,.. ,...����-.--- - ... --� -----� ., <«: :.,' ·:�,,��;,?��t.�t::�:2�j,'", �,. . '" H� ". • .... l. ",,"" ';.,. "IJ,� • �:" ; ..,'"'.','.1,;:."": .,.1.' _ � .... _" _. __ ,:. "'1':,'1 :�.�" tI •�. I .' .Price. Five Cents.I.: .ure. of Nothing Now-:-,-p.plei 'PJaye$ . and Students· Long for; .Victory. - , •••• r � II 4 C: ......... :0 r .'A ,.C" itt.. " I "II, ... •• .. '.. .,. " , CHICAG(i:YlELDs, GAME"T(fOOWN:SYATE TEAM'( vam·DE1EItlIIIIED· .: : TO WE OUT DMiT.jI -... �� ,tD Ga,tue. � .1·!�i-ilm. YiYlGiiNs-"l6l1oi.. 'ear Nortbwestera.:. s!������mY 'li8PEFui DIAGRAIl .OF �TUiu)AY'� ��iI�: .���� F�R";��E ��O:ON·. BY ... F. CARPENTER.I : • ATHLB1:IC;�ITO".Leas Saturday bY,'a.se, MargiD­'. lIIiDois Weight' Too 'Mach'.for MarooD 'Line'.... -"'_ . ._--1+ .... i' .i" THE ILLINI HAVE S1�ONG TEAMChicago Fights· . to End-ThreatensOpponents' ·GO&1 .. on Sevelal Oc­casions-Frequent Penalties.0.. II:'" 1 �"( � �'. .. • ...........__... " ;. _. � �' ..... , w-;;_ ,- ...... _. I�c.'. ,... 'ra c..�� .. L ' .... 11 ..... .c.. t ... 111� The team went out to practice yes- .. t1 .. � .. 1 .:! •.b� �_ ..:.;, � '_� '�.:..:. _ _ _....:..... Chicago lost its se�ond game of· t�r:day -In- nowise discouraged by its :I the season Saturday when llIinoisd� S d 'b d . d h 'I 0 .. , .' .. las'S iI�.r� ::tIl"� .:f!l_=_ �::_.::_:- _- -- � --'---. ith h b d fCleat. aturay, ut etermme t at I ' r- :-_� -- - - - r4C� came.away WIt t e etter en 0 ah .... h u d ; .•• 1, • t. • ,.;,. .. � ... II". • hI' . S·· dt. e' remamlng games s ou en . c. -, � �"S- __ .:.r. �"1' ... os .. -_ a, ... r ............. � ... __ -_.,.-� .... .a 1 ree to. not ling score. eiler's rop-"e ·javorably for Chicago, ,Mr. "'" �� .. ��_;_. __ .. . __ . __ .• ;;.;._-. kick .in .. the .first quarter gave theStail& -however, confessed himself �. i .. r •• hi Io. •. orange and. blue. .a slender lead,very �uch depressed "by the outlook fl!f';';C';;;";;�.ifIr�=';:--::F.:,=�--:'�::';.;;�;.-��t_;'I·�'=�-=-:t:*:t:=�1 . I which remained .unchanged until the, .', - l.; .... r . :a"_�_--' ... __ • � __ ,--1! II.� --�d���������dn���t' ��k=!���J=J�j�����=�-�=4���:�-.�·��-�������t� .-����&� ������iliee�ru��iliaO)f game as won after the-events of. t. a •. _ '.. lJ.. L � _. a. teams to increase or reduce it. On, .- - � - .... e" .. � I�." .(the; past two weeks. He was unwill- ,_. • I ...... , ....... ".'.> .' .' _ 'c' I'; 7 _ . . __.. several occasions it seemed as if oneI........ ... - - I... ',,4 _.J Il ..• _. , .. , - • 0: �. !1" It ill' "�� •.iAg' to ,Say .that he expecteaa· victory • � .. � .• r '....1:'.11 � _-=-= ==.l: :'_,:_.:::::::== ::.�4"='�1 : .. -._. ;:�;1 ;_f- .. ;L:.� .�{ ot ;th� .other must count, but every·over Northwestern next Saturday. -- ,:; '1 -. S, I :S�'i �. !.n "�.'1'''�· l ; time either a penalty or stubborn de-but hinted gloomily that the- Purple 1 Jense intervened, and the chance was, 8"�I,,&r ' ....... no,.,ahad ceased" to"be�a' joke in Confer-' - _ .... -- -- -.-,-�-- _-�- 100- -. "'-'r.� - J iost,•" .•• II.. " -.� C·enee athletics. 1. ..... l'- -l-- ..;._ .. -- -.:::- ioo:E _�-: _-::": ... =-t� F CI '" .",.' • If. beaten, .1�owever,. the �hicag�;: The �ayers,. however, were 'by no ., •• _1_ :..- �:. 'W'._, ;-t�'��·!' � -j .team .was i�·.no .sense disgraced .. Theln�n� s� pessimistic. They &aDkly .. __ • __ ... _ 4= � _ .;. _,__;. � __ '__ _., .. -......... (�C ..... J \' h� � men; ver:ifi�d ,t9. the .. letter Captainja�t�d .. tho at .. .Minnesota and .. Cor- . ''''. ""I F._I �- ... .,·t�.-. �� .... - __ I.�, lJ. CraW_ley's , .pred�ct��,n'. : t�at, .theyI � - - � - - .. - • - - - -. '_a _ . -. .�",DeU:-weie ·Iikely . to prove pretty hard. .._ _ -.'": -:. =. -=+.= -: � -= io·! .... ,;. .�_ .. ', .w:o�ld.J�jve, l�e�r. 0pP.on.ents the. game"Duts':iQ"'ci-a'c� ,but. believed . that: the' • -•. -,!,�' "" � of their.liv:es. M�re .t�an �nc�' t!t��thcr 'tlire�'-:' games coUld"'he turned . � �� ... t� II' -•. �n.. '" _' .. '� .. - � - . m()b �f lllin(!is students !lnd alumnijatO,'vittories for the,Maroons. They J. '. �... ,". _ I. ro •• _.. - � M', L. . n _ -:.. 1', I� ••• .- ,.� ..... ., a ., ,,. r .were .. pan,i�stricke�, for.: Jear .th�t: a��(.�tj..at .�::�ew. ofr,the nUJnber of., .. " ,. ... � - � ':' '.�- :'�, ; .. ...,. -=- _ ;'_W Ii-� 7:':' - -=-_- ---- .... ' ., to�cb-.down • ()r· . � �t:9P-kick migh.tv.:terans on the Illinois-· .team, ' . their_., - -.-.. . . �� - - t - - �'� .... - � •... convert �eir p�o�ised -victory into .:�ctury 13st Saturday was· by no' ., - �.... " : :;.! �...;:w ::.'.:.: �.:�r==�� �-;;7p."'" \ ..1 . () .• 1..1 .a, �e,;�rAefe!lt.:.· It:�as_ n�'t. until �h.e;-;"eans as wonderful as it'mighi have . ;;:. �.:. -: .'., .".�. '�.-,. '-",. : �':._':._. : .",., 'I' &� ::':.. ��� ',Co ye r "final whistle blew that the home- :fteen. �,IDdeed., the· wonder� was" DOt., . -,' • . �..� �_.., -:. .... .r � __ Jz-_,.. ... ��_, �� �";K 0.& -=:-_ ". ). crowd felt that. it could safeiy reie�s�;�at lUiaois ..won,:: Init .that �it.�WilSi : � k � ._....,; I '. � .,", � •. ; ,., !. ..". �:;;_..; ." . .the ·e��u�i�s� ,__ p�nJ,;,up;.c�or :nine:beldt�a��lrsc!>reandkePt.�f!� .. ·._.� :. ..�,� .��': � __ • ,; years.__ ,_.��./_.n .. �,�" .. :11.'��.;.::-:_:,::j��,:.. :.: '. ".•!;.. : �..• '_" �;� �-':. .,. i _�: • ,"0 . I '� • I I.:1; .. �,.� .. .:-' , ' :� "'.: 1 :, .. �':�;' .���� I.� �� Io-�.' . ,.', l;' :.; : - :�� �.'� ��"r�·.:---,No.L. 'of the' ._I---.--'L_. L_L..'.; .. '!�.. r.·', :... _.:: ..•• �":.:.:.<� ....�..: ... , .. :�:: .... :;� .. "':� "r-- - '.=-:-' -. .' '... ','..Bi!��\t·oc:iu���.�<;!li�� ... �-�-...- ...an: ��0:11 ....-: UC'CII'.-�. . =.',.. ,"'':: ;' ..•. -. ..,; "" "" , • r:f � .ri4n .:'4 '.'U&. :;, .. ,, .. _, . ., �-:, -; ... ' _... ,g�1p���ne�s:;lt(���t·�·:�{'�.�itteCi'_,· --, �;.illing (o!:aclBlif ttJat)eI.eS�ahWl': 1- � i"t':':� � .. i ... � .(. '�', '-<:� ��2 �-i�;': ",".;:.;:�.-,: :':;{,.. 1 � �>: '. � ;f·. 1�!�!��i!! ha�L�_!I.��'.�tr0n��,:-:.�.�.-.�� NOct'wr/ Ie .... ,' It 'bas been:so .�".. 1:���·II',i'::t·· Theyha�·.JI_1.�.?�.C?�.;���-:M������An.... " .. ,'. '. -.:.� .. �, .. , .. '.�. r- ,I.��.� .. <.'.t ••• ;.\.". '''.... ,1, r��-r��· �"l.T�:����:.:/:':�·:,�· I • .t., .�;.' .. ':;;;.".. .::'.: d ,.·�OD(f��_)'�{)�toD ���, \ �'. '. �_....... �_ I: � . ', . .." � .... ;� .. � :-it �.-- .. �� =0..;' �-� _.Ioo-'!"· -, �-- ...;.-,)�:: :-;!�E ,�p���t,:-���:��· �,�����:-,1..... _d a dangerous team �t.jt�!� r--.;;; ,.c ...�� .: --li""t- '�', .. � .. -..:.'� � ... - �'.-I;j --_ .... _. p"� -'! I .... , cept pimting.._lf..it� had.not-been (or�qaiteS a tremendous i�tioD to :.. ,. _.':" . ....II '-' .� J: .� ".1., � :.:. .� ��� -J � � � �.� �'': �-: � ;:':.3'- ':. . , Wil�ori's':'superioritY'in":�bootiDg��tlie· ;�pid.!=;��as - coiniiig � ''rictOn \.'.' T r� '.-t.� .... ri �ii �. � '. -:! .' -",' .... '"'l -"� ;%,;{. �"l� �;.�- ",--7- ....:;:-:� :.� II." ball,. the score -iiiigh't -weil have be-en"'" . � .. ,. . ... , � -...�, .'. . '.. .. ':.. :--�.�: I..l_=_, :..- •. -....... -._•. iI. --':l ..... !!'! .. _ .:!"'" 7.,' •._", - ._ - • ",� 1oi'1',� .'�-I�. ._... - ., ..... , " •.••• ". .':;from-Marshall field� That'dley, wa!( .", _,.,. Ie. C, --_ . _. larger�'th:uilo.i�·was:�'-Even···as it was,.�to do so no one doubts. -Everything ':�: I. ��i�.�; .. 'i� I�'� '!�;�� _'>:� .::;.' ;". '.�', -. - much of the advantage obtained Cro'mtfth�t.�.�!".come:from,; �hem·.;i���!� ��' .. ,'''. l."�,,,,� : , .' -" . . P.,,-.a:1I J ...... a .• ·· 'L.,·8.�.'.II.'·(:·C: •• �c.T_lf,· ...O.,·�•..�:",· t.�" �.'.; ... � �'�.. ;-hi's'�-tOeLwas lneutralized:-:bY· Illinois'tha.t JJle Chicago ga�e ��_ tJie e.eDt -.--a;!--.- Ilfi,."· r�"""'- .,. �.,.���� ... Ie. �� -- -- -...-T lstf�ngtli-:;in running· .. back· .. t.ldcks.-u(rtb�-:y��:for them'-' ·Th�ir' fee&.p . .. I . .'BLACKFRlARS� POSTPONE. �Th�il'::jnterference·.was excellent" andoD�--tbe'_ttermay�k'gueSsed � i��.r��lI:·:'�O_"NI :� 1DND" f., ,'lAmCi ,�PLAY'�COIiPET.· I.T.IO.',N::DATE:, protected the runner.far:beuer:thandie HolloWing· 'eXtract ,from aD.eciil -eft ��!WE..""'" . - Thicago's� _',tonar in--the" DliJy':'N'oi'tb-western for �:,"._ '. . _. r.· .... '", ..... . .. �_. . � .�C)_I'! Candidates for' Glee Club Tum Out . ..., :The' gTeatesl' part' of 'Illinois'-'� II' Will Receive. Scenarios ,�Any Time .FridaY; ?ct�ber' .'14.: _'. ',. in Nambas - Regular . RehearsalS . strength ·Iay ;in -their·_ .Iine;· Having· '�WWft",g ; frOID'" CblCalJo . ,will· be ·ne':. "It .,ifSfwomea � ; lIooda- 'aDd WecJn-.1� -Club Before' Nov':'I�Are: PlaD_ning the advantage of weight -and ·,expe":"(,"-'ning'ia'>Dew·;p.ieJin ;inodern fOot� -�: ;.. ·�.�o, .. ·,Plans 'Big �rip.· .__".. . Spring: Trip.·. :ence; their forwards ',were able:"to· � bistorY.:imt�.�efeat)will simply" ." .. .. � ::;:.�'::.. ... ·lireak'�through' freq�ently�' and often� tbe.(continued storY 'Iof the '{e+ .�l\.� or"'ih{W�D:s-..AtlL . Sixty men· reported for the first At 'a meeting of the execntiv� com-i 5uc("eeded ·in : smashing Chicago'sf h h· ... � d' f II I �4::.�:":·t'.·:�'-"'ri.o. 0 fCJro��,:�ing; . glee, club rehearsal yesterday after- :nitee of the' Blackfriar:;;in·:Co�.b: Hair,: I" . 1:_(' .h . -d Th-hH'D-O -t e-w I�u' og .. · rom, ar- .II'IC� �. �"IIIC. 'p ays:'uc ore t eY were·starte. ey�...., fieN." .. ,;: : :. �, 'y����)�Y:.WdFlCed o�t : noon· at 4 o'clock in· the Reynolds . Friday morning, tll� '. time " for' the: 'always succceded� in . hurrying�. the:':�stagg:tJmOW9 We are'pbDning,del YeL TiKt officers of the'''Associatio� '<'lub. Th�re are at lea'st ten more play competition was extended until: Marooil.backs, and ,more 'tha"n '0I1�e�fe61 for-_s'cobcwtsiand-;ir will brea' �·�.t\;pri�t<{ oCciji.NI -tiJaDjuclling. to try. out .. for places. Such a re- �ovember, IS; by 'a uJlanam()us' .�ote.: threw thefll for a loss. TheY. seriouS-· � old he�� if,wer ......· ci:eed;' b�� ::.:1 1DfaD�Ori)ts:#1� ��';. I.eo .. "c _pper:a. sponse looks very encouraging to the A notice to this effect 'was posted -o'n� iy' interfered' 'witli . 'Vilson's , drol)-It -L. It. • ..1_ L_ f whi.-h.A" .• 00000'heznecot, tOJ)f'oduce. managemeDt, 'es�cially since a great the bulletin board so that any;haviltg' k' k' . d' . h 'h' .. . fto .not; "!*� ro�. �s'?:�. . I -�... --==-_ . ....,=- r� • 1� 109, 'an, ·wlt t e·'-asslstance 0�ftt: �(ege·;·'�tion:: J'&R'L blasted tbig.;.fall._ nu�,comiC" 0 .... , which (s number uf those�who have signed up objections ·could·· bring them· up be-: :�oor�'passes.-.prevented any. scores by.(Jf6i-e..er. ·.iA't ··cbiCago<ther'e"'is 'verJ to 'be. .... · •• ��.!..lIMt·' from' have exceptionally well trained fore .one o"clock •... The:matter of.;se-; this means. . ,;�.�.:1iitIiIUDiftrsity'spirit; thelmen'fighi ';diis"iear'o� will '�.',., �eD;s� ·'t'oices. The club;·now has the largest lecting a' coa�h for:the'play was 'de-' :lIuiy Sensational RunS..for Stagg •. _-'t Northwesiera tile ·staf and pRiduc:ect sOlel� b,uhe Jrom�, 'enrollment in its history, and also ferred until'-a later date, as was also . The featnre' of the game' from" the. den'ts, alumni,' faculty aiid-'tnasuei It is' :eliPeCteH tcJ. 6e tWe(ewnC of the: ; promises; a· better quality of musica� tbe adoption of a· social progra�:; � spectator·s . Point of ,·iew was.' thearc' behind you, and .what is mo� faii'�'qUirt�..:�":· �'�."'C' .:!�mati� talenL Owing to the-fact that Junius Sco- :number 'of tong runs. Seiler.'w;'s theHai1�tt is behind yo� 'and they all a�pJia){ a1fd Jbe..\_BI.-r�:!.how Before beginning the practice, Di- field. was elect�· 'HQspitaler -_last' l'tar for Illinois in this department,�ill .,e- satisfied .. with __ nothing._ but are the,.�,('·hf�-,tbe_."-winter and. rector Erickson .announced the gen- spring, he will. not have .charge of while Sauer showed brilliantly fer'-YOni �t :�Iiorts."· '.. . ! ��cn.: ,�:___ .. __ ..' e�. nature of ·the work for. the yea.. the music but wilt be: ·succeeded. 'by Chicago:. on' several occasions. The.• ;'. '.. .. • IThe. contest for the writing of the' . He plans to prepare two' programs, Harold Kay ton. . One thing is now 'absenc:� of' trick plays was c1i�ap-,r.R LiaIat' Workoat. f I d h h f 1 I' . ." th t" th t ft ' .The' sq�d did 'not . put- in a 've� comic opera began with the fail o.ne 0 popu ar an• t e. ot er 0 c a5- a most a certamty;' a IS, a '3 er ·pointing to. the people in the stand;;.:.Iiard: day_-.yesterday. -. The- main �ea+ qaa�r; -aftd. is.' '!ltill ;01.' and· :�lcal numbers. �hlS WIll take a gt'e�t tte production of'the play in Mandel who had hoped for several surpri:,��.· tare of· the. 'afternoon ·was, a long lee!. ope� ·to" -�.Hyone. .. Two shows amount of praCtice, and t�.e candl- in the spring,' the company will take particularly fro� Chicago. The 'ncar­,twe ;by·l4r. Stagg, in which ·he pointl are �ow 'saW ·te:.· be in course dates' �n have to mee' all rehearsal a trip� . The places' to ·which ·the com- cst approach· to tricks was the u:,ced out to the men tb.�i� nrlous indil of pfoduction. No date has been an- eng�gemcnts promptly. The hour r-any will go have not been decided by l1Iinois of· senral puzzling f,)r-· vidua!- -and collective"mistakes- ·laat· .nouRGed-for.-dae-cloaing .of the. con- set IS at .. p. m. e'·ery Monday and C'aS yet. but all thc members are alive mauon�, hut these, although efi'ecti,'{', •Saturday. After this there was a sig- test. but pt&_'abI,.wiU",be in the..-aear ev�ry We.dnesday after�on at. 3· un the subject. No means will be w�re by no means startling, at leastnal drill in which two new plays were fnture a"�"",,I' as . the .. date . for . the' ThIS pr.actace schedule will contmue �pared to make the trip. ..�<\s. far as the grand stand was ('on_tried .out. There was no scrimmage, tryout�. ' in' effect until further notice. Owing to the massmeeting b"eing cern ed,. ... � 0& R • eel fT' hdd in Kent at the same time C . 1 das tire men were still somewhat':stUf' . ... • \. en, eceav '. or nptl For" 11Icago, Sauer p aye an 11n-after their work· Saturday. The' last Strenuous efforts are beIng put .... :Maliagler· HaU has already re- at which the friar m�eting was schcd- n�\1ally strong game. He twice re-forth by the women to secure an ag- • d I a f' . , uled, the dramatic men hastily' con- . .thing on the profP'-am ·was 'a- ;�ries_·· • f� 'aI' � h ·11 kl cen'e severa oilers 0 tnps to van- covered . punts within strikmg di�-�hon·� .,� ent t at WI rna e ,.., '.' h W . d S h _h:cled their work. fl' 1 d Iof wind-sprints for<those �o":did D� iii . '... the "Blackfriar show look oaS:. POlOtS·.1D t e est· an out," lance 0 the lIinols goa, an a s�gr.t in the game against lIIinoi� .'k' men Indoi·.··' .. ···• h .. dl co�ing as far away as New Or':' ,btoke away for some long run�, one. • . \ 1 e a troupe ng one-DIg t s�n � d H T ·Th d·1 •The men Came: tht01lgb-:tbe game With .-Uncle Thom&s' Domiclle." All .Jeans an - ouston, exas. e 1- Lafayette Cpllege .�has tst;.blish�d. of which, in the third quarter lookedin surpri�insly good sha� according good voices, aU' those with dramatit .redor·. announced thath·as many··me� a semi-weekly paper, this being the .for a. moment. like a touch..;down.to Mr. Stagg. Only one man was out b'l' .lI : ��:":"·ti·· . :'bei" would· be ·taken on t e- tour as the fir!'.t J·ournalistic endeavor in the hi.s- :Crawley played his u�ual 'stron�=l 1 Ity anu...:.� 4 on •• are ng .. (Con�ti'ilued on page 4) sought after' to enter' tbe tryouts. • (Lontmued on page 3) .1 J�ry of the institution. (Continued on page 4) l,'..t.� .. ,..� ...... �::, ..'-;::�'-"- ••. :_l'.i.�:.: .;I't ",�,_'t'r'II -r,I.I�,I THE DAILY MAROONTile OtDcla1 Student PubUeadoa of T� .Unl'werslt7 of Chlcaco. »;. . .... �.� .Formerl,. , .,The University of,Chlc:aco W,eU1J'.i!'ounded " �,The Weekl7 •••••••••••••••• Odobel- 1. 1882'i'be llall1 ••••••••••••••••• October 1. lUO'�Publlsbed Da1l7, eSc.'ept Sunda7 .. 1I0u·du),. uud bolldo),. durln¥ tlH'ee·Qululer. oftbe Uulvera1t7 year.Entered 08 Set.'Oud-elau wall 'at the Chi·cago POlltollh,.'e. CbICllCo. IUluol-. M.Ilrcb18. 1903. under Act or .Marcb a. 18"l3.• THE STAFFN. A. PFEFFER' • .' � 'Manacln.: .EdItorR. J. DALY • • • • • • .� Newa EditorM. J". CAIU-ENTEll AthleUc: EdItorunx I". NI-:WlIANHU1JseuIP'I'10N RATES:By Currier. �.LO per )'ear. $LOO per quarter,Cit), wull. $l.:!!) per q uurter $3.00 per year 1nauvauee..N�w. contrlbutluus may be lett ut �IllaHall or "'ueult)' Excbuua:e. addressed to'I'be 1101117 MurouD. • ... -Silence on the subject of last Sat­urday's game would be far more,consoling, but it is onlyAs to fair to admit that Chi-Saturday's cago was beaten by aGame. better team. The manyattempts to place theblame for the defeat on anyone manor any two men are not only in badtaste but uncalled for. The plain factis that the Maroon eleven was out­classed. Instead of seeking to blamethe team or any of its members inany sense, it can only be said that'every man is deserving of as muchglory as the members of any of Chi­cago's championship teams. Each didhis best: and that is enough.Thanks is also due the loyal bandof rooters who went down to Urbanaand stuck by, the team to the end.J t must effectively silence thosewho take the stand that Chicago hasno spirit.DAILY BULLETIN.-__ I ... ·.-._"The�B�t�ii"i�'-�' cititi �iir�eet in'"rOOl11' 13 'of -thc' Botany' building at4 :30 'p." 10.' .. Ecological ' Excursions:i'l'.I'Nc\v'_ :England." (Hlustrated L:Assistant Professor Cowles. , -: ,- _Stude,lit Volunteer Band, will meetin' Lexington Halfat .. 7:15 p. m.'The Reynolds Club �11 have a'Fresh'man-Sophomore smoker onFriday, Oct. 21. Informal is scheduledfor. : October 28., Women's Glee Club tryouts onWednesday at 1:30 p. m. in Foster.Neighborhood Clubs-:-Fi�st meet-ing� of the year. ,.Southwest Club-South of MIdway,west of \Voodlawn. Tuesday,.. Oct.25-4-6. . Lexington Hall.Northeast Club-North of Midway,east of Lexington, will meet onWedllesd�y. October 26.-4-6, in Lex­ington Hall.Northwest Club-North of Mid-'way. west of Lexington, will meeton Thursday, October 27-4-6. inLexington Hall.Southwest Club-South of Mid­way" west of Lexington, will meet on .Friday, October 28, 4-6. with MissCoonley, 60055 Jefferson Avenue. Alloff-campus women invited.COMMUNICATION.To the EditClr: Has anyone noticedthe way the members of the choir,sit during chapel? Not mentioningany names, a man who is old enoughto know bctter sat with his kneescro�scd and wrote the whole timeMiss llurton was speaking. Otherslot1n�cd in their scats with a veryhorc�l expr�s!'ion. Several openlyvawncd and tOClk out their watches.To say thc icast. it was very discour­teous to �tjss nurton and to all ofthe women. Has the choir no dig-nity or manners? R.The position of chairman of theJunior prom at Yale is now electi�e.T owa has refused to recogmzedancing as a college amusement.�""""-------- ..w�. , THE 'DAILY ,IIAROON. TUESDAY. OCTOBER IS, J910.VARsITY 'FENCERS' PRACTICE'", " otrr FOR CHAllPIOliiHIP',��� ����:;'���.,inson Piepue for Seuon--8cbett.'" ute Oat. Socm.,Varsity fencers are preparing fora busy season. Captain Levinson andKarsten, of last year's championshipteam. will be the nucleus of a teamwhich Coach de Bauviere expects tobe a strong one. Many recruits arehoped for from the fencing class, andit is believed that the increasing in­terest in the sport wilt bring outsome undiscovered material. Lastyear the team won the western cham­pionship of the Amateur AthleticLeague of America. and also captur­ed the intercollegiate trophy pre­-ented by M. de Bauviere. It is ex­pected that the team will try to re­tain both of these titles this year.Prize competition will also be heldbetween the men in the University.Baldridge, captain of last year's team.who was injured in a contest. willnot be able to compete this year, andhis 105s will be severely felt. Thecomplete schedule is being preparedand will soon be published.AERO CLUB SEES "AVIATOR"University's "Aeronautic Experts"Invited to Pass Opinion- onComedy.What there is in a name can befound out by asking any member ofthe Aero club, for that club was theguest of the management of theOlympic theater at "The Aviator"Sunday night, just because it bore aname that suggested things aerial.The fact that the experience of mostof the members in things aeronauticconsists of a view of Brookins in theair. did not make' it impossible forthem to enjoy the play.DR. HENDERSON TOTAlK ON PROBLEMOF IMMIGRATION"The Benevolent Assimilation of'the Foreigner in Chicago" will bethe subject of a lecture. tomorrownight at 7:30 o'clock ,in Haskell hallhy Dr. Charles R. Henderson. AsProfessor Henderson has won .in;ternational renown as' an authorityon sociological questions, his addresstomorrow night will' furnish theopinions of, an expert.The lecture will be under the aus­pices of the Y. M. C. A.COSMOPOLITAN CLUBELECTS FIVE MEN TOBOARD OF DIRECTORSThe Cosmopolitan Club held thefirst meeting, this fall last Saturdaynight at s800 Jackson avenue. A, board of directors was elected, con­sisting of 'the following members:Shiro Tashiro, president; Mr. Fried­lander, John Lee, Mr. Lee and Mr., Benitez. Mr. Friedlander broughtup the plan to increase the board of'directors· from five members toeight, three of whom should be mem-, ,hers of the University 'Faculty. The'�c!option of this proposal witt beconsidered next Saturday night atthe regular meeting.A new practical lecture course injournalism has been established at_ the University of Michigan.'The Rrown Daily Herald, publishesthe rumClr that Dr. Benjamin TdeWheeler will he the next provost atthe University of Pennsylvania.Hands off cheap glovesif you want well.glovedhands. hand outFOWNESGLOVES. CAMBRIDGE PRESS TAKES'" ,.AGENCY', FO�'�'UMI�ERSITYWill have tid.Selling' of Piab�catioDS' of UDivcnity Press -in Europe.. 'Last summer a deal was consu­mated by which the Cambridge Uni-.versity Press of Cambridge, England,takes the agency for the sale of allbooks,' pamphlets, and journals issuedby the- University of Chicago. Thisarrangement gives the English in­stitution the exclusive sale of allthese publications in British posese­sions in Europe, Asia and Africa.Such an alliance will prove an advan­tage to education in the Englishspeaking countries for with such ahigh class institution as sponsor, thethoughts and methods of the' profes­sors oi the University of Chicago willspread throughout practically all ofthe British Empire. This allegiencemust also 'bring the Universities ofthe two countries closer together,and make it possible that each mayprofit by the practices of the other.We can learn some things from the·Johnnies,'· and altho they havelearned quite a lot from us in thepast, there is still considerable thatthey have not yet absorbed. Whilethe Rhodes Scholarships have donemuch to bring the scholars of the twonations closer together, this newmovement will have a more widespread effect for these publicationswill reach a greater number of people.Thanks are also due to our relativeson the other side of the Atlantic, be­cause their greatest University hasplaced the texts and journals of theUniversity of Chicago sidc by sidewith its own.UNIVERSITY PROFESSORSGIVE MANY LECTURESAssociate Professor Clark Reads atOak Park Center-Lecture As­sociation Has Big Program.Associate Professor Clark gave ani interpretive reading of Goldsmith's,"She Stoops to Conquer" last, nightin the Oak Park, Center.' Five Iec­t tures are scheduled for this week by.'the Uni�ersity' Lecture Association,Professor Allan Hoben spoke lastevening on' "The Ethical Value of Or..ganized Play" at North Sidc Centerof the' Association. Professor Ho­ben is giving a course on the' Boyventure at the' Abraham Lincoln'Problem which he is taking up fromseveral viewpoints.To-night' 'Associate Professor Jas.Linn will talk on "Conduct vs. Ad­Center. which is located at Oak­wood Boulevard and Langley Avc-,nue. This is the third of' a series ofsix lectures on the "ny- \Vays in theXinetccnth Novel:;Prof. William' 'McClintock is tolecture to-morrow night on the\Vest Side Center on "Study of Pa­ola and Fancesca." Thursday ,after­.noon at 4 o'clock Mrs. BerthaKunz-Baker will continue her ser­ies of lecture readings on "The So­cial Dynamics �f Modern Drama"with selections from Galsworthy's"Strife" and Ibsen's "The .MasterBuilder." The general subject of thereading is '"Man and Overman." Thereading will be held in the MusicHall.The Michigan Council publishest:1e following rules for freshmcn.'. \Vear the Freshmen' cap or toqueI � ring the entire year.2. Never smoke a' . pipe on thecampus. "3. Never wear Prep-school insignia.4- Get all Prep-school pins out ofsight.5. Kever sit 'on Senior benches;6. Always allow a man of a hi�herclass to precede you through a door.7. Attend all mass meetings.8. Learn the "Yel1ow and the Bluc"at oncc.9. Don't forget the fact that youarc a freshman. ... ',--- ... , �.... ._ ..... � . � .. ,.- ''';'�''''''.:''''- ...'.... _ �.. ,'1. _::... _'0' "X!':� .... -:-�:...... ,,,:: ,.. -sr - �- -- --::. �-r::.-..··FA�ltl(A" _� � ',:�rtJRKtSH& ", � B LEN·.D.:.:�.:· . r;;;o�: __ - ,<,CIGARETTESl.".,'_,'Two atoms' of H�i, gen, combined with one ofQxygen,_me water-justthat proportion-s-no other,'So in Fatima_Ci�es,. .the same exactness in him.. 'ing £i"le tobaccos has been 'made a definite' science, in ', .. order that their ,good quali­ties may Bever; never vcuy.. ...._......: A strong affinity existsbetween Fatimas aDd Col­, lege men.': No 'fancy box. :.'hut an 'extra 1 0 'cigareltes� '1:':making'2p for 15 cents. �t •With etJCb pacl(age 0/FaIimIJ gou Bel a popu­lar adras· �pb�Uo G pennant cou­pon. 25 0/ rDhIcJ. aecuTeG baruhome felt c:ollegepennanl (12x32)-ae­hdJoa 0/ 100.T E'XT." BOOKS"NEW �,SECOND HANDALL KINDS Of ,STUDfNT' "SUPPLIES• _;"'i,4,. 'J -Card Files,....., ' , Souvenirs.. .. .'. .; ". . .... . : : � .... -- '. . . . .. ,: .THE UNIVfRS1IY';Of CH'�A(iO PRESS','RETAIL' OEPARTMEN"r!' d� ... :) ,:: .�;.-J" . ,"� ,.I. :FOR RtNT-A suit' of roo�s 'com­pl�}or' light h�usekeepin_g;: also;, _.!{thet' :rooms;/ reasonable rat� 6044'" Woodlawn 1.... Co, second, floor. -, .LOST-Bunch' of keys near tennis,co,urts, sOuth of Ryerson PhysicsLaboraWry. Finder please leaveat office' of Daily Maroon.; c"/FO�: �if?}i.�::>�is�ed, froDt,�ms. '.a� �easol)ab.le rate for twolfadies orJ �ntle.men., s823 �elA ve., 2n� floor.,�ooD.,FlBWOO,D.BASSWOODGBAYWOODFECNWOODTEAKWOOD',MAPLEWOOD :'D'C.'. ., _. -,YOU WILL·FlNDWHATYOU ARE HUNTING FOR�� ..C' O,'L L:A ,IR,;'·S,.2 F O'R. 2 5; ,C E �:�. S " iTRET A .. a IN c .. aEN BOXES !IMade 'by 'EARL at WILSON:: . F�for� Coll.n" LOST�Lost watch fob: Finderpieas�' retum' to Daily Maroon �f­. ..fice. ",ONE d(ltlble and o,ne single furnish­ed room; $12 and $9 per monthCal,�' ��� ,Ellis ave., 2nd flat.All the, news or: the Campusin :rhe Daily Maroon. TO, RENT-For fraternity house,10 room' stone residence, 5623Drexel Ave.,' partly fumished. Seeowner there._'To be; as�ed for your subscription for.' : Tile Da'fr,.aroonLeave it at the Maroon 0I&ce. v,jToo much talking has c:tt1�ed thcremoval of the teleflhone� from �he Do It "OaAIAlice Shehin Hall at Minnesota. 'WI .., - ..', .'.w.• III· �".' #cinli.2�:"":.""",.",,,,,�"ii{(>wMJtCh COLLARS, . ,. 'sat�totheaec:k.tbetopemeetlD .froOt aad there Is ample ..,.cefoe' � craVat. .15c.,�f�25c. Cluett,PeabodyA: eo.. ......A. (i Spalding & Bros._'.THE-SpaldingTradeMark are the LargestManufacturersio the worldofOfficialEquipment. for all AthleticSports andPastimesHYOD :!:�t��Athletic Sport'you should havea copy of theSpalding ('ata- -logue. It's a com­plete encyclope-.dia of 1Bat'I1Iew ..Sputs and is sent_111111!'" ....... _IIIIIiII_....a free on request..�.� ,(j.� 'Spalding (7 Bros.• .417 w ...... Aft., CIdc:IP"f .'. ., '.!s known through­out the �"orld: aaaGuinantee of ..�iy'lA. ¥cADAMSt ">;THEStudent's Florist:. Slid Sa. � JG.Luk Aw. .,._ H. P., 18.·.1 .,.,.". - _,,/., .. /,- -�. : :.-....HA-NSf-NJNEXT DoORTO P9ST-OFFICBA GOOD POSITION. .Can be had by ambitious �men and ladies' in the field:. of'"Wireless" or Railway telearaphy.Since.,t��e 8-hour Jaw beQ� etiect­ive, and since' the Wirelsi tolD­panies are establishing statioasthroughout the country, there. is. a.great shortage of telegrapben.. Po.­sit.ions pay beginners froID $70 to $9Dper month, with good c�. of acI­vancement. The National T�.Institute operates six official iDstt.rutel'> in America. under supervisionof R. R. and Wireless Officials, andpla("es all graduates into positiODS.it will pay you to write them for fulldetails at Cmcinnati, 0.; ,Philadel­phia, Pa_: Memphis, Tenn.; DaveD­port. Ja.; Columbia. S. c., or Port­land. Ore_, according to where youwlsh to enler.-AdvPatroniie Maroon Advurisen. 'j. TR,E DAILY MAROON. ·TUESDAY. OcTOB�R�.i������� ... _. .'. '�GBBORBOOD CLUB; IIBBTSPropam '. for Week 'Dcluda lleet­'iDa- b)' Four C1IIbL_ .. : :Th� p�cram for. the : fu.st week ofNeighborhood club activiti�s was�nno1lDced yesterday ,by Miss Robin­, s�n. All four clubs will hold meet-. ings on successive days of next week.Three meetings will be held in theIfew Neighborhood House in Lexing­ton hall, which will be headquartersfor ofl-eampus women this yinter.; The first meeting will be that ofthe Southwest club on Tuesday, Oc­tober 25. from 4 to 6 in Lexington.The Northeast club will meet Wed­nesday, Oct. 26. and the NorthwestClub Thursday, October 27, from 4 to(; in Lexington. The Southwest clubwill meet on Friday, October 28, atthe home of Miss Edith Coonley,6055 Jefferson avenue."STUDENT SALE BEGINS TODAYTickets for SaturdaTs Game in GreatDemand-Northwestern Gets 1,000.The sale of student tickets for the'N orthwestem game commences te­day. The tickets will be on sale inBartlett gymnasium from 10:30o'clock 'until noon, and from 20·clockuntil 5 o'clock. The sale will con­tinue until Friday, and no ticketswill be sold at the special rate after5 o'clock.Enthusiasm at Northwestern hascaused a heavy demand for tickets.· Northwestern bas ordered a thou­sand tickets, and expects to disposeof them all.'PEN CLUB WILL 1lEE"l"TOMORROW MORNING-­TO ELECT PRESIDENT : .URGES: STUDENTS "TO ·.AlD .... ; ... · - !IN WO� �� Sm;n.LEIlEN��. PrcfetlsOr. "HeDderion Esp� ·Sim.:.·.ation Amonc immigrantS and '.'Appeala for Helpers.!it'iIf.!-�·If�.',..p1-:-.1t:'';� �1..;-t li),1 �Tomorrow morning at "10:30 thePen club will met in Cobb 3A forthe election of a new president. Ifthere is sufficient time, �ew mem­bers will also be considered. The. president to be elected will hold of-'.fice, according .to the' constitution; .-only" until -the beginning' of' the win;=ter quarter.· -. ',I B�tween then and now there will,be at least one dinner given' by theclub ·in the. Hutchinson ; Commons;The speaker for this occasion will be, secured by the' new' president and' a ', committee elected to assist him. In.addition, .there, may be other' dinnen'given from time to time: accordingto the WilCof the member�.. ....,· Tiger. Bead to Arrange j for Dance.,Tiger'!$ Head; the hon�rar)' musi­cal society. will meet tOn19rrow at 2o'clock in Cobb 8R. Ari'angementsfor a dance will be discussed, and aneffert- will be' made" to deJise. a moresystaalic arrangement � of .candi­dates for '"tile Glee club.NEWS OF ,THE CO�GES.'A motorcycle cldb is being formedat Stanford Univ�ity.Michigan will pay $100 for a newgridir:oD song.Princeton is considering the practi­bility of�ishing a post-office onthe c:ampas. k_Dainison t; .. l�ersity has added a�mestic Sdeftte course to its curri-:�All students of collegiate grade atMinnesota are required ,to have post­office boxes.The Wisconsin University RifleO.b Iaas • membership of one hun­d� .ad fifty.Daring the commencement week atAmherst an alumni reception on"Senior Night" will be held insteadof the fraternity receptions.The Annual Convention of theAmerica� Association for the Ad­vancement· of Science will be held a.tthe. University. of Minnesota duringtbe CIuishaas 1IoIWa,JS. I..� "WmC:-DD'I�; i·� -:�� .•• :.'.':_. :�.. L��:DDI· -. -."... . 'I ,..... '- -� -� -n--£":-n::--'·y·-S·-::�·:�· --. .-:.--. ".-.: ... :�"!'.. .... c-:- ...HERE IN AU. PROPaRnONs4101."' t ;.': .. :•At Junior chapel yesterday morn­ing, Chaplain Henderson made astirring appeal for support from thestudents for the settlement work ofthe University, He briefly outlinedthe origin of the settlement. tdlingus that from nothing at first i� hacj·.now thirty to forty thousand dollars".worth of property for its use, He'told us' that from the beginning ithad been the aim to make it a labora­tory for the study and betterment ofsocial conditions. Toward this endthe medical science had played an'important part.He explained that helping the vastarmy of iimigrants who yearly cometo this country was the- main workof the settlement. . ."The immigrant makes possiblethree of our greatest industries," hesaid. "All the dirty, filthy workabout the packing houses is done byimmigrants in order that we mayhave our meat clean.' 'the greatsteel mills are worked by the immi­grants who come. to this countryand the railroads are built entirelyby foreign labor."Because," he went on, "we are sodependent on the immigrants for' thesupport of our industries, it is ourduty to do something toward helpingand bettering. their condition. Thefirst way to help the immigrants isto teach them the English language,since it is so important for their wel­fare in this country. Aiding in thiswork' is open to al1 the members ofthe University, and every studentwho has the welfare of the irnmi-.grants at heart should take advant­age of the' opportunity 'offered to aidin this great work."Since this settlement is the .onlyphilanthropic activity in' which'. theschool is engaged, . he felt that itshould have the hearty sutiport of allthe students. AND SHAPESC"ia9�·s· S'�le DictaforS •.: .. ' '.'.HATS- GLOVES.CANFS·�. BISHOP &. CO.'156 STATE STREETEatabliahed 1860..3.00LO.VALTV" The WOrt} LOYALTY means much. to you Jelrows.v.If it doesn't, it oug h ;to. It ought to sti.nd for the bestthat"s in you. - And you ought to giveit all to your University. She needsit, and she expects 'it. ", . LOYALTY. however, does notm�an.simply to ydl at football gamesand mass meetings. It means to donothing that would detract one bitfrom Chicago's fair name. Wearingclothes that do not tit you, and whichdo not possesss the zip and taste thatyour classmates do, detracts fromOhlcago's fair- name. We make the. clothes J.�"\t add. to �your unlverstty'sexcellent, !eJ>�t�tlon..,LlNDS-A Y' BROTHERSM):-51 JACKSON BLVD.'. -' �. , 3rd �loor. ;., .�: .:. :': ;;�.�: j :) " �'l� .�i:;'M��'BP�f, _', r.." 1."!. � �f. "4 ;:.: ,", ... 0 >-. _" - __ 'TheS�ter"', . ,- :�;.:'" "-i'f;' ��.,, -'_BELMOIIT 2U� liigb-; ,-:�- 2 iD. '.high. -. ··�/4,.SIZES<.SIXTY REPO:RT. FOR P�CTIClt ..t Continued .from page';I)expense guarantee would· warrant-·As this tour will be quite an educa­tion in itself, it is justly responsiblefor a' great deal of the enthusiasmshown in the preliminary ·work.· .The club will' make its 'initial ape;pearance at home some time during. the winter quarter. It is <planned . toselect the fifty best voices for thisconcert. <"-"When the present outlook is con­sidered," said Erickson yesterday,"we feel .safe in predicting. that thisfirst 'concert will launch the gleedub on the most -snccessful seasonsince the starting of the organiza­tion."SELECT NEW CHEERLEADE�SHall and Rosenthal ChoseD to AssistGardner and Bal�d&e. ..Z: Ior .: Z5e·.·.15e·�;� Ro�:';:;' an:"i.t :::Idrih:� i I" ...., ''A'" L" L'". '1' N" 'G-�:'"been officially selected to lead. the ! -, -c . .. .'.:heering for th� year. The appoin!- � � :." '. ,�ula� at�ti�n1� �uiment was sanctloned· by: the 'counCIl.: . la 'assortnlent 01Gardner had been appointe� before, I "rge .. . .and Baldridge- tentatively, but Hall: . BANNoyKBU�S,and Rosenthal are the two success-!·., . HARRIS TW£EDS \ful contestants out. of a large num-; � . and'SCOTCH CHEVIOTS, •her of entrees. I ,..., . .Steps will now .. be taken to organ; , in the newest shades of Brownize a more effective system of cheer- � and Gray, for Fall and .Wintering. Chicago's lack of system ,has: , SlJits-$30 and up.suffered much in the past in compari­son with that of other schools. andit i!' the goal of the new leaders toremove all chance for further criti- :' :-1 The Bauerl-;;-:6� & ELLIS AVE•./kUfW"4.?"..- .' . !!!!;UTILE ART CORNER1460 E. 53rd ST.Arts and Crafts Goodscism.THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR CtFTSHumard Kenner, ex-'Io, on Campus.'Hurnard Kenner, '10. vi!'ited the'campu!' ye!'terday. Kenner is work­ing on the Fargo, South Dakota,"Forum." Kenner wa!' a co-authorof "The Lyrical Liar," the mack-,friar�' !<'hnw for 1909 and a memherof the Daily Maroon staff. Tailor for Young ,Men,Two Stores:< � J�ckson Boulevard. . ,131 La .Salle Street.-:----:::::::::::-----......------1tPatronize Maroon Advertisers. � ." ,,,-. jf, " '1 •II··.j.IIrI{.IIl!Iii!'IIi,I -'.. ,,;�'1 ��;:JT�ES.DAY.r..oerQBER! 1&",I!lo.!!!�!!!-.a!!!!!!.!!!!!·!!!!!1r!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!I�.!!!!!!!!!!�.!!!!!!!!!!.!!!!!!!!!!.!!!!!!�-==·.=!1!!··- "C�iU�···C�··.I!I!·Oo�-'·,!-·".im�,!I!!·-�I�-.=��I!I!,'�""''a���;;�''-'''-�::,�",��",.-I!!I-!I!I.. II!!!,.,II.\ ,I,.. '. '." I!II!!. '. ".. :'._ ... _. -...... .. ,. ;-I:.; ..l�•.. u;,�..'��.'�' -i:_�i.·:I�·'·�Y:I�_;r.; .. �n'"'R-Y!�'I''" .(\:.QJIIIUeQl�) k.. !Jj:. � n -�b�.:�:R . 'I . �·;r ' ..'=-��;:;�fi'!he� ; T'''' . ....�TBLETI�·:GOODS �D. ,.11 bDe fWi&lI�. . :0- . .'.' S' '.,. . ,'BIId .8tart...fok �-=�, rri .: r .. r.·_ 'lttli . . ... ': .',� ." '.. ·1+1�· . ','ro!1�=��� rll ;r ··:·9t: '�g9 · peC18. vleS._���''''''�after tlJ�' �����a-'-���,'Pve '1- 0 ·:r·j , ,; -... ..• ·._AlinOis tJi�w1;aJr :Jon" tlie-wJMnty_five ; O. fficial] Gym. Suit Complete, $2. rs :....yard line. This· .... :wai·in�t1y te-spoDsibll.. lbt' 'tlli;Score:·"' .. te. enab�--iJfe'IIIini- to- keep .. tlae ball-�I CbiCa-•• Tr.Yel�--� • �go's ternioil::tbi-i,iighout"i\if-periw., . It! looked for, a while: as fif: it .wahtgive them': a touchdown, �a imnle­diately Ithty 'l1lshecl: it.·to i.h�. tWo­yard lin�" oniy to' lose � It q� � dowj1s.Wilson'punted oat 'of daQ«;: but u,linois came' ngbt"'; back. '.' �� I. afterseveral disappoiDtmeDts. scored � agpal from field. Paine w�s taW+noilt early ·in·· the· quaner .. OD. .• 4CCOuDtc}f . a .. kick·-in· the - head . and- Keaaulsubstituted. . -,: �; In ;tbe·iSecond quarter, Seiler pulledoff an unusual play when he recover­ed his own blocked kick and rannearly . tweiiiy . Yards�with .t)Je ballA· drop-kic'k .. from .• iiside Jae thirtyPOWERS yard line failed by a narrow margin.. . Toward, the close of the, quarter1 • " .'. Wilson ''3.tt�pted a drop-kick, butMARIE TEMPEST the pas!t' 'was high,' and Lyons cameCAST''E'':_'. 'through, 'bl��ed the' ball, '-and ran• • • • • :with ·it ·to the fifteen-yard line 'where\\'l1son 'doWjled him. A pedatty amIthe: caU'of-time Saved Chicag� from at()lico':'dowii: .SOCCER .'SQUAD·· SHOWINGCliiACo: �j)j,'·Piioaa ia =t" uau. : ! 'Di:PRdv�ME�T IN FO�M. 'In 'the .'5eCoo.·.·d half.' illin.�. again... TRADE .ARIC REG. U ... PAT. OFF.rus�ed�;tbe·(J)a1l':to:.�tl!in. pucago·s COaCh':B���Putting Vanaty Against 'Guara�t� kabrica.. '. tive:.yard line,(·o..ly 'to Butte! from a .' Frahman .. Squad DaiIy� on Abo Other Very Att;'ctiye Linea �,j Penalty. 'aDd' :to) lose the .ball on ' :Vmcen{ Fidd. . Fo---.:.':·aDd 0:' o�. '-STUDEBAKER'" ·downs. "Towatd the'. close" of ;the -_-. .' period. Sauer got a kick near Chica- . Siric:e J tbe ��;;- of practice, the ,. . - � OU� GUA*NTE'E: . 1. �.ELSII..a_ ' g()S thiit�';fiYe��d mae . �d ran it aoccer' 'squad ha�:' been 'fast rounding' We Guarantee every Garment made from' our Stbck -to . gi ve 'a�lbte". . .: , to ... .Ijl�DOiS�'Jorti-iW�:janl �Iine. . A ilitb' shape .. Coach' Brady is' w'ork- satisfaction .. If it fades, shrtnks o� loses shape or anyother'famtmE S· _1 p' * ....... ��. F".I' it . ft HC'�d b': lin ' develops eithf'r. in th;e F'abric or the making, at any time,t.. JUnC:�' orwar �as!i;. 0 0.. _ : y':'a e- ing with. thirty men: and feels that. he . bring it back and w¢'ll make it good.; ., • plunge- by YOtlD& brought ·.the ball �a�'devcl�p a .team strqng'enQugh 'to ; �IVEUS A TRIAL, No Better:'Fabri�Better TaiI ....... - or Better v ......t ' <: to within- Illinois 'ten-yard '.bark, !bat 'I ",... . ... . -:-- , ,-.i�I�6i,igrhel� and the' balLw5t over ;s��lis.h s<H:cer:�:aqi��g . �he: offic.al :. ,_. ' .. ·�'.:�r.�,� I ywh� , .: ,. .,'�G TDI' ',: ',�.', J'list as time: was cane'd. _"_'; ,.�:-�\ ... : 'f. !\poets' 'C?f . the University. Consider�, 'rllalia.. II ·.I£R=O· IEFE 3P..;· ... 0A· ".0£ .; �--In -ihe;;··dosmg ··q'ijar{er.�·-·'dever ablc' :.�courag�1:A.�nt .·and.. iJl.<::e.ntiv�. I �ilu.,,·j 1.<" ... '!"�j. : :._ .. ,�... j�.' . - _�"'.' .� '�I�''=��,',I-�''':''I'' .:='-.·C·;··,' 'm·-·�'·o:.·.c··· O:·��L�·-.A�- ·T�(Ej:�.,. . ..... b' W;I .. ;.,. ... �'.. ··.1. ��_d . has<,.be�n. aeate,4. by ,�e �ews tqat I ".. B�J!����..-��� 't����n �.i.!'�[(.C,�s .wiI1.'I •.� aWe �rde� to the ; '. . . T-� �S" - ..... : � -- ::.� 'B II'Uge ,all 'We· tiDJe. , Der. � JlIl.. .' , , b h' I I • , .1l0-!.!;_;.td·L�.. .. .::;.,hl�.'!. d;J � w o.·.parti�te In; t e' JDterco -: ,.N. W�.cOL1IADISON'; ' :. :.!t:::" . . . Tel :IUfJif-u.'.>.r·f C Va'C --puu� WI � 1�2te g;lmes. II.'. r�. '. .""CUU'm. ". .��. 1Idt·. : WI +8SI' .C ,.� . -:. - .... tiancc:ofi·.ll�"-1Oa�a .' � "'0-;"CHlCAGO.'w.. .OI�Atw, ! -.�.- ,- - uATI:1I-r.1r;r·-� SOlDIQ' .. _'1:..• 0' ·J.:.��o;·t· L� t�� ",'".' �.' _ .......'" • The (Varsity :team.:bas·:_been lining i . I ./ .'K· :� - -.� 1IIU"'U ...... ..ut·m� �� Uft.'I •. ilv a-.n .... ·.·.the ... ,s�OI.·bs and ·is I ' . -_ \-� '. _, :-0 .. ',.'.- -' ,- .... :. ¥JeW\_ "�::t�'�ai ilf;lI\It ...... ' ".--" . .,.�� beatmc;::diem ·c.o .. sist�,ntJy�.� Captain I .... ! <,.. :...\'!:" .... j�:!'�..... �· .. _ '- - ;_.;_ �t'�!:-�.. �was.��t-!1�g�.�.•.' .,�. iulkerson. said;,��I am pleased' with I !" .' T', i :� if � .... •:' .• : .'. _' , ID" Ui" ill er... . .. .....-r.-av .. �i .... wJ.i.-1. ·,.dle.. I men., are-woo rk- • .�;' .' ." .... : '.'. i � -. .... . .... � .......... -MAJESTIC th.·.e �!fIfoU���. �, �-"". ..,... : o...lheb.dofallDled:.t��gI.Iy.�d���"�.m:·_ri.k.tii.I�{�, -.... ....... ing,.and.I 'feel.jhat 'it .is. up ,to us to !I ----..I_.lIaltiaDlo-....-.-L ..... -�- __ --.1- _ __... ,....,•" 1 Seil'" F�) '�ft- --- -.- _--,. ��-�---- -" ""_��terr:...T....··.··.':as.. ���.d�"�. make;,good this. year'or to abandon: . ·p�.GmN' ,.' ·GV���AN.TE�D. -HAT.. ' ·I�� ..ELBERT HUBS-RD �pcu),; 1Ja. ve.tesponded:;�bly to the call for] � 00' ·ItAIN'PROOF�! ' . -:»��'on'.. ��is,q�/', ".-,. 't bav��re9()pndedfDobly.to,the·callfor·' .... _ .. AIsoaCo1D.Iete��iStliiioa'-II.ta'· ..... ��.._;� .... , OIIIera : c,...!� '7 ,... aDell, but the: squad 'is by no, means : . - , ,.!. ... _ _.'1 Af�1'h���me�P�e" crowit as large as I should like to see it.eav:e: itSetf aver ptc! ��JI��:;. � This is a good chance for new menean�on i'�':1Wh��H i�,¥'e&l to .. �· a mioor, "'c." and I am anx­�dt�dt='as-'rapidly.as�-tbej�� ioas to :gct men ou to try for thec.ioa1c1·��ulate�t:::' 1t«Wl�� honor."�nilM��he'n·,;:a.iJie�··-last j� ., The· Freshm�n have elected Red-�tet�; .oat . of. ear-shot:I��i­lni �.'··��dl4dtei,t�,:.r�nhI �ec. a.��·� sna"le. ��cm:iC�.'.�-'.�,.,lMI. �_'� ao rOOl�� wbose clieeriq .�itieen.'j �. roi'ig:-rcju.··; �roQ&ir .. �.�ftlJfim:".D,�w.::.�' .�.i �,�.:.::.�-:.�.:P�:H4..�� e• .�Ima Mater, while· tile Yictorious-------------1· �t�rs 'fil� ,by. ._.... iIOsillAU.. The game was marred for many.m of tile s�tol'8-),y -::'"iiict�ta�t> fUTURITY UI'''"fR �Dalries .-msfcted by: tM 6t1ia.1s, ::' • 1 ....1 '_hie' ��o*ect up -. the' �.en . _�dCUlG! fIDIICSE. :Consumed a areat:�deaI: of "time:.-:'ne :JIaj. CA' I 'Iai panalizing was cOGJlJect witb� �ei-- :. r. ODS extempore debates, "b� wefe:of more' interest -' to .• tlIoie '-Aoa . die ifield thaD to tbOse in ·t� ·�cIs. n-:ti�Ois was. the erattf' s1iJe�r: by. tlie ., ARSITY DBTBItllINED'Ue� of official aathority, two or TO WIPE OUT-DEFEATS.their ruShes being stoPped '�by this.n:teans.·' The lineup: . ' .Illinois, 3- Cflie-go, .0. .ISaaer ........•.. R .. E. ..•..... Lyons.GRAID OPERA HOUSE :Carpenter R. T Wham-DavisFreeman. •MRS. FISKE 'Wlritaide ...•.. R. G ... Batzer' (Cp�),I. "D E C K'Y S B A It P." 'Whiting �"""":;C:'." ••••••• � Twist; Rademacher .•. L G... •..••.. Betti.� --. --. Kassiliker ... : .... L�T.: ....•. Sirinke .. -Experimental flying on the mu-'Paine-Mena-ul .;L E. .••...••.. Oli*" 'seum' grounds at PennsYh.:ania is the. . DavenpOrt.'·· - I Pi'ogrart. 'oHhe; Areo Club.WilsOn" • �' 0 .. B... . • . . • .• Seiler' •• < :. •-Jtlerrhnan� The library fond at Yale UniversityCrawley i (CIIpt.)'R�""k .' ...... ,f)illo� has increa$ed. daring .the past yearWoIstOD. from $23,188 to f6J3,8,38.CHICAc·oPENNANTSPILLOWSPiNSFOBS andEMBLEMSCARRIED IN STOCK-SWEATER COATS andJERSEYS•ORCHEsTRA'� .;iIoBtoI BO_�"H.G"1(I ". ;. • ',_.;, :.. • r·": .�.',:;.':', ',.. -------. . - -�---"'lIa& You Pay Ehte",hereSHIRT ·soPANTSHOSE ·75• ·soELASTIC SUPPORTERS . ·75.goSHOES. $3.40MCVICK'ER-SReahrt Hillard"A Fool There Wu'� i' vwt o.r _odeIed � ... 7" will be CODyinCed that o� .tock is compl� aDd OVR PRICES ARE RIGHT. \.!< Le.diac � Frakmi17 P-ta. �WI" .Fob. and Pins CaniecI ill Stock. J'THE· W� c.'KERN's U�: of C: BRANCH, 1304 EAST 57th STREET. . ,.; '"':'�; Rogers � . .,L. 'H. B Bernstein� R. . Young, � .. F .. B 'RobertsI' Seiler.r Goal' 'from field=-Seiler, Referee­: Snow. Michigan. Umpire-Wrenn,i Harvard. Head linesman _.:. Fleager.! North·western.·' Field judge=-Eisleigh,; Mi�higan.· . Time of quarters - 15.itin.utes.WHITNE;Y'LOWDl BBn1ri3 .'p�I�C��S., 1IiE 'DEEP'PURPLEding: as . their captain. .The graded gymnastic classes' are irecruiting several men. to the squad. :Instead of doing inside wor� Mr.:�()ff�r:has·J�n- teaching th�� the iga'me, and has thereby succeeded in :ancdVenng -much likely material.Two I.�'· have ;alre�idy been;scb��ied with�l1li1lois, one on'· No- :ftliaber' 5 at "arshall' field, and the:oth� On : Novem'ber i2'at" ChamPaign ..TI1e iboys are; ·anxious to· atone for .Saturday's defeat:at the hands"of themini·. footbaU' team. Arrangementsate' alsO.' 'a1Ider 'Way for' a series ofti:aiiaes' With \yisconsin.LYRI�.Tbe :(iAlliJlffSWifi' GfORGf, '''ASH"C�RTTHE -AMOOi-G1IL <<;ontinaed from. page t)of the .workoat because of injuries.Thi� was, Ralph Young, who bruisedhis shoulder in a hard tackle. Paine,who ��s·.ta�en out because of a kickIn the' head,' was apparently none theworse for .. wear.:OLY�PIC:.1.'71.".... :wlil.iu'.· . ·D��. --_........ ,._ .. � .... - --- .. - .. - ...... ---- --- __ .... _ -- .... �STYLISHUP:TO-DATEtAItORmG. I.. .'. FOR YOUNG' MEN 'ATl SENSIBLE 'PRlCESJohn R. VerhoeffNEW ARRIVALSB. L. AlES ·HAT·:CO •. T���ADiSONSt:90 . ._ _ ...lATE DESIGNSc. tiRO E. RESTAUR�ANT. �COMBINATION. BREAKFAST10 to ·25 cents·from: 6 ito10:30:·a.···m.• Luncheon and dinner i :25 cents:.. :.. ...,. Special attenHon itO" Student' trade'·1015 E. 61s'� Sf. .-Near Corner E"is 661st.,:St •. �:.�... .c