-:... 'O f • t .: IqB:-:7:�:'j o· '1,;"�'I.�" 'p"'_I. .-b :'11 ':,;:�' :- �!: :.!I' .""'4 4 it .'...... I'. '«""r�.. eo,L •. '- - _·ft-'_.-_.. -� _�' � �.. '( -1'-;.. '., J " �- • �.�.i '. .' ....... :� .... j •UNiVEnSITY OF CHICAGO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27 191'0 •. "c;��,",: ':�J ol....,� .. .,...'S LmSIATlON, ROOTERS PACK· MANDELAT ·MINN.·MASS MEETING cLAss CANDIDATES NOiJiNAru Price Five Cents.Mra. Charlotte Gilman states thatLe�tioD by Womea is, Benefi­cent and that Political Parties ArelJe�ental to Government. - 1.. : ... � .. �; ..FRESHMAN . AGAIN LEADIN RAGGED SCRIMMAGEEatbustasm UDlilllited Will Be· Ar­roused to Back Team inGoDling· Game. Names. Submitted at Class MeetingsYesterday to be Voted on Novem-· �ber Third-Petitions Will be Re_ Score Eleven to Five in Contest Mark-ceived Until Saturday Night. eei by Uneven Wo'rk on BothSides.�• • Queens and actresses are the onlytwe classes of women who have ever UNUSUAL PROGDa" IS OFFEREDhad an equal chance with men" was JUIIII. the ol�inion given by Mrso CharlottePerkins Stetson Gilman in her lec­ture on ··Woman Suffrage·' yesterdayafternoon in Cobb hali.··li . is quite probable that womenwin unite solidly and vote against.. Osaka. Oct. 25- d N°ch I L E. men as a whole on social questions" I. Fre lOS 00.' ••••• 0 0 0The Maroons won their ninth '.,L· L Tshe contmued. "and physical force 2. Dean Inn 0 .'. • • • • • • • • • 0 0. straight gam'····e by defeatin. g the. II I. Th Gl CI b L GWI not u(" necessary to enforce the 3. e ee u . . . . . . . . . . 0:Wa�eda University-bji-the-score Ctaws so made. When women realize 4- The Team •of. g -....-. Chicago- made--six hits tnei duri h . Th B d R. G--. clr uues, t ey will simply refuse 5. e an . . . . . . . . . . . . . •and three errors, while Waaeda t .hE· ks R. To marry a man w 0 is 110t up to their 6. nc on... . . . . . . . . . . . . .0made four hits and four errors. S h R. E.standard, and in the course of time 7- John c ommer .--- that type of man will inevitably die 8. ··Wallie·· Steffen Qo B.Osaka. Oct. 26. out," 9. Director StaJg L. H.The Maroons walked away J 0 the objection that politics is too 10. Captain ··BiII'· R. H,from Waseda today by the score I f R F B. roug I a game or women, Mrs. GiI- II. ooters................ 0 0of 20-0- Chicago made 17 hits man brave as her belief that politics ..an, d 3 errors. while Waseda made an'd" liti I t' b h&,0 I lea par res were ot un , Above is the complete lineup for I2 hits and 8 errors. n d detri I Il _.;·;..,_-..;,.· ..: . ���s�ary. an. etrrmenm] to govern- tonight in Mandel. Play begins Iment. '·When women come into their promptly at S o'clock. Admission :BY H. O. "PAT" PAGE. Vrivileges of suffrage," said the lec., "free. IThe University of Chicago base- turer, ··these superficial objectional .With the most crucial struggle offeatures are obliterated. The home hi h t tball team has been royally entertain- the season approac mg, t e grea esW .d is the most pleasant and decent place h Id· I ded since its arrival in Japan. On e - cheer developer yet e IS p annein the world because women are con- I dnesday evening,· Waseda University for tonight. The cheer ea ers ex-stantly there. The reason that the Mdl·t htendered the Mar�ns an ela!>�flte . - pect to crowd an e as 1 as. � .. �,'. . d' .'. I ... rest orthe!:.w orld -is no. better I·S be- d d b f d to dobanquet:att��yok��:.p'yeno··� .'.1f� - ., never been crowe e ore, an .c�med' th�m· formally> The-reeeption ·I�t.-· e";' there ar;' t� f�w women ·in this they have brought together a Jam(S Donovan.'. Elmer Thomas.resembled one of those given- by program of star attractions.. W • Le...: .. l_· Ben' •• For .vice-President.:Prof. Stagg and the University of oman a 6_tion eficent. . There's a reason for theIr actions.' . .ChicagQ.. , to a .:.vis�t,ing foo. tba., II team; .�. ".y.; omen �n, no� get offices unless'. N vt,' only are' the GoJ>�.ers comin�. t? . Hira� .K.e.nllicott. .J1!� d .J.i , ..... - ell the M �. " ·Hirs·ch �Soble. ._ . :.. � '. ��r- f • •• :�(JioW.'t.U?a�� "8_?'OJI'C�-"�;" ,�_ �""��;""",��,,,,:�c;..-� .. :�y_o&,1- �o-hel1ll�ecV.:a�.. � mpl��S. , I�:-. -:'. . .... F��"Sec��.: ' ..'ri�als oi the diamoiaa -met._ friendly • som�t�mg that you' WI.II re�ember ; of�the·iWest. but· they have 'sent or...; I " ........ ., . .'.-' . -- '. f JonO'er than. ...... vth· I I ha Id '. k "'d tly . in lliss :aeien .. Gross .. ' .... . _ "ieeling �clS }��������·��:t¥:�,��E';l;; ��:':lf' i,o?"j :'��fig"'de se:f, .. ve!o 'ders for:.2,�' tlchaets. ·�VI .. :::, ';. �! Miss·JEffi� ,H;�itt. :the int.em, atton2l. 'bames._··',·.,.-.. ·_ •.. ;..... __. ':.. -i'�l ... ! ..... r-.,. :,1(: ��. �v.,.. �r.. ; � .. ,n.,.,.,.�.,( .. ;a�Cl.na.. bug, ;.tending' to bnng t t many JD., m.. �e,_S.,�. '.' . . .... __ -<_, _,• .' - \ :0 nat I ttl ' '.Th ! '- : �Mis.:i . J osep,hi�� .. �.em�Prof) ;.A�; ;&e�(jr rilf! citflleues -al' 1 I Ions Ic.' � �ma� m office, yo� : ta roote.rs to ;th� �me., '. IS' ��ns ..... " .. Fo� Trea3l&rero ...\' •. ' d' -de" ','and' oD'�be1.aiP or �'/�y'��;SDf�,that,.lt � not the votes :thaf to'win t, he st.ruggle. ··th.ere WIll be, . ) ..... +OJ _.. _ ___vase a, presl .... ' .'�. f tha I d h" � .'. . .... f Nornian. Paine., .'" ." , .. __th� University, welcom;d the Chi��i: i�? It����P t·p ace er there. No .needed'an·entbusiastic'outpounng�:o .. ; .' -C"lla' rles �.R�th���e.l.. ,,' ,. . ..dIP f T ka . legIslation' that has' ever. been at:' iChicag-o-irooters. and· the rousing . . . .athletes an -gent emen., . ro. a. -:. ,. .• . . ,," LOWE:,R JUNIORS..sukw, 'a" former: 'Classmate of Mr. tempted °fr earnl ed thrhough by the :ch'e�rfest tonight 'IS expected to do ; :, '.. ' F.·.o.r ··p.·.·res.,... -.�d.. ,�t. ... .-: 'Sta' I·n I� and Prof. Tabara. ren-, wo�e� 0 equa state. s .as .ever b. een the work. .: _ _-gg ""Y" .... blo.n-h b t b fi-=_1 -Dana Morrison. .,..� I' -.. . ·:.IeI on Eng" • 3� Ing u ene OL;� m lDtention" Nichola 00'· YeUs.', ..... 'dered. we coming au resses I -M G-I h . •.''I..ane �Rehm., .. .lish and were well und�rstood by the th rs. I man met t e membe�s o� One of the' chief attractions' offered , .. 1 For 'vic�jlr�dent.Maroons� Also Mr. Watalca, editor .�,��"flrage_ ���,,;�1lCf �he UDJver� is' the talk·on;-·Yells;' by Fred N:��h_- '.. _. .... '"of the Kohumm ·:Shlnibun •. the9Ui�; I�!tr.-:'��·lfGMr� ··M����tT' mght as the ols� lIr. Nichols will tell"' all about A( R. l?all. , .,est Japanese:':r���p��r� ":�acie" "a"' . ·guest··o ISS anon albot. yells, .th�ir history. and ,the ,th,eory' �f 1:: J. �:?��:�Ury.sp�ech e�tirely in J. aPane!!�_ .. rhis_, the art of' yell-making. "He' is an' �_ :. _ .. .SPEAKS ON BONDS AT' .h d' 'Miss' R. ,.Agar� ..Proved entertaining �lDd':was partly . pen on the subject.; as.·ht. as rna ea. '. . ... . ...CO"'''''' '. 'h Miss R.. Embree.under'stood by the maroons .. who.. ;... .III.�ARCIAL CLUB :.:icientific study:" of' yells since' e«- For Trecisu!'er.5p�nt. the s_ummer studying the lari- - gTaduated from Chicago' in ·.'97� , _...II· . � Thomas Colcman."uage at Chicago. . r. Frederick Carla Urges Young And there 'is: Dean 'Linn sl�te� .,or -. 'L' d .''"C n v_ . ..,.... f h' E .. H.' uil c.I Reply b,g Pr:_or_"'r' B':-,' � .'. � 0 ege � lO Ente£. Bond _. a speech." He 'is .always'· �rie -'0, �. e . " _ '.' . . :" ,"'-- �,. - '-,\'" 'Y'" • """" •. ;. ...., •'. ".' Earle Shilfon"r:}r ;.,. I'� '10 .4)·Hl'}�· ." .:; '".'. .r .'B1Diine8s. .... )' .'chief'at.tractions·at·the·bi.gg'est'. m.ass '.On'bellal 'l>1 the'uDlversity ot Chl-. .:.. C: F.' Stephan.. .. _.. �} .' \', £' h"� i�, �;�.'. meetings;' and' never' fails"'to .' 'inake I" ,'. :', '_ . :. � _" .' ....cago, Prof.'· BlisS and "'some 0 ··t C-' At the Commercial. club banquet good. Coach' Stagg; of' c�tirse •. will The above named persons ��e ye�.team replied. Thanking Waseda for jast night. Mr. Frederick Carls of the tell as much about 'the chances 'as' lie t�r(Jay"'�6�inated' fo� ,(;ffic��' ,�y .�h�:.:heir kind i�vitation and hospitality. L II T .Co .., 'S' 1% . '"h" fo�r' ui;d�r�a-dllate" class�s . at·, the�r,. '. h ,rarwe rust. .. gave a talk on the thinks·"proper. ··Wallie'. �eue�. ,t e .. .e. ..• .th�y exxpr�s�� t�e. h�pe that I� t e� �ponunities which the bond busi.. iootbalf expert, will :make . some"re- �ec·ting�.) : Ii -.'<is· . �xl�c�ied thatnear future the UniversIty of ChIcago 1% '..•. "Ca. a' - number 'or' additiona�: .. n�m��h . . t Chi . ness ouers to college men, and ex"; marks;, and Schommer:'" and:·. p.taln '.COUld. repay t elr. courteSies a - plained many of the "ins and outs" C�wle;; a�� I�oked _to Jor something will': 'be' 'added .. to .. ·i�e. !isis·._ by:cago In 1911. .of that line of business. "The bond .C:llcocraging .. 1 .. '. '.) .. '.' ..... p�titioii';to�thc-'Uriderg::-aduate'Coun-Following th .. �COll�!,I!?f- J�t.!!... ?J)�in� �d Ii;?, ;'-�'rls, ··offers . - - PI�ty'of .Kusic.:. _ cit Such petitions--m�st be in the.American and ��® waety, 'l!hf �at �:Oi-hmiiief:"foi: �. the college The pr('\�oi�rs' �f� the meeting ar.e. hands: tif . the: ("oUticil' before: Saturday'�wo teams sa�g 11leU' alm� mater an inan . today who is willing to start in co·mpli�enti.ng. :th�mselves' .()D :�ec':1r- night: The nanie� of all candidates,.he �Id Ct.lcago. Yell drowned ou� at the boltom and dig. The man who. ing' the ban�" for" ,the '��eti��;, as' \�hether'fl()ininatcd at ineetings:'or by'the \\ aseda .battle cry .although th_ ._i!!�'.?f'�t'. ���,�e.4 to use his mind and they think' 'the'-l>and' is with()o� a', �er pctition·. will be placed 'on the ballots�e\V dress S�lts of the Ma�s.;��.:. '�"fig.m.e "'out ··wlly" things are so, will .. s an eritbu'siasin' maker. : With;' the' until an i",·e�tig:1tion �hows 'that' the�rterfered With t�e v�al pr�bYltle�. �uce�d in the bond busincss. Chica- band :music, and di� ',singini;'�f '�he candi,latc I:' :"uitably ·da:-�j�ed and 'is�he ,men. �eeplDg In .mlDd Pro. go is b�coming one of th� be�t bond Glee �Itlh, led by'. Gordon Erickson, dc�ih;t. for puhlic' appearance' accord_.Stagg s tralDlng rules retired at 10 raising places' VI the country, and t�· song practice will be. giv�n a ,.igor- ;ng' to the rule:' laid dow'n in the'P m. bond business being practically a new :U�. wvrkout.· ... • l"ndcr�r:tduate Course nook.'Foliowing Waseda's welcome th� bnsine�s, has a great future ah�ad of :\ new yell i� to be' offered: for the -Meetings Not Exdt!ng.:\m�rican Ambassador. His Excellen_ it, panicularly in 'this section. The. appru.;al of the rooters: This is the Tht. I1Iccting-:-- Wl'n_·. inr thecy Thomas T. O'Brien, received the t�nden�y toward speculation is de- ··1 \Vitl" yell. written by Fr�d Nich- part. dc\·,·,i,1 of :lIly :'l' " ... .-.t iOllalAmerican coll�gians in royal style at cr�asing and that toward in\"estments 01:, to rill a ncco for a short, showy, ture's.the legation. The members of the is increasing, all o,'er the country." impressi\"C ycll. It is said to be a Excitcment rail free bt"fore the.ernhassy with their wives an.d a num- �ood one to open up with betwecn lll('('ting�. h"wl'n-r. t'.;pe"ially· amongbel' of foreigners of Yokohama and Alumni Committee to Meet.. _ l1al'.e:o', or in moments of grcat stress.. till' unda c1a:-:-l':- wh .. :-l"('mt,d to ha\'cTokyo wue- --present, also' Count A meeting_of the exccutive.commit_ This y�IJ.· a!" well. as aIJ the others, !t.ss u:lani'1lity of Ilpinion. rt'gardingI)ktJma, found�r of Waseda ·and· con- - .t�� of the College Alumni Associa_ ivill he put through a thorough praC'- Ihe I)t.'r:,,('n� 10 ht' nlllninalt"1. ·It was�id('rcd the_ foremost man of Japan, ',ti�n 'will be h�l� this �v�ning at ";ao tin'. The four cheer I� .. d�rs. BaJd- 110t(';1 1":lt ,.len'n wnmt'n were in­Pr('�ident'.TaJcata� ot�Vasedi.'(Jniver-: i�, the �.\I��nl"office, Ellis' hall: to �Ii�. riflg-e. Ganlncr. Hall and Rn�enth .. l, dueled among' tht� thirty-d�ht ('andi-sity. Pr�sident Amada of Keio :._Uni- Ct1�s a ri�w' �plan proposed by the :.re g-oing .to It'ad the yells .. and al�l) f'ates, fOi the :"ixtt'l.n otlii"C�.' The'ersity and a number C;{ ii-;e Ja'panese Alumni� council. making Alumni day s�e to it' tlmt there is som�thing do- (.th('e· of .�('crctary !"cciJl('d m()�t pop_nohility along with' three bali teams:' '3 C1�operati.ve affair. on account �f ing all the tim� aft�r the first whi�- ular among- the WOTl1('n ('andiflates,After a musical c�ncer't ,the' guests the four associations. Hitherto a tI�. ten bt-ing nominated for that officeadjot1rne,d)oi!��' _�rd�� .'�here Am- !'�parat� Alumni day has be�n lIeid Also Gordon Erickson"s new song, :" th� df,i·crcnt das�c"._aCoatinaed on page J) .'j for each society. � (<.:ontinued on page 4) ; "',Coniinuell on pa�e J)j 4WNINTERFERBWiTB PRACTiCEf UPPER SENIORS.For President.Vallee Appel.H. 1<. Baukhage.For Vice_President.Miss l\Jollie Carroll.·'.StuHy" Place. Former UniversityGraduate, Treats· Team to a._ .Ja�e8e· Banquet. Fred Nichols, Author of New Yell,to Address Students-To TryNew Song. WiJliam Crawley.Harold Gifford.For Secretary.- ...Miss Alice Lee ..Miss Mary Phistcr,For Treasurer.Elmer Beatty.Everett Robinson.LOWER SENIORS.For President.Raymond ). Daly.Albert G. Heath.Clark G. Sauer.For Vice-President.Wilfiam P. Harms.Miss Alice: Kantrowitz,I'aul MacClintock.For Secretary.Miss Alice Garnett.Miss Florence Gross.For Treasurer.Earl Hutton.Ralph Rosenthal.UPPER JUNIORS.For President. ._MINNESOTA ANNOUNCES LINE-UPGopher'Team Weighs Ton-StudentHopes tor Low Score-SomeGloomsters.mostfca- The Freshman eleven again dc ,[eared the Varsity in a loosely playedscrimmage yesterday afternoon. Thefilial score was I J to 5. Fletchercounted for thc yearlings, and a scorewas added when Hume Young muffedthe b,,11 behind the Varsity goal line,and a fir:;t-Yt:'ar player fell upon it.Crawley made the Varsity's touchdown. Neither team showed partieularly well, there being Iack of teamwork on both. sides.The new i)l�ys 'taught the VarSil)during the last two days were usedin the latter part of thc scrimmagewith g'oo'd' success. The lat'c hourat;whkh the playwas started, and the�arly darkness interfered with ; the ;,vork. of . both teams, and. hall COli siderahle effect in making their showingdistinctly ragged. The Varsity dtdnot use its regulars, Kass�lker andSauer being. on the side Ii�les. White-"side appeared i_�. his regular positiorat guard. The lineup:; Va��i�Y.,'. . .'.� .' ,. J";resh�lI��. '.1G. Kuh, )_;'onger. L. E. '. Smith.�.�a�e.��c.Ite�. ,�. X�� .:; � ��_:.� :,HCl�.ri�:, ���Ga!l�ng ; �. _. ... � . :,�. G: ...... �. _Ed��I.I<:I�. :�.i"Y���ng: ... � .. � .• ,. �. � ... C� .'� . .,. �; 1 �fi!!t;r . '.�\Yl!.jt�i�e� "'-.:,.�: R.-:G -N.el�o�';;J· Ca!p��t�.� �.,; .• �R:�.T� •. ! .HucY, .. Relim :�:· Paipe;:J'''� � -; ... �,;. R·c.;E·.- •. :: � .'�� :¢��tle�J: t';:· H. ')'X��� .:.,-,�. = Q.;.:���,. ";� ... F�et�l_l�r;·;;;'· Ro�ers. - - .• _ .:.L..H�,B.r.'_�'. � .Lavery'. ; .. .::Cra.�).e�"·. ;:; �: ::�)I)i�.� .'� .: .. :: No�gre�:,._... R. ¥ ���g:,. � ••.• : F� J.1.'�.-::�: ... .- M���and�r" :; .. .._: Take .Long ;Workout.�. ... . .... �:f: The workout was· th�-'jong�st of the·s�ason. It.!,was ;8: ,o'clock' .bcfote the:Ia'st man .went to the.,gymnasium .. After. the scrimmage; the '-m�n :were)work�d �n:,bl�kirig, �and": ;.def:ns·fy.·e "';:.tacti�.', j -'\'ind-sprints wcrc' �he: fi,lal _.number �f the. program.' '�The�imen�sho�ed. poor., lasting:. qualities .. �· in7 th·e.: :.final. qual1er .of I' the. :N9"�\\'eStern. ;,:'game and ha\'e been kept.:;.hard·: ,at .:;.\\'oa:�:;sit:lce:,t�. build. �p :;t"'eil:��ndu�_,;ilJice� ; .: �he. ga"!�. Saturday;.i� expect�<:, ..;e� to be a far m9re ·seve(e;:test,. and; .. 1it�e .��en; are·.be.!ng, :,pushed-·:to:,their-,':.limit to prepare for it;:·· ,1;" IN.yt�jng., ,:�efinite-��:h��i�b("e�' ;�Dn4'�nced r�g;ard,�g, �be JiJl�up� ;lgainst. (;.M;in.nes�a;,:bJlt .:it· ,is, ;thought;that�·.pr,a<;ricalJ'y'; HI� .. :s�me .. men ·:will ;'startth� game -as w�nt in against lIIinois�w�th:.th� �ception ::C)f.. ,Wilson, and ..pe�ltaps:Rogers.--· Hume.. rYoung' i�; be�H(yed··tQ; ha�e th,e�:qua"erha("kf-�Q_"ition . ci,l'!cI��".. .H,e: is:. full ··of snapand .gin�;:.�nd: rq�s: the -:t�am .Hlap.pily. He is being gh·en lets ohvorkto accul"ton� him to. the' place. Men­aul Ita� a R',?od cha'nc� of heing ginna placc in' the 'hackfield on the..trensth of_his .kicking:- if he start .. ,it will hc in 'place of Rogcrs. as neith_er Cra"'lcy not: Ralph Youn� c:ln be,;p:lred on account of their �hilit\- :1:0''�rolmd-gainers. .Minnesota·s Lineup Arrives.The lfinnesrta. authoritic:, h:1\'c"'cnt thcir prohable lineup to :\Jr.Sta�g. ·It runs as follows:Lcit End--.sl11ith, IS2.l.eft Tackle-Walke-r. 2Or�., ',eft Guard- Rrcm!cy, '90,Cent('r-MorreJJ. 19<�.Ri;dtt· Guard-Rohinson,' 2T 5.W�ht Tackle-Young. 10-1.'<,hiht End-Smith, .. I80. -(Continued on page .:) "Jo p. m. m, �ODuDOnS:' '25' Cciits�ISO 1I1to11C1 • are WaDt4::u lor 'tIle'MiL- NOTED BMGLIsH BISHOPGUEST'OP'PAC LTY TODAY, , ''.J' '{IIII;Jil'.Jlli Iiln 1IJ;1It '10 '.J'I') Will",tUI)u d .-:i �'JiJilucl JI;IIJ 11 •• il·)·)l,IH 'Jill It 1 .as: .JlO ,6lIsaC�sws b,lIlsw 2!,�no:.Ja ,dJ �d �sbadd \ I ebsm 0',bam sb�sW ,:_ iJ ,;-'111. ,11')11111'11 1.,'1 �f111;� J: 11�1J;.1iJilul( 1I;JiJ bibti 1'.)11 �I: ')IJ;-:'; 111:111lJ JIJI,t! '.)1')'1/ ;.:,)iI1J;CI 11;')iJil'''l I!IIJ: .r15'/U� III ,1J.:11I'JIJli'tj �lJ �������-!!!!!!!!!!!!!..:.'1 ilJ uJlli :1111(1) 1I�IIIO''''-II')1i11' .1fI'J1II:,,1 'JJil hit:..: '. ".J�1;1111J� il) �'J:';")1i ;il(lnoiJ,)'Jldu lI;biI1'J'lu� 'J'.'.)I' r" ;1'Hut'.J Ilud 'JilT ,u':JJr.l'JJild,) :>1C �·.J'U!C'J·1,'jj'k,rTA aGHOa'MO a:XA:a«i2JAI:lSi:!lMMO:l"�rb �m��I"R �.. &� ... VI '8niwoil_n,n�:)7.3. eiH .�Ob"�lGdmA. ns:>h,!IJ b'vi:)')�' .n�h3 0 .T ;;:£mortJ£ ,I'O'! IG'{o� ni �n&ig'}tf():> n&:>i-r�rh 10 i!'1'.Jdrn,rn �rlT .. noil�"2')t-rnun & bns �"/i'lI 1j"h riliw 'U�2hnG r.m&�o�to·{ 10 It_���� ....... --u.l.A._+���;':"���""_"';.l!"T.q��-' .-TBE-SpaldingTradeMarkfor all AthleticSports . andPastimesHYoa areint«;r­ested 1 nAthletic Sport.yon :'shonld ' have'a copy 0 f the'Spalding Cata-. ' '. Iogue. It's a com, .Guarantee of plete encyclope-,:� . QaaIlV. �f!'n�81f:::__. '....'f ...-;_' __ .-a .free.on request...is known tbrough-'out tbe worldas·a .,Th� JoImso� ..,� s,stmar,t::.�'�(�, ....\i.' ,'. • "l�' ��.�. ',. :1,�e' leat ... ··S1Udard\�. ?;:.�.'�, .. ;/� .. IInata1Ied in �;������ of Cbi-c:aco ...... :s'.���.<?rJ��� .. :C4?mplete S�'for aD lIetboda. ;i�.s� blrB_�: l .... T··: ...: 'Steam' Control of HUmidity:.Reducing Valves·for:Air. Water.. Hot·,Water Tank RegUlators.H. W. ELLIS. Mci'.�cago Qftice, 93.'Lake Street "wtDE B!''i'RII':::;''�I:'"-:-. . '.' _., :'otDYS··PA�.}: ..ABPTQB DESCRIBES .. sidulC; 'at Liia.illa:' A��t . s� pma� lOll Oil MAROOIIS will be. played .. in' the laland6,with di.�',' .'. � ,� .., .',' : natives:'ioreia� and Navy teaJU.J:" . (Cozitinued from pace I) . ,;After the.e.Pines some of the· Ka-: �c:a.D clainties were served by the Ia- roOnS'1will cODtinue over jute) Europe,. dies. Mi', O'Brien promised to' be while the majority' will 'return to thowith the Maroons at the Pme. .States .via . .yokohama and Seattle in, .Practice for GameL time to be in school in the winter. HERE IN Au. PRQPORTIONS 'Since the arrival the men have. quarter January 1St, 1911. .spent most of their time in practicing 'rcmpol'U7 Schedale. AND SHAPESfo� the �ig games, although rain has Leave Tokyo Oct. 23. Imperialinterferred conSIderably with the railroad.work. On ,Friday' the Americans Visit in Osaka Oct. 25th, visit inpracticed on the battlefield at Wase- Kyoto 26th, 27th •. da before JOOO enthusiastic fans. Ev- Visit Kobe Oct. 28th, 29th, sail forery play of tne Maroons was greatly Moji.appreciated and at every turn the Visit Shanghai, China, Nov. 2ndmen were shot by a camera. The and 4th.Japanese are very anxious to obtain Visit Hong Kong, Nov. 7th, 8th.pictures arid autographs of the men. Visit in Manila, Philippine, Nov.All the odd moments of the Chicago roth, 19th.�en are taken up either receiving vis; Visit Y okobama again Dec. 1St, 7th.'tors or shopping on the Gin"za. Arrive Seattle on Kamakura Maru.On the eye of the first battle the N. Y. K. line, Dec. 23J'd.managers, captains and umpires of Complete 18,000 mile trip at Chi-A. fi. Spalding & Bros. each team were entertained at the cago about Dec. 27th.J mperial Hotel by the Maroons, and O&ic:ials for Games._______ are the Largest the rules were discussed and final ar- Mr. Nishikawa will act as chief.Manufacturers _ rangements were made for all the umpire for the international series andin the world games. will be assisted on the bases byof Arrangements .and Schedule Mr. Mishawa on Mr. Takata.Official Oct. 1St, Saturday, Waseda.· A bronze trophy has been offeredf.·' ,. Oct. 4th, Tuesday, Keio. , the winner of each series. The p{izesqu.pmen Oct. 6th, Thursday. Waseda. are statues of a Japanese ball playerOct. 8th, Saturday, Keio, in action. The Maroons are keen af-Oct. r rth, Tuesday, Waseda. ter these, and await the games withOct. 13th, Thursday, Keio, (Final .nuch anxiety. The next account willgame of 3 series.) be of our first game and the generalOct. 15th. Saturday, Waseda. characteristics of Waseda's play.Oct. 17th, Monday (National Holi- The batting order:day _ Tomon Club' Waseda Waseda. Chicago .graduates.) , Hara znd base 0. RobertsOCt.-.19th, Wednesday, Waseda,' Fi- Tobita rst base .•. Sunderlandnal game of 5 series.' Iseda (Capt.) ·3rd base .. � ... :•• BoyleOct, 22Ild. Saturday, Tokyo Club. Oi pitcher Roberts orIf rain, game 'will be moved on to' Page.-following playing day. Fukabori . Right field. Pegues. (£pt.)A. G. Spalding & Bros. ' Thednitial game oi the series was Ogawa Center field. � ... Collings":', -"}:ltiwabi*-A;'_'�- _ :":,::-: .posponed on acc;ount,of-,rain- so'Wa- Mikami _.Left field- .•••• Clea'ry orseda wilf be met Tuesday 'OcL .4th Ehrhorn.in first "battle, Nevertheless the men' Nonomura � .. Short stop .......• Bairdwere kept �""::9n a rule quiz and Yamaguchi or .. Catcher .. �... Paul orA M'_ 'A'DA''M' S" -'., .:basc:-balLw:as�.·�·UsS.�d for �o hours. Matsuda. Steinbrecher ..• C� , ". In, �e aftemOODc: Dr.: Spencer. a for-I:r HE' ". i.-mer Maroon. gr.l�te, receivew the.' -, ' �,'_. .: ,-:. '," 'boys;·: and ID-'.the evenipg "StuHY·Stodenfs: �l ·florist -. . 'Place '�ve 'his :�oUeagu!,s ',a. re�!, �ap-.. _' . ':--'" L I' � �. ;.-', ���se,\'trea� 'at-the Uyeno\TsuryuraI SWSt. ... IIC __ .Awe... · A.a.eH.P� Is.. ' a' very�swell: Japalises- ca�:"'O .. � . Elections:'Week"froai: Toda,F": .,',: ' -, '_ 'i; The men 1 went � unheralded aDd of The 'elections' wilf be: held a w"'eek.... 4� ·�' '.��" ..'_."' '..-'" 'co�� �eDr )'apUiese style in the Jill- from" today, Th�s4ay; 'Nov��' 3-'':: s;i,��'.� ��; �� . .':��e each pre- Petitions: for 'changes in' clasSifiCation'pared to enter stocking footed re- to·- allow a 'student to vote �th' the): ) !;�c!I�s of ���es;., � �n;: ;p.uns- claSs with, which' he' enteied' coD�taking bows. will be received: by the' 'Uridergriad�:-- '--:Move- �iiUiiiher-'-tWo "fo�Dd- them ate· Council ;not later' 'than' Sa:turtfajuDiIcii �,!��. - -,_ - squatted, around._on mats. With ,their night. The --polls: will.be 'OpeD &om"c' ." .. __ ",.� ..... -:v-:...D�.�;_ 7. ';:;individual charcoal fire stove before 8:30 in' the morningm.ti14 iii 'the af�'·.)be� _���f .. guid.e �S� .. then __ Ot� lernoon in order that everyOD�' may':::de�;ed": up: '";rbi, =aiial�t� -:i-ellshed ; have a' chance to vote. .:��most, th� item" entitled ··NDa1 N'�":-�cook�: .in ,�Sho7a.". ',_� Iaean:;::si�.,-Okok� �,:pickie �C£_'Was iWh� LECTURES TO LAW.STUDBHTS� up ��:the,sid�"ancl-ftrioueCt:diSb�we� prepared to,tJae.best_9f eadi';� ;Rogcr Cooley to Give. Series of Pac;.let� cu����i��es�":1h' t??�0� -tical TalkL -.loacls t�t the·Chop -StiCks traDspOrtedwere remarkabl� After ,this nOfti ex- Mr. Roger W. Cooley. ·.author ' ofpe�en� the ·m�·.:joam�ied b�iei..; :Cooley's Briefs on' Insurance, WiD.,,-a� bargaini-:,g�at ev� ��-. :give a series of practical talks.oa the�: �tet� ."'.,�:� .�_::;: �··Use of Law Books and the Ramaing. Not t<n»e.oUtdone ja'the"'eutertaiD- ;.'Down and Collecting of Legal Au­ing.�ine" )(r.r�d )(�.:·��ce invited 1ho.�ti�� :�omD:'e�� .)(��y ,.af­the)oYs �t t� their::c:oaatly-hol..e; �,te�oon at 3 o'clock. _�is coarse is '�;';:.:,:._ ... �. ,"�.":�"J"":"�' ."" T'�·.!"on·,at �a��j for Sunday &aer ':of,great �po�c�,t�da .. ;;stu�en� :auc Un:&ea au�itll r���1aoirae .cOOkiiig·'·CAIIlencall A.as it will t9.�. ��!he �o�-wayStyl�) �''';whidl�: the' � ViSit� �to use. legal enc:ycl� digeSts,tt.e :���tal 'Peers Scb061 ;'ud textbooks.. c:i��ons and ,�otat�fthe �losbi �.SiCCekiaii�fOi· trirIs-. .". 'collections of �rted cases.. �. Al'rangemeats haft< beea completed 'meetings' wiU be held in sec:tiODs ofto �tend·.�:·trip in the Orient. The 25 �embers.next �-:the': ma."-WiD; •. ".... far-. thei;iatcfJapa aDd_mk�'=mpleS NEWS. �il' TJJS.��L' BOD,at Ni1ctro; 'aDd.fter .. liilemaiional .series 'the Maroons WiD ·Ie&ve for, .In spite of the handicap of s�t,rsouthwestern Iapaa stoppiag at 05:.' 'numbers, the Sophomores of.�aka and Kixoto to plQ- Wasecla. Uni-. �se almost invariably win ,.die an-"0 C! __ wlAA I'IA.:. 1 • "ersity a couple of exhibition games. nu�l. salt rush and it is JII'Oposed toIK£WKt; � From there the men wi1 visit Kobe inaugurate a contest dlat will moreand embark for Moji and Nagasaki evenly match the two classes. jrJoll·, .alland then over to China probably�topping to play at eith�r'- Shanghaior Hong Konc....' . To co to, IIaDiI8The �ns:;� go to ,;Ma-.. : - nila for a ten-day,:stay as tbe pesis�nd in your subscription today �f Mr. White,.a former Maroon grad-f 'W"L._ y,._iJ' )I' .' �ate and now head of the Bared, of .... ortyeight .:andidates fo nhe fresh..or. & ..... ·..,.1 Y .rooa..'-' -. Educatioa in the Phillpine Isl&"ids; men crew have reported at the Uai-and also other AmericaDs DOW· re- l"ersity of Wisconsin. ,Do It NowQI� •• ,S",. Dldafors'":HATs GLOWSCANES ,UMBRELLAS"AND FURSCANDIDATES, NOMINATED:' (Continued from pag� I)'Nickel-in-the-slot telephones haveheen installed in the' women"s hall ofthe University of Minnesota, because. the \Vomen used the free macbiaeatoo much. A. BISHOP 11 (0.156 STATE STREET, Edahl;.hecl 186083.00COLLEGE MEN!. ,�-:,�-i You are Invited to Inspect OurSuits and OvercoatsBefore Making Your PurchaseWE ABE GLAD to showour gooti, for . u.atmeaDS sales to Us.231-233 DEARBORN ST.� of �'" BEADY TO WEAR" ClothIng.�--------------------------.'O' .rMENS, S-HOP-'AL· SCHLOSSMAN.... , '�.. -.CALLING. particular attaition to our. Jarae UliOIbDeDt of ..: BANNOCKBURNS.;HARRIS ':1WEEDS.�sOOTcH· CHEVIOTS.iotbe De\ftIt'shades, -of . Brown' 'I; and.GraY.: fOr' Fan"and W-m�:����,}ip:_,:�f','� ,: ,,;;,_.;WATCH�THIS·SPACE· FOR. '-THE:'FORIIAL' OPENING-OF OUB:SHOE DEPT.•- L,.;.r, ........ ,�"'": ),..,; ...... � ..- T�:fO� �y�.· .. iI�, Two·Ito .. :44J��·IP" La: Sane Street.·.. . "_. ',->:' .., ..... � ,: . ..:.� ;��:'�� ��iiu�i ... � .....; !!!!untE,ARTCORNERt .r!"; • '-:.r ....... '� .\- •... J,,'" • "" .. - ..... -.- --' -_ •1480 E. 53n1 ST. .' .Arts ud" ·c� Goods,All the news of the Campusin The Daily Maroon.{�- �. 1HE PLACE'TOBUY YOUR CIFTS.. , To be:�: for your sabscription for - -I� aa"r •• roOn-U� ,.1 Leave . it- . at _ the Maroon Oflic:e.• �j... ...�. ........ :THE DAILY MAROON. THU�DAY, OCTOBE� 27. 1910.A • USB. B .. If 8 FRESHIIEN AGAIN(.LBADas.o·J;:.) -RooTE" . j i , ':... _ ...... _ .. _.... .�������-:1���----�-� •••• liiiiiiF����������. ,. �" "-"_ ''_-- --_._ ,._.,, A�-�S ���NG ;-��u.�� .. .: .. -�:-' .... .l":�� I(���,:;.� �Ofh11,.wt) . : i�: ������u�,·;��:��:>�;·�···l '- ,:� ·J; .. �"_ll. 'l:_) �:.:.l.:·(:.��e n'J��r:s�';�':�I:""-·{lua-!:'L.L��J.cd.UJ.,I�.:. , I, G''" 'G' . _ .' .' : r ---AU .. s >: •� &.__.,.� uv I"45J. - :J: •. ()!r .9!,'-��hi,·cag9r�.is .to .be -t�ied ,� j ... ; ':; ••• --., ti' � .�, ..._Left Halfback-Rosenwald, 1611 , . ,o.�; �or:. �he �&t time.in public, It.has • I .. -- -. .}(jght· HaJfb&a-ns�i�s, 161.! 1 . )la� .two .rehearsals .. at ,glee . .elub .. : ..... e_: . eavytt·ulJback-lJob�il;1162. I!. ���.tJngs and has made a. hit with·.all .. , " : .. ; .'. .. I�'The total.. w:eight,of �e,.eleven;men . the me.mbers.. Following are the :':"r,amounts' 'to 'an"e�en 'ton, ':in the'lin. e, words:. .' . -When: Minnesota and Chicago meet on MarshallG ..'. Field next Saturday· for: their anDual clash.. thethe average weight: is :about twe�llY °of J�o! Chicago! Your sons and Gopher's. w�ll out .... eigh i Maroons, :1iom ;end 'to'pounds heavier than that of the pitb:" daughters we, end' by twelve pounds-tq the-:man:: .In· additionable Chicago lineup. Ile'tDe ba � Bearing the emblem of dear Var';' =��eigh� th�,Gopber'.8 �!e,:�� aDd.lX-field, Chicago has__'a'�slight advantage, sity. ova. UNI of suitinga· is heavy. We,.carrYiDg.athe 'men a,oeraging :abou{·fO.ir pounds GI�ry' arid honor the teams here . line of fall goods that can not be.1uIIIed by aJlY''heavier. .The. .MiDDesota 'lline -aver- ,have won her, . other tailoring firm' in the city.: '1Ii additlon:::toages ten 'p' ouil(ls heavie�" tlia� � the Wearing Maroon, the color grand- . that 'our line bas CUSS and as far; as DPlllDCIin making clothes is concerned, our record, ofmuch-vaunted Hlinois'. forwards. 111 est of all .forty years of tailoring In ·this city is sufficieutthe backfield, McGovern and John- So say we, Go! Go! Chi-ca-go! Our evidence. CalJ and see us.MARIE TEMPEST ston are cle\'u' dpen � )i�i4: �unners, spirit will prevail,while Rosenwald is a line plunger oi Fighting Chicago, never known to• • • CASTE--. •• no small ability. McGovern- 'kicked fail. .three field 'goals out of three 'attempts Lose or win,in last year's game,' and is in every \Ve ever will sing,way a dangerous man. Chi-ca-go, Chi-ca-go-go.Expect· Low . Score. , ... ,The Chicago student feeling is that DEBATERS HOLD RALLY-while defeat is almost 'unavoidable, WA�T THE CHAMPIONSHIPthe team will succeed in .keepingMinnesota to the lowest :Score :they· Coach McElroy and Old Debatershave made this yea�: �Th; riew�ri.des Urge Candidates to Work forha ve a tendency to bear the scores, Team.and the Chicago team' �as shown anability to hold when near the goal The debate rally held in the Lawline. The hopeful ones base ��'theu building yesterday was considered tofeeling 00 the !ow:s�r{ to whicli,the be a success. Presiding over thestrong 1Ilinois and I�dia�a - teams meeting was Coach .McElroy, who, inwere held. Both ot these teams arc .ld«;litio� to winning Varsity honorsconsidered by their' respective �tti. iot Chicago, has shown his efficiency-dent bodies as candidates for thf as�. coach by developing last year'sWestern championship, and arc be: debaters into a combination whichyond all question strong aggregal won the championship of the Centraltions. Minnesota is generally feli Debating League. In his addressto be their-:superior".by\ a.l decisive Mr� McElroy urged that the men '1'." -, i l>I'IO'fj ..margin, but' the-supbriority 'is not bel vork hard with another inter.colle, . Card files Pennants . !. Souvenirs � "iieved by 'most of the Chicago stu- . �iate, championship as their ultimate � 1n 9'limnL:dents to warrant.. an ·over,whelminF ··,im -. Since the organization of the T' H'·'f UN'IVERSITY, O',F eRICA·.Ga· ..score in favor' of the 'Gophers� ,.' ;entral ,Debating League, Chicago. _ , ' .... There are'thos'e;-however; 'whoQe� 'llas won the championship once, and :1;. 'J:'): . ,�oJ':' ';',!','.' '. RET. AIL DEPAR.,.�_.!'_.' ..,..•• \ '_&a.-'!��'"clare. that- they �are .. unable_ to . .share '�dichigan twice. If Chicago wins her . . - -th�ho�ful:�lin� The�ili���� ie��s;ili�y��Michlgan�k�will �.•; .•������������������������.•_�_.,.i .•. �.��Minnesota 'h_as;be.e�. �.���.�g..\..in 'up�: .1 e· cut down. More candidates haver' 'j:'" : 1 • ,.', .::, .. :.. :..,',OLYMPIC date, and that they will try to\�qaal; .;:.greed o� entering the tryouts this;the 29 to' 0 scores ;wblch"Chieago in-: �, ear; .than ever. before.'The ·All1.�OR· mcted upon their' teams;iil 'iggg'and: : The effect of yestel'day's meeting• Jai' 1908. These are :known·.·to�,rimkle in' �nftuenced several men to hand in-' .' � . the Gophers' bosoms,'-..and'·:an Jeffort' �heiF�riames�'to; Coach' McElroy �as"ilb' "AlIACE ED_GEl ••.. at revenge. is .ei.p�c.t:d::(,1�e .�loom-: fontestants. Mr. I� E. Ferguson, who, • "�"- • ' ....... �.v-n .... • sters '-announce: that: lMillnesbiaL':){as; represented .. the' University on theb�eD: ,savi�g:, up -1�;lth.is:\·�eveDge ,all' fliamp����lii�:-:��!>ai�-.tea'Rt� last ye��,'d�n� �h� ��Op'!;��i'Y�h�t��Rt ts:�;en aSi.0�;the. I90B team, spoke'atto; rea�ize it Sa�r��Y; •. �; .Fe�(p��n�,t? �le r�'�y'ly,est.er��y. His subject wasthe MlDnesota backfield as one of the ;��, .Value:;: . of: Deb;lting' to. themost powerful brought t�ether i� ��,�t i:,Mr.:.!rI� F. Carpenter. also ,ath�. V;I ��'! ���, �� t�, ���t�,�f the m��b�r. �f: ,I�� :: y�' s championshipChicago \ COmblJlatiOD_' �. b£, I�hen te���, .�a. d.e .qtrong appeal;to the. un_Steffen,;..lddiDgs"Crawley and ��_ . der-:�d�tes�. He;spoke of �he bene":wi�e wore- the·:Mit6Oft.��� . ,\, � fi�s:a�sil1g.Jrom all early start in the.Teams Eat Together." �_:': for_�l1si,c: :fi��d, �nd . of : the special in-Both of:the' teall'S 'win', be', 'enter- � duc���ents 9f{ered by the Universitytained the evening' ·befo·rel' the game ; ic;r .the 'encourage.�ent �f platformat :a purity banquet:· iii !Hutcbinson : work. These speeches had the de-· Commons:' This' is ··the;: fi�st of these � :;it�d result, for men were induced to· to be he1d this yea'r;--Dean- Linn-lias" � h�riQ.'ifl·::theiri nameS who had' no :in-· .·been announced as- the--Chicago .. tention of so doing· before they were· speaker, but the name of the Minne- nlade:-a,nversant�witlj"'the advantages. ;-· sota representative has --not -been which membership'.: on:: the Varsitygiven out. A large attendance of ilit' team offers. With a large number of�. �. �-. .... '. �, ..... , '.�. " ....... -� ;";��,-.-, -.'-. .student: bo�� :·is:'t�j�3.?rcqi�-:ta(l··; �a�le. contestants) in the' field,. Coachfair, :as the' ::b:loqiaets;;;)lave--:��y· {�cElroy expects. an interesting and· proved ex(reirieli;�:.tn�:othe:;.pi;t.; �c�ose: competition. for places on the. The Minn�s�t';_!.�l�_g_Q�3rm-: jV;arsity, tean.'neapolis on Thnrsday and will stop ! .:',' .;at the' Chicago Beach 'Hotel� .. ,� FINAL ;TRIAL POR GLEE CLUB· A . large" crowd olStuaei'ts.lrom the � -; : .' . ;. :. . .,northern . tiDiversitY�1n113p�abt!f��': Mrs.' . Kotilsaat; WeD' Plea� With,te�d the ga�e .a� �, sp���.t !_rain has ;: .. Women'. Organization.· been arranged for •. MaDY of ,the Min_ .�:).: 1 ,'!',: .. ".. '.Ilesota alilm�i' . are. ,r�pOrted ° to' 'be ;. The' final: t..y;;;-c;,r ·the· women;sp1anning to attend the game •. It :wnt g�ee: ciub 'was held yesterday in Fos­he the best ga�e' � ,th�· ·i�r·, ·o� ter:under the direction of Mrs. Kohl-AMERICA�IIUSICBALL Marshall' fieTd,"and-witrproba'6ly3t"":" �t. Most of the members" of lasttract the largest crowd of the seas<'n year's club returned, and in additionDANSfS CLASSIQUf RUSSES fifteen'· new women 'were heard. _ ..,Mrs. Kohlsaat was pleased withlhe:-re�uh as the number of trainedv(;ices exceeds that of last year.Notices will.�be sent out later to thosethat tried out- con�erning the nextm,ecting.•",' .. ; .,.'COLONIALTHEATER BEAUTIFULBRIGHT msCECIL LEAN fLOUNCI,-'1UO&' .. •CLASSIFIED. ADVDl1'lSmtNl'SVERY CO,.tFO-i'i.Bk.E' ��r&j�hou�e, furnace heat, lot 40XlSo, con_\"cni(:nt to University; one of thetinest streets in' H. P. Price $5,000,if takeD 'luickly. . In:-;tructors and professors at Yale:tre to he rewarded hy a material in­crease' in their sa1ary warrants. Thepay oi assistant professors has beendj�d drom $1,800 to $2,000. Incase of professors normal grades of$4.000, $4,500 and $s.ooo have beenadopted. " .- � .... 'LINDSAY BROT·HERSTAILORS49-51 JACKSON BLVD. 3rd-FloorpOWERSSTUDEBAKER'ELSIE JANISTHE SLIM PRINCESSGARRICKThe Chocolate SoldierLYRICThe GAMBLERSWith Ci�ORCiE NASH:-.IBSEN'S'Pillars of SocietyCORT, � ',�H�"RY: E. :DlXEr � � .. ,�; .. in the Cireat English Success.M::' AJESTIC1·" n. ... tro of IteI'IIHMI Specie.JtieaIMPERIAL ',RUSSIAN· DANCERS'.' 'ciitss{'t, �DA'YNli� ;' �:-"The Village Lawyer".. And .!lany' Others ".LA:'SALLE-THE-'Sweetest (iirl iiJ"�aris"futurity Winner"ClSSlf CURLEITfpRINCESSTHE DEEP PURPLEMcV�CKERSChaunce, O'cott in his new play"BARRY OF BAUYMORf" FURNISHED ROOM POR RENT-Large room with ruiming water,steam heat. Loomis, 816 E. 51st St." .�-.. �_ �ov;.;• �..-II- .. .'• _ .. 1 ,.. � i ... u.i �'TEXT BOO;�S;.. , ... '.'''' ., .h s . .- <11\; �:.� .:NEW AND SECOND. � ,'" � ]!"'fi)£l-i ab,;,ALl. KINDS Of STUDENJ SUPPLIES____•__;"�:r) . �. i F 1. :, "High Class Station�ryLoose Leaf Note Booksc. anO '-f�:, REsTAUIlA.�, cO'MsiNATlON BRfjlCfJlSTn._ .'.10 to -25 c'ent$'from' i6Itoftt,allY., -"• " I �:.; .," 1. '.. I."" •. � (. •. _ ...... t :) � " .. 'f ......... _._4 .. �. ": ,:r. I;�!,!:.� '1;11;: Lilncheoh: ailll di�n�r-25-cents�···,�':.� S�eci�'i�e�.n: 'o?sfiiil�;'fJrac(e'. , '. � �, '�,__ • �.I .. , '. : i,:J I ...... �; t·l .;...)., " c.,' ..1/.;.':L �l l.,J;', . . ,:.-·JOJ5··f;. 6Jst. St." Near CoriiiFf"�661Sf��::St!·.>: {r..,', .• .: ·,-:.p.i,. : ; �":j;) a\1io�fl h hs3 4th:)!.={ �:' t·�,;:.-' ': .... l (.. �4. � '.. '-, L� J Ist .-AND .','. :.' DURA8I.E,;:·�·M •....... , ... -........---�;.". ._.. prb_-'""The ''8ritil���troaer s.�j["l .'.�ery much in demand b,.,oung and middle' 'aged me1J j(��nting· ;poise . and·. style! dn ,th�r. c1othes)-.'browns,:;itanS,grays, black and white':effectS;blues, blacks.I Various fabncs,' 120, 125,$30, $35', 140, S45.�. .: '.. �l, �. s�ci� Vcria� $25Every size, ial1� sIlOrt,' stout, slim� 1'.:,�------ .... ,:_'A11 the news of the campusin The Daily Maroon.,Mb�:slez" CO:.�--SO Jackson BIVd'-­J�OR�.Sr.Patronize Maroon Advertisers.Th�y are Reliable. iGiYe:IiCBlIIUIteto.\14-'1�dw��•- .�;:�:.! AliUt�a'r�us;l'pI'<; ", .. �·.1,���:baf":·:011ii'�.. �.�4:n�ier��:��()'�.��p';1;mal. ,e:d;si'dlan1'a1:a. tl\11e:\11aI,ilI �t1t1'\'I(ja]st1lffl�