OJ.',I'.J _.:'... ,,--VOLUME.·nc. .No.. .. l4- \' :�." t ,."� " -" "."- UNiVERSITY OF CHICAGO, SATt:RDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1.91.�v _ .. _o' Price Five Cents.mALIY MAROON'·'ANI) . PURPLE:1 MEEt tHiS' AFTERNOON1 ' ��Thifd Cu.e of the, Season on WlIi·'field :APinst Inviders from_ .EvaDlton.w·,iDBifl{jjS ,TO.: "-.,�, ' .\UBRARY DEPARTMENTS. ,,=.; .. lOyl ;' .....\t �. ("-; • tr: ... ,. ....����.·�or:-1Ir� Ban_JI, 01 Library 01CieDPus, A&SOCiat •• " . __TIOI ANNUAL· OVERFLOW m KENT ATBIGGEST MASS MEETING Fieumen 'aDd sOPhomores Med:. inAilDuAl Ite;DOlda Club smoker •With 'RCSalta SHgbtly' .. Favoringfo'i'cSbiDai-Vaudeville Stunts.·l(cCam Leaves Place of Aasistant. Literary Editor of Cap and GownVac:ant- Editors Have Office inReom 14 in Ellis. Much EnthUMum DevelOped lor To­day's Game. ' 5taU andCrawley: Talk.I (, _ __._;_ Davis H. McCarn, appointed assist- Through douds of smoke, a crowdEbGE' tATIt8GUE DIYISIOIt . ant literary editor of the Cap and -of about three hundred Freshmen and., •-e v-» ,,-,_._.. _ Gown, has resigned on account· of THREE QUARTERS FURNISH fUN Sophs witnessed the partial defeat. of :CLOSE GAME IS PROPHESIEDI . -- - excessive wurk ill cotlege, His place - the second-year men in the program "", - _. -_._'T�e�tY.-five�::�dcrod:. 'in �reparation has been filled. McCarn was selected' Song Practice Held is Best of Sea- �endered at the first smoker of thefor 'lnstalHng Complete Catalogue last· year because of his excellent son - Baldridge; Gardner and season at the Reynolds club last.in Hall)eK�lteiiicirW Library. work in English, especially in "the Erickson in Charge. night. �.,. classes of the University. - From the start the "Frosh' -took \---Professor', Enist. DeWitt· Burton, . The work of the book has been Wet weather and lost games not- the lead. 'The program commenced : Tociay·s Lineup.he�d' of the' department of Biblical materially advanced. by the securing withstanding, the largest crowd yet, with piano selections by Earle Bowl- Chicago. NC?rthwestern�and l'atr'iiltic -Greek: and Mr. James of roc.m 14 in Ellis hall as an office. n lled Kent at the mas:'; meeting yes- by. Baldridge called for cheers for Paine. 151 L. E •. Wandrack, 159C. :1.1: Hanson, head of the catalogue Lt.is room is the one formerly used certlay morning, overflowed into the Stagg and the crowd responded Kassulker, 166 L. T •. ·.. Young, 192 .divisi:on of the library of Congress in by the deans, and opens onto the aisles and down in',front, and backed heartily. ;Rademacher. 183.L. G ... Atwood, 165Washington, have been added to the north and south hall of the building,: up several yards deep in the A rustic 'm·' us ical and monologue 'Whiti C P k. ' : ng, 174..... •...... ar er, 1.80 .. ,administiative��sfafCof 'the University ncar the Fifty-eighth street entrance: c ntrance. As the frequent and spir- sketch by Donn, Atkins and Antler- \It'reeman. 176 R. G Ward • .IJ5�libraty. ,Abouf twenty-five ·additi�ns Anyone who wishes to' consult the ired outbursts showed, foot-ball en- son called forth applause. ,Atkins as [Carpenter, 183 .. R. T Peifer, . .196"ha�e :also beeri:�ade to the catalogue editors has been asked to call at the t husiasm and loyalty were mostly the book agent, and later in the role :Sauer, 167 R. E •.. McPheri"n; '1..69 'division in' preparation for the instal- othce any time in the afternoon. rcspousiblc for the great outpouring, of the musician, was a favorite. Donn 'G. Kuh, 152 Q. B ..... Johnson. '166latio� of�a, complete �list of all' the l'rospective contributors can in this yet there is no doubt that .the known and Anderson were also well re- !Davetiport, 159 L. H. B •.. Manley, 186 .bo�k� as' '�oon 'as -!hey 'are placed in t1i�nn�r learn more of the nature of presence of the Three-Quarters 'club ceived. (Crawley, '177 . R..H� B.: .. : Lamke, 162··the new liar-per :.MemOrial library. the desired material; initiates induced many to attend. The second event was the heavy- iFonger, 149· .. � :F.' B •...... Pell, 180Professor Burton; from the foun- The committee of 'the· school of The "Old Man,"· of course, spoke w�lght boxing match between Nelson .: Totai"Weight.daticn ofr the- .University .a member "medicine is still without a head. first. Arter all yells, songs, cheers, Norgren and Charles Brown, in three Chicago, '1827' Average, 166 I_IIoftilie lib�ry4,;'ard,�arid 'for -the ·past' . � 'dther committees are now in work- and shuffling of feet had subsided, rounds of two minutes each, which i� Northwestern. .'1937; Aver. .. '76 I-II.eight years chairman of the faculty ing order tor the advancement of, he said: .wis· 'declared' a draw' by "the referee, ! ., Weigbt"of' Line,coinmittee-·,on-Univtrsity - buildings;' . their 'respective duties. Photographs "When Walter Camp was here Waliie Stefieii" "because of the state � ·Chi�o:· I� Av�rage�' 171 3:7·ha·s_.bc-:C:n .. appOinted director of the . of.:-tue .:University and students will the other day he remarked, "If Yale hi\¥' regarding boxing matches," Paul I NorthWestern; i243" Ave�.; 177 4-7·University ·libiaries.·, ·Mr. ,-James-·Cr· , 'be 'welcomed ·by the editors. Draw- does lose this year it will probably Davis and Phil. Comstock :h'cted as Weight of the' Backft:ld�Hanson, ,has been elected associate ings .have ben asked for from among be a pretty good thing for foot ball.' tim�lC:ee.;ers" The' bout was fast.· Nor; Chicago�· 633� Ayemg�.: 158: l::'4�dd-ector. ·Mr. Burton's, duties will be the classes. All contributions may -Now some people' �lay say··tIie same gren 'woo, the popular verdict. ' Ncrthw�m;_'694· Aver .. 172 1..3.. edtirely in the' field 'of general ad- be handed in at the office or at box U.ing about Chicago, hut we cau·t KeUDey wiias WrestliJig. Bout. !, ,..;, "" _: -' _... : . ".nfinistration and - will not involve 280 in the Faculty Exchange. 'see it . that way. We feel that the l� was annoJ,Inced that 'J.>hil Kear- , -Student 'tickets ·�ili' ·be -on: 's�le �ttde- surrf!nder of his position as pro- To Extend &de. 'game would go: on' anyhow. Ifs all lie": 'i�', ch'allenged any :'13 �an :B�rtlet�' this� m�rriing betwe·cn 9: and'� .. !+}!� and head of the department of The. two . business managers are: right to say that. aft�r all is· lost, ",�iglilng" i40, pounds. �o- a 'wrestling' i10:30 o'clock:'·--:Blb�anson, who . cnn.aLlprinD' lin:mcial changes'so as to' but ifs a' poor .thing"to say before �juL' By':the Jnanimous consent· of 1 -�ith' a 'crippled 'lineup, Chicago'.,h,s.�,�gaged "exciusi;�iy�;It;:,Ji_- ,��,��.-, '--;it- . L 'tlie"-Lln--�"�'�s'" blr (t"Lty<'"� .. ,., -...., I', .. . I •, .,' '.,' t���.4. �r�le' of the boo and In-=] '82 e;---' t, :'t e'-;, � ,.' �� �e>.c J.4-:� . .:'''';';__'',':''-'_J..i.-;.I· _':n ill:����ins�fhet�ea .. �.!r0a:l,.f�a�stbrary,work for twenty y:e-ars,and h� duce greater advertising. Other ad- to \\'�ri every gaine they possibly ,"�et t!i��Fres1in;an�. ·b��·piie, th�=:fatt 'thIS' afternoon:. "The' .game;,: 'wh,ac:hie\'ed a position of distinctio� vance:; ar; expected· in all depart-; can." that '&:e··;�� .tlot;iri. ·traininu�· Taylor ;w�r ��o���t! :�f' �fth.e, ��,��i1ing o£a'.bong.'the librarians of the country, ments as·��n as work is well under; ,., stagg :Proud of T� pUf·:up;.a'go<)(t:�hibitioll o£.de�ei1sive \tHc--season'as· a'practice'contest,' has�ll d.evote himself entirely to the way. � . "I· felt proud last Saturday that in wo�:: �LD(r':W.S.'pU't 'oiI 'the.' mat· ·in. �no�; ·a�sunied:;'illiuStiaHahpbrta�c�·'iri"�ork of developi�g and administer- "We want everyone to come and: ·the: s�cond ·half Chicago me� came 'eJevc'n· minutest·ih' an exciting.· cC?n-' iview of. the inci-ea�ed strength" of'the':iJg the library system of .the Uni- �ee what we want them to do for tis:': ba�k and �ve Illinois ail they coUld test. ,Kearney tried the, full Nelson iNorthwestein ;.tea�. arid ·the:;ro�s �,�f Jv�rsity:.· . ... said. Lester Wheeler yesterday.: 'h�ndl� :to ke�p them away from. the sei;�r:al' times' beio�e: it was' �iii�es'S: LWilson: ana' sev·eral oth�r"pl�y�r�.'to1 Mr. Hanson Wep ,Qualified.;! "', :,'Many of the students can draw pie-' ·goal." ful. Nemo Young rcfereed· the con- l:Hicago.�· The :Ptii-ple·- team :regaTd� :: Mr. Hanson j,ns,�Orn;=jn�orwaj�� �.tui-es l..:"incr'!-Write'�-,�tories. Perhaps "The game of Saturday" I bow test. The bit of the evening 'was the lthis· ·afternoon as the chan-ce oE'ei' lifc"::;i� 186S;��tlt 'r��ed hi;:eduiaii'ori', i11'7 :�th�Y:;h�v�"':iilen:tes�" con�erning the n�thing about. Northwestern has singing of:a,selection'.from,·the "Pri- 'time 'to beat an old-tiine riv�l; and'this co_try. Having been gradu- ,University which are interesti�g. only played tw'�' games; we had DO ��:.:D�.����� ·by ,E���tt Be��h .. _ :wilt spare no efforts to come: out; at .ated from 'college in 1882, he pursued There will always be a 'place for any-; man a� ,t�e first 'on�� ,and in the see- ,·The' lightweight boxing contest 'the :right end of the score;'gbduate studies from\I�2; to ,I� ,,;one, man or woman who wants; to' ond ,one they only used a few simple �� �is� -a dra�. i�:-th�: �ig1}t.�f many I There is -n�: d�ubt that •. unless the�e 'was � teacher in' Chicago from't I �()rk On- ahy r�committee, as mbst· plays.', But' they . have: got the. best �(.��:...�pe�t;at�i:�.: _' .'�Jj��i�·; Dono- ;Northwestern· team falls· far, belo\vI� to 1888,..,�nd a graduate, student everything in which any student: is, t�m �nd c�ach they have· ha4 in six van� for ��: Sopholllo�es, was pitted 'the strength with- which it is credit-i� Hist�ry, Economics and Romance interested is taken care of by the: years.'" : against.·'Terry·" Lipsky, a Freshman. �ed,. ·thc game ·wilt be,: hard-fought�nguages at t:omell Unive��ity Cap and Gown." , . "Weare �ot in as good shape 'as .�he· ��t � i: seri�s. or' clinches in 'froni start to finish. No one at .Chi-,from 1888 to IS9O, and .. for� part� of:, . -" :: .', '" .. :; we were Saturday and r don·t; know the first . round, , but be!=ame .fast and ;cago. feels_'.th�tc the riv�l team· isI� He �ega�, �is �re�r,:at!�e., _'FACULTY MEN:.IN LECTU�I' ;c�l!�th�,\!.�,�.�!.::hr.';C?���ti�n to ,�� fViou� in.th�'� following rounds. ;;stro!,g�r;' and ,it, i� :gr�t1y' ,to beN,ewberry LIbrary 10 ChIcago under ___. n �r not.· . -Y;l�.a�. not In 'good, m.m Botb:��'re ftOc;r�d 'sev�ral·times. Don_ ,q�estiQne�: if' ,tlte Northwestern .. stu-;.�.'. �T .• �. Poole-i1,1 1890- In 18g3 he ProfeSflOr Bensley Will Speak Nifl ��.·fO�.��.• �Ii��e.�,,�:��!-,i�,.,�.�. o��,:w�� th�,p�pula� v�rdi·ct�.· :de�.ts:have_: ��ch: r�al confidence inwa� InVIted to take charge of t�e._.. Tuesday Aftemoon. I � �m w!!' W1���. t.o, make· np m' the .,' SOpba wiD �'Thg 'of W��. �the .,ability of.. �eir player:s to win. '�taloifue department' of the librart � ;_ � i 1 �ibigo .. gnr, � -_�a�d· arid ·:fight:,· for A q�e'�' assisted . by' Gardner, :There is; however, Just enough: �n.-o(.the::Universit�'of Wisconsin"and . Professor. Robert R. Bensley of ihe! w�icli,we·ar�,!�\ed·.th�oukhout the gave:,twO .. seledio�s whi�h'�ere well sertainty arising from the weaken��g .in; '1897 was.. n:t��e,hea� of the �ta-:. botany dep3rtment, will give a lec- west." ';'! l� �,-: � ... _'- _. r��;ed.:'-This,�as rolto�eci by·.th�, o(ib�' Ch�c�go:'t���':.th���gb,":in,:,logue d,h;�i«?� o( the JibrcalY,. o( Con:". ,ture on. the .. History of the: Vacuole Captain· Cr.;,,;leY waS:�ef'a�d' to . F�h�ph'.·. Tug-of�War. :Weight ju�es t() a�use �o small amount of :gress .. :nis' • position: ;he lh�S= occU,,;· 'ill Ahim�i arid' piant Cell;, i·n Botany the point. in rcmarking:: "It -I�b ;,aJid .e�perience counted against the 3�.xiety "Over the game in the mindspied for thirteen:: yea�. and: has: .i3next ·Tue�ciay-'at 4:30'0'dock. iIt J!:loomy�but' not'�:man';�n-:-tiie,team Freshme'u··in this part'of the pr:ogram bf: t�e:'l.'":hicag() rooret:s.a�ieved a stan�ing, as a �taloguer; , .. is ,said thaf.the leetUre will be of es- has given up. If we were, licked 0 , a \ and 'th'e' second->:��i _men succeeded ' ,L�euP, Sbifted.._ 'unsurpassed by that" -:>f .�nf· me�b�r" pecial.inter-est to all botany stu- dozen. times we wouldn"t give u�; in, keeping-,the ,mark in· ,their terri- , :I'he,l��e�p .that: was given o,ut�by :o� the profession in :this -'countrY or: . dent�' a�' Dr.'" Bensley will give the i-e- fot: we know you're behin� us: WeYre � tor; �,ali' . th� 'time: ,.of' the cOlltest. Mr., Stagg last, night differs in· no, .abroad. �ult of numerous researches, which going to fight hard tomo,,"ow.".. : Those - particiPating. were: Sopho.;. less than . four· positions· from the.. oneMr. Hanson has been a member of he has made in this field of WO!k. ,Three-Quarters· lien ,H�ble i �O!'e�ark, B�own. �h�ndl-';r. Hol_ that started tl'!e game against . Illli-": th1e American qbra..y Association Illustrated charts, showing the cell In the midst of 'all the :��rriment : lingsworth and Bell.' Fres1tmen-. nois; George Kuh' has 'taken Wil-since 189.3. From 1900-'9Q8,...... "� :c�ai�-· foimatr�ns will be used in the l�c- the Three-Quarters canciidat�s; �af- 'I' Rei�h�an. Coo�ley�. Harger, �yman son's place at quarter, and Fonger isman of its C<lmmittee ,on catalogue' tur�: ,'. - - : forded· humor, more by their,. atti- and Huey. -' !'cheduled to start' at fullback ,in placeruJes, he conducted the negotiations Proiessor Coulter, director of thc tude of ·ltUmiliat�on than· by 'a�'fitel- 1 The· finale of'the progTam was the . of. Ralph Young. Da\'enpon is given"ith the British Library Association. bctany department,. returned today Jar acts o£ asininity.· They' marched I pie-eating cont�st. in which', "Fat" kogers' position at left h·alf, and, inHe 'also compiled and edited the cata- from a t�p, t� Iowa City, la., where into Kcnt in lockstep formation. as ; Lyma� _,�,.�a ... beating last year's time the line, Frecma" goes in' in' place o£lo&u�. rules published in -i908 � ,�o he deliveftd lectures before the Iowa go thc convicts of the shaven, polls, by almost three-quarters of a minute. Whiteside.editions •. an Ainerican edition by th�, St�te Univcrsity and the iow� Prcs- an(l then :-tnod facjng the wall upon . A, feature of the evcning·s pro_ Ralph Young is· being kept out onPublishing hoard' o£' ·thtr, American byterian Synod. On \Vedncsday the stage. Thcy immediately· :as- :gra� '�� the trying of the new yell. accoum ,of a bruised shouldcr, ac-Library' Association. and British edi- me ming D!'. Coulter dc1h'ercd an act- �ttlned a· kneeling posture. and - thus, ,b,.� the Three-Quarters club. The yell (luir�d against Illinois. while \Vhite-tion by the Library Association of ,Iress to th� students of thc statc uni- like (le\'otc(''' heforc a shrine., they !£ollows: "iric is suffering from an infection inGrcat Crilain. He has been a con- ycrsity on "�cw Equipmcnt:' an(l humhly �pent thc half hoor. - : ��. Chi-ca-�'O. 1 will. ):i-;. farc. The In�s of hoth of thc:,ctributor te various library and hiblio- laler in the evening he gave a talk One act of divcrsion was allotted i ·Chi_ca-go. 1 will. r'-'�ulars undouht(;dly weakens thegr�phic journals. hefore the Synod on "Plans for l�i- thcm. I'airing ofT as thc Chicago Rah, Rah. Rah! Il'am. Fonger's lack of weight makesAmong Mr. Hanson's qualifications nancial ImprO\.cment:" Dr. Coulter. :10,1 �()rthwcstern foothall· teams. Ra·h. Rah, Rah! him far less formidable a� a line-for the new position is a working as a memher of the National As:,cm- they indulgerl in onc· grand· center I will, I will. [ will. plunger than Young, and Freemanknowledg(" o£ fifteen languages,: fo� _ : 'bly of Pl'e�hyterian�. was sent to the rt1�h in thc ('cnter of the stage. piling Chicago! i:-, ·IIOt as heavy as \Vhite�idc, Hmncof which he writes and �peaks, as Iowa synod to represcnt thc r\ational up in :J great mass of- heads, legs �nd Young. Mcnanl. Rogcrs and Sauerwell as reads. The University counts body. £eet.· Chicago won· the down: Poor support last year c�\1sed a ma)� he sent in later in the game.itseli fortunate in securing the ser- The hest song practice of the :sea- track deficit at Williams of $484 .. �" . Weaker Than Last Week.vices of a man so eminent in his A sophomore at Brown was:drown- son' was heM at this mee,ing. Go1'- There�is no question that the cl('v-,profession, cspe<'ial1y in \'iew of the .ed despite the efforts o£ friends to don Erickson lead, thc singing; and Credit for work on student pl1hli- en, .which i� sent against Northwe�t-. _' (Continued o�. �3) " _ _ 5a,:_e him. (Continned on page 4) .. " " �abolls: is to be given at Michig:an. Northwestern· Has' Advantage'· ofWeight in· Line and Backfield­Hammett's· Plays Hidden.".;:...", .;.... !' I'>There -is one Chicago tradition that The Physics .Club wilt �eet inis now being most 'flagrantly tram- Ryerson Physical laboratory at 4pled upon. It is the o'clock Monday. "The LimitationsRespect for Alma Mater. It has of Stoke's Law of Motion of a SphereThe Alma Mater always been the cus; ,Through a Resisting. Medium/' by.tom for the students Mr. H. D. Arnold. " , ,to rise and bare their heads when the Vesper Services' in .Haskell tomor­University hymn is being played. It row at 4 o'clock. '.'The Friends of.is in this respect that the discourtesy College Days." Leader, Millingtonhas of late been shown. Carpenter.Since the beginning of the college , Reorganization of the Common-year, the Alice Freeman Palmer': .. wealth club will take place on Tues-'chimes have pealed forth the "Alma day at 6 p. m. in the Commons'Mater" at 10 o'clock every night. .It . private dining room.[s entirely fitting' and proper that Physical EzaJDinatioD' Appoint­U niversity men and women in dormi; menta for Men may be made at thetories, the Reynolds club, the librar- . office of the Medical Examiner inies or the street, should show their . BartIett"Gymnasium.respect for the hymn by 'doing 'the , .. Nomiliations. .for class- officers onusual courtesies, hi the last week Wednesday, October 26, at 10:30-several instances have been noted Upper Seniors in Cobb 6A, Lowerin which this has not been done. .This Seniors in east Kent, Upper Juniorsis tru�' especially iri tl��-"Rey�old�" i in west Kent, Lower' Juniors in Kentclub .and the Law libraries. ; theater.!t-wili ,interfere .very 'little with<jn;_' �� Meeting of the' Brownson Club ontellectual', progress, if the stude�ts � iri- lTuesday at 4 in Cobb lOB.the :Law 'library .cease their lab�rs i . 'for a� minute and rise while the' �'.Al- , .. COMMUNICATIONS.ma Mater" is being rung. The loss I � Toof time could very e�sily' be '��de up the Editor-It was a . surprise'. to .me that ·"M. W. R!' thought itby curtailing the time usually. given necessary to give such a Caustic re,over :to gossip. ply to my criticism of the waythe choir sat during chapel, .,. I am very sorry indeed . that' Imisjudged Mr. Lash and 1hope that he will accept my sincereapologies. As to the rest+what Isaid was true. From the improve ...ment in their attitude and attentiontoday I do not regret that they re­ceived a "jolt" to their pride.As to the suggested women's choir,it .is a fine idea, Start the ball �1-Jin'g! It would' .help many a 'giriwho is struggiing to pay her o� -,.way through college. , 'Miss R._ .. �o •• I)AILY .IIAROON..' Jroaaer17 '0':' .TIle Oalftll'8lo ol CbSeqo We1k17 'J'ou4ed 'The Wee1t17 •••••••••••••••• October 1. 1£12The Dall7 ••••••••••••••••• ()etobel"1. 1J02Eutered .. Sec:oud-clau JDA1l at tbe CIll­�o Poet01lke. Chleaso.,IlHnol8. .ll.ucla18. 1103. 'uuder' .Act of Mareh. a. '.�; �TBB STAFFN. A. PFUFER •• • AlaDqlDs EditorIi J. DALY .• ..0. � . . . N ... EcIitoI'll. "'. CARPENTER. • Athlet1c EdltorHEN .... NEWMANAtU:lugA'l'E EDI'l'OW:Jw. J. "'out;C. Y. TD,lor H. L. Kezmlcott11. W. BeeseC. W. Ho�hland D. L. BreedREPORTERSUuth BeUckerMaJorJe HiliJ. K. Beebe M. D. StevenSUBSCRIPTION RATES:117 Currier. $2.:iO per year. fLOO per quarter.Cit)' mall. f1.25 per q uarter �OO per Jear InadVAnce.Ne ... contrlbuUons IWl7 be left at El1l8Hall or Facult7 Exchange. addl'eaed toThe D4117 M.aroOD.0The following' editorial is clippedfrom -)he Kansas City Star:"No charge is madeFor R T; Crane for reproducing theto Ponder On. following' advertiseament of a volum�by an enterprising Chicago businessman:: A Live Wire on Higher Schooling:R. T. Crane's New Book: .(331 Pages.): Showing the Fallacy of all Kinds, of Higher Schooling.ror Sale o.by· all Book Stores.••••••• : •••• .; •• e ••••••••••• � .0., "That's the stuff! Stop' this higherschooling. Shut up the colleges.Turn 0the universities into factories.What's the use of education, any­way? 'All that people are on earthfor is to add a few trimmings -to theinevitable bread and butter, and toset up a Iit�le furniture in the cavewhich their ancestors made theirhome. So why study"Of course a man needs enougharithmetic to figure the interest onhis note for' sixty days. He shouldbe able to spell the common wordsof business. Some knowledge ofgeography would not come amiss.But this business of wasting yearsin studying history, economics, phil­osophy, biology, Latin, Greek orwhat not-absurd!"What difference does it makewhether the sun goes around theearth or the earth around the sun?You go to work at the same timeevery 0 morning, no mattcr which goes Professor Scott of Illinois WritesArticle in Independent on "Col_lege Training in Joumalism..'· • -- .:;-_ ..... #, ••••fOl. fack drivers' strike, a party of . menwas .. organized ' by one of the stu-.dents, who, went down to act asstrike�reakers. o�t another time,oae �f .the . student reporters of ; theExaminer organized, on his own ini­tiative, a band of men from his, andanother, fraternity, and made a dem­onstration" in order to intimidatethe strikers. In both of these cir­cumstances, the employment bureauhad nothing to do whatever in se­curing the help, and I thought it onlyjustice to Mr. Bowers to inform youof this fact.'Yours very truly,Alfred C. Kelly, Jr,around. Why waste time JeariUDchow the planets were fo��l., .... �twon't help you sell aoocls.:· :Theil.: there.-is �Jo:wl\ole'��I'o(�D��naie": in' �ollege �s�ulation .. o�i�·:.and" destiny and eternal life and the coD-:stitution of matt_er: What's the use!Some chap has said that his ideaof happiness ,was, to go out in thefields with a friend, lie on his back,look at the sky 'and talk:abOiit' God.That's about as far as 'these imprac�tical liigher education fol� 'get:' Ifa oman wasn't talking about GOd he_!1light be planning' som�thiDg reallyworth wbiJe-how- to malie of' pile inwheat or how to.' get- rid 0 'of 's-omecommon stock to advantage."You can never get anywhere by'going' to ,college.' Most· millionairesdon't know Latin and never lookedinside a book of philosophy. Whatthis country needs is more million­aires. Put every boy and girl towork at 14. Then you would see theUnited States of America begin to SAYS COLLEGE liEN MAKEGOOD IN NEWSPAPER WORLDhum." "College - Training in Journalism,"is the subject of an article in the In­dependent Magazine by ProfessorF. 'W. Scott of the English depart­ment of the University of Illinois.Professor Scott maintains that thecolleges of jourrialism have alreadymade their influence felt in the news­paper world, and that a majority ofnewspaper men are now collegetrained men. There is also, he says,an increasing demand for educatedmen."Courses of instruction especiallyplanned for students who expect toenter journalism as a business or aprofession," he writes, "are now be­ing offered by at least a dozen col­leges or universities in this country.More than four hundred studentsare enrolled in these courses, some­thing between two and three scoregraduated irom them last year, andone, professor reports that he has re­quests for more graduates in' jour­,lJalistic courses than he can recom-�end.\ Journalists Favor' College Men. 1j ':JGumalisi •. themselves have rec-' �.4gn�edO the .increasing readiness of f<)<>lleges to meet the demands of busi;*ss and professional life, have seenthe newspaper offices gradually fill-,iog ,�th college graduates, and havesuspected that. in journalism as else­where: 'specialization may make forefficiency. Twenty-five or thirtyyears ago. a college training was a. handicap to the young man applyingfor � job as a reporter. A Yale gradu­ate, now the oldest reporter on a.great, Chicago daily,. secured his pres;ent, job he asserts, only by con,cealing the blot on his educational'scrutcheon. He was the only col­lege.man in the reporters' room then;now there are but two in the roomwho are not college men, andneither of these is city editor. Menw�o have seen this cha�ge come :about have perceived diat the col�leges now provide aD education thatca� be put to use by �e' editor, andhave reasoned that if some adaptionhas; been done, more t adaption can do o ELECTRICITYLike bodies repel,While the unlike at­tra�t. Whichaccountsfor the magnetic quali­ties of Fatima Ciga­rettes-theyare totallyUnlike any others. .They generate a currentof favor. pOwedUi in its at­traction of college ·students.Some Jag. some UJorJ ro;llbe coined 10 Jexnbe them.,I ;4,PrQcrastiriatifi...... �IS A 'BIG WORDPAr NOW52.50 PER fEARDAILY BULLETIN�Football Game with Northwesternthis afternoon at 2:30, at Marshallfield.ANNOUNCEMENTS.more.'Editor Daily Maroon.�Tbe·re wasa '. communiCation in your paper,signed by 0 IIr. Cameron' T. Latter,which, to say the least, was not a fa­vorable advertisement for the em­ployment bureau, although it didnot reflect upon me personally.I happen to have an'inside know­ledge of the facts stated, and thoughttbat 0 perhaps you would like to recti-fy the statement made. '. .Sometime ago, at, the time of the Graduates lIake Good."The first proof of the efficacy oftbis sort of training for journalismis 'in the readiness with which thegrad�,�s find positions, keep themand 'p� In this respect they are'undoubtecPy justifying themselvesand their training, although certainKansas editors' are already blaming'college .. journalists' for' all the windin Kansas journalism. 'The graduatesare securing' gOod Positions, are ris-I ing rapidly, and in many instancesare successfally running papers of; their own.' 0 The courses fit them foro country papers or minor positions onlarger papers. In both places thereis a growing' demand for college­trained newspapermen. In Illinois,. where two years ago a state pressassociation listened with good hu­mored incredulity to an explanationof what the courses in journalism, were tl')ing to do, the editorial asso­ciation has recently volunteered touse its influence in securing for thestate university the equipment of acomplete newspaper plant for thework."GLOVESAsk for the best and aeebow quick they'Dbring youFOWNES,----------------------------------------------------�� great internat, .. anal social meet­jng will be held a week from nextFri.day, :by the Cosmopolitan club towelcome 'members and' start thingsmoving for the year. The programcommittee, composed of Messrs. N.Sa�dow��Y. D.' J. Kasai, and F.Young, is busy working out the dc-:, taiI:{ of 'the affairs, and announcesthat more detailed information will.� appea'i- during the week, 'The personnel of the program com,mittee indicates the vaned nationali­ties of the members, Russia, Japanand China, are only a few of thecountries represented, as the club hasnearly a hundred .members, 'only one-, ,third of wh�!D _ are Americans. Mr;A McADA��'!� ��S'�#'����t interest in the club'�•- • IS high, and that a very successful, THE season is at hand.Student's 'Floristc:UriOJ( Zt� liP. 1If.DfOD. 21 � .... �� .' -'" TheM'&J, 'ARKow?{btchCOLLARSSit mUafy to the neck. the tOp. meet 'In front and there is ample apacef� the eravat..l:c..Z for25c. C!uett.Peabody & Co..MMeraA. fi. Spalding '& Bros.are the LargestManufacturersin the world,of;;_THE"":"'"SpaldingTnde Mark'" Official,�quipmentfor all AthleticSports and -PastimesU You are intc;r­ested 'I nAthldi� Sp_or�YOU should havea copy 0 f theSpalding (:al:a;�, logtle( It's a com- 'plere encv elope­d ia of What'S Ne. bL.Sports and i� sent_______ .. free on request.is known through-:out the world:, 'as aGuarantee of,Quality �A. Ci. Spalding 'f:, Bros.147 Wabula Aya., ChlcatoS3ed Sa. ad KimbeIk AYe. PI- H. P. 18.STUDEN1S,:m 'Ps' A Din. '.: .-.­QUEEN CAFETwo Block. East 01 � Club, 1320 EAST FIFI'Y-5IYI1mI ST.'InUIut A 1& c.taWNCH me DINNER 25c::. ::':..WATCHHAISEI'S'WINDOW DINYOF CLUm '"IRT$, _ :,. - . �' - �,FROM 22na TO 29111:;'$1.50 alid'$2.00Illi EAST 63n1 STREET, NEXT- TO POSTOf1:1CE �Send in your. suhscription todayf .. r The Daily Maroon.fle a loyal student and subscribefor The Daily Maroon. �. ·�P�".uDlq ... BD�t for Nat,�_ � �OOD � 'LcziqtoD- BaD.The Southwcst Ncighborhood clubwill hold the first mccting of the sca-·son Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock,� Lexington hall. The entertain­"menr committee and members of thecouncil are working on the arrange­: . ments, and it's success is promised.- ,'The details arc being kept secret,but the plan in general is to offer acollege, cour�e. Lexington librarywilt be converted into miniatureclassrooms. Each woman will be ex­pected to go through the entire col­lege course of four years in one af­ternoon. All girls who live south ofthe Mid-way and west of Lcxingtona�nue are urged to come and learn"how to get a Phi Beta Kappa kcy intwo short hours. Refreshments willbe' served.COSMOPOLITAN CLUB: , t IN BIG SOCIAL MEETINGIntcrnational Affair is to be PulledOff Next Friday Night in, Ncw, , Chapter House, ' CUTTING SPEAKS ':BEiloIiE -: '.-: �BB GERMAN CLUB. ,�--, STYLISH UP:JQ�DATE T AILORlNG�-- . FOR yeUNG 'MEN AT SENSIBLE PRICES, .. : .. ':' John R. Verhoef! .2£11.00 AND UP Roy E. FranceGREENWOOD ,HAS MUSIC Head. of GenDaD 'DePartmeat Spe8bat Weekly 'Mectin& of the -: IClub. "Over 90 students' interested in Ger­man appeared yesterday-in Lex­ington to attend the mcctiDgof the German club. As usual, themembers· were divided into depart-'ments, one for Junior college aDd:the other for Senior college -students.After about one-half, hour of practi-'cal German conversation, both sec­tions of the club assembled to hearProfessor Cutting.' Following thcintroduction by Mr�' Grcnow, Profes­sor Cutting spoke, on the value ofGerman conversation. -He : referred- .to the fact that, there arc about -A-!COO,OOO people in the United Stateswho have Teutonic, blood, so that aninterest in the German language isbut natural.PETITIONS COMING SLOWLYCou�cil Iss�cs Call. for Pctitions forClassification.As yet but few petitions for chang­es in classification have been prc-'sen ted to the council. The list isnow posted, and blanks for petitionsmay be obtained at the informationoffice. The council will receive andconsider any petition up to the timeof the elections. The council, how­ever, is anxious to have the pctiti­tio�s presented early in order that'thcir claims may be .investigated andacted upon without confusion. Anystudent who finds his; .name classifiedamong those. of .any class- other thanthat with which he ,.altcred college,is privileged to petition for a changein' classification. ._ ',-MISS GILMAN WILLTALK ON ,SUFFRAGE_N�X-:r ','�EDNESDA:Y_'_'_'_' �- • ':f�;! Mrs. Charlotte 'Perkins Gilman wit IODLI AN �cwsm UNI 0'-_ Gauaateed Fahric:a.Abo Other' Very AttracIi •• u.... Both. OUR GUARANTEEWe Guarantee every Garment made frOID our Stock to give absolutesatisfaction. If it fades, shrinks or loses shape or any other faultdevelops eithcr in the Fabric or the making, at any time,briDg Itback and we'll make it good.� GIvE US A TRIAL. No -B.tte.. Fabrics. Better Tailom. or Better Val ...CaD Be Had, ADywhentJOliN R. IIERHOEFF a co.. ----TAl LORS,---.... COL IlADISOR (,. cuusrs.CHICA�O. m, Thlnl floor Straus �.014 At.o6d IIdg. nleplleae JUIN 5331WICLOSIAT 6:31 r ...Women in Greenwood Hall PI8n toSerenade WOg1en'� aaus.-: \ ':,-ih�',,�����;� GI�c �Iub has a rival�' �'o�-the �ampus sincc thc organization'last,' night of thc Greenwood chorusb�, ;JS �csidc';ts' of 'that hall. - TheclUb will be unc!er thc managcmcnt ofa board of dircctors, consisting' ofMiss Slining, Florcncc :Portcr. MaryDickcrson and Dorothy Goodrow,, ���: will, be ',accompanied by� Martha,\\Th,ittemorc.piano; Elsa Dudcnhocfcr: and' . Charlotte Bicrbowcr. violin, andGena Thompson. mandolin.Thc Grcenwood orcncstra has al­rCfl"y had somc expericncc iii cntcr­talning thc gucsts of _thc hall. and thc. Glcc, club is expectcd to be evcn agrcatcr innovation in Qnivcrsity dr­,d�s. Grccnwood' hall is 'uniquc iD thc�, p_o�scssion {If this �rchcstra and glccclub. and thc rcsidcnts have warn cd'. their: sistcrs on the Quadranglc thatth�y 'will soon' be ablc to' cntcnainthcm with midnight scrcnades.COMPLETE LIST OF,', THREE-QUARTERSCLUB'S' PLEDGES will speak 'on' "Worrtan's:' Suffragc".next Wednesday at 4' in"Cobb - 4A.Th� lecture is open' to :a u J It is IUD_dcr thc auspices of,thc Collcge EqUalSuffragc Leaguc. ': "i·' ',- -, ].r�s. Gilman is ide'fitified with' thc�uftrage movement' in �Etiropc for sc�­cr�1 years. She has also 'bcen' inler-·estcd in the 'solution of labor prob­icm�, and' is thc author 'of-: scvenlworks on womcn and, economic� andon children in thc hoinc.MAKE ADDITIONS TO. LIBRARY DEPARTMENTS(Co.ntin'lcd from pagc I)----: lar�e and, responsible work'.of- rcor-: ganization and cataloguing, which thc'library must carry�through within ,the'ncxt ,fcw ycars. :�,:.:-..:.: ":_ •. ;. ..,''�1��A 4 ;".�-.;:r .�!: � •Thomas Coleman PJedgeCl·'cm Psi. iChi Psi announccs thc -plcdgingof Thomas ��lcmanl � Chic;ago. His i'�amc. through an ovcrsight, was DOt· jincluded in, the _list publishcd Thurs- :day.A coursc in lifc saving has beeDaddcd to the curriculum at SyracuseUnivcrsity. ,INWOOD'�WOODBASSWOODa.A.TWOODJPEaNWOOD'l'EA.KWOODJlAPLEWOODETC.YOU WILL FIND WHATYOUAREHUNTlNGro� i,�.".C 0' L L A R. S2 FOR 25 CENTSTRitT Aalt I .. Ga ..... OX.'M.de by EARL at WILSONF __ .. cSrr 0IDan,, iCOLLEGE MEN!The four remaining pledgcs to thcThrce-Quartcr.s Club wcrc announccdi ycstc�day as follo1f's:� [ . Delta Kappa- 'Epsilon.:._ Comstock.i MacDonald, Northrup.Phi Kappa Psi-Foster, Corpcr,Richardson.Sigma Alpha Epsilon--5hilton.Phi Kappa Sigma-Schoen.Thc announcemcnt of thesc namcsmake complcte thc list of pledges tothc Freshman organization.'., An award of $100 has heen offeredthc best plays submitted before Jan­uary 17th at Yale.All undergraduates are cligible for.­thc monthly swimming meets thatwill be held at Syracusc Universityin November. You are Invited. to Inspect OurSuits. and ,:OvercoatsBefore Making Your' Purchase, , w--'EmGiAntosh,oWoUr Koods, for ilia,meaDs � to us.WELLS CLOTHES SHOP231-233 DEARBORN ST.·Ketallers 01 ,Finest. �,BEAJ)y TO WEAR" Clo�-,__ -� ".;� ..fl"j_' -"'-------------'-------------------.-{Subscri.,e fo� ·The DailY'Maroon.':.1 " ,i:sui;scij� for, �.c ,Dolily Maroon".Sh�es 1- :��!••• • .... ..s � :.�.',;_Esl>_ ",:7��')- .. :�.i : ::�\��t.I . . AT .'.$3.11." a .4."11'- , -_.�';wATcH THIS SPACE,�,F"', :T"�'*��" OPE��NaOF OUI SHOE DEPT.':",Patronize lIaroon Advertiscrs.. � . .,.6� I: ELLIS AVE., HE -PLACE TO BUY YOUR CIFTS!!!!UTILE ART CORNER1460 E. 53n1 ST.Arb ud Crafts Goods�1J..the: news of thc Campus,in The Daily Maroon. -Advertisers arc sure of Resultswhen they Advertisc in Thc Maroon.I., ,.. ': .' ..,. �. . , ., "otl , .. ':�.'� .. ;.�.,,",_ \'j "'f';",� .f1�I' ,."I'.:�,., _' .......J.'. ·f�1. IEY�'in·".e�5EYS,. �WEATERSalld ATHLE'_.C 600DS. Iftdi. CoUep .and Fraierni�. PEl\INAXT, PILLOWS. FOBS.. .and PINS earrIed in SWck.CIJIlEGE: 'INif� ITUU'ttG<GlD1J8.JlT· ...cEs· ",r·ARE·.,,,Jt -' -.TWO MORE· .SPECIAL ; OFFERS.. ./ .:. .�. . .':! .. -l "Foot Ball ShOes Chic�o Belts'$2.$0 75 Cents.• .,gular PrIce 13.50 Sold elsewhere at 11.00FRfSHMf� GfT ACQUAINTED.. .:n.tE w. c. KERN's u. of C. BRANC�-1304 EAST 57th STREET(<;:onti�'f� from page I) -vIbl.,1� .1"_.r: •IIAllOON -AND' PUJtPJ&-' ._­, 1IBBT''"T!DS'''Ai i&aH0T'-. ;. �� .-:; �, n., � .. r'i . �__ '(to!���f(9'� 1t ';e� �. n� • �iJ:!.' �t _hifaced Illinois. The absence of• SOD' OI:I�e is a serious w���ss.' Its:punting was of. iinmeDSe ,5C.niC:C inkeeping both Illinois 'an4 .�.,� out'�f range·�f the qu�go .,�, !!d �increasing the chances 9.(;.Ai:C!tg�'s;scorinc by means of a fUaible oa the;._ part of its oPpOneDts.· . . . . .,In practice. �. who. is' tp tako,ROUN" ...... the place of the ctisa� q��ack., has shown considerable ability i�running the team, and in getting:away for quarterbaekruns, In scrim­mage against the Freshman te�.Wednesday, he broke away for o�eCASTS' run of over 7S. Y,�r:cJs: �� i�. P!l, the:• • • � • • •. whole, a speedier 'man' than Wilson,and runs the team faster. He alsouses better head-�ork i:D: �c: selec­tion of plays .Ralph Young was an importantcog in the machine at Cl)at;1!1�i�.He broke through the ��C?�watJ·,line of the IIIini for two 'gains ofover ten yards, and was strong rin OVERFLOvi'IN KENT ATdefense. His shoulder, however, I:t.as BIGGEST KASS MEETING:not recovered sufficiently to. warrantrisking his loss for future games bystarting him today. .�ortlnreste� Has. s.t:a�Northwestern has several' str�ngmen. Ward and Manley were men­tioned favorably by many critics' atthe dose of last season. "l)usty"Parker, the negro ce��, b� ba4 agood deal of experiien�· aDCI-. i� adangerous foe. He is a former HxdePark . player, and werlt one year; tothe University of Illinois before 'hewent to N orthwestem. The players. on the whole, are far more expeip­eneed than those who made up. file1909 team.. '-, The' PUl'Ple.. ��,� Qb\Weigbs iheMaroons, both in the line and in thebackfield� This will prove a sevinI D ." BEe K Y S H A. B P." handicap, alth�ugb t� diSadvant;(gc. will DOt. be, so er� iD._ tbc. w .. :�s.was the case last Saturday: Neitherare the N orthwestem backs regudedas being the. equals of the Illinoisquintet. r.ittl� is' 'imo�,' '1i�ier,of their general styJe· of play_ . Only.. very simple tactics. were used agaulSt- ..... WAIlA£E - � Iowa, while 'tlie w�rk aPi�st' :W�Jeyan. was crude. in the. extraru:._ .IJis not believed, however, that theteam is noW as poorly equippelt. inthe'-matfci'or pJa:rs. ¥ �mmett��� F��C; r��n�y: �IDflRed the, School�ganled' as a· very cleva- coac:h- .. I� of, Mipe5 at. NoJ14: X>akota. "the week ��ee� t1J�. W��F'an� I' '.. , ... ,. '. _'._.._. .'_'. . !Iowa games ht;. �����4. tli� :�d� Chinese st�!!�rii�. �t Co!umbia Uni­�ents of foot�1 .1I?�q; _ the ,��ds oJ. versity are �c1!iP.g, Eng,ish to their�IS players and b���h.t, ��� a brac, COUD�eD. in� New York Gty.that had been considen:d, imPossible ' ... - '. -. - .. . .by a�1 �ritics. It. is no� ��!P'�4i'�. A farm ,o£.. �,.aF.r��.is the naturalhe. has been r�.sbn� OD hl� 13:D.r�1s I. laboratory 'at the Coliege of Agricul-the past fortnl�t. hire of: MissoUri, University.•COLONI��Tll£ATEa KAUTD.VLBRIGHT EYESpOWERSMARIE - TEMPEST. STUDEBAKER.ELSII JANISTHE SLIM PRINCESSGARRICKThe £boeolate SolcUerLYRICThe GAMBLERS-With GEORGE NII5HGRAND·MRS. FISKEOLYM:PICTIle AVIATORCORTTHE AfRO GIRLMAJESTICn....m. of ae .... Speci�...•... -. ",'ELBERT HU�_'JlRDNIGHT' BIRD GIRLSAnd, Many OthersLA SAL��-THE-Sweetest Girl ia'Pari$;WHITNEYlOWDl BDlTB 13AMERICAN IIUSlCIIALLfUTURITY WINNfRGEOIGE PRIMROSE.JIMMY GALLAIIBpRINCESSTHE DEEP PURPLEMCVICKERSRobert HiDard"A Fool There Wa" Turkish &=Russian ·75cPLAIN BATH_S Z5cTEXT 'BOOKS·. ,.he injected new life and speed intol.he perfo ... mance, The Glee club andthe members. 'of last year's Black­rrlir ���� "we� lined up in front,��'d, aided by their.' united volume, the·'�'ij,eU.o'! :aeUoi'; song and several'others were gone over with great·-"1 ' •. ,.. 'spirit.' The bilnd will be out today't� .fu�l.sh .. �� music for these songs.M� . fOlJr c.��t:.lea�rs assisted. yester­��y a�4' ;:Iii,.: �I oj�� i� front today.... . .�� 3f. eJ1a .�ted.The a ripounsc;ni��� was made thatsome more 'diicago y�lI& were want­ed, especially sh�rt and snappy ones.Anybody whq: h.as, an,y; .ideas are re­quested. to. pIOase:.wi4e them 'down�'4rqp'�'��- iAtQ: the Faculty Ex­change,.hatidressec\, ,to Paul, Gardner.Th�,' Iast. i w9i'dl .of Cheerleaderq��.49F.rr w.er�::.:·, ."Although North­�e_ste.�, h:ts. �a�,a.,�u� team the lastsix ,years, arid·,their first game. was•• , . j' t• - !." .. 'rathel' rag�cI. ·they, will certainly. put';p �� str��g fi�it .. thi�. time, Every­��y.:��� �t: .tp. be .there . Saturday,and sliow the. te� that we're rightv4�:;�;"" ,-' .. '�OIOlONWEALTII tLA$S�l&n,..' AIYIIl1StJIM'S( .. _.'... '.' .\ FOR ·RBJi1'-A suit· of rooms com­I "ple�� for.·,I�l· housekeeping;, alsoI otlter toomS'; Ra'soDable ·rate. 6044Woodlawn ave., second floor. ., - .'!liD Attempt Reo�; of Sta+deat Po6tica1'�. ' .Mr. F. D. Bramb�1I of· the. politicalscience department has �n reor­ganizing the Commonwealth"; �lub.Th�first meeting win be held Tuesda�evening at 6' o'clock in the· Com;mons. A banquet will precede th�business part of the ·meeting. . Th�purpose of this meeting- is- to 'faneover and arrange the pla�s fo� thecoming year.This club was organized 'five yearsago for the purpose of giving itsmembers an insight into pracdc:alpolitics. The founders belined t�tthe college student should. � tajlgh�that public business was 0':'. 1fo�.be his business and that be· ought �take enough int�rest in it to setthat it was justly and honestly ad­ministered. They saw no, reasoJiwhy a business man could not alspbe practical enough to put. his handsto some part of the machine a�make his work count for some-thing. !All of those who have an interest. in such work and would like -to havethe work of the club further explain­ed, are to hand in their names to Mr.Bramhall before Tuesday. . . ... . . .-.I i;9���q,!ch., of '��y� �ear tennisi courts,' souti of RyersoD Pbysics1 Laborato. ry. Finder please . leaveat of&ee-of-Daily Maroon.. '._ - .. -�'. . : ..... _- -.'"'FOR: ·�T.�. fmnshed frontroOili'S�at.-:,lasonabJe rate for two1 ladi�·or. gntlemea. 5823 DrexelI :\ ve., 2nd Boor. .! ;l LOST-Lost watch fob. Finder! p�ease. return to Daily Maroon of-I 6ee.,lORE double,.u·d one' �iDgle- fumish­! ed room; $12 and $9 per month: �I� : �2 Ellis ave., 2nd flat.TO: "RENT'::""'Fot':' �i'�m'ity house,10 . room .sto.ne· residence, 5623Dre�}., ���. panly fumished. See-owner-· thete:- . ,....WA�IDJ.>-J"�o \ yo�g men to oc­cupy tY.O, .l"QOm. with, two others;large sleeping porch attached. 5640Kiiab�k . aveDue. NEW AND SECOND HANDALL KINDS Of STUDfNT SI!.PPLlfSHigh Class Stationery.loose leaf Note' Books,'r.. • -Card·ftles Pennants. ;-:! .. SoulI�n;rsTHf UN'llfRSIFY·OfC""A.6Q�PRfSRETAIL· DEPARTMENT... ' �. � -J'" �. ", .... _ ••• J \ �.'"lL tm'a��,' RfSfJftJliJfNt .. "'-(OMBiIIMWN JlfAIc'f"S"�to Itl25i (eilB ,flo". i 6. tql_0;,31[�! _iri��iunclieon and dinner;. 25 cellls.·. ISpecial. attention to sfuclenf.'lrad� �10J5� £� 6f.st� St.· :Near Corner' £lIis {161St. Sf;..Estal»lisbed 1877 ' /Engi�cen and Steam andi . Contractors Hot WaterI'�for :aearin., ., iHot Blast _ ! Iand IjHeating andMechanical VentilatingVentilation ApparatusPower Plants and Power Pipuig24-26 SHERMAN STREETN ear no�.«!._of TradeCHICAGO� tt.e Ia� firm at thia iir.d in tt.e wadel..u.: ncIa.iftIJ Hea ·APCJUa_ s.-..ucI Hoe w*' Heab..Patronize Maroon Adv�rtis�r!;. Barber Shop Saratoga HotelOpen Day and Nigbt..161 Dearborn· Street.