2l1race ....•. : •.. 0 •••••Neighbour 113Heiss , 114Watkins , 119)Ieiss •... _ .•......•.. NEW ALUM� CLUB TOBE FORIlED IN CINCINNATIFred Car:r ex 'og. Heading Organi.zatioD-NUmber .of New Clubsto Be' Formed.649 695 618. Phi Kappa Sigma Beata Sigma Chi.Phi .Kappa . Sigma too� two easygames from Sigma Chi, and droppedthe third. The Sigma Chi team andfour men for Phi Kappa Sig rolledMonday, Luehring rolled three gamesyesterday to complete the .Phi Kap_p'sgame. Detailed score:Pbi Kappa Sigma. A new' alumni club is going to beformed in Ciacinaati in the near fu­tttl'e� 'The new dub will hold its firstmeeting sometime about the middle(If next month. Fred. Carr, ex '(1), isorganizing tbe dub. Carr is now ontlte staff' of tbe Cincinnati Inquirer.A number of other new alumnich:l)� ar�' now being. formed at differ­(�nt pl�ces and these will hold theirfirst. me�tings about the first of Feb-Jo1eming .. 1 •••••••••• 135Hemda ............•. 112Claypool •.•••••••••• 144ISO'McLemen •.....•... 149Hem4a ............•• 124Henry W. Savq. OllenTHE LITTLE DAIIODL"A play to see aaain __ ct.4 wida McLemen ....•.....brilliancy and distiDctioa." .Bamia... Luehring .. , .•....•• 134COLONIALVictor MooreInThe New Musical P_'·THE HAPPIEST NIGHT OF HISLIFE,b 103 ruary.Harry Hans�n, - secretary of theChicago alumni association, said yes­terday, when asked about the newclubs: "Several new alumni clubs aregoing to be organized in Februarybut we clout like: to say to much9Sabout them until they have become102134681 6706i1Sipia Chi.'Knudson •.......•... 12.JRobinson •.•••••.••••�:ppstein ..... 1 ••••••• 161Elmstrom ....•..••.•Hoffman 75Robinson •........•••Eppsteib •• � .o. •••••••Elmstrom ••••• n ..... _�oa.SCruby .••••••••••• �1'c59.6.10 114 .. ',J)effer Delivery -SetVic-e .Our aim is to live 'eue .ublcri�ra the beat. delivery., the� hav� �y�,:""received.·.However •. we cannot do t� unlaa. you ad ... us w�·.THE DAILY MAROON is Dot deUvered to )'O� DoD't .':'.'��:�:.whether the paPe� make. it .�ppear.m·;e tomorr�� ."'�ore, you makeyour comp�t. DO IT NOW.THE DAILY MAROON·. is RPI'OJeCi to be delivercct to you ev�• 1. ' . , .. ;. '. \' . \ ..mornml before breakful ��enevet . .&me is pubu8hed. :Tb&t' •. "':we pay our earriera to do. Tell u. whenever they do. DOt..MALT MARROW�'t'he Tonic i:hat Strengthens " ·. Malt Marrow is a ��·eat· brain builder_. it is . recommended by physicians... . Ail. Druggists sell it.Produced by ·the manufacturers ofU'ALMA ,MATER"McAvoy Malt .Marrow Department,.2340 ... g .South Park Ave." ·��J�h.oq� J��lumet t 064..C.··LAD��" 1.--,. -"-..... -)�-.. �-... -'wr.a '--"'--��' r , - •••••; '. �:'-'. '-.' :- .,'........ i1.000.666·500·sao.� Rates-�ee linea for 25 centL '"�� wonk to the liDe.Fiye iDaertiona for the price of f�:,No advertiaement taken f�r" l�thaa 25 ceDta.CUb: III1Iat accompany orc1cr.. '.0To ReDt� furnished outside r.;o.u;suitable .for 2 people i batIi. hot-aiad. ctll4 watu; use of piano. Mn. �cock. S496 E!llis ave. :4th �t. .'It1I4�Lct as place �ou ia .. the. aDd of a fanaisbed· room ,.oG areloOma fOr. We haYe PaY' kdd! ;aDd price. It COlts you Dothiq�for.·'the mOlt miD�te. cletaill tIIat �hay� oa all room.. made from 'Per-.sonal inSpectiOIL We c:an'teU,oaeYeiYthina .you wisb to bbWaboe: roo .. listed with us. Wood-!lawa Busi�eu he., 944 E. 631'dSt.. Cor. ;ElU .. H�de Park 71-C. H. SHERRILL, MINISTERTO ARGENTINE TO SPEAK. I...Mr. C. H. Sherrill, United State�Minister to the Argentine Revubl!,?will lecture this' afternoon on "TheCommercial Development of the Ar­g(·ntine Republic.'" Mr. Sherrill is agraduate of the class of 1M) of Yale.While at Yale he was a famoussprinter, winning seven out of theeight C('ntests in which he competed.He ran in - the 100 and 220 yearddashes, and' introduced the "Crouch�tat"t" in track athletics. \\Thile, at146 perman�t organizations. because the Yale he was a ·dassmate of Professordifficul�s tlNlt come up in organi- Ferdinand Schwi11.zing a new cluf; are not realized until After leaving Yale he practiced lawt61 a club is started. Personal vi.sits_ are in' New York for eighteen yearsrequired. and � often the organizers. ", .of lack of �nd entend the diplomatic service asgive up the work because_163. minister to Argentine two years ago.'25 support." J. C: VE�DER CO.(N()t 1Dc.)PRINTE_OF'E VERn",".915 East -63rd' . ':::::. Vol. 0Near Drexel Av .. ue.Telephone Hyde J>uk 1212 ;e.IDEBAM(jIVE THIRD LE�E TODAytRev. R. A. ,Hume, of Ahmedn!lgar,I .. ndia. �ll give the third 'of his seriescl five lectures today. in Haskell As-'sembly room. at 4 o'clock. The �ub .je-ct of his lecture will be: "An analy­s�s of Some Fundamentals of Hindu­ism."Dr. Hl1me's lectures commencedMonday and will continue through·out the w�k. The general subjectr.f all of tMm is, dAn In�rp1'C!tarionof Tndia's Religious History." Yes­terday Dr. Hume addressed a good!'ized audience on the subject. "AnJnterprative Outline of India's Later�eligious History." Tomorrow� histalk will be, '·The Greatness aad\Veakness .of Hinduism." I Cldc;agcpani'-41C81TeamtiOI:\tIlt:gatiby CAnn.MichigdswithW<.\I !Oc."\'ergivenedidecapa­baterstayAnnallenpresiThEx·}nett,fin,W.Warthe'.:JR.KPallII' seesentsco!Ger .batecla�ACePriUn:the. herIn'l"nto:\nJgoM:"m�--T�194oiphrrith,an. ntbeIIJ;CTCe- -i�• pI