r'fir�. t IroonVOLUME IJc.'No.» UN j VERSITY - OF-.CHICAGO. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 12. 1910 Price Five Cents.mcuol.S 1fIl1'F.S OPEN \/iLET1EIl TO STUDENTS MEMBERS OF MAROON TEAM FlGHrING IN CORNELL TODAY CHICAGO AT ITHACATESTS STRENGTH OFEAST IN HOT GAMEJem- II CIlIa II 1." DIacassesSllbjeGt�" Old ... lin QlcqoYtUa.0IfDS·� SUGGESTIONS . Tie to be Pl&yed off byTwo Teams Today. CornellStudents Show Keenest In­terest in Struggle.Has Revi8ion of "I WID" Yell Sub­mitted at Recent Mus Meeting. in Mendel ELEVENS SEEMS WELL MATCHEDCan be Told in Advance AboutResult-Neither Team Has Con­spicuous Advantage in Weightand Experience.Special wire to The Daily Ma­roon from Captain Crawley:Geneva. N. Y .. Nov. II. '10.The Daily Maroon-Arrived ingood spirits. Every man is eagerto win. Thanks for the rous­ing send-off. BillThe, student 'council at Iowa Col­lege has recommended that dancingshall not be recognized as a college The Chicago team will go upon thefield at I thaca this afternoon deter­mined to break the tie of two years'standing and to repeat, if possible.the victory achieved back in the mid­dle age of 'football, when the "Vestfirst humbled the East. The feelingof the students is that the team hasat last found itself, after a season ofreverses, and is in shape to give _ itsopponents the game of their lives.The same determination which char­acterized the Maroons in the first ·in­vasion of the year, when the teamwent to Urbana,. was manifestedagain when the players took thetrain on Thursday. The men all ex­pressed themselves as resolved that,'win or lose, the Chicago team wouldgive a good account of itself. .The Cornell team has spent theweek in recovering from a severe de­feat by Harvard. That defeat show­ed. the coaches many weak spots inthe lineup which they have put for­ward every drort to remedy. Theteam has rallied from its defeat asvigorously as Chicago rallied fromthe Minnesota game. It is the lastgame which the big Red team has onits o�n field this season, and the)'are anxious to close a ragged' seasonwith a victory ... Ithaca Students Interested.A great deal of enthusiasm hasbeen roused over the game at Cor­nell, as may be seen from the fol­lowing item which appeared in theCornell Sun last Monday:"The usual rush for places in theseat sale line for the Chicago gamecommenced at 10:30 p. m. Saturday.One or two undergraduates passedthe. night in the hall outside the Ath.,lctic office, until re lie ve d early Sun­day morning. A score or so waitedin line Sunday until about - p m, . .At this time. and at various times upto. 2 a. m., marked tickets were dis­tnbutcd by Patrolman A. D. Smith(Continued on page 3)- "The reason for, this action," saidstages of the game, but .are unable to, ;Miss Hazel 'Stillman, chairman .of thed. 0 so on account of not being able. councih yesterday, "is that it hasto get the telegraphic service at I th, - 'been felt- in: the past that the- o�e. thing whicb hindered concerted ac­: tion on the part of the classes wasthe fact that ,their, meetings' werenever held at the same time. In thefuture this will be remedied."Advance plans for the Settlementdance, were also discussed, and acommittee, consisting of Reeve, Pfef-.fer, Daly, Morrison and Miss Mitch­ell was appointed to make plans forthe different committees which willture hall," the Juniors in. Kent, eastroom.; the Sophomores in Kent, westroom, and the Freshmen .in Kenttheater.aca.Hyde Park and Englewood Highschools play a game .on Marshall�e!d today and an admission of 25cents will be charged to the Univer- �sity students. Tickets will .be on sale'this morning at the gymnasium.SOPHOMORE CLASSTO HOLD MEETINGON NEXT TUESDAYmanage the affair.The class of 1913 -.yill hold its firstsophomore meeting next Tuesday at10:30 o'clock in Kent. PresidentDonovan will announce the names ofthe members and chairmen of thestanding committees for the year andIt is probable that the date for a classdance will be set.President Donovan said y(sterday:�'We have a class of over 3eo mem­bers and I hope that all of tl.cm willstick together in making 191 j's sec­ond year a record breaker. A s Freshmen last year we were active everyminute and we expect to have as var­ied and interesting a program of classactivities this year." FENCIBLES TO HOLDDINNER IN COMMONS­TO DISCUSS PLANSFensibles will dine Tuesday at 6:30o'clock in the private dining room ofthe Commons; Plans for· the yearwill be informally discussed and an­nouncements regarding future debat­ing activities in the clab will bemade. A program of toasts has beenarranged for and it is expected thatt he members of the Sophomore hon­orary debating society will strive toout do one another in after-dinnerspeaking .. The members wishing to;·ttCJ1� the dinner have heen request­"0 to notify Harold Kramer.amusement. Freshmen may not participate instudent activities at Amherst., f �; !.'l'HE �bAM-j �AitOON. SA'. t RDA Y. NOVEMBltft 120 1910DAILY MAROON Brshop' ot Chic�·go,University�rj;a.ch...!, J "�dliiORHOOD . CLUB ,:"Tke Oalclal Studeut l'ullllcaUOD of �h. er. Organ recital. 10:45 a. �.' ��rs. .: �l�L" -;VISI.T HULL HOUSEUDlnnlt7 or Chleqo. George . N. - Holt. - organist. � � !. .Glee Club Pictures, tomorro��J :30 P�o���, fo�' the Autumn Quarterp. m .• in Root' s Studio, . . �" AnnoUnced-Includes ReceptjOD.Dr. KerscheuteiD�r'.tnt1 lectur� to. •by Mrs.' J udaon.the Social Science Cl�s Unio�: o� .Monday. November 140 at 7:30 A-' m. This afternoon .the four Neighbor-l'uhllllbt'd Dlllly, �xcept SundS7., AlOD' . H hi C i k I' fi ttillY. uud 1..I011l1u,)'. durlui: turee-quartera ot 1J1 utc mson emmons. . hood clubs will maxe t ieir rslbe \.:uh'erll1tl' rear. . Short Story. Club will read "Love jciut.c expedition of the year to seeEut�retl 11M Secoud-claas wall at the Chi. and the Canal'", in November. 19�Oi some of the interesting "sights ofeago Postotnce, Clncugo, 11111101 •• Mllrch and "The Bridge. builders," in Eng- '·I·,l·C:.:,,·.u··' \\'I;eJl they visit the Juve-1ti, llKJa, uuuer .Act ot .\lurcb 3. una. '- «:> ...lish library' for meeting on Novem- p_i)� court, the West Side play park,ber 24. and the Mary Crane nursery, endingMiss Spon speaks on "Associa1ion with.�. trip. through Hull house andWork in Cairo" in the League rbo� .�inner, in the Hull bouse coffeeon Monday at 1 :30. house., .As 'no list is being kept ofWanted....:...Ten men and five women d�ose":in'tending to make the trip, itIrustneas lIuqer to sell tickets for a series of lectures �'s impossible to say just how manyby Professor Starr. Big commissio�.· wi Ii' g�. But from the enthusiasmApply at the the M-aro()D:'office' be- evinced by the various club mem­tween 7:30 p. m. and 8:�:: p. m. bers over the whole XcighborhoodWorld Progress Among Women cl�li"pr6gram in general, and thisLectures by Mrs. Charles R Heh: tfii> in particular, it is thoughf thatderson. "The Women of Austria the party will be a large one.and German." on Monday at 7" in . "";All 'giris living south of the Mtd_Foster. way will .mcet at the horne of Mi;sY. W. C. L. Meeting with Miss Grace Price, at 6040 Ellis aver, "e.Jewett, ::7::7 Lexington avenue from Those living north of the Midway�t.:USCHll·'l'lON ll.A'l'ES: "' "'BJ Currier. se.zo per year. $1.00 per quarter, 4-6 to meet Miss Beatty and new will meet' with Miss Frances Her-City mul l, $l.:.!� J.I����:���� �.UO lIer yeu 10 members. rick . at 5535 Washington avenue.Physical Ex.min-tiOD appoint- The- meeting time is at 2:30 o'clock,:\(;\\10 cout ribut ions lllay be left at mus ments for men may be made at the and the girls arc asked to be therenuu Ill" Fa-:ullY ExdlUu;;e, addressed to office of medical examiner in Bart- on time, as the afternoon's program'rhe IJaily !.lul'Uou. lett gymnasium. is a full one.Sophomore Meeting, Tuesday, at. On November 19 the clubs will10:30 in Kent, West room. Import- make a second- trip to Hull house inant business. order to give another opportunity toFencibles' Dinner, Tuesday at 6:30, the girls who are unable to go to­in the private dining room of the !1lOrrow. It is probable that theposes several new yells C .M . b • hiommons. em ers WIS mg . to at- K eighborhood clubs will take chargefor gamcs and other .. tend hand in names to Harold �Kra-· this year of the Thanksgiving spreadathletic occasicns. The Daily Ma-. mer. on the ·Wednesday before Thanks-roon is heartily in sympathy with Mr. Commercial Club"',. I I Meeting,' Mon...., giving. At this time the women of.I.'lC 10 s' attempts to provide a better . • .yell for the Uu ivcr sit y, and for that day at 10:30, in the .ReY�Q�d!?:club. .the Univeraity meet in Lexington in, Commercial Club, Fe'hoW-shll> din- costume, and, after a march throughreason thinks the attempt to deviseI \\. ncr. 'Wednesday, at 6:30, in private the corridors headed by Miss Talbotan" 'Ill" yell commendable, but it dining room of Commons .. ' 'and -Miss Breckinridge, have.an in-docs not agree with Mr. NicholsI I . _.formal good time over a supper madeW len re supplants. the old "Chicagoc T�AM ARRI' VES:IN·.·· MAN-rlrA': :G II f .w.... Ul> . of the contributions of the vari-o yc or some newer variation. '.. . ..' .. - J 'It l�lay·,be quite true that the :pres-. ". _TO BE �U�Sr�-',O� �IT�: 'ous:women� ·Hitherto ,the ·Women'sent lurn\'"t>l the yell is not su; 1 .' c_'_ •.••.. �: .J:�'.�� �. f "'�'l �,U,�i�n'-ltas had chiuge'iof ·the,affair.·'. .:. �4L:a- Arrange to:r., . A .factory as It mIght be but nevertheJ', -. . . �. lilY••• edClt f f'�� .. : »o�[lm�.�QUrlDg tne. .we�1C l"!llOW-less, it has been yell�d h; alm�st a' ". 'Games While Vl81� � .p.��,,; �llg·,Mrs. Judson is:,to entertain thescore of clas�es, and for that reason ippine ;����; � t �. :' .�!u�s at � reception, giving the girlssh?uld be kept. As was admirably __ .:.; �. ap .. ol?Portunity·of visiting the Presi-.POl,ntcd . by the alumni in the . The Varsity basebal'l team Ictft Chi-.. dent's home: .artlde prulled in yesterday's edito��,'- �: last. Tuesday, a�d on Tl1urs.qaY· ,TQe program for the quarter' endsJal we it sailC�d into the harbor of· Ma- wit.I,l on" more meeting for eachI can ncvcr hope for robting.. '". . ...support frolll the alu . h' . mIa, where It has been 4Clsked .t. 0 play club, C;!arly in December, when . themm w el) we. , ..continually chal1fTe .ou . 11 � Th" ·a· series of .five games:· � gUring. its... qf�ict:rs· for the coming year will be"" r ye S.· e . . '\sallIe thing, of course' apple 't f . .' stay m Manda the team ,will :� the elec�ed. It has been decided to make, les 0 oot- . '.' . -,f. .1.><111 �('Ilg:,. \Vhile new songs are 1 g'uests of the cIty WIth Fraak.;.R.· this meeting a purely business af-ways welcome thcre" . a - \V hite, Commissioner of Edu¢ation� fair, and. the money ordinarily spent. .'.... ._. IS no reasonwhy tile old ones 's'llOuld be changed as their host. for refreshments io he handed overor dropped. Undergraduates have The remaining itinerary of the ball tc;> the house committee to get cur­nothing in common with alumni, if team provides that on· Nove�ber 19 tains for the club room. There isthe graduates come back to the cam_ they leave 'Manila for' Hong' Kong, also talk of banners, pillows, dishes,Pus and Ii ,I where they will arrive on the 21st and e\'cn magazines for. the room.lllu cverything changedevery year. of November. From Mon'g Kongthey will probably go to Canton, af- WILL REVISE CONSTITUTIONter which they will � sail for Kobe.C?n November 13 they �ill 'arrive in Commonwealth Club now PlanniDgKobe, and- between the dates of De- Policies· for Future Meetings.ceJ1_1ber I st and 7th they expect toplay. some games in Tokio an� Yo­:"-'al.ama. December 7th the;' teamwill sail' for Seattle. They will' ar­rive tllere N ovember 2� and then willlake the Oriental Limited for. <::hica­go: \Vitb a record 'of several . vic­tories, the Varsity baseball team willarrive home on the day after Christ-Forw�rl1The Unlvenltl or Clalcaso Weekl),l<uundedTIJ� Weekll •• , ••••.•••••••• October 1. 1882'I'lle DaU)' October I, 1002THJl: ST.AJ.<'F'N . .A.. Vlo'EFl,'EH • • • �:.lua¥IUK EditorR. � DALY • • • • New. Editor!II. F. l:AHl'E�TEH . -. .AtllleUc EditorW. J. FuuteC. r. Taylor U. L. Kcnnlcott1I. W. ReeeeD. L. llreedC. \Y. Ll ouglrluridHEl'OHTEltS�lal"Jul'lc Uill Hutla lteUckerJ. K. Cceoo ':\1. D. St�verB-----_ ----------III all l>i'�n lc u cr tu the studentbody, pr int cd ill auothcr column oftodays Maroon, FredMr. Nichols' D. � ichol s, '97, pro-Proposals.DAILY ,BULLETIN.-�c�er�l Conference of Deans andPnncIJlal:, of affiliated 1. " an( co-opera_tIve schonl:" Leon �Iandel Assemblyhall. 10:00 a, 111. Departmental Con­ference, :2:30 p. Ill.. Neighborhood Clubs � Saturday,!\ O\'emhcr 12 and 19, meet at 2:30 1>',m. Southeast and Southwest clubsmeet "'.ith Miss Price. 6043 Ellis ave_nue Xorthcast and Northwest clUbsI_TIect with Miss Herrick, 5535 Wasb_mgto� a\·cnuc. Program: Visit toJuvcmle Court, Mary Crane NurseryModcl Tcnement, West Side PIa;Park :!nd dinn�r at Hull House (25cents a plate).Score ClubRo.:;alie hall. mas. � .' .... - The organization committe� of theCommonwealth club is J»usy planningthe future policies of the club. Theconstitution is under the process ofre\·ision and a change in the time and.frequency o'r the meetings is also be­ing advocafed. . Th� club plans tohave some .�or its-meetings ·open tothe University' public, at which menprominent in ,c-itY. PC?litic� will ·speak.The rest ar'e .to be of a differentnal\:re and open only to the membe�s,)f the club.,The membe�s �f the committce saytl;at the club seems to be on theway to a successful year. They planto hold several big meetings in orderto draw out the lukewarm enthusiastsand make them active supporters ofThey will have a bell-rush "at Ne­braska this year. The class whichholds most of the five bells will score.The University of Nebraska: h}ls 2,-Dance at 2.30 p. m. in '. '.yo students enrolled this year.ANNOUNCEMENTS.FOWNESGLOVES the organization.Celebration (Ii the IT (,ly Comm\t��:( ,n _( Epi.:;cnp:lI Chlln'h �en-icc), Sun_(1:1y. Leon �blldc1 :\;;;�emhly hall,8:30 :1, Ill. l�c1ebrant. the Right Rev_erend Charles Palmerston Anderson,ni�llnp nf Cllicagn.University Religious ServicesSunday, Leon 1fandel :\ssemhly hall�1 T :00 :t, 111. The Right'" evenedCharles Palmerston the Fr('�hl11cn at the University of Ore­;,:-on \\'ho do not wear green caps arenot allowed to attend the c1a!'s hop.mean right gloves-so buy FOWNES and savetrouble. The women ,at Radcliffeinrmcd two baseball teams. haveColumhia now has an enroilmentof ,,058 students. Three. Points 01 �.:Good SuitSTYLE •• SnVICE.:'CHARACTER·CB. be had -lor -. '. -- -� -525.00 TO S58.00,. FoniaD and Domestic.OUR GUARANTEEWe Guarantee every Garment made from' our Stock to give absolutesatisfaction. If it fades, shrinks or loses shape or any other faultdevelops either in the Fabric or the making, at any time,bring it back and we'll make it good. .GIVE US A TRIAL. No Better Fabrics. Bette.. TailoriDc or Bett ... Val ....Can Be Had AnywhereJOHN R. IIERHO£FF &I CO.---TAILOR�S"_---N. W. COR. MADISON (,CLAUSTS.CHICAGO, IlL Telepb.ne JOIN •WECLOSIAT ,:31 P."Th1rd Floor Straus Bldg.Old Atwood Bldg.ON THE· FIRING LINEWe have been gunning for your trade forsome time, and have been very successful inbauging it. However, we will keep' on firing,until there is .no more business to shoot at.Our ammunition -is the best possibl�forty'years of tailoring experience'; a splendid,:beavyline of fall suitings, and the references of themost prominent fraternity men_ �n the campus.LINDSA Y.BR'()TH.E·RS�.'·.. __ .TAILORS, ..... .' .; ,!Q_51:A JACKSO� BLVD� .. 3rd Fl�orPENGUIN2�� "IITS. TO: AT' YOU" FIICI:. ." Not Merely to Fit YOUI" Head.,GUARANi-·EED ·H·· A'" T'�RAIN PROOFAlso a Complete Line of SWAn HatS:3\�iWA�r��'" __LATE DESICNSB. L. AlES BAI/CO. NEW ARRIVALSTribaDe BI�. - £dab ..... d7J�f E.. MADIS�N ST.'.J. D. O'NEIL'Manufacture�s of, ,TRUNKS, GRIPS AfiD"$Ul-T CJ\SESSpedal styles and sizes �ade' to order ... '('rompt attention civea�. to z;epair wo�k. ,/ ..EXPRESS,IN'G TO ALL DEPOTSThree tripsMain Store.752 E. Sixty-third StreeLPhone Hyde Park 4242- daily to �ity.• Factory ;md Salesroom1454-6 East Fifty-fifth Street,.. �h�De �y�e Park .....s.� BJlI{IILER �1ES��l'0DELJIM L S5� STUIT, NIAR GDEN.OOD. n.oae "RJ ..L:adies' Suits, Coats and Skirts made to order and I cuaran-tee aU· garments to be satisfactory, as they are characterized bySuperior quality, correctness of Style, Artistic Workmanshipand Ferfe�tion of fiL Your Trial Order is respectfully 50liciled.The Mutual Benefit Life Ins Co., of Mewull,. N. J.Established I8.CS. . ,The Leading �nnual Dividend Company.Its policies have the most priviliges and fewest restrictions.\Ve solicit competition with 'any other ·compin�. 'R.D.BOKUM COON a: COON, 5651 DraeI AnCe.aaI A.- Local �for s..s... � cia.... .;. --- �CI.IFTOII. Zf ...... 1iDfoID, ZI" ....:Arfi{ow?<otch COLLARSSit lIDue!Tto the oeck. the topameetIn front and there is ample spacefor the cnavat. .15c..2 for 25c. Cluett.PedMMty & Co..Mak.enSPAlDINGWinter Sportsr.. Collar,TurnedUp.No. W J. For .gtomohiI;... -traioiq � reduc:iaawa.ht. � duriaa eoId weather. aoIfiq. .bootiac.toboaaaiaa. -.boeiua. Hi8h collar chat IDA,. be tum­eel dowu. cbaaaiDa· it iDIo DeaIal form of buIIDG &oat1WWer. Hiabat QaIIIit,.' IPC'i:iaI t-YJ' weiaLt wonted.Sizcs 28 to 44 iDcba. Caniai. IIock ill Cra,. oaJ,..Each. $7.50 * $81.00 Do%.SEND. FOR CATALOGUE.A. G. ·Spalding 6- Bros.147 WaIIaaJI Ave., CldcatoHINSEN'S·. Next to PostofficeNow is the time to buy. Underwear.We .. Cam. . �� �d .youhave .read. and heard somuch about., .. COOP�.RS'· CELEBRATED. UIDERWEAfI:Sweater vests ZIt.. spec:UlJt;,yHansen's,',';'. �;.IiI I EAST �rd STREETNEXT TO POSTOFFICEc�!: ��o!:! !F'large assortment 01 .BANNOCKBURNS. .HARRIS 1W£EDS '1I and sCOTa-I CHEVI01"S. 'I in the nC:West shades of Brown I! and Gray, for Fall and WinterI Suits-$30 and up.. IIct�1I Tailor (or Young MmTwo Stores:44 Jackson Boulevard.� . 131 La Salle Street.----�.-..-�-!!!!LIITLE ART CORNER1460 E. 53n1 ST.Arb uti Crafts Goods.mE PlACE T08UY YOUR GIF rs '. 'til Miy COIIPAU Df WOOIUWII OPD."Hello" buttons have been giv� .·A!IIIS til. 'DIOOS GOOBYUa IUCllDlDY0- 1:& Y_ r ......out at Syracuse. Every �tudent whowears one must say "Hello" to hisiellow students for two weeks after ..ward. This was done to encouragefriendship among the students.ChICAGO AT ITHACATESTS STRENGTH OFEAST IN HOT GAMESOCCER TEAM TO MEETILLINOIS AGAIN TODAY'HI bAlLY MAttOON. SATURDAY. NOVltk8£lt(t2. r9to...... _. �����������-�.. _�_- -�-.-����� ... �!!!!!!!!��!!!!!!!�-.�-.-�--�.-.�����ANNUAL DECWIIO.I IS iBD(Continued (rom Pac. I)Chemistry and Physics Department.under Professor R. A. Millikan. willmeet in Ryerson Physical Labora­tory, room 32; the Enarlish Depart­ment, under Assistant Professor J.W. Linn in Haskell Assembly hall;German and Romance, under Dr.Ralph House in Cobb hall, 8B; Greekand Latin Department, under Pro­fessor F. J. Miller, in Cobb Lecturehall ; History and Political Science,under Dr. M. W. ]ernegan, in Cobbhall, 9C; Mathematics, under Profes­sor H. E. Slaught, Ryerson PhysicalLaboratory, room 36; Physjographyand Biology, under Mr. James H.Smith, Austin High School, in Walk­er Museum.,Continued from pqe J)01 the 1 thaca Police department,identifying the holder and assigningto each his place in the line .• "Teams Evenly Matched.The teams are about upon a par,as far as weight is concerned, Cor­nell having a slight advantage. Thissuperiority is smaller in the line thanin the backfield. The Cornell play­ers who will start the game have nothad as great an amount of experi­ence as their opponents. Seven ofthe men who, on the basis of lastSaturday's game, will start againstChicago, are in their first year on theteam. The others have had one yearuf experience before this fall. Therewill be, however, six second-yearmen and one third-year man on theside lines. Chicago will probably.have six veterans and live new menin its lineup,In view of these facts, it is thegeneral opinion that the teams arepretty evenly balanced on paper.Neither has the confidence acquiredfrom a long string of victories, andboth have the determination to defi­nitely establish their merit. There isalso the rivalry developed by the twosix to six ties. The probable resultwill be that those who are fortunateenough to be in the stands at Ithacawill see a game that they wilt longremember, while even those be­nighted ones who wilt be compelledto depend upon the score-board onMarshall field will not lack for ex­citement.Lineup Still Uncertain.The lineup of both teams are still,somewhat up in the air. The prob­ability is that Cornell will use thesame men that they sent in againstHarvard. There is more, doubtabout Chicago, because of the uncer­tainty about Sauer's condition. If he .can, he will start the game. Whenthe men left, Mr. Stagg was inclinedto think that the speedy end wouldnot 'be able. to do this. A day, how­ever, may have brought enough im­provement to cause the coach tochange his mind. .The matter willnot be definitely settled until the Coach Brady Takes Eleven lien toChampaign-Severa1 Shifta inLineup.Coach Brady's soccer team playsits second game with Illinois Wdayat Champaign. The outlook for aMaroon victory is gloomy. On ac­count of minor injuries, several menhave been switched to different posi­tions where they have had no pre­vious experience. The squad of eli­gibles is so small that only elevenmen will be taken to Illinois. Be­sides Chicago's weakened lineup,there is still the strong team of· thedown-staters to be reckoned with asa factor of discouragement. LastSaturday Chicago lost to Illinois 3to 0 on their home ground, and withthe game on Illinois' field today.things look decidedly blue for theMaroon tearp,A striking example of gaalenesswas shown last Saturday by Duck.who went into the game with a' deepgouge in his' foot and plaTed thewhole gaine through. . The Freshmansoccer team will play the' Hyde Park .High school team today on the lat-:ter's grounds. These two squads are,well matched, and both are prepar­ing for a strenuous contest. T.hegame will be called at 10:30-teams line up.At Syracuse University, $50,000 hasbeen raised for the purpose of beauti­fying the campus."Whisker" Sauer, Halfback. -MOSSLER CO.SO Jackson Blvd.cw- ................. ,....-TODAII MENS SHOpAL SCHLOSSMANI TIle Shifter IStoreEnlargementtNEW �DEPARTM£NT'Shoes 01 i1Quality$3.00 and $4.00I The DaHerl63� &: ELLIS AVE.INWOOD::nBWOODBASSWOODGBAYWOODFEBNWOODTEAKWOODXAPLEWOODETC.YOU WILL FIND WHATYOU ARE HUNTING FOR�.N.COLLARS2 FOR 25 CENTSTH E Y A .. E INC .. E E N BOX E SMade by EARL Be WILSONF__ "�Coll.nIT IS EASY.SELF..cONFORMING, <'SECUREANDDURABlE.�.The "Chesterfield"� most popular overcoat, inII mriety of soft materials­semi-tracing yet- a gracefulfullness - comfortable - at­tractive-for men of everysize (stout, lean, short ortall), for yount men, themiddle aged and even themore 'matured who have aneye to fashion and comfort.. Prices: $20, $25, $30, $35,. $40, $45, $50, $55. .Special Vaiau, $25.Browas, grays, black, ·ox-·: fords and fancy fabrics.MossIer Co.. ,50' JacksoD Blvd.Jad CHI SCat. St....... .. ,o.a.., 1Ic., 1IIa. .....lliallecloa .-apt 01pice.OEOROE FROS1 co..............The Smith-GoodyearShoe lepairlng to.• - - .e- -1134 EAST83BD ST •OPPOSITIPOSI' omCiIT MEANS"American Factory. Rebuilt" mean. a clan of typewriters, sucha. 1110 otlltr concern does or caD rebuild as we do. It is an identi­f,inC term' used to cliatiDlUiah ollr machines from the great massof typewriters which are offered UDder the name "Rebuilt."It mean. that if YOll bay aD II American Rebuilt Typewriter'· ofany make. you w11l cct a FACTORY rebuilt machine, rebuilt withnew pan.; not one that baa been simply repaired and fixed up inan ordinary shop, but ODe equal to new in mechanical quality.We cuarantee every machine 'We sell for one year. and also guar_antee the title.TelephoneH.rrlson 4065American Writing Machine Co.na OIISIIAL 'IYPIWII1'IIIXClAJIfCI. IltaWslied more OIaa 21 years...... �-..k_�..a.,��........ I, 'll'It7BO['T8EI mBAIT, SCHAfFNER 6 MARl,CLOTHES$UITS - OvERCOATS'IS -,20UNDERWEAR TOO"Voolt:n. cotton. 2-:pit"ce or Union.CLUETT SHIRTSGuaranteed liats, $3. h.so. h­I alk to us about your clothesand furnishings at 1125 E. 63nlSt.. near Lczincton Aye.SILVERMAN & SONVVHAT319 DEARBOIN STREET, CHICAGO........................................ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------��� �:�,�H2.·J)A1LY MAROON. SATURDAY,' NOVEMBER 12, 19IC)AMUSBMB'BT8 .j...... _' • .oNIi,., .:. ,:,' : ;_S,um�ieb.tly ;l�og for .impressiveness,... �,.TO STUDE� and as .Hrtle injurious to the voice as. TREVETT :' J .',� is possible in a cheer which repeats61rd and Cott.�e Groft An.. 'eL ..... Wi· '. . h ' d Ch' If th tt "IWeek of NOVEMBER 7da. .j": !(Go.�___.� I) t e wor rcago, e mo 0. , Will" 'should be adopted as part ofWILLIARD'S TfMPLf OF MUSIC·'. small 'aowd. it:oia·..acxt .tC):.impossib1c the "Seal" of the University, this9 HEADLINERS 9 . ·to distiisguiSIl the-'�naftt soun4�,Every d� 2:30 aDd 1:15 .such as "ch" in "Chicago." From a' 'cheer will be particularly appropriate.If the yell should prove to be toolarge crowd it bas' 'often been trans-.formed into purety· vowel sounds, of short, the first line can be lengthenedwhich "aw..aw:.a"" �, has been the 'by adding a third "Chicago=-I Will."chief audible" -sylla'&lc-and a decid- . A Straight Chicago YelLChicago, Chicago, Chicago,Rah-Rah-Rah .. Rah-Rah-Rah-Rah,Chicago, Chicago, Chicago=T Will.Tbis cheer may be given in twoeffective ways; one with the words, Chicago " shouted sharply and em­. phatically as nearly as possible as asingle' syllable, the other' with Chi­'cago shouted as two principal sylla­bles. A tryout with a big crowd isprobably the. only method of learn­ing which-is the more effective; but 1suggest that the first method willprove the better. Whichever way it.is. given, .the accent should be sharpand emphatic, and the intervals clear­cut. Drawling will spoil this or anyother yell. The climax, "1 \ViII:',should be given in a much higherpitch, quickly-s-much like the present"Yea."In conclusion, I express the hopethat there is at the University an ap­preciation . of the importance of theUniversity cheer, of dignified cheer­lea.ding,;, and . of the desirability ofadopting one, and only one yell thatcan. be given effectively by large orsmall ,crow4s. Pracricallv everyonewho watches our big games fromthe east, grandstand would like tojoin in our rooting; but to date asmile of superiority, and even a sneerhas too often greeted the efforts ofthe cheerleaders .to extend the root­ing, even. to the parts of the grand­stand that join the cheering section.I n fact their very earnestness ofeftort, with the familiar scoldings,p)e.adings, . gyrations, and gesticula­. tions, have too often increased thesentiment of good-natured toleration.Since this subject of a permanentcheer .has been in the minds of stu­dents. and graduates during the pastfew; weeks, now would seem the timeto try, .Qut the different, yells, so thatanother . year will find the Universityequipped. with. a; good yell and withAig1).fied,. .impressive methods i of.chc:er:�le�ding. '. , '}; Very truly yours,,. Frederick D. Nichols, '97.ILLINOISHf'''y B. Harris, presents·ROBERT fDfSON:iD hi. own pia)'Where the Trail DividesCOLONIALTHEATER BEAUTIFULBRIGHT -EYES·CE(;IL LEAN FLORENCE HOLBROOKpOWERSTHE COMMUTERSBy James Forbes, Author of "The ChorusLady" "The Trat/eling Salesman"CHICAGO OPERA BOUSETHE PENALTYWITHHILDA SPONGGARRICKThe Chocolate SoldierLYRICFRITZI SCHEFFinTHf MIKADOGRANDClyde Fitch's Last and Greatest PI.,THE CITYWith TULLY MARSHALLOLYlWPICTbe AVIATOR_ With WALLAtE EDDINGER _CORTHfNRY f. DIXfYin the Great fnglish SuccessTHE NAKED TRUTHM�:!��:::!,!� s�, CARRIE DEMAR, Intematlonai CoIIlteeneLOIE FULLfR'S, Ballet of UghtAnd Many OthersWHITNEYLOWER BERm 13AMERICAN MUsacBALLJOE TINKER_WfLLMAN IIIRSHIP CRfWpRINCESSTHE DEEP PURPLEMcVICKERSChauncey Olcott in his new play"BARRY OF BALLYMORf"LASAllE �g5� I�$!V IfYfRY /r/'Ci/IT /NCLl/D/NG'J'(/KmyPOPULAR PRICE. HArJ. 7V£.r.& lHlAP.r.�G'i/L,4R JATL/RPAy"wn:��wmIST GIRL�PARIS Iy unpleasaDt,:one. .'4- Wbile'tthe ',"Go-it-Chicaw" cheeris unusually ,uniqae anel approuriate,itunfortunately. ;dlaDges . the word Chi­cago ' into. an'. 'incompleted "Chi­caw,' and repeats it. This curtail­ment is certainly. Dot in harmonywith the digmty. and high purpose of.a great University. The "Locomo­tive Yell��nd' -the '�Bello" . arc muchThe Athletic Association of Miamihas adopted a new entrance require­ment in the form of a $5 ticket. This.gives admission to all, other inter­Collegiate games.At Brown University, grandstandsare inspected .by. the city authorities.before each game.Students, investigate the . NewI dea in furnished rooms. . We havethem. W oodlawir.· Bus. Exchange,944 E. 63rd S�' comer Ellis. H. P.7J20·-Adv.Students, we hav_c the Jargest va­riety of furnished' rooms in the city.Woodlawn Business Exchange, 944E. 6Jrd. H. p. 7120.-Adv.Five poses in my penny pictures,�nd 5 of each for 2SC, at Crams, 921E. 63rd St.-Adv.Best photo post cards in the city,.� for 25c at Cram's, 921 E. 63rd.­Adv.It is not necessary to walk thestreets any longer, we can place youin any kind of furnished room youdesire. Woodlawn Business Ex­change, 944 E. 6Jrd, comer Ellis. H.P. 7J20.-Adv.Last week the recently installedchaptcr of the Delta Sigma Rho heldits first meeting at the University ofKansas. .... - ... ".. ... - - ___.,._._. .."IN A NUTSHELLq Mr. Advertber is willing to spcncl�oney in a PIIblication �brings results, .C( Mr. Advertising Solicitor knows tha�:dIIenafon: .. he-J�teJIS4.��Advertiser that his particular publication' brinp' rCaulta.· ,C( Mr. Advertiser .replies; "That's' what· they' aU ay�" aDd .. -aab:"How much circulation have you?"C( Mr. Adverthing Solicitor with .. larce· ·.circulatioD., aoea �with the advertising contract in his: POCket-ALWAYS.C( MR. DAILY MAROON Advcr tising SoUdtor Jrill .not uawerthe direct question of Mr. Advertiser. ' He. will tell.him that:TllBDAIL Y MAROON has over 6,000· reaclera-.-t.b&t ·.practic:al17 .C1.c1'7one at the University of Chicago reads the paper. which, 7011know to be a fact.t] MR.. ADVERTISER, however, wants to know the circuiatioD­the exact number of subscriptions paid for.t( MR. MAR90N. SOLICITOR tells him. . H� goca.'away ·.withthe contract-NOT ALWAYS.C] MORAL- The Daily Maroon must have the .Circ1;I.;· ,:" .,thata publication ought to have which reaches a eity of OV( � in-habitants and friends-not merely readers.Tmore seriously at fault in this re­spect; 'although the latter �s' muchmore "yellable" by large crowds thanis any' other cheer yet tried. 'But why"Hello?" 'and' why "Bello ,t'. SuggcstiOu: for' a' .successful .. YelLI D . order that' the paragraphs abovemay not be' 'termed purely. destruc­tive ': . criticism' from a. "grouchygrad," I submit below three. different .cheers-not as final, . but rather as abasis from which some interestedgroup of 'students - or.' alumni may·work out a permanently' satisfactoryyell. -Each of- them . fulfills everycondition· of a good cheer for .. largeor small crowds�· However, effective­ness is not to be secured at the firsttrialjvand on1y a ··thorough tryout can­make. Uami$taJcabl�· die :'best .A!Tange­ment of. .. accent, pitch and' ,time.Revisimi';'ot}tIi� "Old ·'''GO-it.-Chi�w."Chica-go,: o:Chica-go; Chica-go-go;:���=-:�: .: ',:., .Go-Chicago,G�bicago-Go-I . Will.The first line of this cheer shouldbe given as at- present, only moredistinctly. "imprc:ssively, '; and withclearer �CCCDt.. By -sharply .. empha­sizing tllF word "gO" in the last threeJines; and .by shouting Chicago .asnearly as' possible .'as '. one syllable,with emphasis on 'the:' "a" $Gwu' (p�o_nounced inore as 'ill:':cah��: than as lin..• Ca"�·);. this revised' old 'yell will 1be.;iPllDd t� :fit into the . old·., familiarswing. The "I 'Wi11�" Shouted j� asnappy and much higher' tone, : likethat' of the present '"Yea,''' can .bem�de 4n-dfect-dimax or.' en�1ig ,that.has some meaning. "Yea" could,: ofcourse, be' retained.Revised "I Will" Yell._, .The. chief· .objection. to, this revisedcheer· is. that· it is too short for thati�pressive, gradual crescendo w�c1ichatacterizts some of the ·longer andmost successful yells. However,' bycheering. slowly, but with sharp syl-, labl�s . and':" clearly marked intervals,this fault. can be· largely overcome.There. is the added criticism, that thefirst line is injurious to the throat.A Revised "I Will" Cheer.a.itag�I Wi�Chicago-I Will,Rali-Rah-Rah-Rah-Rah-Rah-Rah,Chicago, Chicago, Chicago�In this cheer, "Chicago" should beshouted as nearly as possible as asingle syllable, sharply. and emphati­cally;- the. 'hI Will" should be shout­ed with the same emphasis, sharply,and with the same stress and quick­ness. The iDtcrvals, whether thecheer .is given fast or slowly; shouldbe clear-cut.' The' "Rahs" should besharp and enthusiastic-not drawled-and the intervals should be clearlymarked . with dragging. .The threelast "Chicagos" should form a cre­scendo, with the climax on the "a"sound in the .last word, so as to ap­proach the effect of the ending ofthe old yell, "Yea"-that is, muchhigher in pitch and triumphantly ac­centuated. In every casco the wordshould be shouted as nearly as pos­sible as a single syllabl�. If properlygiven, this. cheer will· need no terini­nal. shout like "Yea," or "1 Will." .. The advantage of this cheer is thatit is'" UDiqu,"' . appropriate.. . dignified, -:-------------------------------..;..--------_._ ----',474 £.SS'W ST.eRlCA.e.We print the Daily Maroon.'_ . WIUMal'OClIIliJBOAiDinir.Rat.v­loyaltheathll'refutpurerate.thet his.lrcd$4·'1'1arewhitCell., l\1�l'�l)(foolthetheG::a hosho-t tuclayT-urtraia Iw ic-aagi\"1- .• ---------------�--------------'The' Dlexel TeJlonC1EANERS .... 'DYERS903 E. FlrTY.-FIFTB·. Neii"DieaI A.._ .1111." .. , fk., _I U4ie .... , Gab:.�"1fC .. I P'rasl.,· at "mte r;1c... ..rt,."eeI fer aad DelI.cr..... Tel. Hrl. hit m7atl(UnWIa p:l 1WE can demonstrate toyou, as we have . � manyothers, the fact that oursuits fit perfectly.(('11Ih:.\rhcl't �111ith,,··:TurM:aad,Bus.J 75c. PLAIN':':8ATHS '25cBarber· Shop Sai'atop Bptel"I"Open D.,',�.icht.161' DcUbom Street.They are well-tailored,correct as to style� andwill give you that satis�ac­tion which you are lookingfor.T(M1..'IIItil,\1:\1('t\\'frA.'-McADAMS" 'THE'�3�!���r�;!-!�!istPhone H. P. 18Suits $20-$40Over£oats $20-$60·tPiI.ACTICAL LADIE�':TAlLORS,. ".J.,.;.aA8Lat. .....� ....... ,S1IItI.u. ........$35 ... .,:nnt ella wa f1anat ...Cl.z,....· .AIm a£P.AlltllfS............ ,-1" L .. SIIIIT, ..... nus AftIIU!WeUstlothes Shop231-233 Dearborn ,Street.(Great Northern Hotel.)RetaiJers of finest "Ready-to..Wear" Clothing. CLASSIFIEDDYDlTlSEMmTSWANTED-Man to "ait table forroom and bOard. Apph Informa­tion Office.LOST-A green hand bag contain­ing a purse and pair of gloves. Re­turn to E.. Saxton. . f oster Hall.Reward.TO RENT - Four furnished frontrooms for light housekeeping, Dec.,Jan. and Feb; U. of C. district, I.C. and surface line. References re­quired. Phone H. P. 3964. "I to 8p. m.The Uni\"cr:o;ity of Xchra�ka Dairyt('am won $400 !'chnlarships at thejudging conte�ts at the Chicago C�1i­�c\tm last wcck.Patronize Maroon Advertisers.They are Reliable. TRY a Classified ad. in The .Dail,Maroon. They bring relllltL