1:..··:·�..Jn __ ... _._. ............ �._",.., ..,_, __ � ,._ ..... �_I' ... ...........,.,. � ........VOLl.:ME IX:,"No. 55. . "\ �"'1.:-.r \'�;'.'U.JIVERSITY OF CHICAGO. TUESDAY. DECEMBER: al, 1910.:;PWlsi�fOI�"RAlln"'" ·A1UtA8GE.'fOltC��'�J __StU�enbi':Wi11'Ci&iber�t �)� JJDCII . ,.':-.: ,BASDtltAtL.'LEAGUE�;T;U�Y'-E';���aDa:Tbeii'�-"� �r •_- -- , ----,'to Station-:-More Formal Receptioli' �� �d.,��_�_te'�� ,�eiri January.);' .,,' tnlIiDIiIiT�lrrailfe ... iiitS _f�L J,__;;_;. . - . ' '.. " "� latei'G1asa GameI.::Students goin8':dowu' 1to •• �l ,.'PRESIDENT BILL WILL'.SPEAK the baseball team baek: frum:'lapU 'DiA.-scBEDnE"'M£XrQUAktEI-will gather at':the "c" bench 'blifore" " ' . .'- "-8 o'cioCk-:TuesdaY'liight,ot.'neXt·1Hek.:� l:�e1a-'t .. -B -A �.. -.-From: there' the crowd will·maJce. the. '" "T 0 Dj� . .w. N to v�ummc; tam- ywty � t.o, Dllterrounds of the Reynolds club aDd-'dIe·� .' ! Race.-fr aternity : houses to gathefl:-' up 'alli 'rvxiclent Charles Ross Hill of the ::tray students, -and--will-then pro­ceed in a body:'ti,-:the:-UniOnI�tation.l:lli\'('rslty of Missouri .will delivertil\: address at the __ Convocation exer; The t�am .�rrives ov�r-t��,,��rl!�iI: a� i ... ts this afternoon at 3 :o'CI'oel(" on' ton about 9 o'clock. ThiS�:lS; tb� �fo.:­.gram announced by' Ch�im.,;.i;:1tirle· c:� genlent�·J!.torj.·��:�:CXlmillg.,� iDter-"Some Successes and �FaiLures. of the . . .�,.... el b k tb II S·of. the arrangements commiti"e�: ... ·-�··r ss as e a gam��, .. � . teams_. \ 1lJ..! ric a u Colleges.'; TIle .final chapel The committee is niak��:-s\te'liu�" I be. ��ts��d ip;!t�_ .r��: includingcxcrvises of the S�nior _c'olleg�s will • V_f .effort�"" to' =-get � :eveey: 7s:-tu�eDt1tha� 're�': our undergraduate classes, theh,' helel in Mandel at 10:30 this morn- . ., . J " • andrnedi t h J T .ir.�. mains 1il,'Qticago�u� that Dlpt.�-nie�·; n 'me lea -sc 00 s;: he-dlViDity"-Overture, "Melusina," .. Mendelssohn players 'are c'oming' home' ttom:�"tli':' artment =.wiU,_not ,b_ec.�s:�ented.Symphony No. I, C Minor, Opus .. -.' . \)!IC hundred and twentry-three de- urn pJi.ant-:-:t" our'" o"-f'�'t�e�:;O'" n:·e'n·t":a·a-a···i"L.! "�. ��e-_"()f .. �t�ril]g,.o;�not�er'ldpe�ofII "l&I� ...• _.JI .. � .......... _.... .��_..J;" -J'"l ......... .1 • .., I •• .., .....58, •.•..•......• ' .. '.....•...• _Brahms .�rl�l'S ar.d titles will be conferred this comniiiiei desite's -···lb:iji�e·· ;·theiiC.'· ,AI mrty schools in·�tbe·lcity.Un poco sostenuto-Allegro. -_� '.;�:�'.,:: afrcrnoon. The number is almost noisy and enthusiastic werco�e;..'-1Jii�� -shield- 'will-be- awarded to' the- .A d t t . ';�, identical with that' of last 'year when ' "�-intJo . te ...... • ... I..!-1. ·11 I. den ante sos enu o... <\._.; •. <; they step fre!!l tJJ.�-tratn;--'-r' w¥� �'-'7.: 'i:;:�,�� I���:'l .��.Un poco al legretto � graziQ5o. 'ille llUJ1Gred and "twenty receh·e'd di-: There wilT -b�sohii>Wcfy�{rs�ancl mined on the per�entage;:bi.&lL �Y�orAdagio-Piu . an.dante. Allegro nOll plumas.' Of the number this quarter,' otbeL ey'ifte�c:es� �.f j9Y at .t�� s�tiOD., t��..w1l1 play�games_W1th_each oftroppo.-ma con brio.' li:ty-tw(l will get their degrees and L '--. ,,-,'':>. _5jrL_'�� �,.,. ,c.,:tl:l�. thFJr opponentsess,uuP<?,I;.taHJ.,Cletail&_.ay'e pe!llit u: ,- n;-t�· .. .J r.1 c:Snv !:r..;('1!:�.'� "/i:�;\...,;, ':. ...a Traullle� � '. � Wagner� Thomas, s(-\·cntj·-two their titles. ra�ge�i by' �1ie" com�iti�� �h��' �� ��� ��� ('!.��..;�t.lf'�;�!�!!�r����g� ���te�s.h Traumerei, Schumann-Thomns List of De'�rees. un���!,u�tc: ���i�.�,�� ��!�.;. to� �� _.����r��:\V�, �1� ... :�lscussed butPolonaise. A Flat, Opus 53, __ : l:oliowing are the degrees; In the head-�q��:w�C?���� ���r,� -:�·��::,n� .?::�fim�e-i c���!��!on.:·:�;.;v _. Chopin-Thomas (nllege of Education, 'four two·year \)! ithis committee are: N��'�l�r. '.; :.. ':.;: Te:�'$ ��:�Start. � __ ,. ___;' .. � � �l'rtificales and .one bachelor of phil� W�Iu.m!,.�r�leYt.,..H1IIDe: ,C.: �9tm'M' W�H�a�.J�u!t., who i.� chairman ofIRENE- HASTINGS T() BE' . � -,. ,':,ophy and education; in the Senior Alec�:�Whitfidd.·,·,RaJ�.::;Rosen��. .,�h�:.�m������ _i�.'cpa�ge, i�,:�pe��:- .:,W. A. A. PRESIDENT collegc, five bachelors of arts, seven- Wi�Ji�m.Jr\Y.a�llf!r.,La�u.WPit.inl9'!. }!:�������:.<?f 5�u?n_�. �1�_�!,r��i�L "--::r'." '('ell ua�helors of philos,ophy, an� ,K�rt,Chandler an�.-,�c..:��·r. q:;-:;. ,�.,s ·y�ar m order to avoid ��gThird .Election for Secretary .. to -Be_ (i�l�t. bachelors of scie�l�e; .i�: the .. � nlore formal��J����_1Irin be ten- o�t.!J1�. ¥h�q�lea�s .���:th� �e lastHeld Next. Quarter-Iuegular .. __ .. T1!..:II:��Z.. �_C��£?�,.;��?.����,��L�!�!.. :�.��«t�Jt�St.��V��-L�1.ne��:t ,��r·)1e.;�.;.�i._ 'i:..t.! ':.;; <:J_��J"-,��, ••. : IElection Adjusted. one master of philosophy_;O!.!t_the Law' �ait is to consist of_a..purift"'baDqaet • m���·,I_1l·tt<;:�e,�,flt������ ����� .�,hool:, two doctor!i:of jurisprudence;' "m' l�h:COmmODS_latj6'lO'alockJ;;ne)' i,:�c�i.m,9�� ��poftpn.�. t� ��� ��.,."III the. Graduate sch-oob.--:fo·iirmasters st'cfnd part!;wjll-:be.-:a..";imass. -aD. ��lt:�er!: .J!f� .Wct��':?� ��;J �e�_.�s.. :The dectiQrl' or', i reno -e Ha:. ti.ngs of . ... L d dpf phil03cphy, six masters of science. m �and�1 immediately-after the ban- 1��r';Ii��� t:...��e�;4� ),>p�s}pl�����t .. ��r, ,::tnd tw(' doctors of'philo!:;ophy::' �._: :�. ·quet: ,Tlie 'woJDeo;:..rill-lIIeet iD: ba.J the, varl'?l1:5 t�ams an� to, eJttepd the .OWIll�( to 'the:,c�rripiicatiori of' dates� in�ton::and';iJDarCh:�oftl":m:'-�a ::t)ody.'; ;.a�":�ti��.s �"p! :·t��.�._'�e� d���ui�_ �"', ,:!ttending the dosing.�r�he:Univer- aneJ evuybOdY)wiU:joUa'in:tbe-.IOIIp, �:pmvers�ty athietics �to a.s many stU-A. A. in Lexington. Reference ttl the "it). of Missour.i, Pregid.ent Hill was yells·all(1:talkS of-the mas.I�W- .. :��� i��;P<?��i�\�'j{t��.-:o��g .��constitutIon of the W. A. A. showed . k tb II . ·1" :l'Tlable to be present at: the ·convoca...: 'that ·follows� _ .. , :e .�I' �·��s :,,"1_I.p�o�·�;,a ������tllat a two-thirds majority was not . . 'tnt' Jde� '11 b ·d d _1_-rec�ssarY .to the ele,ction of any can- !illll rCl�eption' last night' iii Hutchin- .DEiC·"I:S�l··O;·:� 'UOT VD. .�:.� ••.... '��. '��C���I�"'';h'';� �J_,en�d' ."ot'b�i�rah·� ;th�;�;;on hall from 8:30 :to 10:'30. Dr. Hill .....n :A'_ ,) ._&{� .��;.,�" .---r:"tI.� �: ... �J:e. lS-:D.-°-c ��, �} .. aL .. I�didate to ctnce, as had been supposc:cl. . . 'ON HOLID.&¥. .n��'-IoH nla· b fi' 1 -b .will arriye' in the city this morning' -. _ - '.: ._,u_&...., ',�" n IS a ene cIa one ut . Its .suc-Since Irene Hastings received at tIle ,�nd will le:l\;'e tonight. Mr. and Mrs. '.':". .. �;"" .'.; �� : .: c«!���!!e�#���.}¥il����� ,je�th����-'"first election the majority of \'ote� �i:trtin A. Ryerson received last .CoUncil· �:l»etiti�'i ·for ,BoJidQr: .� ; "'t�:;y�JC� i.t.--=�� .• r�,��i,v�d 'b� t�e stu- .nece3�ary for her election she w:t'" 'lIl. da T____ Y-8ti1l.l.- d t b d Up:�ht at the reception. .. _on y.:.,.._.",,:� ! ... ,� ",,,: ��, <0 .�.:mLJ': t,.�t "!"'!� �:�::.::, -: : ....declared leg;dly l're�ident oithc as- �the,�) ·.: : .. :::..;:: '. I ���w ����._N�}��... ,'_.sociation. � :�,(.,., : .... -;.:�-:: .: 'Th� s\:beaule of games Win· beHELEN FOSTER. '12. I�> :pEAD Januacy 2 has: n�t �t :��,ti"'i ''-��J:n���!!:���e!J;¥��i�··��,th�.�· �:posed. of. on ;th�,-Pniver.s'� ���.! :,gin�ln�of next ·quarter.: The.athieii�'Prominent Junior Dies at Home SUD- �o action has yet been take� ��� . c��!���,�r�rth� '�ff�r��i:�cl����:day After Long Illnea f�J:mal peti,t;ion" .�h�d� .... �� ..• a����: .,11 meet on the first Tuesday i;i th�.­graduat� ;council pr��e4' to tR fac:- "c;,uarter. to institute a Campaign to in_' .Hcl�n':Eli��heth Foster:die'd'at'her �uJty_Sa�urc:lay �onUalr.,-; ':-., .• � .duce the me;l oCihC-Univcrsity to.Tht; c: c;<lunc_il, .. on ;.��f . .of:. the ; �tu- . :: �urla" oat for their 'respective j 1eams.:d�nt bo-Jy. asked that IIOD�"_��-:� ..• �rriridoor track meet will also 6e di�:ari- ,2.� be· 3dded;t�,1� ��� r�- : cUssed:'and .... m··'tibtldab'tedly be heldcess_.- It is ,believed: �� .the· �aaI .tis- : n�ar·the middle 'of the: qUrter.�r.T .pmmlOn of the matter nsh with, I", ,·t·;�:-} .. � Ji ·: ..... 1? �:.::..P�sidcnt . JudsoD. . It is' 'andentood: _ Sr-UD£NTS'HONOR 'PROFESSOR, ., \ . _ .. '.. . . --.. Itbat_;bculty. fee1ina;oDf�� � ... ia.-; : .-_ .·that the grantms of.:llollclay .�,,'� �w r; �deDta - Give, bOJ7-HeacSeaholiday would b��.ak �IU��, -,reek. It t �. -Qme. to· Jud&e 1I.dr..,is s�o\\."'D tbat grantilla of, _OIUIa),.as :) ._ ., :.-a holiday .. might lead to. the talcing'�f _ �}.udge Julian oW:: Mack. 'professor .s(','eral. other vacation days. especial- .i" the law school, who was recently·ly by students living out ::of t:he . nfJ1ninatcd." by. President ·Taft ·fordty. 011 the other baDd, it Ie member!thip in the Commerce Court.thQughth by some to be a bardship· "ias:-1prese8ted, �li a goldheaded.tv ha\·e· to return to college 011 Mon-' ivory· ca� Friday morning at 8:30 •d�y, since in many cases it wo.ld ne-, b)' ·,the students of his classes. The.cessitate a departure on New Year's pte3e1ltMiQn�.took-- place in the classday�:or- e\'en 'bdore. It is also poiiiiecf room ju·-,t as :Judge Mack was abouto\1t:�tha\ January 2 is' a legal holiday t6 begin his "class work, and it 'came3!' lJew Yea"r'IJ� da,.. comK·on�Sanday. as somewhat Qf a aurprise to :him. .A hal decision will probablY b4!:.an- J\ld�e ·l\:ack made a speech in re-..nonced floll'i'-::- the-, Pl'esitlent's office tam; in W�.IC!l he expressed "his regret-.i ". .today. .,_:_ .' .• ': .. : j at .leaving the Uninfsity. and said�� 1�a4 . he- � hoped to return· to' Chicago: �rclue hac; orgahi�'� \rift� team a'ttl' !his t�rm. of ,office was "over to, .J. "co�����:-fr� .. the..Qclet. ti1cc uv: duties as a judge' on the cir-CX\rps. cuit bench.MEMORIAL CONCERT PROGRAM I HOLD CONYOC�J�ON ': . 'Theodore Thom�rchestra to Pre- EXERCISES IN· MANDEL .sent Special Program January 3, in• Commemoration of Death of Found;-er of Famous Organizatiou.:··SEVEN MEEtS·'AHEAD·. FOR CHICAGO RUNNERS·er. \'.t. :\. A. executive committee�.tinder her direction will hc th<' ('h:u11_pionship game!' of the wlntcr :tnd!'pring quarter and the 'V. A. A. \';'\\1-d(ville. which will be ginn nextSix Dual Dates and Indoor ConferenceMake Up .fwl.SchedDle Nexti. ;'-�QaU1er. � . :CANDIDATES AT WORK "ALaWy The Theodore' Thomas orchestra",;11 �I"'C it s annual COIH.ert in Mandelh:ill,- Tuesday, " Ja'flllaii - -3. 11)11, "irimemory of' the late Theodore'Thomas.Conditiomng' .TJieiii&elvej'-{or Seasoll--Many lvten. in Middle Distance.Di�tan"�e R.ms·�And RelAYs.Mr. Thomas, who' was organizeland it:-r many years the leader of theThe dates for the indoor track sea­�OJl ha\'� 7'b�n �nn����ed. Six dual"outl'�b and. the indoor Conferencemeet at Evanston are on the list,Hl.1killti a total of seven. Two con­tee t s, OIlC -at home I and one .at thectncr ulli\"�;sit.Y�' ·hav� been' arrangedwith three Conference universities,illinois, Norl��s·terl'·J; .. and Purdue.Two oi these have never been on Chi­cago';; indoor 'schedule before. This isthe second year' dlat� .,ei�her - »r thetwo has had the" facilities 'to hold in­coor meets.The time---;irid placFof the'" variousmeets iuIJow:s:Jall'lary 2�N'ort�western at Chi-cago.February 3-Purdue at Lafayette.February I�lllinois at Champaign.Marcil 3-Purdue at Chicago.March--- j·�.21-lIi��is ,at- Chicago.-)iarch I�N ��thw'este'l n � at Evans-to'I.�Iar�h'r2s-Indoor:':--;�nference atEvau.::;ton. _M�n in Handicap Games.In acldition to· -th'e' coliege �eet;' itis probable that some of the men willbe entered--:-in� the/handicap gamesgi\'en I�y thet, ir.ish�mericari Athletic'dub ,:of Chicago":in �tbe.' Seventh Regi­m�nt Armocy on January 14. It isnot likely, however, that·a· full team·",iii !>e sent into this meet, but onlysnch men as it is thought wiil be bene­hlted by increased experiences. Itis ,·xpected that there' will be a largesquad out for the team, and it is be­li:::veu that some of them will suffer. flom lack of experience unless theyha\'c a chance to do some running incompetition before" the college sea­snn b<:gins.A number of candidates have been\\ ;Jrking . out before the close of thenuaner in order to condit�on themH-Ivc,:; for the winter season. Thecoachcs are anxious that as many ge�i" this wcrk as possible, as the meet�w;ll !"t�!,!__y_�_r� _quickJy after the be­ginning of the . ���t - q��rter. .N'otmu( h ti�-;- ca;'--ttien-- be allowed' for�encr:tl conditioning::work. ._ -Strol1g in Middie" Dis�ces. ..The �rcate!"t strength of' the teamI;es 111 th� half' �'l(i quarter. Thereart; se\'\!�a'('good" �lcn' avail�hle' forthese r3(;es .. Davenport won them�oth In . the �onrerence meet last�rrin.:" and is the superior of any manill the \Vest at either. Timblin, who,;In a �trong half two years ago, has:mnnllll('ed his intention of coming�'l:t a�a;n. Skinner, who sho\verl�'�on,:::ly at .the half and lluarter inth" 1_-ni':<:rsity of Chic:igo Interschol_(lqic in the spring of 1909, will alsolIe rcady for one or other of the r�ces�E:lrJ!' ran strong quarters indoors lastyear, awi it is thought l�kely that he\\";11 he 11!'oed in it again this fall.Gcor�e Kuh was quarter-miier on the.frc;;hl11an team last spring. E!'mondI .():,� ;1I,d Baird both ran the mid­tHe <Ii�t;!nce toward the close of last� Continued 011 page 4) Thoma; orchestra. died j2n\1ary·-t,I�05. The date has been observedevery year since by a special concert ..The members of the Thomas familyIntend to be present at the memorialconcert.The program for the concert willbe as foJlows:the \\' omen's Athletic Association iorih� �risuing - year' wai- confi��ed ycs­_ terday noon at the meting of the \V.As no candidate has yct recciHI'a majority vote ·for ttle office of ;;cc.n·tary, another election for thi� of­.fice will he held on the \Vedncsc)ay ofthe first week of "the next quarter.The �anclidates for tllis eJection willhe isabel Jarvis and nose Marte, �toore.. A statement of the fact!' C('1nccrrr-­ing ,. the in-eguJar counting (If thc"f)tes of Thur�day'� election was r< adby- Marl!aret Sullivan. newly electe(l'V.· A. A vice-president. Since .thiselection had not succeeded· in addinllany mc,re officers to the 'V. A A,.r:inks. it wa� a�eed to let the ",i .. -takes made in it� conrl\�(tin,:r he h�;�one�.These dt:cisions lea\'c the 'V. A. ,.\,with a pr(,!"ident ancl a vice-presi,lcl1t.l\�(h of whom were clc('t�d :tt th('dt'ction on Tuc�day. It is not th()�!�htprohahl<.· that more than onc morec!eC'tion will he required to ohta;n' :t!"-ccretary for the association.Mis!' Hasl!n�s. the new Jir('�hlcnthas done �ood work in ha;;kcthall nndq\1arter. One Hundred and Twenty-three WillReceive Degrees and ntles TbllAfternoon at 3�Head of University of Missouri toGive Address oil AmericanColleges.class -eemmittees met.. yeater .. ,afternoon In- Dr. Raycroft's officed completed '. the preliminatY�ar-, 'l:ollle ?I.:nday afternoon' after a linger­mg il1nes"s 'lasting' more:"'th�n:-':siX·\\"c�ks. S'h� �;as- a menlh�r' '(i(' :iheJ l!Jlior- class. on the' governing boardrof the \V. A. A., a member' of the5-il.!l11;t dull, and was on the women'sha:-kcth.tH team. Miss Foster. wastrcasurt'r of her class in her Sopho-11l0:-e y<'ar.. i I cr (;c<lth resulted froUl a compli­( at i\ 'it {if (:i�eases which baffled herI,ll:. �ichn�. She was �ompclled toj'::1\ e thc Cni\"Crsity last Sl,ring. but1('1' cf;lloition was not considered seri_t ,!, � at t:lat time. She cntered the t ·ni-\ (. r,it,) in the winter quarter d 1909.Working Way Through Harvard.; la.·.·:t!'d students eameu a fetal of�,;.).O(lO lhis last year hy work out­�i(k or c1"�s hours. according to ar· 'port ,u�t is:ouecl by Hoger A nerby,": :-cla1"�' for appointment:;.- The nUIll.·l:c1' of �tl1dcnts who made a part of,h·ir �xpen�es in the - course oi theyear wa� 1.143, or about 20 per cent�f � he cntire student body.I;J!I� THE BAiLY MAROON, TUESDAY, DECEMB�R·�. 19ib.-----�4----:"-.-----��--THE DAILY MAROON rooming and apartment pouses-men i\\LK OVER ORATORY RULESand women who pC\'�r subscribe for Candidate. for Peace Conte.t Havethe varsity publication but help them-. iel"e���t'::thos'e 'of their neighbors: Meetin� in K�nt... ormer17 ·.��Ii�:wo�idn·t be quite so bad if this ;' .. Plans for the Peace Oratory con-T'- UDh.n1t7 of Cbl�o W_kl7 ,.,i'oun4ecl ,- callous ..... 8�ntry· returned the paper test' were discussed at the meeting ofTbe Weekl7 •••••••••••••••• Oetober 1. 1182 " ��. - -,'rbe DallJ' ••••••••••••••••• October 1. 1102 when readr though why a man should the 'contestants yesterday afternoon----------------. :!��k��.����.th�:sub�criber·� 'per-- inKent The subject was discussed inI;&iss'�n ��'e cannot '{or 'the life of us :J general way, and a few rules to gov-,. �c;e·;�ui�tfey�:�eep� � the' paper. The ern the preparation of the speeches fort.wne:"hnever 'se�s . it' unless he arises 'pte preliminary contest next Febru­in the wee hours, and whisks it in be- HY .submitted. Definite action will beioie he' h�s' had time .. to complete his taken on the suggestions at the nextt(lilet�io�. the paper thief i� an early meeting, to be held three weeks from. '-.-.... ., Ta. STAI''' riser.: .,' , ,�. �:� .N . .L P ........ R ••• MaaqtDa Bclltor. "Tlicr�" Ish"t • anything . to be done.IiL J. DALY • •• • '. .- M ... Edit.Ai. lo'. CARPENTER • Atblet1e II:d1torEutere4 .. 8eeoDd-elau mall at &be Cbl·up POIItomee, Cblcaao, IWDola. Karcla1& 1101. DDGer .Aet of .... rcb .. :una.now.The papers can't be t!l.�o.wn into indi- 'n= t week in March. in which the rep­vidual rooms for obvious reasons; and resentatives of all the colleges of theThe state contest wiil be held in the,.rile subscriber who rooms in a com- state which have entered will con­,BualD� II&nqer : rnunity burdened 'with a paper thief test for the honor of representing 11-d�� F. NEWMANASSOCIATE EDITOBSw. J. Fout.C. Y. -r."lorCo W. Hoqblaud B. L. J[emaleottI(. W. BeeMD. 1.. Breed•. K.J..>eebe a.PORTJCJl8.u. 1). SteyeraWU.aocN'S DEPARTMENT.YarJorle Hill, Bdltor.Huth HeUcker, Reporter.SUBSCRIPTION BATES:IS)' Carrier, t2JiU per �ear. tLOO per quarl.er.�1C7 mall, tl.2G per quarter p.OO per 7-r lD. adYaDe8.."'ewa cODtrlbutioDa m&7 be le!t at EUlaUaU or .I"&cu1t� ll:.xc�e, addreuec1 tor'ne DaJl� Maroon.The Daily Maroon offers its con so­ration tCJ the relatives and friends ofMiss Helen ElizabethU.l.iss Foster's Foster, who died Sun­Death ,day. University stu-dents who came intoc or.t a ct with her personality willshare with her family the SOftOW ather loss.\Vc quote from expressjons of sym­l'�thy drawn up by her friends: �"In the passing of Helen ElizabethFoster, each one of us has lost astrong, true, sincere friend. In Uni­Hrsity High scho')l. and the Univer­!'lily of Chicago she was loved byt:\'crYOlle with whom tibe came in con­t�ct� In c(,lIege activities as well asin her home, she carried things toc<..'mpletion with a steady hand. Her'wonderiui personality drew to her.llen and women, young and old. Foreach' she had something which shegave with joy. Her friendship .\vashound less. Those who came in tuuchwith her during her last illnc�s ieclthat they can never be the samea�ain and her inspirmg faith andccurage will give everyone an idealtoward which he may strive. Helenwa� and will ever be the spirit ofliie."The following editorial is ffom theMichiga:l Daily. \Ve make no asser­tions as to its applica-Does The bility here. We onlyShoe Fit? submit it for considera­tion. The editorial fol-lc'ws:"This editorial is addressed to thatcuhureti but lightfingercd element ofthe community whom everyoneknO\vs about and whom a few of usknow�"From the time college opens tillJ tlI�e the vffice of the Daily is assail­\ I; hy wire, by mail and in person be­,';, 'l"C 'our papcr doe�n't corne.' Forthe tirst few months we attempt toq'''ponci to those complaints. check­ill;; :lIleJ rechecking carricrs' list�. rc­priman(ling the carrier:', and other­\';i�e resorting to all the cxpedientst:1:1t can bc im'cnt('d in hehalf of suh_""i'ibcr�. But about tl,is time of they,-'ar we become assurcd. :ts do somedour p:ttrons, that the trouble lies.lot \,;th the staff of the paper but'with the paper thieves that infest simply has to cuss, and. wait for thehappy Jay �h�n consciences willbe .keener,Ilut kill him' if you catch him.·'DAILY BULLETIN linois in an interstate contest amongrepresentatives of Illinois, Indiana,Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and\\'iscol1sin. Chicago's representativein the state contest will be chosen ina preliminary contest to be held inthe month of February .Senior College final college .exer; SETTLEMENTANNOUNCE�ENTS. ;. ... :; .. '. .___ • 0 > would !)c �ven each committee headSeniors, have .. pi.«;t\ifcS' :taken at at the first meeting of next quarter,Root's studio, 'Kim1>�lr btitldin& .. No giving the work expected in detail. Acharge. ,o:tmpaic-r. of the most strenuous na­Women Students :&om ·�"St. -; Louis ture possible is the promise of theare request�d 'to 5end"thefr:names to chairman who says that this year'sDean Talbot. icises, Mandel hall;.I():30 a. m.Phi 'Beta . Kappa quarterly meeting:It 10:JC ill Cobb" 6A. ' 0 •Sennty�s"eventh: U�iverSity. Convo,cation, Mandel hall, 3. p. m. Convo,cation address b'y President. Hill ofthe University of .�Miss"�uri 'on "Some;-'\1CCe�Se5 and Failures 'o(the Ameri­can College." •.. '.; ..... ,' .. . HEADS MEETChairmen of Committees Meet forPreliminary Discussion of Plans.A me .. -ting of thc general committeein charge of the Settlement dancewas held yesterday morning at which�he work of the several committeeswas laICJ out for the first three weeksr,i next quarter. Chairman Long an-nounced that typewritten instructions_ cfance is to be the greatest ever held.Cards for listing honors of Seniors He has several new schemes andfor Cap' and. Gown 'now on bulletin I features d ideratiIlO\·1.! _ un er consi erationboard. Seniors· fill out and' hand in.,.. r-rnong which is a new idea in thetu Cap a·nd1Qownloftice. reir eshment line and a probable talkfrom some of the leaders of the Set-,. ----�.SEEK SOU''!:HERN UNIVERSiTY tlemcnt, as-a preface to the dance.Five Women Wm"Leave Chicago' GERMAN CLUB GIVESClimate: li'0� Winter .Quarter. CHRISTMAS FEATURESThose icy blasts that sweep down Novel German Yuletide Celebrationsal:ross the Midway and. swirl round Given at Last Meeting-Violinthe corners of .Foster and the Law Solo By J�hnson.lihrary will have. nO.,terror 'for at' leastti,'e young wom�n of lhe, Universityeluring the winteL.quarter. \Varned intime by the earl�' ice on the 'Iagoons:md: an enteri>risi!lg young �n6w­storm or two, E�ith Sext\)n, LorraineCit'ary, Ma�:·.Ann··Whitely, EliZabeth!{iaer a11(1 EI'\'a''-Goodhue ·will�trans:"je-r theil' allegia�ce' to ! Stetso�· Uni­\ CTsity of, D'\!!;md, Florida, and will�� pend: 'the rest' of the winter- in eatinge'range's"and other appropriate; troPl": The final meeting of the Germanduh fol' the autumn quarteT was heldlast Friday. 1t was in the nature ofa Christmas. celebration. Several nm'­el Christmas features were presentedfOJ. the :entertainment of the large at­tt-ndancc and vari(lU5 German yuie­tide melodies were sung. The featured the program was a violin solo byP.. N Johnson. He rendered someht'autiful selections from Mozart andcal pursuits,. : -, Beethoven which were enthusiastical-The 'young women will leave Chi":-' Iy receh·ed.ca,go on New Year'� e'·e and 'will ar­ri"e at Stcts�n \tin time for' the '�open­ing of the quarter. �n Jan\fary 4: The�. will have rooms in· Cha:udoan halleluring their stay. TJtey' expect to re'�turn to ChicagO- for the sprin'g quar- TO LECTURE AT STANFORDProfessor Moore of Philosophy De­partment Leaves for Quarter.ter. Prolcs�or Addic;on \V eh!'ter �looT'(�Stet501l is 8ffiiliated with the Uni- (;f the oepartmcnt of philosophy willnrsity :tnd several students go there d('liver a series of lectures at Lelandfor the .winter. cvery year.Kehr.{ ... ka will hold a' "UniversityIlight'· in Fehruary. All the 'univer­�itv organi73tions will partiCipate inth� p'rogram,The thee glces from 1000'a, Grin­il�:1 :}O(; Ames. will compete in in­·1(·r-collt'g;ate "sing."Lots of peopleDever 'Worry .boat . atyle,just buyFOWNES·GLOVESand hit it liaht. ': Stanford university during the wintersemester. He will lecturc on philoso­"Heal subjects. Profes50re Moore is;,1�0 g-oing to delh'er a lecture at thet'ninrsity of California, lIe left Chi­;·:-.go SatUrday.\Vhiie at Palo Alto. Professor�f oorc will gh'e two lecture courses.(IDe is an ;t<h'anccd coursc in phil­o5()Jlhy and the nti1('r a more c1c­l-:1c:1tary one. In his :td,·;tnC'cd lcc­tttrc". h ... will ha\'e a� his �encral suh­.lcet. "Phi!osophic Aspect� of E\'0-Intinn." Tn his other coursc Profes­sor Moore wilt lecture on "The De­,('lopment of Modcrn Philosophy."Profe!'sor Moore wi11 deli\'er a lec­t'ttre hefort the Pllilosophic:tl Union:It Berkerly on January 29. on "TheConflict of Modern Ethical Incas:' Christmasl':Suggestions-Pennants, Pill 0\\' Cove-rs, Stationery, Christ­mas Cards and Folders, . Calendars, "C',Pins, Fobs, Spoons, Jewely and Novelties.Many Suitable Gift Books.Let us explain .The University 01 Chicago PressCorner: of 58th St. and Ellis Ave.C'LOTHES SHOP'WELLS'"231-233 DEARBORN STilET;.(Great Northern Hotel)IMPORTANT SALE 01Suits and Overcoats at$20--$25--$30they are exceptional Values­AlL Wool, Hand-Tailored andguaranteed to fit perfectly. IWILLS CLOTHES' SHOP %31-:133 DEARBORN ST.GREAT NORTHERN HOTEL,:" :.. , f ..MALT MARROW"The: Tonic that Str�ngthens."Malt l'4,a�f.ow is a great brain builder-it IS recommended by physicians.F or sale by all Druggists.Produced byMcAvoy Malt Marrow Department,2 34.0�8 South Park Ave.. - .lPhone Calumet 10'64.WHAT IT MEANS"American Factory. Rebuilt" means a ,dan of typewriten. .. ella. no other concem does or can rebuild as we do. It is .. i ... tl­fyinl term usecl to eIi.tincui. our machines from the lreat .....f typewriten which are offered under the nam� "Rebuilt."It mean. tltat if you buy an "American Rebuilt Typewriter" ..a.y make, you 'Will let a FACTORY rebuilt machine, rebunt witll.. ew parts; not one that has been simply repaired and fisR .. iaaft ordinary shop, but one equal to new in mechanical quality.We cuarantee every machine we sell for one year, and abo ... r_antee the title. -American WrItIng Mac/une Co.Thc Original Typewriter Exchange • Established more than 20 y.earsR.fer t. _" a.DIE or __ mera.I � ... c"., t. our re,"nIiWII.,.319 Dearborn Stre�t, Chicago Telephone Harrison 4065r··PATRONIZE MAROON ADVERTISERS.cause its wearerdoesn't feel it.The BoaooGarter keeps its�rengthandex:;els in weaI­value. FullyguarantNew pairfree if youfind an m­perft:..:tion.Cot���Gk1I.n'''it u" �iJ1' ut ,.rice.CEORCE FROST CO., IIAKERS.T'�.'''O\. U.S.A.MonogramSTATIONERYANDENGRAVED CARDSFOR CHRISTMASJ. C. VEEDER co.PRINTERS OFEVERYTHING915 East 63rd StreetTelephone Hyde Park 1231SMOKING JACKETS,. $5.00 to $10.00.HOSE AND SCARF TOMATCH IN LEATHERCASE$1.50 to $2.00.PAJ AMAS$I.25 to Ss-oo.SCARFS�oc to. S2.50.SILVERIO· & SON l1125 fast 63rd StreetNear LezinctoD.Students Think of it --Suits tnaet SSe hats lie ............ SUI,.,..,.. 1IcCleuaiat. �. Preabc laCw_.� ...JUII co. .... tI7 ., c.ceL COHN 1011 £.6151, ..,..,.A. McADAMSTHEStudenfs florist5.1rd St. and Kimbark Ave.Phone H. P. 18.PRACTICAL LADIES'TAILOIIL. SADL£a, PI-..'.11 aDd Wlnt,r Salts .........$36 aDt up. Fint ella wft ,_..t'"CL£AIOIIG AND .E .. AJaIIII5� ••• t .. ,,.lozt L .... SDDT.1MU' ILUI A� HI .AtLV KAa60)t, Ttre:SDAY, i>tCEMBU _ iot6.Women's Halla Plan Celebration ForSettlement Children. . Our Xmas Gift toYou MenHAVE SHARE OF GOOD CHEERPlans are now being made by thesocial committee of the Y. W. C. L.whereby the various children of thesettlements may be provided withChristmas.The women's halls are particularlytaking charge of the Christmas cele­hrations 'and it will be under theirdirection that the stockings will beSUed and the gifts distributed. Beech­er hall is to take charge of 2S chil­dren at Hull house. Foster will seethat 7S Hull house children are sup­plied with toys and Christmas good­ies and Greenwood will have entirecharge of the Christmas of the 60children at the University Settlement.Green and Kelly halls will also do. their share. but it is undecided justwhat Sei.tlements will be under theirdirection.More women are needed to helpprepare these Christmases and thoseYO ho wili assist are requested to re­port to either Jane Graff or GertrudePerry at the earliest possible notice. Call us up and we willsend one of our expertPiano Tuners, who will ac­cept this coupon as $1.00discount. TIle regular priceis $2.5c.This is a bona fide offer.This Ad. must be presented,. if you desire the reduction c.n at THE DAILY MAROON office today. and see thebeautifui Poster by Coles Phillips in colors. which is hang;• inC there. If you like it, and we feel positive you will, askMr. B. F. Newman, the business manager of your paper, toelYe you a card which will entitle you to this beautiful PosterFREE.Coles Phillips is one of Americ,,'� greatest painters of beauti­ful women. The Poster we are giving away is one of his beststudies. It will brighten up any room.John Verhoeff &1 Co.CIJfTOI; Zt ill. wP IEDFOID, Zi" ....ARi�� w. OW?<otch COLLARSSit aaualYto the neck. the tope meetIII front and there is ample spacefor'the cravat,15c:..2fOl'25c.Ctuett.Peabod)'6: Co_MakenThis Ad. Is Goodfor 51.00CUT THIS OUT.ANNOUNCE QUESTION FORCLASS DEBATING TEAMSFreshmen and Sopba to DecideWhether Chicago Needs a DeepWaterway to the Gulf."Resolved. that a deep waterwaysuitable for the purposes of ocean go;ing commerce should be constructedfrom Lake Michigan to the Gulf ofMexico:' This is the question whichCoach C. F. McElroy of the Varsitydebate teams has announced as thesubject of the Freshmen-Sophomoredebate. The three men on the win­ning team will each be awarded schol­arships fer one quarter.Candidates for the Freshman team\\;11 meet in· Cobb ,3A at 2 o'clockMonday. The Sophomore candidateswill also meet next week and bothteams will be hard at work before theend of the holidays. The date of thedebate has been set for the end ofFebruary. Coach C. F. McElroli an­nounced that the trials for the Fresh­man team will take place January \11. Louis LowenthalPianos that please.712 West Madison StreetTelephone Monroe 2517.WE ALSO RENT PIANOS. ---TAl LOR §,---Strauss Bldg., third floor. Clark and Madison Street. SPALDING� andWinter Sports . SWEATEUCollar �TurnedUp. HilTS TO RT YOUR FACENot Merely to Fit Your HeadGUARANTEED HATRAIN PROOFAlso a Complete Line of Stetson Hats IMPERVIOUS3.�CORNELL MUSICAL CLUBS.TO ARRIVE NEXT WEEKNo. WJ. h., e u·. traiaiaa e6duciDa � baaIIIia8 duriaa c:aId waIber.Ihootiati!l!:tl nina mow.bueiD.. Hiab ...-7 be dowa. cbeD8iDa. iDID -.IeIl ,_of ballaD foot ,waa. Hiabat qaeIity.ael �wa.ht 'WGIIIed. Siza 28· 10 44 iDc:Ma. c.niei:IIIDd; iD �_.Each, $7.50 * $81.00 Do ..SEND FOR CAT�LOGUE.A. Ci. Spalding & 8ros.147 Wabasb Ave.., Chicaco.Glee, Banjo.. and Mandolin Clubsto Give Concert in Or­chestra· Han:Next Friday. the Cornell Glee, Ban­jo, and Mant!olin clubs will give aconcert in Orchestra ball. The Cor­nell clubs rank among the best col­lege musical organizations whichhave. been heard in Chicago in thepast ten years. As they have not sunghere for three years there will prob­ably be a large audience to hearthem.A' number of entertainments arebeing planned for the Cornell organi;zations during their stay in Chicago.There will be, in addition �o numeroussmall private dinners. a large dinnerand reception by the University of( hicago Glee club, and a dance hythe Cornell undergraduates of Chica­go.Twenty-six Chicago women 1, �consented to act as patronesses fc ..the aftair. CHICAGO KENTCOLLEGE 01'Be ale�. Good lewyen are iD a.ateId �Hiabat � pdealiaD. E� � Ot:peeLL. B. _ �lhlft}"fen. Lartal erd bat �_ ... Lew School iD the wodcl. We W �iD law o6c:n fM haadrtda cI ...xII" JftIIy, 10 __ 7 am apnara ""* _... m e � RuemPDCe b ... biIioas J'O'AI' _. Serd '" Free Cat­,q.. Addras CUGAGO IEDT CCUIO or Uw.100-1 140 D�erbonl SindLecture Room!', 26 E. Ven HURD SI., ChicagoLAVV!!! UTILE ART CORNEl1461 E. 53n1 ST.Arts and Crafts GoodsTHE PUCE TO BUY YOUR ClFI'SThe Drexel TaJlonCLEANERS ud DYERS903 E ...... TY-l'In8 STa£J:TNar Orad A_ae.""i.,. f.c.. 0' hdiu .. " ·G�.r, .. , .... ,I�,al".g .. d Pres,i., ar .od�,ar. "Ic... W.,tcall.d fo, aid D�';,�,�d. T.,. Hr". ".,11 2ISlThe "omen at Ohio State will askthe state assembly for a new . build­;ng to contain a gymnasium, domesticscience department and social head­quarters.The students at Northwestern willhold a master athletic and aquaticcarnival next week. Prizes will be"N" buttons. PENGUIN2.�.... i'��,,�·;.·. :.::��;�; ��;' .':<' ,., .New Arrivals. Latest Designs.Tribune Bldg. Established 187390 E. MADISON STB. L. AMES HAT CO.INSURE WITHNEW YORK LIFE INS. CO.ASSETS OVER $600,000,000 .The largest dividend payingcompany in, the world.For further .infonnation inquire ofA. I. JACOBSON, General Agent171 La Salle Street. 500 N. Y. Life Building.Phone Central 550 I.474 E s:nl' ST.CIiICAG0.We print the Daily Maroon.OUR BEST RECOMMENDATIONYOUR STUDENTSAsk thOR who g�t their clothes from us. what they think of thefit, ayle workmanship and character Q£ their suits and overcoats.Made to your order, $30 and upwards.The Co-Operative TailorsMax Mindes, Prc�idcnt. 534 W. 63rd StreetJ. D. O'NEILManufacturers ofTRUNKS, GRIPS AND SUIT CASESSpecial styles and sizes made to order. l 'rompt attention givento repair work.EXPRESSING TO ALL :-:-_�:-- JTSThree trips daily toMain Store.752 E. Sixty-third Street.Phone Hyde Park 4242. Factory and SalesroomT..l5-l-6 East Fifty-fifth Street.Phone Hyde Park 44.i)'" ;:,:".. 'j�!L� .'_)-,,. I", I.... ...,.. .�\. -.�" . �,_ Famous Female Impersonator in-"The Fascinating W;dow!.�By authors of "Madame ShenT'\ \' orJds Greatest J uvenile Stars.FELIX AND CLAIREl mpersonators of Stage CelebritiesEveey day 2:30 alul adS§TUDEBA_KERFRAIU{ DANIELSThi Girl in the TrainSally Fisher and Vera Miche1eaa'LYRICMARGARET ILLINGTONIn "The Whirlwind"By Henri Bernstein, author ofuTheThief."pOWERSTHf COMMUTf"SBy Jallles Forbes, Author.f "The ,1t.I'II'Lad," "The Tlillfeling Salesman"GARRICKThe Cboeolate 'ioldier.rooth Performance Monday, Dec.� .!'1. Souvenirs for alLMCVIC.HE�ROSE STAHLLast Appearance in cit7 asPatricia O'Brien in"THE CHORUS LADY"GRANDClyde Fitch's Last and Circatuf Pl.,THf CITYWilh'TUUY MARSHAll.OLYMPICCOHAN &: HARRISP.resmtGEO. M. COHAN'S"Get Rich Quick Wallingford".CORTBAILY & AUSTIN"Two Me" alidA (ii,I"Music by Composer of oIDoUyVarden�M A;����!� S,.d.It'"ANNETTE KELLERMANWonderful Swimmer and Diver.FRED BOND ANDFREMONT BENTONPlaying My Awful Dad.WHITNEYWWER BERm ISMake reservations now ODthe road to Laughville.pRINCESSTHE DEEP PURPLEOne Balcony-No Bad SeatLLA: SALLE-THE-Sweetest Girl in Paris"The Best Comic Opera in theCity." ����".,'�::�.• �-'_' :: -. - •..c.: � ·t r. � i_A .... USE 14 B • --r-I--- -MIDDL�D'--SBC-URB_ RE��9E IN FA�SAMBILLINOIS , :--,_ t...,i--- .... Y --.:r tDefeats Snel1\in E�ilnt 'onJULIAN ELTINGE -, _-. - _ ....... _ J)... -r.�.m Bartlett 21-J9-SCOre 8_8 10. F�ait Half.... .. ,,',_"' - ''-' J_The animated controversy betweenSnell �nd :Mi4(.I1� /'·P··;!�"rtOJ���.it�la­t ive mer its _of ,,_t�eir.J ,Q�,!<efl?�.J ��s,came to -a :1i�tlng: :'C;lo��-:,���a�morning i� B.��.��et�:� ��e� t��/1 ec­clesiastics : w�ippcd>�e s ��l�� bythe score of 21 to 19. The fG�?aswitnessed by a large audience com­posed .entirefy of �_n��i��ot 'f:P.g:Jtadcome out in force J to "see �eir f idols_• : .. � _; .. _ ... ,...1 ... v \W .......wipe up the, "p�e�c�e��," .p�.�..;�eredoomed to an awful disappointment.The �iddle up" !llen, turnef up J.the-occasion- by their f�orthrw'yiou·s evening, started I ...tt\l � \mrsscoring three goals before the Snellmen woke up:' By _ ih�eend of the firstbalf the score" was tie"cf,18·tO' ra: I'nLtbe'second half. SnelLfought bard butcould not overcome the superior teamwork of their opponents, even oy put-Chr'is.nuas bells ,anc:: Hter l"efreshmentswill follow out the color scheme - ofchrist�;i� ;cdf Tj���:e pieces from De­pew's orch·�stTa:') will furnish themusic. !-li�5 Ht;lell; l1rof-'n � thctgen­eral chairman' of 'aidftgefuents'" forthe dance. -: ;::..., j;' r 1"\.1Fornearly new-woman's long coat,medium ; siz�!_:'- .'Reas'�tmft .... ---tBowen ave., 1St. .Phooe:62tio ];k�elGenuine English plum-puddings,homemade. Phone,. H� r,.- �� f f ' I'PD.16,17.2O,2J,23.· i TAl,�,t'(�;r-�y�iJ�� _Men :· « -' ,. . .'�o lS�or:e.:.%3I �La. Salle /Sttee�· '-�--.JKkeon .. BouJe..rd. .� \AlDEWMar11cr.tJanbCltiltpuofimnHsitgijgl,fT.ly,liscotilditilC(si:tr01g(t.h:rrtci.t!11t.u\";I:o