';amen\i' .:» :"�"'*-,__ __ '-._VOL VIII-No. 148. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO. �EDNESDAY, 'MAY 25. 1910 , I Price, 5 Cents... JW(J EYEtn'S 'FOI ALUIIIO BAt ELECTEXEaritvE BOARDCAP AND GOWN TODAY WIM FRO. 1IOOfESOTA, 3 to 1 lIIIi r Ill" A "IIAIES GREAT, stlEmFlc DISCOVERYtILAcmwtS ,CHOOSEWIII1l1ELD AS ABBOTr DiDDer ill EveaiDc Is Caned Off illFavor of LUDCheon at Noon-Base­ball Game ill Afternoon and Re­union ill EveniDc....... ,1= ...... Sa&W £Iee­tel PriIr, ScriIIe -&.tit­_le.,ldiY •. .. Gertr.Ie t:.er.. WiIWn ..F.... ... fer Uterar, LIiIDr­....--w.t 0tIIenri.e Sa.e.---l.ONLY TWO FOI IUSlNESS MANAGERArrangements for an alumni reun­ion of considerable size on Convoca­tion day, June 14, are being made byFrederick Speik, 'OS. chairman of theday. in conjunction with committeesfrom the classes of 1905. 1900 andI�S. and' the secretarv of the Alum­ni, council, As the laying of the cor­nerstone of the' new library willl.rir.g to the campus :nany alumniwho wl''rld not come otherwise. thisday is expected to see the, most im­portant alumni gathering ever heldhere, Election cf Rosenthal and HuttODAlready Assured-Voters MustHave 10 to 21 Majors.iaCiDdDIc- BoWlby, the COJDpC)Rr, SixWere Chosen � GD. �int Ballot-Meet Today.The list of candidates for the Capand Gown election this morning hasbeen changed. Miss Gertrude Emer­son. who was in the lists for the lit­erary editorship, has withdrawn fromthe race. Her intention was notThe noon luncheon of the U niver- known in time to have her nameEarle H. Bowlby,: =-;t!; ,,�!l be set asicle as the alumni scratched from the' ballot. and so thePaul Davis, luncheon, and for this purpose the names of four candidates for that of-R. S. Milner, dinner of the College Alumni associa- fice will appear.C. O. Smith, tion in 'be evening has been aban- Five of the ten remaining nom-Edward Hall. dcned, The-Iuneheon will, begin at-l inees for the offices on the executiveGrover Baumgartner. o'clock, There will be speeches by board will be chosen today betweenAt the annual election of th� Black:" President Judson, guests of the Uni- the hours of 9 and 5 o'clock in thefnars held . yesterday .afternoon the versity and alumni. At 3:30 .o'clock ' Senior offices in the north corridor offollowing officers for the coming year the annual ball game will be held on Cobb hall. The following officers arewere' chosen: Abbott, Aleck G. Whit- Marshall field. and present indica- to be elected: two managing editors.field; prior" M.! E. . Robinson,' Jr.; tions are that the class of 1905' will two business managers and one Iit­scribe, H. R. Baukhage; hospitaler, challenge all comers on the dia- erary editor. The list of candidatesJun,ius, C. ' Scofield; , and' lay member mond, .' - is as follows:of the executive committee. Raymond �OD in E.ening. IIanaging Editors. (Vote for Two.)Daly. The retiring office'rs are De- The big reu·nion of the day is to A. R. Baar,witt Lightner, Everett Patchen, R. t kIt '130 ' I k I h Ra ,e p ace a : 0 c oc 10 t e ey- W. J. Fonte,E, Myers and Jerome Strauss, who nolds club under the direction of the E., H. Leith,have served their-' terms as abbot. pri- College Alumni association, with Alan Loth,or, scribe and· hospitaler, respective- Warren Behan, who is president of L. M. Wheeler.��. " the College association, and at the BUIIiDess Manacer. (Vote for Two.)_ �_HcW 1Icmbcn. .' same .�ime president of the Alumni E. R. H. ,.!!l�_��n- !�e,��l�on. �f th�" council, as t�e �r.!'sidi�g officer, The R. J. R::�:ha1.orlicers, 'siFlDelr����: �gr.lJ.n;.,...�.���.lDc;J�l_!L��J�� S�Ort. , ': ',..."The 'Pseudo Suflrag�ttes"'. 'were "tal!.s iii· considerable coo�iieni:e to - -:...Lituaty�C'...:0l9W��.��).,chosen .as 'members, of the ollianiza- tile alumni, m�sica. '1ium�s and � J. E. Dymond, - 'tion. It was intended that ·the first play!' hy lTt�nbers" ci the � Chicago H. �ayton,seven beehosen.at this �eeti�g. but '�'iUmi!ae clnb, �i� w�l be followed! D. ·H. Mccarn.two tied . for seventh place, These hy dan·:;q�, while cigars ,will be dis- Tellers elected at the meeting ofmen were admitted on the first bal- tril,"ied in the. 'alumm. roo� to the, the Sophomore class two weeks. agolot: Earle H.-Bowlby, the composer men who wish to smoke. � will have charge- of the. polls today.of the 'music of "The Pseudo Suf- A meeting of great imP9ftance to' ThOse on .duty when the polls closefragetteS;"''Paul'Davis'>who'-played' the .a:umni�tensl.·u... .,v.:orli of the· will remain to.count the votes.' The[he part of Professor Kant; R:. S� Mil-' University will take. place at 4 o·c1oc� results a.s soon as they are deter­. ner, (h� _ ps�4o ,'. su'flragette., Lefty ,in the. alumni r�m., an� ,�il�: be com- mined'. may be learned by' telephon­. �ogers; C. O. Smith, the costumer. posed,-of delegates from the 'alumni ing to the office of The Daily Ma-Peter Schmidt· -, Ed. Hall, who ap- clubs and the secretaries of the Va- roon. The tellers and their hours-peared' in the' role of �Snap Frazer; rious classes., The: meeting will be are as follows:·'and Grover Baumgartner, who took presided over by Secretary Hansen. 9. a. m.-n a. m.-Clara Allen 'andthe part of Beatrice I.e Boeuff. For who is chairman of �he committee on E. V. Jennings.the seventh place there were two alumni clubs of the Alumni council. 11 a. m.-l p. m.-Florence Grossmen for whom at tie vote was cast. At this time a compact organization and F. S. Benson.:£. L. Beach and R. M. Harmon. to extend the interests of the UDi- 1 p. m.-3 p. ro.-A. D. O'Neill andThis vote will be decided at the next nrsity and the alumni will . be Orno Ro�rt��eeting_ . formed. During the last year there 3 p. m.-S p. m.-Alice KantrowitzThe 'order will meet again today at has been unusual activity among the and R. V. Fonger.� o.clock in the Blackfriar room in alumni clubs. and it is expected that A list of eligible voters is posted'lltichell. tower. At. this meeting the about 26 clubs will enter into the as- in Cobb hall. This comprises all stu-. second and third sevens will be se- sociation. a large number of which dents who have between 10 and 21lected from the cast and chorus. The will send delegates to this meeting. majors' credit in the University. Lastfourth and last seven will be proba:' year a number of voters made mis-bly chosen tomorrow. There will be takes in marking their ballots. asno . proxies allowed at this meeting. PARADERS NOT DISCOURAGED they voted for two literary editorsEach Friar who desires to vote must --- where only one is to be elected. Itbe present. PostpOned C1ua Displays WiD Take was thought necessary to warn the, ·It· has' been definitely decided that' PIKe OD Pardae-W"1KONiu Day. students that by voting for two can-the' annual banquet of the Blackfriars _ ' • didates for this office both botes arewill be' held Thursday nigh:. June 2. Purdue-Wisconsin day next. Satur- made, void.at the Gtand Pacific hotel, beginning day will witness the parade and floats -----­promptly at 6 o'clock. At .this annual of the classes planned for last week. SENIORS WILL HEARaffair the n�wly choseri men are in- The events Saturday on the' field will PRESIDENT JUDSON ATitiated .into the' order, and the new again be a track meet and a baseball MEETING FRIDAYofficers are installed. game, but' this time the ·me'et is whhPurdue' and the game witb \Viscon-O&icers.'Abbott-s-A. G. Wbtfield.Prior-Me E. Robinson.Scribe-H. R. Baukhage,Hospitaler- J. C. Scofield.New 1ICDiben.sin... -\11 of the class. exhibits will be inthe parade as planned. The bannergiven hy llr. Stagg for the prize floatis sti11 to be competed for. and theclasses have not been discouraged bythe bad weather, but will bring out,their floats this week.The tickets sold 'for" last Saturdayhold good. and the costumes andhorns are in storage . waiting,,' u.nti�; Saturday. It is �ed'�bat ,��parade wJ11 be,. fully as. long as i itwould have �. last weeIc.. �us�there will be more chance to sell thetickets� - _, _ - �", . President Harry Pratt Judson willdelh'er an address to the members ofthe Senior class on Friday at 10:30o'clock in Cobb 6.-\. President Jud­son's address will be the next to thelast event on the program of Senior.social events for the present quar-'ter. A week from Friday the Sen­iors wnt hold a class supper in Lex­ington. I n addition to this an after­nOOn dance is being planned for sometime in June. The class supper in�Rton flas been decided upon in­ttead of th� pJan of having the Sen':'iors attend the Wisconsin baseballgame in a body, 'as has been p!eviouslly.' intended. :FRESHMAN TENNISTEAM' MEETS "HIGHSCHOOL ON FRIDAYThe Freshman tennis team has, ar­ranged to play the team from \Ven­dell Phillips High school Friday. Theteam at that time will probably becomposed of Green, Baldwin, Sel1ersand Byford. • There is some doubt,about Byford·s eligibility, however.and if he does not.play. his·place willbe filled by Wright- or· Williamson.I n the matches already played Greenhas won from Baldwin, 6-3, 2-6, �.' Vanity NiDe Takes C1eaD Game fromGopbera OD IIardWl Field-PaceADo .. Oaly Two Hits-PecuesKnocks Out a Homer. h-&te PnLrnr ,.. De,art ..M.e.t S.CII" ia ..\ wm.IuI. I ..HOtbs IT UIDEI OBSERVATIONI n a clean fast game with the Var­sity yesterday Minnesota went downto defeat by a 3 t o I score. TheJ!ame was practically devoid I of.spectacular plays and periods of sus­pense. the Varsity scoring first andshowing their superiority all the waythrough. Page had everything hisway throughout most of the game.and except for one or two streaks ofwildness was invincible. letting theG:phers down with two hits.The first score for Chicago cameas a home run in the opening round.Captain Pegues came to the bat anddrove out a hard one just inside third,coming over the pan before the out­fielder could get the ball in. Four ,in­nings then passed without a runnerrounding the bases. Orno Robertsalmost scored in the fourth. He gotto first on a hit. stealthily stole thefarthest bag and on a wild throw scur­ried to third and started home, butwas thrown out at the plate.Boyle Brings in Run.Baird led off with a bingle in thesixth. Pegues sacrificed him to sec­ond and Boyle kindly landed out ahit that fetched the runner home. Thework was repeated the next time Chi­cago came to bat. Roberts went downwhen the third baseman juggled hisgrounder. Sauer pushed him to sec­ond wtih a sacrifice, and he got thirdby Peterson failing to reach Page·sfly. Kassulker hit an easy one andRoberts was again shut off in reach.of the. _pan. Page went to third and. brou'gb't 'iiitlie--'Iast- tally- wlien: Cu�_-lings hit. ., . ...." -:The Minnesota score was set down;in the second., Diehl beat a 'bunt tofirst, was advanced by Marsh and thencame' home when 'Hup�s �ounded:to Pegues, the 'ball going too far· out;for the 'shortstop to get a, firm gripon it. The G9phers almost scored inthe first." Stockland was walked tofirSt. but was' caught at 'seCond' on,Dixbury's grounder. ,Hartney then'got a hit, and before Pettijohn .wascaught at first and Page struck outPeterson, Dixbury had got around tothird.Page Fans Eight.Eight men went down before ··Pat"Page's southpaw curves, and after thefirst two innings he had everythinghis own way. Steinbrecher, caught hisfirst Varsity game and held "ery­thing that came over; at the same timeholding the Gopher' runners off sec-ood. "Kassulker pulled off a good assistin the seventh. He threw out Diehlas he attempted to reach second anddashed the Minnesota's hopes of scor­ing again. Boyle made a pretty one­handed catch in the ninth. Stein­brecher and Sauer furnished amuse­ment for the crowd in the third when Pro�es Truth of Kinetic Theory ofK.tt�ReAdtofFovY�of Research.The ultimate -uuit of electricacharge has been measured by Assodate Professor Robert A� Millikanwho announced the results of his investigations last night in an addressbefore the, Chicago chapter of SigmaXi. The existence of ions as carriersof electrical charges was demonstrated by Faraday in '1830. but Professc r Millikan has for the first time sueceeded in isolating one of these ions.By means of special apparatus Pro­fessor Millikan bas not only beenable' to -isolate one of .. these- ultimateunits of electrical charge, but has alsoproven that an electrically chargedbody is'-not·homogeneous,. but has adefinite, structure. i. e., that a chargedbody has its charge peppered overits surface. so to speak. He has alsocomputed the value pf the unit ittelectrical terms. Professor Millikan'sconclusion marks a step in the prog­ress of science towards the explana­tion of the nature of electricity.Faraday. in advancing-.the .ionic .the­ory of electricity. marked the begin­ning of the modern conception ofelectricity, which had before beenconsidered as a "fluid" and later as a"strain in the ether." . The. address.•.• ---' d·livered:,iD�' .eonneetionwith' the sp;:r.;g�ed1ng o(Sii1iia'Xi� r- �. --;::;:.�the zraduate scientific research soci­ety, at the Quadrangle club. was insubstance' as follows:, Su'blltaDce- of·Addrea..'Members:of the' Sigma Xi:'Through the Courtesy" of your ex­,ecutive council: I' ,ha�e . the ,privilegeof presenting' for the. first time tliecompleted, tliough' a� yet unpublished_s:esult of one' phase of an investiga­tion . upon which a preliminary reponwas made a month ago at the Wash­ington meeting cf· the AmericanPhysical society--an investigation up­on which I' have been intermittentlyengaged for the past four years. andupon which Mr. Harvey Fletcher andmyself have worked almost uninter­ruptedly for the past five mo'nths.This investigation differs from mostof the equally i�portant ones "'hichare carried out in a physical l�bora­tory in that the method is so simpleand the conclusions follow so direct­ly and so inevitably from the exp�ri­men.tal data that even the man on thestreet can scarcely fail to understandthe method and to appreciate the re­sults. In fact. the idea of the experi­ment is so simple that it is ratherstrange that it lias not been hit uponbefore. ' However. like most of theresults of scientific study. it was ap­proached by a series of more or lesselaborate and intricate steps which socertainly demonstrated the feasihilityof this simpler and more direct meth­od of attack that before I had triedany of these recent experiments I hadthe temerity to tell at least two oithe person!'- in this a\ldiencc that weshould ohtain within a f�w monthsprecisely the results which I am pre­sented tonight. These res\llts maybe summarized as follows:Has Isolated Ion.1. \Ve have succeeded in isolatingan individual ion. a�d holding it un­der obse�ation fo� an indefinitelength of time-an hour or more iidesired.2. \Ve h:n-e heen ahle to gh·e a(Continued on PalrC" 3.)(Continued on hire 3.)�TLING BOUTS STARTEDTwo Draws Result ill Bouts FoughtyaterdayAiteniOOD.Two of the preliminary houts forthe wrestling championship resultedin draws yesterday afternoon. Pe­terson and \Vatkins of the middle­weight dh'ision wrestled for 25 min­utes to a draw, and DeGraw and Hallof the welterweight division wrestledfor as long. when injury to DeGrawput him out of the match. Bothbouts will be ron off tomorrow.The houts listed for tomorrow are:welterweight" Holmes�&:hnering, Ull­, man-."' ... ;�arron, Saar- J. Barron; light­,weight. Price-Lewis, Kayton-Rindes�packer.: ,SUBSCRIPTION RATESa, c.aier. $2.50 per Jar. SI.oo pa qtIIIda.CiIy...a SI.25 per qudr:r S3.oo pa Jar ia. 8cIiuCe.STAFFA. LEO FRlDSTEIN. M.....a. EdiIIorN. A. PFEFFER •.• • • • NeW. F.diaA Go WHITFIELD. • • • Athletic F.diaASSOCIATE EDITORS�A."'" H.FeIIe.daaI:R J. o.a,. H. C. a.ae.J. M. ......... nd. W. J. Foate.REPORTERSKeudIa Beebe. .. D. L s.eed.Paul D. Kaaeea. H. G. WeIIiaatoa.c. W. HoaPIaad '. H. L Kemaicott.Mer! W. Ree.e. RIIIb Retick�.C. Y. T.,Ior. MarjoDe HilLPIal 01 ��bIj.h" Co.. 6219 Cot-taaec.o� Y;, Midway 3935.Harlan' Orville. 'Page, . otherwiseknown as "Pat," one of Chicago's. greatest ath-Unezpected Tribute. letes, has al-ways. been' rec­ognized as such at Chicago, and ourrivals in athletics have often mar­veled at the ability and the skill ofthat little bunch' of grit. But thereis one old-time rival of Chicago whohas often been accused with more orless justice of being unsportsmanlikeor showing signs 'of that ailment attimes. Yet there appeared' in a re­cent issue of the Daily Illini an edi­torial on the subject of "Pat" Pagewhich reveals a fundamental spirit ofreal sportsmanlike' appreciation ofworth in rivals as well as in the"home team." Doubtless the readersof The Maroon. will . be interested inwhat the lllini had to say about Page."Every true blue' lover of sport inthe University of Illinois," says theIllini, "has a sincere respect and awarm admiration for "Pat' Page, the'gamest' athlete who has ever foughtunder the maroon colors of Chicago.He has been more to Chicago thanmost people realize. In every collegesport in which he has taken part he.has been a leader. He has been, andis, a leader because he 'fights" hisbest to the last ditch-and across it."He is a ·striking example of whata man with pluck and determinationcan make of himself. These qualities,combined with an almost vindictivestick-to-it-iveness, rather than excep­tional r:ative ability, physical prowessor unusual strength, are responsiblefor the respect which his opponentsfeel for him.•• 'Pat' Page has always been a hardfighter. In every game which hehas played against the lIlini he hasfought with all his strength and skilluntil the last whistle. In the excite­ment of the contests he has oftenbeen what the llIini fans ha"\'e con­sidered unnecessarily rough andtricky, but this is hardly a just accu­sation."The dark-haired. hard-fighting lit­tle bunch of muscle who has foughtso valiently for Chicago was pittedagainst the IlIini for the last time inso valiantly for Chicago was pittedhn;3h to the part which 'Pat' Pagehas played in athletic contests withJI1inois. That famous 17-innin�game will never he forgotten hy thefollowers of the Orange and th(! Blue.nor will the doughty little athlete.'Pat' Page. who pitched !'o gamelyagainst them to the finish."All honor to 'Pat' Page, typical ofthe best there is in college sport!"'II· THE DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDA Y. MAY 25, 1910.ANNOUNCEMENTS'Blacldriar Score on sale at thepress.Score Club Thursday at 10:33. inthe club.Reynolds Club Informal will beheld Friday evening.Mathematical- Club will meet Fri­day at 4' in Ryerson, room 32.Baseball-Wisconsin vs. ChicagoSaturday at 4 on Marshall field.Track Meet-Purdue vs. ChicagoSaturday at 1:30 on Marshall field. .K-�3-K Palaver, private diningroom. commons, tomorrow at 1o'clock.Le Cercle de ConvenatioD Fran­caise will meet Friday at 4 in Spel­man house.Picnic of the Neighborhood clubsin Palos park postponed from May28 to J �rie 4.Senior - Class Meeting Friday .it10:30 in Cobb 6:\. President Jud�on. will give an address.Professor Small will lecture on"The Constructive Phase of SocialScience" Friday at 4 in Cobb 6.-\.Moving Picture talk on "JapaneseOrphanage" by Mr. Onoda, vice­president of Okayana orphanage, Fri­day at 4 in Kent.. Y cning -Men's christian Assoclationbusiness meeting tomorrow from 7to 8 in ·Haskell. Geneva next yearand other subjects.- Interclass Dance COmDnttees­Printing and publicity committee willmeet tomorrow at 2:3J in Cobb 3A.Reception committee will jneet Fri-.. day at 10:30 in Cobb 3A.CLARK AHEAD IN SWIMMINGIs 24 ·Points Ahead of Bergerson inUniversity Championships.The first. half of the swimmingtournament for the University cham­pionship was yesterday run off byCoach White in Bartlett. RobertClark took first place in the. meetyesterday afternoon, with Bergersonrunning a close second. The eventsheld yesterday were the 4O-yardbreast stroke, the plunge for distanceand the lOO-yard swim. Only ninemen competed, the ball game e,·ident­Iy interfering with the attendance.The ranking of the nine men so faris as follows: Clark. Bergerson, C.BeniteE. Barton. Neff. Dodson. Kra­mer. Kern and Hollingsworth. Thetables may he completed turned hytomorrow afternoon. howe,·er. forthe second half of the meet has notyet been run off.The scores were as follows: Clark.20i points; Bergerson. 183 1-2; Beni­tez, 162; Barton, 136; Neff. 123 1-2;Dodson, 109; Kramer. 102; Kern. lro3-4; Hollingsworth. 74. The scoresare reckoned by the total number ofpoints scoTed in all the e'·ents hyeach man.lIarooa ad.enian are the depead­able 1dDd. We don't .n space toan� other ftI'iet7. The interscholastic commission held"·its . first- ·meeting last. night in theReynold� �Iub,·. which was directedby S. E.' Earle, the genera! �hainria�'of the· meet. 'Practically all ·themembers of the commission . werepresent, and freely discussed plansfor entertaining the high school men.'Chairman Earle mentioned the .eom­mittees that. were to be appoiptedand the duties of each. He will sub­mit his appointments to the Under­graduate council at their meeting this'morning.Plans for Entertainment.The chief' committees are: public­ity, press, reception, entertainment,board and rooms, banquet, and rush­ing. The publicity will have chargeof advertising the meet on the cam­pus and securing the fobs, which willbe on sale June 9, 10 and 11 in theReynolds club. While in the city thevisitors will be the guests of the. va­rious fraternity houses. to which theyw�ll be assigned by the housing com­mittee. Some plans of entertainmentwere decided upon last night. Fri­day night the prep men will be tak­en in a body to White City, afterwhich trip they will return to Bart­lett and view the interclass hop fromthe balcony. Saturday morning anautomobile trip through the City hasbeen arranged. After the meet thebig' banquet will' be held in the com­mons. After dinner the men will re­tire to Mandel hall, where the lov­ing cups will· be awarded the pointwinners of the meet. A short' vaude­ville sketch will be on the programafter these exercises. The annual in­terscholastic dance at the Reynoldsclub will be held after the festivitiesin Mandel.The commission will meet Thurs­day morning at IO:3a at the "C"bench. The committee win be def­initely announced and specific plansof 'action will be arranged. The nextbig meeting will be held in the Rey­nolds club \Vednesday night, June I,at 3 o'clock. At this meeting thework' of the various committees willbe reported.Y. M.. C. A. MEETS TOMORROWTO DISCUSS CONFERENCEWill Try to Arouse Students' Inter­est in Anitual Summer Meetingat�Lake Geneva.To interest the men of the Univer­sity in attending the annual. student'conference at Lake Geneva, Wis.,June 17-27, is the chief purpose of thebusiness meeting which' has beencaned by the Y. M. c.' A. for tomor­row 'evening at 7 o'clock in Haskell.A program has been completed. Itconsists of several talks by studentswho.have attended former gatheringsof the conference. "The Universityof Chicago at the Conference" will bethe main subject .• "If the evening.The summer conference at Genevahas been held annually for the last20 years. The published recordsshow a remarkable growth, 550 menrepresenting seven states being lastyearYs attendance.Among the students who attendedlast year ·were C. E. .Brown, C. H.Hamilton, Sanford' Sellers, EdwardJennings, Roy Baumann, Albert D.Henderson, Millington F. Carpenter:and Roy XelsQn. The association hasissued an appeal to all men of thet.:'nh'ersity who expect to take up thework during their college career, orwho are in any way interested, tocome to the meeting tomorrow. Be­sides the conference. topic a numberof other subjects of great importanceto' the association will be disnssed.Dr. Charles HacIcIea ParkerDENTIST4002 Co1tqe �.�DiIcoaDt to StaClea�Telephoae AIdiae 703 : ..._ .Wo.D't y_� come in. � let US mow y�-?Noble D. S()�r., ..•• TA·IL·OR ••••••17S··Dearbom Street-Comer Moaroe...... !;ec:oad � ...... .iIIIIIIITHE DAILY MAROON:.·. . D�Jl' B�Z!.Jif' ii. »: ·INTERScilo:LASric';�o"- '.__________ ........ """ ...................' .... : -'�- .... : ._ :.'!_� .. ' .:': '.-!-f:;.,·::·:-. 1IISSI0000BOLD& IIBBTIHO;The. Oflicia�.: Stu��t ��oD_��f' ,:.. �. ,;,v. c.:, �.::will m�:-' ��y,'. ,." S!<' v. . t '.� t�;'_' .1: .r. The University of Ch.i� •. ' .. at·tl�:30 in �o�' �';- .:: �: Auembles iD�1ite7Doldli·:ChIb.:to l)ia-�Glee Chab '.Rei.eanal, w.ll· W 'he1cf '�'JO cuas PlanS:· of S8t�� ,�n. �� W� t0d3y at 3 in the Reynolds club.' -.. Hicb ��. M�:.' .�.� w� F-.w. -�·i.le92 Cap -aDd Gcnm 'election tod�yBe o.a;. . 0cIaI.er I •. 1902 9 to 5, in Cobb for Junior offices:E - _, Sew cwd _. M.a .•. 1Iw: Oaictco Bladdriara-Elections of' second, .P � ... M-::a .. I3. 1903. and' third 'sevens today at '3 o'clock_.. Act 01 M.Ic:Ia 3. 1m.;. . ,.. in the club.. Sophomores will meet today atP.Wi.Md �. � si.d.,.. 'Maada,. 1030' K "'''T·ud. ....,.. � ... pRlfen .01 1M VIIi- : an ent, n ireless," by Pro-geIIIIJ ,_. . fessor Mann.Skull aDd Cre.ceat dinDCr this even­ing at 6 in the private dining roomof the commons.Exhibit of work of the School ofEducation today from 10 to 4News .... jI ........ , � left .. £Ilia lid c. in Blaine hall, rooms 400 and 404.� Fzch ••. � k» '!be DaiIJ Ma- John A. Earl. D.D., will lecture on"The Organization of an EvangelisticCampaign" today at 4 . in Has­kell assembly room.Mr. W. lII. Salter will lecture on"Nietzsche's Second Period-Sociala-tAS.: L. SUUJV AN. JR.. a--.. Maaeca and Political Views" today at4 in the Law building, west room. PRINTINC AND DEVELOPINGWOODWORTH'S BOOK STOREWork done by C. A. Rice formerly of University studioJOHN E. ROCKEFELLOW,Painter's Supplies.4321 Cottage Grove Aye.PhODe 0aIdaDcI 409HE··L:LO!Highest price paid for Men's cast.off clothing and shoesSpecial price .for heavy .weight overcoats. . Drop me apostal and Lwill call.. H. LEVIN, .927 Marshfield Ave�ue, Chicago.CHENEY ART"'STODIO.\1141 . East 63rd.S&eet"Pictures and Picture Frames. Hand Painted ChinaDeveloping, Printing· and� T ooing done promptly... - __ .. _ •...•; .•. �_IIIi , •. •. �.III/M �L� :�L!St'A� p- -� SUMMER VACATIONS rl Suggest SOft Shirts. Fea-� i• turing the new French Cuff.� Prices $1.50 to $2.50. ..-63rd AND ELLIS AVENUEBRANDT METAL CRAFTERS1229 East 63n1 St., Near Kimbark-----�. '.: i.":....:We make and design �d-wTouaht Jewelry of eveq', desqiption iDc:I�diag ;: ..Fratemity � Zodiac . Emhlema,·.M�in plcI, atemua silver and broaze.·7' .... »:: .' - ... .... .': I ,/ -i "/::. y' :. _":JEWELERY REP� Of.EVu�.:�QNl, '" {Ii. _ " .. !. .Acl.eni. iD The IIarooa. Ad,e,1iw ID TIle IIarooa.. :jOi.uUiflu&ElfrG�T-:-I�t;r· �bove �)/� clirectiy' deduc�·.� . . :'���FIC? - 9��Y Baa W0dre4 8eftn1 years.• '"__ -_... " . . .�.. Professor Millikan's .resnlts are thefruit of. several ·years of research.Previo�s. to the announcement of -thepresent conclusion. he delivered anaddress some time' ago befort'. an­other scientific soCiety in which' theionic theory was· discussed and whichwas' issued in print;' The present an-:nouneement concerns the same sub­ject, but is the result' of more recentexperiments and different methods.Professor Millikan is well known asc(C�n�ued from Page L)I.' .very tangible demonstration of thecorrectness .of the view advancedmany years' ago that an electriccharge is not a homogeneous some­thing-a "strain in the ether" or '.an._ ," ',"imponderable ftuid·'-spr:ead unifo�m-oo...� �A.NS1p� ,�ly over the. .:surface of the chargedTHE NEW' .'. . . body, but that it has a definite granu-Ann �O��' '-' lar structure, consisting, in fact, of a�U� ," . definite number of specks or atoms ofCOLLARS . _. electricity, exactly alike, peppered. - .over the surface of the charged body.JIOR StJIOIEIL BleIl eaailjfa fOr It follows, of course, that an electricIoab low�foI'COIBfort'" current, which is simply a charge inpIeaQ' ofmciaafoir'tbe tie to .... m..... �.,.tIO. __.... motion, consists of a movement ofa.M.. t Z.c.- � ,' .. .6ftMrc.a;.� . these 'atoms ;�f electricity th��ugh oroyer the conducting body. This is. . . not asserting anything about the ulti-Why Stay·HOIIie? EUD10P.E. mate nature of electricity, but is mere-y. CAl • .TO ft Iy pushing the unknown down intothese ultimate electric units or atoms.OD the .aew Iaqe twiIHaew oae-cJ.. cabiD-..ea 01 the As a matter of fact, we are pretty cer-tain that all materiat atoms containas constituents these ultimate elee­.trical atoms, and it is the vogue now'to surmise that these electrical atomsare the ultimate units 'out of which allmatter is. built -up.lIeasurement Taken.3. W e bave succeeded in making avery prtci��·.m:�astit:ement of the valueof this -ultirnate or elementary elec­trical �harge and'. find it to be 5.13x10-of our .absoh,lte electrostatic units.We thinl(-::tbjs' value cannot be in er­ror by' Diiire:- than one-half of one percent.. 4 -. w_ e have been able to bring for­ward new, direct' and' most convinc­Ing evidence' of the' correctness of thekinetic theory of matter.. ftir we' have"�ot only shown di'rc;ctly that a mole­. �1:l!e_ of air is in rapid motion, but wehave measured the order of. magni­tude of � its' energy of agitation and�·.find· it to agre'e'with·the· (£omput�tioDS­..,based upqn the kinetic theory. .. 5. We have been' '�ble to prove• �·that"-�e :greal -majority-of '-the ,ions.'. .0(.1n ieJlizFcl·�-Qi. 'b� p�itive a�d.. I't . '.o.lo. -.......--;-,--..........,.--.. _, I I-:.':" '.- •••. ;; .: .. � ..... i_ '. .,.�" .���.!��_?:,,��>�. �n_e Sl�g e e e-.. -.' :.:, .. �: ;���;'�l���;�u�we have\t?�-:S:'i.�.:.: 'C'. ." • ·: ..,?1"".�.,.:· .,s�� cYidenccr�that :'some .of these:__ .<� �.,.t-�. a,�,��6L-'E��: '����1��:;;·i��'--:'�''''::'' :-':"'''�''. ;.' ..... : is co��ide�bly"Jriore ��bil� th3n isSAVES, ·TI M E 'the poSitive' iOD�.:�This m�ans that its:·}6'.-_d' ·-··�SELi. 'VeIOcity···at· :a8ib.ti��,· is:�greater and'. �:�.�.�,.:,::�;.. ::;�._�,:��.t� '_.'_ . .that it tmove6·�f8St�;un�r· the inftu-:.. _ _ _._" " .. : ei'tce . �f.'in· �I��f field. .;�:� 1111' 0 ; 'Our,- mults:- ibow: that, the law of�;� - ·1: : .faU �'a:·dr.�p�� a. resisting:t�;I'f-'(�'I�:"I:'�'�E""'-B" . ::��i;m.,�����t!�o�!t;,I:� s!��ess�.:t :.. '. radius is' le's�.·than-.OOOi6· centimeters.:... . . Th� results further show in just what." " way ibis . law breaks down. .$45 TO $62.50Meals ad batb �'.U JOII wut tD pal �_� ..,. abe' �_. .CANTIC TWIN-SCREW Fi ..YERS. .M. W. KOZMINSICI.· Ceaaal w�.;;...71 De.boaa 51. .PaaionPlayatObel'allllileqaD,May 16' � Sept.. 2$;. '. .''The'Method Used.:.: -: In" brief, the method by which aU:... t��e reSul� ba�e .bedl· 'Obtained is as;. foliows: We' blow a cloud of fine oi".or mercury drops by means of an at­omizer �and introduce one of these'· '. ftrops tbr�gh a pinh'ole intQ·tlt� space· be�een the plat�;' �f a horiZoiltal air• lIT IDlEI, .IOREIl -;QndeI!S�: The droplet there catches:...... Ie..-...:..... . one' or more of the ions which nor�. '���"�"- . 'malty exist in 'air or which have been. .-r CI. .... produced· in' the �space between th�"). -. ..... .pl.tes by any of the usual ionizingOVER __ ftA_ THE _A"D'U";' agents, like radium or X-rays. Tbe� . 7'�:,.' , .q:trMr. -�- .... r "j .��e � 'fall ()f' this drOp1�.t1ll'_Ough �measured distance is observed whenIIarooa •• eiliwlS ' •• the iepe.s.: , rio' electrical· ·field eXists 'between tbeable kimL . We dOD't leD .,.a' to plates. '.' Then a field of strength be-'� otber �. '.' -._. . . , . 'tween' 3,000 .and 8,000 volts per' centi-meter is thrown on and tbe time ofrise of the droplet. ander, the'" ;�ftu­ence of this field through the 'same4istance is again measured. This op-· .' eratfun 'i�. r��ated' �hd the speeds'. cliecked: an. indefinite number oftimes, or until the droplet catches' a .1................. new ion, whe'n its speed under the in-IUWUftIIUll ", ITIOIS, lIED- . ����ce of the. field instantly changes,ALS, l'ItIIIIES, ETC., ETC. t.ougb the spe� under' gra\'ity re-.. ' . 'mains ·-constant.· From tbe sign and.�_��... �.���. ��. �. ,�.�. �. �.�.�. �,.�.. �.�. n:��it�d�. of the cha�g� in speed�the1_.1 •• ,:t:&.i···': s_''''. and exa�t value o�"� charge.'._ __,,� carned -by a captured Ion IS deter-AI ..... � ........ _ . ...; mined. The error in a single obsern-�1 • \.' .�.� �- ·tion need not-·exceed one-third ,of oneMAQIINE' <»MPANY. 1M T� Ea- per cent.. From. the nlues of tile........... 3191o-t.. Sa.. 0aiCIp, �p�eds oblOen,;ed aft of the conclu�ions . '.� .. ;.�a physicist.Learn the· Automobile" Basineu_o.e lIOII � fi I .b· wadd • 'ihiI'Gfered to the A..1IIIiIe� _ ,.. IO · _ .. �. "We�,.. wl 01· ......... · ...... ·".. CMR�U1'OIIORE �_aU7 ��. G� A�MORNINGS AFI'ERNOONS . EVENINcs -..� . . .��:- Be'� _·aad WellE. A. WRIGHT"COo_I'; 'EngrayerPIIIITEI_STITlOllEIRED-BLOODED HEALTH."VIGOR. STRENGTH AND'SUCCESs-an yours for the··:exp�diture of te� . �inutes aday.., . :___ SEND NO MONEY •. Simplysend for free printecl matter con­cerniDC 'my method. which has·restored 30.000 run·down per-' I1005 to VIGOROUS. RED­BLOODED HEALTH.My System tells women howto become more beautiful in faceaDd figure. more graceful in car­riage and repose. It aids mensuccessward by showing them'-how ·to deftlop Dene force andbrain. power. T� .. out this ad.aDd write your. name and ad­dress on 'the marcia' and mail to ... me.' and I will be Clad to sendyou a complete statement of mySYS�YLVEST:.m J .. DON.- 16 Qainq Street; CbbpDlllClllllitatllDsaad Proarams.�, Class PiDs,. Fratnity Inserts andStatioaQ,WedIIinI � aad1aYitat*Is,VisitiDI CanIs. Etc. Etc.WIN FROM IIINNESOTA, 3 TO 1(Continued from Page 1.) Samples CIIeerfuIIJ sent InRIIIIIISt-both went out after Stockland's foul.The ball escaped' in the ensuing col­lision, but it gave Page an opportun­ity to register another strike-out.Sutton pitched a steady game andexcept in one or two. instances wasgiven perfect support by his team­mates. Hickory batted for Marsh inthe ninth.Score of the Game.Chcago. R. H. P. A. E.Baird, rf ••..•.••.•...• l 1 2 0 0Pegues; ss ( 1 2 2 2Steinbrecher. c .......• 0 0 8 0 0Boyle, 3b •............ 0 1 1 2 0Boyle. 3b 0 1 1 2 0Roberts, 2b � .. 0 2 1 6-0Sauer, Ib 0 0 12 0 0Page, p .•......... " 1 1 0 2 0Kassulker, lf •......... 0 . 0 0 1 0Collings, cf ••••• _ •..•. O 1 . 1 0 0 jWRIGHT&DITSON• CATALOGUE OF IllinoisTrost&SIiriiiIls�CAPITAL AND SURPLUS :$13,400.000.00 .• ..... '1' ....Athletic GoodsIs 0111. au s"tndd be la '''e "aads 01ef1�e laluested la s,.rls.Wright & Ditson Base Ball.La'flJ1l Tennis. Field. Hockey. Golf andTrack Supplies are official.Mllde "1' ill '''e best 'models' 11,,4bestst«k.EVeryoIIe ,,4,.its ,",,' tIJe Wrlg'"6- Ditsoll SVJeDters. Jerseys. S"irts.Tig"ls 11114 SluJes "re SII/Jerlor illevery ""y. OrIr goods lire gotte1lrip by experts .,"0 k1lfn17 "0fD to lise. them. .CATALOGUE FREE.3 7 27 13 2Minnesota. R. H. P. A. E.Stockland. ss � .0 0 1 4 0Duxbury, 3b .......••. 0 0 0 4 1Hartney. 2b :.0 1 0 2 0Pettijohn, Ib 0 0 11 0 0Peterson, If 0 0 2 0 0Diehl, c . _ ' 1 1 8 0 . 0. Marsh, rf 0 0 0 0 0Hughes, cf ••••••••••.. 0 .0 2 0 0Sutton. p .- 0 0 0 4 0Hckory _ o 0 0 0 0 -': H .•. :R"0;�;;n�: ,,=_ ..... -,. f�Ii�!rrffllfll��� �.;:.;'La Salle Sbcd aad·J.cbOD � que..�. This BaDk LOa...&elUsivelY. ;0..:, CoUatend ......�is CO_sn'iltive-Da -itS· -MetIlodLWRIGHT & �ITSON344 WDSIIla6tOll St. 359 Mand St.BosIoJl. ."'ass. SIUI FrlUlcUt:O. CDL. 22 WarT_ St. 76 We;,60ssd St •New Yori Cit;, Prtn1id_ce. R.I.84 WDbDs" Af1eJ1ae HarTHJrd SqaareCldca60. Ill. Ca_lwUl6e. Ma.s. - .. .-. . � �,-,__ ..'" ...INTEREST-Allowed oa CmraIt �0rtiIicaIe �.�. �� Deposib.Boad.l"� � ....l�T� �eaII1 2 24'14 1Score .by: innirigs:R.H.E.Chicago' . '.. 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 O' *-3 7 2Minnesota .0 l' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 2 1Sacrifice hits-Marsh, Baird; Diehl,PegUes and .Sauer.. Stolen bases­Roberts. and Kassulker. S�ck out-By Page, 8; by Sutton, 6. Base onballs-Off Page, . 2; off Sutton� 1.Time-l :49. .l!mpire-McGum . IIarooD advertisers are tile: dcpeDd­able ldaeL We doo't sc11'space to'any other variety. WNOIS.,t8UIT SAfEly. DEPmIT co.� . --." . ...... ..:. f', SIft: DIN5IT ·YAlJl.1S•• 1 ' -- •. " :.� •. : .' r :Fast TrainsDay andN i g htOD theGOOD_'FOR Over.-Stady, Uader-StadY,···_ NO-studyCCm! ill� De&c .... " "Wholname _ Bread aDcI Batter"FOR SALE ON THE-GROUNDS---"_ ... - . .: MaNON ROUTE-------�--- -- ,T .............. � _: nL 11I ••• ;.,I ...... �.� •.IIfIrI ... IfIIr till SIIIw-.et ,.. staJIIIts:: -; � r�'..... frtI8IIs ...... :-- '.-"-��-�--'- -Beta_CHIcAGO, . LAFAYBi 18,nmlAHAPO� ClRCDI-.·NAT!, WEST BADER· ...PRENCH LICK SPRIHGS,LOUISVILLEPRANK J- REED Gia. P-. A&t.B. Eo TAYLOR. OeD. liar.202 c.tom Ba.e PIKe, CbIcap. Fort -. ,Dearborn:<...-.,.. 1: • ...., _ � .. '-. Restaurant. a.IJ�, .. Caf�·"�·� lIVE us A TRIALQU .. EEN CAFEr .. 1IIcb East If ..,..IJI CIIII.1320 Eat Fiftr-SInd St.LUICH 2Oc. alliER 25c. .... - Class CItIrIIII -ta' ..... " ... '" •. :. FlllIilltt P.u.s., " :I.EISTEI & E.I.,............. 134 E. Street· •• w.Cw.CIutt .....F. H. R...... Pwaide& H. H. TOWIll, Sead.y .. T�. E. A. K_ MaucerTHE IWNOIS WAREHOUSE AND STORAGE COMPANY06ce ... w..-..e N. E. Cor • Fdty-Sidla -s.-. ad Kiaab.k Aft.TeIephc.e H,de P"- 510 _ . 571.s-.. Mo!iIII -;:c T..... 10 - r.o. .. cIepob. We C8IIJ • WI_ ofpec:a. bOas .. BoOb _ Fa..wbicIa .. 1or _III U L : .. bIe .... ' c-":_t III-_.. am- to u--,....... '. �IIarooa ad ....... tile depeacIable' IdDd. We dOD't leD IPIICe to_, otber ftriety......, �,.�, ,: ...... ...... ;_".�.�t»��_���� ...�o�;�,:�����o��� .!:t.lt:.t��!:�:.. --.�Weekly sight-Seeing excursions topoints of interest· .. arouad. Chicap,_will be a new feature to the. c�miDgsummer. session of the University�.The series' of eight excursions will beconducted by: Albert FrederickP;obst. Ph. M., of the University, as­sisted by Otba B. Staples of thegraduate schools... iThe union stock yards and thegreat packing houses will be visitedJune 27. Over SO students visitedthe yards last year. ;. The boat excursion to Milwaukeeon Saturday, July 2, will.�" made onthe 'Christopher .. Columbus,", said tobe one ot tile finest boats on the lake.It -is equipped with a fine orchestra,wireless telegraph and �eelphone, theoperation of which will be demon­strated to' the excursionists. Ar­rangements have been made to visitthe great Pabst brewery, the largestof its kind in the world. .The 4O-mi�e auto excursion overthe principal boulevards and throughthe most beautiful parks of Chicagowiil be another trip. A visit. will bemade to the Bridewell, one of thelargest of city prisons, and also to theJohn Worthy school, the city's juven­ile reformatory. A view .will be hadof the finest and most costly resi­dences of the city. This will be auto­mobile day at the University.wiit Go to Lake Geneva.The great trip of the course, sche­duled for July 16, is the excursion toLake Geneva, the Yerkes observatoryand the Y. M. C. A. summer school,.The excursion party will leave Chica­. go Saturday morning by special trainover. the Northwestern, and on arriv­ing at the lake. will be given a 20-mile; boat ride around "beautiful' Lake. Geneva" within view of the numerouspalatial: summer homes of some ofChiCago's - most wealthy' people.'. Avisit will be made-to-the great Yerkesobservatory, .where 'Director EdwinBrant Frost .will demonstrate theworking .of the big 4O-inch. telescope.This telescope is -one of the largestin the. world and is. of. spec�l inter­est in that the object glass alone cost'�9Q9� . , . The � .t���_ .�f .. th��. �eat in­strainent. is 72 fed long and weighs��. to�.� whiie the whol� .re .• rolving'a_w.aratus :weighs -�.·tons.. Halley"scomet will be visible about midnighton iDly. 16 and accommodations havebeen .secured for all who: may wishto s� over till the' following' day."Ple"Lake Genev� Y. M� c, A. sum­mer school will be 'in session and an, . 'op.,ortiiititY· will be' g;ven to visitclasses in any of the departments.To Fort SberidaD.. -The boat trip to Fort SheridanJuly 25, ",11 offer· an opportunity fora most delightful, balf:day_ outing for, University. students,". .Thc. "5.. S.United States" carries an orchestra,and there will be plenty of good mu­. sic. A 'special attraction of the boat'OF'f'IClll -� BOOKS is a-large· wood. map ·of.·the United. .States, each state being representedft.� � • •- . ",by its typical woOd. Fort SheJidan• -� �. StIlI.... is one 'of Uncle Sa'm's largest militarySllqllll .1IaYI posts, and the' spacious grounds pre-Offtclal' Handbook' of - th.· sent a scene of unusual interest, bothInter- Coli ...... A..... geograpbical and bistory. The fed-olatlon of Amateu. eral soldiers :Win give' an exhibitionAthlete. of Am... . drill' fo� the' University party.lea, 1 91 0.· The trip to Michigan City, Ind.,August 1· on the big steel steamship.'·Theodore Roosevelt," will also be amost enjoyable afternoon outing, itis thought.To en Through Sean, Roebuc:k.The visit to the Sears, R�buck &Co. plant August 8 will be instructive.as well as recreative. Special trainson the South Side and Metropolitan"L's" have.been provided for, and thenumerous special guides at the plantwill explain the operation of the va­riou� departments of the largest mail­order hou�e and mercantile establish-ments in the world. . ,An students or the U.niversity willbe greatly interest�d in the trip t';GarY, 'Ind�' August H. This trip of­fers three special attractions,' name-, �, :�!i:v·n .. "'''''T·.�-II �/'-l91': ��. .... =: .I.. ... . � ,.f ,/ __ hfw' .• .t: .......i TIIEDIRiflEIBEE, '. ." �: � ,.. '. ',Ia • NeW PIaj. .. .n._¥--"� ��"._. ·Am. a II . w-.c.".�·Gbe. 'A��HatF_ HaDowa,. . EeL' LPiae -'��'�'M�'"au,., -:.-' . p::c. MMDii '...... u- .... 1Se. . r.-.a.tIIII ...-rVI cYICKER'SAborD 8raad Opera c.paOJ... 1'�FAUST."OLYMPIC .•THE·.,FO.RTUNE HUNTER..;-W��!��" ,.; ...... IIarris InI.Y::CINDERELLA····6IRL,STUDEBAiC:ER, - Richard' : Carle In':T H.E E C H 0-,Z_�,���ELq· ;�; --�: 1_�·AB.ISIOCliACY� =t ��.tt�'tt.t�'t�11. , r. ��'_... The Trevett --OrchestraIiish-Americ::in Trio·''De RoWs .. a�d 'Valoria'Mr.. �nd. Mts. O'Brien':.MjsS .·;Florence· -MOdena"':.Joh� "\a�d Bertha. Glee�ii andFred .H�1ihan. G�e :·WilsonThe Four" LincolnsPotter-Hartwell TrioTrevettscope-2$ and 50 �CORT.·.�SiII�" Drew •• i '...... n- '.PR ICE 10 CENTS.SpaulctiD&'. ollicl .. Athletic Alman­ac for 1910 contaiDs • complete list ofamateur .�-OD-�; in�rconeai­aley.. swimminC, intencbolatic, £ac­� lrisb, ScOtch, Swedish; Continea­tal, S� Africm; AatraliaD; 1I1IIIIeI'­oas 'photos of indmdual athletes &ad. . teadiDc athletic teaIDL' '.. ' .. J'�C� l_q \CE�A. G. S ldlnl & 8 ....u1·W &w..�. . .'. \ '.'r .TRACK liEN EXPECT EASY::TIIIB . WITH. BOILERIIAKERS- ...--IIarooaa Look J'oirward to' GoodIleet-TiPt Races ill IIiJeaDd Two IIile.The Varsity track squad will meetCoach Jones' Purdue team next Sat­urday afternoon on MarsJtall field i.nthe last dual meet of the year. Di­rector Stagg is looking forward to aneasy time· for his' athletes, as theBoilermakers were decisively defeat-ed by the lllini last week. .'Straube should be able to win boththe 100 yard dash and the 220, �Hench the. crack dasb man of Pur­due, is' not in the best of shape thisspring. Earle has a good chance forsecond in each of these races, andKuh . may also be able to n�se Henchout at the finish. . Davenport hasboth the 440 and 880 cinched. Gif­ford wilt probably be able to get sec­ond in the half from Demare� of Pur­due who is also entered in the 440.Tw� Good Distance Races Pro�. Two good races ,are iikel_y. to'.. bepulled off in, the .mile an� �wo. mjle,Long and Gray of Chicago wtll bepitted against l\{cWayne. who wonthe mile at Champaign in 4:37 lastFriday. Stophlet will have the raceof his life against Wasson of Pur­due. Carpenter will be out of thetwo mile on account of a severe at­tack of neuralgia. Wasson won theintercollegiate cross country run herelast fall and has made the two mile in9:57 this year. In the weights andhurdles Chicago has a fine chancefor a big majority of the points .PROFITS OF·FETE .ARB $50; WILL BE,GIVEN TO Y.· W. C. L •NearlY'$50:will be- handed over tothe Y. W. C. L. as the net profit ofthe . Quadrangle fete last Fridayevening. It was said. yesterday by.Frances Herrick, ,manager· of .: thefete, that." this ... amount representedonly. -about .one-third of the moneyactually taken-in. About $160 was:made ·by the fete, bet- the greater part:of this amount -was used to defray the .unusual expenses involved. .' . :This 'mon�y will be used by the y.:W .. C. L. to send delegates' to the an­nual Y. W. C.' A. convention at Wil­liams Bay. Lake Geneva, this sum­mer. Thirty-seven' University womenwere in attendance at the conferencelast year and the league expects tose�d ?O representatives this summer.W ANTE�A live young man totake the management and half in­terest in a well known and estab­lished' business; $25.000 required;salary, . $5.000 per year. Address. Secretary of Daily 'Maroon.FOR PICTURE FRAIIIHG try theDudley Soop, 1130 E. 63rd, near�exington Ave.PRINTING and developing, Kodaksand supplies. The Dudley Shop,1130 E. 63d!St •.U:-:"--='=-=ViiI W ...... AIIs- ..............'. - - ·1ViiI W SpI.IiII s..-SernDI' 0a1, tllle ant tllle Jlarbt A ............ Oa. 1_". CII7Dol4 Your Fntenllt7 .114. . A11I1II" 01 ..... &ere1-11.117 Ra •• oh." St ... et , -.�... J.',' .. " .._ .�-." -.-:','.... ".. :., ... -, .,'. ' �, _'_,:'. . .,=;:: � .. � ','..:.' .:.::.:,....: ., .»: �::'J���;:� �. . I,. '.. ,for• J. /',:/-':..: -;�>::�\··.:...�·ljj. �THEWOODLAWN·CAFE83 ... ST. ANDCOTTAGE GROVE AVENUE.HIGH-CLASS BILL OF FAREPOPULAR PRICES •I. the Fln.at .nd moat Co",pl"l� Appointed R •••.Ulur.nt on the South Sid.. =a.ELECTED ORCHtsTRAL .PROGR.. EVERY DUII'G •Patroain .&rOOD acJ.ad1eaw. Adftftise iD TIle .U'OGIL