-:iII.' Iif' aroenVOL VIII-No. 144. U:NIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, THURSDAY, lfAY 19, 1910. Price Five Cents.01Tl1)OO1IWSMEETlNG,BOOSTS FOR SATURDAY WEATHElIIEUS VAlSInTlACK ,EIUIm t, BEA� AS "BOBSIE STANLEY" SHOW FRIAR OPERA'ONItANDELSTAGE TONIGHTlieD Limber Up in FiDe Shape forBic lleet with WiscoDSin on lIar­shall Field Saturday-Badgers Ex­pect to ,WiD. FIftt rer&r.iace ef "TIle r ...j WfiaatHea" Will Ie PrMK.M � 1M Nic.Ufur SALE lIAS ,II£EII LAlGElie tUll ChIt YesterU" at I ...Bel,. � ,fir 'W .....r.n.e Da,. ".(SPEECHES PLEASE THE CROWDJlen and Women Use Barrel asRostnUD and Urce Students,to Buy Tickets. To Feature AeroplaDe Scmc with .', Real Airship-Sacceaful Re-hearsal Lut Nipt.(Continued on Page 2.)NET liEN BEAT GOPHERSTickets are for colored sashes,good horns that will be louder thanlast year's, says Chairman Baldridge,and hats for both the men and thewomen. "The women," said Bald­ridge yesterday, "should be sure to 'come without hats and to bring atleast one hat pin. The men shouldleave their hats at home, too, but Idon't think pins are necessary forthem:" The hat's for men and wom­en will be the same. An attempt willbe made to get them in the class col­ors, but if this is not possible theywill all be white. There will also be Chicago won a clean cut victoryover Minnesota yesterday afternoonin the tennis matches played on theeast courts hy winning both doublesand three of ' the singles. The llinne­sota team was captained by JohnAdams, winner of, the Conferencechampionship in the singles last year.The feature of the afternoon matcheswas the defeat of Adams by PaulGardner, 6-2 and 6-0. The completescore follows:Sin&les.Gardner, Chicago, defeated Adam:'.lfinnesota. 6-2. 6-0.Sischo, lfinncsota, defeated Henry.Chicago. 7-9. 6-4, 6-3.Gifford, Chicago, defeated Bruk­holtz, lfinnesota, 1-6, 6-'3, 6-.llfacClintock. Chicago defeatedWashburn, l(innesota, 9-7, 3-6.Doubles.Gardner and Gifford. Chicago. de­feated Adams and Sischo, llinneso:a',6-3, 6-2.)facClintock and Henry. Chicago,defeated Washburn and Brukholz,llinnc50ta, 6-4, 6-4.Those in charge of the booths. re­freshments to be sold and the dis­tinguishing color of the organization,as decided yesterday, are:Xeighborhood clubs: Southwestdub, Grace Price; Southeast club.llary Chaney; Xortheast club, AllysBoyle; Xorthwest dub. Ellen l(ac­X eish. Pineapple sundae. Color,white with violets.Pi Delta Phi: Rose llaric l(oore.Coffee and sandwiches. Color, green.Quadranglers: Ruth Dean. Straw­berry sundaes. Color, pink.\V. A. A.: Florence Lawson. Choc­olate sundaes. Color, deep' pink.\Vyvern: lone Bellamy. Choco­late ice-cream cones. Color, mossgreen.Phi Beta Delta: Sarah Wilkes.(Continued on Page 4.)(Continued on Page 4.)DAILY BULLBTIJI.THE DAILY IlAROON, THURSDAY. MAY 19. 1910.THE DAILY MAROONThe _Olicial 'Student Publication. ofThe University of Chicaao. -.1M u4"'!.S' r W_"n. We:rlIJ Odoba I. 18921M o.a, Odoba 1.-1902£-..1-.. Seco.d-de-Mail III alae auc..o-POlll6e. auc.. ...... M..da 18.190).__ Ad 01 M.rda 3� 1873. -. - -. SUBSCRIPTlON RAlES_-Sy � $2.SO per.,.,: $1.00 � cpda.City..a $1.25 per quadei $3.00 � year ill. -. adY..ac:e.;' - - .-New. � may be left at EIIia Mdl orF...., Ex ....... addre.ed to The Daily Ma-rooa.STAFF; . �A. LEO FRIDSTElN. -. Maiaiciaa Editor�A.Pffiffm· ••••• �EditorA G. WHITFlFlD. • • '. AlbIdic: EditorCHAS. L SUWV AN. JR.. Busioea Mu.gerASSOClA TE EDITORSHaqpYe A. Lolli. H. FeI.eatbaI.R J. Daly. H. C. Burke.J. M. HoUgblaod. W. J. Foule.REPOR�KeDDdh Beebe, D. L Breed,Paul D. Kantea.. H. G. WdIiaatoa.c. W. Houablud H. L KamicoIt.Mal W. Reae. Ruth Rebeka.C. Y. Taylor. Mujorie Hill -c,Pre. 01 M�ubIisbias Co.. 6219 Cot-lIF GmYe. ,T Midway 3935.That yellow journalisin has failedto enlist astronomers of the greater-- unive�siti�s - of the �oun­A trace. of. try. in . the . campaign toSani�. create . panic and_ fearamong . the superstitiousclasses is to be lauded. The journalsof the west in particular hive alwaystried to twist the statements of scien­ists regarding the subjects of their �study, - The recent comment and ex- .dtement which have spread over the;civilized world over the appearance:of Halley's cornet - have .given .ampleopportunity for the pseudo-scientistand the notoriety seeker to markethis 'opinions. . The newspapers havebeen hungering for somebody in au­thority in the field of _ astronomy tomake sensational statements and afew scattered exaggerations . haveb'een c�oked up. It is certainly grat­ifying to note the sane conservatismof the distinguished men of science,particularly the college professors, intheir interviews concerning the com­et and its significance. The newspa­pers as well are deserving of back­handed praise for their unusual con­servatism in not twisting such state­ments as were available into moresensarional stories.Sentiment that should bear repeti­tion if we are interested American. citizens is ex­For Americans �nly. in the foI1O\\'­ing excerpt re­printed from the Daily Cardinal:"Each one of us rises when theband plays the 'Star Spangled Ban­ner; which is well and good, hutwho rises as the national color passes?Can you pick out more than threeor four? Week after week the spec­tators remain sitting as our country'semblem goes hy. them. This is asadly neglected symbol of patriotismand good citizenship, not only herebut throughout the country, It is upto us, the educated people to teachthe ignorant, for no one else will ."Quite often the_ colors pass com­pany after company and each remainsat rest. It passes many a student inuniform without being acknowledged.I n the regular service this neglectwould mean court-martial. hut evenhere such a thing should not be com­mitted. Let us all !"alute the color incitizen'� c1othe�, by ri�ing and un:o\'­ering, in uniform and out of ranks bythe hand or rifle salute, as the easemay be."Get busy citizens."One of the Regiment."l....I)......t Am'o CIIab 'will meet today"at 10:30in Cobb SB. .:.Fmcinc CllampiOasbip BolIta begintoday at 4:30 sharp. - .Three-Quarters Club will meet to­day at 10:30 in the club,Mr. Robert Herrick will talk to theShort Story club in Lexington thisafternoon at 4.ANNOUNCEMENTS.Wisconsin-Purdue Day Saturday.Neigbborbood Club Picnic to P01lo�park is postponed to llay 28.Junior Mathematical Club will meettomorrow at 4:45 in Ryerson 35.Graduate Women will meet to­morrow from 5 to 6 in Lexington 15.Le Cerc1e de Conversation Fran­caise will meet tomorrow at 4 in Spel­man house.Seniors win meet tomorrow at10:30 in Cobb 6.-\. Class dinner anddance Friday, �Iay 28. at 6:30.Professor Small win lecture 011"The Evaluative Pbase of Social Sci­ence" tomorrow at 4 in Cobb 6.-\."-WORK ON LIBRARYPROGRESSES RAPIDLY;CORNER STONE J�NE 14With seven steel column supportserected, the for'ms of the flooring be­ing placed at�d' the work of filling inbetween the walls and the earth banksstarted, the Harper llemorial libraryhas practically reached the end of itsfirst stage of construction.The favorable weather of late haslent itself toward the best efforts ofthe large force of men employed. Theflooring_is expected to be completedin at least two weeks and the water­proofing will be nearly finished bythat time. Several -large derricks havebeen placed to assist the work, whichis expected to' develop steadily fromnow on.-Tiie laying �£ the cornersto'ne willtake place as a part - of the Seventy­fifth Convocation exercises on June14.FINAL MEETING OFGRADUATE WOMEN;-DEAN TALBOT TO SPEAKPlans for the final rally of theGraduate Women's club have 'beencompleted by the newly elected of­ficers of the club. This meeting willbe held tomorrow in Lexington. Itis expected that the work of the ex­ecutive committee will bring out alarge and enthusiastic number ofwomen to the meetir:g. This com­mittee is made up of representativesof the various departments of theUniversity, the hans and the women'sclubs and has for its work the interest­ing of an graduate women in the club.The club will be addressed by DeanlIar ian Talbot on the subject of "TheEducation of \Vomen," about whichlliss Talbot's latest book was writ­ten,BAND CONCERT IN .HUTCHINSON COURTTHIS AFTERNOONSpring weather will probably at­tract a large attendance to the regu­lar weekly band concert this after­noon. Hutchinson court is expectedto present a gala appearance duringthe hour or the concert, which willcommence at 5:15 o'clock. The prox­imity of the music to the tenniscourt:". where the intercollegiatematches will be in progress, will addto the gallery of fan:'. DirectorBlanchard has not as yet announcedthe program of this afternoon's con­cert, hut it will probably con�ist ofthe same kind of a mixture of stand­ani and popular pieccs 50 much en­joyed at the previous cdncert5.Dr. Charles Hadden ParkerDENTIST4002 eottqe- Groft A.Ye.DiKoant to Stacleats.T elephoae AIcIiae 703 SHOW PIitlAR OPERA ONIlANDEL STAGE TONIGHT(Continued from Page 1.) The NEW Cigarette of. 0..., .i)EXCELLENT IN TASTE AID IWIUFACTUREQuallte SuperfineBUTLER-BUTLER INC.r ,. J ,."Start Right and You Will End Right.", Get Your Breakfast at the ,(u n iversity M en' s�om mons)The Best of Everything· ..in Season.� .r' ,� rWhy Stay·Home? EUROPEYOU CAlI GO TOOD the DeW Jarae twia-saew ooe-claa ahiasteamers of theFRENCH UNE$45 TO $62.50Meal. aad bath iDduded.U you WUIt to pal ��_ about the GI­GANTIC TWIN-SCREW FL.YERS.M. W. KOZMINSKI. Gaaeral'Watem Ar#..71 Deubom St.. .PassioD Play at Oberammeqau,May 16 to Sept. 25.DlinoisTrost&SaoiDIislJarik.CAPITAL AND SURPLUS$13.400.000.00 Surbrug's_ :Arcadia Mixture........bc -ddic.cy wiIl...pi.e JUG­& is - alae IDOII paIec:t, bIeDd Of tobea::o• . ·the ......!i:. � s:.:..-.��ICiq of aaidDreL . _.For sale at aD Pod' sIIOPs on the.. campus.mer Blackfriar productions. The rea­son for this good cast is attributed tothe competitive system of tryouts.which was introduced during the pre­limary trials. There are a great manygood songs in the play, which will bewell rendered by the principals of thecast,Last night a full dress rehearsal·was_· held in llandel hall. All thescenic and light effects were used, andeach member of the cast and chorusappeared in his costume and makeup.Each act was thoroughly reviewedunder the direction of Coach Herbertand llusical Director Erickson. llissllary Hinman was also at the re­hearsal in order to give her final in­structions to the special chorussquad which she has been dr illing.She has had charge of three dancesto accompany the "Lindy Lee," "Leo­nore" and "The-Girt in the GraduateSchool" numbers. All of_ these songshave a catchy swing, and with their: appropriate dances ought to meetwith much applause,To Feature ·Aeror.autic Song.The "In lly Aeroplane" song,which is introduced in the first actby Snap Fraser and Juliet Glide. wil]be featured with a real Wr ight bi­plane. which has he en secured by R.J; Daly, the property man. Snap andJuliette sing the second verse of thenumber from their position in the air­ship. To the audience it wjll lookas if the two lovers were actuallyspeeding away in an aeroplane, so re­alistic win be the setting. This song- will be one of the hits of the show,In the second act the scenery andlight effects are beautiful. A nightscene on· the University campus is de­picted. Across the beautifully light­ed lagoon of the llidway 2U yearshence can be seen the lights in thewindows of the technical schoolwhich '�wiJ] have been established bythat time. - The artistic .hridge acrossthe water will be lighted by clustersof lights on the pillars.Had to Change �enery.The scenery man experienced agreat deal of trouble with the sceneryyesterday afternoon. It was discov­ered that the scenery did not fit thestage properly and it had to be sentback to the Daniels Scenic company,where new scenery was made up. Thewings had to be changed entirely.This change necessitated a greatdeal of work. However, everythingwas in readiness last night for thedress rehearsal.The scores left the binders yester­day afternoon and will be ready forsale at the performance tonight. Thescore of "The Pseudo Suffragettes"is the largest that has ever beforebeen produced by the Blackfriars. Itcontains 19 musical numbers. Thecover design is a reduced reproduc­tion of the poster that has been onthe campus. The colors used aremuch more beautiful than those onthe poster. A great number of thescores has been printed and the man­agement anticipates a large sale. Theywill be on sale at the University pressand at Lyon & Healey's. The publi­cation of the score has been underthe direction of Junius Scoffield.Synopsis of Play.The scene of "The Pseudo Suf­fragettes" is laid on the campus, andthe characters portrayed are thosethat daily occupy the "C" benchesand fulfill engagements under theCohb hall clock. The story tells ofthe fight that thc men make to stayin college after the women. under thelcadcrship oi lli�s Samantha Jinks.a suffragette from the graduateschool. dC\'ise a plan to \'ote them outof the University. As a la�t resortthe men attempt a clever scheme.Sunny Sweet and Lefty Rogers thecandidates on the mcn's ticket. con­scnt to dress up like two suffragetteswhom the girls are expecting fromColumbia. They hopc -hy getting thenominations of the women for thecoveted offices. to split the women's,·ote. It doesn't prove as easy as theyhoped for. La SaOe Street aad J.a.oa BouIeYud.. ChicqThis Bank LoansExclusively on CoDateral andis Conservative in its Methods.INTEREST---AlIowed OD CUII'eIII Aa:oaataCati6caIe 01 Depo.iI, Saw. Depo.iIs.CORRESPONDENCE INVITED.WNOIS TRUST SAfETY DEP05IT co.SAfe DePOSIT VAULlSLEARN TODANCEWOODS' -ACADEIY63nI st. Ind WlsIII"" An.WEEKLY DAllCES THURSDAY AIDSATURDAY.BeaiaDen CIa. 7:30 10 9 beIo.e the R«ep..boa 1\..., aDd s...day.Wood.' Orchest ...Advertise in The Maroon. The -Sumrul Co., 81 oa, St.,II. Y.CIIIcIp Office, 34 ....... An.�aving the largest - retail bookstore in the world, we can fillall orders for special' or sap­plementary reading, as weD asgeneral book orden, withoutthe delay of sending oat of thecity.//FOREI. BOOKSWe Stock aD the leading for­� boob as soon as they arepabliabed, aDd the prices areS1I1'pI'i8iDcly loW. Catalope offoreip boob OIl applicatioa.KODAKS DD ACCESSORIESWe carry a full liDe of Cam­eras, Developing Machines andgeneral accessories, and we arepft'pared to develop and printpictures fOi amateurs.MU'OOD ad •• dan are tile depead­able kind. We dOll"t MD ... toany other ftriety.• THE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY, �IA.y ·19; 1910.EVILS 01' WAR DENO.VNCED; . PROIiISE ANNUAL ON JUNE 1., '. �y IT IS DEBAUCHERY: Editon of Cap and GoWll Talkof 1910 Book.Professor Sborq aDd Dr. Joaes Rid­icule Natioaal ArmameDt-lnter­Datioaal Chorua Is Dramatic."\Var is the result of ignorance. Itis a school of vice, not of virtue.t'-«Professor Paul Shorey."Take the buttons off the soldier'suniform. strip him of his gold laceand fasten the coats with hooks andeyes and the so-called charm of mil­itary life will be gone."-Dr. JenkinLloyd Jones.In these words the two speakers atthe Peace Day exercises of the Cos­mopolitan club yesterday afternoon. ran war through a gauntlet of ridiculeand denunciation."War is a crime in the eyes ofChristianity, folly in the eyes of thephilosopher and waste in the eyes ofthe economist," continued Dr. Shor­ey. hit is a matter of statistics thatwar debauches and debases the moraltone of the community, There areno arguments to prove that the safe­ty. economic interests and the honorof the country demand war:'Dr. Jones said in part:"It is up to the University menand women to put an end to the de­bauchery in blood. We know war iswrong and we admit there is no ar­gument in its favor, but still we laudit. The war spirit is traceable not tothe leopard and the tiger of the jun­gle. but to the peacock and the tur-key gobbler." 'The audience enthusiastically ap­plauded the singing of the songs of11 nations by a chorus of 11 men, thenatives of each na"tion. The men whosang were: John Y. Lee. HaroldKay ton. Conrado 'Benitez, Otto \Van­der, Eladio Horns, George J. Kasai,V. T. Dar Juan,' N� A. Sankowsky,Francesco Ventresca, G. Ariel. The final date for the appearanceof the 1910 Cap and Gown has beenset for June I by the editors. who areworking day and night in efforts tohurry the date. and the material is, ap­parently rounding into presentableform. The book for this year is pre­dicted to be the best and most equal­ly balanced of any Cap and Gown sofar published. The art work of RoyBaldridge and Bess Courtright farsurpasses the work of previous years.and the literary material, under themanagement of Vallee O. Appel, em­braces every side of college life.The joke section has been much el:­larged by the present staff. and thewhole mass gathered together underthe general head of "Campus Capers."The entire joke section embraces 30pages. The editors guarantee to thestudent public a slam for every pop­ular man, a quip for every well knownmember of the faculty, and a cuttingremark for every OI�e of the campuscelebrities.The business department reports asuccessful career so far. although anumber of the organizations have notpaid the bills for their pictures, Thesubscription blanks are all printed.and everything is in readiness for arapid sale.STRANGE WOMAN ON CAMPUSNeighbors Annoy Troubled "Femin­nine" at Work.An empty baby buggy, a big hatand a suitcase are, in themselves, ob­jects of innocence enough. But placethe three together, add a well knownUniversity 'student, put on his facethe look of sheepish martyrdom, andthe circumstances become most sus-picious. ,.Dodging, from -:tree to' tree' to avoidbeing seen, the 'po�'r student was thecenter oL a.istorm .of inquiries. "I�your wife chasing you?" asked oneunsympathetic bystander. "Whenare you going to fill, the buggy?"cried another, andstill a third wantedto know "when the marriage had oc­curred." The usua11y peaceful dis­trict of East 57th street soon be­came fitted with a crowd of people,who laughed at the ludicrous specta- .cle. N ow and then the buggy ca­reened into the street and the papersaround the hat ripped open, disclos­ing its gorgeous trimmings. Not un­til the figure darted into the stagedoor of :Mandel did the crowd breakup, But it had discovered the causeof the disturbance. Aleck Whitfieldwas simply bearing part of the bur­dens of manager of the Blackfriaropera by lugging properties.NEWS OF THE COLLEGESCornell's freshman crew is showingsurprisingly good form.Three unfortunate Pennsylvaniaprofessors were lately elected to beburned in effigy.Iowa :\(edical school is to move toDes Moines, where more clinical ma­terial is obtainable.The annual peanut banquet of theIllinois Agricultural club and facultywas held last Saturday .A nightshirt parade will be the fea­ture of the Sophomore cremation atthe University of Pennsylvania,The Savage club of Cornell is pre­paring for its big show. The showconsists of two one-act comedies. anda vaudeville bill.The Sock and Buskin society ofBro"'n unh'ersity presented Sheri­dan's "School for Scandal" lately be­fore a we11 pleased audience.A dormitory smash in which a11the availahle crockery and glassware,,'as demolished recently occurred atthe dormitories of the Unh'ersity ofPcnnsyh'ania, LUCIUSCLEAR HABANAThe IliplSt quality all Havana selar in the world. Established arecord for sales in one ,ear's time nlVer equaled in the C I GAR his­tDIy of tile _rid. The, cost a little more than the ordinary eilar butIbe Increased sales more than offsets the smaller profit.Handled by everY first-class HOtel, Restaurant, Buffet,Dining Car, Drug Store and Cigar Sto:eIn the city. Be alive andstock them.SOLD BY THE HOUSE OF QUALITY.RYAN &, RAPHAEL CIGAR CO.39 Jackson Blvd., Chicago •If you bye a ho .... to paiDt or adeD or library to decorate aeDd forJOHN E. ROCKEFELLOW,4321 Cottage Grove Ave�PhODe Oalduad 409His prices .. reasonable. His decoratinlIs orI&Iaal. His work is dane by artists.Heat RegulationThe Jo�nson Pneumatic Systemlbe Recognized StandardHat Willa Tult �� Veha Ie. Air. Willa., StnaaCoabaI 01 H�JOH"SON SERVICE CO.H. w. ElLIS, .11'.Cbicaga Office, 93 Lake Street.A. McADAMSThe Student'sFlorist.53rd St. and Klmbark AYePIta... H,.. • .,."" 18How About Your Clothes?Stop • minute and consider the val­ue of haviDg proper clothes. Clothesthat are distinct, individual, snappy­without being 10ucL Clothes that lookas if 'they be10npd to yoa-ud feelthat W&7. too.lIaking distinct, individual, snappyclothes is a specialt7 of ours and atsensible prices. Drop ill some dayand _ wiD be glad to abow you theSPRING and SUMMER FABRICS.An investigation' of our EnglishTweeds, Serges, Scotch Cheviots andBannockbams wiD convince you ofthe exceptional values we otrer in Col­lege Saits at 30, 3S and 40 Dollars."I'IIIIw I. Y ...STORES 131 LaSaDeSbwt, -... ' ..... SPEND YOUR VACATION..SAVES TIME. TO BUY OR SELL.:IfI" THE; �BOSTOGAoRTERIIOWI TO EYFRYBODYWORN ALL OVER,THE WORLD_WITH �i(t'!i:._-�CLASPDF'IIT IUUI, IIYIIEIE........ h .. a....ta .. ·.......t· .... _ ...... oIPr1eeWIlere W"ddenaeu is KiDa.IN THE GREAT NORTI-ILAND OF. ,ONTARIO .. 'A peaoaaIIy conducted toarOYU the CrudTraDk ad ,- .... -.mn. ad' NOdh-m "Oa­terio RaiIwa,. tIuoaP .Highlands of Ontario,Algonquin National �Temagami Forest Reserve,Cobalt,,8nd the S9�er: C�.Englebard, and PulpWood Region,Swastika, and the Gold FieldS, '.Cochrane, the end of steel.Campiaa trip. ill caDGe 10 Had.oa Bay,AbiIibi Lakes. ladiea WJeaes ad HadloaBay Com� poe. oyer lekes ad me..alAe. wO W. of the pmeII YPrieties. eadtIuoaP forella abouacfiDa in game.A Pr.c:tical fCMater will be ill chuae ofthis lour; be will be eIIiskd by aD experiea­ad pIopt ad pides appoYed ead licms­eel by abe CaaacIieD goftlDllleaLFor booklet and applicationblank addresS:ALGONQUIN & TEMACAMICU1DiNC �CENCY.Chempeip. 1lIiDois.Ht- Oaterio.CLOSE WRESTLING ENTRIESSave an the Troubieand D •• comfort ofTravel ,by our SpecialService.We will Ddmr I� � Home or � the Cam.pal WIIIao.I Em. u-ae � Thiouab Bee­Checb. wO Railway aad Sleep.. Carmeta 0ftI E'ftIJ Roed _ of Chicago. WeTAIIIfer a.a. to � P .... of ,hee."., .... , CIb .. CIIriIIIS F. HIlI.Pboae -r ScMh Side ()Ifice or our Maia05ce, H.rri.oa.w. 43nl St. I. C. StaboaPhoae 0KIeacl 414. S3nl St. I. C. s...iovPhoae HJde Sad 3548. 63nl St. I. C. ScerioaPbooe HJde Park 3549. 63nl aad WeaIWoIth.EatIewoOd Statioa Phoae Weatwotth 3741,63nl aad WaIIece, C. and W. I. Phoae WeIII­wodh 922.Frank E. Scott Transfer Compan,St.-.Alban�s SchoolFor BQY��Kno�e, , DlinoiS" To compete for University Cham­. pionship. 'c .Entries for' the University wres­tling championship matches will dosethis' evening. Coach Stearns .andW. G. Keirstead wilt receive thenames ,of those, who wish to enter.'This match 'is. the third which hasbeen b�ld in :the University. James B.:Meigs winning the' championship In.1908, and the matches resulting in adra�: last year. A large number of, contestants is expected. Coach Stearnssaid yesterday that he expected from35 to 45 er-tries.The preliminary bouts witt deter­mine the championship 'of the vari­ous' weights. These matches will bein two divisions. Junior and Seniorcolleges, the winners wrestling forthe championship of the weight. Thewinners of the preliminary contestswill wrestle for the championship ofthe University.The winner of the championshipwill receive a medal, and the winnersof the preliminaries will probably re­ceive certificates. The bouts willcommence this week, as soon as theentries are dosed, and will continuethroughout the quarter.'STUDEIITS GIVE US A' TRIALQUEEN CAFE"" IIIcb East If RIp.I.s CIIII."'Eat�St...... 2Oc. __ 25c.. - .:·1.· ..I�� F.5eDilett, Head Master.c� :. ',,�,"I TOLD YOU SO"-SULLIVANRec:a11. Prediction That Comet WouldDo No Damage.•• I am not at a11 surprised thatnothing happened," said Charles L.Sullivan at 1 o'clock this morning.after spending the evening in obser­vation of Halley's comet. "Of course.you- remember I 'stated in 'my inter­view with The Daily �Iaroon yester­day that there would be no danger.··We scientists knew from our in­vestigations that the earth would bein no danger:At the :\(ajestic theater yesterdaythe street was thronged by peoplewho fought each other to receive a�­snrance from the lecture Sullivan "'asdelh·ering. He also ad\,jsed the the­ater audience to ha\'c no fear.GRADUATIIII IIVITATIIIIS, .�ALS, TROPHIES, ETC., ETC.Maroon aclvertden are tile depead­able kind. We don't seD 8p8Ce toany other _riet7.,t],THE, DAILY JlAltOON, THURSDAY, MAY '19, I�IO.'About 500 patterns of Eng­lish Worsteds and ScotchTweeds reduced from bigherlines to even up our stock.Early visitors will 'havelaqest' auonment to choosefrom.A·_ USB. B II 'i'iII·t I LLINo.��._; -,, '-- ......... " TI'..,.....,.. THE THIRD DEGREECO LON,IAL,, . --. Tbeltre BuutifuI, IIADAIE SHERRY. ., . .A M�CAI MUSIC HAll: � ....... DIIJ.GEO._ (H��Y ,BOY) EY ANSSophie Tucker ,Marie D.iaIoeJOE WELCH &. co, OF FJrlv" ELL I S' I S�L.A N D.IIDo Yoa-Low a.ie c.IeIte i­T.,Ior �YiDe •• Melodrama Seai.boa, �,�:- .-Kat. D.U,.-2:ie aDd � . ETes........:5Oe. 'r.5e, 'I�,�JLIZ.LEW DOCKSTADERThe K· Pin of Mio.beIayCREA T � Woadedul VeDtriIoqai.tDe HaYCD 5eDeue Cbu. Ahem TroupeCbu. Bowea & Hinkle Coaapuy.Ldoa & Lawreace VIOlet AIIea & Co.Haney. Comet P-1dUred and De.cribed.PJieee U-ZS-M-75e. rIM.., ee.tral ....'pRINCE�S __IlABEL HITE INA CERTAIN PARTY� -McVICKER'S -,, �'�nd �o.;.. CompanJ, ..1 .'"I L 'llt:9Y'A'TO:R E "OLYMPIC.THE� FO,RTtJlE dlUNTER�. --' ··�'ll'·"WH ..... "--�;.: r'o;, :,?��;- _. - .. _-" .,- ...'_ ',; :.,' ... riorns inIII': 'CINDERELLA GIRLST,!Df;"�lC:eJt iii l r i�1: /' , "RicIIa!d ,: Carle inT H "E" ·E c H 0,BLACKF�IA�S : ....tile Pseudo � Suffrapttes'Kmidel, Kay 19,20,21.To-Night!Diae in theNEW INDIAN ROOMof theWELLINGTON· HOTELw ...... A .... A Jadmo. &mi.'I,trItI,f'i:. 'Jll't,It,�I�(,Ir�Ii,l"ttlIt·r-t D I S'T I Mt T IV EBUT NOTLOUD',·The Kind of ClothesGentlemen WearBenedict Wald,1445 E. Fdty-Fdth 51.Advertise in The Maroon. WOllEN PLAY IIANYMATCHES OF ANNUALTENNIS TOURNAMENTThe women entered in- the tennistournament have been making use ofthe spring weather to playoff thefirst rounds of the tournament.. Inthe first round Helen Rudd won fromIsabel Jarvis. Josephine Kern fromKatherine Slaught, Lillian Beifeldfrom Louise Wilkes and Charlotte:Merrill from Feances Byrne. In the.$t!cond round Alice Kantrowitz.llary Phister, Gertrude Perry, HelenBarker. Mildred Rosenstiel, MildredDana. Sarah \Vilkts. Susie Chatfield,·llargaret Badenoch; Lydia, Lee, Au­gusta, Swawite and Nena Wilson de­feated Florence Tyley, Florence Law­son, Elizabeth Halsey, Elsie Weil,Elizabeth Burke, Gertrude Hunt. Eliz­abeth Fogg, Etta Shoupe. Rose Wert­heimer � llary French, ElizabethHurd and Bess Courtright.'The other rounds will be playedoff soon. Pairs have already playedthe third round, llary Phister win­ning from Alice Kantrowitz and llil­dred Dana from llildred Rosenstiel,TO HEAR FRANK C. RUSSELLSub-Treasury Head to Be Guest ofCommercial Club.Frank C. Russell, cashier of theUnited States subtreasury, has beensecured for ::May 24 to give the cus­tomary.; :b!1siness talk which consti­tutes the major part of the programat fhe Commercial dub dinners. Thismeeting �i1I be 'held in the privatedining room of th- �nm�ons at 6o'clock.' Since several new membershave been taken inro the club thisquarter, plans are being made to ac­commodate a large attendance and topresent an unusually good program .. :Mr. Russell will terminate the after­dinner events with his businessspeech'.' Hs, ��bject will be ·"The Col­lege M�n in Business.;', An interest­i�,g �alk,is ,exp�te.cJ from him) on· thistopic�, as llr. Russell", is .a man . ofW:,de .' experience, now in an import­ant g6v"ernmental position and there­fore well ,able to, di�course on thesubject.Una Gould EagagecLAnnouncement has been made byMrs. Alan ,W.alton Gould of theengagement of her, daughter, Lina,formerly a member of the class of1912, to M�. Arthur Rufu·s Laney ofCumberland" )Id.WEATHER HELPS VARSm TRACK(Continued from Page 1.)consin: Sanders, Gottschall, Talbot.Shot put-Chicago: Crawley, lIe­naul, Rademacher; \Visconsin: Ost­hoff. Buser, Branstad, Barth.High �Chicago: Crawley, lle­naul; Wisconsin: 'Adams, \Viskocil,L Johnson, Rohn. Chritsman.Hammer throw-Chicago: Worth­-wine, Gerer.d, Rademacher; \Viscon­sin: Baker, Storey, Buser.Discus throw-Chicago: llenaul,Cra,,·ley. Gerend; \Visconsin: Ost­hoff, Dacey, Buser. Storey.Broad jump-Chicago: Gill, Da,·is,Brown, Fishbein; \Visconsin: Adams,Gillette, Wiskocil, L. Johnson.Advertise in The IIaroon.NOW ON SALEFor $30a Sui t--.. ICDLL 'l1te:�llor :. 'WII.r-..... 80IUc.LAItIt AND ADAMS SIS OUTDOOR IIAS8 IIEBTDfGBOOST FOR SATURDAY(Continued from Page I.)Japanese umbrellas for the women tocarry."Everybody should be sure to be-on timer added Baldridgu, "Theparade will start promptly. and wewant them all there at the start."All the classes will meet separatelyagain tomorrow at 10:30 o'cock, whenthe final details of the floats and theindividual class exhibits will be ar­ranged. This wilt be the last op­portunity for a public sale of the cos­tume checks.SAM zolliNER'for 7 yean - cOnnected ,·WitIl:'SiI.eSi� J. Simon is DOW in. , charge of thePhysical CultUre-Departmentof, the 'New MOllr'oe Baths104-106 East,' MacIiaon Street,and is prepared to give The NeW :Monroe Quick Development, System ofHealth Building: for ·Busin� MenFor ,Appointments Phone .. Randolph 3012WM. TAYLOR.· MeR.PLANS FOR FETE ANNOUNCED---_(Continued from Page I.)Frappe and cake, Color, orange.Deltho: Lois Kennedy. Chocolatesundaes. ,Color, yellow.Sigma: Georgia lloore. Ice creamand cake. Colors, green and white.Spelman house: Lydia Lee. Ice­cream cones.· Color. light green.School of Education:' GretchenNash. Coffee and sandwiches. Col­or, red.Esoteric: Ruth Ransome, Softdrinks. Colors, rose and white.llortar Board: Elizabeth Harris.Strawberry sundaes. Color, cherryand white.Chi Rho Sigma: ,�Iaud llilIer.Chocolate sauce. Color, lavendar,Sigma: Gertrude Perry. Ice creamcones. Color. purple.Kalailu: Helen Gross. Candy andpeanuts.W�en's halls: Foster-EdithLove. Kelly-c-Anna Glerum, fortune­teUing (in costume). Gr,een-Mildred·.Meents. Beecher-s-Marjorie Wilson;baskets of flowers. ,C�IFIBD", �iJlSINGWANTED-A."live:;':young man to!" take., the-management 'and half in-�l��t.��zt�1.�����,esta�; J.jshe&':ijl(s1!l�ss.;��$25,OOQ·: required';�salaryt,,��'.-,;,ear.-�Address- Secre�ry 'fif l>a'tii ��,rOonf' 'WILL person .who wrote to the Rec­ord Herald. under the name of O. S.Perkins please see the ManagingEditor of The llaroon.WANTED - Advertising solicitor.Large commission: Weekly schoolpublication. Phone Hyde Park3691.FOR PICTURE FRAMING try theDudley Shop, 1130 E. 63rd, nearLexington Ave.PRINTING and developing, Kodaksand supplies. The Dudley Shop,1130 E. 63d St.Maroon advertisers are the depead­able kind. We doo't sell IpIM:e toany other variety.Mleba.I's Flmous lillianRestaurantand Cafe.t ..... • .... IIc. ..... ,... 12 .. 1:. II •••.... II CIIII. __ • _ '1c'rlcpon- Beatings··or Ball Bearings->rWhi�h�? ' ",.- -,L C s-Itba: lin.. � ,wItIa �BeII ...... JaIIIt:: :..:."; � ". -: . -"".' -.:. 'The-OrdiDary·friCtiOD�!wilr�·l00R. :BaChrevol1ltion or Vl"1mit1ou" gtmds;�out""at:sula11 pOrtion of ,thebearing surface. After a while ,� ,���eDt�ent17_�- } . .'- .�.:,."':' -; ',' <;;!"',) , .. ,.The N:�� Model. ..:.��L'C.:Wth &: Bros. ,rype:wrifer-.. .. - . .',_ �. ..;, cause to run evensmoother than at first_is fitted with· BaD Bea'- 'iDp throughbUL:· EverYvital wearing. � ty�bar joints, carriage" and.typebar segment-bas ,thekind of bearings, thatthousands of operations.....w ........,.�--L C. SMITH Be BRos. 'TYPEW1UTEll co.143 Wabash Avenue,' ChiC!lIO, ��• •• • •�Milk :: Bottled :: in :: the I_ Cream. � Qul!eJ. i :: COaatry.- "ButtermilkMilkDo "oar W!I!D!' : MrYe zOil'?Why Dot·:: haft "the best 74221 - 4229 Slate' Street • • � • •EV AMSTON ••• CHICAGO ... O� PARKLOUIS E. MICHELI47 E. Harrison Street,.... StIlI St • .., ....... _.Tel. Harrison 118. CHICAGO.Hair Dreuing ParlorL..dia- act 'Ceadeiltea-.· Maa1c.i.c, 'Priea Re.o.bIe1�7 .611. St., ,Ne. Ellis Aft., tHE PARLOR FOR STUDENTSAdftl'tice in The IIarooa.