arcon��x. No. 65 .• lJ�JVERSJTY OF CHICAGO. FRIDAY, JA!\UARY 13 •• 911.DACK·IIEN WOllll6 STlADILY . Price Fin . CeataThe meet will be of unusual ad- Defeat Kappa Sigma and Sigma N.vantage in that it will afford an op:- in Inter-fraternity Contests-Coyleportunity to calculate the chance of Gets High Scor�hi Psi-Phi Psithe team against its next opponent Game Postponed.Northwestern university, The Purple _has sent i!s . entries to the meet and Delta Kappa Epsilol!._an.d._rsi Upsil-·is-:expected to furnish" strong eompeti; ('11 were returned victors over Kappation. If the -North-shore University Sigma 'and Sigma Nu in yesterday's· has a full team in the games, it may contests in the fraternity bowlingroll up more points than Chicago league tournament. Both contestswith its comparatively few starters. were easily won, the winning team inThe performance of Shaw against each case winning all three games.Crawley. Kuh, and Whiting of Chi- The Dekes had the afternoon con-· cago. __ .i� __ the, )ow hurdles will be test well in hand from the start. Inwatched . closely. - This is a scratch the first game they rolled up a total,e\'ent and will furnish a reliable test of 768 pins against their opponents'of the comparative ability of the en- 6�0. They won the second game 784tries. The Northwestern distance to 666, and the third by the score ofman will· be watched closely. as they 7J4, as against Kappa Sigma's 694-are reported to be unusually strong. Frank Coyle secured high score of 2109"The Daily Northwestern in a recent The score was as follows.issue states that four of them. Busby. Delta Kappa Epsilon.Kraft. Watson, 'and Thorsen should McCracken .. _ 179 196 145"e. able to hold their own in any com- H t r) () 131• uey I, 3 ....•. 115pany. Ford (2) ••••••••••••• 89Weight lien Look Good. Baldwin _ 179 140 196The work of Menual and Scruby in Si.nderland 142 150 140the shot put is more encouraging Coylel ....•••...... 153 209 122every day. The former has shown a -- -- --distinct improvement of last year's 768 784 734performances, and, if he continues to Kappa Sicma-develop, should be able to press all Crawley 120 18S 1570;' his opponents at the indoor con' I>owlby 15S 137 174Ierence. Scruby has had no difficulty \\'. Harrison 126 102 128in getting uesd to the sixteen pound M:\thews (I) •••••••• 147weight and gives every indication of Pap� (2_. (J) 13J 13Jb�ing as strong a man with th� heav- Embleton (I) ••••..•. 102ier $hot as he was with the tw�lv� Mathews (2), (J) ... log 122pound in preparatory school. The __ __ __FRESHMAN BASKETBALL -TEAM TO START SEASONMeet Tomorrow_ Nicht to Teat'Stren&th of Team-Chancea DependLarce1y Upon Handicaps-AnotherMeet Ahead Nest Week.Will Play Northwestern FnshaIeaat Evanston Saturday Nlgbt-To Have StrOn. Five.WIN FROM ENGLEWOOD 24-22 · .The track squad reported in fullyesterday and were given an assign­ment of work rather harder than hasbeen given on any earlier day of thequarter. The dash men were putthrough a number of starts and thenraced for thirty-five yards. Will Kuhwas the victor in the final sprint ofthe afternoon. Several Of the candid­ares were put through slow workoutswith the watch upon them to givethem an idea of the speed at whichthey were working. No very hardwork was attempted, as this has beenreserved for the coming week.The men who are going into theJ rish-American meet tomosrow nightare awaiting the handicaps with - agreat deal of interest. The chancesof practically every one of those whoare to start depends upon the allow­ance given by the officials. There willbe a number of good men in the meet.and some of them can be relied uponto give the University. runners a hardrub, no matter what handicap is given.Northwestem in Meet.Defeat Visitors at Bartlett LastN��ht by Close Score-ShowsEvenly Balanced Team.\\·illning- a hotly contested gamewitil Euglewood Alumni last night111 l:artlctt by the score of 24 to 22.the Cbi\:ago Freshmen await the firstrt.glll:tr game of the season to beplayed with the Northwestern Fresh­men at Evanston Saturday night.The Xorthwestern game will beplayvd as a curtain raiser to theX I ,rt 11 western- Wisconsin game. Thatthe Purple Freshman are confident ofwinning is shown from the followingClul)tatinn which appeared in TheDaily Xorthwestern Wednesday:"Critic:- who have seen the yearlingswork declare the Purple has a strong-'er team rlian any of the Conference('ollt.·g6:' I nasmuch as none of theFrr.;blllan teams of the conferencehan' played any regular .garnes it is,eli fli cr lt to see where the "critics"find material for their enthusiasticrul()�y. However, Chicago Freshmen,inspired with confidence after lastni�hl'; .aIIe, expect to give theEvan .. ton five their hardest fight, and".f -... ;-hop ... i .. ,r victory. -.Speaking of the Freshmen chancesin \'l)C game Saturday, Coach PatI'aue said last night: "If the menr.!ay with the fight and steam thatthey put into last night's game. theywill gi\"� a good account of them­selves." The tea�_j� pletty �e�l b�l:-_a nCl..·II with a good set of guards.Page was well pleased by the show­ing of the team last night. "The mengot into the game with all there them." he said. "and never let up..That's what wins games."The Freshmen have been practicingregularly for about two weeks. The.squad has been cut - Aown. from the.original number of 25 to the follow,ing candidates: Forwards. Molander.Brook-; Dall, Kolvinski, Hicks;Guard-; Norgren, Scruby, Lunde.Xett. Hoffman. Fletcher; center. Pol­lak anf) Kennedy. Several men on thisli�t a re players of strong ability and,�hollitl make good Varsity material.The Freshman team this year is ex­pc('tl',1 to make a clean record as itio: alll(lng the strongest of the pastseveral years.Enllewood Alumni Play StanThe Englewood Alumni consist of�e'·eral old stars who are making aLnt' rccnrd. They are credit�d withdef\':ll.; O"er Hull House and se\'eral" of tht' Y. M. C. A. teams of the city.Thr lineup last night consisted ofSte\t'll.;on and Lamh. forwards: Tate.(eflln: Spearman, Evans. and Au�tin,'-=l�:lr'k T:\te Evans. and Steven�on,lift hI"! ter playing for the "isitors.For (·hic��o the work of the guards\\"a .. IIi hid1 class. The team changed�('\"('ra 1 times in order to give the(';m!lid:lIes an equal chance. Most ofthe In"11 :llr('a<1y mentioned took part.The r.::l1ll(, was simply a practice one.·th{' Frl· .. hm·en confidence._.\1 th(' end of the first half. thec ,-ontinued on page 4) strongest man opposed to these twowill probably be Prather. who com_peted for the University of ChicagoFreshm�n team in 1909. He ha� beenn·ported in the papers as a recruitt{"· the Chicag� Irish-American Ath­letic club. I f he is in shape, he is oned the hest men in the event in thecity. anrl. un less very severely hanrli­capped. he is thought capable of hoth­ering all of his comp�titors.More lien Next Week.I t is thought that even more men\\;11 b� sent- into the First Regimentr.1eet which will be held a week fromlContinu�d on page .) -----------------==========��-----------------iEUOIAWe have made the discovery! Fiveyears of indefatigable work on thepart of sundry, discouraged editorshaa at last been rewarded. We havetraced the phantom to its lair and un­covered it It is a Sense of Humor IHaving �t last found this Sen� ofHumor after our long investigation,we" intend to exploit it. BeJinningwith our issue next Tuesday morning.we shall introduce our discovery inthe person or character of "Gargoyle."In years gone by Gargoyle has beenknown to Daily Maroon readers butit will be under en entirely differentguise that we introduce Gargoyle thistime... We desire to discuss Gargoyle moreft�lIy and tomorrow morning we shallpresent an introduction of it-or him":_jn all the phases of its character. URGES STUDENTS TOWORK FOR SEnLEMENTMill lIary MelDoweU SpeUa at JuIorChapel in BeWol UDlYenltJIDStitutltLTICKETS TO BE Olf SAl.! 5001Dean Lovett Says One Way .to HelpSettlement Is Appear at BartlettJanuary 21."Come out to the University Settlement! We need you young men andwomen there !" said Miss Mary Mc­Dowell in her address before the Jun­i�r college chapel yesterday morning,"The Settlement belongs to you; youare the proprietors, and you have theinterest in seeing how affairs are be­ing conducted out at 47th street andGross avenue. We want visitors. \Veneed helpers."Miss McDowell went on to givea hrief outline of the history of theUniversity of Chicago Settlement.Almost as Old as Univenity."The Settlement is almost as old asthe University itself," she said, "six­teen years ago I first went out toPackingtown, and for two _years_be�fore that the Settlement work hadl-ecn conducted hy two young men'who made their headquarters in twoflats ncar 47th street and Ashlandavenue. I moved into their quartersal!d ·Iater. as soon as I was financially_ab)�._ I se,:ured four . .flats. over a. feedstore, where I established a new set-tlement home. ."But the new place, .was cramped,.unsanitary and a veritable fire-trap.r remember that ·Mr. Charles L.Hutchinson said. 'Every night whenthere is a strong wind blowing fromPacking town I wonder if this ·ls thenight that Miss McDowell is goingto burn up: So it was Mr. Hutchin­son and some others who made it.possible for us to move into the beau.:tiful horrie �hich we now �cupy on.Gross avenue, near Ashland and 47thstreet.Want University Students"We are always at home to visitors­we are always especially glad to seethe University students. They oughtto come out some of their spare mo­ments and see what unbounded op;portunities we offer for them to makeil ernselves useful. We want moremen to help Mr. Hankanson with theio Boy's • club, and we are always inneed of workers to teach the variouscitizenship and night classes. Mo�tof all we want people to amuse ourPackingtown friends. Ifyou have tal,ent, if YOll· play the piano, or any in'�trument: ii you sing, recite. act, wewill welcome you with open arms.\Ve are \'Cry much in need of someone- to coach dramatic productions.The Pat.'kingtown people love to act,to play p)ay�. I f die proper stimuluswere appliecl. we might he able to de­':('Iop !.!rt.'at tHings among these,t.··...,p)e:·:\ftl'r �Ii,:- :\kDowell'� talk. DeanL{",\·(·u 'I" 'kc a it'w word� remindingtilt' auclit.·!1('(' that one ,·er;' suhstanti_:11 way of hl'lping along the goodwad \\":1' :"1I·1Hlance at the Settle-11'{,IH eb:��'� f 11 January twenty· first.Tickets to Be Out Soon.The tickets for the dance will be("·m soon. �reanwhille the committees\\ ill he hard :tt work maldng readyl Continued ou paae 4)DElIS AlfD PSI D'S WII OUT WANT CAST CANDIDATES . OUTManager Simond· and Miss HinmanUrge Candidates for This Year'sBlackfriar cast to Come Out forDancinc Class-Gym Credit Given.6so 6S6 il4Psi U WiD&.P�i Fpsilon defeaterl Sigma Xu in!ht' e"ening's match. After the first"'-·nt(,o;t. which the P,i t .... \\'('n hy thecio�e score of 645 to 6.l4. the PsiF t('am pulled away from their op_1l('nts. winning the second game easily\"ith a total of 6..� pins against the�75 of their opponents •. and winningthe third. 691 to 6.12. X either teamdid any sensational howling. Fonger'stotal of ISa in th� first game· heingtbe hiah score of tll« en.iag, T�e�core: A call has been sent out advisingall men who intend to try out for thecast of the coming Blackfriar show,"Capturing Calypso," to be present atthe regular weekly. dancing classwhich is being held every Wednes_clay night in the 'Reynolds club underthe direcrion : of Miss Mary WoodHinman. Miss Hinman said last night,"I am extremely anxious .to have allthe men who are going out for theshow this year, especially for the be in the dancing class becauseit will be such a great help to themlater on.""From all indications:' said Mana­�er Maynard Simond last night. whenapproached on the subject. ".re isgoing to be an unusually largeamount of dancing in this year'sshow. As a result We want come out for Miss Hinman's dane,ing class. This means cast as well aschorus candidates."Must Have Gym Shoes.Men will be admitted to the danc­ing class next Wednesday night onlyO!l condition that they are membersof the Reynolds club. and that theya re provided with gym or tennisshoes in which to· dance. This. hasheen brought about by a rule of theclub.Gymnasium credit will be gi\'en toall men who app�ar at the dancingclasses for \'" ecJnesrlay, :l('cording toa rep� rt gi\"en out by Pro Raycroftyesterday. This means that the can'f';r'=,tn-: "';11 �,,, :lllnWNI full creditfor their physical culture on \Vecl­nl'"rlays. :\ fter two absences, how_enor. all claims to credit will ha\'e to11(" rl'linquished.t\ 11 . lyrics for this year's productionmnst he handed in hy tonight or they":ill not he accepted. A large numberart" alrearly in the hands of the au_tlH"lrs and a number are �xpect�d toshow up today. �li<Continued on page 2)THE DAILY MAROON. FRiDAY, JANUARY 13, 19It.. 'TIm DAILY IlAROONThe omclal Student Pub!icaUOD 01 '!'beUDiYeralt, of Chleap.Former17The Unlyeuitr of Chleaco Week17FoundedThe \\' ('ckIe,)' . ',' ••.•••••••••• October 1. laDSThe Dally •••••••••••••••••• October 1. leO!l'ublisbed Dall" fIICt'pt, SUDda,.. and bolldaf. durlnc three·quartera of theUnh'cr.ity lear.Ehtcred' as mall at the Chi·-­ca�() l'ostotBce: Chicaco, Dl1ooia, lIarch lB.11103, Under Act ot Karch 3. 1873.TU 8TAFI'N. A. 1· .... En'EU • • • .- KaDaginl; Editorit. J, -DALr-. • • • • • • New. EdltOC')1. ..... CAltl)Eh"TEIt .• • • • Athletic EditorllE� F. �E\\,l1A� • •• Buaineaa HanqerABBOCU,TB: ICDITOBaW, J. Foute n. L. KennicottC. Y. Taylor K. W. ReeaeC. W. Houghland D. L. Breed., allPORT.aSJ. K. BeebeHarry Comer�lax BuelowS. KaplanW. LymanS. ,L. Sayren. W. Vlnlssky K. D. Steyer.B. F. DunhamE. L. BarrtaP. KearneyJ. B. PerleeL. StolsW. WellmanIiiI!iIii4,te}I�I1I•Ii�i,(,I,I'J:1�I WOKlCN'S DmPARTIDIIN'r.Marjorie Hill, Editor.R.:th Reticker., Reporter.)1. Campbell Alma Licht)'Florence CatlinSUBSCRIPTION RATES:By Carrier, $2.50 per J'l:ar; $1.00 per quarter.City mail. $1.25 per quarter. $3.00 per lear 10advance.Considerable objection has beeIi,)·voiced by the Faculty to the plan ofObjection ToTag Day the Settlement chair­man for a quasi tagDAILY .VLI.aTIIIReception committee, Settlement('ance will meet tomorrow at 10:30a. m. in Cobb SB.Chairmen of Settlement dance com-mittee will meet at 10:30 a. m. on theEart lctt gymnasium floor.Freshman class dance in the Rey;Garment Workers Strike at 4 p, Cohb 6:\.German Club, Lexington hall, 4 p.l11, Vortr:tg von Herrn Dr. Gronow.Classes in C'om'crsation in rooms 3and 4.Mathematical Club, room 32, Ry­(:r�on Physical laboratory, 4:30 p. m."Freshman Matlrematics for Engin�(:ering Students." Professor Slaught.dI'jj'jI':,jj:; II Iiia�I�!I,f AHNOUNCSIDIITI.Score Club dance tomorrow at 2 p.m,Cosmopolitan c:1ub will meet Sat­urday at 1:30 p. om. at s800 Jacksonavenue.President Judson will speak at theHl'de Park Y. M. C. A. Sunday crt5 p. m.New Testament Club wilt meetMonday at 8 p. 111. "Current Litera­ture." Miss Talbot. "The Aim andMethods of Jesus." Mr. Wickes.The Reynolds Club informal of J an­uary Zl bas changed to a Hard Timesparty. A list of prizes will be an­nounced in the Maroon later.Junior Toques may be obtained byapplying to The Daily Maroon office.The Sone Competition for the ly­rics of the Blackfriar play will closetomorrow at 10 a. m.Candidatea for the Sophomore de.bating team band names in at Fac­ulty exchange, Coach McElroy. box310.Freshman Dance this afternoon atfour in the Reynolds club.The Residents of Greenwood hallwill be at home to their friends Mon­day afternoon. January 16, from 4 to6,DEKES AND PSI U'S·WIN OUT(Continued fro. pap I)Pai Upsilon.Hubbard (I) ••• '" .115Kern 20. (3) 148 139Kern (I) ....••..•• ' •• IIOHutton (I), (2) ••••• 124-Davenport (3) ••••••Hunter IJ4Fonger ,' .' 182 III124154SENIORS TAKE LEAD INBASKETBALL STANDINGDefeat Sophomores, 19 to 10, inRougp-DeGraw Captain of IgnTeam.The gloye .tore that cu­ria a good !iDe ofFOWKESGLOVESis to be depeaded OD. 149 deal less than it's worth, when you come to this clearing sale-of ours; ,we never have any-thing but the highest grade merchandise for sale at any time : price reductions don't lessenthe qmil�ty. � ,� .YOU get the advantage of highest" quality at..' a good:. -." :.; ,:Fine "overcoats fOI:. men; kerseys, tweedsworsteds. cheviots; many silk lined; Chester­fields, .Rytons, auto .coats, all styles $35. $32,$30. ;$�8.,�5, $20 values.NOW CLEARING AT $18Men's fine suits in the best fabrics of the1910 fall and winter season; the grays, browns,blues; fancy weaves you like. They're $35:$32, $30 $2R, '$25, $20 values.NOW CLEARING AT $18For the young man we have prepared aspecial !treat; the lively, snappy styles that'varsity and college men favor; the snappycolorings and' weaves; the new one, two andthree button sack suits; the swagger overcoatmodels 'that make this a distinctive youngmen's rtore; :$35, $32, $30, $28, $25, $20values.NOW CLEARING AT $18SPECIAL CLEARANCE SALE OF TROUSERSAny you men or young men who can use a few extra pairs.of fine trousers can certainlyuse the money you'll save by buying them now. A great stock of fine, goods; many choicesuit fabrics among them. $8, $7.50, $7, $6.50: $6, $5 values.HOW CLEARING AT $3.90Maurice L Rothschild, The home of Hart, Schaffner a: Marx Clothes. " Stetson hats,Manhattan shirts, Johnson a: Murray, ShoesSpecialists in good cloth e'); and nothinc' elseSOUTHWEST CORNER JACKSON AND Sl'ATEMonevrefundedcheerfully645 688 691Phi Kappa Psi and Chi Psi rolledan incomplete contest, only four menrolling for each team. A fifth manNews contributions may be left ,at BIlla fur each team wilt roll three gamesHall or Faculty Exchange, addre8aed to to finish the contest.Th.. Dally to assist in dis-posing of tickets for The Senior team' jumped into firstthe Settlement dance. The plan as place in the intra-University basket­worked out lacks the predatory fea, ball series by defeating the Sophstures of the ordinary tag day. No-. by 19 to 10. The game was fast andbody is coerced to make any expendi, full of thrills'" the defeat of the sec'tnre. The tag simply signifies that the ond year-men being due to their in­person wearing it has been ap- ability to find the basket. The gamep,roached and is given irrespective of was rough throughout, although fewwhether that person has made a do- fouls were called.nation. DeGraw was the scoring star ofIn light of these facts it is difficult the contest. securing ten of his team'sto -see what objection can be made. points, while Baldwin ranked nextWithout it the dance committees will with six. After the game the Seniorshave difficulty in making aIarge pro' met and elected Orley DeGraw cap­fit. The worthiness of the object de- tain of the team for this year.rnands that there be such a profit. • Summary:Seniors, 19. Sophs. 10.Hadwin ..•....... R. F. . .•....• GreenDeGraw Capt L. F , .G. Kuh,Radnitzer, Capt.Worthing C DuckSutherland "R. G LawlerPatchen L. G MurphyField goals-Baldwin 3, DeGraw 4,,\Vorthing. Green 2, Kuh, Duck. Freethrows-DeGraw 2, Sutherland, Rad,nitzcr, Duck. Referee. Kuhns; Timer,Fulkerson: Scorer, Vinissky. Time ofnol ds club from" until 6. halves 15 minutes.Mi.s Nichola. will 'speak on the Chicago Kent College of LAWBe a laber. Good lawyers are in constantdemand. igbeat paid profession. Evening.c:ouraes. Degn-e L.L.B. in three years. Larg·est and best llUiPped e,.cnir.g uw Schoolin th.. world. e find positions in law of·ftc:ea tor hundreds of students yea.rly, soth-:r; may earn �nsea while working fOTa egree. Rare chance for ambit ious yeungmen. Send for Free Catalo:roe. Addrt'�sCHICAGO KENT COLLEGE OF LAW.lOOt lCO Dl'arbom Street.Lecture Room •• 25 L VaD Buren se, CbicaeoS. BAKALER Ph ••• lilt .. ,-The French Model Ladies TBllor.11M L ISOI StIIIT, MIA .. GI.!INWOOD.Ladies· Suita, Coats and Skirts made to or-der, aDd I i'J&Z'&Dtee all suit.! to be utis·factory, aa th� characterized by su-� qualitJ. nesa of Style, ArtisticorlaD&Dablp aDd Perfection of Fit.Your Trial Ordeor' Is ff'Rl\ectfull,. !loH('itl'<i,Slwdents ThInk' of itIds JI..t JIG ..... 11C 1ad1a 111111 c-............................ 'ISc�. � Preaabc'" R�W .. G.uaat ...J..e ___ ... tQr..,. OIlCeL COHN 1811 E.6151, ...,au.,The Drexel TaJlorscu:ANERS.nd DYERS903 £. FIFTY-FIFTH STREETN.rDrnei AYeDlI� I�"trfll", f,c.. .f bdiu an" Ciuts ,.r.,1ItsfIt"afr .g a." ".,f.g a' Mod,,,,, 'rkN. Wortcall'If ,., •• If D,II .. "d. T". Hyd, 'art liST ChicagoMinneapolisSt. PaulSTORE NO.2750 E. 63RD STREET, "TEL. NORMAL 5915Hatter" �a, FUfJlisher, A complete line ofMEN'S WINTE�, WEARAT POPUlAR PRICESOPEN EVENI'NGSWe respectfully solicit your. p&�DaieNoble SoperTIIIlOR,.75 Dearborn Street. Corne�"aaroeSecond Floor. Tel.phon. Central I.t44 IpnvC)(lJ'lB'fsA(:rEB!'"TEA]JlAy�-jC2TH....Mad-TbjCaSCIPi:CCJdisis:TlTI:ifL�ORrSlht'all 1tirncialC'r�theablr-rdoth..WotureICSFmL-1PB, LMIatdi�Dctir"IIINWOODnBWOODBASSWOODGBAYWooDI'EIL�WOODTEAKWOODMAPLEWOODETC.YOU WILL FIND WHATYOU ARE HUNTING FOR�- ..COLLARS2 FOR 25 CENTSTHEY AR.E IN CR.EEN BOXESMade by EARL & WILSONF_ua for � CollarsThis Ad. Is Goodfor 51.00CUT "tHIS OUT.Call us up and we willsend one of our expertPiano Tuners, who will ac­cept this coupon as $1.00discount. TIle regular priceis $2.5C.This is' a ·bona fide offer.This Ad. must be presented,if you desire the reductionLouis LowenthalPianos that please.712 West Madison StreetTelephone Monroe 2517.WE ALSO RENT PIANOS.ORDER NOW. Ready January 7.SPALDING'SOfficialKl BAS�BALLRECORD'For IguEdited by John B. Foster.The Year in Base BallThe acknowledged authority' on..311 matters of Records in the Naticnal Game. Contains the Offi­cial Averages of all Leagues inOrganized Base Ball; History ofthe Year in Base Ball; Remark­able Occurrences; Best·on·Rec:­r-rd: List of Club Members,' andother information since the for­___ .. tile National League;World's Series Records and Pic­HIres of Players and Wortd'c Ser-res Scenes. Price 10 Cents.For sale at all newsstands,L G. SPALDING & BItOS.·147 Wabasb Ave.. Chic:aco.Turldsh aod RumlD, 75cPLAIN BATHS 25cBarber Shop Saratop Rot.lOpen Day and NiCbt.161 Dearborn Street.Maroon Hotel & Restaurant58th aDd Dr •••• A .....Those who have tried every res­aurant and Cafe in the Universitydistrict are our regular patrons.Do you want a better testim()nial?Step in and take your lunch or·Hnner with us today."Only two blocks west of theCampus."Maroon Hotel Ind Restaur! at THE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 13. igli.·STARR WRITES ARTICLE ON,"LAST 'OF SHO-GUNS"One YearGuarantee CertificateDiamond Point -Fountain PenEvery pen made by H ia cuaranteedto give abaobite satisfactory aemcein every particular.In' event of any diuatiafactiODwithin one year from date of purcbuethis certificate entitles you to returnthis pen to us with your name. ad­dress and description of the trouble.and we will either live you • DeWpen or adjust yours so as to cive ab­solute satisfaction.DIAMOND POINT PEN CO.Signed •.•. , .........••..• DealerDate sold '. .. .. 191 ••Geo. F. Ivins, Mgr.Save this certificate-it i. your pensatisfaction insurance.BASKETBALL AND ITRACK ELECT BOARDR�SEN�ATIVES 1At the elections of the W. A. A. Ive sterday Ella Speiring was chosen If"OJIl the classes of games and track!'; . � '.:--,>:.... �.Up�r C/assmen' to Be Strictly Pro, After the address of �iss Nicholes,bibited From Floor. . I an opportunity wil! .be given all thewomen 'present to join the Equal Sufv1l Have you noticed the beautiful poster in colo� baDaing in tbe"-ofkeof THE DAILY MAROON? It ia th ,work�of;.Coles PhillipF-oae,of : .... -)America's greatest painters of beaut ful -women;" This particular-'-- .poster is one of his best studies. It.will brighten up anyroo�J_:; ",;'.:- .---TAl LORS---Strauss Bldg., third floor. Clark and IladiaoD Street': �THE ABOVE CERTIFICATEGOES WITH EACH PEN SOLDBY US. IT SHOWS THE CONFI ..DENCE WE HAVE IN OURPENS.TWO DOLLARS UPDIAMOND POINT PEN CO.New York.Largest ,¥nfs. in the United States.·A Small Number.leftThey Are FreeJohn Verhoeff es:n Ask Mr. B. F. Newman, the, Busir � lIanacer <!� y� �,IJ��'daily for a card which will entitle you to one. of these posters A�.� ':SO.LUTELY FREE OF COST.ChicaiP. ProfMsor Publishes Inter­eatinK Story on Japanese Sub_ject in "The World To-day.Associate Professor Starr has writ· :1'; chairman of a committee consist­ten an article on Japan in The World :ng of Gertrude Anthony, MargueriteToday. entitled. "The Last of. the Swawite.. Harriet Hamilton and Sel­Shoguns," is featured on the cover ma Shiffman. while josephine Kernof that magazine with the - interest- was elected chairman of the commit­ing title. ··The Greatest Renunciation tee representing the basketball classes I{.f Modern Times." \\ ith Virginia Hinkins, Zillah Shep-The article describes -a visit that herd, Laura Verhoeven and LouiseProfessor Starr made while in Japan Thornbury as members of the com­recently to an old man who at this mitee. Miss Speiring and 'Miss Kerntime might have been ruler of japan. will also serve on the Advisory board.This old man, Keiki, Prince Teku- The remaining elections to chose thewaga, is the last of the Shoguns, chairman and committees from thewho had been ruling japan since 1603, �ymnasium. dancing. apparatus. swi�'independent of the authority of the ruing, and fencing classes will takeMikado. In 1867, when civil war was place today and Monday.pending between the force of theiM ikado those of the Shogiun, this CITY STRIKE IS DISCUEESEDPrince Tobuwaga, who was the Sho­gun, abdicated in favor of the Mik­ado, Professor says that there seemstn be no apparent reason for this act,fer had the Shogun made a fight, hemight be today ruler of japan_Professor Starr dwells upon an in'reresting incident that occurred at theend of his viait, Upon his requestfor an autograph, the old man pre,scnted him with a poem composed byhimself bearing his signature.The article is itIu�trated with a pho,tograph of Prince Tokwaga, taken' byProfessor Starr, and also with.a phe;rograph of the poem that was pre-WHAT IT MEANS"American Factory Rebuilt" means a clua of tJpewriten, aiCh' .. t"no other concem does or caD rebuild u we do. It is an icleD� term,used tl) distinguish our -machiDea from the,creat mua of typewritera ... -·which are, offered under the· .-uame ··RebuilL"It means tl1at if yeu buy an "American Rebuilt Typewrit� of anym!lke. ycu will eet a FACTORY re�uilt 'machine,' rebuilt with �new' � .parts; not ()De that has been simply reraircd and fixed un in an or4i- ' ',_ ..., n;try' shop, but one equal to new in mechanical quality. " '.�I;'e gl.aranlce C·oler"l machine we sell for one year, and also guar_antee' t�e title. .•• -Y'_ -.. :f." '''\.)" .. iI, f.C.Q... ;, .The Chicago chapter of the Cos-moPOlitan club was honored at the Fre')bman Swimmers Meet, To-dq.Freshman interested in swimming<lie to met to-day at 10:30 in Cobb(lA. Th purpose of this meeting isto inform the men as to the meetswhich have been scheduled, and tourge more consistent work. Meetsha,'c heen arranged with �orthwest­ern Fre!'hman. Hyde Park. Uni"ersityHi�h. and the Y. M. C. A_ The dates f� f fl·c m�ct,� "ill hr �nn;_:,\jnc((1. and I:;';Jn� will he discussed.national convention of the Cosmo­politan club of America at Champaignwhen it was given one of the ,·ice;..presidencies of the association. A!'there are but three of these officers.the honor bestowed upon the organi­zation here is great and shows the acth·e part. it is playing in the affairsof the whole society. The man to fillth� place will he chosen at a I11CCt­ing of the cJuh next Saturday nightwhen other acticities. such a� TnteT_national :r\i�ht. will he· di�cus!'cd.Chica�o played a leading rolc in thr('on,·ent;on. at which wcre presentdelegates from twenty-!'ix rni\"er�i­tics repersenting twenty-sevcn na­tionalities, u!'aid Pre�ident T:."hiro:·and we expect to bring the com·cn·tion here in theco\tr�e of a few years." American WrItIng MaC/line Co.·The: Original Typewriter Excnange Establishr(l more than 20 year.The second Freshman class danceof the year will be held this afternoonit) .the Reynolds c1ub_ The tag' systemFourteen fraternities at Minncsotah:.\"e or�ani7.e(l a ha�kcthall leagne_ ••• t� :J'Harrison '..06S-" _iPATRONIZE IIAROON' . ADVERTISERS., ,�uffragists to Hear Miss NicholesTell of Struggle.sented to him. .. "The Garment Worker's Strike," isthe topic of an address to he madehy Miss Nicholes at the meeting ofthe College Equal Suffrage league to­morrow at 4 o'clock in Cobb 6A_ MissNicholes will be able to give a veryintimate account of the recenttrcu11te's .amerrg+the garment workersbecause �he"'has been .�ly -.aRd­sympathetically �gaged in aiding the'women and girls suffering in thestrike. Miss Nicholes has also hadmuch experience in other civic andphilanthropic work, being the founderof the Women's Trade Union and- aresident at Neighborhood house.FRESHMEN TO DANCE TODAYfrage league. There will also be ashort business meeting for the club tovote on a plan for an entertainmentsubmitted .by the president. Miss Gar­used at the last dance is to. be used net Trott.. again this afternoon. The social andexecutive committees intend thateveryone shall have an opportunitytobecome acquainted and that no oneshall be without a dance for the lack ..i'i{OFESSORS ARE ELECTED IProfessors Burton, Nitze aDd HaleHonored by Organizations.of 2 partner.The tag system is expected to work Several' University professors havebetter at this dance than at the first been given positions of honor by edu-one. for many novel mix-up figureswill be given, and no one will have allexcuse for not danci.�g.· . No upper­classmen are to be, admitted so that.the floor will not be over crowdedas it was last time. Also no Freshmanwill be allowed to come in who havenot paid their class dues for the quar­ter. though of course they can paythem at the door. cational and scientific organizations.Professor E. D. Bur+on was electedpresident of the Society' of BiblicalLiterature . at its last meeting. Pro,fessor w. A. i\itz� was chosen presi­dent of the Modern Language Asso­ciation at .its recent meeting in NewYork. At - this meeting Professor .W.G_ Hale spoke on, "The Harmonizing(of Our Grammatical Nomeaclature/'Professor Burton is head of the de-�HONOR COSMOPOLITAN CLUB partment of New Testament Litera­ture and Interpretation; ProfessorXitze is head of the department ofMember of Chicago Chapter Will be Romance Languages and Literature;Professor Hale is head of the Latindepartment.National Vice· President:\ :o'tudent of the mathematics de­partment at Illinois has estimatedfrnm a p('r�onal im·e�tigation that afratcrnity man spend� $150 moreyearly than a non-fraternity man_W­,.jTJm DAILY IlAltOOlf, FRIDA y, JANUARY 13. 191 t.••••• - ••• w.ILLINO ..i"ILYRICLew FieldsPraen�The Coloaal _JIusiQ1 Comed,r'rHB JOLLY. BACHELORS,poYVERSH.u'7 B. Hania PnMataTHE COUNTRY BOYGARRICKHenry SavagePresentsTHE PRINCE OF PILSKNNew ProductionM�VICKII:'"-Frederick Thompson'.ProductionPOLLY OF THE CIRCUSGRANDGertrude ElliotITHE DAWN OF TOMORROWSTUDEBAKERCloud this week. openiq' MondayEve Jan. 16HOMEWARD BOUNDWith Amold�o LV .... ICcOllAlla B.· ..." i.� i �" HO ... CO .....I-Get .. Q1Iick ....... .r.COR�,ComedT T_ StrikeHe1117 w. kvq.o. ..'Hemy Jl"oeI1rer ill"THE GREAT RAJIrp�NCE ••111'. Albert Chevalier illDADDY DUPORDLA .A'.�E'-THE-S •• ,'esl Gil'''. '.11._,.. ... c:c-Ic o,.a III"WHITNEYBeD17 w. Snq. 0. ...THB LITTLE DAIIODL"A play to see aaaiu-acted witb'riIJiaDcy aDd 4iauacuolL· -Rae';'.COLONIALVictor MooreillThe New lluical Play'"THE HAPPIEST NIGHT OF HIS'LIFE,"............... TELLS OF ENGLISH ELECTION . TRACK lIEN WORKING. STEADILYforth the issues in the present crisis represented by Horner. one of theand explained the constitutional best all-round athletes in the country.question involved. Such entries will make the meet ex-A large audience heard both lee, ceptionally interesting.tures by Professor Dennis, As the 'men develop. the team seemsto be one of the strongest which hasUNDERGRADUATE COUNCIL represented Chicago in indoor trackTO FILL OUT COMMITTEES fer several years. The only eventswhich are not supplied with one orWill Discuss Plans for Settlement more men than ordinary abiliay arethe longer runs. and it is possiblethat the, athletes may be so arrangedthat this weakness may not be asThe undergraduate council meets great as was feared at first. It isthis afternoon .to discuss plans for the hoped that the team may establishSettlement dance. The most import- a record in going through an entireant business to be disposed of will be indoor season of dual meets withoutthe filling our of various committees, a single defeat. I t is expected thatmost of which are now incomplete. the crucial meet will be the _e wit�Names for the vacancies have already Illinois at Champaign on February 18.been proposed. I f this can be won. the season canFollowing the election the council not be bin triumphant ..... MP'I! ...... ...,+Iwill confer with Esmond Long. thegeneral chairman, and the chairmen ilUlv9' t.aell, and the men will workof the various committees concerning hard to break the hoodoo.plans for the dance. The committeechairmen are: Ned Earle. receptioncommittee; Conrado Benitez, finance'committee; Lawrence Whiting. re,freshment committee; Robert W.Baird. program committee; B. F.Hills. publicity committee; Harold Rate�Three liDn for 25 cent&.'Gifford, music committee; Otto Siz .oreta to the line.Schnering, printing committee; W. P. Five imlertioaa for the price of four.Harms. arrangernens and decoration No advertiaement taken for leucommittee. than 25 cenlL,Cub muat' accOmpany order.Profeaor DeDnia of WIKODSin Dia..Dance With Committee Chair-men This Aftemoon.It'RESHMAN BASKETBALLTEAM TO START SEASONI. Cantioued from � I)scheduled as a bard workout to givescore was 12 to 6 in Englewood'sfavor. In the last half, Chicago heldthe small end until the last five min­utes when by clever work, they pulledahead.Maroons Hold Last Practice.The Varsity took their last scrim­mage practice last night. Work todaywill consist of basket practice withlight signal running. Pat Page triedto "come back" yesterday when heled the offense of. a team consistingof Freshman stars against the Varsity.He played against Sauer and showedby has accurate' passing that he stillremembers the game He was, con­siderable short, however, on windwhich forced his early retirementamid the plaudits of the crowd. Pape,Hoffman. Fletcher, and Nett' formedthe rest of the team. H01l'man threwseveral spectacular baskets from thefield. The team leaves for ChampaignSaturd�y morning.URGES STUDENTS TOWORK FOR SE'M'LEIIENT(Coatinaed m. pqe I)for the special features."We are going to have a gooddance:' said Chairman Long. "no oneshould forget that item. When you at­tend the Settlement dance you areno only helping along a great andworthy �haritable movement. but youare having the best sort of a goodtime. I believe we are going to havea better time at the dance this yearthan ever before, if that thing is pos;sible.." it an extremely interesting affair asaffording a chance t? &uess at thestrength ·)i some of the teams whichwill fight it out for Western trackchampionship. Notre Dame, Wiscon,sin. llIinois, and Lake Fe rest are allsaid to be planning to send some men.It is possible that Michigan may beCLASSIFIEDADVDT&JItlfI'STo ReDt� fui"nished outside rooma;suitable for 2· peoplei bath, hot_dcold water;. � of piano. �n. Bab­cock, S496 ElliS ave.. 4th flat.St1ldeat.-Let u place you ia thekiDd of a funaished room ·7011 are100m. for. We have every kiDdand price. It costs you DOthins forthe most minute details *t wehaTe OD all rooms. made from per­sow mspeCUOIL . We can teD 7011everythiDa you wish to bowabout' rooms listed with us. W GOd.­lawa Bumas Exe.. 944 Eo 63J'CISt., Cor. ElBa. Hyde Park 71_For Sale-Furnished flat includingpiano. Owner leaving the city. 5519Monroe ave" Apt. 604. pj. 10,11.For Rent-Two furnished, out-side rooms, board optional. PhoneMidway 2168. 1354 E. 58th St., nearMonroe ave.. pj. 10, II, 12. 13. 14.For Rent-Part of warm cozy Rat.all bright airy rooms, privilige lighthouse-keeping, all conveniences.Call after 6 p. m., 1378 E. 57th St.Phone Midway 2234.Wanted-Young ladies or gentlemento take orders for framed calendars.Just out, Big commission. WriteArne Bros., Oak Park Ill.pj II, 12. 13.Wanted at Once-Waiters at Men'sCommons. Call between 1 and J :30today. sj J 3To Rent-2 rooms. housekeeping orwithout or for 3 or 4 boys. Reason­able. 5825 Jackson ave. znd. Midway3916. Befter De,'i�ery - Ser"iceOur aiD" is to give our subscribers the best delive,EY thf'Y have everreceived. However. we cannot do this unlets you advise U3 wheneverTHE DAILY MAROON is not deli ;;'ered to y�u. Don't wait to see", .. bether the paper makes it appearance tomorrow before you makeyour complaint. �O IT NOW.,THE DA�LY MAROON is supposed to be delivered to you ev=rymorning ·before breakfast whenever same is published. That's whawe pay our carriers to do. Tell us whenever they do not.cuuea Crisia ill Encluut (ContiDtw.i from pap I)tomorrow. This meet will. from pres­Professor A. L. P. Dennis of the ent indications. be very largely attend.- . University of Wisconsin yesterday ed by college athletes. This will make•-------------- concluded his series of two lecturesL..AC�TON� on the political situation in England..H"�"" Place, IMtw_ lIicla. _. He 'explained the issues in the elee-Wal»ula AT.", tion and illustrated methods of the.., ... H. c.- III parties by' means of posters. HeGeo. 1.6'. New c_ .,... brought these posters With him from-v. I. ......... England.After telling of the election he setFOR A GOOD LUNCHEON OR DINNERGo to lOIS E. 61d Sf.NEAR ELLIS AVENUE.Luncheon, n:30 A. M.;2:30 P. M ..Dinner, 5:00 P. M� 7:30 P. M.. 25 Cents. COl·Com-The originators of theStraw and very Mild. TOE:Nov:ICoSuSettlguidstrerell: dpostn('TS,wichspre:nounmitoThaftercess.deansuchsI1Sothatto ncomeo:tncYOU CANNOT BEW:lSIwoulsitioiill:"COI1andthe 1wasof hgavethesignproaticket!ayFinaIronin�M. (\\illCobgive:AwasUrnd 11andSl'P<menter,l:the}of ItheithatpcryJmllin"i�a Connoisseur' of Turkish Ciga­rettes until you have smoked the.: £ONDAX EXTRACLUB SIZE1 Paaageof 5 Cigarettes for 15':Manufactured byf .. · A. CON.DAX & CO.FATIMATURKISH -.®' BLEND' -®CIG.AImTTES.,PSYCHOLOGYTheirain'is a complexorganism with many mar­velouS attributes.ManoJ31 is ODe d Ibeaa hmce donot forget F� --,.�.", is uotLer---thiuk of their800 dnea. . tbei( cIi.Iiudite lnJieiJu­oIily. :', ImJl;gen«-tbe master tLaaahtis what we me ill LIendina IUCb aretobacco.ADd Reaon. wei. b.y appealto you because JOG caaDot ··reuoa"aDJ other ciaudte 10 satitlyiq aodenj�able. College men say ibejre.. dileRDI" -and they bow.20 for 15 cis. -in a plaia pacbae--aad you ad 1m -dditime1THE AI1ERICAN TOBACCO CO.Be a lo,.al ltude.t •• 41 nbsath (or The Dasly "&rOOD.