Vol. IX. No. 67.. ... .. - .. -- ."U�JVERSITY OF CHICAGO. TUESDAY: JANUARY 17. 1911.The annual indoor track dinner willbe held tonight at the cafe of the.Hutchinson Commons. Invitations toattend have been issuedro the Folow.,ing rnen : R W. Baird. K C. Baldwin,E. Buckman, M. F. Carpenter, R. \V.Chaney, F. J. Coyle, ':N. L. Crawley,I. N. Davenport, J. A. Donovan, A. Chicago's hopes fo� high standingG. Duncan. S. E. Earle. T. E. Ford, in the Conference were raised consid­H. C. Gifford. F� A. Gilbert, H. C. crahly hy the Maroon's brilliant vic'Goettler, D. T. Grey, C. A. Hammill, tory over 1l1inuis last Saturday atG. E.� Kuh, \V. H. Kuh. J. B. Lawler, Champaign. The score was 23 to Ii.'. I:: R. Long, P. Mac Clintock, J. A. \\'ith two well earned victories giv.,Menual, X. C. Raine C. Rademacher, in!! Captain Sauer's men confidence,R. M: Ready; H. P.' Roe, R. B. Rog; t i:e team will be given the hardestcrs, E. A. Seegers, G. S. Skinner, C. kind of practice in the coming weekM. Sloane, A. H. Straube, N. Tatar- to prepare them for the fast Purduesky, W. S. Timblin, L. H. Whiting, tram which they meet Friday at La­R. Young. Other invitations 'have fayette,been given out in addition to those Purdue seems to be the leadingcrginally posted. al!d the list may be contestants for conference honors._ further extended. With a team of tall, rangy playersA number of the old "C' men have and led. by Captain Charters, the sixbeen' asked to attend and will be foot, three inch . center, Purduecalled upon for speeches. The custom showed their championship possibili,of' having such dinners at the begin- ties hy defeating Wisconsin last weeklin:; · .v as net so noticeable' and theThe men entered in the Chicago '':l'ards played their position with. • h. • . lb·..· gn'atcr J:u(!oment not rep' eatin g the1 rrs - �mencan c u IDvllatlon meet .,.err0r of running the floor too �ften.scored' 'eight �oints. The best work Tn one branch however. that' of drib­�. as done:: by Menual, who won the fling. Chicago. showed up poorly,shot-�tit from: sC'ratch with a put of 'ndicating the need of practice.forty�tw'o feet four and three-quarters Chicago Players star.inches. This stamps Menual as one of Captain Sauer and Bernstein' weretile' best shot-putters in the colleges pitted again�t each other and brought(.ut a pretty and exciting exhibitionof the 'West and as a likely candidate d ha�kethal1. Bernstei:1';c; muchicr Conference honors at the indoor .. horter than ··Skee" h�t h�',::made upmeet· at EXanston. His only· formid- for it by his !'peed. His close guard­"ble opponent at present is Frank of ing spoilerl many of Sauer's attempts.. Minnesota, who 'has a record' ahout Paine made a name for himself in theSTART PROM ACTIVITY"WITH cLEARING H01)SE:'extent.flDanCi (DmiHees -p&its oilt Lists' to';Find Bow Many WUI AttendDance. Annual Indoor Track Dinner HeldTonight-Menuars Work SurpriseAt Iri8h:Amenc:an' Club'Meet-Con­sidered: a Contender for Conference.CLEARING WED_AYBOUSE',WilJ Aid- Every' Way to Fill OutProglam by HOlding Meetings inReynolds Club.... ' A meeting of the Finance com­mirtee of the Prom was held yester;day afternoon in the Executive coun­cil rooms of the Reynolds club totake the first definite steps toward ar­rangements. for the big dance. It was(lc.·cided to work for a bigger attend­ance this year than has ever been.-ecured before. Last year there were112 couples at : the dance. This yearthe management has set "150 couplesfor the Prom," as its goal.As a means of finding out howmany men are planning to go. allthose who expect to attend have beenasked to sigp their names on the vari­ous lists that wi)] be circulated aboutthe campus between now and nextSunday, There will be a list in eachacademic and law fraternity house,one for Snell hall, o�e for Hitchcock,and two general lists which will beplaced in, charge of Donald Grey andYiilliamf�h. Roy Baldridge will. have . ""Cii;�> of the Hitch�ock list,and H�roid l�ayto·n will take careof Snell.' L"; ., .... � ... _ ._ :;._ •• _ �'., _ ••Clearing' 'House s Starts.At 10:30 o'clccknexr Thursday the­Prom clearing house will be held - in' .the Reynolds .club. AU men wilt' meetthere at that time to aid each' otberin fillin� out programs. This clearing'.house scheme has been tried in' form­er years with great success,' .as: ithelps the new men to get acquainted:with each other, and makes the work,of filling. out programs easier andquicker .. tThe lists o.f the men who sign upto attend the Prom will be handedin next Saturday by the men incharge and by the fratrnities to NedEarle, chairman of the Finance com­mittee. The committees will then beable to get a line on the' size of thecrowd they may expect and will maketheir provisions in accordance.The Committees.The Prom committees, announcedsome time ago, are:.Gcn�ral Chairman-William' L.Crawley.Finance committee-So Edwin Earle,chirman: \';r'ik\: O. Appel, Roy Bald­ridge, M 1: ,ll.ll Robinson, EsmondJ.:. Long.Arran!;cr. .. nb committees-HazelStil1l11(&n, (' d ••••• an; Elmer \V. Beat- (,(�l1al to Menuars.Whiting took the remaining pointsfor the tt!am hy placing second in thesixty yard low. hurdles. He started. ning> of the indoor and the outdoorseasons was initiated last year, andproved to be a great success. A largeattendance of those who are . tryingout for the team is .expected by Mr.Stagg. He is especially anxious that-those�iD\'ited: should .... · attend .. in. view, , .'of th�vahie: of.:last year's dinn�rs:Men Speed Up.. Tb�rt< was more speed work at theBartlett'ye'sterday, an,f'a 'number of'jthe' 'candidates-were put through theirraces with a watch upon them. No at­. tempt was mad� to have the"�men� ...... run faster. than their strength wouldHand; as it is not advisable' to over­work them: as . early in' the season asthis. Arrangements were made to en­ter more men in the first RegimentMeet···tban· were .sent into the' Irish-,.\ merican contest:1i�ua1 Stars in Open Meet...l�eno Reeve.I�cceptir,;. lilmittee-Harold c.(iifTnrd. c:.ai, :dan; Hilmar Baukhage,\\" Phillips -.... .... Ilbtock, Dorothy Buck_It·y. Mary !Jhi:-.tcr., .Dccoratkns--Aleck G. Whitfield,chairman: Herbert G. Hopkins, Don'aId T. Grcy, Ethel Kawin, Mary Lou­ise Etten, Xena \Vilson.Printing committee-R. BoyntonT\(l�ers, chairman; \Villiam Kuh,Edith Prindevill�, Herman R. Kern. Price Fiye CeabDEBAT! NORTIIWESTIIlI fRIDAY TO-DAY TO BE TAG DAY'FOR THE SETILEMENTCHICAGO' WINS OVERIWNOIS, Z3 TO L7 Chicago. Team Ready for IntercollegLate Conteat-Subject. "ResolvedThat the Federal Government ShouldLevy a Graduate4 Income Tax." Sale 01 nckets Will Begin TIaIa Mom';'ing at rln-Thlrty ill "bbHaD.fighting Spirit, with· Speed and Team�work Defeats DHnols Veteransin Brilliant· f,onteat"Chicago debaters will meet North­western in Mandel on Friday evening,and Michigan at Ann Arbor the sameevening. They wilt argue the question:" Resolved; That the' Federal Gov-:crnment Should Levy a GraduatedIncome Tax, Constitutionality Con­ceded."Affirmative team; Edward Jennings,L. M. McDonald, Paul O·Dea. Nega­tive team; M. 1. Schnebli, A. F. Meck­lenherger. A. P, Scott.Dean Hall Will Preside.The deb�te will be held in Mandelat 8 o'clock. Dean James Parker Hall(If the Law department will preside.It is expected that a large crowd willbe present, inasmuch as the topic isa live' one, the admittance will besmall, and there is no conflicting .uni­versity event on that evening. The ad­mittance fee will be . twenty-five cents.Forensic atmosphere will be furtheredby the presence of members of theSophomore honor debating society,F encibles, who will act as ushers.Members of the Freshman debatingsociety, Pow Wow, have aided inpreparations for the . debate by dis­tributi�g advertising �irculars for theaffair..TEAM WINS AGAINST HEAVY 'ODDS' CBAllIlEN GIVE OUlINTERVllWSTag Means That Wearer Has' B�en'Approached, N ot Tha� HeBought Tkket.Will Practice for Crucial Test WithPurdue Friday at Lafayette­Schommer Hopeful1 t will be the privilege of;c\,ery loyal Chicago student to witnessi a rare jollification this morn­ling at 10:30 in Cobb. At that precise[moment tags will bloom forth fromlC"cry coat lapel, and the ticket sellers• fur the Settlement ranee will formally: begin their campaign. Arrangementsihave been made for a bevy of fair tic­�ket sellers to hold forth at the foot�of the iron stairs armed with tickets! and tags. Lest any should escapei the wiles of the finance committee:. there will be some. of the ticket ven­: ders sent abroad on the campus to: haunt the lobby of the Reynolds club� and the distant corridors of Lexing­: ton hall.Tag Is Not Request to Buy."1 suppose it is pretty generally u�­.derstocd," said Chairman Long, "that: the wearing' of the tag will indicate· only that the wearer has been ap­proached and requested to buy. Itin their first conference' test. Thegame was played before a crowd of3.:tOO, which is nearly a record. Pur;due also has a first year man, Barr,playing forward. who is said to- be, amarvel. He is wonderfully accurate inbasket throwing.Fighting SpiriLWins. Out..The 'defeat Captain Sauer's men ad­ministered to Illinois came as a greatsurprise to Chicago foll�wers of thegame. \Vith everything against them,the M.aroons fought with the old "door die" spirit. It was -their fight thatwon. Handicapped by a .strange floor,and playing against a team of veter;ans who were players of high ability�nd experience. the team'sbowed theeffect of Coach Schommer's carefultraining. The men played together,getting into the combinations withspeed and determination. The Im­prominent the team showed over the�ame of the previous week, was grat­tifying to Coach Schommer. Fumb- · will not necessarily indicate that aThe team that will meet North, 'ticket has been bought. We wantwestern Friday night has been -pre- ,�veryone to know this.paring for the debate since announce-" The use of the tags will .servement of the selection of the men wasmade on December 13. The. Chicagoteams have gained practice through',a practice debate, which they helden: ,tbe subject, merely to save you from the annoy,ance of being 'asked to come through'· twice,""I believe' we a.r� going. to sen aa ·whole lot of tickets," said Vice-Even before the picking of the hai S' 'E f·c airman imondc t'E very me�ber o.teams, the men had been acquiring the finance committee s�ms' to bemate�ial on the subject of an income deeply. interested, and I think we willtax for several months. Coach Mc-' probably be. able to dispose of moreElroy believes that the long prep- tickets than we have ever sold �e­aration ·given the subject : will result . fore. I haveheard some rumors abouti.t a. well contested debate, with fairchance for a Chicago victory . a renewal of last year's successfulcc-rnpetition between. the women'shalls, 'but 1 can't _ve�ify. it at present."Have Engaged Orchestra."We are' fortunate in having en­gaged Depew's orchestra," said Har­old Gifford, chairman of the commit­tee. "We had several schemes for .. uti­lioling the !'ervices of an impromptuCniversity orchestra but we were en­treated by so many people not to(to it that-we gave up the project. Themusit:al program has not been madeout in full. \Ve expect to have themplay a 'good deal of the music' fromlast year's "Pseudo-Suffragettes,"TRIPLE 'TIE IS· RESULT'OF CLOSE' FENCING MEETVarsity Men Succeed in HoldingDown I. A. ·C. and Tumer Ex.. .perts to Meet Again.heginning of the game hy registeringiil rapid !'ucce��ion two beautifulals from difficult angle!'. 'They wererne liand. m'er arm lolls and were'lH.kcil (\f hy many as phenomenal. A triple tie was' the result of the: fencing r:t1eet in Bartlett gymnasiumSaturday night between representa­t�es of the Univcrsity, the IllinoisAthletic club and' the Chicago Tum­gemeinde.) n the match for the nO"ice rapiercup the University team de(eated theI. A. C, but was beaten in turn by theTurngemeinde whil� the 1. A. C. came'hack in good form and won over theTurners, completing the knot .n n the novice I sabre contest theTurngcmeinde deft"ated both the Uni·\C.'r�ity and 1. :\. C te:l'ns and wonthe cup In thi:" match. Keopke, af('rmer :,>tudent of the Vni\'Cr�ity, !'uf­ferc(l a �C' ef(, ,,<":tIp wntmd. which rc­tired him from the aloor.Gro�:,man, Leviton. and O):;on rep­rt":,-cntcfi the Uni\'er�ity in thc rapiere\"('nt. and. Tartarsky, Rce\'c and ;\fc­Calvay made up the sahre team. l30thcups were awardcd hy Coach M. (IeP.eaU\·iel"�.To playoff the tie a �econd meetwill prohahly he held one week fromnext Saturday night in the Turnerhall on 12th street. TO DECIDE ON SOCIALAFFAIRS OF QUARTERJunio� Clao;s Executive CommitteeMeets Today to DisCuss D�ce,Skating Party and Banquet.T�e executive committee of the.Tt:nior class will meet today at three(,'c1ock in C(,11h J;\. It is to take upthe (IUe�ti(;n oi the numher of dancest .. he h('I(1 thi� quarter hy the cla!'�.whether th('r(' will he one or two. A:-:bting p:lrty to he given in the after_noon. �- 11l( ('''e n('ar the end of thismonth: i ... :tl·n a pos�ihmty.Then there i� the dinner for thel11('n of the clas... which is to come!'ome time the middlc of next monthat a down-tl'wn rc!'taurant. which' istc be considered hy the committee.from the fi"e foot mark and wa� dc- "( 11 ·,.il'�. in tl'e fir·t l.:l.:i. C! i:-asof('ated by Kuh of the C. A. A .. who (."0Illplcte1) out played the 111ini for a�tarted e'''en with him. \Vhiting'� '-'ng peri0(!. g('tting ha!'ket after has_l·ft. 1<';l41ing at ib close hy a widen�nning' was a surprise to the Chicago margin.Hl'l1 play�d the h('�t J!ame of hiswill show a great improvement ovcr car('er. \Yith an injured knee hehis work last year. He was then hoth_ p!nckiiy stuck throu�hout the whole{'red with a slow start, hut �eem� to �i\me putting up a magnificent gamehave o\'ercome this defect to a' large 'of gt1arding. It was clue to hi:'> work.men present. and it is helie\'ed that he(Continued on pa&e .. )THI .AlLY MAtlOOtt-.- '-..7 � ,.,'!'be � Studet PublleatJoa of 'ftae, ,�Dl'f'enltJ of 0hIeap..-. Fllnl*iTTbe UDlnnlt, of CbICaco WeeklJ, ,.". , _ ... , _1'4MIDdedThe W eekla, ••• � ••• '; •••••••• 0ct0beI' 1. liltThe Ddb- •••••••••• "':....... October 1. 1101�lWaed DaIl7., NCePt SUDda1a. II ..4Q. and hollda7. duriDc three-q� of theVDiYera!f.7 lear.Entered.. SeeoDd-clua mail at tile Cbl.ealO Poatofllce. Ch1eaco, WiDola. ,1Iarch 11,l�OI. Under A.c:t of IIarch I. 1871.TIDI ftAr.M,'_A. PRFFER • • • • IIanqinc EditorR. J. DALY • • • • • • • N .... Editor)L F. CARPENTER • • Athletic EditorBEN F� NEWlUN • Bualne8a lIanaprW. J. Foute U. L. lteDD1cottc. y.':rQlor II.. W. :a...eCo 1&-,hland D. L. Breed.a.POJlTD8J.1t. BeebeHarT)'. ComerMax EnelowS. "Kaplan 'IL D. ItnenB. F. Dunhamm. L. BanIaP. KeamqW. L,man J. B. Perl ..S. L. 8&,re L. StolsB. w. Vlnlsst7· . W. WellmanKarjorle am, Edltar.R ..-th Betiebr. Reportw.ll. Campbell Alma Lleht7Florence CaUlnSUBSCRIPTION RATES:Bl Carrier. '�50 per ,ear; $Loo per quart.er.., man. ,1.15 per quarter. $1.00 per leu III..nu.e.Our'some time been con­templating this step, but has post­poned action because it has felt thata. '!iucc'essful column could not be runwithout student co-operation and pastexperience has' not warranted it'sadoption on the assumption that suchco-operation would be forthcoming.Weare. however, now going on thebasis that the students are willing tohelp make their college paper betterand we are putting it up' to the stu­dent body to bear its share of theburden.F or the present we shall contentourselves with publiqtion of the Gar­goylettes twice a week, but in thenear 'future we shall publish it daily.Since the announcement of the Ma­roon's intention' to establish what ithesitates to call a hurhorous column,it has been besieged by queries as towho would write the column and justwhat 's�rt of material was wanted. Inanswer to the first question TheDaily M�roon wishes to say that itwill accept contributions from anymember vf the University communitybut for 'the present the Gargoyletteswill be edited by the editors the11l­�Ives. thus putting all c<'ntributionson an equal basis.The second question requires a ful­ler discussion. We can say that ourideas on what the column is to con­tain are not much more definite thanthose of our interrogators. We be­lieve it far better not to lay downmechanical rules in the beginningbut to let the column gradually evolveinto its own peculiar, distinct per:"sonality, There is only 'oDe�- (ldiii�� ,prohibition, one, �hat will be,' mostri,pdly enfor�ed. Nothing will 'be -ae.:cepted that is, in any wayan IJDlta­tion of the clever ·'''Line-O-Type.Or- ..Two" column, edited by Mr. B. L.Taylor in the Chicago'Tribune: While':we gladly admit Mr. Taylor's 5U-'premacy in this field, we h�ve de�'tided that if The Daily Maroon' can-,not maintain a humorous departmentwith originality and a distinct person­ality, i� will not even make the at­empt. Finally, we can only say lhatanything that is clever. original, any_'thing' that aims to point out the foiblesof he community or of personalities.anything that is good natured fun.will be acceptable.The Daily Maroon hopes and ex­pects that the students. will take suf­ficient interest in the welfare of, thestudent paper to help it in anythingthat seeks to place it on higherstandard. In a few days we shallhave placed in Cobb hall a' box forthe receipt of all contributions, andwe 'hope to see it filled. .. - , r:Chapel Assemblies, 10:30 a. m. Sen;ior Colleges, men and women, Mandelhall. Dr. H ume, College of Education,Room 214 Blaine hall.Junior Ex�cutive meeting today at3 o'clock in Cobb 3A to considerjm­portant busin�ss.University' Public Lecture II: "AnInterpretative Outline of India's LaterReligious History." Dr. Robert A.Hume, Haskell Assembly room, 4 p.m.Botanical ,Club, room IJ, Botanybuilding, 4:30 p. m. "Reports of theBotanical Meeting during the Holi­days.".".. .IJ 'F�.,: S�ers meet todayNew. cOlltrlbutloDS' � De Idt' at; HUla)Ballor Fa.cnlt7 J!lxC:�' � 'to: 10:30 Cobb 6A.The Dall, Maroon..The Daily Maroon begins todaypublication of its .Gargoylette column.. Marshalls and Aides will nave their'We, feel that some. measure of serious ex- pictures taken Friday, at 10:30 a, m.Gargoylette planation is in order. at Haskell for the Cap and Gown.Column The' Maroon has for - Sophomore Dance, ReYnolds 'club, GARGOYLETTESr ., ••" � we iemain firm in our.convictiOD that we caD do thisbetter than any�y else, our• dan '�rity lew ua to re­quest contrlbutioua from hoi pol-10(: Such contributions should 1M:addreued' to Gargoyle, DailyMaroon �aculty Ezchan&e., By all means the jnost fitting wayto inaugurate this oasis is by propell­ing that' paleolithic 'query, In whatwell' concealed knot or red tape isour' University seal now sequestered?* * * *Perhaps we may also venture to putthe following passionately framedquery bearing the stamp of Green.woodhall ;Oh! where, oh! where are those mus­taches gone?Oh! where, oh! where can they be?They were very short but were grow;ing long,Oh! where, oh! where canthey be?* * * *An Innocent Freshman has askedGargoyle to give the raison d'etre forthe nationality of the saratorial ap­purtenances of one of our good deans.I n sorrow we pass and request otrrfriend to answer.* * * *Having delegated one of our Fresh-man assistants, by poetic Iicensetermed "hustlers," to ascertain thecause of the astonishing predilectionof feminine students for gazing in atthe doors of tne Divinity halls, wel�am from our Mercury that it isnot due to prevalent delusion that agood-looking man would eventuallyissue therefrom, but because thereare mirrors in the doors.* *, * *"Dickie" Myers-I think it·s too badwe are compelled to be in re�ldenceduring Senior year. Don't you, Bauk?Bauk- Yes! Especially when wehave to attend classes.DAILY .vu.aTDIAJlIl..0UNcmDIITI.* * * *Also.Trustful Angelina-Why do theycall it the Settlement dance, Frances?Fi-a:nces ' :Fii�b! The boys get itup to �elebfate tbe settlement of 'theirChristmas debts.' ,.. * * *and Chicago. Admission 25 cents., Settlement Dance on Saturday. BeanlessSoup oSBlackfriars have their pictures �aken Dead Beat Salad .P5 Escaped Sweetin Roofs studio at 2 p. m. sharp. Sun- Potatoes .OS.day. Tenderloin (Mistake to bite-on) .25Annual Membenbip DiIIDer of the Bean sans* Pork 10 June ('w)Peas .05Y. W. C. L. on January 23 at 6 p. DL, Cherry-seed Pie 1-4, cut to .10in Lexington hall. Tickets 3S cents. Reserved 'Peaches (Summer SchoolThe RCJ1lolda C1u iaformal 01,1&11- Variety) .05F.�ke Square .05 Conquered Grapes .osuary Zl bas chanaed to a Hud Tunp *Sans-Fl"ench for without. Worthparty. A list of � will be u- wine at all meals.nouneed in tbe 'llaraoa later. ' Come early and get a napkin.Short Story Club read Freeman's * * * •"Revolt of Motber," Kipling's "TheMan Who \Vas," and Garland's, "Upthe Colly," whicb are on reset'Ve inthe English .library.Program Committee of Settlementdance will meet Wednesday at 10:30in Cobb SB. There comes to our sanctum from a;Senior himself the proposition that,members of our most enlightenede�lass DOW iadulge in a beard contest.\\. e may say we "indulge" advisedly.* * * *It'. Hia'a.On behalf of many appreciative ath_letes we convey to Trainer Johnsonthanks for allowing us to play in bisgym-also for his generosity in ex-pending his good money for base­ball sboes, etc .Yoa caD pay tIM price of. FOWKESGLOVESSettle up for the Settlemeat. '�STORE NO.2.760"E. �RD STREET'. TEL� NORMAL �UiHatter:" ua !F:umisher�, A complete line. of,MEN'S 'W-INTER WE"RAT POPUlAR PRlCfSOPE N "EVE 'N I N G SWe respectfully solicit your pa.tron&geNoble B. Soper CUISitlJlfOiI5c-TAILOR175 Dearborn Street. Corner M.uoeSecond Floor. Telephone Central 8.M4 Tl. "Hats of DiatirictiOD and CharacterTHE. IMPERVIOUS $3.00ia the Hat they are aU raving about.We carry a complete line of' StetsonHats..I,� �,:q,'.� E: WIT HNEW YORK�LIFE ,INS. CO.ASSETS OVE�, $600,000,000 .• .• ..1'. � , • ;: -/I' • 'TheIargest.dividend paying ,':. ,JE--'", company in the world. ',-; :-'_:'" . jFor further: �onnatiOD inquire of " -.'. ;y.- :t--A. I. JACOBSON, General Agent"171 La Salle Street. 500 N. Y. Life Building. 'Phone Central 5501.J. D. O'NEIL. Manufac;turers ofTRUNKS.' GRIps AND/SUIT CASES,Special styles ard sizes made to order. Prompt attention �T" ··tto repair work.EXPREssn-.G TO �LL ��POTS,Three triPI ,daily to city.MaiD Store. _ /Fictory �d SaleII'oo.752 E. Sixty-third Street., /14S+6 East Fifty-iftb s.r..Phone Hyde Park 4242- i .rhone Hyde Park 44-- ,DO YOU EAT?If so, why not at theUNIVERSITY COMMONSThe best in the,city for the price.Alhhings in season. -SHIRT SALE100 DOZ. LION SHIRTS" '1.50 $i.25 and '1.00 Values, 7tc­Madison Avenueand 63rd Street.F. VV. BAKERMEN'S GOOD� ONLY.SUCIESIIOI FOI TODIYItt.. Be a loyal llUcient and lub.en" tor The DaiI,7. M8I"OOILCIJfTOK, z ...... 1EDFOaD.21 ......AIflowNOtch COLLARSSit snu21ytothe neck. the tops meetlA front and there is ample apacefor the cnavat.. .15c..2forl5c. Ctuett.Pea�y. Co..MakenLouis Lowenthal�it:�'Wanos that please.:' :}i�-�W est�,lkcJiaoD Street.frS¥I-=:oa \This Ad. Is Goodfor·.$l.OOCUT "tHis OUT.Call us up and we willsend one. of . our expertPiano Tuners, who will ac­cept this.' coupon .as $1.00discount. TIle regular priceis $2.5c.This is a bona' fide offer.Tliis Ad. must be presented,if' feu' desire the reduction-,-_.:, ..... .:. . . - .. - .. - .:...: :... -.: �.... : � �_��.� q;�s�AiDI�G: & '�ROS;- .. -THE • ," - -.:- � ... � 2C':SPALDiNG re the largestT . de ... '-k" . M�nufacturers.,ra '.�!U' -.: in' - the v.torld of'.:OFFICIALEQUIPMENTas a.��rm.tee· .ofQuality. or . all AthleticS�rts andPastimes.IF YOU are interested in athletic sport,' you should have a((lPY o�. the. Spalding CatalougueJo'� a complete encyclopedia ofwhat's new in· sports, and is sentfl ee o�' request.l. G. SPALDIBa-& BROs.r47 Wabash· Ave., , Chicqo.� UTILE ART CORNEl14fl,) E. 53n1 ST.Arts and Crafts CoedsTHE H.AC� � BUY YOUR ClFrsA. lVlcADAMSTHE·Studenfs Florist�3rd St. and Kimbark A.ve.Phone H. P. 18Chicago Kent College of LAWIl� • lawyt'T'. Good lawyen are in constantdnnand. II hth Mlt paM -profMl!llon. '-:ymln,;COUI'I�. n('a� 1...1 .. 8. ln tllr� yf'Ars. T.a1"lt·�t and bt-tIt �uippec1 "('nil.!: T.aw Scl1oo1In th,. world. We - bel rositions in la,.. of·n� tor hlmdl't'd. of atOOmu �Arl)' tI()thty rna7 nm expenses wilDe working' fora df'glft. Rare ·dlaJ:ee for a .. bttioas 70ungmm. � for. ","' Catalope. AddrftsCtf1CAGO KEIIT COI.LE8£ OF LAW.10M' lC.· � 8trftt.Lecnne .ooa., • L ........... St.. (JNcqoThird .0£ .Seniors From. A to J lIustHave MatePal in by Feb. 1-Other date .. Feb.,.�_.A dead Iine, February""" has beenplaced on the first third of the Seniorpictures for the Cap and Gown. All:pictures of Seniors from A to J mustbe taken before that. date,; and hon­ors and fee must be' in to the editorsby that time. A list of these nameshas been placed on t!Je, bulletin board.It has been found necessary to estab­lisl\��. dead line on account of' the -Iact that the Senior pictures in thebook are placed in alphabetical order,and the copy cannot be held up in­definitely.All other material, according to theeditors. must be in their hands byFebruary 20. It is the purpose thisyear to have the book out early sothat it may be delivered, and every­thing cleared up by the end of' theSpring quarter. This makes the work­easier for the busines managers es­pecially. Much of the material is aLready cleared up with the exceptionof pictures, few of whichhave beenreceived, Many. oj the organizationshave had' pictures taken but have notturned in their receipts."There seems to be a general mis­understanding of the manner in whichwe are to receive the material," saidFoute yesterday, "No proof of pic­tures is necessary. In the case of theSeniors all that we want is the re­ceipt from Mr. Root, the fee, and thelist of honors. In the case of the or­ganizations we want the list of the�eJDbers, the names . of the officers,the receipt for the picture, and .. inmany cases a short write-up. ."Some of the pictures �r� in �ndhave been sent to the engravers. Noneof the copy has been sent. to theprinters, Mr. Rogers, one of thc;-firm,�ho is doing the f_rinting will be int: the city� \v:'ed�l�la�."";tQ, m�etrwitn:�he. \busin�s manage�s and. th�� ,eai��.�s.:All of .- the 'fraternity material andother copy is ready and will be �eDt�to: the . -printers after ·�J.&r.--; . Roger's!'.visit.". . ", J .!. � -.: \DR. JEWETT ACCEPTSHARVARD APPOINTMENT. Dr: James R Jewett, professor ofthe Arabic Language and Literature;of the University, was. officially noti­fied Saturday of his appointment asprofessor of the Arabic language atHarvard university, and yesterdayconfirmed the .report. Dr. J ewett will.not- enter upon his duties at the east­ern institution- until next' fall.professor Jewett came to the Uni­versity from the University of Min­Ilesota in 19P2. The following. yearhe �as director of the Oriental Ex­ploration for Syria. Since that timehe bas been connected with the Uni-versity.FIRST NEWS OF HARDTIllES PARTY GIVEN OUTRules and announcements concern­jng the Hard Times Party, which willbe held in the Reynolds club, Januaryr;, were given out yesterday."The Hard Times party costumes�hould have two charcteristics," said}{oy Baldr1dge"'artistic quality and in­expensiveness. That means that thec1db members must plan carefully.\Ve should get away from the ideathat the Hard Times dance must be aconvention of thugs, hod-carriers,and "w�ary Willies": Romeo and Juli­et. butler and maid, or Cap and Gowneditors have times of hardluck a�well. Work up something good.There will be ten prizes. Not themost elaborate and costly, but themost clever costume� are those whichwill win the prizes." ::W.;;": 'EoatonGarter·b .iaUlj>ed. OD..tbo cll&llp.cause its w:!tireidoesn't feel it:. The �onGarler keeps itsArenglhand exeels in wear­value. FullyguarantNew pairfree if youfind an m­perfeCtion.Oet�e.� DOe.x.n ... , lin rN't"lpt u( "rit"'f".· .: l. - :... .CEORCE c:'R03T CO •• M"KE�S.1\,,,''''1. U.!;.A. , .'CHOCOLATES.BON.;BONS·UNEQUALLED FOUNTAINDRINKS.ORDERS FILLED ·BY PHONE.SHIPPED ANYWHERE.159 State St.. 184 Michigap Ave.1'9 La .Sal� Street. . """.: .Our Semi-Annual SpecialBlue, . Black I am" I Gray· , .....Serge or Cheviot Sui� .with extra. TrouSers' ofsame or Outing, material, '1,' t.$30.00:' :.' :Tailor for. YOUDI Mea, Tw� Stotes:'13I � Salle. Street.-44 Jackson BoUlevard.Students Think of if ---S1dU,....s 15c Puts lle'·I.aIJa· sail �at.._. SUI, .. P4 aDd ...... Dc�. �. Pre�'" a.,..bbcWork Cuara.lrieft '.JUIl c:oeo ... tr7 WI OIK:.L COHN 1011 f.6�lst, -Rear lUI"IThe Drexel' TaJlon. a.EANERSand DYERS'903 E. FIFTY.FIFTH STRE£TNeuDrnd Ayea_ 'lur�,;. . flc.. of hdi�; •• d G�.ts .. 1ItHfs• I�;,"g <lief 'nssiD, al .oef�,.t� "leu Wort1 ea"�d for aDd Dt,inrtd. Ttl. H,d� ,�t 2IJr .�' : A . Small '.' Nnmber� Lett'. � , .. - .,.I .'�,.:', they Are FreeI ,_. -I .. . , . .-.11 I:I:ave you !loticed the beautiful �er in colors haitging in the office·. .of T�E' D�i. Y MAROON? It'i. � work of � PbiDipe-one of '.America's ,r�test �te� of beau� ful women.. This partic:ularposter is one of his best studies. ;It will brighten up allY room.............................. !._' ,'II .., _ .; .. -',' �':. :One'·Yea.r-'�-,� ". ':GDVaotee tertlft.e,:�DiamoDd-Point�_,J'o.J1ritairi 'Pen. Every pen made' by us is 'panJlteedto ,gi�e abSolute satisfactory servicein every particular. ., �:" ev�t of any diuatiafactioD', within on� year frolQ date of purchuethis certificate entitlca y�U to returnthis pen' to us with your name, ad­dreaa and description of the ttouble,and we will either give' you a liewpen or adjust. yours so u. to give ab­. solute satisfaction.DIAMOND POINT PEN CO.Signed ' Dealernate sold .. _ .. .. .• 191 ••Geo. F. Ivins, Mer.Sav.e· this certificate--it is your pen. satisfaction insurance.THE.. ABOV·E CERTIFICATE'QOES WITH EACH PEN SOLDBY "t.JS� IT SHOWS THE CONFI­DENCE WE HAVE IN OURPENS.i.ITWO DOLLARS UP"bIAMOND POINT PEN CO�New York.Largest Mnfs. in the United States... _ .::::..".-"'­. '.1r Ask IIr. B. F. Newman, the B�CS8 .-anager of '1Our co�e'daily for a card which will entitle y�U to one of these po�en AB­SOLUTELY FREE OF COST.John Verhoeff es. Straua ,Bldg., third floor.---TAl LORS---Clark and lladiaoa Street�.: : WHAT IT MEANS,. Am�' �P.aCtory Rebuilt". means a cia.. of typewriters, auc:h ..no' other �Cem does or can rebuild a.� we dc-. It .� an identifyinc tum .used to diating1Ush our machines frcm the creat mua of: typeWritera _"which ate' Offered under the' name "R�t."It means that if you buy an "Ameiican Rebuilt Typewriter" of anym.'ke. y_ u' will gel a FACTORY re':·m't machine, rebuilt with new�arts'; not one that r.as been simply repaired and fixed un in an ordi­nary &bop, but one equal to new in mecbanical quality., V: e gl.a;c:ntce every machine we sell for one year, and alao guar_antee t}1e title.PRACT I CA L LADIES'TAILORSL SADLER. Prop. ,. .: '. ,F1' 11 "r" Wlnt� .. �", .. f9' �,.,. •• ff'�.r I$35 and up. First 'loU .\lrk lou,tut.cd "CLEANING AND REPAIRING .Pbone Midway 95S102" £. 63rd STRUT, nt&r ELLIS AV ..... ·. ., -. -.- ....... -� . American WrItIng Mac/une Co.The Original Typewriter Exchange E5t:tblic:'b�d more than 20 yean.... r •• -7 .. It 01' oe.a"ff···1 '(eDO..teowr ... �117319 Dearborn Stre�t, Chicago Telephone Harrison 4065Subst;ribe for The Daily Marooa. PATRONIZE MAROOK ADVERTIIEIUL .1 .J!j--- - .... _ ._ .. - ... - .... --.A ••• �" .• "I'�._. ' .,III I •, II .�, ", -7 7IlLl!.INo ..ciU.� Pioimwa Pr.1 � Ala•. �·l'aatilatlCallluica1 Ca.._ .T!H E' A'R CAD I K ;, ji ,�C�TON�H �la"ar. Place.:' betweea Kick" _dWa�lh AnDuL:Wm.:H.· Cmu inGeo. Ade'a New �:"U.· S.·lIiDiater Bedloe."A UDITORrinttBeginning Tuesday, Jan. '24t�NEW' YORK HIPPODROMELew FieldsPresentingThe"Colossal Musical ComedJ"THE JOLLY BACHELORS';POWERSHenry B. Hania PrMeIllaTHE COUNTRY BOY�RRICKHenry SavageI PresentsTHE PRINCE OF PILSENNew ProductionMeVICKIC ... :Frederick Thompson'.ProductionPOLLY OF THE CIRCUSQ_RAND'Gertrude' Emot"THE DAWN OF TOMORROWI f- STUDEBAKERBeginning Sunday, Jan. 22.HENRIETT AGROSSMAN inANTI-MATRIMONY: . O�Y�PICCOHAll: a!. BA:DJ8 .P..-tGKO. II.·COBAJra .:'IGet Rich Quick WUIiqIo ....CORT:Comedy' Ten Strike'Halry W. Savqe 0. ..Henry Kolker in'"THE GREAT NAIIK"Mr. Albert Cheva1ier inDADDY DUFORDo..�No"'''tLI!tI,III�� �HITN�YHenlY W. Sava •• 01'.1'8THE LITTLE DAIIODLI. A play to see again-acted wiahbrilliancy and distinction." -ExamiDerCOLONIALVictor MooreinEI\tIPREs.-................. , ........VAUDEVILLE........... q � x8ppa Pat'l'avidlJon ..•• �-f •••••• 142 146 1-48�i1ddeke' .. : ....••... lJ4 120 181Whiting" ..•..•..•. :.122· 196 143harrUDan .: ....•.. 130 124 133Mor:se , .. ' 146 lSI 123 '.JDELTA UPSILON WINS OVEItI Mi!ipliit��:� 1':' �. dI � ptij' Pal Win ProalPai' u, ad'-Chi Pm Lut... [:�· In th,e ;inter.;fia-;;;i·ty bowling con-'test, Delta Upsilon. Alpha Tau Omes I 654 737 629ga; ancrPhi·i6tPJjja,psHlave won their � Sigma Chi played an unfinishedpreliminary contests :with Phi Kappa arne ye.st,erday:�th ·.Phi ,Kappa Sig-Psi, Psi 'Upsilon. alid;Cbi Psi respect.! a. and Beta Theta PI played anotherively. . r.nfinished. contest with Kappa Sigma.: Delta Upsilbnll toolf1lll three gameA' � fifth man will roll for Phi KappafroJn�'Phl 'Psi'b;\comfOrfable margins," figma, and Crawley for Kappa Sigma.Won two' gaines 'out' of -three playYec1' �o finish thesevgames.with 'Psi U . last Saturday, and Phi Psi'- I • '... 'took two'· out t of, three played last :CHiCAGO WINS' OVERweek 'with: chi· 'Psi. 1 ILLINOIS .. 23 TO 17The score:Delta: UpsilOn.Bnggs 188W. S. Baldwin .....•Adams .......•...... 144'Norton .Adams .Redding .Norton IOS'�W. S. Baldwin 12SEriggs .�. L. Baldwi� 164 . 147100167IS7 Better DeUv.ery $erv;c-eOur1aiJli' is' to give our' subscribe�s the' best delivery �y have everr recaved. 'However. we' cannot do this ullies. -you ad� a w�never:137 that the· Illinois forwards were un­able to connect with the baskets. Bellwas unable: to get a basket but morethan made up for it by his brilliantwork. Goettler, from a scoring stand,point wa�' the star. He obtained atotal of-five -field -goals. While his of· THE· DAILY, MAROON is not deU·;ered':to 'you. Don't wait'to'/ace. .wbether the paper makes it appeanm ce tomorrow before you makeyour complaint. DO IT NOW�THE DAILY MAROON' is 'aUpl'()J� to be delivered to You"ey�IYmorning' before breakfast whenever same i� published. ·That·� w�we pay our carriers to do. Tell us whenever they do not.M,ALT MARROW"The Tonic +hat Strengthens:'Malt Marrow is a lFeat brain builder-it is recommended by physicians.All Druggists sell it.Ra�Three lines for' 25 cents.S& "words to the line.', FlVti'insertions for the price' oUour.N� advertisement taken for' leuthaD 25 cent&.Cub must accompany order.To Rent-2 furnished outside rooms;suitable' for 2 people; bath. hot and.c(JTd 'water; use of piano. Mrs. Bab;coc�: 5496 Ellis av� 4th flat.:Stad��U;t us place' you in thekiiltf�of' a :furnished room you areI lobkiD'l' -for.' We have every kiDdalid price.;: It costs you nothing forthe mo'!t' minute details that, wehafe"on all rooms. made from per-'sonal'· inspection. We can tell :tOueftrything you wish to Imowabout rooms listed with us. WOod­lawn Business Exc., 9-W E. 63rdS� Cor. Em.. Hyde Park' 71*»�DEAN VINCENT TO BE IN'MINNEAPOLIS SATURDAY'. I .Win Attend Chapel Exercises, Lach­eon, and Faculty Dinner at uiLversity of Minnesota.Dean Vincent has accepted the in­vitation of President Northrup ofMinnesota to attend chapel exercisesatthat University on Saturday. He willbe the guest of Dr. No'rthrup at aluncheon on �aturday, witt spend theafternoon at the Minneapolis Com­mercial dub and will be guest t)f hon-Subscribe for The Daily MarooD.All the Dews of the CamPusII9 . I. flUEntllS'fIR!we693 733PJli 'Kappa� Psi.Davidson : 163 . 146Buddeke , � II3Whiting 127 "142Morse ' ISo '139Hamman 148 149Lunde' 141Hames 0 •• ' •• 136' .'Currie' ..•....••..... I�� -, -.-.678Psi Upsilon.Collings, 123'-;lJickle , .. ' ••.• I'll �Davenport .........•.Kern , 138 121'146lJOor at the Faculty dinner in the eve·ning. A welcome to the president electis being planned hy the students.SeacS' 'ia:·7d* '. nbt'eriptlo. t04laJ'for'The ,Dally I(�LEAGUE PLANS ANNUALBIG MEMBERSHIP' DINNER'Nearly 300 Guests Expected at An-·naarl: BaDqiet-Miss Melcher, Gti�.n'f' MOnor. Produced by the manufacturers ofU ALMA MATER"McAvoy Malt Marrow Department,2340-8 South -Park Ave�Phone Calumet 1064".-; .I., TInighConslar&it ttall;·he'dis'futtl a:5\\'(duac:ncan<'. megelwecolwiwe:peofticwIS.311:mt�tlil511.Irolled in two sections. Four menrolled for each team On Friday after':'noon. and 'one man eacb·�satutdair.•Friday afternoon's contest had leftLA SALLE Phi Psi 8 pins behind i� the first, 54'-THE- pins ahead in the second, and S3ahead in the third. Saturday·s games�Sweeles'Gi,IIIf::'�"_' .rolled by·· Rehm, .. for .. Chi···Psi 'and"TIle ... Comic 0... ..... Morse for Phi Psi, 'Ieft the situationCltIF." unaltered, 'VlJen' the games had beencompleted,' Chi Psi 'had wbn· the firstgame by the score of 665· to· 654, andPhi Psi was the winnet'· in the second,737 to 7og, and in the third, :728 to 6gJ.'Although Rehm rolled' better thanMorse in all three games, he was un·ahle to overcome the lead Phi Psihad gained on Thursday. The detailedThe New Musical Play"THE HAPPIEST ·NIGHT OF HIS Goodman .Goodman .. ' , .. 104Murray .........•.••Murray ••••••••••••• 137 .'Goddard •.•••••••• , •• ,.132 fense was of high grade, he proved189 weak: in' defense, allowing his oppon-167 ent to get four baskets.and his defens;-ive play 'wilt" receive' considerable' at-769 : tention from. Coach' Schommer thisweek. Goldstein played well at for,161 ward. While he' only obtained one12'/ 'b�sket in the' last half, he fought105 . hard throughotrt the game and figured161 ptominently in �e team cornbina-151 tions,Fo:t'·Ittinois.� Bernstein Matter, and672 68g - 70S POston were in the lime light. HallAlpha, Tau ·Omep...�s contest with also showed . up' 'weU,' but seemed un­Psi U was close, with the execption able to solve the Maroon offense. Illi­of the first 'game, A. T� O. won the nois took lth�:·deteat hard: The resultinitial contest easliy by a score of is' a' severe setii�tk 'to 'their champion-745 to 678. The Alpha Tau team fell ship aspirations.(·ff in the second game.and Psi U i Some"of'Uie"niii'iois"rooters blamedtightened 'up; 'makitrg-tlte-fin-ats-crose: the defeat on to the enforced retire­A. T:' Oi's 706' pins' gave "tlleiri' a mar- �eiiI-·Or':':PIO't�hnraii. the' Illinois cen­ter;" Plochm�n was' taken out of the '!CLASSIFI£Di�, : lDVEl11SEMtM'Sgin of only 9 pins ovet: Psi U's 697.Psi came still stronger in the third, game after an injury to his knee inlvinni'ng -with 'a score of 717, against; 'the first ha1f:� H� '�melY tried to re,7f2 for A. "T� O. The detailed score is �ain in' but the injury was too seri-as follows: o'us. Poston tooK·his' place, this being· . Alpha Tau 9mega. h'is old \>�sition�r p' ., .. .. "Schneider .� ..•... : .. 146 ItlgMiller 142. .160League members are eligible to at-687'� 6fJ7 717 tend .the dinner.Psi-Phi-Psi, ' game (was : Covers are to be laid for 2'/0 guests,this number exceeding by 100 the at-Hunter 156Fonger ISO. ISOISO 717Monday evening at 6:30 the annualIS7 membership -banquet of the y. W. C.;L. ,win be' held. This will be the141 seventh. 'affair of its kind and has140 �ome to be considered a tradition in157' .the· annals of 'the League. All of th�122ten dance of all previous years.The particular', guest of honor is tobl" M�ss' Margaret Melcher, wellknown to'" all . the . Geneva conferencewomen,' who is secretary of the Stu­dent' Volunteer- movement and form ...erly state secretary of the Y. W. C.A. in Indiana. A 'toast will be givenby "Miss' Mtleher�' It is expected alsothat a number' of the' members of theafh'isorY board' of the league wiH bepre�ent and will probably give toasts.The 'general arrangements of thedinner 'are' ·in··the hands of severalcommittees, who are exerting everyt-ffort, to make this year's affair a suc­ce·ss. Maragaret Badenoch i� 'generalchairman of the event. Of the variouscommittees under Miss Badenoch's�upervlslon Margaret Rhodes hascharge of the aa,·ertising, Ruth Whit­field the membership, Margery Nindthetickets and Margaret Mitchell the•arrangements:126 . Dn'E'E�NCEIN PRICE�tweeD nat le •••• : abel'TOl-ia (deep c:Urve) len ....lie. in the aOR of IlUlDU- ,facture and the additional.kill alid 'ezperlene:. re:­quired 'ID' pl.aiD� them'� halON"the '878'" We pat"our per.ona! effort. Intoeac:h pair of Torle: len_.0 thai ,will mMt' yotII" In .. 'diVidiaal'Deeci& 'Wh_ 7011get them' from: 118 you g.e.the beat Torle: :Ien ....N WATRi' & CO:'OPTICIANS99-101 Randolph Street.i·J. c. VEEDER CO.(Not Inc.)PR'NTERSOFEVERYTHINGEast 63rd915 Street f1IThe' Chiscore:Chi Pd.Cronk 133Rehm ...............• 159" 122 Near Drexel Avenue.Telepbone Hyde Park. 1212-,Colman ....•......••120121)Rellm' ...... ..... ••••••. 117f6s._ ...