. Qt.VOL. VIII-Xo. 158. -�arodtt,UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1910. Price, � Cents.ItAY STILL ENTER CUSS MEETGrand March Will Begin at 8:30,O'Clock Tomorrow Night-ExpectIs Elected to LeaII 1911 Team After Original Ideas in Decoration andArrangement of Class Booths.Secret Meeiiac of VanityAtldetes. The interclass dance wilt be held to-Contrary to yesterday's announce- morrow night in Bartlett gymnasium.COMPLETE BOARD MEETS TODAY ment, entries for the first annual in- The grand march will begin at 8:30terclass track meet to be held tomor- ANNUAL" C" BANQUET TONIGHT o'clock. which is earlier than has here-row at 9 o'clock on Marshall field will --- tofore been the custom at the proms.Will Assemble in Cobb 8B at Two not close until 6 o'clock this evening. Large Number of Old Athletic He- It is the intention of those in chargeO'Clock to Discuss Fu- The change was made to allow of a roes Will Gather to Talk Over to begin early and thus not dance soture Plans. greater number of entries, as the Old Times. late. There will be four leaders. RalphThe board of editors of the Cap members of the classes had not had Cleary, Richard Myers, Richardand Gown for 1911 in their meeting sufficient notice of the meet. A full "Bunny" Rogers, '11, will lead the Tiechgraeber and Lawrence \Vhit-yesterday appointed the staff of the list of the entries will be published track team for 1911. This was the ing, general chairman, arrangements,annual for next year. The board of in tomorrow's �Iaroon. result of a long meeting held by the finance and publicity chairmen, re­editors is composed of the two man- The greatest rivalry is expected in track men yesterday afternoon. The spectively. Each of the leaders rep­aging editors. Walter Foute and Les- the relay race, in which each class meeting yesterday was the second resents one of the four classes, tak­ter \Vheeler; the two business man- will enter a team of eight men. each one held for the purpose of choos- ing their positions in line accordingagers, Earl Hutton and Ralph Rosen- to run ?20 yards. A special banner ing a captain. Both meetings, how- to seniority among classes.thal; and the literary editor, James will be purchased for this event by ever, were secret, and nothing was The firiance committee has been Everything is ready for the ninthD .... mond. the- classes, and this has helped in given out as to what took place. selling tickets on the campus during I . holasti S dJ annua mtersc 0 asnc meet atur ay.Following are the associate editor arousing enthusiasm over the event. Rogers, whose' forte has been the the past two weeks. Judging from -The entries, which closed yesterday,appointments: Much Interest Aroused. pole vault. has been on the team for the sale to date. a great number of .showed that over 300 prep athletesArt-Bess Courtright. X o small amount of interest has al- three years. his first year being spent couples will attend the affair. It is ;- will take part in the field and trackStudent activities-Benton Moyer. ready been aroused over the class re- on the Freshman team. He has won expected that many alumni will also 11 events. .The feature of. the meet Sat­lien's athletics-H. C. Burke. Jr. lay race. Any and all members of the his "C" twice and has taken many be in attendance. The price of the urday will be the runnmg of Daven­Fraternities and honor societies- various classes will be eligible to com- points for Chicago. Although he was tickets was reduced this year in or- I port in an attempt to lower theMaynard Simond. pete, not excluding men on the Var- able to reach the height of 11 feet 6 der that the dance .would be less ex- � world's half mile record.Classes-Clara Allen. sity track teams. Some fast men will, inches this year, he was unable to pensive and thus make it possible The preliminary round of ' the inter-Dramatics-William Harms. therefore, be in the race. The Sen- win again the strong competition of for a large number to be present .scholastic tennis .tournament will startFaculty-Raymond J. Daly. iors have the services of Page, Pe- the men who were reaching the 12- who would otherwise not feel finan- ,this afternoon at 2 o'clock and willMusic-Harold Kay ton. gues, Comstock, Young and Collings foot mark. He won the pole vault cially able to go. 'con'tinue tomorrow arid Saturday.Women's athletics _ Elizabeth as a nucleus for their team; the Jun- in the 1909 Conference meet. Good Music Program. The finals in singlcs and doubles willHurd. iors' team will consist partly of The track team will not lose many The music has been engaged. The be played Saturday afternoon. Six-Society-Lorraine Cleary. Straube, Earle, Gifford, Crawley and of its best men this year. Those arrangements committee promises . ty entries have been received for theLiterary-s-David McCarn. Stophlet; Davenport, Menaul and who will be graduated are Worth- one of the most beautiful musical 'championship tennis tourney, includ-Law school-Hargrave Long. Baird will make the Sophomore team wine in the hammer throw, Captain programs that has ever, been ren- ,ing some of the best prep players inDivinity school-Harvey B. Frank- a fast one; and the Freshmen will Comstock in the distances, Caldwell dered in Bartlett. There will be 30 .; the middle west., . 'School of Medicine-Appointmt..-nt have on -their relay squad Springer,. in the distances, Whipp in the quar- dances. Tennis Touriley Starts Today.later. Kuh, Donovan, \Vhiting and others. ter, Bresnahan in the half and Brown Each Class is planning to have the F' h di"" ottoWl, ng . are•. ,t.e rawing: '.College of Education-Appoint- Another banner has been donated Gill and Fishbein in the broad jump. most attractive booth. This rivalry 'P'"'"--�.m-e�nt· l--ate-r�•....... J� ..... -..>�-.,..._."'-� ,.,_-. £Or �b-Y.Mt.��,-.'wniClliS-t-6 b-e rriye-n"to' �� -r s : '"-�""-;-U;C�;'�""'et' "T--o-';�ls..&t.·- ,;' ... i�su�to�nR>duce..some -'-·er;"..c.-H·aa·$.IJf.,,;.;..:.. . Singles .Staff photographer-Kenneth Lind- the class g��tlOg the 'largest ��tal of , �... �l.a.� '. in deco�ion and ;::lg;ment. . �'""i'��-'�'::'_",,_";r - '''_':_�-_;_.'say. points. Besides these prizes the in- Twenty men will be initiated mto What each class has planned is kept R. Bohnen, We�dett Phittips, vs. A.The new board of associate editors dividual winners of events will be giv- the Order of the "C" tonight at the secret. These' booths wilt serve as J. Lindauer,' Englewood,will meet this .afternoon at 2 o'clock en ribbons. . annual "C" banquet m the cafe of' resting places between dances. At M! Coulter, University High, vs, K.'with the board of editors in Cobb SB. .The meet this year is a scratch af- the commons. The men who will be each stand refreshments will' be . McNeal, Clyde, ,As wilt be the - first meeting, no fair, breaking the old custom of hav- taken in are ; for football. Sunder- served during the entire' evening. 'w. Jones, Lewis, vs. S. Tolman,doubt some important business will ing the Junior college men run under land, Young, Menaul, Rademacher, This system will take the place of the Hyde Park .. 'b'e transacted. In this meeting plans handicaps. This will give the classes Gerend, Smith, Kassulker and Sauer; midnight supper usually served at the T. Erringer, Highland Park, vs. D.for next year's annual will be dis- a chance to show which of them is for basketball, Edwards; for track, proms. . Kessel, Fairmount,. Ind.cussed and probably some work for absolutely the best. There is no en- Giff?rd, E. Long, Caldwell and First round-the summer will be assigned, try fee. WhiPP; for baseball, O. Roberts, G. MORE FACULTY MEN RESIGN J. R. McKay, Evanston academy,Classes Meet. Roberts, Steinbrecher, Latham, Baird . vs. R. Well, Wendell Phillips.STUDENTS TO "Bur In order to get their men out for and Boyle; and for tennis, Gardner. F. C. Becht, ·06. and J. L. Hancock. C. S_ Lamb, Englewood, vs. E. Mc-WAY THROUGH EUROPE Friday's event the Freshmen have al- Director Stagg expects over 100 'OS. Will Leave. Kee, "Lewis.ready held a meeting. and the Sopho- old "C" men to attend the banquet. S. Canby. University High. vs, A.Three Chicagoans and One Dlini to mores and the Seniors will meet to- The feature of the evening will be Coming immediately after the res- Buhal. McKinley.Sail on Cattle Boat This clay. The Sophomore meeting is a the singing of the new "C' song, ignation of Professors Bolza and J. Glassner, Wendell Phillips. vs.Summer. special one, for the men of the class composed especially for the occasion Pound is the news that two more E. Neely, Des Plaines.only. called fOT the purpose of arous- by D. Richberg, '99. who is 'also the members of the faculty will leave. A. M. Squair, Englewood, "S. M.ing interest. The Seniors will hold a author of "For Chicago Alma lla- Mr. Frank C. Becht. S. B., associate A. James. Evanston academy .regular meeting. ter." in physiology, and John L. Hancock, J. Moellcr. Lewis, vs. I. Cleveland,Blanks for entry may be had from A. M .• assistant in Greek. will leave Fairmount, Ind. .the- class captains or at the I nforma- the University at the clase of this D. \V. Cleland, Englewood. ys. R.tion office. The captains are: Seniors, �ENCIBLES CHOOSE 21 year. The former will go to lllinois Fyebaugh, University High.Page; Juniors, Stophlet ; Sophomores, FRESHMAN MEMBERS and the latter to the University of C. Collier, Hyde Park. vs. D. Cohn,Kansas. llr. Hancock took his bach- We d 11 PhilliDavenport ; and Freshmen. Whiting, .., ,v n e I IpS.The entries 'may be turned in at the Sophomore Honor Society Elects elor's degree at Chicago in 1905 and E. A. Lucas. Elgin. "5. \V. L.Facult .... exchange or handed to the La N Mr. Becht in 1906. Quinlan. Englewood.J rge umber of New Mem- The loss of four members' in the R L F E t dclass captains. bers-Initiate Tonight. .: . orrey, vans on aca cmy,.-\,11 members of the classes are faculty in one week is unprecedented '·S. E. Moffet. Highland Park.eligible to compete in the meet ex- Th F in the history of Chicago. llore fac- \V. Hiller. Wendell Phillips. vs..e ·encibles. the honorary Soph- ultv men have resigned this. year than R Johnsoll Universitv HI· .... hcept men who have won one point or db" J • •• I J ,...omore e atmg society, yesterday b f . h h' 'fmore in a t�nl·,.er"'_-I·ty e'"ellt. These d ever e ore m t e Istory 0 Chicago. .'\. Cudner. Clyde. \"s. S. B. Beech-announce the election of 21 newmen may. hO"·e,'er, enter e'·ent!'oe 1·11 b· cr. Englewood._ • mem ers trom among the Freshmen. SENIOR CLASSES TOwhich they ha,-e not won points. En- This is about the largest number of MEET TOMORROW. J. Xewman. tJniversity High. \'5, E.trants are to cOlllpete t·or the cla�. "e'" b 1 h D·'-\ncona. \Vendell Phillips.... �.., new mem ers t 1at as ever becn BUT NOT MONDAYto which they helong. according to taken into the society at one time. Doubles.the official lists used at the time of and this bids well for the success Oflicial announcement was made Preliminary round-the election of the Undergraduate next year. yesterday concerning thr class sche- James and Forrey. Evanston aca.l-Student council. The men elected are as follows: c1ule for tomorrow. lloncla,' allel emy. '·S. Collier and Smith. Hy.le\Villard Atkins. \\'illiam Hefferan. Tuesday hy the dean of the -Junior Park.llillard Breckenricl�e. E. Blonder. colJe�es. Junior college classes will Xewman and Johnson. Lni,'crsityPaul Karstcn. HaroM Kramcr. �Icrlc not mcct tomorrow. hut thc Senior High. \"s. Squair and Lamh" Eng-Ic-Recse. H. P. Roc. �Iartin Stevers. college classes will. The conditions wood.Sandford Scllers. H. Soblc. J. F. arc to he re\"ersed on �Iondav. The elcn·land and Kcsscl. Fairmount,Schwieters. \\"alter Smith. J. E. classes in the Senior college �\·ill not Ind,. \'s. Joncs and �lcKcc. Lewis.Thomas. E. n. �lcKnight. Kenneth he held on that day. while the Junior nohnen and \Veil. \Venclell Phil-Bcche. L. H. \\·hiting. Roger Long. collegcs are scheduled to meet. On lips. '·S. llcXcal and Clulner. Clyfte.Hiram Kennicott, Donald Breed and Tucsday all classes will he suspend- First round-C. A. Hammil. cd. This is necessary in order that Erringer and �Ioffet. HighlandThe new memhers will he initiated the examinations for the i:30 classes. Park. \"5. Coulte!" and Firehaugh, Uni-this c"ening at a hanquet held at the which are only offered the spring ,"ersity High.Tea House. 1328 East 5ith street. at quarter of each year, may he worked Tolman and �Iurray. Hyde Park,6 o'clock. This wilt be the final e\'ent in. vS. �{cKay and Bragg, Evanston acad-on the Fencihles' program for this emy.year. and the society ,,·ill be formal- Concrete hleachers are being huilt A numher of the interscholasticIy turned over to the men who will for the athletic held of the State Uni- men will be spectators, to the inter-conduct it next year. versity of Iowa. (Continued from Page 3.)CAP AND GOWN BOARDAPPOINTS ASSOCIATESGoose. SiUeea Chief Auiatub toCooperate ill pahIisIaiq1911 Ama ..... Across the Atlantic on a cattleboat and a tour through England.France. Holland. Belgium. ending atthe passion play at Oberarnmergauon a bicycle-this is the interestingplan that Vallee Appel. Charles Grey,Donald Grey of the University and\Vill Leaverton of the University ofIllinois have arranged for their sum-mer vacation.The party will leave Boston on thesteamship Bohemian. bound for Liv�erpool, June 29. The four studentsintend to thoroughly enjoy them­seh·es on the trip. and ha\"e beenearning unusual credit through theirclose applica:ion to the study of for­eign languages during the past twoquartcrs. Vallee Appel has had spe­cial training in the European dialects.and the rest of the party will dependupon him chiefly to pre"ent compli­cations.··Tt is a common stunt for the l7lli­\"ersity fellows to make the trip toEurope on a cattle boat:' said Appel)'esterday. ··Last year a large partymade the trip. and a numher is plan­ning to go next year. \Vhile we donot claim to he especially fitted forthe employment that will he our loton the cattle boat. we will try ourbest to uphold and care for the needsof enc1e Sam.�'The non-fraternity mcn at Brownunh'ersity ha\"e made plans for or­goanization and for representation inthe coJ1ege activities. EImUES FOR NINTH. �INTERSCHOLASTIC./ , -SHOW GOOD FIELDDavenport Will Run for World'sRecord Saturday-First Out­of-Town Athletes Arrive andTake Work-Out."BUNNY" ROGERS TO BETRACK TEAM CAPTAINL- READY FOR INTERCLASS DANCELists Not to Be Closed for InterclassAthletics Until 6 O'Clock Tonight-Expect Hard Fight for Bannerin Relay Race. I'r,��y Records Expected to Be Broken.iD Prep Meet � Manun 'Field Sabard.y u-tenaOOD.turus TOURNEY STARTS TODAYMiss Anderson, '08, to Wed.I tl\'itations are out for the marriagcoi �Iiss Stella .\nderson of Rock Is­lal1l1 to John H. Hill of 822 Crcs­cent plal2'c. Thc wcdding is to occuron thc enning of June 15. �Iiss :\n­der�()n is a memher of the class of1908. She �ervcd as league secretaryduring thc year of 1905"()6.llaude :\dams appeared at thel"ni\'ersity oi California in Shaks­pere's ·''-\'5 You Like It:' taking therole of Rosalind. lliss Adams wassupported hy a special company fromXew York. m·er 200 hgl1ring in thecast.THE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1910.THE DAILY MAROONThe Official Student Publication ofThe University of Chic:a.o ."Foaaedy ,Tbe UDi��ChiaIco WeeklyThe Weekly October I. 1892Tbe Daily Ociober I. J 902. EWIed .. SeCoad-da. Mail .. d.e Cbic:.soPOIIo8ice. au.:.o. lIIiDoia. MarcIa 18. 1903.� Act 01 M.Icb 3. 1873.SUBSCRIPTlON RATESBy curier. $2.SO per year. $1.00 per quuta.City mail $1.25 per quUt.er $3.00 per year iaadYaDC=.News c:oatributioIiIIDay be left.t Ellia Hd orFaculty Exchaage. addrCaed to The Daily Ma-eeee,STAFFA. LEO FRlDSTEIN, • M� EditorN: A. PFEFFER . • • . • News �orA G. WHlTFlEI.D. . • . Athletic EditormAS. L SUWV AN. JR. Busiaesa ManagerASSOClA TE EDITORSH�ye A. Long. H. Fdseothal.R J. Daly. H. C. BLUe.M. Houghlaod. W. J. Foule.REPORTERSD. L Breed..H. C. Wellington.H. L Keaaicott.Ruth Rdic:ker.Marjorie HillKeaadh Beebe.Paul D. Karsteu.C. W. HoughlaadMerl W. Reese.C. Y. Taylor.Pre. of McElroy Publishing Co .. 6219 Cot­t. Groye. T eJepboae Midway 3935.DAILY BULLETINInterclass Meet entries open un­til 6 today.Senior Class Meeting today at10:30 in Cobb 6:\.Sophomore Men will meet to­day at 10:30 in Kent.Women's Junior Basketball TeamPicture today at 1 :15 in the gym.Maroon Staff-All members andcandidates meet in Ellis 3 today at3 o'clock, . Important. .Candidates for'the Title of Asso-.:date will meet today at 10:30 inMandel corridor for the Junior col­lege closing. exercises. Attendancerequired.ANNOUNCEMENTSCap and Gown o�. sale at the Press.Reynolds· Club. Informal Saturdayevening. ,. .Interschclastic Fobs for sale at theReynolds club.Students going home 'leave changeof address with the mail man.Freshman Track Photo will be tak­en tomorrow at 9:30 in Bartlett.Senior Class Announcements onI f ? to 5 in the Maroonsa e rom -office.Interscholastic Party sta�ts forWhite City tomorrow evenmg at7:15. Meet in the club at 7.Geneva-Men who are �oing toGene\'a June Ii hand their namesto Nelson before tomorrow noon.Candidates for Degrees-Convoca­tion announcements will be sent tothe persons whose names and ad­dr�sses you furnish.Interscholastic Day Saturday. TheChicago Alumnae club breakfa;;t at11. Annual interscholastic track meetat 1:30 on Marshall field.Interclass Day tomorrow. Interclassathletics from 9 to lIon Marshallfield. Presentation of emblems at 11.Ivy exercises at 12. Law SchooiAlumni association annual dinner at6. Interclass promenade in Bartlettat 8:30.The Alumni building of the l-ni­vcr sity of Michigan has heen for­mally dedicated in the presence ofwhite-haired veterans of the Civilwar.Although Yale made four errors ina game wit.h Princeton recently, shecame off victorious by the score of4 to 2.Patronize Maroon advertisers. PRAISE FOR DR. BOLZAj 30 ACCEPT ADE'S INVITATIONREGRET AT DEPARTUREMembers of llatbematica Depart­ment and Former Students SayHia Loss Will 'Be Felt..Expressions of regret were heardyesterday over the announcement thatProfessor Oskar Bolza will retirefrom the University faculty and re­turn to Germany. Many friends andadmirers in the faculty declared thathis- retirement will be a severe lossto the University. Professor Moore.in speaking of the departure of Pro­fessor Bolza, said:"Professor Bolza came here in1888 from Clark university at thesame time that Professor HeinrichMaschke entered the department ofmathematics. These men had beenUniversity students together at Ber­lin and at Gottigen, had formed thewarmest of friendship there, andafter they came to Chicago contin­ued to be intimate associates and co­workers... By their scholarship and devotionto the highest research ideals, andtheir excellence as lecturers, theygave the department of mathematicsfrom the beginning a very high stand­ing. The loss to the department bythe death of Professor Maschke in1908, and bv the return of ProfessorBolza to Germany is the source ofgreat sorrow to all who are inter­ested in mathematics in this country.and are especially interested in thedepartment of mathematics in theuniversity.Author of Noted Treatise."Professor Bolza was one of theorganizers of the Chicago section ofthe American Mathematical society.which has been the focus of mathe­matics in the central west since 1896,and has been on the council of thesociety and vice-president. He wasone of the lecturers at the IthacaColloquium. He developed these lec­tures into a volume. on the calculusof variations, which appeared in thedecennial series of the Univeraity,and in 1909 prepared a revised andenlarged German edition of this treat­ise,"During his· residence in ChicagoProfessor Bolza's mathematical. spe­cializations have been in analysis,.particularly the hyperbolic integralsand functions and the calculus of va­riations. By his researches and thoseof his students America has takenin these lines an enviable position."Praise from Slaugbt,Assistant. Professor Slaught said:"I n 1892 I was one of the first fel­·lo\vs in 'mathematics in the U�i�er-sity, and took work under Professor. Bolza for three years. - Among otherthings I found him to be a superblecturer, It is doubtful if he has apeer in this country as a mathemati­cal lecturer, everything he says be­ing as clear and clean-cut as can be."The great interest he has alwaysshown in his students accounts forthe enthusiastic regard they displaytowards him. In response to the cir­culars sent out to former students inconnection with procuring the lovingcup many special letters were sentback in reply, in which the writersstated that they wished to give morethan the limited amount set for eachone, hecause they had received morefrom Professor Bolza than they couldpossibly show zratitude for"SENIORS SLOW INBUYING THEIR CLASSANNOUNCEMENTSOnly a few hundred of the Seniorclass announcements are left unsold.according to the report of the pro­�ra111 committee yesterday, and yetmore than half of the Senior .. taking­their degrees this quarter have notpurchased any of them. They arc onsale in the ::\Iaroon office every after­noon from 2 to 5 o'clock. The leath­er programs containing the classcommittees. the class roll and a num-.ber of steel engravings of Univervitybuildings, have not yet arrived fromPhiladelphia. hut will doubtless hehere hy noon today.Maroon advertisers are the depend­able kind. We don't seD space toany other variety. Indianans to Journey to Hoosier'sFarm June 25.Nearly 30 members of the Indianaclub signified their desire to acceptGeorge Ade's invitation to visit hisfarm at Hazelton, I nd., Saturday,June 25. Arrangements were made tocatch the special train that will beprovided for the trip by George Adeat the LaSalle street station Satur­day morning at 9 o'clock. A pro­gram has been arranged, which willbegin with a chicken dinner at noonand end with a buffet luncheon in theevening. I n the afternoon a trackmeet will be held, in which a teamfrom every Indiana club in Illinois isexpected to compete. Other minorevents are contained on the program,such as boat races-- vaudeville acts,etc. At the chicken dinner James'Vhitcolllb Riley, the poet; John T.McCutcheou, the cartoonist; and Sen­ator Beveridge will be the principalspeakers. The special trains are sche­duled to leave for their return tripsin the early hours of Sunday morn­ing.TO DISTRIBUTE.COOLER AT SNELLBANQUET TOMORROWSnell hall will close the year witha banquet to be given tomorrow even­ing in Hutchinson commons. "TheCooler" will be distributed during theevening. The speakers are as fol­lows: Victor G. 'Vest. toastmaster;Dr. J. E. Raycroft. "Some TimeWas;" Mark 'V. Savidge, ';A Voicefrom Above;" Alan Loth, "There AreGirls and Girls;" Edward Stein, "TheVerdant Freshman;" 'Yi11iam D.Reeve. "The Cooler." \Y. C. Rogers,chairman; C. H. Viol and F. B. Plum­mer are the committee in charge.Dr. Charles Hadden ParkerDENTIST4002 Cottage Grove Ave.Discount to Students.. Telephone A1dine 703THECORN EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANKof Cbicqa.Capital. Smplus aad Pro6b, $8.000.000.OFFICERSErnest A. Hamill. PresidentCharles L. Hutct.inson, Vice-PresidentChauncey J. Blair, Vice-PresidentD. A. Moulton, Vice-PresidentB. C. Sammons. Vice-PresidentJohn C. Neely, SecretaryFrank W. Smith, CashierJ. Edward Maass, Assistant CashierJames G. Wakefield. Assistant CashierSurbrug'sArcadia MixtureIts aromatic delicacy will surprise you.lt is the mOlt perfect blead of tobaccoyou eftf put in your pipe-the hiahatdut---it aands all by itseIf---theKiD. of mimares.For sale at all good shops on theCampus.The Surbrug Co., 81 Dey St.,N. Y.Cbicap OffICI, 34 Wabash An.UNION HOTEL' RESTAURANTWill 6ad Restaurants OD two SoonWill 6ad • special After-TheatreMenuWin 6ad Splendid SemceSeM"ing Onl,. tbe Best tbe Martet AffordsF ..... t Oft,,"t... I. tbe Cit,.Hold Tour Fnternltr andAlumni Dinners Here111-117 Ra adolph Street LUCIUS....HABANA·The highest quality all Havana segar in the world. Established arecord for sales in one year's time never equaled in the C I GAR his­tory of the world. They cost a little more than the ordinary cigar butthe increased sales more than offsets the smaller profit.Handled by every first-class Hotel, Restaurant, Buffet,Dining Car, Drug Store and Cigar Sto1ein the city. Be alive andstock them.SOLD BY THE HOUSE OF QUALITY.RYAN &, RAPHAEL CIGAR CO.39 Jackson Blvd., Chicago.Sold at Schweitzer's Drug Store, 1300 E. 57th Street.Sole distributors for Hr. Pd.LEST YOU FORGET... ;iC) SILK HOSE1:::a t'DCIl :cCOLORS: BLUE, BLACK, GREY, TAN s-a) ,,....c !,..It'D(-4 sOc. PAIR. : ...I63rd AND ELLIS AVENUESENIORSICom�ete your memo� book with pictures of­The Class Day Parade!The Law-Medic Battle. . .Davenport Breaking the Record IBunny R�!lers in Mid-Air.Straube Winning the 100 Yard Dash IJ Cle.rer, mON striking pictures were never printed. Special rate. to anstudents until July I, for artistic photographs. Watch for me at the Inte�Schola.tlc Meet. .E. STEUART TRAY & CO.Studio, Corner 63rd and Ellis Avenue.Leave orders for athletic pictures at the studio or theUniversity Press.Friction Bearings.or Ball' Bearings=­Which?"The ordinary friction bearing wiD. wear loose. Eachrevolution or vibraqon grinds out a isma11 portion of thebearing surface. After a while· it Wabbles-adjustmentpermanently ruined.The New ModelL C. Smith &: Bros. Typewriteris fitted with Ball Bear­ings throughout. Everyvital weirlng part-type­bar joints, carriage, andtypebar segment-bas thekind of bearings thatthousands of operationscause to run evensmoother tban at first.L C. SMITH & BROS. TYPEWRITER CO.143 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, m.. I/,ITHE - DAILY�MAROON; THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1910.-­CONCORD EVANSTONwD Aa.-lIo&da with Butt-"oIeTHE NEWARRowCOLLARSFOR SUMMER. High enouah forloob-low enouP for comfort andplenty of room for the tie toa11de in.lie. � 11� 210.CbaeI&. Pabod7 • Co. .&now CIdra. tic.Why Stay: Home?YOU _. CAN GO TO EUROPE00 the" new! luge �-screw· ooe-c:laa cabin" .. - : steamez.- of ·theFRENCH UNE: $.S'::.yO- $62.50·- . i -.. . _- _ Meals aDd berth induded.If you want' to p�i _!Dore ask .bout the ct. ..cANTle TWIN-5CREW Fi. VERS.M. W. KOZMINSKI. Geoeml Westem 4.. • 71 Deubol'Jl St.Passion Play at Oberammergau,May 16' to Sept. 25.ro-Night�Dine in theNEW INDIAN ROOMof theWELLINGTON HOTELW.buh Ave. & JacboD Blvd.To-NightrMaroon advertisers are the depend­able kind. We don't sen space toany other variety.QUAYLE CO. �JI'-CAGO.Steel I Engravers, Manufactur­inl Jewelrymen.714-715 SQIIIr ........GRADUATION INVIlAnONS, MED­ALS, ; TROPHIES, ETC., ETC.Maroon advertisers are the depend­able kind. We don't sell space toany other variety.STUDENTS GIVE US A TRIALQUEEN CAFETwo Blocks East of Reynolds Club.1320 East Fifty-Seventh St.LUIICH 2Oc. DINIIER 25c_ ENTRIES FOR NINTHINTERSCHOLASTICSHOW GOOD FIELD(Continued from Page 1.)class meet tomorrow morning. Inthe evening they will be' taken outto the White City and will returnabout 10 o'clock to Bartlett to viewthe interclass prom. Saturday morn­ing the men will see the city in auto­mobiles and will be guests at thesemifinal game in the interfraternityleague.First Out-of- Town Man Arrives.The first man of the out-of-townathletes, H. F. Scruby, of Long­mount. Colo., who tips the beam at206 pounds, arrived yesterday andwas out on Marshall field practicingin the weights. He has a record of51 feet in the l2-pound shot, 174 feetin the 12-pound hammer and 110 feetin the discus. He was all-aroundchampion at the Colorado champion­ship prep meet at Denver this spring.High Jump.Phelps, Rochelle; Eyerrnann andModisette, Western Military acade­my. Upper Alton; Emerson. Oregon;Rubel, Male High school, Louisville,Ky.: Stinchfield. Valparaiso, Ind.;Gentry, Sears, Cox and Farnsworth,Crane Technical; Doveland and Cry­der, Grand Rapids Central, Mich.;Foster and Tolman, Hyde Park;Huntington, Xew Trier Township.Kenilworth; Davis, Lyons Town­ship, La Grange; \Yood, \YendellPhillips; Allen, Clinton; Hutchings,Kokomo, lnd.; Wahl and Kelly,South Division, _ Milwaukee, Wis.;Higgs, Clyde; Loomis and Mathews,'University High; Lux and Corbin,Hart, Mich.; Reed, Evanston acad­emy; Inkster and Hill, Grand Prairieseminary, Onargo; Wilfiarns, Evans­ton academy; Byrd, Milford; Houn­old, Paris; .. Clayton, Culver Militaryacademy, Ind.; Ottenheimer, East'Chicago, Ind.; Riedel and Russell,Oak Park; _ Whiteman and Sloan,Biggsville ; Heyl, Madison, Wis.; L'l­zear, University .High..12-Pound .Shot Put.Barker, Castle' Heights school,·L�ba�on,-Tenri.; Eyerrnann and Ro­per, Western Military academy, Up­per Alton; Scott, Oregon; Simpson,Male High school, Louisville, Ky.;Scruby, Longmont, Colo.; Gardner,Valparaiso, Ind.; Roderick, Gales­burg; Blacklock, Grand Rapids Cen­tral, Mich.; Morris and McCleary,Drury academy, Aledo; Brooke,Deerfield Township, Highland Park;Beach, Muskegon, Mich.; Kanatzerand Koenigsdorf, Manual Training,Kansas City, Mo.; Nickerson, Cham­paign; Leamer, Kokomo, Ind.;Hughes, Clyde; Gray and Reed,Evanston academy; Hallstein, LaneTechnical; Norgren, \Valler; Ott­muller, Grand Prairie seminary,Onargo; Mitchell, Elkhorn. Wis.;Currier, \Vest Aurora; Kohler, Lan­sing, Mich.; Culp, Lake High; Byrdand Wilmoth, Milford; Mucks, Osh­kosh, \Vis.; Van Gent, Ottumna, Ia.;Martin, Englewood; Gridley, Sloanand Forward, Biggsville,Hammer Throw.L. Lazier. Rochelle; Barker, CastleHeights school, Lebanon, Tenn.; Ey­ermann, Western Military academy.Upper Alton; Simpson, Male Highschool, Louisville, Ky.; Scruby, Long­mont, Colo.; Lane. Thornton Town­ship. Harvey; McCleary and Harding,Drury academy. Aledo; Neevel, \Vau­pun. Wis.: \Vorth. Lyons Township,La Grange; Beach and Hendrick,Muskegon. :\Iich.; Barron. Correction­v ill e. Ia.; Kanatzar, Manual Training,Kansas City. 1\10.; Dickerson. Clin­ton; Xickerson, Champaign; Redel.South Division. Milwaukee. \\·is.:Hill. Oxley and Ott muller. GrandPrairie seminary, Onargo; ::\litchel1.Elkhorn. \Vis.; \\-ant. w-« Aurora;Kohler. I ...ans ing; :\Iich.; Byrd, :\Iil­ford: :\fucks. Oshkosh. 'Vis.: Link.Forreston; H enderson, Gridley andForward. Biggsville.Pole Vault.Sapp and Torres. Western Militaryacademy. Upper Alton: Emerson.Oregon; Rubel. ?Iale High school.Louisville. Ky.; Sears and Dyer,Crane Technical; Doveland, GrandRapids Central. :\Iich.: Thomas. \Vag­ner and Harrison. Hyde Park; Har­p�r, \Vest Des Moine�. Ia.: Hunting­ton. Xew Trier Township. Kenil- worth; Bent, Lyons Township, LaGrange; Cross, Muskegon, Mich.;Duggan. Whiting, Ind.; Hopkins,Kokomo. .Ind.; Wahl and Johnson,South Division, Milwaukee, Wis.t,Smith, Lake Forest academy; Prid­dy, Boroff.. Hopkins and Dickson,University High: Inkster, GrandPrairie seminary, Onargo; Culp,Lake High; Schobinger, Harvardschool; \Vilmoth, Milford; Hender­son and Forward. Biggs ville; Heyland Blied, Madison. Wis.; Buchheit,Beardstown.Discus.Barker, Castle Heights school. Leb­anon, Tenn.; Eyermann and Modi­sette, Western Military academy,Upper Alton; Scott, Oregon; Simp­son, Male High school. Louisville,Ky.; Scruby, Longmont, Colo.;Blacklock, Grand Rapids Central,Mich.; Smith, Hyde Park; McClearyand Harding, Drury academy, Aledo;Xeevel, \Vaupun. Wis.: Beach andHendrick, Muskegon, Mich.; Barron,Correctionville, Ia.; De V orkin, Sol­dan High, St. Louis, Mo.; Kanalzarand Roenigsdorf, Manual Training,Kansas City, Mo.; Stark. Perry,Kans.: Kent, Clinton; Nickerson,Champaign; Loamer, Kokomo, Ind.:Schroeder, South Division, Milwau­kee. Wis.: Stanton, University High;Lux and Rice, Hart, Mich.; Reed.Evanston academy; Mitchell. Elk­horn, \Vis.; \\Yard and Currier, \VestAurora; Kohler, Lansing. Mich.;Byrd and Wilmoth. Milford; Mucks,Oshkosh. Mich.; Van Gent, Ottum­wa, Ia.; Bachman, Englewood; Coch­ran and Forward, Biggsville ; Giryo­las, Clyde.Running Broad Jump.Healy and Carpenter. Rochelle;Bowie. Castle Heights school, Leb­anon, Tenn.; Modisette, Western Mil­itary academy, Upper Alton; Scottand Emerson, Oregon; Roth, MaleHigh school. Louisville. Ky.; War­fell and FitzGibbons. Grand RapidsCentral. Mich.: Abbott. ThorntonTownship, Harvey; Walker, PondCreek, Okla.: \Voodword and Me­Main, West' Des Moines, Ia.; l\lorris,Drury academy. Aledo; Harris,\Vaupun, \Vis.; Shaffer, Krautheimand Ashley, Muskegon, Mich.; Neu­hoff, Soldan High, St. Louis, Mo.;Gibbs, Manual Training High, Kan­sas City, Mo.; Stark, Perry, Kans.;Cohn, Wendell Phillips; Applegate,Kokomo, Ind.; -\Vahl and Kelly,South Division, Milwaukee, Wis.;Stratton, Momence; Langford andStanton. University High; Hallstein,Lane. Technical; Oxley, Grand Prai­rie seminary, Onargo; Wilford, WestAurora; Williams, Evanston acade­my; Evans, Lewis Institute academy;Byrd, Milford; Brodhead. Culver Mil­itary academy, Ind.; Russel, OakPark; Griscel, Biggsville; Howard,Croswell, Mich.Relay Race.Rochelle-Rosenberg, Lazier, Hea-,ly, Phelps. Carpenter; Cedar Rapids,Ia.-Monroe, Hasek. Sherman, Jos­selyn; Western Military academy, Up­per Alton-Brady. Crawford, Hasgall,Roper, Turner; Male High school,Louisville, Ky.-Roth, Dreventsedt,John, Moore, Rubel; Grand RapidsCentral. Mich.-Bassett, Johnston.McXabb, Warfell, Rich, Radcliffe;Hyde Park-Hopkins. Roberts,Smith: West Des Moines, Ia.-Red­forn, McBain. Reed, Harper; Thorn­ton Township. Harvey-Abbott, Son­neborn, Honer, Borton; Lyons Town­ship, La Grange-Wagenknight, Gal­loway, Fish; Drury academy, Aledo-­Phillips, Dunn, Morris; Soldan High.St. Louis. Mo.-Lincoln, Neuhoff, De­Vorkin; \\'endel1 Phi1lips-\Vayman,Breathed. H eyman, Cohn; Clinton­Dickerson. Wasson, Morris; LakeForest academy-Haynes. 1 ngersoll,Smith. Shaw. Gluck: Univers ity High-Plunkett. Campbell. Knight. Loom­is, Langford, Lipski: Hart. )lich.­Lux. Pittenger. Fray: Grinnel acarle­my. Ta.-Earnest. ::\larhsall: Beards­town-Buchheit. Parker. Crurn.Fraternity, Club and Society allpatronize our Dinnerparties.YE ROSAUE INNII , Comer 57th and Rosalie ct.'Maroon Want Ads Bring Results. The NEW Cigarette}of QualityI� MAnQ,UISEIQuallte SuperfineEXCELLENT IN TASTE AND MANUFACTUR.E._ ,.BUTLER-BUTLER IINC.-�----------------------------------!IITHE INTER-CLASS DANCEIS TOMORROW EVENINGSbe Will be best pleasedIf you buy her flowers fromAndrew McAdams,53rd St. & Kimbark Ave.A FLORIST WHOM YOU WILLALWAYS BUY FROM AGAINGOOD FOR Over-Study, UDder-Sbi�y� or _Nc)-Study"Irresistibly DelJc:ioua" "Wholesome as Bread and Butter!�FOR SALE ON THE GROUNDS -Heat RegulationHow About Your Clothes?Stop a minute and consider the vai­ue of having proper clothes. Clothesthat are distinct, individual, snappy­without being loud. Clothes that lookas if they belonged to you-and feelthat way, too.Making distinct, individual, snappyclothes is a specialty of ours-and atsensible prices. Drop in some dayand we will be glad to show you theSPRING and SUMMER FABRICS.An investigation of our EnglishTweeds. Serg�s, Scotch Cheviots andBannockbums will convince you ofthe exceptional values we offer in Col­lege Suits at 30. 3S and 40 Dollars. The Johnson Pnaumatic SystemThe Recopized StandardHot Water T aoIt RegulatonRedacill8 VaI ... es for Air. Water. SIt-amControl of HumidityJOHNSON SERVICE CO.H. W. ELLIS, Mgr.Chicalo Office, 93 Lake Street.Tailor lor ToaDS MeDSTORES 1 31 LaSalle Street, 44 Jack­.on BlTd.Maroon advertisers are the depend­able kind. We don't seD space toany other variety.THE DAILY MAROON� THURSDAY. JUNE 9, 1910 .EXPECT MANY GUESTSAT W. A. A. BANQUETAnnual Spread of Women in Lexing­ton Tonight-To Dance afterDinner in Commons.Over 100 guests are expected by the\V. A. A. at its annual banquet to begiven this evening in Lexington gym­nasium. Owing to the enforced ab­sence of President Harry Pratt Jud­son the address of greeting will beg iven by Dr .. A. C. Mc Laug hlin. Mis sCharlotte llerrill will answer hisspeech. Dr. Anderson. physical di­rector at Yale univers ity, will talk onthe subject of .. Fairy Tales." Theprogram will he completed by aspeech on "The Rules of the Game,"by )Iiss Sophronisba Breckiuridge.After the speeches Olive Davis,vice-president of the associat ion. willpresent the champion .. hip banners tothe winning teams. The hockey andbaseball banner .. will go to the Jun­ior teams. while the basketball bannerwili he g iven to the Seniors. The bas­kethall cup and the baseball shieldwill also he presented to the winningteams. It is probable that JosephineKern. who is this year's tennis cham­pion, will receive a \V .. A. A. pin.These pins will also be awarded towomen who have made especiallygood individual records. on theteams.To Dance in Commons.The program and the five-coursemenu will be accompanied with Chi­cago songs. The Glee club quartethas been asked to help with this partof the entertainment. After the ban­quet the guests will adjourn to theLexington commons to spend therest of the evening dancing. Thedecorations are to be of snowballsand white peonies, and it is expect­ed that the gymnasium and com­mons will present an exceptionallyattractive appearance.Dr. Anderson. the chief guest ofhonor, will arrive this afternoon at1 o'clock. He will be accompaniedby his brother, H. S. Anderson. whois also an instructor in the depart­ment of physical culture at Yale.Dr. Anderson is the brother of llissKate Anderson, the first bead of thewomen's department of physical cul­ture in this University. He was pres­ent at the banquet given in 1908,where he was enthusiastically re­ceived.. ;I Throuzh- __, -Serviceto practically all importaDt poiataia theWestNorthwestSouthwestproYidiac all that i. be.t ia modernrailwa,. trayelElectric.lichted Sleepiac ears. Li.brary- Buffet - ObaerYatioa Cars aDdfree Recliaiac Chair Can.DiDialr Car. are carried oa allthrouah traiaa and ROCK ISLANDmeal.-·beat on wheel ..T 0- reach destiaatioa with thecreatest comfort ia the .hortest timetakeRock Island LinesLimited TrainsFor tickets, reservations orinformation call, phoneor writeL. H. McCORMICK,Geaeral Ace at Pauealrer Dep't.91 Adams Street.Phone Ceatral 4446.NOW ON SALEFor $30a Sui tAbout 500 patterns of Eng­- lish Worsteds and ScotchTweeds reduced from higherlines to even up our stock.Early visitors will havelargest assortment to choosefrom.�ICDLL The'Dlilor• ...,..oJDJlBMB" SOlCsc.LARIC. AND ADAMS STS$25-.50 NEW YOR_KAND RETURNVIABALTIMORE & OHIORAILROADTickets on sale daily from JUDe 1 toSepcf'mber 30. 1910. Return limit thirtydays from date of sale.Stop-over at Pittsbmgh. Wabington.Baltimore and PhiJ.delpbia." VACATION TOURSTo Boston, M ••••• and the J .....•• y Coast R.sortsCOVERINGTwenty - Five or MoreRoutesincluding travel by Rail. Bay, Ocean,Sound. River and LakeAt Greatly Reduced FareTickets sold daily from June 1 to Sep­tember 30. Re:um limit sixty days fromdate of sale but not later than October 31.1910. Stop-over allowed at all principalpoints.For descriptive circular and further in­formation call on or ac:Jdreq W. W.Pickin� Distrid Passenger Agent. 244Clark Street. Telephone Harrison 1051.Ticket offices. 244 "':lark Street and�rincipal hotels. �epot Grand CentralPassenger Station. Harrison Street andFifth Avenue.B. N. AUSTIN,General Passenger Agent.DISTINCTIVEBUT NOTLOUDThe Kind of ClothesGentlemen W earBenedict Wald,1445 E. Fifty-Fifth SLAdvertise in The Maroon. BETAS WIN TOSSFOR FINAL GAME INFRATERNITY SERIESThrough winning a toss-up BetaTheta Pi will go in the semifinals ofthe interfraternity baseball league.On account of a tie in the first divi­sion Delta U. and Beta decided toflip a coin to see who would play ChiPsi for the semifinals. Each teamhad won two games and lost one.and as the time was so short for thefinishing of the schedule this methodwas taken to decide the champion­ship.Sigma Alpha Epsilon had not yetplayed Psi Ups ilon. so that the cap­tains of the teams matched instead ofplaying the game. The latter teamwon out and S. A. E. was debarredfrom any chance of winning the pen­nant.The Betas will play Chi Psi Satur­day. This game will probably takeplace 011 llarshall field, and the win­ner will he elig'ible fClr the finals.The captains of the teams met yes­terday morning in order to hurry upthe schedule. It was decided thatthe final" must he played by Tuesday.June 14.LEARN TODANCEWOODS' ACADEMY63rd St. and Washington Ave.WEEKLY DANCES THURSDAY ANDSATURDAY.8esrinnen CIa. 1:30 to 9 bdote the Reeepbon ihanday and Saturday.Woods' Orchestra.Patronize Maroon advertisers. SUBSCRIBERS FAILTO TAKE COPIES OFTHE CAP AND GOWNXear ly 150 students of the Uni­versity who signed subscriptionblanks for copies of the 1910 Cap andGown have failed to call for theirbooks. according to the statement ofBusiness Manager Clark yesterday.The sale of the annual has been rap­id. nevertheless, he said. and the re­maining copies have been placed onsale in the retail store of the Uni­versity press. where they can be ob­tained from 8 to 5 o'clock every day.Much favorable comment on thequality of the book has bee" madethis year to the editors and businessmanagers. Faculty members, stu­dents and alumni have written to theeditors complimenting them upon theexcellent material and makeup ofthe book.Advertise in The Maroon.C�ASSIFIED:ADVERTISINGW ANTED--Se\'eral more studentsfor summer work on fine sellingpropositron, traveling or in city.Positions pay from $18 to $35 week­ly. Le Conde Co .• Chicago. Forparticulars write card to studentrepresentative, James Donn, 6749Perry A ve.FOR RENT-Pleasant room withgood board and home cooking.5412 Washington avenue.WANTED--A young man who isambitious to make money duringvacation to work in the city. Ap­ply to 610-171 LaSalle St.LA WN TENNIS-It's a grand oldgame. For better health and thebest of times mail 25c now for abook from which anyone can learn.Mail orders only. l\f cDowell Spe­cialty Co., 6151 Greenwood A ve.WANTED-College men to sell ournew lawn sprinkling device; juston the market; absolutely no com­petition. \Vill be a wonderful sum­mer seller and money maker.Write at once for full particulars.Rain-Bow Spra Mfg. Co., N. H.Clement, Greenville. Mich.SOLICITORS WANTED-Specialoffer to college men desiring re­munerative work during the ensu­ing vacation among banks, businessand professional men. X 0 canvass­ing. no bocks or insurance. Noth­ing to sell. $li5 to $200 month.High grade, legitimate and remun­erative. Replies only from clean­cut, active workers. 14 Me DougalBldg., Peoria. 111.Going HOOle?The direct route toLAFAYETIE,LOUISVILLE,INDIANAPOLIS,CINCINNA TJ,DAYTONand all Southem'points is theIt ... :lm';lllllljCity Ticket office182 Clark Street,Telephone Harrison 3309Depots: Dearborn Station,47th St. and 63rd St,MONEY MADEEASILY Sf SJ1;:ll2r.:)NSEEKING FORSCRIBNER'S MAGAZINEFOf putic.Jan ...-. u-J c.h ec-.ie­no.. etc. • ..._.. 0IIC'e De.1I: 43. Scrihan'.�.I5S Fif1h Aft .• N-Yon City. UThe man who smokes thinks like asage and acts lik..e ,a Samaritan. III'i' � "-BULWER LYTTON.PHILIP MORRISORIClNAL LON DONCIGARETTESYou 'can judgetheir class by theclass of the menwho smoke them.CAMBRIDGE AMBASSADORSAM ZOELLNERfor 7 years connected, with: Sylvester J. Simon" is now in._ " - �hargeof the- "Physical' Culture Departmentof theNew Monroe Baths-·104-.06 �t Madison .Street,and is- prepared to give The NewMonroe Quick DevelopmentSystem ofHealth Building for Business MenFor Appointments Phone Randolph 3012WM. TAYLOR. MGR.BOWMAN DAIRY COMPANY• •• • ••Milk .. Bottled .. in .. the .. Counby.Milk Cream Butter - . ButtermilkDo z;ou-? Iour W8.Slons serve IWhy not 'have the best?Street •••••OAK4221 - 4229 StateEVANSTON r, CHICAGO .. . PARKII Start Right and You Will End Right."Get Your Breakfast at the(univerSity MenJsCommons)The Best of Everything- - in Season." ,, ,.. ..