DatIl' aroon\OL. VIlI-Xo. 159.. ,' {.j�IVERS'ITY OF CHICAGO, FRIDAY. Jt;XE in 1910 . Price,S Cents.HOW . INTERCLAsS HOP.IN BARTLETI. TONIGHTGJIIlIWiam Will Be Sceae of Fint.. . Auaal AU - CIauAffair.GRAND MARCH TO BEGIN EARLYDecorations Will Be Feature of Dance-Expect an U nusually LargeAttendance.mittee has been planning novel andoriginal ideas for tonight.To Uu Track as Promenade.The platform on the west side ofthe floor and the stairs leading to therunning track, which were built d'.1r­ing the recent Baptist convention, areto be used at the dance. The plat­form, appropriately decorated, will heoccupied by. the orchestra. The ar­rangements committee has engagedDepew's orchestra of 12 pieces. Theypromi$e the dancers some good dancemusic,"':' ,The stairs of the runningrrack':-will make it possible for thedancers to use the track as a prom­�nade.. If the weather permits tho!'ein attendance to go outdoors betweendances, the fire !'tairs will. be used as(.xits.Foll0,,;ing is a list of the patroness­es: �Iesdames Harry Pratt Jt1<lson.Edgar J. Goodspeed. James \VeherLinn. Leon C. �Iarshall. Trevort .·\r­nett. George C. Howland. Amos .. \.Stagg, William A. Xitze. Edwin B.�Iyers and Harley E. \\�hiting. and�Iiss �Iarion Talbot.Expect Large Crowd."\Ye are anticipating a large crowdtomorro\\" night." said Richard �Iyers.chairman of the arrangements com­mittee. yesterday. ":\Iready the tick­et sale has heen unusually large. :\(Continued on Page 4.) OLD "c" MEN AT BANQUETBiggeEt Reunion in History It!: Heldin Commons Cafe-New VarsitySongs Are Heard-New Men' AreInitiated.Dr. Chester \V. \Vright's work."\Vool Growing and the Tariff," ap­pears this week from the press ofHoughton. Mifflin & Co. Dr. Wrightis an instructor in the department ofpolitical economy in the University,and has spent several years gatheringmaterial for his present work, Amer­ican agriculture. and especially thehistory of the growth of wool cul­ture in this country. is treated froman historical point of \"ie"'·. The.�rowth of wool manufacture is alsot,)'-lched upon. The rela�ion of woolJO the tariff of 1909 is treated in thework.lill·.Rado • Bjp ruIn ·.P .. i of .aDCOOLER COMES OUTTODAY AT ANNUALSNELL HALL DINNERThe resident:o' of Snell will c10:"cthe year with tonight's hanquet inII utchinson commons. The programis as follows: \,ictor-;G. \\. cst. toa5t­ma�ter: "Some Time \\'as." Dr. J. E.Raycroft: ":\ Yoice from :\ho\"e."�Iark \Y. Sa"idge: "There .-\re Girl:,and Girls." Alan Loth: "The VerdantFreshman:' E(tward Stein: "TheCooler." \\'i11iam D. Ree\"e. TheCooler will he <Ii�trihttted during thee\"ening.'�ale's third annual hill-cl1mh was!h.+l recently. I PREP MEN ARRIVE TODAY;TENNIS TOURNEY STARTEDCLASSES CLASH TODAY ON FIELDScpbomcres Lou Air of As�uranceWhen They Hear that DavenportWill Not Compete-Event Promis­es to Bring Out Class Rivalry.Some of the high hopes of theSophomore class for winning the firstannual interclass meet this morningon Marshall field went glimmeringyesterday when it was announcedthat Davenport, the star of the 1912team, will not be in the meet. .-\1-though he was not to compete in anyof the events in which he has wonpoints for the University, he was en­tered in other races and in the relayfor his class.The absence of Davenport will in�11I likelihood make the meet a moreeven competition between the fourclasses. Rivalry is keen. as the num­ber of entrants shows, and close re­sults are expected in most all events.Each class feels sure of winning. Thebiggest interest is centered in the re­lay race, for which a separate ban­ner has been given. There is also abanner for the winning class teamand prizes for the individual pointwinners.Captains in Charge of Teams.The captains of the teams are:Seniors, Page; Juniors, Stophlet ;Sophomores, Davenport; Freshmen,\Vhiting. These men have hadcharge of the entries from their class­es and will run their men in theevents tomorrow.Xo Junior college courses will meetthis morning, and Junior college stu­dents wi1I be excused from their rec-.j�ti<?_n,s�_,:.x:l!���t j��, begin .at, ? .o'clock, so all students having Sen­ior college classes in the morningwho wish to compete will have to beabsent.WOMEN �AVE RECEPTIONWill Give Dances on Campus andReceive in Halls. .The women of the halls haveplanned a reception on the quadran­gle as a part of Junior College dayprogram today. This is to be heldfrom 5 o'clock to 7. and i( th� weath­er permits wi11 be held on the .lawnbetween the Law building and thewomen's hall.Each hall will have its own receiv­ing line, headed by the head of diehouse and the social committee.Greenwood hall will receive with oneof the halls on the campus. Eachhall will have one of its traditionalrugs out on the lawn. and will re­ceive, standing upon it.The reception will be of the natureof a lawn festival. The Universityband will furnish music for the occa-­'sion. It has been arranged to re­pt.·at the Morris dances which weredanl'ed in Sleepy Hollo,�' as a part ofthe June fest of the W .. -\. A. The30 women who danced at the Junefe:,t Will dance Boscastle. Green­Sleeves and the :'\(aypole dance inco:;tumes prepared for the occasion.FRESHMEN GET EMBLEMSBueball Men Receive Reward forWork of Season.Fifteen Freshman hasehall playersha,'e received "fheir "1913" emhlemsfor their work of the season. TheFreshman season has hecn fairlv StlC­('e�sitll. and a good field is ex;)cctedfor the Varsity to draw from nextyear. Tho� who received their em­Hems are as follows:Kuh. Edmonds. Carpenter. Thayer.\\'ei1. Freeman. Scorield. Beil. L,·tle.Kramer. Rittenhouse. Chandler. -Ca­tron. :\tkins. Hjort. Athletes to Be on Hand Today For rll'St of InterscholasticProgram-Entries � Greater Than Ever Beforein the History of the Event.IMPOSSIBLE TO PICK OUT THE WINNER OF THE MEETTennis Tournament Started Yesterd ay-Many Eliminated in PreliminaryRounds-Finals to Be Played Tomorrow Morn-ing-Men Will Vi�it White City.P. Rosenberg, P. Lazier, W. Healy.and J. Carpenter, Rochelle; R. Perry,Quincy; R. Barker and C. Bowie,Castle Heights school, Lebanon.Tenn.; M. Monroe and J. Clark. Ce:­dar Rapids, Ia.; H. Brady, R. Has­gall and M. Turner, Western Mi1itaryacademy, Upper Alton; W. Scott.Oregon; A. Roth and F. Rubel, Maleg�ests a� the interda.ss meet. A� 6:45 High school, Louisville, Ky.; R. Fe1-o clock .m. the e�nm�_th(y ,w�U b�l "tom; �V.alpara�,-.;:dl!.d,.;-;:.�-inkham. -:-:- ..taken to ·the"Wlnte CIty and wtll be Galesburg;"G. Kent, Crane Techni�shown the sights there. They will cal; H. Bassett and L. Rad'differeturn at 10:30 o'clock and will view Grand Rapids Central. Mich.; \v:the interclass prom at Bartlett. Bonn, C. Hopkins and H. Hamilton.. Tomorrow morning an automobile Hyde Park] J. Abbott,. Thorntonride about Chicago. is the first thing Township, Harveyj. L. Walker,. Pondon the program. Luncheon will be Creek, Okla.; E. Wood word and \V.served in the commons at 11:30 Reed, West Des Moines, Ia.; E. Phil-o'clock for the contestants. The lips .and F._ Morris, Drury academy.meet will start at 1:30 o'clock and Al d D H . G·I .e 0;' • arris, I man; J. Harris.will be over about 5 o'clock. The Waupun, Wis.; A. Walker. Deerfieldmen will then be guests at the Inter- .Township, Highland Park;' Wagen-scholastic dinner in the commons. knight, Lyons Township, LaGrange;Immediately after the dinner the Coutchie, Smith and Beach. Muske-distribution of prizes will take place gon, Mich.; ,Evans, Alma, Wis.: Xeu-in Mandel hall, ··C" sweaters will hoff. Soldan High, St. Louis. Mo.;be awarded to the Varsity teams and Chapman. La'Crosse, Ind.; Koenigs-blankets to the "C" men who have dorf. Manual Training, Kansas City.ended their college athletic career Mo.; Dickerson and Wasson, Clin-and also to the alumni "C" men of ton; Applegate 'and" Chancellor. Ko-the classes of '92. "93 and '94. Vaude- komo, Ind.; Stothart, South Division.ville will then be put. on by several Milwaukee. Wis.; Patterson. Clyde;of the Blackfriar stars, including Ingersoll, Lake Forest academy;Benzies, �lerrHl, Baukhage and Knight and Lipski. University High;Parker. Lux and Frey. Hart. Mich.; Li�ero�The annual Interscholastic dance witz, Grand Prairie seminary. .Onar-'given at the Reynolds club will fol- go; Zeigler. Parsons College acade-low the vaudeville. Refreshments my. Fairfield. la.; Gahelman. Mar-will be served. shall town. la.; Stevens and Tansley,Winner Hard to Pick. Maywood; Ley and Ireland. Statee. High. the winner of last year's Preparatory. Boulder. Colo.; Brod-meet is again the fa'\'orite for first head and Clayton. Culver Militaryhonors. They have the largest and d I I R·I E Ch'aca emy. n( .: ley. _ast Icago.hest balanced team entered and have Ind.; Phelps. Oak Park: McKeown.shown up well in every meet this Englewood; Earne�t and �Iar�hall.year. Howe,·er. some of the smaller Grinnel academy. la.: lIendcr"oll.teams are liable to upset the dope Gridley and rGiscel. Biggsville: Tor-and win out. Among these arc \Vest- mey. �(adison. \Vi�.: Parker. Beard .. -ern :\(ilitary academy of Alton. Hyde tOWI1.Park. Wendell Phillips. Oak Park.niggsvil1e High. �Iuskegon. �Iich ..�Iilford and �Iadison.Although the greater number of thecompetitors in the Interscholastic isexpected to .arr ive today, a number otprep athletes presented themselvesyesterday at the Reynolds club. Allthe rest will arrive this morning inorrler to be on hand for today's pro-gram.Among the arrivals yesterday wereBarker from Castle Heights school,Lebanon, Tenn., and Howard of Cros­well, Mich. The former is a weightman and has been winning the weightevents in the Tennessee prep eventsthis spring. In the shot he has done48 feet 3 inches, in the discus 117 feetand in the hammer 174 feet .. He willput up a strong fight for first honorsin these events with Scurvy andByrd. Howard has done the 440 in53 seconds.Take Trip to White City.This morning the athletes will beTennis Tournament.:\11 hut the finals of the singles anddoubles in the Interscholastic tennistournament were playcd off yesterdayait�rnooll. The finals are �che(I\1ledtc take place tomorrO\" afternoon.'nl � re:,u1t� of �'e:'terday's matches�e:lve the following men in the con­test: Singles-Bragg of E"anstonacademy and Lamb of Englewood.Gl .... :o'ner of \\'t'ndell Phillips andS(;'lair d En�!ewood. Collier of HydeP:n� .�nd Foney of Evanston aeade­t�,y. neeehcr of Englew'lOd and �Ic-�l err imeut and college spirit wererife 'last night at the annual initiationand banquet of the Order of the "C'ill the cafe of the commons. Twentynu.n were initiated into the order,speeches made and new songs sung.()�cers were also elected for the en-suing year. Over a hundred old "C"Tonight in Bartlett gymnasium the members gathered to attend the ban-'first annual interclass dance will he quet. I mmediately after the menuheld. The grand march will hegin the new "C" men were initiated into'I,romptly at 8:30 o'clock in order that the order. They were:the dance may be over by I o'clock, For football-Sunderland. Young,The grand march will be led by Ralph Menaul, Rademacher. Gerend. Smith.Cleary and MISS Lorraine Cleary. Kassulker and Sauer; for basketballRichard Myers and Miss Florence -Edwards; for track-Gifford, E.Rothermel, Richard Teichgraeber and Long. Caldwell and Whipp; for base-)115S Helen Earle, Lawrence Whiting ball-O. Roberts. G. Roberts. Stein-and Miss Margaret Badenoch. repre- hrecher, Latham. Baird and Boyle;�enting the four classes. The march and for tennis-Gardner.wrll be so arranged that at one time Amusing Initiation.all four of these couples will be in Judging from the noise that eman-the lead. ated from the banqueting room, theThe leaders have arranged a sirn- 20 athletes went through some amus-P:C! yet appropriate grand march fig- illg initiatory stunts. Far out into theure, They have looked over the fig- night their quavering voices pierced,ures of the proms held this year at the rendering such ditties as "Has Any-principal universities and have adopt- body Here Seen Kelly," while the ap-ell sections of the "Vest Point and An- plause was quite vociferous and fre-napolis figures. These military: quent.schools are noted for their designs of After the roll call a "talk fest" wasgrand marches. Also one figure from indulged in by some of the old tim-Prr.ceton may be used. No doubt ers. L. B. Vaughan. '93. made the-there will be an unusually large num- speech receiving the new men, and)'er of couples in line tonight. talks were heard from Blank, '94;Decorations to 8e NoveL Dickerson, :94; and F. C. Cleveland,, .. _.� .. _,.: .... _. -".' �'--"""""_"'�.;I...,-,,, _' �Ea�L..PeahQdy....wiUj,..;giyep_bODNr#,"The decoration committee began ary mention' for" having' come .thetheir work yesterday afternoon and longest distance to attend the ban-wi11 be busy all day. The net will be quet, journeying from Amarillo, Tex.stretched as is usually the custom at Two new "C" songs were submit-the proms, and this will be decorated ted and sung by the men. They-werewith greens an� flow�r� .. � change "The 'Song of the 'C'," by Donald R.has been made In the posmon o� the Richberg, '01, and "Song of the Em-boo�hs, the. arrang�men.ts . commltt�e blem,' by H. N. Gottlieb, '00. Thehaving' decided to' place a booth In officers elected for the year were: A.each corner. These class booths will A. Stagg, president; Dr. Raycroft,be decorated in the colors of the class, secretary and treasurer; and H. D.maroon, blue, yellow and green for Abelts' third member of the execu-the Senior, Junior. Sophomore and tive committee, .Freshman classes: respectively. Overeach booth in electric lights of the DR. WRIGHT PUTS' OUT BOOKsame color as the class colors wilt betheclass numerals," At one end of the Author of Book on "Wool Growingfloor a huge "C' will be made with and the Tariff."electric bulbs. The decoration com- Kay 'Jf University High.Dnl!hles-Jones and Foney of E\,­.::'lI�t.,n academy and Squair and Lambof Englewood. Cohn and Weil of\Vt·n·le:1 Phillips.Two preliminary matches will haveto be held before the finals tomorrow..f ten10011. Darkness prevented themfrom plav ing these unfinished matchesyestc rday, They o.ere on the sche­dule to Follow the singles.The' entries - for" the' track eventsare as follows:100 Yard Dash.220 Yard Da�h.Lazier and Phelp�. Rochelll'; I'l'r­ry. QUitll'Y: �I(lnroe. Cedar Rapid�.la.: Brady. Ila,,�all and Turner.\Ve"tern �Iilitary academy. l'pper:\ hon; Roth. Felton alHI Gar(iner.Valparai�\I. J net.: Tinkham. Gale�­hurg: �lcGuire. Crane Techni�al;Basset and RadCliffe. Grand RapitisCentral. �Iich.: Hopkins and Scanlon.lly(Ie Park: Ahho:t. Thornton Town­ship. II ar\'cy: \\·alker. Pond Creek,Okla.: Rt1l111 and �Iorris. Drury acad­emy. :\ledo: Harris. Gilman; \\'alker.Deerlield Township. Highland Park:(Continued on Page 3.) ...--:,"]� ;0 .. .;..... '",. ;�,'.THE DAILY MAROON. FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1910. ,THE DAILY MAROONThe Olicial Student Publication ofThe University of Chic_ago.ne Uai�:?l'" .WeeklyThe Weekly Oc.ober I. 1892The IWy . October I, 1902E-..I . iii SecoecI<Ie-Mail .. the auc..oP� Claic.eo. IIIiaoi.. 'Ma.cb 18. 1903,'--·Ad« Mada·3, 1873:·SUBSCRlPTJON RATES8, CMIirs. $2.SO per year. $1.00 per quuter.CIty..a $1.25 per quuter $3.00 per ,ear ia.dYaDCe.;,.��.... New. � lila)' be Idt .. EUia Hell orFKIIk, .&ch ...... addreued to The Daily Ma-rooD.. ST�A. LEO FRlDSTElN. • MaaaaiasE EditorN. A. PFEFFER . . . . . NeW. EditorA Go WHITFIELD. . • • AthIebc EditorCHAS. L SUWV AN. JR. Busiaea Manager"• ASSOCIATE EDITORSl-Iupaye A. Long. H. FdaeuthaI.R J. Daly. H. C. BLue.J. M. Houablud. W. J. Foote.REPORTERSD. L Breed,H. G. WellingtoD.H. L Kenaicott.Ruth Rebeka.Marjorie HillKamdb Beebe,Paul D. Kantea.C. W. HougbJaadMal W. Reese.C. Y. Ta,lor.Press of M� Ppblishing Co .. 6219 Cot-• Cm.e. T ODe Midway 3935.The new system of class govern­ment thus far so successfully in­stalled this year, withThe Climax. all Its' attendant : socialfeatures, will today re­ceive two full portions of attention.Two institutions adapted into and forthe new system are being tried outtoday. This morning' the four under­graduate classes will compete for thefirst time in an all-University inter­class meet. This event should anddoubtless will bring out a great deal.n:.ure of the re�ently manifested andhighly desirable. class spirit.To make the day all the more sig­nificant, it' IS also the date of the firstannual interclass "dance, the success­or of the iime-honored Junior prom­enade. Both the athletic events andthe social function in- the evening. areinevitably destined to set a high' wa­ter mark in the tide of student in­terest in student affairs of the rightsort at Chicago. I t is practicallycertain tJt�t the start made this yearbut marks" the beginning of an evergrowing and healthy state -of studentinterest in the way and- in the man­ner that read "college spirit" in thebest sense ot. the words.DAILY BULLETINFreshman Track�J?boto will be tak­en today at 9=30 in "Bartlett.IntCnch�lasti� ;'Party starts forthe White City this evening at7:15. Meet in the club at 7.Geneva-Men who are going toGeneva June 17 hand their namesto Nelson before today noon.Snell Han Banquet will be held thisevening at 6:30 in Hutchinson com-mons.Intercla!:S Day today. Interclassathletics from 9 to II on Marshallfield. Presentation of emblems at II.Ivy exercises at 12. Law SchoolAlumni association annual dinner at6. Interclass promenade in Bartlettat 8:30.ANNOUNCEMENTSCap and Gown on sale at the Press.Reynolds Club Informal tomorrowevening.Interscholastic Fobs for sale at theReynolds club.Students going home leave changeof address with the mail man.SeDior Class Announcements onsale from 2 to 5 in the �Iaroonoffice.Candidates for Degrees-Co11\'oca­tion announcer'tents will be sent to the persons whose names and ad­dresses you furnish.IDterscho1aatic: Day � .. turday;· TheChicago Alumnae dub breakfast at11. Annual interscholastic track meetat 1:30 on Marshall field.FENCIBLES INITIATEIN ANNUAL BANQUETTwenty-Two. Freshmen Are Takeninto Honorary Sophomore De­bating Society at Dinner.The sixth annual initiation banquetof the Fencibles was held last even­ing at the Tea House. The attend­ance was the largest in its history.Twenty-two Freshmen were initi­ated. Prominence in first year debat­ing. oratory and dramatics was the-tandard set in their election.The president, F. Stanley Benson,responded to the first toast, givingthe address of welcome. J. StanleyMoffatt held the office of toastmaster."Fencibles, Past and Future." wasthe subject of E. V. Jennings' toast.Reno R. Reeve told "The Viewpoint(Ii an Alumnus:' and \Villiam P.Harms spoke on "Principles of theGame." The incoming memberswere represented by Paul D. Kar­s ie n, who gave the toast. "A Voicefrom the Fresh."The banquet concludes the mostsuccessful year the Sophomore socie­ty has 'yet had. The new membersarc enthus iastic and hope to eclipsetheir predecessors in the real valueo� their year's work. All new mern­lr-r-s will meet Monday in Cobb 6Aat !O:3J o'clock to elect officers.PLAY BY WOMEN TO BEFEATURE OF ALUMNI DAYGraduates Will Have Big ReunionNext Tuesday-Fred Speik, 'as,Will Be in Charge.The' progress of the plans forAlumni day next Tuesday promisesthe most successful reunion in years,Judging from the replies to the 'in-',;itations sent out, the officers of theas�ociation expect a record-breakingattendance. An interesting p�o�STarn wjll jbe .given during the even­ing" in the- "Reynolds club under thedirection of . Frederick Speik, '05�among the numbers being an addressh�� Theodore Hammond, '84, the au­thcr of. the Chicago 'yell, and a playby the alumnae, entitled "The SmithMystery:' The cast fer the play isas follows : �:.Pauline Smith-�I iss Phoebe s-u,Jessica Smith-Miss Frances Don­ovan.The maid-Miss Jeanette Barnet. :The election of officers for the "en­suing year will be decided next week.The votes are being received by mail,and it is' expected that all the voteswill be received in a few days.SENIOR CLASS PLAY MONDAYMembers of Class Will Present Mu­sical Comedy in Mandel"Miriam's Mission, or She Stoopsto Conquer" is the name of the musi­cal comedy-farce the Senior class willpresent as the dass play at noonMonday in Mandel hall. The play isby Etta Shoupe. Francis M. Orchardand Ralph Benzies and was just com­pleted by the authors last' night.There will he original musical num­bers with special choruses. The playconcerns the efforts oi Chicago mento induce a prominent interscholasticathlete to enter the Univers ity, A�irl is introduced. and complicationsfollow. ending happily. of course.The cast:Simon Sparrow-A. D. Hendl'rson.H enry \\·in�ton-F. M. Orchard.:\1 iriam Garrison-Etta Shoupe.Homer Fan-Frank Collings.Lath Prl'xy-H. O. Latham.Xancy Reecher-Caroline Dicke\',Dora Mann-Elizaheth Fogg. •Arthur Lovall-Ralph Clean'.Law Read-Ralph Ren7.ie:'.·Alice Heath-Carlie SOllter.Doris \\'hite-Jessie Heckman.Accompanist-A Ihert Sabath. NEWS OF THE COLLEGESFifteen students 'made Phi BetaKappa at Syracuse university.The last week was journalism iweekin I he University of Wisconsin.Pennsylvania swamped Syracuse inbaseb .. ll lately by a score of 10 to O.the Penn team getting 14 hits.Korman H ill. the veteran first base­man of the 1\1 ichigan varsity baseballteam, was elected captain for nextseason.Yale's star pitcher, Spencer Mur­fey, was suspended recently, thu .. tak­iug from Yale one of the mainstays ofits pitching staff.A journalist sorority has organizedat the Univers itv of Wisconsin. be­ing a chapter of' the national sorori­ty, Theta Sigma Pi.Three alumni memhers of theHarefoot cluh of the University ofWisconsin will collect information forne-xt year's comic opera in Europethis summer.I n the present graduating class atthe University of \Visconsin, thereare representatives from seven dif­ferent foreign countries. three beingfrom China, two from Russia. onecnch from Naples. Holland. England,!'hilippine Islands, Peru and Norway.Miss Campbell to Be Married.Margaret Reid Campbetl, '10. hasannounced her engagement to John F.Gillespie, ex-'07. Miss Campbell willtake her degree from the College ofEducation next Tuesday. Gillespie isa member of Phi Delta Theta.Dr. Charles Hadden ParkerDENTIST4002 Cottage Grove Ave.Diac:ount to Students •.Telephone A1c1ine 703THECORN EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANKof CIdcIp.Capilal. Surplus aod Pmlib. $8.000.000.OFFICERSEmest A. HamiD, President. Charles L HutcI!inson, VICe-PresidentChauncey J. Blair, VICe-PresidentD. A. Moulto� Vice';'PresidentB. C. Sammons, Vice-PresidentJohn C. Neely. SecretaryFrank W. Smith, CashierJ. Edward Maass, Assistant CashierJames G. Wakefield,. Assistant CashierHaving the largeSt retail bookstore in the world,. we can fillall orders for special or sup­plementary reading, as well asgeneral book orders, withoutthe delay of sending oat of thecity.FOREISII BOOKSWe stock all the IeadiDc for­eign books as SOOD as � arepublished, and the prices areaurprisingly low. Catalogue offoreign books on application.KODAKS AND ACCESSORIESWe carry a full line of Cam­eras, Developing Machines andgeneral accessories. and we arepre-pared to develop and printpictures f01 amateurs.Advertise in The Maroon. SENIO'RSSHOULD NOT LEAVETHE UNIVERSITYwithout a copy of the only book of Univenity ofChicago stories, "MAROON TALES," by W. J. Cuppy,U. of C. '07. Through the yean it wiD pleuandy re­call Univenity clays and always be a treasure in the.library.., It ia refreshing to read this book. The atories are cleverlytold and have a keen sense of humor."-Chicago Tribune."Decidedly clever andjoUy."-Book Newa Monthly.Handsomely bound, Cloth, 12 mo. $1.25For sale wherever books are sold.FORBES & COMPANY, Pubs., 325 Dearborn StreeL ChicagoGOOD Dressers are beginniq to' ..realize T HAT Soper makesgood clothes for·' all occasions,WHY NOT YOU?Noble· D.' Soper...... TAILOR, .•..•.11'5 Dearborn Street--ec;nier Monroe•• _ •• Second Floor •• � ••• -SEN I Q' R'S ICom�ete your memOI7 book with"pictures of-, The Class Day Parade I . .',The Law-Medic Battle I ... -. '.Daven�ort Breaki_njl the .Record I .Bunny R�Jlers in Mid-Air 1.Straube Winning the 100 Yard Da�h I. ·Cl ..... r. more striking plctu .... were n.y.r printed. Specla' rates to aUstud.nts until July I. for .rtlstlc photograph.. . Watch for m. at the Int .....schola.tic Meet. ..E. STEUART TRAY 6. CO.···StudiO, Corner 63rd and Ellis Avenue.Leave orders for athletic pictures at the studio or theUniversity Press.Robert Staedter Co._.,155 State Street, Chicago, m� .:-: -:-:Phone Central 5334. Between Madison and MODroe Sb. .The beat line of new Spring Suits, Coats, Skirts, and Dreuesat popular prices. Abo the La�est Model.'in our Millinery section.-: GET OUR PRICES ON STORING ·FURS. :-Mlebeli's Flmous ltalilnMaroon advertisers are the depend­able kind. We don't sell space toany other variety.St. Alban's SchoolFor Boys.Knoxville, IUinoia.Restaurantand Cafe. Prepatel for Busiaesa or CoIJeae. Diplomwof Gmdaatioa accepted by te.dia.l. Collqres aDdUai?eniries. Athletics, Manual T AiDa.. ladiYidual Attention.Wmter Term begin, January 6th, 1910. Scadfor CataIop.T ..... D'HDtI SOc. wItII WIat,frDM 12 to 1:30 p. III....... c.tI .••••Spapetti and Ravioli a SpecialtyLucien F. Sennett, Head Muter.LOUIS E. MICHELI47 E. Harrison Street,lit.- Sbill St. ......... ".Tel. Harrison 118. CHICAGO.Patronize Maroon advertisers.210&25cEAllL &:WILSONTEAKWOODTo-N.�t-·-!--Dine-u.- the ; ..NEW -INDIAN. ROOM--of theWELLINGTON HOTELWabuia Aye. & Jac:boa BlYd.To-Night!- -Maroon advertisers are the -depend­able kind. We don't sell space toany other variet)'.QUAYLE CO. CHICAGO.Steelr Enlfnll'S, Mallllflctur�inK Jewell JIll ••714-715 ScIIIIIr .......GRADOAnON IIMTAnOllS, MED­� t.UtQPHlES, ETC:,� ETC... �, .. �Maroon advertisers are the depend­able kind. We don't sell spece toany other variety.STUDENTS GIVE US A TRIALQUEEN CAFETwo Blocks East of Reynolds Club.1320 East FiftJ-Seventh St.LUNCH 2Oc. D_ER 25c.In! uUilAI ....... ...,.."' ........ -.�Or � Be. pleol � lor• 1 aaclaiDel. 1liE AMERICAN WRI11NGMAOiINE COMPANY. The T� Ez­� Bracb, 31�11?arbn s... a.x... THE UAILY MAROON, FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1910" .PREP MEN ARRIVE· TODAY;­TENNIS TOURNEY STARTEDWagenknight and Fish, Lyons Town­ship," LaGrange ; Evans, Alma, Wis.;X euhoff and De Vorkin, Soldan High,St. Louis, Mo.: Chapman, LaCrosse,J nd.; Koenigsdorf, Manuel Training,Kansas City, Mo.; Wayman, \VendellPhillips: Kurt and Ellis, Clinton; Ap­plegate, Kokomo, Ind.; Dougherty,South Divisiou, Milwaukee,_ \Vis.;Miller and Patterson, Clyde; Inger­soll, Lake Forest academy; Knightand Lipski, Univer sity High; Pitten­b"er, Hart, Mich.; Liserowitz, GrandPrairie seminary, Onargo; Zeigler,Parsons College academy, Fairfield,la.; Gabelman. Marshalltown, Ia.;Ley and Ireland, State Preparatoryschool, Boulder, Colo.; Phelps, OakPark; Greenwald, Whiting, Ind.;Schwertfeger, Oshkosh, \Vis.; Hen­derson and Griscel, Briggsville; Tor­mey, Madison, \Vis.; Crurn, Beards­town; Earnest and Marshall, Grinnellacademy, I a.440 Yard Run.Healy, Rochelle; Perry, Quincy;­Bowie, Castle Heights school, Leb­anon, Tenn.; Monroe and Hasek; Ce­dar .Rapids, Ia.; Crawford, Modisetteand Roper, Western Military acade­my, Upper Alton; Hastings, Oregon;. Drevenstedt and John, Male Highschool, Louisville, Ky.; Jordan andYates, Galesburg; King and Elliott,Crane Technical; Bassett, Grand Rap­ids Central, Mich.; Hopkins, Smith,Llewellyn and Kellog, Hyde Park;Sonneborn, Thornton Township, Har­vey; Johnson and Corrie. Drury acad-emy, Aledo; Galloway, Lyons Town-'Why Stay-Hom_ e1_ EU_-R- ·OPE' ship, La Grange; Coutchie, Smith andDunlevy, Muskegon, :'Ilich.; Gibbs,• YOU CAlI ·-CO ·T.O : .Manual -Training, Kansas City, Mo.:OD the Dew Luge � �UI cabin Wayman and Breathed, Wendell Phil-steamen of the' -. lips; Cummings, Clinton; Largent,FREN. CH· UNE Champaign; Applegate, Kokomo,Ind.; Heck, Clyde; Haynes and In-; $45 TO $62.50 �ersoll, Lake Forest academy; Strat-::'. .._. _ .M�.-d bath iDduded. _ -. . -'. ton, .�.PJl1�nc�; Plunkett, Campbell,:·_";ltJ;���-��l��-.the -GJ.. .. _.Loomis: and.i..Laugford.c. Univer-sityCANTIC lWIN-SCREW r1..YERS. High; Pittenger and Frey, Hart,M. W. KOZMINSKI. Ga=al Westem ArJ....- Mich:; Blais; Evanston academy;• 71 Dearbom St. .Noettling and Pollard, Lane Tech-PBUIOD Play at Oberammergau, nical; Barnes, Grand Prairie semin-May 16'io SepL 25. ary,._ Oriargo; ,Zeigler, Parsons Col­lege �academy, Fairfield. Ia.; Dunn,Rushville; Blake, Maywood; Ley,State' Preparatory school, Boulder;Colo.; :·W·. ). Riley and Johns, EastChicago, Ind.; Everhard, .RacineCol­le�:;e Preparatory, 'Vis.; Goelitz andFairfield.' Oak' Park; "Greenwald,\Vhiting,; Ind.; Schwartfeger, Osh­kcsh; Wis.; Van Gent. Ottumwa; la.;Tate Englewood; Whiteman, Biggs­ville ; Howard, Croswell, Mich.;C 'Connell and Coleman, Madison,(Continued from Page 1.)\Vis ..880 Yard Run.Barker, Rochelle; Frazee, CedarRapids, Ia.; Lawless and Olson,Western Military academy, UpperAlton; Drevenstedt, John and Moore,r\fale High school, Louisville, Ky.;Yates, Galesburg; King and Tweed,Crane Technical; Field, Grand Rap­ids Central, Mich.; 'Vyman and Hart,Hyde Park;· HoHer and Mapl�sden,Thornton Township, Harveyj- John­son and Corrie, Drury academy, Ale­do: Smith. Dunlevy and Miller, Mus­kegon. Mich.; Ferguson, Mechanics­ville, la.; Phillip. South Division,Milwaukee. Wis.; Becker and Struck­man, Clyde; Jones, Lake Forestacademy; Metcalf, Momence; Carnp-.hell and Xorthrup, University High;Corbin and Burns, Hart, Mi�h.; ·Bea­ton and Blair" Evanston academy;Waage, Lane Technical; Barnes andHueni. Grand Prairie seminary. Onar­go: Harvey, 'Vest .-\urora; Fairfield,Oak Park: Scott, Grand Prairie sem­inary. Onargo; Tate, Engle\vood;Kelly, Biggsville; Barrows, Muske­gon, Mich.: Howard, Croswell, Mich.;O'Connell and Coleman, Madison,Wi�.: Plunkett. Uni\'C.�rsity High.One Mile Run.Barker. Rochelle: Lawless and 01-�on. \\'e�tern :\filitary academy. Cp­per A hon: Dre"enstedt and :\Ioore.Male High school. Louisville. Ky.:Jobn�ton. Grand Rapid� Central .Mich.: Goodman and Dick. HydePark: Seari�ht and Thomp�on. Thornton Township, Harvey; Red­fern and Smith, West Des Moines,Ia.; Corrie, Drury academy.. Aledo;Dunlevy and Miller, Muskegon,Mich.; Ferguson, Mechanicsville, Ia.:Timm and Girard, Whiting, Ind.;Gharrity, Beloit, Wis.; Davis, Avery­ville High, Peoria; Heck and Berman,Clyde; Legg, Lake Forest academy;Metcalf, Momence; Waterman andBurns, Hart, Mich.; Beaton, Evans­ton academy; Waage, Lane Techni­cal; Harvey, West Aurora; Minturiand Kendall, Maywood; Kraft, OakPark; Scott, Grand Prairie seminary.Onargo; Peterson. Evans and Plumb.Englewood: Sanderson, Biggs ville:Packs, Muskegon. !\Iich.; O'Connell.Madison, \Vis.Two Mile Run.Lawless and Olson. Western Mili­tary academy, Upper Alton; Teal.Grand Rapids Central, Mich.; Hartand Mac Kenzie, Hyde Park; Red­fern, West Des Moines, Ia.: Gallwey,St. Cyril's academy; Dunlevy, Millerand Cone, Muskegon, Mich.; Fergu­son, Mechanicsville, Ia.; Gharr ity, Be­loit, i\Vs.; Davis, Averyville Higl�.Peoria; Legg, Lake Forest academy:Waterman, Hart, Mich.: Martin andStirton, Lewis I nstitute academy:Sedgwick, Maywood: Kraft. OakPark; Stegeman, H ope Preparatoryschool, Holland. Mich.: Verrill.Clyde.120 Yard High Hurdles.Rosenberg, Rochelle; Barker andBowie, Castle Heights school, Lehan­on, Tenn.; Crawford. Roper andGildehaus, Western Military acade­my, Upper Alton: Stinchfield, Valpa­raiso, Ind.;·· Roberts, Galesburg:Farnsworth and Mallen, Crane Tech­nical; McNabb, Grand Rapids Cen­tral,. Mich.; Roberts, Hyde Park:Garst and McHenry, West DesMoines, Ia.: Phillips and Dunn, Druryacademy, Aledo; Shaffer and Krauth­heim, Muskegon;' Mich.; Lincoln.Soldan High, St.· Louis, 1\[0.; Hey­man, Wendell Phillips; _\yasson, .Clin­ton; Lyman, Lake Forest academy;Loomis, University H�gh; Hill, SouthDivision, MilWauke'e,-- 'Viii.; 'Schobing­er, Hah�a�d school; - .,. .vi�lcent, . StatePreparatory school. � Boulder, Colo.;Graham, Evanston Township: Ever­hard, Racin·e 'College- ·Preparatory,Wis.; Russel, Oak Park; Simth, Osh­kosh, Wis.; .Henderson, Whiteman,Sanderson and Forward, Biggsville;O'Connell,· Madison, ",Vis:; Crumpack­er; Hammond, Ind.- 220Yar(i.ow Hurdles.Rosenberg and Lazier, Rochelle;Bowie. Castle Heights school, Leba­non, Tenn.; Crawford. Roper. andGildehaus, Western Military academy,Upper Alton; Robertson, Galesburg;Mallen and Hirschfield, Crane Techni­cal; McXabb, Gra�d -Rapids Central.Mich.; Hopkins, Rob�rts and Smith,Hyde .Park; McHenry. \Vest DesMoines, la.; Phillips and Dunn, Dru­ry academy, Aledo; Shaffer andKrauthheim, Muskegon, Mich.; Lin:coln, Soldan High. St. Louis, Mo.;Heyman, ·Wendell Phillips; Lane,Clinton; Smith and Lyman, Lake For­est academy; Loomis and . Dickson.University High: Corbin. Hart, Mich.;-·Spry, Harvard school; Graham, E,·­anston Township; Everhard, RacineCollege Preparatory. Wis.: Smith.Oshkosh; Henderson, Sanderson andForward. Biggsville: Terrney andBlied, Madison, Wis.; Parker, Beards­town; Crumpacker. Hammond. Ind.Maroon advertisen are the depend­a�le kind. We don't sell space toany other variety.LEARN TODANCEWOODS' ACADEMY:63n1 St. and WasllinltOn A',e.WEEKLY DAlCES THURSDAY AIDSATURDAY.Beaiaaen aa. 7:30 to 9 before the Reeepboa rtaaaday aad SebnLry. - ,.Woods' Orchestra.PatrOll�e Maroon advertisers. CAPSANDGOWNSMADE TO ORDERANDRENTED.Make reservations for. Commencement now.The W.C.KERN CO.-. '11304 E. 51TH STREET,31 Dearborn St.�----------------------------------II;THE INTER-CLASS DANCElSI THIS EVENINGShe will be best pleasedIf you buy her flowers fromAndrew ·McAdams,53rd St. & Kimbark Ave.A FLORIST WHOM YOU WILLALWAYS BUY FROM AGAINISEcOND HAND.BqOKSII - � � e buy and sell Second­Hand Books of all Kinds.I Woodworth's· Book· Store I(FORMERLY HEWITT'S) .1302,E. 57th St. Near Kimbark Ave.. .:FleItkrs' GfiftS - and MillsSome of the one-hand stops made bytbe bigleague fielders are most sensational-ten years�o they would have been deemed impossible.The great secret of perfect fielding lies ootonly inabilit}] but in the right eloves and mitts. Re.eIarlefders' Gloves ana Mi� are perfect Theirsuperiority is evident thro�h use by such starplayers as W ��Ij Cobb, Lajoie, Collins, Craw­ford, Magee and Keeler,Also used by well-known college players.DIe � Trade Mark...,..,.,ea .atlJ .. fioiIa .." perkct (!OOCI..The Reach Ofticbl B3Se &n Guide is the mostcomplete ever published. - Everything you wantto know aboct b:lse b.11l in one book. Readyabout Mardi :I sth- 10 cents at dealers' or by.aiLRea�� Ball Catalog­_... FREE.tf 'DIeA.J.1i'.M:I"'.MY," I'll' NIt SInd,p' 'S S' ..Frat�, Cub and Society aDpatronize our Dinnerparties.YE ROSAUE INNCorner 57th and RosaIie ct.Maroon Want Ads Bring Results. -.... � :,_ .... : .... ' _, ...... ".�.. ;t"-,/-r-:e! THE DAILY MAROON, FRIDA)". JUNE'10�, 1910.ThroughServiceto practi�, aU importaDt poiDtain theWesfNorthwestSouthwestproYidiDC all that ia beat in mod,erarailwa,. trayelElectric-1i8htecl SleepiDC Can. U­brary- BuHet - Obaenation Can andfree Recliniq, Chair Can.Dinina.-Can are carried on allthroqh train. and ROCK ISLANDmeab--beat on whee'", To ,reach deatination with thepeateat comfort in the aborteat timetakeRock Island LinesLimited TrainsFor tickets, reservations orinformation call, phoneor writeL. H. McCORMICK,General A8ent Paaaen8er Dep't,91 Adams Street.Phone Central 4446.$25 50 NEW YORK• AND RETURNVIABALTIMORE & OHIORAILROADTickets OD sale daily from JUDe I toSept�mber 30. 1910. Return limit thirtydays from date of .. le.Stop-over at Pittsbwgh. WashiDgtoD.Babimore and Philaddphia.VACATION TOURSTo Boston, Mass., and the Jer­sey Coast ResortsCOVERINGTwenty .. FIVe or MoreRoutes .'iDcIadiag travel by Rail. Bay. Ocean.5oaDd. River aud Lake·At -Greatly Reduced FareTrd:ds-�Id daily from June I to Sep­tember 30. RcturD limit sidy days fromdate of .. Ie but DOt later than October 31.1910. Stop-over allowed at all priacipalpoiuts.For descriptive ciradar and further iD­formatioD cab OD or addresa W. W.Pick' District Paaeager Agent. 244CIark'1.reet. T dephoae Harrisoa lOS I.Tdel odIces. 244 Uark Street audiDcipal hotels. Depot Craud Central�uaeager StatioD. l-IarrisoD Sired audFifth Avenue.B _ N � AUSTIN,� General-'Passenger Agent. _ .R-OCk RiverMili_�ary Acacf�my'Dixon,' -III ..SAVES TIMETO BUY OR SELLBuSTOBARTER'WORN: ALL OVERTHE WORLD_WIn. �,;..,. "'�:.�­.".�� CLASP .IF lIT IElUI, In'.ElE• ....,a.I7., o.ee.. a.,.a, .... ,MaW 011 � oIPrlc:e� .AICC� M)ST'ONOVER 3O--YEARS THE STANDARD...... __ .ALWAyS .aaY __ -- ..�-;----.--- .... ,. ---,._-- RED-BLOODED HEALTH,VIGOR, STRENGTH ANDSUCCESS-all yours for theexpenditure of ten minutes aday.. 'SEND �O MONEY. Simplysend for free printed matter con­cerning my method, which hasrestored 30,000 run-down per­sons to VIGOROUS, RED­BLOODED HEALTH.lly System tells women howto become more beautiful in faceand figure, more graceful in car­riage and repose. It aids mensuccessward by showing themhow to develop nerve force andbrain power. Tear out this ad.and write your name and ad­dress on the margin and mail tome, and I will be glad to sendyou a complete statement of mysystem.SYLVESTER J. SIMON,16 Quirtcy Street. Chicago .SCHEVILL. TUFTS AND BILLSSPEAK AT EXERCISES(".an�idatee for Title of AlI80ciateHear Three SpQken-Reportby Dean Wallace.To encourage the students to fa­miliarize themselves with the differ­ent arts in order that their educationmay be 'more complete and their char­acter developed to its fullest possi­hie exent was the point of ProfessorFerdinand Schevill's address to thecandidates for the title of associateat the Junior college class exercisesin Mandel yesterday.Dean Wallace presented the quar­terly statement, ill which she shqwedthat there was a noticeable increaseof associate degrees conferred thisquarter compared with those of thecorresponding quarter last year. Thefigures were. respectively, 125 and 9i.Tufts Gives Greeting.Professor J. H. Tufts then gavethe greeting to the candidates for thetitle of associate. H is speech was inthe form of an exposition on the at­titude sustained toward instructorsand studies by the upper and lowerSeniors. known as the upperclassmen,and the Upper and Lower Juniors.called the lowerclassmen .•The response for the candidateswas delivered by Benjamin Frank­lin Bills. His subject was concernedwith the honor system. That onewhich requires the students to say."1 have neither received nor givenaid" he strongly opposed. H is ideawas rather to inculcate into the mindsof all that sense of' honor whichneeds no penalizing to insure that itwitt never be- forgotten.DELTA TAUS BEATPHI DELTA THETAIN SEMIFINALS\Vith a score of 17 to 6 Phi DeltaTheta went down to defeat at thehands of Delta Tau Delta in the semi­finals yesterday. The game was one­sided from the beginning. Thingsstarted with a bunch of errors onthe side of the Phi Delts, althoughthree runs were scored in the firstinning. Steffen pitched for the PhiDelts and allowed a number of hits,but he also lacked support from theinfield. Rothermel, on the otherhand, who twirled for Delta Tau, wasparticularly effective, only a few hitsbeing taken from him.Smith of the latter team roundedthe sacks in a spectacular play. Thisgame gives the Delta Taus the rightto go in the finals.Buhlig, 'OS, on Trip Aro.und World.Paul Buhlig, '08, has started one atrip around the world that will takehim a year. He will go first to SouthAmerica and then to Australia. Har­ry A. Hansen, secretary of the Alum-. ni association; received a letter from. Buhlig yesterday giving all his plans.Be Strong· and WellMaroon advertiset"S are the depend­able kind. We don't sell space toany other variety • HOLD INTERCLASS HOPIN BARTLETT TONIGHT(Continued from Page 1.)great many people have taken advan­tage of the low price charged for ad-,mission. \Ve have made arrange­ments to accommodate about 175 cou­ples. The prospects now point to agreat success for the first interclassdance."Successful President's Reception.The most successful reception evertendered to the candidates for de­grees was held at the President'shouse. President and Mrs, J udson,with Deans Salisbury and Talbot. re­ceived over 200 candidates for bac­calaureate and higher degrees.Advertise in The Maroon.C�ASSIFIED:ADVERTISINGW ANTED-Se"eral more studentsfor summer work on fine sellingproposition, traveling or in city.Positions pay from $18 to $35 week­ly. Le Conde Co" Chicago. Forparticulars write card to studentrepresentative, James Donn. 6i49Perry Ave.FOR RENT-Pleasant room withgood board and home cooking.5412 Washington avenue.WANTED-A young man who isambitious to make money duringvacation to work in the city. Ap­ply to 610-171 LaSalle St.LAWN TENNIS-It's a grand oldgame. For better health and thebest of times mail 25c now for abook from which anyone can learn.Mail orders only. McDowell Spe­cialty Co., 6151 Greenwood Ave.WANTED-C�lIege men to sell ournew lawn sprinkling device; juston the market; absolutely no com­petition. Will be a wonderful sum­mer seller and money maker.Write at once for full particulars.Rain-Bow Spra Mfg. Co., N. H.Clement, Greenville. Mich.SOLICITORS WANTED-Specialoffer to college men desiring re­munerative work during the ensu­ing vacation among banks, businessand professional men. No canvas s­ing, no books or insurance. Not'<ing to sell. $175 to �200 month.High grade, legitimate and rernun­erative. Replies only from clean­cut, active workers. 14 McDougalBldg., Peoria. 111. .Going HOlDe?The direct route toLAFAYETIE,LOUISVILLE,INDIANAPOUS,CINCINNATI,DA.YTONand all Southern. points i. the1:"mll:IIIIIII'City Ticket office182 Oark Street,Telephone Harrison 3309Depots: Dearborn Station,47th St. and 63rd St,MONEY MADEEASILY· BY SUBSCRIPTIONSEEKING FOR.SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINEFOf penicalan RP1'Chc lAnaI c..h ec.-is.n-. de. • ..._ at CMtCe Oak 43. Scn"han'.Mapzi_. 1 SS FIhh A't'e •• New York City. "There's no question about it. IIYou get the very newest 'ideas, and moststylish shapes' in both Straw andPanama Hats. From $2.to $10.00 atHat Company,WalkerN. W. Cor. Wabash Avenue and Monroe Street.LEXINGTON HOTELMICHIGAN BOULEVARD and 22D STREETEuropean ' PlanFIREPROOF,Regular Rates$1.50�er Day,and more. Special RatestoVisiting'AthleticTeams500 ROOMSYou Will LiketheLexingtonJ. E. Montrose,Chas. McHugh,Proprietora, Horace Wiggins,'M�er�NOTICE ,• ,•YOU will find here waitiug for your iaspectioDa_ swell and up-to-:cfate liue of Hut. Schaffaer& Maa fiae dothmg. :. :. :. :.STRAW Hat' weather is here aud we are read. y t.omeet the demand. We have Straw hats i:J all-the latest ,hapes to meet the YOUll8 man', require­mesib from $150 to $5.00. :. :..' :.Our Speciaby $15.00 and $20.00 SuitsTalk to us about your dotbea.We aell Red Man aud. Anow Braud of Co1!aa.A. J. SILVERMAN & SON1125 E. Sidy-Tbird 51.- -- _----;:: -»: z- ------ _::::::-���---- -i. >: -"'- �---- -----=-VARSITY race. Eightmuscularcom-rades rowing in perfect rhythm. Theflag of the old Alma Mater bursts uponthe breeze. Victory. Then the longride back to town on the train-andFatima Cigarettes.Vou enjoy the fine blend of Turkish tobKco. the coolrich flavor, and you have ten enra ciprettes.THB AMBRICAN TOBA.CCO co. I·IJI