... _i.,. ... I .. srrr LECTURE.COURSES ARE BEGUN � .. ; .... : e'. _ •.. _ ··f.;-. _- .!."': .... I.' � .. � . ...... � ;. 0, t.... � ..... ... ." ....., .... �. '" ..• ......... 1· ..".crrm WVENS PROVE STRONG OP������I�n;� ,� �pp �, t<. f.lfPtJat_Minnesota �d Illinois Make Good ". ,_v._,. "_,_f��.�f- "!'�"� ,� ... G9JrD �.� hb .. � .. ". �. tr: " ; �; _ .. _ .. .�. __ .. "ShIOoWUlw'ag BAeagamt'enstbAmy ;:o:�.!r:= Some :8&,' Game-'b £Utle Qa5,;I' . :�-�=. =:�� ��� "1r8i�.:'"'. ,::� ..,. .bai"" ....,Which Shows Improvement. -�, WbUe Olhn�t II ;�.FjILV ...... cies . _, M�";;IIIIa�":,,.n:,.r-'Less -"-' 1• 1. __. ' ';i' I. t .'" a'".'" .:Saturday's games practically elim- __ .� ---- �-- 'In preparation.for: the work.ond*· t, ,�,: -_ .• ,.:._ ._._ ., - ';_.WIDE RANGE inated every Conference eleven ex- I�II Cap and Gown a meeting of�tW �i.l , __ .. -..0.. , �,J'f. . . . . . cept Minnesota and- Illinois from the �� �� ��m��'4� I¥>ard has been called. for. tomoao�: �� _ --- _. _championship situation. Indiana may .;, .... . . . ¥ 3 o'clockdn.. Cobb.lAo At ,�, .. �;�"i�_�'",have an outside chance. but it is, at �est Pe.�i��_�.�!l� �.�_,qg;,teat 'Peeting.plans �or th� �ear aD� :.� �: .\III1klJtr_:I •.. BY�:" :'"best extremely slender. Of the. two : . Change- -May Make Game �ntract =. the en�vmg �d pnnt;. 1 .. ," '. . Up �"J_leading' contenders, Minnesota seems .SlOWer:- IPg of the book will. be discussed. � _. _ . ....::._.:__. .. . .hy far the stronger. It had no trou-, .. ..rh� co�ttee heads �iJl be �.�;, :��. W., _, Yars\ty atThe .series of lectures. in the city ble in running up 49 points on Ames, Ccach Stagg-Abse1:'�' �f �. ,d, In the.lr �ork and started m .gatH-;, �." __ . • :38.BWfUt�� to. get.l centers 'Under the auspices of the with a team composed largely of sub- and pulling most' .. ����ti� '�" De:W:; e,nn� mate?al. ."'.' .: t . 101" tW ComiIw-��t__ wit_!t:1, University �ecture Association have stitutes after the second qUa�ter,. game, � 1!te. business .eDd of the an.�� .t� .. 1 . � feam,e of � afterD�n, already begun. The out-of-town, cen- With a large suppl)'- of. veterans av.ail- : CaptaiJi" ·Cra .. ICy"':':11'� � �, if> �tie' h.':,!ds· of ' Ralph ). Ro�""lf!&l: > "���1J,< �C6' �D •.. J.te'rs �r� �ituated on the North, West, able, it would be extremely strange �f ,make·the g�e m�� ,����? and £ai-I R' Huttoii� both of Wh�' � 1e e.:iaD�:'JJ��'mer\and Suuth 'Sides, and in Oak Park, the Maroon and Gold team.,' fou�d :the pl¥yer, .. ��t K.!�� �.� �� �eceived definite training in Cap .aliel) ! .�. tho c� J.ie.fimell. Tb�In a�dition t6'��:th� regular series ofmuch trouble until it '. goes against :chance to star. town wor�r Tu��e_r .t.�e. ���T''! DWI-' Go ".T�ii(" "g:Jsd had "t'h� ..lecuires �her'e wi'lL given in the 'Mu- Michigan 'at the cl�se of the season, 'D!. ·.�'yc��ft-:-�_.'"� ,�. agers of last year's annual. A.� 4 �,� J.... prS;- iiid"-sic Hair �f the Fine Arts building It is, however," still too early in t,?e more int���g fr�.� �t; �a��,n J�r ad.��. 'YJll .b,e _e��e,r�.d ..��. 'j�udfF.E �� ,i�, t!��.five rkitals' by Mrs, Bertha Kunz-season to make definite predicti.o�s, ;cf the �t�r. .! at all earl� ��,�t�, �o ,as to ��� .. �., !·c ..';.Gj,J)1 �p.J .P� Y�,r-B�!r� m�strating the subject "Th,� "and another month may show une?c- ; Assistant C��. ·$��T��. th� .a.ct�u�u�a�lon· ?� �� �v�r����. (.�. �.".' �JJ7 .. ��.a"����J.c� '?�Social Dynamics of Modern Drama, pected reverses. . i. ,:is not !SO mucl1.�r���,-,tJJ,t.lP!:� tn�e. of w��k t��r� �h.e el}Td .o:f.�e�.. .• ��. �:R .. �o�,'fg: }V��The' nexf one of this series is sched- Illinois' showing against Drake was I Walter Ste��ttlnfay', .. �.� year. � ....... .mlUltlt'1he 'f.Jresnmen� ,,'! ..uled for .October 13 on "Woman: excellent.' Seiler was out o� :the' garp,e 'I· resultS sho� that .the. w� � 1·-' Emto�' Work Begun. , �':':��'lhi�.;i;·�IJm�ch· L: .The' Lady'frQmthe Sea," Ibsen; '�Ar- on account of ptomaine poisoni�g, ,can now make a better. �; i Lester"Wh�el��:,:a:�a,�"Wai'��r 'J]' '!.,.. ...... ����.i�nd de� "diane and':ij��be' Bl«;ue,:'. Ma,:terlincl_c; while Twi�t had .not as yet passed off ;against the stiOng ODell., route are dle'managing editors, aii.�... �. ,.. .��"��.st·�·"-"kebel1i6�;"Susan,' Jones," his condition. Inspite of their ab- . Assistat .Coach·;KelI7:-The.:.fOJ'�; flbav� been.. ��.·t�� .I_������ .fO�r .• con�� t:t"�� _'* M-p'_:�_"��n�� ,�: .. ' .�ri th� N�rth Side center, the Ful- sence: the team had ·'.little trouble in! ward paIS is.. much e!aaier to.�I utlons. for some time. ��g to •• :.. \I�.�/.; .' _... '.. . �.' . � ... �lerton Avenue Presbyterian Church, beating Drake, and after' Merriam .. �he d�sl�e .?f th� ���ul�y_t? ��t1lZe _!!l ..... ��e( Me'.j4JIf,(JP.ige�· :Associate' Professqr.· Anan Hoben of we�t in the 'last quarter, the game be- Saturday's game idforded rooters, pf. th,e classro?�� m �1.1.ls .��.:·,ao '._.��, u.a;.RQt. �m�.. ';,'the ; d�partment of homiletics. andcame a ·walk-away. The Iowa eleven or' this section.' tbeii first' oPPQr:tu..l PI Rice 'has been secured .• AU s!uden�s'l .' .... �tIre.>�_ 01::.111,. SS�. �.:.pa!st·.;'.ral .duties, will give the third O,..f "'as gr' een, but 15 credited with. ha.v- nity of seein'g a game' under .t�e ncw..: eel t h d t and . .L..zu:. YU:-"":_ .......bl·s l·.,..e· ... tures on "The Boy Problem, I·"ng· p. ut up an extremely plucky fight .. rules. To the average spectatOfotberc; ��;e=�! rt'�I· ,a� ... 1?dS on!st"o'�I� ,. '.t..�...... r .2drat:.i.�::�.1.�:.:_:: ,�110 ting a IC,e.s, .d,S �n. e�.e�.II. --,., '. . .. ". 'q#l1lliY.. '. �tifeal. !:��.. l :'�.. �;'" '.O· ;'tob'er 17, at 'S' o"clocK,' under the Iowa-Cellar CbalDps. • seemed" to be little differe�co' :froin .,J "' . .''':.... . �btk; ilJ' �Ol' restricted ·to· Unlors;, J.�' .�� ?f�� ....-a .. �::.� .. j, , .�tit,lt, "The Ethical Value of �r- The game at Evanston was a great; t!le 'old ga�eo' But ·f�t.!�1 .�;) acldre�s IS .r:�cu1.. ty_ Ex.•. c_h. a,�ge,. ��.ox -.f! �.' � .. ! .. � ;.:..I�._tL.!i :_. : " ".: .'�.�.lIl1l'D'" I· ...... d. P.lay." The second. of t l,e �urpn·,"e t.o almost all those .'nterest.ed ;. at least. did �riot gather: UI4It opdIlon.: fSo.'J . 'I:',.n......,. d I - -.'i� ",' - • f .�- -... �. ame'S:·.r..i·&I"�mon .IS _tte�·� �� ��ita � � . .:o 'V1�::. .... � .... :;�...<4. :�i':';", .. ,. "'0"'-. .''''' ·'.By-ways in the N. meteen, tho l'n the' sport. Northwestern braced. fr�.m. the··cont,est., ':BOib' 'those ·;w.h_ 01 .. __ ...:._� T :..::r_:... <L_-_' b' ." -'L" �. ... , .' �o>t,�,.. ... ... _, t't! .. �UMCU.!' �u:MIY·-:as· een.:tb-·, 3.Ttt���� .... �'-��" � ._ .. '-� .... ;�:���... �t!!..��g. �om its 'POor sllowmg'of"a 'wRlt-:'ti't-:; :Pf.lY:eQ:1R1d,·thg�w.hI6!:�C:ailUI.!-·��fiijR;�i�W'-Suma:n '. � .-itv: ��'$'����:�:;;;�-;- .-:�:f:;�·f:-"7�"'." . �,."...... ·The· Abrahim Lincoln ent�, Y )9.!'e_��� __ ���a�ed_Io�a 10 to' 5· :-his �.� li��n��" oT'�� .. PI�F�f�· � l���·�!fl.!;�J .. �,: .,.hi;';" � .. '•• ,<:.,: '.. ;.' .. "Ass;st·ant-"P'roTessor' , James'- �eber leaves the Hawkeyes In' the consplcu- ... . Linn of the English department, IS on:t)u� but unenviable position of last of the. �'��N�g or'�.. : '.. :: 1 \:�IJ:�:�::;':� ��.. .. �::��::::::.�:::a;:t be!�:� �=:;.;:� "The most radi�1 . change .in. tile. ic::�rt�:;:���::'--�; Ii: ;�-�. �jJs&�. _�[i;.Rit�d" �: : ��:�. ;.. I ·,.�X:.."I;' .. ..;r 1.. Dhllnatlcs"'lS -the . ._ ...... - • _& • ,• • 11 game: s.tqJ;'�ay }�S RJ,y�·� J1-¥'F�ltIPs '. r'l'- t ftda tIB,..... dD...... nt � ...�Rec�( &:.o,l ... lS� ..... ".oJ" ... :: .•. later iiI the sea�on, but ��� .. 1S genera y ..f h lencc Burke tQ ��� to co�t7� mi .' -�J �l&. '." p...,:-rrn;.,. �t; .. .:-.,>. _ ... , -;-';' ".: . �:,):·,�-subject�o£."t�!·_c�urse.: g�ve� by .. Pro-... thouglit tha't- .. they win stick in the ne,,! ruJes,' wa� ��;Ah��ce 0 pus -departtRelin)f. �e?:s��������� �_.! � J.��'!i&t .. ���.�;. m:' " ',.;; _ .'.; � ,.:.:_��:fe��or W.'}!li�. ni:,·P;.; '�3(:<::I.��to� _·?f .. "bdttom ·t6w" where t.h�y .were l.ast ing and pu�ling," remar�ed Coach(lut a bea.d. AssOCJate ealt� to'�.,)_;ea ·� .... �� .• �l-���I!: '."':. •. _d t nt 10 Sfagg. '�This' i, no J��rJ ,�!\si- _ � �A'_": of .... ,. ... 1 Dl!dP4. .' 'R: ....th� Engl��� !i!��t!:,re - fJ?.ar m�. . season. '. hIe, and'makes 'the: pme.;�e-::q� duct.the wor�_.QL��� of medi- 'J ����:w- �.� �t.. 1:: '. ��. :X·the ..vl� Si4$ •. C:�����J 111�. LeWIS In-. Purdue's loss' to Wabash .by a goal . - cine and the conefl,"� �dnCarion will �d .������:� .. ��to;o.� •.•. (,)�":, . " J;�:•• _.. h duled' 'This' also' kePt .the: s:cqre�:�p'we; �� "r��Trr ",�-r 'tW1.iU:'" rwanlJ� ,.& ,........ .�. �uce.· ,. .� ...sti�te. :rbe.t.hir�.l.c;ctt�r� .. IS SC. e. 'from. the"fi�ld did not come as, the: - b' b'll 1 .I._ t......: .... also be: appo.inted�· . �1_I0wingare the 0.•. ,._.�(.;:��,. _,";' '.'.. :" .. ;.=. . . ..::/.-- .. '. "The Plays . when t e' a 'nears a�:goa .. ::�., �'!. H=-'�a..A.tD ... _ ..... _ 2ftd " '.<for . Tbut'sday. ,�yenlJ�g �n . ... surp' rise. which. Northwestern's. cle- names of the ·"er. as<,nria,tes: '.. E.� ��. �;_: '" ,:-.r.'t�' ""'(':'� .. '.'.- ._-' - I' f cannot 'p115h the' man ..... � ;� � .. � w", �� •. , r-r;� • • ;:..:i.�� tI. 1.-.1!.-_........ the r.· ' \.qJl-:J£�.�._' .. ��h�� .Jon�s: Ana YSIS o. feat by the sam� score did the prec�d- .\rt-Bess-Cou�ht:'·"'If! �. ... be:��.'�7;' �:a�l ..�. .,Ti.._ .. L.i���s......"', .. ,.,I.n,t!te. ...O.�k.Park c.en- lOng· weeK .. "Waba�h was.k.n.own. -to through 'as they did before. Si"d··tr.A"ti""ttf·� �B t M � tteria.:d�f·.·�-.to:ocoan�:·:A.��:- , ...��p;_"'"7 . - • "Another,tblj1jr: noticed. �Wa.tt .:t.I,Q� -�r.. ��._ 'l'�r,,�,",� ,,� ml '. rt?lf,�:; I':' ����:;"r�:"'bd:·""I..,::: � .. �ent ,., -tct. ... t� Sc.�y���� .I�s�tu�i �S��Cl:�: have an extremely strong team,. and when the quarterbac1c",f1imhled," !he _l·.����!�:��� �� ,ffoJl�r ��,eff,-r: li�J.��;;.. -.,:':t_cbi�;o a . .�_ . �/�P.mf�ssor.-S���m�� " ar 0. it was not thought that Coach !iorr .. '"'k h . ball 'd k Mavnard Sunond.. .,. .�. ,.."\ ' ,,! -:.:;.•. .. k· . 1 could PIC' ·up t e . aD! iDa e' a A<f' f-,.w·_ 1"",,:, "':. -.c: ..... 1iiir:\1Mfimi- quarter:" ·tIl"" . ._.c!Wjl��rii of I!ubl��: spea 109, IS ec,: had had enough time to straigh�en g3in' without having to go' five yards Class�s-a�ra An�p.. .,.. .... , .. ".. , h .' ._: .,J •• �.tw.t�Q' .�n uy.. �st.·erpl�ces of Comedy.�, out the Boilermakers aft�r last year's " I -ii;;m'�ik�' Wi;I�:aR1 uanns -.. ,,:, I tie �. penalti«;s checked 'a 11ISk, '',' .;_r...·fll.d,.:;m.i�..'9.·.. !,I·Sh. e.' .S. .loops .to Conquer demorall·zation. The confide'tic.e ."the out.' The new game is 'easier oil tbe ·.F.a,.;�it'y' �D:.'m·�O·��d"�.J-"'f�·al7j,y� " .. � o ....... -�· aoa...�hieb '�i&ht have' .�, -. men. They�receive less seriOus :'ill� , , .... -: .. ,-:::--;a�; .�. • '¥.. • . '1 ·§'it..-:.rTli ...... icoil' iii: tile, -maill,. '.i� .f!l.e, s�bred fo� O,ct�er .15. student b�dy has shown in him is. not ju'ries, piay ten minutes leSs, aDd' get .1�u�u:--.�arPId:Kay.t. OD.·.·.. ���h .:� .. , •• � .' •• ; t" .,--, lik�I'\:' to be shattered by this i.n. ilial .,. .f d . '. W .r .Women's Athietics':- _EI:_l..-tL "•. "'. S YI_,_ .. ". ... was' 'DbO ; /J two more en orce rests:···_ ':'.;-' � .. --t::! a"'_l..�' ..... _ A. h':�, ..defeat. • II HurcL' . . .'f u.::'.�to, 1����ItO'.�'�"ct t',a.t _s_ e,,=CL�SS�JCATl�N LISTS Gam' . 'Little DifrereDce-lCeDy ... ·.:·S. � _ . :a.die 'befter tam.i. � greatu� •. WEEK Non-Conference· es. Tom Kelly, the Mg 'vetenm :who ,is, ocletY-.L.U�IDe ,Oeary., . .' " .. ' . .'. .'.�... - »1C'.�ST.ED �JIIS' ... '.'-'_ h fi . . ellce' of laer ...:ua was: the deQ8IVe "... u.-a.a._ Michigan failed for t erst time 10 �sisting In' the coa�hing. 'says of.�the .Literary.....;..David McCarn. . � .' . . '.'hl·story to beat Case. The techn° I·cal . I 'La . Scb I-:H . Y·:.....• ill.• '1". W\�tJa\S·adVaataae..gao m"'e· .. · i'I cou'idn't see"so 've-' mucb' w 00 argrave .L.Ufttlll' ,.<;d'!�l team held Yost"s men to a 3 diff��enc.e. in' the priie' as ·"it was .Divinity 'Sc�ool-Harvey �:F�k.' . ��.,,�"!; .' "��7·� __ �i�'.·. 'j,'to 3 score .. This. was something of a. played :SatiJrday. 'The most 'notice':' Staff· Photognp'her-ltennetb :l.Uid- .F' �:. ""_ �" .,. " � 41, ...... ."d·l·sa·PpoI·ntmen.t to those who had,,' b'T" h'� ..... 'tb·'·dd:'�'-""- sa ....... or -d'OW�·tIIe!tiest.J3 e t mE to me was' e a .:u --- I �. . :J ts..:::..�""�lIe:�t.:.;·..:.�.th"�pna.;.;.;.� of rheard Yust's "statements to the effe�t With �hi'cb"the f�rWard'pass··caD-be .'. ..... ' . .,.... .•... . .. � .� b,"��.t'�fight'. hai�He':-'that he had the best eleven in years. �Iade, 'as' th� 'man' can't 'be "taclded FI�T SCORE CLR·.DAHC� ". .. ..... :'.' 'r·, fee""At the same time, it is rem(mbered: until he starts." Th'e: pm� Was�COD:" r "6i=-��i�..t "O,·irtruB·· -R" '�t� ��_��.1fbt!t _� �that last year's season began with. a .' 4"\"t"l.�,,��rr;I! •• , .. �rr- . .,"'!� �I� 0, iI"ei� O{-- nuer; prull� �'ID" ".eftlj������.I:r ��?�e�_��,t��,!d��._���� , . . :�:'_"""" ��t Iie�;ea. .what.was ill'3 t� 0 gam� with the s�m� te��,. ��. ties." ',.. 1afo ..... 1 Dance ilL ��_�. "�!!!11_":..:1".t".." ���.�..: . t .;'it. is felt that more experience and Captain "Bm� enwley gives the -����n;.�.i:.') .. �1ir���1 ... :rrs �t�h-�:�� � ��� .. k M' h' f r·d • .' f 'h - .11:. Pia � .� .... �.� ��,�rr:. �Tl""",,{5""i.,: ,est PIIIe.·o IS ca� •. aDu ....... ��practice may ma e IC 19an 0 ml - "ewpomt 0 t e man 'wnO' p yllC'U:.. ' .�;¥� .. �. " '; l.imt:ll��"Ce'i� • ..f�:tclahite 'forable. "The ·new· roles' at'least' matle the rOlr,:w�;!it''\Jae'\cfcWe of'tlte"sU_'Notre Dame swamped Oliv·et in .a: game more u�inte�ting to the play- �. Score �J�b '�me,�'!"I�!ilt week }�� fl_,f-t .... ,.,,... tu'.,.,,";" ;.r· '..... ".one-sided game, This is taken as· in-. er:' Wh�n a inan went' Clown· With the 'decided .. to .o�n . its social activities f�' , .. .'. '. . .dl·catl·ng that Longman has a stron. 't.. ball, you c�uldn't '·pick· bini' 'up- and" '. I • ., � • \�-il;bn's d�'. kicking, from ;,hich,tor the year with an informal dance !ior��hClhaV.. .�-f !S.!!l.:':�t� "proved:team again this year, although, as it: 'sh'ov� him a' '1ittk': Tarth�. and'· the l at R05alie on ·Saturday afternoon, k(;".r:: a r[m�r·.it�- mak-meets M Conference eleven. it is not q,'an 1ii�SoClr" c'o'uld':,t cia�r just"a 1ii� ! No�·:einber· i�th. Ti��et�' fo-r -th·�· 1:f- I.lngh�a·�.J.�,a orwa"tn"'!...ts"�f·o 'r' 'poo'"'r"'-pa'��ing'likelv' to have a chance of showing its! He.. ·. f:i.Tth.��. �s"h�:cJ :n.at:ara.· nv�like. 'to : r:.al·'r·, �'hl·ch a'll' m'em' i..�er� 'and"'tiieir) II - �• I' lei n U �nd 'lhe an familiar Inn':: �·S;' .. thefull strength to the West_ The SOJ1th do .Th.e ;j)en�l�ies ·Jllso. seeme�"mor(' : friend�' may' - attend, . �jl be� on' sale' , .rf �;,.�: , .... 1r.�w !" ...:�or;o_ �"1.., __ .• ' •Bend players are extremely an�ious 'numerQus. .:';y"m�'mhers' �f the club for the three1 cr�;f!�:�'fJ,� r<,O\��H��L��tt�!.t��n.�sto score a second victory o,·er Michi-' . �'The change'�, however. throw mo� weeh preceding the dance. The ;we� :�c"'>:>�f�,. �n _ "!.e� .. 0 h�sgan. and yesterday's results unques- responsibility. on t�� 'indi�d�l, "a�d �. it" ...of the dub's af I �'if!l1edt �h�i'f.m' !� ���I,c.e. ��s. hI k h' h f d • . ..,. . c mp e e program,. t r-, y." '� .. l' _. � - i �un¥i;:'(', �OWIPV�. w·· as �lst,·n.ctlY su-tIOna 'V rna e t elr c ances 0 01Djl' the evolution of the game ,���.�f �� ,f�r� for. the Quarter has not as yet TJri'g,1rt-:" ;t�rt�f Gili: ���d' hetn.odc:o . look far hetter' than at any time: pl'·rmduce more sta(s,� .... �en made public. . -. ��t·-I�II'nn�;I!..�"n·g··· t'�e' " ba--lIT"II.n i� ":lid' i:-a-(lartier in the season, 1J�.� Rayc�oft 'said .it w,s,.tO?!��ly, �� 80_" k�"r. he, Wisconsin' a Disappointment. the season to �.ee mue'h of t��, e..ff..�c$· _;rhe glee, ba..'!i_o.��d .. �!-���li�:,�_1abl �\�.,�t�'RfY., .�� . �i��Jo ��a,?\\Ti���nsi�;s sh�wi�g a'�fn�t'-Law- of the new rules. "Not ant'" the teams of Ccmell university 'will give a eon- showecl� far greater ablhty t!;t�. t��It:rence was very poor. The Ba�gers I haH _thoroughly.-m�.����d_ ���. p�ys, � in Orchestra h�I},!��h�,s �'7� the �HW �,fM"R1:!i �cJt. �r!'�.(C�ntinaed on page 3) ,.�ContinDed ·on page 3) �DiDg of December·23· • _. -;f�_�1�:Pi4le. 4)�-.- ,_,. , .." '6-......{.. .< •• ' , " .. � .•. --; -:'" ....... �,. �.:: ...: � j 1 ,' .• ri..- .•.• .r,... .t> .."_. ;. .""�, .. ",,,,-. 'IIA.-,. ,""'- _..,. .. _ ... ::-c--,\ -• ,. ..' 1 ... r : '��"'" :., i' -.m-· 'a/l·�··,·"';";�p:i:�::;: � �-:' .. ". i1 �_ : ::. : .: '". .. " .:1.I � , '.' .' -., .: ; -.' .'. . '. ,: .! .". <f�' •• '" ., L I!'.."...,.' t.1'!i\UNIVERSITYr¥��Is Hoben, Linn, Clark and. . IlacCliDtock. and Mrs. KUDZ-. ,�.on,LiSt.. , :..... _: �. .. .:. . !.J !i·1 IAppIicaIi�·.B1anb for Redasaffica·:tiOD to be �� Out. and Week--.��;.for ;·Petitiona.. -" " \ ., ··:·:��7."'�' ..' ..I.\..."0,.. (�1tIII·f: I' ,. Owioa M·--the·· fact .... that a 'greatnumbel:nf;st1idents are mixed in their���catiOn.. t�e c1ass._.lists bavetaken utra.:...time.. . However;: 'a�cord­i�g" to M�llmailj presiaenFof theunderaradaate":C01lllcil,' ·the' lists win. be Posted on·,the,·bulletin board-in afnv.days. ':,' -.. 'As SOO�,il$" tbe Jist�: are. posted ap­plication b�¥s- f�r .·.different classifi­cat1('n will � given out, and, an those�ho·· have heretofore beeri in someother �c1ass different from their c1assi­ficla,ioti a�d;"Wf\o· h'a\"e enough ma­jors to wamnt· their remaining willbe reclassified." .... About a � Wttk· . wiU be giycfl forsuch petition�," said Miss Stinman'ye!iterday, "after which will he' "thec'las"s' nominations. Those students�h'; fall �everal major� shy of the 're­Qai�e���ts "for their' class can not ex­pect ordinarily to be reclassified." I·Ii.. �." .tU� lAe ���s. at th� �cls,,�f �eat for 'ODe � W�eD the radis;ors� �anoua O�tlOU ID �' oaaht to: be hot. aDd for a fortDialit� ••�D '�. �!-,�io��c:a.o!l �e. : ,half the .feUow�,� be .1tn1Ulinc---;._-_� __ ����.\���:ti.iJ.,p�.:iI. =-..�. <Ule.r.��d.�.� 4 pan ua. � colCSa. � most suceptibleDe Ulltt .... t!:..&c... � . . '" .. "t W.�. �:. � adclreas maD in the world to .a cold il a ltu-•• �;, ,:'1 ,by � to, 'UleU' attelltioD a fact dent over a book. As I write I amTbe W-*b' ••••..•.•••••••• oa... I. � 'that had been so far ov .... Iooked-« __ !.a:. th . lilt bull d be,.' . .: _ eu- INIUMng e � e a oc,-::�:.�.?,:��,c9me to PriacetOD .be-- cause last week I had to sit in theP1abllalle4 �. � _..,....;.. �e it was aD educatioUl institu- cold. back r� and study.da7a .... ......,.· � ........ ·of·. -bOO -A'maD does t • __ l..�' Th h tie "la t .1M UDlftnlt7 �IU. - ,- _. .. 'r .� ... '����:i��' st�'cll�s '�dn��:r:� � ceedi:gl;- u:!tis�ct:;�rI ::::er�;1Dat.ere4 -dai. ..n :a' tI. ,&.;:. �This is the most vaiuable cip" po rtunity hope the gentlemen at the powerego Poeto � DUaoIa.. IIudI18. � Act•. " � Ie lIP-," .!. . college gives. r )' et to succeed in stu- house will get the rooms warmdies alone and neglect all other inter- enough for study after breakfast this. ests would be failure.' year. Sincerely,.. ··What then is it to 'make good?' It tiSj � recognize the relative import-ance of all the phases of college life THIRTEEN:NATIONS AREand 'to: enter into them all to the REPRESENTED IN CLUBs-m.. ........ right � extent. But how is the under­. -graduate able to reckon things:\t'8VJS8CIDPTION BAT_: the� .. true .worth? .The answer is thatB� CudIir�GO per:teU'. tLGI per' cpartar. he IClt7 ....... �a:::: ta.OO.� ��.!D .e JS, not able. But he should use hiso�'.ju�gJDent, �nd not be swayed byopih�ons and standards he .knows are11 N ... eGutrlbuUODa IDQ .be left at JI:UIa wrong,: He should keep his: head. Heall or J'aeult� bebaDp. a4ctreaec1 to' should devote himself to certainTile DaU� MaroOu.. .:; , . .. . .' , .... . . ., things more than _ to. others, but hemust develop harmoniously body, so­,. da� .trai,ts •. morals, and most of all;.mind,. �f. he reaiiy "makes good' .in col-lege." .; TIIm 8'1'£IT ."N. A.. pm .... ,.' . .: Map'"'' 1I4ltor'It. 1. DALY' • • • • .•.• '. H.". s.ua.II. F. CARPENTER. : AwetIC Bdtt«ir'·BEN F. NEWMAN!I'! oN ot in many years has Chicago'been humiliated as .completelY· � .it was by Indiana lastSaturday. Chicago sin-dents are not : accus:.;:: DAILY BULLETIN.tomed to baDg humbled ; ,:� .. " " . '. ". "in that fashion-and by a minor team. ::�! s6phom�re da�' MediAg will be-and for that reason it came as' a : h�!� ��; Kent at 10:30 today.�more severe blow than aIQ' that �s, :. The',Botanical Club meets in Room��llen for ma�y Y�s.. .'. �� .�f the Botany Building at 4:30 to-· Now that IS over. however. there day�. The subject Under discussion iscan be nothing but congratulation for "�Some�: R:'_en�t' W····o· -rk' . V I A'" ". . . �� In ascu ar n-Indiana and its ��ch. "Jimmy". Shel- .�tomy.!�· Professor CoulteF�don. The HOOSIers have worked' al- . � -most ten i�s· to accomplish a Vic- ' «« �tory over 'Chicago .. and since they''; ANNOUHCEIIBNTS.have attained their goal. University of:. -Claicago students must bc the .firSt'. : \\�: ,���� � �lee Club will hold �to congratulate them upon their per� "meeting In Foster tomorrow at 4·severance and success. Hard as it p. m. 'may be to 'admit it. it'must be said' '�.Cap.Qd � � lleetIngthat Indiana earned its· victory. ,It .': �·1Mt:.held!�·at <!o.bb '3A to�orrow atwas the better team. 3 p. m. ..Nmrtileless, there is not one rea-;: ·t�������,: ��ciJ meet' to­SOil why th�re should be ·any less eil-:.' !.:,�QJT9jv .���b�·J$JA.ith�siastic . s�PpOrt' of �� Ci:Jw; .. , . '�iii� � .. R����. � will have a. ley s team'now than ther:e was, befor�, •. ,: �D,.Iall�j)�!l!R�1! i Smoker onlast saturw.y. Also, there has � .�"�day, .OctolteS:::2IJ. The in(ormal is'On the camp�'since last saturdaY'too �h.e;d'�e�'for·:6Ct'ober 28. ,,:. �uch o� w�t is .�omm�nlY ,���'.as ... :!��� .��:,.'.� tomorrow at .bocking.: It 'IS beyond questioa � ;�0:39 .IDJ�:��; t�portant business to!hat the t�in �� its best. �d'" that.; ,� �, � .�, •. >.. ..IS aU that sr0uld be asked oht. Th� ., "�l�: �� .��' ��l meet tomor­IDen were}�me." and they stuck t9 !�¥.�f;. '9#3I.l';��' �b., .. :3A.the last. � Let the student body'. do" :"� ,�'. . '. - � '" c::likewise, and support the team, "en: .,C, --.. -;-.. �-.-�-mOre faithf1l11y': than 'before. Just: as �i:1 " .:�� .•• ���lt��T1�NS.many stude�ts· should accompany the Iteam to �Dipa'gn next saturday. as : �ito� .The ,Daily, Maroon: Willthere would have if we were victori-' you� 'allow me :'to:' ,express .�y satis­'ous. It is-easy enough . to' support a facli;>n with'� the' 'edhOljal Qn"the �lec­",inning team. Now is the ti�e for �on 'of a woman to the chairmanshipreal Chicago spirit- stand by: the 'of the council? Of course I'would beteam. '•. !C.�d: if the student paper could come• _ loW<"sq1iarely in mor� of g..fing theWe quote the following from· the wo�en students a ..... eq'bl chanc� witheditorial col'!IPns of the Daily Prince- :men . in cond�ag' student �ffairs. but. "toni:m, as being of in- to take tbe matter facetiously: is muchOa 1IaIEiDC. terest to'. all college '. 'better than to treat it as a :peril orGood. students: disaster or, even a sensation-, as the::-:. "There is praeDted, _: .pubHc press has done. 'l1a�: succes�the FI'eSIIiIiaa .:.-.t,aa�:�:",-_�',: .' ;o���ss �1�n'!:a4�in.ishition willgradUate .aCtmties, . ..-:� .:��':",: �'. depead largely OD.!,he support sheshoald.dIoOser- ... .JiIea .��:��: r"'4.�e''C()QIICil''rec:ene &o�.tbe stu-B.t tIIis rbriap. ',tIP ....... : � Id�t, � Of coarse w� ,11 lma,E'What doe-s'-dIe act·of (maki�"·goocI' :tbat tbe sbo�c�minas of_a_ � ineoasist of?' ' .: :any sucb poSItiOD are �� �· -ro make -cood. ,in a .ca1ain activ- ;severcly criticised than_ ,t� �� aity, of coarse, Deeds DO de6Dition.. DIan are. I am �1Ire �Jaat t� JIarOoaBut' C":' , ood'· II will do all that It can to 8"e the ex ..IDalUUg g ID co ege means •. � .. mo� than �,\ success . in one thiDg. 1P!'��:: �� ... � .: �tud��t �ouncU a, f�wh th ,·t ·... be· thl· d bat mal, aDd wm not 'allow It to. be preJu­· e er I _aD a etics. ��. e - �diced by ·extraneous issues, "hich areIDg 0':. dramatics or publlcatiOlls' or _� l·n b' . '.. • L!.-. � , .• &� Y a sensation see ... n(freligious work.. It meaas more th� , ..:I . '1-L.: � .th th .• h'· press. am very tru y,DaalUng 5VVU WI e men In 15 M· T loot1a d·• h·' anon a .c 5S an Wlnnlng IS way to popa- .larity, although popularity is mis­tabbly recolrned an infallible staad­ard of success."As an example of what we mean,we cite the conversation of two alum­A.j ngarding a certain classmate:•• 'Why,' said one, 'surely John canhave no trouble in �tting a goodpOsition. He bew every man tn col�lege.'Of 'Yes, but every maD in college.knew him.'"So tbe idea of popularity, ahd hav- 'ing a large circle of acquaintanc�does Dot spell nc:cas.l-I 'J:be Stineot JJdeaLI'1:.ir -i.rI·i ,.I'1,,I 1.·-1 tI II. !I .I !iI'It·• L, I,--IItI�. �!iII!I .Editor Daily Maroon: The heating:of tbe dormitories is not' one of the'�ittle. things,'" but a matter of tre­'mendous importance. Shut off the.FOWNU'"Qi'-o\)£s;-�:��I .. .�IIi'IiI N. H.... �4 ---CoamopoJitaD i Club More CoamopoJi­taD ThaD Ever Before-TweDty_• ODe ChiDae in Residence... �Thirteen. nations are represented inthe Cosmopolitan club this year. Theyare Sweden, .Canada, Armenia, Tur­key, Brazil, China, Philippines, Ger­many, United.' States, Russia, India,Japan and Poland.At a recent meeting of the clubplans for effective work for the yearwere discussed, and several promisingmeasures adopted. The members arenow installed in their new quartersat s800 Jackson avenue. The roomsare large. well furnished and conven­iently located, and the club is con­gratulating it�elf in its move towardsestablishing clpser relationship amongits members. �The officer. .are planning to enlargethe 'club' uie�bership. Shiro Tashiro,the president; ontlined the plan forthe quarter, apd the members are allenthusiastic +.Vel' the prospect for thebest year in tflc history of the organi­zation. The membership is nowabout '40-The largest number of Chinese stu- .dents said to be' in attendance at anyuniversity in the country is reportedto be enrolled' here. Twenty-one is· the number. given.' )lost. of them arebeing supported by. the' Chinese gov-ernment.· SOPHOMORE MEETING TODAY· CJaa of 1913 to lleet in ,KeDt at10:300The first meeting of the new Soph-· omore class will be held this morn­ing in Kent theater at �IO:JO o'clock.The meeting has been called � by Law­rence Wbi�g, who Was president ofthe class during. its first. year, andwhO. with the other officers, will actnntil . tbe elections.The business "of tbe meeting willbe to consiaer the arrangement of theelections. which will occur the latterpart of' November, to consider th�holding of social e'Ve�ts early in tho'quarter, and, to take up means for in�, fonni� � the Fres�� of o.icagocUstoms· and traditions., ·We WHt to start· off oUt' second: year well." said President Wbitin«yesterday. ·'The second year should· be made even more CI:Itertaining. from· a. sbadpoint of class. fellowship and� g&od social times, than our first year.· We'want everybody �t for the meet-· iDg, as it is au important one."�ORS TO IIBBTTOIIORROWI JI'lnt II .... ill Keat 'at 10:30 to, a.:..�. 'A 1IIft_' of. the Junior· dua.'_' .· � caRed- for Wednesda7 at 10:30'm ,K�n� whea preliminary work fOl', tile Cap and Gown WI'I � discussed.Election of the staff ud - organi­zation .of the 4ance comaa'ietee wdltake place. A schedule of soaal·events. for the quarter win ,be ar�ranged and voted upon. � As soon asthe matter' is settled. class cards willbe issued. �President Bai.rd being in Japan, the. meeting will be in charge of KennethUndsay. COLLEOE:_.··::Nt#.Nf .',. . '. E;:.You are Invitedto:dnspect·Ou� ',.���uits and Overcoatsj::Before Making Y our Purchase .� \WE ARE GlAD. to silo.. .,. pods, 'for thatIDNDS �saIes to 08..WELLS CLOTHES SHOP231-233 DEARBORN ST.Retailers of I1Dest "READY TO WEAR" CIotblJlc.Sophmora and leading upper-classmen at Wisconsin' have taken a--.r ..... apiut ......,. - .... .. � : ;: "CLASSIFIED ·ADVERTISINGFOR SAL�Dress suit. in goodj FOR RENT-Three-w&e fiu •. 01lt­condition. Will fit man siX fed' side ro�ms; very desirable. See:';:t�l1 .and of' medium . weight. Call � Miss Willard, 5555 Woodlawa ave.,this oftice.·· � AN outside large room. liaht aael:. GERMAN � CONVERSATION ;_ At. modern,' for rent. Will aiye ·pleu-·�ble; boarders wanted. $4-50 per .ant hODfe to right party: See ���elc. C. E. Conant. 5532 Kimbark I, 0 'lJonn�n, ,S48o Woodlawn avcD1Ie. .A�enue. ..;- l"OR RENT-One sin&le aDd ODeFO� RBHT- Very .pleasant room : doub� "toom; light. airy and COIII-at 5528 Monroe. Reasonable price�. " iO,):iblei terms rea�o�ble;. 5740' ,F� RENT-Three large" hand- Yo�roe ave e, second 800r south.sOme rooms, well furnished and PURNISHE Roo"ilS-T�o fur·�th every convenience. Rat�s nished' �ms a, .. S496 . �� 'Av�': .'�sonable. 6o.w Woodlawn ave- 4th.floor., Steam heat. .. batJL· 'n� second 8oor. ONE very;tJarge. handsome aliel �lat:LAJlGE outside room for rent; can room f�r o�e or "two ·girl. for Rat. '\� used by two' students. $12 a 6118 Monroe �ve . first , flat! sman. �aionth. 5473 Lexington, ave .. Phone privat� : ia2�mfOnable .hoa'H. P. 1388. ' I FOR ...... Riih·...;_;rh�· . large, comfon-.FOR RBNT-One room with aD �ble rooms'- Willi all lDodeha cOe­modem conveniences;' cOmforts u- venien� Wit�, privae faDiity. WiD'sured. $10 per month. :601'1 woodi rent reasonably: Mrs� �rifh, 5154. lawn avenue, second apartment. Monroe avenue. .' .' -',. � .. :, .":TWO adjoining ,rooms and ODe' sia::' .;�gle room .for rent; steam. heat .. 4':: .�;': .hot. and cold water'; �"�'�.j'convenient. If you �Df.a �� .:�, 'i\ room,· call .at 5,466 )l0III'� aYCD�.: :.� " .second apartment. - ,. ':. :',: ,:'POR RENT - Steam heated room FOR RENT -One light. larae roO-":' �. :.for ODe 01' two persons: Telephone for two men preferred: steam Ia_t·:,;.Midway or call at 6oJ2 Vi oodlawn. and' hot w:tter. Call at MrS.' W. H. .. ,A LIGHT cornfonable room at. 601')' McKinney, 5468 'Monroe aveDue.Woodlawn avenue� third eat; fo� TO RENT-A large, light room wltIaone or two persons. $8 pei- month. double bed. bureau, study table .. eI-extension light. Apply at seco ••flat",;S?4T Drenl a\'enue, ·Mrs. J ....Stocks. . I!,'.':;<FOR RENT-East front roQ1!l. bigh­Iy desirable. $12 per month" for oneor $13 for two. 6030 Woodlawna,'CIlue, second floor. FOR RENT-Nice front .�parlor.SINGLE ROOM-With double bed comfortable room at reasonableto rent at 5713 Drexel avenue. Gas. rate. Call at 5717 Drexel av�nue.bureau. stud] table and other con- FURNITURE of s-room eat foryenieaces. sale cheap. Call S6s9 Drexel aft.. . ','. Yi;';;:::::'��p���_ .. ��������������������������.���H���D�Ail���Y�'�'M�A�R�O�.���N�!��T�����������.. ���ri�O�.. �����.��,���E���!���.,�����A������������������������ .. ···'�.t.·.f,.,:.F.�:�.. ,;,:"NEIGHBORHOOD·:CLUB:· ,.: .,OPI,NIOH.S:VA�D-.ot(-· '1 '.,.�,:. :: ........ - 1.' :: ',_' •- '., . OBT�NS NEW ROOM . _ : ... :'. EFFECT:,QF: NEW.:llU.....· �� __ ...... _ ..' :_' _' __ ..... __ � ..... _ ..... :..i.::�.:.,_.'.,;..'_;.�;;".��;.;;":.�.;.;: _-:v_' _"'..� ", ', .. �':' •',. IN LEXINGTON::HALL .. ,. ,'. , ... ,.� ... \. ',.:. .- .. . . .�:n ::f��;:i�;{:�3P���f��;' { · 1·IE�.LI_O'r ;-did makeSaturdav's game more open.. ., . " .;'. -M... 'IJ -.. ,�.� � .:. • .. .. �''':'';�r:p::�ii; �:I�::I::::!h:�:II:�' •. � oi&cW' �Ddj:::·��re�:����s:��::r. th�o:;!�-f:::�: ·�P.·UB' LIS' 111'0 Sa m'.' "'S':'�T:·!.O'�:_'D''''':fiNT·!\�'''''''''�.···� i�.:�··;' :,'; ; '.'",.passes- were" used .thau .last -year, but � I);, .1-'. '�t ••.. -'" ..... • ....:� • I: ,,-as the' penalties: on failing. to make . '. .. /'; .: '. '"the forward pass have been removed,it ought to be used more frequently..this season.": "Saturday's game wasn't very much.affected by ·tlie newl 'tules,"· was. the'sizing up' of.Assistaurt Coach .Schom­mer. "But the players were benefitedin one way; When.a man caught theball. he could not be, tackled until he"ad taken a, step. under the new rul­ing. and this saved the men many ahard fall. It seemed like there werenot quite' so many i,ojurics, either."""Wallie" Steffen was not present atthe Chicago-I ndiana game.: but hesaw Illinois play' ''ijrake and 'formed"orne ideas on the effects of the newrules. He was more struck by theresuits 'of .ail the scores in the variousgames th��ug.h�ut· the country thanby anything else� , .. :. . ... ,;; ."The '�ew �utes- enable 'tl-e) weakerteams to 'h'Otd ,'the stronger on�'� downto a low�r' score," .. he said, "and tosome'times tie or' . even' beat ·them."Never bef�re had r�diani beateri Chi­cago ; . Case t�e�.·!4i��I�an.' Lawrence�Imost defeated Wisconsin, and' RollaSchool of Mipes tied and almost'beatMissouri,' ·th.e jati�r ';ri�ver �cc.�lTingbefore.' /tJtt,er�·,.�ere·:��� 'nuhit>er'" ofother, 1i�'e���RI��. :;F#ie.;o'i t�t���­sons.. �o!,( thi;;.):�; ��,h� tel;mi.na�iC),� 'of;pushing' .and -. pulling, the .man With theball.; which :see;Ps .. t�·:aid 'the weaker'teams:" . . '. '.. ' . .. .' -' '..'1DnI'.,oDnB.�OODBAsswOOD'�r���·.��D', .•.��D.':.\-�: " 1 .�.Yqq:���L.FINDWHAT.. ���� ���TING FO�'�r'. AN'D'· ..·' Can be i had by ambitious .. youngmen .and ladies in the' field of"Wireless". or Railway .telegraphy,C :��'.o: ': "L LA, R S Since the -8.;.hour� la�� became eifect�2 ;·f.«(R: _-2-·.5', '. ',C' � iN T S ' ive, and since the Wirelss com-, TII"T'�llrnf CIt.EN '80XII" 0,', panies : 'are establishing 'station;M.d��::�t;.A:RL' .:�'. Wl.LSON: throughout the; country, there is a'"',' : ::;:-r_.. ·�I �IIW.:C� �II':".:� . ,c.u..�;, ,', _', great .. shortage Q,( teieg��hw�:; Do:..;VU1C: ' .,' sitions- pay beg;ri'rtei-s from $70. .to �.\�. "per month; Wiih>good.chance';.:b(ad;';"van�e�#�:': ·:.�e:.:N.���Ii.�: �e(e.ff.��:Institute.' operates, so; :officlal':'�8b�'tutes in America. under supervisionof R, R. and Wireless Officials, andplaces air: g�dUat�'s" -into positions,. It' will pay �ou t�,�, &elll; fOr {�fd,etails at Cincinnati, 0.; Philadel�phia. Pa.; Memphis, Tenn.; Daven­POrt.- la.; Col wnbia. . S. C.,. or_ :p�_I'�::land. Ore.. according to where youwish to enter.-Adv. . .Sped.I AttentM- To PIaoae Ont.a:J� �""'AY>si54' .i�ti� S�'GER" .,UfDT :,_, I CUAIIIISullJ.-llHeIo·ONer ·J2�.OO II Up848 E. 55TH'STREETN. W c.. 0..1 AYe.OIICAGOOUR MOTI'O:-&.I Wed. ...... .,......_ \ :'.. �s.mce. '.. '{!. TOSTESEN­'T:ailor"and Cleaner,.�;,: SIIits 4Oc. Pants lOco.;,:... -REPAIRING_·we I6tb Sk-ftt� .Tel. Midway_A.:...........................' ..... __...... fII::.Patronize Maroon Advenisera. . -1!". -,-,- .. .At the first meeting cf the Neigh-borhood club" Saturday, the Unionroom in Lexington' hall was adoptedas the "Neighborhood House." Thisroom will always be open to mem­bers. At the same meeting it was.decided to levy dues of twenty-fivecents a quarter.The next meeting of the quarterwill be held sometime during thefourth week of this month. At thismeeting. the election of officers whowill go into office the first meeting inJanuary, will take place. The mem­bers will begin calling on the newwomen at once.Y. M. C. A. AND Y. W. C. L.TO GIVE ANNUALRECEPTION FRIDAYNext Friday night at 8:30 o'clock,the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. ·L.of the University will give their an­nual reception in Hutchins Hall. AtJthe new students. are urged to bepresent. President J udson, Dean andMrs. Mathews and" Professor . andMrs. Coulter will' also: be present-utithe meeting. .A GOOD P�OSITION., f" •; ..The Drexel TeJlOrsa.EANERS _ DYERSto3 E. ftI'TY-nfTB STREETNewo.GdA_....... fJc... of � allCl (ints pr.nts• ..."... rras; .. at .04� f'ricn. • ....at... r.r DerlftrM. RL HrDE I'JlII( 2mK klak-4, :iportin� Gootl� Station­ery, Floe;Line Clear HavanaaDd J)om,·",ticCipn: and T�_ East Mtb Stlftt. • (''lIka�n. III.HANSfN·NEXT DOORT J POST -omCE '_., ". ":.' ,'.Prominent" Business' lIan WiD Ad-,dress University Organization at. ; .- First· Meeting' Of Year;'The ConlmericaT 'clab"- wiWbegin 'itswork' of the 'year with the"firsf'dinnercn b�t.·� in 'the"Club dining roomnf Hutchi;tson Commons. The· officerswill endeavor�' , to' secute . som� mari:prominent in the .. b�n<i market to be'present a�d deliv�r the'add�ss' of theeveni,ng on" th� V;;;;k. in "which he' isengaged. . .' , -� 4Eight of .1as.t·:Yea·r�s .�e�b�r� are in'the Vniyersity, this, :����r. As them:utimu,n number. of � -club members'is fifteen, there �re -a .. few' vacantplaces to be filled by . electi<ln ...throughout. the year. O�ly those plan.ning on business can-ers are eligible .As in the past th.e. ,�b �11 hold itsr· rtntghtly dinner!; �the ,prh�te din.:p!! rl"cm in Hl�tchinson. At eachmeeting expeM business man fromd '"lwn town will he a gtle�t and deliver.;t!1 e:ltpo�ition �n so� phase of husi.t11'�" life. These talks are intended to�?',,'e an in .. ide view of· the adminstra_th'e part of commercial life. and willt�nd�uht('ol:r givc the memher .. or'thi ..�'nh :t '..!Tl'at ac).·ant:'H!'e when they en­'rr :1('ti,. ('Iy into their profe!\sion.Yall' amf S�·racl1 .. e wi11 crnte!'t in:-., it'lt("r-('('l1c�ate"' '�hate 'early' in['('('em her The tnpic tn he di .. cussedat Xcw Ha\'en will be "Resolved.Thnt all elective state officer!\ !\houldhe nomina��d b� direct primari��."'Yale wilt defend the negative. v"� )'f; ; .�..J'.J .,', �... ; • :,.JSiIedId,Lte .. 52.88 Per Year Is,ADDouDeedSubecriptica mUIl'be paid for and iii ·theBusioeu Maoqer •• hands 'on' ,. or beforeOctober' : 15'� '1910(\H this low rate is to be taken advantageof. After OCTOBER 15THE DAILY MAROON, \.. WiIi be $2.50 Per. Year. 'Subacribe. at '�OON .OFFICE, Ellis I;-:Iall •." 58th StRet ...,. � Avenue. ,.". ,� . •J ; I, ; ..',.......... -,LINDSAY. 'BROTHERS·" '.. ".:.'\.'.��"49-61 JACKSON .�LV�.: :3rd Floor.' ··, .... t·: 1. -: ... .J1s4s . 1910 ..... I� .••• , ilendt iife "lsurariceCo - -··�;�:;1;:; ;,"• '. " .'. � � •• < -. '. -" . �"i:""" '�"A man."ltboat aa IDYaDIeDt Ia a 'IIIU without a future." A .g�,:� ..... -.IDveatmeDtlaaall. n II�"."IIIII .w ......... .,..._· ' .. �'�,.,' .,-1:. - '. ....,��� ..... ".... - .'. '. '"_.. ,"�:":\'7.->�R.D.IIODJII, - c:omt a·COON. 56SS OreaI.Awe. ,."c...a___ : �A.-"s..I.- � afa.a..,.. �). ...;,MI THfH SHIMER Iu:: YOU 9 .. tlll.K 50 THEFORGET ','. H"� : .C e�IR.• I· '. '_. I THe IJATTffl_ I63RD :'·AIl).r £�L1S AVER U fALL. SHADES ,. , � ,::'.H.: ..",.:.:.. ��.,.T�E. D� .. LY" �4\JlOOll� TUESDA y� ,OCTOBER J I, 1910 •.� �� I �., ••. ��. (f. 1 .* :I' t; g: �thft ... '� \r:O..I��d daecrowd was. the iai'iure of the Chi�go"'�R£'a jII-" �, )� ��: �.?!:!<lt��. f03i pass. t. he.• �. .:. M play netted Chic�, one_ g�n,._ ...... �. _. _ .. - . : �J\4 th�t w� !�ss t.�� 1L,Yatct. Onl�� ��r �� .I,�����a :sh��e9 thatthey could use it with no little ability,and owed their touchdown to' it .. W�l_S9..�,:� .. _r_e.turn kicks upon receivingpunts bothered the Indiana backs onseveral occasions.,. :)I'�e 'Chiqgo,. te:� �£!t.� hardthroughout the game and kept theissue in doubt clear up to the end.In rherearfier part of the game, theycame extremely near to getting the, }n�i�n!l plf\�e.rs o,n the r�n and at no. t,i�,e allowed them to show the su­. periority which might have 'been ex­pected' from their. greater experiencewith the game and with each other.The same fighting 'spirit, coupled withmore k�'owledge; is expected to maketrouble for the teams the Maroons'.meet Iater in the year.Cbicago Starts. with a Rush.Chi�ago won the toss and chose the Menaul, Rogers. L. H. B. Davis. so����go�l. . The' ball was.kept in In- R. Young : F. B. Winters"diana's 'territory practically all of the Touchdown-Gill. Goal-Gill. Ref­i time'::iJ;t' c\.t�e. first . quarter. Chicago erce+-Fishleigh (Michigan). Umpire'\ carried' the ball' some one hundred.and thirty-yards- On plays which were; allowed by 'the officials and lost twen,ty-five yards on three penalties. In­diana succeeded in making only aboutfifty yards, and lost fifteen upon a PEN CLUB TO. ELECT� THE penalty: , Wilson - tried three drop- 'NEW PRESIDENT ATkicks. two from around the fifty-yard '. '�,�E�ING TOMOR�OWI . line and.. one .inside the thirty yard_R I .line, but was called back because of Memh�rs of .the Pen club will meetR CHOCOLATE.: : holWPg· .w.!:� line, tomorrow .morning at 10:30 in CobbI .'I he i 3.\ for .the PUI]>, ose of electing a new� . n t e, �.�cond quarter, Chicago still president to 'fill the place left vacant. � SOLBJE.� R. had the' advantage. They earned the '. hy the graduation of Roberts B..' . ba�l 'between .': o�e· h�dred .and eighty Owen. The men present will proh-.' .yards;'. Cra1lrh:y,'·Sa�r. or Rogers ran I b k d f' h hnh yeas e to con er W1t t e new-back every one of' Gill's punts from, ly elected head in arranging for the. fifte�!.l_ �?: t.ririy�6ve yards. Indiana dinner this quarter.could get-the ball-ein. Chicago's terri- New members will be elected by thetory oniy 1>y:kickilig;:and was able to dub some time later in the quarter."ina�� '-�u<llt�je .r·�or� than' twenty Anyone who considers himself eligi­yards carrying .the ball. Wilson tried hIe' for membership is requested tofour .drop-iricks�tWo . from 'near the hand his name and reasons. addressed�enter', Q.f ... :tl!e 'field, jmd' two from to the Pen club. in to the Cap and�t�in thC1'th�rtY and' thirty .. five-yard Gown box. 280. in the faculty ex­lines respectively •. ';·. :T���� ��Dd Half.Aiter in��'tiiteeri minutes': rest, In­d1a�.� ; ki�k�d 9l 'to ,Chicago.. In : thethird quarter,' Wilson:s· toe -kept-itheball in tbe:" Indiana end of the : field. m�st of �� time, In,9ia'ta carried thebaIl a few yards farther than theirop�nenis.. . The quarte� closed withthe ball in Indiana's possession in CLUB SMOKER IS POSTPONEDChicago's territory ior the first time I .U;'t"�'c:01ariie- of the game. It looked Substituted for Dance on October 21as if neither side could be expected -Dance Set for 28th.to score except on a fluke.No fiuke, however, was necessary. On account of the football game at�t the" open.in�� of the -.last quarter;' Illinois Saturday, the . Freshman­a forwar�,.;pass:. froul.; .Cunningham�· Sopho�ore smoker, . scheduled at theto Berndt brought Indiapa within .fif-< R.eynolds ct .. ? on Friday evening. hasteen yards·.'pf the .goa� .. alld: for the heen postt)one(l until October 21. Thefii-�i � ti�e they looked dangerous. A informal dance, which was to haveline'plunge Was stopped, but a seCond . taken place on that evening, has.forWard p� Cunningham to, Gill, therefore been pushed forward to Oc-sc�red. Gill kicked goal. Chicago tober 28.at once started ou.t to tie. things· up. The program for the smoker in-cludes the old-time exciting stunts ofTwice they drove their opponents.' ... -�a tug-of-war. a pie-eating contest,down. the.fielAt:carrying the_baU..from. B ldhoxing, and wrestling. Roy a-thirty to forty.yards each time. They b hridge, president of the c1u, as re-,,:w�_>th��.� � I�ss,�b� ...ev�", ��t o,.("c:ted the names of any studentthe end of the:"_fi. !�t attempt after the· . h by.-.1, .... can assist In t e programball -had gOJle Dearly to the twenty- nl:l�+il"" on any instrument or put-five--�d lin'e, and' WilSon kicked. ��-I .• I '. tin� on a vaudeville act.,while ., Penalties stopped�. the second � Dean Vincent will probably be onenlsh on the twenty yar<\· line. India- of the speakers of the eyening in giv-I D "B E C K Y S B ..l R P." na played' fot' ':'-time and' made little f 1 tolug his annual address 0 we. comeattempt to carry the ball until just the incoming men. Informahty .cha�-before the close of the' g:me� acterizes this annual affair. �'h�ch 15The IineAP':. '. .�. .' . e. , always attended by the maJonty ofChicago (0.) •. _Aiana'tc;). the mcn in college.The Member from Ozark Sauer, Rogers�:.'R�� ... R�'tertsH, Young. ;t ;.... '."," '. The Association of American U�i-Sellers '� .. R.. T: ......•.. Dutter versities will �eet at the Unh'ers1tyWhtte�ide '•.... R. G ..•.•.•... Kimble 'of Virginia early in Noycmher.'&�yer. ::.\ '.1.',_Whiti�g • .'. ;:: �':-: ;C ..• '-".: •.• Hoo� The enrollment at Oberlin thi� fanPaine ...•.. ,,! ��.L: ,G .•••. �;Messick . is 981. an increase of 56 over that .of'Radtmlach'erl ..... L T. Hatfield (Cpl.) last year.Kassalker ••••. L E.......... BerndtGLOBETil ROSARY_- <:.,_fJ!CVICKERS'THE· IHIRD DEGRIEWHIT�.�Y"ALMA, WO WORMS! DO!"STUD�QA��ELSI! JAIlSTHE' SUI PRIN£m, ... MAJESTI_C '.' ..n....u.oI� Sped .. ;;'"�. •• ..: � ':, 1.1' A. r :' .' f�Herbert leIcJ· ua EllIe SUn ...Eadie Leo�. ana ..... �;bd,lIany ,�.pRINCESS, m 'DEEP PUlPLEI.t1,i -'LYRICThe (jAM8lf�S.."" GEORGE "ASHAIIIIICII .SIC: JIW,US SODS lollsLAURA JEAN L�.�YCORT.LAST TWO W£EU"ICHARD CARIf·JUMPING JUPITfRG�A'D OPERA HOUSEMRS. FISKEOLYMPICCohan &: Harris preHlIts August Thoaas·Virile A.erical! PlayLASALLE-THE­Sweetest Ciirl iD Paris,1. :.. ,. .... '" RIG H,T' ",p·R�l�e::g.s ,.,, .---- A.. J,i.1 C'T,' '.c· GOOD'c &"D/' �-,. "'I&����- � '. ''''� �' .. '! ''''�Col1eg� SpectaltlesOfficial Gym Suit Complete $2.75CHI C AGO . What YouPa�b.w�PENNAN'TS . , 1PILLOWS SHIRT ·soPINS. PANTSFOBS and, HOSEEMBLEMS Fl·ASTIC SUPPORTERSCARRIED IN STOCK-"SWEATER COATS andJERSEYS .,..'#'- , ..... "'-.�.. '• ·75• ·so·75·SHOES • .go.. ?!..l.,,; .• -.�.� I..:':t��·.�>-t�� �:ic',/.. 'r .... r.·83.40' -Vail Our Remodeled Store aDd 70u � be convmced that our 'tock b compJ.te �d OUR PRICES �� �.�., ...THE W. C. KERN'S U. of. C. BRANCH, 1304 � 57th STREEr...._Ever<:ts, Wrenn. Linesmen - Roy,Keehn (Indiana and Chicago). Timeof quarters-e-rg minutes. Field judge-J. C. Holderness.change.Any undergraduate student of theUniversity is eligible to membershipwho has' done editorial work on any Iof the University publications. includ­ing the magazine. Work on any ofthe standard newspapers is the prin­cipal requisite for those who haveheld no such position as editor. . if .&£22 iiil .J_i swan ,"T E.' XT., �:� .•�.i.�� ... �NEW AI'«) SECO� HAND. '.'ALL KINDS OF STUDENT SUP;lIfS• ; ;. �. : I " ... .High .Class StationeryLoose: Le.r #Pt.e.: §qc;_�'Card FilesTI.I� ,lllJlllfRSI.TY OF �-HlCMiO-'PR£�$'RETAD. D��� : :,ii�j .' :". ri ':'1"tI'YlISB-DP-TO-tiA �,�.Jraiiij!., "� ". ',' '.': ��,_;·��ytJV�'''.' ,FOR YOU�G ·MEN �T �IfNSI�'R�'. .. --.. .: �1�.·. : :" .\ � :.:., , -.��.O_P_�IN,D. UP·��LI·�,��.uu��,w·GQ��� F��� . �". Oth«Very�u..... Foreian aad J)�, .OUR GUARA�E ,We Guarantee every Garment mvde fr9m oUr )3t�. t� give_a�.91ute -satisfactiou. If it fades, shrin�s or l� .sba.pe o_r any otl!er faUlt. develops either in the Fabt1f or �he maltlag, at -any tlme, ' .bribg it back ana wem mak�lq�ood: ,- .. ' _-GIVEUSATRIAL No Bett« Fabrics. ��-.T • ·_·Bettei-V .....CaaBeIWAafJRJln· ... ...".- .. --_, .... a. "'ffcf- ,.;:'.P1I .. ----.���qM��� , ,"·CHI.·�GO:�D..L.,R& �.:=��. ,.�=�=�. �'i ,;• .., • 1 fA'n:. r· .. �.. ,I __ -------�__r-_:::::��� .....'-· .-'"' -f�:-:4..<.. ' ��.. ,pa .....' .t';T':_J;�, �� I., ;.ate. ,tbe . Lanest... I ' Map�act1ire�·! ' . in tbe world :• ""-_...A,-c. ... ,.. 'f'_' , ....Spa\cJ� , ;_' .'p". ' f41Jipm.�;·lor.aIl � �., :Spo. rts a�· :.'l>�mesIfY" areiD���Athleti�ort'• yOU should baveis known �J;lJ:ough� a. copy 0 f t beout the world Spalding Cata-as. a l�e It's a com-G .......... _of -. ylete enc�dope-.,�,�","?, ;aiao�", � . '""·.a�·bJ·�Dt!Cree on req��t.A� G. - Spa;ding a ··Bros. _'n,,�A""� �.I.� tC��lb�O�large�tol'BM'NOCKBURNS.HARRIS TWEEDSand SCOTCH CHEVIOTS. iin the newest shades of Brown ,Iand Gray, for Fall and WinterSuits-$30 and up.I�Tailor for Young MenTwo Stores:44 J;\ckson Boulevard..131 La Salle S�-----.----,....._.._... ...... �