;.' " 'it fVOLUMJ;: UNiVERSITY OF CHICAGO. TUESDAY. NOVEMBER. 22, :1910�_ .' '. I. ;.. �. . �10._:!:Jhe .,=ctIi&a."l!".II'IIfI'OC, .•.�ESCijBEs:tjAi.�·��.:�·::· ���QUARTERSC��BINITIATES 'ANNOUNCES SELECTION. ....m11lW ..... ntii: ...... : . .,_ .. , .:·'·OF JAPANESEJ$UE" 'rhi�':eight 'FreShm� Will Parade 'OF HONORARY ELEVEN �ereat W�'. 'eM. .s� - -IN'tt:omrcrtOllrsr.,.,ta::'J�� �' .. ' ; "'. Through' Loop Clad in White ';"�tr��o��, � .. ,s,.. �----'-,..., .Tok,o Advertiser Gives·�AtJOOIUlI;··" .: D��Banquet at Union Restau- Wr.lter Eckersall Selects (AU-GOIifer- _�v�.�. QillbtertJ..Yt�,ltd· ... "'4"�" ,_�t_.:UJGhicago 'Victory. (Jv!�'g� )iy\J..:.. . �:rant Will Follow Initiation. ence Team for Sun Ina .. t ·�.,eeaJeht;'Iftae· EarIy''''rIU:JpaW . �.: �lfI.Bi!lak�1 Pa....... .Score or'5�:,.t.:, ':J�f-' .', • to Close saturday � j , '! DIcIdft ......- _._'_.• ':'d ... ·f :::s.l..fi· 'I "p. "Th�re is a place for. Freshmen, . . rOub--pledS'e"plns�C)f'elubs--a�d - .'. ·i'-' . - - ... - - -, '., ";', To which they all must go; . ye'ster'day�O!i twentyibne'youilg wom.! _�t!-' .n.� ".11101. � •.COMMENTS ON.. -S��' •. �; :' ,T!u:re to spend their many sins, NO CHICAGO PLAVERS CHOSEN en. '!-Sblce'l'the majOrity of' the aUbs� DIIIT-�_"'.- WU-- -...... ���. \.., �jr ". � v_..: � Arid lead a life of woe!" according to an ali'e���t�made'1hU Wa..;..;..Ll_i":' 'Hol�-' -i--:':'_ un.� CI..:Men . Have Great .�. Gn.· ,..;.,".:: Sauer and Crawley Given PositionS on &':"IJ wd .. ' 'a.LIJ.l.&- • F--' h '. _.,�_, � YlI ... -� _oIICU au-T C . :.:., H '.1--' t:' .;;.'. �,.:j ,.i::' '. .t.. • Iii , UJ not lJlI�5e n:s men, un:i_ '; .. i.:!i.:)(......:.... ... �_h •. '..;._..I S···t,. . .eam .to ome.' ome uy_�$ a� .... , , :rJii�� will be the swan-song of the Second Eleven-Minnesota· Has �tier.:.u smaller ·than·/it: bU 'bieIi � 1iIIwn.. �"...au tadcntof Europe.----,�:,�-�� - .• '. >f'hree" -QUarters club neophytes' Four Places. since r907,"-'1Hien"Uu�re ..... ' a"�lai ··1tcS�"Go·"GIiliuneriDc.- : '. '.:: '-. .chanted mournfully as they tramp • pOlicy. The ;,jist"is:From The Japan Advertiser, "tokYo� 'lock-step," roped together, on their Wnlrer Eckersall announced' his ; 1'be�II�ttarl�: ! Chicago closed ;�ltS - .eason with aOctober _�'. :.. �.t:.:' r. way down-town for initiation tonight. selections for the 1910 Conference . Ruth:'lN-ewberry:':Mt.:·Pleasant;Kieh! .defeat when'it lost to Wisconsin Sat-(Last of series of International base-. .The men. accompanied by upwards of Icotball team in Sunday's Tribune. �Esiber 'Tajior,: Oaieago. ; urctay �y:�th�,,:.�r ot)'lOztO:\7o. The;ball games.) ., . -.', • ,,: ; a hundred upperclassmen. will leave Minnesota received the greatest nnm, Florence Tisdale, O�a,' fa. Badger eleven PII� :.� __its. �f:GlllarYThe last of the regula��';;Ji4��� �_�I.it��c�c� at ,4:30.thi.s afternoon. The ber of posit ions. Four of its men Em�:. . brace for the closing game. and thehas�balJ. game,s:-"J?���r����. �.�� {th�y �ollow wtl�l be many and were given places. No Chicago play- �'Myra' ReyDoIds,�Los"'Angeles,: Cal! imjst-o\teftient' was' sifliCient to beatUniversity and tlle :Jap�e, �on�ges..; -yatIQu� . until tlJ.ey wind. up at tjte crs wen' on the eleven. but Crawley Elizabeth Spease, 'Chicago, ;111. ! .CbiC:ago�· --TJae-Qtieago-team-"taje-dwas played yeste�dS-Y,.· .-betw�lb:Glif-� 1t.Inion· Restaurant .for the initiatory and Sauer were players named as �'fte;J�lii4taDilen:. somewbat :ttt�gaJarJy,:� flash-cago and Kcio, :"..'..Qa.'r,.:t}fei1.... ¥r.H�da � �I�uet)lt !3, o'clock. worthy of the second team. Illinois . '·HeJen;J)90oae,·:·YpsiJaftti/�ch. .! es"9f -form �cqaaliW.·_)'ttliIa�thatJha'sgrounds at Edoeawa:bashi;.�T·Chi�o': � ... �.) � �>:'Thirty-eight Initiates. and Indiana each had three players \ ; mama: -0 �c�c�iiZed'ita,P1aYiD8 tJua' fall, butwas again victor,' de'fe�tiilg: :k�io··fn�'a" ';;.�J�niglifs· Three Quarters club in- en the team, while Wisconsin had Edna Erickson, Duluth, Mich. ��meti�es_falling below-the-.adardwcll-contested teh:.iiuriitg game-:bY.;�� :'j'tmes will be: "Its" Comstock, Mac- one. "WillrettMna·-!BaHield.:'Hmsdale,41l. whjch might have been .. �pec:te.d··ofscore of 5 to 2. , � �::) .. _: -Vonafd. Northrup. Foster, Richard- On the second team the distribu- AgneS. lhcDo'ftald,i <!.flieago.. ,it. ·;_:.rJJe�;WisCoas:ill�pl2Yers; ... CC'otcJiggThis gives the American;..:team., a -s-o�. Cprper. Howard. Jamieson, Ly- lion was more -general. Six of the iphi:'.Beta1 DHta:' to many of their �t.e·-:s,:.pu.t_.vP, thert'cord of six vict��i���the \.en-th-e· ��a�.· Cleary. Harger. Shull, Scruby, eight uniHrsitics had one or more . Rttll{'.HYde;rpien-e,:-St D. best game they have �hown .this.year. 'series-and :the:; Chicago--"m�n-"-ar-e- LiIlard� - Conley. Stephan, Waldhaus,' re!,>resentali\'es, Purdue and Wiscon- 'EJizabeth . (Timme, ;JEenOSha� ..Wis. - ::TlJe.>;game-"�was· 'hai"difoaght "frome.lated accordi,n'gl�r:-::-·�.t.:.: ��e :!�;:. _1;ie��:,:.P�i�ter •. Co�ley, Mathews,. !'in being the exceptions. Indiana had Mary Dickenson, RiClmao'ut,')Iud. "�arti.Jto;�,:;'a'hd··was:··marred-·b'yttme, one of the·Cnlcago· -n'l'tn, �ezt �ag�r •. ��letcher, Reichmann, Good- the greatest number on the substi- Chi Rho-8i&ma: . -few: *nbles:·'!B6tb·;etevens were de-inten'iewed at tne,'Imperiaf. Hote1Jat- '.inaa. :)fast, Batcelor, Baldwin, Dall, 'lute eltven, three being its 'quota: Elizabttli.J-MiteJSell���,;hlMich. ;tel2lllilUdit(JLwin;-i.aDd-;'ut up;"a'�sc:ra�ter the· game •. exp�esstQ their appre-- �ennedy, McDuff, Wright. Shilton, Chicago, lllinois and Minnesota had ';·Rutli:PooJ;"Moms"lDI.· . �py �eJiofi'Pht;ing-';in; cOIIS'e'qtfence.ciation 'of- the veri�Kinaly :waY�they.· J�aI>e •. l:lrrace', Dunde; Miller. Schoen two apiece, and Northwestern and I Rstelle"Ghmt,! €&ffe,.mle,=l1CaD. -'Da� 1fork.:of>ithe ·\9ffii:ials was com-have been treated� .by/�the; Japanese -Having passed through the ordeals Iowa had a single player. . :':JpEBeltatJlld:' .·paratiMly..:sllJOcith;��d· diere 'weresh1dents •. when: Ji� �'iid::·:'·. �'�'., :,: prepared for them tonight these men Seiler Picked Over· Crawley. ;Minat�'De�-Vms, UDion;':1tL -athc.rr.les�han'�e·�ual-iiumber,�of"Of course, we_':ii;ittfrally:�eel:: gliid will· becom� the active members of The point on which Chicago stu- . ;!De1tbo: �:penaIticS.l�nd·;!disputes"'aver lthe·Lm_to carry away \tlie--c'6lrtjrr�erier-of-' the- .. cJ,ub;· 'whose duties it will be to dents are likely to differ with the ; : Oeorge,·GtifIltb, -Jwest FarmiastOut �ODs.ef. �e"'ndes��ames, a'ilo .yerllic:nmw���ett�'«�s- ta��.'�-next year's aggregation. The critic is in the placing of Seiler of Il- Ohio.' .. " .; ;)" ... _nte"'J�"" foi-o.:�so ��, .. a�crJ)5�'��h�-: '1l'!em�ers!ip. .'?Lt�e.,,_�.lu,!> each year linois at, halfback"in :·pface. of ·Craw.: -· .. ESthei'�V-eSeY� Cbi�. .;��tle.tith'e1W-u�iis�� �aIidmen, that one aim&s'i �;h\s-,::rfiiey: t'onsmi-o(�tYiirty-eight' men picked ley. The chief. cause assigned 'for . :>VJOlalJ&1iftiran.:tWiI..ete...m:·�-:-r'·" ��·.;..:;a��,�t -could have won t� last-rgail�:(l_�f .'(ro� 'the s!xt�en undergraduate fra- this is the drop-kicking ability··of.die- ····:..Rutb��n/WalthilD,�tyass.�:; .zPIlle. .. '.JHe>...u:pbticuIUI,. �eexpression brought····'fdnh ... ;i.e: If'Jariy 'iernities.. '," Ilinois man. which won three''Bames. ;'�Helen DUnbar. -:Ol(.liake�unts.::L:()neJ�f tbae;"iD�e"t11afs: right ... · froik�&�A�;�e�grdtlp�' .�-; -:Will �Parade' Down ·.Town. for his team. 'The choice -of McGov-' ... , ... ;, . - .... '.' ... '. :. 4astu:q .. l'ter .. �!ftdt�::';in�the'��of American plan� •• �·'l.·�'� �; ';�:.� .• ;;; :: Aiter-: a .barrel-stave session in ern, Johnston and Ros�nwald of Min- : SEHIOR!.;CE8S!��IV£ .. ,! �eJlo-:tb.e BHa�s.� :-'Phe��s ",Bliss Dlrec"'1'T ,.-:. !_. •• � ;--., :l�it���ock, the Freshmen will be led nesota for the remaining places in'the : -'ftAG.fIDT.Silr-uRDAY?: �lIaps �he:lW1&st .• c�':;;f tb'cis �" - forth at about 5 o·clock. They will hack&ield 'wiII probably agree with --- -'. �.: aaft�,:..�as: the: fbt 'WisCo�The _Chic·ago-; te��qj��te<Lbl,..... e.:clad .. in,-Y£hite._dl1c�s ;m4 will we'ar the ideas of all the students who saw ii'IaaluAfttraa ·f-llot,LY..... ' player �overed seveity�)yUds ·�eProfessor G� �.��BI!��f •. tft� f)e��� ��a!v: �a:ts .. a�d bandannna ha�dker- the Gopher team in action. '._. forl'��:£�� : .'tn)tliAg thel'�.!l·lin�. Jl� .�ment of Mathematfcs orrtt�, '(Jlllv�r�- �b!efs. '-'Each' man wiJI be roped to Berndt of Indiana and Dean of .._ - ':��uIaC � ; '�I9o::ahl�F_1i forHtIle ·-BacJ&leri.sity of Chicago,. _\!!_1.9 _ _i,s_.l!�m�_�_ the_Qm�_i�.frontof him. The upper- Wisconsin arc awarded the end pO- ' __ -. '--!-�' •.. : �ile ��:Dean s�ppedlJ��graduate of that_ ins���t��ion�.!����· __ ���!..�!:!!...w1!!_.spperintend a serenade :-:itions. Jt is expected that there will. :��:'1IH!II';:Of .. "-e�&!niOr-��lass .. m·l :epll;ys!ibaclG�f�he: Qbi� �� .... ;class of 1897. T?e m_en h��e !=��-! &-�tte��F�n'� halJs. after which the be more dispute over these elections � probiibly1�e;.a-..!SU"-Satufdayofthis! .·:!.·Ror:�1:Do{Jilayer.st:&riechrithJy �ad � go�d tIme: Iry�p�i �� �Cll'i .. �'� �:mar�h lock-step down the than O\'er any others on the eleven .. week.! aFSOme nUtmg �-'p1ace '�'d<M1i: ::Ull1lsuat�briI�cy. ::CnW�'''''''ed·aarm'�d 10 Yoko��arqn-lt�:t�th ;C?�:. �fl(l�ay.! -A 'stop' will be made at Pickering and Frank of Minnesota. town. :iTohe.:::mem1:iers20f:the::aocial·: ;ltllODg :..��e, -�·and l-Ra1pb· ''Y-oimg�ePtember and �ere'" me;t'·,ar'thA-·Jan�. theJ-l<:>tel del J?ra�o,where a program Lyons and Oli\'er of Illinois, and conlmitt�;.re:"llow\�IriRg:J:ananKe-; -planged::through'-the ·tine ·_-IoCOOdmg by a party .. of. ToJ9ro stude�;. of �'!stunts" will be put on for the Sauer, of Chicago, all have supporters ments for!the .fast. :J.The:'�cJass;�ha.1; ��s.'- �iI�n'�ted'-Uf"·tO:'his"U­who greeted' them' � with' Chicago�s� "atri�sement . of : the guests. The who wiIJ prefer them to the men also: decided" to :bOl� a:.Dce.�in )-:the: lUal o:sdnclard,:::-but �'1;iilect;; on Udrbp.own college yeIJ .. an.� m�d�. up,}n t1!� men will then board an 1. C. train. picked. \Valker of Minnesota and -Reynoldg!elQh.l()n<.:Decembel"-tile:.1IiDth·· �kic:ks.·� The .dds;' did '''not ,';8Irew>-gheartiness of their .. J;ef<:pti�li)or\ �hi .• The trip -dOW'Il-town will be enliven- Dutter of Indiana are named. at "lt fOt1r·:o·ciocldn�!tbet'laftetnOOD. Suc:b: 'jbRl1iaDtly:ta� ba�.JJeeD;· �ect."ud. rainy. dreary day;:� .- _.";._j"'. U./ �,,�? : � � ��a,bj 'exhibitions of the usual Three 'tackles, and the general feeling of the ',was f:tlie· �dec:iBiOn �mched :at ·uthei :tb_e:;liae wasl�O�"� .. r-to !dIat of"�eI n th�s c.on�ecti�I)�,i� ,���; be weJ( Qu.artcri· Cla'b � :comedy. Arriving at critics seems to ratify the choice. Senior executive committee .ineeting: I�Ngers. '. '... ; . ." .. " isaid that· the- 1 Americans bave SeeD �Van 'Bclrelf�street a lockstep parade Some Doubt as to Guard. ,last ':Tbll�y: .�t� ifibal:tanaaKe-: .. . ':' :l)'Rtat��:� I·�aJlan at its ���\t-not even 0��4' will:4{g�i!l� ��Jol1Ded, and a tour will Butzer of TilinClis and Messick of ''m�nts''·foft�hei*lIC� 'M!r� ldRed:-;in' ·--.:.Neither·team Iiad-:'allY�'cOllSpiC1lOtistimers ever ha� seen such contl�� be...:iDade". including stops at the lob- Tndiana are awarded the guard posi- the:lI.ridsJ:Of-:>Ned£Barle9&!eIlllii'man1of: -:a�ge'-;ia!.tbe first q��r.' .Rog­uons rainy �eather at this time.: o�' bie�: of ,"the. Va'-·rOllS big hotels. Sal- tions. Tt is felt that the selections lthe Setrior:!loqal·.cio....mee.· !�r5'=wot away.1fo� all� ""Iain �i�fOrthe year. Still they say they had � ·: .. :ati'o'ri.�:'Army meetings, temperance wiIJ he well received in most quarters,' It, wa� f�lfttJ�ectded(.tO seD&:let-: -�ica�o. lWiacons�n ··':s�eftcI fto"royal good time and are delight�cI Jeetu..es:''and vaudeviJIe sketches will hut it is bcJic\'ed that some will prefer ·ten·· to ·�·.l1umembeh jOf.Jthe:Senior; -pen'allIes:-for),butdliag"bj')8111U.< Gil­with Japan." Waseda and Keio rric!� b� presented by-the pledges. Buser of \vi�consin to one 'or other �Jass":Uf1Prig 1hetpllJlllat of--die=dass: :-ktte1Jtried:. a,: drop.;.kic.�·�for:w-tSCoasinhave caned on thern,�.verY·day .irl�· . �h�,"inifatory .cemeony and the of the mcn named. Twist of Illinois. 'dues:6t five:� tiacb;:andlnking: �ut':it:!Eailed.)jn�lIhe�OIid qartertaken them ab��t: �o,ky?�)Sil_l�ly or! ��. )lati�ult :Win �fo.row at the Union has been generally spoken of as··the for ·.-nestiOfts 3�...,aiDi1ig ..;to 1�tbe: ilWil80n .... at�pted 'ODe �'for If t:hitqosmall parties. The �n1erican - A�-r 'Rest�ural!t.. Frail�is' Orchard. '10, .. trongest c�nter on the C�nference ··Senior riftUd'4ocrial PfOIftIDS •• $be' with similar iR:.latk: -��lt�wu'iIi thebassador. Mr • .?.'�?e,1f) gave the� la- �i)L.lud��t!'1�s!�rl and' �be r�lIowing elevens. and is gi\'en the position by eopy:'for this'ltMRr i ... lready in -'�thel second qua�r .. that'-the first scorevery handsome_r:tc;eptibn; pn� �( t�; �'n:!'iesp<?n'�' to toasts: "Bunny" Eckersall. hands �ohhe':prIDIet'�d�n rbe .. nt' was made. �n--.ttelllptect"'UDt wasJ�rg� thcate�� .exte���tr �!�Ial ,0; rs; �Ii;;nenton Moyer, '12; Law- The players on the second eleven out··in:a";few�days., lTnasarer ',Con_-' blocked, and Wiscoasin recovered themallon; Count O.kuma g�:v�, t���lj "renee Whiting, '13, and .cIt" Reich- are �auer. Chicago. and Oliver, IlIi- ndo:=Beiritez -.iI' b�ft CObb rA .• daily "nil Iie:lr<the��tu of'tbe:6elcLJ:!'fbeygarden party, WhICh, ..,�ltnoug1ijl � mann, "(4, nois, e!lrl�: Hatfi�ld, Indiana, and from ':1�30 to :tY�ocr.�t <:Tueidays:: -·,hen· nisHd -i.'t�e ball -'tbfoiairb!!'dier:lin prevented the fuJl enjoymenti b . ;�i, ','.', ! Young. �I inne�ota, tackles; Belding, to r�ive:-"the/clals·)1Iaes. . Chicago team ··With Buser • as ·V'tht!hi� heautiful· ga�dens, WdS�-:M'e� :;:"� • .,. �re:liman Medics Meet IJJinois. and War�, Northwestern, �thief·-groGnd.tg:aiaer. '�'ehiezao""Sftui-enJoyahle occasIon .. · A n�m���f.�tb "-T1re-Preshmen Medic class heJd a guard=-: :\Iorrell. Minnesota, center; PRESIDERT-rftJDllON ·-ed'�llnable'·to·'S!Op':tbem;,'aDd.a··totich_men wue take�l1.-��\)IJ"�1: ... __ .. --_ . _... . . b '11' Cunningham. In(liana. quarterback', COIIIIISSIONED TO -'do"n ·�lted· .. inl·little··'1DOI'e thalf�a. t N'kk a,l,:"b . iI .jlb j meeting, ,In .the PhYSIOlogy Ul ( mgSlon 0 I 0, .,��,.j,pen� -,l�r. i �! fast lIight. President S. MerriH Wells Crawley. Chicago. and GilJ, Ind'ana, REI»RESERT-sTATB ,'half ldoftn:'plays after 'the- kick .. weftthave had a very: hapPy'-.vlslt. ..' -' .•. , .E L' hah'cs: Hyland. Iowa, fullback. �one 'wrong. ··:lnrthe·TeIftiirinW·part·o(:.tbeiTh ·Se·· . 'f G' \. :' , apPOinted C M. lJacon, C. , mn .,S. eh ��\.o:,_; , .. ����l. i id and!\�ich�r� Herndon to represent of the otllcr leading critics ha"e an- President Judson has been hon� "qu:uter,": Wilsonr'apin( tried··to-,drop_� IX gamesr a�e:.. .. ��� '�f ���:: }.;;'\ti the "Class'. in· the student council dur- noullcecl their choice. When they '()red with a commission frpm Gover- :. kick, but· 'COUld' Ilntf;fiilcf'the aeal ..�res('nce 0 cr;�vJ s_:- ta\r�.��; � .. � i����h·e-.ensuing year. come out. they will be compared 'nor .Deneen of the state 'of' 'IllinoiS; ., In"th�'third q.mei' GJlRaIfO!tbrat-,000 to '5,000. . olJl�? t. �se .ga t, . ! � .... with intcr('�t with those of Eckersall. ·to represeid' Ithis�lJtate�'att the DeeP .. tned:-to·'score. :A -IitIlliantl forwatahave heen "ery cl.ose· :�t. ·ti.il�S� dbtit - �..... .• T"·... , f .. -T���-'�;a' Triangular Dehating The Jatter's experience with the game Waterways .convention'- in"St. Louis, ·pass\·put'�tmn:·in·�t·of a'�-thc Americans. e�·idch�r�.·.?i��!���,t�, Lea�:'composed or the universities and unusual ahility as a player when No:Ve�bej;' 2S-�ftttL�lPreSltttrlt Jud ... '�dO_lf,hburWiscoa'si�lmd 1ridriuJtbelocal teams, and tIle games_'fiave; all 1� .� • in coll('),!e is ccrtain to mve his choice son has accepfed·v'tiie appoinimeDt fifteen-�rd'tlifte"'aild' the'·�"'bCe!"sf II h .: '. . ,.: I I f ()f ,\mes,: Drake an'd Grinnell will dis. e" . .7-a en to t estrangers. -.. :., .. - a great deal of authority. -and will atfend:1fhe:-eollPielltion. ·Iost. . ID .... the""T'est''Ot-tbe-'�erj theThe results or' the':'�eries -.ar��.l.+: (:u'ss tbc._ .question: ltesolved "That, 'Rccipr�ity, between the United States .. playing' hs .,. eftD. '�'In the ·fodlt'k' ... t �.�i _�:_:,�_. ..... i :;and, Canada on Home Products Minne�()ta now has a !smallpox Five hundred students have regisJ '9wtrter' Cln'1:ago""ftnt·.'irfter a"_�: .- -ShOllld 'be Established." scare. . e��in.�easioll-coarses.at Brown: (Continutd on paCe.� .. ) 11'Ij(Continued on page 4)il·t".: t. l "-THE !)�Y' MARO'ON Student Volunteer' BaD�� �ng-. .. ....., .... ton Hall, 8 p. m. Rev;��aa� :·Ha-"I'M ofiadai' .... t 'Plib� CIl"", ra_da.· "D.I)� ... · of J�ii� wil,l��a.�� .... : �'_tJDl�.:.ot·�_�,� _ .\;1' '!'_ :"IIt.�);_ •---------�f�-:>-':�:-· ...-·.,.;---,-4 i�':.'·?��,- ·�i. � ::.>�::.- ·_.·�·r.'; ..... :.'l'onaer17 ,�', ) : �; . ,�� .� l' > .... AN"O�CJUI�04·.: .'De UDlftnlu of � .�. ;', � '!� '.,: ;�." ,.�.. .: •... ._..-; ...•• �. 'J '. , 1'0UDded .' "':''':'.�'' �:- �. - ":'.� . .';..,.,:.,.Tbe WMkl7 ••••••••••• � ••• :Oeto_ 1.�. • SeDiora Wait iintil;.You .hear':from'!rIM ��� :::�,:: •• :�::::��_�� -the: �'P �1\ct' 'GOwn "I)elore' "baring.. \---- .•.. � ... � ....... � • ...._ ',. .' . ......... y' our pictures taken. _'. - ._.-.'., ''PilbllabM"mtU',- Ueept 8uclU .. 1I0D·4QtI u4 1l0U�_"WIDi..�.' ., DiviDitY "'StUdeata-:daSs' . in' se,.�� u��C1��. -.. ':.� .::.-_.. � �'.' .. CiOlOgieai: st1idr.of;�tlie"BibJe·is·to be: &Dtere4,_'·8eec.uI���t.:iI* 'CIal- . formed i� . Emerson: 'Hall� Abraham".;,_ �ud.���I:m.1IareIl Li-ncoln Ce,nter: on,' Sunday. Novem-,;.�:-r ;�:. e' � , ......• ,-,,_ •. ' '.. b�r'� at�3:Jo..:" ., .. :, .• Tim BTUI' .Short Story Club ·will read ."Love.Ii. '4.Jt., ...... · '� ..• ' !.� MaDqiaall4ltor- anei"' tfu� 'Qlnal/' .�d, "The Bridge- PREPARING FOR· LARGE"';"1, DALY _'. -.:'.�. • .• ., � '·N ... Editor bui,lc1��S,�' for the ��eting of 'Novem-' THANKSGIVING SPREADIll. '11': )�JlP�.�.ma j ." �: ,4WetJc E41torber 24.,�.hyaica1 ExaminatiOD' appoint- Neighborhood Clubs Hope to Have8EN, . .(0'. �EWMAN , '-:. B�M"1Iaupr ments .for men may be made at the Best Feast in Years in Lexing;�h;;·;:":. � i -'U'i � �." .... - .•• � .'. office of the medical examiner in tOD Wednesday.Bar'tl�tt �:r�nasium.:'. Booker T..· WaahiDgtOD . will ad- Plans are now almost complete fordress . the students of. .the University the. annual "I'hanksgiving spread inin Mandel hall on December S. Lexington next' Wednesday evening.All UniversitY 'W�m� are invited The Neighborhood club womep areto a Thanksgiving Spread under the working hard to make this year'sauspices of the Neighborhood clubs, spread the best that has ever beenWednesday.at.6:30 p. m., in Lexing; given at the Universiy. Posters andton gymnasium. contribution lists have blossomed inStudent Service App�catioDS· for Lexington, Cobb and at the Schoolthe Winter Quarter must be filed be- of Education.fore December 5. . The stunt committee is arousingBlackfrlars-All '�ishing 'to attend everybody's curiosity by mysteriousthe theater a�d din��r party must conversation about the programgive $1.00. to Ben' Moyer before Fri- which is to be "perfectly good;' butday. _' a. complete surprise. Great things. Skull and Cresce�t··Mee. ling. Wed- are also expected of the decoration· New. contributions 1IlA7. be left at Ellis'.Uall or l!'acult7 ExcbaDge. a� to nesday, 10:30 a. m.,; �/.Cob1? 3A.. committee, which is under the direc-... �?�,�aJ��.,.��D. A Dinner' for Senior; men is to be tion of Miss Gertrude Fish. The in-,,;. given at the' College Inn on Novem- terest of girls in general is attested. It'is '�ith great reluctanc� that ·The· ber 26, i( So men sign �p at the rate by conversations overheard in the''Maioon dis'�uss�� th�·s.11bject, of �e of '$LOO a' plate. Neighborhood club room and in the.• L. 'footb�(seas,on in. gen-' corridors of Lexington. "Shall I be a:H�iiot·to:· "e'�;1 '�nd;'tbe Wisconsin COMMUNlcA1'IONS. 1lride-groom, a Chinaman, or a negro''the'>ream:" . gam� i�, p,ariicular. It To the Edito� of Th� Daily. Ma- mammy" one curly-haired blonde'was., " , • J, is' �o pleasure to com- roon: 1n Saturday's Mar.o�n there heard asking yesterday. Others arement ·n'p'�n· the �fact- t,hat. ·Chlcago has. 3ppeared a communi�atio� concem- talking of coming as witches and':had "th-e 'most disa��ous' football sea- ing the .recent· W. A. A. play. -con- perhaps there will be a Mother Goose·s�� 'for a .dec�di. The 'season . for, . test. Since there. seems to be much in the party ..· Chica'go . h�s ·.been a m�re C?DlPlete- discussion,' I -wish to . state once more Perhaps the contribution that hashumiliation, th�: can 'be .rea�ed by and publicly, the ,combined decision created the most excitement andstuden_ ... �df a�.llniv�r�ity that.has not: of the committee' -as r-e_ported to the caused ·the .contribution committee,I., .:;,., . .'.' ':'ed' 't'o victories •. It· W A A" h· . n .N ·th 1 a .th� most pleasure 'un to date is thehe.e� ,Cfustom. _-;', -. " ; '. . . . c. alnna .... el er pay. s �'�.9·=.ris·0 .� 1���.;¥�!·�· con������:: th�t it stood, was considered: suitable the one appe2ring on the list in Lexing­,'th/j�;s �f � }ew., �mes. Fa!. ��ve: first time it was b�4ed in. .Though ton: "Marion Talbot, one turkey."; t' 0' 'li�d a sa�utary: eff¢ct upon. thl��gs; the plays we-:e: .i�p'rov��·after .a. sev-; It ha� always been the custom for.. � sene��I' in �h.i�go. The Vlctones � er,al .�ee}cs':- z:c:'!is�op', . the, -jqdges still the women of ea'ch hall to unite inIn g " .. - _. . d nd ap- I h . . .. N . hI' . b' contribution for'i"iJi�'lutUre will I?e pn�e a.'.. he d to t elr Opt�lO� .. - elt er pay glvmg some ?�e Ig ..o �e��,4 .: '��l', 'tbe: more ;lfter' this; i�. i�self, music .... aoA. librettQ com-' the ThankSgiVing spread. I t IS notp '" , b d Id h b d known what all of the halls will do.. ',' xp·en·ence. ..' IDe , cou �v�' ,e.en- use. success-Year 5 e .. " .G d hId ff'. «' • h' •. ' I'th'ou't reluctance,. �owever., fully withoQt ,another ,.tJ;.orough re- this year, but reenwoo as e 0. It IS W 'thi .' . ,·b .,. . .the Ma;oon �iS,�.e� to. take., . s. vision. 'Then; too, when one judge with a turkey. The contn utlOnthat 't' ,'of _ commending �d t refused to read_one play be.cause of committee hope to hear from the oth_�pp1r: {ire ;�!p��b�.s" o� the' 1910 the jumb��d,·, careJess,' �alf-typ�writ-' ers by Monday.tban .- g. ':'and CaptalD, Crawl�y.. I ten state' It was handed Itt to him by . The members of the committeesb Jl team, . ., .. ..· f�<?t a. due more honor �han t� a_ the author; ·and when It ·could. barely that are devoting much energy to. To.t.b.em !� . The'y' have fought� be deciphered by the chairman· when makirag the spread a success are:.. of 'victors. . .. . '. ,tea�. ,., 'o'dds and bitterer ctr-: the same play was handed in' a day Advertising Committee: Ellen Mac-.,. . - greater • h Ed' h B dl_�ga:�n.s!.. than any team WJt a late;, whe'n tlte other, though of· ap- �eish, chairman; It ra ey,cumstance�. t r.·�s bebinci. it, and f�r: "parently: painstaking � workmanship, Gladys F�x. Frances Herrick and. g of '\ IC 0 -- h IS' C b II.str�n .. ,. ur' pride in t e� � lacked the cleverness and 'vim to car- Margaret amp e .tha� rc��on � _,any elevens wat, rv ,it over the fOOlliglits-;-it is hardly . Music committee: Altha Montague,.. h n In �. . .' -:,., • '{,8r.e�te� t 31 cJ�3mpionships. CaP��· strange no' f;Lvorable decision was chairman; Mina DeVries, Agnt;s J.l c-_b�v� �on '. not: feei the gratifi�uon reached. '. . '. Dowell and Edith Coon ley.Graw1ey �aYf -; win·ping.��m, but h.�, It seems 1'0' me� an<l I'am speaking Stunt committee: Isabel Jarvis,of a'��a��� .0·k��POq- hirfootbalI .ca-, now, n�t from the point: of view of a -chairman; Olive Thomas, Rose Marieca�fJ��� �a� 'l�S� plea'sant �ec91�e� judge, Dut that of'an ·old· "Lexington" Moore and Harriett Sagar., rc;�� \Y1��1�; Ids as .hi�h fl plac� JD! ,student to whom·rW; A. A., and all Finance committee: Donna Mes-. ii�ns. ·.He! .0 f Chi�go, underp'adu-: .Chicago Wotnens' activities are clo�e senger. chairman; Irma Koblens,'. th� �s�eeIP; '�VaJter, .Eckers�ll. : Wal-, at heart,' that the �Qmm�nication sn Mary' Chaney, Ethel Lawler, RuthOates ,�. d�. �·o De., TK:ay and. Pat: Saturday's Mar,ooB ·IS .• bttle hasty. .Crawiord, Althea Buzzell.t'er Stdle�,.. made' J·u�t as �.��IY .a,. First of all, it seems that the end Contribution committee: Miriam,- u has - , :.I' '-n A H h r' ',Page.. �e .' 0 a's they. Anu, Y" 1)£ the' Spring' Quarter until· Sept.::zoth Cole, chairman; nnette amps ee ,. .. Chlcag· ; . . A . L . F d Corangh�. for. . 11 that counts. 'wlth .lD extra two weeks for ,final re- Grace Pnce, nme oUlse or,'�r l�.se; .. tha.tj� aI vision� gave the authors sufficient Hinkins, Margaret Caml1bell, .Marion,.• Yi'v Bt1LLETIN. time to tum out an acceptable play. (Junn, Mae Driscoll._. .. �� '_;__'" �econdly, with this·new, desired ex- Decoration Committee - Gertrude.. ", .... . C;;f the soccer team. ·tension .of 'time, . the performance Fis1-; chairman; Helen Carter, Carrie..�e 'l11em�t�Sb . Br�dy in Dr· Ray-. would be thrown late in the Winter :'\icholson, Mary Chaney, .'w'il1_ . r!ce� ,coatc � o'cI�ck. '. Quarter, infiingeing- closely on the Zug on American Paintings.'" 'f·i office a .. Botany .'. d· • W.� c_!o �.s, .' . Ciub, ro�m J3,.on mackfnar s :date,s-,-a CQn Itt�n . The present exposition of Ameri-· ,: ,Bo�.n�� .; m. "Recent· 'Y0�k ' .. \. A. wished above �ll,to aVOid.can paintings at the Art In!'titute was'ldlng, 4. .,30 p . Ch' eras' (dlus-bUI. . 'd' and 1m. I . ,. . .' declared to be the best given in yearsG�aft. Hy}?rI S• Professor Cow es: l)v .'\ssistant Profcssod George B..' d 'J . ASSoclat� . '. g teams,{rate. . -ts, debatlD ; lug in his lecture yesterday �£�er-, Final' T�raw b�iiding, 7:30 p. m:noon in Mandel hall. The expo!'luon,South ropl�, ..cal Club,West room,:. f·The pbil.osophl, ." . Reports of It'� a he said. was more representatlye 0" d" 7'30 p. m.. l' h' the "'ork of the tn'cat Americans thanLaw buil I,ng, '.. h and. Eng IS, .. c·.'. . an Frenc . b' 'S"OWN.:. � �any that he bas ever seen in this·recent. Ger,-:n.' . Mead and o� ers. �,_ �Profess�r . Has- ,Tbat'._� 700, Deed. to. know country. The exhibit of marinebO�tic Club, open' mee��g, , ', .about' a . oamtlngs Professor Zug declared to- bly r,oom,.8 p. , be the most complete. Lantern slide:;.ken Ass.� .�bUc Lecture-"Amen- GLO'R:' f hUnivefSlty .....in China," B. L., 'Y a:" showing spedm�ns 0 t e reprcscn-to the Rescue . f 'iTbe Truce tative paintings were pre!'entcd. and�utnam we;ale, ����;t:rmatb." Man- . their noteworthy features pointed111• tbe Faz: East, .out ...P mdell Hall at 4 • • And thirdly, the writer is not at allof the 'opinion that the women mightwith success give even a "mediocreplay" before a "charitably disposedaudience," to quote Saturday'S corre­spondent. Why not, for a change,have the producers of the perfor­mance be the "charitably disposed,"and give the University somethingnew' and clever and tuneful. and sendthe audience away thankful and re­freshed? The women can do it,- ifnot this year, next. So why not?Marie OrtmayeriI,Ii !�i·fIi'� .:�:Ij"t1!I"I�.tl':. · .. �aOCJATIC £I?JTOBS .w�' l •. ��it8:· .: ." '. B>'� KeDIlsCc)uC. Y. Tqlor . . .II. W. Be..c. ·W. Houalal�4" D. L. BreiacJ. iuDPORT�J. K. �be " ll. 1). stner.WOMEN'S.: DEP�R�MENT.Marjorie HUl, 'EdItor.',Ruth Retlcker, RePorter.- ."_' �!. •. •• -v..., .. '.: _'..... \. L "•••. .,� '" ,�. :; .::SbBscBIP.TION BA.TB8:.iCarrier,F?JiCiO per 7e&r'. $LOO per quarter.t��� : .. pe�a�p.oo per 7eu" 111.. ' .- , Tbri,te :Pilills 01 a Good SoliSTYLE •• SUyltZ·-cllAllaCTE.··CU .. ·.....John R. Verhoeff '.28.'." J"8 SS8.118 Roy E.Franeec..r...a-lF ......Abo OtMrV�AIIIud •• u...F ....... D de •. . , �. GUARANftRWe Guarantee every Garment lIlade froID oar Stock to �ve absolutesa.tisfaction. If it fades, shrlDka or l� abape or aDY other faultdevelops either lD the Fabric or tile makmc. at any time,' ,, . 'brine- it back and we'll make it COocl.GIVE US A TRIAL. No &ett.r F ........... T ....... _ a.u... Val ...c..�.�AaJ...... .JOHN ". IIEl1118£FF. CO.-.r-�-.:����ORI!!!I."·---N. w. COR. MADISON & .,..... straa IIq. �.lIAiM -CLAD STS. ON __ WI a.ouCHICAGO, IU.- AT f&JI r ....474 C a59 ST.CHICAe ••We print the Daily Maroon.. OurTHE PLACE TO BUY YOUR ClFI'STlIOftL'f ClllPARY ...........lTDCG 01, .AIIOUIIMIUIIII.-Y0- ..... .r-- y_ r .... .....-. ..... BItII ad Restaaraat. 'r.... IIIteI 6 Restamnt.......... A�Tboee who haft tried every res­taaraat aad Cafe ill the UniversitydiatrDct are oar replar patrons.. Do JOQ waat • better testimonial?ltep III aDd.take your lunch or� � as toct.y."0al7 two blocb west of theCempaL "s. 'BIII{JlL£II THE PUNCH MODELLADIES· TAILOR.111M E.·55th STUIT. NU& GIIIInrMD. ftIoa, .d .. , .-Ladies' Suits, Coats aDd Skirta made to cm1er aDd I guar.m..tee all garmmts to' be _tiafac:tory.Order ia I'Capectfu1ly solicited.Superior quality, correc:tDca of Style. Aniatic: Workmansbjpand FerfectioD of fit. Your Trial _ they aft characterized by.Best;· �'Reeolllmendation1,'. r .VO�1 $TUDENTS'Ask those who get .� d0tbe8 from aa; • thq thiDk of' au:fit. styl«:_. ,!,orkmansbjp . and cbuacter of � Rita aDd overcoats.·The Co-Opera�e .Tlllon .: 534 W: 63rd StreetCLOTHINI;We '.tanBART, SCIAmiER I IIAIXCLOTIIESSUITS or OVERCOATS.·Which SeD tOr ... � _.YAt SILVERMANS for 115CLUETT SHIRTS, .WUIOD BrOl. UDden'euGuaraDteed Rata, ts ... ", .... Iralk to us at 1125 E. 63nl Street,near. LeziDgtOD Ava .. MonogramSTATIONERY.NDENGRAVED CARDSiOR' CHRISTMASJ. C. VEEDER co.PI .... TER. OFaV,ERYTHING!!!! UTILE ART CORIU'1460 E.·SW ·ST. 91S East 63rd Streetlrele,IlOlle Hyde Park 1213Arts and Crafts c-.Tbe SDdth-GoodJ­Shoe lepairlng Co.1134 EAST8310 ST."'!.,1�t)S�tl213--res­�ty'Ons.dat?II orrantthe. " . 'r . .. ..- ........ -. . ') · ... 1 bAtLY UAlOON •. t.UESDAY; NOVEMBER 22, t910 •VARSITY DEBATING TEAMTO BE PICKED TO)lIGHTJudges will Decide Upon Men toCompose Team-Contcst in La"Building.Finals for the Varsity debatingteam will be held tonight at 7:30o'clock in the south room of the Lawbuilding. Two teams of 'three menc ach are to be chosen from thetwelve .contestants entered. Eachman has had the opportunity to workup his case individually and with re­spcct tv his. team. According toCoach McElroy, team work is a fac­tor in the judgment of the jury aswell as individual talk."It is the force of the speech that:will count, also," .he said yesterday .. The men who talk directly, using..a nguage free from technicalities, arethe ones that will stand the show ofwinning.' .So far only four of the five judgest o be chosen have been named. Theyarc: Coach McElr�y, H. P. Chandler,!J. H. Darker and H. G. Moulton. Theether man will be announced today.The twelve contestants who havebeen selected from the semi-finalsare:First Group.Negative.Baar,O'Dea.�·dlirDlative.Kneller.Loth.McDonald. Elam. IT IS EASY,SELF-CONFORMING,SECUREANDDURABLE. _,_- ......... ._-_._............_Iaap1e hIr.oo&&aa. Uc:.. BIlk. Ilk'.lIall.cl_ fte<IIpt ofprice.OEOJt(lE FROST co,Bo.toa. Mua.c�u��I�9large assortment ofBANNOCKBURNS.HARRIS TWEEDSI and SCOTCH CHEVIOTS,I in the newest shade'S of Brownand Gray, for Fall and WinterSuits-$30 and· up. ..�-��I Tailor for Young MenTwo Stores:, 44 Jackson Boulevard.131 La Salle Street.Happy.�.: � �:TO WISCONSIN FIVE.��.� ": � i�.� � .. :� ��. Runners Defeat Rivals De-_�' .:_.s. !ifY.d�. Saturda,-chicago Runners::-.1.; ,·;�ture Eighth Place - Coune.� .. JIO�n Men Used to Level; \. ... ".. '.;;Wisconsin scored a companion vic­tory to .. �ts football triumph in the. .', -, ...�.,..'. ' :. ' .. ' c��s.�e�,1intry run. The Badger run-� ZI ... wp. �UL '* .. ·ner.s:� completely out-classed the other.' .. '. ':, 7}te M'i;, :.:;w·#·'·' �.' .�,.' te��s� . finishin�. with a. score of 33·f)JfN " Minnesota was next With 88,. andh>!'. .' .. i" -��me!:! 'a.nei Northwestern were bunch-'. • u., d 'close behind with 90 and 92 points�tch COLLAR:S��' respectively. Dohmen of WisconsinSltmuglytotil��li.�.i..O"'" .� � :. r '•.•. '.. was,·the. individ�l winner of the race,ill fI:oot and-j�·J!.'��=�7 6.�i�t�:· Hoover of the same team sec­for the cravat, ,:.·;.1.·- <m4 .and Thorsen of Northwestern,l5c..2for�Cl������:;���� tl.!�P,:.: The' time, 26:21, was remark-•••••••••••' •.•.•.•' -"'\.t ,h ::ibl);' fast for five miles, especially ino ".�(' ..... _ . .j .;;�:. '* � Ji:';r: t·�.�w of �he hilly nature of the' courseM 0 s.s l &r:��£.�:O���({ .��d the .. n�ugh,and uncertain footing50 Jacksoo··-B8rdj.·(> ; affCJ.r��� .bY.Jhe· roads over which it.. was run. Chicago finished eighth of. .--'. ..:.J.. . � �be .. ten teams which ran.�: i:� :,.;l ... # !� Maroons Outclassed,,- '.;,. '-.:� .. �Second Group.Affirmative. Negative.Scott Mecklenberger.Sargent. Jennings •Schnebley, Troxell.FREDERIC HATTON TO BEFIFTH BLACKFIARS JUDGEJudges to Meet Saturday Aftemoonand Discuss the Four PlaysSubmitted.The fifth judg� in the Blackfriarsplay contcst has now' been chosen.Mr. Frederick Hatton� dramatic critic:of the Chicago Evening �ost yester­day consented to serve, and will im­mediately begin reading the fourplays which are now under consider­ation. The five judges, Percy H.Boynton and' David Allen RobertSono the faculty, and Harold H. Swith,'06. and Henry Sulcer, '06, alumni ofthe Uni\:ersity and former memberscf the Blackfriars, and Mr. Hatton.have planned to meet on Saturdaynext and discuss the respective mer­its of the operas.The four plays which have been�ubmitted are: "Bones of a Skeleton,""Number 613." "The Idols of theSchool." and "The, Lord of Luzon."The plays are said to be of a muchbetter class than last years and thespring production will doubtless bean excellent one. The final decision()i the judges will probably be ren­dered next Tucsday, December I.Freshmen Swimmers to Meet VarsityThe Freshman swimming team willmcel thc Varsity tomorrow afternoonat 4:30 o'clock. The Freshmen haveshown rapid improvement underCoach \Vhite's instruction and expectto gh'c thc 'upper classmen a hardhattIe. Among the first-year men are�eycral stars whom Coach White pre­dicts will brcak some local recordsthis season .. make you feel happy today.Noble D.TAILORtC I 11·__ , _. .' ,The Chicago team came up to its.' ot e'�" - practice work, but t�e race was. farmore speedy than an any previous. . .....; .... :;,,""<!l!.. ".... )"oar. T.he.. course bothered the strange'for .,. M'(���:�;�ii··..... . ': ;A stony hill at the end ofor.-.o;�·. • '�, � :r<�,; ··t e·:WSt_ .... �ile threw a number of the.• � •. �. .' '1.:,:'" '. �!�inners off their stride completely,·�i� ... _';;::-::· 't--;..i:''':>��;':'; ::'�':.. ·.after: th.ey had raced down it. Reed'. -- .. ti_teir .. SP1!S Y::':'��/:� .' \;�s the: first of the Chicago men to_ ·ftbisil;�·:��iih. Carpenter second, and---their fath�rs \:: ' :�, ''R�, . Lunde and Seegers following inCovering· '8" vas� SCOpe::'� °1b'e order named. The men all ran. � .... '... _� • ,;;. -,«, .hard, . but were unable to stand thestrong pace. coupled with the disad­. vantages resulting from a strange.. ; .. eut�.ed a \ protest against the Wis­¢Q.Ilsin team, on the ground that_:'.: ,..;' .. ;: ·9Qm��of··its men had cut the course::'.' ,on.�o of :the turns. This protest,� supported by Coach Omar ofwestern. The. Chicago run­'n6�;" gave evidence to tbe effect that.•. nu1�fd!te m�. ahe�d of themhad cut, but no protest was entered}IJ-:.the :.team. ,The committee de­clined to pay attention to the protest.l oti-;the groun'd that the ground gained·Was· .not sufficient to effect the re­�p.lt, of t�e run.Fifty starters.-.",Ten 0" the eleven ·teams which. 'bad, ·entered. showed up. They con­�ist�d . �f . Chicago, Indiana, Iowa,.Minnesota, Northwestern,' Purdue;W,isc�n�in, Ames, Nebraska and No-., ne Dame_ Missouri was the one en­:-.+' : .tr.mt 'whlch failed to respond to the:r... ·roll-caii.·· The Wisconsin runnersjumped into the lead from the very·r, . fi.rst ·and set a fierce pace, which,'; 'they maintained to the end.All the teams finished, except the�- . ��braska - quintet. Bates of that. � u;;li�rsity. collapsed after the. firstmiT�-:and a half and bad to be brought� : in i� th�" automobile which followedt�,!i1annel's .. Wassen of Purdue, the,winner of last year's race, came in�. , fo�rteentb, a significant commentary� S ion tbe better crass of this year'sToday!Don't miss our.showing of· Suits�nd Ov��ts at :·event.C�ll1mhi;t LTniversity has the larg­est enrollmcnt of any college or Uni­Hr:,ity in America, 7,058 being thenumber enrolled.\V c give you the most minute <le-.I:tils of furnished rooms; no chargemade. \Voodlawn Business Ex(' H.P. iT20. 'lJQ. 944E. 63rd St., Cor. El­lis; open until 8:30.-Adv.Furnished rooms at any price withfull particulars. Woodlawn Busi­o<'''s Ex(:.. H. P. 7120, No. 944. E63rd St,. Cor. Ellis; open until 8:30.-Adv • •',, ,q .. ,IF you are �in the selecti� � .�clothes you will_ buy' of05-We exerciee the greatest .�in the selection of wOOlens 'outof which Our PrmeDti"�made by expert tailors.., Theyem�y the �ti�.q�tie5to distinguish thein frOm othermakes. They are. excl�i�,�.:.�Suits $Z�S40, .OVercoats $20-160" .grea..t 1HENDERSON URGES CHARITY'25. -Makes Appeal For Gifts at I JuniorCoDege Chapel ......... , . Wells tiothes S_op231-233 Dearbom 'street.(Great Northern Hot�) .. 'Retailers of finest "Ready-tO;­Wear'· Clothiq;,QUEENuSCAiiW'·T"o BloCks Eat of, a.;-iaal ••. CIahUZO lAST nnr-snltnlsr; � \.�::..,..... A ... c.rta ;. ,:')�LUNCH 20c - D� 2sc:._ .". ,. � -', ..This is the way we want to make every cuStomer .� Who' :cteat.�.; j .­with us. Our way of making clothes, our fair methods.. � 4eaLing and willing service help along every day of this �. '���Sec:oacI noor175 Dearborn Street. Comer Moaroe'WHAT IT.: .! j�J �. ';A personal appeal was madc to theThe new\ :'_Hu��e��eld .'.� grays" �tudents by Dr. Henderson, yester-and brownish mixtures. as well as the day at the Junior chapel, whcn hei �id thai every student ought, within: the next fOHy-eight hours, leave tiftycents with Roy Nelson at the Y. �LC. A. office as his contribution to the..... - ,. '. I" "united Charities fund.I Mossl�r CO. . , '''T�lk it up, not down, is the slogan., U�e all your powers of oratory' to50 J.CkSOD ·Blvd. 'persuade your neighbor to make hisJust East. of State Str�� .. contribution and be sure to do your.!'ihare. e'\'en though you have to sacri­fic� your purely superficial pleasure'sT:lc form:tl d('dica.lion ()f the new ;1"0" (a.' few days," said Dr. Henderson.John Jay liI!raryat Brown Univcrsity· ' -, ...fI('n:rrcd last :jiWUlaj..... S('nator' Root. An annual interfraternity bowlingand President Emeritus Angell werQ. tQ.u",�meDt is conducted at the Uni-the principal sp�·ke�s.· . -. .'\'ersity of Wisconsin.staple blue, black and. oxford.. �, ., "American Factory. Rebuilt" mean. a daM of �ien,' RCIa' .as no other concem doe. or can rebuild _ we do. It ia &II �ti­fying term used to distinguish our macbiDea fl'Olll tile �. __.of typewriters which are offered under the aame .. RebaDt.Ij� '., .It means that if you buy an "American Rebai1t TJtrewal� ofany make, you Will aet • FACTORY rebuilt mac:biDe. nbIIDt�.witIInew parts; not one that has been simply repaired _4 bid ."Ia-':an ordinary shop. but one equal to new ill mecbaDic:al�. .;We &uarantee every machine we seD for ODe ,ear,_4 ..... �antee the title.American Writing Mac";ne Co. -: .';�'; '.,TO OIUGINAL nrEWlIna EXCHANGE. :-ea, .......... �,...Ref.r to &117 .... k orco.a __ 1 �. as t� our rei, lIi"ts'319 IlEA�E(�N SlF.EET,CHICAGOc. ano E. RESTAURANT. .COMBINATION BREAKfAST10 to·2S cents from 6 t010:30.� m�Luncheon and dinner' 25 centsSpecial attenHon to student trade �-:��":.�1015 f. 61st. St. Near Corner fllisc 6 "it.�j'.'t.,'THE DAILY MAROON. TU£SDAY, NO�EMBER 22, t910.� ,�)lJ ... '.. '',- .... c'.'_ ....... - ... :. ...;� .�1!:.. ., ... �. A .lrf8':S __ �-:B T 8iLLI��. ! �!I� '. �KINN�R. '. "in the Comedy' Success,y�, .1jf���le :Serr./"T����":� 'eL�l5l·i.J(iW� �J N��Ma£R 21at..: Die''', Crollus 6 Co..: and 'Manr Others:'£fti7.U7 2:30 ..... 8:15I .1 STUDEBAKERfRANK DANllfLS inTIte Girl'�in '·the TrainfCO�ONIALTHEATER BEAUTIFUL'OUR )MISS'GIBBSWith Pauline Chas�ipoWEtiS_ . THE COMMUTfRS,< 5 t �.�. ,. . • , . , .., I� !f��, .A�or of,,�·Tb! Cborus- la4,'. un. Traveling Salesman". � -. - ..... � '. .! Cl-ric�GO "OPERA :BOUSE-",j. ' __ -. ;THE SPENDTHRIfT. �.>,"! - '" ,WITIf- ��.'. 1III1IAN' MARTINiG�RIC'K�.- .,..... . �,f1be �ebOeOI&te :-Soldier:�MCVICKE�SThe Rural ClassicIIAY-OOWN--fASTI�A:ND\ Cfrde· F"clJ�s L8st and Greatest Pia,:THf . CITY:·;�Wifh TUllY:.ARSHIILLOLY,"PIC.:AVIATOR_ diov.Aiila _INGER _CORT.ii �t··t THf-Seventh Daughterl\ll��STI� ..• � ; ........ 0 ........ 5 ...... 16 ..MLLJS. �ZIE' '.Jame� Thornton, the famous come­dian; 'Nic�ols . Sisters, greatest ofburnt 'cork . artists, ... bd· .... ' ·btbentvv��EVW_BDlJB13:A. M.ER.C� "�CBALLCOU"T ··Df· BEAUfORTIn"THE BATTLE."'(JUR . MORTONSA.d Man, OthersIPRiNCESSTHE DEEP PURPLE l Continued from page I) fir st year of college baseball and willbe ava'hable for next year's team.The Chicago team is to spendeIght days in the Philippines, andwill play four or five games with lo­cal teams. Three of the men. are toleave at Hongkong and return homevia Europe the others returning viathis port about Dec. i st, and mayplay a further short series at that4&'sa-Riiis:-iiWAL ··GAIIE�OF JAPANESE SERIES. Chicago. Locals.Waseda .....•....•.....•.• 9 2'Keio .........•.•..•....... 3 2\\r aseda ..•••.•. '. . . . . . . . . . • 5 0Keio (10 innings) •• • . • • • . . 2Waseda .. ' 15Keio (10 innings) 5Yesterc!ay's Game.Keio . has an excellent team and putup a very good game indeed. Indi­vidual players gave splendid exhibi­tions of ball-playing, but at criticalmol'hents the team as a whole be­trayed nervousness, showing a lackof team training. Chicago, on thecontrary, played the steady gameone might expect from the veteransthey are. Undoubtedly, their bestwork was done at the most criticalmoments. The game was noisy, andcharacterized by the Keio yells andsongs, and by some real Americanrooting. Page, in particular, whendown on the side-lines, gave exhi­bitions of "verbal base ball" thatmade one's heart glad, and took manyan old college man back to his owncollege days.Disputed decisions and--noisy pro­tests occurred on both sides, butwere characterized by 'the genialgood humored give-and_;take whichmeans r�al sportsmanship amonggentlemen, and the feeling of kind­liness expressed by the Chicagomen at the close of the game is cer­tainly reciprocated by the Japanesestudents of the whole country.The official results follow:Score by 1JmiDgs. .anr . Thanks #OrYour Interesttime.2The Chicago men have given thebest exhibition of ball playing yet •nWe hereby thank those who have sent us letters containing 811&-gestions that might obtain for THE DAILY MAROON the cireu-witnessed in Japan. lation a publication ought to have which reaches a city of oVerWISCONSIN VICTORSIN CLOSING CONTEST , 6.000 inhabitants.t(Continued from page I) 1f We have published two of these letters and will print the 're,doWnmainder daily. We can use many more, however, so sitNOW, and tell us what YOU would do were you in the writersplace. Your duty as a Chicago man or woman' ought to compel youwith even more earnestness. Thelong- runs by Crawley and Wilsonbrought the batt from Chicago'stwenty-yard line to Wisconsin thir­tv-two-yard line. Here the BadgersI;clti. and the batt went over. Gil-lette immediately putted off his!'eyenty-yard run, and the gamewas rewed up beyond all question.1'0 the rest of the quarter, the ball.stayed at a safe distance from bothgoal lines.The lineup:Chicago, o. \Visconsin, 10 .�)<tine, Menaul , . R E CarterChambers .Carpenter R. T Buser, SarnpWhiteside R. G Ncfr�dWhiting' c. .. . . . . . . . . Arpin. Branstad.Sawyer L. G , PierceRademacher L. T M'MillarMurphy.Kassulker L. EoO....... BunkerWilson Q. B. DeanH. Young.Crawley R. H. BoO BurchRo�ers L. H. B Gillette!R Young F. B Newman.Samp, \Vernicke.Touchdown's-Buser, Gillette. Ref­eree ._- Kelly, Princeton. Umpire­Wrenn, Harvard. Head linesman­Endsley. Purdue. Field judge­Fishleigh, Michigan. Time of quar­ters-I5 minutes. to seek to make THE DAILY MA ROON a great financial sue-cess.Chicago 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 I 0 3-5Keio 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0-;-2Chicago. Ab, RIb. Sb. Sh.Po.A.E.Collings, cf., . 4 0 0 6 1 0 0 0Pegues, rf. . 5 I I I 0 I 0 0Boyle, 3b. . 4 2 I 01 0 6 2 ISteinbrecher, c .. 3 I 2 0 I 6 o 0Roberts, O. ab .. 3 1 0 I I I 2 0Sunderland, Ib4i 0 I I 0 12 2 0Ehrhorn, If,, .. 5 0 0 0 0 I 0 0Roberts, G. P •.. 5 0 1 0 0 2 'l 0Baird, ss. . ..... 4 0 I I 0 II 2 037 5 7 4 3 30 IS I SPAlDING � andWinter Sports SWEATERSCottarTurnedUp. A. McADAMSTHEStudent's Florist,,··53rd St. and Kimbark Ave.Phone H. P. 1&No. W J. F 01' automobilisb. trainina PUrpoleS. n:ducinawa.ht. trampiq durina cold weather. aoI6na. ahootina.toboaanma. lDowshoeina. Hiah collar that may he tum- 1-----------------eel down chaullina it into n�lesl form of button front PRACT I CAL· LADIES' TAILORSsweater. Hisbest quality special hea\y weiahl wonted. L SADLEJt.PNwa.Sizes 28 to 44 inches.: Carried in IOC'; in Gray oaIy: f&.11 and Wlat.r Salta ..... to orter.Each, $7·50 * $81.00 Doz. $35 and up. first cIus work ,uaimtee'SEND FOR CATALOGUE. CLEANING ANDaEPAlalNGPJaoDe Ill ... , 9i510l� L 63rd STUET, DIU' IWS AVDUI:Sat. night. �()\'. 26, ·')Iacbeth·· I LOST-A Phi Gamma Delta Fra-I ternity pin. Plcase return to' In­_______________ fr.rn1&1tion Office, Cobb Hall.Films de\'cloped, 6 exposures, 15C'1 -Prints, 5C each. Kodak Supplie�, LOST-A green hand bag contain-Cram, 921 E. 63rd Street. ing a purse and pair of glove.. Re-I turn to E. Saxton, Foster' -Hall.Re�'.'ard.IMPORTANT CHANGE INCONFERENCE MEET RESULTSAb. RIb. Sb. Sh.Po.A.E.Keio. Nelson of Washington State CollegeDeclared Ineligible--Straube ofChicago Wins Fourth.Sasaki, ss. , .... 3 0 I I 0 1 2 IKamiyama, d. 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Fukuda, c. . .... 4 0 I 0 0 5 I 0Koyama, rf.. .. 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Kanki. 3b. .. .. 4 0 0 0 0 I 4 0Myaki, lb. 0 .•. 4 I 2 9 0 17 0 IKoto, ab. . I O. I 0 1 2 I ISugate, p. . 3 0 I o I :z 6 2 Jack Nelson, the Washington StateCollege sprinter, has been declaredby the faculty to have been ineligiblewhen he competed under W. S. C.colors at the Conference meet at Ur­han a last June. As a result, Wash­ington State College has given up allclaim to the ten points won by Nel­son. who took first place in the 100and the azo-yard dashes. PresidentE. A. Bryan has officially notified theConference authorities of the facul­ty's ruling.X olson's disqualification results in atie hetween Notre Dame and LelandStanford for first place, each schoolnow having 17 points. \Vasson ofXotre Dame finished second to Nel­son in the century, while Richards of\Visconsin was second in the 220.This gives Notre Dame two morenoints without chan�ing LelandStanford's standing. McCoy of Mi­:tmt was third in the loo-yard dash,:,n<l thus gets two more points. while.e : a1l1e is true of Hill of l\Iinne­�nta. who wa� third in th,! 220. The(,fjiciais of the meet will have to de-fourth be-Ohashi, lf. ..•. 3 I 0 I I 2 0 030 2 6 2 3 30 14 5Umpire, Nishimura and Takamura.Bases on balls-Roberts I, Sugate3. Two-base hits-Boyle, Sasako, Fu­kuda. Three-base hits-Steinbrecher.Double plays-Roberts to Boyle 'toBaird. Hit by pitched bali-Stein­brecher, I; Koto, 2. Struck out-Rob­erts, 6; Sugare, 5·It will be seen that at the end ofthe ninth inning the score stood even,and had the local team not becomenervous at that critical point theyhad an excellent chance of winning,but th� superior team training of theAmericans enabled them to pile upthree runs in the first half of thetenth, and to shut the Kcio men outwith a blank in their half, giving atotal score of 5 to 2-Future Games.\Vaseda is to play at Chicago nextyear, but it is improbale that theywill face many of the mcn they metthis year. The Chicago team are themen which represented that collegethis present school year, and Ehr­horn, Cleary, p'egues, G. Roberts a�dPaRe were of the 1910 class, and wtllnot be in the school next year. Boylealso graduates before the next base-ball season.Collings will be captain of nextyear's team, and Steinbt:e�her, �.Roberts and Baird are playtng theIr termine who wasfore a final standing can be deter­mined, hut it is certain that Straubeof Chicaf!o was fourth in one of thcseevents. 'These figures were made by:Martin A. Delancy of the ChicagoAthletic Association, and referee atthe meet, but they are not official.Delancy's reputation ior accuracy,however, assures that they are cor-rect.Five poses in my penny pictures,and 5 of 'each for 25C, at Cram!'. 921E, 63rd St.-Adv. A. Ci. Spalding & Bros.147 Wabash Ave., ChicagoThe Drexel TeJlorsCLEANERS and DYERS903 Eo FlFTY.F1FTH STREETNear Drnd AYc!lue""�ring. fie.. of bdiu .. nd GenIs g .. rmenlsR�pai'ing nd Pressing .. I Moder .. '� P,ices. Workc .. "�d fo, .. nd Deli"e,ed. T�'. ",de P .. ,k 2137Students Think of itSalts pnaed 35<: Pats lie: ladles sults cleaacdaDd pnssecI $LSI, s,oa�ed Ul4 pnssecl 7ScCleaaia(. D7eiD!. Preum! aDd RepairiD(Work GuuaoteedJUIl come aod tl'7 ...,. ODceL COHN 101 J .f. 61st, Nu.r Ellis_LYRIC THEATREWILLIAM A. BRADYAnnouncesMR ROBERT MANTELLand his company i�the following repertoire:Tuesday night. Xov. 22, "Louis Xl"\Ved. Mat.. :'\Oy.2J. "Romeo & Juliet"\\'cd. night, X 0\'. 23 •...•.• "MachethThurs. night. !\"O\'. 2-t, "Richard 3nr'Friday ni�ht, Xov. 23. ""'tllg' Lear'"Sat. Mat., XO\'. 26 ,"Hamlet"If your room does not. suit, changeit by c .. 11ing on U!'. \Ve charge younothing. \Voodlawn Businc!'s Exc. HP. 7120. No. 9-t4 E. 63rd St. Cor El­lis; open until 8:30.-Adv. ..WANTED-Man to wait table 'for. room and board. Apply Informa­tion Qffice. _FOR SALE-Gent1eman's .dress suit,almost new; for man 5 -ft, 6 in.Phone Midway 649. .rst flat, 13606:md street. .n�TO RENT-3 furnished rooms,new ly decorated, $6. to $8 permonth apiece. Light housekeepingpermitted, 6521 Ellis Ave.,. zndflat. /. n-22,23,24TO RENT- Four furnished froatrooms for light housekeeping, Dee..Jan. and Feb. U. of C. district, I.e. and surface line. Reference. re­quired. Ph�nc. ·H. P. 3964. 7' to"Sp. m.FO R· SAL� Very low price,' b'eau- • 'tifnl home near University. . Ad­<lre';s' 136 Daily Maroon, or phoneH. p, 1591. snl922-24COLl.EGE STUDENT-Wanted toact as agent for silk half hose formen. Grand opportunity to m:a'keg'o()d money, setting to fellow stu­c1ent�. \Vrite at once, UnitedSales Agency, Al1<.1ltown, Pa.Best photo post c;a.us In tlle e1ty,1 for 2,SC at Cram's, 921 E. 63r4.,;_I Adv.'. '