, .." ". � ;:It. ... t ...... : ;i-_.._-,_.. _-_- ........ .,.p-..-- ..... fCII"'W�.....,.....�;--- ........... 4� ... :-�_'7--.....� ..... -P .... �-.-.. --, ...)- -- ---- - --·.�iTa.iju'g· �i . .Il/"a' ......... � . rIiT - ;:Idcn�:!.:A b.l'hU"_'ll'"I".�UC. ,W �1111 t . J.'/.:, Cof:)i!>.. ,J 1 U---: < ;,I' •�."... �Iii .:,J ,. I, OJ !.,'� .. ! I" ! •.. ,' .• I •• !!VOLOME(IX No. �4- �.:- -'. -.:�I � .' .- .... _ ... _ .._.,_ . '.\ .'j '" ... J' l. ,,.', ;. '!, I I. .,' ��Pricel.Five .. Cents .'.(Coatinaed 08 page .. >:i'iII�� .rtrI�·"· .�.. \',;., !Cl·. II .• I\: . .,;.', .......... ,' ..... TBE. .. DAILY. KAltOO.N.: W�bN��AV.: �OBER'26 1910.THE DAILY MAROON D�Y BULLBTIK. �AIIT� .. J-KOP�R_":�..... .... �1" �;;::·too#'" ·.. ·I���-��:;.i-g�·:::JJJm�i... i·��·,\�Wi�.i'fiI!iim�imiJgFi!1IT-. oalda1 8tll4eDt PabUcaUoa of The - .' •<, '• . .- PAUBLISBES �W B�OK .' � - ? ... ,....: ....� .r : .:::. .' . ;.�... ..UIllYeral- of C"'--o. Chapel .AaeIDbq� The-�nnr;..1"'" . '--- 'f J .. · .Jt'r���-,"'·4 ' _..,:-... �: � � .." .--�'\C!1.�... � .�..• ....... y.�'�·r�J' - � fI ... (. .. 4"��'-i . .,_� .� -- � � ?" �,. �'\..a.i!� � ....... 0·-...rI7 ''--, :_' : ..,. .s.:b"'!9;1a�.�s�!"!'4 r"!'!P-I''!r.;o;?�reatioe oa ��.en�;,. PRe '. i[[' ._.i "�.. '. :<J_. A:'"'"., __ . -_. "�n.:· ..... A8soCi&te:-PrAl .. ssor HObcD!"� 1 �Ji&ioaa �den-e "-Book' _ �t .'. ... it;; ,. . #c l� �� -. rTbe UDlnralty ot Cbl-- W_"I_� ," . .', .. ' J'- T·- 1'- �".� ;;, '_" .... �r.- t. ., • .» �� • .... r '�" fir... '10IlDclecl-- .�{{�: v.; ;:� "�r�W�:s l<;"��n � �,!'� Yided � �our �' \,' ". ; .t (, :'.: '---:�. �'� ;Tbe Weekl7 •••••••••••••••• Oc:tober l.'.JB8Z. Lea, cae., ���&t�n.�I..:J_'o:jO�a.tai. :�, � ." ...• .' , .: '�., ��. ,.... .'�� ::., '. .JThe Da1J7 ••••••••••••••••• Oc:to� �. JIQ2 ,- - � . .The PbiloloCical SOciety, 'with Pro- <��hr Psy.cbology o� Religious _E�-' �.. ..• ,.� .. ... :a. :' '1,.. Iessor _���r!�! •. _s8� ... W.ash�ngton __�y��o, �p�i�!l£�,,::.,t�e .latest ·wor�:.Jrom the •.. " "n . .... -: :.::.; .... � ·T-URKISH-·· r: -·_··��e" 8 !. m. ,:'An lris� Pare�lel t?, the . pen �f ·Ass�stant. �rofessor Ed.\�ar�. "J J;' ��� @ BLEN D . 'f: $ ... 1 .. 'ti_�all .Castle. _,profess<:>r �,N..�e. J'he�, .. �ch��.ner Ames ...... s among the n:c.en_t· . . -'''''_' W , :�j " - �G'"....... .,. ... ' T'" �:=-�DIalog Hymns of the Rigveda." Dr. bOOkS from the press of Houghton, 'I,., .. '.' � '-1,&' �T ,� .CI';ik.". I � ., -+". : •. :"' .. : ; ::' J � Miftlin (&': Co) ;Th� book ·is,Said:to.tI\. I.. " ":'n. :;jJ s..; �! ".J , '.1 .,�,..' C>: ... ·.'�·.fJO�<>miDationa for· class officers at �;l!�����:U�;::t��:�:;:��:!,'�� ,< 3 . 0: '"[I' l'; CORI:Cf.';'ITY'"-.: .... 'Upper Seniors. in Cobb 6A. Lower the IOdwldual. and Its place 10 the '�. USeniurs in east Kent. Upper Juniors experie.nce· of ,_the individual and of' !,'. :�. . .:," •in west Kent. Lower Juniors in Kent society, f:E�. ... .'. j..; ,theater. The book' i� undoubt<-dly one �hich �� ,. �1_ bocli . IDebating Rally at 10:30 in Law will not be' ove'rlooked by either the �1 OKe es repe,(Ct.) AI! candidates for the Varsity rel.igi��s· .t.e�cher o� the psychologist, �f while the- unlike at-are e::pecially urged to attend. and at,the- same time the argument is @' . . "Women's Glee Club. second tryout so clearly put that it can be u{lder- �i=, I tract' WhicIt'��untsfor those unable to come last week, stood. and appreciated by a layman. ���, . 'will be held at Foster at 1:30 p. m. Professor Ames divides his book 171 for the magnetic quali-�:�i�;;.�; ;�::��e ;;;!;� ;����:�:�g�:I:;j:g ;��� ..:... �,,��..'.�:-�:_�_.��_i.. ·· ;:;�I;:: t�a1i;Fish. 5114 Madison avenue. third treating· the rise of relibrlOn in ::.. unlit- 'thMrs. Charlotte Perkins Stetson the individual and the fourth discuss- •Ke any 0 . ers.Gillman will hold an open meeting at ing the place of religion in the ex- :3?� p. m., in Cobb 6A under the aus- perience of the individual and society..': ·:�.r.. �.: ..�pices 0 fthe College Suffrage League. Professor Ames has written a num- ;:_JJ?1R. R. ---.z.....:_:. o�';'The Commercial Club will hold its her of books on the subject before, n ecn;n � '.Iiirst meeting today. The speaker He is Assistant Professor of PhiloslL L�r��':;;will he Mr. Frederick Carles. All in- phy in the Yniversity, and pastor' of -tzbo d fImIIanl cou-tcrested may learn particulars, from the Hyde Park Church of Di"ciples. 1JOn.25o/wlllcla.;a,re�e(i Earle, J�y Clark or.Paul Davis. :::::::,"'(ik�eoll:DEBATERS HOLD RALLY l«IJono/IOO. ;. 'IN LAW BUILDING'TODAYPablJ.abe4 DaU7 •. eicept SaDdQ' .. IIoD·-4&18 and bolldll3'8 darlDc tbree-Quartera otthe UDh'eralt7 7ear.EDtere4 Ail &.lcoDd-cla.. ma1I at tbe Cbl-0l1r0 poatomce. Cbleaco. ·OODo'" Mareb,ltio 1903. uDder,' Act ot Marela 3. .18'l3.· ..• THE STAFFN. A. PFEFFER ••• KauaclDC EcSltorK. J. DALY • • • • •.• • New • .Editoc11. 1'''' CAltl"KN'fElt • AtbleUc E4ltorHuslne88 Ma.oqer-- A� ICIA'rE EDI'l'OIUJW. J. J..'outeC. \'. 'l'1lylur H. L. KeDDlcott11. W. Reesec. W. Huugbland lJ. L. BreedR�POR'l'}.atSUutb RetlckerllarJol'lc 11111J, K. Beebe M. 0. ::itcVCI'SSUBSCRIP'£ION RA'l'Kg:By Carrier, � per yeur. $1.00 per Quarter.ClLy wall.'� per "uarter �oo per yeur 1Dadvau(,:e.News contrlI.Jutlou8 w� be leU at EI11.Hall 'ur ,lo'llculty Excblluge. addressed to',l'be lJ.a1l7 lIuruoD."A Student," who voiced his griefin the communication columns of TheDaily Maroon yester-Student day, laments the factDishonor that a certain instruc-tor in the Universitysuspects the students of dishonesty inthe form of "cribbing," and voicesthat suspicion by requesting the stu­dents to leave their books on his desklluring examination. Although The'Daily Maroon regrets with "A Stu­dent" that such measures should �bert:sorled to, it must say that it doesIlut blame the instructor, for his sus­plcluns are well-tragically �ell­fuunded. AllY unbiased person. needonly make a thorough investigationin many classes to discover how bit­terly t.rue this assertion is.The points that "A Student" ,makes.in regard to the moral.. issues io­volved�that students �ould rather.cheat when-they are sW!pected thanwhen trusted, and :that -:cheati�g re­flects on the moral fiber 'of the guiltystudent--are well enough taken intheory, but· they do. not square well 'with actual experience.111 the first place, students will notrealize the moral issues. involved incribbing until an honor system is in­stalled. I t is, of course. best toleave the. whole question of cribbingto the sHldent"s honor, as "A Stu­dent': suggests, but not until there isan honor system, will the average stu­dent realize that his honor is in­vol�ed. It is. ces;tainly considereda legitimate sport. to cheat in class,and the instructor is fair game. TheFreshmen sec: the older. students criband decide it is the fashion-part of"college life."Two years ag() there was a move­ment to pill an ·honor system ·intooperation here. For'some unaccount­able reason, the matter was dropped-as are several. other sporadic move­ments at the University. The Daily'Maroon firmly be1i�ves that an honorsystem is both 'practicable and desir­able, and urges the undergraduatecouncii to take steps to secure such asystem........ J.'_he following are the set ofstringent rules passed by the sopho­mores for the freshmen at Minne-sota:-Freshmen shall tip their caps tosophomores on the campus.No freshman shall wear a derby onthe campus or to any universityfunctions.Freshmen socks and ties are to beseen and not heard.N� Freshmen shall fuss on thecampus.The last rule applies to girls aswen as men.Boston Tech has an Areo. CI'"�hich holds daily areoplane fhghts. A�NOUNCEME.NTS.ISO Ushers are wanted for the Mi�_ Aim to Arouse Enthusiasm for An_nesota game. Men sign up at the In- other Championship Team-Oldformation office. Men to S�.. Monster Mass Meeting on Thurs-day at 8 p. m. in Mandet . The fall debating rally will be heldUniversity MasOnS wili meet on in the court-room in the Law build­Thursday at 8 p. m. in Hitchcock'" ing at 10:30 this morning. All thoseclub room. who expect .to come out for the teamInformal Gath�ring ,of. S�nior and or 'are in any way interested - in theGraduate'Students (men) in. Educa- sport are urged by the coach�s totion' on Friday at 8 p. m. in 2�4: attend. Speeches will be made byBlaine hall. Coach McElroy and by several form-Physical Rumination A�t- er V �rsity �cfeb'aters. '. . l.�.. .... Of �.. ,�� I• • ••menta for lien may be made' at the:' . Th� rally has be�o�f! a regular fea-office of th� Medical. �miDer � 'in-'. iur� be the fall debating work. LastBartlett Gymna��um. yeai' the enthusiasm worked up re-:sulled in· a large li'st. of candidates. FOUR SURVIVE CONTEST froin :which tbe winning teams ·were. Pl E�TE�O�'. SP���G. devdoped. 'Similar good results are. ---,'. _ expected by . those in charge thisAtkins. Blonder, EneJowe·8nd Stev:=.... year .. ,.The ';method of selecting theers to Compete:in ·p..iPala·:On . 'team- will be: explained, and the bestNov� loth.. .'.. ' ;�ethods .of ,preparation discussed by.the speakers. Owing to the unfortu­'nate contlict of meetings, all under­graduate class meetings wi11 takeplace at 10:30, the same time at whicbthe debate rally is scheduled. Thosein charge of the rally would appre­names of these and their subjects are date it" if undergraduates would at­as fonows: tend. even though: they may be de-\V. E. Atkins-"A Defense of Wo- tairtrd .fr�m thrir class meetings."-.--Fonrteen speakers competed in thepreliminary extemporaneous contestwhich was held in Kent �heater' yes­tenia}" afternoon. . Of these. fourwere chosen to enter the, finals. Theman's Suffrage."Edward. Blonder -:--"Co.lege ; Stu:.dents Should Know, Their Marks. ". � ;M. D. Ste\:ers-··A .Defense of Lo-.cal.Option."M. Enelowe--uWhy College StD­dents, Should Not be . Given MoreFreedom in Selecting Their Courses.·'The subj�cts were given to theconte.stants a half hOUF before. the con.test. A1J of the topics pertained toaffairs of current interest, becaase thejudges last year decided that underthese, conditions the contests wouldbecome doser and more spirited.The· judges yesterday were Mr.The finals will be held two weekslCIanchard. Mr. Nelson and Mr. Gor­such.from next Thursday. The student,·.nning in them is awarded a schol­:lrship for one quarter.You may seeGLOVESFOWNESon the man who doesn'tknow what'. what­you're Ate to .. themon the man who c10ea bow. FIRST MEETING OFALUIINI COUNCILNEXT TUESDAY NIGHTThe first regular business meetingand banquet of the Alumni CouncilWill be' held next· Tuesday evening,November I. in the privatr diningroom of Hutchinson Commons "Themeeting will probably be uneventful.·'said Secretary , Hansan yesterday"and it is important only as the firstregular gathering of the yrar. Presi­dent Abells. 'w, will preside. and anumber of projects will be discussedfor the coming year. principally thepreparations- for Alumni Day in June: nd the matter of extension of Alum­n; dubs."It' is hoped that a largc number ofgraduates will be in attendance, Thrbanquet is scheduled for 6 p. m.sharp.The Board of Trustees of the Uni­versity of Illinois h.1s received fromFrancis Plym. an alumnus, the offerof a sum of $1000 to establish ascholarship for the 3(h'anced studyof architecture.The sum of $so.ooe has been re­ceived by 'Minnesota to be used inrour scholarships for graduate stu­dents in the colleges of medicine,arts agriculture, and chemistry. They generate a current'of favor, pOwerfUl:m its 'at-.traction of College students.).::;; �.,,:Some. day, 'some UJord will '. be coiried 10 Jescnbe them.'I [ ,'I TIIE.AMERlCAN ,TOBACCO co./', .STYLISDUP- TO-DATE TAILORING'Roy E. Franc,.GUaranteed F&Lri� .Abo' 0tL� V� Attrac:tiYe ti�·Bod. ';,'".,. ·Foi'eip�D�c.. :",,:.'; t �"" '# -... •... .. . ,,,. :'; . OU,R GUARANTEEWe Guarantee e'very Garment made from.our Stock to give absolutesatiSfaction.' If it'fades, shrinks or 108(»8 :shape or a"ny other fault,'­develops either in the Fabric or the making, at any time,. '" ... , T:�ring itback and we'll make it good:' " .GWE US.A JR''''4-: No Heuer Fabrics. Betier. T�� BetterValaeSCan Be Had Aaywhere :')'. . .. .JOHN Ii. ,lIERHOEfF a: ·1:0.-,"M. W. COL IlADISOR 6,. CLAUm. .CHICAGO. IlL_"'.. t·:-·_r ; .. � � .. � :.: •. �." ';".:"."� roo;; ..---------------------------------------------------------------,." ... :.i;:. ...... emllH thai date. as It Wm soon lie ..... �.'D salJsmptlo. to 'the DAD .. Y MAROON m .. lie ..... f�'y. tbat date or delivery or your pafH'wiD lie st�_.'So st'nd liS a �h�k or mbn .. )" o�r at ODef', or .-aD at MaroonORiC"f! and pay for it in JM'I"SOII. It is pa.�t due.52.58 Per. rear.' ,:,,,,.���':, F;.. .. , ..Next Saturday the Varsity soccerteam will, play, an All-Star ,team ofprofessionals, being organized by aprominent member of the, ChicagoFoot Hall Association. The contestwil 'probably be played at the HydePark grounds. The only conferencegames scheduled are those with Illi­nois. The, first will take place onNovember 5 and the second a weeklater. .The team is bending every en­ergy to get into the best possibleshape for these two games.Last Saturday the' soccer atheleteswere defeated by the Clifton ville pro;fessional team of the Soccer League.by the close score of 5 to 4. The pro­fessionals were surprised at thestrength shown by the Universityplayers and commended them highlyon their showing. The game wasgood practice for the Maroon teamin every way. as it was given the op­portunity of learning from a more ex­perienced' squad. The older menshowed the University players manyfine points of .the game and pvevaluable suggestions in other ways..The line-up of the Maroons is astollows:Sponsel ........•.... , .• ' .•...... ' GoalLindsay .. • . . . . . . . . . . • . . Right backLamert, Loth .. , .. '. . . . . . .. Left backDuck • . . . .. Right half backStein • . . . . . . . •. Center half backCalantyne •...•... , •. ' .. Left half back,Watts •.•...••••.••..• Outside rightWoods •••. : •.•.••. ,. ol. •• Inside right,"ulkerson ,( captain) CenterJennings ..•........ �.. Inside leftCohn •. '. .. . . . . .• .. .• . . • Outside leftA -meeting of the, University Dra-"rriatic club is announced 'for neXt�eek. at which 'plans for;'all �e' falltey-outs will' be; discussed, ':A nWn­berof new systems has been suRest­ed, to 'take, the place of the' method of.qualifiCation which was' USed last_.,ear, but it is' probable'-that the, f�ltry-oots::' 'at· least .. Will' be' held it1 a�cordance� 'with die ;old 'nlies., , ".; President Baukhage- in speaking ofthe: new" plans said:': "We 'have' f�ltfor some' time ,that our try..outs: "Werenot wholly .'satisfaCtorY. 'For onething they have not been t�oroughlynderstood .and the' prospective can;didates have shrunk: ,from anordea!which to them is a sort of:. third de­gree. ' As .a matter-of-fac�' the 'oldolan has been very successful' in' get- '�ing the best material, into' the club.Unless a very much better' set' ofrides' Can be devised, there -will be no AND PLENTY OF ITH you are loolwig for something to do whichWill net a substantial sum and help keep you in col­lege. call at THE MAR<X>N office Wednesday ortoday between 10:30 and 1100 a. rn. More MONEY'can be ea� in selling MAROON advertising thandoing 'anything else. You do not need any experience.We will teach you how to sell it. Come in and seeus today.BEN F. NEWMAN.Business Manager.1845 �. The Mulual Benefit Life'lnsurance Co.Some people say they cannot afford to carry Life Insurance. Thisclass cannot afford In he without it.Endowment Insurance � t Life Rates.a.·D BOlin... COON a: COON. S655 Drexel Aye. c..:... A.:..... Local A.-.� Uai-teaitJo cI au �ao, 1..-------C��!�� Ilarge atIOItmeol ofBANNOCKBURNS,'"'TWEEDS�,aDd SCOTa-I a-IEVI01'S, •ilitbe���.iB� I'aDd Gray� f()rFaJl: and.WmterSuib--�and:up.: ,'I, change.",: The fall try-outs will be held shol'LIi" .after - the meeting· next week. FullPaniculars . 'concerning ',the' rules' willbe, made public at that time. ' ..President White, of C01'De�I., has eX­tended an invitation to ColonelRoosevelt to' deliver an address be­fore -Cornetl Students on ' October!oftJi. The' Democratic Comnlittee attJ tica, New York, teas i�s':1ed • pr0-test a�in�t, this 'action.Northwestern University' basadopted the rule that no s�dent ofthe Cotlege of Liberal Arts shall joina (rat�mity until the Dean has givenhim .a statement certifying that hehas been enrolled one semester andthat in that time he has made atleast ten credit hours.The state universities of Arkansas,Louisiana. Missis�ippi, Texas andTennessee have fonned the Pn�.gonal Debating Leagu�. All the news of the Campusin The Daily Maroon. MENS:SHOPAL SCHLOSSMANtile Shifter IDOlI" lMall •. ;. '.' AT: '�. • .�:- f. : .....leQ �·IIII·a-S"�,08:;,�._-..;.. .. ' e_,,... ,4. �' -� r--: • -;·WATCH THIS: SPACE' FOR�,·:�t�� l��i¥� "O��NI�G,. "-OF 'OUR SHOE DEPT._.. ... • �. � : 1, ...".,I " ., IThe BaUer.' �- ... " �Tile Dailr .aroonLeave it at the Maroon Office.i!!!LImE ART (:ORNER..' 1460·E.S3�sT�"Arb Crafts GoodsrnE PlACE TO BUY YOUR cirrsTo be asked for your SUbscription forMAROON ADVERTISERS.." ., :r:'PATRONIZE,':'; •• ¥..... ".... ,..; ••• � '..''''l •----------------COLONIAL: .. r; ..THEATER aEAUTU'ULBRIGHT.EYES .CECIL LEANpOVVE��MARIE TEMPEST'-... -CASTE·STUDEBAKER.ELSIE JANISTHE' SLIM PRINCESSGARRICKLYRIC.The GAMBLERS,_With GEORGE NASHIBSEN·SPillars of .. SocietyCOR�>'-�; � .:.';"_,,HENRY E' �DIXEYVVHITNE�LOWER· BDlTH IS 'AMERICAN IlUSlCIlALLDANSES CLASSIQUE RUSSES"Futurity Winner"CISSIE CURI.fTTfpRINCESSTHE DEEP PURPLEMCVICKERS /�. ": :,:; ..,; :> ':-. :.. ::� ...... .,.. �-: .. : '\.�.!: .•.. '���j.,.;:;_ ." .'.,• J cate;:hl. thlne;cocalIAlltWI.htthene\jrt4Th,Stap. JI�:\mcyAmtheernlberTo"t)kt�id('Pr('�Sill •"ersnolliArteadjo-. --, . � _.. - .; .-. ��.. SLISs SBNWs'SsCoNP: may' lSe\�.tl.Yokohama)-fol�_A.,.�U.-8-.. a_"'-8 ... �·-·� --·_·-·"-UTTBR O� JAPAN TJ rO"'j�ga1&r.1serii&;-'An gameswill cOinmence-at- prompt 3 p. m.Co' d &om ) GalDn�1rilH� played;oo ;Satilruy.:-----.- �,.. :;r ;.( }�tin�... ��J page Iand W�cIiae.ctay ... !.eatber permittinC.k journeY.JtfVery5ilp.aJant in every reJ. No Sunday gUnesj:wiJ.be played.spect, Tbe third Sunday out a spe If the weather looks doubtful onial meeting was held in the fo'c'stli .days .that. :games . are scheduled, ,the•ana-:�!�ear Cats" were instructe1 Ilame;.wii -be.postponed, .There ,wi1l''to"t�ke the dog watch. Late in the I� a .first; second and -third class 'ad-iafternoon Mt. Kinka and Ishi-no-Ma!. mi.ttu(e fee. ;of. Cio;: 40 and 20 sen. re,_ "ki. lig�h���se were seen off starI' , spec:t�vely�! 1 '7' ' Iboard. � .,:The first; game, of the series will beFrom all indications a rousin� : played, -on, Saturday afternoon Octo-.w�lcome ��a���d �s.. F�� we had rer ,btr.! I .between: Waseda and Chicago;celve. d 'a number of w. Ir�le.ss mej It wa�,; learned, .. yesterday that thesages from .: ':f��� n,e��sp;l�ers, 00, umpire, had, not been selected."W:e�co�e in�in�bl�r Chica�C?; �ati -:lJ ,·;To, IIake "Further Tour.' !erloo at hand':' Signed "'KeIO- Umver� .):Dn:ec�o{ Sbgg'of the University ofsity."." I . Chicago is making arrangements forFrom there: :we' s'ailed . south and the. Mar.oons., after' playing; in Japan,on Monday afternoon, Sept. 26, we to. journey; to; the, Philfippines . for -asailed into Y ok(;h'a�a harbor, passing series of games at Manila, stopping• •• the government- forts. .and .Ioreign bat� off-at a number of places in China.tleships lying at anchor. We soori TI�e Manila people have arranged amade the harbor :customs,' health and sufficient 'guarantee, and it is under­prison officials and w�re. roy:ally re� stood' that. Shanghai wants someceived, " r.. " I. I games with the Chicago players.Japanese Newspaper Account I,. They will', decide whether or. notOne of the Japanese Newspapers 'they will go' further in a few days:'contains the following: "The Univeri �.:Keio. University nine have beensity of Chicago baseball team, twelv� practicing most. enthusiastically at.husky and hearty looking America"! the .Mita; Undoba since the beginninglads, in charge' 'of - Prot- 'Bliss,-a 'of .their isummer vacation in both bat, 'young man-himseifj'-ann'ed-acYoko:- ting 'and -fielding, writes a Japanesehama yesterday afternoon by !,�e2�· .correspondent e' The hot days were. Y. K. liner Kamakura Maru "ana:-a no fear to them. A considerable ex-Tbe £boeolate Soldier�·· � . p�e.a����: . v�yage,:. :9f. Ls�ee� \ld�ys perience is thus gained by them. Prof. Iso Abe of Waseda. University, through .the encouragement and : as:. :Mr. 'Aifred ·W. Place, an. old' Univer- sistance=of the. former players of the:sity of Chicago athlete, several other ;LTniversity, now-members of the T�.Chicago Alumni . arid r�: g�d, (.�iz�d �yo. club team, and they are now' a I..:. ,delegation of Waseda a�;.(�K��o'"JJni- most ,prepared, in every trick on' .theversity students were on band to diamond,". Mr.: M. Naoki, the .secrevgreet the studen!s _ �c:sp�t� _ !I!..e_!!�f�:.., Ja.ry: rOf .the : Keio Baseball Club,: and'.vorable - �,ea�her. -As the .9.�er F\W � somevmembers of the team, statedalongside the d�ck �h� fh��o �la1 when . .interviewed . yesterday at theenw�weuli��lliQTh�� k�Q &��110����fi�d�g � L.--�'�---�����������������������_�_.�the vessel: were greetedwith ia hearty an easy thing. on. the diamond. We ,"Chicago! Chicagol::·-.Chicago!·�Go! -ivere nQt-:inferior'tq that of the 'Bad; - .,; q ,.: .• ' ' •. ' §! ". sO ,f1�" .I f"_·" -,'Go Chica! Go: Cbi�l. ;�'\'·¥fago! g��!'ll�'�b;;" piayi�gJ�stfall Even 'C'. :1J'E,""'Rf MURAN1��!i,!:�tU:/��i::�.����n��f :�: :��s .�;:. :!�����a���i.�:s�ni:I:�; .0 '�: "n .. :,u,; �;,: :t., ".: �:�;,; �.�;Japanese,plaYers\whoi.liadCgonefcoDl �t���<::���;b�����e:;�at'our;;fie'ding 1;'::' ';" '�CG*Bl.*ilTI..p....._ t1JRMM.. , _, " $'li_) 1 .:OLYMPIC Tokyo to meet !thc.aniv!n� ,!��. will be favorably .�o�pa�ed." \ \> ' t4 �� ,,_To. this :uneJq)e,Cte� �:�r���;in:; Lr�!.f :1 They further' ��d . that the ·only :"'10! '.AJ·!25·J�telitS(ilWrA . ��' : , •• 0.. _1 mTh A'm"TO ," " . ' 'l�:d'd'l' t I' ,-,. d' h ,.I,� ... ," .,. " .. 1 ;���,� _,.Ii, .,. � ,-:- "I"J."I .. � �t".t, " .... �. J"e "," . Maroons'respou e us I Y,,·,. . (: p'a�rl�a� .�?tp�.I",l.ence.d . unng:� e:sum:.. . /li'1n:.!i' ". \. H.... '. .. . -' N_per'liIeidl''''' d "'.me'. as to ·"be . .ba'ting, ];Iowerer ev". ,,,,.,: "l .. : i .]i\, lii�"� 'II .. 111 WIll . :. !l'''� ;:.;"; lJ :; � ...'_� WI-tb w····a.DDIN�EI.. .�s soon as the gangplan�w�s low- �;,�ffp,s:� ���i-,b�"d��on'�trated.inthe, '.. .'.):\"11. I ·;'.l:l:i I! .,;! ,f •• ,_.'. �. ,,, •� �:. ::' , :." er�d '��l�",,_Jl.�t!!�{�u�nc;.����er men coming games and;it,i�,their:firmbe- '".' '.:: �""''''Hi';S�Ij'Mte� "'�1rafIe _ph9�0&���erg!.�'t��.�?ti�� to !�e!,)'��;ihey" �ili,:p�ov.e rto.be super�·.: ::;:i�!l1'j, ;1" 'dl_ ,;;1.:-:.:)::'°10 ,:'): ,r.,:., :'J:. 1 -,------ -.--.--c�ver::,.�tJJJ,,���l!!v�! of the �� i�'i ,i.!} :l1?��t.i�l to lhe·,pniversity of.. J,q1����I���1�.r:��<H·�I���J� ••• '4 •• H�.HlI��, swumed� � C��gOll��' .:;/ ,;,',. 'J" •• j;;: ._���������������_"'�I"�"����������������. d 000 ,. T...; �"Ii IJ:;t.J /. Ij,"}t�·:·.' II_customary eagerness, an s. _ .',: :ir:'! J!:- t·�,,; }', '. ;".' .,., t .• ,' , •• i 1,.�.·,·nthe���g��� �!������:.��lG�UD��roR·U� L�����,���������t5����������well as many :�photographs as there t : -·'FOR' SATURDAY'S CONTEST' : ,.,;.,' : ,. l:n � iit'J 'j',;: ·Ii·,: -:')jJ::;i,�,"1,I·"·... f·.:.NAKfD _.�RU.TH '.: .. were possible-::poses.:: Thisi·J�·Pr,ess: -.. .,:. 'r ,.:_. _'._. !".. ,.�:i': .. i:: j Jli: !ll . ;O'>':"j ................. -- ..... � ...... __ .._:IJReception" _over, :.the:_: Chicagoites :M�� .,Studeats. and. Followers. 'W;" �lSS··f ;. mlm?�I.'-�-------------- :: made�their .way-to-the-castoms-bouse- : 'Wri�' i�r.-Over: �,StUdent. :Jr! 1 A.#� .- .. )M· AJESTIC ". and the insPection,_,finished-were-. :·::.·�i¥'·Now on. Sale.: AD�·twhirled away in rickshas for a kalied-. . ,,,' .,':. !.�.��.. ..'The .. t";.of·R ...... · S.f�ci ....Ides ','...l�...;_ __ - _._o.oo+.��.....,.-:-:-�. . oscopic glimpse oLtbe . Japanese, sec- J'��ere'st: :in the, coming. gam.e be- .. .. . ..IMPERIAL RUSSIAN'DANCERS '. tion of Yokohama. T.!!.�y .. t!t�n took t�'een, Chicago . arid Minnesota is. at 1ERY C()IIFoRTABLE .. r�7';'room 1'CRESSY (/DAYNf in the . "s':'6:"::t�':�i'or·�i1ttl.a��ett\> ; f(;���.· ·heat·f in'. Minneapolis. . judging h��use, furnace hea�' loti 4OX18o,' con_' ,dley' .:ai-rive��·s.!t�tpl!'#i�!!.r. 't.-"ttr j fr�� .. th�':�a�� .. of'; tickets. Up to this venit·nt to University; -one of the"The lIillage Lawyer" the ' Shi'!l_b����:l�tat!��!��5i�et 1 tim� "Minnesota has disposed' of 200 finest str.eets: i1\:JJ.� tP.���a:i�.e �s.� t,And' Many .Oth�_. met by Carriage_si;ftoll\'-'J1�ID1�ali �stud��t *�ets.,and over 600 ordinary !ifitaken:'1uickly .. ;\·r.�O\l� 0/;0•Hotel and -cfrlveri--totllat hostelry, tickets. Today: the department of. �RY a Classihed-ad�.in The' Dadywhich is to·be th�r- headquarters :ttl�Jeti�s r�ceived.a telegram asking . I Maroon):r,TheY.lbrilig:,Tesults.nu ';l::LA SALLE while in··Japa!!�-·UpOil heo('�mva!.t�r. 'Ifbr ih, �. r��e.rvi�g .of fifteen hundred .IO";M'''E'' R�'C;'I"A·�!L·:-.·��� fl�'B'�'.;�'TO'.rINl;�)lJG·()Hl T1the hQtel. tea .wasl :.sem'dl..the:!hEm!. more. ticket$ in the Minnesota see- C .. �,.,.- THE"- bers of the .team and .an opportunity itio�.: ;No'6gures,bave been given out i ,1 ' .• : :- �I' ',i!,.h;;zi'_' .�':!!.. 'j:. 'f· D • given them 't<) 'coll�ct;' th�l.r\ �ense�.,�f- 'a� 't� 'th�; sale of tickets to local root- *r.::FredtrKk ,CarIa.. �tO:"Speak. at,Sweetes, �,d�_ I� r:,�n�" ter the' �any ri��·1impie�slon� 'th'eir ter�" but acc�rding to .the latest word I .. : Firat ';Mediaa. of.')Ye..,;._, !:.,,;;brains had bee II .colD�I�e4 .. ��,������� tfrom the athletic department. the � 1.' ,.; ,/,;'----.;.._r, .:..,-., ,- 1:; ':�;j .. :.,in' the few hours followlDg� their: -al'- I �Ie promises a record-:breaking at- I The C�mmercial: dub. willi hold .i� ,rival. . Prof: Abe' of' WasedrUniftr: l�ndance: in 'the' east' 'bleachers� . 'A first meetin« l.to-night :jn 'It lac ,privatesity, who had acted as escort from lar�' number of 'stUdent' tickets have dining room ;of the .CommoJi.�. ,Fred� ..Yokohama for the guests of his Uni been: solcf.!· and . an: unusually la'rge rick Carles.. �a�ager o�: t�,�� ��versity, took dinner with the men Dumber' (of 'mail orders have been partment of. the Farwell.;Trust ,Co .. ifollowing which he: extended to them fill�" Will deliver' ·the·. prin�ipa. 'adcire�s ofan informal welcome in the name cf .... the eveniDg"� ,Mr. C�rles. � ��ey p�Waseda and expressed the wish tha Lectures on New and Old ·Chicago. minent in bu�ness circles on La Salle.the friendly relations of the two na - The students of the College of Ed- street. a�d' is 'also . n�ted. among histions soon to be represented upon ttl .u:ation attended an i11u!\trated lec- colleagues, as 'a statistici��. He Wilitliamond would be fi!'mly ,cemented,_ ture by' Dr. Otis W. Caldwell at �ddress the meetiqg �ri.:�e possi�i1i­through such meetings and' tests: 'Of chapel yesterday. Th� title of his ties of the. colleg�JD�n in busiMss,:tthleJic prowess." lecture was ··Chicago, Ancient, Me- C'!>.pecially in th�t J>_[jUl�h. in which heInformation from Waseda. diaeval and Modern." He showed is himseli active. .,··Prof. Iso Abe, Director of Ath- ,·jews of the city" from the most prim.! Ten of last. yea!;'s men have re_letics at Waseda has given out the ith'e times down to the present day. turned and are making preparationsfollowing information as regards the for an active year. The' club me��rsInternational series: News Of The Colleges. hold two' meetings ,a month and se-The Chicago team comes as the The annual Fan Regatta at Yale cure a prominent' �usi�ess man'. talkguests of Waseda University, so all win be held on November Jrd and to them on sO-me phase of bu'sindsthe games will be�pla,� on,.;. t�e Yf��: 4th. life.'seda ball ground!l. -T�� �s '�iII" Besid�s th�' club members in at-be played in the series, as follows: The Rifle team at'the University tendance to-night. there will be aFive with Waseda, 'thTee -with--Km �f Princeton expects to hold dual large number of the alumni present�Chauncey Olcott in his new plar and one each with the Tomon Club �eets witll· Penr:tsylvania, Darts-:- to gh'e ati added stimulus to tbe work"BARRY Of BAUYMORE" (Waseda graduates). Se"erargames f10uth and' Yale. by their presence and·tdVice. .. ,..,,'('r-..- .�ft1\tiaSISdIi�01e�SJPIUJ5JlRt:....J'I�.l',,-a j -.;; ': �::. �."._., 1 , .• "!,(Patronize' ��n-: Adve�sers..�. 'They � Re"':. :", _._ . --- . .._:.. .. -- .._ -�.;r'... ------