lim···'······:··- .. • -, "1" 1'\.. :i:r r_' " '.. ' �;. �� . !"'_ .. ---.,.. :� ��·:a,it!'.. ,t··<VOLUME IX No� 21..... AlIdiIIlce liars 'Gnat MUstQt�tIon DeIlY. ·tieinent .. .n.-·.iilIlaD4el Ian.APPlAUSE .6IEETS SELECtiONSStudents Show Appreciation of Workof Orchestra-Credit Due to Or­chestral Association.Befcre an enthusiastic audience oimusic lovers, the Thomas Orchestramade its debut before the Universitypublic in Mandel hall" yesterday af­ternoon. The rendition of the se­lections was marked by the samebeauty of tone and harmony forwhich the Thomas concerts areknown, 'and this year's concert sea­son promises to be a success fromevery standpoint. The attempt ofthe University Orchestral Associa­tivn to obtain programs proved to bea success, and each number renderedwas received with many rounds ofapplause and encores..Enthusiastic reception.AJlegro con brioAndante con motoScherzoFinale.(Contin�ed on page J) UNiV:ERSITY ,OF CHI<;AGO. WE..a.)N�SD.�Y.• 'I! ,', ':p�ei :�e�:t(ials for the U�i­. TELLERS APPOIfiTD� ,lESIDDAf versity debating -team will be held ·101LI1ItAIQS ... SilOftG 'LOT- , tomorro:!W..;!Y�iUng. at. 8 o'clock. T;heCouncil Passes Rosolution � entaj.,i��,��d�)L4=»' this afterno�n."·Horr· Ha. B�;Bic 1m-ing Candidates to Shun Cobb. . All those lI'{llc;fJrish to compete must pr�vem�t siDce Defeitl b� IowaEleCtion Day. ';, ��I(e)th"jr -pam,es,.ia -. 'bY that time :in W� "'0.'___ .J' .9rdc;t'·)�q" all�",,! jhe o$cials in charge , .' ,CI k S h ffi . It' ith to make the proper ... drawings. The The Varsity was put' through a: ar' auer as o. era y w� - 'i��(H�ta�jf,,,�I! be:.cliv,idecl into t�odrawn his name from the list of �n:!� t hard scrimmage with the Freshmendidates for the office of president: of groups of equal size" -, One set ",,:ill. yesterday 'ciftemooa---io --jive' them athe Lower Seniors. No:further·withi·j! sP� inj tJte;.N�rth roo� .of the �w chance: to solv� the' J?�ciue ,plays.d' . ti bv t·t·1 .; bU1ldi�. and the other In Haskell as- �rhc' regulars ha·d·,'t'h"e- :be''st'.·o··f the ar-rawa.s or nomIna Ions y ·pe 110ft'," ,.. ." ..• ...I b . d b (h' ;'1' sembly"room. . .. ' 'b" flave een receIve y·t e COUIlCl!' .. , ..... .. ",. gument, winning. y. _a. score 0 17 to:rh� list of candidates as printed ;to.. From. each set of candidates �ix' II. Crawley scored two of the Var-day is correct to date accordingl tol i:�� WI�:�r�lected for the final sit)" touchdowns, ·and Ralph Young,.• ''. d'·· trials,'. whicll; will be held two weeks . ,latest advices from the coundlr an ·li' ... , .. ' � .. ..'. j• went over for the' third; ': Fletcher Lprobahly in substance as it Will �pJ ;;Iat�r. 1 T."e,:,twelve·. men WIll be dl"; broke loose for the two -Freshman I:pear on" the official ballots at tbe elec_ vi�ecJ. into four teams. of �hree, whifh scores. The' 'scrimm�ge -, -covered fi�:tion tomorrow. I ,f! ,�,"n::dehate� against. eacb other in t�o, . more 'than' an hour,' 'and - was' . hard-: :, '.. Tellers Appointed. i ': "id�bates� ,;:Th�-:�ll[' men and tw� �I- fought throughout,' ..The list of .tellers for the electio�I., ��m;te:s)�.�o :,WlIL .form the U, =v- Th{ 'Freshmen moe" use' of· Pur- '$.....tomorrow was announced 'by the qn�1 '1i1Q!.te:au. will. be picked at these.t�o 'due"formatioDS-, fauihtJth'em:by"Kel":: • J�dergraduate Council yesterday. q._ c?ntests. It lias been the custom JO; 'ly and 'Wortliwiii�'-: -..0 saw' the Boil; - t;ing to the fact that not all the ,*r- �� on t�.�. -:or�, a� ��11 a� .on I"':"', ermakers 'play' llIiilor;� l�st:" satiuday. '.T.'sons requested to-attend the �eetin�. dIVldtUd)lWllity.:'.8:S .. bOlla qualities are' The Varsity solv�a' the'aD. With' - faii 1. . . tc-' 'iconsideredi·of:,.equal-.importance an' , ',' .-< • ' ".yesterday. the council ask,S that. y_.-, . . success, 'although- 'Fletcher;' who' im- ": �':person not able to serve a.t th.. e t e. � illlaking: up Ia:Jwinning. team. I .� pc;rsonatea 'his �"l1ailie�b' - on' . �he . ,designat�d, notify the· council· !by' '�. �. : �!�'. �Wnber Ont. : J 'Purdue' eieveri� in�ae.' iRY'eriaI'" good . l ':means of a, note 'Ieft �t ,the F�c4� J', ,!� ... p����, �f·,�n.��bers this 'year's gains. JOe V;p.rsity, .lineup;;\.ias as. t:Exchange. The councll also adop d. �didateS' exceed those of last y�ar. 'foilo�s'; ..' ., " .i:a resolution requestin'g candidates ,. ·'tfie·:'interes\�·ir6�e�fby the conaist-' .. Pain�Left End.: to .�eep awa�.'f�m���� l,!.. ;���:e��s-:".o�.tJJ.f��lta,:Si��,�1.,· .:, .. :Sa,wr�r�I- .T.· .. ;;", :.' ,:,'.: .'. '._'. �., ....���.;���e<:�aHY:-!���!jh.��O!· �l;, ��������!j��t�t.-�,s'. �������.:.:�t9�JI��·, .,�':_�.�_:_'.:.�.,- ... ' ,,�--'::I ::�",-�' \. "It. tomorrow. The .,polls,.wilI _'.. 'iJb � .. eat:,� me'u··-tban J, Wliiting_�ei:lter�"'" . '. .. ,...• . "\"",,-',':. openfrom 8.:30 �ntil 4'���ocJc." 1. .i�"��:����: �(or�.'.:Tlf �;; ,�hit��j�����.�:��·': ",:. ' '-: -,-. The nommatlons foll�:. .I.. 0 1& C:twocy�: .�-, ah�� of pre- ' I,Fr�trui��Riglit' 'Tae'&-' ;, , .'UPPER SEIIIO_ ,..... � vim.s:�¥:��:f�Pr:�·a��this� �·,,"Mell�*'if�1Riih�·�¢.··:?:···" r.,·, .For :PreaideDt.,.. ,� :raql �b.i!!i(;.J�J the! best :'eve'r�' le � ':iI.:;;)'()un·�'�ri<d�_iG.:_���,:".Vallee AppeL; .' 'bet!.&at a ,lal'pl"_ �bcr of UD�- '\.:&ck.;:':, ;. ':.' � �'. '." <. �� '::'; .� .H. R. Baakhage. dua�:m;"c..olDltlg, out .. than .h�s '.'Davepi)Qrt.·· ·s.uer,·i'·aild:' Roge�, '.FC)r, Y-�. • ! �i 'tht&se bi�th� Past is' rephi� Left 'Ha1f·�B:lck.�/;: �� ._."� � �" �- ,.,::;: .• :r_: '.: ��s� Mollie �olLc ,a�};,��"i\��-�� ... ��c.oach��,·:, . C,�.�����'H:',�� ': "�',": ,� ... ',Wdham ��wley. �t presep.\ � one. veteran, has k Young.;-Fitllback· .' " .... Harold Glffor,d. . .E. ... �.r- �.�... ,.H..._;.!"._ .Th· • P l1 .�: ," oL�.r '.'l�" .• '.� .. ',' .regastereu .&or Pie UIiUS. IS IS aw . 'CIUUue·��· I�t.. Fo.r�. 0. �� �bo' �s-;�� ���, �n, the tea� J The� M�rrioD�;$C�UB "iaai:'_1if :.'ih�·:�:: ��ce ��ter.' 1 ������\���.: .�����)� ·.th� 4ebaif. 'l11i�ei��"l1!,�hle;. ,:�. ;.����:; ::��r�y.FO�T�. .� r��l�., �ti���1.�1 ���. Ja�t.,y�ar., Tw� b��ught: bac�., ,·��:�:��t�r.�!�e-Elmer B�attY.:· ." ! jO���� .���¥�; �f, . �t "year's t�T Bod�pna�ers "ha�' �,Ii�> .. �I�(, !m-Conrad� Benitez. f. n�f:�"�,J���l.rjbu�;.o��. I"ergus.on. IS ·prove,ment}.)v��� th�,:��"'9r't:;a�stEverett: Robins�n. '.I r�eh��!�,�.��use: be bas, c�l_Dpete� Iowa: ��e,-W��':¥fc;we::"J��� 'r����t.LOWER SENIORS. .1 )�I� '\:rl�t��� ��. ,�ears�: . w�d� the ,b� 't;�e ���eY,e�;:w:l;9c.}��� ��.� ���." \For PRSideslt.: " �;?����tl. ��n��r·.,�: ��Ilg �IS r+ th� wea� .;d;d�s:'SI�e�)i!a��,:/�t:t�eRaymond ]. Daiy: .' f�a�I�� ,r-�;�n�l.:;he.ha.s e�tere�, th�, Pq!duc. �e�m. 'Th�:�eII��. cen�e(Albert G. Heath. . >gl}'au�te .��h�ls.� . ":fhes�, two me�. was .kept 'live' yards �baclr'of ·th�· hnePaul MacOintacli' .: I�:I ,�l�d�" �t, the. '�o trials to· If . an,d th� de�ensiv�' ���� ���tYFor Vice-Plesidmt. 'beld tomorrow.. • yards back; and 'Deitli«· ...... 'came upWilliam P. Hann� I � �.:' .W��pi���9!�,��"t��t< t.�a� only on� when 'HYla�cJ:,�§��:'��,�' tbeMiss Alice ·Kantrowitz. I .veteran is a9.ilable,. the �oach. Mr. line. The .. ppareat·� ,-of' theFor &ecrctary. ' I .. �jfc���y�:' *?�:. fQ�, .a,it�ih�r cha�- .�efensi:ve �iit��,Was �o':���:�nstMiss Etten MacNeish. I " :ipiOll_lslliPr,r�� ��st yeas:' but on� .. forward. passes�/.: I�:���:n�.' useFor Tleaswei. .1" ������ .)1����d, .' bu� a team �f of these, but made itsi Pius through· '.Earl Hutton. 'green meG.. who "were not used to . the line.Ralph Rosenthal. • '''o��g;�t�th:�: . scored � unani-·, The weak' spots 'in the PUfdue de-'UPPER JUNIORS. ���:vl������e�";Noi1hwestem, and ·fense··seemed:to be' 'remedied' by-'IastFor PresideDt. a. �o '��, o�e' :d�ision, over' �ichi- '.Sat�rday; an�' the; I strong.. IIIi�oisJamts Dono�an., .gan�, ����m �n.,be helped this tam ·ltD· ·a�parentl,. 'playing itsElmer Thomas. year by the ,a��mni caa�hes. �ven ,ardest without' being able to 'equalFor vice-PreSideDt. . more men are available for this work the' SCOrf' Iowa 'rolled up: Mr. StaggHiram Kenni�oti' ..than was the ease <last year, when stated that he felt' 'that -the"cOmingHirsch Soble. tbeit:' 'wt,rk .�� o{'great �ervice t� contest would puSh' ::chicago� to itsFor Secretaiy. the team." Severai form�r. debaters limit. as Coach Hon' had been· ableMiss Helen Gross. have:·p.:omi�CI- t� gi�e, their.. se�ices to build up 'his 'scrDad .iii great' shape.Miss Josephine Kem.,For Treamrer. ' in advising and helping the team. He has a large IHIiDber' 'of' trien' outNorman Paine� . . Coacli' '!&cEiroy is in his second fOY" the' team •. and: . sboUld have aRu!'�el Reedy. year at t�e work, and has the pres- eood team from so lOng a list ofCharles Rothermel. tige of a championship in his first candidates. His ,troubleS· up to theLOWER JUNIORS. . ; year. He was a member of the cham- pre:-o�nt have arisen from th� gTeen-For President. "pionship :�a�! �f>; I� which won n('ss.of the players, ana the difficultynana Morrison. . ,unanimous deCisions from Minneso. ; or shifting' the squad. ' Tbes� �honldLane Rehm.. : ta and N��!�.�� �n' the last y�ar have: 'passed' away by 'the present,. For'Vice...PraicleDt. , ' of the ohf'"quadrangular.league. He and there 'is every probability 'thatM. R. Dalt ; was a star debater and has shoWn Saturday's game vitil be· exHtinll. .. L. J. Gro�man. ; ,well as a'.taat'lfi: �'in ���n'ection with Ilea in Good Shape.For Secreta�. Mr; H�-6*')P 'f1O-"�r 'Ch�ndler, the ':\ (Ine . of the men are' any theMiss R. Agar. former coach. he ha� developed a wnrce for' the MinnclIOota pme. ex-Miss R. Embree. distinctly Chtcago l'tyle of dehating. apt Kassulker. He is srin sriff fromFor Treasurer. � ...... ,Q.... • the hard' bumping he· received from• ��n;,�:.a6tf('!"fl'OII�.ft'eftetal recogili----"7"(C---o-n-'tl'-n-u-e-:d"'-on page 4)� tion a� of more than ordinary merit. (Continued on page 4)- \. mODS ORCHESTRA IS .. niPAlDiG i , fOl� WELcoMED BY CROWD" ., . -, Soc:cer Team to Play Team of Pick..'eel lien Today at 52nd· Street, andCottage Grave-Play IllinoiS. Sat­urday OD. Marahal1 Field.tage Grove avenuesThe lineup will be:Sponsell GoalLindsay ...........•. . . . . . . . .. R. B.Stein .•........................ L. B.Duck R. H. B.Grossman :........ c. H. B.Callantine L. H. B.Wa�ls , , .. , O. R.Woods .'�:� I. R.Fulkerson, (Capt.) c.Jennings I. L:Cohn' , O. L.The Illinois game Saturday will be. played as' a curtain raiser to thePurdue game, and will be the firstAn enthusiastic reception wasgiven Mr .. Stock's own composition to be' staged beforre a representativeentitled the "Festivai March," and it student cro,wd. The, future of theserved as a fitting' close to the ex-: English game as a university sportcelleq't program. This was the first will depend on the enthusiasm withtime "that .this selection has 'been which this game is received� The il-·lini J are' ��nc�d�d, t<?' have an ex�ep­heard at the Univ'eisity. and, the zeal tionally .st,!ong team, and have been: with- which tt"was applauded is sym- . practicing " f.rlth£unY fol' several', �·..:__�li$� ..�)!!���f4�i1�;-�����-� -, .. t'at1f·Ts�"'PQc�iCai1yr�er-_�, : ��X15 _ own'. �jiJUPositions wdl be.�·· .., , ,. ,.'1" .' d h f rth tam that iliey' wi'll furnish' an' inter-.It.ture on' _ t e prog�a�s _ . ..!1_��L .. •••. '.r' �·�ili .. ��'.����,Q��'_, BeetJiov�'s �,:e��g eXdilntl?n of the n�w ga��.f" . S- 'h N "th th 'L1>a4=h Brady IS not espeCIally opu-,. j YllJP ony o. 5 met WI e a� . _ '.. .,I:': '. 'b'� :. f II h I'st m.asbc about the. chances of lus men· '; pr\) cation 0 a . t e eager I eners, . ' ,j, . : and the ma"ter's gTeat· �work was' ren=., .!'�at�.td'·" th�. d��l1Stater�f' "_�eh.?uIse, ofI.' id ed' '<.':' � II ' "" . :: the WI er ,expenence 0 t e atter.· .. er par' exce ence. . �> " ., ...., .• ," "•i .: i I . "' ... .d.... , I' h d ;" ... * thO :t'" but. he· said. .w.h. ea.· the teams ,line: up" t was. a,·· e Ig te auulence a, . • ; : .. ,"'. ,., .;I! 1_.' .- . .,;:.... ..' .: agam.on November 12.1n ChampaIgn.I ;passc..d lt4f0ugb ,the doors of.�andeL � . I! Ji':"':' "'d':;3--r-:: ',.' '.. ' .. h'" M't." , .•..d did WIt II tea ueU. expenence or tea-j. ,after the:-"p�gram was en e, , . an .h h Id f . h• ;.j .' ."., -,'.' " roons. t ey s ou umls a close,j "1pralsc':{0K:- Mr., Stock's celebrated or�.. �. '. 'ganik·tion was': hearef on " . all sides. in�e�esting c0!ltest.. �The'�peiSDmiet :of ,the mr�iaaDs' has. not '��liiaferialy • cliingcd": -rr��·� last D�i HENDERSON TO TALK .'..:year, �cePt the addition .of several 10,. DI,"GRA TION TO�IGBT'�new sbloists 'wbo 'wiil be, on thei. �progtarr{S }>( �h�'.. co�ing concerts.'Most of 'the season tickets' for con­: certs have been disposed of, and all,the ,efforts of ,the .Orchestral Asso�ia­;tion�.bave ?been' crownf'd' With s-Uccess.T!_��������t,!,.itteel. :I Us expected fhat a program com­mit�e war'be aPPOInted': rn. "4ccord-�'ance' 'with the 'custOm established last..'yeat':�·�(i �h�t�Sth�'_'· f�ioriti ;cbtripOsi_'tions 0( the �old masterS' C�lD be beard:by �ii''';�� 'd;s\rin-g"it"_-' M"a�y ����es�'were:m�� :j;is(::yeal' thr�righ the'Fac�I��; �c�an::.e.� �n� ... ��ec��!Is�)Vhich�'weie tendered at the Univer-,�ity. before were given . by: .�r:'Stock.�nd hi; - si"x�y . ��i;is'- ,The Univer­�ity (·pu6Iic -, '-was welt·· represented;yeste.rd�y. 611ing Man�el 'to 'the ut-.most .. :ina tlJeir' appreciation' of c1a�'sicat :��sic ' '. �s v.,ell shown. Thelecture gi�n by Miss, Faulkner -onMonday, on"the' technical side of the·'�ifJerent numbers of the programwas a great aid to many in. �ppr.e.,emting' tbe : r�li sig�ifi;ance of the··\'arious selections.The program included the follow­ing selections:OHrture to a Drama. Opus 45........... , .... , .. Georg SchumannSymphony No. s. C Mino.r. Opus 67··.........•.........•... ' Beethoven In spite of the weather, the soccersquad held another stiff workout yes­terday, in preparation for Saturday'sgame. with • Illinois. The men stiltsuffer from lack of experience, buthope to wear off some of their green­ness in their game this' afternoonagainst a picked league team at theHyde Park .grounds, 52nd. and Cot-U�enity Chap .. wi! Disc:ua So­�Qlogical Problem in Haskell,. . :�Under"Aaspicea of Y. II. C. A.., '.Professor C. R. Henderson, theUniversity chaplain, will deliver ana4dress tonight on '''The BenevolentAssimilation' of the Foreigner in Chi-'c�go.� The ,�ddre'Ss will be deliveredin:' �askell hall at 7:30 o'Clock underthe auspices of the Y. M. <; A.Professor Henderson ·was to havedelivC"red this address .two weeks ago.but 'as he was' unexpectedly::calted1';ut of the city, the· lecture was Post­poned until this e-vening.Dr. Henderson's long experiencewith' sociological problems has madehim 'an authority on ·the ,immigrationpr()blem. a"d. h� will present someen:ti�IY ·ne�. v,i�ws a'n'.t1:Je situation.-----.-.!'-any Get'Ti.cbts for Score Club.A large �umber .. 01, stUd�nts wiU bepre5ent at the Score club dance atRosalie hall Saturday. November 12at 2:30 o·clock. A special feature oftl�e affair witt be the announcing ofthe �e(')re of the Cornett.Chicago�ame. The same orchestra whi�h.:crved at all of last year's dances wittfcmish the music this season.The students at the University ofN onhwestern are endeavoring toraise $1.000 in six days, for the estah­iishment of a college at Singapore.The sum of $610 was subscri� intwo days. ._����::'��" .. "�;':::i:' · .'t�' : .... ':' '."r-." .. � .. •., .:....': ..,,' � ..., ,,T� DAILY MAROON,; ..� ulll��Lo:w, .::;�, Jrouuded' , ' , -, �The WeekI)' ••••••••••••• : •• Oetoa..r 1. 1aTile Da117 ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • •• ()ctober 1. 1102I�i�IijbteNd '.. 8ec:oud-e1a.u mall at the Chi­eqo Po.tomce. Chlcap. IUlDOla, Karchl8. uoa.. UDder Ad. of Karcll It l8'la., .-THIll STAFrN • .A. P.Ii'BI'i'BR, • • • IlaDaClDS &clltor11. J. DALY • • • • • • • N ... Editor'H. 1..... C.UU"ENTER • Athletic EdItorASSOCIATE EDITORSW. J.·FouteC. Y. Tq'lorC, W.Houghland iL L., KemaleottIL W. BeeMD. L. BreedREPORTERSMa..-Jorle WIl Ruth Retlc:kerJ. Ii. Beebe AI. V. StevenSUBSCRIP'.rION RATES:BJ Carrler"�m:iO per Jear. fLOO per quarter.CiUmaU. ' perquarter�OO per "ear lDadvauce.News contrtuuttons DUly be left at Ellis118U or, ..... aculty Exchange. addrt.� to'J'he DaJly Maroon.i,.;! -�Ii-t,,�Ii1II The Sphinx Club at Mkhigan hasoffered a prize of twenty five dollarsfor the best words and music for anew university song. .''\... � .,ANNUAL BANQUET IS'PLANNED IN HONOR � ,OF PURDUE PLAYERS--'_The athletic department has wired,' ,an invitation to Purdue for a 'Puritybanquet Friday night. 'They expectan answer this morning, and as soonas it has been received. they will go,ahead to arrange for. the banquet.Since, the love feast in honor of 'the.. sity's invitation- will be accepted. Alarge number of Purdue rooters who, will accompany the team are, likelyto attend the banquet. 'CLUB TO 'HEAR DUNNE. ... --. THE DAILV, MAROON. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 2. ,1910 •Ex-Mayor Edward F, Dunne willspeak to the Commonwealth club inCobb hall lecture room at 4 o'clockthis afternoon. His subject is, "WhyI am a Democrat." Mr. Dunne hasfor many years' taken an active partin city politics which fact will in­sure an interesting talk, The meet­ing will be of special interest owing'to the elections which wiJI be heldtomorrow. Those who heard Mr.McCormack talk last Friday on"Why I am a Republican." will havein this an opportunity to hear theother side of the question.Mr, ,F. D. Braml;al! is at presentworking to secure' a representativeof the State Committee of Seven,'which is working on the "little bal­lot;' to address the club in the near �future. The meetings are open andeveryone is invited.THREE-QUARTERS CLUB,PUT ON NEW' HOBBLESYearlings Don Latest Parisian Out;.', fit, and. Give" Fine Exhibition Be-�.' ,:; I for� Admiring, Throng� 'IINot to be outdone in any respect,by the latest Par'isian styles, theThree-Quarters' club yesterday hob-.bled to, their. tasks in real, prettygreen hobbles. The hobbles con­sisted of green, sashes' tied aroundthe knees of, the yearlings.Although ·not yet proficient in theart the Freshmen hope by the end ofthe week to be looking natural inspite of their deficiencies, The chief ,difficulty yesterday lay in keeping,the new hobbles from slipping down,Sister Lyman specially had troubleand finally hit' upon the 'ingeniousplan of pining the sash.After getting their faces ,washedin front of Kent yesterday the downtrodden' and persecuted childrenwere given their daily shave on theedge of the ",C:, bench Immedidte­ly following this, Sister Harper gavethe'sad but true story of her life'among the wild savages of the EastSahara,SIGN FOR �ADISON BANQUETList in Lezington for Wisconsin W.A. A. Invitation Dinner.A list was posted in Lexingtonyesterday for those women to signwho'expect to attend the luncheon atMadison on November 12. The in-;tation was extended to memhers• C the W. A, A. by Wi!'consin wom-... to' take part in a "Purity Ban-:"'''et'' at the time of the Wisconsin­Chi-:ago game. It is d(,!"ired thatthose who wish to go shalt !';gn thelist as soon as possible, for the con­,·enience of the \Visconsin hostesses'.Several of the '}.;V. A. A. women ha\'ealready taken ad"antafote of the op­portunity.The official 'record of registration, at Pennsylvania)s 5209. an incrc:as('of 28,5 over that of last year;After years of vain endeavor, TheDaily. Maroon has, at last succeeded, ,i in establishing a wom-.T�e �omen's an's department of.. ;���p���nt. the paper. For some1 time the editors havefel( ih� necessity of establishi�g �branch office in' Lexington hall in COMMUNICATION.order that the women may be better Editor Daily �aroon: I wouldrepresented in the paper, but never . like to warn the students to .be. care-until the present has the plan been ful about leaving valuables" in theirfeasible. gymnasium lockers. On MondayThe women's office is located in afternoon between '4. and 5 o'clock .the "Dean's office in Lexington, and someone went through my locker inis i� the charge of Miss Marjorie' 'Bartlett and' .stole $17,� out' of _qlY';Hill and. Ruth Reticker, All women' pocket." ,:,' - :�:,'. · ... -:1 ,,' ::', , :' '.'who 'wish to: become' candidates for' It seems deplorable � the ,�tremepositions on the women's staff are' that in an educational ,iri�titu'tiQJl thatrequested' to report to Miss Hili at such despicable' 1hie'nng 'should goten o'clock" every, morning. Those on unabated, There ought io bewho wish. to' insert news concerning, some device for' ca:tching :tiie' rascals.the \i'o�e�'s a�tivities can do so by . ' J• ' , __ j�_-¥. S.',' ;,.getting into communication .with MissHill,i: or '1d�s ,Reticker., 'The chronic complaint of the wom­en of the Uni'v�rSity ha� been that,they have not been sufficiently repre;.sented 'in th� Daily Maroon. It isin ordet'to answer to' this. complaintthat the Maroon has etablished this'offi�e. . In the future the amount o'frepresentation -the women win haveIn The' Ma<roon will depend uponthe�selves. 1£ the women show anyreal interest, in The Daily 'Maroonand -evince that interest by the num­ber' of ,'candidates who try for thestaff, as "'ell as by the number of'their subscJptions: The Daily Ma­roon will •. co�tinue to maintain thewo��n:s ''-�e,partment.,Th/f()ilo�in;-;di;�rial from theDailx_ Californian. so admirably ex-presses student senti�Bucolic ment that we give it:Refinement. ' "The refinement, ' theeleg;mce and culture ofthe slogan adopted this year by theUniversity of IlIinois, 'Hang It On�hi�ago,' transcends a)) artistic imag_Ination, and ,·ainly do we seek forpolite words and civil with which togive- vent to our adndration for thisshow of academic cultivation. Wellmay. we rough westerners fail to ap­preclate'the delightful sentiment oftl�e' phrase, expressing at it does the11Igh civilization of the recently-he_come-�ffete Illinois. When the lightof learning reaches us, we, too, candodge the provinciaiil'Jn of cleanEnglish and b('�:n to 'swat' our op­ponents al1:i perhaps 'hang it on'cm.' "·-Daily Californian. ' DAILY �BULLBTUI.. ......,. The:-Y:·-,W>c."L.:��"hail,' .."""x;;. '., 'J�,."I. � ..... �...._. �._ 1#.IP:JO·('.14dr.f��,�:-' ��gl�i �Miss' EstelIe.·t\addoclc,'·� NatiODaJ "Sec-retary, Y;_:W.�¢:A. ohChina:<� 1 �""Y. M. ,c ... ; 'A.. ::H�kell : Assemblyroom', i ;30 p,� bJ. "Address (postp�ed,from October. ,19): "The Benevo­lent Assimfp.iiion of the Foreigner in 'Chicago�::' _����sor . Henderson ..Weekly. �ly of the .Disci- Boilermakers. is an annual affair, itples, H�s1ceil':,26;l4· p. m ..... The· Prob- is almost certain that the Univer-lern of Mir:icle:"'��ssociate ProfessorWillett. ,.� , '" ";,,Student, Vol1inteer Band, Lexing­ton hall'�7:ii�p�tn.Pow Wow Meeting at 10:30 a. m.,in Cobb' 6A .. --' :-Pen Club'Meeting at 10:30 a. m. inCobb 8E; 'Ez-Mayor Will Speak Before C'om-monwea1th Club this Afternoon.ANNOUNCEMENTS.Aero Club Meeting in -Cobb 8C,Thursday, at 10:30, \0' discuss workof club for 'year.Tryouts for the Debating team onThursday, at 8 p. m.The Dramatic Club will meet Fri­day at 10:30 to discuss plans for the.presentation of plays in the near fu­ture.,Physical Ezaminatibn appoint-ments for men, may be made at theoffice of medical examiner in Bart­lett gymnasium., ,Class Elections tomorrow from8:30 until 4- Senior -polls in the officeof the' Senior, dean; Junior polls inthe office of, the Junior dean, in Cobbhall.The alumni of Syracuse Universityin New York City have organized aSyracuse University Oub. 'STYLISH Ur-TO�DATE TAILORINGFOR YOUNG'ME", AT S£�SIBLE, PRICESJOhn R. Verhoeff S25�OO TO S50.80, Roy E. FranceADVISES STUDY OF.' BIBLE• • •• .� , ... p' • ,Dr. Henderson 'Tells Students toJoin Bible ClasS., GuaraDteed Fabrica. - _ -- _,Othel; Very Atbadiwe u..e. Both ;-F oreicn ,aDd.Domestic.OUR GUARANTEE,We Guarantee every Garment made from our Stock to give 'absolutesatisfaction. If it fades, shrinks or lose'S shape or any other faultdevelops either in the Fabric or the making, at any time.bring it back and we'll make it good.GIVE US A TRIAL. No Bettei' Fabrics, Better Tailorinc or Bettel'-Val1IesCan Be Had Anywhere 'IIERHOEFF & CO.---TAl LORS,---JOHN R.N. W. COR. MADISON {ICLARK STS.CHICAGO, Ill. Third floor straus Bldt.Old Atwood Bldg. MAIN 5330WE CLOSEAT 6:38 r. II.That one should' join a class to getthe best knowledge' of'th� "b'ibl� forthe same reasons 'tha'':' one' pursueshis other� studies in classes, �s thestatement made' .in Senior chapelyesterday by Dr. Henderson. The,general discussion in Class, he said,helps one more to get a thoroughknowledge of the subject than doesthe solitary study of' the text, books'The study of the bible is' profitableto the student of ancient history, 3D;dto the student of 1it�ralure,'" said Dr.Henderson, ," but its greatest valueis because of the ,fact that it is "themost remarkable account of thestruggle of a whole people to discov­er God." The"Bible is most quoteddocument in the world and if one isto be able to understand the con­stant' allusions to it in the literatureof the day one must have a definiteidea of its contents."The aboltion, of co-education at\Veslf>yan' has caused a committee t'lformulate plans 'f�r a Connecticutwomens co]]ege.1-FOWNESGLOVES" are not cheapest, butthey're least ezpeuive. WIDE BRIMDERBYSHERE IN ALL PROPORTIQNsAND SHAPESChicago's Style DictatorsHATS GLOVESCANES UMBRELLASAND FURS� BISHOP & CO.156 STATE STREETEatabliabed 1860I ' $3;.00rART;: Old rn£delS in the artcf.': ,.tobacco blending are' � ..I, ' 'I :and' yean .and' years � ,, ', �/are ��bearing fruitin th��1e Fatima�eS: A 'most agree-,able Jmoke-"a decidedfavorite among artistic tem­peraments. PictUre toyomself 20 �uties in aplain pa� for 15 cents-1 0 'more than usual. ;I'1-'TIlE AMERICAN TOBACCO co. ..Don't WaitTo be asked for your subscription forThe Dal'" .aroonLeave it at the Maroon Office.Dolt Now.•.j� �::.�:,.", iI:I. CUFI'OII. ZI ...... lEDfORD, JilL ...Ar{��OW�otchCOLLARSSit enUgly to the neck. the tops meetIn front and there is ample spacefor the cravat,15c .• 2for2Sc.C.uett.P_body8cCo •• Makft1I l' ,_.. . "'..... <,» ...W,ILL ADDRESS Y. W. c. L.ON CHANGES.IN CHINA., • " � �, -. _,; "-OJ ., �. THOMAS' ORCHESTRA IS ;.. �WELCOilED' BY CROWDYesterday' at the College of Educa­tion chapel, School of Education, 1Mi�s Irene Warren,·gave a talk.�bo:at:.··1the. public library of Chicago and itsbranches, and ,the University of Chi­cago' libraries and how to use themt�: get wbat is' wanted. Miss Warren ·��i��e���\�1,R.�.. ·.��'?,ILS�NlOves courses 'at, the Colege of Edn- .'." -;» �. s- .... ",,(SiIf�cation in :'cataloguing of books, elas-o ]·'·I'-''t;:_u·! '.;'!;.'� f ,-< -. � .• :.lH'��sificatioD and admiDistration.. .. .. '... ----------------�----------�.. TIle·S�-. '. ';, . _ .• r,_:�,�\�:.I,'�P'.�':ic:O .. ,-'.- ..... 1-,-, � .... > .. �';..;:n34 EAST-.: !�83M:St.: � ..... �.�. ... .... - .: .. -� ..• \. •• _ ... .A. J:' , ........ '. .7·. �_ER CO�.' 10 JaCk_ii B1_� ..� i; '�1.1i�;'j ��/: ., ..... ,__�T,;:AYIThe "Chesterfield" .-a ·most popular ouercoat, intI : variety· oj soft. materials­semi-tracing yet a. gracefulfu11ness- comfortable- at­tractive-for men of everysize (stout, lean, short ortall), for yoUng men, them� tlged, and euen themore matured who have aneye to. fashion and comfort.Prices: $20, 52;>, $30, $35,S40, 145, ,$50, $55.SpecU,l Valaea, $25Browns," grays, black,. ox­fords anCi fancy fabrics. "Mossier Co,'50 JaCkSon Blvd..I-!f 011 Sf.t. s..School of �tion Talk.NEWS·OP THE COLLEGES.Tii�" studentS' of - the University ofMichigan presented the batdeshipMicbtgan! :;nth '3. :-suver bugle in ae- "kilowledgelDent of the support 'given W •. Michigan"s· eleven' at the Pennsylvj-�nia 'game Iast. year •The eorrespondence course at Wis­consin . has :grown from 79 to J8s9-'students in two years. • . i _":N,:", ,��t�aIl . �tands are beingMANDOLIN: CLU, .. O�GANIZE erected. '.by. Brown university toacc�m�odate 4.�. /.i...'L-IL Preldlte CO.•. 1. . . ., � �. :At,' SyraCUS� a -:frat�mity. direct0!'J:has been added to the annual Univer-!ity . directory. 'The last. aDnual. athletic expenses3t Yale were $104.945.Yale celebrated its 2OI)th binhdaylast week.'WHAT 'Hot BlutApparatus..A. Ii, Spalding & Bros.-------� are the LargestManufact.urersin the worldof-THE­SpaldingTrade Mark Kiss Paddock to Speak in LesinctODand Foster Today-Send Dele- -gatea to Convention. . (Continued from pace 1),.----""'1..Symphonic. Poems ......••. Smeiana'�"Vysehrad"'"The Moldau."Festival Marcb :._. Stock Steam andEnaiDecrs andContracton "'Hot Waterfor' HealincandHeating andMechanical VentilalinlOfficialEquipmentf�r all AthleticSports andPastimesU.Y· OU are int�r-Iested 1 nAthletic Sportvou should havea copy 0 f theSpalding Cata­logue. It's a com­plete encvclope­dia of What's New inSports and is sent_________ . free on request.(i. Spalding {7 known through­out the worldas aGuarantee of.·QuantyA.147. Wabash-'Ave., Chlcato, '.HANSEN'SPENNSYLVANIA KNITSWEATER COATS WlrH THECELEBRATED "NOTEARBUTtONHOLE"�IN REQUL�RC·OArSTYlE. -'flILiTARY."OR ADJUSTABLE :'ROLl'�COLLAR !.$3.50 to $5.501111 EAST 63rd STREETNE.'XT TO POSTOmcECALLING. particular �ttention to ourlarge assortment 01' , .BAN NQGKBURNS,HARRIS lWi.EDSand SCOTCH CHEVlOl'S, "I in the newest shades � Brownand Gray, lor Fall and WinterI Suits-$30 and up..Ijk�I T&ilor for Young MenTwo Stores:44 JRckson Boulevard.� 131 La Salle Street.------------------I STUDENTS GIV! US A.DIALQUEEN CAFEI Two Block. East of Reyi.oWa Club1320 EAST FIfTY-SEVENTB ST.. II'Nk1ut A La CnteLUNCH 20c DINNER 25c Miss Estelle Paddock, national sec,retary of the Chinese Y. W. C. A.,will address the Y. W. C. L. this. morning in Lexington at 10:30, on the. Change in China." Miss Paddockhas spent much time in China. wbere.. as the first national secretary of thatcountry, she was Iargely responsiblefor the flourishing Y. W. C. A.'f.which exist in Shanghai and in vari­ous mission schools. One aim ofher present visit is to secure womenas secretaries for Y. \V. C. A.'s whicbare soon to be established in Pekingand Canton.Miss Paddock will also speak on"Women of China" to the Foster ballclass on "Wor ld Progress AmongWomen," at 7:00 tonight. This ad­dress will probably deal largely withthe education of Chinese women, asthis is a subject of which Miss Pad­dock has made extensive study.. Y. \V. C. L. delegates to the stateY. W. C. A. convention will start to­mr.rrow afternoon for Decatur. wherethe convention is being held. Sixmembers of the league have definite­ly decided to represent the locaibranch at 'the convention, and asmany more are expected to sign upfer -the trip today. Prizes aggregating $2,000 will be'awarded to college students winningin the Hart, Schaffner & Marx con-.test for essays on economic subjects.The papers must be in the hands ofProfessor J. Laurence Laughlin ofthe political ecenomy d�partment. ofthe University before June I, 1910.This is the seventh year of the an--nual competition -for these prizes.The prizes are divided into' twoclasses. Any American is eligible toreceive' the first prize of $1,000, orthe second prize' of $500 in class.. A." Class" B" is restricted to un-"dergraduates in an American college,out a contestant in class "B" is eligi­ble to receive a prize in class ., A."The prizes in the latter class are $300and $200.The committee in charge of thecontest includes Professor. J. Laur­ence Laughlin, University of Chica.:go, chairman; Professor J. B. Clark,Columbia University; Professor. Henry C. Adams, University ofMichigan; Horace Wbite, Esq., New,York City, and' Professor Edwin F.Gay, Harvard University.UNIVERSITY ,STUDENTSCOMPETE FOR B ... G PRIZESHart. SchaJ[ner a:. Marx. Prize. of$2,000 Offered for Papers onEconomic Subjects.DIRECTOR ERICKSON PLANS.NEW PROJECT-GLEECLUB ORCHESTRADirector Erickson of the Glee- clubhas issued a call for all Universitymen who play ore .... estral instru�en�sto report to him tbat he. may get aline on the possibilities of organiz­ing . an orchestra to accompany . theClub. He wants men who play thefcllowing instruments: violin, violincello. bass" viol; flute, oboe: clarinet,bassoon, trumpet, trombone, drums;and French born.The final tryout .for membership'�il1 .be held about the first of De­. cember, to-pick .thosewho will travelwith the club' on its- trips through­the south .and- ·west. A: trip of thiskind may be taken duri�g tile Christ­mas vacation if negotiations can becompleted satisfactorily. As yet nodefinate arrangements have been FENCIBLES TQ ARRANGE PQRINTER' COLLEGIATE DEBATE30ph�more . Society Hopes to Sc:bed­ule Debates' wi� Mic:bi&an �dIllinois Teams.The first .meeting of ,the Feneibles,the, <Sophomore .�0�01', debating� so­ciety. will. be held. some time .uextweek,". The day will be announcedlater. The. officers of the Feneiblesare.' planning to make this. year'swork the most effective in the" �istoryof the society.Arrangements have been begun fortwo debates between the Fenciblesa�d �lichigan and Illinois. While thefinal 'arrangements have not, been. nade they' wil probably be -CC?JDpletedin a short time. The debates will'tak� 'place during the ;spri�g Quarter.One will- b� held 'at the " UniVersity'and the oth�r will 'be" �f eith�r Illinoismade.HUNTINGTON HENRY.OF CLASS OF 1906.WILL BE MARRIEDTI:e engagement of Huntington. B.Henry, '06. to Miss Annie' May Swift(f Chicago bas just been announced.The wedding will probably take 'placein January in Chicago. ':The coup'lewill make their home in Bartlesville,Oklahoma where Mr. Henry is inhusiness. Henry is a member of theChi Psi fraternity, a member of th.eBlackfriars and of the Glee club andwas Vice-President' of the Reynoldsclub. He' is�a brother of Winston P.Henry, �·ho was graduated last year. or Michiga�. ,SeVeD Men � Chosen After 11011-�y's. PrelimiDaries.At the try-outs held in Haskell,the lJniversity Mandolin' club', choseseven ca�didates for membership.The' names have not yet been -an­nounced. The new memberS will_ hring the m�mbers�ip,.,up t� twelve.The next mee.ting of. the club win be:,eld next Monday afternoon at 5f)·clcek. prohably in Haskell' Assem­hly '<.,om.The dub is planning to eooperatewith the Glee club. if the �howing ofthe future js satisfactory. Several of� he m('mher� of last year's club arel-ack. and others arc�e'xp�cted: Twod the three officers are. in collegethi.. year., Edward Gunton, the di­rcctrr. and· Kasson Dodson. 'the man_a�er, The Pre�idency is \·acant.Glee Club Wants More lien.The Glee Club 'needs more men.A sj'stematic campaign is being un­dertaken to increase the membership.'! I.e iratcmities have urged out the:no�t 3\·ailable fraternity men for the'Gke club. and' the idea now is to in­terest the n.on-fraternity men, bothlh,;:,c whl) are living in the halls,ami those who are off. the campus."The ,Io�an for ")Io.·� .said a mem-1:(,1' of the Glee club yesterday, "willhe 'fCO men for 19IO!" We desire toget the Freshmen started so theywill deH'lop into good material forthe next three or four years. Ourla:-t year':, sea�on was a success andthere is no reason why we shouldnnt do even better this year .... :\ team representing th� C�J1ege ofAgriculture at Cornell started forChic�Ro la�t Thu�sday to take part;n the st,�ck-judging conte't ;It theX ationa I nairy Show here.The Carlisle indians have won sixout (�f seven games played this. fall Xext Thur!1oday the !\tudents of theVniversitv of California will produce"The Mikado." VentilationPower Plants and Power Piping�-26 SHERMAN STREET� ear Board or' Trade, CHICAGO� the Iaqat _ af ILia kiad iD the wodd..a.: odtaiYely Heatm. Appuaial. StnmaDd Hat Wats d.t H.b.INWOOD'nBWOOD"BASSWOOD; '.':': "onYWOOD.�.WEBliWooD ..TEAKWOODBAPLEWOOD·. E'l'C. .., _', .YOU WILL Fn�'D. WHATYOUARE'H�g,FOR. .,- - -QPfPSIn���'��" �POSr:OmCE.. ����.���-.&1IRC a. '111001 SMIUa _CllDlDY'� .... c.) �L:Y�"""': ..... ,...•• I� •Send in. yoar- :-subsCripiiOD.�{('Ir The Daily 'Maroon. ", .IT . MEANS"AmericaD Factoty, Rebuilt" mea: ns a c:�s'J of typeWriters, IDCb_ DO other CODcem does or c:an rebwld as we do. It is aD ideati­fyinc tenD aed to distiDpisb oar machines from the great ·masof typewriters which are otfefed UDder the name ·!Rebuilt."It means that if you buy an "Ame'ncan Rebuilt Typewriter" ofan,. make, you will cet a FACTORY rebuilt machine, rebuilt withnew parts; not· one w.t has been simply repaired and fixed. up 'in'an ordinary shop. but one equal to new in mechanic:al quality.We guarantee �ery machine we sell for one year, and a1� guar_antee the title.American .Writing Machine Co.TII .... n fin.MII DCURa � _.. ... »,.-s.... .. � -..k OI'eo. ...... e.o• .... a.r�319 DEARBORN STREET, CHICAGO 'relepboneH.rrIsoII 4065. .l..., � .'. '" ,.1. .IJ'-4" ,i',f,PO��RS, �-Tiff' COMMUlTERC�I�A�, ���:THE PENALTY.. :*'THHILDA SPONGGAR�ICKIbe 'b��lf��er.LVR�C-- 'fRITZ#:. $.(lfffF• r; \ \.)' •.III.• THEl.,KADOt--rIIrI:'r.� �.,..f:' ,t�·:·:· :.t\"'·Je.�" , ..��'.'-"(,rl� -:..:;- :.11,.;.' .\ .OJ, .,.�...;.-,'�� l:I�"{ ,, -: .f <.,t \I � . .II .:'I :. M���18��� .ABEL·' BITE '6 '.'Kf,'-OO"UII��.:.:�.-� '.�: {.,;. r.' ,.j,." t ",; .;\ do f, :. Larl'ia-TIIe Spirit., Wafts. ,-", �� ��!,.��-� ..�t ���,�..E"J�" �'THE-. SWeeies,:(iilf ia Piris, .'. I���E�UtWRIBTIIIS.....AMERICAN IlUSlCIIALLH"..fic Pauline. "retkHI ... s "__.,CLARICE VANCE.pRINCESS, . 'm DEEP PURPLEMCVlCKERS'''unce, Oko" ,. '''is anr· ,m,·'1111' Of' 8AUYIIORF.� , - - ...... � ..ii\ . ---_. - -_ .FUSHMB'('T�::P1fRDui' .i ,.r '-:... ;::l .:�;'P�n· 'o� "�iRs'r T�._, � _, .. ._ "__ l .'. ........... • .' ;,.,,.,(CO��� .. !r0m -. pap r)-the' big • huskies' against· him. ! He:1rU' suffering from ':'several'minor in-! juries befor� the"game, and die har'dand �e!�:g!wn -company ! work made them 'more troublesome.ToDicbt1D:rLa �� .. ';,;:" . He-isexpectedto be in shape for-theTuesda! .: ��f., •••••• L AlglolJ Purdue game without much difficulty.i�urs��: ���:.3 ....... ·:�amill�: The:: other pla�rs are 'ail' in betternday.:, nov. - 4� •••••• �. edoJ �Il' sHape :than 'at any time earlier in theSatu(day M�� �ov. 5 .. uPhedrf" year, and are ready for the stiffestSat. Ev�� ·Nov.· S, "Jeanne d'Arf!) 1cind:of'a :-,pme.Nezt� week'i Repertoire.: fJ Considerable attention will be paidMOllda).�·E�e.;Noi. T'LaSorcier�" to the "defensive' work, as the teamTues. Eve;�No� •. 8 "Jeanne d'ArJ·, .'1 seemed to be, weak in this depart-Wed. ·Mat., Nov, 9- •• "La Tosca" ,'. -ment against Minnesota. The de­Wed. ·Eve., Nov.'· 9 ...... L'AigIQu .. .. : fensive: backs' did not at all timesThurs. Eve... N�v. 10 ... ·'SaphQ" .... " support 'the line as strongly. as ,theyFriday Eve.,Nov. II "Madame X" '�ight 'in the opinion of the coach,S -M N' ,-) j ·��·u,··at. a!.,. .�f:.; 2::�:'1rrT·1 e.. , and this fact was to a certain extentSat. Eve., Nov. 12 .. Maoame X -e. for the. Gopher backs continuousBy· ReqUest:' ..... 4\{me:·!·,'Beriihardt. ; gains through the line. While Pur-will present. Rostand·'S· :'tieautiful' due will not have as strong an 'of-play, - La Samarataine". on; -Sun-.. fense as Minnesota, a similar defectday eve�, N QV.; 6. : :: . . .in the: Maroon defense might add. - . greatly to the Boilermakers' chances .CLASSES,WILL·ELECT, ',.' OFFICERS'" �TOIIORROW WiacC?nsm Still D�ded..\ .. "._ J\..)' ,'..,�"",. In . spite of the poor showing' of, , t· . .Wisconsin . against the crippled(Contiriued,· .. fr.'om page i) ;' -,MS" b______ ..:....;.;. _ __,;,_______ 'Northwestern team, r. tagg IS' YE.' H. ,Lunde:. , . 'no means �heerful about the team'sC, F. .Stephan. _- •chances against the Cardinals. They.. "TELLERS. 'had; some hard luck in their 'contestupPet'Seniori with the � Purple,' and' have been trou-8:00-9:�Edith\hind�Ville. 'bled with injuries. The WisconsinHaqrave Lone. teams have : always had splendid� '.. '.. '':'j : I,9:30-II :��er��ft ;����n' �. : .. "spirit; and the present eleven may-N*tlWde1: 'Pfetrer� . :well pull out of the difficulties which'now surround it. Mr. Stagg refuses-to consider any game a's won until itbas been safely ·ended.II :00-12-Withemina Pwi.��y.. "'��I!��.',.12:00-1 :�M�ry Lo.�e.. Etten ..1 _-" ��.� Ket6"�; .I :00-2:3�Lal1i)a .,�lder..':, : �W£,�f!'II. ?" 'n:.': .2 :30-4 :oo-Edith Zahringer.L Roy: Baldrid&e.LOWER; SENiORS. STUDENT TICKETS ON SALERales to Students for 'Purdue Foot-ball - Game Saturday. . ,I. JON· . T� (puNG ALINEI �.;"NZ: "" ..............� ,'.- ............ � _. . .'" -=:8:00-9:�Ertilly Arcmtt. Student tickets·· for the PurdueBjame·,L'liDde. ,- -football.'game -were put on sale �es-9:30-1 I :�Florenc:e -Gross, ·terdaY afternoon. These tickets may'.. �AJaD :Lotb. ; , b� .secured � at Bartlett Gymnasiqm,"I1:00-12:�Wjnifred."tutting. i for .sections CC, and DD, from' 10, : Stanley·,: F.··Benson.' ., . o'clock to' noon. and' from 2 to S.I 2:00-1 :�Lydia ·,Lee.;. <. I �Dti" Friday night,r• aobat:'F_er� J. > The alumni of Purdue have secured. i .; iFDDkIia Fiahcr. �, .'J : i'ection' b,' ; and tick�ts for sectio�s CI :00-2:JO-Bes:s-C���ht. ( 'and p� pf D 'have been sent to Pur-. .' � �= iF'���. I � ., 'due. A sp�cioll train, Carrying an: un-.. JUDi�'.i�eJd. �. " 'Usually larg�� number of rooters, ;wiU1:30-4:�Frau M� �renz. come from Purdue.· It is reporteduPP-BR JUNlOaa - . 'that the regular tickets ate selling8:00-9:JO':-fM�p.ret .}#��enoch. - lY'ell, and as' good a sale as at i the- DoD .BoJIiDpwortb! J Northwestern game is expected. I9:30-11 :oO--Bessie sclJ9mac)ler.;Harold �er .. ;II :oO..I2:00-Margar�t .. Mitcbell.·�rce·".' :12:00-1 :��ther: 1!a*ior. ,_--�¢, fuPCn-·I :00-2:Jo-Vir!p'nia_lj:�kins..;�·II�2: :J0-4:00-YO�a O�yle.OttO SCbDerriac. tLOWER JUNiORS. i.. r '.8:Q0-9:30-:-Yatpret "IHohand.. ':ROy aauDiaiui. - .9 :30-11 :oo-Nena' ·.WifsC')n�. David Adams. VERY COIIFORTABLE '1 roombouse. furnace'beat. lot 4OX1So. COD-�'. "veni�nt to; 'University; one' ofi thefinest streets'in H. P. Price $$000.if! ·'.fatmi·· - qUicldy.-Address Dept.B�';;";'Daili: MuooD.. :WANTED--Can yon write shortstones? .Magazine pnblisher wantsshon stories for immediate and fu­ture use. I Address· H. Z.' Wilber,6 E. Madison' St Room sao. .-\V e have been gunning for your trade forsome time" and have been very successful inba-gging it. However. we will keep ',_ on firing,unril there is no more business to shoot at.MiOur ammunition is the best possible-fortyyears of tailoring experience; a splendid, heavyline of fall suitings, and the' references of themost prominent fraternity men' ali the ca�pus. TI�. I�:OO-I :oo-Oliver-'lDavis.·,·1WwanI SteiLI :00-2:,30-May' Parey.HiD Leith.2:30-4:00-Evelyn Phillips.Georce LiDdsay.•. � ... ;(":", � .A :YOU.G,. WOIlAN (Wisconsinschool· teacher)' wishing to sPend.the· winter in Chicago, will be gladto keep bouse for woman teacherlocated near U. of C. Address theMaroon. LINDSAY BROTHERSTAILORS49-51 JACKSON BLVD. oPEN CLUB TO ELECTIIEIIBI:RS' AlfD PLAN'DINNER' AT IlEETING: i jfThe Pen club Will meet at' 10:30ihis morning in Cobb 3A. Themeeting has been called by PresidentPfeffer for the election of membersand the discussion of plans for thedinner to be given by the· cluti nextweek. Neither' the date not· theplace of the dinner are defimte asyet, but it will probably be given inthe . private dinning' room. of theHutchinson Commons.' f 3rd Floorf .-: _." r •FURNISHED ROOII FOR RENT�Large room wjth running water,steam heat. Loomis. 8,6 Eo 51St St.ONE nicely furnished room, suitablefor I or 2 gentlemen. Mrs. Leckie,,5825 Jackson ave., 2nd flat. PhoneMidway 390.(lOR RENT-$25.00, four furnished; r(k)m s-:.tcitch en, parlor, first floor,.modem, . Dear School of Education.5754 Monroe ave." 0]iJ1ill11:)'fhivIIGtlWANTBD-Man to wait table. forThe._.e�rollment a,t. t�e "Uni�ersity room and board. Apply Informa-of· North Carolina �"*J ::. , ',' ._. .. tion Office; 'J,II UU)(IIi;-> 'll,;" _r� ", Owing' to th� fact that' THE DAILY MA­ROON subscription bills were not mailed - until re­cently-c-dueito the press of. business customary at'th� beginning of a college year-' you are .given fourdays more to pay for same.. Your subscription to THE DAILY MAROONmust be paid before noon Saturday November 5th,or delivery of your paper will -be stopped. Pay in.person, or- send check made p�ya�le to,o '_ • acrlcc11p1lhBusiness M�ag�. .T�E. 'DJlILY MAROON ctIl:rEXT BOOKSNEW AND SECOND HAND,, II,I,ALL KINDS Of· ·STUDENT- SUPPLIES. Hig" .Class Stationeryy.'�oo5��eaf �ote BoofcsPennantS . / Souvenirs�. �... ..' ..Card files. )TII£ UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS: : RETAD. DEP�;- ' ': .. - ... - ",..-. �Barber Shop Saratoga HotelOpeD Day and Night.161 Dearbom Street.Turkish & Russian 7l(., PlAIN BAniS 125c,'A. McADAMSTHEStudent's Florist ,. IT IS EASY,SEI.F..coNF'ORMING., .. , - .-- .. saJRE.ANDDUIWII.E.--_ ...5.1rd St. and Kimhark Ave.Phone H, P. 18.PRACTICAL LADIES'TAILORS... SADLEa. Prop.hJI at WhIter Salts •••• to orderS35 at ... FIrst diu work gura.teedcu:AIaIIG AIfD REPAIRING......... ,-JfZt L ... srurr, lIAr nus AVIMUE .�.- � '_ •• 'f 3 _.,. �" �'"Be a loyal student and suhscribe TRY a Classified ad. ili'The Dailyfor The Daily Maroon. Maroon. They bring results...