!,?fT;:�r:: :� ',. .,• I.,. _. ...... � • I' :- .../:- ..... .'.�:;: . �-:::!,,� ���� __...._.��.�.--: .. � ...._- ... 4�7I ... ",. � •••• ...... � ••Illinois University has a largerein1Mlmt ·of Chinese students than- .ily�odIer American college. there he­iDe:- ·thirty-five rqistered at that in­• tit1Itioa. President Naismith of the Univer.:·sity of Kan-sas. has decreed that allgymnasium classes are to �cei.e in:..!'trn�iun in the rudiments of tutmyfootball. _ , •�t�t0�;,�' . .:::!,; � .. ", 'II." .�... \ :. f� .... '"....,,. .... ':. , ..,". I�vI:III! :. :I I! I"I;}�'.• i• -,I ,;. . .- : .: "'.5q:- <� \�� ... ,:.;, ... _" .....•••• �:" . ">, - �"\,'., ''';'''' 't'.��", ... � 1"'·· f·:'.. r .. .. �,,,,., '."'�.fI":" ..,Two atoms of. H-I-, ,: :c:Otobine(rWiili'�� .�� maie-'_ •;ki�:ot«� �:So in Fabina 'Ci�es,L\e same exacbiessin �� me tobaccOs: has been'made, a definite science" in'order L� their good quaIi- ,ties may never, ileV� ��,: :A strong afIioity� eXists .. ,betweeD F atimas ,aDd - CO�lege men. No fancy Uox� ,bUt aD extia 10' �!tes.making 20 for 1 S cents, .:J f you consider yourself a IoyalChicago student, if, you want to im­press upon the foot­To the ball team that you areStudent Body. behind it, if you want" to prove these jll. realChicago si>irit� sign today 'for 'theW;;linois special to Champaign,' satUr-day. 'DAILY BULLETIN.Le Cercle de Conversation Frau­caise will meet in Spelman House at4 o'clock.University Public Lecture-"Re­cently Discovered Greek Sculptures."Professor Tarbell will be assisted bysome illustrated views at Haskell 4s­sembly Room at 4:15 o'clock. ,. TII£ AllERlCo TOBACCO ea• • - '�'. .. • � J I �;ANN 0 UNCEIIENTS."'II�FOR RENT-Nice froat':�.comfortable mom at ........ _rate. o.n:at 571; DrexeL • ...-.FURNITURE of s-roolD' .... 'fofsale cheap. Can s6SQ Ora., �DAViNPORf fOi u�.. &; C;converted into doable -1N4 - ....... '"an exceptional value. ean.: . .._rO(ln Office. 'SINGLE ROOII-With double bed FOR RENT-Two faraisIIeI� mto rent at 57'3 Drexel avenue. Gas, rooms at �SODable rate, for twobureau. 'stud7 table and other con- ladies or �ntl�. sIb3 Drael 'weaieDca. Ave... :m" ftoor. s ,FOR RENT-East front room, high­IY',desirahle. $12 per month (or oneor $'.1 (or two. 60.10 \Voodlawnavenue. second floor. Mrs. K. G.Benton. . �!4+ •• ' .....':" ..�.. . ;.� J'f� PRAISESiwoilAW,I'INFLuQCJr 'FALD ON' �. '1CULPTuItB�. ", .. ,�.__ . i" ,�.M.iss.cOul.er Tella �.Girfa it: .. ,PlainIIIII�M"''''''.''.''i4I'''��'''''::;_" ,: �J1: ��Di�,��---- ! ; .That die'social aud .• �aaI iaBa-�' >�nc.�:�(���e�,�� ���'�;'�iional.. institutioias "caD' DOt be over-estimated was; ��!ii��!t*���f �Dts.of the talk, �:i...� l6sa Gface'Coulter, IgOO.: � ::�:)�.W�t.i.: m;eet­mg 'yesterday.'_ �A-:-woliWi 'shoal� beallowed freedom," , said Miss Coulter.. But she could nOt'!; gO tOo :far.Wt.en' a ma�',.m�t;S, ,a":�oiDaa ,as ...antagonist. in,the business aDd politi­-cal world,- he loses.·his.defereace: fOr_he-r. ,a;"d' ,ritb:--in� -�tOo '��rt6-'go� hismoral backbone," "Ie shoald be' made'tofeel himsc;1l 'af'�eiiiiia iDsi� 'ain�re m�'n��� tw '4 S � �..:) :>_'; :',� -Vesper-rserviees at League at 4:GOnext Sunday af�,�iI1,be,lea by'Miss Helen B��'��g to 'theannouncement iriftD"jestenlay. "inBarnes. is -a-nati�:&1,.aec:ftta17 of.dIe_. ... :, American Y. W. C. A. Her special':,crk is die exteDsioiiolilie:Y� w.C. A. to: �� ofi�ral,\�m�tiesAtGooIi·POSITION. '¥. and it·is� \ho�uttrd,'� � 011Can '.lie "Cf�:t)y, �mbitious young Sunday ';fi(�� made- � �me ,basemc:n .. :2nd��bdi�s 'in ·'·-'the: field of of thi� WO!k:i q fF 7i if:' ,··Wireiess'f{(;.. ,�, Rai1way>,teleg'�phy. ', :' �' - .� .it � '1 � �,.Sia�t the S:hour:,law' be�me,' effect- The Amertuft - PbotOll'apby Oabive. and":�i�'- the, �viiejss com- at Wooster Uni��nity the pUt iam­pa,nics .', are:' eSt�btishing stations liter Ilaid all tuition' reeS. � ill­throughout the, c(!untry, there is a currcd for, chemic:aiS, and then de­inat shortage of telegrapher�. Po- darc'd a dh'idend of JS per- cent fromsiri�.ft� pay hcginners Jrom :f.7c to $90 I .Il' pr�.ccccJs of the 'work done.per month., with gnccJ chancc of :HI- _\·anCCnlent. The National Tclcgraph .\t thc annual • tank scrap" betweenInstitute o�rates six ofticial insti. the Freshmen and �phmores of Par_tute:. in America. under �ttpen'j�ion 111'(' Lini\cr:,ity, four 'students Weftof R'. R and Wirclc�s Ofllcials. and j urt. two being kicked into ancon­pla('l·� all graduates intI) positions. �cillusness. The FMsh_n "ere vic-It will pay you to write them for full torions., ,detaib at Cincinnati. 0.; Philac1c1- -phia, Pa.: Memphis. Tenn.; Davcn- The student council at Iowa Col-port. la.: C,)lumhia. S. C .• or Port- 1,·�c. Grinnel. Iowa, has ncom ... dedlan� Ore., according (0 where you, that dancing shall not be rec:oi1rized Frnh ...... crew :pndice bep. at;ub' t� enter . ...:::..Adv as -a, college aJIIusemenL Yale oft �.: -; t , Professor' Tarbell Will gift aD iLlustrated ', leCtUre 'ilt 4:15 this aft�­nooa in HaskeD Assembly Roor. His,s�jcc:t will be "Receady DiKov�Greek �pt1lres." 1t, is apected to�,,�e �f . the, most iDteratiDc of theU:niv�ty Public" � of the,qaancr. as it will,deal 1Ipith the .',and, j�por1aDce o( lite' ftCeDt 11.boas to Greek scaI� ':(. By �ecent adelirloUs. _ the, ���!�-�:piec:es which �Y��,��!ered .; � d.Ie.'.-. tWea"� Many. ,yery iqI",..t, '�_,eries haye beat made 'at � in�t:�, as w� as iii �. PlaCes()f Gftece, ad Italy. Pt�._ .. T'ar­,��,�, those' ..... 0 .� a pro­fueJy illustrated talk with many.uda ; that they' �"be �ppoiIIIe". for: ,be iDteads to � ibDI7,- ......�at,y-6ve Yiews. �C)\.wid.:ift.���t'�h",-.ad wiD show '.� � oJ, ��P:tuftS IIIOft adequateJF � if '.� Dariabel' sboaI�." �..,.·lDto ODe IecbII'e. .. ; �� , ' ,,. t), . ; �t ,r . ."v .... :.:;,.j;-. � -':�,.-�-.';'''' ... � ... ;.:._:.. - .� .. .; _' _.f'lM S'i""�':,' , :N.: - �-<,�.-Al,'" ;: '". !7'lW;i e.,,', ": ",' ', .. '" "" ,,; "I, ,NElJ-DOOR�,5;�:'--:-<I �! '�/rg�;r��-OFFIC�' .-: -:f ,u,.: 'Jr. '1 ' *<:1, •• ., t'1J- � .- . ...---� .�-, ..,Cbristopber Ro;.ce. a',. + ",',J'CMa,th who 'was said to baYe 6e 80StperhctlY"lhiaed· ,1IIiM- - �ca.and- -':eateI'e4·lfanaIlI_ 'the ageof:- .... Ift ..--.-� ..... day in aninsane as� • wictim of over­Shady.-Students of the University of Mis­souri will hereafter be KiTen 'freemedical advice. A aninraity' physi­cian lias been appointed to look, afterthe health of the stadeats and freehospital aft' WI" be liven to all elt­«J)t tftose safferitac fl'Olll coataaioudi!leases. THE DAILY MAROOIThe Official Student DailyPUBLISHED � THE STUDENTS..........Speelal Bate of 52.0'0 Per Year Is AnnouncedSubscriptions must be paid for and in theBusiness Manager's hands onor beforeOcto ber 15, 1910If this low rate is to be taken advantageof. After OCTOBER 15THE DAILY MAROONWill be $2.50 Per Year.Subscribe at MAROON OFFICE, Ellis Hall,58th Street and Ellis Avenue.LOYALTYThe word LOYALTY means muchto you fellows. Ifit1oesn't, it oug h ';to. It..oug ht to st d for -the bestthat's in you. And ou ought to giveit all to your Univer ity. She needsit, and she expects i�.LOYALTY, bowever, does notmean simply -to yell * football gamesand mass meetings. lit means to �onothing that would detract one .hltfrom Chicago's fair name. WearIng'clothes that do not fit you, and whichdo not possesss the zi}> and taste thatyour classmates do, detracts fromChicago's fair name.' We make theclothes that add to your university'sexcellent reputation. 'LINDSAY BROTHERS49-51 JACKSON BLVD. 3rd Floor1841� Mufual Benefit Life InsuranceCo 1910-'1.A man without an Investment is a man without a future." A goodr Investment is an IDsunace Polley oa the_Accelerative Plu, the Unique,.. Pollcy for tbe Yount MID.a. D. BOKUM. COON a: COON, 5655 Drexel Ayec--I � L..ocal Aaaab rOf Studenb UDiYenity 01 0Uc:aa0 .��}.i��- IICp�c�r�e!ti�o�-1• large assortm�nt of� tAllOI & CLEANER BAr\NOCKBURNS,..... to Order $25.00 6 Up HARRIS lWEEDS i'848 E. 55TH STREET and SCOTCH CHEVI01'S, iN. W Cor. Drnd A-we, ; n t he ncwc�t shad('s of BrO\\'ll :o-DCAGO Iand Gray, for Fall and Winter IOUR M01TO:··8f'tl Won. La_. Poo-.. d 'Pn-ptSerncc, S'lit� - $30 an up. ,��� .....'it��1THE' ITTLE ART CORNER I �� I..;.:.:;;w I I . I1480 E. S3rd ST. " : Tailor for Young Ment Two Stores:Arb ad Cnits Goods I: 44 J�ckson Boulevard.: : 131 La Salle Street. :t___ _ tAMUSEMENTSILLINOIS1he Dollar PrincessCHICAGO OPERA HOUSETERESABE. MINECOLONIAL B��t�1:�LBRIGHT EYESCECIL LEAN -FLORENCE HOLBROOKMCVICKERS'. Robert Hillard"A Fool There Was"POWERSBILLY BURKE INMRS. DOTWHITNEY"ALMA, WO WOHNST DU?"STUDEBAKERELSIE JANISTHE SLIM PRINCESSG!IIK THECHOCOLATESOLDIERM ��!:.�R:'!�peci�ltiesSallie Fisher Gre ssy i Daynetwo Leonards Clifford 6 BurkeAnd Many OtherspRINCESSTHE DEEP PURPLELYRICThe GAMBLERSWith- GEORGE NASHAMERICAN MUSIC HALLCbas. E. DodwortbIN "SCROOGE"CORTLAST TWO WEEKSRICHARD CARLEJUMPING JUPITERGRAND OPERA· HOUSEMRS. FISKEIn "n .': C Ii ,. S)(.\ R P."OLYMPIC('oh:ln ,'.;. JI:nri ... prr"-rnt ... '\lI�lP.t Thom:l�'Yiri\(: :\mcri.';;n PlayThe Member From OzarkLASALLE-THE-Sweetest Girl io Paris . � :_... !'�. '::.'& .�. ..::..: ......... ..:- _ --_ .. -:; ::r m !)..-----VIA.ILLINOIS" :CENTRAL ·,lI..I . - . ' .. '.. . . . .\ .See Itbe··:J3ig,Ch�¢ag.o-Illinois GameGuaranteed Fabrics. iAlso Other Very Attractive Lines Boll ..Foreign and Domestic. I. OUR GUARANTEEWe Guarantee every Garment mvde from our Stock to give absoltit�: satisfaction. If it fades, shrinks or loses shape or any other fault.!develops either in the Fabric or the making, at any time, .'.brih� it back and we'll make. it good. '."GIVE US A TRIAL. No Better Fabrics, Bette: T.il-a .... Better Val�Caa Be Had Anywllere ,.I '. .,,,,,,,, ·R.The "Chicago: Spe�i�l;?J'YiJ(I���e-.Saturday 8:30 a. ffi. at the 12th St. Statiorrand 8:45 a. m. at 63rd St·. Station.· - The" train 'will make all local stops.Returning, the: "Chi·cago·· .. Special" willleave Champaign 6;30. p. m. Ticketsgood only on this traiA.:�;·· Th�sei�who,:�esire4��arlor Car accornodationsand w.ho\intend to return Stlftaay,·.can:>oDtaiii�� �nlte�;.of·;:$3.80 round trip on the regulartrain. The regu�a·r.·tr,ai�n�1�-a¥.es··SaturdaY·9:40 ;a.· m, at the 12th St. Station -alr'I· 63rd St. Station l5� .�:_m,' :: .' :'; '.' .'I" n!li n .;, ! f! .1' .!,! '-t:t'!LONG PRACTICE AGAIN ,;' "Chicago crowd·'nas ':ilways·ex'tited t�eALLOTTED TO VARSIT,Y ';i(liulraiiori of the .Iocal public, andjit ' ' . ,! .. i� felffllatj':_y.,rthJihe·team's·staridiqg . ST' Y.t·_I,SD_lJP�TO-.D·A.T[�T·f:J·�.·- U.. '�(Continued from page I) I for the l::e���at st�k��; 5at:u�day ��ll_ n-.· II WftIRU.• f " .1?1;Qye ttq�.be a .. ,�b�gner . .tday�., .' •of taking their opponents by surpnse ... l : V "',' .. d .. _._'';;' ., .. :\., I.. ':1.:.,It is generally believed that Wilsori's JUNIORS DISCUSS PLANS ;drop-kicking ability can not but �e-I t, :j ::F.Q.R.hlgr�3:AP:./AND.:GpW� .. John R. Verhoeff $25.00 AND 'UP Roy E. F�·n��.turn to him. \Vith this means pf M ':::�:W-:����""'J: .f . Ann' .i..,. ., d. I· ,. anagers ana �tOI:S· 0 UiIUscoring at Chicago s isposar, It usU M - be--- f Class t "''':'''1_!'. , . . rges em rs 0 . 0 Dl_ethought that they should be able fO. I�: � ;.: Contri�utio�s.": .,�count first. The moral effect of the � . . .... '. : .:. ..::.:.:.....:.,.. ., ... , . 1. ..lead thus acquired upon the spirits . At th��.rneeling. of the Ju.ftior..cla�sof the Illinois play�rs is expected �o, ·_'ester<Jay·.inornirig: the-subject-of t�e,.;be tremendous, in view of the nU�l- Cap " and .Gown ·was··. taken -up-> and, :.' -her of times they have been defeat�d discus.. s·ed.: .·:Vi(!e:..Preside"nt .. Lindsay], '.in the past few years. � -urged that- -solicitors' should -turn out.Sieler May Not Play. I. 'in ·:o·r-tlei to -SeC�re· advertisements. f�r,.There are persistent rumors from t lie ·annual,. as tlris :.was; lhe only-way .. t hat a fin�n:cial-: success: could . �eUrbana that Sieler, last year's quar-.· 'm'ade :. I .:: � . ...... .�" ; '-�: lterback, may not get. into .the game,': . .He was under the weather last week' !ItJ was urged tharall-who were ableand did not appear in the Drake" to . write should ·turrt:;in �manu�rip�,] and that those ... who". could : drawgame. He is the one man on tile .Illinois squad who is known to po;- should -subrnit-a-few+samples of ·theirscss the ability to drop-kick. With work. to .th� . Board. : -The >editors Qff h I· h .tl -theCapand Gown·spoKe�·on· the-sub-him out 0 t e meup, t e team wn. 'f jed; and .reiterated�lhe -statement -that'be more or less crippled. In spite q , . Ithe fact that the l11ini rooteraboast if the '("tass �of:19i'Z·Was·;to have theuf having a number of speedy backs, hest. Annual :yet, .it was necessaryit is felt that their team can 110t pr�'- that a!l }\inioTs work·foT� it.� - I�· was:;;tated' that as- the book ·was ·tile pro-sent anything like as formidable Iduct' of the- class that al should fee, Ifront with Sieler on the side-lines as . . .it ld ith him in the game .. -; a responsibility for it ..I COU WI ... , •• ··n b 11 d .The question of -Twist's e1ig�bili� :\nothe� ���tt�g 'd�l; e� c�de. :r.·11 b d . I d t' 1 y ····H· e I·S· Pt·Ckt a 'short ·t1me· In or er' to ueCt e hro<t:.WI C eCl( e O( a • .• � • , ..' . ,. . ihv the coaches as the regular cellt time of nommaUons f�r :cl::rgs officersf�r the orange and blue tcam. ·.HF a�HI �o t�k�· "Somra�tro� on. t�e s�-I b rded as one of 'the ::! I tunctlons· fot: ,thts' quarter.las een rega . . . . .:-;trongest men in the West at the �+ . b:,itioll. if allowed to play, he will b� (if .:;R JULIAN ·P. DRETZ·NOW HOLDS CORNELLgreat �en·ice to his team. The 111�- . PROFESSORSHIPnois students have no doubt of ,his__;,.ahility to pa:-s off his condition. D�. J�llian P. Bretz, who ���. �el1Help from Rooters.. ktl�wn as a .!!)c!l1ber of thc historyIt i:-; fclt all over the Chic:)go c�m- dcpartment �ere t�o·. years ago, has1)\1:' that the crmvd of rooters which i)cen made a professor of history :�tt hc two-dollar rate is expected th Cornell, wlrere he went. after a leave.. I II . h�r·c 1Il I"""Q·· ri�. Bret�-'s promotio,nbring oul wili he ot In...-a lIa) e ser- �\.icc in ncutralizing the advantage df wa!:, t.llarle last June, hut was ati-the hOlllc-tield possessed hy the llli- llounced only recently.nois team. The Chicago students . Dr. I1retz took hIS degree of Doctorwill prohahly be bunchcd in .tl�e of Philos?phy h.ere in l� and was:-:tands. and are expected to gi\�� a made asststant 10 the department ofgood account of the�lsel...-es. T� .p.a:t 1 history .the following year. He was:-casotls, the cheenng of a vlsl?ng also an' 1O�tr\1ctor for a year. ---TAl LORS,---Tblrd noor Straus BJdt.014 Atwood I14g.. N� W� 'CoL DDISON (Ia.AU $IS.CHICAGO. OJ..I 'WIDE 'BRIM.DERBYSHERE' IN AU. PROPORTIONSAND SHAPESHATS GLOVES�CANES UMBRELLAS�)AND FURS l��/A. .. BISHOP (1 co.156 STATE STREETEatablisbecl 1860$3.00