IJIPrice Five Cents.. '.-. ' ... ,..--..,_ .. _._ ..PLAY: fIBSf -&.Ai. E toDBtj ;_��1i?,' '�� EmQSES fODAYT Will- - . W,' . ,) .- �\ rabAYBasketball cam _cct mODa Professor A. C. McLaughlin to Rep-:Agricultural CoUeee ". �. Practice --resent FacultY and' Ricbarcl' Teich-Conteat-OthCr -'€0"-'" Teams W�.J!\l:�_ Leqth' ember the Students at QaartHI"Busy-Illinois Has Strone SqUIlL "'.:... '"Up Ezerci� of Junio.r ::C. oUecreL ',.... �.-'. .DRAMATIC 'CLUB WILLPRESENT-PLAYS TONIGllT FRESHMEN·DEFEATEDBY VARSITY SWIMMERSTables Turned on Y earHnp �nd Reg­ulars Win BandUy by Scoreof 53-36.UID4tan S1IIIImer"'ancl "French With­olit a Master" to Be Staged inReynolds Club.. Professor Andrew C. McLaughlin,head of the history department, andRichard Teichgraeber will be thespeakers at· quarrerly class exercises.of the Junior colleges at 10:30 o'clockin 'Mandel hall. Seventy-two. studentswill 'receive the :title :of .AR!'ociateThe basketball squad were put ��through a hard practice' yesterday: in �Ju_m-·- it: _.� GLOBpreparation for their game this even- I" .A.. I! (. ..;. : v ' � I, ...ing. 1 he men have been given stiff Dia�' y�_ Woman WAleswork ever since the alumni game and- __ A. -La�'jeU--i:ibbe, Of 'Dbtraahave showed improvement. No' defi- . at lluata�·. �nire announcement was made aboutthe lineup. although it was statedthat nearly all the men would be giv­en a chance in the. game. The visit­ing team is not, greatly feared.: al­though it is thought probable thatthey have had more time to practicethan the Chicago players.The game will be started at eight0' clock. There will be. no admissioncharged .although this will be thetirst time an opportunity will be �v­ell ior the students to see the teain .inFIRST OffERINGS ras YEAR fRESHMEN WIN COSTUME RACESpringer of 1914 Squad Successful inStreet Clothes-Benitez StarLife_saver.Both' Are . Clever French Farces­'1 wo Casts Are Well Trainedfor Production.- -this -quarter, Forty-two .are womenWQIll�n_ �u�ra� ,is �o be giveD.a 'and ·thirty men. The .titles ·will bethoroti.gh .� . teSt'! .t· :'Uie:�5enior class formally conferred at the convoca­dance this aftcnaoon in the Reyaolds; lion exercises 'next Tuesday. .The , at­:-club The wi�t.s. pJ the.Seni_or elass: tendance of 'all the Junior . collegepri�� "ai';d Tile :nallY' ·:Maroon trize students is required' at the .exercises.wi�Il1?� i��t_t�Il��,b�lt�� .-women of 'Professor McLaughlin : will be .thethe class, who ;will vote 'during .tbe, 'faculty representative .at the Juniortime between ��be first and iix.th. -convocation. The subicet of his talkdances. Sp�cbl lare will be taken by; has not yet been .anaounced, At athe committe�'·\.'in charge to prevent·'sluffing." it �ving been rumored.that several of ' the women have ide­cided to elect a certain candidate .at. The Varsity swimming squadturned. the tables on the Freshmenyesterday afternoon in the Bartlettpool and took them into camp by ascore of 53 to 36.The showing of the contestantswas ; decided improvement over thatof last month, the records in 'allevents.l1a"ing been lowered consider­ably. Goes repeated his performancein the 6o-yard dash, equalling therecord he set at the last meet 34 3-5seconds. 4-5 of a second better thanI· . ! The Dramatic club will present to­night in the Reynolds club two plays,translated from the French by Bar­rett H. Clade. The plays to be givenare the ·:Indian Summer" ("L'Etede Saint Martin") of Meilhac andl lalvey, and "French 'Without aMaster," .an English adaptation of"LAnglais' :tel qu'on "le parle." Theplays will be -given promptly at 8:15o'clock, and as a large audience is ex-pected. those who expect to have action against outsiders. The men aregood seats will probably be on hand expected to show gr�ter strengthearly. than they did against-the.alumni, par- allY I�OSt. . • sociate title.M'rich 'time and effort have been ticularly' in the matter of getting 'The whiners-'viilt be .... anri6unce4l by .The records .in the Recorder's of-"'. pen' 't" in the elaboration of the farces, .presideni:�ADpel�;:�� will award the .fice .show :that�six .more .students I are" away from their opponents. '. street dress race. This event was wonand ·the results tonight will probably Other Teams. .Bntnl'. • prizes a,ft'e�:'�\!'��� dance. A �us- taking .the .Associate ·.titie .this quar..-, bas be d . by Springer of the Freshmen. Hol-be- satisfactory to the club. The The reports from the other,' Con- .tacl\e·,cup ... �n_�g�te., as an ter than at the exercises of the IAu-'��p'p' rap' nate 'consOi�ti�il p� I,:. ligsworth of the Varsity squad camep'lays are said to be uproariously £erence teams indicate that �11. are tumnconvocation last ·year. Last year 1 d d H 11 b h'• -The: ��nibers �of' ;tbe. " dass s.ocial . h'" . '. n c ose secon an e er roug t Infunny. and no effort has been spared ki h d Illinoi d P d URiO at t e same quarter 66 students, re-to make them a great success. wor 109 ar.. I�OIS anI ur ua and reception committees will take ceived their titles. Thirty-five of these: the lone point. for the Freshmen.have been .gettmg In a hard [lot . of· 'cha'�' �r-;iie--dance.-They···wllrw.' ear,':: .. Keefe. another Varsity aspirant, wasThe Two Casts. practice before .the vacation .. illinois. -1:»- -r. were men.and thirtycone women. 1 f h b hi . h, .' �rooii -sieeve--oands:-Frappe 'Will 'be e t at t e post ecause IS s oe re-� .The casta-are ali Iollows ; has three veterans.available frQm,last .' ed, � . ill be'� , • .TRREGULARI'W'IE I W. .,. ·fused.to come oft in spite of the most'I di S" , d·.1 k' f I d serv _.� ue Pl'��". UDlR1l1:r: �.. . .�,.S N • A. A. ... . .. n Ian ummer. ,),ears team,an ·,s 00 mg 0"f3� to Tb .':h "dan .., l' d' COUNT IN' G-" �'O'LD' N' 'E' W aTE·' .frantlc envrts. Sprmger proved to be, E _1:' Pl.·ll' .•• I·' e sevent ce IS enve ope .lD . .u.: V •Adt-aine �' v�ne �1.lpS·� _ a scasoa�,;}owa. AU a lot -. . ' , '. ' d pt t r o·n h's 10th and'f·' . •"d" I' ..... r;�#1 ;���.� . ....,"""-ciDc .. _.,.--�: ....... :.� �� " ....... _ .... �I.�_a e a em VI �. IcesMme. ·Lebreton Josephine Kern '0 veterans an IS pannmg t�. i .. l ... ·.f..: ':�lt be.�!, r'l.,' ;.1 :,of:the .Td1e� . Not'; - rlY·.-A,ppointed thercby,secured'a"btg handicap overNoel Robert V.:'Titus·. a·.�trOng'bid for .. �he's.tate ch�pi1'� .p�.' �i.d�'·�:�'aDce:willl ··CO�t.VotC:S-R�t. New Elec- his o�ponent.s. T�e �en did not se��·M. :Briqueville H. R. Baukhage shIp. Th.ey have been nmnel;-'lP.� b f �� _� 4 b' ., .. I' ...: IN' ;to nl1nd sWlmmmg m the water tn. ; J l_ e � ..... �", I� ��I.um ers. ,peesa . uuD. 8 CCC8ArY.. .. .."French Without a M.aster." this . e\rent for several seasoas 10 • .th· .,.: �, ... ! �!J .:. t.r �... . '.. clvlhan ature, m. fact they showed.. _ b" : i :. In e .elltertalnment: Uley' ue' :prom-:'. ,'.lle. Seraphl'ne Chanoine-Malher e G II I O· gut •• • th 1 . 1 . th' t', .u.. Effie Hewitt .Jnn�e. � : lsed ,1b-jc9fct�·.�ma reels. ro1»ba': n ac.�ount .of In:�. antics In e .some re uctance m eavmg e wa er....•......••. Mmnesota has a stron. squad �f' • 1'" -'. 'd"':l co�nting of the ballots the results Benitez Beat Life-saver.', .:. .• •. •..AI' L H . k .•. . : , . �dan�·.arc e, .twQ· stl;ps, an . COu-The Cashier...... Ice ee ernc men. mcluamg several .football �tars. �.�� a��� ��;�f:,th�' ��ities. " : of ·the W. A. A. election .for presi- The life saving exhibition was won:,Harry •. ,the Interpreter .....•..... �.. �ose,nwald,:the pl�glng ha�f�a�Jc, ' ... - ..... :, .. �.- �"'�OI'L :.:;, dent and secretary' ,.y�sterday : will in exceptionally fine form by Benitez•••........•.••... Barrett H. Clark :is captain. Thcir .team took second �o .. j .'.� •. "....11.· .' .� .plobably not- :be .accepted officially., for the Varsity. He saved his man inh D ld L B d. . ' .•. � .. 't Itt Is·�tbe· dcsll'c .. to; ma�e: .. the aflairl '.. '..Mr. Gerald Forsyt . ona . ree ChIcago. last year and IS adlDltte y J_._,' ._ - J •• �. ' .. ',; .• ,J._ �._.' '. It was consider.ed, las. t nj.gbt that this 24 3-5 seconds without once ducking. .' . � • a class function m' closest observa-M. Ghanoine-Malherbe .....•...... ·a ·strong �contender 'for honors.. IS • 'Ii: this .' t would,. probably, nec. essitate. another him. Goodman of the Freshmen,. F M'l1 ., ' , tlon.. '..or reason no �ne: no . a:••.•.•.. � .• , ..... Wilham . ern fall., �VI!:i<:()��I!l .. ���. a���� pJaY,edl a ';��nib�rf�ftJie �Iass;:,nil'b� permitted elec�ion, although i,t:is posslDle ,that squad came second. but was penal-A ··Police ·Offi��<., ... Robert Stenson' practIce ·game . 'WIth -·Belolt.- Nortb- ;.. -: ... ::":d.':'<:.ri.. . ::h' :.;: ;',. 'ilL-' the results of yesterday may be ac-· iZ(',d one point for allowing his vic-J k Cl .... I:. to atlen .� lie f aperon� are I ",u.' . . .A Porter .....•.....•..•.. ac eary westernihas,been credIted WIth an UJI- ":M-":':"D"� 'A." :'R"':b ':. .' l.I,'U cepted after a th�rough investigation tim's hearl to sink below the water.. I and rs.. 0 ertson an� �rs.Another Policeman usua:tly 'strong squad. of the �tte�din� ,circumstances. Northrup. of the yearlings. although•. , , Lander MacClintock I 1- D. Long. According to the count of votes lfinishing third did not score becauseBoth Distinctly French. FENCING 'IIER' !1"O' cOIIP.E'J:Ei '. >��� ..1��f!� . ��i�� . o.� ';hei social. . • of a similar penalty.. .� -eoimliitt�" said-�:;eSteriIay:'�01ld a first glVen out last evening the presl-Both. plays are distinctly ,French, ___. dency was given to Irene Hastings by The push bam contest was won by. , d' 'Coach d'e' 'Ba' DVI-- ·�G_ M- .;._ I!'·D dauht. � tJle �dance .� .be a mecess. 1 V .although .the scene' of the secon IS �.� � _. _.. �., .. ' ,.' . ,. " '. · .a vote of 124 as against S2 votes cast t Ie ars1t:y after a fierce struggle inlaid in .London. The first treats of " .� Condition. : All the -plans are co�pleted an� -.we, 'for Olive Davis. the other candidate. which the Freshmen were ah�ays in. h' "The fen' cI·ng t· ... am I·S l'n good con- want �.a:.big ..... cl'ow�. ·�,.e··women will d f' . f Ththe vicissitudes of all old man w 0 '" . , , ' The secretaryship was announced as' anger 0 �onl1ng out m ront. efell in .love with a young lady, and,. dition for the meet tomorrow �ight cnme to··the dance in a bod� frOID '2 ,tie yote of 89-89 between Rose- score at the end of the first half wasunfortunately, the same young lady at the I .. A. C." �ys �oach iI.: de, .-���o�, a��. i� .is up t� th� mus- :Marie 'Moore and Isabel Jarvis. If· I to 0 in favor of the yearlings but inB . ·'E d '11 b' .' t" ·tathe -mea ·,fo ··be·'on, ·the .Job lID full .who was betrothed to his nephew. aUVlere. n urance WI :' e a i�a ' ( .;nother election is held these candi- the second period the Varsity took aThe Second tell� .the tale of a young. factor in the outcome as there' Will bt" force." ,dates will -again be considered. spurt and with. the advantage of hav-'Writes Ilia Libbey. ' .Ioarisian ',couple who attempted to at least ,three .<1her te�ms entered, ,}t was stated last evening by one ing the shallow water managed to, , .'. .h' Faint flickers of the women's re- .. elope to London, and of how they making it necessary for eac man l�O. _. __ .. _.. " .... _ .,._ ..__ .._ . . ,of the 'regularly appointed tellers that lind th\! goal twice. The contest'were followed and overtaken by the' fight nine bouts with very little re�t .• ��.�l�.?�.���ns�,.��� ��io� �e�',s mus-... the 'votes were being- counted by .W" proyed to be an interesting substituteirate father. So large a number. of Letweel'" Teams will be sent to!c�m- .t.l.��e K"?�ng ct)1�t�t eo�tmue:to a�-f A. A. :members not authorized to per- for polo and !'ince it a.110ws so manyrco'ple . have' declared their intention pete for ,the· cup. by' the \Fonrar��he' pear. form ,the office when the regular tel- m0re men to participate. will un-M r A h T .... d When th� .• ew, s of the prQPosed' , b dt I d d f f hof attending the plays this evening. Y. ....... ,t e urnvefem.n. pos- lers arrived on the scene at S o'clock. (.ou te y )c a opte or most 0 t ethat the club is contemplating giving sibly �he l1linois Athletic c1ub� �Ii�; .�i� �w� !��\. ��� ',about the. it was felt that while 'this did not· future games.lhe plays over again some time in cup was won last -year by the Tam.:.. · .. "Omen .of the lhiivuslty arose in neces�rily prove the count to be in- Summaries:verel'n. " vigorous 'protest :and .expressed 'tb, eir' I . F' G F hthe' near future. correct it ,could 'hardly be accepted ..Jo-yan :-'\\'1111- 'Irst, oes res-Two men Caleb Olsen and Ken�ethl dis�pp�val :in no. nncertain language.' as final by the W. A. A. man: �(,COlHl. Scofield, Varsity; third,Beebe, h:ve be:n picked by Coacb: )��.� �� ,p!�e .. '��j��'J������.�, �e!,unda- Keeic. Varsity, time: ::!T 4-5·de Bauviere for the team. Eighi meD� .:ti��::�.�:;.per:si���,�:tbeir·follY. Public Speaking Appointments. 4o-yarcl hrca�t stroke-First. Beni-arc trying for the remaining pOsition, �aturally;in the course ,of .. time ,tbe The department of Public Speak. tez� Var�ity: ·:-econd, Eisendrath, Var-on the team, ,of whom Robert Mer-. ()�'tbuFS't;',_of wrath :ha�-e �come �less ing has appointed an assistant and �ity; third. Shull. Freshman: time:'rii a�d .Fred GI�s'cock art the mOst: \'i�ient :and the' men �ith the SPaTse- 'ft)ur readers for the winter quarter.p0mising. Gla!'cock 'does' stro�g de- iy ,�ttkd lips h��� .bee·n· lulled into a Renjamin Bills of the-Junior class willfensive work and -Merrill is gOod at �enH -df seeurity.· : as!'i9t ''lnslructor B. G. Nelson in con­. 'nut the -rebt!1Iion' flared up; ;a&ain ducting two classes in public speak-)�ste�y'::in •.. t��llY "u111�1(eo ,for Ing. The folowing have been ap­'qmi'1�r� . A::�om,ii1.unication· was tor- pointed readers: Hirsch Sobb, Nelliewatded tby':' :,cfislisst.d young bdy to Beam, .. Oe!,jamin Bills and Paul Dav­'he.'.·16yelo� :. �dlum" ':·.�hicb' Laura is.j�an ·:·\�ib�Y . �: '��Peronjng ,in' �he(llicag'o :In"bune; The',lIOte-�nd �he(Continued on paae 4) meeting 'of .the. prospective, Associ­ates ·last .Friday •. Richard ·.Teichgrae­ber was elected to.speak.asthe repre­sentative of' candidates 'for ; the As- the previous tank record.Springer Wins Costume Race.The feature of the meet was theChoose New Bowling Officers.Frank .Coyle was elected presidentof the lnter-Frat"-nity howling leaguelit its rriectin� .festcrday, NormanD:.ldwin was elected vice_president,;>,nd Walter Goddard was chosensecretary of the association. Mr. Eng_lish of the Reynolds club will act astreasurer. The tournament will takeplace next Quarter. man. Fr�,hm:tn: time: 2(') T-5.Tc�-yard swilr.-First. Goes. FTC:-.h­man: serr:ncl. Kecfc. Var�;ty; third.Dod';0n. \·:lr�ity. time:T 0i.Plunge fl)f <listance-First. Rund('l1.f Continued on page J)�r;!r·;in. Freshman, was dis-Qllalificd Lr �Iouching with only onehand.h:tck stroke-First. Hol_tile "reposte" or counter attack, "a·touch which count9 two points �un�tthe new rules this year .. One :of thesetwo men will' be cbose� t�ky .. to.make up the' trio. ., . I".HC'reaft� a .paid .c;·�;a��,.,_'!i1I\ train �the gymnas:;c teams at Columbia. ., Ijng-�\':orlh. \·ar.;ity: !'l'con<l. Good-Men at the University of \Vi!'consinwho intend to make advertising abusiness, are planning to form an.. Ad." club. Thl" women at Minnesota haveformed a fencing club.-THE DAILY MAROON 'X - ...... --.=t .. _.------ -�--.-- ..tASSOCIATE EDITORSW. J. Foute B. L. KeIUlleottC. Y. 'l'a71or K. W. a...C. W. Houehland D. L. BreecJBIIPORTlI1JlS6. K. Beebe M. D. SteTenWOMEN'S DEPARTKBlNT.Marjorie Bill, Edltor. • i Iltut.b Retlcker, Reporter.SUBSCRIPTION �TB8:.•• ,. Carrier. P.GO per 7-r. ,LOO PH quarWr.Clt7 man, 'L2G per quarter p.oo per 7eB·lDadTaDOL .New. cODtrlbuUona ma..J be lett at J!llilan.ll or ��acult,. blxchauKe, addreued toThe Dal17 llaroon.Nothing could reflect greater tteditupon the University than the electionof Associate Pro­Mr. Merriam fessor Merriam toFor Mayor the mayoralty ofChicago. Nothingcould give greater proof that the Uni­versity is a vital force in the city andis ever ready to take its share inshouhlt:ring the burdens of th�' city&:.nd state.::\ obody could be better fitte� torepresent the University in this workthan Mr· Merriam. In the short timethat he ha5 been in Chicago pq.blic. life he· has established an envi�bt�rt'putation. Rtdiculed at first by ch'eappoliticians as a "theorizing collegeprofessor," he showed in a few m��thsthat he had an uncomfortably p�cti­cal mind by his work in the commi�sion oi \V hich he was the head.The following quotation from theresolution presented to the Republi­cans of the Twenty-fifth ward. in.urging the nomination of Mr. Mer�riam for mayor shows a change ofattitude: 'c:!go."Co11ege functions at Syracuse are tolIe g-iven preference OYer all other so­cial acth·ities. -,. -,, hers are invited.Meeting of �e Cap ��. Gown Artcommittee at·:z p. m. in Ellis.Senior ·Women meet in the Leagueroom at'4 to go to the dance in abody. 'Northwest Club meets in: the)J' eighborhood room at 4 p. m., forthe election of officers.'". Glee Club meets at 4:30 p. m.. Mathematical Club, .room 32, Ryer­son .F.hysical .Iaboratory, v4i30 p. m.·'.'rhe�C�stni�ti6�. of a·��rtain Classof P.�iodi<;:'.Sc;>luti�ns of ; the-. Prob-·lcm;: 0'£: T.m:ee .Bodies," Associate Pro­fessor Moulton.._ Varsity Basketball Game with Wi­nona Agricultural college in Bartlett.. ·ymnasium this evening. ,c::• Dramatic Club French Plays in! theReynolds club this evening.," � .ANNOUNCEMENTS.. �ora, ha ve pictures taken atRoot's studio, Kimball buildiDa. Nocharge.Women Students from St.,� Louisa�e:':requested to send their. na�es. toJ)ean Talbot. " .. �FCncing Meet will be hfld; ��turdayn�glit at the Chicago Tumv�e1D. 'AU Those who haVe banded in theirn:m�es for the Intercollegiate Peacecon·.est meet· Monday in . Kent 16 at -4 p�:m. : .. :;"'�rds felf- listing honors of Seniorsf�t .Cap �nd Gown now on bulletinboatd. Seniors fill out and hand intd. Cap and Gown office.:Reprcsentati�es of Und.crgraduatecl<l��es, DiVInity school, LaW' schoolan�d··Medical school meet in Dr. Ray­crb�t.'s office at 3:30 Monday' to ar­range basketball schedule.SOUTHWEST CLUBELECTS. OFFICERSFOR THE NEW YEARThe me-eting for the election of offi­cers was h�ld yesterday by the Sou�h­we;t. N·ei·ghb.,or:bood club. Thosechosen for;::ofiice were: Mina De-, , .. Vr.i�5,,:pres�d�nt; Margaret Campben,��reta�;::. ;'Ethel Dow, treasurc:r.Tqese tak�,·:the· place of Grace Price,'J rfi'ta· Koblerls, and Donna May Mes-You can't say whether ornot a glove i. economical�11 it'. w�m out. Trythe �ear ofrOWNESGLOVES . .-:�-:� - -.", _,.. i'-: �" .�-.;* J II( : '.�.MAiU)ON� r.,Fn.ii:>AY� 'i:>Etti{��ll I�, 1910.'• Jo ." '.' <: ".Ht " ..... ': ..-e :-'�D>::. ;'�; i,'n_BWOOD .�.' ,.... �OOD'···GB.A.YW�D· ..FEJDiWOOD. 'rE&¥�00J) ...... "K.An.EWoqJJ'. � : .'�� .,', t.�; ."you ,W.ILL· FiND WHAT.: < • YOU �,HU�T��� FO�,. D-.h';Q... �:....AL., :.J .•. /.•. �.\.,�:..�f..��� IC····O L'·'L A'·�R·:>S2 F o' Jt ) 5 C. E N T STHEY,.AIlE IN GREEN BOXESMade by .�ARL at WILSON. . .. '. F�u; f�; (k;if' C?lIara .' .: .'I''''�;''':'';_'loM�:�bgram,:.,,::ST�;rIONERY_ '.':' .', " '. .,:{7 �,ND.:"'��,:"" I;,':E���]-Ep.:��',;)CARDS/ '.:' � �� .. ,FOR' CHRISTMAs���,.' �_.' ••• ' "::'�\�':._.' '. I�" •,'i: �:;; .. ' .. ;�.' �'� ... ,-. .j!.• •r·II • ' ......J. C. VEEDER CO ..�. l d"{ PRU"TERS'OFEV ERYTHINGThis Ad. � ls··:·�;·GoodIOlf$l�OO, 'cUT rHIS OUT.r-��'c��s:t�!}a' 6Uf�'�S:and we will allow Y9U $1.�Odis'ci�unt ;�ii ;;'Pia�o ., Tuning.The n-gular'!:ptice\; 'is . $�.S��' ,0':.This 'is a bona fide offer. You,must bring thi$ ad. with you,�.� OJ ", '. '. � • '. ,.. \ . •if you '·desire a' ret'iuctiori. .Louis Lowenthal112 W!st .�adison Street ,: T�}eP1to�' .. ��l!roe ;2511-' ,.��.WE· ALSOi<>.RENT PIANOS.. .; '. _ .. p •·A.·McAbAMSTHE .Student's Florist�Jrd St. 'and Kitnbark Ave.Phone H. P. 18 .Turldsh and �RuSIIID, 7ScPlAIN BATHS 25c''Barbel' Shop SantoiaOpen Day and NiCht.161 Dearborn Str��PRACTICAL LADIES' TAILORS·L SADLER. Prop. .'�II 11Id WI1I1a' Suits 1II�.e to .1'der.35 III!! Uf. J1nt clUs work gUIl'llllteeclCLUImf •. AND ��PAIRING :'.. � : rn..' Midway 9ft !1� .. Art STUn, a .. r !WI .A'YIIfYL'J:: . Hotel .. ----·--0·-· __ smhI=�·��.�_� ..�-�-.----�-<,-.,.-.�. ---.�--�-----------------------------Fratlte Bag,TU OIlclal at.4eDt Pabllcattoa." TIMUllh.n1t7 � 0Ieap. - .�' ··T&lbot 'will . address. the'; lu:,;.mor class in Kent, theater, a�' lO:3�"orlDlrJ� .., r' f· " .i. 'TIle UDI"ral� of Chleap W_k17 a. m..Tile WMk1� •••••• �.��� ••• Odo.,. 1. uIa . Junior College final Chapef cxe�­rll. DaU7 ••••••••••••••••• October 1. 1102 ci�s, ;.-men and women, Mandel h�ll,10:30 a. m.PubU.he4 Dal17. except 8DDdQ''' ilo�., �: H�e1l Lectures, Haskell assemblydar. and hoUda�. dam. thrM-qaarten ofthe UIIlTeralt7 7e&r. ro�m, 4 p. m. "The Development otReligious Ideas in China." Professor'.Dtered aa 8econd·tla.. mall at tile Cbl·ea.o po.tomce, Cbl�o, IlllDol.. llarela De Groot.1i. 1803. unCler .A.ct of Karcb .. una.German Club, Lexington hall, 4:00p. m. "Weinachtsfier." Classes in con-TaB BT ........!C • .L PJrJl:rnB ••• llaaqlD • .s'tol' versation in rooms 3 and 4-,.It. J. DALY • • • • • • • N ... UtoI' Senior Dance in the Reynolds clublI. F. C.AIU'ENTElt • .Athletle IC4ltor 'from 4 until 6. Prize for- the bestmustache. i�Jl:N ..... �EW.Y.AN -. HualD_ Ka.DacW College -;Equal .Suffr..ge League: 4.,. in. in Cobb 6A. Prospective mem-"In 'order to win the party mustoffer as its candidate a man who is -. the choice of the rank and file."More than this, it must offer aman whose promises of honest, eco­nomical, and efficient administrationare grounded upon a recognized andsubstantial p-crformance of public du­ties in a position of pUblic trust. .,··Such a candidate the party has to(,fier in the person of AldermanCharles E. Merriam."As the author and head of the senger, who. have served in the sameMerriam commission he .has demon-' ,�orai.c:�s ,®ring the past .year. TheHrate!.l. to the satisfaction of the Northwest club win hold its election])cop1e th .. t he is p' t k' . in the Neighborhood room at 4. atns a mg, practl- ,'. . ..(,::tl, and fearless. . (j clock thIS ·afternoon. ThIS completes.. ,� � Ch' so well as he the Neighborhood elections for the_'0 man 10 lcagokn()\\"� 'what Chicago needs in the year.y, :1)" of administration, and no one so\\'('11 a� he by experience, tempera­I11Cilt. :md char<:.cter is able to gi"eChicago tile kind of administrationth;'lt i:-;. :leeucd--an administration·","h('�e keynote will be 'a new deaJ.,", hich is a square deal for every in­t(:rc�t, enterprise. and citizen of Chi- 'This Meta.l.Regular $2.50 value, at $1.75(Special Price to Co-Eds Only)" . 1 I: I I� ( , ,FOR tWo days only ·(Friday and Saturday, Dcc. 16thand 17�) we shall offer bags like this illustration. at an es'­ceptionally low price, to students of the University of Chi­cago. These bags . .are in the br oken bottom style, are fullleather lined, and each, has a la�ge inside purse. The bags.are' mounted on beautif�l high art metal frames and come � ieither the gold o� Fren�h' grey finish, There are several dif­fetent patterns to· select from.Bags like· this sen regularly at,$2.50. Special fortwo days at& ... ", t",NOTE-In order to secure this special price, IT WILL benecessarY to mention "The Daily Maroon."(Sale on our Main Floor, leathel' goods section.)WHAT IT MEANS•• American Factory, �ebuUt" means a cIa. of t7PeWriten, RCIaa. 80 other· CORCel1l does or caD rebuild as we do. It ia ...... d.fyia. term ... d to di.tinauiah our machine. from tJ:le ar-t __.f typewriters which are offel'ed under the �. "Rebailt. It•..It ..... dlat.if you buy all "Americall/(Rebllilt T7Pewrite� . .,..y IDake, y.a will .et a FACTORY rebuilt machine, nlndlt' wltIl.ew parts; Rot 0 •• that baa been simply r.pmre4 ... &u4 ..... .. ordiaary gOP, but one equal to new in mecbuaica1 .-BtF.We ... rantee nery machine we sell for one yE, ... aI_ ..... _aRtee the title.American WrItIng· Mac/"ne Co.The Original Typew�ter Exchange Established more thaD 20 yeanllefw"Ul7a..k·_ .... �.l�.. Ie o.r,. , 'N'II:r319 Dearborn Strep.t, Chicago Telepho.ne Harrison�,.a65ChristmasSuggestions. Pennants, Pillow Covers, Stationery, Christ­mas Cards and Folders, Calenders, ccC"Pins, Fobs, Spoons, J ewely and Novelties.�any Suitable Gift Books.Let us explain.The University of Cbicago PressComer of 58tb St. &Dd DIIs Aye. ; .,�l--"1 .,,";I�I....... _ ....� I'.,. i,', ...... � _..,.,.... ..., :�- - . ,--,/ '�.!. s: ,': .. ''.�'.' .... ..; '\. ", " ...I:RESHMEN' DEFEATEDBY VARSITY SWIMMERS �TORE EDITORIAL I----:"What will I .pve him?" exclaimed �a lady the other day in a state of�­·plexity. "Something to wear." camethe rapid reply. "It's worth while.and always most acceptable." Thesplendid service of th'e Mossier Co.,SO Jackson Blvd .• makes this possibleand agreeable. Here's what they willdo: They send the garment promptlyand accept its return without ques­tion if not satisfactory. They will re­turn the money if desired. They willsell you. on request by mail or in per­son, a merchandise certificate in $5 to�co denominations. Your visit will bea pleasure.... Vaudeville for Winter Quarter-WiDChoose New President at Mcct-.ing Today.. CARSON ·PIRIE, . :'5cotT & eo.. \ ��jic hristmas Sale of"LEATHERBAGSat the one prIceTEN S'TYLESMANY LEATHERS . ,Cmltinued' from, page 1)Varsity; 57 ft. 3 in.; second, Byford,Varsity; 56 ft. 9 in.; third Norgren,Freshman :37 ft. 6 in.zzo.yard swim--First, Goodman,Freshman; second. Chandler, Varsity;third. Brown. Varsity; tima: 3 II.6o-yard swim-First. Goes, Fresh­man; second. Scofield, Varsity; third.Northrup. Freshman; time: 34 3-5. .Fancy diving exhibition: no de­cision.Relay race. ten men on each side­\VOIl by Freshman, time: I 58 1-5.Meil en team, Henshaw. Northrup.Goodman, Scruby, Shull, Norgren,Richardson, Marvin, Springer, Goes.Life saving contest-Won by Beni­tez, Varsity; .24 3-5; second Good­man. Freshman. :29 1-5, minus onepoint. for ducking.zo-yard swim, street dress-First,Springer. Freshman; second, Hol­lingsworth. Varsity: third, Heller,Freshman; time: :30.Push ball contest r won by Varsity­Score: 2-1. Scores;' Freshman I in'first half; Varsity, 2 in second half.Final score-Varsity, 53, Freshman,36.Description appears op­posite each illustration.'Smooth cow­hide bag, 17-inch with cor­ners.Comes inblack andbrown.� ... , .......... _: "' 1, Smooth cow_bide bag,smallshape for wo­� . men's use andf,�.<&' comes only m&IiiI�"'��1 . T,=; and 16 inch!.®, . Alligator fin-���.�"�'"�::(Pil'I .ish bagS,17-in.�. size. sewed:� frame and,,'_, leather lined,stitched co r-�M�:�' ners for men'suse.Goat sealbag, leatherlined. brassedcatches and aninside lock.Smooth cow­hide' bag, 16-'no size. brownonly. Stitchededges and riv,���� eted corners.'Slack goa t.seal bag.leath,er lined andbrassed trim ..mings, light;weight b a g­l.'i and I6-inchsize.Grained leath­er bags in rus­set, leatherlined, l6-inchsize.�ur $7-,50 and $10.00 bags forwomen and men are equally asgood values as the above lines.SEHNIII'LOOR-SOIJTlIOOM:. COLLEGE EQUAL SUFFRAGEMEMBERS PLAN AFFAIRWalrus grainbag, IS-inch.leather lined,.. brass trimmed. .linished wit hinside pocket.iAng grain,8 P Ii t walrusbag. 3-piecestyle, leatherlined, 16-inchsize.Black walrusbag, leatherlined with in­side pocket inl6-inch only. Plans for a public entertainmentnext quarter will be one of the chieffeatures of the meeting of the Col­lege Equal Suffrage this afternoon at4 o'clock in Cobb 6A.A president for the league will alsobe chosen to take the place of MissJean�tte Oberchain, who is resigningon account "Of her duties as a memberuf the faculty, Following .a by-law ofthe league Garnet Trott, the presentvice-president, will probably be elec­ted president. and a new vice-presi--dent elected in her place.Miss Trott stated yesterday thatthe suffragists expected in their meeting today to discuss a probable en­tertainment to be held in the winterquarter. This, if given, will be onsome aspect of suffrage, as the playlast winter, '''How the Vote Wasw 011,"�'W e want to make this entertain­ment' of an original character,' saidMiss Trott. utt is quite probable thatwe will arrange some stunts our­selves. instead of depending on any­thing' already written."Send in your .ubscriptioll today!or The Daily MaroOIL.SMOKING JACKETS.$5-00 to '10.00.HOSE ANI) SCARF TOMATCH IN LEATHERCASE$I.SO to S2.oo.PAJAMASSI.25 to Ss.oo.SCARFS�oc to S:a.5C).SILVERI AN & SON1125 u51 63"' StreetNcarLaiqtoa. MOSSLER co.M ail orders receive promptatten tion.MOSSLER CO.SO J�CksoD Blvd.LAMBspecialIStrauss Bldg., third floor. Clark and Madison StreetSelect Your"Cientlem'en's (iiff'io· this StoreSpecial Offeri.gs"Many W,arables f.,Iten"Evening Dress Suit..Tuzedo Suit..Draa Overcoats.Speciallfa'�es ;0 $35 IOther gradea to $60-WAISTCOATS for street, aftemooa.dinner and' eveniDc draa wear. Ss.$6, $7. $8, $10. $12.Special Values .f $5BUSINESS SUITS. $20. $2s. $ao. I3s.$40 to $so-OVERCOATS � every proper at7le.$=as. $28. $30, $35. $40, Iso, $60-,Special Values .t $J5c"Neck protectiDfg" and "car cover.ing" ulsters, every 8ize to SO-'SEAL AND PERSIANTRIMMED ULSTERS.values, $75 to $300- Our Xmas Gift toYou MenSpecial Values at $50Riding Breeches and siuele T�$5 to $12.Ic!.'!�!!�! y£,!: I. 5� J&CklOD Blvd.!!! UTILE ART CORNER1.., E. 53 ... ST.Arb aDd Crafts· G .....11i£ PLACE '1"0 BUY YOUR ClFfS Call at THE DAILY MAROON C'ffice today, and see thebCautu� : Poster by' Colca Phillips in colors, which is hang_ina ther�. If you like it. and we feel positive you will, ask. Mr. B. F.. Newman, the buaincsa manager of your paper, togive you a card which will entitle you to this beautiful PosterFREE.�'l"O'"��\..'.' ..Colea Phillip. i. one of America's greatest painters of beauti­ful women. The Poster we are giving away is one of his beststudies. It will brichten up any room.Verhoff &John Co.---�AlLORS---Jl LAWJudge F atimas on merit­and they'll acq ui t them­selves well.The college man's ver­diet is: C C Distinctively in­dividual U ThereforeF atimas are the favorite ofstudents.If you will try Fatima _you will continue to buythem. Inexpensivelypacked and you get ten ad-o ditional. 20 for 1 5 cents.TIlE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO.STORE NO.2750 E. 63RD STREETTEL NORMAL 5915Hatter a.nd FurnisherA complete line ofMEN'S WINTER WEARAT POPUlAR PRICESOPEN EVENINGSWe respectfully solicit your p�tronage ·1f474 E S�Tr STCHICAGG.We, priat .. ··Daily lIaroon.I \I\, ..- , f' ._-..... ....." '.\;. ," • , , . .,. •.. A--..•.. _, .... , ..•••• __ .••.. _� .•••.• _ • ...,..,..,.r.""""",,� .... ...,,.._....�,.aA1L'Y j'ARooN, FRIDAY . .DECE··':'�l..!:.c. .,J J";:".. .....--7---�-------- .�-.-------.- .. _... - • �.A.O, )J&.U. 7- ._----_._. --------.-WHICH MUSTACHE BEST?lSltNIORS DECIDE TODA. YMEIUUlM TO RUN FOR MAYORl Silk Opera$5.00 Hat Tod� and Saturd�Are the Days11 The big bargain sale of the. beautiful metal frame bap Win tabpiace at Hillman's, State and Wasbi ton st&., today aDd· -.,..,rrow.Be sure and ask to see these bags, as they are worth .ti1e .:: price.They have never been sold at a such low price before. This sale isfor University of Chicago women cnly. Be sure to mentjPINMeing'the advertisement in THE DAILY MAROON, or yO� Will � Dot beable to procure the bag at the low price advertised.While down town call at Carson, Pirie 'Scott Co .. tmld;Uk tosee the elegant leather traveling bais they are �o1rinI, andwhich are advertised in THE DAILY MAROON. A better and moreuseful gift can not be bought for HIM. Be sure and mentionTHE DAILY MAROON.Has Been Named as Candidate fOrRepublican Nomination for Of­fice-lIas Said Nothing Yet asto His Intention. (Continued' from pqe I)The Letter."Dear Miss Libbey: I have beenkeeping" company with a young man.for several years and I love him dear;ly; but .woe is me-he is growiq amustache. My pleadings have been invain and' 1 bitterly oppose his wear­ing one, as I have heard they arevery msanitary as well as disagree-able," Violet. : � •"0, my that's too bad! Can't you tellhim that his mouth is his strongestfeature and it is a shame to cover -itup? Y cu know that all men are suchvain things, dear broken hearted Vio.\Vi11 Associate Professor CharlesE. Merriam be the next mayor ofChicago?Professor Merriam, who was putf0rward as a' candidate by the Re­publicans of the Twenty-fifth wardat a meeting Wednesday night, isnow deliberating whether or not hewill step into the field as a candidate."I have nothing to say at present,".1.t r. -11 crriarn told a representative ofThe Daily Maroon yesterday. "1 can- Just arrived, the latest style Otto­man opera hats, Actual value",$10.not say as yet whether i shall be a .let, and' 1 feel sure .that .you can soon("andidate. When I am c�cially pre- reach him on ·that score."s e n tcd with the resolutions 1 shall Although the sweet young flowertake the whole matter under con- appended answer read as follows:sideratlon." with her fragrant pleading has care-In the last few month'S there has Fully concealed her identification inbeen considerable rumor in Chicago the note, she is said on good authori­poiitical circles that Mr. Merriam. ty. to be: a resident of one of the Our Price. $ 5.00.Arthur's Hat Store183 Dearborn Street.76 Madison Street81 E. Van Buren Street.: �.,: 'I'Leetnre 1, ,On LaunderologyC.hi�go is advised to remember thatthcdife of his or her apparel dependsut>On the experience and method of.vashing.dormitories. She has startled the en­tire University campus into wonder­ing who she is. .And -the young man loved so dearlywho is he? is on everbody!s lips. Hecannot be located definitely, :but sev­eral Seniors have been accused ofbeing the Lothario in question. Thoseto whom even the faintest suspicionis .attached have been interviewed.No! Not Baldridge!" Not me," tersely spoke RoyBaldridge when approached by the:interviewer: "No young lady pos­sessing any eyesight whatever wouldcall my mustache 'unsanitary' and'disagreeable.""Please go away and question menc further," said "Dick" Myers.' "Mymustache has really gained' me toomuch popularity. already. I am notthe man. Besides I could not resistthose pleadings,"Hilmar Baukhage was' considerablypeeved at any insinuations: "In thefirst place I do 'not consider 'my'mouth my 'strongest feature;' see­ondly, '. to my knowledge I have nosuch infatuation."Aleck Whitfield only gave an un;fathomable smile on being questionedand was passed as innocent."This veiled accusation is only anattempt to hurt my chances in therace for the Senior prize," spoke EdHall. "And I'll leave it to the girlsthat I have broken no hearts." .Hargrave Long, John Dinsmore"Pinkie" Davis, and all other� deni�<-ray knowledge of the affair, and therei. rests.who is now alderman fe'·m the Sev­(.1) t h ward, would be ch-aser- as thesrandard bearer of the Republicans inthe election next spring to succeedMayor Busse. The' movement hadtaken no definite shape until Wed­ncsday night, when .some of' the po­litical leaders of the North side hada 'meeting and "the resolution endos­injr Mr. Merriam was received withenthusiasm.Favor His Candidacy.Leading men of Chicago havebeen interviewed about Mr. Mer­riam's candidacy since the launchingof h.is boom they expressed them­selves as heartily in favor. It is be­lieved that if Mr. Merriam consentsto run he will' have the support ofthe entire Republican party.Mr. Merriam was elected aldermanfrom the Seventh ward a year agolast spring. Only a few months af­ter his election he leaped. into theforeground by his resolution' calling,for a commission to investigate theaffairs of the city. The commission,which was called the Merriam com­mission, conducted a searching inves­tigation into the city's business andits disclosure attracted attention allover the country.Mr. Merriam is a member of thepolitical science department and hasbeen connected with the Universitysince 1900. Special SaleFURSI !fIIiII1tf1! THE FRENCH METHOD Black MartenGenuine Mink andBlack Fox Sets .of laundering Shirts, Collars and!Underwear, being managed by anexpert in this line, will positively dvefOU the best of satisfaction.Why not investigate?MENDING and DARNING FREE.'120 per cent, discount for all bundlesbrought in and called for.Seeking your patronage, we remain," Respectfully yours,rench Method Hand LaundryPhone H. P. 61l3. 1146 E. 63rd St. This week we will sell our complete stock of biah·� 8t)'tiIhfu� at greatly reduced prices. Here's. an unsually lood opportunity to purchase lasting Xmas Gifts at prices within the reach ofallBLACK MARTEN ; SETS A·Most Most S�liah.'FUr TbIaWinter $40 UPGENVINE NATURAL MINK SETS. $SO UP.CL.'ASSIFIED.. AD�TlSDUTS BLACK FOX SETSBLACK OR BLUE WOLF SETS. $18�.Ermine, Hudson Bay Sable. White and Pointed' Foa. JapauleMink or any other fur sets desired.Rates-Three lines for 25 cents.. Six words to the line.Five insertions for the price of. four.No advertisement taken for lessthan 25 cents.Cash must accompany order. RUSSIAN PONY CO�TS 50 to 52 lach.Leqtba$40 AND UP.HUDSON 'SEAL COATS 50 to S2 Inch Lengtbti. $lSO'aDdU!.\Style, Fit and W ormanaJrip Guaran� . � .To Rent-2 furnished rooms inhouse; board optional. 1354 58 st.,near Madison ave. •Jacob LaskinSc Co.Word received from Minneapolisannounces the slow recovery of Pro­fessor A. L. Underhill of the Uni­versity of Minnesota. Professor Un- PD. 16, 17,:ZO,2I,22.For Sale--:.Gentlcmen·s. e�ning suitnearly new-woman's long coat,medium sizes. Reasonable. 1034Bowen ave., t st. Phone 6260 DrexelPD.16 Wholesale 'M�ufacturing Furriers, 20g STATE ST.Republic Bl�.. Ten� Floor.'derhill, who is Mrs. Judson's brother- -', NEWS OF THE COLLEGESin-law, was for some time. danger­ously iIi with pneumonia. PresidentJ urlson went to the bedside of Pro,Ie ssor Underhill when his condition' To prevent -students from makingpaths on .the campus.barb-wire fences.have 'been erected at Minnesota. r '.�C I. 0 lH �S· .,;5 H d,...Genuine English plum-puddings,homemade. Phone H. P. 1;88.PD. 16, 1; ,20,21,23.was reported critical two weeks ' .ac o, It is believed that Professor Un:"derhifl's recovery wilt be. sure, andserious doubts are no Ionger, ent�r:".tained regarding his condition." ,: . Plans .are under way for the erec­tion .. of a university hospital on theWashington campus. � 231-233 :J)lAiBoII�; s'lUlt(Great Ho��.Hote1) .To Reqt-2 furnished outside rooms·: su"itahle for 2 people;' bath; hot andcold water; use �f 'piano. 1\[rs. Bab_cock, $496 Ellis aye. ath flat.-.;Debating at Wisconsin will prob­�i;iy be discontinued on account oflack of funds.Subscribe for The Daily MarooD. .1IPG11Dl SAlt II.. I. -Suits 'and .OVercoats at\ � ,- • I'", .• , • ". ,Studetl�Let 'us 'place you in thekind of. a furnished room you arelooking for. We have every kindand price. I t costs you nothing forthe most minute details that we, ha\'� on all rooms, made from per-• sonar- Inspection; 'Ve can tell youeverything you Wish to know'about .roorns listed with us. Wood­',;;,lawn' 'Business: .Exc., 944 E. 63rd. St .• Cor;· Ellis .. Hyde Park il20.Happy and . Satisfied. "This is the way we'WIlDt to:"make every customer feel-who deal.with us. Our way of making tlotha, our fair method-, Iquare deaL� • t' Iing and willing service belp alcmc evel')' day of tbiI week. . � ,.',•• f. • t • �make you feel happy today.· they are exceptional Values­All_Wool, Hand� ��lored uelguaranteed � fit �Perfec:�.Noble· .Q •. . So,.e�t ..T..... �-. �,.. - , . The football man who has shownthe mo�t improvement in the la!'t sea­son at \Villiam� will h� given a Chinaloving ·cup. WILLS CLOTHES SHOP175 Dearbom�SUeett;Comer MoaroeSecond Floor. .- ._____ .Tdephone Centl'al 1444 Tndiana wilt orR'anizc a rifle club�\'hich will be :lffili:lted with th� Na­.. tiol\:31 H.ifle assocj:ltion. _,. - - ---